Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: El on December 24, 2009, 05:06:52 PM
Pope is celebrating the traditional Christmas Mass, despite being knocked down by a woman at the start of the service in St Peter's Basilica.
The woman - who is said to be mentally unstable - jumped the security barriers as Benedict XVI entered the basilica, causing the pontiff to fall.
The Pope appeared to be unhurt and recovered to lead the mass.
The midnight service started two hours early because officials do not want the 82-year-old pontiff to get tired.
Thousands of pilgrims have also gathered in Bethlehem to celebrate Christmas mass.
Woman arrested
The security incident involving the woman at St Peter's Basilica lasted only a few seconds.
The Pope had to be helped up by the master of ceremonies at his side, the BBC's David Willey in Rome says.
However, he quickly recovered his poise and passed into the basilica preceded by senior Vatican cardinals, our correspondent says.
Benedict then delivered the Christmas homily in a firm voice.
The woman who pushed the Pope also knocked down Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, who was taken to hospital for a check-up, Vatican spokesman Ciro Bedettini said.
The woman - whose name was not immediately known - was later arrested by police.
The Vatican said earlier that the decision to move the midnight Mass to 2200 (2100 GMT) was "to make Christmas a little less tiring for the Pope, who has many engagements".
Pope Benedict XVI earlier appeared briefly at nightfall at the window of his studio to light a candle in a sign of peace.
Tourism boom
In Bethlehem, festivities began with a traditional boy scout band and were due to end with a midnight mass in St Catherine's Church, next to the Church of the Nativity.
The top Roman Catholic cleric in the Holy Land led the annual procession from Jerusalem to Bethlehem.
Latin Patriarch Foud Twal said the region sought peace above all else.
Patriarch arrives in Bethlehem
"The wish that we most want, we most hope for, is not coming. We want peace," he said after he and his convoy of cars entered the Palestinian territory, having passed through Israel's heavily-guarded separation barrier.
"We want freedom of movement, we don't want walls. We don't want separation fences," he added.
In Bethlehem, the midnight mass is taking place next to the church built over the stall where Mary is said to have given birth to Jesus.
Some 300 Christians over the age of 35 from the Gaza Strip were given permission by the Israeli military to leave the territory and come to Bethlehem for 24 hours to celebrate Christmas.
A total of 15,000 tourists are expected in the town during this period, in a year that has seen a record number of visitors - some 1.6 million.
One of the tourists who had crossed the planet to spend Christmas in Bethlehem was 27-year-old Juan Cruz, of Mexico.
"This is the place where God gave us his son, so it is very special for me to be here, for me and my whole community," he told AFP news agency.
Yet the tourism boom has failed to bring money with it as most of the tourists visit the town just for the day, staying in hotels in Israel.
"Only 5% of the money stays on the Palestinian side," Palestinian Tourism Minister Khulud Duaibess said.
Doesn't sound mentally unstable to me. :zoinks:
oh god I am reposting this on facebook :2thumbsup:
no one else finds this fucking hilarious?
proper cheered me up that. here's a video of him actually getting knocked over, lol
I just became a fan of her on facebook :zoinks:
it's the same woman that tried it last year as well
they just need to bomb the entire middle east. im sick of this shit
no one else finds this fucking hilarious?
proper cheered me up that. here's a video of him actually getting knocked over, lol
No, I don't find the assault hilarious at all. From the link you provided, I read this:
French Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, 87, was standing a few metres away and fell and broke his hip during the incident.
What's so funny about someone getting hurt?
no one else finds this fucking hilarious?
proper cheered me up that. here's a video of him actually getting knocked over, lol
I lol'd. Touchdown! :lol:
no one else finds this fucking hilarious?
proper cheered me up that. here's a video of him actually getting knocked over, lol
No, I don't find the assault hilarious at all. From the link you provided, I read this:
French Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, 87, was standing a few metres away and fell and broke his hip during the incident.
What's so funny about someone getting hurt?
Too bloody right it isn't funny. If some jackass had come lunging through the crowd, and caused an elderly relative of mine to fall and be injured, I'd be fair pissed off. The chances are low that a frail 87-year-old (or even a robust one for that matter) will make a complete recovery from this.
On a scale of wrongdoing, it doesn't rank right up there with genocide and what-have-you, but it is wrong just the same. Leave the crash-tackling to Randy Orton and Rey Mysterio and John Cena and so on. They get paid for it.
A broken hip and it's all downhill from there. Could make a huge difference in all of his commitments and could also shorten his lifespan. A broken hip for an old person is like a foot in the door to Death.
no one else finds this fucking hilarious?
proper cheered me up that. here's a video of him actually getting knocked over, lol
Nice Soph.
I think it's unfortunate that the cardinal got injured. If it had been the pope who got injured, though, hell yes I'd be OK with that. I fucking hate benedict.
I think it's unfortunate that the cardinal got injured. If it had been the pope who got injured, though, hell yes I'd be OK with that. I fucking hate benedict.
Why do you hate Benedict? Is it just the fact that he's the pope or is it something about him personally?
Did you hate John Paul II too?
I'm not Catholic so I don't know that much about Benedict, but I thought John Paul II seemed like a pretty good guy from everything I read about him.
Like he sought common ground between different religions, he learned Spanish after he became pope even though he already spoke seven languages so he could speak and understand it when he visited Mexico and South America. and he went to prison to visit the man who tried to kill him and he forgave him, for example.
I think it's unfortunate that the cardinal got injured. If it had been the pope who got injured, though, hell yes I'd be OK with that. I fucking hate benedict.
Why do you hate Benedict? Is it just the fact that he's the pope or is it something about him personally?
Did you hate John Paul II too?
I'm not Catholic so I don't know that much about Benedict, but I thought John Paul II seemed like a pretty good guy from everything I read about him.
Like he sought common ground between different religions, he learned Spanish after he became pope even though he already spoke seven languages so he could speak and understand it when he visited Mexico and South America. and he went to prison to visit the man who tried to kill him and he forgave him, for example.
Benedict specifically. John Paul II was a fucking awesome pope, as far as popes go- almost a progressive pope. Benedict is dragging the catholic church back into the fucking dark ages and I sincerely want him to die ASAP so he can be replaced. I think that the fact that Benedict used to be a member of the hitler youth ought to have been a tipoff that he wasn't the best choice to act as the catholic god's spokesman.
I'm not Catholic (I'm pretty much an atheist), but I'm a 'recovering catholic,' and beyond that, a realist- the Pope is an important political figure, and his decisions affect a worldwide organization (i.e. the catholic church). Disliking organized religion won't make it go away, and catholicism is far-reaching, and here for a damn long time. I want the pope to be as non-douchey as possible.
I truly believe that if we'd have had more popes like John Paul II, the catholic church would have made changes for the better within itself and its own rules/structure. Further, given how widespread catholicism is, I think that would have made the world a better place. (Or, at least, a less-bad place, if that's a more palateable way to look at it.) Unfortunately, that didn't happen. Instead, we got fucking Benedict.
I think Benedict is to the catholic church what George W. Bush was to the U.S. when he was in office. My reaction to Benedict getting tackled is the same reaction I had to hearing about Dubya getting a shoe chucked at his head, which was 1. glee at having him get a tiny bit of come-uppance despite his rank and power and 2. wishing he'd wounded more than his pride.
/religious/political rant
Last one wasn't as bad as Ratzinger, but the Catholic Church is still revolting
I don't think old people getting assaulted is funny in general, but I'm not gonna let the fact that some other guy got bashed in the process ruin such a beautiful moment
Maybe she will do better next year eh - third time lucky? :zoinks:
French Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, 87, was standing a few metres away and fell and broke his hip during the incident.
What's so funny about someone getting hurt?
When it's someone in an orginization that, as a whole, has been a force of evil in this world, then it's a good thing and worth laughing at.
The Catholic church is currently killing millions of people in Africa by telling them to not use condoms and thus spreading Aids even more.
I'm not a catholic. But I do see things happening in the catholic church. Here in the Netherlands we had the Dutch catholics. Catholic, but not believing in the pope, or the hierarchic structure. Guess the spirit of JP (I) lasted long here.
Under JP II the church tightened the grip on the church. All kinds of liberties were taken from the believers. There were huge actions against JP II here when he visited the Netherlands in May 1985. And it started a movement against the oppressive hierarchy that lasted for years. One of the main slogans of the critical thinkers was "They won't get us out of the church" But, the movement slowly died, people getting old, and others leaving the church. And also because from higher up all critical studies in RC faculties were cut down, I think. Before JP II, they were there. And they were good.
Benedict will not be the one to give anything of the freedoms back. Result is churches are more empty than ever here. All the communions that had their own celebrations, and own thoughts are being restricted more and more. So, the active members lose what they have, and leave. Leaving only a few people there.
But, not being fond of JP II or Benedict at all, I don't think running them over is funny.
I'm not a catholic. But I do see things happening in the catholic church. Here in the Netherlands we had the Dutch catholics. Catholic, but not believing in the pope, or the hierarchic structure. Guess the spirit of JP (I) lasted long here.
Under JP II the church tightened the grip on the church. All kinds of liberties were taken from the believers. There were huge actions against JP II here when he visited the Netherlands in May 1985. And it started a movement against the oppressive hierarchy that lasted for years. One of the main slogans of the critical thinkers was "They won't get us out of the church" But, the movement slowly died, people getting old, and others leaving the church. And also because from higher up all critical studies in RC faculties were cut down, I think. Before JP II, they were there. And they were good.
Benedict will not be the one to give anything of the freedoms back. Result is churches are more empty than ever here. All the communions that had their own celebrations, and own thoughts are being restricted more and more. So, the active members lose what they have, and leave. Leaving only a few people there.
But, not being fond of JP II or Benedict at all, I don't think running them over is funny.
I'm not sure what you mean by "the church" and "the church" (you seem to mean two different things), or what RC faculties are. I find this interesting- I don't think JP II had at all the same effect in the US (thuoght I could be wrong)- but am not sure of the lingo you're using.
I don't think old people getting assaulted is funny in general, but I'm not gonna let the fact that some other guy got bashed in the process ruin such a beautiful moment
Maybe she will do better next year eh - third time lucky? :zoinks:
'at's sort of how I feel. Wrong or not, my schaudenfreude isn't going anywhere.
I'm not a catholic. But I do see things happening in the catholic church. Here in the Netherlands we had the Dutch catholics. Catholic, but not believing in the pope, or the hierarchic structure. Guess the spirit of JP (I) lasted long here.
Under JP II the church tightened the grip on the church. All kinds of liberties were taken from the believers. There were huge actions against JP II here when he visited the Netherlands in May 1985. And it started a movement against the oppressive hierarchy that lasted for years. One of the main slogans of the critical thinkers was "They won't get us out of the church" But, the movement slowly died, people getting old, and others leaving the church. And also because from higher up all critical studies in RC faculties were cut down, I think. Before JP II, they were there. And they were good.
Benedict will not be the one to give anything of the freedoms back. Result is churches are more empty than ever here. All the communions that had their own celebrations, and own thoughts are being restricted more and more. So, the active members lose what they have, and leave. Leaving only a few people there.
But, not being fond of JP II or Benedict at all, I don't think running them over is funny.
I'm not sure what you mean by "the church" and "the church" (you seem to mean two different things), or what RC faculties are. I find this interesting- I don't think JP II had at all the same effect in the US (thuoght I could be wrong)- but am not sure of the lingo you're using.
I was using 'the church' for RC congregations. Dutch RC congregations were very liberal before JP II started. Including guests in the sharing of bread and wine. Including them in services. Lots of lay services. And lots of conjoined celebrations with other churches. RC faculties; we have Roman Catholic Universities here. And they have theological faculties. 20 years ago, feminist theology, ecumenical thinking, ethical critical ponderings about Rome were no problem at these faculties. Now all that has been stripped from the curriculum. Rome tries hard to get it's grip on the believers back. Meaning that the vibrant members are leaving now. And local communities are smaller than they have ever been.
I was using 'the church' for RC congregations. Dutch RC congregations were very liberal before JP II started. Including guests in the sharing of bread and wine. Including them in services. Lots of lay services. And lots of conjoined celebrations with other churches. RC faculties; we have Roman Catholic Universities here. And they have theological faculties. 20 years ago, feminist theology, ecumenical thinking, ethical critical ponderings about Rome were no problem at these faculties. Now all that has been stripped from the curriculum. Rome tries hard to get it's grip on the believers back. Meaning that the vibrant members are leaving now. And local communities are smaller than they have ever been.
Damn, I wish that had spread into the church instead of the church squelching it.
You all have absolutely no sense of humour :zoinks:
The Pope falling over is clearly the highlight of 2009.
Hallelujah! :2thumbsup:
the most pretentious man on earth. it's funny when he gets knocked over. i mean come on, who wouldn't wanna kick the pope?
Some people just have no sense of humour... :LMAO:
it made him more down to earth anyway. :weird:
I still don't hold with crash-tackling of public figures going about their business. Airborne dessert actions, however, might occasionally be appropriate.
From The Action Mill ( blog:
... Noel Godin, acting under the pseudonym "Georges Le Gloupier," is most famous for pieing Bill Gates. And such flair! Godin's gang for the Gates operation numbered no less than thirty, and only the finest pies (bought from local bakeries) were used. This was well-organized anarchy with a carefully chosen target. And while it is true that Godin and friends have been known to issue press releases, they are superfluous – we all know why someone threw a pie at Bill Gates; it's because we would have thrown one if we'd had the chance.
Godin (and others like him who are true to the essential nature of pieing) is making a statement about the absurdity of authority in an age when our nightly news anchors report on the First Lady's exposed arms with a straight face. As Godin told The Observer Magazine, describing an operation targeting frequent pie-recipient Bernard-Henri Levy:
"They pick up their boarding cards, as you can see," said Godin, who has clearly watched this shaky footage hundreds of times but, like a footballer reviewing the goal of his career, seems unlikely to tire of it - "then three entarteurs fall on them, with me leading the charge. They shout: "Oh no. Oh not again." I deliver my cake, and he responds with punches. One of my young female comrades flans him again, point blank, while a second woman crushes a layered chocolate gateau topped with creme chantilly over the head of Arielle Dombasle. It was at that point", he added, "that things got out of hand."
What, only then? :LMAO:
The pope met with and forgave the woman, Susanna Maiolo, who knocked him down and he went to the hospital to see the cardinal whose hip was broken and required surgery.
Pope Benedict XVI met on Wednesday with the woman who knocked him over at St. Peter's Basilica during Christmas Eve Mass, and he forgave her, the Vatican said.
Susanna Maiolo, a 25-year-old with a history of psychiatric problems, and her family met in a private audience with the pope at the end of his general audience, Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi said.
Maiolo told the pontiff she was sorry for what had happened, while Benedict inquired about her health and "wanted to demonstrate his forgiveness," Lombardi said in a statement...
A retired Vatican diplomat, French Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, fractured his hip in the commotion and had to undergo surgery. Benedict visited Etchegaray in the hospital last week...
The Pope should not exist. Catholics are dumb as fuck.
bump :2thumbsup:
I mean bump :zoinks:
I mean bump :zoinks:
You wanna hump the POPE?
You sick fuck. :laugh: