Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: ZEGH8578 on January 03, 2010, 01:00:08 AM

Title: Ban the internet
Post by: ZEGH8578 on January 03, 2010, 01:00:08 AM
Ban tv and public transportation. Enough is enough. We've seen how well this works for us. Ive described myself as "anarcho-primitivist" before, and every time jackasses tell me "well them go live in the woods then, you idealist crybaby!"

heres why i wont go live in the woods:
1. primitive humans in norway never lived "in the woods" they lived in huts and caves.
2. as long as im the only one doing it, i would simply be a jackass. it would only make sense if _everyone else_ does it too, if it becomes _culture_ to live in huts and caves.

if it gets banned, all of it, tv and internet taken away from ALL of us, it would be much easyer to accept. dont you think? back to hunting and foraging, and quit your whining, you ALL can do it! LITTLE KIDS mentally re-adapt to a natural disaster in a day, meaning, they adapt their minds from living in a town, to living in mud, in notime.
its just a matter of tuning your mind into it.
i say we know what we need now. we can worship black holes and the big bang, we KNOW we're never gonna get there. we tried, we tasted, we saw how it worked, now we can go back to being human again. no more progression. lets just be monkeys :(
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: Al Swearegen on January 03, 2010, 03:40:42 AM
No thanks
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: SleepyDragon on January 03, 2010, 06:04:06 AM
Private transport companies and automobile manufacturers and the lobby groups that support them have being doing their damndest to shut down public transportation for quite awhile. Even though they haven't succeeded completely in their objective... How did Homer Simpson put it? "Public transportation is for jerks and lesbians"? Not exactly the people's choice, especially where alternatives are available.

Abolish TV? And force all that lovely advertising to find a new home elsewhere? Can't see that happening anytime soon.

Ban the Interwebz? Faaaarrrr too late for that. Too many of us have gotten to like it. No going back now. Even if it were dismantled, it would be reinvented in short order.
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: ZEGH8578 on January 03, 2010, 01:44:12 PM
Private transport companies and automobile manufacturers and the lobby groups that support them have being doing their damndest to shut down public transportation for quite awhile. Even though they haven't succeeded completely in their objective... How did Homer Simpson put it? "Public transportation is for jerks and lesbians"? Not exactly the people's choice, especially where alternatives are available.

Abolish TV? And force all that lovely advertising to find a new home elsewhere? Can't see that happening anytime soon.

Ban the Interwebz? Faaaarrrr too late for that. Too many of us have gotten to like it. No going back now. Even if it were dismantled, it would be reinvented in short order.

remember: everyone is not an american! important important! public transportation is huge in norway, and most families have _only one car shared between everyone_ (shock shock shock!!!)

and i know, i know its too late, im just sayin... crybabies who cry about how the world would suck without cars and tv, theyre wrong. life would be DIFFERENT without cars or tv, it would be more difficult, but it would be much more rewarding i think.
ive never had to kill to survive. i bet it feels totally rewarding.
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: Scrapheap on January 03, 2010, 01:47:18 PM
How about we tie you to the ground and use you for a scheisse film instead??
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: ZEGH8578 on January 03, 2010, 02:05:17 PM
How about we tie you to the ground and use you for a scheisse film instead??

not very constructive :M

none of you see my genious here :( _I_ would miss internet too, and as long as the west remains civilized, ill want to keep my internet. but if i had my innermost will, there would be no internet for you or for me or for anybody :M
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: Callaway on January 03, 2010, 03:36:39 PM
I think it is an interesting idea, but no thanks.

I remember seeing a television show where several families volunteered to live more primitively; I think it was called Frontier House.  While it was interesting to watch, I wouldn't want to live that way myself.  I know people who garden and grow and hunt most of their food, but they have electricity, the internet, and running water and they would not want to live without them.  There have been others who choose to live in a tiny cabin in the woods without electricity or running water because they think similarly to you such as Theodore Kaczynski.
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: ZEGH8578 on January 03, 2010, 03:38:57 PM
I think it is an interesting idea, but no thanks.

I remember seeing a television show where several families volunteered to live more primitively; I think it was called Frontier House.  While it was interesting to watch, I wouldn't want to live that way myself.  I know people who garden and grow and hunt most of their food, but they have electricity, the internet, and running water and they would not want to live without them.  There have been others who choose to live in a tiny cabin in the woods without electricity or running water because they think similarly to you such as Theodore Kaczynski.

my point is, it remains an undesireable idea, even to me of course, as long as im the only one without it. what am i gonna do? ill be missing the hell out of internet and computer games all day

but if it gets removed entirely from our reality... it wouldnt take us long to re-adapt. i want that. i want the total re-adaptation. a utopic idea of course...
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: Blasted on January 03, 2010, 03:42:02 PM
I think that's an excellent idea.
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: Scrapheap on January 03, 2010, 03:44:56 PM
^ Great! Put your money where your mouth is and quit using the internet.  :pwned:
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: Blasted on January 03, 2010, 03:48:48 PM
You sad man  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: Scrapheap on January 03, 2010, 03:49:51 PM
none of you see my genious here :(

That's because it's a stupid idea

_I_ would miss internet too, and as long as the west remains civilized, ill want to keep my internet. but if i had my innermost will, there would be no internet for you or for me or for anybody :M

The internet is perhaps one of the most liberating inventions of all time because it allows for the free flow of information on an unprecedented scale.

Get rid of the internet, and the elites will go right back to controlling people by keeping them uninformed, and misinformed.

Your idea sucks Liberache dick!!!  :thumbdn:  :grrr: :thumbdn: :grrr: :thumbdn:
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: Callaway on January 03, 2010, 03:52:52 PM
I think it is an interesting idea, but no thanks.

I remember seeing a television show where several families volunteered to live more primitively; I think it was called Frontier House.  While it was interesting to watch, I wouldn't want to live that way myself.  I know people who garden and grow and hunt most of their food, but they have electricity, the internet, and running water and they would not want to live without them.  There have been others who choose to live in a tiny cabin in the woods without electricity or running water because they think similarly to you such as Theodore Kaczynski.

my point is, it remains an undesireable idea, even to me of course, as long as im the only one without it. what am i gonna do? ill be missing the hell out of internet and computer games all day

but if it gets removed entirely from our reality... it wouldnt take us long to re-adapt. i want that. i want the total re-adaptation. a utopic idea of course...

But if you wouldn't want to live that way yourself, then I don't see what sense would it make to wish that it be taken it away from everyone just so nobody would have it.

This way, the people who want modern conveniences can have them while people who want to be anarcho-primitivists are free to pursue the lives they want to live while still relying on the modern things they need to survive, such as modern medical care and welfare.

In your utopia, would welfare exist or would it be more like survival of the fittest?
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: earthboundmisfit on January 03, 2010, 03:57:03 PM

I won't give up my cars. They are more than a mode of transportation to me, they are a hobby, an obsession, a social common ground.

I won't give up the internet either. I need it for porn research and information purposes.
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: ZEGH8578 on January 03, 2010, 04:00:44 PM
^ Great! Put your money where your mouth is and quit using the internet.  :pwned:

i pre-pwned this by anticipating it in my first post :)

also, if my world comes true, "the elites" would be as naked as you, hunting bunnies. maybe your even strong enough to kick old peoples ass, you could easily depose them. think of the possibilities

But if you wouldn't want to live that way yourself, then I don't see what sense would it make to wish that it be taken it away from everyone just so nobody would have it.

This way, the people who want modern conveniences can have them while people who want to be anarcho-primitivists are free to pursue the lives they want to live while still relying on the modern things they need to survive, such as modern medical care and welfare.

In your utopia, would welfare exist or would it be more like survival of the fittest?

PURELY PUUUUUUURELY selfish reasons and nothing else, i assure you. i am NOT noble. i want the internet taken away from everyone, to make it easyer on ME.

if everyone else had internet, and i was naked eating rabbits, i'd be a fucking douchebag, not a "man of nature". for me to be a "man of nature" my entire reality must change. that means usa and argentina and china must change, cus they take part in my reality :]

welfare would exist from the random goodness of random people. humans are allowed to be humans, only we tear down everything we've built up. simply because there is no further sense in keeping it. it pollutes and it distracts and stresses us.
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: 'andersom' on January 03, 2010, 04:04:21 PM
Internet gave me so much good the past few years. Were it not there, sure I would have found other things to do. But take it away from me now, and life would become very barren indeed.

Cars, yes, I can live without, but only because I live on the route of a very good public transport line. Would want one if I lived in another village.

Of course people would survive without, as a species. But I do wonder if the earth could sustain as many people as it does now, without all the modern things. The modern things come with modern ways of destruction too. Nothing is good in itself.

Evolution and developing into a more modern society will not improve humankind, it is about adapting to the time where you live in. Longing back to prehistoric times will not help the world as it is now.

One 'consolation', in two-hundred years, the world will be completely different from now, but humankind will not have improved, just changed a bit.
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: ZEGH8578 on January 03, 2010, 04:08:04 PM
Internet gave me so much good the past few years. Were it not there, sure I would have found other things to do. But take it away from me now, and life would become very barren indeed.

Cars, yes, I can live without, but only because I live on the route of a very good public transport line. Would want one if I lived in another village.

Of course people would survive without, as a species. But I do wonder if the earth could sustain as many people as it does now, without all the modern things. The modern things come with modern ways of destruction too. Nothing is good in itself.

Evolution and developing into a more modern society will not improve humankind, it is about adapting to the time where you live in. Longing back to prehistoric times will not help the world as it is now.

One 'consolation', in two-hundred years, the world will be completely different from now, but humankind will not have improved, just changed a bit.

yes, modernization is not improvement, its just _progress_ of various topics, this doesnt equal that things progressively get better for us as a species. people notoriously ignore 3 quarters of the planet, when praising what technology has brought us.

i say we're smart enough to decide what we need and what we dont need. we dont need to communicate world wide. we dont need public transportation, we have legs. we dont need to travel abroad, and when we do, we have legs :D
its not like we DIED OUT 100 000 years ago, cus we lacked everything we have today. we're clearly here.

humans adapted _into_ the wild. the wild is where we belong :M
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: 'andersom' on January 03, 2010, 04:14:44 PM
Humans live in a different world now, and adapted to that.

Somehow, my legs won't bring me to where the internet can bring me, and I do consider it vital for me.
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: Callaway on January 03, 2010, 04:20:12 PM
Of course people would survive without, as a species. But I do wonder if the earth could sustain as many people as it does now, without all the modern things. The modern things come with modern ways of destruction too. Nothing is good in itself.

I think that you're right.  If we as a species were forced to live more primitively, millions of people would die because so many people live close to the edge of survival as it is.
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: Scrapheap on January 03, 2010, 06:00:11 PM
^ Great! Put your money where your mouth is and quit using the internet.  :pwned:

i pre-pwned this by anticipating it in my first post :)

That was directed at Bintytard, not you.

also, if my world comes true, "the elites" would be as naked as you, hunting bunnies. maybe your even strong enough to kick old peoples ass, you could easily depose them. think of the possibilities

No, the elites would still have access to more information. Keeping truth to themselves while telling lies to the common people who rely on them for information. Can you say "theocracy"??

Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: renaeden on January 03, 2010, 06:09:04 PM
Internet has allowed aspies to communicate. I could do without tv. And someone would have to hunt and cook for me. :P

I also use public transport to get to uni. I could do without a car, though. Inconvenient sometimes but I could do without.
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: Scrapheap on January 03, 2010, 06:10:24 PM
yes, modernization is not improvement, its just _progress_ of various topics, this doesnt equal that things progressively get better for us as a species.

 :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos:

Better medicine, more food, more mating opportunities (half of my GF's have been from, more comfortable living...

yeah,yeah,yeah. modern technology as been e real drag on the human race.  ::)   :STFU:
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: ZEGH8578 on January 03, 2010, 07:07:49 PM
yes, modernization is not improvement, its just _progress_ of various topics, this doesnt equal that things progressively get better for us as a species.

 :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos:

Better medicine, more food, more mating opportunities (half of my GF's have been from, more comfortable living...

yeah,yeah,yeah. modern technology as been e real drag on the human race.  ::)   :STFU:

yeah, so you mention the good things, and then im an idiot, yes?

nukes, nerve gas, pollution, overpopulation, mass-harvest of resources.

also, more comfortable living? for who? for somalia?

unless your mind gains the capacity to see a wider more complete picture of the world, dont reply to me :)

also, the fact that you think internet puts you on the same information level as "the elite" says the same: your xp isnt high enough to interact with me :]
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: Parts on January 03, 2010, 07:23:58 PM
How many people do you think the earth could accomadate in this type of universe you propose?

It has been estimated that people who depend on hunting and gathering must have approximately 20 to 1,500 square kilometers (10 to 700 square miles) of land per person, depending on the climate .

What would you do with the rest?

I think I could live that lifestyle if I wanted and have joke about getting a unabomber shack before. I would not impose it on others though.  As far as tech goes where would you cut it off and prevent it from rebuilding would you resort to force? 

It's a violent world don't kid yourself and if you want a global respective on that look at Africa and the slaughter there a lot with machetes not nukes or nerve gas 
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: ZEGH8578 on January 03, 2010, 07:29:13 PM
How many people do you think the earth could accomadate in this type of universe you propose?

It has been estimated that people who depend on hunting and gathering must have approximately 20 to 1,500 square kilometers (10 to 700 square miles) of land per person, depending on the climate .

What would you do with the rest?

I think I could live that lifestyle if I wanted and have joke about getting a unabomber shack before. I would not impose it on others though.  As far as tech goes where would you cut it off and prevent it from rebuilding would you resort to force?  

It's a violent world don't kid yourself and if you want a global respective on that look at Africa and the slaughter there a lot with machetes not nukes or nerve gas  

dont get me wrong. im not looking for a _peacefull and safe_ utopia for me. im just looking back to the nature of humanity. we have a nature and we also have an observational and abstract skill. we can see that this goes nowhere. we should go back to the methods that brought us here, but stay there. that way humanity continues to not make sense, and we can avoid destroying the world while we exist.

yes people would die. MOST people would die, thats another dream of mine, to see well more than 99% of the world population go away. yes. im not gonna kill anybody, i dont propose how this will happen. personally im hoping for a meteor or something. i know i sound both childish and crude, but i dont care. the optimal world population for humans, in my opinion, is a maximum of ten million. and wich such a low population, living in nature would be much more easy.
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: Parts on January 03, 2010, 07:40:14 PM
It would never be easy.  What type of tech to you propose keeping do we go back to stone tools.  And what of everything that's already here?  Somebody would come along and organize things and start it all over again not everyone would be content on living that way.  Survival of the fittest isn't a pretty sight when it's your survival at stake it brutal and bloody
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: ZEGH8578 on January 03, 2010, 08:02:10 PM
It would never be easy.  What type of tech to you propose keeping do we go back to stone tools.  And what of everything that's already here?  Somebody would come along and organize things and start it all over again not everyone would be content on living that way.  Survival of the fittest isn't a pretty sight when it's your survival at stake it brutal and bloody

aspies have the possibility of being cunning and manipulative, if we put our minds to it :]

its a big-picture-world i imagine. the world today is a survival-of-the-fittest world as well, only im incredibly lucky to live in norway.

in my stone-age utopia, i would be just as lucky! needless to say :D

its just a dream. people often have it when theyre young, but then good responsible people tell you what a lame-ass you are for dreaming such stuff "if there was no bus, you'd have to WALK to work!" "if there was no work, you wouldnt be able to buy milk!" "if there were no grocery stores, where'd we get our food?" "if we were in a stone-age society, imagine how boring it would be without tv!" "no, no, laddie, we all had ideas like that when we were young, but adulthood is about conforming to the government, giving your existence away to old people youve never met, and then dying for nothing!"
"thanx dad :)"

i want flames..
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: Parts on January 03, 2010, 08:18:43 PM
To tell the truth I have had the same dreams when younger and the even occasional one now.  Don't look for flames from me though just practical arguments.  The idea is indeed intriguing yet impractical.  I have had dreams of self sufficiency lately  but not giving up the tech just living off the grid.  There is a book I saw someplace about being self sufficient on 5 acres
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: ZEGH8578 on January 03, 2010, 08:26:18 PM
To tell the truth I have had the same dreams when younger and the even occasional one now.  Don't look for flames from me though just practical arguments.  The idea is indeed intriguing yet impractical.  I have had dreams of self sufficiency lately  but not giving up the tech just living off the grid.  There is a book I saw someplace about being self sufficient on 5 acres

i meant flames as in litteral ones :D i want sulphur to shoot up from the ground. it would put a "spin" to peoples daily routines :D

my only "irl" aspie friend, who like me - only recently discovered about aspiedom :D told me his own "dream": i wanna live far far away, so far away that impulsive visits would be out of the question. in fact, visiting me at all would be something to plan for weeks ahead.
me: that rules out norway then.
him: oh yes, i was thinking way into siberia. with regular supplies loaded down by helicopters.
me: helicopters, eh?

its okay to dream :]
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: Parts on January 03, 2010, 08:32:51 PM
Flames :asthing: :laugh:

Places I have considered have been Maine and out West possibly Canada.  An hour drive up   a dirt road would be good enough for me.

Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: ZEGH8578 on January 03, 2010, 08:43:21 PM
Flames :asthing: :laugh:

Places I have considered have been Maine and out West possibly Canada.  An hour drive up   a dirt road would be good enough for me.

actually, dreams can go many ways, and a little cabin not too far away with running water and internet would be fantastic for me. i'd be inside norway, i'd be broke and on welfare. weed would be hard to get, but i would be "high on life" out in the wild :D except during winter.

during winter i'd like helicopter load-offs of weed and dvd's
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: Parts on January 03, 2010, 08:46:20 PM
Flames :asthing: :laugh:

Places I have considered have been Maine and out West possibly Canada.  An hour drive up   a dirt road would be good enough for me.

actually, dreams can go many ways, and a little cabin not too far away with running water and internet would be fantastic for me. i'd be inside norway, i'd be broke and on welfare. weed would be hard to get, but i would be "high on life" out in the wild :D except during winter.

during winter i'd like helicopter load-offs of weed and dvd's

That's what the wind turbines would be for powering the grow lamps and hydroponic systems
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: ZEGH8578 on January 03, 2010, 08:49:49 PM
Flames :asthing: :laugh:

Places I have considered have been Maine and out West possibly Canada.  An hour drive up   a dirt road would be good enough for me.

actually, dreams can go many ways, and a little cabin not too far away with running water and internet would be fantastic for me. i'd be inside norway, i'd be broke and on welfare. weed would be hard to get, but i would be "high on life" out in the wild :D except during winter.

during winter i'd like helicopter load-offs of weed and dvd's

That's what the wind turbines would be for powering the grow lamps and hydroponic systems

yes, but to grow in peace it must be done underground. and when i set my mind to imagining underground... bunker... systems...

nuclear... self... destruct... mechanism...
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: Scrapheap on January 03, 2010, 08:56:48 PM
yeah, so you mention the good things, and then im an idiot, yes?

nukes, nerve gas, pollution, overpopulation, mass-harvest of resources.

also, more comfortable living? for who? for somalia?

unless your mind gains the capacity to see a wider more complete picture of the world, dont reply to me :)

also, the fact that you think internet puts you on the same information level as "the elite" says the same: your xp isnt high enough to interact with me :]

Have you been having gay butt-sex with Awsomelyglorious on WP?? You're starting to sound just like his brand of fucktarded sophistry.
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: ZEGH8578 on January 03, 2010, 08:58:47 PM
yeah, so you mention the good things, and then im an idiot, yes?

nukes, nerve gas, pollution, overpopulation, mass-harvest of resources.

also, more comfortable living? for who? for somalia?

unless your mind gains the capacity to see a wider more complete picture of the world, dont reply to me :)

also, the fact that you think internet puts you on the same information level as "the elite" says the same: your xp isnt high enough to interact with me :]

Have you been having gay butt-sex with Awsomelyglorious on WP?? You're starting to sound just like his brand of fucktarded sophistry.

im not into the dramas and stuff :]
you should chill out.
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: Scrapheap on January 03, 2010, 09:37:41 PM
im not into the dramas and stuff :]
you should chill out.

Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: SleepyDragon on January 03, 2010, 09:51:00 PM
Sunovabitch! Earlier today I wasted like 20 minutes hunting down a half-remembered song from the 80s, which got a lot of radio play in Canada back in the day, but is completely unknown elsewhere. There's a website of questionable integrity which offers to sell me digital copy for nine cents! (that's nine American cents, presumably), but do I wish to entrust my credit-card details to them? No, I most assuredly do not. Millions of Net users out there, and not one of them has YouTubed the bloody song?!!

Zegh! Get the sulphur flames and the nuclear destruction going, and burn the fucker down!

/me screams loudly with rage and frustration
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: ZEGH8578 on January 03, 2010, 09:56:50 PM

nothing "pwns" as the allmighty "lmao" :]

Sunovabitch! Earlier today I wasted like 20 minutes hunting down a half-remembered song from the 80s, which got a lot of radio play in Canada back in the day, but is completely unknown elsewhere. There's a website of questionable integrity which offers to sell me digital copy for nine cents! (that's nine American cents, presumably), but do I wish to entrust my credit-card details to them? Not, I most assuredly do not. Millions of Net users out there, and not one of them has YouTubed the bloody song?!!

Zegh! Get the sulphur flames and the nuclear destruction going, and burn the fucker down!

/me screams loudly with rage and frustration

i tried to piratebay for gta4, only russian ones found. i got a gift-card for a gamer shop tho, so i can get it there :M
one thing i REALLY missed in fallout 3 was the  actually populated settlements. theres "megaton" and "rivet city" but those are nothing compared to "the den" and "new reno" and "vault city" and "NCR" and "los angeles" of fallout 2, all which were meant to represent heavily populated settlements. surely the DC area would also be more populated than ONE scraptown, one freighter :/
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: SleepyDragon on January 03, 2010, 10:10:11 PM
Actually, belay that request. This other post you made has gotten rid of all my angst.  ;D  :thumbup:
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: Gluey on January 04, 2010, 12:37:39 AM
Technology is a love-hate relation ship of mine. It probably is for many people.
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: RageBeoulve on January 04, 2010, 09:55:49 AM
You want to know what I think? This.

And this.
Title: Re: Ban the internet
Post by: ZEGH8578 on January 04, 2010, 10:42:36 AM
You want to know what I think? This.

And this.

"rofl" :)
"cool story bro!" :)