Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: Buzz Killington on November 27, 2009, 07:31:46 PM

Title: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Buzz Killington on November 27, 2009, 07:31:46 PM
As part of an ongoing project, I'm documenting misconduct by the moderators over on Wrong Planet, and though I have a pretty good personal file of them breaking their own rules, abusing members, etc, I would like more evidence showing a pattern of abuse against a wide variety of members there.  I figured this would be a good place to start get some more egregious examples since there's such a high percentage of disgruntled former WP members here, so please post or PM me links to the relevant threads, or if you have copies of any abusive PMs, I'll take those too.  I'm especially looking for clearly abusive behaviors in open threads that can be directly linked to involving the current moderators, the more links to these incidents I can acquire, the higher my chances of success with the project outlined below rise.

Without going into specifics, among other things I'm putting together a packet discouraging other autism groups from supporting WP or linking to the site, and need as much hard proof as possible that WP is not a good place to send people with autistic spectrum disorders looking for camaraderie or support until they fix their site management.  Once I feel that I have sufficient documentation and a persuasive argument, I'll be distributing the packet through a variety of methods throughout the online AS community, at which point any discussion that follows can be used as sources when editing the Wikipedia entry on WrongPlanet that Alex is (in)famously protective of, adding a criticisms and controversy section for example.  Since WP relies upon GoogleAds and donations to exist, by creating an atmosphere of disrepute around WP I should be able to cut into those and put sufficient pressure on both the site and Alex personally to make the necessary changes to restore that site to being a safe place for aspies.  I'm aware that this is a lofty goal, but I've got the time and the inclination, and with a bit of support I don't think it's terribly far fetched.   

Just to clarify in advance, I'm not "plotting to destroy WP", out for some petty revenge, or anything stupid like that, I just happen to think that the way that WP is being run is a genuine menace to people with AS, and that WP is often the first stop online for the newly diagnosed by way of it's high profile and inflated user count, and that something ought to be done about it.  I'd be lying if I said ousting some of the current moderators over there wouldn't be immensely personally satisfying, but if that alone was my goal there are easier ways of going about it that I could have gone. If you agree with me, great, if not, fine as well, just don't waste both of our time with nonconstructive criticism junking up my thread.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Scrapheap on November 27, 2009, 09:04:45 PM
In my initial banning from WP, as Scrapheap, I was given no prior warning before I was banned. Alex made several posts claiming that he gave me several warnings and had discussed the issue with me, when in fact he never contacted me, nor did any of the mods. I think Calandale was a mod at the time so maybe he can add a some to the story since Alex did discuss my banning on the "secret" moderation board.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Mr Smith on November 27, 2009, 10:24:33 PM
Too many to document but I can start by giving you my most recent one.

I got this PM from Quartermass about something I said in a thread where Tim Tex was attention whoring:

Quote from: Quatermass
Quote from: hale_bopp
Why do you make these attention seeking threads?

You won't leave. Anyone who truly leaves usually just stealths out.
How do you know everyone hates you for these reasons? Did you PM 31,000 members?

If you're here for universal popularity, sorry buddy but it isn't going to happen. From what I've seen the majority of the members here don't have anything against you.

If you waste your time dwelling on a minority who do you're going to be "leaving" for the rest of your life.

Please do not make these kinds of posts, hale_bopp. This is so far from helpful, it is in another country.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Buzz Killington on November 28, 2009, 02:16:10 AM
Too many to document but I can start by giving you my most recent one.

I got this PM from Quartermass about something I said in a thread where Tim Tex was attention whoring:

Quote from: Quatermass
Quote from: hale_bopp
Why do you make these attention seeking threads?

You won't leave. Anyone who truly leaves usually just stealths out.
How do you know everyone hates you for these reasons? Did you PM 31,000 members?

If you're here for universal popularity, sorry buddy but it isn't going to happen. From what I've seen the majority of the members here don't have anything against you.

If you waste your time dwelling on a minority who do you're going to be "leaving" for the rest of your life.

Please do not make these kinds of posts, hale_bopp. This is so far from helpful, it is in another country.

QM is probably the most blatantly rude of the current bunch, though if you count veiled condescension his ranking slips a bit.  When I first joined WP I got all sorts of warnings about him via PM when it became clear that I didn't subscribe to left wing political ideals and wasn't afraid to call out a mod, but other than him just being an ass I never had too much trouble with him personally, it's Sins and Lau that I crossed.  Check out some of my responses to QM in the "read and take to heart" thread in PPR, if I ever thought I was pushing a ban in my time on WP that was it, but nothing ever came of it, yet I later get the hammer for comparatively nothing, go figure.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: renaeden on November 28, 2009, 04:46:18 AM
I remember that GalileoAce was banned with no warning in early 2006. When his account was reinstated, his moderator status was still listed until he asked for the title to be removed.

If you go to some of the first introduction threads,you will see some other members listed as moderators even though they left the site a long time ago.

I have been warned for posting a link to here.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Frolic_Fun on November 28, 2009, 08:06:42 AM
Are you going to hunt them down and shoot them? :zoinks:
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Mr Smith on November 28, 2009, 05:03:32 PM
lol going through my PMs.

Here is a "moderator warning" I recieved.

Quote from: makuranososhi
Publicly accusing someone of being a troll goes against site policy; either contact the member directly (and politely) in a PM or contact a moderator about the problem.

Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Buzz Killington on November 28, 2009, 05:10:10 PM
Are you going to hunt them down and shoot them? :zoinks:

Don't think it didn't cross my mind, Sins is within easy driving distance and is easy to find...  However, that would both be incredibly stupid and too easy, breaking their petty authority would probably do about as much mental damage as a bullet to the head would, and it's even legal!  :lol:
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: odeon on November 28, 2009, 05:20:52 PM
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Alex179 on November 29, 2009, 12:35:45 AM
If you have problems with WP, you should just not post there anymore.   The site isn't worth complaining about.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Scrapheap on November 29, 2009, 01:00:52 AM
lol going through my PMs.

Here is a "moderator warning" I recieved.

Quote from: makuranososhi
Publicly accusing someone of being a troll goes against site policy; either contact the member directly (and politely) in a PM or contact a moderator about the problem.


 :lol: Alex "publicly accused" me of being a troll. Does that mean that he gets banned for violating the TOS??  :lol:
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Mr Smith on November 29, 2009, 01:19:38 AM
lol going through my PMs.

Here is a "moderator warning" I recieved.

Quote from: makuranososhi
Publicly accusing someone of being a troll goes against site policy; either contact the member directly (and politely) in a PM or contact a moderator about the problem.


 :lol: Alex "publicly accused" me of being a troll. Does that mean that he gets banned for violating the TOS??  :lol:

Also what bloody good is PM'ing the troll going to do except fuel them more?
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on November 29, 2009, 01:53:07 AM
Also what bloody good is PM'ing the troll going to do except fuel them more?

And with an added bonus of them focusing on you.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Natalia Evans on March 09, 2010, 04:30:54 AM
Alex once called my friend Kilroy a troll.

About my mod problems, I have talked about it to death already. My posts about it are floating around here now. Take a look in the Bitch About It board where I bitch about the worst glitch at WP which turned out to be done by sinsboldly.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: DukeNukem on March 09, 2010, 07:45:20 PM
I like to vandalize the Wikipedia article of Wrong Planet!  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Gluey on March 10, 2010, 12:28:39 AM
I wanna join again but theirs this new retarded thing where they send you an email and tell you to come back in 24 hours to activate your account. I came back 26 hours later and oh no that didn't work..........I guess I have to come back in  24 HOURS. I'm having a hard time with account activation.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: RageBeoulve on March 10, 2010, 09:57:30 AM

Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Scrapheap on March 10, 2010, 10:03:23 PM
I like to vandalize the Wikipedia article of Wrong Planet!  :zoinks:

If you can pull that one off, I'll take back saying that you're a boring troll.  8)
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: westernskyline on March 10, 2010, 11:57:31 PM
I was given several warnings over calling out whiners, and told that if I get another warning, I'm off the site.  When I said that whining and making hundreds of posts like TimTex is essentially spamming and asked why he's allowed on the site...they said he does nothing against the rules, that whining doesn't violate anything.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Natalia Evans on March 11, 2010, 12:42:42 AM
I was given several warnings over calling out whiners, and told that if I get another warning, I'm off the site.  When I said that whining and making hundreds of posts like TimTex is essentially spamming and asked why he's allowed on the site...they said he does nothing against the rules, that whining doesn't violate anything.

Some loophole.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Scrapheap on March 11, 2010, 10:02:02 AM
I was given several warnings over calling out whiners, and told that if I get another warning, I'm off the site.  When I said that whining and making hundreds of posts like TimTex is essentially spamming and asked why he's allowed on the site...they said he does nothing against the rules, that whining doesn't violate anything.

Some loophole.

The TOS at WP is downright Orwellian. It is designed to: Protect Alex and the Mods from criticism of any kind, bully and intimidate high functioning Aspies, and coddle the weaker members and make them psychologically dependent on the moderators/favored members.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Parts on March 11, 2010, 10:15:46 AM
I was given several warnings over calling out whiners, and told that if I get another warning, I'm off the site.  When I said that whining and making hundreds of posts like TimTex is essentially spamming and asked why he's allowed on the site...they said he does nothing against the rules, that whining doesn't violate anything.

Some loophole.

Or is it sexual favors :eyebrows:

 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Callaway on March 11, 2010, 10:21:21 AM
I was given several warnings over calling out whiners, and told that if I get another warning, I'm off the site.  When I said that whining and making hundreds of posts like TimTex is essentially spamming and asked why he's allowed on the site...they said he does nothing against the rules, that whining doesn't violate anything.

Some loophole.

Or is it sexual favors :eyebrows:

 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

You think someone may be getting sexual favors from Tim Tex in exchange for protection?

Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: ZEGH8578 on March 15, 2010, 11:27:58 PM
your all such outlaws :o

i got a few warnings, but they were all for losing my temper, and calling people stuff.
which is clearly stated in the rules and all that. so its all good.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: odeon on March 16, 2010, 03:41:25 PM
Try comparing WP to a bad daytime soap. :zoinks:
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: TheoK on March 16, 2010, 03:43:23 PM
I once got a warning from that jerk Mr. Mark, because I encouraged blowing up roadsigns when getting a speed ticket, but I'm still unbanned. I feel that like kind of an insult, since I'm banned 20-30 times from 20-30 sites, both in Sweden and abroad. :eyebrow:
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: RageBeoulve on March 16, 2010, 06:04:03 PM
I once got a warning from that jerk Mr. Mark, because I encouraged blowing up roadsigns when getting a speed ticket, but I'm still unbanned. I feel that like kind of an insult, since I'm banned 20-30 times from 20-30 sites, both in Sweden and abroad. :eyebrow:

Chalk it up to the stupidity of mr mark. He doesn't realize that you're actually the antichrist, man. :2thumbsup:
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Scrapheap on March 16, 2010, 08:45:06 PM
I once got a warning from that jerk Mr. Mark, because I encouraged blowing up roadsigns when getting a speed ticket, but I'm still unbanned. I feel that like kind of an insult, since I'm banned 20-30 times from 20-30 sites, both in Sweden and abroad. :eyebrow:

I can top that!

I got a stern warning from Mr.Mark BEFORE HE WAS EVEN A FUCKING MODERATOR!!! This 11 year old girl (she tried to join here even) named Captian Brown/Emily was spamming WP with smileys and 3 word posts. I told her to knock her shit off, and Mr.Mark sent me a PM warning me about my behavior even though he wasn't a mod, AND he was still a newb!!!

Can you believe the gaul of that POS?? Talking down to me like I was his subordinate or some fuckng shit. I'd deck Mr.Mark if I ever met him IRL.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on March 16, 2010, 08:53:46 PM
lol wut? But yes, I'm all too familiar with his patronising attitude. Like talking to a brick wall with patronising messages written all over it.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Callaway on March 16, 2010, 09:19:12 PM
lol wut? But yes, I'm all too familiar with his patronising attitude. Like talking to a brick wall with patronising messages written all over it.

Yes, just like a brick wall.  I believe he was the one I asked if he could temporarily unban Janicka so she could see her PMs from Graelwyn because Graelwyn was suicidal and she wanted to see if she could find some contact information Graelwyn had shared with her in her PMs.

He gave me Graelwyn's email address to give to Janicka.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: "couldbecousin" on March 16, 2010, 09:41:50 PM
I once got a warning from that jerk Mr. Mark, because I encouraged blowing up roadsigns when getting a speed ticket, but I'm still unbanned. I feel that like kind of an insult, since I'm banned 20-30 times from 20-30 sites, both in Sweden and abroad. :eyebrow:

Is it possible that Sweden is less BRAVE  :arrr: than it once was?
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Scrapheap on March 16, 2010, 09:59:47 PM
I had an interesting conversation with Makuranososhi. I called him a pretentious asshole after he said that he would review my ban from sinsboldly, the type where my log in information  was changed. He said that me creating a new account didn't bold well in my favour. When I asked him why sinsboldly could get away with having more than one account he told me it wasn't my business. I called him a pretentious asshole and he banned me  :headbang2:

Hypocricy is the calling card of the totalitarian minded.

Welcome to the site newb
Hope you brought
plenty of anal lube!!!
 :evillaugh: :evillaugh: :evillaugh: :evillaugh: :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: "couldbecousin" on March 16, 2010, 10:00:17 PM
I had an interesting conversation with Makuranososhi. I called him a pretentious asshole after he said that he would review my ban from sinsboldly, the type where my log in information  was changed. He said that me creating a new account didn't bold well in my favour. When I asked him why sinsboldly could get away with having more than one account he told me it wasn't my business. I called him a pretentious asshole and he banned me  :headbang2:

Might as well go out with a bang!  :headbang2:
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: ZEGH8578 on March 17, 2010, 12:09:38 AM
im closing my eyes, imagining you all as aspie paramilitary rebels

obviously, this makes me giggle :]
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Scrapheap on March 17, 2010, 12:48:56 AM
im closing my eyes, imagining you all as aspie paramilitary rebels

obviously, this makes me giggle :]

That was a shitty haiku.  :thumbdn:  :laugh:
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: "couldbecousin" on March 17, 2010, 06:51:11 AM
im closing my eyes, imagining you all as aspie paramilitary rebels

obviously, this makes me giggle :]

That was a shitty haiku.  :thumbdn:  :laugh:

But the attempt was BRAVE!  :arrr:
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: ZEGH8578 on March 17, 2010, 10:35:04 AM
im closing my eyes
i see you with bandannas
smoking a cigar
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: TheoK on March 17, 2010, 10:48:58 AM
I once got a warning from that jerk Mr. Mark, because I encouraged blowing up roadsigns when getting a speed ticket, but I'm still unbanned. I feel that like kind of an insult, since I'm banned 20-30 times from 20-30 sites, both in Sweden and abroad. :eyebrow:

Is it possible that Sweden is less BRAVE  :arrr: than it once was?

Yup, very possible. My ancestors raped and murdered people unpunishedly 1000 years ago. That's not possible anymore.  :thumbdn:
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Mr Smith on March 18, 2010, 12:15:07 AM
Jesus, now you can't even insult a mod in a PM. A lot of places get personal like that though. I'm lucky for not being banned.

The number of times i've told moderators there how to do their job and "God this place has gone to the dogs".
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Eclair on March 18, 2010, 08:59:51 AM
I once got a warning from that jerk Mr. Mark, because I encouraged blowing up roadsigns when getting a speed ticket, but I'm still unbanned. I feel that like kind of an insult, since I'm banned 20-30 times from 20-30 sites, both in Sweden and abroad. :eyebrow:

I think if you posted your Cum Fart Cocktail link, you would be banned  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Parts on March 18, 2010, 09:04:16 AM
Jesus, now you can't even insult a mod in a PM. A lot of places get personal like that though. I'm lucky for not being banned.

The number of times i've told moderators there how to do their job and "God this place has gone to the dogs".

That monkey guy is going nuts warning people and locking threads I don't get why so many stay there
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Callaway on March 18, 2010, 03:27:30 PM
Jesus, now you can't even insult a mod in a PM. A lot of places get personal like that though. I'm lucky for not being banned.

The number of times i've told moderators there how to do their job and "God this place has gone to the dogs".

That monkey guy is going nuts warning people and locking threads I don't get why so many stay there

The one people thought was Sinsboldly's sockpuppet?
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Parts on March 18, 2010, 04:28:49 PM
Jesus, now you can't even insult a mod in a PM. A lot of places get personal like that though. I'm lucky for not being banned.

The number of times i've told moderators there how to do their job and "God this place has gone to the dogs".

That monkey guy is going nuts warning people and locking threads I don't get why so many stay there

The one people thought was Sinsboldly's sockpuppet?

Not sure I don't really read much there unless I see people bitching about things :laugh:
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: RageBeoulve on March 18, 2010, 05:49:47 PM
Jesus, now you can't even insult a mod in a PM. A lot of places get personal like that though. I'm lucky for not being banned.

The number of times i've told moderators there how to do their job and "God this place has gone to the dogs".

That monkey guy is going nuts warning people and locking threads I don't get why so many stay there

Maku seems to be running the site single handedly now, constantly sending warning PMs, locking thread,s banning people, etc. He's becoming even worse than sins.

Do you like get paid or something to whine about how gay WP is in these threads?
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Callaway on March 18, 2010, 06:31:21 PM
Jesus, now you can't even insult a mod in a PM. A lot of places get personal like that though. I'm lucky for not being banned.

The number of times i've told moderators there how to do their job and "God this place has gone to the dogs".

That monkey guy is going nuts warning people and locking threads I don't get why so many stay there

The one people thought was Sinsboldly's sockpuppet?

Not sure I don't really read much there unless I see people bitching about things :laugh:

I mean the one who has a name that sounds like "Make your own sushi."  :laugh:
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on March 18, 2010, 06:37:08 PM
Jesus, now you can't even insult a mod in a PM. A lot of places get personal like that though. I'm lucky for not being banned.

The number of times i've told moderators there how to do their job and "God this place has gone to the dogs".

That monkey guy is going nuts warning people and locking threads I don't get why so many stay there

Maku seems to be running the site single handedly now, constantly sending warning PMs, locking thread,s banning people, etc. He's becoming even worse than sins.

Maybe it's BECAUSE he is her sock-puppet. Dun dun dun.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Eclair on March 18, 2010, 06:50:30 PM
Jesus, now you can't even insult a mod in a PM. A lot of places get personal like that though. I'm lucky for not being banned.

The number of times i've told moderators there how to do their job and "God this place has gone to the dogs".

That monkey guy is going nuts warning people and locking threads I don't get why so many stay there

The one people thought was Sinsboldly's sockpuppet?

Not sure I don't really read much there unless I see people bitching about things :laugh:

I mean the one who has a name that sounds like "Make your own sushi."  :laugh:

Do you mean Maku....because that's funny, I thought of fish when I saw that name.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Natalia Evans on March 18, 2010, 06:59:53 PM
Jesus, now you can't even insult a mod in a PM. A lot of places get personal like that though. I'm lucky for not being banned.

The number of times i've told moderators there how to do their job and "God this place has gone to the dogs".

That monkey guy is going nuts warning people and locking threads I don't get why so many stay there

The one people thought was Sinsboldly's sockpuppet?

Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Natalia Evans on March 18, 2010, 07:00:22 PM
Jesus, now you can't even insult a mod in a PM. A lot of places get personal like that though. I'm lucky for not being banned.

The number of times i've told moderators there how to do their job and "God this place has gone to the dogs".

Kilroy insulted one of the mods to their face in 2008 or so.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Callaway on March 18, 2010, 07:03:20 PM
Jesus, now you can't even insult a mod in a PM. A lot of places get personal like that though. I'm lucky for not being banned.

The number of times i've told moderators there how to do their job and "God this place has gone to the dogs".

That monkey guy is going nuts warning people and locking threads I don't get why so many stay there

The one people thought was Sinsboldly's sockpuppet?

Not sure I don't really read much there unless I see people bitching about things :laugh:

I mean the one who has a name that sounds like "Make your own sushi."  :laugh:

Do you mean Maku....because that's funny, I thought of fish when I saw that name.

I just went and checked.  His name is spelled makuranososhi, but I always think "Make your own sushi" when I see it.

BTW, I saw that someone there is named TimTexIsAWhinyBitch.


Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Natalia Evans on March 18, 2010, 07:04:57 PM
That's why I came back. To see if anyone here says he is him.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Callaway on March 18, 2010, 07:06:11 PM
That's why I came back. To see if anyone here says he is him.

If they say who they are, they would probably be banned from WP.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on March 18, 2010, 07:07:43 PM
That's why I came back. To see if anyone here says he is him.

If they say who they are, they would probably be banned from WP.

And that's a bad thing? :zoinks:
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Natalia Evans on March 18, 2010, 07:11:53 PM
That's why I came back. To see if anyone here says he is him.

If they say who they are, they would probably be banned from WP.

He will get banned anyway even if the mods don't know who he is.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Callaway on March 18, 2010, 07:36:27 PM
That's why I came back. To see if anyone here says he is him.

If they say who they are, they would probably be banned from WP.

He will get banned anyway even if the mods don't know who he is.

TimTexIsAWhinyBitch might be banned anyway and the posts were being deleted from WP as soon as I saw them, but if whoever it is says it's them, then their real account might get banned as well, assuming they weren't already banned in the first place.  If they want to be banned from there then that's up to them but I don't think you should be asking them to publicly out themselves.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Scrapheap on March 18, 2010, 07:38:08 PM
That's why I came back. To see if anyone here says he is him.

If they say who they are, they would probably be banned from WP.

He will get banned anyway even if the mods don't know who he is.

All that you have to do to get banned from WP, is show intelligence superior to one of the mods. They can't handle competition.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Natalia Evans on March 18, 2010, 07:41:05 PM
That's why I came back. To see if anyone here says he is him.

If they say who they are, they would probably be banned from WP.

He will get banned anyway even if the mods don't know who he is.

TimTexIsAWhinyBitch might be banned anyway and the posts were being deleted from WP as soon as I saw them, but if whoever it is says it's them, then their real account might get banned as well, assuming they weren't already banned in the first place.  If they want to be banned from there then that's up to them but I don't think you should be asking them to publicly out themselves.

That's what PMs are for.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: odeon on March 19, 2010, 11:57:06 AM
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: RageBeoulve on March 19, 2010, 02:47:47 PM
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on March 19, 2010, 06:54:15 PM

Not big or offensive enough  >:(


That's better to write.

...Anyway, I read this stuff like a terrible tabloid. It's crap, but it somehow attracts you to read and partake in it... Hey cool, so that's what the glow tag does, and there is an option to use white as a color, neat. News just in, I'm bored enough to play with BBCode...
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Natalia Evans on March 19, 2010, 07:39:34 PM
I was TimTexIsAWhinyBitch if you must know. I got a nice email from makuranososhi after that.

What did he say?

Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: odeon on March 20, 2010, 04:09:44 PM

Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: odeon on March 22, 2010, 01:07:50 PM


Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 23, 2011, 03:15:17 PM
How did this work out for you?  They must have liked the list.  What else was on it??
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: P7PSP on August 23, 2011, 03:55:48 PM


QFT2 If someone wants their sockpuppet private they should keep their sockpuppet private. Putting info about it anywhere on the forum that anyone with 10 or more posts can see is just fucking careless. Dox did not come here and make a pinky promise to get a Top Secret SI clearance to all of I2s valuable secrets. This is not Warehouse 13 or Area 51. It is just an internet forum.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 23, 2011, 04:04:48 PM
I'm not sure that changes anyone's opinion of him
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: P7PSP on August 23, 2011, 04:22:58 PM
I don't care. All of this concern about what is said here and taken back to WP just smells like a stinking pile of shit. All the talk of de eldering some months back went direct to protecting sock puppets IMO. I don't give a rat's ass about anyone else's sock puppets. People want that shit private, let them take responsibility in keeping it private. I do see that particular forum as being a place where, hopefully, people can post stuff of a more private nature than they care to post in the general use area. WTF is so private about what conversations are had here? Search keywords and I2 threads will pop up. No big mystery. Everyday in the Caught Snooping thread we will be posting and laughing about a bot printing the Shit Digging thread or some other popular thread.

Edited to change can't to can.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 23, 2011, 04:24:12 PM
I don't care. All of this concern about what is said here and taken back to WP just smells like a stinking pile of shit. All the talk of de eldering some months back went direct to protecting sock puppets IMO. I don't give a rat's ass about anyone else's sock puppets. People want that shit private, let them take responsibility in keeping it private. I do see that particular forum as being a place where, hopefully, people can't post stuff of a more private nature than they care to post in the general use area. WTF is so private about what conversations are had here? Search keywords and I2 threads will pop up. No big mystery. Everyday in the Caught Snooping thread we will be posting and laughing about a bot printing the Shit Digging thread or some other popular thread.

All of this is true, but why does it upset you so?
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: odeon on August 23, 2011, 04:26:38 PM
I completely agree, PPK. I couldn't care less if people who announced their sockpuppets here were all outed at WP. I think you already know what I think about de-eldering people.

What bothers me is the dishonesty.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 23, 2011, 04:28:41 PM
I don't think anyone has even hinted that they think Dox should be banned  ??? :dunno:
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Osensitive1 on August 23, 2011, 04:29:36 PM
I don't think anyone has even hinted that they think Dox should be banned  ??? :dunno:
Why are you mentioning it?
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Osensitive1 on August 23, 2011, 04:30:05 PM
Know who should have kept their shit private? Parakeet.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: 'Butterflies' on August 23, 2011, 04:31:33 PM
@PPK. What do you think the elders forum should be for? or do you not think it should exist?
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 23, 2011, 04:31:38 PM
I don't think anyone has even hinted that they think Dox should be banned  ??? :dunno:
Why are you mentioning it?

Because PPK's issue seems to revolve around the old de-eldering argument, and Dox isn't an elder so saying that nobody mentioned de-eldering Dox isn't a valid point.  So I used the most appropriate analog.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: odeon on August 23, 2011, 04:32:17 PM
I don't think anyone has even hinted that they think Dox should be banned  ??? :dunno:

Goodness, no. But this is where you get called out and where you sometimes need to back up your actions. Maybe I'm wrong here, but I don't see it.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Osensitive1 on August 23, 2011, 04:32:45 PM
I don't think anyone has even hinted that they think Dox should be banned  ??? :dunno:
Why are you mentioning it?

Because PPK's issue seems to revolve around the old de-eldering argument, and Dox isn't an elder so saying that nobody mentioned de-eldering Dox isn't a valid point.  So I used the most appropriate analog.
Okay, you said banned; misunderstanding.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 23, 2011, 04:34:07 PM
Know who should have kept their shit private? Parakeet.


Still not sure what he was thinking.  I think he became so used to the arguing style over on WP that he thought he could hold his own against the heathen horde.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 23, 2011, 04:37:11 PM
I don't think anyone has even hinted that they think Dox should be banned  ??? :dunno:
Why are you mentioning it?

Because PPK's issue seems to revolve around the old de-eldering argument, and Dox isn't an elder so saying that nobody mentioned de-eldering Dox isn't a valid point.  So I used the most appropriate analog.
Okay, you said banned; misunderstanding.

To better clarify, PPK's anger seems to be in response to someone saying he should be banned or something else of serious consequence.  As all anyone has done is said that they feel he is dishonest I am left confused as to the vehemence of PPK's reaction.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Osensitive1 on August 23, 2011, 04:40:32 PM
Know who should have kept their shit private? Parakeet.


Still not sure what he was thinking.  I think he became so used to the arguing style over on WP that he thought he could hold his own against the heathen horde.
Was thinking farther back and talking about his personal information; he provided everything used to upset him.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Squidusa on August 23, 2011, 04:44:17 PM
I don't think anyone has even hinted that they think Dox should be banned  ??? :dunno:
Why are you mentioning it?

Because PPK's issue seems to revolve around the old de-eldering argument, and Dox isn't an elder so saying that nobody mentioned de-eldering Dox isn't a valid point.  So I used the most appropriate analog.
Okay, you said banned; misunderstanding.

To better clarify, PPK's anger seems to be in response to someone saying he should be banned or something else of serious consequence.  As all anyone has done is said that they feel he is dishonest I am left confused as to the vehemence of PPK's reaction.

I suggested de-eldering Dox before realising he only has 66 posts (durr  :autism:)

my reasoning is: The Elders Forum has a degree of trust in order to be a member there , now while there is nothing particulalry sensitive in there , I still think it is wrong for someone to break that trust , which is why I supported Benjina being de-eldered.

It's not about content / action , it's about motives IMO.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 23, 2011, 04:44:31 PM
Know who should have kept their shit private? Parakeet.


Still not sure what he was thinking.  I think he became so used to the arguing style over on WP that he thought he could hold his own against the heathen horde.
Was thinking farther back and talking about his personal information; he provided everything used to upset him.

An even better point than the one I thought you were making :)
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: P7PSP on August 23, 2011, 04:44:40 PM
I don't care. All of this concern about what is said here and taken back to WP just smells like a stinking pile of shit. All the talk of de eldering some months back went direct to protecting sock puppets IMO. I don't give a rat's ass about anyone else's sock puppets. People want that shit private, let them take responsibility in keeping it private. I do see that particular forum as being a place where, hopefully, people can't post stuff of a more private nature than they care to post in the general use area. WTF is so private about what conversations are had here? Search keywords and I2 threads will pop up. No big mystery. Everyday in the Caught Snooping thread we will be posting and laughing about a bot printing the Shit Digging thread or some other popular thread.

All of this is true, but why does it upset you so?
When I actively posted at WP, March 2008 through 2009 was all but a dozen or so 29 exactly of my 1544 posts IIRC, there was nothing devious in Dox's posts. He was quick to take issue with mods when he thought they were in the wrong as I recall, particularly Lau and Sins, I don't recall if he argued with Mr Mark and I sure as hell do not recall him ever sucking up. Anybody can get an account here by stating that they are over 18, get the info available after 10 posts and do so in a completely underhanded manner if they choose. Given that the info is readily available and Dox being straight up in his posts from what I have seen the intent that you and others read into his actions is not there IMO.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: midlifeaspie on August 23, 2011, 04:49:17 PM
I don't care. All of this concern about what is said here and taken back to WP just smells like a stinking pile of shit. All the talk of de eldering some months back went direct to protecting sock puppets IMO. I don't give a rat's ass about anyone else's sock puppets. People want that shit private, let them take responsibility in keeping it private. I do see that particular forum as being a place where, hopefully, people can't post stuff of a more private nature than they care to post in the general use area. WTF is so private about what conversations are had here? Search keywords and I2 threads will pop up. No big mystery. Everyday in the Caught Snooping thread we will be posting and laughing about a bot printing the Shit Digging thread or some other popular thread.

All of this is true, but why does it upset you so?
When I actively posted at WP, March 2008 through 2009 was all but a dozen or so 29 exactly of my 1544 posts IIRC, there was nothing devious in Dox's posts. He was quick to take issue with mods when he thought they were in the wrong as I recall, particularly Lau and Sins, I don't recall if he argued with Mr Mark and I sure as hell do not recall him ever sucking up. Anybody can get an account here by stating that they are over 18, get the info available after 10 posts and do so in a completely underhanded manner if they choose. Given that the info is readily available and Dox being straight up in his posts from what I have seen the intent that you and others read into his actions is not there IMO.

I can see your point of view.  My personal experiences aren't something you can see.  As I said previously:

I have no proof as I didn't copy the mod logs nor did I ask anyone to put anything in writing for future debate as I hardly gave a shit.  I was one of the moderators there, that's all I can offer.  The members here will have to decide who they believe on their own.

why should anyone believe anything you say after you betrayed the trust of people who contacted you in private?

That's up to them, and I feel comfortable resting on my reputation.  Some will, some won't, I can probably even give you a list of who will fall on each side.  Does it really matter?  Do you feel you have a reputation to protect over here now?  After that hilarious display of protecting people from weak trolling and calling yourself some kind of expert, do you really think anyone respects you anyway?

Who cares?  But it's funny that you say I have "betrayed the trust" of people in your own defense.  I have, and I am not sure exactly what you are referring to, but if you are saying that I can't be trusted with what I am sharing because what I am sharing was told to me in private then aren't you actually proving me to be correct? ;)

I never came out and started going after him regarding this matter when i first joined.  I didn't say a thing until he came blazing in posting blatantly hypocritical statements.

Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on August 23, 2011, 11:41:03 PM
Well I don't know about anyone else, but I'm merely engaging in my duty of being the resident shit stirrer here. :toporly:
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: P7PSP on August 23, 2011, 11:44:35 PM
@PPK. What do you think the elders forum should be for? or do you not think it should exist?
In post #66 I edited to change the word can't (brain fart typo) to can. I believe this will clarify what I think the Elder Forum should be for.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 24, 2011, 12:39:32 AM
Thank you PPK, at least someone remembers that there were other mods before the current bunch, and that I was a huge pain in the ass to them.  The mods when I joined WP were Sins, QM, MrMark and Lau, and I clashed with all of them frequently in public, it's all there in the posting record if anyone wants to dig it up.

After I got banned, I realized that it didn't matter if I followed the letter of the rules if they wanted to ban you, they'd find a way.  That's when I switched gears from berating the mods in public to lobbying them in private to see things my way, which was a less ban-happy, more leeway given to PPR kind of way.  Anyone who was there in 08 or 09 been in there lately?  It's a bit different now, isn't it?
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Al Swearegen on August 24, 2011, 05:09:20 AM
Remember part of the changes (which were pretty positive IMO) were bought about by actions of a small group of Aspies from I2 acting not in concert but in their own way and the catalyst was the inconsistency of treatment of certain classes of people on WP.
I played my part and yes I lobbied the Mods.
One of the mods at the time, who had only ever been on one Aspie site was brave enough to grace our forum. We never let him leave.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: midlifeaspie on July 02, 2012, 03:25:28 PM
As part of an ongoing project, I'm documenting misconduct by the moderators over on Wrong Planet, and though I have a pretty good personal file of them breaking their own rules, abusing members, etc, I would like more evidence showing a pattern of abuse against a wide variety of members there.  I figured this would be a good place to start get some more egregious examples since there's such a high percentage of disgruntled former WP members here, so please post or PM me links to the relevant threads, or if you have copies of any abusive PMs, I'll take those too.  I'm especially looking for clearly abusive behaviors in open threads that can be directly linked to involving the current moderators, the more links to these incidents I can acquire, the higher my chances of success with the project outlined below rise.

Without going into specifics, among other things I'm putting together a packet discouraging other autism groups from supporting WP or linking to the site, and need as much hard proof as possible that WP is not a good place to send people with autistic spectrum disorders looking for camaraderie or support until they fix their site management.  Once I feel that I have sufficient documentation and a persuasive argument, I'll be distributing the packet through a variety of methods throughout the online AS community, at which point any discussion that follows can be used as sources when editing the Wikipedia entry on WrongPlanet that Alex is (in)famously protective of, adding a criticisms and controversy section for example.  Since WP relies upon GoogleAds and donations to exist, by creating an atmosphere of disrepute around WP I should be able to cut into those and put sufficient pressure on both the site and Alex personally to make the necessary changes to restore that site to being a safe place for aspies.  I'm aware that this is a lofty goal, but I've got the time and the inclination, and with a bit of support I don't think it's terribly far fetched.   

Just to clarify in advance, I'm not "plotting to destroy WP", out for some petty revenge, or anything stupid like that, I just happen to think that the way that WP is being run is a genuine menace to people with AS, and that WP is often the first stop online for the newly diagnosed by way of it's high profile and inflated user count, and that something ought to be done about it.  I'd be lying if I said ousting some of the current moderators over there wouldn't be immensely personally satisfying, but if that alone was my goal there are easier ways of going about it that I could have gone. If you agree with me, great, if not, fine as well, just don't waste both of our time with nonconstructive criticism junking up my thread.

Who the hell was this pussy?

Edit: Never mind  :autism: :tard:
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: TA on July 02, 2012, 03:29:21 PM
Dox47 IIRC.
Title: Re: Send me your WP mod problems
Post by: Genesis on July 07, 2012, 04:25:09 PM
Is there still problems happening there?