Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: Al Swearegen on October 30, 2009, 04:10:41 AM
Please sed help. (In the form of more bourbo.) :P
Sorry I couldn't possibly get it to you on time Sir Les.
Sorry I couldn't possibly get it to you on time Sir Les.
It OK mate I appreciate your thoughts. I will probably be embarrassed ad sober by the
No worries here you are free white and over 21 as the saying goes.
* hands another glass of bourbon, intending to take advantage of an intoxicated man soon *
it is between B and M :indeed:
it is between B and M :indeed:
I tried commuicatig the questio to my figer and they came back with th cryptic reply "Maceraa" Not sure if that meas aythig
* hands another glass of bourbon, intending to take advantage of an intoxicated man soon *
You are will get a spakig if you do't watch out. :o
* hands another glass of bourbon, intending to take advantage of an intoxicated man soon *
You are will get a spakig if you do't watch out. :o
What, your letter n will have a go at me?
I'll teach it.
And then will have my way with you. >:D
* hands another glass of bourbon, intending to take advantage of an intoxicated man soon *
You are will get a spakig if you do't watch out. :o
What, your letter n will have a go at me?
I'll teach it.
And then will have my way with you. >:D
Why am I ow imagiig a giat letter "" rippig your clothes off i a mud wrestle.......mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Hot i here.....
There's few things more entertaining than drunk posting. Especially when you're the reader and not the poster. :laugh:
*passes Les another glass*
Are you hungover now and hence bad tempered or is this an old thread? :laugh:
god Sir Les, stop posting your whiny emo shit on this site. i'm sick of hearing about your keyboard and alcohol problems ::)
god Sir Les, stop posting your whiny emo shit on this site. i'm sick of hearing about your keyboard and alcohol problems ::)
Good try Soph. Of course whilst this was fun and all no-one thought it was whiny. No-one believed it was emo and looks like even you disbelieve it as in any way serious. Maybe you should see if the alcohol and keyboard problems that you hate seeing are spread all over the board like your emo crap. Everyone on here is goofing around and no one is showing care or sympathy. Your emo bullshit does draw sympathy because you are little Miss doom and gloom.
Can barely wait to see what you next bombshell will be. Way to pwn yourself Soph. :thumbup:
god Sir Les, stop posting your whiny emo shit on this site. i'm sick of hearing about your keyboard and alcohol problems ::)
Good try Soph. Of course whilst this was fun and all no-one thought it was whiny. No-one believed it was emo and looks like even you disbelieve it as in any way serious. Maybe you should see if the alcohol and keyboard problems that you hate seeing are spread all over the board like your emo crap. Everyone on here is goofing around and no one is showing care or sympathy. Your emo bullshit does draw sympathy because you are little Miss doom and gloom.
Can barely wait to see what you next bombshell will be. Way to pwn yourself Soph. :thumbup:
You two fight like you are married.
Married to Soph. Now THERE would really be a reason to seriously drink and become a desperate emo whiner. :o
Married to Soph. Now THERE would really be a reason to seriously drink and become a desperate emo whiner. :o
Right then, problem solved! :thumbup:
hahahaha retard :lol:
isn't it obvious i was taking the piss - your post was about as serious as most of MY emo posts are - hence why i said what i said
but oh no, i pwned myself? :(
He reminds me of TCO
He reminds me of TCO
Oh noes...not TCO.
You mean TCO who is another middle-aged Australian man with the values and culture of a lot of middle-aged Australian men?
Wow. Mindboggling.
He is also a friend outside of this forum and am good friends with his lady, whom have known her for years.
she meant with your tantrums and hissy fits, not your morals or age :wanker:
she meant with your tantrums and hissy fits, not your morals or age :wanker:
Have not had a fit or tantrum yet.
Oh you mean actually defending a point or arguing a point of view? Oh done a bit of that. You can't tell the difference?
Excuse me but I think it's you who cannot defend your views to save your life.
You do not listen to any arguments that differ from your own.
fucking hell :lol:
Excuse me but I think it's you who cannot defend your views to save your life.
You do not listen to any arguments that differ from your own.
There is the problem there. You don't think.
fucking hell :lol:
Excuse me but I think it's you who cannot defend your views to save your life.
You do not listen to any arguments that differ from your own.
There is the problem there. You don't think.
ironic lol
you're the one who takes absolutely no notice of our repeated attempts to explain things to you :wanker:
i thought you were going shopping anyway? or did u just want an excuse to leave because you were getting pwned?
Excuse me but I think it's you who cannot defend your views to save your life.
You do not listen to any arguments that differ from your own.
There is the problem there. You don't think.
ironic lol
you're the one who takes absolutely no notice of our repeated attempts to explain things to you :wanker:
i thought you were going shopping anyway? or did u just want an excuse to leave because you were getting pwned?
Oh but I do take notice and read them. I do understand you too. It is just you have a bad grasp of logic and reason.
It is like listening to a Flat-Earther explain their position over and over and seeing them meltdown over your disinterest in taking them seriously or credibly. I do read and take notice of your oafish attempts at explaining your wacky position and I do laugh at it.
Oh I bought a nice card and a lovely tshirt from when she moves back home. Your attempt at alluding to me not having a genuine reason to go is as fail as your delusion of me getting pwned.
(Between me and you I think you are better off not inserting words like ironic into sentences at random. There i a concept behind the word and if used incorrectly does look rather stupid. Full marks on spelling though :clap: )
Try a call out Soph. You will feel better for it....honest. Trust me. :laugh:
i feel fine, Les - you're the one who said you were getting pissed off (shitted, i think you said?) by me. not the other way round :zoinks:
i just find your hypocrisy and big lame replies kinda funny
So then call out if you want to carry on for the sake of everyone else on the board or stop whining on?
They are the two sensible options. You keep throwing it out there and I will keep responding...but then you know all this.
hahaha i'm not the one whining about it
why make a callout now, when you can just use that thread i made about my emo posts? surely if i made ANOTHER thread, i'd just be looking for attention? :zoinks:
hahaha i'm not the one whining about it
why make a callout now, when you can just use that thread i made about my emo posts? surely if i made ANOTHER thread, i'd just be looking for attention? :zoinks:
Sure you are Soph. Who are you trying to convince here that you aren't? You? (Is it working?) You are also getting reinforcements from other boards to try to sell your point so no more lying 'kay ;)
What are callouts designed for? Your emo post like the other unrelated posts YOU and Bint have bought this drama into are NOT callouts and not designed for combative arguing and debate.
(Before you yet again come at me with the whole ..." started it and you are the one with the problem..." All I did was make a suggestion, Give an opinion and ask a question of you. YOU and Bint and Milla have turned it into a song and dance and at this stage rather that further spread the same crap around the board try to at least contain it in a callout out. As I say, that is if you STILL have a big issue and that is if YOU still want to dribble on.
If not I am happy to let it die a death or have fun in a callout. No preference really. :thumbup:
:jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :fart: :jerry: :jerry: :fart: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :vulcan: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :fuckyou: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :fart: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :rofl: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry:
god you're still bringing milla into this? she hasnt even been here since. what's with your obsession with her, jeez? ;)
i don't see the point in making a callout thread now. we can argue anywhere on the board (clearly)
No you bought her into this.
Obsessed with her? No I was using her to demonstrate a point. Your reading comprehension is no better than your logic structures.
If you say "I am not bothered. It did not bother me at all." but like we all know that you ran to Milla and then got her to post against me for the very things you were not supposed to be bothered about, then it makes a clear point or at least gives a likely inference that you were bothered. Following me so far? No I did not think so. I heard the tiny cogs in your brain seize up under the strain. Don't worry I will plow ahead regardless.
So it is fitting I mention this point.
Of course after having made it. You drop the "I was not bothered" concept and latch onto the "You mentioned Milla. Wha..Why? You obsessed."
So of course I now explain that and no doubt you will go of on a completely random tangent because you don't have the brains of a chipmunk (That is right Bint IS smart than you).
Eventually you will somehow get back to the "I was not bothered" concept again. All the carefully explained reasoning, history and even your own thoughts to explain what has gone on will be lost forever to you because you have a "special" kind of stupid which is quite a boon. You will be safe from the constraints of logic and reason or understanding.
I may or may not be right in my estimates that you haven't got this far but I do predict a two or three line retort which gives little resemblance to what was just typed or even previously written and further proves every accusation (harsh as they may be) against you.
C'mon Soph surprise me.
wow that's a lot of words by someone full of a lot of shit... why did i waste 2 minutes of my life reading it? :zoinks:
oh no, Lady Les thinks i'm stupid :(
wow that's a lot of words by someone full of a lot of shit... why did i waste 2 minutes of my life reading it? :zoinks:
oh no, Lady Les thinks i'm stupid :(
I could not vouch for any of your stupidity and am similarly lost for a reason as to why you would subject you to trying to decipher something rational too. If it makes you feel any better monkeys probably are confused by the antics of humans and think them "full of shit" too.
try harder old man ;)
try harder old man ;)
Well there is progress for you. Now I am an old man rather than an incontinent Lady Les. :clap:
if only we could hope for the same for you :clap: