Fuck it. since my other game topic was a total fucking flop, im going for a shure sucess story here.
looks like i win! :zoinks:
omg I was gonna make this thread last night but I forgot :laugh:
(and I win!)
Fuck it. since my other game topic was a total fucking flop, im going for a shure sucess story here.
looks like i win! :zoinks:
:congrats: :hadron: :1st: :party: :party:
Oh shit. Looks like I win :green:
Richard or an admin ultimately wins this thread, they can lock it. :zoinks:
oh yeah I forgot Richard can lock it :laugh:
You girls. soph >:( :laugh:
looks like i win. thanks for the flowers! there beautiful
Richard or an admin ultimately wins this thread, they can lock it. :zoinks:
i wont be locking this bad boy!
i need to feel like a winner here
I used to post in this thread on wp back when I was a noob :green:
haha. ahhh the good ol days, yes. i remember
you should use your old wp avatar
which one?
I don't think I have it on my computer
I couldnt find it either, looks like it got deleted.
but i found a picture that looks similar to you :laugh:
[attachment deleted by admin]
I was at that party and won first prize!
here's picture of my dog tryna steal my hat
[attachment deleted by admin]
heres and invisible picture of me on the internet:
(i win) :zoinks:
A couple of weeks ago I almost started this exact thread. It was my favorite on WP and zOMG!
I'm last.
Me :zoinks:
thanks for hoisting up my trophy callaway~
thanks for hoisting up my trophy callaway~
You're so funny, Richard. :P
Please give me back my trophy now.
*takes away your cardboard so you cant breakdance*
You're so funny, Richard. :P
Please give me back my trophy now.
Well, the winners cup rightfully belongs to me! you can give it back now that you've fixed your hair while looking in it.
its very shiny you know :laugh:
*stops the music* lets see you dance now :evillaugh:
Last person
wins. :zoinks:
Instead of last person, I'll be a lost person.
/me quickly hoists trophy while Richard's gone.
Im back to get the winning cup.
i live for the post! :green:
i win! :D
Ahem. Ive won! :green:
not for long!
not this time icequeen. :blonde:
theres an emoticon you dont see used all to often here
it should be used much more! :Popeye:
hey backpack, hey backpack!
backpack! backpack! lalala.
whats that. a native american, or a gamer?
Playing airplane. :laugh:
Oh. they need to get a btter one for playing airplane, :P
It's only a paper moon...
Abraham said to Moses, 'come forth, come forth'.......
But he tripped and came fifth.
Abraham said to Moses, 'come forth, come forth'.......
But he tripped and came fifth.
So good, it hurt.
Sorry, dave. i win, :laugh:
You stinker.
ichiro suzuki #1 ;D
also the high mountains and sportcards rule~
Something tells me this isn't a game I can win. :zoinks:
That something is correct :bonban:
When have you known me to give up? :zoinks:
But Squid has eight arms. He's bound to win! :laugh:
When have you known me to give up? :zoinks:
Never but that makes it more fun for me :vader:
But Squid has eight arms. He's bound to win! :laugh:
But you Lady Weeble can ROLL over the competition :toporly: (Steam Weebler? :zoinks:)
When have you known me to give up? :zoinks:
Never but that makes it more fun for me :vader:
But Squid has eight arms. He's bound to win! :laugh:
But you Lady Weeble can ROLL over the competition :toporly: (Steam Weebler? :zoinks:)
And I don't fall down! :2thumbsup:
As the resident Dark Jedi Master, I use a JEDI MiNDTRICK on all of you, convincing you of my superiority and that resistence to my inevitable win is futile!
hi there, thanks for the win!
you're welcome!
oh..wait :zoinks:
i see what you did there
:yawn: :-*
I'm in love with my lecturer :bounce:
I saw what you did last summer...... you naughty boy, you.
Petit Fours and petticoats
:eiffel: All the girls in France do the hoochey-koochey dance.
back from the dead is such a good cd. i need to buy it again
Me. Me. Me. Me.
whats this!? looks like i win again~
yah right you cute little cephlapod!
And Steve-O zooms past Richard, but barely misses tripping on his BIG FUCKING PETERS
archive yer face!
I'm a winner and a cool one too. **tries to find a way to lock this thread but gutted that can't** :LOL:
But Soph.... I mean, but Soph...... but SOPH:
You didn't post anything.
His post was very condensed, but there.
Oh, I see it now. Soph just gave a magnified image of razortwunt's brain.
I won! OH YES I DID! :soph:
is this space for rent
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v249/danny0023/smilies/cursed.gif) :angel:
I am the CHAMPION (of losers).
:bounce: and :bounce: :green:
what about :penis:
no thanks :laugh:
:laugh: :(
i see your :nerdy: and raise you two, :nerdy: :nerdy:
:nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy:
:nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy:
:nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy:
:nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy:
:nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy:
:nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy:
:nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy:
:nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy:
:nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy:
:nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy: :nerdy:
It is I.
aww, you broke up our quote tree!
wanna get in a quote with me? :eyebrows:
aww, you broke up our quote tree!
wanna get in a quote with me? :eyebrows:
Are you quotable?
who cares about that. because the quote is big!
who cares about that. because the quote is big!
I just love a man who has a way with big words. :eyelash:
anything for you my darling~
anything for you my darling~
I'll go get the Kama Sutra. You start without me.
i already know how to do it, so leave the book under the leg of our kitchen table. we wouldnt want to buy another one since they are so expencive!
i already know how to do it, so leave the book under the leg of our kitchen table. we wouldnt want to buy another one since they are so expencive!
We have a kitchen table?
yes. we are slobs, but we arent that bad
yes. we are slobs, but we arent that bad
Are you hoarders? :zoinks:
yes. we are slobs, but we arent that bad
Are you hoarders? :zoinks:
Or 'whoreders'.
thank you..thank you everyone! ;D
i'm here for the win
so am I :D
That's a rap guys, I think you've done enough for today and right now, I'm the last person so therefore I'm a winner. ;D
oh really :orly:
i'm here for the win
and we are back talking about tits again :laugh:
ya. rly
k then...
omg! *dies online*
i hope you made a video of it!
so now that you've finally figured out im not dead, are you really a whore?
so now that you've finally figured out im not dead, are you really a whore?
oh thanks for telling me you're alive. i thought you had died and then posted it here to inform us about it.
well, whores are stupid so you never know. thanks for letting me know, you know though
well, whores are stupid so you never know. thanks for letting me know, you know though
oh, you're welcome
btw i won :D
well, whores are stupid so you never know. thanks for letting me know, you know though
still constipated are we?
oh zeg baby there you are! i was getting worried :-*
oh zeg baby there you are! i was getting worried :-*
no you werent. you were being angry!
so full of anger and rage!
(no offense to you, Rage! :D)
still taking away my karma i see, someones butt is sore and skin is offended.
by me, i love it. :evillaugh:
someones butt still my karma i see, and it offended taking away is sore.
is by me, i love skin. >:(
you make NO sense!
nothing to say as usual. oh well :laugh:
something to say as usual. awww :'(
i love how your not catching it :angel: :zoinks:
yeah, ok dude whatever. notice how you and your whore friend are the only ones laughing
It's me, isn't it? I won, didn't I?
It's me, isn't it? I won, didn't I?
you lost!
yeah, ok dude hoonk whatever. notice how prutz and your whore friend oomph the only ones laughing
again with the "everyone else" thing richard?
for an aspie, you seem obsessed with having The Flock on your side :)
yeah, ok dude whatever. notice how you and your whore friend are the only ones laughing
i thought you said you were laughing too
at how offended we are..
so it seems you were not :zoinks:
and now you all lose 8)
yeah, ok dude whatever. notice how you and your whore friend are the only ones laughing
i thought you said you were laughing too
at how offended we are..
so it seems you were not :zoinks:
and now you all lose 8)
yay! and your one step from 200!
btw you lose!
make no mistake, wigger i am only obsessed with the WIN.
make no mistake, wigger i am only obsessed with the WIN.
how does it feel to lose to a whore? ::)
make no mistake, you fucking nigger!!! i am only obsessed with the NIGGERS.
jeez, dude, relax w the "nigger" will you :S
Last sane person on this thread is me.
how does it feel to lose to a whore? ::)
Lies. but post your FAKE boobs, one more time for us. pls
how does it feel to lose to a whore? ::)
Lies. but post your NICE boobs, one more time for us. pls
hands off >:I
how does it feel to lose to a whore? ::)
Lies. but post your FAKE boobs, one more time for us. pls
i don;t have fake boobs.
try your porn site :)
I'd rather go there, your a trashy cumdumpster.
I'd rather go there, your a trashy cumdumpster.
are you sure you arent angry? :o
only if you arent offended
I'd rather go there, your a trashy cumdumpster.
cause they're all nice girls with proper jobs ;)
btw richard, what was that condition you had again?
schizoid, was it? :)
its a personailty disorder. wtf do you have besides being a wigger and a tard?
its a personailty disorder. it sortof explains why im being such a douchebag all the time :(
awwww, i see!
If ya'll would quit posting then I could win the prize, 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 crocheted meatballs.
Hi, weakling. i'm done talking to this loser, how are you?
oh look, i won again :zoinks:
Hi, zegh. I miss talking to you, how are you?
HAHAHA moron! as if i'd wanna talk to you :D pfff! piss off!
I have you on ignore now. your WSSSSSST, :] I smoke dopeS! are not worth my time reading
bye, bye retard... :zoinks:
I have you on ignore now. your WSSSSSST, :] I smoke dopeS! are not worth my time reading
bye, bye retard... :zoinks:
YAY!!!!! FINALLY!!! :D
Niggerguy ignored me!
btw richard, i know you turn it off to read this:
but i won! again..
i are winner
i are winner
A deer
a female deer, is what i call myself doeraymefasla. lets sing it all together!
me smart! me have rbain in heeed!
i win!
a female deer, is what i call myself doeraymefasla. lets sing it all together!
Ray, a drop of golden sun!
a female deer, is what i call myself doeraymefasla. lets sing it all together!
Ray, a drop of golden sun!
me, a name, i call myself!
a female deer, is what i call myself doeraymefasla. lets sing it all together!
Ray, a drop of golden sun!
me, a name, i call myself!
Far, a long long way to run!
a female deer, is what i call myself doeraymefasla. lets sing it all together!
Ray, a drop of golden sun!
sing the rest of the song binty. i dont remember it! :laugh:
So, I'll have another beer
La, no give me some beer
Tea? no I just want beer
which brings me back to D'OH!
i only drink water, juice and coffee now :P
I drink flavoured water and some Pepsi and Lucozade now. I don't drink as much of them as I used to though, but lately I'm drinking a bit more of it
lucozade, for the win :zoinks:
Ive never had any. what flavors do they got? orange fizzy drinks are my favorite, so hopefully they have those :laugh:
Ive never had any. what flavors do they got? orange fizzy drinks are my favorite, so hopefully they have those :laugh:
My favourite orange drink is the Mimosa. Champagne and orange juice.
They have orange flavour lucozade :green:
they also hace apple, lemon , original and... purple. can't remember what the purple ones are lol but they're nice
orange is my favourite too
oh and they do cherry ones as well
all of them are nice
i'd also want to try the purple one. i love dark fruit :eyelash:
If ya'll keep posting then I'll never win. :'(
Oh, my G_d, shut the fuck up Big Beautiful Queen?
Modified to add "up"
Nothing wrong with being big and beautiful.
And, if I may say so: you Rule, Your Highness.
Nothing wrong with being big and beautiful.
And, if I may say so: you Rule, Your Highness.
Thank you. It is a heavy burden. When I ascended the throne I was 6 foot 8 inches tall and now I'm 4 foot 11 inches.
Nothing wrong with being big and beautiful.
And, if I may say so: you Rule, Your Highness.
Thank you. It is a heavy burden. When I ascended the throne I was 6 foot 8 inches tall and now I'm 4 foot 11 inches.
Well, You are nearing the completion of your second century on earth Your Highness. After 40 the big shrinking becomes a threat, not long after that, it is a fact, alas.
Nothing wrong with being big and beautiful.
And, if I may say so: you Rule, Your Highness.
Thank you. It is a heavy burden. When I ascended the throne I was 6 foot 8 inches tall and now I'm 4 foot 11 inches.
Well, You are nearing the completion of your second century on earth Your Highness. After 40 the big shrinking becomes a threat, not long after that, it is a fact, alas.
It's more the weight of the crown squishing me. But I shall sit there and think of England and do my duty.
Nothing wrong with being big and beautiful.
And, if I may say so: you Rule, Your Highness.
Thank you. It is a heavy burden. When I ascended the throne I was 6 foot 8 inches tall and now I'm 4 foot 11 inches.
Well, You are nearing the completion of your second century on earth Your Highness. After 40 the big shrinking becomes a threat, not long after that, it is a fact, alas.
It's more the weight of the crown squishing me. But I shall sit there and think of England and do my duty.
If you lay down when thinking of England, the crown will not be squishing you. And there are honourable duties for a horizontally positioned woman too.
Nothing wrong with being big and beautiful.
And, if I may say so: you Rule, Your Highness.
Thank you. It is a heavy burden. When I ascended the throne I was 6 foot 8 inches tall and now I'm 4 foot 11 inches.
Well, You are nearing the completion of your second century on earth Your Highness. After 40 the big shrinking becomes a threat, not long after that, it is a fact, alas.
It's more the weight of the crown squishing me. But I shall sit there and think of England and do my duty.
If you lay down when thinking of England, the crown will not be squishing you. And there are honourable duties for a horizontally positioned woman too.
And lots of male I2 members to keep me occupied while reclining?
Did somebody say barbecue? :drool:
*throws some more hotdogs&hamburgers on the grill for you*
*throws some more hotdogs&hamburgers on the grill for you*
Delicious! I hope you have potato salad, or French fries, or chips! Got to have potatoes in some form! :2thumbsup:
I wish tomorrow was thursday :bounce:
I wish tomorrow was thursday :bounce:
Just use your happy anticipation of Thursday to inspire yourself to achieve great things this week! :viking:
I know...back to work tomorrow! :laugh:
cbc: you just used that four letter word!!
I'm tellin' :evillaugh:
cbc: you just used that four letter word!!
I'm tellin' :evillaugh:
That's OK, one of these days my lottery pool is going to win big and then we'll never have to w*** again! :2thumbsup:
do I have to post, can't I fence?
You can rail if you like.
Here comes Peter Cottontail
Here we come
walking down the street
gettin' funniest looks from
everyone we meet.....
Humbug! :hair:
woof woof.
I AM BORED! :violin:
once the laundry matt opens, i'll be :GA:
once the laundry matt opens, i'll be :GA:
I did that yesterday. Glad I did. Now I need to get off my ass and get some de-hoarding done! :duh:
well what are you waiting for? no time like the present, you know. besides im shure the internet will still be here after you are done. :zoinks:
well what are you waiting for? no time like the present, you know. besides im shure the internet will still be here after you are done. :zoinks:
What if somebody steals it while I'm away from my computer? :tinfoil:
you need a gun! maybe ppk can provide you with one of his, internet theft is a deadly crime! :police:
you need a gun! maybe ppk can provide you with one of his, internet theft is a deadly crime! :police:
PPK has a big beautiful collection of firearms, carefully maintained! :viking:
i like his moose antler gun. :thumbup:
i like his moose antler gun. :thumbup:
I'm not sure I've seen a picture of that one. :orly:
he posted it awile back. it also has a nice wale bone carving hanging from it i think
he posted it awile back. it also has a nice wale bone carving hanging from it i think
I like the pics of his guns posed on that nice beige couch! :thumbup:
was that his couch? it looked like he pulled his guns from under his bed. his blankets looked nice and soft! :snowman:
was that his couch? it looked like he pulled his guns from under his bed. his blankets looked nice and soft! :snowman:
That nice beige furniture is actually a couch with an afghan on it. 8)
oh. :thumbup:
oh. :thumbup:
Those guns have a good home. :viking:
yes they do. :zoinks:
What's the afghan's name?
Does it bark a lot?
What's the afghan's name?
Does it bark a lot?
:lol: It is a real knitted (crocheted?) afghan, looks very cozy.
:angel: >:D
So as i was saying.
no one was listening..
im glad i have your attention now then, :laugh:
umm...what were you saying?
i wasnt saying, i was typing. and it was this, :zoinks:
oh..good for you then.
you live for the post!
yes. 400 now :D
i won! :D
do you think you'll stick around long enough to get to 10,000 posts?
no idea. but i know you want me to :zoinks:
i think your a alright member of intensity, i was just razzing you that one day. ;)
thank you :)
I have over 500 posts :2thumbsup:
most of them are crap :2thumbsup:
Should auld acquaintances be forgot...
what the heck is an aquaintence anyways? i think i'd make a good friend :)
what the heck is an aquaintence anyways? i think i'd make a good friend :)
An acquaintance is someone you have casual sex with. A good friend is someone you have serious sex with. Yes, you would make a good friend.
maybe i should give you some of my videos to your PM box :evillaugh:
Our dear Queen Victoria only wants to see Albert's, not your BIG FUCKING PETER
Our dear Queen Victoria only wants to see Albert's, not your BIG FUCKING PETER
I do have a scientific interest in unusual specimens.
Our dear Queen Victoria only wants to see Albert's, not your BIG FUCKING PETER
I do have a scientific interest in unusual specimens.
Do you display them in The British Museum of Natural History after stuffing them?
Our dear Queen Victoria only wants to see Albert's, not your BIG FUCKING PETER
I do have a scientific interest in unusual specimens.
Do you display them in The British Museum of Natural History after stuffing them?
No dear heart, they are kept in the library at Buckingham Palace for reference.
Our dear Queen Victoria only wants to see Albert's, not your BIG FUCKING PETER
I do have a scientific interest in unusual specimens.
Do you display them in The British Museum of Natural History after stuffing them?
No dear heart, they are kept in the library at Buckingham Palace for reference.
Would that come under the area of social deformities?
Our dear Queen Victoria only wants to see Albert's, not your BIG FUCKING PETER
I do have a scientific interest in unusual specimens.
Do you display them in The British Museum of Natural History after stuffing them?
No dear heart, they are kept in the library at Buckingham Palace for reference.
Would that come under the area of social deformities?
No, they're in the inspirational section of the library.
You're welcome.
i really dont know why steve-o is acting like such a :blonde: ?
i cant be arsedd falling asleep
your always online, :laugh:
i know the feeling >:D
godammit, my only popular game topic will not die!
Thanks for saving my spot. You can all stop posting now. :eyelash:
I've had chinese and pepsi :2thumbsup:
oh shit i went to the bar and hit on a GUY. :zoinks:
Did you have hot gay sex? :zoinks:
nope. it was pretty much a disaster, im really good at flirting at first but then when its like, what do you do for a living (i told him i was a train driver :zoinks:) i just know i wont be able to keep my story in line so i acted like i got a page from my drug dealer and left very quickly!
i sabatoged ANOTHER potential fuck. oh well, i do this all the time, so i'm used to it
you're such an aspie :laugh:
you did better than me tho - I don't even get that far with women :facepalm2:
i dont talk to hot guys without me having a blood alcohol limmit over the legal limmits of operating a train! >:D
so dont feel bad, if i wasnt under the influence i wouldnt even get that far
Okay, everyone go home. I win.
I'm the one with the joe dimaggio autograph so Im afraid, I win!
I'm the one with the Crown Jewels, the Army and Navy and the Empire. I think that trumps Joseph Dimaggio.
well, you might be right. but does your empire have 9 world series? have they played with lou gerihg?
did mickey mantle look up to him?!
well, you might be right. but does your empire have 9 world series? have they played with lou gerihg?
did mickey mantle look up to him?!
If I can't win an argument I'll change the subject a little. Do you remember Clete Boyer from the early 1960's Yankees? They used to call him the Penguin because he waddled a little when he walked. And I had a crush on Joe Pepitone. Yogi Berra was the catcher. Maris and Mantle were in the outfield.
anyway, i win :D
Not you either! :P
TWO WHOLE WEEKS WITHOUT :bounce: ! :bigcry:
i dont recall any of that victory, weakling. im only 30! but yogi berra is still alive i think
I want some women to perv on
i want lots of food to perv on
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Wait. Did my winning entry get lost in the intermail? I should have won already.
I've won
no I win
Dunno where my kitten is. She should be here with me ! >:(
Dunno where my kitten is. She should be here with me ! >:(
Jess is with me. She said she prefers winners. :evillaugh:
yer a LOSER!
:thumbdn: :thumbdn: :thumbdn: :thumbdn: :thumbdn: :thumbdn: :thumbdn: :thumbdn:
hi there, thanks for the win! :thumbup:
for the LOSE!
haha, :orly:
There is a bomb threat pertaining to this thread. All posters are requested to leave and not return to the thread until they receive the "All Clear".
i seem to be back, i'll take the win. thanks again!
you're welcome
you're welcome
you're welcome
you're welcome
you're welcome
you're welcome
you're welcome
you're welcome
you're welcome
you're welcome
Pardon the interruption while I win.
:headexplode: :rage: :hair: :flame: :litigious: :tooledup: :hair: :rage: :headexplode: :headexplode: :flame: :litigious: :tooledup: :swords: :flamer: :headexplode: :rage: :tooledup: :flamer: :headexplode: :rage:
:harp: :harp: :harp: :harp: :harp: :harp: :harp: :harp: :harp: :harp: :harp: :harp: :harp: :harp: :harp:
I TOLD YA'LL THERE WAS A BOMB THREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blood-thirsty little bitch, that's me.
