Politics, Mature and taboo => Political Pundits => Topic started by: Binty on October 27, 2010, 09:52:16 AM

Title: Political summary (UK)
Post by: Binty on October 27, 2010, 09:52:16 AM
Where's Hadron when you need him?

As I haven't really been paying attention to the news, can someone summarise for me what's been going on in this country ever since the elections? All I know is that Conservatives are in power, Cameron is a dick and Nick Clegg a traitor.
Title: Re: Political summary (UK)
Post by: Adam on October 28, 2010, 11:07:35 AM
I could do with an update as well. I haven't been watching the noodz much lately

David Cameron is a fucking cunt on a stick and Nick Clegg is a treacherous, spineless fuckwit

did you see my thing I put on facebook? I saw it on someone else's and thought it was fucking hilarious

Anjelina Jolie + Brad Pitt = Bradgelina
David Cameron + Nick Clegg = Dick


oh and the good looking one should be leader of the Labour party
Title: Re: Political summary (UK)
Post by: Frolic_Fun on October 28, 2010, 12:25:25 PM
Political parties = same shit, different wrapping.
Title: Re: Political summary (UK)
Post by: Adam on October 28, 2010, 12:29:46 PM
Labour are better than the Tories

all shite, I agree

but some are shittier than others

Title: Re: Political summary (UK)
Post by: Frolic_Fun on October 28, 2010, 12:35:13 PM
I doubt Labour is any better, to be honest. They may have different views, but their practices seem to be very similar; not enough for me to trust either.
Title: Re: Political summary (UK)
Post by: 'Butterflies' on October 28, 2010, 12:41:25 PM
I doubt Labour is any better, to be honest. They may have different views, but their practices seem to be very similar; not enough for me to trust either.

I'm not keen on Labour, but the Torys really seem far worse.
Title: Re: Political summary (UK)
Post by: Frolic_Fun on October 28, 2010, 12:48:06 PM
They're equally bad to me as both make false promises and bullshit through their arses. Hell is paved with good intentions and all that.

It's quite similar here, Sinn Fein, Fiannia Fail etc. all make different promises to entice people with different political views, yet fuck it all up in the end.
Title: Re: Political summary (UK)
Post by: 'Butterflies' on October 28, 2010, 12:57:06 PM
They're equally bad to me as both make false promises and bullshit through their arses. Hell is paved with good intentions and all that.

It's quite similar here, Sinn Fein, Fiannia Fail etc. all make different promises to entice people with different political views, yet fuck it all up in the end.

I feel that Conservative have a far nastier attitude to poor people, and the weakest people in society, and are more biased towards rich people. Of course Labour can't be trusted either, but more of their core vote is amongst the working class, and so are less likely to hurt the people that need help most.

I agree though. It is pretty much about the lesser of 2 evils.
Title: Re: Political summary (UK)
Post by: Adam on October 28, 2010, 12:57:49 PM
They all bulshit yes

But Labour were no way near as bad as this bunch of cunts

I'd love to punch Nick Clegg in the face
Title: Re: Political summary (UK)
Post by: Frolic_Fun on October 28, 2010, 04:45:17 PM
I agree though. It is pretty much about the lesser of 2 evils.

Lesser of 2 evils means little when both don't hold up to what they believe in.

Personally I'd rather go for a more central stance rather than say which side is better. While I agree with some liberal aspects such as legalisation of drugs, gender equality etc., I do agree with some conservative aspects such as less taxation on the rich, useage of guns, tighter immigration laws etc.
Title: Re: Political summary (UK)
Post by: 'Butterflies' on October 28, 2010, 05:04:18 PM
I agree though. It is pretty much about the lesser of 2 evils.

Lesser of 2 evils means little when both don't hold up to what they believe in.

Personally I'd rather go for a more central stance rather than say which side is better. While I agree with some liberal aspects such as legalisation of drugs, gender equality etc., I do agree with some conservative aspects such as less taxation on the rich, useage of guns, tighter immigration laws etc.

I'm way too drunk to seriously debate politics, but Labour = shit. Conservative = pure evil. Conservatives do appear to target the poor, and certainly have no problem with policies that penalize disproportionately the weaker members of society. I've known a lot of people who are going to suffer because of the Conservative governments policies.
Title: Re: Political summary (UK)
Post by: Frolic_Fun on October 28, 2010, 11:05:38 PM
I'm aware about their bias towards the poor, but I am too apathethic about it to find it evil. Good and evil to me is VERY subjective. Just because you think something is good or evil, does not factually make it so as opinion is neither right or wrong. The people who agree with you are only people who share a similar opinion to you, it simply does not make you better than the people you're opposed to.

If you think so and so political party is bad by black 'n white morality standards, then nature would technically be the worst of all. Survival of the fittest and all that.
Title: Re: Political summary (UK)
Post by: 'Butterflies' on October 29, 2010, 12:52:51 PM
I'm aware about their bias towards the poor, but I am too apathethic about it to find it evil. Good and evil to me is VERY subjective. Just because you think something is good or evil, does not factually make it so as opinion is neither right or wrong. The people who agree with you are only people who share a similar opinion to you, it simply does not make you better than the people you're opposed to.

If you think so and so political party is bad by black 'n white morality standards, then nature would technically be the worst of all. Survival of the fittest and all that.

Obviously it is just my opinion, and I don't claim to be better than people who have opposite political viewpoints.

If you think so and so political party is bad by black 'n white morality standards, then nature would technically be the worst of all. Survival of the fittest and all that.

How else do you judge a political party other than by your standards of morality? I believe it should be the job of the government to protect the weak in society.
Title: Re: Political summary (UK)
Post by: Trigger 11 on October 29, 2010, 08:15:09 PM
It's like the Dems and the Pubes over here. They are both shite, but the Pubes are waaaaay worse, pandering to big business and warmongering.
Title: Re: Political summary (UK)
Post by: 'Butterflies' on October 29, 2010, 08:22:33 PM
It's like the Dems and the Pubes over here. They are both shite, but the Pubes are waaaaay worse, pandering to big business and warmongering.

That's a pretty fair comparison.
Title: Re: Political summary (UK)
Post by: Frolic_Fun on October 30, 2010, 03:50:16 AM
Obviously it is just my opinion, and I don't claim to be better than people who have opposite political viewpoints.
A lot of people do, sadly. Glad to hear you don't.

How else do you judge a political party other than by your standards of morality? I believe it should be the job of the government to protect the weak in society.

I'd prefer more of a balance, if anything. Only help the poor and weak when they deserve it, but leave them behind if they refuse to do anything about it.
Title: Re: Political summary (UK)
Post by: 'Butterflies' on October 30, 2010, 12:24:14 PM
How else do you judge a political party other than by your standards of morality? I believe it should be the job of the government to protect the weak in society.

I'd prefer more of a balance, if anything. Only help the poor and weak when they deserve it, but leave them behind if they refuse to do anything about it.

Although I do see your point, I'm not sure I totally agree with it. A lot of these people who you feel don't deserve help have children. Is it fair to force the children into poverty because of the mistakes of the parents? If you force these children to grow up in poverty then surely you're just creating problem citizens for the future.

Also, who decides what poor people deserve help? If you just apply a blanket policy, then a lot of mistakes will be made and a lot of people will suffer who don't deserve to.

I know this probably sounds like a moral crusade, but I know that am a hypocrite. I don't like paying tax, and I do what I can to avoid paying it.
Title: Re: Political summary (UK)
Post by: Adam on October 30, 2010, 12:26:15 PM
i think this:
Title: Re: Political summary (UK)
Post by: Frolic_Fun on October 30, 2010, 02:25:19 PM
Although I do see your point, I'm not sure I totally agree with it. A lot of these people who you feel don't deserve help have children. Is it fair to force the children into poverty because of the mistakes of the parents? If you force these children to grow up in poverty then surely you're just creating problem citizens for the future.
Being lazy isn't a mistake. Lazy people can work out of their poverty if they bothered, unlike people who are actually in poverty. An example of "lazy poverty" is the whinging from Duke, even though his problems can be easily solved by more efficent spending - or getting a job.

Also, who decides what poor people deserve help? If you just apply a blanket policy, then a lot of mistakes will be made and a lot of people will suffer who don't deserve to.

I do agree with your point here, there is no easy solution to pinpoint who deserves help and who doesn't. However, I do feel that extensive background checks and such will help. An example would be employers doing compulsory random checks to see if their workers are getting benefits they don't deserve.

I know this probably sounds like a moral crusade, but I know that am a hypocrite. I don't like paying tax, and I do what I can to avoid paying it.
I don't think anyone likes paying tax, I certainly don't (although I don't at the moment due to my spazz money). When it comes to tax though, it should be the same for everyone. You shouldn't be punished for being rich, neither should you be punished for being poor in this aspect. It only divides the line more.