Politics, Mature and taboo => Political Pundits => Topic started by: Eclair on June 23, 2010, 06:25:19 AM
The PM - Kevin Rudd is now making an announcement, that Julia Gillard has asked for a ballot with caucus to take on leadership of Australia.
The PM - Kevin Rudd is now making an announcement, that Julia Gillard has asked for a ballot with caucus to take on leadership of Australia.
She has no chance. Even if she does win, no one will vote her back in.
The PM - Kevin Rudd is now making an announcement, that Julia Gillard has asked for a ballot with caucus to take on leadership of Australia.
She has no chance. Even if she does win, no one will vote her back in.
Yeah, I think she's been too premature and committed political suicide. She should have watched him flip and flop around for this term, and built her own credibility more.
She probably got sick of wearing the pants though.
I'm sick of wearing pants too. It ends now.
aahhhh... much better.
I'm sick of wearing pants too. It ends now.
aahhhh... much better.
:plus: :rofl:
Julia Gillard is PM now. Be better if she was voted in by the people instead of in this way.. :-\
Julia Gillard is PM now. Be better if she was voted in by the people instead of in this way.. :-\
Agreed. We will see how it goes at the next election.
If she dumps the Internet Filter plan, and gets rid of Conroy in the process, I'll consider voting for her come election day.
you aussies are screwed. it seems you have a police state. it's even illegal to post on suicide boards.
a revolution might be necessary.
you aussies are screwed. it seems you have a police state. it's even illegal to post on suicide boards.
a revolution might be necessary.
The internet filter thing is disturbing imo. If the US had a firewall that blocked certain content, I would be even more paranoid. I think it is foolish to fully trust any government.
yeah foolish. people should be more revolutionary.
you aussies are screwed. it seems you have a police state. it's even illegal to post on suicide boards.
a revolution might be necessary.
The internet filter thing is disturbing imo. If the US had a firewall that blocked certain content, I would be even more paranoid. I think it is foolish to fully trust any government.
Yeah, but an internet filter in the US would go nowhere pretty fast.
The one here has been but in the too hard basket until after the election (in other words they think it will lose votes). But who knows, now that we have a new leader there might be a cabinet reshuffle and refocus and it might be dropped.
never assume. the US is pretty fucked up. all the conservatives are backpedalling progress. that whole prop 8 fiasco.
never assume. the US is pretty fucked up. all the conservatives are backpedalling progress. that whole prop 8 fiasco.
The conservatives would not pay for a national firewall. If it did occur, it would be bypassable and have Christian/religious types of filters for parents and children. It would not be any worse than the V chip is for TV sets. The average US citizen can already get free software that does those things though. I don't see people allowing the government that much control over what they read. Especially not the conservatives. I can see the Democrats doing that shit, as they are the ones that are all over censoring videogames (Hilary Clinton). Al Gore would want an internet filter than blocked any access to documentation that global warming is a hoax. Conservatives are about private industry doing the censoring (firewall programs), while liberals seem to be more into making the state larger and more powerful here. That would just be giving big brother more power than it already has, in addition to the already present monitoring that goes on. I don't trust either side, to be honest.
sigh. your paragraph is too long. can anyone condense it?
sigh. your paragraph is too long. can anyone condense it?
Just jump to the last line: "I don't trust either side, to be honest."
lol. i thought it was a round table.
you would get that.
You're welcome! :roses:
sigh. your paragraph is too long. can anyone condense it?
That is so like you Millasauce.
you aussies are screwed. it seems you have a police state. it's even illegal to post on suicide boards.
a revolution might be necessary.
The internet filter thing is disturbing imo. If the US had a firewall that blocked certain content, I would be even more paranoid. I think it is foolish to fully trust any government.
Yeah, but an internet filter in the US would go nowhere pretty fast.
The one here has been but in the too hard basket until after the election (in other words they think it will lose votes). But who knows, now that we have a new leader there might be a cabinet reshuffle and refocus and it might be dropped.
I always thought the internet filter thing was just empty talk.
Why does everyone believe it was going to happen?
they thought hitler was just empty talk. he was. but people listened.
you aussies are screwed. it seems you have a police state. it's even illegal to post on suicide boards.
a revolution might be necessary.
The internet filter thing is disturbing imo. If the US had a firewall that blocked certain content, I would be even more paranoid. I think it is foolish to fully trust any government.
Yeah, but an internet filter in the US would go nowhere pretty fast.
The one here has been but in the too hard basket until after the election (in other words they think it will lose votes). But who knows, now that we have a new leader there might be a cabinet reshuffle and refocus and it might be dropped.
I always thought the internet filter thing was just empty talk.
Why does everyone believe it was going to happen?
So you think it will never happen? I hope you're right.
I think it may be too difficult for them to enforce.
I'm gettin' my 7 proxies. :P
But yes, it'll be almost impossible to enforce. It would hamper police investigations even more because, it'll drive criminals to more encrypted underground network protocols to bypass it, if some of them were not already.
There are classes for old people teaching them how to circumvent the filter should it ever occur.
I think Gillard will do well at the polls...but how well depends on how much Ruddamage she repairs between now and whenever... I like Gillard, she seems to be a tenacious bitch and we kinda need that as PM, not Rudd's waveringness...
Having said that you have to give credit where due, Rudd did a good job to get Labor elected. And everything he and his government has done. That counts for something imo.
Though...I do have a feeling that it may have all been show and games to sneak Gillard in, maybe Labor didn't think the public would vote a female in?
In anycase she's making the rules now, and as she said to Tony Abbott, 'it's game on!'
Speaking of Abbott, every voting Aussie needs to read this:
I did not know any of that until I read it. I'm now terrified of the idea of Abbott in power.
Glad Gillard is atheist (apparently a former Baptist, but now atheist... didn't swear on Bible when taking office (as is per choice))
i should go to those classes. i dunno how to circumvent.
I was circumvented at birth.
No, wait...
I was circumvented at birth.
No, wait...
What are the big issues there do you have fundies
What are the big issues there do you have fundies
Not exactly... Tony Abbott is sort of. Click the link I posted in my previous post about him.
Gillard is implementing the filter because it's soooooooooooooo goddamn easy to download kiddy porn and the filter will make it soooooooooooooooooooo a tiny bit harder. :duh:
The electorate is fucked. Not just here, but everywhere - US included. Everybody and their pet hamster seem to think that they vote for the leader of the country directly. Too much fucking weed for my liking. Rudd told the ALP caucas (who actually run the Party) that he was due to go into hospital and would be unavailable. Gillard was put up by the same caucas as the next leader. Their was no challenge, except in the (so-called) mind of the media. Nobody knifed anyone. AND the fucking Liberals do exactly the same fucking thing too, so those hypocrites can't talk.
Anyway, Abbott is a festering sore and has as much chance of getting in as Obama has of passing for white. Or, even Israel has of calling off their pissant feud with Palestine. The only thing that could fuck Gillard is the stupid electorate failing to distinguish between state and federal issues. But that is also the fault of the media spin. Keep 'em stupid and their yours forever. The church showed us that.
Oh, and I voted already.
And for those that are worried about filters and slow internet, think of those poor bastards in North Korea. According to Dope-rah, there's no internet, propaganda on TV (guarantee it's not HD) and ownership of a mobile phone brings a death penalty. Prey tell, why did everyone fight a war against those fuckwads 60 years ago?
Kim Jong Il alright - sick in the fucking head.
Election is tomorrow, I still don't know who I will vote for.
Election is tomorrow, I still don't know who I will vote for.
I'm voting for Greens and these guys: ( (looks dirty but it's a legit political party! highly opposed to internet filter, also strong on greater classification options for adult media eg. R-rated video games.)
I'm voting for Greens and these guys: ( (looks dirty but it's a legit political party! highly opposed to internet filter, also strong on greater classification options for adult media eg. R-rated video games.)
I support and agree with this. That is who I will be voting for also.
How does that work? Voting for more than one party?
How does that work? Voting for more than one party?
House and Senate. I voted Greens for House, and thanks to Vodzeon's mention of the sex party, they got my senate vote.
Well, if that Christian fuck gets in, everyone can kiss their jobs goodbye, because that Workplace Relations shit will be back on the table. Only thing that pisses me off with Labour is they are held to ransom by the fucking Greens, who wouldn't have 2 braincells to rub together between the collective lot of them. Global Warming and Emissions Trading..... BULLSHIT of the smelliest calibre.
Anyone who has any sense should vote informal.
Anyway, Abbott is a festering sore and has as much chance of getting in as Obama has of passing for white.
Well, Obama passed as a black African American stock, when clearly, he isn't. His mother is white and his father is Kenyan and he has never been brought up in the context of generations of slavery and black supression in America. It's almost like a half Jamaican/Half white person being Prime Minister here and representing our indigenous population.
Anyway, Abbott is a festering sore and has as much chance of getting in as Obama has of passing for white.
Well, Obama passed as a black African American stock, when clearly, he isn't. His mother is white and his father is Kenyan and he has never been brought up in the context of generations of slavery and black supression in America. It's almost like a half Jamaican/Half white person being Prime Minister here and representing our indigenous population.
Looks like a hung parliament; first since WW2. Funny thing is, Europe has them all the time, and manages to work something out, yet everyone here is shitting themselves and wants to check the Constitution. Well, we got what we wanted, a hamstrung government that needs Independents and the Greens to get anything through. Gillard may not have the numbers, but she gets first crack at the GG to form a minority govt. Then it's Abbott's turn. Well, neither has the numbers yet, so more bribery and gladhanding will be going on the likes anyone has ever seen before. Serves everyone right.
My local member is one of those three independants :laugh:
Well I'm more happy to hear that the greens may hold a balance of power. That would mean the internet filter Cuntroy proposed will be annihilated, as the greens are against it.
That's my primary concern relieved hopefully.
Well I'm more happy to hear that the greens may hold a balance of power. That would mean the internet filter Cuntroy proposed will be annihilated, as the greens are against it.
That's my primary concern relieved hopefully.
The internet filter would have been as dead as the dodo within days anyway, as anyone who is savvy enough techwise could have worked around it. And given the amount of Proxies, it'd be the equivalent of trying to stop pee with a tea strainer. The main objection I have with Abbott is he is one step shy of being Family First, and we know what a bunch of rabid fuckwit Christians they are. No offense to any Christians here, but there are a lot of rabid fuckwits amongst you. :eyebrows:
The internet filter would have been as dead as the dodo within days anyway, as anyone who is savvy enough techwise could have worked around it. And given the amount of Proxies, it'd be the equivalent of trying to stop pee with a tea strainer. The main objection I have with Abbott is he is one step shy of being Family First, and we know what a bunch of rabid fuckwit Christians they are. No offense to any Christians here, but there are a lot of rabid fuckwits amongst you. :eyebrows:
Family First won a Senate seat.
The internet filter would have been as dead as the dodo within days anyway, as anyone who is savvy enough techwise could have worked around it. And given the amount of Proxies, it'd be the equivalent of trying to stop pee with a tea strainer. The main objection I have with Abbott is he is one step shy of being Family First, and we know what a bunch of rabid fuckwit Christians they are. No offense to any Christians here, but there are a lot of rabid fuckwits amongst you. :eyebrows:
Family First won a Senate seat.
Fuck. Sex Party would have been a better option. They too were against the filter.
Greens won 9 seats. Up from the 3 seats at last election.
The internet filter would have been as dead as the dodo within days anyway, as anyone who is savvy enough techwise could have worked around it. And given the amount of Proxies, it'd be the equivalent of trying to stop pee with a tea strainer. The main objection I have with Abbott is he is one step shy of being Family First, and we know what a bunch of rabid fuckwit Christians they are. No offense to any Christians here, but there are a lot of rabid fuckwits amongst you. :eyebrows:
Family First won a Senate seat.
Fuck. Sex Party would have been a better option. They too were against the filter.
If they were on the House ballot, I would have voted sex party for both house and senate.
The internet filter would have been as dead as the dodo within days anyway, as anyone who is savvy enough techwise could have worked around it. And given the amount of Proxies, it'd be the equivalent of trying to stop pee with a tea strainer. The main objection I have with Abbott is he is one step shy of being Family First, and we know what a bunch of rabid fuckwit Christians they are. No offense to any Christians here, but there are a lot of rabid fuckwits amongst you. :eyebrows:
Family First won a Senate seat.
Fuck. Sex Party would have been a better option. They too were against the filter.
There's actually a SEX PARTY? :clap:
Yep. 2 of their platforms were gay marriage and more women in govt.
Yep. 2 of their platforms were gay marriage and more women in govt.
Your political system sounds like a lot more fun than ours! :asthing: