Start here => Games => Topic started by: McGiver on January 25, 2010, 10:42:33 AM
your nipples get harder than your cock.
When you have dry dreams and wet farts? :zoinks:
the back of your neck is wetter than your pussy
The older you get the better you were
and the less you know
You go shopping to buy a walker. :laugh:
it takes tou 15 minutes to get throough the express lane.
You long for the days when your hair was just a bit grey.
When you have 20 pairs of reading glasses but can't remember where any of them are
You don't use drugs any more, you take meds.
You don't use drugs any more, you take meds.
And you think that's normal.
A lot of the drugs yoy took are not popular any moe
You make a phone call and some asshole puts you on hold for 20 minutes, and the music playing through the phone is Led Zeppelin and not Barry Manilow or some other crap. :zombiefuck:
You make a phone call and some asshole puts you on hold for 20 minutes, and the music playing through the phone is Led Zeppelin and not Barry Manilow or some other crap. :zombiefuck:
the elevator music is the music of your youth?
When you hear a song on a "classic rock" or "oldies" station that you clearly remember when that song came out.
If you still think it's weird that 6 year old kids have cellphones.
If you still say "interweb" when you refer to the internet.
If you still use America Online and think it's better than a basic web connection
If you still pronounce http:// when you're giving someone a website URL.
If your hair is white and you're not an electrician.
If you've ever said "new fangled".
If you remember when your normal bus route was served by trolleys that seemed to spook the horses.
If you still call black people "colored" and don't understand why people see anything wrong with that.
Viagra becomes mandatory for your sex life.
Your parents tell you to stop being so grumpy.
You realise that 45 is not that bad.
You realise that 45 is not that bad.
When you see younger siblings going bald and grey.
When you want people to forget about your Birthday
when on your birthday you have been 29 for 20 years.
When you put the word 'The' in front of words that don't need them eg:
The Facebook
When you see the trends you wore as a kid become popular again.
When you see the trends you wore as a kid become popular again.
For the third time....
When you can;t drink/drug like ypu used to
when sitting around reading posts is a highlight in your day
When the kids you babysat only last week or so, you swear it wasn't much longer ago, now have kids of their own…
When the kids you babysat only last week or so, you swear it wasn't much longer ago, now have kids of their own…
The last kids you babysat where mine....don't say things like that. My kids will be my babies forever. :laugh:
When the kids you babysat only last week or so, you swear it wasn't much longer ago, now have kids of their own…
The last kids you babysat where mine....don't say things like that. My kids will be my babies forever. :laugh:
Well, yes; but I was chatting today (on Fæcesbook) to a little girl who effectively moved in with us when her mother died. Only she's not a little girl any more, she's 27 and has a daughter of her own!
When the kids you babysat only last week or so, you swear it wasn't much longer ago, now have kids of their own…
The last kids you babysat where mine....don't say things like that. My kids will be my babies forever. :laugh:
Well, yes; but I was chatting today (on Fæcesbook) to a little girl who effectively moved in with us when her mother died. Only she's not a little girl any more, she's 27 and has a daughter of her own!
Wow! That must freak you right out!
When your same aged sister in law has become a grandmother.
the only thing HARD about you in the mornings is getting out of bed.
- start explaining aches and pains by saying, "I must have slept wrong!"
...your classic rock knowledge makes you a resource for the younger folks, who nevertheless give you pitying looks and/or eyerolls when you say " Moby, right?" :hahaha:
When you have dry dreams and wet farts? :zoinks:
That reminds me of something Jack Nicholson's character said in The Bucket List, three pieces of advice for older men: "Never waste an erection, never pass up a bathroom, and never trust a fart." :2thumbsup:
When you have dry dreams and wet farts? :zoinks:
That reminds me of something Jack Nicholson's character said in The Bucket List, three pieces of advice for older men: "Never waste an erection, never pass up a bathroom, and never trust a fart." :2thumbsup:
You hear an oldies station playing music you remember when it came out on vinyl and bought it
You think a film that came out in the early 90's isn't that old, then you realise it was nearly 20 years ago.
This happened to me last night.
You think a film that came out in the early 90's isn't that old, then you realise it was nearly 20 years ago.
This happened to me last night.
Well that is true it wasn't really that long ago was it :-\
I live in the 'new' part of my street. That means that the houses are only 35 years old...
- develop arthritic nodes on some of your knuckles. When the hell did I get old enough for old-lady fingers?! :zombiefuck:
When you are at the DKM show and stand in the back to avoid getting dominated by all the rapscallions! :-[
When you are at the DKM show and stand in the back to avoid getting dominated by all the rapscallions! :-[
But by protecting yourself, you are ensuring that you will be around to see many more DKM shows! :headbang2:
Whats a DKM show?
Whats a DKM show?
Dropkick Murphys! :headbang2: I'll be playing their CDs on my headphones on St. Patrick's Day!
thank you CBC :headbang2:
thank you CBC :headbang2:
You're welcome! Rock on! :headbang2:
:headbang2: :headbang2:
Whats a DKM show?
Blasphemy! :o
Whats a DKM show?
Blasphemy! :o
It's OK, he knows now. ;)
Whats a DKM show?
Blasphemy! :o
sorry I am not good on the shorthand a lot of internet users use. :duh:
Whats a DKM show?
Blasphemy! :o
sorry I am not good on the shorthand a lot of internet users use. :duh:
It's hard sometimes to figure out what the letters mean without some context. Like the NIN logo!
Whats a DKM show?
Blasphemy! :o
sorry I am not good on the shorthand a lot of internet users use. :duh:
I was just kiddin' anyway! :headbang2:
No needs to apologize!
You get joint pain and start wondering if it's osteoporosis or you need a hip replacement!
I can't believe it entered my mind!
You get joint pain and start wondering if it's osteoporosis or you need a hip replacement!
I can't believe it entered my mind!
I have some joint aches from overwork and some from being overweight! The swollen knuckles look arthritic but fortunately they are fully mobile and I have only occasional aches in them. Still, it is unsettling to feel body parts beginning to...AGE.
You get joint pain and start wondering if it's osteoporosis or you need a hip replacement!
I can't believe it entered my mind!
Still, it is unsettling to feel body parts beginning to...AGE.
You get joint pain and start wondering if it's osteoporosis or you need a hip replacement!
I can't believe it entered my mind!
Still, it is unsettling to feel body parts beginning to...AGE.
Awww, it's gonna be OK! Here, have some glucosamine and some gingko biloba... :)
You get joint pain and start wondering if it's osteoporosis or you need a hip replacement!
I can't believe it entered my mind!
As long as it is just entering the mind, you're OK.
(had my hip and rheumatic pains when lots younger though, but they will return, very likely)
You know you are getting old when....
The hospital building you were born in is demolished;
The Department Store you went to as a child in the city is demolished and rebuilt without regard for heritage facades;
The place you went to concerts in the city is demolished and unit blocks built....with a pissweak 'hall of fame' in the foyer...
And best yet, now they are demolishing the Regent Theatre....fab...fucking pull the whole town down you pricks.
Soon there will be no memories left for me in the city. And I'm not that old.
...the Playboy Centerfold is young enough to be your daughter.
...your cultural references draw blank stares. I mentioned Jerry Falwell at my day job a couple of years ago, and the teenagers had no idea who I was talking about. :duh:
I remember Falwell. He ruined our town when he took control of PTL ,away from Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker. We lost a lot of tax revenue because of his hypocritical arse.
...the Playboy Centerfold is young enough to be your grand daughter.
Fixed...don't make me feel too old.
...the Playboy Centerfold is young enough to be your grand daughter.
Fixed...don't make me feel too old.
- begin to dream about retirement. One of my coworkers is retiring today, and I get butterflies in my stomach just imagining how happy she must be!
When your co-worker announce there year of birthday and you say "Oh I remember 1987. Good year. I started work, Lost my virginity, got my licence...." then see their pitiful glances and continue with "....and I am very old"
When your co-worker announce there year of birthday and you say "Oh I remember 1987. Good year. I started work, Lost my virginity, got my licence...." then see their pitiful glances and continue with "....and I am very old"
I do remember 1987, and the ill-chosen cropped jeans I owned, complete with a zipper down the outside of each calf! :laugh:
Ah, yes, 1987. Almost done with the uni.
Fell in love big time. (in 1987 I mean)
Hmm. As a matter of fact, so did I. In 1987, that is.
That's the year my husband and I went to Mardi Gras together.
1987 was a very good year.
I was 23 years younger in 1987
I was 23 years younger in 1987
Wow, me too! High five! :orly:
I was 23 years younger in 1987
Wow, me too! High five! :orly:
Not me, I am 29 now. And I got to be 22 in 1987.
I was 23 years younger in 1987
Wow, me too! High five! :orly:
Not me, I am 29 now. And I got to be 22 in 1987.
reading glasses >:(
When all of a sudden there they are again.
Boys with trousers hanging from their but as if they have just shit their pants. That's the way they walk at least.
It is so incredibly unsexy.
At least third time around that trousers like that pollute street view for me.
reading glasses >:(
I'm getting close to that point myself...either reading glasses, or bifocals. For now I take off my regular glasses when I need to see close up. I'll keep doing that as long as it works! :2thumbsup:
my contacts are made so I can see at a distance, I hate having to use reading glasses
my contacts are made so I can see at a distance, I hate having to use reading glasses
I tried contacts in high school, lost 2 of them in 6 months, and my parents said Enough! I'll never put plastic thingies in my eyes again! :o
not plastic anymore :)
not plastic anymore :)
What are they made of?! Mine were like plastic wrap...
- feel comforted and restored by listening to the :notes: of your youth. I used to roll my eyes at elderly people who sang WWII-era songs as if the war had never ended, but now I get it. :-\
I heard the bus drivers channel on the radio and it was awesome. I have missed the radio each day to work. I listen to the local station with all the latest and love it. I was getting into his music and then they announced the radio stations ID. It was the oldies channel. D'oh!
I heard the bus drivers channel on the radio and it was awesome. I have missed the radio each day to work. I listen to the local station with all the latest and love it. I was getting into his music and then they announced the radio stations ID. It was the oldies channel. D'oh!
My favorite 80s hits are now considered "classic rock." :P
reading glasses >:(
Yes. It's a bitch. I HATE IT!
reading glasses >:(
Yes. It's a bitch. I HATE IT!
forgetting where I've put them is another bitch.
reading glasses >:(
Yes. It's a bitch. I HATE IT!
forgetting where I've put them is another bitch.
That's why I get them at a discount and have about six sets
reading glasses >:(
Yes. It's a bitch. I HATE IT!
forgetting where I've put them is another bitch.
That's why I get them at a discount and have about six sets
I was thinking on getting myself a handful yesterday. They only cost about two euro or so.
I've got an aunt who has them at a discount in all thinkable colours. She has one to match with every piece of clothing and every handbag. (collecting handbags...) Very funny, but also convenient. Getting old with a twist she is. :green:
My reading glasses cost too much for that.
I should get myself some with a cylinder in it, and multi-focal would not be a bad thing. But, the cylinder is minimal, as is the prescription for long distant view. So, so far, the cheap one from a discount drug-store does the job well enough for me, luckily. Glad not to need things like prism glasses etc.
going to bed early , sounds like a good idea. :zzz:
You start with the "I remember when" stories about prices
It isn't only reading glasses too I got a couple of these
It isn't only reading glasses too I got a couple of these
That looks a bit like the equipment at the ophthalmologist's office! Is it? :headbang2:
You start with the "I remember when" stories about prices
You tell the young ones that you quit smoking when cigarettes were still 67 cents for a pack of 25 from the shops, and 75 cents out of the vending machines, and the response is an eyeroll and a "Yeah, yeah, and dinosaurs were still roaming the earth."
(Too bloody right they were! Hell's bells, I went out with a few of 'em.)
You start with the "I remember when" stories about prices
You tell the young ones that you quit smoking when cigarettes were still 67 cents for a pack of 25 from the shops, and 75 cents out of the vending machines, and the response is an eyeroll and a "Yeah, yeah, and dinosaurs were still roaming the earth."
(Too bloody right they were! Hell's bells, I went out with a few of 'em.)
I remember cigarettes in vending machines! :prude:
And I once dated a stegosaurus, cute but dumb, it's as if his brain was only as a big as a walnut! :zoinks:
When you talk about prices in the former currency. And you realise that even if it only changed 8 years ago, only people your age and older get it.
Not only realising to get old, but also that youth has a different memory.
You start with the "I remember when" stories about prices
I remember when the cheapest icecream was 75 öre. Today it's 10 kronor or something. :-\
Those were the days.
I'm grateful for all the progress of the past 30-40 years, but I still miss the 70s. :-\
You start with the "I remember when" stories about prices
I remember when you could buy a piece of gum for a penny and a Coke for a quarter.
It isn't only reading glasses too I got a couple of these
That looks a bit like the equipment at the ophthalmologist's office! Is it? :headbang2:
Just a big magnifier with a light used in coin stores and doing small hobbies
As far as prices go the first I remember noticing gas it was $.58 a gal cigs $.56 and Coke machines $.25 all from around 78 when I began to look at how much stuff cost
I remember when... when...
Damn, I forgot.
I remember when... when...
Damn, I forgot.
There are ways to help you you know. Memory books, made complete by your family, with pictures of all the mundane and important things you might want to remember.
(damn, I must be old, if I already know about things like that, and where to get it)
I remember when... when...
Damn, I forgot.
I see....that stage happens after the relaying a story 50 times over through the years as if you've never told it before.
I remember when... when...
Damn, I forgot.
I see....that stage happens after the relaying a story 50 times over through the years as if you've never told it before.
I'd plus you if I knew you were talking about. :P
I forget things I'm not supposed to forget: names of bands, names of cool diseases, and, even worse, last year I totally blanked on the last name of a woman with whom I'd had frequent appontments for four years. A couple of months ago I forgot the name of a restaurant where I've eaten many times. I'm not talking about "tip of the tongue," I almost remember! forgetting; I mean this information was, temporarily, gone. (I remembered the woman's name about 10 minutes later; someone at work reminded me of the name of the restaurant; I've begun "going through the alphabet" when I forget, hoping to hit upon a familiar letter.) My psychiatrist assures me that this is normal for my age, but I worry about dementia anyway. :thumbdn:
Then I lighten up, and come here to forget about it for awhile! :zoinks:
When being old gives you concessions for not being cool, hip, trendy or fitting in.
I forget things I'm not supposed to forget: names of bands, names of cool diseases, and, even worse, last year I totally blanked on the last name of a woman with whom I'd had frequent appontments for four years. A couple of months ago I forgot the name of a restaurant where I've eaten many times. I'm not talking about "tip of the tongue," I almost remember! forgetting; I mean this information was, temporarily, gone. (I remembered the woman's name about 10 minutes later; someone at work reminded me of the name of the restaurant; I've begun "going through the alphabet" when I forget, hoping to hit upon a familiar letter.) My psychiatrist assures me that this is normal for my age, but I worry about dementia anyway. :thumbdn:
Then I lighten up, and come here to forget about it for awhile! :zoinks:
When being old gives you concessions for not being cool, hip, trendy or fitting in.
It's a free pass to eccentricity. :asthing:
When being old gives you concessions for not being cool, hip, trendy or fitting in.
It's a free pass to eccentricity. :asthing:
Damn right. Time these whipper snappers got with the program.
Gray hairs definitely remind me that I am getting older. Fortunately, my gray hairs are bright pretteh! :cheer:
Mine are dark silver. And white. :o
Mine are dark silver. And white. :o
What was your original hair color, and is any of it still there?
Mine are dark silver. And white. :o
What was your original hair color, and is any of it still there?
Brown. And yes, some of it is still there.
It was :moomin: :orly:
Mine are dark silver. And white. :o
What was your original hair color, and is any of it still there?
Brown. And yes, some of it is still there.
Mine is brown with just a few silver strands!
It was :moomin: :orly:
Eh? Having a :blonde: moment here... :laugh:
He's a Moomintroll, but don't tell anyone, OK? :P
He's a Moomintroll, but don't tell anyone, OK? :P
OK, I don't know what a Moomintroll is anyway, looks like a hippo! :laugh:
He's a Moomintroll, but don't tell anyone, OK? :P
OK, I don't know what a Moomintroll is anyway, looks like a hippo! :laugh:
Google it.
He's a Moomintroll, but don't tell anyone, OK? :P
OK, I don't know what a Moomintroll is anyway, looks like a hippo! :laugh:
Google it.
Later, if I think of it. :P
I'm a very busy person, you know. Got lots of important things to do! :GA:
When being old gives you concessions for not being cool, hip, trendy or fitting in.
Not here it doesn't, you whiny old fuck. :P
When being old gives you concessions for not being cool, hip, trendy or fitting in.
Not here it doesn't, you whiny old fuck. :P
When being old gives you concessions for not being cool, hip, trendy or fitting in.
Being me gives me concessions for not being cool, hip, trendy or fitting in! :headbang2:
When being old gives you concessions for not being cool, hip, trendy or fitting in.
Being me gives me concessions for not being cool, hip, trendy or fitting in! :headbang2:
What being old does is give me an excuse to bitch in great detail about my minor aches and pains! :prude:
When you have no idea why your niece is crying. Or when you like to watch kids play, cause it makes you remember how much fun you used to have and you think "awwwwww" inside. :P
...when kids half your age participate in this thread.
when you cant find your teeth in the morning ,cause you cant find your glasses
you feel like stale popcorn - too pooped to pop.
...You can remember when your internet connection speed was measured in Baud.
...You still type http://www out of habit because you remember when you had to type that every time for every website.
...You remember when the internet consisted of BBS, FTP, Gopher, and there was no world wide web whatsoever.
...You can clearly remember jogging on the Nintendo Power Pad, and playing with the Nintendo Robot.
...You remember when cable boxes had a little slider that you would slide to the station number, and the remote control had a wire.
and of course:
...You see this photo and don't think anything of it because it's so familiar to you:
You still have your first computer, a Timex-Sinclair.
...You have only recently discovered music online and stopped buying whole CDs just to hear one song... :duh:
You remember that you wanted to build your own computer, before Steve jobs did it.
You remember how having a phone made you see the neighbours a lot more, because of it being the only phone in the whole street.
You remember party lines.
You remember party lines.
They still have those in some of the more remote areas, I went to a friend's lake house deep in the Adirondacks last summer and they had a party line across 5 houses.
Every now and then, when the phone trunk line gets old or damaged, multiple conductors will get shorted together, or if they're working on something, my land line at home will temporarily become a party line. It's annoying as hell, and is one of the main reasons I jumped onto the VOIP bandwagon the second it became available.
You remember party lines.
They still have those in some of the more remote areas, I went to a friend's lake house deep in the Adirondacks last summer and they had a party line across 5 houses.
Every now and then, when the phone trunk line gets old or damaged, multiple conductors will get shorted together, or if they're working on something, my land line at home will temporarily become a party line. It's annoying as hell, and is one of the main reasons I jumped onto the VOIP bandwagon the second it became available.
My land line behaved strangely a couple of years ago, following an ice storm that knocked out power all over the region.
I picked it up one day and some woman I didn't know was speaking Spanish! :nerd!:
You remember party lines.
No, not party lines, that's something I never heard of in my country, I know relatives in Canada had them.
We really were the only house with a phone. So neighbours would come to us to receive and make phone-calls.
You remember party lines.
No, not party lines, that's something I never heard of in my country, I know relatives in Canada had them.
We really were the only house with a phone. So neighbours would come to us to receive and make phone-calls.
No, I meant you know that you are getting old when.... remember party lines, as in the title of the thread.
I didn't mean that you personally remember party lines, although your post did make me think of them.
When you recognise perfectly well that what a young punk is trying to do is exactly the same thing you were known for 20+ years ago, but you still get annoyed because what you did is *different*.
When you recognise perfectly well that what a young punk is trying to do is exactly the same thing you were known for 20+ years ago, but you still get annoyed because what you did is *different*.
...or when you realize it's too late to be a young punk, even if you want to be. :laugh:
When you recognise perfectly well that what a young punk is trying to do is exactly the same thing you were known for 20+ years ago, but you still get annoyed because what you did is *different*.
That does it, time to check out sites with things to improve the elderly life Odeon. You're really growing old now.
When you recognise perfectly well that what a young punk is trying to do is exactly the same thing you were known for 20+ years ago, but you still get annoyed because what you did is *different*.
That does it, time to check out sites with things to improve the elderly life Odeon. You're really growing old now.
I thought this was it?
When you recognise perfectly well that what a young punk is trying to do is exactly the same thing you were known for 20+ years ago, but you still get annoyed because what you did is *different*.
That does it, time to check out sites with things to improve the elderly life Odeon. You're really growing old now.
I thought this was it?
Poor odeon, how old are you?? :laugh:
When you recognise perfectly well that what a young punk is trying to do is exactly the same thing you were known for 20+ years ago, but you still get annoyed because what you did is *different*.
That does it, time to check out sites with things to improve the elderly life Odeon. You're really growing old now.
I thought this was it?
Poor odeon, how old are you?? :laugh:
As old as I am, give or take it a few months.
Coffee is not an optional beverage, it's a maintenance thing.
Coffee is not an optional beverage, it's a maintenance thing.
I heard that! No :coffee: all day ---> headache and nausea. :thumbdn:
When you recognise perfectly well that what a young punk is trying to do is exactly the same thing you were known for 20+ years ago, but you still get annoyed because what you did is *different*.
That does it, time to check out sites with things to improve the elderly life Odeon. You're really growing old now.
I thought this was it?
Poor odeon, how old are you?? :laugh:
As old as I am, give or take it a few months.
Yup. We are both ancient. :laugh:
When you recognise perfectly well that what a young punk is trying to do is exactly the same thing you were known for 20+ years ago, but you still get annoyed because what you did is *different*.
That does it, time to check out sites with things to improve the elderly life Odeon. You're really growing old now.
I thought this was it?
Poor odeon, how old are you?? :laugh:
As old as I am, give or take it a few months.
Yup. We are both ancient. :laugh:
Me too! I am 44! :laugh:
May be edging into menopause too! :orly:
Hope I have hot flashes at work, oh joy! :zoinks:
May be edging into menopause too! :orly:
Hope I have hot flashes at work, oh joy! :zoinks:
You could bring a cute fan with you. :green:
May be edging into menopause too! :orly:
Hope I have hot flashes at work, oh joy! :zoinks:
You could bring a cute fan with you. :green:
Yes I could. Or I could step into the big walk-in freezer! :2thumbsup:
You know you are getting old when every possible sleeping position
causes you to rest your weight on some body part that hurts! ::)
You know you're getting old when sex means "Male" or "Female", not the act.
In my more vivid dreams these last few years, I seem to be 20-25 years younger than my real age! :orly:
I wonder why that is! Maybe I miss being younger, maybe I still *feel* young and am in denial about my real age...
And sometimes, given my family history, I wonder if it is a (very early) warning sign of dementia. :-\
You know you're getting old when you look in the mirror and you're old.
A sneeze is a worry
A sneeze is a worry
Because it could herniate something? :orly:
If you're old, never trust a fart.
You enjoy eating with your fingers again.
When you think it's a good day when you can walk without the stick.
When you think it's a good day when you can walk without the stick.
You walk with a stick? :orly:
When you think it's a good day when you can walk without the stick.
You walk with a stick? :orly:
Only every now and then, when my hip is bad.
When you think it's a good day when you can walk without the stick.
You walk with a stick? :orly:
Only every now and then, when my hip is bad.
How long has it been bad? Is this recent, or an old injury? :nerd!:
When you think it's a good day when you can walk without the stick.
You walk with a stick? :orly:
Only every now and then, when my hip is bad.
How long has it been bad? Is this recent, or an old injury? :nerd!:
It's been like this for a couple of years.
When you think it's a good day when you can walk without the stick.
You walk with a stick? :orly:
Only every now and then, when my hip is bad.
How long has it been bad? Is this recent, or an old injury? :nerd!:
It's been like this for a couple of years.
Has the problem been diagnosed?
When you think it's a good day when you can walk without the stick.
You walk with a stick? :orly:
Only every now and then, when my hip is bad.
How long has it been bad? Is this recent, or an old injury? :nerd!:
It's been like this for a couple of years.
Has the problem been diagnosed?
No, not really. I should, but I've had other problems.
When you think it's a good day when you can walk without the stick.
You walk with a stick? :orly:
Only every now and then, when my hip is bad.
How long has it been bad? Is this recent, or an old injury? :nerd!:
It's been like this for a couple of years.
Has the problem been diagnosed?
No, not really. I should, but I've had other problems.
Might be time to make the hip a priority. :-\
Yeah, that's what people keep telling me.
Yeah, that's what people keep telling me.
They're right. It's time. :viking:
Yeah, that's what people keep telling me.
They're right. It's time. :viking:
I will I will...
Yeah, that's what people keep telling me.
They're right. It's time. :viking:
I will I will...
I bet you'll get it looked at if it interferes with your getting in and out of the Jag.
Yeah, that's what people keep telling me.
They're right. It's time. :viking:
I will I will...
I bet you'll get it looked at if it interferes with your getting in and out of the Jag.
This is true.
When you get the urge to yell at those dawn kids to get off your lawn
When you dream of being 20-25 years younger, wake up and realize you have a young mind in an aging body. :-\
When you meet up with a friend, and think "OMG she got so old" and then you realise she is younger than you are yourself.
You can't sleep on the sofa at night, but you can do during the day.
You can't sleep on the sofa at night, but you can do during the day.
OK, it's official, I am old now. :laugh:
When you realise that the cane is actually a very good precaution.
When you realise that the cane is actually a very good precaution.
You need to get one that holds liquor. Strictly for medicinal purposes, of course.
That's a very good idea.
You take a half hour nap at 6 p.m. so you can stay awake until 10 p.m. bedtime.
(Actually happened to me yesterday)
You take a half hour nap at 6 p.m. so you can stay awake until 10 p.m. bedtime.
(Actually happened to me yesterday)
I tried to take a mini-nap Monday night at 9:30 so I could stay awake from 10-11 watching Hoarders.
I couldn't fall asleep, so I struggled to stay awake till the end of the show! :prude:
Omg you guys I have symptoms of arthritis!
Omg you guys I have symptoms of arthritis!
Too much wanking will cause that
Omg you guys I have symptoms of arthritis!
Too much wanking will cause that
Arthritis of the fatty? :zombiefuck:
Omg you guys I have symptoms of arthritis!
Too much wanking will cause that
Arthritis of the fatty? :zombiefuck:
Yeah, if he keeps on wanking his fatty may become a flatty.
Omg you guys I have symptoms of arthritis!
But seriously, what are your symptoms? I have spurring in my lower spine (it showed up on an X-ray), but I'm 44 and overweight,
so in my case I think it's just the normal result of wear and tear. I also have some enlarged knuckles! :nerd!:
I don't think I will look or feel that old, I rarely look my age anyways. :LOL:
I don't think I will look or feel that old, I rarely look my age anyways. :LOL:
May you live to 100 and be forever young. :)
Omg you guys I have symptoms of arthritis!
Too much wanking will cause that
Arthritis of the fatty? :zombiefuck:
Yeah, if he keeps on wanking his fatty may become a flatty.
Thats great advice. fortuneatley I dont think its possible for me to get fat
Wait a few years. :P
Oh damn, dont say that! :laugh:
I couldn't gain weight at your age either.
I couldn't gain weight at your age either.
I started plumping up at 14! Does that mean I was already old at that age? :laugh:
I couldn't gain weight at your age either.
I started plumping up at 14! Does that mean I was already old at that age? :laugh:
Are you old now?
I couldn't gain weight at your age either.
I started plumping up at 14! Does that mean I was already old at that age? :laugh:
Are you old now?
I feel old at the end of the working day, after lugging my weight around all day. Fortunately the weight is fixable! :viking:
I couldn't gain weight at your age either.
I started plumping up at 14! Does that mean I was already old at that age? :laugh:
Are you old now?
I feel old at the end of the working day, after lugging my weight around all day. Fortunately the weight is fixable! :viking:
I wouldn't mind losing a bit of my weight.
I couldn't gain weight at your age either.
I started plumping up at 14! Does that mean I was already old at that age? :laugh:
Are you old now?
I feel old at the end of the working day, after lugging my weight around all day. Fortunately the weight is fixable! :viking:
I wouldn't mind losing a bit of my weight.
IntensitySquared Shape-up! Get fit in 2011! :situp:
I couldn't gain weight at your age either.
I started plumping up at 14! Does that mean I was already old at that age? :laugh:
Are you old now?
I feel old at the end of the working day, after lugging my weight around all day. Fortunately the weight is fixable! :viking:
I wouldn't mind losing a bit of my weight.
IntensitySquared Shape-up! Get fit in 2011! :situp:
:situp: :situp: :situp:
Phew. I have no energy left.
But if we're not going to be as intensely squared, what shape shall we be?
But if we're not going to be as intensely squared, what shape shall we be?
A very FIT Weeble, of course! :laugh:
Is there any other kind than a fit weeble?
Oh shoot. I forgot what I was going to post. Dang it.
Is there any other kind than a fit weeble?
Well, as in any species, there are the FIT and then there are the FAT! :laugh:
And then there's the FLUFFY :sheep:
And then there's the FLUFFY :sheep:
What is that? Should I fear it? :zombiefuck:
And then there's the FLUFFY :sheep:
What is that? Should I fear it? :zombiefuck:
No, you just have to shear it.
And then there's the FLUFFY :sheep:
What is that? Should I fear it? :zombiefuck:
No, you just have to shear it.
The doctor says that in your age it's to be expected. :GA:
Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what the fuck happened.
And inside that younger person is someone who soon hopes to be old enough for <fill in the blanks>.
