Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: DukeNukem on December 22, 2009, 09:47:02 AM
In a Fred's salespaper, I found this story written by the mother of a 28 year old mentally challenged man:
"In your Jasper, AL store I had the most pleasant employee help my 28-year old mentally challenged son with a bounce back ball. A lady named Marilyn offered assistance. She brought us four different kinds of balls (uhuhuhuh, balls). My son is not very good at deciding things and got nervous (what a dork). Marilyn smiled and laid the balls (uhuhuhuh) on the counter (uhuhuhuh she laid his balls on the counter uhuhuhu) and started saying "any-many-miny-moe". He started laughing as she continued with her little game (this guy is a total dork, uhuhuh). He was so excited when she landed on the most colorful one of all. He clapped his hands (retard) and grabbed the ball (uhuhuhuh grabbed the ball). I was so stunned that she even cared which one he wanted. Marilyn was so into making him happy. She smiled and told him she liked that one too. As she walked away she winked at me and smiled. (uhuhuh she likes that retard's mom) I thanked her very much for her help. I left her smiling (uhuhuhuh she scored with her) and went on to the register with my son and "Moe" the ball (uhuhuh ball)." (I'm not going to copy the rest, but it said something about the son potentially having a tantrum if that lady wasn't there to help him decide which ball to pick)
That's most of it. That guy is so retarded, he still plays with kick balls and names them. He will never get laid!
U R jEalous
Awwwwww. That's adorable that the nice lady helped you pick out which ball you wanted.
There are professional ball players that make millions. And they know how to fuss about a ball.
In a Fred's salespaper, I found this story written by the mother of a 28 year old mentally challenged man:
"In your Jasper, AL store I had the most pleasant employee help my 28-year old mentally challenged son with a bounce back ball. A lady named Marilyn offered assistance. She brought us four different kinds of balls (uhuhuhuh, balls). My son is not very good at deciding things and got nervous (what a dork). Marilyn smiled and laid the balls (uhuhuhuh) on the counter (uhuhuhuh she laid his balls on the counter uhuhuhu) and started saying "any-many-miny-moe". He started laughing as she continued with her little game (this guy is a total dork, uhuhuh). He was so excited when she landed on the most colorful one of all. He clapped his hands (retard) and grabbed the ball (uhuhuhuh grabbed the ball). I was so stunned that she even cared which one he wanted. Marilyn was so into making him happy. She smiled and told him she liked that one too. As she walked away she winked at me and smiled. (uhuhuh she likes that retard's mom) I thanked her very much for her help. I left her smiling (uhuhuhuh she scored with her) and went on to the register with my son and "Moe" the ball (uhuhuh ball)." (I'm not going to copy the rest, but it said something about the son potentially having a tantrum if that lady wasn't there to help him decide which ball to pick)
That's most of it. That guy is so retarded, he still plays with kick balls and names them. He will never get laid!
cool story bro :thumbup:, thank you for sharing that about yourself.
In a Fred's salespaper, I found this story written by the mother of a 28 year old mentally challenged man:
"In your Jasper, AL store I had the most pleasant employee help my 28-year old mentally challenged son with a bounce back ball. A lady named Marilyn offered assistance. She brought us four different kinds of balls (uhuhuhuh, balls). My son is not very good at deciding things and got nervous (what a dork). Marilyn smiled and laid the balls (uhuhuhuh) on the counter (uhuhuhuh she laid his balls on the counter uhuhuhu) and started saying "any-many-miny-moe". He started laughing as she continued with her little game (this guy is a total dork, uhuhuh). He was so excited when she landed on the most colorful one of all. He clapped his hands (retard) and grabbed the ball (uhuhuhuh grabbed the ball). I was so stunned that she even cared which one he wanted. Marilyn was so into making him happy. She smiled and told him she liked that one too. As she walked away she winked at me and smiled. (uhuhuh she likes that retard's mom) I thanked her very much for her help. I left her smiling (uhuhuhuh she scored with her) and went on to the register with my son and "Moe" the ball (uhuhuh ball)." (I'm not going to copy the rest, but it said something about the son potentially having a tantrum if that lady wasn't there to help him decide which ball to pick)
That's most of it. That guy is so retarded, he still plays with kick balls and names them. He will never get laid!
You lick balls dontcha?
That's not ME in that story! I'm not 28 years old yet, and I'm sure as hell not mentally challenged!
And I do not play with balls.
If it's metal balls? Licking them at this time of year in Jasper, Alberta can only bring trouble. :snowman:
I play with my balls all the time.
In a Fred's salespaper, I found this story written by the mother of a 28 year old mentally challenged man:
"In your Jasper, AL store I had the most pleasant employee help my 28-year old mentally challenged son with a bounce back ball. A lady named Marilyn offered assistance. She brought us four different kinds of balls (uhuhuhuh, balls). My son is not very good at deciding things and got nervous (what a dork). Marilyn smiled and laid the balls (uhuhuhuh) on the counter (uhuhuhuh she laid his balls on the counter uhuhuhu) and started saying "any-many-miny-moe". He started laughing as she continued with her little game (this guy is a total dork, uhuhuh). He was so excited when she landed on the most colorful one of all. He clapped his hands (retard) and grabbed the ball (uhuhuhuh grabbed the ball). I was so stunned that she even cared which one he wanted. Marilyn was so into making him happy. She smiled and told him she liked that one too. As she walked away she winked at me and smiled. (uhuhuh she likes that retard's mom) I thanked her very much for her help. I left her smiling (uhuhuhuh she scored with her) and went on to the register with my son and "Moe" the ball (uhuhuh ball)." (I'm not going to copy the rest, but it said something about the son potentially having a tantrum if that lady wasn't there to help him decide which ball to pick)
That's most of it. That guy is so retarded, he still plays with kick balls and names them. He will never get laid!
That's not ME in that story! I'm not 28 years old yet, and I'm sure as hell not mentally challenged!
And I do not play with balls.
I like the first story better. It sounds more realistic.
So does rolling balls around in your provide an oral stimulation that grounds you, like other sensory stimming does for us? Next question....what kind of balls?
I play with my balls all the time.
I play with EBM's balls all the time too.
Oh wait. Shit. wrong section. Carry on.
I play with my balls all the time.
I play with EBM's balls all the time too.
Oh wait. Shit. wrong section. Carry on.
what else do you guys do? :zoinks:
SnooPINGAS usual I see?