Politics, Mature and taboo => Political Pundits => Topic started by: Parts on August 30, 2010, 07:08:18 PM

Title: Smoking and being fat the new lepers
Post by: Parts on August 30, 2010, 07:08:18 PM
As it says the media and the government are creating a new class of second class citizens.  Any thoughts?
Drain on heath care if they wanted you to really stop smoking they would ban it but they make too much money from it. By the way I don't smoke never did
Fat I am a bit over weight last doctors visit I seemed to disappoint him my heart was good , arteries clear, cholesterol low. perfect BP and no diabetes.  Not to say every one is like that but he really seemed disappointed others are different but still it's not the be all end all.
Title: Re: Smoking and being fat the new lepers
Post by: "couldbecousin" on August 30, 2010, 07:38:05 PM
I'm still kind of fat but have never smoked, and I must admit to having been a preachy pain in the ass at times about smoking,
trying to get my smoker friends to quit. One of them, who has smoked longer than I've been alive, just says "Shut the fuck up."  :laugh:
Title: Re: Smoking and being fat the new lepers
Post by: Parts on August 30, 2010, 07:47:57 PM
More and more they are passing restriction on where you can smoke and demonizing people who do.  Fat people more restrictions on flights and serving them ect. So who will be next?  It is indeed a slippery slope
Title: Re: Smoking and being fat the new lepers
Post by: Icequeen on August 30, 2010, 09:39:30 PM
I don't believe in demonizing people, I believe it's their body, they should make their own choices. Sometimes fat isn't even a choice, it's how your body metabolises stuff and your age. I try to work at it, but my ass has definately broadened a bit also over the years. :zoinks:

I do believe in some restrictions on where you can smoke. I have asthma, and the older I get the more smoke seems to set me off.

Being able to breathe is alot better than not being able to.  :laugh:

But in all fairness, I'd rather suffer with effects from the smoke than inhale some of that nasty ass perfume some women like to marinate themselves in. Now there's a source of true evil. :zombiefuck:
Title: Re: Smoking and being fat the new lepers
Post by: The_Chosen_One on August 30, 2010, 10:08:32 PM
Agree there parts. If the govt were serious about all this anti-cancer shit, they would totally ban smoking altogether. While they reap in heaps on excise and tax, they won't touch it. The faggots here are trying to make cigarette packs as plain as Justin Timberlake's talent, but as was proved in England and other places, plain packaging doesn't work.

With fat/obese people, I personally think it's a drive by these same anti-cancer people to get funding, and to keep the doctors pockets full. Sure, there are people like 'half ton son' (whose mother kept feeding him all sorts of crap because she pandered to his whim) and other huge people, but the medical fraternity along with the govt idiots have shifted the goalposts to try to get everyone diagnosed with type-2 diabetes. Why? Fucking money, nothing else.

Surely there are more important things in life than worrying about whether somebody smokes or eats alot.
Title: Re: Smoking and being fat the new lepers
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on August 30, 2010, 11:28:10 PM
Agree there parts. If the govt were serious about all this anti-cancer shit, they would totally ban smoking altogether. While they reap in heaps on excise and tax, they won't touch it. The faggots here are trying to make cigarette packs as plain as Justin Timberlake's talent, but as was proved in England and other places, plain packaging doesn't work.

With fat/obese people, I personally think it's a drive by these same anti-cancer people to get funding, and to keep the doctors pockets full. Sure, there are people like 'half ton son' (whose mother kept feeding him all sorts of crap because she pandered to his whim) and other huge people, but the medical fraternity along with the govt idiots have shifted the goalposts to try to get everyone diagnosed with type-2 diabetes. Why? Fucking money, nothing else.

Surely there are more important things in life than worrying about whether somebody smokes or eats alot.


They (almost quite literally) make a killing from sick or unhealthy people; but I think it's more the pharmaceuticals drive than researchers though.

What makes it ironic too is that some of those anti-cholesterol medications for instance will fuck you up (heart attacks, kidney and liver problems, etc) in the long term. In fact it'd probably be as healthy just to be fat, than to be on all those medications.
Title: Re: Smoking and being fat the new lepers
Post by: The_Chosen_One on August 30, 2010, 11:40:53 PM
Agree there parts. If the govt were serious about all this anti-cancer shit, they would totally ban smoking altogether. While they reap in heaps on excise and tax, they won't touch it. The faggots here are trying to make cigarette packs as plain as Justin Timberlake's talent, but as was proved in England and other places, plain packaging doesn't work.

With fat/obese people, I personally think it's a drive by these same anti-cancer people to get funding, and to keep the doctors pockets full. Sure, there are people like 'half ton son' (whose mother kept feeding him all sorts of crap because she pandered to his whim) and other huge people, but the medical fraternity along with the govt idiots have shifted the goalposts to try to get everyone diagnosed with type-2 diabetes. Why? Fucking money, nothing else.

Surely there are more important things in life than worrying about whether somebody smokes or eats alot.


They (almost quite literally) make a killing from sick or unhealthy people; but I think it's more the pharmaceuticals drive than researchers though.

What makes it ironic too is that some of those anti-cholesterol medications for instance will fuck you up (heart attacks, kidney and liver problems, etc) in the long term. In fact it'd probably be as healthy just to be fat, than to be on all those medications.

Apparently it came out on the radio the other day that eating butter is no worse than eating margarine, and the body can actually handle saturated fats alot better than those twats are making out. The guy that said it was talking about dairy in general, and said there is no proof that full cream milk, butter and other dairy items causes any real harm.
Title: Re: Smoking and being fat the new lepers
Post by: Parts on August 31, 2010, 06:08:32 AM
Agree there parts. If the govt were serious about all this anti-cancer shit, they would totally ban smoking altogether. While they reap in heaps on excise and tax, they won't touch it. The faggots here are trying to make cigarette packs as plain as Justin Timberlake's talent, but as was proved in England and other places, plain packaging doesn't work.

With fat/obese people, I personally think it's a drive by these same anti-cancer people to get funding, and to keep the doctors pockets full. Sure, there are people like 'half ton son' (whose mother kept feeding him all sorts of crap because she pandered to his whim) and other huge people, but the medical fraternity along with the govt idiots have shifted the goalposts to try to get everyone diagnosed with type-2 diabetes. Why? Fucking money, nothing else.

Surely there are more important things in life than worrying about whether somebody smokes or eats alot.


They (almost quite literally) make a killing from sick or unhealthy people; but I think it's more the pharmaceuticals drive than researchers though.

What makes it ironic too is that some of those anti-cholesterol medications for instance will fuck you up (heart attacks, kidney and liver problems, etc) in the long term. In fact it'd probably be as healthy just to be fat, than to be on all those medications.

They wanted to put me on anti cholesterol drugs and blood pressure medicine right off before even testing me after they did they didn't mention it again :lol:

I don't believe in demonizing people, I believe it's their body, they should make their own choices. Sometimes fat isn't even a choice, it's how your body metabolises stuff and your age. I try to work at it, but my ass has definately broadened a bit also over the years. :zoinks:

I do believe in some restrictions on where you can smoke. I have asthma, and the older I get the more smoke seems to set me off.

Being able to breathe is alot better than not being able to.  :laugh:

But in all fairness, I'd rather suffer with effects from the smoke than inhale some of that nasty ass perfume some women like to marinate themselves in. Now there's a source of true evil. :zombiefuck:

And there should be some restrictions on it but they are going overboard they want to ban it in all NYC parks for example

And as far as fat goes people think it's fine to make fun of them even kids don't seem to get in trouble for it any more as it's for the persons    own good
Title: Re: Smoking and being fat the new lepers
Post by: Icequeen on August 31, 2010, 07:57:23 AM
And there should be some restrictions on it but they are going overboard they want to ban it in all NYC parks for example

And as far as fat goes people think it's fine to make fun of them even kids don't seem to get in trouble for it any more as it's for the persons    own good

They've definately went overboard with the restrictions, which isn't right. Didn't know about the NYC parks, that seems really extreme.  :P

Kids don't get in trouble any more for making fun of someone who's overweight because alot of them have ignorant parents that actually encourage crap like that. Mr & Mrs "Perfect" live up the street from me ::), they're grooming their kids to be little asshats just like mommy & daddy.    :(  Sad, but unfortunately stupid isn't against the law.
Title: Re: Smoking and being fat the new lepers
Post by: Parts on August 31, 2010, 01:40:14 PM
And there should be some restrictions on it but they are going overboard they want to ban it in all NYC parks for example

And as far as fat goes people think it's fine to make fun of them even kids don't seem to get in trouble for it any more as it's for the persons    own good

They've definately went overboard with the restrictions, which isn't right. Didn't know about the NYC parks, that seems really extreme.  :P

Kids don't get in trouble any more for making fun of someone who's overweight because alot of them have ignorant parents that actually encourage crap like that. Mr & Mrs "Perfect" live up the street from me ::), they're grooming their kids to be little asshats just like mommy & daddy.    :(  Sad, but unfortunately stupid isn't against the law.

It shouldn't be but they should be the ones that are treated like lepers
Title: Re: Smoking and being fat the new lepers
Post by: odeon on August 31, 2010, 03:28:13 PM
Yes, I agree with you, Parts.

I smoked for years and still miss my cigarettes. I know I had trouble breathing properly and I realise I would die from cancer (a significant number of relatives who smoked died from it so the odds are against me here), but I still envy people who smoke.
Title: Re: Smoking and being fat the new lepers
Post by: 'andersom' on September 01, 2010, 05:11:18 PM
I agree with you too Parts.

Fat is becoming the next issue, after having demonised smoking. Still, lots of jobs are so stressful, that you see most of the people in those jobs hastily inhale their nicotine to get through. If a government wants to take anti-smoking that serious, de-stressing society should be on their list too.
No smoking in bars, even is valid in coffee-shops (cannabis selling bars) here. But, smoking cannabis in said coffee-shops is allowed.  :asthing: So, now you see people there smoking fags with a dash of weed, just to make it 'legit'.

Fat is getting an issue amongst kids at such young ages, that even 7 year olds are worrying about their figure, and have distorted images about themselves.  :zombiefuck:

Title: Re: Smoking and being fat the new lepers
Post by: The_Chosen_One on September 01, 2010, 05:57:12 PM
Words from the wisest man on the planet:
Title: Re: Smoking and being fat the new lepers
Post by: Parts on September 01, 2010, 05:58:49 PM
To all those who think they are immune to this just wait they will find something after this too.  Drinking,  loud music damaging hearing and the list on and  on
Title: Re: Smoking and being fat the new lepers
Post by: P7PSP on September 01, 2010, 07:19:58 PM
Words from the wisest man on the planet:
This man fucking rocks!  :headbang2: :2thumbsup: :thumbup: :viking:
Title: Re: Smoking and being fat the new lepers
Post by: Icequeen on September 01, 2010, 09:33:58 PM
Awesome clip. :laugh:
Title: Re: Smoking and being fat the new lepers
Post by: 'Butterflies' on October 03, 2010, 02:57:59 PM
I'm a preachy pain in the arse when it comes to smoking. I'm probably a bit of a hypocrite because I do smoke dope in a bong a few times a year. My older sister smokes and I used to try and get her to give up. My aunt and uncle both smoke and I'm always hassling them to give up. They both have health issues and it's really stupid of them to smoke, but still they refuse to give up.
Title: Re: Smoking and being fat the new lepers
Post by: P7PSP on October 03, 2010, 03:01:26 PM
I'm a preachy pain in the arse when it comes to smoking. I'm probably a bit of a hypocrite because I do smoke dope in a bong a few times a year. My older sister smokes and I used to try and get her to give up. My aunt and uncle both smoke and I'm always hassling them to give up. They both have health issues and it's really stupid of them to smoke, but still they refuse to give up.
All that will do is alienate people. Church people knocking on doors have much the same effect.
Title: Re: Smoking and being fat the new lepers
Post by: 'Butterflies' on October 03, 2010, 03:21:51 PM
I'm a preachy pain in the arse when it comes to smoking. I'm probably a bit of a hypocrite because I do smoke dope in a bong a few times a year. My older sister smokes and I used to try and get her to give up. My aunt and uncle both smoke and I'm always hassling them to give up. They both have health issues and it's really stupid of them to smoke, but still they refuse to give up.
All that will do is alienate people. Church people knocking on doors have much the same effect.

I know. Sometimes I listen to myself and realize how annoying I sound. In my aunt and uncles case though I'm probably doing the right thing because their health is really bad and smoking seems to have caused a lot of their problems. If they don't stop they will kill themselves soon. My aunt has angina and my uncle has had a heart attack and has chronic obstructive pulminory disease and they're not even 60 yet.