I have to take pain relivers now for my fucking autism
I have to take pain relivers now for my fucking autism
Please elaborate, this post baffles me! :orly:
why? it hurts.
why? it hurts.
How does it hurt? Are you talking about the suspected arthritis? ???
what I want to know is why pain relievers are so expencive, some are like $20!
what I want to know is why pain relievers are so expencive, some are like $20!
Which ones, Aleve? Tylenol? Sometimes you can get a store-brand generic version. :nerd!:
there all pretty much expencive.
You think this sign is an outrage.
You nod wisely at this:
OMG, am I 12 or 75 now? Not that I have so many friends, but more friends than driver's licences and such...... :violin: :lol:
When the doctor tells you that a treatment you had has been centuries ago.....
When the doctor tells you that a treatment you had has been centuries ago.....
Was that the one where the bear walked on your back to cure your backache? Or the one where a hangman's noose across the forehead cures a headache?
(Actual cures I remember from a high school paper I wrote.)
When the doctor tells you that a treatment you had has been centuries ago.....
Was that the one where the bear walked on your back to cure your backache? Or the one where a hangman's noose across the forehead cures a headache?
(Actual cures I remember from a high school paper I wrote.)
No, he has said it twice to me, once when I told him I had a wart removed with a soldering iron as a kid, and today, when he heard how long it had been that I had my last tetanus jab.
That man knows how to make a woman feel good about her self. :P
When you fondly remember your pre-reading glasses days (when only one pair was enough).
When you fondly remember your pre-reading glasses days (when only one pair was enough).
Aaahhhh, the pre-glasses stage.
I should be getting stronger reading glasses, soon I can fondly remember my first pair of reading glasses. :violin:
I've had mine for ages. :zombiefuck:
when your body falls apart like mine is :P
Your body aches whenever it's rainy.
I've had mine for ages. :zombiefuck:
What's even scarier is that they don't make them like they used to :(
I've had mine for ages. :zombiefuck:
What's even scarier is that they don't make them like they used to :(
They certainly don't. :laugh:
When you're too tired from lifting a love seat to do any loving on it. :(
When you're too tired from lifting a love seat to do any loving on it. :(
Thank goodness you are not so old that you can't try again the day after. :eyebrows:
When you're too tired from lifting a love seat to do any loving on it. :(
Thank goodness you are not so old that you can't try again the day after. :eyebrows:
When you read of someone else's impending hip surgery and realise that it's only a matter of time until you are there too.
When you read of someone else's impending hip surgery and realise that it's only a matter of time until you are there too.
Or you can remember when they didn't have hip replacement parts.
BTW - do you think we can get a group discount on canes?
When you read of someone else's impending hip surgery and realise that it's only a matter of time until you are there too.
I've known that it is very likely to be my fate since I was 20. But, it always was something for when I was really old.........
Is it empathy, coincidence, the weather, or just bound to be, that my hip is nagging today. :laugh:
It has behaved well for such a long time that I almost forgot about it being a pain now and then.
When you read of someone else's impending hip surgery and realise that it's only a matter of time until you are there too.
Or you can remember when they didn't have hip replacement parts.
BTW - do you think we can get a group discount on canes?
Can't remember that. The granddad of my Kindergarten boyfriend had a hip-replacement when I was 4, and another one a few decades after that. That was in the time that it was still a Major operation. I remember him being so pleased after the replacement. He said he could not remember his hip having been so good before.
When you read of someone else's impending hip surgery and realise that it's only a matter of time until you are there too.
I've known that it is very likely to be my fate since I was 20. But, it always was something for when I was really old.........
Is it empathy, coincidence, the weather, or just bound to be, that my hip is nagging today. :laugh:
It has behaved well for such a long time that I almost forgot about it being a pain now and then.
What's wrong with your hip? ???
When you read of someone else's impending hip surgery and realise that it's only a matter of time until you are there too.
I've known that it is very likely to be my fate since I was 20. But, it always was something for when I was really old.........
Is it empathy, coincidence, the weather, or just bound to be, that my hip is nagging today. :laugh:
It has behaved well for such a long time that I almost forgot about it being a pain now and then.
What's wrong with your hip? ???
Mild hip dysplasia. Genetic condition that runs in my family from my mothers side.
When I was a baby that wasn't something they checked on by default. Now they do, especially when it runs in the family. My oldest has had treatment for it.
My Grandmother, I can't remember having seen her without a cane. My Mum is getting the wobbly walk my Grandmother had. And I have had problems now and then with my hip, that stem from this. Dancing classes for me, when I was four, to teach me to lift my right foot well. They tried fixing things with putting blocks under my right shoes at age 13. May have made some difference. When I was pregnant with the oldest, it was really bad. Now it most of the times my hip acts very well. Sometimes it just makes itself known in a sore way, telling it is still there. Nothing dramatic though, but, that could very well change.
When you read of someone else's impending hip surgery and realise that it's only a matter of time until you are there too.
Or you can remember when they didn't have hip replacement parts.
BTW - do you think we can get a group discount on canes?
On the cool ones? I hope so.
When you read of someone else's impending hip surgery and realise that it's only a matter of time until you are there too.
Or you can remember when they didn't have hip replacement parts.
BTW - do you think we can get a group discount on canes?
On the cool ones? I hope so.
There's a lady I see in the supermarket who has decorates her cane for the seasons. She wraps paper around the shaft to hide it puts decals on the paper. Quite festive and makes the children less afraid of her.
When you read of someone else's impending hip surgery and realise that it's only a matter of time until you are there too.
Or you can remember when they didn't have hip replacement parts.
BTW - do you think we can get a group discount on canes?
On the cool ones? I hope so.
There's a lady I see in the supermarket who has decorates her cane for the seasons. She wraps paper around the shaft to hide it puts decals on the paper. Quite festive and makes the children less afraid of her.
I want mine with stuff built in. :zoinks:
When you read of someone else's impending hip surgery and realise that it's only a matter of time until you are there too.
Or you can remember when they didn't have hip replacement parts.
BTW - do you think we can get a group discount on canes?
On the cool ones? I hope so.
There's a lady I see in the supermarket who has decorates her cane for the seasons. She wraps paper around the shaft to hide it puts decals on the paper. Quite festive and makes the children less afraid of her.
I want mine with stuff built in. :zoinks:
What kind of stuff? GPS, soundsystem? Or more Bond like, thought up by Q?
Both. I want a GPS, an MP3 player, AND I want missile launchers. ;D
Both. I want a GPS, an MP3 player, AND I want missile launchers. ;D
Would you settle for two Playboy bunnies to help you walk?
Both. I want a GPS, an MP3 player, AND I want missile launchers. ;D
Would you settle for two Playboy bunnies to help you walk?
Okyoutalkedmeintoit. :drool:
Knew I was getting old today. After 4 pm, reading outside became hard, after 4:30 pm, it was impossible without the use of reading-glasses and a light.
Both. I want a GPS, an MP3 player, AND I want missile launchers. ;D
Would you settle for two Playboy bunnies to help you walk?
Okyoutalkedmeintoit. :drool:
Scandinavian guys are so easy.
You know you're getting old when you call your mother's friend and talk to her about what your mother was like when she was younger,
and about retirement/nursing homes you have worked in, and about your health and memory issues, and about...getting old. :prude:
Both. I want a GPS, an MP3 player, AND I want missile launchers. ;D
Would you settle for two Playboy bunnies to help you walk?
Okyoutalkedmeintoit. :drool:
Scandinavian guys are so easy.
Hey, don't underestimate your persuasive powers.
You remember seeing this picture when it originally came out.
And think that the haircuts are actually quite nice. :zoinks:
And think that the haircuts are actually quite nice. :zoinks:
I actually had a haircut like Sonny's for awhile in the late 70's! :rofl:
Yeah, I had something similar too.
Yeah, I had something similar too.
My father took me and my brother to a car dealership in 1978 to pick up our new butterscotch-colored Chevy Nova,
and I had THAT haircut, and the salesman said to me and my brother, "You two boys can ride in the back!" :zoinks:
This thread is making me feel my age.
This thread is making me feel my age.
Oddly enough, sometimes I *like* feeling my age. I am listening to 70's songs now, and I remember hearing them when they were new.
I like being old enough to remember so many great songs. I'm thankful for the time I've had, even though it went by so fast. :chin:
Oh, I like my age. I just feel the downsides, every now and then.
Oh, I like my age. I just feel the downsides, every now and then.
Yes, I regret a lot of things, I should have taken better care of myself. But I like being 44. :thumbup:
Yeah, I had something similar too.
My father took me and my brother to a car dealership in 1978 to pick up our new butterscotch-colored Chevy Nova,
and I had THAT haircut, and the salesman said to me and my brother, "You two boys can ride in the back!" :zoinks:
A year or so before that, I went for really short hair for the first time. My brothers all three had the Sonny haircut. Mine went from long to pixie length.
Did wear the trousers that were quite tight above the knee, and got really really wide around the ankle.
Ah, and end seventies, a bedroom in green and orange painted walls, and jute wallpaper. :zombiefuck:
Style and fashion hit some real lows in the seventies. On the flip side that was the disco era. :dance: :shamone:
Yeah, I had something similar too.
My father took me and my brother to a car dealership in 1978 to pick up our new butterscotch-colored Chevy Nova,
and I had THAT haircut, and the salesman said to me and my brother, "You two boys can ride in the back!" :zoinks:
A year or so before that, I went for really short hair for the first time. My brothers all three had the Sonny haircut. Mine went from long to pixie length.
Did wear the trousers that were quite tight above the knee, and got really really wide around the ankle.
Ah, and end seventies, a bedroom in green and orange painted walls, and jute wallpaper. :zombiefuck:
Ah, yes. And we thought we'd invented marijuana.
" you know you're getting old when "
Frat parties are lame.
I went to a frat house yesterday. I was obviously the oldest person there. It was SO STUPID. I mean giggiling girls is bad, but giggiling guys is 10 times worse. I should start going after guys my own age cause I have absolutly nothing to say to these kids.
" you know you're getting old when "
Frat parties are lame.
I went to a frat house yesterday. I was obviously the oldest person there. It was SO STUPID. I mean giggiling girls is bad, but giggiling guys is 10 times worse. I should start going after guys my own age cause I have absolutly nothing to say to these kids.
:lol: Giggling guys! My mother used to teach catechism, finally quitting when the kids got on her nerves too much,
and one of her most irritating students was a silly, giggly boy!
ahh but 20 year old guys are soooooo hot :autism:
I can pass for 20 :orly: and I do all the time. But some of these "kids" are really immature. OR, maybe Im just TOO OLD FOR THEM
they were like jumpin around making all kinds of sudden movements. I was like " uh, can we maybe sit down awhile"
ahh but 20 year old guys are soooooo hot :autism:
I can pass for 20 :orly: and I do all the time. But some of these "kids" are really immature. OR, maybe Im just TOO OLD FOR THEM
they were like jumpin around making all kinds of sudden movements. I was like " uh, can we maybe sit down awhile"
Were they under the influence of drugs? :orly:
yes, probably. And they were quite drunk.
young guys like to do that, though. And they like to jump on each other, too.
I just had a hard time understanding what was so funny all of the time
You come across a thread you created yesterday and think, "What the hell is that about?"
It reminds me of something. Hmm...
arthritis is back :hamsterwheel:
Other people your age have kids who are in their 40's.
Other people your age have kids who are in their 40's.
That just means you are a late-blooming parent, like my parents. :thumbup:
You find yourself telling other people
to "put a cardi on"
You look in your wardrobe and find
an awful lot of cardigan's.
You find you are no longer acting when expressing
joy at the cardi you have just been given for christmas!
Your decision on whether to buy a new garment rests totally
on if you already have a matching cardi.
You have to go back and see what thread you are in.
You find you are no longer acting when expressing
joy at the cardi you have just been given for christmas!
:plus: Now I picture you beaming at bulky sweaters on Christmas morning! :rofl:
One of your kids gets his own apartment :o
You look at young people not with admiration or envy but rather sentimental reminicing
If you're male, you start wearing a hat to keep your bald spot from getting sunburned in the summer and cold in the winter. If you're female your hair suddenly turns platinum or Dame Edna Blue.
Someone has to start wiping your ass for you again!
you start using the word 'homely'
you start using the word 'homely'
You forget where home is.
you start using the word 'homely'
You forget where home is.
I think that that is when you have forgotten that you are old.
I remember when I was 17 and I could stay out all night long then go to school all day, then go to work, then party all night again. I honestly do not think I slept my entire senior year. And I was never tired, I was an effing machine. Now I dont sleep and I drag ass all day. Hell I drag ass all day anyway. I like napping over anarchy. I think this means I'm getting old.
When visiting the doctor, you realise you now have to pay someone to look at you nekkid. :moon:
When you realize you've been listening to Hootie and the Blowfish and enjoying the song. :laugh:
When visiting the doctor, you realise you now have to pay someone to look at you nekkid. :moon:
There are so many possible replies to this I need to suppress. :GA:
...the failure of entire web fora are blamed on your birth certificate.
You have a daughter who gets Medicare.
That was the first time I felt old.
....when you have never been offered M-CAT and don't know what the fuck it is anyway :tard:
When your daughter bugs you about driving.
When your daughter bugs you about driving.
Does she think you are too old to drive? :oldman:
When your daughter bugs you about driving.
Does she think you are too old to drive? :oldman:
All your pants are too long for you.
You start leaking urine.
People start thinking you look older than you really are instead of in your late teens or early twenties
You long for your childhood years and take refuge in the music of that time. :)
When your daughter bugs you about driving.
Does she think you are too old to drive? :oldman:
She wants to drive herself.
When your daughter bugs you about driving.
Does she think you are too old to drive? :oldman:
She wants to drive herself.
You did not catch my sarcasm cause you haz teh Ass Burgers. :asthing:
When your daughter bugs you about driving.
Does she think you are too old to drive? :oldman:
She wants to drive herself.
You did not catch my sarcasm cause you haz teh Ass Burgers. :asthing:
Or, because you hit a nerve.
Youth can be cruel in their assertions about the capability of their parents.
When your daughter bugs you about driving.
Does she think you are too old to drive? :oldman:
She wants to drive herself.
You did not catch my sarcasm cause you haz teh Ass Burgers. :asthing:
No, I always miss the jokes other people make. :tard:
When your daughter bugs you about driving.
Does she think you are too old to drive? :oldman:
She wants to drive herself.
You did not catch my sarcasm cause you haz teh Ass Burgers. :asthing:
Oh, and wanna hear about my speshul interests? :zoinks:No?
When your daughter bugs you about driving.
Does she think you are too old to drive? :oldman:
She wants to drive herself.
You did not catch my sarcasm cause you haz teh Ass Burgers. :asthing:
Oh, and wanna hear about my speshul interests? :zoinks:No?
I vaguely recall that you are interested in ... computers? :smash:
I'm vaguely interested in getting them to do what I tell them to.
Which they so seldom do. Bloody things. I would have been happier becoming a musician.
You change all your passwords to "Incorrect." That way if you forget it, the computer will tell it to you.
You justify your uncharacteristic forgetfulness of pop-culture trivia by saying,
"Oh, that singer hasn't done anything in years, that's why I can't remember his name." :zoinks:
You start to find porn involving old people to be exciting. :autism:
You start to find porn involving old people to be exciting. :autism:
That's right, young man! Snow on the roof = fire in the hearth! :prude:
You start to find porn involving old people to be exciting. :autism:
That's right, young man! Snow on the roof = fire in the hearth! :prude:
I just know, today. :P
Me too. :(
I can't keep up with the silliness of youth. :nerdy:
I don't want to keep up with the silliness of youth.
See, that shows it, you are even older than I am. :angel:
When you have shirts that are of legal drinking age
When you have shirts that are of legal drinking age
When you have shirts that are of legal drinking age
Fat fuzzy old Grandpa Gopher. :hug:
When you have shirts that are of legal drinking age
Fat fuzzy old Grandpa Gopher. :hug:
Aaawww!! :hug:
See, that shows it, you are even older than I am. :angel:
Get off my lawn! :oldman:
See, that shows it, you are even older than I am. :angel:
Get off my lawn! :oldman:
Did I hit a nerve? :green:
See, that shows it, you are even older than I am. :angel:
Get off my lawn! :oldman:
Did I hit a nerve? :green:
Most of them have atrophied. :P
... your username is "couldbecousin". :cbc: :P
See, that shows it, you are even older than I am. :angel:
Get off my lawn! :oldman:
Did I hit a nerve? :green:
Most of them have atrophied. :P
That could come in handy. I'm almost looking forward to be that old. :orly:
- say something to your kids that your mother said to you (and you hated it) turn out the lights to save money and not for any romantic ideas.
...someone calls you at 10pm and the first thing they say "sorry did i wake you up"
Morris Schwartz is on his deathbed, knows the end is near, is with nurse, his wife, his daughter and 2 sons. "So", he says to them: "Bernie , I want you to take the Beverly Hills houses." "Sybil, take the apartments over in Los Angeles Plaza ." "Hymie, I want you to take the offices over in City Center ." "Sarah, my dear wife, please take all the residential buildings downtown." The nurse is just blown away by all this, and as Morris slips away, she says, "Mrs. Schwartz, your husband must have been such a hardworking man to have accumulated all this property". Sarah replies, "Property? The jerk has a paper route!"
....when your friends stink of piss :zoinks:
- say something to your kids that your mother said to you (and you hated it) turn out the lights to save money and not for any romantic ideas.
...someone calls you at 10pm and the first thing they say "sorry did i wake you up"
My mum tends to do that to me, lately. :flyingbat:
Charley, a new retiree-greeter at Wal-Mart, just couldn't seem to get to work on
Every day he was 5, 10, 15 minutes late.
But he was a good worker, really
tidy, clean-shaven, sharp-minded and a real credit to the company and obviously
demonstrating their "Older Person Friendly" policies.
One day the boss called him into the office for a talk.
"Charley, I have to tell you, I like your work ethic. You do a bang-up job when you finally get here. But your being late so often is quite bothersome."
"Yes, I know boss, and I am sorry and I am working on it."
"Well good, you are a team player. That's what I like to hear.”
“Yes sir, I understand your concern and I will try harder.“
Seeming puzzled, the manager went on to comment, “I know you're retired from the Armed Forces. What did they say to you there if you showed up in the morning late so often?"
The old man looked down at the floor, then smiled. He chuckled quietly, then said with a grin, "They usually saluted and said, ‘Good morning, Admiral. Can I get your coffee, sir?’”
....when your friends stink of piss :zoinks:
But what if your friends are just really into golden showers?
....when your friends stink of piss :zoinks:
But what if your friends are just really into golden showers?
A possibility, indeed. :zombiefuck:
You need a magnifying glass with your reading glasses to read fine print in the paper
When Hadron returns to the forum and claims to have a regular job. :zoinks:
When Hadron returns to the forum and claims to have a regular job. :zoinks:
When you start noticing you use 'I remember when' in more and more sentences
You remember black and white TV and AM radio
You remember black and white TV and AM radio
I must have been old a great deal of my life.
You remember black and white TV and AM radio
I still have a couple black and white TVs and listen to an AM/shortwave radio with no FM on it in my basement workshop :oldman:
You now your getting old when you know what these are and remember testing them in the drug store to see which one was bad
( (
Are those worth a lot now? Just guessing they're no longer manufactured.
Are those worth a lot now? Just guessing they're no longer manufactured.
Some are some aren't, the ones used in tube amps go for a premium. They still make new ones but it's a specialty market and new ones are not cheep. I like playing around with old TVs, radios and test equipment that use them and pick them up when I see them cheep only paid a couple dollars for the box in the photo.
You remember black and white TV and AM radio
There was a black and white AM radio? :o
Are those worth a lot now? Just guessing they're no longer manufactured.
Some are some aren't, the ones used in tube amps go for a premium. They still make new ones but it's a specialty market and new ones are not cheep. I like playing around with old TVs, radios and test equipment that use them and pick them up when I see them cheep only paid a couple dollars for the box in the photo.
The tube amp ones have nicer boxes. :zoinks:
Are those worth a lot now? Just guessing they're no longer manufactured.
Some are some aren't, the ones used in tube amps go for a premium. They still make new ones but it's a specialty market and new ones are not cheep. I like playing around with old TVs, radios and test equipment that use them and pick them up when I see them cheep only paid a couple dollars for the box in the photo.
That's interesting they're still made. Can remember those old test machines in the grocery store; guess that means am old.
.. you cannot handle the cold (weather) as well as you did earlier in life.
.. you less and less so don't mind hearing classical music being played on the radio. Um, sometimes even hum or sing along with the melody of the piece of music. :nerdy:
You remember black and white TV and AM radio
There was a black and white AM radio? :o
Yep, it didn't play rock and roll, just boring music.
(Good catch odeon)
When you switch cars because the suspension is more comfortable in the new one.
(Thanks, Hyke.)
You're welcome. :green:
When wondering why Hyke says thanks, all of a sudden. :P
Damn, you make it sound really bad, being 7squared.
I'm scared now.
When buying shoes you look dreamily at the six inch stiletto heels and think 'how did i used to walk in them?'
When eating a big meals makes you need to sleep.
When waking has you panic about whether it is morning or night and has you readying yourself for the job you do not ned to get ready for, for another 12 hours.
When eating a big meals makes you need to sleep.
When waking has you panic about whether it is morning or night and has you readying yourself for the job you do not ned to get ready for, for another 12 hours.
I've had that since my early thirties or even earlier. I fell old at a young age. :apondering:
When waking has you panic about whether it is morning or night
Waking is always disorienting; any previous grasp on when I am is always gone and have to start new.
When making lists such as this one. :P
Remembering when we used to have only three tv channels.
Remembering when we used to have only three tv channels.
Actually had that up until just a few years ago; tv was never considered important enough to pay. He likes the sports channels so keep it.
We have heaps of channels that are all free now. In Australia we don't have to pay for our tv like they do in the UK either. We are quite lucky considering what we get for free.
Your husband and daughter don't understand your attraction to Steam Powered Giraffe.
You find yourself on the Board of School Governors. :zombiefuck:
I feel like I got 'respectable' all over me in invisible ink. Yikes. :bath:
The toys you played with as a kid are selling on Ebay as 'vintage'
You realise that the "modern sound processor" you just got hold of is over 20 years old.
You realise that the "modern sound processor" you just got hold of is over 20 years old.
Your technology is old enough to join I2.
You realise that the "modern sound processor" you just got hold of is over 20 years old.
Your technology is old enough to join I2.
The modern ones are mere toys so yes, that's true.
You're getting old when making statements like that while thinking "and what's wrong with that?"
When a little girl calls your daughter "mevrouw".
What is a mevrouw?
I feel old now that articles written in the 80s are not recommended to reference because they are too old.
Mevrouw in this case is both Mrs, and woman.
You're talking about your latest band crush with the waitress at the local diner and out of your mouth pops,
"They're so adorable. I can't decide whether to adopt them or fuck them." :zombiefuck: :emb:
You're talking about your latest band crush with the waitress at the local diner and out of your mouth pops,
"They're so adorable. I can't decide whether to adopt them or fuck them." :zombiefuck: :emb:
- realise that the boy band you just trashed stopped playing twenty years ago.
^Was it New Kids On The Block? I loathed them when I was a teenager.
Yeah, it was, I think.
I want a pair of noise-cancelling headphones. I tried a pair the other day and they were awesome.
You get your noise-cancelling headphones. You don't hear your wife telling you to buy lottery tickets and she's given you the winning numbers.
Wrong thread. :laugh:
:queenie: :oldman:
It kinda fits here, though.
You just know that you're getting old when you think "lucky THAT didn't happen to me".
When some old woman approaches you in Walmart and starts talking to you like she knows you.
All the while the wheels are turning in your mind...who the fuck is this woman?
Then you realize who it is...and that they're actually about 3 years younger than you are. :P
It kinda fits here, though.
^Was it New Kids On The Block? I loathed them when I was a teenager.
Give them another chance. Open your heart to them! :trollface:
New Kids On The Block - Hangin' Tough (
Haha, I am not playing that. They used to be so popular when I was in school.
While listening to the radio you find a station that is playing a lot of songs you like then you hear the station ID and it's the oldies station :zombiefuck:
I like the Oldies also
While listening to the radio you find a station that is playing a lot of songs you like then you hear the station ID and it's the oldies station :zombiefuck:
Yeah, since when does 90s Seattle grunge belong on the classic-rock station?! :dunno:
You know you're getting old when you mope about the fact that your family line is coming to an end. :violin:
While listening to the radio you find a station that is playing a lot of songs you like then you hear the station ID and it's the oldies station :zombiefuck:
Yeah, since when does 90s Seattle grunge belong on the classic-rock station?! :dunno:
That's a travesty. :nicegear:
You find out about sludge metal, listen to the band The Crowbar. The music is nice, but the lead singer probably should post in the Does anyone dig shit out of their ass thread. He sounded positively constipated.
(His sister is a hoot though.)
^I once met an account manager from a competitor who sounded like that. Every word that came out sounded constipated. It was hilarious.
He is engraved in stone in the National War Memorial in Washington, DC. It's back in a small alcove where very few people have seen it. A bit of trivia - even if you never heard of Kilroy before.
For the WWII generation, this will bring back memories. For you younger folks, it's a bit of trivia that is a part of our American history.
Anyone born in 1913 to about 1950, is familiar with Kilroy. We didn't know why, but we had lapel pins with his nose hanging over the label and the top of his face above his nose with his hands hanging over the label. No one knew why he was so well known, but we all joined in!
So who the heck was Kilroy?
In 1946 the American Transit Association, through its radio program, "Speak to America ," sponsored a nationwide contest to find the real Kilroy, offering a prize of a real trolley car to the person who could prove himself to be the genuine article. Almost 40 men stepped forward to make that claim, but only James Kilroy from Halifax, Massachusetts, had evidence of his identity.
Kilroy was a 46-year old shipyard worker during the war who worked as a checker at the Fore River Shipyard in Quincy. His job was to go around and check on the number of rivets completed. Riveters were on piecework and got paid by the rivet. He would count a block of rivets and put a check mark in semi-waxed lumber chalk, so the rivets wouldn't be counted twice. When Kilroy went off duty, the riveters would erase the mark.
Later on, an off-shift inspector would come through and count the rivets a second time, resulting in double pay for the riveters.
One day Kilroy's boss called him into his office. The foreman was upset about all the wages being paid to riveters, and asked him to investigate. It was then he realized what had been going on. The tight spaces he had to crawl in to check the rivets didn't lend themselves to lugging around a paint can and brush, so Kilroy decided to stick with the waxy chalk. He continued to put his check mark on each job he inspected, but added 'KILROY WAS HERE' in king-sized letters next to the check, and eventually added the sketch of the chap with the long nose peering over the fence and that became part of the Kilroy message.
Once he did that, the riveters stopped trying to wipe away his marks. Ordinarily the rivets and chalk marks would have been covered up with paint. With the war on, however, ships were leaving the Quincy Yard so fast that there wasn't time to paint them. As a result, Kilroy's inspection "trademark" was seen by thousands of servicemen who boarded the troopships the yard produced.
His message apparently rang a bell with the servicemen, because they picked it up and spread it all over Europe and the South Pacific.
Before war's end, "Kilroy" had been here, there, and everywhere on the long hauls to Berlin and Tokyo. To the troops outbound in those ships, however, he was a complete mystery; all they knew for sure was that someone named Kilroy had "been there first." As a joke, U.S. servicemen began placing the graffiti wherever they landed, claiming it was already there when they arrived.
Kilroy became the U.S. super-GI who had always "already been" wherever GIs went. It became a challenge to place the logo in the most unlikely places imaginable (it is said to be atop Mt. Everest, the Statue of Liberty, the underside of the Arc de Triomphe, and even scrawled in the dust on the moon.
As the war went on, the legend grew. Underwater demolition teams routinely sneaked ashore on Japanese-held islands in the Pacific to map the terrain for coming invasions by U.S. troops (and thus, presumably, were the first GI's there). On one occasion, however, they reported seeing enemy troops painting over the Kilroy logo!
In 1945, an outhouse was built for the exclusive use of Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill at the Potsdam conference. Its' first occupant was Stalin, who emerged and asked his aide (in Russian), "Who is Kilroy?"
To help prove his authenticity in 1946, James Kilroy brought along officials from the shipyard and some of the riveters. He won the trolley car, which he gave to his nine children as a Christmas gift and set it up as a playhouse in the Kilroy front yard in Halifax, Massachusetts.
So, now you know.
I never knew that. Very cool.
and this is how you know that you're getting old? :-\
I knew I had read that before, in a post by Skyblue. It is cool.
And I had read it before, it was posted about a year ago (,19856.msg947005.html#msg947005).
Does this mean Skyblue now knows he is getting old too?
I know I'm getting old when I can't be bothered to post in this thread. :P
but, yet, you do :)
I guess I'm not too old yet. :P
Cougars aren't even interested in you.
Cougars aren't even interested in you.
I'm a Leo and I might be interested in you when PA kicks the bucket. :pinkbeat:
Plots and schemes and heads to hardware store for supplies. :mischief:
Ear hairs grow faster than you can chop them down and yank them out.
Where'd you get that picture of me? :autism:
Don't you remember? :'(
When you injure yourself (ouch my shoulder) and you don't know how you did it and it takes a loooooooooong time to get better.
When you injure yourself (ouch my shoulder) and you don't know how you did it and it takes a loooooooooong time to get better.
You forgot to lube your gears again, didn't you?
Haha, that is probably the case indeed! :D
You wonder if your stiff knees are also caused by the suspected RA but then conclude that nah, they're just stiff because you worked in an uncomfortable position yesterday.
From the pen of Julie Newmar
ON BEING 80 8-13
It's time to rewrite the rules
It was only two years ago that youth left me.
Hate me or not, middle age didn't happen to me; a privilege undeserved, or unobserved.
In August of this year, I will be 80.
It is time to cross the Rubicon and come to terms with the best of myself.
There is no more time for "unsuccess".
I give myself four seconds to go from a losing to a winning thought, a life giving one.
What if Sydney Pollock or Elizabeth Taylor lived to be 80?
My hair is mostly white now, but with daily sprits of sheen it gleams almost pure silver.
Like Clint Eastwood, I've kept a flat belly. I like the fact he can wear a plain T-shirt
and scowl at some pretending offender.
My spine is straight. I don't look down on those with their imagined weaknesses.
I ignore irrelevance ― poor speech, bad manners and those awful screeching female reporters on TV whose voices sound like they are crunching on a mouthful of beetles.
It's curious sometimes how life seems to reverse itself, when what was the strongest virtue in our lifetime becomes our weakest trait. Those dancers who can't walk, singers whose voices croak, a seamstress who can't see.
In this fall from grace, from our former powers, we think that nature or God has damned us; this is not so. It is more like a peeling away of consumed fruit revealing our infinite but not yet explored core. There waiting is the next discovery, a new platform or stage to revel in.
What's so great about “agefying”? It is the power that having distance gives us. It's the view from the top.
At 80, you have patience. Patience is like a magical chess game; the magic part is being able to see six, seven steps ahead. Been there, done that stupid thing.
Don't need this strife anymore.
As my thinking goes today ― I win and I do, by making sure I always see others as winners.
Ask and it will be given. This is easier than you may think.
Food, things, the good stuff flow to me.
True, I don't any longer race out to the post office and markets. In place I've created a remarkable delivery system. I call it: You do this for me.
I am kinder, decidedly, but a lot less tolerant of those who practice life as a soap opera.
Maybe it is a safety valve but I chose to live on top of my discomforts as well as diseases. I don't discuss, indulge in, support causes for, join chat groups, war against that which ails and annoys me. It's simply wastes energy.
I can discuss unpleasant subjects, but in a less passionate and more general way.
Another great virtue of age is to rise above the need to be seen or carry weight in situations of unnecessary stress.
Strife is wholly unnecessary.
Strife wins you nothing.
It is self-inflicted and tenders depression.
Being thin is good, though not necessary.
You don't see an 80 year old weighing 300 pounds.
Nor any 60 year old weighing 300 pounds who are actually healthy.
Eat less, it's cheaper. Then you can have, like me, anything you like.
The other evening around 8 PM, when the light outside was what cinema photographers refer to as golden, I sat silently for over an hour with my son observing the intense, almost palpitating color of the flowers in my garden. The hummingbirds were still sipping sweet nurture from their favorite tubular blossoms.
Bliss, ecstasy and a good garden can extend life.
Dance is my art, but the theme of my life is beauty of which a major part is discipline.
I listen with the inner ear so that harmony can occupy the higher spaces and let intuition tell me what to do next.
So, let us not confuse nature’s progress with lazy avenues of lament.
If we don't see the positive picture in aging,
it won't be ours to have.
Perhaps, if we get out of our own way,
we can desire and let be. Yes, that's it.
To age successfully one must not be in resistance.
Resistance and ill health go together.
So there you have it.
Now let's have fun.
When checking your eyebrows, you suddenly remember Brezhnev.
When checking your eyebrows, you suddenly remember Brezhnev.
I wonder how many of today's kids know who he is.
Aaaaah, childhood memories. :plus:
I wonder how many of today's kids know who he is.
In the class of my oldest, two girls know who he is. Mine is one of them, because of an aspie obsession with USSR/Russian dictators.
Aaaaah, childhood memories. :plus:
I wonder how many of today's kids know who he is.
In the class of my oldest, two girls know who he is. Mine is one of them, because of an aspie obsession with USSR/Russian dictators.
Who's the other?
When checking your eyebrows, you suddenly remember Brezhnev.
Or Walter White's former boss at the carwash. :zoinks:
Breaking Bad - Fuck you and your Eyebrows (
You feel old when a damaged, expensively-repaired tooth finally just breaks the fuck off! :autism:
House fires are merely a blip in the road of life.
House fires are merely a blip in the road of life.
House fires are merely a blip in the road of life.
Surely you jest.
You totaly want to fuck a chick who's in her 60's.
^And want it for her youth.
^ No, I was referring to Christie Brinkley. :drool:
You are getting old.
I must be old.
Al Pacino is 74...I would still totally consider that.
you know that you are growing old when growing old doesn't matter.
I must be old.
Al Pacino is 74...I would still totally consider that.
Last I saw Ann Magaret, 73, it would not take much considering!
I must be old.
Al Pacino is 74...I would still totally consider that.
Last I saw Ann Magaret, 73, it would not take much considering!
She is beautiful...always was. :thumbup:
Too bad Natalie Wood is thirty five or so years dead, but how about Natalie wood?
No pills needed.
You know you're getting old when you start avoiding this thread. :P
When your mind says yes and your body says what the hell are you thinking?
....some of the toys you used to play with are now worth obscene amounts of money. :zombiefuck:
... you think how glad you are not to have had kids, because they'd be growing up in a world
you don't comprehend or even recognize, so you wouldn't know how to protect them. :dunno:
... you listen to melancholy songs that sound like the musings of someone on the wrong side
of fifty, possibly close to death, and you totally get what the old codger is going on about. (emo)
The wrong side of fifty? :orly:
The wrong side of fifty? :orly:
The old side, fifty-and-older. :emosad:
80's music is now oldies music
You have to scroll further down for the year you were born in
NBA players are now younger than you
Celebrities from your childhood are dying
Kids who were born when you were in 6th grade are now turning 18 and about to finish high school
OMG, welcome back!
The wrong side of fifty? :orly:
The old side, fifty-and-older. :emosad:
The experienced side of fifty. :M
I spend a little too much time on Reddit, and I find myself having uncharitably cranky
"Fucking millennials!" moments, wondering why the hell so many of them are still "in school" and
living with their parents at ages 23, 26, 29. Why at least 50% of them claim to have "depression and
anxiety," meaning what? That they are clinically depressed and anxious, or just that they are
sad, worried, and lacking in everyday coping skills? It irks me to see how often they seem to use the
word "amazing," as a baseline relationship requirement, as in the case of a guy who told a fairly new
date that it wasn't working out for him because every moment they spent together "wasn't amazing."
I'm becoming a mean old bag, smugly sitting in judgment of broke, struggling young people while
comfortable in my own very fortunate, secure circumstances. Not cool, not fair, but hard to resist. :-\
I spend a little too much time on Reddit, and I find myself having uncharitably cranky
"Fucking millennials!" moments, wondering why the hell so many of them are still "in school" and
living with their parents at ages 23, 26, 29. Why at least 50% of them claim to have "depression and
anxiety," meaning what? That they are clinically depressed and anxious, or just that they are
sad, worried, and lacking in everyday coping skills? It irks me to see how often they seem to use the
word "amazing," as a baseline relationship requirement, as in the case of a guy who told a fairly new
date that it wasn't working out for him because every moment they spent together "wasn't amazing."
I'm becoming a mean old bag, smugly sitting in judgment of broke, struggling young people while
comfortable in my own very fortunate, secure circumstances. Not cool, not fair, but hard to resist. :-\
That'll teach 'em. :zoinks:
I spend a little too much time on Reddit, and I find myself having uncharitably cranky
"Fucking millennials!" moments, wondering why the hell so many of them are still "in school" and
living with their parents at ages 23, 26, 29. Why at least 50% of them claim to have "depression and
anxiety," meaning what? That they are clinically depressed and anxious, or just that they are
sad, worried, and lacking in everyday coping skills? It irks me to see how often they seem to use the
word "amazing," as a baseline relationship requirement, as in the case of a guy who told a fairly new
date that it wasn't working out for him because every moment they spent together "wasn't amazing."
I'm becoming a mean old bag, smugly sitting in judgment of broke, struggling young people while
comfortable in my own very fortunate, secure circumstances. Not cool, not fair, but hard to resist. :-\
That'll teach 'em. :zoinks:
I will not judge...I have no right to. I once was one of those "broke, struggling young people" who didn't leave home until I was almost 30. :LOL:
...and my everyday coping skills are still somewhat lacking or supplemented sometimes. :wine:
Supplements are fine. Supplements are good. :2thumbsup:
When you start using the phrase 'I remember when' way too often
When you start using the phrase 'I remember when' way too often
I remember when I never used that phrase. :P
... when you are beginning your second half century. :witch:
... when you always have antacids in your possession! :sick:
When you see a video store and it's all VHS tapes, it feels like you have stepped into a time capsule. (this actually happened a few weeks ago when my husband and I went to the coast and it was like they never left the 90's and they had very little DVDs, that was how it was when I was in middle school and beginning of high school when DVDs were starting to get more popular. It brought back my childhood)
When you see a video store and it's all VHS tapes, it feels like you have stepped into a time capsule. (this actually happened a few weeks ago when my husband and I went to the coast and it was like they never left the 90's and they had very little DVDs, that was how it was when I was in middle school and beginning of high school when DVDs were starting to get more popular. It brought back my childhood)
I owned a (used) VCR in my 20s. I remember the washed-out, watery colors of the VHS tapes. :nerdy:
We still have a VCR. My son thought the video tapes were strange looking when he saw them. I told him that is what we used before we had DVDs. Reminds me of the days when I thought the 8 tracks were strange looking cassette tapes and thought a Beta tape was a smaller VHS.
- remember your neighbours who showed you something called a VCR that could play tapes up to 30 minutes long.
- remember your neighbours who showed you something called a VCR that could play tapes up to 30 minutes long.
Be kind, rewind! :autism:
- remember your neighbours who showed you something called a VCR that could play tapes up to 30 minutes long.
Be kind, rewind! :autism:
Rent a VCR.
... when you always have antacids in your possession! :sick:
During pregnancies?
- remember your neighbours who showed you something called a VCR that could play tapes up to 30 minutes long.
Be kind, rewind! :autism:
"These are due back Thursday by midnight."
95% of the people in my college class are young enough to be my children. :o
...when you shrug at this thread, thinking "the kids of today".
... you accept that your teeth will be under construction till you die, like the Sarah Winchester house. :fp:
... you accept that your teeth will be under construction till you die, like the Sarah Winchester house. :fp:
- remember your neighbours who showed you something called a VCR that could play tapes up to 30 minutes long.
Be kind, rewind! :autism:
And you better return the tape! :zoinks:
A wanted North Carolina man was arrested this week on charges he failed to return a VHS tape to a video store 14 years ago, police said on Thursday.
James Meyers, 37, of Concord, was driving his daughter to school when he was pulled over by police for a broken brake light, according to a video Meyers posted on YouTube on Tuesday.
Meyers said officers ran his driver's license and told him he had an outstanding arrest warrant for not returning a movie to J&J Video in Salisbury, North Carolina.
Link (
... you accept that your teeth will be under construction till you die, like the Sarah Winchester house. :fp:
That's exactly what I'm trying to avoid. I have an appointment for 8:30 on Tuesday morning. :tard:
... you suddenly realize most of your furniture is ugly shabby hand-me-down shite,
and that you want some nicer things before you die, so you'd better get on that pronto,
because time's a-wasting and ya never know. :death: :trollskull:
... you start thinking about making a will, appointing an executor, leaving instructions for the disposal
of your body, forbidding your kin from having a cheesy Catholic wake, grown-up shit like that. :P
... you look around your apartment and ponder the likelihood that the building will probably
still be standing long after you're dust. Hell, just pondering the notion of being dust. :P
... you suddenly realize most of your furniture is ugly shabby hand-me-down shite,
and that you want some nicer things before you die, so you'd better get on that pronto,
because time's a-wasting and ya never know. :death: :trollskull:
So, visit more second hand shops, and when you are drawn to a chair, a table, or something like that, buy it and throw out a thing you do not like. Don't buy anything anymore that does not make you happy. Only go for things that do make you happy.
I've been doing that for a while now. And I love the gradual changes. All stuff still is pre-loved. But all is quality I like to have around me. Still things to change. But I will, I'm not in a hurry.
Have been doing the same with my clothes. Started three years ago with that I think. Started carefully, but not anymore. I want clothes that are both pretty and comfy. And I will not settle for less. And all second hand, not costly. Only takes a good spin in the washing machine before I will wear it.
I don't want to go back to only buying clothes when I desperately needed something new, and then settling for the first reasonable option. I'm too old to settle for less than pretty and comfy.
Edited to fix quoting gone wrong.
... you feel oddly wistful about the fact that your old toilet is being replaced.
This toilet has been in the apartment at least as long as I have, so 17 years or more.
We've been through so much together. Or, rather, so much has been through us together. :tp: :fos:
I suppose I could cross-post this to a hypothetical "You know you need to get a life when ..." thread. :laugh:
... you feel oddly wistful about the fact that your old toilet is being replaced.
This toilet has been in the apartment at least as long as I have, so 17 years or more.
We've been through so much together. Or, rather, so much has been through us together. :tp: :fos:
I suppose I could cross-post this to a hypothetical "You know you need to get a life when ..." thread. :laugh:
You make a toiletbowl sound like a therapist in overdrive, without any holding back. Going through shit with everyone visiting. Again and again.
Those toiletbowls should get a life.
You think most modern pop music is crap.
You think most modern pop music is crap.
I thought you think old pop music is crap too. :dunno:
Most modern pop music *is* crap. :zoinks:
... when your knee pops with almost every step! :oldman:
... you have to arm yourself with tena lady before skipping rope.
You think most modern pop music is crap.
ooh. I was born old!
...when you finally give up on deciding what to do when you grow up, because it's high time you thought about retirement instead
...when you finally give up on deciding what to do when you grow up, because it's high time you thought about retirement instead
... you have to arm yourself with tena lady before skipping rope.
The two of you should get avatars.
...when you finally give up on deciding what to do when you grow up, because it's high time you thought about retirement instead
... you have to arm yourself with tena lady before skipping rope.
The two of you should get avatars.
I'm terminally indecisive re. Avatar . At present, I kinda think I'd like to nab one of Paul Kee's paintings for my ava, but that 's prolly breaking copyright laws.
If you mean Paul Klee, he died in 1940. I don't think his estate is going to come hunt you down for an internet avatar. :P
If you mean Paul Klee, he died in 1940. I don't think his estate is going to come hunt you down for an internet avatar. :P
Yeah I did (just another typo). But don;t his paintings all belong to big grand museums, and don;t they have reproduction rights.?
...not that they are likely to hunt me down, like you said
OK, Ok, so now i can spend another 20 years deciding which Klee painting i really really want can't i? :)
or should I beg for a Pyraxis painting, instead? :D
A Pyraxis painting of what? (I have a very different style than Klee...)
The adults today actually wore cloth like disposable diapers when they were babies than the plastic covered ones.
Your youngest minion beats you at air hockey and you didn't let her win.
you can't think of anything to post on the "post what you are thinking right now" thread
You start cutting coupons for adult diapers.
You start cutting coupons for adult diapers.
Leave QV's account alone, Natalia :D
You start cutting coupons for adult diapers.
Did anyone think I meant for your elderly parents?
All the music from your middle school years and elementary school years are now called oldies.
...when you finally give up on deciding what to do when you grow up, because it's high time you thought about retirement instead
... you have to arm yourself with tena lady before skipping rope.
The two of you should get avatars.
I'm terminally indecisive re. Avatar . At present, I kinda think I'd like to nab one of Paul Kee's paintings for my ava, but that 's prolly breaking copyright laws.
Nice choice.
... you can't find a comfortable sleeping position because so many body parts ache. :P
^That could also be a worn bed.
^That could also be a worn bed.
Yeah, the mattress is 18 years old. But I also have specific problem areas when I'm on my feet
(right shoulder amd left leg) and it hurts to lie on them. I need to lose some weight to ease the strain. :apondering:
Got myself a better mattress two months ago. Mine was worn out. The difference is massive. Still feel my body getting older though.
The teen idol you remember seeing on TV reruns when you were 6 or 7 ... has dementia. :(
You look down at your boobs and think, "Shit! I have to iron them!"
... you envy the 16-years-older co-worker who's going to retire in the fall. (emo)
... you envy the 16-years-older co-worker who's going to retire in the fall. (emo)
I retired one week before my 50th birthday. The financial cut sucks (took about a 50% cut), but the free time is delicious.
I don't think I would like to. I like doing what I do.
You remember seeing a manual telephone switchboard room in operation.
The first program you wrote professionally was on punch cards.
The first laptop you ever saw cost about 3 months' wages, had a monochrome screen, weighed about 40 pounds, couldn't actually be used on an unstable surface without self-destructing..... and was the most amazing piece of high-tech you ever saw.
For years you thought Moore's Law must be getting close to obsolescence.... because if it didn't everyone would eventually be carrying a supercomputer around in their pocket and be able to carry gigabytes worth of data around on a device the size of a box of matches that only cost a few dollars. And like that was ever going to happen.
MSW and Kek - yep. And I had a Timex Sinclair PA gave me that you had to attach to a TV set to use.
PA took a programming course years and years and years ago where he had to program the computer by hand, literally.
When all my recent injuries are from sleeping wrong. :hahaha:
When all my recent injuries are from sleeping wrong. :hahaha:
You know you're getting old when... you've been a member of I^2 for 11 years and gophers usually only live for 2 to 3 years.
You're like 300 years old in gopher years!!!!
IIRC they already incorporate spintronic read-write heads into HDs, so I see moore's law holding (in a manner of speaking) for a while yet. When you can't pack more data in 0/1, think of the possibilities when you have 0up0down1up1down, or for a molecule with a dipole as part of the surface to be read, aligned and antialigned. With suitable technology to employ it, thats orders of magnitude 'denser' data, per molecule, storing data not just in electron traffic but in the spin states of the electrons. (their angular momentum, as with other particles is a quantum number known as 'spin'
(I'm sure if I CBF I could fish out a joke about tony blair being a quantum mathethematician here. He certainly was good with statistics agreeing with him...)
When all my recent injuries are from sleeping wrong. :hahaha:
You know you're getting old when... you've been a member of I^2 for 11 years and gophers usually only live for 2 to 3 years.
You're like 300 years old in gopher years!!!!
Want to rub my achy spots. :zoinks: I've really only been a member here for about four-and-a-half years. This account once belonged to McJagger, so I'm sort of his and Jack's bastard love child. :orly:
When.... you're older than everyone in your college class, including the teacher.
How old are you? I'd have guessed early 19-25? You think your likely to end up finding out your one of those spazzes with that weird ass kinda fountain of youth effect, like the lfa girl I went to school with and still looks about 12? (her case is rather extreme mind you. I'm 31 and if we ever were to end up as a couple I'd probably have to arm myself to go on a date, every time, she looks that young, or have custom designed T-shirts saying 'my GF is OLDER than I am, piss off' (shes by now I think maybe 32-34. )
I'd love to do some genetic sampling of people with that sort of phenotype, someone who could bottle that up, stick it in a retrovirus and not have the end result cause cancer would find themselves stinking rich, 30something years cut by two thirds and preternaturally cute, AND autistic....shit, I can almost see the piles of cash I'd be using for a bed after a year of sales. There's well-kept, and there's this old schoolfriend of mine, who's in scifi territory. Not a dwarf or anything, normal proportions, but I'm surprised even her hair managed to point downwards.)
I'd love some of what she's got. Getting to 75 or so before catching a grey hair...not an unappealing thought. Although I could see the lass I know from school eventually having to get a gun, to get rid of all the erstwhile vampire hunters :autism:
I'm 40, 41 in February. No grey hair, which is cool. When it does happen, I will start dyeing my hair crazy colours.
How old are you? I'd have guessed early 19-25? You think your likely to end up finding out your one of those spazzes with that weird ass kinda fountain of youth effect, like the lfa girl I went to school with and still looks about 12? (her case is rather extreme mind you. I'm 31 and if we ever were to end up as a couple I'd probably have to arm myself to go on a date, every time, she looks that young, or have custom designed T-shirts saying 'my GF is OLDER than I am, piss off' (shes by now I think maybe 32-34. )
I'd love to do some genetic sampling of people with that sort of phenotype, someone who could bottle that up, stick it in a retrovirus and not have the end result cause cancer would find themselves stinking rich, 30something years cut by two thirds and preternaturally cute, AND autistic....shit, I can almost see the piles of cash I'd be using for a bed after a year of sales. There's well-kept, and there's this old schoolfriend of mine, who's in scifi territory. Not a dwarf or anything, normal proportions, but I'm surprised even her hair managed to point downwards.)
I'd love some of what she's got. Getting to 75 or so before catching a grey hair...not an unappealing thought. Although I could see the lass I know from school eventually having to get a gun, to get rid of all the erstwhile vampire hunters :autism:
And so you and I are polar opposites. Every new grey hair I find (and I still do have the stray darker brown ones that need to be replaced) I get happier and happier. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it.
How old are you? I'd have guessed early 19-25? You think your likely to end up finding out your one of those spazzes with that weird ass kinda fountain of youth effect, like the lfa girl I went to school with and still looks about 12? (her case is rather extreme mind you. I'm 31 and if we ever were to end up as a couple I'd probably have to arm myself to go on a date, every time, she looks that young, or have custom designed T-shirts saying 'my GF is OLDER than I am, piss off' (shes by now I think maybe 32-34. )
I'd love to do some genetic sampling of people with that sort of phenotype, someone who could bottle that up, stick it in a retrovirus and not have the end result cause cancer would find themselves stinking rich, 30something years cut by two thirds and preternaturally cute, AND autistic....shit, I can almost see the piles of cash I'd be using for a bed after a year of sales. There's well-kept, and there's this old schoolfriend of mine, who's in scifi territory. Not a dwarf or anything, normal proportions, but I'm surprised even her hair managed to point downwards.)
I'd love some of what she's got. Getting to 75 or so before catching a grey hair...not an unappealing thought. Although I could see the lass I know from school eventually having to get a gun, to get rid of all the erstwhile vampire hunters :autism:
And so you and I are polar opposites. Every new grey hair I find (and I still do have the stray darker brown ones that need to be replaced) I get happier and happier. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it.
I don't mind grey hair either. Can't see why anyone would.
You find yourself saying things your grandmother said.
Hou have light hair, ren. Dye ought to take with reasonable ease. You should at least be able to dye with ease greater than my own, which is naturally dark and requires quite aggressive bleaching before dyes take well.
Darker colors, as well as more intense ones are particularly difficult. Blues are particularly problematic.
When all my recent injuries are from sleeping wrong. :hahaha:
You know you're getting old when... you've been a member of I^2 for 11 years and gophers usually only live for 2 to 3 years.
You're like 300 years old in gopher years!!!!
Want to rub my achy spots. :zoinks: I've really only been a member here for about four-and-a-half years. This account once belonged to McJagger, so I'm sort of his and Jack's bastard love child. :orly:
I'm not sure if I want to rub your achy spots. Do you have fleas?
By my calculations you are about 120 in gopher years, meaning that you've well and truly earned your achy spots.
You find yourself saying things your grandmother said.
Hell, I have been "quoting or paraphrasing" both of my amazing grandfathers, my amazing grandmothers and my own father and mother since I was in my late teens and early twenties. Even earlier in the case of my father who I was very close to.
I was actually lucky enough to have known my mom's grandmother. She died when I was eight. She died a very old and caring woman in her late eighties, having been born in 1878.
That was about the time I realized that I was growing up, whether I was comfortable with growing up or not. The time had arrived.
Oh, back to topic.
The funniest one I have seen lately:
You know you are getting old if you and your teeth do not sleep together.
It takes longer to rest than it did to get tired.
Hou have light hair, ren. Dye ought to take with reasonable ease. You should at least be able to dye with ease greater than my own, which is naturally dark and requires quite aggressive bleaching before dyes take well.
Darker colors, as well as more intense ones are particularly difficult. Blues are particularly problematic.
No, my hair is dark red/brown. I could dye it, but I would need to bleach it first. That damages hair so that's why I said I would wait until I'm grey to dye it.
I have never colored my hair, except for whitening things for the day to allow me to play an older person for a community play for which I was performing.
My beard is mostly grey, with some reddish brown streaks in it, but my hair is still its normal youthful color, except for a few stragglers around the edges.
I have had people ask me, since I dye my hair, why do I not dye my beard to match.
The fact that my beard is almost Santa Clause and my hair is almost Beatles is completely normal for me at this time.
I can not even tell you how many women have asked me to color my beard to match my hair, since I did such a good job of dyeing my hair.
You know you are getting old when:
You seem to have a great deal more patience with annoyances, but in reality, it's just that you really do not even give a fuck anymore.
Every new grey hair I find (and I still do have the stray darker brown ones that need to be replaced) I get happier and happier. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it.
You're like my mum. As soon as she had her 70th birthday, she stopped dyeing her hair. Her red has lightened to a champagne colour which she likes. But she said she wouldn't have been upset if it had turned truly white.
QV, your hair looks nice in your Facebook photo. :)
I've never dyed my hair either.
So you still look exactly like your avatar.
I am actually quite a bit less attractive. But still ... :viking:
So you still look exactly like your avatar.
I am actually quite a bit less attractive. But still ... :viking:
My hair is short and more or less grey, so not exactly...
I'm wondering if you look like what I imagine you look like.
When all my recent injuries are from sleeping wrong. :hahaha:
Your bitches are pummeling you in your sleep. They're tired of your shit. :gopher: :hahaha: :trollface:
When all my recent injuries are from sleeping wrong. :hahaha:
Your bitches are pummeling you in your sleep. They're tired of your shit. :gopher: :hahaha: :trollface:
You should have seen them in action today, toiling under the hood of my car as I relaxed and watched while sipping coffee. :zoinks:
When all my recent injuries are from sleeping wrong. :hahaha:
Your bitches are pummeling you in your sleep. They're tired of your shit. :gopher: :hahaha: :trollface:
You should have seen them in action today, toiling under the hood of my car as I relaxed and watched while sipping coffee. :zoinks:
That car's totally fucked up now. You're screwed. Should have been nicer to your bitches. :gopher: :hahaha: :trollface:
When all my recent injuries are from sleeping wrong. :hahaha:
Your bitches are pummeling you in your sleep. They're tired of your shit. :gopher: :hahaha: :trollface:
You should have seen them in action today, toiling under the hood of my car as I relaxed and watched while sipping coffee. :zoinks:
That car's totally fucked up now. You're screwed. Should have been nicer to your bitches. :gopher: :hahaha: :trollface:
It works better than ever. My bitches adore me and fix all my broken stuff. Maybe they'll clean it for me next. :zoinks:
Now they're hanging the Christmas lights for me. :zoinks:
Now they're hanging the Christmas lights for me. :zoinks:
Rigging them to give you a nasty shock! :gopher: :trollskull:
Now they're hanging the Christmas lights for me. :zoinks:
Rigging them to give you a nasty shock! :gopher: :trollskull:
Hou have light hair, ren. Dye ought to take with reasonable ease. You should at least be able to dye with ease greater than my own, which is naturally dark and requires quite aggressive bleaching before dyes take well.
Darker colors, as well as more intense ones are particularly difficult. Blues are particularly problematic.
No, my hair is dark red/brown. I could dye it, but I would need to bleach it first. That damages hair so that's why I said I would wait until I'm grey to dye it.
Sounds like mine, but probably more brown...mine's like a chestnut color, you can see the red in the sun. Too dark, if it would start turning gray I would stop dyeing it. :laugh:
Thankfully the little gray I do have seems to be dye resistant. :thumbup:
Now they're hanging the Christmas lights for me. :zoinks:
Rigging them to give you a nasty shock! :gopher: :trollskull:
My bitches don't let the cords get all knotted up like that. :zoinks:
Now they're hanging the Christmas lights for me. :zoinks:
Rigging them to give you a nasty shock! :gopher: :trollskull:
My bitches don't let the cords get all knotted up like that. :zoinks:
Not without a good reason. :gopher: >:D :trollface:
For some reason the only way I can imagine gray on you IQ, is if you have long, straight dark hair, with just a front lock of white/grey, or one either side. In an elegant, refined sort of look. I think one side would look better IMO out of the two potential styles like that. An ice-white lock for an icequeen maybe?
Just a mental image of course, but I do reckon it would look stylish :)
The music IS too loud.
When you've got the aspirator pump hooked up to the garden hose and you think to yourself 'bollocks if I'm going to squat over this buchner funnel/erlenmeyer flask, I need to go and sit the hell down and it can finish filtering by itself while I stick it in a plant pot, because my knees are aching.
When you start telling all the youngsters to take care of their teeth! :autism:
Or, as I've heard, "If you can't be an example, be a warning." :trollskull:
When you tell people true stories about the olden days, and they look at you like you're one of the Yorkshiremen from that Monty Python sketch
When you tell people true stories about the olden days, and they look at you like you're one of the Yorkshiremen from that Monty Python sketch
... and then you tell them that, and they don't know who Monty Python are. :tard: :autism:
You wake up again two days after your bending over that bromine-belching flask and adjusting this, that and the other, drip-drip-drip-dripping the funnel full of concentrated sulfuric acid into the sodium bromide, the first day you needed extra pain meds at night after your gas mask irritated the top of your head (long hair isn't really ideal when working with a gas mask on, but damned if I want rid of it, its taken me ages to grow it near halfway down my chest.)
And three days later, you are still sore and aching, even after a shot of 180mg morphine (warning nobody take that as a dose indication. Tolerance. This will kill an opioid naive person most probably, 20-30mg injected would be a more like it beginning dose. Just so I don't cause a nasty accident) and a good lot of oxycodone IR capsules, snorted, extracted filtered and shot, and I still fucking ache.
When you tell people true stories about the olden days, and they look at you like you're one of the Yorkshiremen from that Monty Python sketch
... and then you tell them that, and they don't know who Monty Python are. :tard: :autism:
So happy that my kids know Monty Python. I feel decades younger because of that.
I spotted a silver hair this morning.
Found my first in my twenties.
Oh! I'm 41 so I guess it had to come about sooner or later.
41? are you having us on, Ren? I'd taken you for early, at most mid 20s. Because you don't look like you've come within a couple of decades of your 40s, I guess you might be able to tell someone '30' and get away with it, depending on the person, but 41? if it was anybody but you yourself told me that I'd call them a fucking liar.
Oh! I'm 41 so I guess it had to come about sooner or later.
I was never bothered about mine, tbh, and now that most of it is grey, I couldn't care less.
Oh! I'm 41 so I guess it had to come about sooner or later.
I was never bothered about mine, tbh, and now that most of it is grey, I couldn't care less.
I found a silver in my 30s, as I recall. It's graying very slowly, and I'm curious to see how it will look. 8)
Whenever I get old I'll let you know.
Beard went mostly grey a couple years ago. Saddens me a bit.
Bothered more by not being able to eat as much as I'm used to though.
Maybe I'd care more if I lost my hair instead of it changing colour. :dunno:
Mine receded a bit, and it definitely put me in a panic. I like playing with it too much.
(hmmm....maybe not just hair I'm talking about)
Nice thing is that blue covers the grey well. :G
Um, what kind of play are we talking about here?
Isn't it better that it remain ambiguous?
Or do you want some special, gopher-destined pics? :zoinks:
Isn't it better that it remain ambiguous?
Or do you want some special, gopher-destined pics? :zoinks:
You're right. It's better not to know. :laugh:
Maybe I'd care more if I lost my hair instead of it changing colour. :dunno:
I'm happy that I kept most of my hair until I was 50. It's thinning now but it doesn't worry me much. I see guys 20+ years younger than me with far less hair. I've got no plans to get a toupee or cultivate a combover. I've had a few grey hairs since I was in my late teens, mostly white now and never been tempted to colour it.
I wish I had a bit less hair growing out of my nose and ears though.
I wish I had a bit less hair growing out of my nose and ears though.
Wasn't it Lit who said that was what getting older was about?
Doing nothing takes up all your time and energy.
Slipped disk again I think. Lot of hip pain, back (of course), and now knee.
Back pain is the new normal.
For me, it's usually the feet and knees. Mainly from the dancing, which I thought was protecting other parts as I destroyed those.
My mum is 71 and had knee replacement surgery a week and a half ago. When I saw her on Sunday, she was up and about cooking spaghetti for 8 of us. She said she didn't like sitting down for too long because her knee would stiffen up. I helped her out a bit by doing the dishes, wished there was more I could do to help. My mum is a trooper.
When you see videos of interviews of clandestine chemistry, and it mentions the Hive, the first of the clandestine chemist's forums online almost certainly, and this one I was watching, an interview with an MDMA chemist, who awfully sadly, got busted when he had just the chemicals left to make and shift another 30 pounds of pure MDMA, after which, he was going to retire and live for the rest of his life, well off, wanting for nothing, with his wife, living comfortably, yet modestly in a home in the mountains, with just his needs, and those things to make him happy like his chemistry equipment and reagents.
Something, bust aside, which I myself aspire to and would love like nothing else, save only my love I still feel for my former fiancee, Cazzie (the astonishingly beautiful 14yo Kanner's woman who slammed me into a tree and shoved her tongue down my neck by way of making her 'introduction' then claimed me as her property)
I'd really, truly, want nothing more in my life, than to make my fortune through the artistry of the clandestine chemist, not to be ostentatious with the money, but so I could live forever in comfort, coming totally tax-free, no worries about bills, no worries about food or drink, no worries about accomodation. Just money to buy food, drink, chemicals and glassware, equipment.
And, if I ever could find one worthy of the love I have to give, if I could track Cazzie down, and make things together with her again, then live my life with her, with the money from much hard work put in as a.....chemist who operates within the margins of the chemistry faculties of the earn enough that my daily bread is forever paid for, and I could raise kids with the love of my life...
But I know I'm getting old, when I saw that video, and was filled with a deep nostalgia, for the days of the hive, and for how over the counter chemical supplies used to extend to nitric acid, aniline, and (he listed these specifically in the interview), acetic anhydride, the way he said 'acetic anhydride' it was almost with a pain in his voice, nostalgic, wistful, sore. And these at any chemist along with the aspirin, even when he was just a kid, he could walk in and just ask for some phosphorus, hand over the money, and be given his phosphorus.
NOW? whilst I myself can buy it (red or white, I could only buy tiny samples of black phosphorus in sealed vials as an element collector's sample, its hard as hell to make, rare, and commands an immensely high price, requiring extremes of pressure and high temperatures to make), many, if not MOST chemists, whether they be involved in clandestine ops, or otherwise, they just cannot buy elemental phosphorus for love nor money, not for any price.
If most chemists wish to get any phosphorus at all, they either are limited to such tiny scraps from a pauper's table as come by scraping the striker pads of safety match books. Or they have to build a furnace and roast a mixture of phosphates and carbon to over a thousand degrees, and lead the exit gases into a series of tanks containing ice-cold salted-ice water, to condense the vapours as white phosphorus.
Or else they have to go without this incredibly valuable reagent (or set of them, whites, red, blacks, vitreous grey, violet (violet and Hittorf's alpha-metallic phosphorus) and Schlenk's scarlet phosphorus)
I have 2 kilos of red phosphorus and a little white, can make more white if I want to, and can make scarlet phosphorus without too much difficulty, make violet/Hittorf's alpha-metallic type violet phosphorus with considerable effort, taking at least a week of heating in a sealed vessel or in molten lead, keeping the temperature gradient carefully within 20 degrees, at a total temperature of several hundred degrees 'C
But that video, showing the front page of The Hive, showing snapshots of threads, so much nostalgia, and it made me aware that damned if I am not part of the old guard.
Will always mourn for the downfall of The Hive, it was a terrific place, and with 'the couch' subforum, for when we winged brother Bees weren't talking shop, just to kick our shoes off, and shoot the shit. It was great. And oh me oh MY!, the techniques and science that the true masters of pill-defucking were capable of (in the US it seems legal to include ingredients not listed on the inactives list in OTC meds, disgusting or what? they at least need to be forced to declare every ingredient used, be it a dye, a bulking agent, a polymer or anything else, if not for the clandestine chemist, then for those with allergies)
There were specialists in stripping out both the gaaks and the sometimes included 'fake', which would extract with, and resemble pseudoephedrine or ephedrine but which would reduce to fuck all of value, and possibly deceive the chemist to throw away the 'slops', thinking they had their ephedrine or PSE when in fact, they had something intended to lie to them and make them do just that.
Disgusting or WHAT? but these guys, they were true masters who had it not only a science but a true art, removing even multiple stacks of different gaaks with each gaak having different properties, with solvent combinations, distillation under vacuum, steam-distillation, tricks like turpentine boils, the tetra-trap, all sorts of other tricks and wonderous machinery constructed specifically for beating these vile gaaks. Compared to them, at pill defucking, I am, but a greenhorn rankest of amateurs. Not like these guys, they were more GODS than men at de-gaaking.
I am a competent chemist alright, but at pseudoephedrine tablet degaaking, I have NOTHING on these true masters. I am to them, what an amoeba is to me by comparison.
But yes, I am one of the old, old, old guard of such chemists. That brings both nostalgia, and not a little sorrow, sorrow not just for the lack of so rich a variety of over the counter chemicals and glassware, but for the kids, for their children and their children's children; and those in every generation who feel that irresistible pull towards discovery, to manipulate their environment with the very basic building blocks of molecules like most NT kids would just play with lego.
Because I've a hunch that most if not all Bees and those clandestine chemists driven not by mere hunger for money, but for the love of the subject, love of their work, have a strong streak of autism in them.
When you run into friends you haven't seen for a while.... and they look like old people. While you still picture them as they were a few decades ago.
When you run into friends you haven't seen for a while.... and they look like old people. While you still picture them as they were a few decades ago.
You.picture them as young people after you have seen them. Might be having hallucinations or delusions?
Whoah. Maybe I shouldn't have taken all those pills Lestat sent me at once (sorry Lestat)
Whoah. Maybe I shouldn't have taken all those pills Lestat sent me at once (sorry Lestat)
... or a sneeze?
Seriously! Ask Around.
That shit happened in my teens.
When you can feel the changing weather in your joints
I was at a friend's place today with 5 other people and I was the oldest person there. One of them said she was born in 1994. I was like, "Shit, I was 17 then!"
Yep, feeling the age.
When you think a guy is handsome and then you realize he's in his 30's and young enough to be your grandson.
When you pull a muscle and it's not better by the next day.
People born after the year 2000, who are now adults or close enough to adults, make me feel old. I mean that feels just like last week.
When your kids are growing up and they start saying "wow, I feel like time is going faster now". Like I haven't noticed that yet?
When people start talking about things that are going to be completed in the year 2040, or that are going to happen within the next 25 years. I will be lucky if I'm still alive and have most of my marbles then.
You wonder if it's worthwhile put out the effort to grow up.
...listening to young whippersnappers on the train, all of whom discuss 3D printing.
Dating someone half my age wouldn't even come close to breaking the law. :hahaha:
Dating someone half my age wouldn't even come close to breaking the law. :hahaha:
Same here. They'd be 21.
When grocery day completely kicks my butt. :hahaha:
When I get up in the morning barely able to move.
Reading this thread while quietly nodding.
When me and my spouse are both genuinely excited to see if the outside of the windows are foggy tomorrow morning. :hahaha:
When grocery day completely kicks my butt. :hahaha:
Me too
You have to get a magnifying glass to read something even with your reading glasses on
You have to get a magnifying glass to read something even with your reading glasses on
Someone needs to go to the optometrist.
I'm finding silver hairs on the top of my head.
You'll get used to it. Personally I don't mind the grey.
Considered going gray during the pandemic, but thought it wasn't saturated enough to look good. Still too much pepper with the salt. Recently noticed a woman with similar gray hair and felt glad for not doing it.
Women with grey or pepper and salt hair can be hawt. just sayin'. :eyebrows:
Women with grey or pepper and salt hair can be hawt. just sayin'. :eyebrows:
Probably not Jack. :laugh: It finally looks good on mom, but it used to not, so maybe in another twenty years or so.
When you remember getting a prime rib dinner for what a good deli roast beef sandwich and a Coke costs now
When my twin sister is a grandmother and I'm a great aunty.
When realising that the videophone that was science fiction when you went to the uni is now used to teach people at the uni, among them my daughter.
When I get up in the morning barely able to move.
I didn't know at the time but this was the onset of symptoms of fibromyalgia. It hasn't gotten easier, unfortunately.
Considered going gray during the pandemic, but thought it wasn't saturated enough to look good. Still too much pepper with the salt. Recently noticed a woman with similar gray hair and felt glad for not doing it.
Bleach? Probably easier to maintain than dying.
Considered going gray during the pandemic, but thought it wasn't saturated enough to look good. Still too much pepper with the salt. Recently noticed a woman with similar gray hair and felt glad for not doing it.
Bleach? Probably easier to maintain than dying.
Bleaching and then dying it gray is a harsher process and would still have to be maintained as often as only dying it. Only bleaching would also have to be regularly maintained and blonde isn't a good look for my skin tone. Dying is the least harsh and easy to maintain, though would be nice not do it. Gray is silver like moms, hers looks good natural but it will be quite a few years before mine gets as gray as her hair.
Considered going gray during the pandemic, but thought it wasn't saturated enough to look good. Still too much pepper with the salt. Recently noticed a woman with similar gray hair and felt glad for not doing it.
I was a bit ginger, so MY greying was not about salt and pepper as much as cinnamon and sugar.
At least that is the way I wanted to present. Cuz, Ima a sweet guy, sort of.
My beard has gone almost totally grey, except for this Fu Manchu style dark streaks down the side of my face on each side.
I keep trying to convince myself (and anyone who will listen) that it actually looks very cool.
I'm an old, ugly man and mostly I embrace the concept. Character is my fortune at this point.
Cut my hair today. He said he saved all the grey bits. :P
Cut my hair today. He said he saved all the grey bits. :P
Thinking about your gray bits makes me feel naughty. :zoinks:
Cut my hair today. He said he saved all the grey bits. :P
Thinking about your gray bits makes me feel naughty. :zoinks:
When the kids start getting gray hairs.
When the kids start getting gray hairs.
Did not feel old when that happened. Ex was graying before age 25. Oldest is too. Chances are oldest will overtake me in amounts of silver linings within 10 years. And if my mom will live long enough, I guess oldest will win from her too in due time.
Kayleigh has gone quite grey and she's 6 years younger than I am. I get the odd silver hair.
Grey and white, me. Ugh.
When I start watching youtube videos on face lifting makeup techniques for older women.
People call me sir.... I'm not that old yet!!! Am I?
No Sir, you're not.
People call me sir.... I'm not that old yet!!! Am I?
It might just be them being polite. I sometimes call young people sir and ma'am. I never considered it might be a weird thing to do. Although if your age starts with a 3, then yes you are that old yet. :lol1:
No Sir, you're not.
People call me sir.... I'm not that old yet!!! Am I?
It might just be them being polite. I sometimes call young people sir and ma'am. I never considered it might be a weird thing to do. Although if your age starts with a 3, then yes you are that old yet. :lol1:
When I start watching youtube videos on face lifting makeup techniques for older women.
I watch them all the time. They're HOT!
... uh, wait a second. Does that mean ...?
Aw, shit. Never mind.
People call me sir.... I'm not that old yet!!! Am I?
It might just be them being polite. I sometimes call young people sir and ma'am. I never considered it might be a weird thing to do. Although if your age starts with a 3, then yes you are that old yet. :lol1:
Most of the women I have encountered do not care to be called Ma'am, unless they are old school southern and quite matronly. Rare birds around here. Most female strangers of any age addressed by another stranger do not mind as much being called "Miss" in a respectful way.
Try it the next time you open a door or pick up something for some female stranger. Really, really, really, don't call them Lady. That will often backfire.
When I start watching youtube videos on face lifting makeup techniques for older women.
I watch them all the time. They're HOT!
... uh, wait a second. Does that mean ...?
Aw, shit. Never mind.
Turns out I've probably been doing myself an injustice for some years with a couple of things which were fine in younger years.
Realizing the 1990s was 30 years ago.
Realizing the 1990s was 30 years ago.
I sure feel old now. There was some great music in the 90s.
But a lot of shitty music, too.
I remember a mid-90s interview with George Harrison. He was asked what he thought about 90s British pop music. He said that he quite liked Spice Girls.
The interviewer was taken aback, of course. Spice Girls, George?
Yeah, George said. They're on the telly and once you turn down the volume they're great to look at.
I agree with George Harrison!
Spice Girls were quite entertaining on mute.
Adding to the list, Paula Abdul!
... but I have to admit to un-muting some of her work.
I miss him. :(
I hear oldie music being played in stores and it's from when I was in middle school.
Well, if you think it's "oldie" then you really are old. :zoinks:
When you watch a few commercials for new medications and they present this monstrously long list of side effects ...
... and as unrelated as most of them seem, you think, "Wait, I already have all those as symptoms! Why in Hell do I need to take another pill for all that?"
You get new symptoms to get rid of the old ones. :orly:
Nope, just, nope.
I'll sage my home and self or something first.
When you watch a few commercials for new medications and they present this monstrously long list of side effects ...
... and as unrelated as most of them seem, you think, "Wait, I already have all those as symptoms! Why in Hell do I need to take another pill for all that?"
I remember being really surprised that the USA advertises medication. Sure, here in Australia I've seen ads for Panadol (paracetamol) and Gaviscon (for reflux) but ads for antipsychotics and antidepressants? I'm wondering what kind of effect that has on the public and the sales of those medications.
When you watch a few commercials for new medications and they present this monstrously long list of side effects ...
... and as unrelated as most of them seem, you think, "Wait, I already have all those as symptoms! Why in Hell do I need to take another pill for all that?"
I remember being really surprised that the USA advertises medication. Sure, here in Australia I've seen ads for Panadol (paracetamol) and Gaviscon (for reflux) but ads for antipsychotics and antidepressants? I'm wondering what kind of effect that has on the public and the sales of those medications.
Worse is when you see three different ads for the same compound, offering help for arthritis in one, psoriasis in another and diabetes in a third, for instance. OK, maybe, but ...
We also have huge high dollar, flashy ads for lawyer type ambulance chasers as well.
When you watch a few commercials for new medications and they present this monstrously long list of side effects ...
... and as unrelated as most of them seem, you think, "Wait, I already have all those as symptoms! Why in Hell do I need to take another pill for all that?"
I remember being really surprised that the USA advertises medication. Sure, here in Australia I've seen ads for Panadol (paracetamol) and Gaviscon (for reflux) but ads for antipsychotics and antidepressants? I'm wondering what kind of effect that has on the public and the sales of those medications.
I never thought much about it because it's normal here. The ads likely boost sales, I'd guess they might not bother otherwise. Still, it's not as if people can go to the store and get it on their own, and mentioning a med to a physician doesn't mean it will be prescribed. Though if someone has untreated health issues and an advertisement inspires them to talk to their doctor about it, that's probably not a bad thing. :dunno:
The first antipsychotic advertising I saw was for Abilify (aripiprazole) and I was amazed. It actually made me want to take it (and I still want to but that's another story) because they made it sound like it would fix all problems.
I wonder if it irks psychiatrists over there to have people come in to their offices and say, "I want to take this medication." Rather than here where it's like, "I have these symptoms that I think I need medication for." Unless research has been done or opinions asked for on a forum.
I don't know. Mentioning a medication might just be a normal thing people don't think much about, like the fact there's advertisements. :lol1:
I used to be "business partners" with a musician, songwriter, performer, whose grandmother lived in an old folks' home. He used to just bring his guitar and sing to her in her room (he called it serenatas, Spanish or pocho for serenade) until other people gathered around the door where she stayed and blocked the hallways trying to hear the music.
They set him up in the "common room" but it was too large for just his voice and guitar. He needed some sound reinforcement. He needed me.
He asked me one day if I would bring some gear out on a Sunday morning and help him with what he had gotten himself into.
I said like, "WUT?" Oh, set up a sound system for forty people in a small room, half of which are deaf and the other half are hyper sensitive to any sounds. Yeah, I want to do that. "Right."
I did not have any sound gear things that were smallish. My stuff was designed for concerts and large clubs, pound you in the chest and make your knees weak, make your ears ring and disturb your digestion for hours. I didn't even own anything gentle. But I worked at a music store back then.
I put some equipment I had never used out to myself on loan/spec/approval. We did that sort of thing in those days.
So I set up this tiny little sound system with one speaker pointed against a corner directly behind him, he sat on a stool with his guitar, two microphones and the other speaker pointed straight up in front of him where he could hear himself and it would add presence of his performance to the room.
I set it for very low sound output, but it filled the room beautifully. He came in to the store and wrote a check for the tiny sound system the next day and it lived in the trunk of his car from then on.
Next thing you know a nurse came up and asked if he could go over to this other place and play a song or two for them as well. Her uncle lived there and he loves to hear music.
So, Sunday morning (sleep day) became music day! He was there every Sunday morning until his grandma died, but he was still needed. He kept on playing there every Sunday until his younger sister took over and he went off and got famous.
I still love the guy for what he did for all those random oldsters over a couple of years.
When you see a ninety year old man get up and ask his new crush to dance, both of them using canes, your heart kind of melts in a way.
The point of this is that I spent a lot of time with a few groups of the really old over a period of years. Not as much as he did, but I saw the olders trading and comparing drugs like colors of M&Ms.
Talking about all their damn drugs was about all some of them had in common, except the music my friend played.
Fortunately, with my buddy "working the room" which was his talent, they had something more than aches, pains and drugs to talk about.
So tell me Gary, when did you become so toxic?
I blame my toxicity levels on single use plastics. :zoinks:
I blame my toxicity levels on single use plastics. :zoinks:
I'll go with you there!!
Plant a tree for every plastic bottle you see!
You click the thread and instantly forget what you wanted to post.
I'm now having to take my glasses off to read anything small. Hopefully my vision doesn't get any worse, I don't want to have to need reading glasses too.
My optometrist deemed me old enough to test for glaucoma. She put drops in my eyes that she said would be uncomfortable/or irritating (they were fine) and looked in my eyes with a small torch. And yay! I don't have glaucoma.
I'm now having to take my glasses off to read anything small. Hopefully my vision doesn't get any worse, I don't want to have to need reading glasses too.
My optometrist deemed me old enough to test for glaucoma. She put drops in my eyes that she said would be uncomfortable/or irritating (they were fine) and looked in my eyes with a small torch. And yay! I don't have glaucoma.
Changing weather now makes my joints sore
I'm now having to take my glasses off to read anything small. Hopefully my vision doesn't get any worse, I don't want to have to need reading glasses too.
My optometrist deemed me old enough to test for glaucoma. She put drops in my eyes that she said would be uncomfortable/or irritating (they were fine) and looked in my eyes with a small torch. And yay! I don't have glaucoma.
I've got three pairs. Reading, work, long distance (well, progressive). And if you count the sunglasses, four pairs.
It's not getting any better with age. :P
When I'm talking and suddenly interrupted by the exclamation, "Geeze, what is it with you old people!" :lol1:
Gen Z and Alpha are making their voices heard... even though Alpha is still in the little people stage -__-
My parents are Boomers. They're all getting old now. I'm Generation X.
My parents are Boomers. They're all getting old now. I'm Generation X.
I'm a millenial
Don't know what I am. A grumpy old man, I guess.
Don't know what I am. A grumpy old man, I guess.
Dad wouldn't mind another member to the Grumpy Old Men society.
Don't know what I am. A grumpy old man, I guess.
Dad wouldn't mind another member to the Grumpy Old Men society.
When John Madden said that you can only have one big pain or else how does the aspirin know where to go, he was not this old yet.
When my level of daily arthritic pain is workable, I am a happy old man with lots of cool stuff I want to do still.
Just do not stand between me and the nearest toilet.
Don't know what I am. A grumpy old man, I guess.
Dad wouldn't mind another member to the Grumpy Old Men society.
It's a calling, really.
I think I probably qualify for this thread now. Speak up son! :poke:
When your co-workers are mostly your kids' ages, and they've noticed... and nobody ever says 'you don't look old enough for that' any more :lol1:
I'm definitely getting to be a grumpy bastard, middle age has found me creaky, knackered and rattling like a chemist's shop. What I have left on top is a nice 50/50 blend of silver and black nowadays, though the beard's mostly black still. What I don't like is the encroaching baldy bits and the amount of daylight you can see through the rest. Especially when my youngest gleefully starts poking at new bits of scalp to make sure I'm aware of it. Cheeky little shit.
- just don't care.
I have a few silver hairs now. I was at work and I told someone that I pull the silvers out and they were like, "Oooh, you know if you do that, two will grow in its place!" Just what I needed to hear.
I know I am 34 years old, but I don't feel 34 years old emotionally.
^I'm 13 years older than you, heh.
^I'm 13 years older than you, heh.
I have a few silver hairs now. I was at work and I told someone that I pull the silvers out and they were like, "Oooh, you know if you do that, two will grow in its place!" Just what I needed to hear.
I think that's a myth. :orly: Only one hair grows per follicle, though repeatedly pulling them out could damage the follicles causing thinner hair later on than would have been otherwise. Just a few probably isn't a big deal. :dunno:
^ I think you're right.
The silvers that in my regular hair feel rougher though. Wouldn't like a full head of rough hair!
I think I probably qualify for this thread now. Speak up son! :poke:
When your co-workers are mostly your kids' ages, and they've noticed... and nobody ever says 'you don't look old enough for that' any more :lol1:
I'm definitely getting to be a grumpy bastard, middle age has found me creaky, knackered and rattling like a chemist's shop. What I have left on top is a nice 50/50 blend of silver and black nowadays, though the beard's mostly black still. What I don't like is the encroaching baldy bits and the amount of daylight you can see through the rest. Especially when my youngest gleefully starts poking at new bits of scalp to make sure I'm aware of it. Cheeky little shit.
Hair can be an odd thing.
My beard has been gray since I was 40-ish. Now at sixty eight years of age, my beard has whitened and I've grown it past my collar bones down to the bottom of my sternum, Civil War era style. I keep it trimmed and kept looking, but massive.
My head hair is still light brown with only small singles of white scattered through.
I had a lovely fiftyish coworker come to me one day and compliment me on how I kept my hair colored so natural looking, but wanted to inform me that they make products for men's beards that can do the same.
She was stunned when I told her I had never colored anything and it looks natural because it is natural.
My brother is the opposite. He had grey hair early on, but to this day (he is sixty six) his beard is still mostly dark with light wisps around the sideburns.
I like my giant Viking beard!
... but I am getting tired of my hair down past my shoulders. Caring for it is a handful.
Thinking of buzzing it off again and leaving the beard but I always thought that looked odd on bald guys with massive beards.
Sitting here thinking about this stuff and had a thought.
Made a meme.
Silly, but you might get a laugh.
Yes, I'm old... but the people I grew up with look older for some odd reason.
^DirtDawg - :lol1:
^Genesis - you must have the autistic trait of looking young for your age. Someone thought I was in my mid 30s, not 47.
^DirtDawg - :lol1:
^Genesis - you must have the autistic trait of looking young for your age. Someone thought I was in my mid 30s, not 47.
I do have that trait... a lot of people at work thought I was in my 20s
^DirtDawg - :lol1:
^Genesis - you must have the autistic trait of looking young for your age. Someone thought I was in my mid 30s, not 47.
I do have that trait... a lot of people at work thought I was in my 20s
Well from the pictures of you I've seen, you could definitely pass for being in your 20s. The 20s and 30s kind of mix together. It's in your 40s that your age starts to show itself.
^DirtDawg - :lol1:
^Genesis - you must have the autistic trait of looking young for your age. Someone thought I was in my mid 30s, not 47.
I do have that trait... a lot of people at work thought I was in my 20s
Well from the pictures of you I've seen, you could definitely pass for being in your 20s. The 20s and 30s kind of mix together. It's in your 40s that your age starts to show itself.
I have a few silver hairs now. I was at work and I told someone that I pull the silvers out and they were like, "Oooh, you know if you do that, two will grow in its place!" Just what I needed to hear.
Nothing to worry about. My hair is turning white and I still don't worry about it. I rather like it.
^I'm 13 years older than you, heh.
I'm 12 years older than you.
When people call me Sir -_-
^DirtDawg - :lol1:
^Genesis - you must have the autistic trait of looking young for your age. Someone thought I was in my mid 30s, not 47.
One of my new "gun friends" at the range thought I was mid fifties a couple of weeks ago.
Nope, sixty eight, birthday next month. I'll be the "nice" age. He's fifty nine, thought I was younger.
Don't know exactly why, but hearing sixty nine, the youths all seem to say, "Nice!"
Honestly, I think I look older than first dirt.
You will be a GIMP and always a GIMP (because of your injury, and your yoyoing weight problem)
I feel old when reading this thread. :zoinks:
I feel old when reading this thread. :zoinks:
when most of your memories of others is about people who are gone? If so I am old before my time. Thirty seven isn't really that old, is it?
Nope, it's not.
My mum will be 92 next week. She was telling me about all of her friends dying at regular intervals these days. Not complaining, just stating it very matter-of-factly. I don't think she is ready to go anytime soon, but she's got a point.
My nan was 4 days shy of 101 when she died. The world's oldest aspie, I used to label her. She was utterly clear in the head right to the end, with very few health issue beyond the advancing age, but she always complained about everyone dying or losing their facilities around her. It was no fun but she had her books. Until she started losing her eyesight in earnest and couldn't read anymore. Thinking she found some relief in the contraband we all provided her with, wine, chocolate, etc, but no longer being able to read did it for her.
We all need something to live for.
My mum will be 78 mid December. She absolutely loves to read and enjoys telling me what her current book is about. Her aunt and mum died from dementia and she's always scared of going the same way. But I see and hear no sign of it in her. She's really sharp. She was the one who drove me to and from the hospital when I had surgery.
The things that worried me as child shouldn't worry me as an adult.
Some of those things still scare me as an adult. ^
Weirdly, you get old when you no longer worry about it.
You're the one complaining about the young people.
Mum asked me to be honest and tell her if I noticed anything dementia-ish about her today. Nope, she's all there as always. I would definitely tell her if I thought she was going downhill.
One of the residents at work went downhill after her son died, it's what caused her dementia to make her not be the same anymore. She went sporadic too quickly :(
You're the one complaining about the young people.
Happens to us all. I try very hard not to, but some of the things young people do are so obviously stupid. Youth really is wasted on the young.
Yeah, we should start off with an old body and then gradually get younger.
Yeah, we should start off with an old body and then gradually get younger.
That would be epic
Yeah, we should start off with an old body and then gradually get younger.
The nice thing about youth is, we can take quite a few knocks and bounce back before we get the hang of being in the world. Really, it might be ideal to start young, grow old, and then reverse and grow young again once we reach 70... and then suddenly die of a painless heart attack in our sleep once we reach 16 again.
^That's a lot better than my idea. That's how I'd like to die anyway, quick and painless.
^I don't want to die with what my father had though :(
The hairs in and around your ears get stiffer and uncomfortable.
Your leg is becoming more gimpy instead of healing from an injury that was out of your control 12 years ago.
When you try to come up with shit in this thread. :zoinks: