Politics, Mature and taboo => Political Pundits => Topic started by: Parts on February 19, 2010, 06:21:05 PM
This is for those evil non believers >:D
If you ever had it when did you lose it and why?
I even though I was raised Catholic never had it. As a child I loathed Sunday school and church it never made sense to me whatsoever. During church I would count and do math in my head and hope it was over soon. In Sunday school I'd vaguely listen and if called upon bring into play the general stoke answers they wanted as I daydreamed and wished it was over . Alter I went till the 8th grade I'd check out the girls in the class and think what they would call immoral thoughts as the preached against them. So I never had A moment I turned I never remember believing. So who is like this and who had that eureka moment and what was it?
Or the opposite what was your moment confirming you belief ?
You didn't talk about religion much in my house when growing up. :laugh:
My grandmother (dad's mom) was a big believer. My grandfather was diagnosed with lukemia when my dad was in his teens, my grandmother would hide money under the rug every month to mail to Oral Roberts for a "cure" while they did without, my grandfather would find it and all hell would break loose. So my father had quite an averision to organized religion.
Both my parents encouraged me to explore though when I became curious about it in my teens. I went to a few churches where they talked in tongues and rolled around on the floor, and shunned the rest of the population because "they were all going to hell." Went to the catholic church for awhile, explored the Methodists. Found too many hidden games of politics, and too many hippocrites.
I think the final straw was when I married my ex. MIL, & him were always quoting crap to me, because I didn't do as I "was told". Didn't matter that captain logic wasn't exactly piloting the tugboat.
Never really had it though, I've always had a hard time believing in things I can't see or prove for myself. I remember when I was 4 meeting another kid that had an imaginary "friend", I thought "this is cool, maybe if I imagine one enough, I can have one too"...that lasted about a week until I found out it doesn't work that way and it just seemed silly going around trying to imagine someone that wasn't there.
I was brought up to believe in God, say my prayers etc. My family on my mothers side were historically Catholic, but I didn't formalise that until I became an adult and was baptised/confirmed.
I lived a pretty good life, going to church every week....and probably in some ways the discipline of trying to be good on a daily basis probably helped me to control AS (even though I didn't know I had it at the time).
I then turned away from it quite suddenly when I went through something extremely traumatic. I kind of wondered how God could let those things happen to a good, I know that's life and shit happens, but at the time, I felt ripped off and thought, what's the fucking point of trying to be good in this world.
I think I will go back someday, and I still believe there is a power in the universe greater than us....we just don't have the ability to perceive exactly what that is whilst in a physical form. I've been reading a book called Journey of Souls and it seems to make the most logical sense thus far about these types of concepts.
i was raised christian. i went to christian schools my whole life.
i lost faith in god when i lost faith in his religious leaders. living my life so deep in the religion i saw alot of hippocracy. i consider myself agnostic. i cannot believe in something that cannot be proven. god is a leap of faith.
i also believe that religion was created by man to tap into other mens hopes and fears. hope and fear are the two best ways to control people who, apperently, have free will.
i do believe that the teachings, or morality, that are taught in the bible make alot of sense, and i do believe that they are a great foundation in which to raise a family. that being said i do not think that the bible needs to be used to control or dictate how any society works. people should have free will. in america we have a huge voting block in the south callled 'the bible belt'. these are ignorant southeners who are brainwashed into voting strictly by the standards that their religion dictates. i think this is dangerous.
in america we have a huge voting block in the south callled 'the bible belt'. these are ignorant southeners who are brainwashed into voting strictly by the standards that their religion dictates. i think this is dangerous.
They scare me too and rightly so I believe. What makes it worse a lot is up for interpretation and they use that to get the message the leaders of groups to belive
in america we have a huge voting block in the south callled 'the bible belt'. these are ignorant southeners who are brainwashed into voting strictly by the standards that their religion dictates. i think this is dangerous.
They scare me too and rightly so I believe. What makes it worse a lot is up for interpretation and they use that to get the message the leaders of groups to belive
and the politicians need their voting block (especially for the presidency) so they cater to their needs.
the founding father two most brilliant concepts were the right to bear arms and seperation of church and state.
it seems that both of these have been SEVERELY weakened.
in america we have a huge voting block in the south callled 'the bible belt'. these are ignorant southeners who are brainwashed into voting strictly by the standards that their religion dictates. i think this is dangerous.
They scare me too and rightly so I believe. What makes it worse a lot is up for interpretation and they use that to get the message the leaders of groups to belive
and the politicians need their voting block (especially for the presidency) so they cater to their needs.
the founding father two most brilliant concepts were the right to bear arms and seperation of church and state.
it seems that both of these have been SEVERELY weakened.
And need to return
freedom of speech is also important and also severly limited by the religious right in america.
freedom of speech is also important and also severly limited by the religious right in america.
Is extremely important I'm glad I live in the North East far fom the high concentrations of these freaks but we still have some. They wanted to have a Bernstein Bear book banned in my town because it had ghosts in it and was therefor evil
and the massholes are able to teach same sex relationships in school which i agree with.
and the massholes are able to teach same sex relationships in school which i agree with.
They do that in some cities in Ct too. We have the same sex marriages also :thumbup:
and the massholes are able to teach same sex relationships in school which i agree with.
They do that in some cities in Ct too. We have the same sex marriages also :thumbup:
i view it as a step in the right direction.
let people live their lives anyway that makes them happy just so long as they don't harm others in their quest.
and the massholes are able to teach same sex relationships in school which i agree with.
They do that in some cities in Ct too. We have the same sex marriages also :thumbup:
i view it as a step in the right direction.
let people live their lives anyway that makes them happy just so long as they don't harm others in their quest.
Now to get it to spread. I have always liked working for gay couples they tend to have more money to spend and are freer with it than heterosexual couples. Push they know what they want and always pay>
and the massholes are able to teach same sex relationships in school which i agree with.
They do that in some cities in Ct too. We have the same sex marriages also :thumbup:
i view it as a step in the right direction.
let people live their lives anyway that makes them happy just so long as they don't harm others in their quest.
Now to get it to spread. I have always liked working for gay couples they tend to have more money to spend and are freer with it than heterosexual couples. Push they know what they want and always pay>
because they are often not spending their resources on children and both partners can work full time.
wanna get rich, bitch? become a homosexual.
and the massholes are able to teach same sex relationships in school which i agree with.
They do that in some cities in Ct too. We have the same sex marriages also :thumbup:
i view it as a step in the right direction.
let people live their lives anyway that makes them happy just so long as they don't harm others in their quest.
Now to get it to spread. I have always liked working for gay couples they tend to have more money to spend and are freer with it than heterosexual couples. Push they know what they want and always pay>
because they are often not spending their resources on children and both partners can work full time.
wanna get rich, bitch? become a homosexual.
Thought of that a long time ago and decided against it
and the massholes are able to teach same sex relationships in school which i agree with.
They do that in some cities in Ct too. We have the same sex marriages also :thumbup:
i view it as a step in the right direction.
let people live their lives anyway that makes them happy just so long as they don't harm others in their quest.
Now to get it to spread. I have always liked working for gay couples they tend to have more money to spend and are freer with it than heterosexual couples. Push they know what they want and always pay>
because they are often not spending their resources on children and both partners can work full time.
wanna get rich, bitch? become a homosexual.
Thought of that a long time ago and decided against it
me too. i could do it i don't have any moral objections. and i do get along better with men.
but i like the flavour of pussy way too much.
This is for those evil non believers >:D
If you ever had it when did you lose it and why?
I even though I was raised Catholic never had it. As a child I loathed Sunday school and church it never made sense to me whatsoever. During church I would count and do math in my head and hope it was over soon. In Sunday school I'd vaguely listen and if called upon bring into play the general stoke answers they wanted as I daydreamed and wished it was over . Alter I went till the 8th grade I'd check out the girls in the class and think what they would call immoral thoughts as the preached against them. So I never had A moment I turned I never remember believing. So who is like this and who had that eureka moment and what was it?
Or the opposite what was your moment confirming you belief ?
My experience is similar to yours, Parts, in that I listened politely to all the fanciful stories about people-swallowing whales, and boats that sailed the sea with every known animal on Earth aboard ("Hey! Where the hell did that dove come from?") and thought to myself, "Wow, these people really seem to take all this seriously! I'll just nod and play along." So no, no Eureka moment when I realised that the whole thing was a huge fraud; I never remember believing any of it either.
I can't remember the last time I believed. I went to a Catholic Church last Christmas to be with my family and it all just seemed like a cult.
I never really had it, I think. My father told me before I even had started school that there is no God and no life after this. He told me that the sun consisted of atoms colliding with each other, thus making energy.
I can't remember the last time I believed. I went to a Catholic Church last Christmas to be with my family and it all just seemed like a cult.
They do put on a good show though :laugh:
I think God being baloney came at around the same time I realised the tooth fairy and Santa were not real. Just a logical extension of my own realisations, really...
The brainwashing in my family went pretty deep. I was basically a Deist from 15-16 on to my early 20's before I figured out what a scam religion was.
My mother was raised in an excruciatingly catholic family, she understood that that was not the way to go and instead brought me and my brother to an Episcopalian church every sunday for most of my childhood. I always tried to believe what I was told, but always had so many questions that nobody would answer. Eventually I started getting in trouble in sunday school for asking too many questions about what they were preaching. I continued to go until every sunday until I turned 19, being actively invlolved in the church, but gradually losing any faith in the diety.
Eventually, after a sunday school teacher told me to read the bible "from here to here, then here to here, then here to here" before the next sunday. I instead went home and over the course of that week, managed to read the entire book cover to cover from Genesis to Revelation. When I got back the next sunday, I had so many questions about different contradictions I noticed, etc. I ended up getting scolded for reading more than I was told to (which I thought was absurd). From having the conversations where I was supposed to explain my actions, where I instead got into deep converstations with other people in sunday school and ended up in some fierce debates. I eventually developed a real knack for debating Christianity, and found out how much I enjoy it, not necessarily debating against the existence of deities (which I did still, to an extent, believe in at the time), but about problems with contradictions and issues in the biblical text.
After many years of thinking about it heavily and debating it in voice chat rooms on Yahoo (I used to go into Religion:4 every night under the name "railbuffrob") my natural desire to know facts and understand things logically began to overtake my loose faith and beliefs which I was trying so hard to continue believing. In the end, (around age 19) I began to notice my debates were moving closer to a neutral standpoint, then closer to that of the Atheists. This was my Autistic literal logical brain catching up to the years of childhood brainwashing and eventually overpowering the faith with me basically coming to the realization of "why am I trying so hard to believe something that makes no logical sense when there's something else that makes more sense and seems to be backed up with everything I learned in science classes.
The main thing that got me thinking was just the way that people take it all in blind faith and get offended when I mention that I believe the bible to be exaggerated in some places. One good example is the virgin birth of Christ, back in a time when people would believe almost anything you told them and pre-marital sex was punished by having rocks thrown at you, a woman named Mary got either raped or knocked up, and rather than telling Joseph the truth which she knew would lead to her death, she made up a story about a virgin birth which the people soaked up. See, this isn't saying that there is absolutely no god, it's just a more realistic perspective on what I read out of the bible. This theory is what got a sunday school teacher to turn albino pale and then grab me by the arm and drag me to the priest's office where she told me to repeat what I said and thus shocked the priest enough that he called my mother, who then said "well, that makes some sense".
Basically, to answer your question simply put, my brain can't handle ridiculous stories nearly as well as it can handle cold hard logic.
that is alot to read.
Christians aren't big on fact checking there books
Fundamentalism. DeRp!!!! :finger:
Christians aren't big on fact checking there books
They just ignore or skip over certain chapters or verses. That is how they are taught, really. The Catholics are by far the worse as far as this goes. Some churches actually encourage people to read the entire book, imagine that!
Christians aren't big on fact checking there books
They just ignore or skip over certain chapters or verses. That is how they are taught, really. The Catholics are by far the worse as far as this goes. Some churches actually encourage people to read the entire book, imagine that!
I went as far as 8th grade going to Sunday school as a Catholic and NEVER got told to read the bible :laugh:
Christians aren't big on fact checking there books
They just ignore or skip over certain chapters or verses. That is how they are taught, really. The Catholics are by far the worse as far as this goes. Some churches actually encourage people to read the entire book, imagine that!
I went as far as 8th grade going to Sunday school as a Catholic and NEVER got told to read the bible :laugh:
we were give an candy is we would memorize a new verse each week.
one week i really wanted the candy bar and was unprepared to i memorized john 11:35....jesus wept. :laugh:
funny how i still remember that.
candy for Jesus :laugh: :laugh:
candy for Jesus :laugh: :laugh:
they knew how to best brainwash the kiddies.
candy for Jesus :laugh: :laugh:
they knew how to best brainwash the kiddies.
For me now it woulds be blow jobs for Jesus :eyebrows:
candy for Jesus :laugh: :laugh:
they knew how to best brainwash the kiddies.
For me now it woulds be blow jobs for Jesus :eyebrows:
i'd accept handjobs for jesus.
candy for Jesus :laugh: :laugh:
they knew how to best brainwash the kiddies.
For me now it woulds be blow jobs for Jesus :eyebrows:
i'd accept handjobs for jesus.
They'd have to be easy bilble verses for that
candy for Jesus :laugh: :laugh:
they knew how to best brainwash the kiddies.
For me now it woulds be blow jobs for Jesus :eyebrows:
i'd accept handjobs for jesus.
They'd have to be easy bilble verses for that
i love em. a little hand lotion and alot of consistent hand motions.
candy for Jesus :laugh: :laugh:
they knew how to best brainwash the kiddies.
For me now it woulds be blow jobs for Jesus :eyebrows:
i'd accept handjobs for jesus.
Wasn't there this mob that actually instructed the women to go around sleep with men to hook them into their Christian cult or something? I think they referred to it as fishing for Jesus or something.
candy for Jesus :laugh: :laugh:
they knew how to best brainwash the kiddies.
For me now it woulds be blow jobs for Jesus :eyebrows:
i'd accept handjobs for jesus.
Wasn't there this mob that actually instructed the women to go around sleep with men to hook them into their Christian cult or something? I think they referred to it as fishing for Jesus or something.
jesus is a fisher of men.
candy for Jesus :laugh: :laugh:
they knew how to best brainwash the kiddies.
For me now it woulds be blow jobs for Jesus :eyebrows:
i'd accept handjobs for jesus.
Wasn't there this mob that actually instructed the women to go around sleep with men to hook them into their Christian cult or something? I think they referred to it as fishing for Jesus or something.
I've heard of some cults that do that. They call it "flirty fishing."
candy for Jesus :laugh: :laugh:
they knew how to best brainwash the kiddies.
For me now it woulds be blow jobs for Jesus :eyebrows:
i'd accept handjobs for jesus.
Wasn't there this mob that actually instructed the women to go around sleep with men to hook them into their Christian cult or something? I think they referred to it as fishing for Jesus or something.
I've heard of some cults that do that. They call it "flirty fishing."
hahah! Crazy.
Anyway, to answer your question - My father was a catholic and my mother a prodistent. Neither practiced or acted like they were religious at all. Myself and my sister were never baptised. Born and raised as agnostics.
I am trying to develop a further knowledge of these things, and am on my way hopefully.
candy for Jesus :laugh: :laugh:
they knew how to best brainwash the kiddies.
For me now it woulds be blow jobs for Jesus :eyebrows:
i'd accept handjobs for jesus.
Wasn't there this mob that actually instructed the women to go around sleep with men to hook them into their Christian cult or something? I think they referred to it as fishing for Jesus or something.
I've heard of some cults that do that. They call it "flirty fishing."
I heard it called "hooking for Jesus"
At first, cops were confused by it, and weren't sure if it was a crime or not. I think they decided not to prosecute them for it, because no money had exchanged hands.
I never had a religion to start with in the first place, although I will tell you how I became an Strong Atheist, I wasn't one before say a few months ago. I was more Agnostic than anything else, mainly because apart from Islam I had not really read too much into religion. Atfer I have done a fair bit of reading into religion, I am convinced that god is a human invention and a psychological illusion (I have very seldom had, in fact I am puzzled by people who say to me they feel god in their lives).
My story,
I was raised by my avowedly atheist mother from age 4-13, then I moved with my dad and his then wife who subscribed to various new age stuff (including belief in Aliens visiting Earth). That experience affected me to the extent, I was always looking at Christianity from the position of an outsider and also I developed a solidly rationalistic, skeptical mindset.
Being open-minded and freethinking made me open in hearing about the ideas the Christians were preaching about. For a long time my main contact with Christians were with that of the liberal variety, I generally found them an all right lot and not terribly dogmatic. Since I have been at university for the last couple of years or so, I got to meet evangelical Christians. Being open-minded I started hearing about the gospel and reading the bible.
Compared to the Quran and Orthodox Islam, I did not find the evangelical Christians and their ideas all that threatening to my lifestyle. I guess the turning point for me lately has been, reading the bible more in-depth and in a way I did not before. Also reading works by ‘new atheist’ authors such as Dawkins, Harris, Onfray and Hitchens. Also my contact with Evangelical Christians has changed my views as well, I tend to see those people in having often a ‘correct’ interpretation of the bible, which my readings has confirmed. I am starting to evaluate seriously my neutral to slightly positive view of Christianity. I am also realizing the better Christians are the ones who don’t interpret the bible literally.
As the title of my post says, I have been through an 'atheist revival' akin to what happens to some Christians. My general apathy to Christianity and other religions are disappearing and I am becoming more critical of it, more in line with my view of Islam. Also far from seeing Dawkins, Dennett, Harris and Hitchens as 'loonies', I am to them and agree with their core message.
I dislike Darwinism, dictatorship and communism, but I accept Christianity, paganism, buddhism and democracy.
I dislike Darwinism, dictatorship and communism, but I accept Christianity, paganism, buddhism and democracy.
Without man, there would be no god.
I never had a religion to start with in the first place, although I will tell you how I became an Strong Atheist, I wasn't one before say a few months ago. I was more Agnostic than anything else, mainly because apart from Islam I had not really read too much into religion. Atfer I have done a fair bit of reading into religion, I am convinced that god is a human invention and a psychological illusion (I have very seldom had, in fact I am puzzled by people who say to me they feel god in their lives).
My story,
I was raised by my avowedly atheist mother from age 4-13, then I moved with my dad and his then wife who subscribed to various new age stuff (including belief in Aliens visiting Earth). That experience affected me to the extent, I was always looking at Christianity from the position of an outsider and also I developed a solidly rationalistic, skeptical mindset.
Being open-minded and freethinking made me open in hearing about the ideas the Christians were preaching about. For a long time my main contact with Christians were with that of the liberal variety, I generally found them an all right lot and not terribly dogmatic. Since I have been at university for the last couple of years or so, I got to meet evangelical Christians. Being open-minded I started hearing about the gospel and reading the bible.
Compared to the Quran and Orthodox Islam, I did not find the evangelical Christians and their ideas all that threatening to my lifestyle. I guess the turning point for me lately has been, reading the bible more in-depth and in a way I did not before. Also reading works by ‘new atheist’ authors such as Dawkins, Harris, Onfray and Hitchens. Also my contact with Evangelical Christians has changed my views as well, I tend to see those people in having often a ‘correct’ interpretation of the bible, which my readings has confirmed. I am starting to evaluate seriously my neutral to slightly positive view of Christianity. I am also realizing the better Christians are the ones who don’t interpret the bible literally.
As the title of my post says, I have been through an 'atheist revival' akin to what happens to some Christians. My general apathy to Christianity and other religions are disappearing and I am becoming more critical of it, more in line with my view of Islam. Also far from seeing Dawkins, Dennett, Harris and Hitchens as 'loonies', I am to them and agree with their core message.
that was a good read :plus:
at this point in my life i would become a christian, if it would help me. joel osteen seems to have what i want, i dont care if hes a tv preacher, hes always happy! about everything, is happyness like that learned? i dont know but i'd like to know the feeling
I never had a religion to start with in the first place, although I will tell you how I became an Strong Atheist, I wasn't one before say a few months ago. I was more Agnostic than anything else, mainly because apart from Islam I had not really read too much into religion. Atfer I have done a fair bit of reading into religion, I am convinced that god is a human invention and a psychological illusion (I have very seldom had, in fact I am puzzled by people who say to me they feel god in their lives).
My story,
I was raised by my avowedly atheist mother from age 4-13, then I moved with my dad and his then wife who subscribed to various new age stuff (including belief in Aliens visiting Earth). That experience affected me to the extent, I was always looking at Christianity from the position of an outsider and also I developed a solidly rationalistic, skeptical mindset.
Being open-minded and freethinking made me open in hearing about the ideas the Christians were preaching about. For a long time my main contact with Christians were with that of the liberal variety, I generally found them an all right lot and not terribly dogmatic. Since I have been at university for the last couple of years or so, I got to meet evangelical Christians. Being open-minded I started hearing about the gospel and reading the bible.
Compared to the Quran and Orthodox Islam, I did not find the evangelical Christians and their ideas all that threatening to my lifestyle. I guess the turning point for me lately has been, reading the bible more in-depth and in a way I did not before. Also reading works by ‘new atheist’ authors such as Dawkins, Harris, Onfray and Hitchens. Also my contact with Evangelical Christians has changed my views as well, I tend to see those people in having often a ‘correct’ interpretation of the bible, which my readings has confirmed. I am starting to evaluate seriously my neutral to slightly positive view of Christianity. I am also realizing the better Christians are the ones who don’t interpret the bible literally.
As the title of my post says, I have been through an 'atheist revival' akin to what happens to some Christians. My general apathy to Christianity and other religions are disappearing and I am becoming more critical of it, more in line with my view of Islam. Also far from seeing Dawkins, Dennett, Harris and Hitchens as 'loonies', I am to them and agree with their core message.
that was a good read :plus:
at this point in my life i would become a christian, if it would help me. joel osteen seems to have what i want, i dont care if hes a tv preacher, hes always happy! about everything, is happyness like that learned? i dont know but i'd like to know the feeling
You could make him happier. Show him your BIG FUCKIN' PETERS and he'll be blown sideways.
im shure he would have some positive spin on it dude. i dont think this guy has had one unhappy day in his life, just look at him!
i was raised christian. i went to christian schools my whole life.
i lost faith in god when i lost faith in his religious leaders. living my life so deep in the religion i saw alot of hippocracy. i consider myself agnostic. i cannot believe in something that cannot be proven. god is a leap of faith.
i also believe that religion was created by man to tap into other mens hopes and fears. hope and fear are the two best ways to control people who, apperently, have free will.
i do believe that the teachings, or morality, that are taught in the bible make alot of sense, and i do believe that they are a great foundation in which to raise a family. that being said i do not think that the bible needs to be used to control or dictate how any society works. people should have free will. in america we have a huge voting block in the south callled 'the bible belt'. these are ignorant southeners who are brainwashed into voting strictly by the standards that their religion dictates. i think this is dangerous.
:plus: :indeed:
Ever see the 1988 movie "They Live?" That movie, IMO, is an accurate depiction on how hardcore conformist governments force citizens to OBEY public policy without making it seem like they are forcing anything.
i was raised christian. i went to christian schools my whole life.
i lost faith in god when i lost faith in his religious leaders. living my life so deep in the religion i saw alot of hippocracy. i consider myself agnostic. i cannot believe in something that cannot be proven. god is a leap of faith.
i also believe that religion was created by man to tap into other mens hopes and fears. hope and fear are the two best ways to control people who, apperently, have free will.
i do believe that the teachings, or morality, that are taught in the bible make alot of sense, and i do believe that they are a great foundation in which to raise a family. that being said i do not think that the bible needs to be used to control or dictate how any society works. people should have free will. in america we have a huge voting block in the south callled 'the bible belt'. these are ignorant southeners who are brainwashed into voting strictly by the standards that their religion dictates. i think this is dangerous.
:plus: :indeed:
Ever see the 1988 movie "They Live?" That movie, IMO, is an accurate depiction on how hardcore conformist governments force citizens to OBEY public policy without making it seem like they are forcing anything.
Dude! McJagger has been gone for a while and he probably won't come back. :-\
Religion is a load of shit. Especially Islam
Religion is a load of shit. Especially Islam
Is christianity any better??
Christianity is shit too. But Islam is worse IMO.