Start here => Free For ALL => Topic started by: Jihadist on October 02, 2006, 11:30:32 PM

Title: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Jihadist on October 02, 2006, 11:30:32 PM
Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical, and horrible set of beliefs. Everyone who preaches it believes women, homosexuals and non-believers should be oppressed. Christians live in the 8th century, they are destroying the world through fear, terror, and tyranny. They'd rather carpet-bomb civilians than have any true morals. They're evil.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Teejay on October 02, 2006, 11:47:19 PM
Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical, and horrible set of beliefs. Everyone who preaches it believes women, homosexuals and non-believers should be oppressed. Christians live in the 8th century, they are destroying the world through fear, terror, and tyranny. They'd rather carpet-bomb civilians than have any true morals. They're evil.

/me wonders who the hell is Jihadist  ::)
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Jihadist on October 02, 2006, 11:53:39 PM
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: QuirkyCarla on October 03, 2006, 01:15:37 AM
Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical, and horrible set of beliefs. Everyone who preaches it believes women, homosexuals and non-believers should be oppressed. Christians live in the 8th century, they are destroying the world through fear, terror, and tyranny. They'd rather carpet-bomb civilians than have any true morals. They're evil.

/me wonders who the hell is Jihadist  ::)

I know, but I cannot tell you.  :LOL:

All I have to say is being an extremist in any religion isn't good. (Where's the captain obvious emoticon?  :P) Anyone who tries to force their religion on others should fuck off.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Lucifer on October 03, 2006, 02:19:31 AM
oh for fuck's sake!  not another pointless thread about fucking religion, with people feeding the useless troll, and debating where there's no debate?

no wonder i only post flirts with odeon...  ::)

waste of fucking time.  :grrr:
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Christian on October 03, 2006, 03:13:40 AM
How dare you accuse us of this! Muslims stole the Holy Land from us in 8th Century. We have every right to want it back. The Crusades were right, and we should still free Israel from primitive peoples. Christianity is more modern, more compassionate, and more liberal. Most Muslim charities are set up to fund terrorism. You could never say the same of the Salvation Army and other Church run charities.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: QuirkyCarla on October 03, 2006, 07:06:09 AM
If an animal shits on the holy land is it holy shit?
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Jihadist on October 03, 2006, 07:37:14 AM
How dare you accuse us of this! Muslims stole the Holy Land from us in 8th Century. We have every right to want it back. The Crusades were right, and we should still free Israel from primitive peoples. Christianity is more modern, more compassionate, and more liberal. Most Muslim charities are set up to fund terrorism. You could never say the same of the Salvation Army and other Church run charities.

LOL, if it makes you feel any better, what i said in my original post does not reflect my true views; the intention behind my post was to demonstrate how the generalisations you made about Muslims can be applied to different groups of people, depending on personal prejudices.

You could never say the same of the Salvation Army and other Church run charities.

true, but why would Christian-related charities even need to fund attacks on Muslims when our governments are using taxpayers' money for that purpose anyway?
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: odeon on October 03, 2006, 02:26:49 PM
As-salamu `alaykum, Jihadist.

"Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities.Lo! Allah loves not, aggressors". (Al-Baqarah 2:190)

Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: El on October 03, 2006, 02:39:21 PM
The meaning of the first post was pretty obvious to me.  People who actually harbor the views it makes fun of usually use more long-winded peripheral arguments.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Nomaken on October 03, 2006, 03:27:32 PM
Why do you see feeding the trolls as a bad thing?  This particular forum isn't designed to protect people, or necessarily even be civil to them.  Part of the reason intensity exists is so that fights can be engaged in with wanton abandon.  I don't see anything wrong with mindless shit flinging, although it kind of loses a lot of its stimulating power when you take their opinion with the grain of salt it deserves. 
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: odeon on October 03, 2006, 03:42:44 PM
I believe the usual excuse is "I can't be arsed..."

But +1 cos you have an excellent point.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Jihadist on October 03, 2006, 06:02:14 PM

Feed the trolls... Let them know it's Ramadan.  :D
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Callaway on October 03, 2006, 06:28:44 PM

Feed the trolls... Let them know it's Ramadan.  :D

I'm tracking you down and applauding you for that, Jihadist.

Are trolls Halal, by the way?

Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: BadgerTom on October 03, 2006, 06:37:30 PM
How dare you accuse us of this! Muslims stole the Holy Land from us in 8th Century. We have every right to want it back. The Crusades were right, and we should still free Israel from primitive peoples. Christianity is more modern, more compassionate, and more liberal. Most Muslim charities are set up to fund terrorism. You could never say the same of the Salvation Army and other Church run charities.

and look what they did for us eh... its the fucking jews that should burn 8) look at the unwanted attention and unwanton destruction they have unleashed on their pwn country...

ahhh we should just try and get along tho yea, like with the Multi-faithed complex in West Wales for people of ALL religions (even the jews) 8)
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Christian on October 04, 2006, 03:15:53 AM
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: odeon on October 04, 2006, 03:30:46 AM
Your posts reflect the actions of a sockpuppet troll, moron.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: duncvis on October 04, 2006, 04:25:25 AM
I think he's repressing his true feelings - that he dreams every night about being satisfied by Arab studs. He loves teh Muslim cock. It rocks his casbah. :bananas:
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Lucifer on October 04, 2006, 09:22:06 AM
yeah, but Sharif don't like it.

anyway, jihadist - when they knock at your front door, how you gonna come?

(heehee, dunc...  ;) )
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Nomaken on October 04, 2006, 02:52:34 PM

But you love them in soul.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: El on October 04, 2006, 04:20:15 PM

OK, fine, so don't think about them or fuck them and they won't be in your mind or body.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: BadgerTom on October 10, 2006, 08:20:19 PM

but have you actually gotten to know them, because everyone knows that just making statements without prior experience in the subject can lead to your posts being examined and blown apart by the sheer lack of proof or belief that you have....

well then if you are going to despise muslims... then i am going to despise you.... :P
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Massachrist on October 11, 2006, 03:36:08 AM

but have you actually gotten to know them, because everyone knows that just making statements without prior experience in the subject can lead to your posts being examined and blown apart by the sheer lack of proof or belief that you have....

well then if you are going to despise muslims... then i am going to despise you.... :P


Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: odeon on October 11, 2006, 03:45:33 AM
Stupid fuck.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Callaway on October 11, 2006, 06:49:40 AM
Why do you bother changing your name all the time?  Massachrist, Death, Insane Crusader, Nazi Crusader, Christian, Crusader, Mental Crusader, Cuntface, etc:  No matter what you call yourself, we know what you did and we know who you are.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: odeon on October 11, 2006, 09:24:14 AM
Split personality? :laugh:
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Leto729 on October 11, 2006, 10:41:40 AM
Multiple Personality Disorder. ;) ;D :laugh:
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: McGiver on October 12, 2006, 05:49:31 AM
maybe they just have careless thoughts?
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Lucifer on October 12, 2006, 10:32:13 AM
Why do you bother changing your name all the time? 

"is an arsewipe", more like.  and it's still only someone who hides behind sock puppets.  it's not even as though they're either:

a) saying something worthwhile they actually mean, or
b) flaming well.

what a sorry sack of shit.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Kaze no Kae on October 22, 2006, 06:06:02 AM
Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion (
Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion (
These 2 topics are as bullshitting as each other.  And its quite obvious they were started by the same person just to stir up trouble.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Callaway on October 22, 2006, 08:05:00 AM
Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion (
Islam is a dangerous, fanatical religion (
These 2 topics are as bullshitting as each other.  And its quite obvious they were started by the same person just to stir up trouble.

Actually, they were not, Kaze no Kae.  They were started by different members for different reasons.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Leto729 on October 22, 2006, 08:09:07 AM
As-salamu `alaykum, Jihadist.

"Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities.Lo! Allah loves not, aggressors". (Al-Baqarah 2:190)

Is that a quote of truth or what.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: odeon on October 22, 2006, 09:46:13 AM
Yes, it is. It's a quote that shows quite clearly that our friend the crusader doesn't know what the hell he is talking about.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Scrapheap on October 26, 2006, 12:24:50 AM
I was forced to be a christian by my parents for 18 years. I have'nt seen the inside of a church since then!! Fuck christianity!!
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: odeon on October 26, 2006, 01:36:59 AM
Blame your parents, not the religion.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: McGiver on October 26, 2006, 04:08:51 AM
I was forced to be a christian by my parents for 18 years. I have'nt seen the inside of a church since then!! Fuck christianity!!

i went to a private christian school in Anaheim (Melodyland), until they disassociated themselves with the fallen church and moved to Orange, Ca.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Nomaken on October 26, 2006, 07:23:12 AM
I've been unreligious my entire life.  Now I am an extremists muslim.  See where that gets you!
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Scrapheap on October 27, 2006, 04:50:33 PM
Blame your parents, not the religion.

I blame both. Monotheism is a virus of the mind.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: odeon on October 27, 2006, 04:54:09 PM
But polytheism isn't?
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Scrapheap on October 27, 2006, 04:57:25 PM
But polytheism isn't?

It can be as well. All religions are meme's.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: odeon on October 27, 2006, 04:58:39 PM
That's very open-minded of you.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: McGiver on October 27, 2006, 04:59:48 PM
i believe in the religious arder of the Aspie Elite.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: odeon on October 27, 2006, 05:12:32 PM
Religious ardor or order? :laugh:
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: odeon on October 27, 2006, 05:13:31 PM
If we choose to create our own little religion, we already have a devil and some lesser demons.;)
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: McGiver on October 27, 2006, 05:15:10 PM
Religious ardor or order? :laugh:

i guess i just had a freudean slip, eh?  :-[
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: richard on October 27, 2006, 05:15:48 PM
i dont believe anyone under the age of 18 should be allowed into church. church should be a choice forsomeone who cant mentalliy digest whatever they hear. i personally believe that no one religion is the right way to god since the majority of major religions copyied the sumerians myths, and storys. so it's kindof like a snowball one guy adds something, then the guy after him adds another twist to the previous idea. all of wich the majority of the worlds religions copyied the sumerians
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: McGiver on October 27, 2006, 05:18:03 PM
Religious ardor or order? :laugh:

i guess i just had a freudean slip, eh?  :-[
freudeon slip?

fuck if i know how to spell that.  they both look wrong.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: odeon on October 27, 2006, 05:22:20 PM
Religious ardor or order? :laugh:

i guess i just had a freudean slip, eh?  :-[

You did. :D
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: odeon on October 27, 2006, 05:23:21 PM
Oh, and it's "Freudian slip".
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Chaos on October 28, 2006, 09:24:59 PM
Oh, and it's "Freudian slip".
:boobs: :moon: :david:
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Blasted on January 14, 2010, 11:48:58 AM
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Adam on January 14, 2010, 11:51:02 AM
Islam is worse in the UK.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Blasted on January 14, 2010, 12:05:53 PM
No it isn't.  Does it even affect you in any way?

Apart from the London bombings, all we get is the odd nutcase or two preaching about how they're gonna take over Britain.  Oo very scary and entirely possible  ::)
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Adam on January 14, 2010, 12:58:39 PM
Christian fundamentalism doesn't affect me
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: El on January 14, 2010, 05:41:57 PM
Christian fundamentalism doesn't affect me
It affected me as a kid.  Now I have STORIES.   :o
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Adam on January 14, 2010, 06:10:32 PM
which is why I'm glad my parents aren't religious
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Scrapheap on January 14, 2010, 06:23:03 PM
Christian fundamentalism doesn't affect me
It affected me as a kid.  Now I have STORIES.   :o

You and me both.  ;D
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Alex179 on January 14, 2010, 11:46:39 PM
Christian fundamentalism doesn't affect me
It affected me as a kid.  Now I have STORIES.   :o

You and me both.  ;D
Some Nuns hit you or what?

Wake me up when someone stoned a female relative to death after she got raped, because they were Christian fundamentalists.   Abortion clinic bombings are rare compared to women being murdered for shaming their family by being raped in Muslim countries.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: El on January 16, 2010, 12:44:37 PM
Christian fundamentalism doesn't affect me
It affected me as a kid.  Now I have STORIES.   :o

You and me both.  ;D
Some Nuns hit you or what?
Ha!  I grew up Assemblies of God, not Catholic.  By the time my mother converted back to Catholicism, I thought the Catholic church was laid back, warm, and fuzzy.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: benjimanbreeg on January 16, 2010, 02:00:05 PM
Its worse in the US, than it is here.  And obviously in the south, its very intense.  When people are going on and on and on about their faith, every single fucking day and trying to push it upon others, they need to be put in a padded cell.  Its too much. 

I think someone  ::)  should convert their name to Muhammed Binty  :orly:
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Blasted on January 16, 2010, 04:31:45 PM
I think someone  ::)  should convert their name to Muhammed Binty  :orly:


I don't give a fuck about Islam, I just don't think all Muslims are evil, fanatical bastards.  I despise religion as a whole  8)
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Alex179 on January 16, 2010, 10:55:07 PM
I live in the South US.   This city is practically the buckle of the Bible belt.   Christians do not threaten me at all.   My parents are Christians, but they are far from being total fundamentalists.   Very few of those left, but I have an uncle that is strict Southern Baptist.   The Baptists always visit your house and hand out stuff.    I still don't get in any confrontations with Christians anymore.   I used to start with Christians all the time when I was younger.   Go to a Muslim nation and argue with them about what BS Islam is, and you will most likely be killed.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: benjimanbreeg on January 17, 2010, 02:21:40 PM
I dunno why so many people in the deep south are religious, its not really got anything to do with the holy lands :P  And they seem to take the bible out of context.  But then again, I think most people do, I think its all bullshit.  There's so many different styles of christianity.  Some people say pay no attention to the old testament.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Alex179 on January 17, 2010, 03:29:09 PM
I dunno why so many people in the deep south are religious, its not really got anything to do with the holy lands :P  And they seem to take the bible out of context.  But then again, I think most people do, I think its all bullshit.  There's so many different styles of christianity.  Some people say pay no attention to the old testament.
I would say the fundamentalists take the Bible more for what it is than anyone else.   Most religious people do not read the Bible as intensely as they do, and focus on the scriptures in their totality as far as how they should be interpreted.   There are many exhaustive Bible studies out there, and not as much of it is taken out of context as you would like.    Most of the denominations are full of idiots that pick and choose scriptures to fit their needs.    There should be no women preachers, that isn't taken out of context, it is a fact.   Same goes for any sex outside of marriage, but people aren't clear on that one either.   None of this matters if you are not Christian, of course.   The Bible isn't really that difficult of a read, but it has more interpretations than Islam.   It has been changed a lot more than the Quran too.    The Catholic Church is such a fucking joke, it only exists because people are too damn stupid to really read the Bible themselves.    There would be a lot less Christians if they actually read the damn book and realized how fucking stupid it is.

The fact that it is taken out of or in context is not really relevant.   The fact that the religion is bullshit, regardless of what context you take the scriptures in, is relevant.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: benjimanbreeg on January 17, 2010, 03:45:07 PM
Lol yeah, I agree.  Its just science and common sense has made so much of the book look like bollocks, so they just say ignore that stuff.  Just making the rules up as they go along.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Scrapheap on January 18, 2010, 08:43:59 PM
Christian fundamentalism doesn't affect me
It affected me as a kid.  Now I have STORIES.   :o

You and me both.  ;D
Some Nuns hit you or what?

Wake me up when someone stoned a female relative to death after she got raped, because they were Christian fundamentalists.   Abortion clinic bombings are rare compared to women being murdered for shaming their family by being raped in Muslim countries.

I grew up baptist, so no nuns, but yeah, some of the sunday school teachers were bitter cunts who took out their frustrations on the kids. The church I grew up in was almost taken over by fundamentalist Reconstructionalist Christians who wanted women to remain silent in church. Needless to say, ther was quite a backlash.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Alex179 on January 19, 2010, 12:24:53 AM
Christian fundamentalism doesn't affect me
It affected me as a kid.  Now I have STORIES.   :o

You and me both.  ;D
Some Nuns hit you or what?

Wake me up when someone stoned a female relative to death after she got raped, because they were Christian fundamentalists.   Abortion clinic bombings are rare compared to women being murdered for shaming their family by being raped in Muslim countries.

I grew up baptist, so no nuns, but yeah, some of the sunday school teachers were bitter cunts who took out their frustrations on the kids. The church I grew up in was almost taken over by fundamentalist Reconstructionalist Christians who wanted women to remain silent in church. Needless to say, ther was quite a backlash.
Silent in church, just like Paul advised in Chronicles.   There is evidence supporting that actually, as far as Biblical verses saying that women should not speak in a temple environment.   Same chapter that deals with orderly worship.
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: punkdrew on January 19, 2010, 01:41:36 AM
"God is a concept by which we measure our pain."--John Lennon

"Jesus is a raisin."--Jean-Luc Picard
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: benjimanbreeg on January 19, 2010, 03:23:56 AM
Imagine there's no heaven, its easy if you try
Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: Icequeen on January 19, 2010, 06:18:29 PM
I find organized religion pretty scary in general.

Title: Re: Christianity is a dangerous, fanatical religion
Post by: benjimanbreeg on January 19, 2010, 06:27:14 PM
It is scary