Ramstein stole it from Chevrolet
court is in session, you may be seated. :police:
:bounce: :bounce:
:bounce: :bounce:
:bounce: :bounce:
:bounce: :bounce:
:bounce: :bounce:
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
very artistic indeed, :M
I am WIN!
Hello! i'll be taking the win, thank you. :M
its me. its me. i know its me. i win!
suckers.... no one wins, on a zombie thread :viking:
>:D :angel:
>:D :angel:
Well, half right is better than not right at all. :green:
Is this thread a celebration of procrastination, or of endurance?
It was just everyone waiting for me to post again so that I could claim my rightful title.
I'll take that free chicken dinner thank you, :laugh:
I'll take that free chicken dinner thank you, :laugh:
Have you been grocery shopping lately? What kind of food do you have? :orly:
im back on my canned food diet, for this month. i'm still on money saving mode
although, i did get some pasta! i'm thinking of putting hot sauce on it to make it not taste like cardboard ;)
im back on my canned food diet, for this month. i'm still on money saving mode
although, i did get some pasta! i'm thinking of putting hot sauce on it to make it not taste like cardboard ;)
Pasta is good, and cheap, and filling too! I just bought some yesterday! :thumbup:
ME! :2thumbsup:
Pushes cbc down the stairs and watches as she tumbles, turns and wobbles, but lands like a cat.
* calls cover up squad *
With the right medical attention, and proper drugging, Lady CBC will not remember what hit her. We don't want this to get public.
* calls cover up squad *
With the right medical attention, and proper drugging, Lady CBC will not remember what hit her. We don't want this to get public.
*gingerly wobbles upright, looking dazed* Have I been asleep? :laugh:
* calls cover up squad *
With the right medical attention, and proper drugging, Lady CBC will not remember what hit her. We don't want this to get public.
*gingerly wobbles upright, looking dazed* Have I been asleep? :laugh:
You two are incorrigible. Remind me hire extra security in case you decide to overthrow the monarchy.
* calls cover up squad *
With the right medical attention, and proper drugging, Lady CBC will not remember what hit her. We don't want this to get public.
*gingerly wobbles upright, looking dazed* Have I been asleep? :laugh:
You two are incorrigible. Remind me hire extra security in case you decide to overthrow the monarchy.
I'm sure I don't know what you mean, Your Majesty! :angel:
* calls cover up squad *
With the right medical attention, and proper drugging, Lady CBC will not remember what hit her. We don't want this to get public.
*gingerly wobbles upright, looking dazed* Have I been asleep? :laugh:
You two are incorrigible. Remind me hire extra security in case you decide to overthrow the monarchy.
I'm sure I don't know what you mean, Your Majesty! :angel:
Me neither. :angel:
hello. here i am again for the win :orly:
im such a good boy. :zoinks:
^ Your profile pic always makes me sad!
the fog creeps in on little cat feet
I'm on a break from de-hoarding and laundry! :snowman:
I'm on a break from de-hoarding and laundry! :snowman:
The Weeble wobbles in on a little weeble bottom.
oh. i just did my laundry at my sisters birthday party, killed two birds with one stone! had some fun and washed my dirty clothes :police: :evillaugh:
oh. i just did my laundry at my sisters birthday party, killed two birds with one stone! had some fun and washed my dirty clothes :police: :evillaugh:
What did you do with the birds?
I'm on a break from de-hoarding and laundry! :snowman:
The Weeble wobbles in on a little weeble bottom.
Tis getting littler now that I'm back at the evening job! :laugh:
>:D :M :angel:
>:D :M :angel:
Her Majesty may need to double the guards on the parakeet cage.
parakeets, yummy
One bird will serve one for Thanksgiving.
One bird will serve one for Thanksgiving.
The Prince will be abstaining from meat....
page 2 isnt good enough for my only fucking sucsessful game topic!
i'm gonna have chinese in a bit
i don't like chinese food :-\
How can you not like chinese?????/??
All I get is fried rice and chips, but it';s still chinese coz it;s from the chinesse :P
and I win!
I don't know..maybe I didn't have the right chinese yet.
i just had orange! ;D
so..I win!
girls, I just ate some monkey bread so looks like i win!
^ Your profile pic always makes me sad!
Why does it make you sad?
not this time, wonderwoman!
:good: :nicegear: :hitler: :coolguy: :rollercoaster:
I'm going to change my name to Last Person and then I will WIN!!!! :2thumbsup: :2thumbsup: :2thumbsup: :2thumbsup: :2thumbsup:
I need a hot BOYFRIEND. :zoinks:
I think I will always be strange. :screwy:
You come into my town, you mistreat my wife, you bring me the heads of dead kings Oh I've made up my mind persian.
I think we've all become a little unhinged. Does anyone have a screwdriver?
Lets use Steve-O
I need a hot BOYFRIEND. :zoinks:
I need a hot BOYFRIEND. :zoinks:
Go take a hot shower instead?
Does the last person to post have to switch off the light?
Does the last person to post have to switch off the light?
Yes, and sweep the floor and lock the door.
Does the last person to post have to switch off the light?
Yes, and sweep the floor and lock the door.
Mêh, why would anyone want to be the last then?
I need a hot BOYFRIEND. :zoinks:
Go take a hot shower instead?
That will do for now. :autism:
Dear M20 Warhawk,
Could you please go fly a kite?
Snoopy, the WWI Ace
Dear M20 Warhawk,
Could you please go fly a kite?
Snoopy, the WWI Ace
:-* the :book:
:penis: :penis:
:penis: :penis:
to the tune "All the girls in France"
All the cocks in my pants do the hootchie kootchie dance...
have you ever seen two weenies pressed up against each other
have you ever seen two weenies pressed up against each other
How about cocktail sausages and small doughnut holes?
I need to change the fucking channel, deadliest catch is just too much for me :M
mah blah
I need a good time :(
I need a good time :(
I need a good time :(
Then stay here. :)
*waves* Me too! :2thumbsup:
Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you dont! >:D :laugh:
I win.
I claim victory
Since I determine the Queen's English I may demote you to a comma. ;)
Since I determine the Queen's English I may demote you to a comma. ;)
So? A comma is simply a semicolon without a period. I'm perfectly fine with that.
Also, that smiley face in your post would look like ,) if I didn't exist. It's the mysterious winking (now blind) one-eyed man. I guess that's what happens when you challenge :viking: to a duel.
>:D :evillaugh: :M
I'm the last person to win so say no more unless your brave enough to take the crown off me. :eyebrows:
I'm the last person to win so say no more unless your brave enough to take the crown off me. :eyebrows:
* Steals crown. *
* has no idea what to do with it, and puts it on the table for the next poster *
I'm the last person to win so say no more unless your brave enough to take the crown off me. :eyebrows:
* Steals crown. *
* has no idea what to do with it, and puts it on the table for the next poster *
Ahem, that is my crown.
See who gives a fuck!
Consider the crown stolen.
you try to take his pulse!
S(h)it on it.
I was listening to megadeth last night :M
I have stolen the crown.
I have stolen the crown.
I shall send Lord Squid_thing in to retrieve it. His 8 tentacles are more than a match for a weak semicolon.
>:D :evillaugh: :M
Oh, poor plane. I hope they were able to fix it.
Seriously, my first thought was for the plane not the people. :asthing:
Oh, poor plane. I hope they were able to fix it.
Seriously, my first thought was for the plane not the people. :asthing:
Well, of course, it's an "E" model and we should rightly be concerned with its welfare. ;)
The "E" was teh first hot rod Mooney M20. it had the fuel injected Lycoming IO-360. :plane:
back for the win! thank you~
No win for you!
back for the whine! fuck you~
fixed lol
Someone cares
jesus does. :zoinks:
Thankfully rain falls down rather than up or we'd drown in a downpour.
Rain is just god peeing on you. :orly:
That's true.
back for the win! thank you~
Rain is just god peeing on you. :orly:
When the angels do it, they call it champagne or something like that.
scorn has become richard. :orly:
that would be my real name. and origional screename I had signed up here with
I win.
My penis for the win!
My micropenis for the win!
Ladies first.
(I accidentally typed Laidies first, then saw the possibilities so I corrected it in a hurry.)
Ladies first.
(I accidentally typed Laidies first, then saw the possibilities so I corrected it in a hurry.)
Of course, the winner is the person who posts last.
Of course, but that person is me.
Not yet, it isn't.
Now it is.
The Queen is taking her daily constitutional around Intensity Squared.
The post below this post is true.
There, there. Have a nice cuppa and rest yourself. You've worked yourself into a frazzle.
There, there. Have a nice cuppa and rest yourself. You've worked yourself into a frazzle.
What do I look like, a bleeding tea house? Get your own tea.
:flamer: :flame:
:flamer: :flame:
We do not tolerate :snowman: abuse here. Take That!
:flamer: :flame:
We do not tolerate :snowman: abuse here. Take That!
:pee: :litigious:
:flamer: :flame:
We do not tolerate :snowman: abuse here. Take That!
(http://planetsmilies.net/violent-smiley-1511.gif) (http://planetsmilies.net) :litigious:
:notes: Ooooooooooooooooh.... Kyle's mom is a stupid bitch, she's the beggest bitch in the whole wide world, she's the biggest bitch if there ever was a bitch, a bitch to all the boys and girls! :notes:
Sing it!!! :zoinks:
:notes: Ooooooooooooooooh.... Kyle's mom is a stupid bitch, she's the beggest bitch in the whole wide world, she's the biggest bitch if there ever was a bitch, a bitch to all the boys and girls! :notes:
Sing it!!! :zoinks:
:violin: :rock: :harp:
:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
You can tell there's a full moon and an eclipse tonight. >:D
You can tell there's a full moon and an eclipse tonight. >:D
A lunar eclipse can happen only when there's a full moon.
*waves like a retard*
:soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph:
Odeon, your rabbit's out.
You can tell there's a full moon and an eclipse tonight. >:D
A lunar eclipse can happen only when there's a full moon.
I know. I was referring to what influence an eclipse would have on full moon behaviour.
Odeon, your rabbit's out.
:bunny: :bunny: :bunny:
They're breeding like rabbits!
Odeon, your rabbit's out.
:bunny: :bunny: :bunny:
They're breeding like rabbits!
What did Mr. Rabbit say to Mrs. Rabbit? "It won't take long, didn't it?" :oneliner:
Odeon, your rabbit's out.
:bunny: :bunny: :bunny:
They're breeding like rabbits!
What did Mr. Rabbit say to Mrs. Rabbit? "It won't take long, didn't it?" :oneliner:
Odeon, your rabbit's out.
:bunny: :bunny: :bunny:
They're breeding like rabbits!
What did Mr. Rabbit say to Mrs. Rabbit? "It won't take long, didn't it?" :oneliner:
Don't kill yourself. I need all the taxes I can get for my lavish lifestyle on Intensity.
Odeon, your rabbit's out.
:bunny: :bunny: :bunny:
They're breeding like rabbits!
What did Mr. Rabbit say to Mrs. Rabbit? "It won't take long, didn't it?" :oneliner:
Don't kill yourself. I need all the taxes I can get for my lavish lifestyle on Intensity.
Odeon, your rabbit's out.
:bunny: :bunny: :bunny:
They're breeding like rabbits!
What did Mr. Rabbit say to Mrs. Rabbit? "It won't take long, didn't it?" :oneliner:
Don't kill yourself. I need all the taxes I can get for my lavish lifestyle on Intensity.
It's the season to sell
:bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny:
And with that breeding speed, you probably should sell them indeed.
Can't I win? :zoinks:
Can't I win? :zoinks:
No. Only I can win.
Can't I win? :zoinks:
No. Only I can win.
Not for long, super always win... full stop. :zoinks:
Can't I win? :zoinks:
No. Only I can win.
Not for long, super always win... full stop. :zoinks:
No. :autism:
We need a kryptonite smiley.
Can't I win? :zoinks:
No. Only I can win.
Not for long, super always win... full stop. :zoinks:
No. :autism:
We need a kryptonite smiley.
How about this for a smiley? (http://www.yourpimpspace.com/userpics/game-sprites/Smiley_Superman.gif)
Can't I win? :zoinks:
No. Only I can win.
Not for long, super always win... full stop. :zoinks:
No. :autism:
We need a kryptonite smiley.
How about this for a smiley? (http://www.yourpimpspace.com/userpics/game-sprites/Smiley_Superman.gif)
That works. 8)
Can't I win? :zoinks:
err, hoping that is not a new pic of you, Ian :lol: :santa:
Can't I win? :zoinks:
err, hoping that is not a new pic of you, Ian :lol: :santa:
I wish it was... SHE'S HOT! :pinkbeat:
And if that was me, you'd probably find me by mirror for a very very veeerrryyy long time. :LOL:
:autism: :autism:
Can't I win? :zoinks:
err, hoping that is not a new pic of you, Ian :lol: :santa:
I wish it was... SHE'S HOT! :pinkbeat:
And if that was me, you'd probably find me by mirror for a very very veeerrryyy long time. :LOL:
yep yep yep yep...she has nice form
I hate it when people talk about games, in the game forum.
:autism: :autism: :autism:
:autism: :autism: :autism: :autism: :autism:
:santa: :snowman:
I win... :viking:
:growup: :M
It's me, isn't me? It's me, yes?
No, it's not :'(.
It's me, isn't me? It's me, yes?
No, it's not :'(.
:evillaugh: :-*
:missionary: :eyebrows:
:pizza: :scotch: :aff: :hornysign: :penis: :harp: :nicegear: :hitler: :mad: :borg: :toy: :blonde: :trainwreck: :rollercoaster: :hamsterwheel:
oh how cute!
I know. There are a few cute smileys in Scrapheap's list of hidden smileys.
These are currently my favorites! :pizza: :penis: (emo) :borg: :fsm:
I like :autism: and :hamsterwheel:, because :hamsterwheel: was added after I complained about our lack of a hamster wheel smiley. I love the quick responsiveness of site management to important issues like the lack of certain smileys. :)
I have a few other favorites, but what I use depends on the nuances of a given situation.
I'm going to change my name to Last person. Then I win!
I'm going to change my name to Last person. Then I win!
You would want to change it to "Last Person to Post", or it wouldn't work out. :)
I'm going to change my name to Last person. Then I win!
You would want to change it to "Last Person to Post", or it wouldn't work out. :)
Somehow Last Person to Post sounds like a lame racehorse.
I'm going to change my name to Last person. Then I win!
You would want to change it to "Last Person to Post", or it wouldn't work out. :)
Somehow Last Person to Post sounds like a lame racehorse.
:plus: for you. :LMAO:
I like :hamsterwheel:
me too! :laugh:
I'm smart. You guys run yourselves ragged. I'm :dream:
(I stole this from Icequeen.) Good resemblence to me.
That poor squirrel is NEVER going to get out of those boxes.
Hes forever in my heart. what a sweetie :laugh:
That poor squirrel is NEVER going to get out of those boxes.
I thought he was a hamster.
It looks more like a squirrel.
I predict Ghaddaffi will not win.
His fucking peter was so big we couldn't get near the thread.
His fucking peter was so big we couldn't get near the thread.
I win
Yay², I'm last. :tard:
Yay², I'm last. :tard:
Aah, bugger.
Wins what?
A knitted meatball with crocheted spaghetti and tatted spaghetti sauce.
Well, I thought it was a pie for the winner. :autism:
A knitted meatball with crocheted spaghetti and tatted spaghetti sauce.
I cant knit, but I'm very good at crocheting. Spaghetti would be easy, just one long chain stitch. Id like to see a knitted meatball.
well fiddle-de-de
the stakes are high! what is the 'booby' prize then?
€256 per boob? €1000 per 4? (um, you save €24 thatawayz) :tard:
(jeez, luut.. )
Hey. I was on a winning streak (of 9 days) there.
A winning streak is not enough, it is the end result that counts, and that will be known at the end of times.
One can never be slack, no one knows the day or the hour.
You're a fast bumper.
You're a fast bumper.
Better a fast bumper than a fast humper?
<insert random gibberish here>
Iz win..
___________________________________no more posting below this line________________________________
Iz not
line moved
^ Read terms of thread usage page 156, sections 4a and 5b and find out that the usage of the word 'whatever' is prohibited to be posted in this thread. :zoinks:
*um, wins and awaits the obvious reply*
**bump** ;)
^ Read terms of thread usage page 156, sections 4a and 5b and find out that the usage of the word 'whatever' is prohibited to be posted in this thread. :zoinks:
*um, wins and awaits the obvious reply*
Well, Whoever.
or not.....
The never ending story of spilling and mopping. :-\
I fucked some pussy 4 days ago. i loved it! :bounce:
I fucked some pussy 4 days ago. i loved it! :bounce:
does the owner of that cat know that you fucked it?
tardastic son! next teach me how to be moar like u. k?
sorry son, you r damaged goods and not intelligent enuf to learn
Just when you thought you'd won, I race in and grab the trophy. VICTORY FOR VICTORIA.
I fucked some pussy 4 days ago. i loved it! :bounce:
does the owner of that cat know that you fucked it?
Hmm... I do recall something...
.. but yet forgot to claim.. win.
Well, I..
.. but yet forgot to claim.. win.
Well, I..
lose?(finishing previous posters sentence)
Um, '.. jump around like an overly enthusiastic little kiddo (with pink thingies in her hair) was the correct answer' :P
More like... A winner is me!
You're late to the game, sonny boy.
Not yet! I'm just on the dot.
Yes, but I am short and sneak in under the radar.
I don't think I have posted in this thread before.
I don't think I have posted in this thread before.
No victory for you, this first attempt.
Try again. :laugh:
Friends, should I bring the victory
I garnered from Double-U-P?
My streak there is legendary,
Friends, should I bring the victory
I garnered from Double-U-P?
My streak there is legendary,
Not this time. :P
I claim victory.
Kicks her off the platform.
I'm the Buddha here.
Kicks her off the platform.
I'm the Buddha here.
LOL there was butter on the platform and the Buddha slipped off
And fell on top of your ass and stomped it.
Ah, shit, that just sounded wrong.
And fell on top of your ass and stomped it.
Ah, shit, that just sounded wrong.
And fell on top of your ass and stomped it.
Ah, shit, that just sounded wrong.
:LOL: :asthing:
Something about winning after falling.
And I'm back up again ... for the meantime.
for a whole 17 minutes
for a whole 17 minutes
And you lasted for 35 minutes. :P
**bump** :viking:
A winner is me!
And, so you were.
*Breezes in and collects trophy marked 'winner' * :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha:
*Breezes in and collects trophy marked 'whiner' * :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha:
Copying the idea from AFF I see..... Wow..... seriously?
Uhm... many forums in the world have this...
Anyway, a winner is me!
Yes, I have seen it on other forums as well.
Last person
Copying the idea from AFF I see..... Wow..... seriously?
Even some members here are copied from AFF. :yarly:
I seemed to have figured that out already.... lol!
Are you being served?
more the server than servee
This thread is on my plate now.
Mine, all mine.
^ Whiner
< Winner
V Wiener
^Very inventive.
You held the title for 13 hours.
Cute picture of three cats taking a bath.
I had that image saved on my old computer.
I am changing my name to Last Person so I can win. :thumbup:
Nice try! :P
Yes, I thought it was literally ingenious.
Yes, I thought it was literally ingenious.
So, when will you change your name to last person?
Yes, I thought it was literally ingenious.
So, when will you change your name to last person?
I just realised how similar this thread is to the Last Word one.
This one can be done without a word though.
Oh, so you're the strong, silent type?
i won this a long time ago, you all are really sore loosers. compatition is over, go home.
i won this a long time ago, you all are really sore loosers. compatition is over, go home.
Uhm... I know I'm a grammar Nazi, but could you please check your sentences before winning? You look like a loser with that sentence composition. Sadly, the competition's better. :P
Anyway, a winner is me!
Oh, so you're the strong, silent type?
i won this a long time ago, you all are really sore loosers. compatition is over, go home.
Uhm... I know I'm a grammar Nazi, but could you please check your sentences before winning? You look like a loser with that sentence composition. Sadly, the competition's better. :P
Anyway, a winner is me!
gramaticly i dont see anything wrong with that scentence. spelling and punctuation wise on the other hand.... im sure i screwed up something. feel free to point out my mistakes though....
and i won before you did so im still first.
i won this a long time ago, you all are really sore loosers. compatition is over, go home.
Uhm... I know I'm a grammar Nazi, but could you please check your sentences before winning? You look like a loser with that sentence composition. Sadly, the competition's better. :P
Anyway, a winner is me!
Have a look in the Flame Warrior thread, heh.
Hold on, I'm coming. Just wait.
i won this a long time ago, you all are really sore loosers. compatition is over, go home.
Uhm... I know I'm a grammar Nazi, but could you please check your sentences before winning? You look like a loser with that sentence composition. Sadly, the competition's better. :P
Anyway, a winner is me!
Have a look in the Flame Warrior thread, heh.
Heh, can't search for it. :P
Hold on, I'm coming. Just wait.
And so am I, if I'm lucky.
i won this a long time ago, you all are really sore loosers. compatition is over, go home.
Uhm... I know I'm a grammar Nazi, but could you please check your sentences before winning? You look like a loser with that sentence composition. Sadly, the competition's better. :P
Anyway, a winner is me!
Have a look in the Flame Warrior thread, heh.
Heh, can't search for it. :P
Hold on, I'm coming. Just wait.
And so am I, if I'm lucky.
Try one of these links for our two flame warrior threads.
http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,18961.0.html (http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,18961.0.html)
http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,2716.0.html (http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,2716.0.html)
You might to look at this particular flame warrior:
http://www.politicsforum.org/images/flame_warriors/flame_30.php (http://www.politicsforum.org/images/flame_warriors/flame_30.php)
God damn right.
A winner is me!
Ok, my last word on poop today.
It depends.
I've seen enough of those to last me a lifetime, thank you very much.
I niw.
Hi niw
Hold on, I'm coming. Just wait.
Still on my way, just wait.
Hold on, I'm coming. Just wait.
Still on my way, just wait.
Do you require more foreplay?
Hold on, I'm coming. Just wait.
Still on my way, just wait.
Do you require more foreplay?
Yes. Remember, I'm almost 200 years old and my engine needs a lot of cranking and lubrication to get it started.
Hold on, I'm coming. Just wait.
Still on my way, just wait.
Do you require more foreplay?
Yes. Remember, I'm almost 200 years old and my engine needs a lot of cranking and lubrication to get it started.
Would you want some gas with that?
Hold on, I'm coming. Just wait.
Still on my way, just wait.
Do you require more foreplay?
Yes. Remember, I'm almost 200 years old and my engine needs a lot of cranking and lubrication to get it started.
Would you want some gas with that?
Diesel, it's more expensive than gas.
*totally² restrains himself to not post that diesel would be a better lubricant too*
Guys, I think I see the continent the thread is on. It's in the distance, but I'm working my way there. Shouldn't be too long now, just another 5 or 6 months.
There is gayness in the air.
There is gayness in the air.
More like, the smell of gas in the air. :P
Last Person.
To post wins.
Um, lulz is kinda a funny word for someone from dutchland. Lul is the Dutch word for dick (or cock, what ever). To be used for the physical feature or to use as a cuss word, bit like asshole.
Mmmm, that's prolly no winning post. Fuck. :zoinks:
Lutra in American slang means: ladies man :pow:
Which yeah, means.. win. (thus hence therefore consequently)
nice pic, but no winner
hmmmf. This paddling is hard work.
:pwned: :pwned: :pwned: :pwned: :pwned: :pwned: :pwned: :pwned: :pwned: :pwned: :pwned: :pwned: :pwned: :pwned: :pwned:
Squelched the competition.
LOL....you hadnt seen that one
Can Iz just sit here for a bit? (http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii269/theogrit/1sm132baby1.gif)
Only if you pray
^ Aaaw, aren't young otters cute? Um, makes me go all.. well, let's say, that picture makes me smile. Thanks.
Win? Um, what does one win exactly here? Extra spazzie points? :autism:
^ Aaaw, aren't young otters cute? Um, makes me go all.. well, let's say, that picture makes me smile. Thanks.
Win? Um, what does one win exactly here? Extra spazzie points? :autism:
I think that must be the prize.
:autism: :zoinks: :include: :include: :include: :include: :include:
softly, softly catchee monkee
Blow the man down.
So tired, so eager...
Sneaks under the radar, posts and runs away to fight another day.
in before the lock!
Oh, I win!
Congratulations, Bruce.
Oops. I'm sorry. I just took over first place. I'm soooo sorry.
:prude: :hamsterwheel: :bunny: :seal:
I'm there. I'm last. ner ner na ner ner
Only 17 pages of it!
the latest for today
well, the day's hardly started here....
Cheeze it, the cops.
Cheeze it, the cops.
I was pretending to be CBC :)
Cheeze it, the cops.
I was pretending to be CBC :)
That's funny. You don't look like an egg.
Cheeze it, the cops.
I was pretending to be CBC :)
That's funny. You don't look like an egg.
couldnt pull it off, huh. Oh well
:bunny: :puppy: :hamsterwheel: :headexplode:
Who're all those, particularly?
Who're all those, particularly?
your only friends....perhaps
Ah, thanks!
Well, then it would be I.
Would be often doesn't come true. :M
Well, then.
It is I.
Well then, I stand corrected, it was You indeed.
Have a lie down?
Swans are beautiful.
I expect my victory throne to be polished and shiny for when I return in victory. :M
Swans are beautiful.
Yes, they are, and they can bloody aggressive too, if need be.
Maybe we need a few as members here. I'll see what my Swan Master can do.
He doesn't seem to think they'd like it here, sorry?
I saw the neighborhood resident eagle/hawk floating on the air drafts today.
:nerdy: :bounce:
Can you imagine life in the summer in old-time clothes? Yikes.
I have a sneaking suspicion that the folks on the farm didn't necessarily wear all their clothes all the time while doing chores.
I read that as, can i imagine what life is like in the summer with no clothes? yes i can!
I read that as, can i imagine what life is like in the summer with no clothes? yes i can!
No, Richard. I meant that men sometimes worked without shirts, women without their petticoats or with their skirts pulled up to their knees. I'm afraid the nutrition and medicine of yester year didn't mean a lot of lovely bodies.
True. all that fabric would have drove me insane the moment I knew i had to get dressed in the morning
While we'll imagine it now, with the gorgeous girls sunbathing on the beach or whatever! Much 'nicer' imagery!
Hard boiled eggs are more appropriately called hard cooked eggs. They should not be boiled, but simmered instead.
Hard boiled eggs are more appropriately called hard cooked eggs. They should not be boiled, but simmered instead.
Or poached :cbc:
Better fried!
my cat smells
Cant a guy catch a break. I mean, :yarly:
Oh, well. I am the first to post this day.
:nerdy: :2thumbsup:
Today's weather is truly gorgeous today and is forcast to be even more unbelievable tomorrow. :headbang2:
Its warm and sunny here today and for the next week it looks like, :FSM: :mo: :flame: :headexplode:
That's really cute, Skyblue1.
And I must say i was stupid, :blonde:
The Queen regally enters the Arena. And the match begins again.
a gentle bump
Ladies first.
while you're busy showing Andrew Luck how to hoist a bowl, I sneak in and post away.
how about them saints, :zoinks:
In all honesty there going to go the way of the cheatriots
how about them saints, :zoinks:
In all honesty there going to go the way of the cheatriots
I agree it was unethical and stupid of them to encourage taking out an opponent. But AFAIK no one was taken out. And most of New Orleans as well as the Saints players disciplined are wondering why the evidence hasn't been made public.
I'm guessing because the players association is going to take the league to court.
i'm shure there is evidence but the league doesnt want to show thier hand
:slap: :hadron:
:slap: :hadron:
:tickle: :hadron:
Beat ya! i win i win i win i win
ner ner na ner ner
This contest ain't over, till I2 is over. :M
For the win! :hyke:
remind me the prize again please! :tard:
Well, at least I got the last post for May 2012.
Recaptioned: Ooh, I just love that fishy smell.
Recaptioned: Ooh, I just love that fishy smell.
Now thats funny
Croc fishing for his dinner
cant believe I am actually winning this one
Y`all are slack
Just when skyblue thought he had 1.
true, but I held it for a while
That doesn't count. :P
I cant count, I use a calculator
I count on my fingers. :M
(nah, it's all in my head, where the voices are)
Me, Me. It's me, isn't it? Please let it be me? Pretty, pretty please?
Next poster in 3, 2, 1.........
Looks like i am the lucky one!
suits me that you win. but you gotta be the last poster :lol1:
That will be a sad day, when the last post will be submitted.
December 21, this year?
Don't mind me :kitten:
I think I see the post in the far distance. I may be the last one to the post and win. Slow but sure wins the race.
Think I won..
For a little while.
Ah, bugger.. :GA: Iz wanted zho win..
Wanting to win, just isn't enough. :hyke:
But we all can dream.
But we all can dream.
stumbles back into thread
Hi! Bye! :zoinks:
Bye! Hi!
I'm so happy to be back in Flagstaff. This cold weather really is my cup of tea, :angel:
I'm so happy to be back in Flagstaff. This cold weather really is my cup of tea, :angel:
How cold is it there?
It's going to get warm here today, but colder weather is supposed to come in Thursday and Friday.
How cold is it there?
It's going to get warm here today, but colder weather is supposed to come in Thursday and Friday.
Its been getting down into the 20's at night. 50's during the day but the wind makes it feel alot colder. :santa:
How cold is it there?
It's going to get warm here today, but colder weather is supposed to come in Thursday and Friday.
Its been getting down into the 20's at night. 50's during the day but the wind makes it feel alot colder. :santa:
Have you gotten any snow yet?
We got just a little earlier this month, but not enough to really stick. We're supposed to get a few inches Wednesday night and maybe a little more Thursday and Friday.
Oh yeah we got some at the same time you did. (I think it was the same storm.) I hope you guys get some, I hope we all have a good winter this year. :)
I have never seen snow.
^ Sørry.. I've got to be strict here.. (http://www.wrongplanet.net/modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_eek.gif) If one never has seen snow one cannot win this thread.. (http://www.wrongplanet.net/modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_eek.gif)
I have never seen snow.
Hope this gives you an idea of what it's like:
Snowing (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajRESY79izk#ws)
I have never seen snow.
You are missing out. its the best, it really is. I know alot of people hate it but its so beautiful. If it snows at night, It lights up the joint and you can see everything like it was in the middle of the day. Also when it snows it get really, really quiet. Like you could hear a pin drop from like 100 miles away it rules so goddamn much. :angel:
Thanks. :) I watched a bit of the video Callaway, but not much because my computer has a tendency to freeze with YouTubes (pun not intended).
Thanks. :) I watched a bit of the video Callaway, but not much because my computer has a tendency to freeze with YouTubes (pun not intended).
It's pretty much the same the whole way through except at some point, a branch gets too much snow on it, then it bends and the snow falls off.
I like watching puppys play in the snow. especially if its snowed alot or the dog is minature, :puppy:
Just when he thought he was the winner, I trumped him.
If there ever is a "last post" on Intensity2, we all lose. :'(
Just when he thought he was the winner, I trumped him.
I can't believe I said that in light of the current election process. :bigcry: :bigcry:
Hehehe, QV. :D
Pappy almost won this game.
I'd bettr post here.
Just when he thought he was the winner, I trumped him.
I can't believe I said that in light of the current election process. :bigcry: :bigcry:
I believe the correct word here is ... disingenuous. :rofl:
(Iz win)
I loves your wibbons.
Are you a weeble that didn't grow the appropriate body?
Not fair.. you posting after me.
What's this about?
Winner!! :GA:
But yes
The last will post decades after this one. But for now, I am the last, as long as it lasts.
It didn't last.
Not long, but I enjoyed the moment it did last.
As do I.
It's very ZEN, living in the moment like this. :M
Yes, it is, but it's also stressful.
I'm so slow I'm always the last person to the post.
No, you're not that slow.
I'm so slow I'm always the last person to the post.
You are not slow, :respect: you are majestic!
:thumbup: to Lady Weeble and odeon
sneaky, but I'm better at sneak.
I'm having asparagus for dinner this evening.. therefor Iz win.
Where were those harvested?
They were grown in a greenhouse and I reckon (not sure) they came from here (i.e. Holland).
Not the best of quality they were though. Tadski old.. bit too dry at the bottom.
Made a pasta dish with them and that's quite a nice (and super simple) dish to make.
Thus.. (yez, Iz zwin again.. )
Eggplant and mushrooms in pasta sauce over spaghetti.
You know, QV, I consider you bonkers/quite crazy but I wish you well also..
I win!! :GA:
I've always liked Lutra and his dishes.
I need more coffee.
Winning!! :GA:
Go groom yourself, Gopher.
I'm too busy winning!! :GA:
You misspelled "whining." :bigcry:
Does it matter?
Yes. It's like the difference between "sex" and "ex"
I win!! :GA:
Not so fast, you flea bitten mess of fur.
Yes. It's like the difference between "sex" and "ex"
Which only goes to say that the lack of the former often causes the latter.
Pardon me while I win!! :GA:
Not so fast, Fuzzzzzzzzzzzzballlllllllll.
Victory is mine!
Aren't you going to Boston?
Just passing by to win!! :GA:
Just passing wind!! :fart:
I'm last.
I lasted later. :P
Winning!! :GA:
Don't cry. This thread is great because everyone who posts wins, even if only for a little while. :orly:
Winner!! :GA:
I win!! :GA:
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark -- Gary.
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.
I'm posting in here because there is no one to stop me! :ninja:
I'm posting in here because there is no one to stop me! :ninja:
You're not here now. :zoinks:
Clearly I am here. I'm postwhoring up to the next hundred! :spitscreen:
Winning!! :GA:
Winning!! :GA:
Poor little fuzzy thing. :GA: :trollskull:
Wait for me! I've got to catch up.
Clearly I am here. I'm postwhoring up to the next hundred! :spitscreen:
This is my post #88,001. :M
Clearly I am here. I'm postwhoring up to the next hundred! :spitscreen:
This is my post #88,001. :M
This is my #46,101. No shame in my game. :M
Posting this last.
Good to see that that was your last post in this thread.
Let's see if this post will make the numbers symmetrical, or that someone else beat me to it.
1100010 Posts in 17923 Topics by 554 Members.
Edited to boast that I did.
1100011 Posts in 17923 Topics by 554 Members.
Isn't it pretty?
I think this is the perfect post to end this thread with. :M
I post, therefore I am.
Wins what??!?!? (Oh, look at that; I'm winning!)
I win!! :GA:
(That should keep odeon busy for a bit.)
Winner!! :OMG:
Not so soon scuzzy.
I win!! :GA:
You may be winning, but you won't get anywhere running in circles.
I win.
Nope. I think Hyke will win the teat competition.
This is getting old.
Does Skeletor get any lurve in this thread?
Perfect but not last.
Perfect but not last.
Perfectly lost.
You may be winning, but you won't get anywhere running in circles.
Running in circles fans the flame of my win!! :GA:
You may be winning, but you won't get anywhere running in circles.
Running in circles fans the flame of my win!! :GA:
That doesn't make any sense.
You may be winning, but you won't get anywhere running in circles.
Running in circles fans the flame of my win!! :GA:
That doesn't make any sense.
It does, I can smell it all over here.
Still, I win.
You may be winning, but you won't get anywhere running in circles.
Running in circles fans the flame of my win!! :GA:
That doesn't make any sense.
Thank goodness it's not my job to make sense. :lol1:
Red hot flaming win passing through!! :GA:
You may be winning, but you won't get anywhere running in circles.
Running in circles fans the flame of my win!! :GA:
That doesn't make any sense.
Thank goodness it's not my job to make sense. :lol1:
Red hot flaming win passing through!! :GA:
:pee: :flame:
odeon putting out the flames
This thread is getting dirty, but I am winning.
Only briefly.
Skeletor is built like a brick shithouse.
Brick shithouse? :needpics:
Skeletor is built like a brick shithouse.
I prefer my shithouse to be sturdy.
Winning!! :GA:
Sneaking by
I prefer my shithouse to be sturdy.
Brick shithouses usually are. ;)
If you're shitting bricks, though... :P
:brick: :sheep:
I win. :M
Just passing by to win!! :GA:
Just passing wind!! :moon:
I win.
I win!! :GA:
:fatchef: Gonna make me some Gopher Stew
:fatchef: Gonna make me some Gopher Stew
PETA disapproves of your actions and will be writing you a very strongly worded letter. :M
The postie resigned and will not deliver the letter.
Email it. :P
Fax it?
Power cut, it will not work.
Smoke signals?
I win!! :GA:
When you bully away a giraffe cows will come marching in and out your garden.
:hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke:
:hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke:
It's a Stampede!
It was, and it worked, the giraffe returned, for a little while.
Winner!! :GA:
That would be me.
Methinks thou doth protest too much
Methinks I win.
Pictures supposedly say more than a thousand words but a single word is enough.
That's cheating.
It was to the point. :M
Copycats with a sense of variation. :M
My point was better than his tadpole.
That's a way of looking at it too.
Thank you
This is hardly the thread for original content.
I win!! :GA:
I think I won, actually.
Think again.
I did.
Winner!! :GA:
Not so fast, furry one.
I win again!! :GA:
What was that fishname that got transformed in the wordfilter?
:orly: snatches the fish
There was a fish in the word filter?
on the end of the derrick at the back of the boat.
Sure that wasn't a phrase? :P
There is a fishy word, somewhere in the wordfilter.
And it's not a fishy phrase?
Adam might know.
I am winning, btw.
There it is: <°)))><
Extra post, to celebrate my winning.
tunafish is the one I was looking for btw.
I win!! :GA:
I had a coat that resembled you
Ah, smoking the good stuff again?
Are you trying to lead me into temptation?
You don't need any leading, lady. :coolyo:
I win!! :GA:
When will you get the message you'll never win? There's only one of you and all of us. And besides, you've got someone's foot up your ass.
Boy, that sounded bitchy. :spitscreen:
What are you talking about? I always win. :dunno: The title of this thread is: Last person to post wins! That means anyone who post in this thread is a winner, even if only briefly, because they're the last one to post. It's an equal opportunity thread of win, so quit being a sore winner. :hahaha:
OMG I win again!! :GA:
I win!! :GA:
Seems like I started a thread (quite popular at the time) like this about eight or nine years ago.
I was defeated. :hahaha:
And here you are, being defeated again. :zoinks:
Defeated by me.
Is it so?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
present and accounted for
Last word challenge is fun!
Isn't that the case.
Not really.
Oh, WAIT!!
What is the topic?
The same as the others.
I win!! :GA:
Not so fast!
Easy does it. :eyelash:
"I won." --- Walter White :heisenberg:
Goodbye, Lydia. :heisenberg:
Nothing stops this train. :heisenberg:
Unfortunately the train has a one track mind.
... perhaps your best course would be to tread lightly. :heisenberg:
Because I say so. :heisenberg:
Hellfire rained down on my house! :angrydance:
There is no "your half of the money," there is only my all of it! :heisenberg:
This is not meth. :heisenberg:
He sells me pot. :heisenberg:
I couldn't see what you posted because gifs don't show up on my computer in IE. IE has akinetopsia. :tard:
There is no "your half of the money," there is only my all of it! :heisenberg:
I tell sugarbutt, what's yours is mine and what's mine is mine. :lol1:
OMG I win again!! :GA:
I win.
I'm the President of the United States! All of you can just suck it! :trump:
I fart in your general direction.
Make that in your specific direction
Thank you.
I win!! :GA:
What do you win?
Is there actually a prize? :orly:
Holy crap I win again!! :GA:
If you win, then surely you must know what you get.
I'm satisfied enough with just the win. :dunno:
Oh look!! I win again!! :GA:
I said, fuck you! And your eyebrows! Wipe down this! :heisenberg:
Hello to you too. :heisenberg:
Say my name. :heisenberg:
MY NAME :eyelash:
You know the business, and I know the chemistry. :heisenberg:
Maybe we need to do this the other way around. I graduated with an A for chemistry, I never did well on economics. Had to take the test for economics three times to get through my first year at university.
All I know about economics is that it's fun to $pend, $pend, $pend! :happydance:
You've spent too much in this thread. I'll take over from here.
Do I look tired? :lol2:
You've had your fun, now let me get back where I belong.
I'm the boss in here! :trump: Suck it up!
That head does not go well with your ovoid shape.
* wonders with what shape it will go well *
I like being ovoid. :cbc: It makes me so buoyant!
But with the wrong head attached, it looks like an abomination.
But with the wrong head attached, it looks like an abomination.
That's because you attached his head on top of mine. There's no way that was going to look good. :P
So you are telling you chopped off your own head to replace it with :trump: when you posted this?
I'm the boss in here! :trump: Suck it up!
NO Trump in my house, PLEASE!!
CBC will regret her new head. Now she can never visit you. :green:
No Trump in my house either. Only Triumph.
I win.
CBC will regret her new head. Now she can never visit you. :green:
Still have my own, very beautiful head with its metopic ridge and frontal bossing. :M :angel:
So, this was a lie.
I'm the boss in here! :trump: Suck it up!
It was a strategic statement. :M :trump:
I win!! :GA:
I win!! :GA:
No you don't. You'll never win. :hahaha: :trollskull:
I win every time I post in this thread. :dunno:
Look!! I win again!! :GA:
Go back to your little gopher hole. :odeon: :trollskull:
Don't use my smiley. :odeon:
Don't use my smiley. :odeon:
In other words, "Stay out of my territory." :heisenberg:
I win!! :GA:
I'm cleaning my bathroom at 3 in the morning, bitches! :trollskull:
I'm on the top of the world singing.
That's what that godawful sound is!
I chase all away, by my singing, just to win.
If I squeezed your teats would your singing improve?
If I started kicking, would you roll down the hill faster?
Shouldn't Lady Weeble roll down the hill for me?
I win!! :GA:
I AM the danger. :heisenberg:
Living dangerous, and losing it all.
I win.
I'm the captain of that vessel.
Pardon me while I win!! :GA:
I win.
I'll take the honours and the medal now.
I'll see your :viking: and raise you :viking: :viking:
Sending all of you a note that I won.
It's tedious, being at the top.
Lucky for you that you aren't, then.
An Irish banana in an afro? :zombiefuck:
I almost forgot to win!! :GA:
You didn't.
I win!! :GA:
I've missed this little smiley so much! :broccoli: It used to be called : branna :
I win!! :GA:
(http://smileys.emoticonsonly.com/emoticons/g/gopher-283.gif) :litigious:
I like that gopher smiley. :lol1:
Ooops I win again!! :GA:
I like that gopher smiley. :lol1:
Ooops I win again!! :GA:
Nope, this is your theme song. :trollface:
Don't come around here no more. :odeon:
Never mind posting on that interweb forum. Get back to work! :chores: :police:
I win!! :GA:
Sad puppy eyes ALWAYS win!
The ball is in my paws.
Winning!! :GA:
I did it! I won!!!!! :woohoo:
Yes, your win was questionable.
I take over.
Never mind posting on that interweb forum. Get back to work! :chores: :police:
Can't be bothered now. I'm taking the rest of the day off.
I win!! :GA:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQswjsiZtl4 :heisenberg:
This thread is mine now.
I win!! :GA:
Who messes with the blowfish? :heisenberg:
This thread is mine now.
And now it's mine.
No it's not.
Thank you all for keeping this thread in shape during my absence.
I would not have been able to win without your support.
You didn't.
You're mistaken.
:congrats: to me.
I win!! :GA:
:grouphug: We all win at some point in time.
My point.
Without Geometry life is pointless.
Geology has something to say on pointy objects too. Very big pointy objects.
My set has four nipples. :hyke:
Boobs. :M
Yes, checked. Got them. Therefor, I win.
You're all losers. I am the winner! :hadron:
Boobs. :M
Hyke + cbc + QV = The TRIFECTA of Boobery. :worship:
Boobs. :M
@ Hyke Thank you.
I should probably say it again... :zoinks:
You can say it again, but that still does not make you grow a pair.
:fish2: for compliments
Hey, the post doesn't have to make sense, just be the last one.
I try my best.
This is my 88,888th post.
:worship: :clap: :worship:
So I win. :P
Congratulations. It looks beautiful.
I think you should take a rest now and marvel at that line of eights.
No, you 8 it all.
Nah, I'm now looking forward to 99,999.
It's good to see you've made some plans for the future.
It's important to have goals.
My goal of the moment is to win. :M
I'm still heading up that hill toward 50,000. :hamsterwheel:
I win!! :GA:
You win second place.
It ain't over till the fat lady sings! :cbc: :notes:
Still heeeeeeeeeeeeeere. :fuckyeahdance: :notes:
And there she went.
I win!! :GA:
I win. :M
I winner.
I winnerest. :P
I'm the winner because everyone else is at Mass! :pope: :crowd:
I left Mass early.
I win!! :GA:
I'm the winner now. Deal with it! :hadron:
Sorry, the winner's cup just slipped from your hands and bonked you on your head.
Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Go to the Emergency Room.
What's in the Emergency Room?
Solace for those who do not win. Maybe a painkiller.
I win!! :GA:
I win!! :GA:
Yes, you are the all time winner of this thread.
Oh, wait ... let me just say ...
I am victorious!!
EDIT: This post count for me is a palindrome which often stifles some of those of us who have to read things both forward and backward to make sense of what we read.
Palindromes are the scourge of reading to me. They fuck me up!! I even had Callaway remove a great number of my post count once to avoid one that was about to really fuck me up.
I have wondered if Odeon would be willing to restore the count to the real count, instead of starting me with a negative number (Callaway's solution to helping me while at the same time, keeping from eliminating any of my former wisdom laden entries), now that I have made it past that one. I might ask at some point.
This one is is easier and I can handle it, somewhat more readily. There are no cubes involved.
I win!! :GA:
Yes, you are the all time winner of this thread.
Oh, wait ... let me just say ...
I am victorious!!
EDIT: This post count for me is a palindrome which often stifles some of those of us who have to read things both forward and backward to make sense of what we read.
Palindromes are the scourge of reading to me. They fuck me up!! I even had Callaway remove a great number of my post count once to avoid one that was about to really fuck me up.
I have wondered if Odeon would be willing to restore the count to the real count, instead of starting me with a negative number (Callaway's solution to helping me while at the same time, keeping from eliminating any of my former wisdom laden entries), now that I have made it past that one. I might ask at some point.
This one is is easier and I can handle it, some. There are no cubes involved.
So just make another post and it will be gone. :dunno:
Holy crap!! I win again!! :GA:
Can't recall Callaway changing post counts.
I miss Callaway. I hope she is OK. :(
So do I. :(
Can't recall Callaway changing post counts.
Yes, she did that for DD. Don't know if she ever put it back, don't think she did. But you should be able to see that, as an admin, looking in to the profile of DD.
Just stopping by for my daily dose of win!! :GA:
Can't recall Callaway changing post counts.
Yes, she did that for DD. Don't know if she ever put it back, don't think she did. But you should be able to see that, as an admin, looking in to the profile of DD.
It's only going to show one number and there's no way to know it's changed or not, I think. I'd need to do an actual post count in the DB itself.
Who's the winner here? I am! :fuckyeahdance:
Can't recall Callaway changing post counts.
Yes, she did that for DD. Don't know if she ever put it back, don't think she did. But you should be able to see that, as an admin, looking in to the profile of DD.
It's only going to show one number and there's no way to know it's changed or not, I think. I'd need to do an actual post count in the DB itself.
Great way to pass time at an airport.
I win.
edited, because of phone related typo. I still win though.
Can't recall Callaway changing post counts.
A couple of images which tell all.
The first is my latest post, before this one.
The second image is my first post shown in my profile.
Can't recall Callaway changing post counts.
A couple of images which tell all.
The first is my latest post, before this one.
The second image is my first post shown in my profile.
There are no images.
I win. After all, my name is (wait for it...............................) VICTORIA.
Can't recall Callaway changing post counts.
A couple of images which tell all.
The first is my latest post, before this one.
The second image is my first post shown in my profile.
There are no images.
I uploaded them as attachments.
I can see them, but I am not sure if that means anything.
I can see them now. Therefor my win is spectacular this time. 8)
Is someone going to fix DirtDawg's post count? :orly:
I win again!! :GA:
Can't recall Callaway changing post counts.
A couple of images which tell all.
The first is my latest post, before this one.
The second image is my first post shown in my profile.
Ah, I see. Thanks. Do you want me to fix your post count?
I'm winning again.
How cool is this. It's only a bit after eight and I am winning for the third time.
Does it really matter that much?
Who's asking?
I am the victor. :respect: Fear me!
If you use my smiley, I'll use yours.
Can't recall Callaway changing post counts.
A couple of images which tell all.
The first is my latest post, before this one.
The second image is my first post shown in my profile.
Ah, I see. Thanks. Do you want me to fix your post count?
Yes, please.
(I was going through a horribly sensitive time when this happened. All I was sensing was the worst of my senses and sensibilities. It was during the time I was working through accepting the fact that I was father to two other Grown Men, in addition to the One Son I have raised to the best of my ability and the One Daughter who I am still trying to find an avenue towards communication. We spend plenty of time hugging and telling each other how much we love the other, but as far as being friendly, all we really have is movies and music in common and Daddy doing almost anything she wants to make her days better. )
I win!! :GA:
I think I am safe.
Can't recall Callaway changing post counts.
A couple of images which tell all.
The first is my latest post, before this one.
The second image is my first post shown in my profile.
Ah, I see. Thanks. Do you want me to fix your post count?
Yes, please.
(I was going through a horribly sensitive time when this happened. All I was sensing was the worst of my senses and sensibilities. It was during the time I was working through accepting the fact that I was father to two other Grown Men, in addition to the One Son I have raised to the best of my ability and the One Daughter who I am still trying to find an avenue towards communication. We spend plenty of time hugging and telling each other how much we love the other, but as far as being friendly, all we really have is movies and music in common and Daddy doing almost anything she wants to make her days better. )
Done. :)
And I win. :M
Can't recall Callaway changing post counts.
A couple of images which tell all.
The first is my latest post, before this one.
The second image is my first post shown in my profile.
Ah, I see. Thanks. Do you want me to fix your post count?
Yes, please.
(I was going through a horribly sensitive time when this happened. All I was sensing was the worst of my senses and sensibilities. It was during the time I was working through accepting the fact that I was father to two other Grown Men, in addition to the One Son I have raised to the best of my ability and the One Daughter who I am still trying to find an avenue towards communication. We spend plenty of time hugging and telling each other how much we love the other, but as far as being friendly, all we really have is movies and music in common and Daddy doing almost anything she wants to make her days better. )
Done. :)
Thank you.
Can't recall Callaway changing post counts.
A couple of images which tell all.
The first is my latest post, before this one.
The second image is my first post shown in my profile.
Ah, I see. Thanks. Do you want me to fix your post count?
Yes, please.
(I was going through a horribly sensitive time when this happened. All I was sensing was the worst of my senses and sensibilities. It was during the time I was working through accepting the fact that I was father to two other Grown Men, in addition to the One Son I have raised to the best of my ability and the One Daughter who I am still trying to find an avenue towards communication. We spend plenty of time hugging and telling each other how much we love the other, but as far as being friendly, all we really have is movies and music in common and Daddy doing almost anything she wants to make her days better. )
Done. :)
Thank you.
No worries.
Sneaky, but I'm still last.
I'm laster. :fuckyeahdance:
And I'm slower
Her Majesty :queenie: is gone. I'm the winner. :cbc:
Drops the egg into boiling water.
Drops the egg into boiling water.
What do you get when you drop an egg into boiling water? A hard-boiled egg! Who wins! :pirate:
I don't like eggs.
I like this win.
:fart: Oh, wait you said win. Oops.
I don't like eggs.
And yet, here I am :cbc: the clear winner! :trollskull:
I win!! :GA:
I'm so short and fat that I'm always last. :bigcry: :2thumbsup:
But not least.
Dead Penguins - I never knew this!
Did you ever wonder why there are no dead penguins on the ice in Antarctica ?
Where do they go?
Wonder no more It is a known fact that the penguin is a very ritualistic bird which lives an extremely ordered and complex life.The penguin is very committed to its family and will mate for life, as well as maintain a form of compassionate contact with its offspring throughout its life.
If a penguin is found dead on the ice surface, other members of the family and social circle have been known to dig holes in the ice, using their vestigial wings and beaks, until the hole is deep enough for the dead bird to be rolled into, and buried.
The male penguins then gather in a circle around the fresh grave and sing,
"Freeze a jolly good fellow."
"Freeze a jolly good fellow."
You really didn't believe that I know anything about penguins, did you?
I read all about them in Dead Penguins Society. :P
Dead Penguins - I never knew this!
Did you ever wonder why there are no dead penguins on the ice in Antarctica ?
Where do they go?
Wonder no more It is a known fact that the penguin is a very ritualistic bird which lives an extremely ordered and complex life.The penguin is very committed to its family and will mate for life, as well as maintain a form of compassionate contact with its offspring throughout its life.
If a penguin is found dead on the ice surface, other members of the family and social circle have been known to dig holes in the ice, using their vestigial wings and beaks, until the hole is deep enough for the dead bird to be rolled into, and buried.
The male penguins then gather in a circle around the fresh grave and sing,
"Freeze a jolly good fellow."
"Freeze a jolly good fellow."
You really didn't believe that I know anything about penguins, did you?
:lol1: :plus: sending this to my youngest.
Let us go back to eggs. I like eggs, especially poached eggs.
I would LOVE to try penguin eggs!
I had a chicken egg for breakfast, this morning.
Me, too, well two along with bacon and Texas Toast.
I win!! :GA:
No breakfast for me. Can't stand the thought of food.
I am an egg. :cbc: Therefore I win!
Eggs don't win. :M
I do.
This is my thread now. :odeon:
It might have been, but only briefly.
You'll have to go to bed soon because you're on stupid Swedish time. :hahaha:
I'm in your future. :M
I'm in your future. :M
I'm in everyone's future.
Cheery thought.
Cheery thought.
That's a still from my favorite version of A Christmas Carol, the 1951 Alistair Sim version. :M
You're not last.
I win!! :GA:
Gopher isn't a "person", so he can't ever win. :M
Gopher isn't a "person", so he can't ever win. :M
Does an echo of a post count as a person? If I incorporated it?
I'm proud to announce my absolute supremacy in this thread. :hadron:
You were saying?
Horrible pun.
I'm in charge here! :trump:
I hope not.
Hope springs eternal............
Not eternal.
I'm in charge here! :trump:
Keep telling yourself that.
I'm in charge.
I don't care about that Brexit shit, I'm the POTUS! :trump:
You are the hairpiece.
Chicken dinner.
I'm hungry now. :P
First you have to catch the chicken.
I win!! :GA:
My chicken says otherwise.
I win!! :GA:
:bint: :bint: :bint:
I'm on vacation till Monday. I'm the winner no matter what. :M :P
hawt :eyebrows:
You Got It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't be fooled.
old and foolish.
I win.
It's good to be me. :nicegear:
It's not good to be the Weeble when you are me. That's for hykes only. :M
It's not good to be the Weeble when you are me. That's for hykes only. :M
I'd rather be a :cbc: than a :hyke: but to each her own. :P
I win!! :GA:
Sorry all of you keep losing to me. Not really sorry at all. :fuckyeahdance:
Right back at you! :santa: I win again.
kiss my :booty:
No thanks. :hyke:
it is I who posts last.
I'm in charge of cleanup. :sweep:
You're doing a messy job of it.
That's because people keep walking through my work area! :angrydance:
have Parts and IQ send you some things to build a wall out of.
Winning!! :GA:
Not now.
Dunno :dunno:
I appreciate your hearty congratulations.
But what is given to you can also be taken away.
I'll give you a free tour of the Tower of London basements. Then I'll charge you (with treason)
In that order? :P
What makes you think you have a choice?
I was hoping for one. :P
Hope springs eternal.
Spring on your butt out of here. :tigger:
But that looks too uncomfortable for me.
Too much stimulation? Take a rest, I'll do the winning.
You can't tell if you're upping or downing.
There's a reason it's not called Upping Street. :M
only one? how about 10?
10 is more to the point.
Fish fry coming up
Ooooooooooh, pressies.
He's waving goodbye. :M
I always was the master of this thread on WP and zOMG.
OMG you reminded me to win!! :GA:
<= Not when this guys is around! :viking:
I distinctly remember winning this. :M
My second cup of coffee makes me a winner!!!!!!!!!! :lemur:
creeps by Trigger 11
Not on my watch!
your watch is broken.
I don't wear a watch.
Watch this! :fuckyeahdance:
You mean THIS?
Watch what?
Watch which witch?
Read the book. Can't remember the witch's name. Arrrrrrrgh.
My minions are decendents of a "witch" from Salem, MA. One who got off as a result of the end of the Witch Trials. Not from my side though.
I win!! :GA:
In your dreams.
sleep tight
Probably not tonight.
It would appear that I am the winner at this point in time. :M
Oh...never mind! I win!
typical male complaint - premature congratulations.
So easy.
Hey, you didn't think of it.
But I did. :M
<=== :congrats:
A new competitor?
Really fast, are you not?
Little, but Mighty.
Thank you.
Kum by my ass, Kum by ass, Kum by my ass, Kum by ass...................
Upon second review... :headbang2:
I win. :M
Is it Christmas already?
I WIN!! :GA:
Use your inside voice
********** ME **************
Once upon a midnight dreary
While I pondered weak and weary
Over some forgotten...........
Some forgotten what?
Can you give me a hint?
I just scooted past that furry little butt to take the win.
...and give it to me!
^I take it from under your nose.
Yuck, it's full of Trigger boogers!
I'm feeling sick.
Chances are real that I will contaminate the ones that try to post after me.
I'll take the risk. :M
So will I
I win again!! :GA:
I win. :M
:minusevil: :congrats: :pwned:
Usain Bolt
Road Runner
here to stay.
in your dreams.
Winning!! :GA:
Lush = :headbang2:
:finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger:
It has a capital R. Parts fixed the ones that had been altered to be word filters; not sure if that was one of them.
:asthing: :hahaha:
Fuck it all to hell, bitch!
Go away! :odeon:
Nine seconds loser!!!
That was never a problem. Believe you me. I couldn't even finish most of the time, which was great for them. I was like the Energizer Bunny.
That was never a problem. Believe you me. I couldn't even finish most of the time, which was great for them. I was like the Energizer Bunny.
A) What did Mr. Rabbit say to Mrs. Rabbit? It won't take long, didn't it?
B) It was that small, huh?
That was never a problem. Believe you me. I couldn't even finish most of the time, which was great for them. I was like the Energizer Bunny.
Jerking off too much??
Use your words, dammit!
Are you listening to me?
Did someone say something?
Use your words, dammit!
Can I borrow someone else's?
Enough already
Of what?
Of this.
Thank you, Jeebus
I'm so fat and slow I'll always be the last one to the post.
I'm last.
You mean you can't last.
You mean you can't last.
At least.
WHO did that?
Did that other guy leave yet?
Go away! :viking:
Here and now, I win.
You lost.
You can't take away my memories of pure winning happiness.
But I can. :P
The memories are still there.
And I am making new ones.
While you were rubbing your hands I sneaked past you.
Last of the meatballs
:heisenberg: :heisenberg:
Weeble time
sneak attack
Rettop yrrah
Niw I.
Say what?
Roses are red and some other colours too.
Really want a block function!
I can do better than she.
I win! :GA:
No you don't.
Winning! :GA:
I win!! :GA:
I win!! :GA:
justcurious has beat you all. :pow:
You gotta have faith!
justcurious has beat you all. :pow:
Oooo, I didn't even know we have a :pow: smiley. :orly:
OMG I win again!! :GA:
^ Do people use the owl emoticon to say "Oh really?" or because it's an owl?
... I won again. :murica:
We also have :toporly:
Rule, Brittania
Thanks for the explanations, people.
I won again! :evillaugh:
^ Do people use the owl emoticon to say "Oh really?" or because it's an owl?
Sometimes I use it in an oh really sort of way, but I mostly use smileys to convey a facial expression or body language. :orly:
I win again!! :GA:
I like :zoinks:
I like :zoinks:
OMG ME TOO!! :zoinks:
I'm currently the winner. Oh yeah. :fuckyeahdance:
I win by definition. :M
that term is undefined
I win by definition. :M
I win by the sheer power of win. :zoinks:
Win!! :GA:
Winderful me.
Meh. :M
You mean you are WONDERFUL, QV.
A winderful cow farts in your general direction.
Lucky I was holding my breath.
QV gets knocked over by the blast. Nobody look at my knickers!
Hello Grumpy
^ How rude!
It's just my pet name for him.
He's Grumpy, I'm Lumpy.
Hello Grumpy
If you mean the smiley he used, then that one means embarrassed. :orly:
See my previous post.
See my previous post.
Oh okay, I thought you were just joking because I've never noticed you call him grumpy. :dunno:
Crap. I almost forgot to win!! :GA:
You should have because you didn't.
It's just my pet name for him.
He's Grumpy, I'm Lumpy.
Oh, I was just kidding.
I won. Thanks everyone! :murica:
What did you win?
What did you win?
This thread. :green:
What did you win?
This thread. :green:
Awfully sorry but you didn't. :smarty:
justcurious's presence is in the room :pow:
OMG I win again!! :GA:
Not so fast little grass muncher
Better to be slow... and lose.
Just passing by for my daily dose of win! :GA:
Bang, bang I shot you down
I win again!! :GA:
you come in second place again
Check the camera.
I think third.
Fourth. :M
Odeon's buying everyone a fifth.
No, sixth.
I win!! :GA:
Eight days a week
Revolution #9
10 commandments
I win again!! :GA:
10 commandments
Not a Beatles song. :M
Never liked the Beatles
^They're ok but I am not a huge fan either. :dunno:
I win!! :GA:
Get back in your hole
:bigcry: Thank you everyone so much!! :hadron: :roses: :asthing: :asthing:
Winning again!! :GA:
Whining again is more like it
I'm too sparkly for whining. :zoinks:
I win again!! :GA:
I win!! :GA:
But I always win!! :GA:
But you don't.
Sure I do. Look I win again!! :GA:
These are the gravestones of the losers.
I'm alone here. I may be the last poster here ever! :GA:
I win!! :GA:
I win again!! :GA:
And I welcome others to win too, unlike some people. :zoinks:
No I am the winner :ladeda:
Sent from my A462C using Tapatalk
Ok did I accidentally sent a clone reply
Sent from my A462C using Tapatalk
I won! :pow:
Stop that dog.
Stop that dog.
Stop that dog.
He should be still. I like dogs.
Stop that dog.
He should be still. I like dogs.
Here you are, you can pet him now. :dog:
I love dogs!
I want one.
Me too!
I'm sort of allergic but I want one anyway.
I'm sort of allergic but I want one anyway.
My sister was sort of too, so we bought long-haired chihuahuas as they were better for her asthma.
I'm sort of allergic but I want one anyway.
My sister was sort of too, so we bought long-haired chihuahuas as they were better for her asthma.
I want a terrier.
The other day I went to a myJohnLewis event in Oxford Street, London. I saw the inspiration for the brand Radley, which were mother and daughter Scottish Terriers. I petted them. :)
Oxford Street in December. *shudder* :zombiefuck:
Strangely enough it really wasn't that bad. With those John Lewis events, they limit the amount of people who can come inside. I got a free glass of Cava. Would have had a bit of stollen too if not for the egg ingredient. I went inside the Selfridges food hall too. I *love* it in there. I bought a vegan (cos it's eggless) banoffee ice-cream and it was delicious. I also bought passion fruit white chocolate coated liquorice, and that was awesome. Freakin' expensive though, but I wanted to treat myself. I had lots of fun.
The other ice-cream behind the counter was actually eggless too, except the tiramisu and mince pie flavours. They had a ginger and lemon sorbet which tasted good. If you go there, you can ask to try things behind the counters, including their cheeses too.
Free drinks wouldn't be enough for me, :zombiefuck:
This thread is mine
You can't simply barge in and say something is yours when it clearly isn't.
You can't simply barge in and say something is yours when it clearly isn't.
Tell that to the Israelis :orly:
You can't simply barge in and say something is yours when it clearly isn't.
Tell that to the Israelis :orly:
I tried. They walked all over me. :P
You can't simply barge in and say something is yours when it clearly isn't.
Tell that to the Israelis :orly:
I tried. They walked all over me. :P
They'll do that :autism:
So don't you do the same.
So don't you do the same.
I'm not Jewish, I couldn't be. I love bacon far too much. :autism:
So don't you do the same.
I'm not Jewish, I couldn't be. I love bacon far too much. :autism:
Me too.
Thanks for reminding me to win, Some_Bloke. :GA:
I win!! :GA:
No you don't.
Bernie Felter(upski)
His name was Bernie Felter. He used to jokingly add the upski to imply that he'd been intimate with someone's personal regions.
He was he only man I knew who could get by with calling women of colour, "Fair one" and ask the Head of the Sisters of Charity Nursing when they would be married. She always replied that she was waiting on the Pope to get back to her to see when he was free to perform the ceremony. (She was the head of the Charity Hospital in New Orleans, the MAJOR hospital and quite an impressive and capable woman.)
Do I win something for this being a very long post in this usually short thread?
No, you lose anyway. :zoinks:
I win!! :GA:
:GA: !!niw I
That's just wrong.
I win!! :GA:
This is mine.
I win again!! :GA:
This is mine.
But it's mine!
This is mine.
But it's mine!
Share? :P
Sharing is for commies.
Good riddance to last year.
I win this year.
And I squeak by for the win.
penis spine snipe
I win!! :GA:
^ Urgh, my head. Where's my prize?
I win!! :GA:
Me too
Isn't he dreamy?
I win!! :GA:
I win.
Grand Champion
I don't think so.
1.65 metre champion. :hyke:
I don't think so.
^ I don't think so. :P
I win!! :GA:
I win again!! :GA:
All this negativism
There's no need for anything else. :M
Grand Champion
I win!! :GA:
You win every time you post here. :orly:
Look! I win again!! :GA:
I win! :pow:
I win!! :GA:
I'm beginning to think you don't understand this game. Last person to post wins, means I win every time. :orly:
See, I win again!! :GA:
Now you're getting it. :2thumbsup:
Holy crap, I win again!! :GA:
You can never win because you're not a person, you're a gopher.
I win!! :GA:
Ladies please.... I win (temporarily that is)
Ladies please.... I win (temporarily that is)
Everything is temporary.
Live in the moment.
I win.
Temporarily. :zoinks:
OMG I win!! :GA:
A facehugger? Cool!
I win again!! :GA:
Know what?
There is such a thing?
I win!! :GA:
Boris Smash!...Britain's future into pieces :asthing:
I love it. :laugh:
Winning!! :GA:
Boris Smash!...Britain's future into pieces :asthing:
He's just such an amateur. But it's what it is, in this day and age.
I win!! :GA:
Boris Smash!...Britain's future into pieces :asthing:
He's just such an amateur. But it's what it is, in this day and age.
He didn't think we'd leave, he was doing it as a power-grab, realised we'd been dumb enough to vote leave and then abandoned ship by not putting his name forward to be PM. :facepalm2:
Boris Smash!...Britain's future into pieces :asthing:
He's just such an amateur. But it's what it is, in this day and age.
He didn't think we'd leave, he was doing it as a power-grab, realised we'd been dumb enough to vote leave and then abandoned ship by not putting his name forward to be PM. :facepalm2:
Actually he was stabbed in the back by his mate. He was finished until Theresa May picked up what was left of him.
I win!! :GA:
Such violence.
I win. :M
I win!
Not so fast....
Slowly? :-\
I win!! :GA:
I won.
I win!!
OMG I win!! :GA:
I have alternative facts for you.
Check your facts. :M
Check my dubs.
I didn't get dubs. Shit.
I win!! :GA:
You're fishing.
I win again.
Except you are not.
:o But I'm here, and you're there.
Lafayette, we are here!
Who's Lafayette and why is he not there?
Here he is:
Under the chair, not winning?
Hiding from the horrible music.
What horrible music is that?
The music stopped.
Bring on the bagpipers.
He went to bed a few hours ago.
Can I squeeze your bags?
Yes. He won the heart of a young girl and forgot all about you.
Amnesia Apocalypse?
Who knows what was in the food I offered him?
Forgetting already?
Nooooooo. Just not wanting to tell about my potions and powers.
Eye of newt, claw of frog, hoof of cow?
Heart of a girl.
Heart of a virgin.
Heart of a virgin.
In win!! :GA:
Who? Me?
No, me! Silly!!
The lawn is mine.
Don't play with your food.
Have the food play with you instead.
My food is winning.
I win!! :GA:
:cherry: :gopher:
Look, there's a cherry, luring you away.
I win.
And my dog is chasing you away!
I win.
Your dog is now part of an oriental buffet. :bodie:
:boatfish: :shark:
I win!! :GA:
Shit happens.
I win!! :GA:
I win!! :GA:
Sure I do. Look at me win!! :GA:
:gopher: :fatchef:
Sweet are the dreams of the one who wins just before going to sleep.
I always win. :zoinks:
Holy crap I always win too!! :GA:
Who gives a flying fuck about winning? I have cream sherry and I am Queen!
How very convenient.
Go play with your fiddle, music man.
I win!! :GA:
I win!! :GA:
I win!! :GA:
No you don't. :GA:
But look at me win!! :GA:
I'm back. :GA:
I win!! :GA:
No. :GA:
I win!! :GA:
Heheh. :)
Winning!! :GA:
Winning what?
Winning what?
The win!! :GA:
I win!! :GA:
Winning what?
The win!! :GA:
But that's mine. Obviously.
That was fairly odd.
I win!! :GA:
You lose. :GA:
I win!! :GA:
am I too late to win?
You both are.
Everyone bow to me. :worship: :worship: :M
Don't be silly. :M
OMG I've been forgetting to win!! :GA:
Well, a brain smaller than a thimble can't hold too much.
It's where I keep my tictacs. :zoinks:
This thread is mine.
OMG I win!! :GA:
I win.
OMG I win again!! :GA:
Don't be silly.
matthe might win this round.
I win!! :GA:
It's where I keep my tictacs. :zoinks:
Nah, you keep them in your cheek pouches! :gopher: :lol2:
I won this.
Here I am.
There you were.
C'est Moi.
It is I, le cow.
You all lost.
And I won.
I am one.
By the way...
In the now, I am winning.
In the past.
Was been
Was here.
Will have been
Never been
Should have been
In win!! :GA:
Me last!
Close but no cigar.
No cigar needed.
A cigar is always needed. Read the manual.
Only for some Potuses it is needed.
Otherwise it is optional.
Read the manual carefully.
But he said...
Don't listen to him.
Only for some Potuses it is needed.
Otherwise it is optional.
Read the manual carefully.
We know what President Clinton used cigars for. Does President Trump smoke?
Where there is smoke...
I win!! :GA:
Stop being silly.
That's impossible!! :GA:
Very little is. I'd go with unlikely. :M
I win!! :GA:
Here's a shaver. Go have some fun with your fur. :laugh:
This is a funny, not a bad post. Even though it could be taken either way.
That would be an odd last thing to say.
I win!! :GA:
Your lawn has been confiscated :hyke:
I win!! :GA:
I confiscated your win.
I win again!! :GA:
You're not allowed to, sorry.
But look at me win!! :GA:
Not looking! :GA:
Winning!! :GA:
Losing. :M
Winner. :angel:
No, not really.
I win!! :GA:
Win!! :GA:
I win!! :GA:
I don't think so.
I win!! :GA:
You may well think so but I couldn't possibly comment.
You lose (Who didn't see that one coming?).
Nor did I!!
Notice the irony there?
Yes, double irony. ;)
Irony doesn't win this.
But I do.
I'll last a little longer.
Longer than what?
Not you.
Rule Brittania
I win!! :GA:
Lingering a little longer.
Grilled french bread with cheeses.
I win!! :GA:
^ Thanks!
Congratulating me. How did you know?
Thank you for the music.
I win!! :GA:
I came back to win. :bee:
I win too!! :GA:
I came back to win. :bee:
And yet you lost.
I came back to win. :bee:
And yet you lost.
Sorry, I can't be bothered to watch since I just won.
I win!! :GA:
No you don't! :GA:
Victory is mine.
Scoot, Poot.
Say what?
I win!! :GA:
No. :M
Leprosy, leprosy!
* Rattles danger rattle *
Don't come near while I am winning.
I win
I win!! :GA:
I win!! :GA:
Now just how can you win if I win? :nerdy:
You think about that while I win.
I warned you. Now I've contaminated all of you.
Big win.
I warned you. Now I've contaminated all of you.
Big win.
I was already a carrier, so I win. :asthing:
Sorry, but no.
But yes.
But no.
I win!! :GA:
Think you are fast, don't you?
Draw, stranger.
* Blows smoke from gun *
* Blows smoke from gun *
*Blows gun from smoke* :autism:
Grazes between fallen losers.
^ Gazes between losers fallen :autism:
Staring you away from my lawn.
Staring you away from my lawn.
Staring you from my lawn away. :autism:
Flaring right back at you.
What are you on about?
I win!! :GA:
Flaring right back at you.
You at back right flaring :autism:
Say what?
I win!! :GA:
You know, Al denied climate change in a post.
You know, Al denied climate change in a post.
Are the three other threads not enough room for that topic?
You know, Al denied climate change in a post.
Are the three other threads not enough room for that topic?
Dammit, you're ruining my punchline.
You know, Al denied climate change in a post.
Are the three other threads not enough room for that topic?
Dammit, you're ruining my punchline.
You know, Al denied climate change in a post.
Are the three other threads not enough room for that topic?
You know, Al denied climate change in a post.
Are the three other threads not enough room for that topic?
You're both right. This was a bait, designed around a punchline, and it was really unnecessary. Sorry.
But you're not getting the last word.
I win!! :GA:
You do?
You do?
You were saying what?
Can't remember.
Me either. I've been gone too long.
I win 'cause I have frozen dinners to cook in the microwave. :M :P
I win 'cause I have frozen dinners to cook in the microwave. :M :P
Well, I had pizza and then rasberry ripple ice cream. :asthing:
I just win for being me.
In these times of hardship, just remember. We. Are. Groot.
Groot, groter, grootst. :M
I have bacon. :M
I have strawberries.
I have bacon. :bacon: :bacon: :bacon: :moomin:
Always use the :bacon: smiley whenever appropriate. :M :P
I have... :pow: er!
I have... :pow: er!
I love that smiley! :pow: I need to use it more!
I win!! :GA:
No you don't :zoinks:
I've just made my mark.
I've just made my mark.
Did you leave it in the pasture? :darnit:
:asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing:
:asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing:
Yes, those boots are worth cheering for!
OMG I win!! :GA:
I always win.
You've had you five minutes.
I win.
Past tense.
Has been.
Is. :hyke:
Never was.
Always will be :cfm:
I see you're all talking about me winning.
I see you're all talking about me winning.
I think you mean me.
I meant me. Silly.
The puppy in your signature was running to get me to remind me to come back here because I'm winning. :green:
Pfft. The phoenix rose from the flames to inform me that I'm the winner.
I think the real reason why you're not sleeping is because you know I'm winning. :M :nerdy: :hyke:
I think the real reason why you're not sleeping is because you know I'm winning. :M :nerdy: :hyke:
It's actually:
Please don't jump into wheelchairs while depressed. It could end badly. :grouphug:
Please don't jump into wheelchairs while depressed. It could end badly. :grouphug:
I do what I want
Stop it.
Maybe Bloke wobbles like a weeble and doesn't fall down :cbc:
Maybe Bloke wobbles like a weeble and doesn't fall down :cbc:
I win!! :GA:
I win. Now you go and get your compliments from LeStat. Go quickly while he's still in a good mood and hasn't blown up his lab yet.
Well dammit. Looks like you were a little late.
Or early.
I'm on time.
Did you get hurt?
I win!! :GA:
This is confusing.
It's quite clear that I win. :M
Except you don't.
I'll do the winning.
You'll have to settle for something else.
Kinda like you will. So sorry.
I'm back!
Step aside beautiful bovine. I'm about to award myself :congrats:
OMG I win!! :GA:
^ Speechless because I am the winner? I understand.
^ Speechless because I am the winner? I understand.
Words failed to express my magnificient win.
Fishing for compliments?
Softly. softly catchee monkey.
I win!! :GA:
Stop that mindless running around.
Stop that New Age shit.
It just happens man.
Please don't shit in the thread. Nobody wins when you do that. :P
But it was wholesome new age shit. :orly:
:tinfoil: <-- That kind of looks like bird poo.
It's a shitstorm. :M
I don't like shitstorms :hide:
I win!! :GA:
I lose!! :GA:
I lose!! :GA:
I lose!! :GA:
Corrected, I also lose. Victory belongs to Some_Bloke
Thank you. :plus:
I lose!! :GA:
I win!! Victory does not belong to Some_Bloke
This is entertaining :popcorn:
Me winning is always entertaining.
OMG I win again!! :GA:
I need to pick a theme song for my winning moment.
Pick the "Lost" theme. :zoinks:
I had to google it because I don't watch Lost. I just had a good giggle :lol1:
I've had a good giggle at everyones' expense for losing. :mischief:
I win :cbc:
Not today. :MLA:
I win!! :GA:
No. :M
You're not allowed to win either. Just me. :dog:
But you didn't win.
But you didn't win.
Exactly, because I did.
No, it was definitely me. :santa:
Rub your eyes and see me winning.
Rub your eyes and see me whining.
Fixed. I'm winning, you're whining :hahaha:
Rub your eyes and see me whining.
Fixed. I'm winning, you're whining :hahaha:
Both of you are whining while I'm winning.
Eivdently, Odeon has been taking pics again while I do my victory dance.
I win!! :GA:
I win.
:CanofWorms: Surprise! I win.
I win again.
Thank you for pushing the gophers out of my way.
It wasn't for you. :M
But it is.
I beg to differ.
I'm indifferent to your begging.
You're cruel.
I'm Just being the one who wins.
^ Thanks for saving my place.
For me. :zoinks:
Not for you.
Definitely for me :2thumbsup:
In a few lifetimes, maybe.
Me, me.
Alllll me :roar:
The victory is mine.
It was, very briefly.
We're back from our commercial break to resume our regularly schedule programming. We're tuning in now to the part where Phoenix takes the win!!! :congrats:
...and she lost.
It happens.
It happens to all of you.
Such a fragile world.
It is.
I believe in myself! I will win for sure!! :bee:
I win!! :GA:
I'm tickling your belly, with my hooves.
Don't apply too much strength. :P
I'm a gentle cow, most of the time.
I'm tickling your belly, with my hooves.
OMG I win again!! :GA:
You're unintelligible in the mornings.
Your winning time is over. Now it's mine.
Don't be throwin food at me!! :vader:
:pow: :litigious:
It's cold in here.
Put an extra blanket on your bed.
How kind of you to celebrate my victory.
Mine, actually.
:roar: <-- I'm scaring away birds
I win!! :GA:
No. :M
I win!! :GA:
I bet you all thought you won while I was gone :facepalm2:
And OMG I win!! :GA:
I've mown you of my lawn.
Oops, your feathery tail met my lawnmower too.
*Spits out feathers, because a bovine is one with the lawnmower *
*sneaks in and wins while andersom is off fishing*
I'm back, you pretty bird.
I hereby declare this thread mine!
* covers ears while sticking out her tongue*
:soapbox: :soapbox: :soapbox:
* farts, the way only a bovine can *
That's just wrong.
Not all farts are equal. :zoinks:
It seemed to love you.
If something suddenly happened and the internet went kaput or the world had a massive crisis and we couldn't get on here, I think I would wonder who really was the last person to post in this thread before the internet blew up. :laugh:
If something suddenly happened and the internet went kaput or the world had a massive crisis and we couldn't get on here, I think I would wonder who really was the last person to post in this thread before the internet blew up. :laugh:
Lol, I've thought that so often.
If something suddenly happened and the internet went kaput or the world had a massive crisis and we couldn't get on here, I think I would wonder who really was the last person to post in this thread before the internet blew up. :laugh:
Lol, I've thought that so often.
Right? I'm glad it's not just me. :laugh:
If something suddenly happened and the internet went kaput or the world had a massive crisis and we couldn't get on here, I think I would wonder who really was the last person to post in this thread before the internet blew up. :laugh:
Lol, I've thought that so often.
Right? I'm glad it's not just me. :laugh:
I win, b.t.w.
If something suddenly happened and the internet went kaput or the world had a massive crisis and we couldn't get on here, I think I would wonder who really was the last person to post in this thread before the internet blew up. :laugh:
Lol, I've thought that so often.
Right? I'm glad it's not just me. :laugh:
I win, b.t.w.
I see what you did there :-*
If something suddenly happened and the internet went kaput or the world had a massive crisis and we couldn't get on here, I think I would wonder who really was the last person to post in this thread before the internet blew up. :laugh:
Wondered who won the last post thread when AFF was shut down, and never even posted there. :laugh:
I win!! :GA:
Nope. I'm still winning :spitscreen:
Hush, all of you. I am winning.
But you are not.
I win!! :GA:
I'm better at winning than Gary. He just freaks out every time he thinks he's winning.
I remain calm when I win. :M
Do you freak out when I'm winning instead of you?
No need. Your wins are temporary. :M
But they're the best :autism:
Mine last. :M
But they're not memorable like mine :popcorn:
OMG I win again!! :GA:
Hello there.
Hello :santa:
There's a hare in my pancake.
How did that happen?
CBC might know. She works in the kitchen.
If I keep drinking Sangria tonight I will definitely be the last person posting because everyone else will be asleep.
If I keep drinking Sangria tonight I will definitely be the last person posting because everyone else will be asleep.
Not likely.
I only catnap. I may not be here but I will not be asleep.
One of the reasons I volunteered to take a shift at four Am for the neighborhood watch program.
seems like I just won.
Seems like it...but not. Here I am! Winning when you catnap! :kitten:
... but wait. I won.
Noooooot yet :CanofWorms:
Not so fast.
Why not?
I win!! :OMG:
And I would have won too if wasn't for you meddling kids!
Stop meddling with your kids. Or you'll never win.
I win. Kid meddling can wait a few more minutes.
Glides gracefully in, nods head with a gracious, regal smile and wins.
I'm afraid to tell Her Majesty she can't win for fear of losing my head. So someone else can do it. :laugh:
OMG I win!! :GA:
Can I go back to bed? I won this, you know.
You can go to bed and stay there. I'll do the winning.
I'm afraid to tell Her Majesty she can't win for fear of losing my head. So someone else can do it. :laugh:
I wouldn't do that. Your Leos would be heartbroken.
Off with her head.
Go to bed. And stay in bed. Little boys need their sleep.
I win!! :GA:
Off with her head.
I didn't know you could be so heartless. My poor pups. (emo)
I've decided I should win before you hack me to death.
I decided I should win for the sake of my country.
Nice try.
You are ruthless. Luckily I saved the day.
With all that saving the day, you must be exhausted. I'll win while you go take a nap :-*
You can't kiss me. You can't touch this.
There's no need to touch you. :cbc:
There's no need to touch you. :cbc:
I want an emoticon named after me!
Off with her head.
I didn't know you could be so heartless. My poor pups. (emo)
I've decided I should win before you hack me to death.
I'm sorry, I meant it only in a "I win" sense. :-[
Off with her head.
I didn't know you could be so heartless. My poor pups. (emo)
I've decided I should win before you hack me to death.
I'm sorry, I meant it only in a "I win" sense. :-[
Bedtime for you again.
Do you always accidentally threaten to kill people when you're tired? :laugh:
Do you always accidentally threaten to kill people when you're tired? :laugh:
I do a lot of things when I'm tired. :yawn:
OMG I win again!! :GA:
Do you always accidentally threaten to kill people when you're tired? :laugh:
It's not always accidental. :zoinks:
I win!! :GA:
^They say up to 50% of him isn't dead, you know.
^They say up to 50% of him isn't dead, you know.
^They say up to 50% of him isn't dead, you know.
Not getting it.
^They say up to 50% of him isn't dead, you know.
Kind of like the proverbial Twinkie that will never change from its manufactured state? DOes not actually have an expiration date, but more likely a half life?
I win!! :GA:
Cool. Me too.
Something I found:
I pretty much win.
^They say up to 50% of him isn't dead, you know.
Not getting it.
Plastic cannot die.
I'm posting. I'm winning. :spitscreen:
I win!! :GA:
I demand a win!
I win again!! :GA:
I win!! :GA:
I'll take it from here.
OMG I win!! :GA:
This thread is mine.
No it isn't.
I win!! :GA:
Here I am.
... and there you go.
No, thank you. :eyelash:
Look at me winning!
No. :M
Are you sure?
Yes. Are you?
I am surely winning.
What are you winning?
Eternal fame and stars shining extra bright to hail the bovine.
The PR says "Hi!" and she wins.
Sorry, PR. You will beat me in bowling, but here I'll do the winning.
You all lose. I win, as always.
^ hubris.
You'd like to think so, wouldn't you?
Don't get too ahead of yourself.
Just ahead of you. :hahaha:
It's even funnier because the joke's on you. :M
What joke? This is serious business.
You obviously aren't taking it seriously enough. Tut.
Aren't you a bit young to use the word 'tut'?
OMG I win!! :GA:
I'm so glad Wolfish never liked this game because if he had happened to be the last person to post, I'm not entirely sure I could post after him. (and I'm pretty sure me saying that would have made him smile) ;)
I win.
You're right. And right.
I win.
:grouphug: All the other posters.
Notice how her Majesty tries to wiggle her way in with hugs? She's still not going to win.
*steels all the hugs and runs*
I win!! :GA:
I'm distracting the gopher, by telling the grass is greener elsewhere.
I win
While the lovely bovine is stuck munching on the greener grass that she pointed out to Gopher, I win.
I was hiding behind one of your big leos.
I win.
*Opens window and sends bee outside towhere the flowers are. *
It's you again?
Who else would it be?
Someone else. :M
Yes me. I'm a winner!
You were awesome.
You too.
It's all part of the plan.
The plan to help me win!!! :odeon:
I have foiled your plans.
I win!! :GA:
I will lay down here.
Thank you.
I am the danger.
Stop that, you're ruining the furniture.
The furniture will make a nice warning fire.
The house, too.
The barn will stay unharmed. I checked the wind.
Secret messages?
I wouldn't say secret.
My post count.
Shows how wide awake I am.
This is why you lose. :M
Go and take a shower. It stinks of bragging in here.
Don't get too close to the fire or else we're having beef burgers when we celebrate my win.
Did you hope I'd :runaway: ?
Normally yes as I don't want to see you bbq'd, but at the moment I'm very hungry so now my thoughts may have changed on the matter :laugh:
Normally yes as I don't want to see you bbq'd, but at the moment I'm very hungry so now my thoughts may have changed on the matter :laugh:
You do that while I win.
You carry on losing while I win.
I am NOT going to stand there BBQing the bovine to feed the whole lot of you and let you win!!!! :hitler:
Quit stalling and hurry up with my burger! Dreadful service.
I don't know why I found that so funny but I started giggling out loud.
BF: What's so funny?
Me: My imaginary friends on the internet.
Sugarbutt asks me all the time what I'm laughing at. I always say, stupid shit. :zoinks:
OMG I win again!! :GA:
Not winning because *I'M* still here winning!!! :bee:
this is the pr and I ALWAYS WIN :asthing: :spitscreen: :blah:
'fraid not.
You made her cry. Mean man. :eyebrows:
This is about winning.
I don't know why I found that so funny but I started giggling out loud.
BF: What's so funny?
Me: My imaginary friends on the internet killing and eating an other friend.
Look at me, I can rise from the ashes too!
I win!! :GA:
Go back to bed.
I win!! :GA:
You can't win if you're running around in circles like that.
I won this.
Did you?
But of course.
I think not.
You can't win if you're running around in circles like that.
The running fans the flames of my win. :zoinks:
OMG I win again!! :GA:
OMG, you do not.
I win :bonban:
You lose.
Nobody who can do a dance like that loses.
I win!! :GA:
You look like a water molecule on speed.
That's just wrong.
That's just the look I was going for :zoinks:
OMG I win!! :GA:
You lost. Again.
No I always win. :orly:
OMG I win again!! :GA:
You just lost. :M
Shit happens.
hey everyone this is the pr i wanted to say hii
Hi PR.
* Waves *
The PR says "hi" back
*is currently wondering how the PR's bowling game is going*
Still winning.
*is currently wondering how the PR's bowling game is going*
Still winning.
The PR bowls on Tues and Fri. She did bowl yesterday and had a double.
the PR and I are both winning!
OMG I'm winning with the PR too!! :GA:
Are you bowling, too?
I'm on a roll without any bowling.
Look at me winning.
You mean winning at losing? Yes, I see that. ;)
Actually, the real winner isn't on I2. One of The PR's friends bowled a ham bone, 4 strikes in a row. The PR only managed 2 doubles.
OMG I win!! :GA:
How are your bowling skills?
Gophers make lousy bowling balls.
Gophers make lousy bowling balls.
I dunno about that :apondering: OUR gopher has three holes , so you can pick him up just like a bowling ball.
(Couldn't resist that :hide:)
Gophers make lousy bowling balls.
I dunno about that :apondering: OUR gopher has three holes , so you can pick him up just like a bowling ball.
(Couldn't resist that :hide:)
Our gopher is a good rag to polish a bowling ball with.
Our gopher is too easily distracted to concentrate on the art of the repeated somersault.
I don't want to touch the gopher, and especially not THERE.
Want to borrow my pitch fork?
And hit hard?
Stab hard?
Not There! THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*protects her wee rodent friend* (emo)
*protects her wee rodent friend* (emo)
OMG I win again!! :GA:
I love you, but I'm not letting you win. :-*
^ Heartbreaker!
And I've just made the feeling worse, as it was all for nothing!
It wasn't for nothing, it was for me.
I decided to let you think you were winning for 3 days. So gracious of me. But now I'm back....and winning.
And the Phoenix goes down in flames. But she does not arise from the ashes. Oh, no.
OMG I win!! :GA:
I have a torn fingernail and I can't find my filing board. :'(
Few years ago I designated a small wooden box with drawers to stuff like that. A small drawer for pens, one for grey pencils, one for coloured ones, one for nail stuff etc. One of the few organising things that really worked. Labeled the small drawers. And the whole household started using it and still does.
A few moments ago I just won. :P
I had some $ in my hand, put it down and now I can't find it. I deserve to win.
I'll continue winning while you go look for your money.
I found it about 15 minutes later. I was sitting on it. :hahaha:
I won this.
God morgon.
OMG I've been forgetting to win!! :GA:
Forget it again. >:D
I win!! :GA:
Forget it. I already told you.
Bye bye, webmonkey, I win.
Didn't die :asthing:
Wait, wrong thread. I still win anyway
Ihanko totta?
That's my smiley. :odeon:
I win!! :GA:
Ta da
Ta da da daaaaaaa.
V for victory.
N for nope
OMG I win!! :GA:
OMG, you lose! :GA:
That's my smiley. :odeon:
Yes, and I'm using it to secure my victory.
I'm later than you are. :hyke: I win.
:brick: :sheep:
Let that poor animal go.
It's dead, it can't go never more.
Didn't some raven say that?
I'm not sure, but I am sure that I won.
and now I am last
OMG I win!! :GA:
OMG I sin!! :GA:
Sin no more.
You sinned.
I win!!!
Hello again.
And by again.
BTW, why do you always pop up here *after* I've left the US again? Are you trying to tell me something?
And by again.
BTW, why do you always pop up here *after* I've left the US again? Are you trying to tell me something?
I honestly thought about that, but have been dealing with health issues and finally saying, "FUCK IT!" and am doing my old Mars rsearch again coordinating with my old Advisor at UVA and using data from the MAVEN mission. I am either down for the count or super busy with work and in my off hours running my Monte Carlo simulations. I am also trying to go back and get my damn PhD., but looks like another neck surgery in a few weeks. I kind of hit ripock nottom last time I was here and tried to overdose, albeit without much gusto. It's been 12 months of hell, but the last couple I am trying to find that positive through my research, even though I do not get paid for it an dhave to keep my shit job. So the short answer is..."No, it is not you!"
OMG I win!! :GA:
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
And then I win.
And then you don't.
But I did.
and now I am last
But last and "last one to post here" are two different things. :M
^ They sure are.
!Niw I
Lutra posted! :viking:
So did you.
I win.
No. :M
I succeed!
I am full of win.
Now it's my turn.
It was, yes.
I win!! :GA:
No. :M
I'll take it from here.
Grabs it and sneaks off
I'm here now.
But your box isn't green
I think outside the box.
You're also out of the win.
I win.
Time for a party, because I win. :party:
Party over.
No fun with matches.
You want to set the night on fire?
Not really, enough that I win.
I win!! :GA:
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Thinking I should say something.
You say it best when you say nothing at all.
But I feel I should say something.
Shut up. :mischief:
OMG I win!! :GA:
OMG I whine!! :GA:
But I feel I should say something.
Some_Bloke wins?
It's the truth, after all. :dunno:
OMG I win!! :GA:
Oh, go away.
OMG I win!! :GA:
You go away, too.
I'm heeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeee.
Where is that?
Right behind youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. :shark:
I'll handle this.
I see you brought something to eat.
It's not edible, I think.
It's good for glue.
The stench will keep all of you at a distance. I win.
Nope. We'll stick to you like...
well, like glue.
So, now you are stuck with me. Let's wine and dine.
Lasagna is in the oven.
So, now you are stuck with me. Let's wine and dine.
Lasagna is in the oven.
Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh, I love Italian.
I love Italians. :eyebrows:
And yet, you're going to Germany.
Silly rememberance. Every time I was in Germany I had a craving for Chinese food. Unfortunately the menus were translated into German and I didn't want to risk something offal.
Chinese food in Germany? Your Majesty's tastes are weird.
Chinese food in Germany? Your Majesty's tastes are weird.
They may be weird, but they are mine. What would weird me out is that one of the Scandanavian countries (around the Arctic Circle) put reindeer fat in their coffee for added warmth. Saw it on Fat Man on a Bicycle.
Chinese food in Germany? Your Majesty's tastes are weird.
They may be weird, but they are mine. What would weird me out is that one of the Scandanavian countries (around the Arctic Circle) put reindeer fat in their coffee for added warmth. Saw it on Fat Man on a Bicycle.
Ugh. :zombiefuck:
OMG I win!! :GA:
Go far, young gopher, go far
I win!! :GA:
Twinkle, twinkle little gopher
You would make a great tan loafer.
I win!! :GA:
No. :M
Go back to bed, you.
I can post from there.
No blue screens in the bedroom. They distract you from wholesome activities.
No blue screens in the bedroom. They distract you from some hole activities.
Last but not least.
Make me some coffee, please.
Can't be bothered.
Now I win. And my own coffee will be better anyway.
I had coffee earlier.
OMG I win!! :GA:
I'm full of win.
OMG I win!! :GA:
You really should see a dentist about your bite.
Don't you like it? ;D
I advise full anaesthesia and a total reconstruction.
^ I advise mincing into a burger. Yummy.
You can get the meat as long as I get the teeth and bones.
Thought you wanted to mince a fully anaesthetised Odeon into a burger.
I meant to turn you into beef burgers. :mischief:
Thought you wanted to mince a fully anaesthetised Odeon into a burger.
Dibs on the liver.
But I win.
I'm hungry.
Do I look like a cook?
No, you don't.
I just fed three.
Do I look like a cook?
My steak should be medium rare.
Do I look like a cook?
My steak should be medium rare.
The word "rare" is weird. Even weirder when specified as medium.
Do I look like a cook?
My steak should be medium rare.
The word "rare" is weird. Even weirder when specified as medium.
I'm hungry.
:congrats: to me
Winning without reading glasses.
Hoping autocorrect will help me.
You should have gone to Specsavers. :nerdy:
Nah, just had to walk to the bathroom to fetch them.
This post is the first win of the day for me. :hyke:
My lips are a little tingly from the spicy sausage I had with dinner - winner.
I win again.
In your wildest dreams.
I win again.
That implies that you ever won in the first place, which you didn't and you're not winning now either.
Do you know how WEIRD his wildest dreams are?
They don't want to know.
Yet you force them upon via pm us in whiskey induced nights.
This is the thread for false rumours, isn't it?
I never drink whiskey. :M
You go for the whisky. My sincere apologies.
I will win now.
Do you know how WEIRD his wildest dreams are?
Are robot space monkey butlers involved?
I dunno what you're all on about, but well, I win.
Do you know how WEIRD his wildest dreams are?
Are robot space monkey butlers involved?
Read this as "robot space monkey butts."
Do you know how WEIRD his wildest dreams are?
Are robot space monkey butlers involved?
Read this as "robot space monkey butts."
That's definitely more weird.
Do you know how WEIRD his wildest dreams are?
Are robot space monkey butlers involved?
Read this as "robot space monkey butts."
That's definitely more weird.
Agreed, but I still win. :zoinks:
Silly buggers
Well, if we are that far off, enlighten us. Do tell is about your dreams.
Don't want to.
I win!! :GA:
You won. There's a difference.
Yes, there is. :M
Yes, there is. :M
latest winner
Yes, there is. :M
latest winner
CU later.
Moooooooooove over heifer
Move over where?
Just roll from the winners platform.
* carefully pushes royal hamster wheel away and does a bovine dance *
I see your bovine dance and do a disgraceful country dance
Is that what you call graceful? :o
How are your reading skills?
Poor. :laugh:
Believe me, I was as surprised as you. :P
Damn, I was distracted and forgot to plus you for this.
Plus me for my lack of reading comprehension? Is that a way to encourage me to read more?
It's a way to win.
Happy to win in any way I can. :)
Don't you have a dog to walk?
I did walk her.
She's young, she wants to go again.
She's asleep now so I'll win in the meantime.
But no grand slam for you.
I don't need a grand slam, I just need to win this.
Do you count your losses?
Only my wins.
Try it. You've lost more often than you've won.
Haven't we all?
Life is a tragic thing.
You lose, again.
I win again.
:congrats: on second place
Congratulations with that indeed.
You two will have to fight for second place.
You can try to wrestle Her Majesty. I will laugh at you.
You laugh at my win?
I'll just tickle the bottom of your feet.
Oh, yes please.
You two do that and I'll win.
While Her Majesty tickles my feet, you may rub my back.
While you two are otherwise occupied, I sneak past.
...but I win.
In your weird dreams.
I win!! :GA:
Go pfar away Gopher
:2thumbsup: :2thumbsup: :2thumbsup:
Too early. Come back in 26 days.
Why 26 days?
Why 26 days?
Fishing for compliments?
Well done, you're second.
But I won.
I'm centre
I'm centre
But not in the right spot to win. :viking:
I win!! :GA:
I'm back.
And you're behind me now.
Let me walk in front of you, heralding your second coming.
Only if you promise not to poop or fart.
Quick, Lady Weeble, the BIG, BIG fan. And open a window. Open ALL the windows.
No need. My farts smell like roses. :M
Only if you promise not to poop or fart.
I will step aside discretely for a while, when doing those unavoidable yet unmentionable things.
So considerate of you Hyke.
I'm done now.
Done with what?
OMG I win!! :GA:
OMG, I just beat the gopher.
OMG I win again!! :GA:
OMG, you lose! :GA:
You're all behind me.
You have it backwards.
No, I go sideways in all directions, when winning.
While I stand regally, ahead of all of you.
Above but not ahead.
True, I'm the one in the lead.
You can hear my Swiss cowbell on front of you.
You dropped it.
I win!! :GA:
A man fell into an outhouse. His friends asked him if he was alright.
"Yes, I'm fine, but I'm inturd."
Make way for FWM.
Chase away FWM :fatchef:
I fancy a BURGER! :flamer::hyke:
:brick: :sheep:
I win!! :GA:
Steak, egg and cheese biscuit
2 hour b'fast with best local friend.
Just coffee will do, thanks.
Lady Weeble, the court musician requires refreshment.
And some water, please.
To drink.
There you go, to the fridge, to fetch yourself some ice cold water. In the meantime, I win.
That's what YOU think.
You are causing me a headache.
Sorry. :(
Indeed, you should be.
While you're in the infirmary I win.
I'm back now.
Boinks you with the Royal Sceptre.
I win!! :GA:
You lose! :GA:
So do you.
No, I'm full of win.
That's your loss.
No, I'm full of wind.
Fixed. What did you expect after your stomach spoke to you?
I win.
I'm blown away at your response.
I win!! :GA:
:gopher: :moomin:
Go away.
There is no spoon.
Well then, use your fingers. It will take a while longer, but the task will be done.
I win!! :GA:
No, you're just going around in a very tight circle.
I win!! :GA:
That's what you think.
Thinking is overrated.
A lot of things are. :M
pick you that popcorn you dropped. I'm not cleaning up after you.
Don't you have a life somewhere else? :CanofWorms:
My life is usually where I am. :M
Midget flea.
14 minutes.
What's with 14 today?
14 minutes.
Your number of posts is the same upside down.
That's oddly pleasing.
It was indeed. I take comfort in numbers like that.
But my drive to post and win was too strong.
After 95 posts it can be read upside down again.
Faster. Get that hamster wheel smoking with friction energy.
Oh, no! The cow just stepped on the hamster!
The cow missed.
Die Potato!
Not likely.
reluctantly displacing DirtDawg from his winning position because he seldom posts in this thread. :'(
Wheres Gopher Gary? I miss him (or her) :'(
Don't open that Pandora's box.
(Not taking sides. The Crown is above politics. disputes, and would like everyone to have another cup of tea.)
Wheres Gopher Gary? I miss him (or her) :'(
Trapped in a predicament.
Poor little critter. How do his bitches manage without him?
Poor little critter. How do his bitches manage without him?
They're pointing and laughing.
As paraphrased from Rosa Parks when told she had to sit in the back of the bus, "Nah!"
I wouldn't mind sitting in the back... last time I did though, it didn't go over so well.
Poor little critter. How do his bitches manage without him?
They're pointing and laughing.
What will happen when they run out of toilet paper?
I won't share my throne. Let them find their own paper.
... or let them eat cake?
OMG I win!! :GA:
Wait until you find out how much taxes you owe on your win.
Taxandspendus Rex is no longer in control.
From what I gather from the new tax plan proposal, we "middle class families" with income just over the one hundred K mark annually (along with all those with about double that number and all those with fractions of that number will be the largest gainers from tax relief) will gain the maximum reduction, by percentage of income, in taxes due from this previous year.
My income is less than 20,000 a year. Thankfully the house is paid off. It's a bit of a squeeze, but I manage.
Wait until you find out how much taxes you owe on your win.
My government knows what's good for me. :zoinks:
OMG I win again!! :GA:
You may win for the moment, but you can't afford a new fur coat.
My woollen cloak will keep me warm yet another winter.
hey everybody this is rhe pr i got two turkeys in bowling today :asthing: :autism: :2thumbsup:
hey everybody this is rhe pr i got two turkeys in bowling today :asthing: :autism: :2thumbsup:
Here's a picture of a guy bowling with a frozen turkey. :zoinks:
OMG I win!! :GA:
The pins almost look like white ducks.
I win!! :GA:
In the end?
I win!! :GA:
I think I just won this.
Of course you think so.
I still think so.
A shilling for your thought.
Dodgy tender not accepted
half-a-crown and you've got a deal
No I win ha ha ha.
Where's my shilling? (Yes, those are my thoughts.)
On a slow boat to China.
Not figures. Numbers.
I win!! :GA:
... metatarsals, maybe?
Can I type "what" instead of saying it?
Sure, go ahead.
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I do not like bouncy tits.
I win!! :GA:
I do not like bouncy tits.
What's there not to like?
When you're jogging they can give some women a black eye. :zombiefuck:
I do not like bouncy tits.
What's there not to like?
Well, you must understand, I was referring to a specific smiley. (and doing so much heavy winking I limped on my winking side for two days.)
I have come up with a kind of preliminary definition for "perky tits."
With a complete laser operated, three dimensional measuring system in place to assure that proper assessment is possible, once the nipple area is "bounced," a perky tit will always rebound higher than where it was at rest.
Do you have experimental evidence backing that up?
I win!! :GA:
Tits up.
Do you have experimental evidence backing that up?
I believe it is like making a scientifically verifiable statement that fire is hot. Not that much testing must be required to prove this. Once the process of scientific exploration begins, how much evidence is required? Not that much for the assertion that fire is fire and that fire is hot.
I know that one of the processes includes, after hypothesizing, a repeated experiment with repeated verifiable results, quantified at every step of the way can be used to support the hypothesis. Often, only a small few tests are necessary to prove the hypothesis.
However, in this case, this one particular case, I would suggest that a great deal of first hand testing and observation must be performed and recorded over a great deal of time to fully assess just how this mechanism presents itself to the experimental process.
Now while my first hand data is a little outdated, I would be anxious to perform further testing to prove my hypothesis, once and for all time.
Do you have experimental evidence backing that up?
I believe it is like making a scientifically verifiable statement that fire is hot. Not that much testing must be required to prove this. Once the process of scientific exploration begins, how much evidence is required? Not that much for the assertion that fire is fire and that fire is hot.
I know that one of the processes includes, after hypothesizing, a repeated experiment with repeated verifiable results, quantified at every step of the way can be used to support the hypothesis. Often, only a small few tests are necessary to prove the hypothesis.
However, in this case, this one particular case, I would suggest that a great deal of first hand testing and observation must be performed and recorded over a great deal of time to fully assess just how this mechanism presents itself to the experimental process.
Now while my first hand data is a little outdated, I would be anxious to perform further testing to prove my hypothesis, once and for all time.
Valid sample data is important to any rigorous scientific experiment.
I win!! :GA:
Seconded, but first place to me.
Second will have to do, QV. Sorry.
You just got sat on by a very large Queen.
Can I offer you a tissue?
I think I'll live.
Glad to hear it.
I'll live and win.
Looks like you wasted your life.
I, on the other hand, have waisted mine. :fatchef:
Don't say that.
I win!! :GA:
Going around in circles constitutes a win?
The circles are my excitement for the win. :orly:
OMG I win again!! :GA:
Lassos GG, hog ties and brands it.
That sounds frisky. :zoinks:
I win!! :GA:
you lose.
No, you lose
Is the rest of you hiding?
:santa: for the win
Why don't we have a rotating smiley?
Why don't we have a rotating smiley?
What about this one? :vortex2:
Where’s Gopher Gary? :(
Why don't we have a rotating smiley?
What about this one? :vortex2:
That's more like a vortex. :P
it's Wednesday the 13th
Where’s Gopher Gary? :(
Will be back for Christmas.
He's out shopping?
Where’s Gopher Gary? :(
Will be back for Christmas.
He's out shopping?
Wait, he doesn't have my Christmas Wish List!
He's out shopping?
:laugh: Work and life have been to demanding this month for gophers, outside of what's required. That's just an excuse, though. What time there has been available for I2, Jack has hogged it.
I ein!!!
Nein, du ist zwei.
foggy here
foggy there
Foggy Bottom
Soggy bottom.
diaper pins
Too late
I win!! :GA:
I have a "new cat" at my house.
Funny thing. He is a tom, well endowed and an absolute sweetheart.
We do not know where he came from, but he has been around for a few weeks. After we do a turkey for Thanksgiving, I bone it out and boil the carcass down into a thick broth for later, then give the bones to the wild animals in the neighborhood.
First time I ever saw this cat, he was running from me when I took out some garden composting materials and he had the backbone of our turkey in his mouth and running away.
It is pretty much going below zero degrees Fahrenheit every night this week. I have allowed him to stay in the garage. Not sure how this was going.
He does like being fed free food from time to time and I have discovered that he is very affectionate, not all that wild at all.
I am probably going to keep supporting him, even if my wife will not allow him into the house. I can not stop myself.
We had a stray cat here for a while. It all ended very abruptly when we were about to walk the dog, opened the front door---and the dog stood face-to-face with the cat.
Years ago I came across a squirrel gnawing a "petrified" bone in our backyard. We had him a few months until my sister took him on a walk and the collar slipped off him.
The squirrel or the bone?
Mr. Kaufman
The one that directed The Right Stuff?
No, Mr. Kaufmann in the 1960ish TV series, Room 222. The squirrel reminded me of his craggy, worn face.
I probably do not have The Right Stuff.
The film or the stuff?
Had the film for ages in three media formats. I still like to watch it.
I just do not have the "stuff" anymore.
Me, Me, Me
I me mine
Slow poke, I'm winning.
And you're not.
That's not last.
What's the rush?
Passing you up is my rush
Calm down.
You mean Keep Calm and ? ?
No, I mean calm down. :M
My down is always calm. It's my feathers that are ruffled.
Calm down.
Calm down.
I wasn't speaking to you. :M
Calm down.
I wasn't speaking to you. :M
My answer is still no. :orly:
Fine. Have it your way while I win.
OMG I win!! :GA:
OMG, you don't.
Shouldn't you be administering or something else?
This is the "something else". :P
OMG I win!! :GA:
OMG you don't.
Fine. Have it your way while I win.
But my way is winning. :viking:
OMG I win again!! :GA:
Sorry, I think I just stepped on a furry, rodenty thing.
I'm sure the cleaners simply overlooked it, Your Majesty.
Oh good. I get to pass someone other than odeon.
Oh, are you a tailor now?
Your majesty would be quite aware and absolutely mortified if she ever stepped on a furry, rodenty thing.
I accidentally stepped on a dead rat once when walking outside. Looked down, just in time to see, although not to undo the done.
It's eyes were bulging, until they popped out of its head on their optic nerves, whilst a long, pallid-whitish stream of what looked like untied sausages but what was in reality, the intestine of the deceased rat squirted rapidly from it's ratty little anus, all in one piece, after flying a short distance through the air at very low altitude and coiling up randomly, partly on top of each other, partly not. You could see the blood vessels on the outside of this ropey coil of rat insides-that-weren't-anymore, and there was a sickening, squelchy noise accompanied by a kinda low-frequency, 'pllerrrrrggghhhhhhhhhhfffffffllllikkgghtggffftikkkklllll' noise, made by the exit of the rats intestines and then their contents, which seemed to be a considerate proportion of the volume of the rat itself, bacterial decay having liquefied much of the murine projectile behind and inside of the as then still whole-and-attached intestinal tract, and bloat-gas had provided, it seems, a portion of compressed gas (at least, compressed when the heel of a combat-boot inadvertently descended downwards upon its stomach, torso and spinal area) with which to help assist in the launching, projectile fashion, of the tethered rat gut-barrel, of its liquiefied (sort of, more a kind of chunky soup, after putrefaction had gone to work on some of the insides)
ratty little giblets.
The event ended after a sickening cracking noise, as its ribs snapped and poked through the deflated ratbag, because thats all it was by that time, a bag with legs, a head with eyeballs that had burst out of their sockets, shattered front teeth and a lot of curdled looking sort-of-still-red-ish blood leaking from its mouth, little legs and feet where you'd expect them to be, with rib-shards protruding from it's ratty little torso, and a tail now obscured by the end of a somewhat more distant main portion of murine viscera, squirted free of its anal passageway thanks to the pressure on its abdomen and torso by my boot. Didn't see it before it was too late and then it all happened at once, with one slick squirt, a popping out of eyeballs (I had expected them to burst, but no, the pressure just popped them out of their sockets, leaving them kinda hanging down the rat's face on little bloody whitish stalks); and a pair of cracks, one being presumably all its ribs snapping at once and the other must have been it's spine.
Those damn giblets squirted out of that pallid, veiny off-white, slightly translucent tube like diarrhea from an ebola victim, and went flying in a spray as if from a super-soaker watercannon.
So, QV, there really is NO 'thought I just' stepped on... there is only a sequence akin to the above, accompanied, quite likely, if performed by one of the feminine persuasion, a screamed out expression of utter horror. A sickly bursting, and a mess, connected by a trail of stringy bits semi-coiled up to a deflated bag that used to hold a small furry ratlike object, plus the sound of thick, viscous chunky squirting through a narrow tube and of cracking tiny little rodenty bones.
And with that I really MUST apologize to the autistic community, here, and everywhere else. Because I just realized...fuck me...*I* am the one responsible for the awful act of unleashing Jenny McCarthy upon this poor, fucked over world.
Oh man, that is such an awful, awful thought. That I, personally, was the one to see to it that she was given birth to and thrown at this planet:(
I must have done something really bad to have earned karma like that....or was that the karma BEING earned. If so, I shudder to think what is waiting for me round a corner, hissing noxiously in some shadowy other world. As if I didn't have some pretty dire thoughts about THAT as it is.
Oh, are you a tailor now?
Just a tinker. :P
Being the carefree children of summer that my sister and I were, we were running barefoot in the yard. My sister stepped on a mouse skeleton. The teeth clamped down on her and she had to heel walk back to the house so Mom could remove it.
Walter White is dead.
is snow white his daughter/
9shift key is stuck0
I win!! :GA:
Wondering about QV's keyboard now.
Managed to work around it by using the right shift key. Not very handy or quick, but it does the job.
Can anyone fix a sticky wicket?
Duct tape?
This little troubleshooting kit should do it. :zoinks:
I win!! :GA:
Odeon-wrong tool. QV is an english royal lady.
THAT, is a screwdriver for the irish on the other hand :tard:
I whined!! :GA:
I'm too optimistic and cheerful to be whiney. :zoinks:
OMG I win again!! :GA:
Optimism is for people who believe.
Like Peter Pan.
He grew old.
Optimism is for people who believe.
Pessimists believe too. :dunno: Some things in life are self-fulfilled prophecy. :thumbup:
OMG I win again!! :GA:
Pessimists are realists. :M
I don’t think they are. You don’t want either extreme. I think you must be open-minded and consider all possibilities. :santa:
Pessimists are realists. :M
I thought realists see things both ways :dunno:
OMG I win again!! :GA:
Pessimists are realists. :M
I thought realists see things both ways :dunno:
Bloody optimist.
OMG I win!! :GA:
Can we talk about it?
shut up and move out of my way. please.
Can we talk about it?
I always encourage discussion of my wins. :zoinks:
OMG I win again!! :GA:
No, we need to talk about my win.
I'm too busy winning!! :GA:
Hardly the case. Discuss.
What is there to discuss?
My awesomeness.
OMG I win!! :GA:
Guess again, Grass Thief!
Oh, BTW, the stray tomcat lives here now, inside some but mostly outside, even in this horridly cold winter weather we have had.
He IS an outdoor cat, but he has come to love the option to pop inside out of the extreme cold we have had this month. He gathers a meal and a nap and heads back out there for a day or two at a time.
He is very tame and even loving and quite tolerant of my daughter (who generally treats any living animal as if they were a stuffed toy for her to crush. She is autistic that way sometimes)
I named him Peter, since THAT seems to be his most prominent trait. My other older, spayed cat does not trust him at all. She just ignores him now after they had a few spats over feed time. I have not seen him spray at all, so he might keep his balls, but still - - - I want to be a responsible pet owner. No reason to have a marauding tom cat in the neighborhood. If no one shows up to claim him after the spring time comes, his daddy parts are destined to be gone.
Sad, but true.
I win.
My/our Martha was brought in for the hard freezes this month. She's 15, skin and bones, but still quite active. We make good sleeping partners. She has the lower part of the mattress on top of the comforter. I have the upper part of the bed without the comforter.
I win again.
And just as quickly you turn into 2nd place.
I don't think so. :M
You don't do a lot of thinking do you?
OMG I win!! :GA:
You don't do a lot of thinking do you?
I think I do.
unh unh
Say what?
I win I win!! :GA:
Do you have delusions of winning?
Everyone does except me.
As to optimism vs pessimism, and realism...the way I see it as the glass being half full or half empty depends entirely on what the contents of the glass are, and who is holding it.
If its fresh lychee juice then half full if its mine or belongs to somebody I know and hold in esteem.
If its full of chlorine trifluoride then its TOO full if its mine no matter how much is in it, and if its in the hands of somebody I didn't like one bit, then its half full. Or preferably full and ready to burn through a few meters of stone (which ignites on contact with even traces as if it were paper hit by a blowtorch flame with a flaring, hypergolic instant ignition, even on such materials as a brick, and it'll go through several meters potentially before stopping, and of course being what I somewhat snarkily refer to as 'fluorinated nasties' as part of a larger family, such as other fluorinated interhalogens, fluorine, hydrofluoric acid, pentafluoroantimonic acid (the last being a solution of antimony pentafluoride, in anhydrous liquid hydrogen fluoride, which has a fluorine atom captured by the SbF5 forming SbF6-HF and a fluoronium cation, which is something like ten quintillion times as acidic as 100% concentrated sulfuric acid, in other words, VERY, very acidic indeed. Magic acid as well, which is just really nasty shit and is capable of protonating otherwise inert-as-hell saturated hydrocarbons and isomerising them and producing various carbocationic intermediates of high and very rapid radical addition reactions and rearrangements as such, even dissolving candle-wax like concentrated caustic soda solutions burn through aluminium foil.
HIGHLY toxic, lethal stuff even if it was PH-neutral it'd be evil shit, and must be handled in teflon vessels so of course, anyone with a glass of the stuff is dead meat, and as such, as long as it'd be someone I really, really had it in for, I'd consider it full enough (optimist) :D
I win, and any subsequent poster can kiss my autistic ass and call it a candybar and plead for more if they don't like it :P:P:P:P
Sneaks by
OMG I win!! :GA:
Don't think so.
OMG I win!! :GA:
No. Just no.
Should I win again? :apondering:
Perhaps. :viking:
OMG I've been missing out on the wins! :GA:
OMG I've been farting out the winds! :GA:
OMG I win!! :GA:
I win!! :GA:
We might as well concede if odeon gets the job. He'll be able to work and claim he's last at the same time.
Come to think of it, maybe he's written software to automatically post after anyone else does. Ooh, I bet that's what he's done. The sneak. Drown him in a barrel of sour beer and make sausages of him.
Oh look, I won. How did I do that? :orly:
You put your right index finger in, you take you right index finger out and you shake it all about.
We might as well concede if odeon gets the job. He'll be able to work and claim he's last at the same time.
Come to think of it, maybe he's written software to automatically post after anyone else does. Ooh, I bet that's what he's done. The sneak. Drown him in a barrel of sour beer and make sausages of him.
Sausages? :o
Yes, beer flavoured sausages.
I win!! :GA:
Rodent sausages.
Rodent sausages.
The tastiest of all the rabies. :zoinks:
OMG I win again!! :GA:
Rodent stew.
Oh look, I won. How did I do that? :orly:
You didn't, it was all a lie. :GA:
Lies can take you all the way to the White House. :orly:
I win!! :GA:
My dainty little foot will stomp you into the ground, you gopher.
Clean up the mess, will you.
That's what staff are for.
Oh look, I won again. How did I do that? :orly:
By not having a life, just like the rest of us.
Don't do that. Yes, staff can clean it up but is that really fair?
Bovine manure will make this thread blossom.
Shit happens.
:santa: Merry Christmas
OMG I win!! :GA:
Has anyone seen my pocket calculator?
I win!! :GA:
I win!! :GA:
No, I do.
Of course you don't.
OMG I win!! :GA:
I beg to differ.
I win!! :GA:
Oh, you April Fools
OMG I win!! :GA:
What kind of cookies?
What kind of cookies?
Fortune Cookies mostly.... except that they come true :tinfoil:
What kind of cookies?
Fortune Cookies mostly.... except that they come true :tinfoil:
Don't like those.
OMG I win!! :GA:
No, you lose.
No, I can only win. OMG I did it again!! :GA:
You just lost. Again.
That's impossible. Every time I come here, I win. OMG I win again!! :GA:
Try coming and not posting. See if you win then.
Try coming and not posting. See if you win then.
But the thread title says last person to post wins. :orly: OMG I win again!! :GA:
OMG I win again!! :GA:
But every time I post here, you lose.
But every time I post here, you lose.
No. Every time you post here you win. :orly:
OMG I win!! :GA:
But every time I post here, you lose.
No. Every time you post here you win. :orly:
Same thing. ;D
niw I
Say what?
Say what?
I said: niw I
But every time I post here, you lose.
No. Every time you post here you win. :orly:
Same thing. ;D
You clearly don't understand this game. :zoinks:
OMG I win!! :GA:
But every time I post here, you lose.
No. Every time you post here you win. :orly:
Same thing. ;D
You clearly don't understand this game. :zoinks:
It's a very dangerous game.
That guy doesn't win, at least.
OMG I win!! :GA:
Me too, me too!
I wanted to win. Oh, wait. I did!
Me too, me too!
See, now you're getting it. :zoinks:
OMG I win again!! :GA:
Getting what?
All the glory of the win. :orly:
OMG I win again!! :GA:
Ugh. Good morning.
I win!! :GA:
No, I win.
OMG I win again!! :GA:
As Rosa Parks said, "Nah."
Is this seat taken?
You may have your seat. I will take my usual throne.
OMG I win!! :GA:
I'll just sit here then.
I win again!! :GA:
Inserts royal tiny foot in rodent's ass and gives it one hell of a well deserved kick. :mischief:
Flying rodents. :o
In for the flying win!! :GA:
Nah. Not.
In for the frying pan!! :GA:
I'm hungry now.
God damn it! Now I'm thirsty :(
Did you eat?
I won't take away your first place finish.
Who do you think you are? Oliver Cromwell?
No...I'm Peter Pumpkinhead.
And I win!! :GA:
Thank you!!!
OMG I win!! :GA:
Nah uh!
I win again!! :GA:
Last but not least.
latest last person to post
I win!! :GA:
What does it mean?
Doesn't sound like it. I'm confused.
And this is different from any other day how?
Did I say it was different? I forget.
Yep, you are definitely cunfoosed.
Too slow. The honey was perfect on them. I saw you sneak it past Pooh.
Pooh was here?
He's making an ass of himself with Eeyore.
Lemon Party?
He's making an ass of himself with Eeyore.
Does Christopher know?
Who do you thought taught him assery?
Meanwhile... :headbang2:
Who do you thought taught him assery?
I'm shocked.
Enjoy it while it lasts.
That's not piss or a rope.
Nor is it last.
Nothing BRAVE about that.
OMG I win!! :GA:
OMG I win!! :GA:
Fixed that for ya. :gopher:
OMG I win!! :GA:
Fixed that for ya. :gopher:
You didn't change anything. :dunno:
OMG two wins in one day!! :GA:
poor horsey
I hate that emoji. Just awful.
I hate that emoji. Just awful.
Always think it looks like they're eating the dead horse.
Exactly, but either way it is awful. Expressions like that should go the way of American common sense and decency.
Exactly, but either way it is awful. Expressions like that should go the way of American common sense and decency.
That bad?
:odeon: :vortex2:
That's my smiley.
OMG I win!! :GA:
Don't interrupt.
Short old lady sneaks in and claims the win.
The win is then taken away from her.
She bursts into tears :bigcry: and odeon gains a reputation as a brute on Intensity.
Adds the nickname Atilla the Hun to his nom-de-plums.
Adds the nickname Atilla the Hun to his nom-de-plums.
Go away, you two!!! :odeon:
We're on our way to Paris right now. However, we're so broke all we can afford is Paris, Texas.
It's why we'll always have Paris. :P
Lover boy
OMG I win!! :GA:
OMG, you don't.
hi everybody this is the princess royal i just wanted to say hi
:eyelash: :asthing:
OMG the princess said hi to me!! :GA:
She was talking to ME!!!
Me, actually. :M
Now you're just babbling. :P
OMG I win!! :GA:
You're babbling too.
You ARE NOT all powerful.
These are not the droids you are looking for.
OMG I win!! :GA:
You can go about your business.
You will release these cuffs, leave the room, and drop your blaster.
Want me to shoot first?
The PR says that if you will wake her at 11, she will be the last person to post. She's getting her beauty sleep.
She'll sleep until 11?
Hell yes. I'll usually sleep until 10. One of the perks of retirement.
OMG I win!! :GA:
Sure I do. OMG I win again!! :GA:
I don't think so.
OMG I win!! :GA:
Go away!!!
Of course Hillary rolled in with double the money on the line and lost. There is no conceivable way Trump could win against a hostile news media, Never Trumpers, strong Primary base of Republicans, anti-Trump Hollywood, no political experience, the arguably most qualified Presidential candidate AND with all those listed issues
So how DID he become the President. Maybe YOU have a little bias against him. Just a little.
A little biased then.
How did Trump win if he was so terrible? Simple question because if he was so bad, he would not have won. Doubly so if he is re-elected
Meanwhile, in another galaxy...
...I had the last word.
...I had the last word.
Bet it was stupidity wrapped in a Swedish accent
You need to contain yourself, Al. Seriously.
You need to contain yourself, Al. Seriously.
Choices and actions have consequences. You probably should not have broken the truce. I think it was not wise. Better choices from you next time, if there is a next time. Taking more responsibility for you own actions would probably make sense too. Up to you though. Can't make your decisions for you. Don't expect me to placate you when you get personal and involve my family though.I see no reason to have to.
Yup poor choices equals poor consequences. Odeon, You or MOSW not wanting to acknowledge that is neither here nor there
The choices you made will bite you in the arse if you don't stop spamming the board with your bs.
The choices you made will bite you in the arse if you don't stop spamming the board with your bs.
You on the other hand have posted NO memes the last week have you? You are not a hypocrite nor a spammer right? You would not for a moment try to present that interpretation would you?
Why did you start the feud again and why do you not take responsibility and resolve it? Wouldn't that be the right course of action?
I know.
Trigger? You are back? I thought I read that you had suicided? Shit. I am sure I had. I don't even remember who. I am on my mobile so cant check search function. I thought you had or were going to. Not even sure that I was bothered or alarmed by it. Just shocked to see the ghost of Trigger posting.
So yeah. Fancy that. You aren't dead. Lol.
Did anybody else hear something? It sounded like someone waddling as if they had a stick up their ass. :apondering:
Did anybody else hear something? It sounded like someone waddling as if they had a stick up their ass. :apondering:
Starting to wish you had suicided Trig. Don't be that guy.
Quality always wins.
:boatfish: :fish2:
I'm worried now that if I win Al is going to say butthurt things to me too.
Too late, I already won!
I'll take the last place. Al wouldn't post butt hurt at a little old queen, would he? You wouldn't would you Al?
I win. Obviously.
OMG I win!! :GA:
Nope...I win!!!
I guess not.
Me? Why thank you, you sweet boy, but I'm afraid we might cause a scandal.
I have no idea what has happened to this thread. Looks like everyone except for me forgot to win!
I can see why you'd think that was the case, but really, it's me winning.
I can see why you'd think that was the case, but really, it's me winning.
Short, fat lady serves them premium Scotch and wins.
Where's my drink?
Les took it.
(I'm probably going to regret posting that.)
Ya gotta LICK LUCK to win.
I got nothing and I'm too tired to think.
I'm not too tired to win!
I got nothing and I'm too tired to think.
Sometimes thinking is highly overrated.
I think I win.
Moooooooove over Buttercup. The Queen of the herd is here.
You, OTOH, lose these because you're a M.O.R.O.N.
We'll just pretend that Phonix made this post.
In honor of her four-footed girls:
:doggie: :doggie:
Odeon almost won this for six months.
Odeon almost won this for six months.
I won now, too.
You can't make me!
Shit, you're an admin. Maybe you can.
Looks like it works. You're offline. :P
But I'm like the proverbial bad penny. I always turn up.
Then why are you offline again?
I'm on-line. Incognito as odeon. Brilliant aren't I?
No. Just no.
Not on my watch nor as long as I am still breathing.
Did anybody else hear something? It sounded like someone waddling as if they had a stick up their ass. :apondering:
Starting to wish you had suicided Trig. Don't be that guy.
One day that will likely be my end, but not before certain things are taken care of.
Why thank you!
You can have the medal but I have the last word.
I'll take both!
I thought you might say that.
Why I outta... :slap:
...do what?
Did I? Did I? Did I?
Yay. :lutra:
I won this.
That's not the last word or anything like that.
And that's just whining.
You're being mean.
Yeah, I don't get it. He is usually not like that.
Someone should talk to him. Make sure he is OK.
Maybe he's being a spazz.
SO MANY smilies we almost never use. I brought this one over many years ago and have never found a use for it. Still no need for it, but what the Hell. Let's have some fun, playing with matches, plastic bags around our heads and running with scissors across the highway.
SO MANY smilies we almost never use. I brought this one over many years ago and have never found a use for it. Still no need for it, but what the Hell. Let's have some fun, playing with matches, plastic bags around our heads and running with scissors across the highway.
When the forum format changed, a couple of the smileys moved much faster. That's one of them. I never thought much about it when it was slower, but ever since then it has always cracked me up. :lol1:
Might also be that "finally," everyone's internet sped up enough to keep up with the content we sought. For instance, I was still on dial-up when I first entered this site.
Not much longer, I was on cable with a hundred times faster connection speeds. These days I am over a hundred times over the hundred times again, but I do not want to bruise my thinky parts with this progression.
But those early days were dark, to put it mildly.
The smileys move more quickly since we upgraded? Really?
The smileys move more quickly since we upgraded? Really?
Not all of them but some definitely do.
Someone must have blinked.
I did. And again And again.
... And you continue to miss The show.
I win! :asthing:
No you don't.
I've won. Like I knew I would, :laugh:
Bah, humbug.
I win, gonna pour out some champagne and celebrate in style.
Argh, this thread!
Ahem. This thread is mine.
Not anymore. :mischief:
Well, actually...
Go do something else and let me have my moment!!! :MLA:
I did but got bored. :zoinks:
And on that note, I won.
Go and see the rumour I posted about you instead. I'll just stay here and claim my win :hadron:
Bah. I'll win this and you know it.
Whatever. I'm just as stubborn as you are :nerdy:
But I win. Bigly.
You always do, don't you?
Of course. I have the best last words.
If you're going to win in a "bigly" way you need to be more orange than you are now so you lose.
I do not intend to win in a "bigly" way but a rather dignified one. :M
OMG I've been forgetting to win. :GA:
I'm tired of winning but it's what I do. People keep telling me that I'm the best.
Sheesh... now that I think of it, I guess I am a red beard
Excuse me Genesis....Dunc was trying to give me my award. Thank you!! :sheeplove:
You're welcome.
That was very kind (you can leave now)
I'm ok for now. :zoinks:
No really. It's late and you need your beauty sleep :eyelash:
I can nap here... :yawn:
No really...you'd be more comfy elsewhere. **entices him out the door by encouraging him to follow a trail of beer bottles, cold and not yet consumed**
Sorry I was watching Political Satire and got distracted
I WIN!!!
Please feel free to get distracted again. I'll keep watch over the place :angel:
I'm a fashion monster!!! Oh wait... I won.... DAMN IT!
So does that make you the boss?
:cfm: (My one lasting legacy on I2) :green:
Mine is the disclaimer. (http://www.intensitysquared.com/) :fish2:
:soapbox: :odeon:
Just keeping watch over the place :bee:
No need now that I'm back and winning bigly.
It's okay I think I can squeeze myself in here :grouphug:
I'm back winning.
You're so sneaky while I'm sleeping. How about you leave and go work and I shall be guardian of the estate :popcorn:
:bee: I think you're probably too busy to keep it up.
Nooooo!!!!! I just needed a snack :popcorn:
Ok :thumbup:
Since you decided to stay, let me serenade you with my favourite song :kumbaya:
That's my favourite, too.
:fiveshots: might as well get comfortable.
OK. I'll settle here.
*hip bumps the guys to make room on the bench for herself* :wine:
I'll just get a beer.
That's good because I had no intention of sharing my wine :laugh:
I still have beet. :orly:
You have beets? As in the vegetables? I'm picturing you hiding beets in the pockets of your bathrobe that you decided you should wear to the pub with me and Dunc :laugh:
And I'll be your champion bartender for the night. What would you like to drink?
you need to ask? :beergrin:
Surprised by the Cubs first-round pick
And I'll be your champion bartender for the night. What would you like to drink?
Vodka cranberry please!
A crate of beer for Dunc and a vodka cranberry for CG/Phoenix. Gin and tonic anyone?
More beer would be good.
A crate of beer for Dunc and a vodka cranberry for CG/Phoenix. Gin and tonic anyone?
I can see through what you are doing, here.
You have beets? As in the vegetables? I'm picturing you hiding beets in the pockets of your bathrobe that you decided you should wear to the pub with me and Dunc :laugh:
I'm a beet drinker.
A crate of beer for Dunc and a vodka cranberry for CG/Phoenix. Gin and tonic anyone?
I can see through what you are doing, here.
There's no conversion going on here? :zoinks:
Nothing but a good will gesture. :orly:
I might have tried that, myself.
Strikes up the karaoke machine
Puts 'Cotton Eye Joe' on repeat until everyone else leaves, ensuring victory :mischief:
I might have tried that, myself.
Honestly speaking, I find it to not be my cup of tea.
Tried it with him and red bull, didn't enjoy it much same way, generally not keen on gin.
OMG, I won again. Bigly.
Unfortunately, that win was very short lived, until then. I'll sip on a cup of tea.
Puts 'Cotton Eye Joe' on repeat until everyone else leaves, ensuring victory :mischief:
You've met your match, I'd just keep dancing. :dance:
Switches to 'Agadoo' :headhurts:
Whistles "Back in the USSR".
Passes out ear plugs
I won again.
OK, I went, away.
I found that smiley somewhere and thought it is just disgusting enough to have appeal to this crowd and yet, I don't think I have ever used it.
I have this Ball And Chain hobbling some of my efforts to communicate called context.
I'm sorry. The last word is now mine.
Nooooo it's not :eyelash:
Don't mind me :voodoo:
Come on out. I pardon you.
My experiment was successful, I swear :trollskull:
I'll just wait here until you've all left.
I think we're all going to be here for a very long time :grouphug:
I wouldn't do that if I were you. It seems to make DD feel the need to go pee in the corner of the room ;)
I have no sense of smell if I'm drunk enough. :dunno:
When I was in college, this guy came into the restroom and peed up a storm in the urnial... the smell was a bit off, like it was a shunk-ish smell...
I described it to my Dad one time many years later, and he told me that it was obvious that the stench of the weed was what made the restroom smell so "funky"
Such a funky place, this.
*starts up a bass groove* :dance:
Oooh!!!! Imma get my dance on!!! :hyke:
Dance away.
Morning. Does this place serve breakfast? :yawn:
I'll see what I can do. :fatchef:
Yay!! I love breakfast :autism:
Just coffee for me.
Good call. Thank you.
Coffee all around!
Eww. Coffee. :P
Butt coffee?
1. Even more ew.
2. I wonder what happened to that guy
3. I don't mean that 1 is in relation to 2, but it made me think of him
Butt coffee?
Butt coffee mug? :zoinks:
At least it's not your ugly mug. :zoinks:
I'm at least as equally handsome as a butt. :zoinks:
And that's saying a lot. :zoinks:
Good luck trying to get this song out of your head. :autism:
No way am I clicking that. :lol1:
Hey, SBI.
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
:nerdy: Oh boy
:congrats: oh wait... :tinfoil:
Hey, SBI.
Omg. :zoinks:
and Hi odeon.
And I won.
Di you like the song? :zoinks:
Di you like the song? :zoinks:
Seems like I've got this song stuck in my head. All I can think of when I hear this is this advert.
Not clicking that. :smarty:
:hadron: << winner
Stop that. You're making me dizzy.
:CanofWorms: have some bait. I'll hold the fort here :autism:
OK, I'll just sit here then.
:congrats: ...to ME!!! :headbang2:
Say what?
Sent from my SM-G973F using Tapatalk
Hello there. :viking:
:wolfie: :wolfie: :wolfie: :wolfie: :wolfie: :wolfie: :wolfie:
This is the last post.
Still wrong :bounce:
Boobs are never wrong. :orly:
Well, exactly.
Booobs Rule!!
Hell, boobs Rule rules if we try to put an edge the statement!
We must all be getting old since there's no active boob thread anymore.
A lot can change in 10 years, but winning is one thing that cannot change.
Which is why I win.
For now.
Or then.
Not any more, until the bar closes. :fiveshots:
Hasn't closed yet. :beergrin:
:indeed: :glug:
More in the fridge!
Feel free to go get more, I'm not going anywhere. :fiveshots:
Decided to drink one today, too.
Snatched defeat from the hands of victory.
Defeat FTW! :arrr:
Shiny things
Where? Where?
Are you covid secure?
Are you covid secure?
Oh fuck off.
I don't watch those videos.
its a radio show :lol1:
And it's a Youtube link.
Pulls up a stool and opens a tab :glug:
Can I just go back to sleep?
Vaccine companies are all Tory
:blah: :blah: :blah:
Bringing it back round to the regular entertaining bullshitting :cbc:
For a moment I thought :cbc: was back.
I've WON.
It is truth.
Now your just in denial at this point. Sorry you lost. :zoinks:
It is gospel truth. :P There is no arguing with the sheep.
Sheeps follow crowds but it seems I'm the shepherd, anything i do or say goes, I win. :viking:
I win. Again.
No, you didn't.
Because I did. :zoinks:
That's what you think.
And I've won.
........well, that was yesterday but today. I won.
^ So misinformed.
Oh damn, I really am misinformed..... Up until now.
Well, I am glad you could get past your cognitive dissonance that I am indeed the winner.
Up until now, I'm officially the winner of this thread.
airtight anal sex for all
Are you pitching or catching?
You all need to accept that I've won.
^ Unacceptable.
You will never catch me posting on such a pointless thread.
Are you pitching or catching?
Depends on the customer
You will never catch me posting on such a pointless thread.
Haaaa.... And you couldn't resist. Guess that's an automatic loss for you.
I will happily post on this pointless thread. You can all stop now. :deadhorse2:
^ The gopher gets distracted while someone plays with him.
I win.
That's what you think.
I won, for real, but all I have to show for it is this post.
Well, actually...
.....as the prime minister had mentioned (in my imagination), SBI must lead the thread and lead i2 into prosperity. :viking:
:congrats: :soapbox:
I demand a rematch... :MLA:
:bounce: boobs2 boobs1
have some bewbs instead of posting.
Bewbs win this thread.
YAY Boobies!
dont take the vaccine
dont wake a mask
unless you want lumpy breasts
Fuck off.
Everyone out, thread's closed :odeon:
Annnnnd now it's re-opened. I can do that. I have boobs.
im only 19 but my mind is old
I have boobs too. :zoinks:
I have boobs too. :zoinks:
Can I see them? :zoinks:
You may want to have the eye bleach ready first. :boobs:
Take that to some other thread, you pervs, this thread is mine.
:boobs: :boobs: :boobs:
You have moobies, I have boobies.
You're a sheep. You have teats. :M
You have moobies, I have boobies.
I thought Cardi B did.
How does she do anything in life with those nails?? :o
She hires people to do stuff. :P
I hate pedos
She hires people to do stuff. :P
But you can't hire people to do allll the things...wonder if she has impaled herself while using the bathroom. That must be a legit concern :laugh:
She hires people to do stuff. :P
But you can't hire people to do allll the things...wonder if she has impaled herself while using the bathroom. That must be a legit concern :laugh:
Maybe she pays them a lot. :zoinks:
She hires people to do stuff. :P
But you can't hire people to do allll the things...wonder if she has impaled herself while using the bathroom. That must be a legit concern :laugh:
Maybe she pays them a lot. :zoinks:
Maybe it involves one of those fancy squirty toilets. :zoinks:
She hires people to do stuff. :P
But you can't hire people to do allll the things...wonder if she has impaled herself while using the bathroom. That must be a legit concern :laugh:
Maybe she pays them a lot. :zoinks:
Maybe it involves one of those fancy squirty toilets. :zoinks:
Right after I hit post my brain was like, she probably has a bidet :lol1:
She hires people to do stuff. :P
But you can't hire people to do allll the things...wonder if she has impaled herself while using the bathroom. That must be a legit concern :laugh:
Maybe she pays them a lot. :zoinks:
Maybe it involves one of those fancy squirty toilets. :zoinks:
Right after I hit post my brain was like, she probably has a bidet :lol1:
Those things terrify me. :lol1:
She hires people to do stuff. :P
But you can't hire people to do allll the things...wonder if she has impaled herself while using the bathroom. That must be a legit concern :laugh:
Maybe she pays them a lot. :zoinks:
Maybe it involves one of those fancy squirty toilets. :zoinks:
Right after I hit post my brain was like, she probably has a bidet :lol1:
Those things terrify me. :lol1:
Maybe there is a good chance she may have a golden bidet one at her crib to match with her personality? :tard:
That moment when I flashed my boobs, you pictured me as my avatar but then you realise half way through picturing it, I look and act nothing like my avatar and that's when you were horrified.....
....Sorry to scar you but it was a winning move on my part.
This thread is mine.
I havent finished. :fiveshots:
How's the head this morning?
Fine :zoinks:
:fiveshots: rinse and repeat
My head could be better. :P
Although it's not because of what I drank last night, I think.
You guys go feel better. I'll keep an eye on the place :zoinks:
Not to worry. I can still do this.
Anything you can do, I can do better
I can do anything better than you
You: No you can't
Me: Yes I can
You: No you can't!!!
Me: Yes I can!!!
Yes we can.
I'll nap here for a while, don't mind me. :zzz:
I won't. :zoinks:
Not for long :bounce:
Watch your mouth. :M
Drink anyone? :fiveshots:
Drink anyone? :fiveshots:
Yeah :nerdy:
:bounce: :bounce:
This was easy.
*Pulls himself up the side of the bar and gets comfortable* :yawn:
Tonight I haz all the drinks :cfm:
I think I musht've got there firsht :fiveshots:
yes and you missed my boots parade. It was spectacular. You can go ahead and sleep. I'll hold the fort down.
I'll just sit here and win this.
Wearing the boots?
That's hawt. :zoinks:
Nah, someone else can have the boots.
Nah, someone else can have the boots.
It doesn't matter. I've already envisioned you wearing them. :zoinks:
Nah, someone else can have the boots.
It doesn't matter. I've already envisioned you wearing them. :zoinks:
Perv. :zoinks:
Uh huh. :zoinks:
Now imagining the gopher in the high-heel boots.
Now imagining the gopher in the high-heel boots.
I would need stilts for those boots. :lol1:
The Gopher would end up falling through to the toe of the boot. I think I need to take them back for everyone's safety :laugh:
Hot but dangerous. :laugh:
That's true even if you're accustomed to wearing them. I'm at the age now where it would take me forever to recover from a rolled ankle :P (that's not so sexy).
It's one sure sign of getting older - sensible clothes and no unnecessary risks. :P
Truth. I don't remember the last time I wore heels about being homebound of 6 months doesn't give me much of a reason. I'd end up breaking an ankle being taken out by the dog.
No. I told you all. No.
Don't let me interrupt anything.
You're not. I was always here. Just watching the chaos. :cbc:
I know you.
Why is this thread going on? I thought the Gopher won it the other day?
The gopher never wins anything.
The gopher never wins anything.
Well that just makes me sad. Why shouldn't the furry little critter win?
It is kind of sad. But we are talking about a gopher.
We're kinda mean that way. We keep leading the gopher on, making them think they're winning and then we yank it back.
Everyone wins until someone else posts. :dunno:
:zoinks: :zoinks: :autism: :zoinks: :zoinks:
My own victory tune.
Was that for me? Thanks.
Clearly me :roses:
Can't be. You lost.
No I did :fish2:
You're fishing for a win but it's not that easy.
I'm winning bigly.
Nope :MLA:
Very bigly.
I win!
No you don't. But welcome back anyway.
I won bigly. Again.
Should I try this?
I thought the Gopher won it. Why is this still running?
We're slow learners.
I win bigly.
The Queen takes the lead.
Power to the people! :arrr:
Fake news :soapbox:
I know more about this than most people.
I've had enough of this now. I demand that you all stop posting in this thread NOW.
I'll think about it.
I thought about stopping but I feel I must always have the last say..... Until then.....
Think again. I always win.
For how long?
I claim the victory as mine.
OMG I win!! :GA:
Fake news.
Apparently not.
OMG I win!! :GA:
Many say I win more than anyone else.
........and that's where you are wrong.
Ah, but now I win bigly. Again.
But only for a smally time.
You know, many people say I win more than anyone else.
You know, many people say I win more than anyone else.
You know, many people say I win more than anyone else.
No Majesty... he's just a Finnish man who plays GOD on this forum....
Also I win... (For now)
A lot of people don't know that. :P
A lot of people don't know that. :P
That's a sneaky way to steal the win from me.
That's what the mainstream media wants you to believe.
But the mainstream media will never tell you that SBI won, the whole win above is all rigged and I will get my lawyers to prove it. :eyebrows:
I'm posting for my cat, Martha. She never wins anything except the food lottery.
Poor Martha.
I have far more chances of winning this thread than winning the lottery. :orly:
I have far more chances of winning this thread than winning the lottery. :orly:
Not as long as Odeon is around. :lol1:
^True. ;D
As if you lot could win.
But I just did.
Hah. I think not.
No posts here in a while.
Perfect time for me to claim victory.
:hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide:
Hiding beneath a chair will not secure victory. :boatfish:
Hiding beneath a chair will not secure victory. :boatfish:
damn it :( lol ^_^
It's mine again.
:clap: :clap:
Apparently I've never replied to this thread before. Which means everyone else posted in this thread before me. Making me the last person to have posted in this thread, AKA the winner :zoinks:
Yet adorable :LOL:
I win.
^Not Today
This thread is mine.
:congrats: NOT TODAY
You did have it for a few days.
As if it meant something. :trollskull:
:tard: :tard:
:evillaugh: :evillaugh: :evillaugh: :evillaugh: :evillaugh:
Pretty, but I won this.
Pretty, but I won this.
Not so fast!
Not so fast!
I can go pretty fast indeed.
Ron Desantis is a TWAT! wait.... wrong thread?
I am sure you meant to say, " ... TWUNT!"
I am sure you meant to say, " ... TWUNT!"
:M of course I meant "TWUNT"
That he is.
Many people believe that Ron DeSantis is a Leprechaun
Only what kind of Leprechaun?Really does anyone know?
Oh Dear God, please tell me...Now where's my stash
You thought Heinz would stop *me*?
No... it wouldn't stop you, neither would the steaming gentile.
I won. :orly:
A somewhat disturbing image, that.
A somewhat disturbing image, that.
Twas an image that haunts.
but last is what counts.
Now, now, let's not overdo this.
Now, now, let's not overdo this.
I like cheese.
I know her name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have to get up now.
I need to go to sleep, yet I won't
:green: :green: :indeed: :green: :green:
Tell me you weren't ::) at John Petrucci.
Do it now!
Tell me you weren't ::) at John Petrucci.
Do it now!
Tell me you weren't ::) at John Petrucci.
Do it now!
'dis one of my guys that way?
I'm about to call a FUCK OFF here.
Tell me you weren't ::) at John Petrucci.
Do it now!
He posted a video, and then you posted an eye rolling smiley, so he asked if the eye rolling smiley was directed toward the guy in his video. :orly:
Tell me you weren't ::) at John Petrucci.
Do it now!
I'll watch the video when I get back from Walmart
He posted a video, and then you posted an eye rolling smiley, so he asked if the eye rolling smiley was directed toward the guy in his video. :orly:
I feel really good about making this post.
:congrats: :congrats:
Okay... whose the SOB who took Yoshi!?!?! :(
I'm gonna silently announce that I've won and nobody would notice. :nerdy:
I'm gonna silently announce that I've won and nobody would notice. :nerdy:
I'm gonna silently announce that I've won and nobody would notice. :nerdy:
Ooooooh that didn't last very long. Darn.
I win. Again.
I won for 3 days in a row up until this point. Let's make it 4.
:rollercoaster: :rollercoaster: :rollercoaster: :rollercoaster: :rollercoaster:
:rollercoaster: :rollercoaster: :rollercoaster: :rollercoaster: :rollercoaster:
:rollercoaster: :rollercoaster: :rollercoaster: :rollercoaster: :rollercoaster:
Looking around the site today, it appears that I might actually win this thread.
Looking around the site today, it appears that I might actually win this thread.
I feel certain Odeon will post in this thread, right before he closes the door behind him. :lol1:
^He's probably laughing his ass off about it while having a pint of a fancy Scandinavian Ale.
Looking around the site today, it appears that I might actually win this thread.
I feel certain Odeon will post in this thread, right before he closes the door behind him. :lol1:
I probably would. :laugh:
^Is there such a thing as a Scandinavian Ale?
Thinking there is.
This is getting silly.
No wait, it always was. :zoinks:
duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck
I win.
duck duck duck duck
Swanson is right!!! The ducks are everywhere!
Not here.
Damn it!
:fish2: I think you are just fishing.
At least I can win here. :orly:
My last hope for happiness briefly thwarted by bouncing boobs....
Oh wait, I'm winning again aren't I?
No way.
This ends now. :M
After Gandalf falls off the cliff or before?
I declare myself the winner…
All Hail Yoshi of Osaka! Emperor of Japan! I mean.... the internet? No.... Gopher Gary is Emperor of the internet.
You're just fishing now.
Phishing? or Fishing?
:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
:zoinks: :autism:
Fuck it. since my other game topic was a total fucking flop, im going for a shure sucess story here.
looks like i win! :zoinks:
:congrats: :hadron: :1st: :party: :party:
Oh shit. Looks like I win :green:
I beat Butterflies! :butterflies:
Yoshi won't leave my minifridge alone therefore he takes my win away from me :(
And the winner is…
So and so
Victory is mine!
Victory is mine!
Obviously, I need to post more.