Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: Mr Smith on October 18, 2009, 07:09:25 PM

Title: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Mr Smith on October 18, 2009, 07:09:25 PM
Does anyone find this a joke?

I do.
Talking about how good looking you are is pathetic in its own right... ESPECIALLY when you aren't joking... but it never ceases to make me laugh how deluded people are.
There have been several people on WP who do this and they aren't joking... get off your high horse.
All good to think you're reasonable/nice/okay looking... but you wouldnt go up to someone on the street and discuss how you think you're good looking... why do it on the internet?

Looks are so overrated anyway.. it's all about personality.

I would take a guy with an awesome attractive personality who isn't generic "hot" over some bore any day. I've liked people recently who aren't super hot... people say to me "You can do better Fiona" and that really annoys me, I say to them "Why can I do better? This person has the perfect personality - I can't do better".
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Adam on October 18, 2009, 07:10:54 PM
what's even worse is downright ugly people who think they're goodlooking. or the ugly ones who take the piss out of how other people look (i know i do this too, but whatever :P )
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Blasted on October 18, 2009, 07:13:29 PM
I hate it when obese girls (and I don't mean just slightly chubby ones, I mean proper obese) wear skin-tight clothes and act like they are the sexiest thing on Earth  :thumbdn:  There was one like that in my old tutor group.  She nearly beat me up once when I told her she wouldn't fit in on any of the rides at Thorpe Park  :lol:  She deserved it though as she always treated me like shit before that.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Adam on October 18, 2009, 07:17:23 PM

yeah i hate how so many big fat women wear so few clothes. thinner women seem to wear more clothes than fat women in this country. i wonder why. maybe they think coz the clothes look bad on them, it's better just to not wear them. but then they look even worse without

i think personality is important, but looks are also important to me, as i don't want a gf i'm not physically attracted to as well. i mean the way i see it is if it's just personality u like then u might as well just be friends

i always like women who are really hot and woukldn't look at me twice. i'd rather stay single though than be with a girl who just had a nice personality. that's what friends are for.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Celticgoddess on October 18, 2009, 07:19:21 PM
People can really be attracted to self confidence though. I have a few friends who are really big women (300+ lbs). People are drawn to them because their personality rocks and they're  both married to hot guys too. One of them, her hubby was previously involved with a slim pretty woman, but she didn't have that fire that his now wife has. I don't know, I guess I've found that as I get older, it's not about the looks for me. It's about chemistry and personality whether it's someone I'm friends with or someone I'm romantically involved with. If someone feels good about themselves, then that rocks no matter their size. But I do agree that going about and talking about your hotness is pretty damn tacky.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Mr Smith on October 18, 2009, 07:21:16 PM
Fat women are okay when they know they are fat and try to do somethng about it.

Fat women who are really stuck up and think they are just the bees knees when it comes to sexy are pathetic.

There is a girl I went to school with who was like this. She was just some fat dumpy bitch, really nasty stuck up personality She only EVER talked to hot girls and hung around with hot girls and "cool" guys, thinks she is better than EVERYONE, I wish she would just fall into an electronic dam or something.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Mr Smith on October 18, 2009, 07:25:27 PM
So tempted to post a picture of the fat bint here
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Blasted on October 18, 2009, 07:26:05 PM
So tempted to post a picture of the fat bint here

Go for it :toporly:

I will post the fat Thorpe Park Cunt then  :laugh:

Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Blasted on October 18, 2009, 07:28:15 PM
People can really be attracted to self confidence though. I have a few friends who are really big women (300+ lbs). People are drawn to them because their personality rocks and they're  both married to hot guys too. One of them, her hubby was previously involved with a slim pretty woman, but she didn't have that fire that his now wife has. I don't know, I guess I've found that as I get older, it's not about the looks for me. It's about chemistry and personality whether it's someone I'm friends with or someone I'm romantically involved with. If someone feels good about themselves, then that rocks no matter their size. But I do agree that going about and talking about your hotness is pretty damn tacky.

If that's the case then I'd rather be with a girl who despised herself.  I usually get turned off really-confident people too, I prefer the insecure types :P  The confident ones are usually cocky and mean.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Celticgoddess on October 18, 2009, 07:31:11 PM
There's a difference though between being confident and being cocky. The two don't always go hand in hand. There's skinny bitches and fat bitches. I just prefer not to hang out with bitches. ;)
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Alex179 on October 18, 2009, 07:33:43 PM
She sounds like a huge bitch.   

LOL at her falling into an electric dam.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Adam on October 18, 2009, 07:34:15 PM
it's annoying when people genuinely do think they're better than you, or genuinely believe something about you that you KNOW isn't true. it's frustrating. people from my old school think they're better than me. they made me think i was thick for years. i know i'm no genius, but i'm not completley retarded. it can be even more annoying on the internet as well, when people come up with bollocks about you that you know isn't true but cant prove. people are infuriating
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Blasted on October 18, 2009, 07:38:34 PM
Yeah this bitch used to bully me so much.  Here she is:

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Blasted on October 18, 2009, 07:40:15 PM
She and another fatty (although a prettier blonde one) used to always gang everyone up against me.  She contributed towards the loss of my self-esteem in a great way :P
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Alex179 on October 18, 2009, 07:41:15 PM
lol whalemate

Yeah, she is a fatty.   You aren't on MSN Bint omg.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Celticgoddess on October 18, 2009, 07:41:50 PM
I think she's a bitch because she's a bitch. Weight has nothing to do with it.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Alex179 on October 18, 2009, 07:43:14 PM
I think she's a bitch because she's a bitch. Weight has nothing to do with it.
It is just probably one of the reasons why she bullied people.   She was probably bullied at one time herself over her weight.   Then she goes and bullies someone else.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Blasted on October 18, 2009, 07:43:31 PM
I am unfortunately sizist CG :P  Plus plenty of people irl harped onto my weight, when I was even skinnier.  Especially people who were technically obese.

Can't be arsed to be on MSN lately Alex.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Blasted on October 18, 2009, 07:44:22 PM
I think she's a bitch because she's a bitch. Weight has nothing to do with it.
It is just probably one of the reasons why she bullied people.   She was probably bullied at one time herself over her weight.   Then she goes and bullies someone else.

Fuck that.  I was bullied in spades, yet do you see me bullying anyone?  It's a pathetic excuse.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Adam on October 18, 2009, 07:46:01 PM
it's more annoying when fat girls are bitchy like that because you just think, what right does she have to be a bitch? at least when hot girls are bitches you kinda think, well she has  a point. she IS hotter than most other girls.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Adam on October 18, 2009, 07:47:28 PM
also why do so many bitchy and annoying up-their-own-arse girls get fucked all the time and end up pregnant with kids they raise like shit? i would fuck girls like that with a ten foot pole, yet fat ugly girls seem even slutier in this country than thin hot ones
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Alex179 on October 18, 2009, 07:48:21 PM
I think she's a bitch because she's a bitch. Weight has nothing to do with it.
It is just probably one of the reasons why she bullied people.   She was probably bullied at one time herself over her weight.   Then she goes and bullies someone else.

Fuck that.  I was bullied in spades, yet do you see me bullying anyone?  It's a pathetic excuse.
It isn't an excuse at all.   Where do you see me saying she should be allowed to bully others because she was bullied herself?    I didn't haha.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Blasted on October 18, 2009, 07:49:01 PM
Because men like em that way  :thumbdn:

As for the girl you posted Fiona, she looks scarily like a 1/3 of the girls in my secondary school
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Alex179 on October 18, 2009, 07:50:40 PM
@Fiona: So you say that she is just another stuck up bitch with a superiority complex.   Usually bullies have major issues in some way.   She probably knows deep down that she is a worthless piece of shit.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Adam on October 18, 2009, 07:52:01 PM
with girls it's usually jealousy
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Alex179 on October 18, 2009, 07:52:30 PM
also why do so many bitchy and annoying up-their-own-arse girls get fucked all the time and end up pregnant with kids they raise like shit? i would fuck girls like that with a ten foot pole, yet fat ugly girls seem even slutier in this country than thin hot ones
They get fucked all the time because they are "easy" maybe.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Alex179 on October 18, 2009, 07:53:14 PM
I am unfortunately sizist CG :P  Plus plenty of people irl harped onto my weight, when I was even skinnier.  Especially people who were technically obese.

Can't be arsed to be on MSN lately Alex.
They were jealous of you imo.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Blasted on October 18, 2009, 07:54:30 PM
I agree.  Sometimes you just get really confident, ugly, despicable types who are just born that way. 
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Alex179 on October 18, 2009, 07:55:29 PM
I think she's a bitch because she's a bitch. Weight has nothing to do with it.
It is just probably one of the reasons why she bullied people.   She was probably bullied at one time herself over her weight.   Then she goes and bullies someone else.

Fuck that.  I was bullied in spades, yet do you see me bullying anyone?  It's a pathetic excuse.
It isn't an excuse at all.   Where do you see me saying she should be allowed to bully others because she was bullied herself?    I didn't haha.

I think you give bullies too much credit. People assume they do it because they've been hurt themselves. This often is NOT the case. Some people are rotten to the core.

"@Fiona: So you say that she is just another stuck up bitch with a superiority complex. "

Yes pretty much sums her up. I don't think it goes any deeper than that Alex. I know her.
How is that giving them credit?   I just assume that most people are fucked in the head in some way.    Bullies are not to be pitied, they deserve to get shit on later in life imo.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Alex179 on October 18, 2009, 07:56:31 PM
with girls it's usually jealousy

Only the insecure ones.

Most women I know are pretty damn insecure and they are often jealous.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on October 18, 2009, 07:56:32 PM
Yeah this bitch used to bully me so much.  Here she is:


Sorry, had to. :laugh:
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Blasted on October 18, 2009, 07:57:10 PM
Because men like em that way  :thumbdn:

As for the girl you posted Fiona, she looks scarily like a 1/3 of the girls in my secondary school

Girls at your school have arms like the pillsbury dough boy?

Yes.  Also arses like two double-decker buses joined at the hip.

I don't think they were jealous Alex, they don't think skinny equals pretty, in fact the opposite.  They said I was scrawny and whatnot.  Even though I wasn't cause I always had largeish tits.  Yet their "curvy" is our fat.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Blasted on October 18, 2009, 07:58:16 PM
Yeah this bitch used to bully me so much.  Here she is:


Sorry, had to. :laugh:

Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Alex179 on October 18, 2009, 08:00:54 PM
@Bint:  You are attractive and those two you posted aren't even close to being attractive imo.   Deep down they knew that they were going to end up being nothing more than disgustingly jealous hateful fat bitches, and you would end up being pretty damn cute.   Their insults were pathetic attempts at denying the truth to themselves.   That truth is that they are ugly.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Blasted on October 18, 2009, 08:01:58 PM
No Alex.  As Fiona said, some types of girls are like that.  It is little to do with jealousy.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Alex179 on October 18, 2009, 08:06:02 PM
with girls it's usually jealousy

Only the insecure ones.

Most women I know are pretty damn insecure and they are often jealous.

You seem to have a poor grasp on people in general. Nastiness often is not spwaned form jealousy. Sure, some are. But it's very obvious who these people are and aren't. It can be as simple as hating someone because they're different, no matter what you or they look like.
A lot of the women I know online are super competitive and catty.  

Nastiness is spawned from people being in either a really bad mood (easily agitated) or just being an asshole in general.   Jealousy is a great motivator.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Alex179 on October 18, 2009, 08:11:38 PM
No Alex.  As Fiona said, some types of girls are like that.  It is little to do with jealousy.
They are like that because they are bitches.   Why do you think that you two were targets of bullying?    You just weren't as normal as them, or not a part of the cool kids crowd.   I have been bullied myself and it was usually because I wore glasses, was short, and other things.   Whatever reason, the main reason I was bullied is because the bullies did not have much else going for them other than their bullying.    Highschool was the peak of most of these people's lives.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Alex179 on October 18, 2009, 08:14:24 PM
with girls it's usually jealousy

Only the insecure ones.

Most women I know are pretty damn insecure and they are often jealous.

You seem to have a poor grasp on people in general. Nastiness often is not spwaned form jealousy. Sure, some are. But it's very obvious who these people are and aren't. It can be as simple as hating someone because they're different, no matter what you or they look like.
A lot of the women I know online are super competitive and catty.  

Nastiness is spawned from people being in either a really bad mood (easily agitated) or just being an asshole in general.   Jealousy is a great motivator.

Maybe it is. But don't base the thinking of the world on "a lot of women you know". To be frank, it's very easy to tell jealousy related nastiness from nastiness in general.

I was a scrawny kid with boring flat hair and a pointy nose at school... not pretty, not admired, nothing special. This girl had no reason to be jealous of me. She is just a bitch.
You seem to be implying that it would be not so bad if you were super admired, pretty etc and she tried to bully you.    If she was bullying you for those reasons, she would still be a bitch hahaha.    She was in a position to bully you, so she had to be in some sort of "in" crowd.   The only real power she had/has comes from who she knows.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Blasted on October 18, 2009, 08:17:33 PM
No Alex.  As Fiona said, some types of girls are like that.  It is little to do with jealousy.
They are like that because they are bitches.   Why do you think that you two were targets of bullying?    You just weren't as normal as them, or not a part of the cool kids crowd.   I have been bullied myself and it was usually because I wore glasses, was short, and other things.   Whatever reason, the main reason I was bullied is because the bullies did not have much else going for them other than their bullying.    Highschool was the peak of most of these people's lives.


You are really getting it wrong.  The girl was and is popular.  She now is in uni, has a job and a bf of over 2 years. 

You seem to be implying that it would be not so bad if you were super admired, pretty etc and she tried to bully you.    If she was bullying you for those reasons, she would still be a bitch hahaha.    She was in a position to bully you, so she had to be in some sort of "in" crowd.   The only real power she had/has comes from who she knows.

No.  She's trying to prove to you that she wasn't bullied out of jealousy.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Alex179 on October 18, 2009, 08:21:55 PM
You were bullied because you were strange in some ways.   That is usually a given.    The popular kids don't get picked on, they do the bullying usually.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: jman on October 18, 2009, 08:25:16 PM
Yeah this bitch used to bully me so much.  Here she is:


I actually find that girl semi-attractive however she seems to have this bitchy look in her eye and seems like the type of gal I would not want to spend time with. I can't really explain the "bitchy look", but it's just something I pick up from her facial expression and eyes.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on October 19, 2009, 12:06:30 AM
As far as I'm concerned, I stopped caring about how others view me physically, I've got better things to worry about. Besides, I see myself as overweight and probably unappealing in some respects, but eh, I won't delude myself to think otherwise.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Frolic_Fun on October 19, 2009, 01:04:49 AM
Yeah this bitch used to bully me so much.  Here she is:

They're fatter than me. :aff:

Personally I'd have gone further than the Thorpe park comment. Beached whales and all that. :zoinks:
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Mr Smith on October 19, 2009, 01:34:04 AM
Yeah this bitch used to bully me so much.  Here she is:

They're fatter than me. :aff:

Personally I'd have gone further than the Thorpe park comment. Beached whales and all that. :zoinks:

I would have gone further than that.

I would have said out of orbit meteroid.

Bint do you care if I post that picture trolling on a gaming forum? The people there are cunts.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Johnny on October 19, 2009, 04:29:09 AM
   Highschool was the peak of most of these people's lives.

 :lol: :asthing: :lol:
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Blasted on October 19, 2009, 06:41:55 AM
Yeah this bitch used to bully me so much.  Here she is:

They're fatter than me. :aff:

Personally I'd have gone further than the Thorpe park comment. Beached whales and all that. :zoinks:

I would have gone further than that.

I would have said out of orbit meteroid.

Bint do you care if I post that picture trolling on a gaming forum? The people there are cunts.

Nope, feel free to use those pics.  The girl posted them on the nets willingly and herself added suspicious folks to her friends list, she deserves getting mocked  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Adam on October 19, 2009, 01:25:31 PM
lol i posted myself in the hottest aspie guy thread on wp  :lol:

that was when no one knew who i was though (except cg i think lol) and i was taking the piss - i don't seriously i am the hottest aspie guy  :P

i reckon i'm hotter than most of the others in that thread though, and that's saying something
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: El on October 19, 2009, 02:22:04 PM
Other 2%...

This guy falls in. He's adorable.
The sixteen-year-old with the dorky haircut who took a picture of himself before jumping off a roof is the hottest thing on that thread?  Yeesh.

(If that turns out to be another picture of soph and I put my foot in my mouth yet again I'll jump off my own damn roof, lol)
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Adam on October 19, 2009, 02:26:01 PM
yes that's me, you fucking bitch!!! god can't i post a sexy picture of myself without pmselle insulting me every time!!?

my hair is longer than his and i have green eyes :P
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: El on October 19, 2009, 02:29:18 PM
I fucking hate sizeism, and I hate when thinness is equated with attractiveness.  

When unattractive people go on and on about how attractive they think they are, I think it's kind of funny.  When attractive people do, I think it's shallow.

I'm happy when I can muster up legitimate vanity (because I used to hate how I looked), but I don't think it usually tends to go beyond "Holy shit, these pants *do* look good" (obviously in situations where applicable) or saying "I know" in reply to compliments (which frankly I do to be irritating as much as anything else).
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: El on October 19, 2009, 02:30:25 PM
yes that's me, you fucking bitch!!! god can't i post a sexy picture of myself without pmselle insulting me every time!!?

my hair is longer than his and i have green eyes :P
Lol, I thought so.  I like your looks better.  That uber-clean-cut leave-it-to-beaver look mr. blue eyes is sporting isn't generally my 'thing.'
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Adam on October 19, 2009, 02:32:10 PM
i'm not uber clean-cut, but i am uber clean
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Alex179 on October 19, 2009, 02:44:47 PM
Other 2%...

This guy falls in. He's adorable.
The sixteen-year-old with the dorky haircut who took a picture of himself before jumping off a roof is the hottest thing on that thread?  Yeesh.

(If that turns out to be another picture of soph and I put my foot in my mouth yet again I'll jump off my own damn roof, lol)
He kinda looks like the creepy kid from American Beauty.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: El on October 19, 2009, 03:11:12 PM
i'm not uber clean-cut, but i am uber clean
Well that, I like.  :eyelash:
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Mr Smith on October 19, 2009, 03:19:00 PM
I fucking hate sizeism, and I hate when thinness is equated with attractiveness.  

When unattractive people go on and on about how attractive they think they are, I think it's kind of funny.  When attractive people do, I think it's shallow.

Agree 100%  :plus:

Thats what I said "Its a joke" because its funny. Yeah Acttractive people doing it is no better. It's stuck up.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Blasted on October 19, 2009, 03:25:57 PM
Other 2%...

This guy falls in. He's adorable.
The sixteen-year-old with the dorky haircut who took a picture of himself before jumping off a roof is the hottest thing on that thread?  Yeesh.

(If that turns out to be another picture of soph and I put my foot in my mouth yet again I'll jump off my own damn roof, lol)
He kinda looks like the creepy kid from American Beauty.

He doesn't!  The creepy kid was hot  :laugh:
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Blasted on October 19, 2009, 03:29:20 PM
Erm, we are talking about the blblbgbl guy here aren't we?

Just read more posts higher up  :facepalm2:

As for sizeism, I don't think all thin people are more attractive as you get some chubby people with pretty faces, but overall, I have yet to meet a fat person who was hotter than a thin person.

(I am gonna get ripped apart for this  :laugh:)
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Adam on October 19, 2009, 03:32:15 PM
what, mr. blue eyes is that bbgdsfgsdg guy? he doesn't look spotty
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Blasted on October 19, 2009, 03:36:29 PM
I'm lost now.  What blue-eyed guy?  :-\
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Adam on October 19, 2009, 03:37:45 PM
the dude in the picture? isn't that who we're talking about? i got distracted with pmselle posting about how much she wants to sleep with me, sorry
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Blasted on October 19, 2009, 03:47:07 PM
Ahh, I never bothered to go back and see the picture.

He does have really nice eyes.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Mr Smith on October 19, 2009, 03:47:27 PM
what, mr. blue eyes is that bbgdsfgsdg guy? he doesn't look spotty

lol no thats someone else.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Adam on October 19, 2009, 03:49:54 PM
hey i have nice eyes too. my eyes are as green as a fresh-picked toad. does he have a cool hat like i do? nope nope nope 8)
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Blasted on October 19, 2009, 03:58:35 PM
hey i have nice eyes too. my eyes are as green as a fresh-picked toad. does he have a cool hat like i do? nope nope nope 8)

Don't you mean pickled?  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Adam on October 19, 2009, 04:00:22 PM

don't take the piss out of my typong. you should see it when i'm drunk.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Blasted on October 19, 2009, 04:04:17 PM
Now that would be hilarious  :lol:

I have excellent typing when I'm drunk, no one can tell  8)
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Blasted on October 19, 2009, 04:10:18 PM
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Blasted on October 19, 2009, 04:11:33 PM
That Stridey is decidedly average though  :thumbdn:

The rest are hawt.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Mr Smith on October 19, 2009, 04:15:19 PM
Stridey is a guy.

Thats the chick who won.

I don't think she's average either, I think shes hot
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Blasted on October 19, 2009, 04:17:13 PM
She won?  :zombiefuck:

Her face is ugly though, her body is nice.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Al Swearegen on October 19, 2009, 04:21:56 PM
hey i have nice eyes too. my eyes are as green as a fresh-picked toad. does he have a cool hat like i do? nope nope nope 8)

Don't you mean pickled?  :zoinks:

You saying you don't pick toads?  ???
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Blasted on October 19, 2009, 04:23:11 PM
hey i have nice eyes too. my eyes are as green as a fresh-picked toad. does he have a cool hat like i do? nope nope nope 8)

Don't you mean pickled?  :zoinks:

You saying you don't pick toads?  ???

No  :(  My principal look like one, although I don't want to pick him up but just give him a kick.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: renaeden on October 19, 2009, 10:00:11 PM
I'm happy when I can muster up legitimate vanity (because I used to hate how I looked), but I don't think it usually tends to go beyond "Holy shit, these pants *do* look good" (obviously in situations where applicable)
That is about as far as my vanity goes. But I don't say "I know" to compliments!

I can't make judgements on whether a person is good or bad looking until I meet them, generally. It is subjective and I can't force my opinion on people, saying that I am right about it.

If I like someone, I really don't care if they are fat or thin. They could be pink with purple polka-dots and I would still like them.

When someone says, "Oooh, look at them, they are so ugly", it makes me want to say, "You are ugly for making that judgement."
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Phlexor on October 19, 2009, 10:01:54 PM
I'm happy when I can muster up legitimate vanity (because I used to hate how I looked), but I don't think it usually tends to go beyond "Holy shit, these pants *do* look good" (obviously in situations where applicable)
That is about as far as my vanity goes. But I don't say "I know" to compliments!

I can't make judgements on whether a person is good or bad looking until I meet them, generally. It is subjective and I can't force my opinion on people, saying that I am right about it.

If I like someone, I really don't care if they are fat or thin. They could be pink with purple polka-dots and I would still like them.

When someone says, "Oooh, look at them, they are so ugly", it makes me want to say, "You are ugly for making that judgement."

Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on October 19, 2009, 11:19:15 PM
I'm happy when I can muster up legitimate vanity (because I used to hate how I looked), but I don't think it usually tends to go beyond "Holy shit, these pants *do* look good" (obviously in situations where applicable)
That is about as far as my vanity goes. But I don't say "I know" to compliments!

I can't make judgements on whether a person is good or bad looking until I meet them, generally. It is subjective and I can't force my opinion on people, saying that I am right about it.

If I like someone, I really don't care if they are fat or thin. They could be pink with purple polka-dots and I would still like them.

When someone says, "Oooh, look at them, they are so ugly", it makes me want to say, "You are ugly for making that judgement."

I don't see whats wrong with calling people ugly when they have ugly personalities.
And tbh ranting and raving about how hot you are.... means you have a bit of an ugly personality.

Nah, it actually means they're superficial cunts who are full of themselves.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Binty on November 01, 2011, 08:35:01 PM
I'm glad I've matured a bit since this thread.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Binty on November 01, 2011, 08:36:30 PM
Other 2%...

This guy falls in. He's adorable.
The sixteen-year-old with the dorky haircut who took a picture of himself before jumping off a roof is the hottest thing on that thread?  Yeesh.

(If that turns out to be another picture of soph and I put my foot in my mouth yet again I'll jump off my own damn roof, lol)

Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: renaeden on November 01, 2011, 09:11:19 PM
I'm glad I've matured a bit since this thread.
Have your views changed on what you think about people (those described in the title, etc)?
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Binty on November 01, 2011, 09:15:34 PM
I'm glad I've matured a bit since this thread.
Have your views changed on what you think about people (those described in the title, etc)?

Yeah.  Also I'm just not the sizeist twat that I used to be :laugh:
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Zippo on November 01, 2011, 11:37:01 PM
personal growth is a good thing... on the topic. i never think of myself as good looking... when i shave and wash properly i think of myself as "average" but i dont do that often and so i really usually think of myself as simply "meh." i have a shirtless pic on the web if you want it i can link? i think its been posted here actually  :autism:
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Adam on November 02, 2011, 01:35:09 PM
I'm fuckin gorgeous me
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: eris on November 02, 2011, 03:07:28 PM
I generally think average people are better looking then they really are, and that good - looking people are average.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: eris on November 02, 2011, 03:09:16 PM
just had a 100% straight male friend say if he HAD to go go, he would go gay for ... Neil Patrick Harris :D


Ex husband used to say if he HAD to be gay with a man he would choose Jason Statham


Silly straight guys dont know how to judge how how guys are. psh.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Adam on November 02, 2011, 03:12:46 PM
I just sat and thought about this for a minute. and I've decided. if i HAD to , I would go for Dimitar Berbatov!

I think lots of guys are good looking, but in a "I wish I fuckin looked like that" kinda way. Cant imagine actually being attracted to them tho
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: "couldbecousin" on April 17, 2016, 07:17:01 AM
  The three of us in my family are pleasant-looking when we smile.  We're clean.  We blend into a crowd,
   we don't make anyone wince at the sight of us.  I don't think any of us would claim better than that.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Gopher Gary on April 17, 2016, 12:56:08 PM
I'm so handsome and I get better looking every day.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: odeon on April 17, 2016, 01:14:38 PM
I break mirrors daily.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: "couldbecousin" on April 17, 2016, 06:24:50 PM
I'm so handsome and I get better looking every day.  :zoinks:

  You look better from afar.  Like, really, really far.  :zoinks: :trollface:
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: "couldbecousin" on April 17, 2016, 06:30:18 PM
I break mirrors daily.

  Agatha Christie knew all about your wicked ways!

Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Icequeen on April 17, 2016, 09:19:48 PM
No one has ever ran away screaming yet...(well some have, but it wasn't because of my looks).  :LOL:
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: renaeden on April 18, 2016, 12:17:08 AM
I got told by a lot of other kids when I was growing up that I was ugly. Red hair, freckles and glasses. I still have those 3 so things haven't improved much. :autism:
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: 'andersom' on April 18, 2016, 03:47:29 AM
I got told by a lot of other kids when I was growing up that I was ugly. Red hair, freckles and glasses. I still have those 3 so things haven't improved much. :autism:

Nothing wrong with that. 

Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: "couldbecousin" on April 18, 2016, 05:14:27 AM
I got told by a lot of other kids when I was growing up that I was ugly. Red hair, freckles and glasses. I still have those 3 so things haven't improved much. :autism:

  Nothing wrong with any of those.  Red hair is beautiful, I envy those who have it.  :)
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: renaeden on April 18, 2016, 05:18:13 AM
I refuse to dye my hair until I start greying. I like the dark red it is now.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: "couldbecousin" on April 18, 2016, 05:19:27 AM
I refuse to dye my hair until I start greying. I like the dark red it is now.

  Dark red is especially beautiful.  I've often wished for that in place of my dull brown.  :P
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Al Swearegen on April 18, 2016, 05:55:50 AM
I have a face like a dropped pie (Nice Aussie Expression)
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Gopher Gary on April 18, 2016, 07:17:07 PM
I got told by a lot of other kids when I was growing up that I was ugly. Red hair, freckles and glasses. I still have those 3 so things haven't improved much. :autism:

A lot of guys find red heads attractive, so if it was girls saying that then they were probably jealous. Sugarbutt is a full freckle ginger and I think he's red hot.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: "couldbecousin" on April 18, 2016, 07:28:01 PM
I got told by a lot of other kids when I was growing up that I was ugly. Red hair, freckles and glasses. I still have those 3 so things haven't improved much. :autism:

A lot of guys find red heads attractive, so if it was girls saying that then they were probably jealous. Sugarbutt is a full freckle ginger and I think he's red hot.  :zoinks:

    Freckly, gingery hawtness.  :heart:

( Cranston-SGG-045613.jpg)
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: renaeden on April 20, 2016, 05:56:43 AM
^His hair looks brown. Not his beard though.
I got told by a lot of other kids when I was growing up that I was ugly. Red hair, freckles and glasses. I still have those 3 so things haven't improved much. :autism:

A lot of guys find red heads attractive, so if it was girls saying that then they were probably jealous. Sugarbutt is a full freckle ginger and I think he's red hot.  :zoinks:
Both boys and girls. Until about Year 10 at high school (I was 15). Then the girls started dyeing their hair red.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: "couldbecousin" on April 20, 2016, 06:03:12 AM
^His hair looks brown. Not his beard though.

  Yeah, in some lights the hair is slightly reddish, the facial hair is definitely red.
  He's part Irish  :lep:  and very much looks it IMO, because of the freckles and
   the red facial hair and the twinkly eyes.  The dimples are pretty great too.  :heart:
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Al Swearegen on April 20, 2016, 08:21:50 AM
My daughter has auburn. Browny-red. People call her a redhead and she couldn't care. In China they found here hair and skin tone very beautiful.  some thought she was a model
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: odeon on April 23, 2016, 03:12:23 AM
I'm very good-looking. :M
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: 'andersom' on April 23, 2016, 02:56:48 PM
I used to be able to look very good both at a very close distance and at a far distance.

Now I can't decipher a thing without reading glasses, and when it comes to looking in the distance, I'm not what I used to be anymore either.

So, not that good at looking anymore.  :'(
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Gopher Gary on April 23, 2016, 03:24:42 PM
I used to be able to look very good both at a very close distance and at a far distance.

Now I can't decipher a thing without reading glasses, and when it comes to looking in the distance, I'm not what I used to be anymore either.

So, not that good at looking anymore.  :'(

A woman I know said she's like the Mona Lisa. She looks great from a distance but with each step closer all the cracks become more apparent.  :lol1:
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: odeon on April 24, 2016, 03:19:52 AM
I used to be able to look very good both at a very close distance and at a far distance.

Now I can't decipher a thing without reading glasses, and when it comes to looking in the distance, I'm not what I used to be anymore either.

So, not that good at looking anymore.  :'(

A woman I know said she's like the Mona Lisa. She looks great from a distance but with each step closer all the cracks become more apparent.  :lol1:

Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: "couldbecousin" on April 25, 2016, 06:21:12 PM
  My skin is a strange thing.  It's thick, oily, with really large pores, the kind of sturdy hide that doesn't
  wrinkle too deeply or obviously.  But get close enough to the crepiness and the pockmarks (acne scars)
  in direct light, and it isn't pretty.  If I ever am on HD-TV, I'll look like a diseased orange!  :laugh:
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: 'andersom' on April 26, 2016, 07:17:10 AM
  My skin is a strange thing.  It's thick, oily, with really large pores, the kind of sturdy hide that doesn't
  wrinkle too deeply or obviously.  But get close enough to the crepiness and the pockmarks (acne scars)
  in direct light, and it isn't pretty.  If I ever am on HD-TV, I'll look like a diseased orange!  :laugh:

Pancake, not only on the plates, also on the cooks.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: "couldbecousin" on April 26, 2016, 07:42:58 AM
  My skin is a strange thing.  It's thick, oily, with really large pores, the kind of sturdy hide that doesn't
  wrinkle too deeply or obviously.  But get close enough to the crepiness and the pockmarks (acne scars)
  in direct light, and it isn't pretty.  If I ever am on HD-TV, I'll look like a diseased orange!  :laugh:

Pancake, not only on the plates, also on the cooks.

  Nah, let the world see the raw realness.  It's must-see TV!  :tv:
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: 'andersom' on April 26, 2016, 08:04:56 AM
And after work, you'll apply the pancake, to avoid people recognising you in the streets.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: "couldbecousin" on April 26, 2016, 08:15:42 AM
And after work, you'll apply the pancake, to avoid people recognising you in the streets.

  After work, I may need a more thorough disguise than that.  :coolguy:
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: 'andersom' on April 26, 2016, 12:39:26 PM
And after work, you'll apply the pancake, to avoid people recognising you in the streets.

  After work, I may need a more thorough disguise than that.  :coolguy:

A burqa and a fake beard.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: El on April 26, 2016, 06:29:04 PM
Reading this thread from its start was like watching all of us experience and then move beyond middle school.  Like holy fuck.   :facepalm2:
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: "couldbecousin" on April 26, 2016, 06:44:31 PM
Reading this thread from its start was like watching all of us experience and then move beyond middle school.  Like holy fuck.   :facepalm2:

  Middle school sucked!  :mad:  Thank god I had bad knees that excused me from gym throughout high school.
    There might have been some Carrie moments if I'd had to share locker rooms with certain bitches.
Title: Re: Average looking people who talk about how good looking they are
Post by: Gopher Gary on April 26, 2016, 09:02:15 PM
I'm so handsome, I'm distracting.  :zoinks: