Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: Triste on August 27, 2006, 11:52:22 PM

Title: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Triste on August 27, 2006, 11:52:22 PM
If I pour a cup of bleach into 8000 gallons of water, how long will it take for the bleach to evenly disperse?
(This is a need-to-know question, not theoretical)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 28, 2006, 12:01:33 AM
Do you know the temperature of the water?

Is the water still or being stirred?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Triste on August 28, 2006, 12:09:28 AM
It is my drinking water tank, so is the ambient temperature which these days is around 80 degrees or higher.
And unstirred, which is the reason for the question.  You're supposed to take an oar and stir the bleach, but I'm wondering if there's a way to avoid stirring (have you ever stirred 8000 gallons of water?)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 28, 2006, 01:15:51 AM
I am working on gathering the information necessary to give you an answer to this question, Triste.

My gut reaction is that it will disperse many times faster if you stir it than if you rely solely on molecular diffusion to disperse it, so I would recomend stirring it, even though it is a pain to do.  Even if you do not stir it perfectly, it will greatly speed up the rate of dispersion.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Triste on August 28, 2006, 01:21:08 AM
Right.  Because I figured you'd know about rates of molecular diffusion.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Triste on August 28, 2006, 01:31:32 AM
Okay, here's another one (take your time):
When making homemade yogurt, why do you have to heat the milk to just below boiling, then cool it down to lukewarm (100 to 110 degrees)?  This makes no sense to me since the milk we all use is already pasteurized.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on August 28, 2006, 07:02:00 AM

what is your level of education?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 28, 2006, 10:15:38 PM
Okay, here's another one (take your time):
When making homemade yogurt, why do you have to heat the milk to just below boiling, then cool it down to lukewarm (100 to 110 degrees)?  This makes no sense to me since the milk we all use is already pasteurized.

Milk is pasteurized to reduce the bacterial content to 0.00001 of the number of bacteria in unpasteurized milk.  If you wanted to make yogurt from raw milk, you would need to pasteurize it first by heating it to 161.5 degrees Fahrenheit and holding it at this temperature for at least 15 seconds.  Heating the milk to just below boiling changes the structure of the milk protein so that that it does not coagulate and make curds and whey instead of yogurt.  You have to cool it off to lukewarm before you inoculate it with the yogurt culture so you won't kill the bacteria.

Sorry, but the molecular diffusion question is difficult for me to get a good answer for.  Molecular diffusion of the chlorine bleach into still water in the water tank would happen very slowly and that is why stirring it is recommended.  Actually, if the water tank is subject to temperature fluctuations between day and night, you would get convection currents from the colder and warmer water and also if you use water from the tank and add water to the tank periodically, that would mix the water more quickly than molecular diffusion.  I don't know how to calculate these effects in closed form, and a computer model would require a lot more information. 

McJagger, I have a Master's degree in Chemical Engineering.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Triste on August 29, 2006, 12:31:04 PM
(Bows down before Dr. Callaway)
Thank you!  Beautiful answers.

Question:  My master's program advisor is so disorganized and incompetent that both my learning and grades are at risk.  I have to take at least 6 classes taught by her.  Should I change tracks to get out of her realm; should I drop out of school entirely; or should I stick it out with her, complaining and documenting everything?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 29, 2006, 12:52:36 PM
Tell me more about her.  What are your problems with her?

Why is she your master's program advisor?  Did you choose her?  What are her responsibilities as your advisor?

If the classes are required for graduation, then can you take them from someone else, or is she the only person who teaches them?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Triste on August 29, 2006, 01:21:48 PM
Tell me more about her.  What are your problems with her?

Why is she your master's program advisor?  Did you choose her?  What are her responsibilities as your advisor?

If the classes are required for graduation, then can you take them from someone else, or is she the only person who teaches them?
In a nutshell, the class expectations are extremely unclear.  Also confusing is how assignments are graded. She has written 3 different explanations of the syllabus and assignments, and they all contradict each other. She mixes up her terminology so it's impossible to tell even how many papers are due.  Despite my repeated questions to her about this, she still hasn't clarified anything.

She is my program advisor because of the track I selected.  She is the only person who teaches the classes - it is a small department.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 29, 2006, 01:27:28 PM
Would you still need to take these classes if you chose a different track?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Triste on August 29, 2006, 01:39:14 PM
If I chose a different track, it would take an extra year of school, but then she wouldn't be my advisor, and I'd only have to take 2 of her classes instead of 6.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 29, 2006, 01:47:49 PM
Can you afford another year of school?  Why did you choose this track?  What about it appeals to you?  Is there another track that appeals to you as much as this one does, given that this person's teaching style is incompatible with your learning style?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Triste on August 29, 2006, 01:51:44 PM
Sigh.  My age is the thing holding me back from adding another year to the program.

But I can see where you're going.  I'll see about changing later today. (From nursing administration to nursing education, btw)
side note:  you'd think somebody who teaches management and administration WOULD HAVE A FUCKING CLUE as to how to organize a  class, now wouldn't you.  I'm pissed but that's good - I DO need to change.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on August 30, 2006, 03:12:50 PM
Howe do they make rice krispies?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on August 30, 2006, 06:19:40 PM
you buy a box at the store.

are you talking about the rice krispie marshmellow confection also known as rice crispie treats.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 30, 2006, 06:38:18 PM
Howe do they make rice krispies?

I have never worked in a cereal manufacturing company, so this information is second hand.

Here is the list of ingredients:

You take Rice, Sugar, Salt, Glucose-Fructose Syrup, Barley Malt Flavouring, Niacin, Iron, Vitamin B6, Riboflavin (B2), Thiamin (B1), Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, mix it up and then shape it into something resembling grains of rice.  Then you bake it in an oven at a high temperature and it pops sort of like popcorn does.  The water that is inside the grains quickly vaporizes at the high temperature and makes the thin walled bubbles that are part of the structure of the Rice Krispies and these bubbles make that distinctive snap, crackle, pop when you pour on the milk.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: QuirkyCarla on August 30, 2006, 06:40:19 PM
I had a dream the other night that I was making rice krispie treats. They did not turn out right.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on August 30, 2006, 06:41:12 PM
cheers callaway. I could murder a bowl of rice krispies now.  ;D
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 30, 2006, 07:41:35 PM
I had a dream the other night that I was making rice krispie treats. They did not turn out right.

Well, I have tried to make them before and they did not turn out right because I did not want to put all the butter the recipe calls for in them.

Here is the recipe from the Kelloggs website:;skin=kelloggs


3   tablespoons margarine or butter 
1   package (10 oz. about 40) regular marshmallows 
   or 4 cups miniature marshmallows 
6   cups Kellogg's® Rice Krispies® cereal 


1. Melt margarine in large saucepan over low heat. Add marshmallows
and stir until completely melted. Remove from heat.

2. Add KELLOGG'S® RICE KRISPIES® cereal. Stir until well coated.

3. Using buttered spatula or waxed paper, press mixture evenly into
13 x 9 x 2-inch pan coated with cooking spray. Cut into 2-inch squares
when cool. Best if served the same day.

Yield: 24 squares

In a large microwave safe bowl, heat margarine and marshmallows at
HIGH for 3 minutes, stirring after 2 minutes. Stir until smooth. Follow
steps 2 and 3 above.

Microwave cooking times may vary.


For best results, use fresh marshmallows.

1 jar (7 oz.) marshmallow creme can be substituted for marshmallows.

Diet, reduced calorie or tub margarine is not recommended.

Store no more than two days in airtight container.

Servings: 12
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: QuirkyCarla on August 30, 2006, 07:50:45 PM
mmm I want some
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 30, 2006, 08:08:30 PM
I had really bad nausea and vomiting when I was pregnant with my daughter.  All the home remedies of crackers, flat ginger ale, etc, did not help at all and I couldn't keep anything down.  I lost 15 pounds and the doctor finally gave me medicine to keep me from vomiting all the time.  When I was finally able to eat, at first I wanted only mangoes.  After a while, I wanted Rice Krispies treats, but only if they were made without butter or margarine.  They do not look like the picture if you don't follow the recipe, but I liked them like that.


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on May 18, 2007, 12:22:38 PM
Are ice cream questions too personal to answer here?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 18, 2007, 12:23:19 PM
Are ice cream questions too personal to answer here?

Depends on the ice cream questions.   :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Litigious on May 18, 2007, 12:24:43 PM
Exchanging ice cream and cookie recepies -- how female. Men exchange explosives formulas.  8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on May 18, 2007, 12:25:48 PM
Exchanging ice cream and cookie recepies -- how female. Men exchange explosives formulas.  8)

Weren't you and I talking ice cream recipes?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 18, 2007, 12:26:28 PM
Exchanging ice cream and cookie recepies -- how female. Men exchange explosives formulas.  8)

Start an explosives recipe thread then.  :smarty:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Litigious on May 18, 2007, 12:27:38 PM
Exchanging ice cream and cookie recepies -- how female. Men exchange explosives formulas.  8)

Weren't you and I talking ice cream recipes?

Shhh...that's a secret.  ;)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 18, 2007, 12:30:24 PM
Exchanging ice cream and cookie recepies -- how female. Men exchange explosives formulas.  8)

Weren't you and I talking ice cream recipes?

Shhh...that's a secret.  ;)

I've made my own ice cream, with eggs in it and real vanilla. It tasted really good.  :P

Your secret's out of the closet.   :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on May 18, 2007, 12:33:55 PM
Why is your questions thread in the wrong place?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 18, 2007, 12:34:37 PM
Why is your questions thread in the wrong place?

It's not in the wrong place.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 18, 2007, 09:55:19 PM
can we keep this thread bumped?

i often have technical questions for callaway, but can never remember where this thread is.

now i have forgotten them.....damn.

can we sticky this thread?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on May 18, 2007, 10:13:11 PM
Yes, I want to know if Callaway's knowledge extends to specific cooking temperatures and it's impact on different foods.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on May 18, 2007, 10:28:47 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 18, 2007, 10:31:55 PM
Yes, I want to know if Callaway's knowledge extends to specific cooking temperatures and it's impact on different foods.

Could you ask a more specific question?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on May 18, 2007, 10:33:29 PM
What's the best temperature to cook fish sticks at ??
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 18, 2007, 10:42:01 PM
What's the best temperature to cook fish sticks at ??

Depends on your oven, but in a conventional oven assuming they start as frozen, I would try 400 degrees Fahrenheit on a cookie sheet or shallow pan for 15 minutes or so and turning them over halfway through the cooking time.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on May 18, 2007, 11:00:14 PM
What's the best temperature to cook fish sticks at ??

Depends on your oven, but in a conventional oven assuming they start as frozen, I would try 400 degrees Fahrenheit on a cookie sheet or shallow pan for 15 minutes or so and turning them over halfway through the cooking time.

That's the extent of my cooking skills.  On a realy good day, I can lick Hamburger helper.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 18, 2007, 11:06:45 PM
What's the best temperature to cook fish sticks at ??

Depends on your oven, but in a conventional oven assuming they start as frozen, I would try 400 degrees Fahrenheit on a cookie sheet or shallow pan for 15 minutes or so and turning them over halfway through the cooking time.

That's the extent of my cooking skills.  On a realy good day, I can lick Hamburger helper.
i bet you can BBQ like it's nobodies business.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on May 18, 2007, 11:11:23 PM
i bet you can BBQ like it's nobodies business.

Tha goes without saying. After all, I am from Santa Maria. The birthplace of Tri-tip
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on May 19, 2007, 05:09:29 AM
Why is your questions thread in the wrong place?

It's not in the wrong place.

Ok. Why is it right for your question thread not to
be with all the other ones?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 19, 2007, 06:46:03 AM
what are ear potatoes?

what is the point of them?
and, why do they call them potatoes?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on May 19, 2007, 06:53:56 AM
Yes, I want to know if Callaway's knowledge extends to specific cooking temperatures and it's impact on different foods.

Could you ask a more specific question?
Well, that braising meat should not exceed 60 degrees...if it goes over that it toughens up...

But then you have the whole equation of muscle construction of the; fillet steak has a shorter molecular construction therefore has different cooking techniques...

sorry, probably a bit anal in the kitchen...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 19, 2007, 06:55:20 AM
what are ear potatoes?

what is the point of them?
and, why do they call them potatoes?

I don't know.  I have never heard of them.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 19, 2007, 06:56:48 AM
sorry, probably a bit anal in the kitchen...
have a story you wish to share?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 19, 2007, 07:02:13 AM
what are ear potatoes?

what is the point of them?
and, why do they call them potatoes?

I don't know.  I have never heard of them.
it is that ear wax stuff, or ear boogers.

what is the point of them?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 19, 2007, 07:11:14 AM
Yes, I want to know if Callaway's knowledge extends to specific cooking temperatures and it's impact on different foods.

Could you ask a more specific question?
Well, that braising meat should not exceed 60 degrees...if it goes over that it toughens up...

But then you have the whole equation of muscle construction of the; fillet steak has a shorter molecular construction therefore has different cooking techniques...

sorry, probably a bit anal in the kitchen...

Well, it is the cuts of meat that have the long muscle fibers in bundles with connective tissue like chuck or flank that are suitable for braising.  You would cook a filet completely differently.

I know when you braise meat, you cook it in liquid whose temperature is just below a simmer, like a Crock Pot.  

If you cook it as a pot roast in an oven, you set the oven for about 300 degrees Fahrenheit.

60 degrees Celsius is 140 degrees Fahrenheit and that sounds a little low to me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on May 19, 2007, 07:16:04 AM
Yes, I want to know if Callaway's knowledge extends to specific cooking temperatures and it's impact on different foods.

Could you ask a more specific question?
Well, that braising meat should not exceed 60 degrees...if it goes over that it toughens up...

But then you have the whole equation of muscle construction of the; fillet steak has a shorter molecular construction therefore has different cooking techniques...

sorry, probably a bit anal in the kitchen...

Well, it is the cuts of meat that have the long muscle fibers in bundles with connective tissue like chuck or flank that are suitable for braising.  You would cook a filet completely differently.

I know when you braise meat, you cook it in liquid whose temperature is just below a simmer, like a Crock Pot.  

If you cook it as a pot roast in an oven, you set the oven for about 300 degrees Fahrenheit.

60 degrees Celsius is 140 degrees Fahrenheit and that sounds a little low to me.
Yes, I know about the different cuts of meat...but apparently for braising 60 degrees is the upper limit.  Sounds very low, I know, but apparently that is the upper limit for braising from a technical term...and it does work....pays off completely...the meat just melts in your mouth.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 19, 2007, 07:28:23 AM
what are ear potatoes?

what is the point of them?
and, why do they call them potatoes?

I don't know.  I have never heard of them.
it is that ear wax stuff, or ear boogers.

what is the point of them?

The point of ear wax is to stop things from getting deep inside your ear canal.  For example if a small insect crawls into your ear, it is immobilized by the sticky ear wax.  It also traps dirt and sand thayt blows into your ear.  In some people, the wax gets hard.  In most cases, it migrates out of the ear and falls out without causing a problem, but in some people the hardened ear wax gets stuck near the ear drum and needs to be removed by a doctor with a specialized tool.  If you push a Q-Tip so far in, it is likely to pack the wax against your ear drum.  You can use an ear wax removal kit, which has carbamide peroxide drops and a bulb syringe similar to one you clean a baby's nose with.

My daughter has had problems with ear wax.  I took her to an ENT, but she was so worked up he was afraid to clean the wax out of her ears unless he knocked her out first.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 19, 2007, 07:31:05 AM
Yes, I want to know if Callaway's knowledge extends to specific cooking temperatures and it's impact on different foods.

Could you ask a more specific question?
Well, that braising meat should not exceed 60 degrees...if it goes over that it toughens up...

But then you have the whole equation of muscle construction of the; fillet steak has a shorter molecular construction therefore has different cooking techniques...

sorry, probably a bit anal in the kitchen...

Well, it is the cuts of meat that have the long muscle fibers in bundles with connective tissue like chuck or flank that are suitable for braising.  You would cook a filet completely differently.

I know when you braise meat, you cook it in liquid whose temperature is just below a simmer, like a Crock Pot.  

If you cook it as a pot roast in an oven, you set the oven for about 300 degrees Fahrenheit.

60 degrees Celsius is 140 degrees Fahrenheit and that sounds a little low to me.
Yes, I know about the different cuts of meat...but apparently for braising 60 degrees is the upper limit.  Sounds very low, I know, but apparently that is the upper limit for braising from a technical term...and it does work....pays off completely...the meat just melts in your mouth.

So, what temperature is the liquid in which you cook the meat?  60 degrees Celsius?  Is that even high enough to kill microorganisms?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on May 19, 2007, 07:32:08 AM
That's the thing...70 degrees kills the germs...
Catch 22.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on May 19, 2007, 07:33:11 AM
sorry, probably a bit anal in the kitchen...
have a story you wish to share?
Not in Callaways very serious thread, no.  I respect her intelligence too much.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Litigious on May 19, 2007, 07:40:01 AM
Callaway is one of the very few women I respect, here and in real life.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 19, 2007, 08:03:25 AM
Callaway is one of the very few women I respect, here and in real life.

Thank you, Litigious.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Litigious on May 19, 2007, 08:05:36 AM
You're welcome.  8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on May 19, 2007, 01:54:36 PM
Yes, I want to know if Callaway's knowledge extends to specific cooking temperatures and it's impact on different foods.

Could you ask a more specific question?
Well, that braising meat should not exceed 60 degrees...if it goes over that it toughens up...

But then you have the whole equation of muscle construction of the; fillet steak has a shorter molecular construction therefore has different cooking techniques...

sorry, probably a bit anal in the kitchen...

I like that, in more ways than one.

And, to the meat discussion, I have to agree that taste is
more important than avoiding some silly germs.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on May 19, 2007, 11:43:41 PM
That's the thing...70 degrees kills the germs...
Catch 22.
I was incorrect on that one...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 19, 2007, 11:47:41 PM
That's the thing...70 degrees kills the germs...
Catch 22.
I was incorrect on that one...

So, what is the correct temperature?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on May 19, 2007, 11:51:21 PM
Callaway is one of the very few women I respect, here and in real life.

I could only respect Callaway IRL if i met her IRL. Online you have to respect her, but the cynic in me doesn't trust those who try to plat it too straight. It always makes you wonder what they're hiding.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on May 19, 2007, 11:57:03 PM
That's the thing...70 degrees kills the germs...
Catch 22.
I was incorrect on that one...

So, what is the correct temperature?
I haven't googled it yet, but I know for example when I reheat things they are supposed to come to boiling point and simmer for 10 minutes. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on May 19, 2007, 11:59:46 PM
I'm actually googling it now...I'm thinking that slow cooking at the 60 degrees may be ok.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on May 20, 2007, 12:01:09 AM
I'm actually googling it now...I'm thinking that slow cooking at the 60 degrees may be ok.

Are you talking Celcius or Farenheiht ??
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 20, 2007, 12:03:17 AM
She is talking Celsius, Scrapheap.

I read that beef should be cooked to 160 degrees Fahrenheit or 71 degrees Celsius to kill microorganisms.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on May 20, 2007, 12:06:23 AM
She is talking Celsius, Scrapheap.

I read that beef should be cooked to 160 degrees Fahrenheit or 71 degrees Celsius to kill microorganisms.
Yes...then I started thinking about cured meats....I've never really looked into that either....just eat them.  Although a little girl in Australia died about 15 years ago after eating salami so it is a bit daunting...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 20, 2007, 12:08:53 AM
She is talking Celsius, Scrapheap.

I read that beef should be cooked to 160 degrees Fahrenheit or 71 degrees Celsius to kill microorganisms.
Yes...then I started thinking about cured meats....I've never really looked into that either....just eat them.  Although a little girl in Australia died about 15 years ago after eating salami so it is a bit daunting...

Cured meats have high salt content and/or other preservatives, such as nitrites in them to retard bacterial growth.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on May 20, 2007, 12:11:57 AM
She is talking Celsius, Scrapheap.

I read that beef should be cooked to 160 degrees Fahrenheit or 71 degrees Celsius to kill microorganisms.
Yes...then I started thinking about cured meats....I've never really looked into that either....just eat them.  Although a little girl in Australia died about 15 years ago after eating salami so it is a bit daunting...

Cured meats have high salt content and/or other preservatives, such as nitrites in them to retard bacterial growth.
yes, that's right sorry, see multi-tasking to google at the time...always makes me look dumb when I do two things at once.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on May 20, 2007, 12:14:18 AM
Slow cooker
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Food safety
Slow cooker temperatures are lower than in most other cooking methods, and cooking times are correspondingly longer—typically 5–9 hours. Food must be heated to a temperature of at least 140°F (60°C) for safety; a properly functioning slow cooker must heat food to this temperature. As with any cooking method, cooked food must not be left at warm temperatures for long.

Frozen food should be defrosted before slow cooking. Defrosting should either be done at a low temperature to inhibit bacterial growth (i.e., in a refrigerator), or done quickly (i.e., in a microwave oven). Otherwise bacteria may multiply while the food is heating but has not yet attained a safe temperature to inhibit growth. Some bacteria produce toxins that remain in the food after the bacteria themselves are killed. Most, but not all, toxins are destroyed at high temperatures; the botulism toxin is one important exception, although the micro-organism which produces it is killed both by heat and oxygen.

Some foods contain toxins naturally. Many, but not all, of these are destroyed by cooking at slow cooker temperatures. However some legumes are toxic when cooked at slow cooker temperatures, especially kidney beans, and can cause food poisoning.[1] To avoid this problem, such ingredients should be boiled for 10 minutes beforehand.

Perpetual stews (pot au feu, olla podrida) should never be maintained in slow cookers, as slow cookers do not typically provide sufficient heat to compensate for frequent additions and removals of food; nor do they cook quickly enough to cook newly added food thoroughly before the next withdrawal becomes likely. This relatively slow recovery of temperature after an addition or withdrawal may cause safety problems. Removal of the lid lets heat and moisture escape, prolonging cooking time and giving microbes the chance to grow.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 20, 2007, 12:22:26 AM
At 140° Fahrenheit, warming temperatures prevent growth but allow survival of some bacteria.

I have a Crock Pot, but I think even the lowest setting is above 140° Fahrenheit.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on May 20, 2007, 03:23:32 AM
I'm actually googling it now...I'm thinking that slow cooking at the 60 degrees may be ok.

Are you talking Celcius or Farenheiht ??

60 degrees F would just make it rot,
over a long time.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on May 20, 2007, 03:26:02 AM
Perpetual stews (pot au feu, olla podrida) should never be maintained in slow cookers, as slow cookers do not typically provide sufficient heat to compensate for frequent additions and removals of food; nor do they cook quickly enough to cook newly added food thoroughly before the next withdrawal becomes likely. This relatively slow recovery of temperature after an addition or withdrawal may cause safety problems. Removal of the lid lets heat and moisture escape, prolonging cooking time and giving microbes the chance to grow.

Wow, that would solve my shopping problem.
Where do you find such things?
Are they sold near the everlasting flasks of Guinness?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 20, 2007, 06:28:56 AM
Callaway is one of the very few women I respect, here and in real life.

I could only respect Callaway IRL if i met her IRL. Online you have to respect her, but the cynic in me doesn't trust those who try to plat it too straight. It always makes you wonder what they're hiding.
it could mean that they are just a person who gives others respect, with an open mind.
who knows.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on May 20, 2007, 11:27:40 AM
Callaway is one of the very few women I respect, here and in real life.

I could only respect Callaway IRL if i met her IRL. Online you have to respect her, but the cynic in me doesn't trust those who try to plat it too straight. It always makes you wonder what they're hiding.
it could mean that they are just a person who gives others respect, with an open mind.
who knows.

Every person that I met who was truely nice, was for the most part, stupid. Half the people that I've met who ACTED nice, were hiding their dark side. Callaway isn't stupid. I get the feeling she has a dark underside that she doesn't allow the world to see.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Litigious on May 20, 2007, 12:27:41 PM
Callaway is one of the very few women I respect, here and in real life.

I could only respect Callaway IRL if i met her IRL. Online you have to respect her, but the cynic in me doesn't trust those who try to plat it too straight. It always makes you wonder what they're hiding.
it could mean that they are just a person who gives others respect, with an open mind.
who knows.

Every person that I met who was truely nice, was for the most part, stupid. Half the people that I've met who ACTED nice, were hiding their dark side. Callaway isn't stupid. I get the feeling she has a dark underside that she doesn't allow the world to see.

Damnit. Now when you say it, it comes to my mind that that's my experience too. I'm a smart person myself, and I can act nicely, but to be quite honest: I am not "truly" nice.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on May 20, 2007, 12:49:25 PM
What?  Did I hear secret and closet?

You fuckn closet gay!

I kid!

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 20, 2007, 12:59:36 PM
Callaway is one of the very few women I respect, here and in real life.

I could only respect Callaway IRL if i met her IRL. Online you have to respect her, but the cynic in me doesn't trust those who try to plat it too straight. It always makes you wonder what they're hiding.
it could mean that they are just a person who gives others respect, with an open mind.
who knows.

Every person that I met who was truely nice, was for the most part, stupid. Half the people that I've met who ACTED nice, were hiding their dark side. Callaway isn't stupid. I get the feeling she has a dark underside that she doesn't allow the world to see.

I think your statement that you believe that I have a "dark underside" because I am both kind and intelligent says more about you than it does about me.  Perhaps it has something to do with the way your mother treated you.  If I remember correctly, she was a religious fanatic who presented one face to her church friends and another face to her children.  She had factitious disorder and you did have that unexplainable illness when you were a baby so I wonder if she hurt you too and you were just too young to remember.

Nobody is 100% nice all the time, whether they are intelligent or not.  I am fairly patient but I have my limits, just like everyone else.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on May 20, 2007, 04:48:53 PM
Damnit. Now when you say it, it comes to my mind that that's my experience too. I'm a smart person myself, and I can act nicely, but to be quite honest: I am not "truly" nice.

I'm pretty convinced that there are NO truly nice people.
They always are simply either fitting patterns that are
ingrained, or acting directly on their will. Even Mother
Theresa questioned her own 'goodness.'

Good to see flo posting not just about himself.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on May 20, 2007, 04:51:48 PM
Good to see flo posting not just about himself.

Que  ???
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on May 20, 2007, 04:55:43 PM
Do you think that if you moved this to the
ask away section, we'd spam it less?

Good to see flo posting not just about himself.

Que  ???

Today, his posts are less self centered than usual.
I think this is a good thing. He's in a good mood
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on May 20, 2007, 05:22:13 PM
Do you think that if you moved this to the
ask away section, we'd spam it less?

Good to see flo posting not just about himself.

Que  ???

Today, his posts are less self centered than usual.
I think this is a good thing. He's in a good mood

Must be the ginsing
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 20, 2007, 05:58:03 PM
is it ever appropriate to write you'd had in a sentence?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on May 20, 2007, 05:59:57 PM
is it ever appropriate to write you'd had in a sentence?

No, why ??
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 20, 2007, 06:30:14 PM
is it ever appropriate to write you'd had in a sentence?

You’d is the contraction for both “you would” and “you had.”  I can't think of a sentence with "you had had" but if you can think of one, then you could properly use "you'd had" in its place.  If you used "you would had" then you would need a "have" in there, I think, so it would be "you'd have had" as in, "You'd have had a chance in the race, but you pulled your hamstring."

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 20, 2007, 06:31:48 PM
What?  Did I hear secret and closet?

You fuckn closet gay!

I kid!


No, I'm just straight.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 20, 2007, 06:32:09 PM
thank you.

i f i ever come accross the need to say you had had, then i will let you know.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 20, 2007, 06:33:51 PM
Do you think that if you moved this to the
ask away section, we'd spam it less?

No, but if we took the sticky off it, then it might drift off the first page.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on May 20, 2007, 06:45:46 PM
Do you think that if you moved this to the
ask away section, we'd spam it less?

No, but if we took the sticky off it, then it might drift off the first page.

Would that be a good thing?

Why IS this the right place for your thread?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 20, 2007, 06:59:36 PM
Do you think that if you moved this to the
ask away section, we'd spam it less?

No, but if we took the sticky off it, then it might drift off the first page.

Would that be a good thing?

Why IS this the right place for your thread?
she doesn't want to answer too many personal questions.  she has her reasons.
but she may be the most intelligent person here and has no problem answering technical questions.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on May 20, 2007, 07:24:04 PM
Or cooking ones.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on May 20, 2007, 07:25:29 PM
Or cooking ones.
Cooking is chemistry and physics....
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on May 20, 2007, 07:26:31 PM
Or cooking ones.
Cooking is chemistry and physics....

Underneath perhaps, but in truth, like spam,
it is an art.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on May 20, 2007, 07:28:27 PM
Or cooking ones.
Cooking is chemistry and physics....

Underneath perhaps, but in truth, like spam,
it is an art.

Your spam obsession makes me wonder if you're a Mont Python nut.  ::)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on May 20, 2007, 07:30:42 PM
Python's okay, but spam is better.
It's perhaps the only thing they got

I actually have a collection of 1000's
of spam messages in my mail.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 20, 2007, 07:49:39 PM
Or cooking ones.
Cooking is chemistry and physics....
yeah, you dipshit!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Litigious on May 21, 2007, 01:11:29 AM
is it ever appropriate to write you'd had in a sentence?

You’d is the contraction for both “you would” and “you had.”  I can't think of a sentence with "you had had" but if you can think of one, then you could properly use "you'd had" in its place.  If you used "you would had" then you would need a "have" in there, I think, so it would be "you'd have had" as in, "You'd have had a chance in the race, but you pulled your hamstring."

"You had had" is plusquamperfectum, "pluperfect". The first "had" is imperfectum or preteritum depending on which kind of grammar you've learnt; the second one is perfectum. The first "had" is a so called "help verb" to the second, because in English both the imperfectum and the perfectum form of "have" is "had". In Swedish the first "had" would be "hade" and the second" haft", together "hade haft", which is plusquamperfectum or, shorter, pluperfect. It's just unusual to use that form in English but not impossible.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on May 21, 2007, 01:14:11 AM
"You had had" is plusquamperfectum, "pluperfect". The first "had" is imperfectum or preteritum depending on which kind of grammar you've learnt; the second one is perfectum. The first "had" is a so called "help verb" to the second, because in English both the imperfectum and the perfectum form of "have" is "had". In Swedish the first "had" would be "hade" and the second" haft", together "hade haft", which is plusquamperfectum or, shorter, pluperfect. It's just unusual to use that form in English but not impossible.

I'm hoping that you're just high, and making
these words up.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 21, 2007, 05:20:36 AM
is it ever appropriate to write you'd had in a sentence?

You’d is the contraction for both “you would” and “you had.”  I can't think of a sentence with "you had had" but if you can think of one, then you could properly use "you'd had" in its place.  If you used "you would had" then you would need a "have" in there, I think, so it would be "you'd have had" as in, "You'd have had a chance in the race, but you pulled your hamstring."

"You had had" is plusquamperfectum, "pluperfect". The first "had" is imperfectum or preteritum depending on which kind of grammar you've learnt; the second one is perfectum. The first "had" is a so called "help verb" to the second, because in English both the imperfectum and the perfectum form of "have" is "had". In Swedish the first "had" would be "hade" and the second" haft", together "hade haft", which is plusquamperfectum or, shorter, pluperfect. It's just unusual to use that form in English but not impossible.

Litigious,  You'd had me at plusquamperfectum.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Litigious on May 21, 2007, 05:24:55 AM
"You had had" is plusquamperfectum, "pluperfect". The first "had" is imperfectum or preteritum depending on which kind of grammar you've learnt; the second one is perfectum. The first "had" is a so called "help verb" to the second, because in English both the imperfectum and the perfectum form of "have" is "had". In Swedish the first "had" would be "hade" and the second" haft", together "hade haft", which is plusquamperfectum or, shorter, pluperfect. It's just unusual to use that form in English but not impossible.

I'm hoping that you're just high, and making
these words up.

No, those are Latin words, that we use in the Swedish school when we learn grammar.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Litigious on May 21, 2007, 05:26:27 AM
By the way, do you know the ancient Gothic word for "had"? "Habadedeima"!  8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Litigious on May 21, 2007, 05:39:19 AM
It's really interesting, if you have ethymology as one of your obsessions. In "habadedeima" you can find both the root or branch or what you call the "core" of the word in English for Swedish "hade" ("had") and German "haben" ("have"). The Nordic languages and German have much more in common with the Protogermanic language than English has; the Protogermanic had the ending -an for the infinite form of verbs; only Swedish and German still have traces of that; Swedish verbs still have the "a" and German still has the "n"; English "burn" in the transitive meaning is "bränna" in Swedish and "brennen" in German. In Protogerman the word likely was "brannjan". Got it?  8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 21, 2007, 05:41:04 AM
didn't you understand this:

Litigious,  You'd had me at plusquamperfectum.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Litigious on May 21, 2007, 05:47:57 AM
Sorry, I was just in a mode of babbling about my language obsession.  8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 21, 2007, 05:50:15 AM
Sorry, I was just in a mode of babbling about my language obsession.  8)
i hear you language iq is at about 200.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Litigious on May 21, 2007, 06:04:56 AM
Sorry, I was just in a mode of babbling about my language obsession.  8)
i hear you language iq is at about 200.

It is. But I actually didn't want to brag, I just thought it was fun to tell these things.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Litigious on May 21, 2007, 06:06:22 AM
On the other hand my EQ is 67.  :-\
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 21, 2007, 06:51:43 AM
is it ever appropriate to write you'd had in a sentence?

You’d is the contraction for both “you would” and “you had.”  I can't think of a sentence with "you had had" but if you can think of one, then you could properly use "you'd had" in its place.  If you used "you would had" then you would need a "have" in there, I think, so it would be "you'd have had" as in, "You'd have had a chance in the race, but you pulled your hamstring."

"You had had" is plusquamperfectum, "pluperfect". The first "had" is imperfectum or preteritum depending on which kind of grammar you've learnt; the second one is perfectum. The first "had" is a so called "help verb" to the second, because in English both the imperfectum and the perfectum form of "have" is "had". In Swedish the first "had" would be "hade" and the second" haft", together "hade haft", which is plusquamperfectum or, shorter, pluperfect. It's just unusual to use that form in English but not impossible.

Thanks, Litigious.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on May 21, 2007, 07:09:59 AM
If you'd had to explain any more of that, Lit, my brain might have exploded. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Litigious on May 21, 2007, 07:19:36 AM
If you'd had to explain any more of that, Lit, my brain might have exploded. 

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on May 21, 2007, 01:41:41 PM
If you'd had to explain any more of that, Lit, my brain might have exploded. 

Mine did. It hurts even more to see how much latin I'm
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Teejay on May 22, 2007, 03:20:53 AM
On the other hand my EQ is 67.  :-\

Better than mine which was 57 using this test
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on May 22, 2007, 03:23:40 AM
I got a might 75 on it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on May 22, 2007, 11:06:04 AM
I got a 78, but that wasonly the self-report part of it.  I'm not sure how I did on the knowledge-based part, but I think I probably did better on that.  I wasn't confused by most of the knowledge-based questions, save for the fact that I didn't see anything being extremely high on effectiveness in the personal probelm solution parts.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Leto729 on May 22, 2007, 05:39:06 PM
On the other hand my EQ is 67.  :-\

Better than mine which was 57 using this test
I got 78.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on May 23, 2007, 03:42:25 PM
I got a 71.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 23, 2007, 06:51:03 PM
i didn't try yet, but i am hoping for a 69.

is that good?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on May 24, 2007, 04:17:32 PM
Mine is 74. Woo, I'm practically an NT, I'm in the 4th percentile. Yay me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on May 24, 2007, 04:58:11 PM
Guys, remember- the free report is only ONE SCALE.  Calling it your actual EQ qould be rather like calling your MBTI personality type "introverted something something something."
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 25, 2007, 11:28:13 AM
caught myself again.  lol
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on May 25, 2007, 12:47:56 PM
Guys, remember- the free report is only ONE SCALE.  Calling it your actual EQ qould be rather like calling your MBTI personality type "introverted something something something."

Oh, I've taken that test. I'm something something something something.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 25, 2007, 12:48:37 PM
Guys, remember- the free report is only ONE SCALE.  Calling it your actual EQ qould be rather like calling your MBTI personality type "introverted something something something."

Oh, I've taken that test. I'm something something something something.


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on May 27, 2007, 07:04:47 AM
Guys, remember- the free report is only ONE SCALE.  Calling it your actual EQ qould be rather like calling your MBTI personality type "introverted something something something."

Oh, I've taken that test. I'm something something something something.



I concur.  +
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on May 27, 2007, 05:51:12 PM
How is it you put up with me? Fuck fuck fuck lol
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on May 27, 2007, 05:55:52 PM
How is it you put up with me? Fuck fuck fuck lol

What choice do we have?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 27, 2007, 06:02:36 PM
How is it you put up with me? Fuck fuck fuck lol

What choice do we have?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on May 27, 2007, 08:58:47 PM
i didn't try yet, but i am hoping for a 69.

is that good?
I think that answer just gave away your real EQ score!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on May 28, 2007, 12:36:26 AM
How is it you put up with me? Fuck fuck fuck lol

We don't.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on May 29, 2007, 03:19:06 PM
Ha hah funny.  My mood is so high, I just laugh.

Fuck me and my excuses for lack of editing.  If I have time to post then I must have time for editing.  It does my dream a reality when I do as its mental exercise.  I have desire to be all that I can be, in mind and body.  I am not done, so STFU!

As I said no being nice 100 percent, that is just not me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on May 29, 2007, 07:26:16 PM
Ha hah funny.  My mood is so high, I just laugh.

Fuck me and my excuses for lack of editing.  If I have time to post then I must have time for editing.  It does my dream a reality when I do as its mental exercise.  I have desire to be all that I can be, in mind and body.  I am not done, so STFU!

As I said no being nice 100 percent, that is just not me.

Randy's starting his upswing. He makes a LITTLE more sense now. Must be out of ginsing.  ::)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on May 29, 2007, 08:51:30 PM
Callaway, are you a patient person?  You seem very level headed, or at least able to get your point across even when steamed the very least.
Do you ever go on rampages...or at least your version of one?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 29, 2007, 08:58:54 PM
Callaway, are you a patient person?  You seem very level headed, or at least able to get your point across even when steamed the very least.
Do you ever go on rampages...or at least your version of one?

Yes, I am usually patient and level headed, but my patience has limits.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on May 29, 2007, 09:04:33 PM
Callaway, are you a patient person?  You seem very level headed, or at least able to get your point across even when steamed the very least.
Do you ever go on rampages...or at least your version of one?

Yes, I am usually patient and level headed, but my patience has limits.
I just wondered.  I got told the other day that in person I come across as very calm and in control and it always surprises me when people say it...but I guess there is a point where that all goes a bit pear-shaped for me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 29, 2007, 10:01:48 PM
My daughter was very sick when she was a baby, but we did not know what was wrong until she was a few days old.  Then almost every time a doctor came into my hospital room to talk, it was more bad news.  Apparently my daughter's pediatrician told my husband that she was concerned because I was taking the news too well.  Of course I was distressed that my daughter had these problems and that she would need open heart surgery before she was a year old and if we were lucky we might get her weight up to ten pounds before she had the surgery so it would be easier for her, but if I had just fallen apart, what good would that have been for my daughter? 

I did have a meltdown when I took her to the emergency room at the children's hospital just before she had to have the open heart surgery when she was three weeks old and the emergency room doctor who wanted to examine her coughed into his hands and then he wanted me to hand her to him, but he didn't wash his hands.  The problem with that was that my daughter had congestive heart failure and I had been told that a cold could kill her, so I told him to go wash his hands.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on May 29, 2007, 10:06:02 PM
You sound somewhat like my wife,
before she collapsed. A source of
strength to us all.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on May 29, 2007, 10:21:10 PM
My daughter was very sick when she was a baby, but we did not know what was wrong until she was a few days old.  Then almost every time a doctor came into my hospital room to talk, it was more bad news.  Apparently my daughter's pediatrician told my husband that she was concerned because I was taking the news too well.  Of course I was distressed that my daughter had these problems and that she would need open heart surgery before she was a year old and if we were lucky we might get her weight up to ten pounds before she had the surgery so it would be easier for her, but if I had just fallen apart, what good would that have been for my daughter? 

I did have a meltdown when I took her to the emergency room at the children's hospital just before she had to have the open heart surgery when she was three weeks old and the emergency room doctor who wanted to examine her coughed into his hands and then he wanted me to hand her to him, but he didn't wash his hands.  The problem with that was that my daughter had congestive heart failure and I had been told that a cold could kill her, so I told him to go wash his hands.
I relate to that completely. 
Funnily enough though, despite keeping it together for others in times of crisis, I can lose my head completely, if for example, shoes (insert relevant piece of whatever) that I want to wear aren't where I can find them.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 30, 2007, 05:15:58 PM
when you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 30, 2007, 05:47:06 PM
when you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A chemical engineer or an English teacher.

I quickly learned that I did not want to be an English teacher when I took honors English in college.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 30, 2007, 05:48:51 PM
why did you want to become a chemical engineer?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 30, 2007, 06:02:08 PM
Because I thought that I would be good at it.  My best subjects were math and science, including chemistry, and English before I went to college.

Why I ever thought I would be a good English teacher, I have no idea, but I always got straight A's in English, math and all the science classes I ever took and I particularly enjoyed chemistry, so I thought chemical engineering would make good use of my talents.  That is why I majored in chemical engineering. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 30, 2007, 06:03:18 PM
excuse me for being dense, but, what does a chemical engineer do?

do they make cleaning supplies?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 30, 2007, 06:16:09 PM
excuse me for being dense, but, what does a chemical engineer do?

do they make cleaning supplies?

They could work for a company that makes cleaning supplies, like Dow Chemicals.

They could work for any manufacturer of chemicals, to design a process to manufacture the chemicals on a large scale.

They could work for any company that uses chemical processes, like a paper or plastics manufacturer, for example, or an oil refinery.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 30, 2007, 06:17:37 PM

switching gears:

i have noticed that you usually have a swift response to mention of the female cycle.

do you suffer with severe cramps?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 30, 2007, 06:33:42 PM

switching gears:

i have noticed that you usually have a swift response to mention of the female cycle.

do you suffer with severe cramps?

Yes, I have endometriosis (, so I get really bad cramps.  I take Ponstel for them now, so they aren't as bad as they used to be when I took other things like Equagesic, which did not really help the cramps much at all and just made me goofy.  Even fairly strong pain medication did not really help that much, but Ponstel does.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 30, 2007, 06:38:22 PM
so i now understand that the subject is personal for you.

i cannot guarantee that i won't make light of the subject again.  but i will try to be more respectful in the future.  because you have certainly earned my respect over the last year.  :)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 30, 2007, 06:51:37 PM
so i now understand that the subject is personal for you.

i cannot guarantee that i won't make light of the subject again.  but i will try to be more respectful in the future.  because you have certainly earned my respect over the last year.  :)


Before I had my daughter, I had some large ovarian cysts, one of which ruptured, so the doctor put me on fairly strong birth control pills to stop me from ovulating.  I could not believe the feelings of rage that overwhelmed me over relatively minor things, like when someone cut me off in traffic, for example.  I wonder if women who have really bad PMS feel like I felt on those birth control pills.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on May 30, 2007, 06:54:46 PM
so i now understand that the subject is personal for you.

i cannot guarantee that i won't make light of the subject again.  but i will try to be more respectful in the future.  because you have certainly earned my respect over the last year.  :)


Before I had my daughter, I had some large ovarian cysts, one of which ruptured, so the doctor put me on fairly strong birth control pills to stop me from ovulating.  I could not believe the feelings of rage that overwhelmed me over relatively minor things, like when someone cut me off in traffic, for example.  I wonder if women who have really bad PMS feel like I felt on those birth control pills.
Yes, they do - I have tried several times to take the pill and it is like I have a complete personality transplant. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on May 30, 2007, 07:01:05 PM
I guess we all have different experiences on the pill, for the short time I could take it I was over the moon with it- no painful cramps, no PMS to speak off at all.  It wasn't worth the pay off though :\
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 30, 2007, 07:03:04 PM
so i now understand that the subject is personal for you.

i cannot guarantee that i won't make light of the subject again.  but i will try to be more respectful in the future.  because you have certainly earned my respect over the last year.  :)


Before I had my daughter, I had some large ovarian cysts, one of which ruptured, so the doctor put me on fairly strong birth control pills to stop me from ovulating.  I could not believe the feelings of rage that overwhelmed me over relatively minor things, like when someone cut me off in traffic, for example.  I wonder if women who have really bad PMS feel like I felt on those birth control pills.
Yes, they do - I have tried several times to take the pill and it is like I have a complete personality transplant. 

I told the doctor about the problem, but he explained that the birth control pills were the best option for me at the time, because I wanted to preserve my ability to have a baby, but I was in no position to get pregnant right then and I wouldn't have been able to anyway.  I and everyone else around me suffered through my insane hormones and I tried my best to keep control of my actions.  It was so nice to be able to stop taking the pill when I wanted to have my daughter.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 30, 2007, 07:03:59 PM
I guess we all have different experiences on the pill, for the short time I could take it I was over the moon with it- no painful cramps, no PMS to speak off at all.  It wasn't worth the pay off though :\

What happened?  Why wasn't it worth the payoff?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on May 30, 2007, 07:05:43 PM
so i now understand that the subject is personal for you.

i cannot guarantee that i won't make light of the subject again.  but i will try to be more respectful in the future.  because you have certainly earned my respect over the last year.  :)


Before I had my daughter, I had some large ovarian cysts, one of which ruptured, so the doctor put me on fairly strong birth control pills to stop me from ovulating.  I could not believe the feelings of rage that overwhelmed me over relatively minor things, like when someone cut me off in traffic, for example.  I wonder if women who have really bad PMS feel like I felt on those birth control pills.
Yes, they do - I have tried several times to take the pill and it is like I have a complete personality transplant. 

I told the doctor about the problem, but he explained that the birth control pills were the best option for me at the time, because I wanted to preserve my ability to have a baby, but I was in no position to get pregnant right then and I wouldn't have been able to anyway.  I and everyone else around me suffered through my insane hormones and I tried my best to keep control of my actions.  It was so nice to be able to stop taking the pill when I wanted to have my daughter.
The pill definitely wasn't even worth all the crap for me.  I fell pregnant on it also....which is amazing that anyone would have had sex with such a mean vicious bitch at the time!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on May 30, 2007, 07:08:10 PM
I guess we all have different experiences on the pill, for the short time I could take it I was over the moon with it- no painful cramps, no PMS to speak off at all.  It wasn't worth the pay off though :\

What happened?  Why wasn't it worth the payoff?

I enjoyed not having cramps etc. The payoff though= a blood clot- 1 week in intensive care, 1 week on a general ward, 6 months on warfarin with regular blood tests and finally having to inject myself with heparin everyday for the last 6 weeks of each of my pregnancies and 6 weeks postnatally.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 30, 2007, 07:12:34 PM
I guess we all have different experiences on the pill, for the short time I could take it I was over the moon with it- no painful cramps, no PMS to speak off at all.  It wasn't worth the pay off though :\

What happened?  Why wasn't it worth the payoff?

I enjoyed not having cramps etc. The payoff though= a blood clot- 1 week in intensive care, 1 week on a general ward, 6 months on warfarin with regular blood tests and finally having to inject myself with heparin everyday for the last 6 weeks of each of my pregnancies and 6 weeks postnatally.

I'm so sorry.  Do you have to take anything now to keep your blood from clotting, like aspirin?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 30, 2007, 07:14:44 PM
so i now understand that the subject is personal for you.

i cannot guarantee that i won't make light of the subject again.  but i will try to be more respectful in the future.  because you have certainly earned my respect over the last year.  :)


Before I had my daughter, I had some large ovarian cysts, one of which ruptured, so the doctor put me on fairly strong birth control pills to stop me from ovulating.  I could not believe the feelings of rage that overwhelmed me over relatively minor things, like when someone cut me off in traffic, for example.  I wonder if women who have really bad PMS feel like I felt on those birth control pills.
Yes, they do - I have tried several times to take the pill and it is like I have a complete personality transplant. 

I told the doctor about the problem, but he explained that the birth control pills were the best option for me at the time, because I wanted to preserve my ability to have a baby, but I was in no position to get pregnant right then and I wouldn't have been able to anyway.  I and everyone else around me suffered through my insane hormones and I tried my best to keep control of my actions.  It was so nice to be able to stop taking the pill when I wanted to have my daughter.
The pill definitely wasn't even worth all the crap for me.  I fell pregnant on it also....which is amazing that anyone would have had sex with such a mean vicious bitch at the time!

Wow!  I got pregnant the first month I came off the pill, which was completely astounding to me, given my problems.  I can't imagine getting pregnant on the pill.  Did you keep the baby?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on May 30, 2007, 07:20:08 PM
I guess we all have different experiences on the pill, for the short time I could take it I was over the moon with it- no painful cramps, no PMS to speak off at all.  It wasn't worth the pay off though :\

What happened?  Why wasn't it worth the payoff?

I enjoyed not having cramps etc. The payoff though= a blood clot- 1 week in intensive care, 1 week on a general ward, 6 months on warfarin with regular blood tests and finally having to inject myself with heparin everyday for the last 6 weeks of each of my pregnancies and 6 weeks postnatally.

I'm so sorry.  Do you have to take anything now to keep your blood from clotting, like aspirin?

No- during pregnancy and the postnatal period I had to take heparin because the pregnancy hormones made me more susceptible to blood clots given my history.  I was tested after my blood clot though and I don't have a genetic pre-disposition to blood clots so it was simply the pill that caused it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on May 30, 2007, 07:27:03 PM
I went into early labour and lost the baby.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 30, 2007, 07:27:49 PM
I went into early labour and lost the baby.

I'm so sorry.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on May 30, 2007, 07:28:30 PM
So sorry to hear that :'(
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on May 30, 2007, 07:31:06 PM
I went into early labour and lost the baby.

I'm so sorry.
That's OK, it was a long time ago and I answered because it was a direct question.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on May 31, 2007, 02:10:49 PM
Alright you fuck, chew on this. In response to you saying I am easy to tie up,  you want to tie me up and I would let you. I bet that shut your fuckn ass up. Ha hah! How do you like them apples, cunt bag, both of them golden delicious?             What you dont like that?, suck me! I have discipline and Jessica is going to get it, although not what she wants. When people fuck with me, like that cunt fucker is doing now, I do nasty, terrible, cruel, and "WICKED" things. I get rather insensitive and it gets messy. Sorta like body parts everywhere. I may use humor to hold her naked ass up for public hummilation. I already started, as the poison flows to the heart, I get off on the pain. I teased other women before because they would not lay off. They threw stuff at me, and then bothered me some more. I then flicked fake cum at them. I generally respect you, so those comments are null, almost like my patients for someone. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on May 31, 2007, 02:59:25 PM
Lots of truama there. ::)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 31, 2007, 03:38:56 PM
randy, you are dead to me.
yes i said daid.

no not a vegetative state.  no not a coma.  you are dead.

how dou you like those black and white thinking apples.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on May 31, 2007, 04:04:01 PM
Mong. You are a total waste of fuckn jizz.  :wanker:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 31, 2007, 05:02:19 PM
Alright you fuck, chew on this. In response to you saying I am easy to tie up,  you want to tie me up and I would let you. I bet that shut your fuckn ass up. Ha hah! How do you like them apples, cunt bag, both of them golden delicious?             What you dont like that?, suck me! I have discipline and Jessica is going to get it, although not what she wants. When people fuck with me, like that cunt fucker is doing now, I do nasty, terrible, cruel, and "WICKED" things. I get rather insensitive and it gets messy. Sorta like body parts everywhere. I may use humor to hold her naked ass up for public hummilation. I already started, as the poison flows to the heart, I get off on the pain. I teased other women before because they would not lay off. They threw stuff at me, and then bothered me some more. I then flicked fake cum at them. I generally respect you, so those comments are null, almost like my patients for someone. 

Good, after I tied you up, I would take you straight to your doctor.  Maybe he can talk some sense to you and you will start taking your Abilify again.  You need to actually take it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on May 31, 2007, 05:25:00 PM
Callaway would you marry Randy?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on May 31, 2007, 05:42:28 PM
Callaway would you marry Randy?

I doubt she'd get the chance. Now that Randy and Jessica are over, there must be a line a mile long to be Randy's next bitch.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on May 31, 2007, 05:53:29 PM
Callaway would you marry Randy?

I doubt she'd get the chance. Now that Randy and Jessica are over, there must be a line a mile long to be Randy's next bitch.  :laugh:
True, but some things are just so good, they are worth waiting for!  ;)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 31, 2007, 06:17:33 PM
Callaway would you marry Randy?

I'm already married, Blue Ball of Light, but you aren't currently attached, are you?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Teejay on May 31, 2007, 08:24:07 PM
When people fuck with me, like that cunt fucker is doing now, I do nasty, terrible, cruel, and "WICKED" things. I get rather insensitive and it gets messy. Sorta like body parts everywhere. I may use humor to hold her naked ass up for public hummilation. I already started, as the poison flows to the heart, I get off on the pain. I teased other women before because they would not lay off. They threw stuff at me, and then bothered me some more. I then flicked fake cum at them. I generally respect you, so those comments are null, almost like my patients for someone. 

It seems like you have committed lewd acts at women in the past and they understandably reacted to your acts
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on May 31, 2007, 09:11:43 PM
Callaway would you marry Randy?

I'm already married, Blue Ball of Light, but you aren't currently attached, are you?


i'm flattered and a little turned on is what i am! :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 31, 2007, 09:14:01 PM
Callaway would you marry Randy?

I'm already married, Blue Ball of Light, but you aren't currently attached, are you?


i'm flattered and a little turned on is what i am! :laugh:

Good answer!   :laugh:

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on May 31, 2007, 09:16:21 PM
i'd plus you back but i already plussed you! :green: :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on May 31, 2007, 11:09:14 PM
I see that Randy can't post and jack off at the same time.  :wanker: Must be too much going on at once.  :wanker:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on May 31, 2007, 11:20:54 PM
Who the fuck is blue ball of light?, all that plussing, why don't you fuck each other? I study, exercise, and work so no comments can affect me. I am doing my best, so why should I give a fuck about the two cunts? Three... Lol my sensitivity, gossiping, singing, modeling, and now gardening.<How gay is an herb garden with potent medicines in it? Maybe some weed or ginseng, something like that.> Now don't go posting naked women porn, you know how I would cry, well eyes would water.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on May 31, 2007, 11:43:29 PM
Only 45 more posts to go Randy and you're officialy 5150.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on May 31, 2007, 11:43:31 PM
Jessus fuckn christ, I made a joke and so I need meds? Leave me alone! You take me to that doctor and he will be fuckn ko!, jokes people, man your  AS is bad. You need meds, so I have to get upset looking at you. I gave my mom abilify for her to take, as its good for depressed fat bipolar patrons. I am not fat and not on meds what is that about? Yeah, I am so unstable. Mom's workes said hospitalization for her. I am so stable, I had room to have tears in my eyes. What is that about? What meds do take? Maybe I should hound you about taking more because you still do AS things. TAKE YOUR MEDS CALLAWAY, YOU MAKE ME UPSET. YOU KNOW, YOU COULD GET BACK AT ME WITH PORN POSTING, BECAUSE I AM AN SEXUALLY OBESSED WANKER WHO NEEDS TO CUT BACK.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on May 31, 2007, 11:46:15 PM
How's this for you Randy??

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on June 01, 2007, 05:11:08 AM
Who the fuck is blue ball of light?, all that plussing, why don't you fuck each other?

And send pics.  :eyebrows:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on June 01, 2007, 10:02:04 AM
Oh the pain, now I have to jack off! :wanker:  I am in the libary, what shall I ever do?  I could not see the avitar on my camera phone last night, but now I know who blue ball of what the fuck is.  I don't know if you got that, but it was reverse psychology. Either Callaway is too smart for that low level technique or she missed that post.  Bitch!

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on June 01, 2007, 10:08:26 AM
What's your problem with Callaway then? What has she ever done to deserve singling out by you??
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on June 01, 2007, 10:14:23 AM
Cum on, I am just clowning around.  If you don't get it, I get bored and walk away.  How appropiate is it for me to be serious when I want to be a healer?

PI, come on no hard feelings, k?

I am changed person now, and if you don't believe me, watch for yourself.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on June 01, 2007, 10:20:46 AM
So you were joking when you called her a 'bitch'?  If you want people to believe you're a changed person (and changed for the better) it might go better for you if you don't seem to be attacking random people for no reason.

I have no problem with you Randy, but I think Callaway deserves more respect.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on June 01, 2007, 10:37:04 AM
Well no shit!

Callaway is one of the nicest people I have met in a long time.  Mom is mean half the time, dad don't care, I am even neglected by doctors.

How is this?
/me bows down to Callaway.  I have been doing that alot lately because I thinks its proper sign of respect, and I couple it with a smile.  Its exercise for my abs to.

You know who is a bitch?  My girflriend, I mean she likes wolves so much, and there a  like a dog which is a female dog.  She is quite a "Bitch" Sometimes, and those are the times when I act in professional manner to help her.  I generally say I don't want to argue, as it does not help you.  I don't Care about that 50 year old man you are daiting, I care about you.

So you don't feel left out,
/me bows down to purposefulinsanity.  You are also one of the nicest people I have met in a long time.

Do you understand what that means to a person with Complex Post truamatic stress disorder?  Do you know how tiring and at times annoying it is?  You do, by that awful pm I sent you.  I appologize again for that.  I bet you learned something from that, the same way I learned from my spats with Jessica.

Your not a gorilla, your a smart person with AS, just like my girlfriend.  You may eat bananas alot, but your certainly not a gorilla.  You do know that was a joke, sexual in nature don't you?  I bet you did.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on June 01, 2007, 10:40:40 AM
 :plus: For that post.

You don't need to apologise again about that PM- I already accepted your apology.

I understand that you have a lot to cope with and I sincerely hope you are successful with your own way of dealing with it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on June 01, 2007, 10:55:23 AM
Jessus fuckn christ, you are making me emotional, seriously.  Fuckn tears!

That is the punishment I get for a good mood, well punishment at first, because it feels good after.

Thanks again for that PI.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on June 01, 2007, 11:43:10 AM
Cum on, I am just clowning around.  If you don't get it, I get bored and walk away.  How appropiate is it for me to be serious when I want to be a healer?

Flo, you're a moron. You'll never heal anyone if you can't get it into your head that you need to help yourself first. Take. The. Fucking. Meds.

EDIT: And I mean this in the nicest possible way.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 01, 2007, 02:15:56 PM

  If you don't get it, I get bored and walk away.

i don't get it.
is that a promise.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on June 01, 2007, 02:27:16 PM
I don't get it either.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 01, 2007, 02:29:39 PM
hey, great randini, there are at least two of us that do not get it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on June 01, 2007, 02:37:31 PM
I haven't gotten it for quite some time.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on June 01, 2007, 02:43:44 PM
Not getting it here.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on June 01, 2007, 02:50:30 PM
There's only one honorable thing to do now, Flo.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Litigious on June 01, 2007, 02:53:21 PM
Taking his meds?  ???
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on June 01, 2007, 03:01:37 PM
Fighting against oppression.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 01, 2007, 03:03:22 PM
walk away.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on June 01, 2007, 03:32:04 PM
He said it, we didn't.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on June 01, 2007, 04:18:16 PM
I see no reason for Randy to leave. He fights against demons only he can see. He's delusional, but I give him a free pass because he's so obviously fucked up.

His drooling fits of madness and attacks are merely entertaining.

You have to feel sorry for his family members, especially his sister, who have to deal with his shit IRL though.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on June 01, 2007, 05:52:43 PM
Florence rules.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 01, 2007, 06:12:56 PM
I see no reason for Randy to leave. He fights against demons only he can see. He's delusional, but I give him a free pass because he's so obviously fucked up.

His drooling fits of madness and attacks are merely entertaining.

You have to feel sorry for his family members, especially his sister, who have to deal with his shit IRL though.
my problem is when he attacks perhaps the nicest person alive....callaway.

why would he do it?

i submit to you that he did it because he craves attention so much that he would so anything to get it.  even if the attention is negative.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on June 01, 2007, 06:41:28 PM
I thought where he placed one of his ramblings was extremely insensitive also and have tried to remind myself that if he honestly could do that with no conscience, he must be worth only pity.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 01, 2007, 06:44:12 PM
I thought where he placed one of his ramblings was extremely insensitive also and have tried to remind myself that if he honestly could do that with no conscience, he must be worth only pity.
i used to care a little.

but i have learned to write him off.

we all have tried to help, but he doesn't want to help himself.  so i say, "to hell with him."
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on June 01, 2007, 06:48:48 PM
my problem is when he attacks perhaps the nicest person alive....callaway.

why would he do it?

i submit to you that he did it because he craves attention so much that he would so anything to get it.  even if the attention is negative.

I've stated the he exibits Borderline Personality Disorder traits. I'm not sure if an expert would agree [cough]PMS Elle[/cough]

I don't buy the 100% nice girl imige that Callaway has. "Don't drink, don't smoke, what do you do??" There's a bit of bad girl in her.... I just haven't found out how to dig it out of her yet.

The only truly nice people I've met are stupid. Callaway isn't stupid.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 01, 2007, 06:56:46 PM
my problem is when he attacks perhaps the nicest person alive....callaway.

why would he do it?

i submit to you that he did it because he craves attention so much that he would so anything to get it.  even if the attention is negative.

I've stated the he exibits Borderline Personality Disorder traits. I'm not sure if an expert would agree [cough]PMS Elle[/cough]

I don't buy the 100% nice girl imige that Callaway has. "Don't drink, don't smoke, what do you do??" There's a bit of bad girl in her.... I just haven't found out how to dig it out of her yet.

The only truly nice people I've met are stupid. Callaway isn't stupid.
wow scrap, when i met you IRL, you seemed to me like a very nice person.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on June 01, 2007, 07:02:34 PM
Yes, but I'm not 100% nice, I have a bad boy side to me and I bet Callaway has a bad girl side to her. I'd just like to see it to know the whole person.

I don't believe that people are Black or White, we all are some shade of grey.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 01, 2007, 07:09:20 PM
Yes, but I'm not 100% nice, I have a bad boy side to me and I bet Callaway has a bad girl side to her. I'd just like to see it to know the whole person.

I don't believe that people are Black or White, we all are some shade of grey.
so what if she has a darker side. n maybe she has some kinks in her armour.
all i know for sure is that she gives respect to people first, until they show that they aren't worthy of her respect.
\that to me says alot about a person.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 01, 2007, 07:15:48 PM
I see no reason for Randy to leave. He fights against demons only he can see. He's delusional, but I give him a free pass because he's so obviously fucked up.

His drooling fits of madness and attacks are merely entertaining.

You have to feel sorry for his family members, especially his sister, who have to deal with his shit IRL though.
my problem is when he attacks perhaps the nicest person alive....callaway.

why would he do it?

i submit to you that he did it because he craves attention so much that he would so anything to get it.  even if the attention is negative.

I think he is upset with me because I said he needs to actually take his Abilify and he does not like to hear that he needs to take his meds.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 01, 2007, 07:23:51 PM
yes you did.  but who hasn't?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 01, 2007, 07:36:35 PM

I don't buy the 100% nice girl imige that Callaway has. "Don't drink, don't smoke, what do you do??" There's a bit of bad girl in her.... I just haven't found out how to dig it out of her yet.

The only truly nice people I've met are stupid. Callaway isn't stupid.

Yes, but I'm not 100% nice, I have a bad boy side to me and I bet Callaway has a bad girl side to her. I'd just like to see it to know the whole person.

I don't believe that people are Black or White, we all are some shade of grey.

I have already told you that I have my limits, Scrapheap.  

If for example, you came to my house and tried to physically harm my daughter, I would do my best to protect her and hurt you.  If deadly force were needed to protect her, I would kill you without any hesitation whatsoever.

Thanks for your vote of confidence as to my intelligence, but there are a lot of people here who are both kind and intelligent.  

If you can't see them, that says more about you than it says about them.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Leto729 on June 01, 2007, 08:51:52 PM
Yes, but I'm not 100% nice, I have a bad boy side to me and I bet Callaway has a bad girl side to her. I'd just like to see it to know the whole person.

I don't believe that people are Black or White, we all are some shade of grey.
I am Black or White I have no gray.
I see no reason for Randy to leave. He fights against demons only he can see. He's delusional, but I give him a free pass because he's so obviously fucked up.

His drooling fits of madness and attacks are merely entertaining.

You have to feel sorry for his family members, especially his sister, who have to deal with his shit IRL though.
my problem is when he attacks perhaps the nicest person alive....callaway.

why would he do it?

i submit to you that he did it because he craves attention so much that he would so anything to get it.  even if the attention is negative.

I think he is upset with me because I said he needs to actually take his Abilify and he does not like to hear that he needs to take his meds.
Take You meds Man.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Leto729 on June 01, 2007, 08:52:55 PM
Florence rules.
He does. :o
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: richard on June 01, 2007, 08:54:53 PM
callaway if you werent married would you hump me :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 01, 2007, 08:55:07 PM
Florence rules.
He does. :o

he rules this:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Leto729 on June 01, 2007, 08:55:24 PM
Thread has really made Me laugh. :LMAO:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Leto729 on June 01, 2007, 08:56:24 PM
Florence rules.
He does. :o

he rules this:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: richard on June 01, 2007, 09:46:47 PM
why is this topic constintly at the top? no offence callaway :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 01, 2007, 09:50:57 PM
why is this topic constintly at the top? no offence callaway :laugh:

None taken, Richard.  Somebody asked me to sticky it so they could find it more easily.  I would be happy to un-sticky it if it staying at the top bothers you.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: richard on June 01, 2007, 09:55:08 PM
oh not at all. it can stay sticky. usually on forums theres a special feature to the side of the topic to let one know it is sticky. i dont see that here, thats alright though :)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on June 01, 2007, 10:59:24 PM
Florence is the enigma.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 01, 2007, 11:00:22 PM
Florence is the enigma.

No, Renaeden is the Enigma.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on June 01, 2007, 11:01:24 PM
I have already told you that I have my limits, Scrapheap. 

If for example, you came to my house and tried to physically harm my daughter, I would do my best to protect her and hurt you.  If deadly force were needed to protect her, I would kill you without any hesitation whatsoever.

Thanks for your vote of confidence as to my intelligence, but there are a lot of people here who are both kind and intelligent. 

If you can't see them, that says more about you than it says about them.

Those 'limits' strike me as well within the limits of what is considered
'nice'. One would probably look at someone who didn't protect their
offspring as being insane, rather than 'nice'.

This makes me curious, what is your faith?
Or is this too personal an issue to discuss?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on June 01, 2007, 11:02:20 PM
why is Renaeden enimaer?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 01, 2007, 11:04:33 PM
This makes me curious, what is your faith?
Or is this too personal an issue to discuss?

I was a Baptist when I was growing up, but I have not gone to church at all since my mother's funeral, nearly five years ago.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on June 01, 2007, 11:07:38 PM
This makes me curious, what is your faith?
Or is this too personal an issue to discuss?

I was a Baptist when I was growing up, but I have not gone to church at all since my mother's funeral, nearly five years ago.

Do you still consider yourself a Christian?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 01, 2007, 11:08:20 PM
why is Renaeden enimaer?

Florence is pretty simple, really.  He needs to take his meds, because he functioned a lot better on them.  If he doesn't, he is going to wind up in a hospital, IMO.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 01, 2007, 11:08:44 PM
This makes me curious, what is your faith?
Or is this too personal an issue to discuss?

I was a Baptist when I was growing up, but I have not gone to church at all since my mother's funeral, nearly five years ago.

Do you still consider yourself a Christian?

Yes, I do.

I have a big problem with intolerant people, however, whether they consider themselves Christians or not.  By intolerant people, I mean people who are so certain that their way is the only way and they put down others who don't share their specific beliefs.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on June 01, 2007, 11:11:21 PM
ok. so what makes Renaeden an enigma?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on June 01, 2007, 11:12:53 PM
Do you feel that your morals are intrinsic,
or is your faith essential to them? I'm
not asking whether the source is God,
but rather if you would maintain them
in some hypothetical situation, if you didn't
believe. I'm not even sure that's an answerable
question though.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 01, 2007, 11:14:05 PM
ok. so what makes Renaeden an enigma?

She is an enigma to me, anyway.  She makes me want to be a better person.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 01, 2007, 11:26:42 PM
Do you feel that your morals are intrinsic,
or is your faith essential to them? I'm
not asking whether the source is God,
but rather if you would maintain them
in some hypothetical situation, if you didn't
believe. I'm not even sure that's an answerable
question though.

That is a difficult question. 

I think that my morals are partially intrinsic and are partially because of the way my parents raised me.  For example, when I was a little kid, one time I took two toys at the dentist instead of just one after my appointment.  I hid the second toy, but when my mother saw it after I got into the car, she sent me right back into the dentist's office, alone, to return both toys.  That was tough for me, but it was the right thing to do.  I think that most moral values exist independently of a belief in a deity.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on June 02, 2007, 03:19:03 AM
Do you feel that your morals are intrinsic,
or is your faith essential to them? I'm
not asking whether the source is God,
but rather if you would maintain them
in some hypothetical situation, if you didn't
believe. I'm not even sure that's an answerable
question though.

That is a difficult question. 

I think that my morals are partially intrinsic and are partially because of the way my parents raised me.  For example, when I was a little kid, one time I took two toys at the dentist instead of just one after my appointment.  I hid the second toy, but when my mother saw it after I got into the car, she sent me right back into the dentist's office, alone, to return both toys.  That was tough for me, but it was the right thing to do.  I think that most moral values exist independently of a belief in a deity.
Interesting concept.  I was bought up with similar values.  I just rebelled on some things as I got older....not that I was a problem for my parents, but generally being a naughty girl appeals to my need to revolt against always being told I had to be a good girl and do the right thing.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on June 02, 2007, 06:33:46 AM
Since religion was brought up-  How do you interpret the Judeo-Christian prohibition on "taking the Lord's name in vain" from the ten commandments?  I know there are different interpretations on it, even different sets of commandments, between Catholics and Protestants; I wonder if you have a unique take on it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 02, 2007, 06:40:57 AM
can i answer:
i think that you are not supposed to use gods name in the same breath as works of the devil.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 02, 2007, 08:17:24 AM
Since religion was brought up-  How do you interpret the Judeo-Christian prohibition on "taking the Lord's name in vain" from the ten commandments?  I know there are different interpretations on it, even different sets of commandments, between Catholics and Protestants; I wonder if you have a unique take on it.

I was never completely clear about this.

I know that Jewish people never use God's name at all.  If they write it they leave out the o, so they write G_d.

What's your point-of-view concerning it?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Litigious on June 02, 2007, 08:24:02 AM
"Thou shalt not misuse the name of God, your Lord, because the Lord won't let the one stay unpunished that misuses His name."

That's an almost literal translation from the Swedish Bible.

You shouldn't say "Oh, my God", but I also think that you shouldn't say his name, which isn't "God" but "Jehova" or "Jahve".
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on June 02, 2007, 08:29:52 AM
*tries very hard not to be gleefully blasphemous*  :angel:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 02, 2007, 08:39:07 AM
"Thou shalt not misuse the name of God, your Lord, because the Lord won't let the one stay unpunished that misuses His name."

That's an almost literal translation from the Swedish Bible.

You shouldn't say "Oh, my God", but I also think that you shouldn't say his name, which isn't "God" but "Jehova" or "Jahve".

In that case, I blaspheme regularly.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on June 02, 2007, 08:58:44 AM
Since religion was brought up-  How do you interpret the Judeo-Christian prohibition on "taking the Lord's name in vain" from the ten commandments?  I know there are different interpretations on it, even different sets of commandments, between Catholics and Protestants; I wonder if you have a unique take on it.

I was never completely clear about this.

I know that Jewish people never use God's name at all.  If they write it they leave out the o, so they write G_d.

What's your point-of-view concerning it?

I'm not 100% sure, but I think that the ten commandments are by and large pretty sensical, but a prohibition on something as simple as a linguistic fuckup seems too nitpicky to be one of the Big Ten.  However, if you take it a different way- "taking in vain" meaning a vow rather than something you say when you stub your toe- it makes more sense.  Certainly, it's unethical to make an extremely solemn vow and not intend to keep it, like saying "I swear to God I will do this" but lyring about it.  Further, I think most people would agree (although differently interpret) the fact that it's a bad thing to commit atrocities in the name of your god.

I don't know the nuances of the original Hebrew, but according to Wikipedia (which is sometimes useful), there are some people who do go by an interpretation along that line.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 02, 2007, 01:36:19 PM
what should i know about refinancing my home.

all i am looking for is the best and least expensive way of lowering my interest rate to a fixed loan.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 02, 2007, 05:09:13 PM
what should i know about refinancing my home.

all i am looking for is the best and least expensive way of lowering my interest rate to a fixed loan.

Do you currently have an adjustable rate loan?

Do you have good credit?

What term do you want to pay the loan back?  30, 20, or 15 years?

The important things to look for are the effective interest rates, which will be given as APR's and also the company you will be doing business with.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 02, 2007, 05:39:22 PM
what should i know about refinancing my home.

all i am looking for is the best and least expensive way of lowering my interest rate to a fixed loan.

Do you currently have an adjustable rate loan?

Do you have good credit?

What term do you want to pay the loan back?  30, 20, or 15 years?

The important things to look for are the effective interest rates, which will be given as APR's and also the company you will be doing business with.
yeah, ours is adjustable.  it was fixed at 5 1/2 but when i got very ill two years ago we needed money quick, so we refinanced.  it isn't a horrible loan, but i am worried about it's future.

my credit is so so.  i have this one credit card that i stopped paying.  when i got sick we put all credit on a ardship case.  citi-bank (used to be sears) termes were that we would pay zero interest and zero late fees if we wrote them six checks for a certain dollar amount.  then they would take that amount deposit each check each month.
funny, they kept dipositing the checks, but they were still charging us interest and late fees, and even at the end of the six months they were charging us over the limit fees as well, thatnks to all these other charges.

i kept trying to work it out with them, and they kept telling me it was fixed.  but each month i would have to call them again.
anyways, at the end of the six months, i told them that i was not going to pay them one more cent until they fixed all the eroneous charges and they sent me a breakdown of all charges against the card for twelve months.
needless to say they never did.

so i quit paying them.  now they sold it to someone else, and i still refuse to pay because i feel that citi bank defrauded me, and they sold a bogus debt to a collection agency.

sorry about that long story.

30 years would be fine.  i feel that we can plop down an extra couple of payments per year, in about two years.  which would probably cut the term down by about a third, anyways.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 03, 2007, 08:49:16 AM
i bit the inside of my cheek last week and it still hasn't healed.
it seems to be even more inflamed when i wake up each morning.
it is driving me nuts.
what can i do to speed up the healing process?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Litigious on June 03, 2007, 09:01:02 AM
Gargle with 1.5% hydrogen peroxide or 1-2% chlorohexidine solution.  8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 03, 2007, 10:04:51 AM
i bit the inside of my cheek last week and it still hasn't healed.
it seems to be even more inflamed when i wake up each morning.
it is driving me nuts.
what can i do to speed up the healing process?

First of all, if it lasts more than two weeks go to the doctor or dentist, because they have medication that can help speed healing and if you let it go too long, it could get very difficult to heal.

For home care, before you go to bed at night, it is important that the canker sore is as clean as possible, so gargling with Cepacol mouthwash or some other antiseptic solution like those Litigious suggested could help.  You could also put a few drops of Gly-Oxide (which is carbamide peroxide and glycerin and is designed to use inside your mouth) on the canker sore and then swish it around your mouth and spit it out after you brush your teeth.

Avoid spicy and acidic foods until the canker sore is healed.  Try to avoid biting or injuring it again, which I know is easier said than done.

I looked here to see if I could find more suggestions for you:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 03, 2007, 10:33:42 AM
thank you.

maybe tomorrow i will stump you.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 03, 2007, 10:38:09 AM
thank you.

maybe tomorrow i will stump you.

You are welcome, but definitely go to the dentist or doctor if it lasts too much longer.  I bit my tongue once and let it go way too long and I wound up having to have it biopsied.  I was lucky, though.  It wasn't cancer.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on June 03, 2007, 07:14:17 PM
I think that I have permanent scarring
from biting my cheeks. Used to do it
regularly when young.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on June 03, 2007, 11:49:30 PM
tongue cancer
that sounds terrible
can you get it from
biting your tongue
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 04, 2007, 04:07:16 AM
tongue cancer
that sounds terrible
can you get it from
biting your tongue

I don't know, but I think that oral cancer can happen from repeated trauma that causes a sore that does not heal.  In my case they had to biopsy it just to be sure it wasn't cancer.  There was this large bump on the side of my tongue that never went away.  The biopsy showed that it was actually granulation tissue that had grown too high for epithelial cells to cover it, so the middle remained ulcerated.  I think this might have happened because it kept getting unintentionally reinjured because it stuck out on the side of my tongue.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on June 04, 2007, 04:28:19 AM
i'm glad it wasn't cancer. is it all better now?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 04, 2007, 04:31:41 AM
i'm glad it wasn't cancer. is it all better now?

Thanks.  Yes, it is fine now.  I can still see a scar if I stick out my tongue in front of a mirror, but that's a lot better than what I had before.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on June 04, 2007, 07:50:58 AM
 :P like when you are being razz
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on June 04, 2007, 12:25:11 PM
Please leave  me alone on the med altercation. I keep remembering these big words, but sometimes I dont know what they mean. Could you subscibe to quarreling with your own quandries and let me  be?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: The_P on June 04, 2007, 12:26:23 PM
Please leave  me alone on the med altercation. I keep remembering these big words, but sometimes I dont know what they mean. Could you subscibe to quarreling with your own quandries and let me  be?

Hey Flo, seeing as you're so renowned in psychology, how about giving diaper lady a free session?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on June 04, 2007, 02:02:34 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on June 06, 2007, 09:17:56 AM
Tongue cancer?  How the fuck did that happen?  Cancer occurs from numerous factors, and I could make a post a mile long for that one.

I better watch it now, I am very sensitive right now.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 06, 2007, 10:16:14 AM
Tongue cancer?  How the fuck did that happen?  Cancer occurs from numerous factors, and I could make a post a mile long for that one.

I better watch it now, I am very sensitive right now.

When they did the biopsy, they found that it was not cancer.  I think that they were just being careful.

Thanks for your concern about me, though.   :)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on June 06, 2007, 10:24:31 AM
No no, its not over.  You have some risk for cancer and you better listen good or it will happen.  Mine bitched the fuck out of me and I did not listen and so it severly punished my ass.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on June 06, 2007, 10:45:24 AM
flo, read callaway's posts above.  she knows what she's talking about.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 07, 2007, 01:09:27 PM
No no, its not over.  You have some risk for cancer and you better listen good or it will happen.  Mine bitched the fuck out of me and I did not listen and so it severly punished my ass.
when did you get ass cancer?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on June 07, 2007, 01:28:49 PM
 :plus: Damned good question.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on June 09, 2007, 07:08:55 AM
Random, but you are all-knowing:  Is there some plausible way for a high-school (11th grade-level) geometry or algerba question to involve the variables 3a and b without being insanely simple?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 09, 2007, 07:40:58 AM
Random, but you are all-knowing:  Is there some plausible way for a high-school (11th grade-level) geometry or algerba question to involve the variables 3a and b without being insanely simple?

The 11th grade algebra use of these variables 3a and b that I can think of would be where you teach the student how to solve two equations in two unknowns, like for a simple example:

The larger of two numbers is three times the smaller.  Their sum is eight more than twice the smaller.  Find the numbers.

Let a represent the smaller number and b represent the larger number.

b = 3a

a + b = 2a + 8

So substitute 3a for b in the second equation:

a + 3a = 2a + 8

So 2a = 8

So a = 4

b = 3a

b = 3 (4)

b = 12

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on June 09, 2007, 08:11:58 AM
Random, but you are all-knowing:  Is there some plausible way for a high-school (11th grade-level) geometry or algerba question to involve the variables 3a and b without being insanely simple?

The 11th grade algebra use of these variables 3a and b that I can think of would be where you teach the student how to solve two equations in two unknowns, like for a simple example:

The larger of two numbers is three times the smaller.  Their sum is eight more than twice the smaller.  Find the numbers.

Let a represent the smaller number and b represent the larger number.

b = 3a

a + b = 2a + 8

So substitute 3a for b in the second equation:

a + 3a = 2a + 8

So 2a = 8

So a = 4

b = 3a

b = 3 (4)

b = 12

Oh, sweet.  Math that I was actually decent at.  Adding equations is actually eleventh grade level, and they actually use a and b sometimes in addition to x and y?

(This is for a story I'm in the middle of; still random, but I want this small detail to be coherent.)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on June 09, 2007, 04:33:24 PM
I can show you how to do anything that you need to do.

Does that go for all of us?


Ok, how do I stop from being such an idiot?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 09, 2007, 04:37:12 PM
I can show you how to do anything that you need to do.

Does that go for all of us?


Ok, how do I stop from being such an idiot?

I think that you are an intelligent man, so if you think before you act, then you should be fine.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 09, 2007, 04:47:55 PM
Random, but you are all-knowing:  Is there some plausible way for a high-school (11th grade-level) geometry or algerba question to involve the variables 3a and b without being insanely simple?

The 11th grade algebra use of these variables 3a and b that I can think of would be where you teach the student how to solve two equations in two unknowns, like for a simple example:

The larger of two numbers is three times the smaller.  Their sum is eight more than twice the smaller.  Find the numbers.

Let a represent the smaller number and b represent the larger number.

b = 3a

a + b = 2a + 8

So substitute 3a for b in the second equation:

a + 3a = 2a + 8

So 2a = 8

So a = 4

b = 3a

b = 3 (4)

b = 12

Oh, sweet.  Math that I was actually decent at.  Adding equations is actually eleventh grade level, and they actually use a and b sometimes in addition to x and y?

(This is for a story I'm in the middle of; still random, but I want this small detail to be coherent.)

I think that it is covered in high school algebra, but many students don't retain the information by the time they get to college level calculus, according to my husband, who used to be a mathematics professor.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on June 10, 2007, 07:26:45 AM
Oh, I didn't think it was too advanced, I wondered if it was too simple.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on June 12, 2007, 10:01:59 AM
Yeah math is easy, especially algebra.  I took and accerated algebra course back up at stonnington highschool and got a b+ without even trying.

If there is no one to hear a tree fall, does it make a sound?

How is your day going so far?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 12, 2007, 10:09:29 AM
Yeah math is easy, especially algebra.  I took and accerated algebra course back up at stonnington highschool and got a b+ without even trying.

If there is no one to hear a tree fall, does it make a sound?

How is your day going so far?

I think that it does, but it would not make a sound if it fell in outer space.

My day is going fine so far, Randy.  Thanks for asking.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 12, 2007, 11:50:08 AM
Yeah math is easy, especially algebra.  I took and accerated algebra course back up at stonnington highschool and got a b+ without even trying.

If there is no one to hear a tree fall, does it make a sound?

How is your day going so far?

I think that it does, but it would not make a sound if it fell in outer space.

My day is going fine so far, Randy.  Thanks for asking.
what if it was just the limb of a tree falling in outer space?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 12, 2007, 11:56:56 AM
Yeah math is easy, especially algebra.  I took and accerated algebra course back up at stonnington highschool and got a b+ without even trying.

If there is no one to hear a tree fall, does it make a sound?

How is your day going so far?

I think that it does, but it would not make a sound if it fell in outer space.

My day is going fine so far, Randy.  Thanks for asking.
what if it was just the limb of a tree falling in outer space?

It would make no sound, because there is no air in outer space.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 12, 2007, 11:58:24 AM
what does outer space consist of?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 12, 2007, 12:00:59 PM
what does outer space consist of?

For the purposes of sound transmission, it is effectively a vacuum.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 12, 2007, 12:12:35 PM
what does outer space consist of?

For the purposes of sound transmission, it is effectively a vacuum.
ok.  i better stop now before my brain completely closes down.  i am not grasping what you are saying.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on June 12, 2007, 12:13:29 PM
It's mostly empty. That easier to grasp?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on June 12, 2007, 12:21:12 PM
odeon! i'm surprised at you.  tut, tut - fancy being horrible about McLetter's brain like that.  you deserve a sound :whip: ing.

so, i'll just have a quick wash and be right over, okay?   :-*
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 12, 2007, 12:24:08 PM
It's mostly empty. That easier to grasp?
assuming that god exists, how could he never had a beginning?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 12, 2007, 12:25:16 PM
what does outer space consist of?

For the purposes of sound transmission, it is effectively a vacuum.
ok.  i better stop now before my brain completely closes down.  i am not grasping what you are saying.

By sound, we commonly mean the vibrations that travel through air that are of the frequency that people can hear.

Sound travels in waves through matter, usually air, but sometimes other kinds of matter.

There is no air in outer space.  It's mostly empty space.

If there is no matter for the sound to travel through, then there is no sound.

Those sound effects of space battles on Star Wars or Star Trek would be impossible IRL.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 12, 2007, 12:26:38 PM
i just have no way to believe anything unless it has substance.  it just doesn't make sense.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 12, 2007, 12:27:38 PM
i just have no way to believe anything unless it has substance.  it just doesn't make sense.

What part of it is not making sense?

That outer space is a vacuum or the nature of sound?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 12, 2007, 12:29:09 PM
i just have no way to believe anything unless it has substance.  it just doesn't make sense.

What part of it is not making sense?

That outer space is a vacuum or the nature of sound?
i can uderstand the sound.  i cannot understand nothingness.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on June 12, 2007, 01:01:50 PM
odeon! i'm surprised at you.  tut, tut - fancy being horrible about McLetter's brain like that.  you deserve a sound :whip: ing.

so, i'll just have a quick wash and be right over, okay?   :-*

I need a good spank. I've been... baaaad. :eyebrows:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on June 12, 2007, 01:03:13 PM
It's mostly empty. That easier to grasp?
assuming that god exists, how could he never had a beginning?

It's easier to understand a world without a beginning than one with.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on June 12, 2007, 01:04:54 PM
It's mostly empty. That easier to grasp?
assuming that god exists, how could he never had a beginning?

It's easier to understand a world without a beginning than one with.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 12, 2007, 01:06:14 PM
It's mostly empty. That easier to grasp?
assuming that god exists, how could he never had a beginning?

It's easier to understand a world without a beginning than one with.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on June 12, 2007, 02:55:50 PM
No, logic.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on June 12, 2007, 02:57:12 PM
If this is the right place for this thread,
is it only because you are the semi-perm
admin? Would it be moved, if you lost?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 12, 2007, 05:08:38 PM
If this is the right place for this thread,
is it only because you are the semi-perm
admin? Would it be moved, if you lost?

No.  It is here because Triste (Aylissa) from WP started it here to ask me a technical question, because she thought I could answer it for her. 

It is a perfectly reasonable place for her to have started this thread, because "What's your crime? Basic Discussion" is a place for this type of discussion.

I am unwilling to answer personal questions of the type that are often asked in the Ask Away threads, so moving it there would make no sense.

It is stickied here because someone asked me to sticky it, but if this bothers you, I could unsticky it and let it fall off the first page, as it did before.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on June 12, 2007, 05:14:06 PM
No, I like asking you questions.
You do seem willing to answer
quite a few personal questions though.
You just seem to have some boundaries.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on June 12, 2007, 05:24:34 PM
"Callaway: International Woman Of Mystery"  :eyebrows:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on June 12, 2007, 05:32:19 PM
No, I like asking you questions.
You do seem willing to answer
quite a few personal questions though.
You just seem to have some boundaries.

I think we all have some boundaries, just some of us place them in unexpected places.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on June 13, 2007, 06:29:09 AM
Except McJ. :green:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on June 13, 2007, 06:35:56 AM
Except McJ. :green:

No- his are just harder to spot.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 13, 2007, 06:37:37 AM
Except McJ. :green:
i haven't posted a picture of my cock.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on June 13, 2007, 07:08:22 AM
Will you, if asked nicely?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 13, 2007, 07:14:37 AM
Will you, if asked nicely?

Will I post a picture of my cock?

No, I don't think so.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on June 13, 2007, 07:16:34 AM
:LMAO: :plus:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 13, 2007, 07:17:22 AM
Will you, if asked nicely?

i have to leave some mystery.
i am an unwrapped present.

though, i did post a picture of my nutters.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 13, 2007, 11:21:01 AM
callaway, have you ever said the phrase, "i can't be arsed." in real life since you started posting here at intensitysquared?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 13, 2007, 11:34:03 AM
callaway, have you ever said the phrase, "i can't be arsed." in real life since you started posting here at intensitysquared?

No, never.

My daughter has echolalia and I would hate for it to become one of her catch phrases, so I almost never use words I don't want to hear from her 10,000 times.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 13, 2007, 11:37:31 AM
callaway, have you ever said the phrase, "i can't be arsed." in real life since you started posting here at intensitysquared?

No, never.

My daughter has echolalia and I would hate for it to become one of her catch phrases, so I almost never use words I don't want to hear from her 10,000 times.


that is my new word/phrase.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on June 14, 2007, 08:18:31 AM
How about McJaggerdispshit?

I am kidding as allways, so don't have a Brenda.  My is the cow, lol.  Later however I may just get upset for her.  Till then :finger: up yours mania bitch!

Have you ever had to protect yourself?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 14, 2007, 05:02:26 PM

Have you ever had to protect yourself?

Yes, I have had to protect myself more than once.  It's a good thing I learned a little karate.  I took it for the exercise and also so I would have better self-defense techniques.  In a way, I think it helped my self-confidence even more.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on June 15, 2007, 10:22:48 AM
Helped your self confidence?, like me and ginseng? :laugh:

Could you give details, and I wont give you any of mine.  :laugh:

Damn meditation just keeps boost my mood and giving me mental exercise.  Really enjoying my new freedom,  and day by day  it just keeps getting easier for me.  Its all in the mood, and I think I can't sometimes because I believe I can't.  Its bullshit, I am not Aspie, I am an NT who continues work off his issues, and its working.  I am a person with sensitivies that wishes to reach out and spread joy.  Damn aspie disorder and the suffering I used to have, makes me upset that such a disorder exsists.  I am not patronizing,  it hurts alot.  God damn tears. I get over one pain and now another, the suffering of others small or large.

/Randy smiles and hopes Callaway is having a good a day as me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on June 15, 2007, 02:37:37 PM
Its bullshit, I am not Aspie, I am an NT who continues work off his issues, and its working.

Yeah, right. ::)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on June 16, 2007, 01:09:41 AM
Callaway, did you have the same name over at WP?  Because I can't remember...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on June 16, 2007, 05:26:52 AM
flo has NT delusions because of his truama issues. :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on June 16, 2007, 08:38:47 AM
So Callaway...have you been put in the unfortunate position of explaining a "Mummy's having a Special Cuddle with Daddy"?  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 16, 2007, 08:48:54 AM
Callaway, did you have the same name over at WP?  Because I can't remember...

I am Callaway on WP too, but I don't have many posts.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 16, 2007, 09:23:18 AM
So Callaway...have you been put in the unfortunate position of explaining a "Mummy's having a Special Cuddle with Daddy"?  :laugh:

Sort of.  There was a time one morning when our daughter was still asleep and we locked the door, but in our haste we did not quite close it properly.  She woke up and walked in on us.  Fortunately she did not see anything too obvious.  I still was wearing my nightgown, so it looked mostly like I was just sitting on top of Daddy.  I said, "Good morning.  Have you been potty?  Go potty then."
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 16, 2007, 09:26:22 AM
Helped your self confidence?, like me and ginseng? :laugh:

Could you give details, and I wont give you any of mine.  :laugh:

Damn meditation just keeps boost my mood and giving me mental exercise.  Really enjoying my new freedom,  and day by day  it just keeps getting easier for me.  Its all in the mood, and I think I can't sometimes because I believe I can't.  Its bullshit, I am not Aspie, I am an NT who continues work off his issues, and its working.  I am a person with sensitivies that wishes to reach out and spread joy.  Damn aspie disorder and the suffering I used to have, makes me upset that such a disorder exsists.  I am not patronizing,  it hurts alot.  God damn tears. I get over one pain and now another, the suffering of others small or large.

/Randy smiles and hopes Callaway is having a good a day as me.

Thanks, Randy.  It was a very busy day, but a good one.

I have had to defend myself from bullies.

I also had a stalker who refused to leave me alone.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on June 16, 2007, 11:00:35 AM
Thankyou, Portland girl, and I am pretty sure about me being an NT.  I am being honest and I never think anything 100 percent.

Damn out of time. :(  I need to ask Callaway a question.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on June 16, 2007, 11:58:37 AM
Thankyou, Portland girl, and I am pretty sure about me being an NT.  I am being honest and I never think anything 100 percent.

Damn out of time. :(  I need to ask Callaway a question.

Another classic from the king of classics. :LMAO:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on June 16, 2007, 02:29:06 PM
Though it COULD have been phrased a bit better.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 16, 2007, 03:33:16 PM
So Callaway...have you been put in the unfortunate position of explaining a "Mummy's having a Special Cuddle with Daddy"?  :laugh:

Sort of.  There was a time one morning when our daughter was still asleep and we locked the door, but in our haste we did not quite close it properly.  She woke up and walked in on us.  Fortunately she did not see anything too obvious.  I still was wearing my nightgown, so it looked mostly like I was just sitting on top of Daddy.  I said, "Good morning.  Have you been potty?  Go potty then."
did you two finish?

if it is too personal, then i understand.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 16, 2007, 03:36:37 PM
So Callaway...have you been put in the unfortunate position of explaining a "Mummy's having a Special Cuddle with Daddy"?  :laugh:

Sort of.  There was a time one morning when our daughter was still asleep and we locked the door, but in our haste we did not quite close it properly.  She woke up and walked in on us.  Fortunately she did not see anything too obvious.  I still was wearing my nightgown, so it looked mostly like I was just sitting on top of Daddy.  I said, "Good morning.  Have you been potty?  Go potty then."
did you two finish?

if it is too personal, then i understand.

Not right then, we didn't. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 16, 2007, 03:49:02 PM
So Callaway...have you been put in the unfortunate position of explaining a "Mummy's having a Special Cuddle with Daddy"?  :laugh:

Sort of.  There was a time one morning when our daughter was still asleep and we locked the door, but in our haste we did not quite close it properly.  She woke up and walked in on us.  Fortunately she did not see anything too obvious.  I still was wearing my nightgown, so it looked mostly like I was just sitting on top of Daddy.  I said, "Good morning.  Have you been potty?  Go potty then."
did you two finish?

if it is too personal, then i understand.

Not right then, we didn't. 
i hate when that happens.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on June 16, 2007, 03:53:34 PM
We let our son "do the dishes" when we were in the mood. The kitchen was soaked afterwards, but he got a little sister, in the end. :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on June 16, 2007, 03:55:20 PM
is your wife swedish?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on June 16, 2007, 03:56:22 PM
Yes, she is.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 16, 2007, 03:57:42 PM
We let our son "do the dishes" when we were in the mood. The kitchen was soaked afterwards, but he got a little sister, in the end. :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on June 16, 2007, 07:44:18 PM
So Callaway...have you been put in the unfortunate position of explaining a "Mummy's having a Special Cuddle with Daddy"?  :laugh:

Sort of.  There was a time one morning when our daughter was still asleep and we locked the door, but in our haste we did not quite close it properly.  She woke up and walked in on us.  Fortunately she did not see anything too obvious.  I still was wearing my nightgown, so it looked mostly like I was just sitting on top of Daddy.  I said, "Good morning.  Have you been potty?  Go potty then."
Thanks Callaway, I thought after I posted it you might not answer! 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 16, 2007, 07:46:20 PM
So Callaway...have you been put in the unfortunate position of explaining a "Mummy's having a Special Cuddle with Daddy"?  :laugh:

Sort of.  There was a time one morning when our daughter was still asleep and we locked the door, but in our haste we did not quite close it properly.  She woke up and walked in on us.  Fortunately she did not see anything too obvious.  I still was wearing my nightgown, so it looked mostly like I was just sitting on top of Daddy.  I said, "Good morning.  Have you been potty?  Go potty then."
Thanks Callaway, I thought after I posted it you might not answer! 

Have you ever been in that sort of situation at all?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 16, 2007, 07:59:08 PM
congratulations on your semi permanent role.  you are the best.

when are you planning on opening up the administration forum for the viewing pleasure of the WC?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on June 16, 2007, 08:00:38 PM
So Callaway...have you been put in the unfortunate position of explaining a "Mummy's having a Special Cuddle with Daddy"?  :laugh:

Sort of.  There was a time one morning when our daughter was still asleep and we locked the door, but in our haste we did not quite close it properly.  She woke up and walked in on us.  Fortunately she did not see anything too obvious.  I still was wearing my nightgown, so it looked mostly like I was just sitting on top of Daddy.  I said, "Good morning.  Have you been potty?  Go potty then."
Thanks Callaway, I thought after I posted it you might not answer! 

Have you ever been in that sort of situation at all?
No, but my friends joke about it.  Especially the good Catholic ones!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 16, 2007, 08:10:05 PM
congratulations on your semi permanent role.  you are the best.

when are you planning on opening up the administration forum for the viewing pleasure of the WC?

Thanks, but I don't think the election is over yet.

We are working on it.  As you know, there are quite a lot of posts there and we don't want to inadvertently violate anyone's confidentiality.

Maybe moving the threads one at a time is the better approach instead of opening the whole forum all at once.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 16, 2007, 08:11:45 PM
congratulations on your semi permanent role.  you are the best.

when are you planning on opening up the administration forum for the viewing pleasure of the WC?

Thanks, but I don't think the election is over yet.

We are working on it.  As you know, there are quite a lot of posts there and we don't want to inadvertently violate anyone's confidentiality.

Maybe moving the threads one at a time is the better approach instead of opening the whole forum all at once.
do you think that that would be a better approach?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 16, 2007, 08:52:46 PM
congratulations on your semi permanent role.  you are the best.

when are you planning on opening up the administration forum for the viewing pleasure of the WC?

Thanks, but I don't think the election is over yet.

We are working on it.  As you know, there are quite a lot of posts there and we don't want to inadvertently violate anyone's confidentiality.

Maybe moving the threads one at a time is the better approach instead of opening the whole forum all at once.
do you think that that would be a better approach?

I do.  I have gone through lots of threads that I could move, but I can't be sure about the ones I have not checked yet.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on June 16, 2007, 08:54:50 PM
Thank you for disillusioning me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on June 16, 2007, 08:55:25 PM
congratulations on your semi permanent role.  you are the best.

when are you planning on opening up the administration forum for the viewing pleasure of the WC?

Thanks, but I don't think the election is over yet.

We are working on it.  As you know, there are quite a lot of posts there and we don't want to inadvertently violate anyone's confidentiality.

Maybe moving the threads one at a time is the better approach instead of opening the whole forum all at once.
do you think that that would be a better approach?

I do.  I have gone through lots of threads that I could move, but I can't be sure about the ones I have not checked yet.
just leave some of the semi juicy stuff there.
remember, anything that i said privately i am willing to accept what others say about it publicly.  so there is no need to protect me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 17, 2007, 01:25:27 AM
I saw a movie called John Q with Denzel Washington where he planned to do that for his son who needed a heart, but he did not have to in the end.  He knew he was an appropriate tissue type match for his son, so he planned to kill himself so the heart transplant surgeon could use his heart for his son.

Here is a blurb for it:

There is probably no stronger love than that felt between a parent and a small child. In John Q, this is explored through a father's desperate attempt to get a heart transplant for his dying son. When he and his wife discover that their insurance will not cover such a costly procedure he grows more and more frustrated until finally he does the only thing he has left to do. He takes over the emergency room, holding several patients, interns and a doctor hostage, demanding that his son is placed on the heart donor list.

That is what my daughter's medical bills were, $250,000.  Thank goodness we had health insurance that covered her, even though it was a HMO which kept sending her home from the hospital to die.
Does she still have those problems?

Hope that you don't mind that I answer here instead of on the suicide thread, Eclair.  I can get kind of long-winded sometimes.

My daughter was born with a large Ventricular Septal Defect.  That is a hole in the heart that is located between the main pumping stations, the ventricles.  It caused excessive blood to flood her lungs, while not enough was being pumped to her body.  Her heart could not keep up with all this extra work, so she went into congestive heart failure when she was just a few days old.  We tried Digitalis and first Aldactazide and then Lasix.  She was losing weight while her liver swelled and she was struggling to breathe enough to keep all the blood in her lungs oxygenated.  We tried switching from feeding her breast milk to feeding her expressed milk from a bottle, then we tried adding more calories to it, then we used a feeding pump at night.  Nothing helped.  She had open heart surgery when she was just three weeks old to fix this VSD, as well as a couple of other heart defects she was born with, a PDA and a PFO.  Then she nearly died and had to go on ECMO for almost a week.  ECMO stands for Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation.  It is a sort of heart-lung machine.

Her heart issues are pretty much fixed now, except she has a heart block, which is a conduction abnormality that shows up on a Electrocardiogram.  Also her lungs were affected by the excess blood flow for those three weeks, so she has a slight murmur.  She still has other medical issues that will need to be addressed in the future.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on June 17, 2007, 01:34:09 AM
I saw a movie called John Q with Denzel Washington where he planned to do that for his son who needed a heart, but he did not have to in the end.  He knew he was an appropriate tissue type match for his son, so he planned to kill himself so the heart transplant surgeon could use his heart for his son.

Here is a blurb for it:

There is probably no stronger love than that felt between a parent and a small child. In John Q, this is explored through a father's desperate attempt to get a heart transplant for his dying son. When he and his wife discover that their insurance will not cover such a costly procedure he grows more and more frustrated until finally he does the only thing he has left to do. He takes over the emergency room, holding several patients, interns and a doctor hostage, demanding that his son is placed on the heart donor list.

That is what my daughter's medical bills were, $250,000.  Thank goodness we had health insurance that covered her, even though it was a HMO which kept sending her home from the hospital to die.
Does she still have those problems?

Hope that you don't mind that I answer here instead of on the suicide thread, Eclair.  I can get kind of long-winded sometimes.

My daughter was born with a large Ventricular Septal Defect.  That is a hole in the heart that is located between the main pumping stations, the ventricles.  It caused excessive blood to flood her lungs, while not enough was being pumped to her body.  Her heart could not keep up with all this extra work, so she went into congestive heart failure when she was just a few days old.  We tried Digitalis and first Aldactazide and then Lasix.  She was losing weight while her liver swelled and she was struggling to breathe enough to keep all the blood in her lungs oxygenated.  We tried switching from feeding her breast milk to feeding her expressed milk from a bottle, then we tried adding more calories to it, then we used a feeding pump at night.  Nothing helped.  She had open heart surgery when she was just three weeks old to fix this VSD, as well as a couple of other heart defects she was born with, a PDA and a PFO.  Then she nearly died and had to go on ECMO for almost a week.  ECMO stands for Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation.  It is a sort of heart-lung machine.

Her heart issues are pretty much fixed now, except she has a heart block, which is a conduction abnormality that shows up on a Electrocardiogram.  Also her lungs were affected by the excess blood flow for those three weeks, so she has a slight murmur.  She still has other medical issues that will need to be addressed in the future.
Thanks, yes, I clicked the post button and then realised I wasn't in your thread!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on June 17, 2007, 01:36:22 AM
I hope the future is a little less stressful than all of that would have been.
I imagine it would have been draining for you trying to keep your patience.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 17, 2007, 01:42:57 AM
I hope the future is a little less stressful than all of that would have been.
I imagine it would have been draining for you trying to keep your patience.

Thank you.  Sometimes it was.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on June 17, 2007, 02:02:28 AM
I hope the future is a little less stressful than all of that would have been.
I imagine it would have been draining for you trying to keep your patience.

Thank you.  Sometimes it was.
You gave up your career to care for your daughter, didn't you?
Please note all my questions come with the disclaimer that you don't have to answer them of course.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 17, 2007, 02:09:54 AM
I hope the future is a little less stressful than all of that would have been.
I imagine it would have been draining for you trying to keep your patience.

Thank you.  Sometimes it was.
You gave up your career to care for your daughter, didn't you?
Please note all my questions come with the disclaimer that you don't have to answer them of course.

Not exactly.  I was not working while I was pregnant with her and I had expected to spend time at home with her anyway, even if she had no medical issues.

Even if I had, she is definitely worth it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on June 17, 2007, 02:13:33 AM
I hope the future is a little less stressful than all of that would have been.
I imagine it would have been draining for you trying to keep your patience.

Thank you.  Sometimes it was.
You gave up your career to care for your daughter, didn't you?
Please note all my questions come with the disclaimer that you don't have to answer them of course.

Not exactly.  I was not working while I was pregnant with her and I had expected to spend time at home with her anyway, even if she had no medical issues.

Even if I had, she is definitely worth it.
:-*  She's very lucky too.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on July 08, 2007, 06:40:48 AM
welcome back callaway.  i hope you were able to accomplish all you had set out to do on your trip. i have been thinking about you, and sending you well wishes.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 08, 2007, 11:38:33 PM
Thank you.  I got to see my brother and be with him when he died.

I wanted to plant a tree in his yard for his family, but I didn't get a chance to do that.  I gave his wife some money so she could go and choose her own tree.

I went to his funeral on Saturday.  There was a slide show of photos of him that his brother-in-law made on a DVD, which people watched at the funeral as well as at the visitation at the funeral home Friday evening.  That was nice.  I was upset that the cemetary would not allow the live plants that people sent for his funeral to stay on his grave.  They were going to get rid of them and just allow the fresh flower arrangements that were on stands to stay there.  Anyway, I took two of the plants on the airplane to being them home with me and made several other people take a plant home with them too.  I know that was probably a silly thing to become upset about, but it really bothered me.  It is just a policy of that cemetary.  His wife did not have a lot of time to research different funeral homes and cemetaries and their policies.  She did not even know for sure if my brother wanted to be buried or cremated, but she guessed he would have wanted a traditional burial. She told me that I need to discuss these things with my husband because it was extremely difficult to make such horrible decisions for someone else.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on July 09, 2007, 12:13:30 AM
how are you doing today, hon?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 09, 2007, 12:20:29 AM
how are you doing today, hon?


I'm still really sad, but I had a nice dream about my brother where he was driving his old car and smiling and waving goodbye to me, so that helped.  The last thing I said to him before they closed his casket was "Bye."  His wife put a birthday card in his hand because July 10 is his birthday and he died one week before it, on July 3.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on July 09, 2007, 12:52:55 AM
that's so sad, being near his birthday.  that happened with my dad - he died on the 13th, and his b'day was on the 19th.

mark his birthday anyway, hon - i light a candle or something as simple as that.  and i phone my mum, or make that one of my bi-annual visits, and my sisters and her do something to mark his birthday, even if it's just a glass of wine, or being all together.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on July 09, 2007, 05:20:07 PM
July 10 was my dad's birthday, too. Just noticed it's today.  :-\
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Natalia Evans on July 10, 2007, 05:45:35 PM
Will you take this test and tell us what results you got?

No this is has nothing to do with questioning rather you are NT or not. This was posted on WP too (not by me) and I am curious to see what results people get.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on July 11, 2007, 02:42:20 AM
Are you on the spectrum Callaway, I have not known.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on July 11, 2007, 01:29:32 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on July 12, 2007, 03:02:58 AM
I am sorry if it was too personal a question. I don't know what I shouldn't ask sometimes.
But I am interested in your answer to McJagger's question as well.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on July 12, 2007, 07:30:08 PM
PDDNOS, technically.
i was told to research this for my eldest daughter.  and it led straight to aspergers.  it was the closest fit.

did you have language delays when you were a little girl?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on July 13, 2007, 01:33:24 AM
PDDNOS, technically.
i was told to research this for my eldest daughter.  and it led straight to aspergers.  it was the closest fit.
did you have language delays when you were a little girl?

Not really, but both of my brothers did.
Thank you for answering the questions. I thought I was the only one who didn't know.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Natalia Evans on July 13, 2007, 01:12:04 PM
PDDNOS, technically.
i was told to research this for my eldest daughter.  and it led straight to aspergers.  it was the closest fit.
did you have language delays when you were a little girl?

Not really, but both of my brothers did.
Thank you for answering the questions. I thought I was the only one who didn't know.

Did you think Callaway was an NT?

Just asking because you said you had not known after you asked if she was on the spectrum.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on July 13, 2007, 01:53:45 PM
I never thought Callaway was NT. She does her share of AS things. :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on July 14, 2007, 06:54:59 AM
PDDNOS, technically.
i was told to research this for my eldest daughter.  and it led straight to aspergers.  it was the closest fit.
did you have language delays when you were a little girl?

Not really, but both of my brothers did.
Thank you for answering the questions. I thought I was the only one who didn't know.

Did you think Callaway was an NT?
Just asking because you said you had not known after you asked if she was on the spectrum.
You are right, I didn't know. But I didn't think Callaway was NT. I didn't think anything. I just wanted to know because I was/am curious.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on July 16, 2007, 03:58:46 AM
Callaway, did you go and see the new Harry Potter movie? If you did, what did you think of it?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 16, 2007, 06:21:45 AM
Callaway, did you go and see the new Harry Potter movie? If you did, what did you think of it?

We saw it on Saturday.  We went to a big theater in Denver which had an IMAX theater, but the IMAX was sold out, so we went to a regular showing there.  It was probably for the best because it was much less crowded.  I really liked the Order of the Phoenix.  I know they had to leave out a lot of stuff to make it fit in the allotted time for a movie, though.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on July 16, 2007, 07:25:50 AM
Yes, it was like the summary of the book.
It would have been cool in an IMAX. I once saw something called "Speed" in an IMAX and almost got motion sickness.

Have you ever had motion sickness?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 16, 2007, 10:13:20 AM
Have you ever had motion sickness?

Yes, I get it often, unfortunately.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on July 16, 2007, 01:55:24 PM
Yes, it was like the summary of the book.
It would have been cool in an IMAX. I once saw something called "Speed" in an IMAX and almost got motion sickness.

Have you ever had motion sickness?

that movie was Speed, the movie everyone knows and you talk about it like some obscure little tiddy from the past? ::) :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on July 16, 2007, 04:27:12 PM
Yes, it was like the summary of the book.
It would have been cool in an IMAX. I once saw something called "Speed" in an IMAX and almost got motion sickness.

Have you ever had motion sickness?

that movie was Speed, the movie everyone knows and you talk about it like some obscure little tiddy from the past? ::) :P

I know *of* it but have never seen it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Natalia Evans on July 16, 2007, 04:31:58 PM
Why were you diagnosed with PDDNOS? Did you not meet the AS criteria?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on July 17, 2007, 12:57:07 AM
that movie was Speed, the movie everyone knows and you talk about it like some obscure little tiddy from the past? ::) :P
:laugh: It was something about various machines and motion. It wasn't the movie Speed that you have mentioned.
The parts that made me feel awful were the rollercoaster bit and this car speeding down a tiny country lane. Blech.

Callaway were you diagnosed after your daughter? Were you encouraged to go for diagnosis?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Natalia Evans on July 17, 2007, 01:02:22 AM
When were you diagnosed?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on July 17, 2007, 01:09:10 AM
It didn't require a rocket scientist to see that we had similar issues, 
Oops. :asthing: :paperbag:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Natalia Evans on July 17, 2007, 01:15:32 AM
What year was your daughter diagnosed? I'm assuming you were diagnosed the same year as her.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on July 17, 2007, 04:42:51 AM
that movie was Speed, the movie everyone knows and you talk about it like some obscure little tiddy from the past? ::) :P
:laugh: It was something about various machines and motion. It wasn't the movie Speed that you have mentioned.
The parts that made me feel awful were the rollercoaster bit and this car speeding down a tiny country lane. Blech.

Heh. I saw that when I was a kid. I'm gonna have to take the kids to the IMAX at the National Media Museum, they'd love it.  8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on July 20, 2007, 02:34:33 AM
Random, but you are all-knowing:  Is there some plausible way for a high-school (11th grade-level) geometry or algerba question to involve the variables 3a and b without being insanely simple?

The 11th grade algebra use of these variables 3a and b that I can think of would be where you teach the student how to solve two equations in two unknowns, like for a simple example:

The larger of two numbers is three times the smaller.  Their sum is eight more than twice the smaller.  Find the numbers.

Let a represent the smaller number and b represent the larger number.

b = 3a

a + b = 2a + 8

So substitute 3a for b in the second equation:

a + 3a = 2a + 8

So 2a = 8

So a = 4

b = 3a

b = 3 (4)

b = 12
This has had me wondering for ages...
Where did the 8 come from? Was that made up?
I am doing a maths program and I am stuck at this point in it. I think it wants me to make numbers up to put in the equations. But I don't like choosing. Do people just stick with one number all the time or do they pick randomly.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 20, 2007, 09:29:43 AM
Random, but you are all-knowing:  Is there some plausible way for a high-school (11th grade-level) geometry or algerba question to involve the variables 3a and b without being insanely simple?

The 11th grade algebra use of these variables 3a and b that I can think of would be where you teach the student how to solve two equations in two unknowns, like for a simple example:

The larger of two numbers is three times the smaller.  Their sum is eight more than twice the smaller.  Find the numbers.

Let a represent the smaller number and b represent the larger number.

b = 3a

a + b = 2a + 8

So substitute 3a for b in the second equation:

a + 3a = 2a + 8

So 2a = 8

So a = 4

b = 3a

b = 3 (4)

b = 12
This has had me wondering for ages...
Where did the 8 come from? Was that made up?
I am doing a maths program and I am stuck at this point in it. I think it wants me to make numbers up to put in the equations. But I don't like choosing. Do people just stick with one number all the time or do they pick randomly.

I'm sorry it bothered you for so long, Renaeden.  The 8 was part of the original question.  Their sum is eight more than twice the smaller.

I changed the color above to make it clearer.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 20, 2007, 09:39:42 AM
I am doing a maths program and I am stuck at this point in it. I think it wants me to make numbers up to put in the equations. But I don't like choosing. Do people just stick with one number all the time or do they pick randomly.

I don't know how to make numbers up to put in the equations.  If there are any denominators, then you can't choose a number that makes the denominator zero, or the fraction will be undefined.  Other than that, I would stick to small whole numbers, if these will make the math easier to work with.

If you want to post the questions, I could help you think of numbers, if you like.

One time, when my husband was a math professor, in one class he had problems with cheating.  Certain people were copying from their neighbors' papers.

He made up a final exam which had nine questions, each one of which had a box to insert a one digit whole number.  He instructed his students to fill in the boxes with the digits of their nine digit Social Security numbers, which were also their student ID numbers.  Several students, principally the cheaters, were quite upset by this and asked what would happen if they did not comply.  He answered that they would receive no credit for their final exam, because he had no place to put their names on the exam and would be using only their student ID numbers to identify them. 

Nobody had the opportunity to cheat, because they all had different questions.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on July 20, 2007, 10:49:25 AM
Very clever.  Made a lot more work for him, but it's good that he cared enough to not let people cheat their way through.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on July 20, 2007, 11:02:10 AM
I am doing a maths program and I am stuck at this point in it. I think it wants me to make numbers up to put in the equations. But I don't like choosing. Do people just stick with one number all the time or do they pick randomly.

I don't know how to make numbers up to put in the equations.  If there are any denominators, then you can't choose a number that makes the denominator zero, or the fraction will be undefined.  Other than that, I would stick to small whole numbers, if these will make the math easier to work with.

If you want to post the questions, I could help you think of numbers, if you like.

One time, when my husband was a math professor, in one class he had problems with cheating.  Certain people were copying from their neighbors' papers.

He made up a final exam which had nine questions, each one of which had a box to insert a one digit whole number.  He instructed his students to fill in the boxes with the digits of their nine digit Social Security numbers, which were also their student ID numbers.  Several students, principally the cheaters, were quite upset by this and asked what would happen if they did not comply.  He answered that they would receive no credit for their final exam, because he had no place to put their names on the exam and would be using only their student ID numbers to identify them. 

Nobody had the opportunity to cheat, because they all had different questions.
I doubt that his plan would make any difference now, people these days just load all the answers and programs on to their calculators, which can be brought straight into an exam unchecked! Even without the programs that are not legally allowed, people could still get their calculator to do half a test for them!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Alex179 on July 20, 2007, 11:46:50 AM
I didn't think I would be allowed to use my TI-82 on the SAT's math portion so I didn't bring it, I had everything programmed into it from Algebra to AP Physics w/ Calc.     That would have been unfair imo, but to my disdain there were plenty of people there with calculators.   I did the entire SAT on paper with pencil haha.   Only took it once because it was a good enough score to get the scholarship I was going after.    This was 1997 back when the damn test actually had a written essay portion. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on July 20, 2007, 12:29:56 PM
callaway, why aren't people ticklish when they touch themselves the same way that others touch them and they are ticklish.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on July 20, 2007, 12:33:03 PM
I didn't think I would be allowed to use my TI-82 on the SAT's math portion so I didn't bring it, I had everything programmed into it from Algebra to AP Physics w/ Calc.     That would have been unfair imo, but to my disdain there were plenty of people there with calculators.   I did the entire SAT on paper with pencil haha.   Only took it once because it was a good enough score to get the scholarship I was going after.    This was 1997 back when the damn test actually had a written essay portion. 
Oh im in the UK, so we have a different system. Its any calculator that doesnt have a QWERTY keyboard on it, but you are not supposed to add any programs to it. People obviously ignore the programmes rule (wish id copied them sometimes) as almost no one checks them.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Alex179 on July 20, 2007, 12:41:39 PM
Eh not having a QWERTY keyboard would rarely stop anyone.   Might as well not have the rule imo.  Yeah the whole program thing is ignored here as well, it is against the rules but they haven't really checked for them from what I have heard.   They just tell you to delete everything before you take the test, which basically trusts highschool students to do it themselves (bad idea haha).
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on July 20, 2007, 12:52:06 PM
Eh not having a QWERTY keyboard would rarely stop anyone.   Might as well not have the rule imo.  Yeah the whole program thing is ignored here as well, it is against the rules but they haven't really checked for them from what I have heard.   They just tell you to delete everything before you take the test, which basically trusts highschool students to do it themselves (bad idea haha).
It is riduculous, thankfully calculators still cant do most of the algerbra. What really tops it off is the exam board give you a whacking great formula book to help you as well. And of course if you make a mistake you still get loads of method marks, even if you bodge together a question you dont know.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on July 21, 2007, 06:19:28 AM
I am doing a maths program and I am stuck at this point in it. I think it wants me to make numbers up to put in the equations. But I don't like choosing. Do people just stick with one number all the time or do they pick randomly.

I don't know how to make numbers up to put in the equations.  If there are any denominators, then you can't choose a number that makes the denominator zero, or the fraction will be undefined.  Other than that, I would stick to small whole numbers, if these will make the math easier to work with.

If you want to post the questions, I could help you think of numbers, if you like.
That bit of the program, I have been stuck there so long that I have been slack in persevering with it. So I will give it a go again very soon, probably tomorrow.

I know when I left school, I still didn't know how to add fractions. That is pretty bad.

McJagger, I know I can tickle the roof of my mouth with my tongue but I don't know if it is the same for everyone.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on July 21, 2007, 07:02:26 AM
Tickling the roof of your mouth with your tongue is supposed to be good to stop you sneezing- it always works with me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on July 21, 2007, 07:56:43 AM
callaway, why aren't people ticklish when they touch themselves the same way that others touch them and they are ticklish.

it's to do with muscular tension - if you relax your muscles completely when someone tickles you, it doesn't tickle.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on July 21, 2007, 10:12:09 AM
what kind of keyboard isn't a QWERTY keyboard?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on July 21, 2007, 10:23:32 AM
I know! But I am not going to answer.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on July 21, 2007, 10:26:29 AM
why not? :asthing:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on July 21, 2007, 12:03:23 PM
Becuase this is Callaway's thread. :P
She knows some interesting stuff and could probably provide a lot more detail than I could.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on July 21, 2007, 12:10:36 PM
because renaeden's been working on her inner bitch.  :laugh:

you go, girl!

(i reckon Callousway's been teaching her more than just adminning.   :eyebrows: )
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on July 21, 2007, 12:17:14 PM
Callousway should have a thread too. :eyebrows:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on July 21, 2007, 12:18:55 PM
GENIUS!!!   :plus:

could you set it up - i have to get in the bath.

what a brilliant idea!

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on July 21, 2007, 01:22:37 PM
ok. :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Natalia Evans on July 21, 2007, 02:10:47 PM
Hey shouldn't this be in the Ask Away Board.  ???
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on July 21, 2007, 02:12:37 PM
Hey shouldn't this be in the Ask Away Board.  ???

That's what I thought.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on July 21, 2007, 02:14:48 PM
Its here because she doesn't really answer personal questions, but is a great source of knowledge about stuff in general.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on July 21, 2007, 10:10:10 PM
Its here because she doesn't really answer personal questions, but is a great source of knowledge about stuff in general.
Especially science and chemistry stuff.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on July 22, 2007, 07:26:15 AM
Sadly, I not only know of the non-qwerty, but I think I may know which letters are on it off the top of my head.  I know I know most of them.  Why is this sad?  I've never even SEEN a non-qwerty.  I know geek stuff because I hang out too much on forums for people with the geek syndrome.  :laugh:

(DVORAK?  I think maybe the a is wrong)
I am doing a maths program and I am stuck at this point in it. I think it wants me to make numbers up to put in the equations. But I don't like choosing. Do people just stick with one number all the time or do they pick randomly.

I don't know how to make numbers up to put in the equations.  If there are any denominators, then you can't choose a number that makes the denominator zero, or the fraction will be undefined.  Other than that, I would stick to small whole numbers, if these will make the math easier to work with.

If you want to post the questions, I could help you think of numbers, if you like.

One time, when my husband was a math professor, in one class he had problems with cheating.  Certain people were copying from their neighbors' papers.

He made up a final exam which had nine questions, each one of which had a box to insert a one digit whole number.  He instructed his students to fill in the boxes with the digits of their nine digit Social Security numbers, which were also their student ID numbers.  Several students, principally the cheaters, were quite upset by this and asked what would happen if they did not comply.  He answered that they would receive no credit for their final exam, because he had no place to put their names on the exam and would be using only their student ID numbers to identify them. 

Nobody had the opportunity to cheat, because they all had different questions.

brilliant.  I wish I could plus your husband for that.  I plussed you; next best thing.  :laugh: 

callaway, why aren't people ticklish when they touch themselves the same way that others touch them and they are ticklish.

it's to do with muscular tension - if you relax your muscles completely when someone tickles you, it doesn't tickle.

But if you tense up you still can't do it to youself, so there has to be slightly more to it than that.

I'm more curious as to what evolutionary purpose it could possibly serve.  It should be present/have evolved for some kind of reason, but it seems completely useless, from an evolutionary standpoint.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on July 22, 2007, 07:29:30 AM
with regard to the QWERTY keyboard...

i'd be going for keyboards which predate typewriters, myself, in which case, you can choose from pianos, organs, virginals, harpsichords, accordians...

(spot the muso.  ::) )
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on July 22, 2007, 08:00:50 AM
Sadly, I not only know of the non-qwerty, but I think I may know which letters are on it off the top of my head.  I know I know most of them.
Does it look like this?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 22, 2007, 08:05:18 AM
what kind of keyboard isn't a QWERTY keyboard?

I think that it is called a DVORAK keyboard.


It was invented by August Dvorak in the 1930's to have the most commonly used letters on the home row, which leads to less carpal tunnel syndrome for typists and keyboarders.

Edit:  I see Renaeden beat me to it.  Yay, Renaeden!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 22, 2007, 08:09:25 AM
callaway, why aren't people ticklish when they touch themselves the same way that others touch them and they are ticklish.

I looked this one up:

Why can't you tickle yourself?

If laughter really is the best medicine, wouldn't it be nice if you could tickle yourself into feeling better? But a touch to even the most sensitive feet, underarms and bellies can't evoke even a smile when the tickle comes from our own hands. Why do we convulse with laughter when someone else lays a finger on us, but are immune to our own touch?

For those of you who spent the break experimenting with today's medical mystery, you can blame your brain for cheating you out of a good laugh.

When someone else tickles us, our somatosensory cortex, the region in our brain that helps interpret external stimuli, signals the rest of the body to react. When we tickle ourselves, however, the somatosensory cortex gets signals from another region of the brain to remain inactive because the touch is coming from our own hands.

The culprit is the cerebellum, an area in the back of the brain responsible for controlling voluntary movement and predicting its consequences. Researchers have found that when subjects attempt to tickle themselves, the cerebellum forecasts what will result from the movement and signals the rest of the brain to ignore the resulting sensation. Some physicians use this knowledge when they examine extremely ticklish patients by having the patients put their own hands over the doctor's to trick the brain into expecting the touch.

Scientists have long believed that tickling evolved in early man as a defense mechanism to alert the body when foreign and potentially dangerous objects were touching it. That helps explain why we're ticklish in our most vulnerable spots, such as the belly, which covers many major organs, and the neck, which houses the vital jugular vein.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on July 22, 2007, 08:27:55 AM
i am going to try that.
i am going to have my daughter hold my hand while i try to tickle her.
i am not that ticklish myself.

also, i used to be alot more ticklish when i was younger.  and it seems as if many people lose the ticklish sensation with age.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 22, 2007, 09:22:38 AM
i am going to try that.
i am going to have my daughter hold my hand while i try to tickle her.
i am not that ticklish myself.

also, i used to be alot more ticklish when i was younger.  and it seems as if many people lose the ticklish sensation with age.

I'm not really sure that people do lose the ticklish sensation with age.  My husband is extremely ticklish and always has been.

If they do, it is probably due to decreased sensitivity of nerve endings that deliver ticklish sensations or else it is due to a person learning more self-control as s/he grows up.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on July 22, 2007, 09:24:07 AM
i am going to try that.
i am going to have my daughter hold my hand while i try to tickle her.
i am not that ticklish myself.

also, i used to be alot more ticklish when i was younger.  and it seems as if many people lose the ticklish sensation with age.

I'm not really sure that people do lose the ticklish sensation with age.  My husband is extremely ticklish and always has been.

If they do, it is probably due to decreased sensitivity of nerve endings that deliver ticklish sensations or else it is due to a person learning more self-control as s/he grows up.
or nore control over the portion of the brain that controls that reflex.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on July 22, 2007, 01:08:07 PM
Does it look like this?

i feel a little ill now. :(
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on July 22, 2007, 01:11:54 PM

It was invented by August Dvorak in the 1930's to have the most commonly used letters on the home row, which leads to less carpal tunnel syndrome for typists and keyboarders.

so Dvorak leads to carpal tunnel?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on July 22, 2007, 01:17:42 PM

It was invented by August Dvorak in the 1930's to have the most commonly used letters on the home row, which leads to less carpal tunnel syndrome for typists and keyboarders.

so Dvorak leads to carpal tunnel?
Dvorak leads to you shagging russians over a bottle of vodka. Be warned Milla...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on July 22, 2007, 01:33:21 PM
i love vodka. i could shag Evgeni.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on July 22, 2007, 01:35:09 PM
i love vodka. i could shag Evgeni.
Whose Evegeni. How long did you make his cucumber?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on July 22, 2007, 01:52:20 PM
Evgeni Plushenko, the world's hottest and greatest figure skater. his cucumber is long and girth-blessed.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on July 22, 2007, 02:07:24 PM
Evgeni Plushenko, the world's hottest and greatest figure skater. his cucumber is long and girth-blessed.
Never heard of him. Are you going to peel back the girth Milla. Who else would you go for?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on July 22, 2007, 02:11:07 PM
Irina Slutskaya. :eyebrows: yum.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on July 22, 2007, 02:20:41 PM
Irina Slutskaya. :eyebrows: yum.
Do you like anyone asides Russians, you do know their life expectancy is under 60 dont you?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 22, 2007, 02:38:13 PM

It was invented by August Dvorak in the 1930's to have the most commonly used letters on the home row, which leads to less carpal tunnel syndrome for typists and keyboarders.

so Dvorak leads to carpal tunnel?

No.  The QWERTY keyboard was designed so that typists were deliberately slowed down to reduce jamming their typewriter keys, so typists have to make more awkward repetitive motions.  QWERTY leads to carpal tunnel.  DVORAK keyboards reduce repetitive motion injuries, like carpal tunnel syndrome.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on July 22, 2007, 04:30:27 PM
oh, that makes more sense then. though i prefer QWERTY, it would take time to learn the other one. :P

russians are the best skaters and Evgeni happens to be the hottest too. also Irina. but i like Sasha Cohen and i love that willowy asian chick who fucked up her knee... i stopped watching skating competitions when Evgeni and Irina retired though. :(

oh and i loved both Tatianas and their partners. i'm terrible with names.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on July 22, 2007, 04:32:47 PM
do you like figure skating Callaway?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on July 22, 2007, 04:33:55 PM
oh, that makes more sense then. though i prefer QWERTY, it would take time to learn the other one. :P

russians are the best skaters and Evgeni happens to be the hottest too. also Irina. but i like Sasha Cohen and i love that willowy asian chick who fucked up her knee... i stopped watching skating competitions when Evgeni and Irina retired though. :(

oh and i loved both Tatianas and their partners. i'm terrible with names.
Hmm, why are you a figure skater fan? I didnt expect something like that to float your boat...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 22, 2007, 09:08:43 PM
do you like figure skating Callaway?

I like watching it sometimes.  My office mate in graduate school absolutely loved watching it, so I watched it too so we would have something that interested her to talk about.

I'm not very graceful on skates myself though.  I'm actually the opposite of graceful.  I fall down a lot.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on July 22, 2007, 09:28:11 PM
Irina Slutskaya. :eyebrows: yum.
Do you like anyone asides Russians, you do know their life expectancy is under 60 dont you?

That's the vodka.
Plus, she only wants to shag,
not keep.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on July 22, 2007, 09:29:03 PM
  I'm actually the opposite of graceful.  I fall down a lot.

One CAN fall gracefully though.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on July 22, 2007, 09:30:12 PM
  I'm actually the opposite of graceful.  I fall down a lot.

One CAN fall gracefully though.  :laugh:
gerald ford?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 22, 2007, 11:58:02 PM
  I'm actually the opposite of graceful.  I fall down a lot.

One CAN fall gracefully though.  :laugh:

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on July 23, 2007, 04:54:12 AM
Hmm, why are you a figure skater fan? I didnt expect something like that to float your boat...

it's the most dangerous sport ever, and the most beautiful.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on July 23, 2007, 04:57:59 AM
I like watching it sometimes.  My office mate in graduate school absolutely loved watching it, so I watched it too so we would have something that interested her to talk about.

I'm not very graceful on skates myself though.  I'm actually the opposite of graceful.  I fall down a lot.

i bet you're graceful. :)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on July 23, 2007, 04:58:32 AM
Irina Slutskaya. :eyebrows: yum.
Do you like anyone asides Russians, you do know their life expectancy is under 60 dont you?

That's the vodka.
Plus, she only wants to shag,
not keep.

Calandale you know me so well. 8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on July 23, 2007, 10:52:21 AM
Have fun! >:D

Define consciousness, without looking it up or falling into tautology.  I can do it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on July 23, 2007, 11:09:16 AM
go on, then.  we're all agog.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 23, 2007, 11:11:36 AM
Have fun! >:D

Define consciousness, without looking it up or falling into tautology.  I can do it.

I'll let you go first, then.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on July 23, 2007, 11:12:42 AM

oh, we absolutely HAVE to get a Callousway smiley.  just for you.  it's a must!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on July 23, 2007, 11:14:56 AM
First, let me ask Callaway for a real life picture of herself and then what she is wearing.  YOU GET IT?  

I did not just look this up to impress intensitysquared memembers, as I know I am training to be all that I can be, which is nothing a pethatic low life, its part of me studying to help people.  I am helping myself just fine.  I am traing for what I think a model should be, a body and they must follow good behavior in real life.  My sister and her blunt habits don't qualify even though she is one am I am not.  I fine with who I am and proud even If I ignored forever.

Ounce again, this is questions for Callaway, not Lucifer or Randy.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on July 23, 2007, 11:17:30 AM
First, let me ask Callaway for a real life picture of herself and then what she is wearing.  YOU GET IT?

I did not just look this up to impress intensitysquared memembers, as I know I am training to be all that I can be, which is nothing a pethatic low life, its part of me studying to help people.  I am helping myself just fine.  I am traing for what I think a model should be, a body and they must follow good behavior in real life.  My sister and her blunt habits don't qualify even though she is one am I am not.  I fine with who I am and proud even If I ignored forever.

Ounce again, this is questions for Callaway, not Lucifer or Randy.

ounce again, nope.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on July 23, 2007, 11:20:30 AM
I am training to be all that I can be, which is nothing a pethatic low life

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on July 23, 2007, 11:21:12 AM
delusions of inadequacy?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on July 23, 2007, 11:21:55 AM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on July 23, 2007, 11:30:09 AM
What the fuck was that?  Home stress?  tiredness?  grandmother is dying? perhaps all, well whatever..

Questions for Callaway, not hyperfocus time.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 23, 2007, 01:41:20 PM
First, let me ask Callaway for a real life picture of herself and then what she is wearing.  YOU GET IT?  

I did not just look this up to impress intensitysquared memembers, as I know I am training to be all that I can be, which is nothing a pethatic low life, its part of me studying to help people.  I am helping myself just fine.  I am traing for what I think a model should be, a body and they must follow good behavior in real life.  My sister and her blunt habits don't qualify even though she is one am I am not.  I fine with who I am and proud even If I ignored forever.

Ounce again, this is questions for Callaway, not Lucifer or Randy.

No Randy.  I won't show you a picture or tell you what I am wearing. 

If you can't define consciousness, then just say so.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on July 23, 2007, 01:52:53 PM
he's not conscious enough. :)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on July 23, 2007, 01:54:30 PM
First, let me ask Callaway for a real life picture of herself and then what she is wearing.  YOU GET IT? 

I did not just look this up to impress intensitysquared memembers, as I know I am training to be all that I can be, which is nothing a pethatic low life, its part of me studying to help people.  I am helping myself just fine.  I am traing for what I think a model should be, a body and they must follow good behavior in real life.  My sister and her blunt habits don't qualify even though she is one am I am not.  I fine with who I am and proud even If I ignored forever.

Ounce again, this is questions for Callaway, not Lucifer or Randy.

No Randy.  I won't show you a picture or tell you what I am wearing. 

If you can't define consciousness, then just say so.
Why dont you grab a random pic off somewhere else, flo isnt exactly going to know...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 23, 2007, 02:01:42 PM
First, let me ask Callaway for a real life picture of herself and then what she is wearing.  YOU GET IT? 

I did not just look this up to impress intensitysquared memembers, as I know I am training to be all that I can be, which is nothing a pethatic low life, its part of me studying to help people.  I am helping myself just fine.  I am traing for what I think a model should be, a body and they must follow good behavior in real life.  My sister and her blunt habits don't qualify even though she is one am I am not.  I fine with who I am and proud even If I ignored forever.

Ounce again, this is questions for Callaway, not Lucifer or Randy.

No Randy.  I won't show you a picture or tell you what I am wearing. 

If you can't define consciousness, then just say so.
Why dont you grab a random pic off somewhere else, flo isnt exactly going to know...

To me, that would be lying.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on July 23, 2007, 02:06:49 PM
You could tell him it's not you.
Might still work.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on July 23, 2007, 02:20:50 PM
First, let me ask Callaway for a real life picture of herself and then what she is wearing.  YOU GET IT? 

I did not just look this up to impress intensitysquared memembers, as I know I am training to be all that I can be, which is nothing a pethatic low life, its part of me studying to help people.  I am helping myself just fine.  I am traing for what I think a model should be, a body and they must follow good behavior in real life.  My sister and her blunt habits don't qualify even though she is one am I am not.  I fine with who I am and proud even If I ignored forever.

Ounce again, this is questions for Callaway, not Lucifer or Randy.

No Randy.  I won't show you a picture or tell you what I am wearing. 

If you can't define consciousness, then just say so.
Why dont you grab a random pic off somewhere else, flo isnt exactly going to know...

To me, that would be lying.
True, but why would it be a problem. What do you think flo wants a pic for?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on July 23, 2007, 02:22:26 PM
You could tell him it's not you.
Might still work.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 23, 2007, 05:28:52 PM
First, let me ask Callaway for a real life picture of herself and then what she is wearing.  YOU GET IT? 

I did not just look this up to impress intensitysquared memembers, as I know I am training to be all that I can be, which is nothing a pethatic low life, its part of me studying to help people.  I am helping myself just fine.  I am traing for what I think a model should be, a body and they must follow good behavior in real life.  My sister and her blunt habits don't qualify even though she is one am I am not.  I fine with who I am and proud even If I ignored forever.

Ounce again, this is questions for Callaway, not Lucifer or Randy.

No Randy.  I won't show you a picture or tell you what I am wearing. 

If you can't define consciousness, then just say so.
Why dont you grab a random pic off somewhere else, flo isnt exactly going to know...

To me, that would be lying.
True, but why would it be a problem. What do you think flo wants a pic for?

I have a pretty good idea why he wants one, but he won't get one.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on July 23, 2007, 05:35:54 PM
First, let me ask Callaway for a real life picture of herself and then what she is wearing.  YOU GET IT? 

I did not just look this up to impress intensitysquared memembers, as I know I am training to be all that I can be, which is nothing a pethatic low life, its part of me studying to help people.  I am helping myself just fine.  I am traing for what I think a model should be, a body and they must follow good behavior in real life.  My sister and her blunt habits don't qualify even though she is one am I am not.  I fine with who I am and proud even If I ignored forever.

Ounce again, this is questions for Callaway, not Lucifer or Randy.

No Randy.  I won't show you a picture or tell you what I am wearing. 

If you can't define consciousness, then just say so.
Why dont you grab a random pic off somewhere else, flo isnt exactly going to know...

To me, that would be lying.
True, but why would it be a problem. What do you think flo wants a pic for?

I have a pretty good idea why he wants one, but he won't get one.
You should be honored he wants one for such a thing, Callaway... Even if you find the idea unsavoury.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on July 23, 2007, 06:02:55 PM
why the fuck should she be honoured?  what a daft thing to say.  ::)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on July 23, 2007, 06:04:58 PM
why the fuck should she be honoured?  what a daft thing to say.  ::)
Not really, it means flo wants to get to know someone coherently, which is a rare thing for him it appears...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 23, 2007, 06:20:37 PM
First, let me ask Callaway for a real life picture of herself and then what she is wearing.  YOU GET IT? 

I did not just look this up to impress intensitysquared memembers, as I know I am training to be all that I can be, which is nothing a pethatic low life, its part of me studying to help people.  I am helping myself just fine.  I am traing for what I think a model should be, a body and they must follow good behavior in real life.  My sister and her blunt habits don't qualify even though she is one am I am not.  I fine with who I am and proud even If I ignored forever.

Ounce again, this is questions for Callaway, not Lucifer or Randy.

No Randy.  I won't show you a picture or tell you what I am wearing. 

If you can't define consciousness, then just say so.
Why dont you grab a random pic off somewhere else, flo isnt exactly going to know...

To me, that would be lying.
True, but why would it be a problem. What do you think flo wants a pic for?

I have a pretty good idea why he wants one, but he won't get one.
You should be honored he wants one for such a thing, Callaway... Even if you find the idea unsavoury.

Good Hadron.  If you feel that way, send him one of yours, then.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on July 23, 2007, 06:26:04 PM
First, let me ask Callaway for a real life picture of herself and then what she is wearing.  YOU GET IT? 

I did not just look this up to impress intensitysquared memembers, as I know I am training to be all that I can be, which is nothing a pethatic low life, its part of me studying to help people.  I am helping myself just fine.  I am traing for what I think a model should be, a body and they must follow good behavior in real life.  My sister and her blunt habits don't qualify even though she is one am I am not.  I fine with who I am and proud even If I ignored forever.

Ounce again, this is questions for Callaway, not Lucifer or Randy.

No Randy.  I won't show you a picture or tell you what I am wearing. 

If you can't define consciousness, then just say so.
Why dont you grab a random pic off somewhere else, flo isnt exactly going to know...

To me, that would be lying.
True, but why would it be a problem. What do you think flo wants a pic for?

I have a pretty good idea why he wants one, but he won't get one.
You should be honored he wants one for such a thing, Callaway... Even if you find the idea unsavoury.

Good Hadron.  If you feel that way, send him one of yours, then.
The advantage of having male genitalia is that he wont want one...  :) And then there is the slight thing I want to remain almost totally private on here in a fashion.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 23, 2007, 06:28:21 PM
First, let me ask Callaway for a real life picture of herself and then what she is wearing.  YOU GET IT? 

I did not just look this up to impress intensitysquared memembers, as I know I am training to be all that I can be, which is nothing a pethatic low life, its part of me studying to help people.  I am helping myself just fine.  I am traing for what I think a model should be, a body and they must follow good behavior in real life.  My sister and her blunt habits don't qualify even though she is one am I am not.  I fine with who I am and proud even If I ignored forever.

Ounce again, this is questions for Callaway, not Lucifer or Randy.

No Randy.  I won't show you a picture or tell you what I am wearing. 

If you can't define consciousness, then just say so.
Why dont you grab a random pic off somewhere else, flo isnt exactly going to know...

To me, that would be lying.
True, but why would it be a problem. What do you think flo wants a pic for?

I have a pretty good idea why he wants one, but he won't get one.
You should be honored he wants one for such a thing, Callaway... Even if you find the idea unsavoury.

Good Hadron.  If you feel that way, send him one of yours, then.
The advantage of having male genitalia is that he wont want one...  :) And then there is the slight thing I want to remain almost totally private on here in a fashion.

He does not know what your genitalia look like.  You could google an image and pass it off as your own, just like you suggested that I do.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on July 23, 2007, 06:30:22 PM
First, let me ask Callaway for a real life picture of herself and then what she is wearing.  YOU GET IT? 

I did not just look this up to impress intensitysquared memembers, as I know I am training to be all that I can be, which is nothing a pethatic low life, its part of me studying to help people.  I am helping myself just fine.  I am traing for what I think a model should be, a body and they must follow good behavior in real life.  My sister and her blunt habits don't qualify even though she is one am I am not.  I fine with who I am and proud even If I ignored forever.

Ounce again, this is questions for Callaway, not Lucifer or Randy.

No Randy.  I won't show you a picture or tell you what I am wearing. 

If you can't define consciousness, then just say so.
Why dont you grab a random pic off somewhere else, flo isnt exactly going to know...

To me, that would be lying.
True, but why would it be a problem. What do you think flo wants a pic for?

I have a pretty good idea why he wants one, but he won't get one.
You should be honored he wants one for such a thing, Callaway... Even if you find the idea unsavoury.

Good Hadron.  If you feel that way, send him one of yours, then.
The advantage of having male genitalia is that he wont want one...  :) And then there is the slight thing I want to remain almost totally private on here in a fashion.

He does not know what your genitalia look like.  You could google an image and pass it off as your own, just like you suggested that I do.

I could do, but he asked particuarly for yours. Obviously he thinks you are special compared to me...  :'(
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on July 23, 2007, 07:20:16 PM
everybody thinks that callaway is special.  just not the same way the randy might.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 23, 2007, 07:21:26 PM
everybody thinks that callaway is special.  just not the same way the randy might.

Thanks, McJagger.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on July 23, 2007, 07:28:12 PM
everybody thinks that callaway is special.  just not the same way the randy might.

Thanks, McJagger.

it's true and i am not alone with this pov.  i was just the first person to say it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on July 23, 2007, 07:29:39 PM
i concur, absolutely.

i :heart: Callaway.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 23, 2007, 07:30:25 PM
i concur, absolutely.

i :heart: Callaway.

Thank you, Lucifer.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on July 23, 2007, 07:31:55 PM
Well I would say 'agreed' but then I'd just look like I was copying the cool kids  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on July 23, 2007, 07:32:51 PM
yeah me too. except i have no shame when it comes to copying. :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 23, 2007, 07:33:05 PM
Well I would say 'agreed' but then I'd just look like I was copying the cool kids  :laugh:

You're cool all on your own, Purposeful Insanity.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 23, 2007, 07:34:12 PM
yeah me too. except i have no shame when it comes to copying. :P

Milla, you are amazing.


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on July 23, 2007, 07:34:18 PM
Well I would say 'agreed' but then I'd just look like I was copying the cool kids  :laugh:

You're cool all on your own, Purposeful Insanity.


Thanks Callaway  :-*  Is this thread turning into a lovefest now?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Coral on July 23, 2007, 07:36:33 PM
everybody thinks that callaway is special.  just not the same way the randy might.

Thanks, McJagger.

it's true and i am not alone with this pov.  i was just the first person to say it.

 :agreed: :grouphug: :crowd: :party:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 23, 2007, 07:38:16 PM
everybody thinks that callaway is special.  just not the same way the randy might.

Thanks, McJagger.

it's true and i am not alone with this pov.  i was just the first person to say it.

 :agreed: :grouphug: :crowd: :party:

Thank you Fine Chocolate.  You are a very cool dude and I admire you.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on July 23, 2007, 07:39:08 PM
me too!

christ - a love in!   :o

but i'm in a great mood, so i won't puke just yet.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on July 23, 2007, 07:41:23 PM
yeah me too. except i have no shame when it comes to copying. :P

Milla, you are amazing.


aw, no you are. :laugh: :-*

i think this is turning into a lovefest. :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 23, 2007, 07:42:17 PM

me too!

christ - a love in!   :o

but i'm in a great mood, so i won't puke just yet.  :laugh:

Please don't puke here.


Why are you in such a good mood?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on July 23, 2007, 07:42:47 PM
we need to have a group hug before any of the men join in this love fest.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on July 23, 2007, 07:43:16 PM

me too!

christ - a love in!   :o

but i'm in a great mood, so i won't puke just yet.  :laugh:

Please don't puke here.


Why are you in such a good mood?

i had a IM visit.    :eyelash:  :heart:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 23, 2007, 07:44:15 PM
we need to have a group hug before any of the men join in this love fest.


But you are a man, McJagger.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on July 23, 2007, 07:44:38 PM
we need to have a group hug before any of the men join in this love fest.

and then the men will have a greek group hug.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 23, 2007, 07:46:10 PM
yeah me too. except i have no shame when it comes to copying. :P

Milla, you are amazing.


aw, no you are. :laugh: :-*

i think this is turning into a lovefest. :laugh:

Definitely not a lovefest, definitely.  

I don't want anyone to vomit in here.  

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on July 23, 2007, 07:47:03 PM
we need to have a group hug before any of the men join in this love fest.


But you are a man, McJagger.

is he?!

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on July 23, 2007, 08:10:56 PM
yeah me too. except i have no shame when it comes to copying. :P

Milla, you are amazing.


aw, no you are. :laugh: :-*

i think this is turning into a lovefest. :laugh:

Definitely not a lovefest, definitely. 

I don't want anyone to vomit in here. 


 :laugh: I think there's something in the water here- I'm in a good enough mood to not puke at the lovefest too.  :heart:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on July 23, 2007, 08:21:58 PM
/Pinches Lucifer's ass during the group hug.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 23, 2007, 08:31:02 PM
/Pinches Lucifer's ass during the group hug.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on July 23, 2007, 08:48:52 PM
/Pinches Lucifer's ass during the group hug.
you cad.  that was my ass.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on July 23, 2007, 08:49:35 PM
and that was my ladywood. :o
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on July 23, 2007, 09:07:22 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 23, 2007, 09:13:45 PM

Thank you.  Interesting song.  McJagger looks so young.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on July 23, 2007, 09:16:52 PM
/Pinches Lucifer's ass during the group hug.
you cad.  that was my ass.
/whispers:  I know.   :-*
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on July 23, 2007, 09:18:24 PM
*melts from hotness*
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on July 23, 2007, 09:21:07 PM
/Pinches Lucifer's ass during the group hug.
you cad.  that was my ass.
/whispers:  I know.   :-*
:gets a semi:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on July 24, 2007, 01:07:20 AM

The advantage of having male genitalia is that he wont want one...  :) And then there is the slight thing I want to remain almost totally private on here in a fashion.

1. don't count on it

2. Gee, and Callaway just LOVES giving out
personal information - hence the location of
this thread.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 24, 2007, 01:36:08 AM

The advantage of having male genitalia is that he wont want one...  :) And then there is the slight thing I want to remain almost totally private on here in a fashion.

1. don't count on it

2. Gee, and Callaway just LOVES giving out
personal information - hence the location of
this thread.

No, I do not love giving out personal information. 

Someone else started this thread and this is where she started it, which is why it is here. 

I don't want an "Ask me anything" thread, since I don't want to answer very personal questions.

I did answer a few personal questions because of my respect for the people asking them, then I got very uncomfortable with some of my answers being here and I deleted them.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on July 24, 2007, 01:44:24 AM
Don't mess with Callaway, Calandale, or she'll ground you. Or worse.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on July 24, 2007, 02:25:37 AM
/Pinches Lucifer's ass during the group hug.
you cad.  that was my ass.
/whispers:  I know.   :-*

i haven't got a donkey...  ???
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 24, 2007, 02:30:18 AM
/Pinches Lucifer's ass during the group hug.
you cad.  that was my ass.
/whispers:  I know.   :-*

i haven't got a donkey...  ???

Then it was definitely McJagger's...umm...donkey.


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on July 24, 2007, 02:37:10 AM

good choice, tesla - McJ's arse is far nicer than mine.   :eyelash:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 24, 2007, 02:53:10 AM

oh, we absolutely HAVE to get a Callousway smiley.  just for you.  it's a must!

How about this one?


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on July 24, 2007, 02:54:59 AM

stop it!  i'm aching with laughing already, this morning.

no bad thing, i suppose.  ;D
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 24, 2007, 03:01:37 AM

stop it!  i'm aching with laughing already, this morning.

no bad thing, i suppose.  ;D

I like making you laugh.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on July 24, 2007, 03:02:29 AM

you, my good woman, are wonderful.   :eyelash:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 24, 2007, 03:03:22 AM

you, my good woman, are wonderful.   :eyelash:

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on July 24, 2007, 03:06:10 AM
Don't mess with Callaway, Calandale, or she'll ground you. Or worse.

Did nobody else realise that Calandale was being sarcastic with his 2nd point??
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on July 24, 2007, 03:06:47 AM
didn't read it.  or his first, come to that.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 24, 2007, 03:08:07 AM
Don't mess with Callaway, Calandale, or she'll ground you. Or worse.

Did nobody else realise that Calandale was being sarcastic with his 2nd point??

Sometimes Calandale's sarcasm is a little too subtle for me.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on July 24, 2007, 03:10:13 AM
I just thought I'd point it out before people started taking out a hit on him, as most of us what to do with anyone who messes with you.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 24, 2007, 03:12:51 AM
I just thought I'd point it out before people started taking out a hit on him, as most of us what to do with anyone who messes with you.  :laugh:

Thank you, Purposeful Insanity.

I did an :asthing:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on July 24, 2007, 08:06:16 AM
I personally think Callaway should examine her family tree for people who have shoddy or missing personal information, like they appeared out of nowhere.  Then check and see if this person/these people have odd scars on their shoulder blades, like wings were amputated at some point.  There's no freakin' way Callaway isn't part angel.

we need to have a group hug before any of the men join in this love fest.

and then the men will have a greek group hug.

Damnit, I read that as "geek group hug" at first and got all excited.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on July 24, 2007, 10:25:02 AM
Suck it down!, I got the who definition memorized almost completely after the second time of writing it down. Go ginko go ginko!  It survives radio fall out while all other plants die and lives for 1000's of years.  Make a specialist sweat by asking them about primitive terms, thought that was funny.

Consciousness is the process of events that envolves:
receiving imputs
recognizing that you have not experienced them before
making decisions about what those imputs mean and you should do
responding to those imputs
realizing the consequences of your actions
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on July 24, 2007, 11:05:08 AM
I personally think Callaway should examine her family tree for people who have shoddy or missing personal information, like they appeared out of nowhere.  Then check and see if this person/these people have odd scars on their shoulder blades, like wings were amputated at some point.  There's no freakin' way Callaway isn't part angel.

we need to have a group hug before any of the men join in this love fest.

and then the men will have a greek group hug.

Damnit, I read that as "geek group hug" at first and got all excited.

my version is even hotter. you know greek men. :eyebrows:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 24, 2007, 11:09:57 AM
Suck it down!, I got the who definition memorized almost completely after the second time of writing it down. Go ginko go ginko!  It survives radio fall out while all other plants die and lives for 1000's of years.  Make a specialist sweat by asking them about primitive terms, thought that was funny.

Consciousness is the process of events that envolves:
receiving imputs
recognizing that you have not experienced them before
making decisions about what those imputs mean and you should do
responding to those imputs
realizing the consequences of your actions

Very nice definition, Randy.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on July 24, 2007, 11:12:01 AM
yeah that is. :green:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on July 24, 2007, 11:55:20 AM
Don't mess with Callaway, Calandale, or she'll ground you. Or worse.

I didn't think that the sarcasm would elude her.
I just thought I'd point it out before people started taking out a hit on him, as most of us what to do with anyone who messes with you.  :laugh:

Thank you, Purposeful Insanity.

I did an :asthing:

Sorry, mum.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on July 25, 2007, 10:05:20 AM
Thankyou.  Want me to do back flips?

Plus one at you, like a postive feed back loop that occurs in epilepsy. :plus:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on July 26, 2007, 06:37:17 AM
I personally think Callaway should examine her family tree for people who have shoddy or missing personal information, like they appeared out of nowhere.  Then check and see if this person/these people have odd scars on their shoulder blades, like wings were amputated at some point.  There's no freakin' way Callaway isn't part angel.

we need to have a group hug before any of the men join in this love fest.

and then the men will have a greek group hug.

Damnit, I read that as "geek group hug" at first and got all excited.

my version is even hotter. you know greek men. :eyebrows:

I disagree, but that just means we won't overlap on each other's turf too often, so it's all good.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on July 26, 2007, 06:38:46 AM
but i was waiting to get on your lap. :P

how about greek geeks?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on July 26, 2007, 06:50:04 AM
but i was waiting to get on your lap. :P

how about greek geeks?
In that case I think we'll be sharing HIS lap.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on July 26, 2007, 01:24:16 PM
you mean THEIR LAPS. :P gotta have more than one.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on July 26, 2007, 03:17:47 PM
lap or face it doesn't matter.  i have a seat for all the girls.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on July 26, 2007, 03:39:12 PM
i was talking about boys :P but you're a boy. :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on July 27, 2007, 09:55:23 AM
Yeah and I am a man, but if you ask nicely I will be a bad boy.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on July 27, 2007, 10:22:11 AM
Yeah and I am a man, but if you ask nicely I will be a bad boy.

you're going to wee on the carpet?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on July 27, 2007, 11:34:46 AM
Yeah and I am a man, but if you ask nicely I will be a bad boy.

you're going to wee on the carpet?


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Natalia Evans on July 27, 2007, 12:13:11 PM
I hope this isn't a personal question:

Do you have any other kids? If so, how many and how old are they? Are they boys or girls?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 27, 2007, 06:12:13 PM
I hope this isn't a personal question:

Do you have any other kids? If so, how many and how old are they? Are they boys or girls?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on July 27, 2007, 06:25:03 PM
What's your happiest childhood memory/ies Callaway? 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 27, 2007, 06:39:17 PM
What's your happiest childhood memory/ies Callaway? 

That is a difficult question, since there are many happy memories.

I remember my dad teaching me to tie my red tennis shoes when I was four, just before we went to get a Christmas tree. 

I remember my mother and I going to get ice cream cones, just the two of us.  She got cherry vanilla and I got chocolate chip.

I remember my aunt taking my brothers' and my pictures when the younger brother was a baby.  He messed his diaper just before she took the picture and my other brother made a face and said, "Ooooh, something stinks."  She snapped the picture right then and it was a very cute face.

I remember visiting my grandparents and my grandmother saying that I was "smart" because I made my bed as soon as I got up.  She spent a month trying to teach me to bake biscuits like hers, but I was a dismal failure at that.  She taught me to quilt, though.

Another time my cousin and I visited her together and I was watching a show on television while she slept in one morning.  As soon as she woke up she changed the channel, but I was not done watching the show yet, so I changed it back.  We wound up in a fight over the TV channel and my grandmother came in and turned off the TV.  She never had us visit together again.   :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: maldoror on July 27, 2007, 07:11:43 PM
Did you get flooded today?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 27, 2007, 08:11:16 PM
Did you get flooded today?

No, I didn't, but we got a lot of rain last night starting around 9PM.  Did you get flooded today?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on July 28, 2007, 09:32:42 PM
callaway, will you please explain the connection to the elderwand and malfoy.  and how did it make harry the rightful owner.  i just couldn't understand what he was saying or how his argument made sense.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 28, 2007, 10:08:45 PM
callaway, will you please explain the connection to the elderwand and malfoy.  and how did it make harry the rightful owner.  i just couldn't understand what he was saying or how his argument made sense.

Do you remember when Dumbledore was disarmed by Draco with an Expelliarmus spell at the same time Dumbledore put a full-body bind on Harry who was under his Invisibility Cloak (Page 584 of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)?  At that moment, Draco took Dumbledore's wand away from him and became the true master of the Elder wand, because when Snape killed Dumbledore, he was in collusion with Dumbledore, so Snape never defeated him.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on July 28, 2007, 10:20:58 PM
callaway, will you please explain the connection to the elderwand and malfoy.  and how did it make harry the rightful owner.  i just couldn't understand what he was saying or how his argument made sense.

Do you remember when Dumbledore was disarmed by Draco with an Expelliarmus spell at the same time Dumbledore put a full-body bind on Harry who was under his Invisibility Cloak (Page 584 of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)?  At that moment, Draco took Dumbledore's wand away from him and became the true master of the Elder wand, because when Snape killed Dumbledore, he was in collusion with Dumbledore, so Snape never defeated him.

wow.  thanks.  that explains it.

now another potter question.  how did neville pull out the sword of gryffendor when the sword was in the property of that troll.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 28, 2007, 10:30:19 PM
callaway, will you please explain the connection to the elderwand and malfoy.  and how did it make harry the rightful owner.  i just couldn't understand what he was saying or how his argument made sense.

Do you remember when Dumbledore was disarmed by Draco with an Expelliarmus spell at the same time Dumbledore put a full-body bind on Harry who was under his Invisibility Cloak (Page 584 of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)?  At that moment, Draco took Dumbledore's wand away from him and became the true master of the Elder wand, because when Snape killed Dumbledore, he was in collusion with Dumbledore, so Snape never defeated him.

wow.  thanks.  that explains it.

now another potter question.  how did neville pull out the sword of gryffendor when the sword was in the property of that troll.

It wasn't a troll, it was Griphook the goblin, but he was not really the rightful owner of Gryffindor's sword.  It is a magical sword that can come from the Sorting Hat to any Gryffindor in conditions of valor and need.  Remember when Harry showed great loyalty to Dumbledore in the Chamber of Secrets while he was battling Tom Riddle and the Basilisk, and the Sorting Hat, which had been empty, gave Harry the sword of Godric Gryffindor?  That was an example of the condition of need and valor, and Neville Longbottom needed the sword to kill Nagini, the last Horcrux.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on July 29, 2007, 12:58:08 AM
Those were really good explanations, thanks. I got it, but it was fuzzy.

What is the story behind your avatar? I really like it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on July 29, 2007, 02:40:29 AM
What's your happiest childhood memory/ies Callaway? 

That is a difficult question, since there are many happy memories.

I remember my dad teaching me to tie my red tennis shoes when I was four, just before we went to get a Christmas tree. 

I remember my mother and I going to get ice cream cones, just the two of us.  She got cherry vanilla and I got chocolate chip.

I remember my aunt taking my brothers' and my pictures when the younger brother was a baby.  He messed his diaper just before she took the picture and my other brother made a face and said, "Ooooh, something stinks."  She snapped the picture right then and it was a very cute face.

I remember visiting my grandparents and my grandmother saying that I was "smart" because I made my bed as soon as I got up.  She spent a month trying to teach me to bake biscuits like hers, but I was a dismal failure at that.  She taught me to quilt, though.

Another time my cousin and I visited her together and I was watching a show on television while she slept in one morning.  As soon as she woke up she changed the channel, but I was not done watching the show yet, so I changed it back.  We wound up in a fight over the TV channel and my grandmother came in and turned off the TV.  She never had us visit together again.   :laugh:

Thank you for sharing those Callaway.  I love those little snapshots the mind takes when one is young. 

And, can't imagine you fighting as a child....fiesty girl!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on July 29, 2007, 07:06:47 AM
callaway, will you please explain the connection to the elderwand and malfoy.  and how did it make harry the rightful owner.  i just couldn't understand what he was saying or how his argument made sense.

Do you remember when Dumbledore was disarmed by Draco with an Expelliarmus spell at the same time Dumbledore put a full-body bind on Harry who was under his Invisibility Cloak (Page 584 of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)?  At that moment, Draco took Dumbledore's wand away from him and became the true master of the Elder wand, because when Snape killed Dumbledore, he was in collusion with Dumbledore, so Snape never defeated him.

wow.  thanks.  that explains it.

now another potter question.  how did neville pull out the sword of gryffendor when the sword was in the property of that troll.

It wasn't a troll, it was Griphook the goblin, but he was not really the rightful owner of Gryffindor's sword.  It is a magical sword that can come from the Sorting Hat to any Gryffindor in conditions of valor and need.  Remember when Harry showed great loyalty to Dumbledore in the Chamber of Secrets while he was battling Tom Riddle and the Basilisk, and the Sorting Hat, which had been empty, gave Harry the sword of Godric Gryffindor?  That was an example of the condition of need and valor, and Neville Longbottom needed the sword to kill Nagini, the last Horcrux.

that's what i thought.  but i wasn't sure if it would only happen if the sword was on the grounds of hogwarts.

did you cry while reading the book?

i did, but only when dobey died.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on July 29, 2007, 09:51:31 AM
i'd be crying if i were reading it.  mainly cos i'd have a gun to my head.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on July 29, 2007, 09:53:23 AM
i'd be crying if i were reading it.  mainly cos i'd have a gun to my head.
Its a good set of books Lucifer. Even if they are not as alliterative (SPAG) as you would like.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on July 29, 2007, 09:55:50 AM
read one and a bit.  died of boredom.  have no reason to read the others, especially as i avoid stuff which is hyped up as much as HP is.  i have no doubt they're great, but they're just not my cup of tea.

what's "alliterative SPAG"?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on July 29, 2007, 09:58:24 AM
read one and a bit.  died of boredom.  have no reason to read the others, especially as i avoid stuff which is hyped up as much as HP is.  i have no doubt they're great, but they're just not my cup of tea.

what's "alliterative SPAG"?
It was me trying to say a word, but not having a clue how its spelt (the Spag bit).
I started reading Potter before it was totally hyped, so i just had to finish off all the books. Also almost everyone else will have read it, so it would make me look a little uncultured not to, especially someone my age.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on July 29, 2007, 10:01:34 AM
one of the joys of being older - i don't have to give a fuck about what people think about me, if i can justify myself.

but i've always been like that - was never part of the incrowd, was never likely to be, so i made being different (read "eccentric and outlandish") a lifestyle choice.  gives me a different perspective on things, which comes in useful, and which my students appreciate, cos i rarely (if ever) get caught up in "the emperor's new clothes" nonsense.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on July 29, 2007, 10:04:22 AM
one of the joys of being older - i don't have to give a fuck about what people think about me, if i can justify myself.

but i've always been like that - was never part of the incrowd, was never likely to be, so i made being different (read "eccentric and outlandish") a lifestyle choice.  gives me a different perspective on things, which comes in useful, and which my students appreciate, cos i rarely (if ever) get caught up in "the emperor's new clothes" nonsense.
I dont tend to go for universal popularity by fitting in with a crowd, but people do tend to respect my slightly eccentric style. Being seen as a bit of a genius lets me get away with it. As for the emperors new clothes nonsense, i hate it too. I tend to call it pretentiousness, which is often plain boring. I did enjoy reading potter as well.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 29, 2007, 10:13:40 AM
i'd be crying if i were reading it.  mainly cos i'd have a gun to my head.

Did you have a gun to your head when you were reading Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone?

I didn't think so.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 29, 2007, 10:16:26 AM
callaway, will you please explain the connection to the elderwand and malfoy.  and how did it make harry the rightful owner.  i just couldn't understand what he was saying or how his argument made sense.

Do you remember when Dumbledore was disarmed by Draco with an Expelliarmus spell at the same time Dumbledore put a full-body bind on Harry who was under his Invisibility Cloak (Page 584 of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)?  At that moment, Draco took Dumbledore's wand away from him and became the true master of the Elder wand, because when Snape killed Dumbledore, he was in collusion with Dumbledore, so Snape never defeated him.

wow.  thanks.  that explains it.

now another potter question.  how did neville pull out the sword of gryffendor when the sword was in the property of that troll.

It wasn't a troll, it was Griphook the goblin, but he was not really the rightful owner of Gryffindor's sword.  It is a magical sword that can come from the Sorting Hat to any Gryffindor in conditions of valor and need.  Remember when Harry showed great loyalty to Dumbledore in the Chamber of Secrets while he was battling Tom Riddle and the Basilisk, and the Sorting Hat, which had been empty, gave Harry the sword of Godric Gryffindor?  That was an example of the condition of need and valor, and Neville Longbottom needed the sword to kill Nagini, the last Horcrux.

that's what i thought.  but i wasn't sure if it would only happen if the sword was on the grounds of hogwarts.

did you cry while reading the book?

i did, but only when dobey died.

Right now, I can't remember crying while I read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, but I cried like a baby when Sirius Black was killed in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on July 29, 2007, 10:18:41 AM
i'd be crying if i were reading it.  mainly cos i'd have a gun to my head.

Did you have a gun to your head when you were reading Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone?

I didn't think so.


lol.  is that the first one?  cos i've read that and the first two or three chapters of the second, before i lost the will to live.  ;)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on July 29, 2007, 10:19:53 AM
i'd be crying if i were reading it.  mainly cos i'd have a gun to my head.

Did you have a gun to your head when you were reading Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone?

I didn't think so.


lol.  is that the first one?  cos i've read that and the first two or three chapters of the second, before i lost the will to live.  ;)
Yes, but they call it Philospers Stone over here (they changed things over for the American translation)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on July 29, 2007, 10:21:41 AM
i'd be crying if i were reading it.  mainly cos i'd have a gun to my head.

Did you have a gun to your head when you were reading Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone?

I didn't think so.


lol.  is that the first one?  cos i've read that and the first two or three chapters of the second, before i lost the will to live.  ;)
Yes, but they call it Philospers Stone over here (they changed things over for the American translation)
right.  because we don't read english.

btw, what is snogging?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on July 29, 2007, 10:25:23 AM
i'd be crying if i were reading it.  mainly cos i'd have a gun to my head.

Did you have a gun to your head when you were reading Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone?

I didn't think so.


lol.  is that the first one?  cos i've read that and the first two or three chapters of the second, before i lost the will to live.  ;)
Yes, but they call it Philospers Stone over here (they changed things over for the American translation)
right.  because we don't read english.

btw, what is snogging?
Dont ask me, but there are quite a lot of things in "american English" that are different to proper English. This might help explain...

Snogging is kissing.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 29, 2007, 10:27:36 AM
i'd be crying if i were reading it.  mainly cos i'd have a gun to my head.

Did you have a gun to your head when you were reading Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone?

I didn't think so.


lol.  is that the first one?  cos i've read that and the first two or three chapters of the second, before i lost the will to live.  ;)
Yes, but they call it Philospers Stone over here (they changed things over for the American translation)
right.  because we don't read english.

btw, what is snogging?

My guess is kissing, but maybe someone who speaks the Queen's English knows for sure.

Edit:  Thanks Hadron.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on July 29, 2007, 10:42:23 AM
proper english.  yeah more like nasaly uppity english.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 29, 2007, 10:43:48 AM
proper english.  yeah more like nasaly uppity english.

My husband jokingly calls it British American.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on July 29, 2007, 10:53:54 AM
proper english.  yeah more like nasaly uppity english.

My husband jokingly calls it British American.

with a heavy dose of uppity.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 29, 2007, 11:01:15 AM
Those were really good explanations, thanks. I got it, but it was fuzzy.

What is the story behind your avatar? I really like it.

Thanks, I like it too.

I saw it somewhere and it reminded me of a pastel portrait someone drew of me, so I used it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 29, 2007, 11:05:02 AM
What's your happiest childhood memory/ies Callaway? 

That is a difficult question, since there are many happy memories.

I remember my dad teaching me to tie my red tennis shoes when I was four, just before we went to get a Christmas tree. 

I remember my mother and I going to get ice cream cones, just the two of us.  She got cherry vanilla and I got chocolate chip.

I remember my aunt taking my brothers' and my pictures when the younger brother was a baby.  He messed his diaper just before she took the picture and my other brother made a face and said, "Ooooh, something stinks."  She snapped the picture right then and it was a very cute face.

I remember visiting my grandparents and my grandmother saying that I was "smart" because I made my bed as soon as I got up.  She spent a month trying to teach me to bake biscuits like hers, but I was a dismal failure at that.  She taught me to quilt, though.

Another time my cousin and I visited her together and I was watching a show on television while she slept in one morning.  As soon as she woke up she changed the channel, but I was not done watching the show yet, so I changed it back.  We wound up in a fight over the TV channel and my grandmother came in and turned off the TV.  She never had us visit together again.   :laugh:

Thank you for sharing those Callaway.  I love those little snapshots the mind takes when one is young. 

And, can't imagine you fighting as a child....fiesty girl!


I had strange notions about fairness, even then.

I thought that it was unfair for her to change the channel in the middle of my show.  She could have picked another show when mine had ended and that would have been fair.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on July 29, 2007, 11:06:55 AM
Those were really good explanations, thanks. I got it, but it was fuzzy.

What is the story behind your avatar? I really like it.

Thanks, I like it too.

I saw it somewhere and it reminded me of a pastel portrait someone drew of me, so I used it.
really.  i always thought you were african american.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 29, 2007, 11:15:08 AM
Those were really good explanations, thanks. I got it, but it was fuzzy.

What is the story behind your avatar? I really like it.

Thanks, I like it too.

I saw it somewhere and it reminded me of a pastel portrait someone drew of me, so I used it.
really.  i always thought you were african american.

No.  I am part Native American, but I have blue eyes and light golden brown hair.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on July 29, 2007, 11:18:20 AM
Those were really good explanations, thanks. I got it, but it was fuzzy.

What is the story behind your avatar? I really like it.

Thanks, I like it too.

I saw it somewhere and it reminded me of a pastel portrait someone drew of me, so I used it.
really.  i always thought you were african american.

No.  I am part Native American, but I have blue eyes and light golden brown hair.

Have you ever or will you ever post a pic of yourself??
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 29, 2007, 11:23:50 AM
Those were really good explanations, thanks. I got it, but it was fuzzy.

What is the story behind your avatar? I really like it.

Thanks, I like it too.

I saw it somewhere and it reminded me of a pastel portrait someone drew of me, so I used it.
really.  i always thought you were african american.

No.  I am part Native American, but I have blue eyes and light golden brown hair.

Have you ever or will you ever post a pic of yourself??

No and no. I have never and I will never post a photograph of myself.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on July 29, 2007, 11:47:18 AM
Is your avatar some representation of yourself?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 29, 2007, 11:48:30 AM
Is your avatar some representation of yourself?

Those were really good explanations, thanks. I got it, but it was fuzzy.

What is the story behind your avatar? I really like it.

Thanks, I like it too.

I saw it somewhere and it reminded me of a pastel portrait someone drew of me, so I used it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on July 29, 2007, 02:33:28 PM
What's your happiest childhood memory/ies Callaway? 

That is a difficult question, since there are many happy memories.

I remember my dad teaching me to tie my red tennis shoes when I was four, just before we went to get a Christmas tree. 

I remember my mother and I going to get ice cream cones, just the two of us.  She got cherry vanilla and I got chocolate chip.

I remember my aunt taking my brothers' and my pictures when the younger brother was a baby.  He messed his diaper just before she took the picture and my other brother made a face and said, "Ooooh, something stinks."  She snapped the picture right then and it was a very cute face.

I remember visiting my grandparents and my grandmother saying that I was "smart" because I made my bed as soon as I got up.  She spent a month trying to teach me to bake biscuits like hers, but I was a dismal failure at that.  She taught me to quilt, though.

Another time my cousin and I visited her together and I was watching a show on television while she slept in one morning.  As soon as she woke up she changed the channel, but I was not done watching the show yet, so I changed it back.  We wound up in a fight over the TV channel and my grandmother came in and turned off the TV.  She never had us visit together again.   :laugh:

Thank you for sharing those Callaway.  I love those little snapshots the mind takes when one is young. 

And, can't imagine you fighting as a child....fiesty girl!


I had strange notions about fairness, even then.

I thought that it was unfair for her to change the channel in the middle of my show.  She could have picked another show when mine had ended and that would have been fair.

Do you remember what the show was?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: maldoror on July 29, 2007, 03:34:50 PM
Did you get flooded today?

No, I didn't, but we got a lot of rain last night starting around 9PM.  Did you get flooded today?

Yeah, you can kind of see how bad it was in this picture:

( (
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 29, 2007, 05:28:52 PM
What's your happiest childhood memory/ies Callaway? 

That is a difficult question, since there are many happy memories.

I remember my dad teaching me to tie my red tennis shoes when I was four, just before we went to get a Christmas tree. 

I remember my mother and I going to get ice cream cones, just the two of us.  She got cherry vanilla and I got chocolate chip.

I remember my aunt taking my brothers' and my pictures when the younger brother was a baby.  He messed his diaper just before she took the picture and my other brother made a face and said, "Ooooh, something stinks."  She snapped the picture right then and it was a very cute face.

I remember visiting my grandparents and my grandmother saying that I was "smart" because I made my bed as soon as I got up.  She spent a month trying to teach me to bake biscuits like hers, but I was a dismal failure at that.  She taught me to quilt, though.

Another time my cousin and I visited her together and I was watching a show on television while she slept in one morning.  As soon as she woke up she changed the channel, but I was not done watching the show yet, so I changed it back.  We wound up in a fight over the TV channel and my grandmother came in and turned off the TV.  She never had us visit together again.   :laugh:

Thank you for sharing those Callaway.  I love those little snapshots the mind takes when one is young. 

And, can't imagine you fighting as a child....fiesty girl!


I had strange notions about fairness, even then.

I thought that it was unfair for her to change the channel in the middle of my show.  She could have picked another show when mine had ended and that would have been fair.

Do you remember what the show was?

The Virginian.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 29, 2007, 05:29:28 PM
Did you get flooded today?

No, I didn't, but we got a lot of rain last night starting around 9PM.  Did you get flooded today?

Yeah, you can kind of see how bad it was in this picture:

( (

That looks bad.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on July 29, 2007, 05:38:08 PM
The Virginian.

i used to love that show!  :cheer:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on July 29, 2007, 08:18:05 PM
Have you ever or will you ever post a pic of yourself??
:laugh: How did I know that was going to happen!

Callaway, is it flat or hilly in the area where you live?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 29, 2007, 09:08:34 PM
Have you ever or will you ever post a pic of yourself??
:laugh: How did I know that was going to happen!

Callaway, is it flat or hilly in the area where you live?

I live near the mountains.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on July 29, 2007, 09:21:42 PM
Have you ever or will you ever post a pic of yourself??
:laugh: How did I know that was going to happen!

Callaway, is it flat or hilly in the area where you live?

I live near the mountains.
isn't everywhere near tthe mountains?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 29, 2007, 09:22:29 PM
Have you ever or will you ever post a pic of yourself??
:laugh: How did I know that was going to happen!

Callaway, is it flat or hilly in the area where you live?

I live near the mountains.
isn't everywhere near tthe mountains?

Everywhere in Colorado, you mean?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on July 29, 2007, 09:23:26 PM
Have you ever or will you ever post a pic of yourself??
:laugh: How did I know that was going to happen!

Callaway, is it flat or hilly in the area where you live?

I live near the mountains.
isn't everywhere near tthe mountains?

Everywhere in Colorado, you mean?
yes.  but i didn't want to say too much.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: maldoror on July 29, 2007, 09:32:05 PM
The entire Eastern third of the state is plains.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 29, 2007, 09:37:12 PM
The entire Eastern third of the state is plains.

Good point, but Colorado's minimum elevation is 3,315 feet.

I am close to 5000 feet high here.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on July 29, 2007, 09:42:08 PM
The entire Eastern third of the state is plains.

Good point, but Colorado's minimum elevation is 3,315 feet.

I am close to 5000 feet high here.

Mile High City??
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 29, 2007, 09:45:48 PM
The entire Eastern third of the state is plains.

Good point, but Colorado's minimum elevation is 3,315 feet.

I am close to 5000 feet high here.

Mile High City??

The Mile High City is 5280 feet.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: maldoror on July 29, 2007, 09:48:31 PM
The entire Eastern third of the state is plains.

Good point, but Colorado's minimum elevation is 3,315 feet.

I am close to 5000 feet high here.

Mile High City??

The Mile High City is 5280 feet.

Weird coincidence... I just looked it up, and there's 5280 feet in a mile.  :green:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 29, 2007, 09:49:07 PM
The entire Eastern third of the state is plains.

Good point, but Colorado's minimum elevation is 3,315 feet.

I am close to 5000 feet high here.

Mile High City??

The Mile High City is 5280 feet.

Weird coincidence... I just looked it up, and there's 5280 feet in a mile.  :green:

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on July 29, 2007, 10:14:26 PM

Mile High City??

The Mile High City is 5280 feet.

Weird coincidence... I just looked it up, and there's 5280 feet in a mile.  :green:

...and there's 1320 feet in a quarter mile.  :hotrodder:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on July 31, 2007, 08:52:58 AM
The entire Eastern third of the state is plains.

Good point, but Colorado's minimum elevation is 3,315 feet.

I am close to 5000 feet high here.
Wow, that is high. When I visited GA when he was in Queensland, the location was about 900 metres above sea level. And I got altitude symptoms and was kind of embarrassed at how sensitive I was to it. I am used to living at sea level. We don't have mountains anywhere near where I live. We have hills. ;)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 31, 2007, 10:17:56 AM
The entire Eastern third of the state is plains.

Good point, but Colorado's minimum elevation is 3,315 feet.

I am close to 5000 feet high here.
Wow, that is high. When I visited GA when he was in Queensland, the location was about 900 metres above sea level. And I got altitude symptoms and was kind of embarrassed at how sensitive I was to it. I am used to living at sea level. We don't have mountains anywhere near where I live. We have hills. ;)

It takes a while to become acclimatized to the altitude here.  After a few weeks, your body makes more red blood cells and your lung capacity increases.  When we first moved here, I was really surprised by my inability to just run over and see the view or something when we went up to 12,000 feet and by how hard I needed to breathe with what seemed like just a little exertion.

Some athletes train here, so they develop more capacity to exercise at lower altitudes.  Maybe they would be the people you see running up a mountain.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on July 31, 2007, 10:25:21 AM
I went to the top of Pike's Peak once and felt stoned the entire time.  It was July and it started snowing while we were up there.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 31, 2007, 10:35:26 AM
I went to the top of Pike's Peak once and felt stoned the entire time.  It was July and it started snowing while we were up there.

Did you actually walk those last few hundred feet to the top?

That was kind of hard for me, but I did it. 

Step---breathe, step---breathe, step---breathe.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on July 31, 2007, 10:40:44 AM
I did.  I was much younger and healthier in those days though.  It'd probably kill me today.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on August 01, 2007, 01:34:46 AM
The entire Eastern third of the state is plains.
Good point, but Colorado's minimum elevation is 3,315 feet.
I am close to 5000 feet high here.
Wow, that is high. When I visited GA when he was in Queensland, the location was about 900 metres above sea level. And I got altitude symptoms and was kind of embarrassed at how sensitive I was to it. I am used to living at sea level. We don't have mountains anywhere near where I live. We have hills. ;)
It takes a while to become acclimatized to the altitude here.  After a few weeks, your body makes more red blood cells and your lung capacity increases.  When we first moved here, I was really surprised by my inability to just run over and see the view or something when we went up to 12,000 feet and by how hard I needed to breathe with what seemed like just a little exertion.

Some athletes train here, so they develop more capacity to exercise at lower altitudes.  Maybe they would be the people you see running up a mountain.
Yes, I noticed when I returned home that breathing was easier.

Are you going to sticky your thread again?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on August 05, 2007, 05:17:03 AM
Thank you.  :plus:

I was wondering, does your daughter like computers?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on August 05, 2007, 08:09:42 AM
callaway, i have noticed that crosswalks have a standardized width to them.  is that something that was planned?  is there any logic to it?
for instance:  so two large people can walk side by side holding hands, while a cars wheels can still be outside the walk area even though the distance between the front wheels and the front os the car can still overlap into the walk.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 05, 2007, 08:28:47 AM
I don't think crosswalks are a standardized width here.  They seem to have a minimum width of ten feet and some of them are much wider.

Here is an excerpt from Seattle's Crosswalk Guide:

Standard Plan 712: Typical Crosswalk and Stop Line Installations
4.12.2 Design Criteria 
Location of legal crosswalks: Legal crosswalks exist at every intersection, unless otherwise signed, regardless of whether they are marked or unmarked.

Standard construction of crosswalks: New marked crosswalks should be ladder-style crosswalks that are at least 10 feet wide and designed consistent with Standard Plan No. 712. Marked crosswalks should keep as much as possible to the natural path of travel. Ideally they will align with existing sidewalks. Refer to Section 4.8.2 Curb Ramps.
Visibility: Marked crosswalks must have a reflective surface that is visible in hours of darkness or during poor weather conditions.
Site distance: No obstructions to pedestrian or driver visibility should be present within 30 feet of the legal crosswalk. These include parking, trees, and bus zones.
Orientation of building entrances to crosswalks: The manner in which new developments associate with the street impacts pedestrians travel patterns. Entrances and access points to new facilities should orient as much as possible towards a legal crosswalk. This is especially true of facilities where frequent pedestrian travel across the street is expected. Entrances and access points that orient pedestrians towards a mid-block crossing can promote mid-block or illegal pedestrian crossings. This problem is difficult to remedy after construction is complete.

Variation from standard construction of crosswalks: Textured and/or colored concrete may be considered in certain crosswalk applications. The following design criteria apply:

Area of crosswalk: At least 10 feet wide.
Curb ramps: Two are required at either end of the crosswalk.
Smooth surface: To reduce vibrations experienced by wheelchair users on bumpy surfaces, six feet of the crosswalk area must have a fully vibration-free texture and a limit of ¼ inch or less rise, not more than every 30 inches.
Visibility: Thermoplastic parallel lines on either side of a colored or textured crossing maintains visibility. Street lighting upgrades may be necessary.
Given the high cost of altering or relocating any crosswalk at which textured or colored concrete is used, approval for such treatments must be received from the SDOT Pedestrian Program before construction can begin.

If the crosswalks are all a standardized width in California, I think California must have different regulations. 

I know from reading the California driver's manual that in California, a driver has to stop for a pedestrian anywhere in a crosswalk, even if the pedestrian is not in front of them.  That rule is different from the rules everywhere else that I have lived.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on August 05, 2007, 08:34:35 AM
so, in seattle they just came up with the number of ten feet minimum.  there is no logic to it?

i understand that residential streets need to be at least wide enough so that two emergency vehicles can pass each other going in opposite directions.

yes, the california law is that a pedestrian has the right of way no matter where in the crosswalk they are.  a driver must yield until they have stepped back onto a curb.  i usually jog in a crosswalk for this very reason, and i get pissed at those people who take their sweet assed time....unless they are handicapped or frail.
the police here, set up stings all the time, to remind the people about crosswalk driving regulations.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 05, 2007, 08:38:05 AM
so, in seattle they just came up with the number of ten feet minimum.  there is no logic to it?

i understand that residential streets need to be at least wide enough so that two emergency vehicles can pass each other going in opposite directions.

yes, the california law is that a pedestrian has the right of way no matter where in the crosswalk they are.  a driver must yield until they have stepped back onto a curb.  i usually jog in a crosswalk for this very reason, and i get pissed at those people who take their sweet assed time....unless they are handicapped or frail.
the police here, set up stings all the time, to remind the people about crosswalk driving regulations.

I'm going to guess it was set at least that wide so two motorized wheelchair scooters could pass one another going opposite ways without having to leave the crosswalk, but I don't actually know.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on August 05, 2007, 08:40:38 AM
that seems like a reasonable answer.  but, they are only about two feet wide each.

why is it illegal to ride a bike in a crosswalk?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 05, 2007, 10:42:50 AM
that seems like a reasonable answer.  but, they are only about two feet wide each.

why is it illegal to ride a bike in a crosswalk?

In some states, bikes may be ridden in a crosswalk, providing they are traveling at a pedestrian speed.

In California law, if you are riding a bicycle, you are considered to be the operator of a vehicle.  If you dismount and walk this bike through a crosswalk, you are a pedestrian.

If you are riding a big tricycle in California, you are considered a pedestrian and may ride in a crosswalk. 

I think that this may be because some people with disabilities tend to ride those big tricycles.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on August 05, 2007, 10:57:35 AM
I remember this happening in a science class:

One clear liquid was poured into a test tube of another clear liquid. Mixed together, they turned a bright milky yellow. I was fascinated by how vivid the colour was.

Do you know what the two chemicals might have been?

My thousanth post. A science one!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 05, 2007, 11:32:36 AM
I remember this happening in a science class:

One clear liquid was poured into a test tube of another clear liquid. Mixed together, they turned a bright milky yellow. I was fascinated by how vivid the colour was.

Do you know what the two chemicals might have been?

My thousanth post. A science one!

I have an ammonia test kit for my aquarium that mixes a few drops of a Nessler's reagent ( solution with a measured amount of aquarium water and it turns yellow if ammonia is present in the water.  It is sensitive to parts per million of ammonia and it turns brighter yellow with higher concentrations of ammonia. 

Your two clear liquids could have been water with Nessler's reagent (mercuric potassium iodide) and water with ammonia. If the concentration of ammonia was too high, there would have been a brownish precipitate in the bottom of the test tube after it settled out of solution, but while it was suspended, it could have turned the solution milky.

I also have a test kit to measure chlorine levels in my daughter's swimming pool that uses a chemical called Orthotolidine, which turns bright yellow if there is enough chlorine in the water.

So your two clear liquids in test tubes could also have been an solution of Orthotolidine in water and a solution of dissolved chlorine in water.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on August 05, 2007, 05:49:37 PM
question removed.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on August 05, 2007, 06:12:29 PM
How big is your aquarium?  Salt or fresh water?

I've always loved aquariums.  I had a freshwater one for many years.  I want to step up to a salt water one when I can afford it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 05, 2007, 06:20:05 PM
How big is your aquarium?  Salt or fresh water?

I've always loved aquariums.  I had a freshwater one for many years.  I want to step up to a salt water one when I can afford it.

It is just a small freshwater one, twenty gallons.  All it has in it are two Comet goldfish.  We were down to one six inch Comet we grew from a feeder goldfish, when one jumped out of the water and wound up dying, so we bought another one, "so the one left would not be too lonely."

Saltwater aquaria are beautiful, but very tricky to keep balanced.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on August 07, 2007, 06:12:21 AM
I remember this happening in a science class:

One clear liquid was poured into a test tube of another clear liquid. Mixed together, they turned a bright milky yellow. I was fascinated by how vivid the colour was.

Do you know what the two chemicals might have been?

My thousanth post. A science one!

OJ and napalm. :P

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on August 07, 2007, 06:46:00 AM
OJ Simpson?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on August 07, 2007, 01:31:52 PM
I don't feel like looking it up, but since this  a questions thread, I will ask you.

Is the noun, dimericmacrocyclicellagitannin longer that that anti.. don't feel like putting the rest?

Is is the main component in plobrium agustifolia, used for prostate diease.  I think I spelled that scientific name wrong.  Well, that word is classifcation for, oenin B.  Fuck should go review that shit.  I always seem to wake up with in a piss mood, so maybe I should meditate before I study so I can remember this shit better.  I did come across the reason I was missing whole words.  When your adrenal glands are exhausted from stress, you might start searching for words.  It got really bad in high school algebra where I would mess up simple math.  I think algebra, especially that slow fuckn class is simple. Lucky me, everything is so easy to deal with.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 07, 2007, 01:42:41 PM
I don't feel like looking it up, but since this  a questions thread, I will ask you.

Is the noun, dimericmacrocyclicellagitannin longer that that anti.. don't feel like putting the rest?

Is is the main component in plobrium agustifolia, used for prostate diease.  I think I spelled that scientific name wrong.  Well, that word is classifcation for, oenin B.  Fuck should go review that shit.  I always seem to wake up with in a piss mood, so maybe I should meditate before I study so I can remember this shit better.  I did come across the reason I was missing whole words.  When your adrenal glands are exhausted from stress, you might start searching for words.  It got really bad in high school algebra where I would mess up simple math.  I think algebra, especially that slow fuckn class is simple. Lucky me, everything is so easy to deal with.

Is the word you are thinking of antidisestablishmentarianism?  If so, the name dimericmacrocyclicellagitannin is longer.  There are some even longer chemical names, though, like:

methionylglutaminylarginyltyrosylglutamylserylleucyl phenylalanylalanylglutaminylleucyllysylglutamylarginyl lysylglutamylglycylalanylphenylalanylvalylprolylphenyl alanylvalylthreonylleucylglycylaspartylprolylglycylisol eucylglutamylglutaminylserylleucyllysylisoleucylaspartyl threonylleucylisoleucylglutamylalanylglycylalanylaspartyl alanylleucylglutamylleucylglycylisoleucylprolylphenyl alanylserylaspartylprolylleucylalanylaspartylglycylprolyl threonylisoleucylglutaminylasparaginylalanylthreonylleucyl arginylalanylphenylalanylalanylalanylglycylvalylthreonyl prolylalanylglutaminylcysteinylphenylalanylglutamyl methionylleucylalanylleucylisoleucylarginylglutaminyllysyl histidylprolylthreonylisoleucylprolylisoleucylglycylleucyl leucylmethionyltyrosylalanylasparaginylleucylvalylphenyl alanylasparaginyllysylglycylisoleucylaspartylglutamylphenyl alanyltyrosylalanylglutaminylcysteinylglutamyllysylvalyl glycylvalylaspartylserylvalylleucylvalylalanylaspartylvalyl prolylvalylglutaminylglutamylserylalanylprolylphenylalanyl arginylglutaminylalanylalanylleucylarginylhistidylasparaginyl valylalanylprolylisoleucylphenylalanylisoleucylcysteinyl prolylprolylaspartylalanylaspartylaspartylaspartylleucyl leucylarginylglutaminylisoleucylalanylseryltyrosylglycyl arginylglycyltyrosylthreonyltyrosylleucylleucylserylarginyl alanylglycylvalylthreonylglycylalanylglutamylasparaginyl arginylalanylalanylleucylprolylleucylasparaginylhistidyl leucylvalylalanyllysylleucyllysylglutamyltyrosylasparaginyl alanylalanylprolylprolylleucylglutaminylglycylphenylalanyl glycylisoleucylserylalanylprolylaspartylglutaminylvalyllysyl alanylalanylisoleucylaspartylalanylglycylalanylalanylglycyl alanylisoleucylserylglycylserylalanylisoleucylvalyllysylisol eucylisoleucylglutamylglutaminylhistidylasparaginylisoleucyl glutamylprolylglutamyllysylmethionylleucylalanylalanylleucyl lysylvalylphenylalanylvalylglutaminylprolylmethionyllysyl alanylalanylthreonylarginylserine.

This is the full chemical name.  It has 1913 letters.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on August 07, 2007, 01:44:30 PM
What the fuck would I want to do with that, play jenga?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 07, 2007, 01:48:08 PM
What the fuck would I want to do with that, play jenga?

You asked me a question and I answered it.   :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on August 07, 2007, 01:55:31 PM
Indeed there are longer. I posted one early in my
tenure here. It took up several screens. I don't think
I'll quote it again.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 07, 2007, 01:57:16 PM
Indeed there are longer. I posted one early in my
tenure here. It took up several screens. I don't think
I'll quote it again.

Thank you.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on August 07, 2007, 02:23:32 PM
augustophobia = fear of the month of august
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on August 07, 2007, 02:24:57 PM
OJ Simpson?

no. it's like Cher. no last name.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on August 07, 2007, 05:55:38 PM
augustophobia = fear of the month of august

I have a shirt dedicated to hippopatomonstrososequpiiedaliophobia.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on August 07, 2007, 05:56:34 PM
Indeed there are longer. I posted one early in my
tenure here. It took up several screens. I don't think
I'll quote it again.

Link, then?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on August 07, 2007, 06:50:06 PM
Indeed there are longer. I posted one early in my
tenure here. It took up several screens. I don't think
I'll quote it again.

Link, then?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on August 07, 2007, 06:51:35 PM
Indeed there are longer. I posted one early in my
tenure here. It took up several screens. I don't think
I'll quote it again.

Link, then?


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on August 07, 2007, 07:57:05 PM
methionylglutaminylarginyltyrosylglutamylserylleucyl phenylalanylalanylglutaminylleucyllysylglutamylarginyl lysylglutamylglycylalanylphenylalanylvalylprolylphenyl alanylvalylthreonylleucylglycylaspartylprolylglycylisol eucylglutamylglutaminylserylleucyllysylisoleucylaspartyl threonylleucylisoleucylglutamylalanylglycylalanylaspartyl alanylleucylglutamylleucylglycylisoleucylprolylphenyl alanylserylaspartylprolylleucylalanylaspartylglycylprolyl threonylisoleucylglutaminylasparaginylalanylthreonylleucyl arginylalanylphenylalanylalanylalanylglycylvalylthreonyl prolylalanylglutaminylcysteinylphenylalanylglutamyl methionylleucylalanylleucylisoleucylarginylglutaminyllysyl histidylprolylthreonylisoleucylprolylisoleucylglycylleucyl leucylmethionyltyrosylalanylasparaginylleucylvalylphenyl alanylasparaginyllysylglycylisoleucylaspartylglutamylphenyl alanyltyrosylalanylglutaminylcysteinylglutamyllysylvalyl glycylvalylaspartylserylvalylleucylvalylalanylaspartylvalyl prolylvalylglutaminylglutamylserylalanylprolylphenylalanyl arginylglutaminylalanylalanylleucylarginylhistidylasparaginyl valylalanylprolylisoleucylphenylalanylisoleucylcysteinyl prolylprolylaspartylalanylaspartylaspartylaspartylleucyl leucylarginylglutaminylisoleucylalanylseryltyrosylglycyl arginylglycyltyrosylthreonyltyrosylleucylleucylserylarginyl alanylglycylvalylthreonylglycylalanylglutamylasparaginyl arginylalanylalanylleucylprolylleucylasparaginylhistidyl leucylvalylalanyllysylleucyllysylglutamyltyrosylasparaginyl alanylalanylprolylprolylleucylglutaminylglycylphenylalanyl glycylisoleucylserylalanylprolylaspartylglutaminylvalyllysyl alanylalanylisoleucylaspartylalanylglycylalanylalanylglycyl alanylisoleucylserylglycylserylalanylisoleucylvalyllysylisol eucylisoleucylglutamylglutaminylhistidylasparaginylisoleucyl glutamylprolylglutamyllysylmethionylleucylalanylalanylleucyl lysylvalylphenylalanylvalylglutaminylprolylmethionyllysyl alanylalanylthreonylarginylserine.

This is the full chemical name.  It has 1913 letters.

in short:  shampoo.  8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: maldoror on August 07, 2007, 09:36:52 PM
Callaway, why is it that McJagger never flirts with you? Is he afraid? What is it about you that makes him be afraid, and should the rest of us be afraid as well?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 07, 2007, 09:53:36 PM
Callaway, why is it that McJagger never flirts with you? Is he afraid? What is it about you that makes him be afraid, and should the rest of us be afraid as well?

I'm just not a flirtatious person and he knows this.  I don't think that he is afraid of me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on August 08, 2007, 01:12:14 AM
Your two clear liquids could have been water with Nessler's reagent (mercuric potassium iodide) and water with ammonia. If the concentration of ammonia was too high, there would have been a brownish precipitate in the bottom of the test tube after it settled out of solution, but while it was suspended, it could have turned the solution milky.
I think it was this one. Nessler's reagent seems familiar to me. I will probably never see it again but that is a good memory from school.

As for that 1913 letter word, I wonder if anyone has actually said it?  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on August 08, 2007, 01:26:32 AM
Callaway, why is it that McJagger never flirts with you? Is he afraid? What is it about you that makes him be afraid, and should the rest of us be afraid as well?

I'm just not a flirtatious person and he knows this.  I don't think that he is afraid of me.

Its a mark of respect that even McSmut doesn't. Everyone loves you platonically though. :hug:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on August 08, 2007, 01:45:00 AM
Callaway, why is it that McJagger never flirts with you? Is he afraid? What is it about you that makes him be afraid, and should the rest of us be afraid as well?

I'm just not a flirtatious person and he knows this.  I don't think that he is afraid of me.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on August 08, 2007, 06:25:58 AM
Callaway, why is it that McJagger never flirts with you? Is he afraid? What is it about you that makes him be afraid, and should the rest of us be afraid as well?

I'm just not a flirtatious person and he knows this.  I don't think that he is afraid of me.

Its a mark of respect that even McSmut doesn't. Everyone loves you platonically though. :hug:
that is my reason.

sometimes i see an opening, but remember that it is callaway and i don't.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on August 08, 2007, 06:43:35 AM
Callaway, why is it that McJagger never flirts with you? Is he afraid? What is it about you that makes him be afraid, and should the rest of us be afraid as well?

I'm just not a flirtatious person and he knows this.  I don't think that he is afraid of me.

Its a mark of respect that even McSmut doesn't. Everyone loves you platonically though. :hug:
that is my reason.

sometimes i see an opening, but remember that it is callaway and i don't.

I tend to respect people who can slap me into next week, too.

There aren't many women who are as hawt as Callaway, though.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on August 08, 2007, 06:44:23 AM
Callaway, why is it that McJagger never flirts with you? Is he afraid? What is it about you that makes him be afraid, and should the rest of us be afraid as well?

I'm just not a flirtatious person and he knows this.  I don't think that he is afraid of me.

Its a mark of respect that even McSmut doesn't. Everyone loves you platonically though. :hug:
that is my reason.

sometimes i see an opening, but remember that it is callaway and i don't.

I tend to respect people who can slap me into next week, too.

There aren't many women who are as hawt as Callaway, though.
this is also true.  her personality is second to none.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on August 08, 2007, 04:11:08 PM
I don't have much preferance when I am that level of desire, happens alot, given I am so calmn.

Chemical name?, thought it was throw up.

Here is a couple of more I picked up in my studies

"Oenothin B"  is how its spelled.  I moved my studying from near midnight to during the day, because that makes for half ass performance.  I thought I did fine, but the high standarts must be maintained.  I did not copy that, I memorized that.

Dehydroepiandrosterone-  DHA

Ok, now, did you stop exercising after you got your black belt?  I know my mom would get pissed at me if I stop even though she not my guardian anymore.  She used to call me lazy if I only watched my diet.  R and R was eventually came up with, rest and relaxation.  I know that is far from the truth, after I meditate I suddenly get insanely active.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on August 09, 2007, 04:06:53 PM
randy, did you know that you know a whole lot about very little.?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on August 09, 2007, 04:08:55 PM
randy, did you know that you know a whole lot about very little.?

Nyuck nyuck.

Someone might say, "thread killer"
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Rabbit From Hell on August 13, 2007, 07:45:00 PM
After you put your brain in the mixer, how long did you hold the 'puree' button down?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 13, 2007, 08:17:25 PM
After you put your brain in the mixer, how long did you hold the 'puree' button down?


Mixers don't have 'Puree' buttons.

Hi SuckAss, it has been a while since I saw you here.  How's your cough?  Did you wind up taking antibiotics?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Rabbit From Hell on August 13, 2007, 09:06:46 PM
cough is gone, no antibiotics
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on August 13, 2007, 10:57:48 PM
Have you heard of the "Will it blend?" videos by blendtec? They blend all kinds of things; mobile phones, magnets, golf balls, a video camera etc.

It is pretty funny. Here is the link. They are also on YouTube.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 13, 2007, 11:37:15 PM
Have you heard of the "Will it blend?" videos by blendtec? They blend all kinds of things; mobile phones, magnets, golf balls, a video camera etc.

It is pretty funny. Here is the link. They are also on YouTube.

No, I had never heard of it before, but it is funny.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on August 14, 2007, 06:00:04 AM
Have you heard of the "Will it blend?" videos by blendtec? They blend all kinds of things; mobile phones, magnets, golf balls, a video camera etc.

It is pretty funny. Here is the link. They are also on YouTube.
Oh thats a brillant website, i liked it when they did an iPhone, they made it look like grave dust. I so want one of those blenders.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 14, 2007, 09:13:06 AM
Have you heard of the "Will it blend?" videos by blendtec? They blend all kinds of things; mobile phones, magnets, golf balls, a video camera etc.

It is pretty funny. Here is the link. They are also on YouTube.
Oh thats a brillant website, i liked it when they did an iPhone, they made it look like grave dust. I so want one of those blenders.

I saw the iPod one, but I don't know what 'grave dust' is.

I liked the dozen light sticks in the dark.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on August 14, 2007, 10:28:47 AM
Have you heard of the "Will it blend?" videos by blendtec? They blend all kinds of things; mobile phones, magnets, golf balls, a video camera etc.

It is pretty funny. Here is the link. They are also on YouTube.
Oh thats a brillant website, i liked it when they did an iPhone, they made it look like grave dust. I so want one of those blenders.

I saw the iPod one, but I don't know what 'grave dust' is.

I liked the dozen light sticks in the dark.
Ashes really. That website is brilliant, I liked the toycars one as well. Those blades must be tough to dice metals like that.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on August 18, 2007, 12:24:08 PM
whatever happened to ritchies older brother on the TV show, happy days?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 18, 2007, 02:40:13 PM
whatever happened to ritchies older brother on the TV show, happy days?

Chuck Cunningham was on Happy Days for only the first season.  They wrote him out in the second season with no real explanation.  Maybe he was away at college and never came home?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on August 18, 2007, 03:07:41 PM
whatever happened to ritchies older brother on the TV show, happy days?

Chuck Cunningham was on Happy Days for only the first season.  They wrote him out in the second season with no real explanation.  Maybe he was away at college and never came home?

So, he didn't move to Orc?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 18, 2007, 03:24:50 PM
whatever happened to ritchies older brother on the TV show, happy days?

Chuck Cunningham was on Happy Days for only the first season.  They wrote him out in the second season with no real explanation.  Maybe he was away at college and never came home?

So, he didn't move to Orc?

It was Richie or Fonzie that Mork was going to take to Ork, not Chuck.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on August 18, 2007, 04:55:02 PM
whatever happened to ritchies older brother on the TV show, happy days?

Chuck Cunningham was on Happy Days for only the first season.  They wrote him out in the second season with no real explanation.  Maybe he was away at college and never came home?

You are right Callaway.  He never came home.  I think he was at college.  Marion was such a loving mother too, I wonder why he turned his back on his family :P  Actually, it's a wonder they didn't try a spin off from it like they did back then.  Pathetically with the Joanie and Chachi show.  ugggh.  But even Laverne and Shirley...wasn't happy days a spin off from that?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 18, 2007, 05:05:02 PM
whatever happened to ritchies older brother on the TV show, happy days?

Chuck Cunningham was on Happy Days for only the first season.  They wrote him out in the second season with no real explanation.  Maybe he was away at college and never came home?

You are right Callaway.  He never came home.  I think he was at college.  Marion was such a loving mother too, I wonder why he turned his back on his family :P  Actually, it's a wonder they didn't try a spin off from it like they did back then.  Pathetically with the Joanie and Chachi show.  ugggh.  But even Laverne and Shirley...wasn't happy days a spin off from that?

I think it was the other way around.  Laverne and Shirley was a spin-off from Happy Days.  I think Laverne and Shirley were a couple of Fonzie's lady friends.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on August 18, 2007, 05:16:51 PM
whatever happened to ritchies older brother on the TV show, happy days?

Chuck Cunningham was on Happy Days for only the first season.  They wrote him out in the second season with no real explanation.  Maybe he was away at college and never came home?

You are right Callaway.  He never came home.  I think he was at college.  Marion was such a loving mother too, I wonder why he turned his back on his family :P  Actually, it's a wonder they didn't try a spin off from it like they did back then.  Pathetically with the Joanie and Chachi show.  ugggh.  But even Laverne and Shirley...wasn't happy days a spin off from that?

I think it was the other way around.  Laverne and Shirley was a spin-off from Happy Days.  I think Laverne and Shirley were a couple of Fonzie's lady friends.

Yeah I realised I mixed it up.  Funny, Chuck should have been featured in that...oh, I guess Chuck didn't hang around 'those types of girls' like Fonzy did!

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on August 18, 2007, 06:20:39 PM
whatever happened to ritchies older brother on the TV show, happy days?

Chuck Cunningham was on Happy Days for only the first season.  They wrote him out in the second season with no real explanation.  Maybe he was away at college and never came home?

You are right Callaway.  He never came home.  I think he was at college.  Marion was such a loving mother too, I wonder why he turned his back on his family :P  Actually, it's a wonder they didn't try a spin off from it like they did back then.  Pathetically with the Joanie and Chachi show.  ugggh.  But even Laverne and Shirley...wasn't happy days a spin off from that?

I think it was the other way around.  Laverne and Shirley was a spin-off from Happy Days.  I think Laverne and Shirley were a couple of Fonzie's lady friends.
happy days began as a skit from the TV show: Love American Style.

i think it was just Potsy and richie, though.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on August 18, 2007, 07:11:22 PM
happy days began as a skit from the TV show: Love American Style.

I didn't know that.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on August 18, 2007, 08:16:30 PM
happy days is my benny and joon.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 18, 2007, 08:25:29 PM
happy days is my benny and joon.

Look what I found on Wikipedia:

Happy Days

Garry Marshall likes to say that "Love, American Style" was where failed sitcom pilots went to die. And there was much truth to that. Many times, if a TV producer couldn't find a network interested in a sitcom pilot he'd made, he'd sell the unused videotape to Aaron Spelling, who'd use the funniest bits of the pilot as a segment on "Love, American Style."

In 1972, Garry Marshall came up with a concept for a sitcom about teenagers growing up in the Fifties, and shot a Happy Days pilot starring Ron Howard (as Richie), Marion Ross (as Richie's mother), Anson Williams (as Potsie, Richie's friend), among others. Roles played in the episode by Harold Gould (Howard the father), Susan Neher (Joanie, Richie's sister), and Ric Carrott (Chuck, Richie's brother) were played by other actors in the spin-off. Marshall tried, unsuccessfully, to sell the sitcom to all three networks, but was unsuccessful. At last, he sold the pilot to Aaron Spelling, who aired the show in February 1972, as "Love and the Happy Days."

Shortly afterward, the movie American Graffiti and the Broadway musical Grease, led to a wave of nostalgia for the Fifties, and ABC executives decided to buy Marshall's new series, which became a huge hit.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on August 18, 2007, 11:58:51 PM
I don't know why, but the character Richie annoyed me. Maybe it was his voice.
Did you used to watch the show a lot? What did you think of Laverne & Shirley?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on August 19, 2007, 10:19:25 AM
Richie annoyed me, too.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 19, 2007, 10:31:12 AM
I liked Richie.  I thought Potsie was a two-faced suck-up.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on August 19, 2007, 10:45:17 AM
happy days had several spinoffs:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on August 22, 2007, 06:57:09 AM
Do you like to watch or participate in any sports?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 22, 2007, 08:50:48 AM
Do you like to watch or participate in any sports?

I have never really cared for watching spectator sports and I am too klutzy to participate in team sports.

I used to like to watch figure skating, but that was because my office mate in graduate school liked it so much.

My husband's mom loves watching baseball and his dad loves watching football.  My husband's dad would ask my husband questions about the latest game as if he expected my husband to have watched it on television and when my husband would tell him that he had not watched it and did not care to watch football games, he would act like my husband was a freak because everyone on Earth watches football.  When my husband started asking him questions about the latest chess tournament and acting like everyone on Earth watches the chess tournaments, he finally sort of got the point.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on August 22, 2007, 09:31:46 AM
 :D That is pretty funny the way your husband dealt with that.
I have done ten-pin bowling and a long time ago martial arts (that was good for getting used to being near people), that's about all. I failed sports in school. I was always last to get picked for teams and if a ball was being thrown around or being hit by a bat, somehow it would gravitate towards my head. Did you experience that sort of thing?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 22, 2007, 09:42:55 AM
:D That is pretty funny the way your husband dealt with that.
I have done ten-pin bowling and a long time ago martial arts (that was good for getting used to being near people), that's about all. I failed sports in school. I was always last to get picked for teams and if a ball was being thrown around or being hit by a bat, somehow it would gravitate towards my head. Did you experience that sort of thing?

Yes, I was always the last or second-to-last to get picked for teams.

I couldn't run, couldn't throw, couldn't hit, couldn't catch, etc.

I did take karate and I did reasonably well at that, though.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on August 22, 2007, 10:29:56 AM
I did take karate and I did reasonably well at that, though.
I never knew. How well?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 22, 2007, 11:59:39 AM
I did take karate and I did reasonably well at that, though.
I never knew. How well?

It was Shotokan karate and I got up to a purple belt.

This was my last kata:

I did not have enough time to keep it up, unfortunately.  I was working on my Master's degree and that had to come first.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on August 22, 2007, 04:17:45 PM
I did take karate and I did reasonably well at that, though.
I never knew. How well?

It was Shotokan karate and I got up to a purple belt.

This was my last kata:

I did not have enough time to keep it up, unfortunately.  I was working on my Master's degree and that had to come first.

Heh. I did Shotokan as a young 'un and got as far as purple belt too before I packed it in.  :swords:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on August 22, 2007, 10:31:02 PM
callaway, can you tell me about mary mallon, and why at one time she was the most feared woman in america?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 22, 2007, 10:52:10 PM
callaway, can you tell me about mary mallon, and why at one time she was the most feared woman in america?

Interestingly enough, I saw a television show about her yesterday.

She was a carrier of typhoid fever, even though she was never sick.

She was a cook, so she unwittingly transmitted typhoid fever to quite a few people before she was quarantined.

At that time, there were no antibiotics.  On the island where she was quarantined, the doctors wanted to remove her gallbladder, which can be a focus of typhoid fever bacteria, but she refused the surgery.  She never believed that she could be making people sick when she had never been sick herself.

When Mary Mallon was eventually released from quarantine, she was set up with a job as a laundress, which would not have caused people to be infected by her, but it was very difficult work at the lowest eschelon of domestic laborers.  A cook was much easier work and much higher status.  Since she did not believe that she made people sick, she sought a job as a cook in a hospital, and infected many more people before she was quarantined again, this time for the rest of her life.

Mary Mallon was also known as Typhoid Mary.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on August 22, 2007, 11:05:59 PM
i watched the same story on the Nova channel.  ;D

i was thinking the entire time that the state of New York should have put her on and paid her disability to not work.  but i guess that was before welfare.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on August 23, 2007, 06:00:18 PM
I did take karate and I did reasonably well at that, though.
I never knew. How well?

It was Shotokan karate and I got up to a purple belt.

This was my last kata:

I did not have enough time to keep it up, unfortunately.  I was working on my Master's degree and that had to come first.

you're so cool. 8)

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on August 23, 2007, 08:20:56 PM
callaway, can you tell me about mary mallon, and why at one time she was the most feared woman in america?

Interestingly enough, I saw a television show about her yesterday.

She was a carrier of typhoid fever, even though she was never sick.

She was a cook, so she unwittingly transmitted typhoid fever to quite a few people before she was quarantined.

At that time, there were no antibiotics.  On the island where she was quarantined, the doctors wanted to remove her gallbladder, which can be a focus of typhoid fever bacteria, but she refused the surgery.  She never believed that she could be making people sick when she had never been sick herself.

When Mary Mallon was eventually released from quarantine, she was set up with a job as a laundress, which would not have caused people to be infected by her, but it was very difficult work at the lowest eschelon of domestic laborers.  A cook was much easier work and much higher status.  Since she did not believe that she made people sick, she sought a job as a cook in a hospital, and infected many more people before she was quarantined again, this time for the rest of her life.

Mary Mallon was also known as Typhoid Mary.

that's very interesting. :)

what an idiot. had she never heard of carriers? i guess not. but still, i mean it's a little odd to have people fall ill all around you. she could have still considered it and played it safe.

i wonder if there's ever been a Typhoon Mary.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 23, 2007, 08:46:57 PM
i wonder if there's ever been a Typhoon Mary.

Yes, there was a Typhoon Mary between June 3 and June 12 of 1960:

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on August 24, 2007, 02:32:55 AM
I did take karate and I did reasonably well at that, though.
I never knew. How well?
It was Shotokan karate and I got up to a purple belt.
This was my last kata:
I had a look at that and it looks complicated.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 24, 2007, 09:41:17 PM
I did take karate and I did reasonably well at that, though.
I never knew. How well?
It was Shotokan karate and I got up to a purple belt.
This was my last kata:
I had a look at that and it looks complicated.

I looked for a demonstration instead.

Here's one:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: The_P on August 25, 2007, 04:25:01 PM
Is your innocent persona too good to be true? In all honesty, I sometimes think it's a facade.

No offence intended.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 25, 2007, 04:27:01 PM
Is your innocent persona too good to be true? In all honesty, I sometimes think it's a facade.

No offence intended.

None taken, Peaguy. 

Innocent in what way?

I am married and I have a child, so obviously I'm not a virgin.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: The_P on August 25, 2007, 04:28:40 PM
Is your innocent persona too good to be true? In all honesty, I sometimes think it's a facade.

No offence intended.

None taken, Peaguy. 

Innocent in what way?

I am married and I have a child, so obviously I'm not a virgin.

Your nice persona is too good to be true sometimes. I wonder if it's simply an act, or an experiment? If so, then fair play, I guess.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 25, 2007, 04:58:01 PM
Is your innocent persona too good to be true? In all honesty, I sometimes think it's a facade.

No offence intended.

None taken, Peaguy. 

Innocent in what way?

I am married and I have a child, so obviously I'm not a virgin.

Your nice persona is too good to be true sometimes. I wonder if it's simply an act, or an experiment? If so, then fair play, I guess.

I'm definitely not acting or experimenting. 

I don't think that anyone is 100% nice all the time, and I certainly don't claim to be. 

I'm a mostly kind person, but I have my limits just like everybody else does. 

If someone tried to harm my daughter, I would do everything in my power to stop them, even if I had to kill them.

There are certain things I don't like and I'm not particularly nice to people who do those things.

For example, I strongly dislike people stalking other people and refusing to stop.  Because of this, I'm sure Hiro does not think of me as a nice person.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on August 25, 2007, 05:36:25 PM
I've only seen Callaway burn someone twice.  The second I wasn't sure if it was a burn or not because of her disposition.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on August 25, 2007, 08:58:19 PM

For example, I strongly dislike people stalking other people and refusing to stop.  Because of this, I'm sure Hiro does not think of me as a nice person.

Ascan seems to have particularly negative views of you, as well.
And I've seen a side here and there, which seems a bit cruel -
not that that is displeasing to me, of course.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 25, 2007, 10:29:34 PM

For example, I strongly dislike people stalking other people and refusing to stop.  Because of this, I'm sure Hiro does not think of me as a nice person.

Ascan seems to have particularly negative views of you, as well.
And I've seen a side here and there, which seems a bit cruel -
not that that is displeasing to me, of course.

If Ascan has particularly negative views of me, then I must be doing something right, because he is truly loathsome.

Ascan tried to make me and others out to be liars when we told RobertN that he was screwing Omega. 

When he saw the Happy Birthday, RobertN ( thread I started, he must have been quite upset with me, because the evidence showed that he and Omega had been lying.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Alex179 on August 25, 2007, 10:37:03 PM
Is he just called Ascan on WP?   If so I think I have only seen him post a few times at the most.   I hear so much bad about him here, it makes me curious.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 25, 2007, 10:40:15 PM
Is he just called Ascan on WP?   If so I think I have only seen him post a few times at the most.   I hear so much bad about him here, it makes me curious.

As far as I know, he is just called Ascan everywhere he posts.

The reason you don't see any of his posts here is because he deleted all of them since he could not stand losing a debate.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Alex179 on August 25, 2007, 10:42:45 PM
Ah I never looked for his posts here, I was referring to WP as far as seeing his username.   Whatever I was just curious as to see what kind of jackass gets banned here.   Not that I want to emulate his behaviour to get banned or anything lmao.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 25, 2007, 10:53:19 PM
Ah I never looked for his posts here, I was referring to WP as far as seeing his username.   Whatever I was just curious as to see what kind of jackass gets banned here.   Not that I want to emulate his behaviour to get banned or anything lmao.

Ascan was never banned from here.  He is still a member, although he deleted his posts.  He has been banned from other places, though.

It is pretty much impossible to get banned from here unless you are a spambot or underage.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on August 26, 2007, 05:25:38 AM
Is being the tool of infidelity among the
greatest of crimes? Or is it lying that is?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on August 26, 2007, 06:11:22 AM
If someone tried to harm my daughter, I would do everything in my power to stop them, even if I had to kill them.

There are certain things I don't like and I'm not particularly nice to people who do those things.

For example, I strongly dislike people stalking other people and refusing to stop.  Because of this, I'm sure Hiro does not think of me as a nice person.
I would take these things to mean you are a good person, not a bad person.

Have you watched any Australian tv programmes?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 26, 2007, 08:08:56 AM
If someone tried to harm my daughter, I would do everything in my power to stop them, even if I had to kill them.

There are certain things I don't like and I'm not particularly nice to people who do those things.

For example, I strongly dislike people stalking other people and refusing to stop.  Because of this, I'm sure Hiro does not think of me as a nice person.
I would take these things to mean you are a good person, not a bad person.

Have you watched any Australian tv programmes?

Thanks, Renaeden.

I don't think that I have seen any Australian TV programs except for Crocodile Hunter.  What happened to Steve Irwin was so sad.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on August 26, 2007, 08:24:57 AM
If someone tried to harm my daughter, I would do everything in my power to stop them, even if I had to kill them.

There are certain things I don't like and I'm not particularly nice to people who do those things.

For example, I strongly dislike people stalking other people and refusing to stop.  Because of this, I'm sure Hiro does not think of me as a nice person.
I would take these things to mean you are a good person, not a bad person.

Have you watched any Australian tv programmes?

Thanks, Renaeden.

I don't think that I have seen any Australian TV programs except for Crocodile Hunter.  What happened to Steve Irwin was so sad.

You know what, for all the hype around his shows, he was a really nice guy.  I used to live on the Sunshine Coast and he was always well respected.  That TV show was no show, he was just an enthusiastic lovely person.  I cried when he died, not because of all the hype, but because the world lost a really wonderful person.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on August 26, 2007, 09:45:08 AM
Is he just called Ascan on WP?   If so I think I have only seen him post a few times at the most.   I hear so much bad about him here, it makes me curious.
He might otherwise be known as Thatchers boyfriend...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on August 26, 2007, 09:56:12 AM
Worse. Omega Female's boyfriend. :puke:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on August 26, 2007, 10:23:13 AM
Worse. Omega Female's boyfriend. :puke:
Whose she?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on August 26, 2007, 10:28:49 AM
A conniving bitch. She was a former admin of this place, but made it clear that she didnt see herself as a member of the community. She was full of self pitying emo shit (particularly when called on her behaviour), and strung poor RobertN along for months while she was fucking Ascan - then engaging in a smear campaign against the site and those who knew what she was up to to cover her lies. Currently known as 'Merry Widow', a dig at Robert.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on August 26, 2007, 10:32:08 AM
A conniving bitch. She was a former admin of this place, but made it clear that she didnt see herself as a member of the community. She was full of self pitying emo shit (particularly when called on her behaviour), and strung poor RobertN along for months while she was fucking Ascan - then engaging in a smear campaign against the site and those who knew what she was up to to cover her lies. Currently known as 'Merry Widow', a dig at Robert.
This place seems to have had its share of nasty people showing up... *sighs* Do some admins on this place get hooked on power and then try to screw this place over, Litigious is another one who screwed up it seems.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on August 26, 2007, 10:37:02 AM
I wouldn't put Litigious in the same category as those two, he was clearly having some kind of mental health problems- those two just hate Intensity.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on August 26, 2007, 10:38:57 AM
I wouldn't put Litigious in the same category as those two, he was clearly having some kind of mental health problems- those two just hate Intensity.
How many people hate this site? As soon as I let slip on WP that I post on intensity I was accused of being a troll by everyone in the thread.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on August 26, 2007, 10:44:19 AM
I don't know, I don't think its all that many, we're still only a small site after all, but those that do hate the place seem to be very vocal about it.  It doesn't surprise me you got accused of being a troll though- sometimes people make up their mind about this site without even checking it out for themselves.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on August 26, 2007, 10:45:36 AM
I don't know, I don't think its all that many, we're still only a small site after all, but those that do hate the place seem to be very vocal about it.  It doesn't surprise me you got accused of being a troll though- sometimes people make up their mind about this site without even checking it out for themselves.
I tried to link someone to here (I even broke up the link in the PM), it got removed from it. I was tempted to have a good troll when I started on WP, half the members on there are just gagging for it...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on August 26, 2007, 10:46:43 AM
I don't know, I don't think its all that many, we're still only a small site after all, but those that do hate the place seem to be very vocal about it.  It doesn't surprise me you got accused of being a troll though- sometimes people make up their mind about this site without even checking it out for themselves.
I tried to link someone to here (I even broke up the link in the PM), it got removed from it. I was tempted to have a good troll when I started on WP, half the members on there are just gagging for it...

The link got removed from a PM??
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on August 26, 2007, 10:50:18 AM
Postperson hates Intensity too. She didn't like getting her arse handed to her for sniping at people. Miserable old wombat.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on August 26, 2007, 10:50:30 AM
I don't know, I don't think its all that many, we're still only a small site after all, but those that do hate the place seem to be very vocal about it.  It doesn't surprise me you got accused of being a troll though- sometimes people make up their mind about this site without even checking it out for themselves.
I tried to link someone to here (I even broke up the link in the PM), it got removed from it. I was tempted to have a good troll when I started on WP, half the members on there are just gagging for it...

The link got removed from a PM??
It looked like that in my outbox.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on August 26, 2007, 10:55:37 AM
It wouldn't surprise me if you  can't even send links by PM on there anymore, but its pretty shocking when you think about it isn't it?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on August 26, 2007, 11:04:12 AM
It wouldn't surprise me if you  can't even send links by PM on there anymore, but its pretty shocking when you think about it isn't it?
I only broke it in several places, so it is possible they were using an algorithm that checks a link with missing spaces. Or they read my PM.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on August 26, 2007, 11:08:19 AM
It wouldn't surprise me if you  can't even send links by PM on there anymore, but its pretty shocking when you think about it isn't it?
I only broke it in several places, so it is possible they were using an algorithm that checks a link with missing spaces. Or they read my PM.

It wouldn't be the first time Alex read PM's, although apparently he claims not to do that anymore.  Its more likely that he's set up pm's so that links are automatically deleted.  I find it shocking that he'd stoop so low.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on August 26, 2007, 11:09:13 AM
It wouldn't surprise me if you  can't even send links by PM on there anymore, but its pretty shocking when you think about it isn't it?
I only broke it in several places, so it is possible they were using an algorithm that checks a link with missing spaces. Or they read my PM.

It wouldn't be the first time Alex read PM's, although apparently he claims not to do that anymore.  Its more likely that he's set up pm's so that links are automatically deleted.  I find it shocking that he'd stoop so low.
I might make an image on paint or something and stick it over all the forums with a sockpuppet. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on August 26, 2007, 12:10:36 PM
A conniving bitch. She was a former admin of this place, but made it clear that she didnt see herself as a member of the community. She was full of self pitying emo shit (particularly when called on her behaviour), and strung poor RobertN along for months while she was fucking Ascan - then engaging in a smear campaign against the site and those who knew what she was up to to cover her lies. Currently known as 'Merry Widow', a dig at Robert.
This place seems to have had its share of nasty people showing up... *sighs* Do some admins on this place get hooked on power and then try to screw this place over, Litigious is another one who screwed up it seems.

Lit wasn't--and isn't, probably-- a bad person. He did have his problems, however, and I suspect they became too much to handle for him, in the end.

Omega's different. She's a lying cunt, imho.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on August 26, 2007, 12:17:00 PM
I find it shocking that he'd stoop so low.

i don't.

i mean it's Alex.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on August 26, 2007, 12:31:09 PM
A conniving bitch. She was a former admin of this place, but made it clear that she didnt see herself as a member of the community. She was full of self pitying emo shit (particularly when called on her behaviour), and strung poor RobertN along for months while she was fucking Ascan - then engaging in a smear campaign against the site and those who knew what she was up to to cover her lies. Currently known as 'Merry Widow', a dig at Robert.
This place seems to have had its share of nasty people showing up... *sighs* Do some admins on this place get hooked on power and then try to screw this place over, Litigious is another one who screwed up it seems.

Lit wasn't--and isn't, probably-- a bad person. He did have his problems, however, and I suspect they became too much to handle for him, in the end.

Omega's different. She's a lying cunt, imho.
So Lit just lost it, where as Omega just delibrately decided to be a total cunt...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on August 26, 2007, 07:15:15 PM
i like omega dispite our history together.   you will find that i am a very forgiving person.

ascan, on the other hand, is a certifiable cunt.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on August 26, 2007, 07:16:24 PM
i like omega dispite our history together.   you will find that i am a very forgiving person.

ascan, on the other hand, is a certifiable cunt.
Ive met him on WP. He is a little too thatcherite for my liking.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on August 26, 2007, 07:18:24 PM
i like omega dispite our history together.   you will find that i am a very forgiving person.

ascan, on the other hand, is a certifiable cunt.
Ive met him on WP. He is a little too thatcherite for my liking.
he is just....nasty.
or, dispicable.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on August 26, 2007, 07:24:46 PM
i like omega dispite our history together.   you will find that i am a very forgiving person.

ascan, on the other hand, is a certifiable cunt.
Ive met him on WP. He is a little too thatcherite for my liking.
he is just....nasty.
or, dispicable.
As are many NT's I see around on occasion...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on August 26, 2007, 07:25:27 PM
i like omega dispite our history together.   you will find that i am a very forgiving person.

ascan, on the other hand, is a certifiable cunt.
Ive met him on WP. He is a little too thatcherite for my liking.
he is just....nasty.
or, dispicable.
As are many NT's I see around on occasion...
i think he is NPD.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Natalia Evans on August 26, 2007, 07:49:39 PM
Do you like any kid shows? Do you watch any?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 26, 2007, 08:22:39 PM
Do you like any kid shows? Do you watch any?

I watch several with my daughter.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on August 26, 2007, 08:29:41 PM
i like spongebob²pants, do you?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 26, 2007, 08:33:22 PM
i like spongebob²pants, do you?

Yes, we have one of the Spongebob Squarepants movies on DVD and we watch it in the car while we drive to school.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Natalia Evans on August 26, 2007, 10:19:31 PM
My last boyfriend had a problem with me watching cartoons like Spongebob and little kids shows like Arthur, Clifford the Big Red Dog and he got on my back about adult aspies do not watch kids shows but they watch shows and cartoons for teens and grownups and he thought the reason why I watched little kid shows was because that was where my developmental level was at  :laugh: and he thinks all PDD-NOS's are below their age level so they watch that stuff. He says only grownups would watch kid shows with their kids, not by themselves.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 26, 2007, 10:35:34 PM
My last boyfriend had a problem with me watching cartoons like Spongebob and little kids shows like Arthur, Clifford the Big Red Dog and he got on ym back about adult aspies do not watch kids shows but they watch shows and cartoons for teens and grownups and he thought the reason why I watched little kid shows was because that was where my developmental level was at  :laugh: and he thinks all PDD-NOS's are below their age level so they watch that stuff. He says only grownups would watch kid shows with their kids, not by themselves.

I can't help you there, because I may be below my "age level" as defined by your ex.   ::)

Harry Potter books are supposed to be for kids, but I love them.  I love all the Harry Potter movies too. 

I watch some of the kid shows even if my daughter is not in the room.  Some of them are very educational. 

I think it is more important to just be yourself and not let someone with whom you are having a relationship make you over into someone else.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Natalia Evans on August 26, 2007, 11:34:37 PM
And my ex liked Harry Potter too but it's for everyone because I've seen grown ups read the books. He got on my back about me reading The baby-Sitters Club and thought I was below the level. I told him i read them because I enjoy the stories and I have read adult books too like Jurassic Park, The Lost World, books on aspergers autism, books on murder and crime but he wouldn't listen or didn't want to even accept it because he asked me "But did you comprehend what you've read" and I said "yeah, they were pretty concrete" but the funny thing is he can't comprehend what he reads either  :laugh: because he can't create a picture in his head and he says the fictional stories are abstract because he can't create a picture and I told him I create pictures in my head I've already seen and the characters in the book are people I have seen on TV or in movies or I seen in real life. Who is below now? Boy I wish I could tell that to his face. Why didn't I think of it before when we were together. Also he has some dyslexia so reading is harder for him too and his spelling is bad I have pointed out spelling errors to him so he can fix it. I should have given him a taste of his own medicine by telling him he is below too. I did give him a taste of his own medicine about other stuff but guess what he called it. He said I was playing a game. I guess he didn’t like me proving him wrong so he called it a game. I think he called everything a game whenever something happened he didn’t like just like my first boyfriend called everything retarded every time he didn’t like something such as “it’s retarded you have to pay to live” “it’s retarded you have to work to live” “it’s retarded you have to pay to eat.”

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 26, 2007, 11:47:09 PM
I'm not sure that your ex was an ass, but he seemed to put you down a lot.

I make pictures in my mind too and it took me quite a while to realize that not everyone could.  My husband is dyslexic and he can't spell well and I decided to try to teach him because I am a really good speller.  I showed him a word spelled correctly and said, just picture it in your mind this way.  I found out that he can't.  He can sort of picture other things though.  For example, he can read Kanji pretty well, so he must be picturing it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: QuirkyCarla on August 27, 2007, 12:24:08 AM
I used to love Babysitter's Club books. I read over 100 of them as a kid.  :-[
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on August 27, 2007, 01:58:49 AM
I showed him a word spelled correctly and said, just picture it in your mind this way.
That is how I do it too! I never realised. Maybe that is why I am a good speller as well. I do not have a photographic memory but I see words in my head. I am glad and feel lucky to be clever at this.

It is a pity you have only seen the Steve Irwin tv show. His accent is completely different to mine.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on August 27, 2007, 02:17:31 AM
i don't have crystal clear images or nuttin but i can create pictures and landscapes and stuff. how can someone read a book without that ability? how can they even function? i don't get it. do they even dream?

i see words in my head too, if i think of the word and want to see it. i think it's kind of impossible not to see it in some weird way. i mean it's like thinking about a person, you see their face on some level.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on August 27, 2007, 06:51:06 AM
I think my mental processes are far more auditory than visual, but am not totally sure.  I usually get screwed up by complicated action scenes in books if too many people are involved/it goes on too long, and descriptions of landscapes don't do a lot for me.  On the other hand, I adore dialogue; reading/writing it.  Tradeoff?  I do indeed dream, with visuals.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on August 27, 2007, 06:56:54 AM
It wouldn't surprise me if you  can't even send links by PM on there anymore, but its pretty shocking when you think about it isn't it?

Maybe it's being word filtered?
I'll test it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on August 27, 2007, 06:57:25 AM
It wouldn't surprise me if you  can't even send links by PM on there anymore, but its pretty shocking when you think about it isn't it?

Maybe it's being word filtered?
I'll test it.
A broken link?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on August 27, 2007, 06:58:41 AM
Oh, I thought it was a link to here,
which wasn't showing in a PM.

Anyhow, works fine for me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Natalia Evans on August 27, 2007, 10:51:04 AM
I'm not sure that your ex was an ass, but he seemed to put you down a lot.

I make pictures in my mind too and it took me quite a while to realize that not everyone could.  My husband is dyslexic and he can't spell well and I decided to try to teach him because I am a really good speller.  I showed him a word spelled correctly and said, just picture it in your mind this way.  I found out that he can't.  He can sort of picture other things though.  For example, he can read Kanji pretty well, so he must be picturing it.

Reminds me of a scene in Benny & Joon where Joon is teaching Sam how to spell words through finger painting them. Sam is dyslexic too according to the movie director. I told my boyfriend the trick is to use Microsoft Word and it will point out his spelling errors. I use that program when I do long posts so I won't have to proof read and I type fast. I help him with spelling when he makes posts. He just asks me how to spell some words he doesn't know how to spell.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Natalia Evans on August 27, 2007, 11:02:32 AM
I can see words in my head too but I also see images. When I read I get images but if I can't see the image or can't make one, I have no clue what is going on in the scene. I avoid books that are too abstract. If I am reading a story and I have no clue what it going on in it, I stop reading it. I do the same with books. But if it's for a school assignment, I have no choice. I just read and get it over with. The books I had to read in English when I was 18 were abstract and everyone in class had troubles reading them because they didn't get what was going on in the book so every class, the teacher would sit at the front of the class and tell us what is going on in the book so far. My aid had to buy Sparky Notes on the book I was reading that tells what is going on in the book and helps you understand the story better. I felt better about myself because it meant I wasn't stupid for not being able to comprehend what i was reading and hey lot of people have troubles with it or there would be no Sparky Notes. My last boyfriend said they were all idiots and he kept saying the kids in my school were special ed too and I told him "No they were normal kids," and he said "No they weren't and I said "No normal kids, not in special ed." and then he say they were just idiots and he was surprised when he found out 1/3 of my school was in special ed and he thought was it some special school I went too and I said "No it was a normal school, lot of people have disabilities. That's why there is no such thing as normal or there be very few normal people in the world." Then he thought the school was just lazy and they mainstream anyone, even the normal kids who are idiots and lazy and they dummy up the work like they did for me he says.

Lot of kids in my school had dyslexia but lot of them didn't mainstream special ed. Then my last BF thought oh that explains why they couldn't comprehend what they were reading. I told him my aid had troubles understanding the books too I was reading so she had to buy sparky notes to help her out so she can help me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: QuirkyCarla on August 27, 2007, 11:18:32 PM
Can non-dyslexic people suddenly develop dyslexia? Lately I'll see numbers/letters a little scrambled and have to look a few times before noticing how they really are. Maybe it's a problem with my eyes though...I did read "thepeaguy" as "theapeguy" for the longest time, and tesla as telsa...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 27, 2007, 11:32:18 PM
Can non-dyslexic people suddenly develop dyslexia? Lately I'll see numbers/letters a little scrambled and have to look a few times before noticing how they really are. Maybe it's a problem with my eyes though...I did read "thepeaguy" as "theapeguy" for the longest time, and tesla as telsa...

I would guess that it happens, perhaps with some accident or illness that affects certain parts of the brain, but it is more rare than someone who was somewhat dyslexic from childhood onward and who recognized the symptoms only as an adult.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Natalia Evans on August 28, 2007, 01:01:47 AM
Is also reading a question backwards part of dyslexia? My last BF said it was and I do that but not all the time. I also tend to misread words.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on August 28, 2007, 01:27:03 AM
Can non-dyslexic people suddenly develop dyslexia? Lately I'll see numbers/letters a little scrambled and have to look a few times before noticing how they really are. Maybe it's a problem with my eyes though...I did read "thepeaguy" as "theapeguy" for the longest time, and tesla as telsa...

I would guess that it happens, perhaps with some accident or illness that affects certain parts of the brain, but it is more rare than someone who was somewhat dyslexic from childhood onward and who recognized the symptoms only as an adult.

Stress will also do that to you.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on August 28, 2007, 06:40:21 AM
Can non-dyslexic people suddenly develop dyslexia? Lately I'll see numbers/letters a little scrambled and have to look a few times before noticing how they really are. Maybe it's a problem with my eyes though...I did read "thepeaguy" as "theapeguy" for the longest time, and tesla as telsa...

I would guess that it happens, perhaps with some accident or illness that affects certain parts of the brain, but it is more rare than someone who was somewhat dyslexic from childhood onward and who recognized the symptoms only as an adult.

Stress will also do that to you.

That's what I was thinking, or eye strain.  I might add that I thought that peaguy's name was apeguiy for at least the first month I say him around WP (back in the day).
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on August 28, 2007, 07:17:12 AM
Can non-dyslexic people suddenly develop dyslexia? Lately I'll see numbers/letters a little scrambled and have to look a few times before noticing how they really are. Maybe it's a problem with my eyes though...I did read "thepeaguy" as "theapeguy" for the longest time, and tesla as telsa...

I would guess that it happens, perhaps with some accident or illness that affects certain parts of the brain, but it is more rare than someone who was somewhat dyslexic from childhood onward and who recognized the symptoms only as an adult.

Stress will also do that to you.

That's what I was thinking, or eye strain.  I might add that I thought that peaguy's name was apeguiy for at least the first month I say him around WP (back in the day).

I read his name correctly, but misunderstood the moniker to mean that he was the one being peed on, instead of making all the piss, himself.

I believe exhaustion, fatigue and stress all bring dyslexic tendencies to the forefront. I don't "test positive" for dyslexia (I was tested at forty eight years old), but when I'm tired or overstressed, I begin to talk backwards, just like my daughter used to (reversed or reciprocal meanings to word usage). My daughter has been diagnosed with dyslexia, as has my wife, and I know their own particular symptoms become more severe for both of them during times of stress. I wonder if this is commonly or widely experienced, by others.

For a long time, I did not know that there were almost as many different flavors of dyslexia as there are autism.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on August 28, 2007, 09:39:13 AM
Is water blue?  Is air blue?  Is that why the sky is blue?  How come when you're in an airplane and you look out the window up as high as you can, the sky is far darker than it is on the ground?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Walkie on August 28, 2007, 10:51:14 AM
Can non-dyslexic people suddenly develop dyslexia? Lately I'll see numbers/letters a little scrambled and have to look a few times before noticing how they really are. Maybe it's a problem with my eyes though...I did read "thepeaguy" as "theapeguy" for the longest time, and tesla as telsa...

I would guess that it happens, perhaps with some accident or illness that affects certain parts of the brain, but it is more rare than someone who was somewhat dyslexic from childhood onward and who recognized the symptoms only as an adult.

Stress will also do that to you.

That's what I was thinking, or eye strain.  I might add that I thought that peaguy's name was apeguiy for at least the first month I say him around WP (back in the day).

I read his name correctly, but misunderstood the moniker to mean that he was the one being peed on, instead of making all the piss, himself.

I believe exhaustion, fatigue and stress all bring dyslexic tendencies to the forefront. I don't "test positive" for dyslexia (I was tested at forty eight years old), but when I'm tired or overstressed, I begin to talk backwards, just like my daughter used to (reversed or reciprocal meanings to word usage). My daughter has been diagnosed with dyslexia, as has my wife, and I know their own particular symptoms become more severe for both of them during times of stress. I wonder if this is commonly or widely experienced, by others.

For a long time, I did not know that there were almost as many different flavors of dyslexia as there are autism.

I tested negative for dyslexia, at the age of 38.  And yet I showed all of the classic symptoms during chilhood, to a very marked degree, and I stlil can't follow dancesteps, tie knots, etceteras.  And I still read and write a lot more slowly and carefully. than most Also, I sometimes read and (more often ) spell dyslexically, mostly depending on how tired I am.  I don't believe that dyslexia "just goes away". I think I've developed coping mechanisms down the years, that's all.

Luckily, I  did show signs of dysgraphia and poor visual memory, which was enough to get me the free pc I needed for my BSc course ;D
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Walkie on August 28, 2007, 11:23:18 AM
i see words in my head too, if i think of the word and want to see it. i think it's kind of impossible not to see it in some weird way. i mean it's like thinking about a person, you see their face on some level.

I *hear* words in my head as I read or write them - which sometimes leads to me writing,  say, "right" istead of "write" , or "you're"  insted of "your" , if I'm not firing on all cylinders.  I 'm not conscious of visualising them, but I suppose I must, to a degree, or else I wouldn't remember how to spell them, would I? (but, like i said, my visual memory is crap, so it mystifies me that I manage to do that at all).

Just to complicate matters, I have  Auditory Processing Disorder, so if somebody says an unfamilar  word (or a familiar word, but with insufficient contextual information to distuinguish it from similar-sounding words) I've no idea how to hear it in my head, or repeat it back, or spell it phonetically, until I actually see it written down.

So, I have a better memory for aural input, but a much better comprehension of written input. I need both. (So, when I read a text, i'm always reading it aloud to myself in my head, and it amazed me to find that some people don't)

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 28, 2007, 11:50:48 AM
Is water blue?  Is air blue?  Is that why the sky is blue?  How come when you're in an airplane and you look out the window up as high as you can, the sky is far darker than it is on the ground?

We see the sky as blue because of our atmosphere. The gas molecules are smaller than the wavelength of visible light.  When light hits a gas molecule, some of it may get absorbed.  Then the molecule radiates the light in a different direction. The color that is radiated is the same color that was absorbed. The different colors of light are affected differently. All of the colors can be absorbed. But the higher frequencies (blues) are absorbed more often than the lower frequencies (reds). This process is called Rayleigh scattering. The blue color of the sky is due to Rayleigh scattering. As light moves through the atmosphere, most of the longer wavelengths pass straight through. Little of the red, orange and yellow light is affected by the air.  However, much of the shorter wavelength light is absorbed by the gas molecules. The absorbed blue light is then radiated in different directions. It gets scattered all around the sky.  Since you see the blue light from everywhere overhead, the sky looks blue.

The atmosphere is denser near the horizon, so as you look closer to the horizon, the sky appears much paler in color. To reach you, the scattered blue light must pass through more air. Some of it gets scattered away again in other directions. Less blue light reaches your eyes. The color of the sky near the horizon appears paler or white.  

When you are at higher altitude, such as the top of a mountain or in an airplane, the atmosphere is thinner, so the sky appears to be a darker blue.

There is no atmosphere at all in space to scatter light, so the sky looks black from space.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on August 28, 2007, 12:08:16 PM
i see words in my head too, if i think of the word and want to see it. i think it's kind of impossible not to see it in some weird way. i mean it's like thinking about a person, you see their face on some level.

I *hear* words in my head as I read or write them - which sometimes leads to me writing,  say, "right" istead of "write" , or "you're"  insted of "your" , if I'm not firing on all cylinders.  I 'm not conscious of visualising them, but I suppose I must, to a degree, or else I wouldn't remember how to spell them, would I? (but, like i said, my visual memory is crap, so it mystifies me that I manage to do that at all).

Just to complicate matters, I have  Auditory Processing Disorder, so if somebody says an unfamilar  word (or a familiar word, but with insufficient contextual information to distuinguish it from similar-sounding words) I've no idea how to hear it in my head, or repeat it back, or spell it phonetically, until I actually see it written down.

So, I have a better memory for aural input, but a much better comprehension of written input. I need both. (So, when I read a text, i'm always reading it aloud to myself in my head, and it amazed me to find that some people don't)

I certainly hear words in my mind and often use the wrong homonym.
I have at least three different levels of "looking at things." I can look for specific details, like phone numbers, sometimes and it becomes permanent as stone in my mind or I can look in a way that allows me to delete or not respond to an annoyance. Coping with an annoyance "looking" never seems to enter my memory. I can also do a near perfect deep registering scan of things I need to remember and I even refer back to them in the future and "re-read" details from picture memory that I may have forgotten. I have had to prove that one a number of times and been told it is a "gift."  I used to think that everyone did this. Someone says "I can't remember. Let me think."  But what are they thinking of? I know I am re-scanning my pictures  for details I need, but others seem to not understand this, except that it works for me.

I also have some kinda cute sensory crossovers, involving aural and visual mixing. I perceive and store memories of sound pictures  from where I've been and I find it hard to explain this to people. I do know that this ability has aided me in my pursuits of acoustical engineering phenomena.

It seems to take some effort to see clearly, without aural mixing of stimuli, once I become fatigued. It sounds psychedelic, but it's just me and my shit.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Walkie on August 28, 2007, 12:54:51 PM
i see words in my head too, if i think of the word and want to see it. i think it's kind of impossible not to see it in some weird way. i mean it's like thinking about a person, you see their face on some level.

I *hear* words in my head as I read or write them - which sometimes leads to me writing,  say, "right" istead of "write" , or "you're"  insted of "your" , if I'm not firing on all cylinders.  I 'm not conscious of visualising them, but I suppose I must, to a degree, or else I wouldn't remember how to spell them, would I? (but, like i said, my visual memory is crap, so it mystifies me that I manage to do that at all).

Just to complicate matters, I have  Auditory Processing Disorder, so if somebody says an unfamilar  word (or a familiar word, but with insufficient contextual information to distuinguish it from similar-sounding words) I've no idea how to hear it in my head, or repeat it back, or spell it phonetically, until I actually see it written down.

So, I have a better memory for aural input, but a much better comprehension of written input. I need both. (So, when I read a text, i'm always reading it aloud to myself in my head, and it amazed me to find that some people don't)

I certainly hear words in my mind and often use the wrong homonym.
I have at least three different levels of "looking at things." I can look for specific details, like phone numbers, sometimes and it becomes permanent as stone in my mind or I can look in a way that allows me to delete or not respond to an annoyance. Coping with an annoyance "looking" never seems to enter my memory. I can also do a near perfect deep registering scan of things I need to remember and I even refer back to them in the future and "re-read" details from picture memory that I may have forgotten. I have had to prove that one a number of times and been told it is a "gift."  I used to think that everyone did this. Someone says "I can't remember. Let me think."  But what are they thinking of? I know I am re-scanning my pictures  for details I need, but others seem to not understand this, except that it works for me.

I also have some kinda cute sensory crossovers, involving aural and visual mixing. I perceive and store memories of sound pictures  from where I've been and I find it hard to explain this to people. I do know that this ability has aided me in my pursuits of acoustical engineering phenomena.

It seems to take some effort to see clearly, without aural mixing of stimuli, once I become fatigued. It sounds psychedelic, but it's just me and my shit.


I can easily understand that concept of scanning your pictures for details you need. I'm sure I do the same, if I'm trying to recover some visual information...just not very effectively. My mental pictures turn out to contain far too many ambiguitiies and blank areas. And they're pretty disorganised. So when I say "let me think" I'm metally leafing though a scrapbook, desperately hoping  that the requisite "picture" is stored in there somewhere.At least I know my limitations, though.  You know the phenomenomenom of "reconstructive memory"? where people fill in the blanks and ambiguities retrospectively, in the light of new information. (That's why you shouldn't ask witnesses "leading questions").  I think I'm much less prone to doing that than most people are.

But why the heck do we tend to think of memory as either visual or auditory in nature? My memories actually consist of a jumble of all kinds of sensory impressions, along with associated flashbacks to  my internal thoughts and feelings of the time. The latter create the strongests, clearest, most reliable  impressions, and I'm not sure that's so unusual, it's  just harder to describe, and not the kind of information that's normally required.

It would be great to have an eidetic memory like yours.  I used to have a similar thing for the spoken word. I seemed to automatically tape-record anything said in my hearing, even when my attention was elsewhere. It came in handy when people asked , suspiciously "What did I just say?" . All I had to do was re-wind the tape a little way, then repeat the spiel word-for-word   :laugh:.  My ex-husband says he knew damned well that  I wasn't listening to him, much of the time, but he never could prove it!

Anyway, internal my tape-recorder broke down , years ago,  and now I have to rely on the normal sort of vague memory *sigh*.  Unless I make a special effort to memorise something word-for-word,  I usually recall the meaning that I think the speaker intended to convey, rather than their exact words , as heard(sometyhing I've often noticed other people doing). That's slightly worrying. So now, I try to keep a sharp look-out for unitentional double-entendres and such, in case i memorise my own misconceptions by mistake.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on August 28, 2007, 03:18:45 PM
Is water blue?  Is air blue?  Is that why the sky is blue?  How come when you're in an airplane and you look out the window up as high as you can, the sky is far darker than it is on the ground?
about an houtr after i saw your cock pic, my balls were blue. 8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Walkie on August 28, 2007, 03:36:43 PM
Is water blue?  Is air blue?  Is that why the sky is blue?  How come when you're in an airplane and you look out the window up as high as you can, the sky is far darker than it is on the ground?

We see the sky as blue because of our atmosphere. The gas molecules are smaller than the wavelength of visible light.  When light hits a gas molecule, some of it may get absorbed.  Then the molecule radiates the light in a different direction. The color that is radiated is the same color that was absorbed. The different colors of light are affected differently. All of the colors can be absorbed. But the higher frequencies (blues) are absorbed more often than the lower frequencies (reds). This process is called Rayleigh scattering. The blue color of the sky is due to Rayleigh scattering. As light moves through the atmosphere, most of the longer wavelengths pass straight through. Little of the red, orange and yellow light is affected by the air.  However, much of the shorter wavelength light is absorbed by the gas molecules. The absorbed blue light is then radiated in different directions. It gets scattered all around the sky.  Since you see the blue light from everywhere overhead, the sky looks blue.

The atmosphere is denser near the horizon, so as you look closer to the horizon, the sky appears much paler in color. To reach you, the scattered blue light must pass through more air. Some of it gets scattered away again in other directions. Less blue light reaches your eyes. The color of the sky near the horizon appears paler or white.  

When you are at higher altitude, such as the top of a mountain or in an airplane, the atmosphere is thinner, so the sky appears to be a darker blue.

There is no atmosphere at all in space to scatter light, so the sky looks black from space.

:clap: :plus:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on September 06, 2007, 05:33:25 AM
How come bread goes bad so much faster when you put it on top of the 'fridge?  I put some hamburger buns up there a while back and now went to use them, and the bottom is all mushy, and the tops are desiccated.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on September 06, 2007, 06:56:30 AM
How come bread goes bad so much faster when you put it on top of the 'fridge?  I put some hamburger buns up there a while back and now went to use them, and the bottom is all mushy, and the tops are desiccated.

Heat promoting spoiling?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: mordok on September 06, 2007, 07:00:59 AM
How come bread goes bad so much faster when you put it on top of the 'fridge?  I put some hamburger buns up there a while back and now went to use them, and the bottom is all mushy, and the tops are desiccated.

Heat promoting spoiling?

My theory as well -- Heat from the back rolling over the top.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on September 06, 2007, 07:04:18 AM
How come bread goes bad so much faster when you put it on top of the 'fridge?  I put some hamburger buns up there a while back and now went to use them, and the bottom is all mushy, and the tops are desiccated.

Heat promoting spoiling?

My theory as well -- Heat from the back rolling over the top.
why is the bottom all mushy?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: mordok on September 06, 2007, 07:15:59 AM
How come bread goes bad so much faster when you put it on top of the 'fridge?  I put some hamburger buns up there a while back and now went to use them, and the bottom is all mushy, and the tops are desiccated.

Heat promoting spoiling?

My theory as well -- Heat from the back rolling over the top.
why is the bottom all mushy?

Again theory -- thermal variants between the inside and outside of the bag causing condensation in the bag that then runs down to the bottom of the bag to be absorbed by the bottom of the bread.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on September 06, 2007, 07:20:37 AM
How come bread goes bad so much faster when you put it on top of the 'fridge?  I put some hamburger buns up there a while back and now went to use them, and the bottom is all mushy, and the tops are desiccated.

Heat promoting spoiling?

My theory as well -- Heat from the back rolling over the top.
why is the bottom all mushy?

Again theory -- thermal variants between the inside and outside of the bag causing condensation in the bag that then runs down to the bottom of the bag to be absorbed by the bottom of the bread.
oh, i forgot that we were talking about bread. :laugh:  :moon:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: mordok on September 06, 2007, 07:25:04 AM
How come bread goes bad so much faster when you put it on top of the 'fridge?  I put some hamburger buns up there a while back and now went to use them, and the bottom is all mushy, and the tops are desiccated.

Heat promoting spoiling?

My theory as well -- Heat from the back rolling over the top.
why is the bottom all mushy?

Again theory -- thermal variants between the inside and outside of the bag causing condensation in the bag that then runs down to the bottom of the bag to be absorbed by the bottom of the bread.
oh, i forgot that we were talking about bread. :laugh:  :moon:

I'm not sure you ever were.  :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on September 06, 2007, 07:26:03 AM
so then, why is the bottom all mushy?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on September 06, 2007, 11:57:19 AM
so then, why is the bottom all mushy?

I think Mordok is correct. 

The bottom of the bread is mushy because the temperature varies on the top of the refrigerator and that causes condensation in the plastic bread bag, which soaks the bottom of the bread and dries out the top.

If the refrigerator has coils to disperse the heat on the back, then the heat would come over the top of the refrigerator and the heat would increase the growth of mold.

My refrigerator has coils on the bottom, so I do keep things on top of it, but not bread.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on September 21, 2007, 06:15:05 PM
Is there a way to set it so that certain threads
don't show up as having new postings?

There are some that I like to ignore, and
this would be useful.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on September 21, 2007, 06:17:56 PM
Is there a way to set it so that certain threads
don't show up as having new postings?

There are some that I like to ignore, and
this would be useful.

No, not that I know of. 

If you want to ignore certain threads, you can read the ones you want to see, then mark all topics read.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on September 21, 2007, 06:23:32 PM
Sure. I do that. Just was hoping that there
was a way to mark 'ignorable' as some threads
get a lot of action.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on September 21, 2007, 08:59:14 PM
Is your husband really in Italy?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on September 21, 2007, 09:30:03 PM
Is your husband really in Italy?

Yes.  He is taking care of some business in Vicenza (,_Italy), but tomorrow, he and a friend will rent a car and drive to Florence (, then they will return to Vicenza Sunday evening to finish their business next week.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on September 21, 2007, 09:46:30 PM
Thanks for the links. Old buildings! I love to see old buildings. Wonder why they are called buildings when they are already done, though.

Have you traveled overseas?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on September 22, 2007, 02:39:47 AM
Thanks for the links. Old buildings! I love to see old buildings. Wonder why they are called buildings when they are already done, though.

Have you traveled overseas?

We saw a beautiful old building in Vicenza on television just a few days ago.  Then when they drove past it, he pointed it out to his host and he stopped and took him on a tour of it.

No, I haven't ever gone overseas.  I have been to several states in the US and I have visited Mexico but that's all.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on September 23, 2007, 12:40:07 AM
No, I haven't ever gone overseas.  I have been to several states in the US and I have visited Mexico but that's all.
Would you like to visit other countries? If so, where would you like to go?

I would like to visit the US. I would probably like to meet people that I know from the internet.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on September 23, 2007, 01:08:16 AM
No, I haven't ever gone overseas.  I have been to several states in the US and I have visited Mexico but that's all.
Would you like to visit other countries? If so, where would you like to go?

I would like to visit the US. I would probably like to meet people that I know from the internet.

I would like to visit other countries, but right now it is not practical for me to go because my daughter has school and it would be very hard for her to travel to another country.  It is pretty hard for her to travel to other states, actually.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on September 23, 2007, 01:41:57 AM
No, I haven't ever gone overseas.  I have been to several states in the US and I have visited Mexico but that's all.
Would you like to visit other countries? If so, where would you like to go?
I would like to visit the US. I would probably like to meet people that I know from the internet.

I would like to visit other countries, but right now it is not practical for me to go because my daughter has school and it would be very hard for her to travel to another country.  It is pretty hard for her to travel to other states, actually.
I think it is hard on children to do a lot of traveling because they need security and routine when growing up. I went on a few camps with school and did not enjoy myself. I started traveling when I was in my early twenties because I felt ready then. Maybe it will be the same for your daughter, when she feels ready, she will get the traveling bug.  :)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on September 23, 2007, 09:43:35 PM
i traveled with my mom as a kid and there was no stress. mom took care of everything. we went to Yugoslavia when i was 7 and we stayed for a coupla months in London when i was 3... no stress at all. now when i travel it's huge stress.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on September 29, 2007, 08:03:04 AM
Until 1998, even a husband and wife who :69: could have been convicted of sodomy in Georgia.

Is there a web site that tells what consentual sex acts were/are illegal, where, and when?  Now I'm morbidly curious.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on September 29, 2007, 11:03:43 AM
Until 1998, even a husband and wife who :69: could have been convicted of sodomy in Georgia.

Is there a web site that tells what consentual sex acts were/are illegal, where, and when?  Now I'm morbidly curious.

Here is an old website about US sodomy laws by state, compiled on January 28, 1998, which is before Georgia repealed its sodomy laws:

Here is the more current sosomy law for Massachusetts, in case you are interested:

F 272-34, Crime Against Nature, 20 years. F 272-35, Unnatural and Lascivious Acts, 5 years/$100-$1000. Crime Against Nature applies only to anal intercourse. Unnatural and Lascivious Acts has been held not apply to private consensual adult behavior. Commonwealth v. Balthazar, Supreme Judicial Court 1974. It has been suggested that such a ruling would apply to Crime Against Nature.

Here is where you can find some more up-to-date articles:

For example, this article is from the ACLU website:   

Why Sodomy Laws Matter (6/26/2003)

A short excerpt:

How the Laws Were Used Traditionally

Today's decision in Lawrence v. Texas arises in one of a mere handful of cases since the American revolution involving two adults - straight or gay - actually prosecuted for being intimate in private. For most of the 19th and 20th centuries, sodomy laws were used as secondary charges in cases of sexual assault, sex with children, public sex and sex with animals. Most of those cases involved heterosexual sex.

Originally, sodomy laws were part of a larger body of law - derived from church law - designed to prevent nonprocreative sexuality anywhere, and any sexuality outside of marriage.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on September 29, 2007, 11:09:08 AM
I saw that, you got my attention.  I try and remember to read answers.  I sense it, if its sex, I sense it. :laugh:

What is your favorite color?

What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on September 29, 2007, 11:39:48 AM
I saw that, you got my attention.  I try and remember to read answers.  I sense it, if its sex, I sense it. :laugh:

What is your favorite color?

What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?

My favorite color is blue.

Many things have happened that are really funny when I look back on them, but they did not seem so funny at the time they were happening.

The funniest one of that type that I can think of right now, is the lady who came up to our table in Wendy's to criticize my parenting abilities and she actually sat down with us.  She objected to me holding my daughter's wrists, which I was doing only because she had just hit someone, and I tried explaining this to the lady.  She kept on and on, so I eventually let go of my daughter's wrists and my daughter immediately chucked her chocolate Frosty at the lady's face.  The way the lady looked with Frosty dripping from her hair, down her face, onto her shirt was pretty comical, looking back on it even though I was mortified at the time.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on September 30, 2007, 07:55:33 AM
Here is an old website about US sodomy laws by state, compiled on January 28, 1998, which is before Georgia repealed its sodomy laws:

Here is the more current sosomy law for Massachusetts, in case you are interested:

F 272-34, Crime Against Nature, 20 years. F 272-35, Unnatural and Lascivious Acts, 5 years/$100-$1000. Crime Against Nature applies only to anal intercourse. Unnatural and Lascivious Acts has been held not apply to private consensual adult behavior. Commonwealth v. Balthazar, Supreme Judicial Court 1974. It has been suggested that such a ruling would apply to Crime Against Nature.

Here is where you can find some more up-to-date articles:

For example, this article is from the ACLU website:   

Why Sodomy Laws Matter (6/26/2003)

A short excerpt:

How the Laws Were Used Traditionally

Today's decision in Lawrence v. Texas arises in one of a mere handful of cases since the American revolution involving two adults - straight or gay - actually prosecuted for being intimate in private. For most of the 19th and 20th centuries, sodomy laws were used as secondary charges in cases of sexual assault, sex with children, public sex and sex with animals. Most of those cases involved heterosexual sex.

Originally, sodomy laws were part of a larger body of law - derived from church law - designed to prevent nonprocreative sexuality anywhere, and any sexuality outside of marriage.

Thanks for satisfying my morbid curiousity.  :laugh:

These laws are mostly just dumb (especially in light of the fact that in some states people can/could be jailed for anal intercourse- uh, see a problem there?) but the Virginia "marital-rape-doesn't-exist" law is sick.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on September 30, 2007, 05:00:47 PM

These laws are mostly just dumb (especially in light of the fact that in some states people can/could be jailed for anal intercourse- uh, see a problem there?)

Actually, I don't. Much as I enjoy the act,
I don't see why it's any more difficult to
prosecute than other such laws.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Parts on October 01, 2007, 05:23:53 PM
Many things have happened that are really funny when I look back on them, but they did not seem so funny at the time they were happening.

The funniest one of that type that I can think of right now, is the lady who came up to our table in Wendy's to criticize my parenting abilities and she actually sat down with us.  She objected to me holding my daughter's wrists, which I was doing only because she had just hit someone, and I tried explaining this to the lady.  She kept on and on, so I eventually let go of my daughter's wrists and my daughter immediately chucked her chocolate Frosty at the lady's face.  The way the lady looked with Frosty dripping from her hair, down her face, onto her shirt was pretty comical, looking back on it even though I was mortified at the time.

That is priceless to bad you don't have a video.  How did the lady react?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 01, 2007, 06:11:01 PM
Many things have happened that are really funny when I look back on them, but they did not seem so funny at the time they were happening.

The funniest one of that type that I can think of right now, is the lady who came up to our table in Wendy's to criticize my parenting abilities and she actually sat down with us.  She objected to me holding my daughter's wrists, which I was doing only because she had just hit someone, and I tried explaining this to the lady.  She kept on and on, so I eventually let go of my daughter's wrists and my daughter immediately chucked her chocolate Frosty at the lady's face.  The way the lady looked with Frosty dripping from her hair, down her face, onto her shirt was pretty comical, looking back on it even though I was mortified at the time.

That is priceless to bad you don't have a video.  How did the lady react?

She was actually pretty nice about it, all things considered.  My husband took our daughter to the car and I tried to help the lady with the chocolate Frosty face by giving her all the napkins from the table and I kept talking to her for another two or three minutes.  It turned out that she had two younger autistic brothers and she had been upset by her parents' discipline of them, which she considered too harsh.  She kept saying something about an action causing an equal but opposite reaction.  I explained that we used lots of positive discipline methods too, but I needed to hold our daughter's hands when she was out of control because otherwise she could do something that could get her into really bad trouble, like this.

Have you ever had strangers come up to you and critique your parenting techniques before?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Parts on October 01, 2007, 06:24:31 PM
Many things have happened that are really funny when I look back on them, but they did not seem so funny at the time they were happening.

The funniest one of that type that I can think of right now, is the lady who came up to our table in Wendy's to criticize my parenting abilities and she actually sat down with us.  She objected to me holding my daughter's wrists, which I was doing only because she had just hit someone, and I tried explaining this to the lady.  She kept on and on, so I eventually let go of my daughter's wrists and my daughter immediately chucked her chocolate Frosty at the lady's face.  The way the lady looked with Frosty dripping from her hair, down her face, onto her shirt was pretty comical, looking back on it even though I was mortified at the time.

That is priceless to bad you don't have a video.  How did the lady react?

She was actually pretty nice about it, all things considered.  My husband took our daughter to the car and I tried to help the lady with the chocolate Frosty face by giving her all the napkins from the table and I kept talking to her for another two or three minutes.  It turned out that she had two younger autistic brothers and she had been upset by her parents' discipline of them, which she considered too harsh.  She kept saying something about an action causing an equal but opposite reaction.  I explained that we used lots of positive discipline methods too, but I needed to hold our daughter's hands when she was out of control because otherwise she could do something that could get her into really bad trouble, like this.

Have you ever had strangers come up to you and critique your parenting techniques before?

My wife has had these problems not only with our kids two of which as AS but works for a special ed school and has had problems in the community with them.  I myself at least from what my wife says have a very imposing appearance and rarely am a approached by people I've gotten looks though which are promptly returned and that's as far as it goes
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 01, 2007, 06:37:34 PM
I guess I must look more approachable than my husband too.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on October 01, 2007, 07:41:41 PM
Many things have happened that are really funny when I look back on them, but they did not seem so funny at the time they were happening.

The funniest one of that type that I can think of right now, is the lady who came up to our table in Wendy's to criticize my parenting abilities and she actually sat down with us.  She objected to me holding my daughter's wrists, which I was doing only because she had just hit someone, and I tried explaining this to the lady.  She kept on and on, so I eventually let go of my daughter's wrists and my daughter immediately chucked her chocolate Frosty at the lady's face.  The way the lady looked with Frosty dripping from her hair, down her face, onto her shirt was pretty comical, looking back on it even though I was mortified at the time.

That is priceless to bad you don't have a video.  How did the lady react?

She was actually pretty nice about it, all things considered.  My husband took our daughter to the car and I tried to help the lady with the chocolate Frosty face by giving her all the napkins from the table and I kept talking to her for another two or three minutes.  It turned out that she had two younger autistic brothers and she had been upset by her parents' discipline of them, which she considered too harsh.  She kept saying something about an action causing an equal but opposite reaction.  I explained that we used lots of positive discipline methods too, but I needed to hold our daughter's hands when she was out of control because otherwise she could do something that could get her into really bad trouble, like this.

Have you ever had strangers come up to you and critique your parenting techniques before?

That is an awesome story.

I had a guy call my kids brats once, but they kind of deserved it.
I never use cream in coffee, but my wife does. We, the four of us, were sitting in a Cracker Barrel restaurant, fairly late one night, and my son got the idea that he could partially open one of those little half ounce cream containers and it would make a good squirter. He was right. They both squirted each other and I stopped it as fast as I could, but this guy in the next booth made some snide comments to his party. I ignored it and thought it was over, but my son who was six at the time, loaded up and blasted the fucker, "I'm not a brat!" he said as he turned and sprayed this guy from eyeglasses to fancy shoes, all down his very fancy three-piece suit.

He stood up, so I stood up and said that it was an accident. He said, "What kind of accident do you call that?" and I said, "An unfortunate one." (The best I had at the moment) I had a biscuit in one hand and a butter knife in the other and he was acting like he wanted to back down, but glance/checked with his buddies and they were all snickering at the situation.

About that time my wife, who was stunned and speechless, let out a miserable, "NO!," but it was too late. My daughter, four at the time, nailed this guy in the chest and across his vest and crotch once again and said, "I'm no brat either!!"  He was really pissed, but I told him he could have my biscuit if he would let it go, trying to make light of it and his friends all busted out laughing.

He said I needed to control my kids and I said he needed to control his friends as they were making a disturbance. He finally smiled at my son, who was glaring at him, and shrugged. He said that he never had this trouble with his grandkids and I told him they were MY kids and that I was very sorry.

They were done, anyway, and we had just arrived, so they all left, with a little prompting and apologies from the manager, who had rushed over to find out why two of his patrons were facing off. I really didn't know what else to do or say to the guy, but that I was sorry.

Chldren were "grounded" and we did not go out again for a long time. Later that summer, after we had had a number of conversations about proper behavior in a public restaurant, I re-directed his instinctive understanding of fluid dynamics and made little water blasters out of those long, skinny, plastic frozen fruit pop containers. They were fine as long as they understood that they could use them in the pool or the back yard, but not inside the house and never pointed at anyone who was not ready to go for a swim!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on October 06, 2007, 07:40:29 AM
This is for callaway or anyone:

How would I adblock an avatar (someone else's) on here?  I respect Kinder, gentler scrapheap's right to have a naked chick on his avatar but I'm getting a little tired of seeing it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 06, 2007, 07:55:20 AM
This is for callaway or anyone:

How would I adblock an avatar (someone else's) on here?  I respect Kinder, gentler scrapheap's right to have a naked chick on his avatar but I'm getting a little tired of seeing it.

Do you use Firefox?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: enronh on October 06, 2007, 08:02:54 AM
Is your husband really in Italy?

Yes.  He is taking care of some business in Vicenza (,_Italy), but tomorrow, he and a friend will rent a car and drive to Florence (, then they will return to Vicenza Sunday evening to finish their business next week.

Did someone make him an offer he couldn't refuse?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on October 06, 2007, 10:01:26 AM
This is for callaway or anyone:

How would I adblock an avatar (someone else's) on here?  I respect Kinder, gentler scrapheap's right to have a naked chick on his avatar but I'm getting a little tired of seeing it.

Do you use Firefox?

No, I.E.  So maybe I can't.  I'm not gonna die or go blind, but I hear people talk about adblocking like it's very easy so thought I'd ask.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 06, 2007, 10:19:50 AM
This is for callaway or anyone:

How would I adblock an avatar (someone else's) on here?  I respect Kinder, gentler scrapheap's right to have a naked chick on his avatar but I'm getting a little tired of seeing it.

Do you use Firefox?

No, I.E.  So maybe I can't.  I'm not gonna die or go blind, but I hear people talk about adblocking like it's very easy so thought I'd ask.

I don't know how to do it for I.E.  I hope that somebody else does.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 06, 2007, 10:20:16 AM
Is your husband really in Italy?

Yes.  He is taking care of some business in Vicenza (,_Italy), but tomorrow, he and a friend will rent a car and drive to Florence (, then they will return to Vicenza Sunday evening to finish their business next week.

Did someone make him an offer he couldn't refuse?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: enronh on October 06, 2007, 10:29:10 AM
Is your husband really in Italy?

Yes.  He is taking care of some business in Vicenza (,_Italy), but tomorrow, he and a friend will rent a car and drive to Florence (, then they will return to Vicenza Sunday evening to finish their business next week.

Did someone make him an offer he couldn't refuse?


 :laugh:    (I'm sure you knew that was a Godfdather reference. Of course you did!)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on October 06, 2007, 01:25:36 PM
I have a hypnotic way to talk to people that gets them to bend at my will.

What is your favorite color?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on October 06, 2007, 01:25:52 PM
This is for callaway or anyone:

How would I adblock an avatar (someone else's) on here?  I respect Kinder, gentler scrapheap's right to have a naked chick on his avatar but I'm getting a little tired of seeing it.

Do you use Firefox?

No, I.E.  So maybe I can't.  I'm not gonna die or go blind, but I hear people talk about adblocking like it's very easy so thought I'd ask.

I don't know how to do it for I.E.  I hope that somebody else does.

From the Adblock website:

Latest release

Adblock Plus
Minimal requirements: Firefox 1.5, Thunderbird 1.5, SeaMonkey 1.0, Flock 0.5, Songbird 0.2.

No mention of IE.

I can recommend Firefox, wholeheartedly.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on October 06, 2007, 01:42:57 PM
I do indeed have firefox, but I'm a creature of habit.  Even though I know firefox good, ie bad, etc etc.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on October 06, 2007, 02:10:58 PM
I do indeed have firefox, but I'm a creature of habit.  Even though I know firefox good, ie bad, etc etc.

Of course!
I, too, am a creature of habit. I have been using Firefox for about eight months, but I still have not made it my default browser. I'm afraid that Windows will punish me. (I have heard stories) I still have the habit of closing any auto-open IE window and re-opening the address in a Firefox tab.
I know what you mean, but once I became familiar with how Firefox behaved, IE seemed incredibly clunky and slow.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on October 06, 2007, 02:41:43 PM
I do indeed have firefox, but I'm a creature of habit.  Even though I know firefox good, ie bad, etc etc.

IE7Pro ( can block images, from what i gather, plus it seems to offer a number of other nice features. haven't tried it myself, though.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on October 06, 2007, 03:12:06 PM
I prefer Firefox to anything else, its been my default browser since it was in beta. I installed Opera to try. It doesn't get used, except when a site requires my browser to pretend to be IE. Its not that its shite - it just isn't Firefox, I miss the extensions.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on October 06, 2007, 05:19:47 PM

I know you are using another OS, now, but have you used it as the default on an "up-to-date" WinXP installation without problems?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on October 06, 2007, 06:42:18 PM
Yep. I dual boot so the kids can play Windoze games, and have no bother with Firefox on XP SP2 either.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on October 06, 2007, 07:13:04 PM

Glad to hear it from someone smart. I have heard some shit  on other fora about going "default" with Firefox.

I'm going to change it tomorrow!

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on October 06, 2007, 07:58:15 PM
I feel like firefox has some real problems.
Seems way too sluggish, at times. Probably
just a matter of too big a footprint, but then
IE should be worse.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on October 07, 2007, 12:14:25 AM
I feel like firefox has some real problems.
Seems way too sluggish, at times. Probably
just a matter of too big a footprint, but then
IE should be worse.
I have had this problem with IE on Intensity. It has become so slow that I use Firefox for here but IE everywhere else.

IE makes certain things look better on here, though. Glowing letters, for example. On Firefox they look horrible. Very amateurish.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on October 07, 2007, 10:06:57 AM
I feel like firefox has some real problems.
Seems way too sluggish, at times. Probably
just a matter of too big a footprint, but then
IE should be worse.

did you try disabling IPv6?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on October 07, 2007, 10:50:43 AM
Callaway, karma to 800!
 :thumbup:  :plus:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on October 07, 2007, 06:47:20 PM
I feel like firefox has some real problems.
Seems way too sluggish, at times. Probably
just a matter of too big a footprint, but then
IE should be worse.

did you try disabling IPv6?

I needed it earlier, but that's a good point.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on October 12, 2007, 03:17:00 AM
To be honest I'd like to block scarap's avatar too (simply because sometimes the kids sneak up behind me when I post, not because I think its sexist or any such shit)- I managed to block it on Dunc's PC, but when I try to block it on my own it blocks all images from Intensity.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on October 17, 2007, 10:35:56 PM
Callaway, how did you come up with your net name? I looked it up ages ago and got something about golf clubs. :D
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on October 27, 2007, 10:08:51 AM
At Odeon's suggestion:

*Something I cannot do, and cannot change my
custom tag back. After asking Callaway to do so
(and yes, I'm pretty sure I got the right one), she
merely responded with questions about the WHY
of the particular choice of pretending to be MrMark.
I suppose somehow I offended her by calling basing
my profile about him, AND calling it Alex Plank's Butt buddy. :laugh:

Did I indeed offend you by putting up the MrMark avie/name,
and by having someone add the Alex Plank's Butt Buddy tag
to it? If so, why?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on October 27, 2007, 11:09:10 AM
Have you ever hurt anyone before, when you were younger?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 27, 2007, 11:42:09 AM
At Odeon's suggestion:

*Something I cannot do, and cannot change my
custom tag back. After asking Callaway to do so
(and yes, I'm pretty sure I got the right one), she
merely responded with questions about the WHY
of the particular choice of pretending to be MrMark.
I suppose somehow I offended her by calling basing
my profile about him, AND calling it Alex Plank's Butt buddy. :laugh:

Did I indeed offend you by putting up the MrMark avie/name,
and by having someone add the Alex Plank's Butt Buddy tag
to it? If so, why?

I thought that you were asking me in your PMs to change your name back to Mrs Mark, Calandale.

I asked you the questions that I did because I saw it when Hadron gave you administrative access here as Mrs Mark. 

At the exact same time, he changed my screen name to Mrs Mark, so it made me wonder what you and he are doing.

I thought that he had changed my profile to Mrs Mark so that if anyone saw Mrs Mark in red on Who is Online, they would assume that it was me.

Soon after I logged in, your profile was changed back to World Council member, but not before I copied it.

Name:  Mrs Mark
Custom Title:  Alex Planks Butt Buddy
Posts:  20179 (95.635 per day)
Position:  Caretaker Admin
Karma:  95 
Date Registered:  March 28, 2007, 09:12:57 PM
Last Active:  Today at 08:53:17 PM

Website:  MySpace page
Current Status:   Online 

Gender:  Male
Age: 40
Location: Eugene OR
Local Time: October 26, 2007, 07:59:11 PM
Language: English

Calandale, Lord of Iltrode

I have redacted your IP address from this, but I checked it to make sure that it was your IP address and not Hadron's.

Then a little while later, I saw that Hadron had given you administrative access again.

I got a screenshot of that, which I won't post here at this time.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on October 27, 2007, 11:44:54 AM
At Odeon's suggestion:

*Something I cannot do, and cannot change my
custom tag back. After asking Callaway to do so
(and yes, I'm pretty sure I got the right one), she
merely responded with questions about the WHY
of the particular choice of pretending to be MrMark.
I suppose somehow I offended her by calling basing
my profile about him, AND calling it Alex Plank's Butt buddy. :laugh:

Did I indeed offend you by putting up the MrMark avie/name,
and by having someone add the Alex Plank's Butt Buddy tag
to it? If so, why?

I thought that you were asking me in your PMs to change your name back to Mrs Mark, Calandale.

I asked you the questions that I did because I saw it when Hadron gave you administrative access here as Mrs Mark. 

At the exact same time, he changed my screen name to Mrs Mark, so it made me wonder what you and he are doing.

I thought that he had changed my profile to Mrs Mark so that if anyone saw Mrs Mark in red on Who is Online, they would assume that it was me.

Soon after I logged in, your profile was changed back to World Council member, but not before I copied it.

Name:  Mrs Mark
Custom Title:  Alex Planks Butt Buddy
Posts:  20179 (95.635 per day)
Position:  Caretaker Admin
Karma:  95 
Date Registered:  March 28, 2007, 09:12:57 PM
Last Active:  Today at 08:53:17 PM

Website:  MySpace page
Current Status:   Online 

Gender:  Male
Age: 40
Location: Eugene OR
Local Time: October 26, 2007, 07:59:11 PM
Language: English

Calandale, Lord of Iltrode

I have redacted your IP address from this, but I checked it to make sure that it was your IP address and not Hadron's.

Then a little while later, I saw that Hadron had given you administrative access again.

I got a screenshot of that, which I won't post here at this time.

Oh, so you were checking up on me then....
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on October 27, 2007, 12:17:41 PM

I thought that you were asking me in your PMs to change your name back to Mrs Mark, Calandale.

I asked you the questions that I did because I saw it when Hadron gave you administrative access here as Mrs Mark. 

At the exact same time, he changed my screen name to Mrs Mark, so it made me wonder what you and he are doing.

From my point of view, just having a little fun with a prick
I'm not thrilled with.

Then a little while later, I saw that Hadron had given you administrative access again

I THOUGHT I noticed I was red for a moment.  :laugh:
Ah well, I wouldn't have done any harm.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on October 27, 2007, 05:55:31 PM
Now that this is back,
you have no particular
objection then, to me
doing what I did?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 27, 2007, 06:03:38 PM
Now that this is back,
you have no particular
objection then, to me
doing what I did?

I have a huge objection to you being made an admin by Hadron when you were not elected, Calandale.

I have a huge objection to Hadron giving Scrapheap the ability to remove threads and Scrapheap removing this thread in an attempt to cover up what Hadron and you did.

I was also de-adminned earlier today and surprisingly enough, Hadron was the first one to notice.

So, yes, I have a huge objection to what you, Hadron and Scrapheap did.

But Hadron is the bigger problem, because he is an administrator.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on October 27, 2007, 06:06:52 PM
I didn't DO anything, in terms of these issues.
Hell, I only vaguely noted that my name
was in red, and then it wasn't. Thought
it was an illusion. Then figured a prank.

I meant taking MrMark's avie, name, and
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on October 27, 2007, 06:10:45 PM
Now that this is back,
you have no particular
objection then, to me
doing what I did?

I have a huge objection to you being made an admin by Hadron when you were not elected, Calandale.

I have a huge objection to Hadron giving Scrapheap the ability to remove threads and Scrapheap removing this thread in an attempt to cover up what Hadron and you did.

I was also de-adminned earlier today and surprisingly enough, Hadron was the first one to notice.

So, yes, I have a huge objection to what you, Hadron and Scrapheap did.

But Hadron is the bigger problem, because he is an administrator.
Actually, I noticed when i glanced at who is online.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on October 28, 2007, 05:05:40 AM
Who do you think de-adminned Callaway Hadron?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on October 28, 2007, 05:07:01 AM
Who do you think de-adminned Callaway Hadron?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on October 28, 2007, 05:08:02 AM
Who do you think de-adminned Callaway Hadron?

How could he do that?  ??? I thought you only added him to the WC² group- that group doesn't have the ability to de-admin people.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on October 28, 2007, 05:08:09 AM
Who do you think de-adminned Callaway Hadron?

How could he have done this without admin privileges?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on October 28, 2007, 05:12:41 AM
Who do you think de-adminned Callaway Hadron?

How could he do that?  ??? I thought you only added him to the WC² group- that group doesn't have the ability to de-admin people.
I accidently added him to the admin group while changing his karma back, I think (my computer was screwing up still, i hadnt fixed it properly yet). P spotted it before I did and moved him into the WC2 group, as opposed to the WC group. Same as someone moved Sausage of Power into the WC2 group, and i have no idea who that was.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on October 28, 2007, 05:33:09 AM
Who do you think de-adminned Callaway Hadron?

How could he do that?  ??? I thought you only added him to the WC² group- that group doesn't have the ability to de-admin people.
I accidently added him to the admin group while changing his karma back, I think (my computer was screwing up still, i hadnt fixed it properly yet). P spotted it before I did and moved him into the WC2 group, as opposed to the WC group. Same as someone moved Sausage of Power into the WC2 group, and i have no idea who that was.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on October 28, 2007, 05:38:46 AM
Who do you think de-adminned Callaway Hadron?

How could he do that?  ??? I thought you only added him to the WC² group- that group doesn't have the ability to de-admin people.
I accidently added him to the admin group while changing his karma back, I think (my computer was screwing up still, i hadnt fixed it properly yet). P spotted it before I did and moved him into the WC2 group, as opposed to the WC group. Same as someone moved Sausage of Power into the WC2 group, and i have no idea who that was.

Yep. My uni decided to have some fun with their network this weekend, then updated the "antivirus" software which was crashing my computer so much my mouse was dancing around as I tried to access the internet. (they make us use certain antiviruses, and the one they provide is McAffee) I have fixed up my computer now.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on October 28, 2007, 05:55:40 AM
Why the fuck would you be attempting to do something as important as profile changes with a mouse you couldn't control??  And why the hell didn't you make damn sure you had clicked the right thing before confirming the action?   Even if it wasn't deliberate its incredibly stupid and some how I really can't believe you are that stupid.  Why didn't you just ask someone else to do it?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on October 28, 2007, 09:44:26 AM
hadron, do you seriously expect anyone to believe that?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on October 28, 2007, 02:23:54 PM
hadron, do you seriously expect anyone to believe that?

I think he does.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on October 28, 2007, 04:40:48 PM
Callaway or somebody - can I have my karma back? I think it was somewhere in the range of 70 when somebody fucked with it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on October 28, 2007, 05:42:49 PM
Callaway or somebody - can I have my karma back? I think it was somewhere in the range of 70 when somebody fucked with it.
What number do you want it sticking on, given as I havent touched it, i have no idea what it was...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 28, 2007, 07:36:21 PM
Callaway or somebody - can I have my karma back? I think it was somewhere in the range of 70 when somebody fucked with it.

I think that it was 77 the last time I saw it, Pyraxis.

Do you want your original custom title back as well?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on October 28, 2007, 07:37:14 PM
I like her title.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 28, 2007, 07:48:22 PM
I like her title.  :laugh:

She put a lot of effort into choosing the one that she had before, however.

I think it's her choice, not ours.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on October 28, 2007, 07:49:45 PM

I think it's her choice, not ours.

Oh, obviously. I was just expressing my pleasure.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on October 29, 2007, 02:40:36 AM
Callaway, will you sticky your thread again?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 29, 2007, 02:55:03 AM
Callaway, will you sticky your thread again?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on October 29, 2007, 02:59:04 AM
Thank you! :)
And  :hug:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on October 29, 2007, 01:02:43 PM
I like her title.  :laugh:

She put a lot of effort into choosing the one that she had before, however.

I think it's her choice, not ours.

Yeah, but I'm not one of the Aspie Elite, never wanted to be, and my secret decoder ring got lost in the mail anyway.

I've been trying to think of a new cool custom title, but nothing's come to mind yet. If anyone has ideas that don't involve the Aspie Elite, I'm all ears.

Thanks for fixing the karma. Anyone know who did it in the first place?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: The_P on October 29, 2007, 01:22:07 PM
It wasn't me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 29, 2007, 01:31:11 PM
It wasn't me, either.  I put it back to 77, though.

Sorry about the Secret Decoder Ring.

Whoever changed your custom title must have forgotten about that.

It's on its way.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: The_P on October 29, 2007, 01:35:11 PM
The title was of my own devising, but I didn't alter her karma.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 29, 2007, 01:38:04 PM
OK, I sent her the Secret Decoder Ring.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on October 29, 2007, 05:37:05 PM

Your ultimate power will now be mine! Mine!

I'll stick around among the aspie elite until I think of a new title.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 29, 2007, 05:40:46 PM

Your ultimate power will now be mine! Mine!

I'll stick around among the aspie elite until I think of a new title.


Welcome to the shadowy Aspie Elite, Pyraxis.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on October 30, 2007, 04:49:10 PM
It wasn't me.

wasn't me either. i changed Cal's and Flo's karmas.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Natalia Evans on October 30, 2007, 05:14:37 PM
Are you back to being a admin again or are you still put as a member?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 30, 2007, 05:27:28 PM
Are you back to being a admin again or are you still put as a member?

I'm an admin again, at least for now.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on October 30, 2007, 06:11:03 PM
The cool admin's are ass fairies.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on October 30, 2007, 06:12:24 PM
Are you back to being a admin again or are you still put as a member?

I'm an admin again, at least for now.
You worried someone might do it again...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on November 03, 2007, 12:50:33 AM
Well Callaway, if you ever break up with your husband and are looking for that heady combination of a hot looking adventuresome guy who shares your passions in life, look no further.....

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 03, 2007, 04:53:55 AM
Well Callaway, if you ever break up with your husband and are looking for that heady combination of a hot looking adventuresome guy who shares your passions in life, look no further.....


I actually don't like to iron, but I enjoy doing laundry and sewing, so that guy could do my ironing for me.   :eyebrows:

However, I'm not ever breaking up with my husband.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on November 03, 2007, 12:34:04 PM
Do you think you could get him into an
ironing fetish?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 03, 2007, 01:16:04 PM
Do you think you could get him into an
ironing fetish?

No, I don't think so, but he doesn't really mind wrinkles in his clothing except for job interviews or something like that.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on November 03, 2007, 02:14:07 PM

I'm not convinced that men have any sensory capability to perceive wrinkles in their clothing.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Natalia Evans on November 03, 2007, 02:50:47 PM
Well Callaway, if you ever break up with your husband and are looking for that heady combination of a hot looking adventuresome guy who shares your passions in life, look no further.....


I actually don't like to iron, but I enjoy doing laundry and sewing, so that guy could do my ironing for me.   :eyebrows:

However, I'm not ever breaking up with my husband.

Can you get him to iron you some grilled cheese sandwiches the JD way? :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on November 03, 2007, 03:41:50 PM
Well Callaway, if you ever break up with your husband and are looking for that heady combination of a hot looking adventuresome guy who shares your passions in life, look no further.....


I actually don't like to iron, but I enjoy doing laundry and sewing, so that guy could do my ironing for me.   :eyebrows:

However, I'm not ever breaking up with my husband.

Well, one of these guys would be good as a toy boy....friend with benefits! 

"Ooh baby, I just love the way you ease that teflon soleplate over all my pleats." 

But OK, since you don't want to be a marriage statistic and your husband is a hottie, I guess I can understand ;)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 03, 2007, 03:49:45 PM
Well Callaway, if you ever break up with your husband and are looking for that heady combination of a hot looking adventuresome guy who shares your passions in life, look no further.....


I actually don't like to iron, but I enjoy doing laundry and sewing, so that guy could do my ironing for me.   :eyebrows:

However, I'm not ever breaking up with my husband.

Can you get him to iron you some grilled cheese sandwiches the JD way? :P


I don't think he has ever made them that way.  I did once, when I was in school.

My husband makes grilled cheese sandwiches in a skillet on top of the stove.  

He butters the bread on the outside and then adds cheese and more buttered bread.  He almost never burns them, unlike me.

He makes a similar sandwich with just jelly in the middle, but I have never tried one of those.  He calls it a "jelly toastwich".

I'm not convinced that men have any sensory capability to perceive wrinkles in their clothing.


My daughter and I are much more sensitive to sensory issues with our clothing than he is.

I don't think that he is sensitive to that sort of thing at all.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 03, 2007, 03:50:25 PM
Well Callaway, if you ever break up with your husband and are looking for that heady combination of a hot looking adventuresome guy who shares your passions in life, look no further.....


I actually don't like to iron, but I enjoy doing laundry and sewing, so that guy could do my ironing for me.   :eyebrows:

However, I'm not ever breaking up with my husband.

Well, one of these guys would be good as a toy boy....friend with benefits! 

"Ooh baby, I just love the way you ease that teflon soleplate over all my pleats." 

But OK, since you don't want to be a marriage statistic and your husband is a hottie, I guess I can understand ;)


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on November 03, 2007, 08:18:10 PM

He butters the bread on the outside and then adds cheese and more buttered bread.  He almost never burns them, unlike me.

The BEST way to make grilled cheese is to put butter on
BOTH sides, and fry the bread a bit, before adding the
cheese. I'm too lazy though, and usually make it as he does.

He makes a similar sandwich with just jelly in the middle, but I have never tried one of those.  He calls it a "jelly toastwich".

Hmm... You ought to try it. Sounds interesting.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: enronh on November 05, 2007, 06:03:51 PM
Any chance of a shag?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 05, 2007, 06:20:10 PM
Any chance of a shag?

No.  I'm flattered, but I'm happily married and monogamous.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on November 05, 2007, 06:35:32 PM
And I was expecting this:

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: enronh on November 05, 2007, 06:46:45 PM
And I was expecting this:


Thats funny, I was thinking about shag pile when I was posting the above. Thinking if Callaway took offense I could say I meant carpet.  :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on November 05, 2007, 06:47:31 PM
You wanted her carpet?  :eyebrows:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: enronh on November 05, 2007, 06:56:38 PM
Yeah I thought it might need the word?


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: enronh on November 05, 2007, 07:17:01 PM
Any chance of a shag?

No.  I'm flattered, but I'm happily married and monogamous.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on November 07, 2007, 12:12:01 PM
You need a lesson in being a trouble maker >:D

Start working out, then married women come up to your mom and tell her you a cute guy.  I don't know why all the other guys don't work out for their women, they just think about sex, and less about them.  The easiest path is not always the best one, if you think about them, you get to the sex faster.

Do you swear in real life?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 07, 2007, 12:44:37 PM
You need a lesson in being a trouble maker >:D

Start working out, then married women come up to your mom and tell her you a cute guy.  I don't know why all the other guys don't work out for their women, they just think about sex, and less about them.  The easiest path is not always the best one, if you think about them, you get to the sex faster.

Do you swear in real life?

I know swear words, of course, but I rarely ever say them.

One reason is that I was not brought up to talk like that, but there is another, more important reason to me:

I don't want my daughter to learn swear words so I don't want to say them in front of her and I ask other people who spend a lot of time around her not to swear in front of her either, because if she did learn a swear word, she would say it 1,000 times since she has echolalia.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on November 07, 2007, 02:34:09 PM

Start working out, then married women come up to your mom and tell her you a cute guy. e?

Callaway, do you plan on taking this advice?  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 07, 2007, 02:45:11 PM

Start working out, then married women come up to your mom and tell her you a cute guy. e?

Callaway, do you plan on taking this advice?  :laugh:

I did not see that as advice for me.  I think that Randy was talking about himself.

I hope that no married women come up to my mom and tell her that I'm a cute guy, since I'm not a guy and my mom has been dead for about five years.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on November 07, 2007, 02:50:35 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: QuirkyCarla on November 07, 2007, 02:52:47 PM
I thought calandale meant he wanted Callaway (since she's a married woman) to go up to his mom and tell her she has a cute son.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on November 07, 2007, 02:53:32 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on November 07, 2007, 02:57:10 PM
I thought calandale meant he wanted Callaway (since she's a married woman) to go up to his mom and tell her she has a cute son.  :laugh:
:plus: :asthing:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on November 07, 2007, 03:47:20 PM
Hello everyone.  It's a pleasure to meet you.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on November 07, 2007, 03:57:38 PM
Nah, looks like a friendly republican mom.
Not the shotgun weilding bitch my mother is.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Fritz the Cat on November 07, 2007, 03:59:35 PM
Something like that?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on November 07, 2007, 04:03:38 PM
Still too friendly.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on November 07, 2007, 04:07:10 PM

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on November 07, 2007, 04:14:47 PM
Cal why dont you post a family photo for Tesla to use...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on November 07, 2007, 04:16:32 PM
Don't have any.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 07, 2007, 06:55:36 PM
Hello everyone.  It's a pleasure to meet you.

Hi Calandale's Mom.  Was that 80's sweater your son insists on continuing to wear in the 21st century a gift from you, by any chance?   :laugh:


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on November 07, 2007, 07:11:51 PM
Oh goodness me, no.  I think he found that in our neighbor's trash bin.  When our neighbor died they had an estate sale, and then threw everything away that didn't sell.  It sat out there for a few weeks, I think the garbage men wouldn't even pick it up.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on November 07, 2007, 07:12:41 PM
You're just pissed 'cause the garbage men
wouldn't pick YOU up.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on November 07, 2007, 07:13:48 PM
Well, I'm not saying that it's a bad thing to pick from the garbage honey.  I mean, that's where I found you after all.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Fritz the Cat on November 07, 2007, 07:15:58 PM
I think we should have a Calandale makeover!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on November 07, 2007, 07:18:42 PM
Well, I'm not saying that it's a bad thing to pick from the garbage honey.  I mean, that's where I found you after all.

You said under a leaf.  ???

I think we should have a Calandale makeover!

How about just making out?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on November 07, 2007, 07:21:00 PM
Well, I'm not saying that it's a bad thing to pick from the garbage honey.  I mean, that's where I found you after all.

You said under a leaf.  ???
Yes pumpkin, under a pile of them, next to the road on 32nd.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on November 07, 2007, 07:22:12 PM
Well, I'm not saying that it's a bad thing to pick from the garbage honey.  I mean, that's where I found you after all.

You said under a leaf.  ???
Yes pumpkin, under a pile of them, next to the road on 32nd.

No wonder my birthday is listed as the 32nd of noremember.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Fritz the Cat on November 07, 2007, 07:22:52 PM
I think we should have a Calandale makeover!

How about just making out?
Not before the makeover.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 07, 2007, 07:31:37 PM
Oh goodness me, no.  I think he found that in our neighbor's trash bin.  When our neighbor died they had an estate sale, and then threw everything away that didn't sell.  It sat out there for a few weeks, I think the garbage men wouldn't even pick it up.


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on November 07, 2007, 07:32:00 PM
Well, I'm not saying that it's a bad thing to pick from the garbage honey.  I mean, that's where I found you after all.

You said under a leaf.  ???
Yes pumpkin, under a pile of them, next to the road on 32nd.

No wonder my birthday is listed as the 32nd of noremember.
Yeah, you know how much drugs I was doing back then sugar plum, it's really a wonder I found you at all, if I hadn't passed out literally on top of you I might not have heard you at all.   :-*
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on November 07, 2007, 07:34:02 PM
Wish you'd get back on the drugs
(but stay off me) then. You're better
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 07, 2007, 07:42:34 PM
I think we should have a Calandale makeover!

I'll discuss politics with him and you grab the sweater, OK?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Fritz the Cat on November 07, 2007, 07:43:54 PM
I think we should have a Calandale makeover!

I'll discuss politics with him and you grab the sweater, OK?

Not just the sweater, I'll grab those pants too.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on November 07, 2007, 07:44:45 PM
I think we should have a Calandale makeover!

I'll discuss politics with him and you grab the sweater, OK?

Not just the sweater, I'll grab those pants too.

You just want me nekid.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Fritz the Cat on November 07, 2007, 07:50:48 PM
I think we should have a Calandale makeover!

I'll discuss politics with him and you grab the sweater, OK?

Not just the sweater, I'll grab those pants too.

You just want me nekid.
Yes, and then I'll put on a dogs collar and go out and walk you around the town.  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on November 08, 2007, 12:24:20 PM
That was funny Callaway, what you said  about my advice.  I can't quote here, at the libary.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on November 08, 2007, 12:29:09 PM
plus one, forgot.  It seems like you took my advice on a literal level on purpose, I do that.  Its a good way to make an assfairy out of people.  Then they go around saying you did an AS thing, when they themselves did an AS thing.  The bigger picture is frequently neglected, that of peace and compromise, it not about who is better.  I would rather have things equal, to give myself more of a challenge.  People loose their ability to adapt in a sensory isolation chamber after awhile, especially autistic patients.  It makes them hunger for socialization, but also decreases their ability to adapt to life.  Its fuckn terrible.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on November 08, 2007, 09:23:24 PM
Callaway or anyone:  What could cause a computer to selectively hate facebook, myspace, and hotmail on and off?  Someone I know with a tempermental laptop is having this happen; the pages will not load or will load deformed, but his comp gets other sites/can ping those sites.  No viruses seem to be on the laptop or anytihng obvious like that; cache purging does nothing, etc.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 08, 2007, 09:27:30 PM
Callaway or anyone:  What could cause a computer to selectively hate facebook, myspace, and hotmail on and off?  Someone I know with a tempermental laptop is having this happen; the pages will not load or will load deformed, but his comp gets other sites/can ping those sites.  No viruses seem to be on the laptop or anytihng obvious like that; cache purging does nothing, etc.

Could his computer be low on virtual memory?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on November 08, 2007, 09:39:32 PM
Callaway or anyone:  What could cause a computer to selectively hate facebook, myspace, and hotmail on and off?  Someone I know with a tempermental laptop is having this happen; the pages will not load or will load deformed, but his comp gets other sites/can ping those sites.  No viruses seem to be on the laptop or anytihng obvious like that; cache purging does nothing, etc.

Could his computer be low on virtual memory?

It doesn't seem to be.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on November 08, 2007, 09:53:36 PM
Look in your privacy settings.
There may be something set odd,
which these sites require.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on November 09, 2007, 11:19:39 AM
What I said to the gas man about the rotten smell, which I thought was gas.  He says if it were gas, it would not be intermitenly.  So, I being the HFA patron, suggested it maybe a fuction of one of the parts.  PMS Queen bitch, perhaps your computer is missing necessary programs.  I could not look at certain porn  because of my computer's lack of programs.
/me predicts the funny thing Callaway is going to say.  "Thankyou Callaway."

In case you didnot notice the HFA patron thing was a joke, I am not supposed to be so good at getting the abstract idea.  It doesn't matter who is better to me, it matters more that everyone is equal, as much as possible.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Randy on November 09, 2007, 11:33:40 AM
Finally, I will plus Callaway.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on November 09, 2007, 01:01:34 PM
Callaway or anyone:  What could cause a computer to selectively hate facebook, myspace, and hotmail on and off?  Someone I know with a tempermental laptop is having this happen; the pages will not load or will load deformed, but his comp gets other sites/can ping those sites.  No viruses seem to be on the laptop or anytihng obvious like that; cache purging does nothing, etc.

I'd agree with Cal--the privacy settings are worth checking. I'd try purging cookies as well. If it's IE, I'd get one of those IE cache/cookies purge software thingies and do it right.

What browser is it?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on November 09, 2007, 06:19:24 PM
I'd try purging cookies as well.

you have to eat them, before you can purge.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on November 10, 2007, 04:24:55 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Rabbit From Hell on November 10, 2007, 04:26:50 PM
How much wood would a woodchuck fuck if a woodchuck could fuck wood?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 10, 2007, 05:32:31 PM
How much wood would a woodchuck fuck if a woodchuck could fuck wood?

As much wood as a woodchuck could.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on November 11, 2007, 09:26:27 AM
Callaway or anyone:  What could cause a computer to selectively hate facebook, myspace, and hotmail on and off?  Someone I know with a tempermental laptop is having this happen; the pages will not load or will load deformed, but his comp gets other sites/can ping those sites.  No viruses seem to be on the laptop or anytihng obvious like that; cache purging does nothing, etc.

I'd agree with Cal--the privacy settings are worth checking. I'd try purging cookies as well. If it's IE, I'd get one of those IE cache/cookies purge software thingies and do it right.

What browser is it?

Nah, it's not the privacy settings- I asked.  Also not a virus.  He purged the cookies too; basically everything "obvious" has been done.  Weird thing is that like half the time those sites will work, then they'll stop for a bit, then they will again- and he won't have changed anything or anything.  Oh, and I think Amazon was doing it too.

Thanks, though.  :)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on November 11, 2007, 02:52:20 PM
OK. What browser is it?

Also, see if updating Java helps, and have a look at the current Active X settings (if it's IE).
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on November 19, 2007, 07:26:38 PM
New toally random, inanane question:  I want to get a humidifier for my apartment because the dry air is messing up my skin (and my contact lenses).  I have looked at what is available, and am wondering which would be better in your opinion:  A warm mist humidifier, or a cool mist one?  or are they basically comparable?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 19, 2007, 08:05:16 PM
New toally random, inanane question:  I want to get a humidifier for my apartment because the dry air is messing up my skin (and my contact lenses).  I have looked at what is available, and am wondering which would be better in your opinion:  A warm mist humidifier, or a cool mist one?  or are they basically comparable?

Cool mist humidifiers are less expensive to buy and run, but they usually have a wicking filter that needs to be replaced often, depending on the hardness of your water and other factors.  If you don't keep the filter changed and the humidifier clean, they often spew out molds and bacteria in addition to the moist air.

Warm mist humidifiers are a bit more expensive to buy and operate, because they have a heating element, but warm air can be more comforting in the winter than cold, clammy air.  You have to keep them clean as well.

I think that I would want to buy a humidifier that is easy to clean and runs reasonably quietly.

I found a humidifier review website for you, but maybe you could look in Consumer Reports too:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on November 20, 2007, 07:37:05 AM
New toally random, inanane question:  I want to get a humidifier for my apartment because the dry air is messing up my skin (and my contact lenses).  I have looked at what is available, and am wondering which would be better in your opinion:  A warm mist humidifier, or a cool mist one?  or are they basically comparable?

Cool mist humidifiers are less expensive to buy and run, but they usually have a wicking filter that needs to be replaced often, depending on the hardness of your water and other factors.  If you don't keep the filter changed and the humidifier clean, they often spew out molds and bacteria in addition to the moist air.

Warm mist humidifiers are a bit more expensive to buy and operate, because they have a heating element, but warm air can be more comforting in the winter than cold, clammy air.  You have to keep them clean as well.

I think that I would want to buy a humidifier that is easy to clean and runs reasonably quietly.

I found a humidifier review website for you, but maybe you could look in Consumer Reports too:

Thanks!  :)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on November 20, 2007, 09:26:52 PM
Does pH mean power of Hydrogen? I have always thought this, I think I read it somewhere in one of my sister's science books when I was younger.

I have asked many people but they have not known.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 20, 2007, 11:09:25 PM
Does pH mean power of Hydrogen? I have always thought this, I think I read it somewhere in one of my sister's science books when I was younger.

I have asked many people but they have not known.

I think that pH stands for potential of Hydrogen.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on November 21, 2007, 11:04:51 PM
You are right, thank you. I think I will always remember this too. :)

The concept of pH was first introduced by Danish chemist S. P. L. Sørensen at the Carlsberg Laboratory[3] in 1909. The name, pH, has claimed to have come from any of several sources including: pondus hydrogenii, potentia hydrogenii (Latin),[4] potentiel hydrogène (French), and potential of hydrogen (English).
from Wikipedia.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 21, 2007, 11:54:47 PM
You are right, thank you. I think I will always remember this too. :)

The concept of pH was first introduced by Danish chemist S. P. L. Sørensen at the Carlsberg Laboratory[3] in 1909. The name, pH, has claimed to have come from any of several sources including: pondus hydrogenii, potentia hydrogenii (Latin),[4] potentiel hydrogène (French), and potential of hydrogen (English).
from Wikipedia.

Actually, I think that you are right, Renaeden.

Looking further down the Wikipedia page, I see that pH can stand for power of Hydrogen as well:

Quote from:
In fact, pH is a measure of the concentration of protons (H+) in a solution. S.P.L. Sørensen introduced this concept in 1909. The p stands for the German potenz, meaning power or concentration, and the H for the hydrogen ion (H+).

The formula for calculating pH is:

pH = -log10 [H+]
[H+] indicates the concentration of H+ ions (also written [H3O+], concentration of the equivalent hydronium ions), measured in moles per litre (also known as molarity).

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on November 22, 2007, 12:58:55 AM
Maybe either can be used? Potenz is close to potential. Either/or/same as ;)
Either way, I am glad to know now.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on November 23, 2007, 08:17:12 PM
callaway, has this place exhausted you yet?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 24, 2007, 02:06:27 AM
callaway, has this place exhausted you yet?

No, I would not say that it has exhausted me.

I'm always happy to see you here, though.  Is soccer season over for a while now?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on November 24, 2007, 08:08:31 AM
callaway, has this place exhausted you yet?

No, I would not say that it has exhausted me.

I'm always happy to see you here, though.  Is soccer season over for a while now?
nope.  just a week off for the thanks giving holiday.  but, it is winding down.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on November 25, 2007, 07:53:49 PM
Callaway, do you have any pets?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 25, 2007, 07:56:53 PM
Callaway, do you have any pets?

Just two goldfish.

I had pets when I was a child, but my husband and our daughter have allergies.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on November 25, 2007, 10:10:26 PM
Does your daughter ever want pets?
There are things like frogs or turtles,
which are a bit easier to enjoy than
fish (for a child), but are unlikely to
cause allergies.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 25, 2007, 10:18:53 PM
Does your daughter ever want pets?
There are things like frogs or turtles,
which are a bit easier to enjoy than
fish (for a child), but are unlikely to
cause allergies.

Yes, she would really like to have a cat, but she can't.  Because of some dogs who nearly pulled their owner down to get at her when she asked to pet them and the owner lost control of them as well as our former neighbors dogs barking and snarling at her and breaking our fence, she is afraid of dogs.  She is allergic to dogs anyway.  So's my husband, so both of them would be miserable in the long run.

She isn't interested in reptiles or amphibians.

We had a rabbit before she was born, so we might get another one.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on November 25, 2007, 10:21:12 PM
Rats make outstanding pets.
I think better than rabbits.
They seem smarter.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on November 25, 2007, 11:35:58 PM
they poop a lot.

guineapigs are the best.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on November 26, 2007, 12:07:37 AM
long haired guinea pigs can be an allergy problem though.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on November 26, 2007, 01:17:00 AM
We had our rats trained so that they
didn't piss or shit, except in the cage,
for the most part.

The guinea pig was about the stupidest
animal I've ever had.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Parts on November 26, 2007, 11:40:46 AM
I know some guys from Ecuador who eat guinea pigs :o
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 26, 2007, 11:50:23 AM
And I know people who eat rabbit.  We saved our rabbit from becoming Hasenpfeffer when we chose him because he was older than the cute little baby bunnies.


Our rabbit was pretty much cage trained too.  When my husband and I went on a trip for our first anniversary, we left him with my husband's parents so they could take care of him.  When we got back, he climbed into his cage and turned his back on us, even though he had been out playing most of the time we had been gone.  I guess he missed us.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on November 26, 2007, 05:29:47 PM
Rabbit is yummy.

I know some guys from Ecuador who eat guinea pigs :o

Never tried it. But, there was a charity which bought GP's and
sent them to south american farmers.

The nickname for ours (it's real name was pork) was cochon din din.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on November 26, 2007, 05:44:18 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on December 03, 2007, 08:41:41 PM
Can you explain to me why this is funny?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 03, 2007, 10:08:39 PM
Can you explain to me why this is funny?

Sorry, no.

It must have something to do with the guy's jersey number being 69 and Ron Cherry penalizing him for "giving him the business," however.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: maldoror on December 03, 2007, 10:56:25 PM
Callaway why doesn't it ever snow?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on December 03, 2007, 11:01:56 PM
guineapigs aren't stupid, they are very smart. but lazy. mine was. he ate all the time and slept and lied down, and i would take him out of my room so he would get some excersize, then he would scurry back to my room. the whole room was his area, if he was outside of it he felt unsafe and had to go back. me and another girl also raced our guineapigs up a tiny hill using the carrot trick, but instead of carrots we had dandelion leaves. her guineapig won the race cuz it was skinnier and had more energy. my piggy stopped midway and i gave him the dandelion leaf anyway. :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 03, 2007, 11:30:15 PM
Callaway why doesn't it ever snow?

You weren't here last winter?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on December 04, 2007, 05:51:06 AM
Can you explain to me why this is funny?

Sorry, no.

It must have something to do with the guy's jersey number being 69 and Ron Cherry penalizing him for "giving him the business," however.
It's been bugging me, because it's on a lot of sites that post funny videos.  The announcers obviously thought it was hilarious.  I just don't get it.  Maybe it's because I don't watch football.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on December 13, 2007, 09:58:50 AM
Laundry question.  Amy always forgets when she's doing laundry, and she left a load in the washer for a couple days... they really smell bad.  I dried them, and washed them again, and now dried them for the second time, and they still kind of smell.   If they were whites I'd just wash them again in some bleach, but they're colors....  what can I do to get the smell out?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 13, 2007, 11:51:24 AM
Laundry question.  Amy always forgets when she's doing laundry, and she left a load in the washer for a couple days... they really smell bad.  I dried them, and washed them again, and now dried them for the second time, and they still kind of smell.   If they were whites I'd just wash them again in some bleach, but they're colors....  what can I do to get the smell out?


I believe the smell is caused by microorganisms that have grown on the wet clothes.  If they are not bleachable, you could try using all fabric bleach or Oxyclean or you could use a small amount of Lysol disinfectant, being careful not to spill it directly on the clothes.  It would be nice if you could also hang the clothes in the sun and fresh air to dry.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Rabbit From Hell on December 13, 2007, 11:54:06 AM
Why won't you stay gheyed ???
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 13, 2007, 11:55:38 AM
Why won't you stay gheyed ???

Someone else probably yays me after you ghey me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on December 13, 2007, 12:05:33 PM
Why won't you stay gheyed ???
She is an admin ;)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 13, 2007, 12:10:44 PM
Why won't you stay gheyed ???
She is an admin ;)

I do not change my own karma.  It is what it is because other people yay and ghey me.

You changed yours a lot when you were an administrator, Hadron.  Remember 666?   >:D

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on December 13, 2007, 12:58:53 PM
 :plus: Thanks Callaway.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on December 13, 2007, 03:09:47 PM
Why won't you stay gheyed ???
She is an admin ;)

I do not change my own karma.  It is what it is because other people yay and ghey me.

You changed yours a lot when you were an administrator, Hadron.  Remember 666?   >:D

Yup. One of my many pranks...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 14, 2007, 03:17:22 AM
:plus: Thanks Callaway.

You are welcome and hope that it helps, Tesla.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 14, 2007, 03:25:49 AM
Why won't you stay gheyed ???
She is an admin ;)

I do not change my own karma.  It is what it is because other people yay and ghey me.

You changed yours a lot when you were an administrator, Hadron.  Remember 666?   >:D

Yup. One of my many pranks...

Yes and your current karma is another admin prank, but not mine.

I was told that you requested it yourself.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on December 14, 2007, 07:07:49 AM
yeah. I ought to put it back soon.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on December 14, 2007, 07:56:16 AM
So you should. He needs to know when he's being gheyed.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on December 14, 2007, 04:29:13 PM
:plus: Thanks Callaway.

You are welcome and hope that it helps, Tesla.

I think it will.   :plus:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on December 14, 2007, 04:47:01 PM
Why won't you stay gheyed ???
She is an admin ;)

I do not change my own karma.  It is what it is because other people yay and ghey me.

You changed yours a lot when you were an administrator, Hadron.  Remember 666?   >:D

Yup. One of my many pranks...

Yes and your current karma is another admin prank, but not mine.

I was told that you requested it yourself.

I may have done, probably while boozed up.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on December 14, 2007, 04:49:00 PM
So you should. He needs to know when he's being gheyed.
Your assuming I care about people gheying me...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on December 14, 2007, 04:59:10 PM
So you should. He needs to know when he's being gheyed.
Your assuming I care about people gheying me...

You'd never had changed your karma if you didn't care.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on December 14, 2007, 05:39:08 PM
So you should. He needs to know when he's being gheyed.
Your assuming I care about people gheying me...

You'd never had changed your karma if you didn't care.
Nah, but it is good to deprive people of the "pleasure" of gheying me. You seem particuarly bothered by it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on December 14, 2007, 05:55:59 PM
If you're "depriving" people of that pleasure, you do care. :laugh:

It's always easier to hide behind something than to actually have to take responsibility. You are being consistent, I'll give you that much.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 18, 2007, 02:15:54 PM
I have Carla's thread in another window, I feel my hands slipping.... I am almost touching the post button, I hit a letter F.  My hands are getting all sweaty... 

Yeah, I just happended to cross the mouse on the way to ginger snap country :laugh:  My hands is getting all sweaty from a workout :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 18, 2007, 02:31:17 PM
I have Carla's thread in another window, I feel my hands slipping.... I am almost touching the post button, I hit a letter F.  My hands are getting all sweaty... 

Yeah, I just happended to cross the mouse on the way to ginger snap country :laugh:  My hands is getting all sweaty from a workout :laugh:

Thanks for resisting the temptation, Randy.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 18, 2007, 02:31:41 PM
Its called teasing.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on December 18, 2007, 02:41:18 PM
If you're "depriving" people of that pleasure, you do care. :laugh:

It's always easier to hide behind something than to actually have to take responsibility. You are being consistent, I'll give you that much.
You care more than me, by a wide margin. Who else would have gone to the trouble of manually gheying me. Its hardly like karma is measure of responsibility, surprisingly I have never really cared about universal popularity.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 18, 2007, 02:50:14 PM
If you're "depriving" people of that pleasure, you do care. :laugh:

It's always easier to hide behind something than to actually have to take responsibility. You are being consistent, I'll give you that much.
You care more than me, by a wide margin. Who else would have gone to the trouble of manually gheying me. Its hardly like karma is measure of responsibility, surprisingly I have never really cared about universal popularity.

Didn't you specifically ask for the maximum negative karma possible, Hadron?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 18, 2007, 02:52:46 PM
If you're "depriving" people of that pleasure, you do care. :laugh:

It's always easier to hide behind something than to actually have to take responsibility. You are being consistent, I'll give you that much.
You care more than me, by a wide margin. Who else would have gone to the trouble of manually gheying me. Its hardly like karma is measure of responsibility, surprisingly I have never really cared about universal popularity.

So, this reminds me, how many times have others here complained about my lack of editing?  About how many times has there same people did such to me back, and I didn't give a shit?  Its so hypocritical.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on December 18, 2007, 02:58:08 PM
Haddy has 5678 postcount. :plus:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on December 18, 2007, 03:00:22 PM
If you're "depriving" people of that pleasure, you do care. :laugh:

It's always easier to hide behind something than to actually have to take responsibility. You are being consistent, I'll give you that much.
You care more than me, by a wide margin. Who else would have gone to the trouble of manually gheying me. Its hardly like karma is measure of responsibility, surprisingly I have never really cared about universal popularity.

Ddin't you specifically ask for the maximum negative karma possible, Hadron?

Nah, I would just like to not have responsibility, its one of my dreams. It doesnt mean I am irresponsible.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SovaNu on December 18, 2007, 03:02:43 PM
you and me Hads. :toporly: you and me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 18, 2007, 03:06:25 PM
/me just posted in Carla's thread, one Callaway better delete it, before  she sees it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 18, 2007, 03:06:47 PM
Tease tease :laugh: 8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 18, 2007, 03:10:44 PM
/me is making a thread about mocking Carla, she didn't say she would leave over that
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 18, 2007, 03:11:33 PM
Tease tease :laugh: :laugh: 8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on December 18, 2007, 03:12:11 PM
Why don't you just leave her alone? Moron. -1  >:(
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 18, 2007, 03:12:50 PM
/me is making 20 different threads about mocking Carla, better hurry up!

Where am I a posting?

Uh oh :laugh:

Your gonna miss one, what are you going to do?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 18, 2007, 03:14:07 PM
Tease tease :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: 8)

He has a big patron paddle ready to

Tease tease :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: 8)

Your going to ignore me :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on December 18, 2007, 03:27:18 PM
Not only are you the most disabled person around, but you're also a jerk. Grow the fuck up and leave Carla alone.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 19, 2007, 11:34:36 AM
Look, I don't care what you have to say in that regard.  You have a problem with tunnel vision, and you appear not to have gotten around that.  I want everything equal, and even if that means if I have a fault that you can help.  I am not perfect so I would expect that, and I will try to read your posts incase you say something that I find useful.

I am a very sensitive person, generally when I do these things there is a reason.  You see however that I have not done anything to her?  Think about that for awhile.  You are so neive, but I believe you are capable of better.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 19, 2007, 11:36:05 AM
Thanks for resisting the temptation to post in Carla's thread, Randy.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 19, 2007, 11:43:57 AM
You want me to do back flips now, and I mean that in nonsexual sense. :laugh:  I think if I was taught it would be quite amusing for me to practice that.

Just a joke.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 19, 2007, 11:51:13 AM
Adrenal junky all the way.

Want a laugh?

I rode my bike and hit the back of a truck.  I flipped over and said it was exzillerating. 

How the fuck do I spell exzillerating?  I seem to have lost bits of mind over the years do to trauma, doesn't mean I am stupid, but it suggests the other person is.  See how careful I can be if I want to?  I inherrited my grandmother's sensitivity and charitableness.  I promised her I would take care of everything before she died, including her daughter who has failed all medication so far.  I saw the chest rise up and down suggesting a trying effor to be emotional.  I tried to help her long before she died, and I was also made fun of by my mom, saying I was ahypochodriac.  I knew, I sense, The hypochodriac had 3 stage cancer, thanks for that correction Callaway.  They said 6 months to a year, however the median is 6-8 months. I tried to help my grandmother long before she died, but it seemed like she wouldn't listen.  I am doing the same with my mom,  and she just can't get it.  I see death.

Thanks or being supportive of me.  I need to do finish what I promised, I don't want my mom to die. :'(
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on December 19, 2007, 01:18:31 PM
Who is this new Randy? 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on December 19, 2007, 01:23:34 PM
A cheap clone, from the looks of it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 19, 2007, 01:27:19 PM
Adrenal junky all the way.

Want a laugh?

I rode my bike and hit the back of a truck.  I flipped over and said it was exzillerating. 

How the fuck do I spell exzillerating?  I seem to have lost bits of mind over the years do to trauma, doesn't mean I am stupid, but it suggests the other person is.  See how careful I can be if I want to?  I inherrited my grandmother's sensitivity and charitableness.  I promised her I would take care of everything before she died, including her daughter who has failed all medication so far.  I saw the chest rise up and down suggesting a trying effor to be emotional.  I tried to help her long before she died, and I was also made fun of by my mom, saying I was ahypochodriac.  I knew, I sense, The hypochodriac had 3 stage cancer, thanks for that correction Callaway.  They said 6 months to a year, however the median is 6-8 months. I tried to help my grandmother long before she died, but it seemed like she wouldn't listen.  I am doing the same with my mom,  and she just can't get it.  I see death.

Thanks or being supportive of me.  I need to do finish what I promised, I don't want my mom to die. :'(

It's spelled exhilarating, Randy.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on December 19, 2007, 03:03:18 PM

At least you found one question you could
answer in there.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Parts on December 19, 2007, 06:11:45 PM
Who is this new Randy? 
Check his basement for pods :o
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on December 28, 2007, 03:32:47 AM
Callaway your husband travels to some really cool places. It is part of his job?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 28, 2007, 04:02:06 AM
Callaway your husband travels to some really cool places. It is part of his job?

Yes, it is.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on December 28, 2007, 04:56:40 AM
Is getting drunk part of his job?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 28, 2007, 05:13:56 AM
Is getting drunk part of his job?

No.  He does not drink alcohol at all.  He is always the designated driver when he goes out with a group of colleagues.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on December 28, 2007, 05:18:15 AM
That sucks.
But not for you,
I guess.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 28, 2007, 05:29:21 AM
That sucks.
But not for you,
I guess.

Not at all. 

I think that it would suck if getting drunk was actually part of his job.  He does not want to drink.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on December 28, 2007, 05:37:25 AM
I like drunk.

It makes reality less painful.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on December 28, 2007, 11:50:41 PM
Is getting drunk part of his job?

No.  He does not drink alcohol at all.  He is always the designated driver when he goes out with a group of colleagues.
I get scared of drunk people. If I am somewhere and there are drunk people, I like to go home straight away. Your husband sounds like a cool person.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 29, 2007, 12:04:31 AM
Is getting drunk part of his job?

No.  He does not drink alcohol at all.  He is always the designated driver when he goes out with a group of colleagues.
I get scared of drunk people. If I am somewhere and there are drunk people, I like to go home straight away. Your husband sounds like a cool person.

I think that he's very cool.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on December 29, 2007, 12:07:23 AM
Kinda makes sense.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Al Swearegen on December 29, 2007, 07:53:42 AM
How do I post photo's on the photo thread I noticed it was locked?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on December 29, 2007, 08:13:51 AM
Post them in the Photo Thread, then Ren will move them to the Photos Only Thread......
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Al Swearegen on December 29, 2007, 08:33:56 AM
Cheers mate. I may be the ugliest person on this board, but I am comforted in the facts that I really don't know you people and that photo of that ugly chick with glasses on the porn thread was almost as ugly.

Not of course that I have been trawling through the porn thread 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 30, 2007, 01:57:47 PM
Say ginger snap
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 30, 2007, 03:21:27 PM
Say ginger snap

Sorry, I'm all out of them.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on December 31, 2007, 06:42:10 AM
Callaway, how hot does it get where you live in summer? I ask because it gets so cold there, I wonder what the yearly temperature difference would be.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 31, 2007, 10:02:55 PM
Callaway, how hot does it get where you live in summer? I ask because it gets so cold there, I wonder what the yearly temperature difference would be.

The record high temperature was 106.0 °F (41.1 C).

The average high temperature for July, our average warmest month, is 89 °F (31.7 C) and the average low is 55 °F (12.8 C).

The record low temperature was -15.0 °F (-26.1 C).

The average low temperature for January, our average coldest month, is 42 °F (5.6 C) and the average low is 12 °F (-11.1 C).

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on December 31, 2007, 10:11:36 PM
We could probably find out location,
from that data. If so inclined.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on January 01, 2008, 01:48:06 AM
You haven't figured it out by now?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on January 01, 2008, 05:03:45 AM
You haven't figured it out by now?

I'm not inclined.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on January 01, 2008, 10:08:16 PM
You haven't figured it out by now?

I'm not inclined.
Then why'd you bring it up... fuckwit.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on January 01, 2008, 11:49:12 PM
So she could remove it,
if desired. She tends to
hide her location.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on January 02, 2008, 03:54:06 AM
It gets that hot there and it snows. That is variation!

We have had 46.7 Celsius here. Last month it got to 44C. Eat ice-cream weather.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on January 02, 2008, 07:24:14 AM
The midwest US has some of the most varied
temperatures. Pretty much the worst of both
worlds, from what most people see. The East coast
tends to have slightly milder winters (but not much),
the summers can be hell though. The West coast is
damned boring. The further south, the worse the
summers get (and the winters - stays warm).
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 02, 2008, 11:59:55 AM
Come on just say ginger snap anyway :laugh:

What you afraid I am going get off on it or something?

Don't have to worry about that, everything dose that to me :laugh:

Just want to see a woman with 38c breasts like my girlfriend's, if she ever pays attention to me again. :'(
Has been lately, like more than 1/month, like 2 :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 02, 2008, 12:34:04 PM
So she could remove it,
if desired. She tends to
hide her location.

I see what you mean now, Calandale.  I removed the exact dates.

It gets that hot there and it snows. That is variation!

We have had 46.7 Celsius here. Last month it got to 44C. Eat ice-cream weather.

Wow, that's 116 °F.

My husband used to live somewhere that got that hot or even a little hotter, but it never snowed in the winter.  You could swim in an outdoor swimming pool in the middle of the winter on Christmas Day.  You could not bear to swim outside in the middle of the summer, since the water got so hot then.  There were lots of retired people who went there in the winter to live in their enormous RVs, but moved back to where they came from in the summers.  People called them "snowbirds" and the grocery stores were very crowded in the winters, especially the prune juice aisles, he told me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 02, 2008, 12:36:14 PM
I am sorry, k?

Anything that was not a turn on will eventually become one, can't help it.

I don't mess with you in that way ;D
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 02, 2008, 12:38:20 PM
...girlfriend's, if she ever pays attention to me again. :'(
Has been lately, like more than 1/month, like 2 :laugh:

Why is your girlfriend angry at you, Randy?  Did you do something mean to her?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on January 02, 2008, 01:01:10 PM

I see what you mean now, Calandale.  I removed the exact dates.
It gets that hot there and it snows. That is variation!

We have had 46.7 Celsius here. Last month it got to 44C. Eat ice-cream weather.

Wow, that's 116 °F.

Oh my. ice-cream nothing.
That's lie in the tub weather.
It better be bone dry, or it would
kill me.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 02, 2008, 02:58:02 PM
Callaway, I would I would like to tell you, but I think it would be best to pm you about with this particular buisness with Jessica.
A gay was after me today, I got the social cues, but then I got more and came to final decision he was bisexual.  Mom told me not to be alone with him, but I knew already.  He was saying if a guy paid me $100 to suck my dick, and saying how his "friends"  where on his email.  He was telling me how big his you know what was, my tollerance is high, but I really think it didn't need to be, I was not trying to help anyone.  He was hoping I was closet gay.  I didn't mind he was, after all it was my favorite subject we talking about, sex.  I made sure I turn it towards women as much as I could. I tried to get away from him, saying I had a doctor's appointement to, and he wanted to walk with me.  I said it was far away, and its very cold weather we are having. He left me alone for now I guess.  I like complements and shit, but that is far is it  goes, I am not gay or bi.  His other friend does nude photography for porno.  My mom tells me secret details about her sex life, so did my grandmother, who is not bipolar.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lemon Aguilera on January 03, 2008, 04:19:50 PM
especially the prune juice aisles, he told me.

lots of constipated people? :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 03, 2008, 04:21:34 PM
especially the prune juice aisles, he told me.

lots of constipated people? :laugh:

I guess it must happen a lot to older people.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 03, 2008, 04:22:34 PM
No gay jokes please, I herd enough of him making comments to me.  I will stop being so nice now, he will be warned.

4 prunes has a laxative effect.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on January 03, 2008, 04:29:57 PM
Not as suppositories.  :-\
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 03, 2008, 04:34:27 PM
No gay jokes please, I herd enough of him making comments to me.  I will stop being so nice now, he will be warned.

4 prunes has a laxative effect.

You mean the guy who has been making inappropriate comments to you, Randy?  It's probably a good idea to make sure that he knows you don't like his comments.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 04, 2008, 03:11:14 PM
Jessus christ, people jump to conclusions too easily!, more than a probably.
I see he wanted me so badly, he easily misinterpeted things I was saying as advances.  I was just trying to help him get ass, woman that is. :laugh:  I did however say I was not closet gay, and I talked about my girlfriend.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 04, 2008, 03:24:22 PM
I saw ginger steak, are you worried about what I might do :wanker: :wanker:
I was going to sprinkle ginger on my girlfriend and lick it off her.

Hey I am just messing with you. :laugh:
Yeah, I have a big condenscending paddle for you instead :laugh:

Have you learned to ignore my teasing yet? :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 04, 2008, 06:38:16 PM
I saw ginger steak, are you worried about what I might do :wanker: :wanker:
I was going to sprinkle ginger on my girlfriend and lick it off her.

Hey I am just messing with you. :laugh:
Yeah, I have a big condenscending paddle for you instead :laugh:

Have you learned to ignore my teasing yet? :laugh:

Pretty well.

If you like ginger so much, maybe you should get some fresh ginger root from the produce aisle of the grocery store, rather than the dry powdered ginger from the spice aisle.  There are lots of things you can do with fresh ginger root.  If you have an Oriental grocery store, you might find fresh ginger root there too, if you can't find it in the ordinary grocery store.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on January 04, 2008, 06:39:41 PM
Dry is better for back pain.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Al Swearegen on January 05, 2008, 02:34:14 AM
What teasing. It just looks like a bunch of words thrown at a computer. With happy emoticons. Like a post-modern Dada influenced experiment. I have not tried to infer meaning from what you write and did not realise it was there.

But you mentioned teasing. I will try harder.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on January 05, 2008, 07:42:34 PM
What is the supportar thingybob?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on January 05, 2008, 07:59:22 PM
It's dunc's idea.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on January 05, 2008, 08:09:33 PM
It's dunc's idea.
Supporting what cause?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 05, 2008, 08:15:34 PM
It's dunc's idea.
Supporting what cause?


It's a parody of the Plank's WP Supporter idea.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on January 05, 2008, 08:19:09 PM
It's dunc's idea.
Supporting what cause?


It's a parody of the Plank's WP Supporter idea.
Lol, I dont pay too much attention to what goes on there these days. Meh, feel free to add me to the club if you like. :)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on January 05, 2008, 08:26:46 PM
I think you have to blow him,
or something.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on January 05, 2008, 08:30:08 PM
I think you have to blow him,
or something.
Is there a way around that little catch. I am the type who would rather avoid it if at all possible,  I am sure you understand...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on January 05, 2008, 10:15:35 PM
I think you have to blow him,
or something.
Is there a way around that little catch. I am the type who would rather avoid it if at all possible,  I am sure you understand...

Well, you could blow me,
and I could sneak you in. :eyebrows:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Al Swearegen on January 05, 2008, 10:56:32 PM
I think you have to blow him,
or something.

Yes....the "or something".
Well I did anyway.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on January 05, 2008, 11:22:04 PM
I wasn't even willing for the
less extreme option. You're
a manly man.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Parts on January 05, 2008, 11:23:26 PM
"Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges.
I don't have to show you any stinking badges!"
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on January 05, 2008, 11:24:01 PM
I thought that was about badgers
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Parts on January 05, 2008, 11:25:37 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Al Swearegen on January 06, 2008, 12:54:32 AM
I thought it was "Vages"
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on January 06, 2008, 04:33:52 AM
It's dunc's idea.
Supporting what cause?


It's a parody of the Plank's WP Supporter idea.
Lol, I dont pay too much attention to what goes on there these days. Meh, feel free to add me to the club if you like. :)

hokay. we'll waive the bj clause since you've repeatedly swung on Plankton's nuts.  :green:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on January 06, 2008, 09:17:20 AM
It's impohtant to be a suppotah.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on January 06, 2008, 12:00:17 PM
If I become a supportah, will I become impotent?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on January 06, 2008, 12:24:07 PM
No, it's not impohtent to be a suppotah. :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 06, 2008, 01:49:34 PM
/me tapes up the patroni
zing paddle :laugh:

Steak is a rich source of zinc, one of the best.  Vegetables in general are poorer  and less absorbed sources.  Soon as I eat the steak, its crunch time :wanker:  Zinc helps sexual health, Callaway take notice, take it to your husband.  Have fun :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on January 06, 2008, 01:52:31 PM
/me tapes up the patroni
zing paddle :laugh:

Steak is a rich source of zinc, one of the best.  Vegetables in general are poorer  and less absorbed sources.  Soon as I eat the steak, its crunch time :wanker:  Zinc helps sexual health, Callaway take notice, take it to your husband.  Have fun :laugh:
I would hope her husband has meat and veg already. Or is there something Callaway is not telling us :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 07, 2008, 02:16:04 PM
So I bet a bunch of women on here may smite me,  here is what I did to the bisexual guy.

I knew the libary would block my seminude pics, so I directed him to this site. He said something about me meeting him at the libary at 12:30pm, I was like ,"What the fuck, this guy is trying to date me!"  Yuck!  That perve came here at 9:30am instead, and didn't show at the libary till 1:30pm.  I managed to do something mean while staying away from him for an hour.  I was just getting warmed up, I know how to be mean, in a nonsexual way. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 07, 2008, 02:21:45 PM
I think that it was a mistake for you to direct the guy who is interested in you sexually to this website, Randy. 

You have been pretty open here and now he has the ability to learn a lot of private information about you, even if he can't see your semi-nude pictures at the library.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on January 07, 2008, 02:28:15 PM

You could have used some file-sharing service.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on January 07, 2008, 02:30:06 PM
I think that it was a mistake for you to direct the guy who is interested in you sexually to this website, Randy. 

You have been pretty open here and now he has the ability to learn a lot of private information about you, even if he can't see your semi-nude pictures at the library.
If he shows, I am sure you admins can deal with it. He hasn't showed so far.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 07, 2008, 02:33:36 PM
I think that it was a mistake for you to direct the guy who is interested in you sexually to this website, Randy. 

You have been pretty open here and now he has the ability to learn a lot of private information about you, even if he can't see your semi-nude pictures at the library.
If he shows, I am sure you admins can deal with it. He hasn't showed so far.

That to, uh Callaway, He is in Cranston.  I am not worried about him, even if he comes back, I am still not worried about him. 

Forgot a thankyou.

I have been through alot worse anyway.  You should talk to my mom, you would get along great, both of you stigmatize me.  Can make me forget something.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on January 07, 2008, 05:01:35 PM
I think that it was a mistake for you to direct the guy who is interested in you sexually to this website, Randy. 

You have been pretty open here and now he has the ability to learn a lot of private information about you, even if he can't see your semi-nude pictures at the library.
If he shows, I am sure you admins can deal with it. He hasn't showed so far.

What should the admins do about it? This place is unmoderated. If a perv decides to sign up to see Randy's semi-nudes, he's welcome to it and certainly no more a perv than Randy, in my eyes.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on January 07, 2008, 05:05:04 PM
Sounds like dealing, to me.  :laugh:

Not much we can do anyhow.
The danger is the information
randy put up.

If some perv comes hitting on him
online, who cares?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on January 07, 2008, 05:12:54 PM
If some perv comes hitting on him
online, who cares?

Um, Randy? Who knows, maybe they fall in love.  :eyelash:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on January 07, 2008, 05:16:31 PM
That would be soooooo sweet.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on January 07, 2008, 05:22:18 PM
We're not responsible for Randy - he's 25, not 15. End of story.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on January 07, 2008, 05:30:47 PM
We're not responsible for Randy - he's 25, not 15. End of story.

In which case we wouldn't be responsible anyway. We'd just have a good reason to kick him out.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 07, 2008, 06:41:44 PM
I think that it was a mistake for you to direct the guy who is interested in you sexually to this website, Randy. 

You have been pretty open here and now he has the ability to learn a lot of private information about you, even if he can't see your semi-nude pictures at the library.
If he shows, I am sure you admins can deal with it. He hasn't showed so far.

How do you know whether or not he has showed up here, Hadron?  He could have shown up and read a lot of information about Randy from the public boards as a guest.  What would you expect us to do when he shows up?  As others have already said, INTENSITY² is unmoderated, so it's not like we would IP ban the library because some guy wanked over Randy's semi-nude pictures after Randy invited him to come here. 

I'm more concerned about the guy reading the large amount of personal information that Randy has posted here.  If Randy wants, he can go back and edit some of that stuff out of his posts, but that's his decision, not ours.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on January 07, 2008, 06:49:09 PM
Randy can't change his own password,
in order to keep his sister off his account.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on January 07, 2008, 08:32:53 PM
I think that it was a mistake for you to direct the guy who is interested in you sexually to this website, Randy. 

You have been pretty open here and now he has the ability to learn a lot of private information about you, even if he can't see your semi-nude pictures at the library.
If he shows, I am sure you admins can deal with it. He hasn't showed so far.

What should the admins do about it? This place is unmoderated. If a perv decides to sign up to see Randy's semi-nudes, he's welcome to it and certainly no more a perv than Randy, in my eyes.
You can warn him if another account shows up in his area, and if anything seriously untoward happens, pass it on to the relevant authorities. I doubt much will happen tbh though.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on January 07, 2008, 08:36:12 PM
I think that it was a mistake for you to direct the guy who is interested in you sexually to this website, Randy. 

You have been pretty open here and now he has the ability to learn a lot of private information about you, even if he can't see your semi-nude pictures at the library.
If he shows, I am sure you admins can deal with it. He hasn't showed so far.

How do you know whether or not he has showed up here, Hadron?  He could have shown up and read a lot of information about Randy from the public boards as a guest.  What would you expect us to do when he shows up?  As others have already said, INTENSITY² is unmoderated, so it's not like we would IP ban the library because some guy wanked over Randy's semi-nude pictures after Randy invited him to come here. 

I'm more concerned about the guy reading the large amount of personal information that Randy has posted here.  If Randy wants, he can go back and edit some of that stuff out of his posts, but that's his decision, not ours.
Unlikely, asides you can run an ip trace to see what IPs have been used, guest or no guest. As for the library computers, if too much happens Flo can report it to the powers that be.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Al Swearegen on January 08, 2008, 04:45:02 AM
Randy makes a lot of noise about how terrible this bisexual bloke is. I think there is an apt quote which encapsulates my feelings here.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on January 08, 2008, 11:12:15 AM
I think that it was a mistake for you to direct the guy who is interested in you sexually to this website, Randy. 

You have been pretty open here and now he has the ability to learn a lot of private information about you, even if he can't see your semi-nude pictures at the library.
If he shows, I am sure you admins can deal with it. He hasn't showed so far.

What should the admins do about it? This place is unmoderated. If a perv decides to sign up to see Randy's semi-nudes, he's welcome to it and certainly no more a perv than Randy, in my eyes.
You can warn him if another account shows up in his area, and if anything seriously untoward happens, pass it on to the relevant authorities. I doubt much will happen tbh though.

Sorry but that's private information, up and until said member violates the rules imposed on us by our host. And even then, another member is unlikely to get hold of that information.

Others have said this before me, but Randy should protect his personal information better. He is an adult, however, and thus responsible for his actions. We are not babysitters.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 08, 2008, 11:17:49 AM
I think that it was a mistake for you to direct the guy who is interested in you sexually to this website, Randy. 

You have been pretty open here and now he has the ability to learn a lot of private information about you, even if he can't see your semi-nude pictures at the library.
If he shows, I am sure you admins can deal with it. He hasn't showed so far.

What should the admins do about it? This place is unmoderated. If a perv decides to sign up to see Randy's semi-nudes, he's welcome to it and certainly no more a perv than Randy, in my eyes.
You can warn him if another account shows up in his area, and if anything seriously untoward happens, pass it on to the relevant authorities. I doubt much will happen tbh though.

Sorry but that's private information, up and until said member violates the rules imposed on us by our host. And even then, another member is unlikely to get hold of that information.

Others have said this before me, but Randy should protect his personal information better. He is an adult, however, and thus responsible for his actions. We are not babysitters.

Make up your mind! :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on January 08, 2008, 11:19:12 AM
I think that it was a mistake for you to direct the guy who is interested in you sexually to this website, Randy. 

You have been pretty open here and now he has the ability to learn a lot of private information about you, even if he can't see your semi-nude pictures at the library.
If he shows, I am sure you admins can deal with it. He hasn't showed so far.

What should the admins do about it? This place is unmoderated. If a perv decides to sign up to see Randy's semi-nudes, he's welcome to it and certainly no more a perv than Randy, in my eyes.
You can warn him if another account shows up in his area, and if anything seriously untoward happens, pass it on to the relevant authorities. I doubt much will happen tbh though.

Sorry but that's private information, up and until said member violates the rules imposed on us by our host. And even then, another member is unlikely to get hold of that information.

Others have said this before me, but Randy should protect his personal information better. He is an adult, however, and thus responsible for his actions. We are not babysitters.

Make up your mind! :laugh:

About what? ???
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 08, 2008, 11:20:00 AM
How many times have you told me I was retarded now?

If I am so bad, I will get Jessica to spank me :wanker: :wanker: :wanker:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 08, 2008, 11:26:18 AM
How many times have you told me I was retarded now?

If I am so bad, I will get Jessica to spank me :wanker: :wanker: :wanker:

I don't think that you are retarded, but I do think that directing the perv here was an error in judgement, Randy.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 08, 2008, 11:41:48 AM
I knew it was, but thanks anyway.  I am not afraid of that guy, I know about rape and shit.  He didn't strike me as very intellegent person anyway, nor as person who has money.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on January 08, 2008, 12:10:55 PM
How many times have you told me I was retarded now?

Hasn't helped the problem either.  ::)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Coral on January 08, 2008, 02:21:35 PM
What you did WAS retarded!!! Why don't you just leave your windows open and your doors open with a flourescent sign above it that says "come get me"
How many times have I specifically warned you against this?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on January 08, 2008, 05:54:12 PM
I think that it was a mistake for you to direct the guy who is interested in you sexually to this website, Randy. 

You have been pretty open here and now he has the ability to learn a lot of private information about you, even if he can't see your semi-nude pictures at the library.
If he shows, I am sure you admins can deal with it. He hasn't showed so far.

What should the admins do about it? This place is unmoderated. If a perv decides to sign up to see Randy's semi-nudes, he's welcome to it and certainly no more a perv than Randy, in my eyes.
You can warn him if another account shows up in his area, and if anything seriously untoward happens, pass it on to the relevant authorities. I doubt much will happen tbh though.

Sorry but that's private information, up and until said member violates the rules imposed on us by our host. And even then, another member is unlikely to get hold of that information.

Others have said this before me, but Randy should protect his personal information better. He is an adult, however, and thus responsible for his actions. We are not babysitters.
You do have a moral responsibility to protect long standing members where possible, obviously I cannot say more on the matter.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on January 08, 2008, 05:59:20 PM
No, actually, we don't. Why should certain members be treated differently than others?

What we do for this member in particular is trying time and again to save him from making these errors in the first place. However, we are NOT babysitters and we do NOT have some kind of "moral" responsibility to spy on other members.

The Orwell board is down the hall, second door to your left. You'll fit right in.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on January 08, 2008, 06:03:40 PM
what he said. we're not your keepers. if you're daft enough to post private information on teh intarnets or to tell a stranger where to read all your stuff, more fool you. it isn't our responsibility to do people's thinking for them or change their cyber-nappies.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on January 08, 2008, 06:13:00 PM
No, actually, we don't. Why should certain members be treated differently than others?


It's GOING to happen anyhow.
Let's mitigate it whenever we're
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Coral on January 08, 2008, 10:29:34 PM
Spying??? I thought that was what I am here for. Don't worry the message has been passed on in person, and he shrugged his shoulders and started spewing some unintelligible nonsense and went away. He knows what he is doing, getting attention no matter who, when, or where.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on January 09, 2008, 01:56:22 AM
What you do here is largely your business, unless you happen to annoy our host in which case it becomes our business.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 10, 2008, 02:42:00 PM
No, I am not trying to get attention.  I already didn't like gays, after what the first one did, but now this guy added.  The next step was warn him, if I am feeling in a good mood.  I guess that other incident was traumatizing in some way, I did feel keyed up around him, perhaps I could have thought of a more evil thing to do to him if I calmned down. :laugh:  He was asking too many questions, that is when I thought he was gay or something.  Things are not always what they appear to be however.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on January 10, 2008, 02:49:07 PM
I already didn't like gays... I did feel keyed up around him....

Maybe you should explore your sexuality.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 10, 2008, 02:52:35 PM
Maybe you should look at a naked man magazine.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on January 10, 2008, 02:54:02 PM
Maybe you should look at a naked man magazine.

Why? There's plenty of gay porn on the internet.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 10, 2008, 03:17:45 PM
Yeah and they  get all the women to.

I don't really care who sees my body, but I do care about touching.  Only one woman may do that.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on January 10, 2008, 03:28:56 PM
Yeah and they  get all the women to.

Gay guys do?
I think I'm seeing my new
I don't really care who sees my body, but I do care about touching.  Only one woman may do that.

But hundreds of men?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 11, 2008, 03:02:10 PM
I am hundreds of men, jack of all trades. :laugh:

Yeah and they  get all the women to.

Gay guys do?
I think I'm seeing my new
I don't really care who sees my body, but I do care about touching.  Only one woman may do that.

But hundreds of men?

No your looking in the mirror, and its sad mirror.

This thread is directed at Callaway, so you think we should keep it like that?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on January 11, 2008, 03:06:46 PM

This thread is directed at Callaway, so you think we should keep it like that?

Nah. A certain level of play is fine.
You've got to learn the distinction
between your random spew, and
things where people are interacting.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 11, 2008, 03:07:38 PM
I couldn't learn that here :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on January 11, 2008, 03:53:02 PM
So far, you haven't learned that anywhere else, so why not?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 14, 2008, 02:45:30 PM
I wonder if anyone has every called Callaway bitch in real life.

I have never been called ugly, by an non family member.
This woman I was helping with her food allergy said I was perfect.  She wanted to know how I stay away from junkfood and wheat.  I just don't crave, my body is in balance.  Infact eating a piece of bread now would not taste the same as it used to.  I cheated along time ago after a few months off, and that is what I noticed.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 14, 2008, 02:51:43 PM
I wonder if anyone has every called Callaway bitch in real life.

Not that I remember.  I have been called spaz, spastic, Rainman and a few other things, but I don't remember being called a bitch IRL.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 14, 2008, 02:59:55 PM




Your a man :o :laugh:  You do know I am joking right?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 14, 2008, 03:02:05 PM




Your a man :o :laugh:  You do know I am joking right?

No to all of those.  Not everybody's family talks to each other like yours does, Randy.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on January 14, 2008, 03:06:10 PM
 :plus: :lol:

Such a sharp blade.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on January 14, 2008, 03:09:22 PM
Someone called you Rainman?  That's kind of mean.  

I couldn't find a Rainman smilie...  
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 14, 2008, 03:11:25 PM




Your a man :o :laugh:  You do know I am joking right?

No to all of those.  Not everybody's family talks to each other like yours does, Randy.


Plus one :plus:

Cunt is one my mom has fit about, yeah than 5 minutes later she is telling me to go after the bisexual. She is rather frusturated at me, she wants me to give her a grandchild. Slacker brother finally had one, probably because of the supplements he took, multi.
Bitch is a favorite :laugh:
I hear asshole used by my mom, and I also herd her saying something about the dentist's ass to her boyfriend :deadhorse: That is when it don't pay to have a good memory. You would think I would forget something like that :o.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on January 14, 2008, 03:12:20 PM
Who is this new Randy?  He doesn't post the same as the old Randy.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Kosmonaut on January 14, 2008, 03:12:45 PM

ive been called all them things too. Yes, even cunt.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on January 14, 2008, 03:16:41 PM
... yeah than 5 minutes later she is telling me to go after the bisexual. She is rather frusturated at me, she wants me to give her a grandchild.

Isn't this a MALE bisexual?
Is your mother as confused about
sex as you seem to be?


ive been called all them things too. Yes, even cunt.  :zoinks:

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 14, 2008, 03:20:28 PM
The bisexual shit was a joke.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 15, 2008, 02:31:58 PM
/me thinks Callaway should imagine she is full of energy to that makes her stronger, so people in real life don't think she is such a spa
z.  I find the affects themselves can last all  day, and even overlap into the next day.  Do it everday, and perhaps your disablity will go away, it helps cancer patients stay alive when they are supposed to die, so why not give it a try.  Your imagination is what you use to tell your body what you want it to do, and it just does its best to fulfill your desires.  I just works harder, and does better at it.  White blood cell count can rise 40% in healthy subjects.

Damn, chamomile tea, I am sweating.  I don't usually sweat.  Degree sucks!  ok not that bad, but that is because I put body powder to.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on January 15, 2008, 03:42:02 PM

What was the question?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 18, 2008, 02:51:08 PM
How would you interpet this woman's behavior?

That woman who I helped, her behavior, could be interpeted as sexual.

She made me tea, and has been given me intense attention.  I was so embarassed, it was ginger tea.  I was eating ham/meat and go hard.  I should have my zinc level tested :laugh:

She wants to run a resturante with me with some wheat free foods.

She is kind of old for me, but sometimes they don't listen to me anyway. :laugh:

She knows what I am into, and she is into it a little herself.

She says am perfect, but what do I do when she doesn't see me?  A person who you want can do no wrong elsewhere, but I am not anyway.

She is way too old for me, I am what 16, in apperance, and .. impulsive urges won't be herd.   :laugh:  It would be definitely be funnier to screw someone my own age.  Had to ask Jessica if she knew anyone like that :wanker: :-*  I wonder if that would have confused her.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on January 18, 2008, 03:50:01 PM
She was probably trying to get you to put on the white jacket with all the pretty buckles on.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 18, 2008, 03:53:35 PM
How would you interpet this woman's behavior?

That woman who I helped, her behavior, could be interpeted as sexual.

She made me tea, and has been given me intense attention.  I was so embarassed, it was ginger tea.  I was eating ham/meat and go hard.  I should have my zinc level tested :laugh:

She wants to run a resturante with me with some wheat free foods.

She is kind of old for me, but sometimes they don't listen to me anyway. :laugh:

She knows what I am into, and she is into it a little herself.

She says am perfect, but what do I do when she doesn't see me?  A person who you want can do no wrong elsewhere, but I am not anyway.

She is way too old for me, I am what 16, in apperance, and .. impulsive urges won't be herd.   :laugh:  It would be definitely be funnier to screw someone my own age.  Had to ask Jessica if she knew anyone like that :wanker: :-*  I wonder if that would have confused her.

I'm not sure what to make of her behavior, Randy.  How old is this woman?

She might not have meant anything by giving you ginger tea.  Some people just like this tea.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on January 18, 2008, 04:06:48 PM
most people don't associate consuming ginger with wanking like a sex-starved gibbon.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Teejay on January 18, 2008, 08:07:40 PM
How would you interpet this woman's behavior?

That woman who I helped, her behavior, could be interpeted as sexual.

She made me tea, and has been given me intense attention.  I was so embarassed, it was ginger tea.  I was eating ham/meat and go hard.  I should have my zinc level tested :laugh:

She wants to run a resturante with me with some wheat free foods.

She is kind of old for me, but sometimes they don't listen to me anyway. :laugh:

She knows what I am into, and she is into it a little herself.

She says am perfect, but what do I do when she doesn't see me?  A person who you want can do no wrong elsewhere, but I am not anyway.

She is way too old for me, I am what 16, in apperance, and .. impulsive urges won't be herd.   :laugh:  It would be definitely be funnier to screw someone my own age.  Had to ask Jessica if she knew anyone like that :wanker: :-*  I wonder if that would have confused her.

 :zoinks: Randy actually met something who actually likes him as a person.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on January 18, 2008, 10:39:49 PM
most people don't associate consuming ginger with wanking like a sex-starved gibbon.
:plus:   :lol:

I especially like the choice of primate...  most people would have gone with chimpanzee, or orangutan... but not you sir!  No, no.  hehe
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on January 19, 2008, 12:17:37 PM
that one's definitely been at the ginger.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 19, 2008, 02:22:48 PM
How would you interpet this woman's behavior?

That woman who I helped, her behavior, could be interpeted as sexual.

She made me tea, and has been given me intense attention.  I was so embarassed, it was ginger tea.  I was eating ham/meat and go hard.  I should have my zinc level tested :laugh:

She wants to run a resturante with me with some wheat free foods.

She is kind of old for me, but sometimes they don't listen to me anyway. :laugh:

She knows what I am into, and she is into it a little herself.

She says am perfect, but what do I do when she doesn't see me?  A person who you want can do no wrong elsewhere, but I am not anyway.

She is way too old for me, I am what 16, in apperance, and .. impulsive urges won't be herd.   :laugh:  It would be definitely be funnier to screw someone my own age.  Had to ask Jessica if she knew anyone like that :wanker: :-*  I wonder if that would have confused her.

 :zoinks: Randy actually met something who actually likes him as a person.

Yes people do, I am alot nicer offline, and especially when people are not mean to me. :laugh:  Now isn't that a novel concept TJ, or what?

How would you interpet this woman's behavior?

That woman who I helped, her behavior, could be interpeted as sexual.

She made me tea, and has been given me intense attention.  I was so embarassed, it was ginger tea.  I was eating ham/meat and go hard.  I should have my zinc level tested :laugh:

She wants to run a resturante with me with some wheat free foods.

She is kind of old for me, but sometimes they don't listen to me anyway. :laugh:

She knows what I am into, and she is into it a little herself.

She says am perfect, but what do I do when she doesn't see me?  A person who you want can do no wrong elsewhere, but I am not anyway.

She is way too old for me, I am what 16, in apperance, and .. impulsive urges won't be herd.   :laugh:  It would be definitely be funnier to screw someone my own age.  Had to ask Jessica if she knew anyone like that :wanker: :-*  I wonder if that would have confused her.

I'm not sure what to make of her behavior, Randy.  How old is this woman?

She might not have meant anything by giving you ginger tea.  Some people just like this tea.

I was just curious to what you thought, not really asking for advice.  She could have been trying to be friendly, and maybe move a step further :laugh:  I wasn't trying to making an ass out of you either. ;D

I am not trying to offend, but people that age typically have diminshed cognitive functions.  It does depend however, how they take care of themselves when they were younger.  She had gray hair Callaway.  I would not have been offended if you disagreed, I don't really worry about rejection and shuch,  because I am giving it my best, at all times. I am also happy with the way I look in the mirror, I rarely get zits.  Anything less is emotionally unacceptable.   I won't try and manipulate the data on you either, my mom warns people of my trickery. 

Forgot something, indeed, her knowledge is not as extensive as mine.  I should have mentioned that she was paying so much attention to me after I told her my sad story.  It was 3 times in a row after that, and I am not neive, I know what I look like.  Its easier to give some attention when they are cute.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on January 21, 2008, 11:11:42 AM
True or false:  You are more likely to unbalance a front-load washer by UNDERloading it than by OVERloading it.

I genuinely don't know, but I'd noticed that smaller loads seemed more likely to unbalance, and I just googled it (in an act of agonized frustration) and it seems to actually be the case, counter-intuitive as that sounds.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on January 21, 2008, 11:24:27 AM
True. But it should be able to handle the smaller load without problems.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 21, 2008, 11:29:17 AM
True or false:  You are more likely to unbalance a front-load washer by UNDERloading it than by OVERloading it.

I genuinely don't know, but I'd noticed that smaller loads seemed more likely to unbalance, and I just googled it (in an act of agonized frustration) and it seems to actually be the case, counter-intuitive as that sounds.

I think that it's true.  To make it more intuitive, imagine if you put just one pillow in the washing machine and nothing else.

The waterlogged pillow is very heavy and all on one side, and there is nothing to counterbalance the load on the other side.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on January 21, 2008, 11:35:28 AM
Oops. Sorry. Didn't mean to hijack your thread.  :-[
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 21, 2008, 11:37:44 AM
Oops. Sorry. Didn't mean to hijack your thread.  :-[

No problem, Odeon.  I'm always glad for the help.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on January 21, 2008, 11:50:12 AM
Thanks to both you guys.  I do think the wahsing machine in quetsion should be able to handle less perfectly-balanced loads than it seems to be demanding, but anythig that can help me make that high-maintenance bitch of an appliance halfway do what I want it so is appreciated.   :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Parts on January 21, 2008, 02:46:50 PM
Does eczema get worse with stress?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 21, 2008, 03:10:02 PM
Does eczema get worse with stress?

My personal experience with it says that it does.  It also seems to get worse in the winter than in the summer, with exposure to allergens, and with some clothing. 

Here, I found some more official information from an eczema medication website:

Eczema outbreaks, or "flare-ups" are caused by an overreaction of your skin's immune system to environmental and emotional "triggers". These can range from irritants such as chemicals; to allergens, such as dust or mold; to stress.

For those with eczema, it is very helpful to identify and avoid exposure to such triggers. However, because there are so many potential triggers, this can be challenging.

The following sections explain different triggers that may lead to eczema outbreaks:

Extremes in temperature and humidity can worsen or trigger an eczema flare. While it may be tricky, maintaining a moderate and stable temperature and humidity all year is helpful.

When it's warm and humid in summer, make sure the temperature inside remains cool with an air conditioner. Also keep in mind that air-conditioned air may also be drying to your skin, so be sure to use a moisturizer.

In the winter, the air tends to be drier (cold air holds less moisture, and heating systems generally introduce very dry, hot air into homes), which makes it easier to develop dry skin. Since dry skin is more prone to itching, using a humidifier during the winter months can keep the humidity at an optimal level.

Irritants can be both physical and chemical. Avoid products containing potentially irritating chemicals. Usually, these are easy to identify—things like pesticides, paint strippers, etc.—but others may not be as obvious. Ingredients such as alcohol, astringents, and fragrances may trigger or worsen eczema. These ingredients can be found in cosmetics, emollients, cleaners, air fresheners, toilet paper, etc. Reading ingredient lists on products is a smart way to avoid contact with irritants.

Something as simple as the clothes you wear can have a great impact on eczema management—from the types of fabrics to how you care for them.

It's best to avoid materials that feel "itchy," things like wool, burlap, etc. Try to wear soft fabrics like cotton, which tend to be less irritating. It's also a good idea to wash all new clothes, linens, and towels before using them for the first time.

Many detergents and fabric softeners may contain chemicals such as fragrances that can irritate our skin. Always read the list of ingredients to avoid contact with irritants. Generally, it is good to choose a mild liquid detergent and put your clothes through an extra rinse cycle when they are brand new.

If you experience allergic reactions such as asthma, breathing difficulty, hives, etc., you may already avoid some allergens. It is also important to identify the allergens that specifically trigger your eczema flare-ups.

Although people with eczema are more likely to develop allergies to food (milk, eggs, wheat and peanuts) and airborne allergens (dust mites, molds and pet hairs), it is important to note that allergies can occur independently from eczema. Pay attention to any allergy that may worsen or trigger your eczema, and let your doctor know.

It may be a good idea to enlist the help of a specialist to determine what you are allergic to and what you should avoid.

Sometimes, it's hard to stay relaxed, especially when your eczema flares-up. Yet research is now showing that keeping a calm head and good mental outlook may be one of the best ways to help keep eczema in check.

Emotional stress is a well-known trigger of eczema flare-ups. Patients can have difficulties with anxiety, anger and hostility caused by having eczema. This only adds to the problem. Learning to reduce stress may lessen the frequency and, hopefully, the intensity of the flare-ups.

Staying Relaxed
 Meditation, relaxation techniques and stress management can help. 
 You may also find that you feel more in control if you keep a diary or other record of flare-ups. 
 Support groups are another way to help you feel better. The National Eczema Association for Science and Education (NEASE) can provide information on groups near you. Visit the NEASE site to find out more.

Staying In Control
It can also be helpful and empowering to learn as much as you can about your condition and make sure that your partner, family, friends and even coworkers do, too. The more you know, the better you'll be able to fend off flare-ups. For instance, if you know what your triggers are, you can try to avoid them. If your job or home life brings you into contact with irritants or involves frequent hand washing, think about ways to modify your tasks.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 21, 2008, 06:53:34 PM
Great post.
Thank gawd that mine is minor and easily controlled without steroids.

Something to add though - I also "suffer" from xerophthalmia (I have a difficult time remembering that name, because it's fucking Greek, not Latin), which is severely dry eyes (a real medical condition, in some cases) and it is commonly linked to a deficiency in vitamin A. I have taken vitamin A supplements for years to combat this to the point that my doctor was concerned about vitamin A toxicity (I was on meds also and having blood tests every three months back then).

I am able to keep it under control fairly well with supplements, now that I have done some other dietary things to help assimilate vitamin A, fully. What I notice is that when I get a flare-up of xerophthalmia, I coincidentally get a flare-up of eczema. I boost the vitamin A intake for a couple of weeks, focus on foods high in vitamin A and it all goes away, again.

I am convinced that there is a connection.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 21, 2008, 07:01:16 PM

Now a question.

How the hell can you tell when a kiwi is ripe? They are harvested very green for sale in the USA and the expectation is that they will be ready for marlet once they arrive, but often they are still very tart and "green."

I know they are supposed to be greenish and ripened ones are still quite firm, but how can you tell before you cut into one if it is ready to eat?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on January 21, 2008, 07:03:51 PM
And, a brief follow up, WHY would want to eat one?  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 21, 2008, 07:33:51 PM
And, a brief follow up, WHY would want to eat one?  :laugh:

Not the kind with two legs!

... although they might be good eating. I eat mostly birds these days and my favorites are generally bug eaters.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on January 21, 2008, 07:42:19 PM

I meant the fruit.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 21, 2008, 08:37:46 PM

Now a question.

How the hell can you tell when a kiwi is ripe? They are harvested very green for sale in the USA and the expectation is that they will be ready for marlet once they arrive, but often they are still very tart and "green."

I know they are supposed to be greenish and ripened ones are still quite firm, but how can you tell before you cut into one if it is ready to eat?

You can gently squeeze it a little, like you would squeeze a peach, to tell if it is ripe.  If it gives just a little, then it should be ripe.  If it is too firm and green when you buy it, you can leave it out of the refrigerator for a few days to ripen.

Kiwis are yummy.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on January 22, 2008, 08:41:51 PM
Do you know where I can find an image or diagram of the molecular structure of monoclonal (M) protein?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on January 22, 2008, 08:44:32 PM
Do you know where I can find an image or diagram of the molecular structure of monoclonal (M) protein?

Have a gander...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 23, 2008, 01:37:03 AM
Do you know where I can find an image or diagram of the molecular structure of monoclonal (M) protein?

No, I don't.  Sorry.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 23, 2008, 08:31:41 AM

How do you sanitize your laundry baskets between uses?

I recently read of a local family who had contracted a terrible case of E. coli infection, due to using the same basket to carry dirty underwear and "clean" kitchen towels.

Not really something many people think of, but I often spray with Lysol. Is that enough?

I can only think that that family must have been much dirtier people than we are, but I can certainly see the risk.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 23, 2008, 11:54:08 AM

How do you sanitize your laundry baskets between uses?

I recently read of a local family who had contracted a terrible case of E. coli infection, due to using the same basket to carry dirty underwear and "clean" kitchen towels.

Not really something many people think of, but I often spray with Lysol. Is that enough?

I can only think that that family must have been much dirtier people than we are, but I can certainly see the risk.

I think that Lysol should be enough to sanitize the laundry baskets, but if you are concerned, you could make a bleach solution to spray them with instead.

For this sort of sanitizing, you would use a tablespoon of bleach to a quart of water in a spray bottle (or you could use a half-tablespoon to a pint of water).
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 23, 2008, 12:13:57 PM
How about try to remember next time, a healthy lifestyle keeps my mind sharp so that doesn't happen.
A little extra germs keeps the immune system sharp :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on January 23, 2008, 12:42:11 PM
Now, finally, someone's said something
which worries me about being a slob.  ::)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 25, 2008, 07:09:38 PM

How is the best way to rejuvenate your "gastro-flora" after a viral infection?

I've become ill this afternoon and if this is the typical thing that has infected me almost every winter for several years, I get over it quickly, but end up in a very weakened state as a result. I also can not digest anything I eat for several days.

Eating yogurt, avoiding alcohol and avoiding coffee all seem to help, but are there other foods or supplements which will shorten the healing process and get my system back to normal sooner?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on January 25, 2008, 07:22:26 PM

How is the best way to rejuvenate your "gastro-flora" after a viral infection?

I've become ill this afternoon and if this is the typical thing that has infected me almost every winter for several years, I get over it quickly, but end up in a very weakened state as a result. I also can not digest anything I eat for several days.

Eating yogurt, avoiding alcohol and avoiding coffee all seem to help, but are there other foods or supplements which will shorten the healing process and get my system back to normal sooner?
Shouldnt this question be in Flo's thread :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 25, 2008, 07:33:04 PM

How is the best way to rejuvenate your "gastro-flora" after a viral infection?

I've become ill this afternoon and if this is the typical thing that has infected me almost every winter for several years, I get over it quickly, but end up in a very weakened state as a result. I also can not digest anything I eat for several days.

Eating yogurt, avoiding alcohol and avoiding coffee all seem to help, but are there other foods or supplements which will shorten the healing process and get my system back to normal sooner?
Shouldnt this question be in Flo's thread :P

Try to read my question again. It is not about a ginseng induced wank frenzy or feeling those potatoes.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 25, 2008, 09:59:45 PM
Yogurt is good.  There are probiotic supplements that restore the bacterial flora of the intestines more quickly, however.

I use Nature's Way Primadophilus, which I buy from the refrigerated section of Vitamin Cottage.  It has an enteric coating that dissolves in the intestine, so the acids in the stomach don't kill many of the active bacteria, like they do for some other supplements.  I keep it in the refrigerator at home to preserve its potency.

My daughter uses Primadophilus Junior.  She takes one a day.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 27, 2008, 02:13:01 PM
I would like to add, it must have symbol, indorsed by the national yogurt association, or you cannot be sure there is therapeutic dose of probiotics in it.  Most frozen yogurts don't have the 10x more they should, to make up for freezing.  You could also try 10billon cfu of acidophillus, the amount for a infection.  I took that much and I don't.  Soil also has homeostatic organsim that plants use to absorb nutrition, although it depends on pesticides.  A little dirt on your  vegetables is good for you, minus all the other shit that is not supposed to be in the soil.

Do you know what anaclitic depression is?  It is something to do with infants and mothers who are not around.  I am not saying anything bad about you, just wanted to teach you something.  It was hard to read about, I almost had tears hearing about it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 27, 2008, 02:39:06 PM
Do you know what anaclitic depression is?  It is something to do with infants and mothers who are not around.  I am not saying anything bad about you, just wanted to teach you something.  It was hard to read about, I almost had tears hearing about it.

I did not know it by that name, but I know about the concept.


I don't think that my daughter was separated from me for long enough when she was a baby to cause her a problem like that, however.

There was about a week she spent in intensive care when nobody was allowed to pick her up because she was hooked up to ECMO, which is a sort of heart-lung machine, but I still touched her, stroking her head and her arms and legs, and I talked to her so she knew that I was there.  The rest of the time she spent in the hospital, I was with her almost the whole entire time, night and day.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 27, 2008, 04:13:31 PM
Yogurt is good.  There are probiotic supplements that restore the bacterial flora of the intestines more quickly, however.

I use Nature's Way Primadophilus, which I buy from the refrigerated section of Vitamin Cottage.  It has an enteric coating that dissolves in the intestine, so the acids in the stomach don't kill many of the active bacteria, like they do for some other supplements.  I keep it in the refrigerator at home to preserve its potency.

My daughter uses Primadophilus Junior.  She takes one a day.

Thanks for reading between the lines and recommending a specific product with which you are familiar.
I was still a little dizzy when I tried to type that.

Our local Walgreen Drug has this, too.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 27, 2008, 04:17:52 PM
Yogurt is good.  There are probiotic supplements that restore the bacterial flora of the intestines more quickly, however.

I use Nature's Way Primadophilus, which I buy from the refrigerated section of Vitamin Cottage.  It has an enteric coating that dissolves in the intestine, so the acids in the stomach don't kill many of the active bacteria, like they do for some other supplements.  I keep it in the refrigerator at home to preserve its potency.

My daughter uses Primadophilus Junior.  She takes one a day.

Thanks for reading between the lines and recommending a specific product with which you are familiar.
I was still a little dizzy when I tried to type that.

Our local Walgreen Drug has this, too.

Is it kept in the refrigerator there? 

I have not noticed it in our Walgreen's here.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 27, 2008, 04:38:55 PM
Yogurt is good.  There are probiotic supplements that restore the bacterial flora of the intestines more quickly, however.

I use Nature's Way Primadophilus, which I buy from the refrigerated section of Vitamin Cottage.  It has an enteric coating that dissolves in the intestine, so the acids in the stomach don't kill many of the active bacteria, like they do for some other supplements.  I keep it in the refrigerator at home to preserve its potency.

My daughter uses Primadophilus Junior.  She takes one a day.

Thanks for reading between the lines and recommending a specific product with which you are familiar.
I was still a little dizzy when I tried to type that.

Our local Walgreen Drug has this, too.

Is it kept in the refrigerator there? 

I have not noticed it in our Walgreen's here.

It's kept behind the counter where only the pharmacist can get to it. Fortunately, I did not waste time looking for it. I went directly to the pharmacist and asked her for something similar, doubting that I would find the exact item which I had already looked into on the net, and she had the same Nature's Way product (you mentioned) available, along with a competitor. She also recommended the NW product, because of its potency. It contains a greater amount of live culture, than the competing product.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 28, 2008, 02:15:13 PM
Do you know what anaclitic depression is?  It is something to do with infants and mothers who are not around.  I am not saying anything bad about you, just wanted to teach you something.  It was hard to read about, I almost had tears hearing about it.

I did not know it by that name, but I know about the concept.


I don't think that my daughter was separated from me for long enough when she was a baby to cause her a problem like that, however.

There was about a week she spent in intensive care when nobody was allowed to pick her up because she was hooked up to ECMO, which is a sort of heart-lung machine, but I still touched her, stroking her head and her arms and legs, and I talked to her so she knew that I was there.  The rest of the time she spent in the hospital, I was with her almost the whole entire time, night and day.

I am not surprised.

Anaclitic depression occurs when the mommy is not around, the infant searches and searches, and after 3 or 4 weeks it withdrawls.  There is no intervention that can stop the crying infant during that time,  but some just get treary eyed.  Since the infant cannot discriminate between food and mom, it will reject food.  If the seperation occurs at 1 year old or later, it can be reversed provided the mother shows up in 3 months.  I think I got that right.  I just didn't like the parenting I got, so I decided to read just incase.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 29, 2008, 01:28:01 PM
It was perfect, almost as if I copied it directly from the book.  I mean I used some of the same words as the book I memorized it from.  I reviewed something I knew already about the consolidation peroid that occurs for about 20 or 30 minutes, when memories are stored, just have to speed up neural firing during that time so you can remember it easier.  There are two ways I think of, right off the back, taking a stimulating mixture of herbs, and or imagine myself full on energy that makes me stronger.

I remember something else saddening, about harlow's  infant monkey experiments.  He tried to institue anaclitic depression in his monkeys, and it was the same.  It turns out, deprivation of any socializing that a monkey is used to at the time of seperation, also contributes to their depression.  He put surrogate raised female monkeys with experienced male monkeys to get the female pregnant, even though she has no intrest in sex.  Playing around as peers is necessary so they will mate as adults.  Some of these monkey mothers bit off their babies heads, feet, or fingers.  Others just ignored the babies, but eventually gave into frequent attempts from the infants to get what they wanted.  After the second round of babies, the monkey mothers actually did fairly adequate job.  It was again saddening for me to read, almost bringing tears.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on January 30, 2008, 11:47:06 PM
Did you know that Dumbledore was gay? (
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 31, 2008, 07:11:34 AM
Did you know that Dumbledore was gay? (

Yes, I did.

That makes it more understandable that he could have overlooked disturbing things about Gellert Grindelwald's character, IMO.

Then there was the point that Dumbledore wrote Gellert notes and sent them by owl, even though they had just been together all day and were going to be together all day the next day too.  "This was your mistake at Durmstrang!  But I do not complain, because if you had not been expelled, we would never have met."

I think that the feelings must have been at least somewhat mutual, because Grindelwald died under torture from Voldemort without revealing that Dumbledore had taken the elder wand from him.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on January 31, 2008, 03:53:29 PM

I think that the feelings must have been at least somewhat mutual, because Grindelwald died under torture from Voldemort without revealing that Dumbledore had taken the elder wand from him.

Cute name for his penis.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 01, 2008, 08:49:58 AM
I see what you were saying about
members showing up as guests.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 01, 2008, 08:51:40 AM
I see what you were saying about
members showing up as guests.

I'm glad that you saw it for yourself.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 01, 2008, 08:52:48 AM
Getting a lot of stuff done,
while I have a chance.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on February 01, 2008, 12:37:16 PM
Strange, I have not seen the woman that was being all friendly with me.  Perhaps she saw what I wrote, or found a better job.  I was joking, this is what I mean about cognitive function.  If I were her, I would try my best to get it back together, because at least some of that is possible.  I wish I could have had the chance to help her some more.  Then again, lots of strangers tell me personal problems.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on February 01, 2008, 01:04:03 PM
Moms  being consistant helps their infants build up expectancies about the world around them, which in turn helps them devolpe peer relationships.  This consistancy helps the infant grow attached to their moms, its no wonder I had so much bend up hate.  One thing you can count on with bipolar mom's is constant disorder behavior. :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 01, 2008, 01:44:45 PM
Moms  being consistant helps their infants build up expectancies about the world around them, which in turn helps them devolpe peer relationships.  This consistancy helps the infant grow attached to their moms, its no wonder I had so much bend up hate.  One thing you can count on with bipolar mom's is constant disorder behavior. :laugh:

Yes, it is amazing to me that you and your sister are as healthy as you seem to be with a mother like yours.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on February 02, 2008, 02:44:59 PM
Coping lots of coping.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on February 02, 2008, 05:59:21 PM
Spouting lots of bollocks.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on February 02, 2008, 07:13:21 PM
How long do you want to keep your admin status?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 03, 2008, 11:08:46 PM
How long do you want to keep your admin status?

I thought that I would serve this term and then decide whether to run again when this one ends.

I would not run if I thought that I didn't have enough time to do a good job.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: vodz on February 05, 2008, 03:01:46 AM
Am I
a) an intelligent guy who fucks around too much?
b) just a born fuck up?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 05, 2008, 03:18:02 AM

I think that you are an intelligent guy and a bit of a trickster.  I don't think that you are a born fuck-up.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on February 05, 2008, 03:17:12 PM
Yeah, some of that is how you do with what you got. :laugh:

Do you get drunk when you have a disability already, with the illogical reasoning that it will make you feel better? :laugh:

What kind of weapons did you master?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 06, 2008, 06:23:43 AM
Yeah, some of that is how you do with what you got. :laugh:

Do you get drunk when you have a disability already, with the illogical reasoning that it will make you feel better? :laugh:

What kind of weapons did you master?

I never get drunk, although I do drink alcohol rarely.

The kind of karate I took did not use weapons other than our own bodies.

However, I am a pretty accurate marksman with a rifle.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on February 07, 2008, 08:12:52 AM
What would be a good credit card to start building credit?  I don't know what a "low" rate is, but mostly what I care about is that it costs me as little as possble (and not just during the "intro period" and I can pay it off every month online with my atm debit card (I've been able to pay for stuff online before with the debit card, so prolly not much of an issue there).  I might try getting a card though my bank, but I'm not sure if their rates are good or not.  I don't give a crap about rewards or any of that junk.  I'll probably use it as little as I can and still have it build credit- I'm not going to go all crazy with it.

I think 22 is prolly getting to be too old to have no credit history.   :-\
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: QuirkyCarla on February 07, 2008, 09:50:18 AM
I just got approved for my first credit card myself...from the bank.

The bank seems to be a good way to go, IMO.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on February 07, 2008, 10:48:05 AM
What would be a good credit card to start building credit?  I don't know what a "low" rate is, but mostly what I care about is that it costs me as little as possble (and not just during the "intro period" and I can pay it off every month online with my atm debit card (I've been able to pay for stuff online before with the debit card, so prolly not much of an issue there).  I might try getting a card though my bank, but I'm not sure if their rates are good or not.  I don't give a crap about rewards or any of that junk.  I'll probably use it as little as I can and still have it build credit- I'm not going to go all crazy with it.

I think 22 is prolly getting to be too old to have no credit history.   :-\

If you're paying it off every month it doesn't really matter what the rate is... because you won't be charged interest.  A good rate is anywhere from 11 to 14% after the special introductory rates... the most important thing is to pay that bill, every month, ON TIME.  I missed a payment or two, and they jacked up my rates, and it really affected my credit score.  It's taken a lot of time, but I've got it in the mid 700s now.  It's much easier to start off with good credit than to repair it, so make sure you always pay on time.

Oh, there's lots of cards out there that don't charge a monthly fee... make sure you get one of them.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 07, 2008, 11:20:03 AM
What would be a good credit card to start building credit?  I don't know what a "low" rate is, but mostly what I care about is that it costs me as little as possble (and not just during the "intro period" and I can pay it off every month online with my atm debit card (I've been able to pay for stuff online before with the debit card, so prolly not much of an issue there).  I might try getting a card though my bank, but I'm not sure if their rates are good or not.  I don't give a crap about rewards or any of that junk.  I'll probably use it as little as I can and still have it build credit- I'm not going to go all crazy with it.

I think 22 is prolly getting to be too old to have no credit history.   :-\

If you intend to pay it off in full every month, the interest rate does not matter as much as the no annual fee.

I think that Wachovia ( and Capital One ( are pretty good for both.

I think that you can set it up so the payments are made automatically every month from your bank account, assuming that you have a checking account to go with your debit card.  I think that you can even set it up so the payments can be made with your debit card, but I don't have one, so I am not as certain about that.

Like Tesla said, making the payments on time every single month is very important in building your credit score.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on February 07, 2008, 04:31:53 PM
Do you have to right all the time, are you like spokane girl, wanting to right all the time, and get into arguements frequently?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on February 07, 2008, 04:45:56 PM
Do you have to right all the time, are you like spokane girl, wanting to right all the time, and get into arguements frequently?

you might get a response to this question if you REPHRASE IT IN ENGLISH. doooooy!  :bunny:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on February 07, 2008, 04:48:20 PM
Do you have to right all the time, are you like spokane girl, wanting to right all the time, and get into arguements frequently?

Right and wrong is a quandary.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on February 07, 2008, 04:51:12 PM
yes, not a verb.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on February 07, 2008, 04:54:28 PM
Do you have to right all the time, are you like spokane girl, wanting to right all the time, and get into arguements frequently?

you might get a response to this question if you REPHRASE IT IN ENGLISH. doooooy!  :bunny:

Doubt it.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on February 07, 2008, 04:55:31 PM
yes, not a verb.


I wish some people in my union would remember that one. Bloody pro-life nutters...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 08, 2008, 02:09:49 AM
It's a miracle that anyone around you can be pro-life. :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on February 08, 2008, 02:11:08 AM
It's a miracle that anyone around you can be pro-life. :P


ooooh, that's nasty, O Man.  but funny.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 08, 2008, 02:19:47 AM
I try to be nice but all too often, I remember that I'm really not. :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on February 08, 2008, 02:20:50 AM
I try to be nice but all too often, I remember that I'm really not. :P


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on February 08, 2008, 02:34:51 PM
Do you have to right all the time, are you like spokane girl, wanting to right all the time, and get into arguements frequently?

you might get a response to this question if you REPHRASE IT IN ENGLISH. doooooy!  :bunny:

I might also get a response if you were not so easily overstimulated.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 08, 2008, 02:58:52 PM
I am right a lot of the time, but that is not the same thing as wanting or needing to be right all the time, Randy.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on February 08, 2008, 03:54:47 PM
I am right a lot of the time, but that is not the same thing as wanting or needing to be right all the time, Randy.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on February 08, 2008, 05:36:13 PM
Strep Throat??

I've read every word on about fiftty sites. Most of them seeem to be sponsored by drug compannies, though. I get that the inffection is bacterial, instead of virall, whichh gives me hope,,  but what if we do nothing>?? It is obvious that he is alraedy getting bettter. Does her reallly need a n antibacterial drug?

will it go awway/

on its owwn/

or wil ti

come back stronger than evver?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on February 08, 2008, 05:42:26 PM
Strep Throat??

I've read every word on about fiftty sites. Most of them seeem to be sponsored by drug compannies, though. I get that the inffection is bacterial, instead of virall, whichh gives me hope,,  but what if we do nothing>?? It is obvious that he is alraedy getting bettter. Does her reallly need a n antibacterial drug?

will it go awway/

on its owwn/

or wil ti

come back stronger than evver?

gargle with soluble aspirin (to take the inflammation down) and tea tree oil (to fight the infection). 

soz for crashing your thread, callaway.  :-*

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 08, 2008, 07:07:13 PM
Strep Throat??

I've read every word on about fiftty sites. Most of them seeem to be sponsored by drug compannies, though. I get that the inffection is bacterial, instead of virall, whichh gives me hope,,  but what if we do nothing>?? It is obvious that he is alraedy getting bettter. Does her reallly need a n antibacterial drug?

will it go awway/

on its owwn/

or wil ti

come back stronger than evver?

I would give him the antibiotics, DirtDawg.  Strep throat can go away on its own without treatment, but he will be contagious for longer and there is a chance that the streptococcus can cause rheumatic fever if he does not take antibiotics.  My sister-in-law got rheumatic fever from untreated strep throat when she was a kid, and she still has problems from that.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Rabbit From Hell on February 09, 2008, 06:34:51 AM
Now I'm sure you are the one that did it.   :finger:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 09, 2008, 12:26:40 PM
Now I'm sure you are the one that did it.   :finger:

I absolutely did not change your profile, but I will change it back if you want me to, Ahayes.

I think that your name was  :roll:  but I don't remember what your avatar was, though.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 09, 2008, 12:31:36 PM
Now I'm sure you are the one that did it.   :finger:

I absolutely did not change your profile, but I will change it back if you want me to, Ahayes.

I think that your name was  :roll:  but I don't remember what your avatar was, though.

Now I just read this in your "Help me spoof" thread:

Someone change the crap that I can't change so my profile looks exactly like the member I'm spoofing.

So I don't know what your problem is with whoever helped you change your profile.  It still wasn't me.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on February 09, 2008, 12:47:27 PM
Now I'm sure you are the one that did it.   :finger:

I absolutely did not change your profile, but I will change it back if you want me to, Ahayes.

I think that your name was  :roll:  but I don't remember what your avatar was, though.

Now I just read this in your "Help me spoof" thread:

Someone change the crap that I can't change so my profile looks exactly like the member I'm spoofing.

So I don't know what your problem is with whoever helped you change your profile.  It still wasn't me.

He wants his Karma and Custom title to be identical to Pyraxis....
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on February 09, 2008, 01:17:41 PM
But why would he be bitching as if someone already did something he didn't like? Besides I'm pretty sure he changed his profile himself from what he was saying in the shout-box this morning.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on February 09, 2008, 01:30:34 PM
But why would he be bitching as if someone already did something he didn't like? Besides I'm pretty sure he changed his profile himself from what he was saying in the shout-box this morning.
He is implying that an admin has blocked him from changing those two things.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on February 09, 2008, 01:40:38 PM
But why would he be bitching as if someone already did something he didn't like? Besides I'm pretty sure he changed his profile himself from what he was saying in the shout-box this morning.
He is implying that an admin has blocked him from changing those two things.

So you believe he thinks that Callaway (who wasn't online when he made his profile changes) somehow predicted what he was going to do and preemptively changed just his permissions so that he couldn't change those two fields himself?  You honestly believe he's that stupid/paranoid??
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 09, 2008, 01:42:02 PM
Sometimes this place can be very weird.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on February 09, 2008, 01:49:48 PM
But why would he be bitching as if someone already did something he didn't like? Besides I'm pretty sure he changed his profile himself from what he was saying in the shout-box this morning.
He is implying that an admin has blocked him from changing those two things.

So you believe he thinks that Callaway (who wasn't online when he made his profile changes) somehow predicted what he was going to do and preemptively changed just his permissions so that he couldn't change those two fields himself?  You honestly believe he's that stupid/paranoid??
No idea. But that is what his posts imply. Although he could just be pulling our tails...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Rabbit From Hell on February 09, 2008, 04:11:54 PM
Now I'm sure you are the one that did it.   :finger:

I absolutely did not change your profile, but I will change it back if you want me to, Ahayes.

I think that your name was  :roll:  but I don't remember what your avatar was, though.

Nevermind, odeon was fucking with the pointsize of certain characters.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 09, 2008, 04:13:44 PM
Now I'm sure you are the one that did it.   :finger:

I absolutely did not change your profile, but I will change it back if you want me to, Ahayes.

I think that your name was  :roll:  but I don't remember what your avatar was, though.

Nevermind, odeon was fucking with the pointsize of certain characters.

I was not. I haven't touched your profile.  :finger:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Rabbit From Hell on February 09, 2008, 04:18:50 PM
Now I'm sure you are the one that did it.   :finger:

I absolutely did not change your profile, but I will change it back if you want me to, Ahayes.

I think that your name was  :roll:  but I don't remember what your avatar was, though.

SEE IT NOW?!  The 'a' is smaller than the other letters.

Nevermind, odeon was fucking with the pointsize of certain characters.

I was not. I haven't touched your profile.  :finger:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 09, 2008, 04:30:57 PM
Er, no. I don't see it. It's been the same all along, I think. You're seeing things that are not there.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on February 09, 2008, 04:44:26 PM
perhaps it's those new meds?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on February 09, 2008, 04:57:18 PM
Strep Throat??

I've read every word on about fiftty sites. Most of them seeem to be sponsored by drug compannies, though. I get that the inffection is bacterial, instead of virall, whichh gives me hope,,  but what if we do nothing>?? It is obvious that he is alraedy getting bettter. Does her reallly need a n antibacterial drug?

will it go awway/

on its owwn/

or wil ti

come back stronger than evver?

I would give him the antibiotics, DirtDawg.  Strep throat can go away on its own without treatment, but he will be contagious for longer and there is a chance that the streptococcus can cause rheumatic fever if he does not take antibiotics.  My sister-in-law got rheumatic fever from untreated strep throat when she was a kid, and she still has problems from that.

We took your advice.

Thanks. I was allready leaning that way, since my old time doctor had the ideas any infection to the tonsils meant that you MUST remove them. Mine were taken out when I was eight. I don't evven know if I misss them or not.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 09, 2008, 05:43:28 PM
Now I'm sure you are the one that did it.   :finger:

I absolutely did not change your profile, but I will change it back if you want me to, Ahayes.

I think that your name was  :roll:  but I don't remember what your avatar was, though.

SEE IT NOW?!  The 'a' is smaller than the other letters.

Nevermind, odeon was fucking with the pointsize of certain characters.

I was not. I haven't touched your profile.  :finger:

I'm assuming that the "a" is the Cyrillic character that you used to copy the real Pyraxis' name so closely, and maybe it looks different on your computer screen, but on my screen, the "a" in "P̩yraxis" looks just the same size as the other letters, Ahayes. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 09, 2008, 05:44:49 PM
Strep Throat??

I've read every word on about fiftty sites. Most of them seeem to be sponsored by drug compannies, though. I get that the inffection is bacterial, instead of virall, whichh gives me hope,,  but what if we do nothing>?? It is obvious that he is alraedy getting bettter. Does her reallly need a n antibacterial drug?

will it go awway/

on its owwn/

or wil ti

come back stronger than evver?

I would give him the antibiotics, DirtDawg.  Strep throat can go away on its own without treatment, but he will be contagious for longer and there is a chance that the streptococcus can cause rheumatic fever if he does not take antibiotics.  My sister-in-law got rheumatic fever from untreated strep throat when she was a kid, and she still has problems from that.

We took your advice.

Thanks. I was allready leaning that way, since my old time doctor had the ideas any infection to the tonsils meant that you MUST remove them. Mine were taken out when I was eight. I don't evven know if I misss them or not.

I'm glad.  Strep usually responds quickly to antibiotics.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 09, 2008, 07:16:46 PM
It would help if ahayes posted the unfixed version,
just to show WHY he's upset. I tend to believe
that no one who's denied it has changed
them, but I'm gullible that way.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 09, 2008, 08:03:49 PM
I think he's imagining things. Sometimes as many as you.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 09, 2008, 08:08:57 PM
callaway, how long do fingernails grow over an average lifespan?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 09, 2008, 08:19:34 PM
callaway, how long do fingernails grow over an average lifespan?

Fingernails grow an average of 0.5 mm a week, so they would grow about 26 mm a year if they were never cut.

Assuming 77 years for an average lifespan, they would grow approximately 2 meters long if they were never cut.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 09, 2008, 08:31:17 PM
callaway, how long do fingernails grow over an average lifespan?

Fingernails grow an average of 0.5 mm a week, so they would grow about 26 mm a year if they were never cut.

Assuming 77 years for an average lifespan, they would grow approximately 2 meters long if they were never cut.
we have a baby and were thinking of saving them.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 09, 2008, 08:34:07 PM
I think he's imagining things. Sometimes as many as you.

He posted the comparison elsewhere,
and I could see it. Took some effort.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: QuirkyCarla on February 09, 2008, 10:40:59 PM
whoa i am posting from my cell phone!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 09, 2008, 10:45:34 PM
whoa i am posting from my cell phone!

That's a cool icon, Carla.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 09, 2008, 10:50:09 PM
I think it's automatic.
Randy would get it,
when he did so.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: QuirkyCarla on February 10, 2008, 12:03:16 AM
whoa i am posting from my cell phone!

That's a cool icon, Carla.


The cell phone icon?

And thanks.  ;D
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on February 10, 2008, 10:40:18 AM
If you're in France, and you've just sat down for breakfast, and you ask for toast...  is this what you get?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on February 10, 2008, 01:02:01 PM
Cell phone are too cumersome.

I try and look up smut and shit, but it says it can't find it.  It let me look it up last time, and  then when I try and send dirty pictures it says invalid adress a dozen times.  Finally it goes through, although my internet pix account needs to be fully unlocked.  It was locked due to underuse, for security reasons.  Maybe Jessica's inbox is too full from pms.  She stopped talking to me again, I wouldn't be surprised if I am sharing her with some aspie in these times ::), no offense to people here, as there is variance even with in the dx of aspergers syndrome.

Callaway do you know how I might get around the picture trouble?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 10, 2008, 01:24:53 PM
Cell phone are too cumersome.

I try and look up smut and shit, but it says it can't find it.  It let me look it up last time, and  then when I try and send dirty pictures it says invalid adress a dozen times.  Finally it goes through, although my internet pix account needs to be fully unlocked.  It was locked due to underuse, for security reasons.  Maybe Jessica's inbox is too full from pms.  She stopped talking to me again, I wouldn't be surprised if I am sharing her with some aspie in these times ::), no offense to people here, as there is variance even with in the dx of aspergers syndrome.

Callaway do you know how I might get around the picture trouble?

No, Randy, I don't know.  Sorry.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 10, 2008, 01:32:20 PM
If you're in France, and you've just sat down for breakfast, and you ask for toast...  is this what you get?


I don't think so, Tesla.  I think that what we call "French Toast" the French call "Pain Perdu," or "Lost Bread," because it is made from day-old bread.  At least that is what they called it in New Orleans.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on February 10, 2008, 01:41:43 PM
I would rather have rice bread, whole grain, fruit juice sweetened.  Its heavy, fills you up fast.  Its funny how my taste changed, when I was eating wheat, I wanted undercooked bread.  I know that protein bioavailability is increased in uncooked food.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on February 11, 2008, 03:33:19 AM
Cell phone are too cumersome.

I try and look up smut and shit, but it says it can't find it.

actually sounds like its not cumersome enough.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on February 11, 2008, 04:04:24 PM
How long will it take for certain people to get their heads on straight Callaway?, tormenting me is practically impossible.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on February 11, 2008, 04:06:25 PM
How many points in karma loss do you think I will get if I start a taunting poll about such a thing? :laugh:

Yeah, I just imagine I am full of energy that a makes me stronger, and I can be nastier or help people better.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 11, 2008, 07:32:32 PM
How many points in karma loss do you think I will get if I start a taunting poll about such a thing? :laugh:

Yeah, I just imagine I am full of energy that a makes me stronger, and I can be nastier or help people better.

You would probably lose quite a few points, if you started a poll about it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 11, 2008, 08:35:28 PM
Do you tend to have close female friends?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 11, 2008, 08:46:14 PM
Do you tend to have close female friends?

I have a few.  Why do you ask?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 11, 2008, 08:47:25 PM
Do you tend to have close female friends?

I have a few.  Why do you ask?

Just a suspicion about me.
That I get along better with
women who don't.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 11, 2008, 08:52:05 PM
Do you tend to have close female friends?

I have a few.  Why do you ask?

Just a suspicion about me.
That I get along better with
women who don't.

That is probably partly due to your NPD.  Women who are more isolated would be more likely to tolerate you.  Your wife was homeless when you met her, wasn't she?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 11, 2008, 08:57:05 PM
Do you tend to have close female friends?

I have a few.  Why do you ask?

Just a suspicion about me.
That I get along better with
women who don't.

That is probably partly due to your NPD.  Women who are more isolated would be more likely to tolerate you.  Your wife was homeless when you met her, wasn't she?

One might think that. But my female friends all tended to
have a number of close male friends.

My wife was indeed. An ex-housemate of
hers was living with me, and had offered
to take her in - which is how we met.

Oddly, I think that although she claimed
to not have many female friends, her closest
friend before me was. The same with my first
gf. My PE had NO female friends whatsoever.

But, all had some fairly masculine traits. In terms
of dealing with people. Where I'm most comfortable
is with someone who simply doesn't take any shit
from anyone - including me. Odd as that might seem.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on February 11, 2008, 10:03:21 PM
Just a suspicion about me.
That I get along better with
women who don't.

That is probably partly due to your NPD.  Women who are more isolated would be more likely to tolerate you.  Your wife was homeless when you met her, wasn't she?

Damn, careful with bias, Callaway. I could take issue with any number of the things you're implying here.

That women who like Calandale are isolated (in a bad way).
That women only tolerate him because they can't get any better, not because they genuinely like some of his qualities.
That a woman who has few/no female friends is isolated, and doesn't simply prefer males.
That Calandale's wife (whom you don't know in the slightest) may fit any of the above categories.
That homelessness implies a personal deficiency.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 11, 2008, 10:18:01 PM
Just a suspicion about me.
That I get along better with
women who don't.

That is probably partly due to your NPD.  Women who are more isolated would be more likely to tolerate you.  Your wife was homeless when you met her, wasn't she?

Damn, careful with bias, Callaway. I could take issue with any number of the things you're implying here.

That women who like Calandale are isolated (in a bad way).
That women only tolerate him because they can't get any better, not because they genuinely like some of his qualities.
That a woman who has few/no female friends is isolated, and doesn't simply prefer males.
That Calandale's wife (whom you don't know in the slightest) may fit any of the above categories.
That homelessness implies a personal deficiency.

Homelessness implied that she would prefer to live with Calandale than on the streets, nothing more. 

I said nothing about whether or not she had many female friends, but she did leave him in the end, so his bad qualities ultimately outweighed his good qualities, at least in her eyes.

I believe that narcissists in general tend to choose people who are more isolated, move in on them very quickly and isolate them even more, so a person who had few friends, male or female, would be more likely to be targeted by one.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tristeza on February 11, 2008, 10:23:07 PM
Do you tend to have close female friends?

I have a few.  Why do you ask?

Just a suspicion about me.
That I get along better with
women who don't.

That is probably partly due to your NPD.  Women who are more isolated would be more likely to tolerate you.  Your wife was homeless when you met her, wasn't she?

One might think that. But my female friends all tended to
have a number of close male friends.

My wife was indeed. An ex-housemate of
hers was living with me, and had offered
to take her in - which is how we met.

Oddly, I think that although she claimed
to not have many female friends, her closest
friend before me was. The same with my first
gf. My PE had NO female friends whatsoever.

But, all had some fairly masculine traits. In terms
of dealing with people. Where I'm most comfortable
is with someone who simply doesn't take any shit
from anyone - including me. Odd as that might seem.
'Zat mean you're comfortable with me, Cal?   :zoinks:

I like Cal very much.  He's a lot of fun.  If he hadn't made the effort to pull me out of my so-called "shell" somewhat, I'd never have bothered hanging around here.  It's a nice forum, but Cal (along with Soph & Kosmo) is the main reason I'm here.

I've never been homeless.  Most of my friends are male.  I have two close female friends, one German and one Brazilian - strong personalities both.  I don't "take shit" from anyone - I was taught early in life that it didn't pay.  I've been described as a "lightning rod," and Cal also fits that description.  I enjoy interacting with him tremendously, and I think he adds a lot of life to this forum.  I have no problem with anyone here, but nor do I understand why other members have such a problem with Cal.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on February 11, 2008, 10:25:01 PM
Homelessness implied that she would prefer to live with Calandale than on the streets, nothing more. 

I said nothing about whether or not she had many female friends, but she did leave him in the end, so his bad qualities ultimately outweighed his good qualities, at least in her eyes.

I believe that narcissists in general tend to choose people who are more isolated, move in on them very quickly and isolate them even more, so a person who had few friends, male or female, would be more likely to be targeted by one.

I don't intend to get into a nitpick argument about what is and isn't implied. It ultimately boils down to intent, and I can't prove your intent one way or another. But to me, the character attack is clear as day.

It disturbs me not just because you dislike Calandale and I don't, but because of all the stereotypical social mores it reinforces.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tristeza on February 11, 2008, 10:27:29 PM
Believe it or not, some of us are actually strong enough to not take guys like Cal too seriously.   :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 11, 2008, 10:36:59 PM
Just a suspicion about me.
That I get along better with
women who don't.

That is probably partly due to your NPD.  Women who are more isolated would be more likely to tolerate you.  Your wife was homeless when you met her, wasn't she?

Damn, careful with bias, Callaway. I could take issue with any number of the things you're implying here.

That women who like Calandale are isolated (in a bad way).
That women only tolerate him because they can't get any better, not because they genuinely like some of his qualities.
That a woman who has few/no female friends is isolated, and doesn't simply prefer males.
That Calandale's wife (whom you don't know in the slightest) may fit any of the above categories.
That homelessness implies a personal deficiency.

This is how she fights. I am waiting for a more damning example again.
One where there actually is an unrelated issue to which she brings the
character assassination. I felt that this was actually a step up for her.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 11, 2008, 10:39:56 PM

Homelessness implied that she would prefer to live with Calandale than on the streets, nothing more. 

Not really the case. She had other places to stay. She just had no home.

I said nothing about whether or not she had many female friends, but she did leave him in the end, so his bad qualities ultimately outweighed his good qualities, at least in her eyes.

I don't think you'd have gotten an answer along those lines,
from her.

I believe that narcissists in general tend to choose people who are more isolated, move in on them very quickly and isolate them even more, so a person who had few friends, male or female, would be more likely to be targeted by one.

Again, your beliefs bely the truth. I always went out of
my way, especially at the beginning, to make certain that
we each had a great deal of freedom.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 11, 2008, 10:40:59 PM
Believe it or not, some of us are actually strong enough to not take guys like Cal too seriously.   :laugh:

Wish I could be so strong.  ;)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 12, 2008, 12:07:57 AM
Do you tend to have close female friends?

I have a few.  Why do you ask?

Just a suspicion about me.
That I get along better with
women who don't.

That is probably partly due to your NPD.  Women who are more isolated would be more likely to tolerate you.  Your wife was homeless when you met her, wasn't she?

One might think that. But my female friends all tended to
have a number of close male friends.

My wife was indeed. An ex-housemate of
hers was living with me, and had offered
to take her in - which is how we met.

Oddly, I think that although she claimed
to not have many female friends, her closest
friend before me was. The same with my first
gf. My PE had NO female friends whatsoever.

But, all had some fairly masculine traits. In terms
of dealing with people. Where I'm most comfortable
is with someone who simply doesn't take any shit
from anyone - including me. Odd as that might seem.
'Zat mean you're comfortable with me, Cal?   :zoinks:

I like Cal very much.  He's a lot of fun.  If he hadn't made the effort to pull me out of my so-called "shell" somewhat, I'd never have bothered hanging around here.  It's a nice forum, but Cal (along with Soph & Kosmo) is the main reason I'm here.

I've never been homeless.  Most of my friends are male.  I have two close female friends, one German and one Brazilian - strong personalities both.  I don't "take shit" from anyone - I was taught early in life that it didn't pay.  I've been described as a "lightning rod," and Cal also fits that description.  I enjoy interacting with him tremendously, and I think he adds a lot of life to this forum.  I have no problem with anyone here, but nor do I understand why other members have such a problem with Cal.

One of my problems with Calandale is that he has been personally attacking me and other people.  Maybe you haven't noticed this.

Also, he acts like he wants to dictate to everyone else how Intensity is run.  He comes up with wacky ideas that he can't possibly have thought through and he tries to cram them down everyone else's throats. 

We had a World Council that made decisions for Intensity and he ruined it for almost everyone else by spamming it with polls to implement his ideas. He started more than twice as many polls as anyone else.  It got to the point that several World Council members thought that the number of polls was completely out of control and they were sick to death of it.  Because of the excessive number of polls, Intensity became more about how to run Intensity than anything else, so we voted to turn over the running of the site back to Dunc and Odeon.  More than any other person here, Calandale killed the World Council, yet he refuses to accept any responsibility for this and he prefers to blame everyone else.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 12, 2008, 01:07:23 AM

One of my problems with Calandale is that he has been personally attacking me and other people.  Maybe you haven't noticed this.

Our definition of 'personal' differs. For you, it seems to mean
ANY attack upon someone. For me, I mean using personal
information to make attacks. I see a distinction, you do not.
I feel that 'tis fair to attack YOU (or anyone) for their actions
and posts. You feel that using one's personal life against them
(explaining why you hide so much of your own) is the same thing.
Also, he acts like he wants to dictate to everyone else how Intensity is run.  He comes up with wacky ideas that he can't possibly have thought through and he tries to cram them down everyone else's throats. 

Nah. I come up with wacky ideas and try to see if
they hold water.

We had a World Council that made decisions for Intensity and he ruined it for almost everyone else by spamming it with polls to implement his ideas. He started more than twice as many polls as anyone else.  It got to the point that several World Council members thought that the number of polls was completely out of control and they were sick to death of it.  Because of the excessive number of polls, Intensity became more about how to run Intensity than anything else, so we voted to turn over the running of the site back to Dunc and Odeon.  More than any other person here, Calandale killed the World Council, yet he refuses to accept any responsibility for this and he prefers to blame everyone else.

Many of those polls served an important purpose,
in safeguarding the membership from the excesses
of democracy. Others were mere ploys, to highlight
a point. A couple were specific changes. When it came
down to it, some of those who cared enough for democracy
to try and lay it down on firm ground were hounded away
by the same tactics you see used against me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 12, 2008, 01:59:03 AM

One of my problems with Calandale is that he has been personally attacking me and other people.  Maybe you haven't noticed this.

Our definition of 'personal' differs. For you, it seems to mean
ANY attack upon someone. For me, I mean using personal
information to make attacks. I see a distinction, you do not.
I feel that 'tis fair to attack YOU (or anyone) for their actions
and posts. You feel that using one's personal life against them
(explaining why you hide so much of your own) is the same thing.

I see you personally attacking other people quite often, Calandale, but you seem to be unable to see that you are doing it.

You only seem to see it going one way.

You don't need a person's biography to personally attack them.

Generally, a personal attack is committed when a person substitutes abusive remarks for evidence when examining another person's claims or comments. It is considered a personal attack when a person starts referencing a supposed flaw or weakness in an individual's personality, beliefs, lifestyle, convictions or principles, and use it as a debate tactic or as a means of avoiding discussion of the relevance or truthfulness the person's statement.

Nah. I come up with wacky ideas and try to see if
they hold water.

Perhaps that is what you intend to do, but your method of testing them is to try to cram them down everyone else's throats.

Many of those polls served an important purpose,
in safeguarding the membership from the excesses
of democracy. Others were mere ploys, to highlight
a point.
A couple were specific changes. When it came
down to it, some of those who cared enough for democracy
to try and lay it down on firm ground were hounded away
by the same tactics you see used against me.

Maybe that was the way that you saw it, but almost everyone else saw it differently.

Perhaps you thought that you were "safeguarding the membership from the excesses of democracy;" however, it looked like you were trying to dictate rules to everyone else and limit their freedom to vote the way they wanted to on future issues by implementing lots of new laws that you created.  The polls that you call "mere ploys" looked like you were trying to manipulate other World Council members.

Also, no matter how many times you have posted, "When it came down to it, some of those who cared enough for democracy to try and lay it down on firm ground were hounded away by the same tactics you see used against me," you have never once backed up with facts your assertion that anyone was ever "hounded away," how it was supposed to have been done, or whether you are being "hounded away" yourself.  On the contrary, you insist that if you post here less frequently in the future, it will be completely because of your new job, not because of any supposed "hounding."  Perhaps these shadowy people you have claimed were "hounded away" had life changes that were more important to them than spending so much time posting here.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 12, 2008, 03:09:14 AM

I see you personally attacking other people quite often, Calandale, but you seem to be unable to see that you are doing it.

I know you do. We have very different definitions.
Of course, to you, yous is the ONLY one. And,
you fail to see any distinction between the
morality of bringing extraneous information
into your squabbles. Stuff which you choose
to NOT be attacked about, by not sharing.

You only seem to see it going one way.

No. I know damned well that I began this fight.
Brought it to a different level. You took it beyond
where my morals allow me to go, except when I
lose my cool far too much, as I did when making
my comment that QM was homophobic - something
he admitted, but was of no importance to the issue,
and was purely a twisted result of my frustration at
his personal attacks on me. I seem to remember making
a similar assault upon TM1, when I was getting sick of
him following me about, posting about my personal life,
where it did not apply. Perhaps, had you revealed such
of your own, I'd have disgraced myself there too - hell,
I did with lucifer, but hope that I retracted it, before anyone
saw what an ass I was being.
You don't need a person's biography to personally attack them.

Again, this is based upon the difference of our
meanings for the word.

Generally, a personal attack is committed when a person substitutes abusive remarks for evidence when examining another person's claims or comments. It is considered a personal attack when a person starts referencing a supposed flaw or weakness in an individual's personality, beliefs, lifestyle, convictions or principles, and use it as a debate tactic or as a means of avoiding discussion of the relevance or truthfulness the person's statement.

See? Your meaning is the ONLY one? Ok, if your principles,
effect the manner in which you are making site dependent
decisions, or in the manner in which you are actually arguing
or posting, they ARE fair game, IMO.

What 'personal attacks' have I made, by your criteria? I've questioned
your fighting tactics - clearly a matter which is limited to the site itself.
I've not even speculated that you are like this, IRL. I've attacked your
desire to hold onto power, but again, that is a site-related issue, and I've
not made any attempt to draw parallels to things in your real life. I've
definitely noted what I see as a close minded adherence to whatever
you've decided - decisions which are often made very early in a
discussion. (I wonder if I've ever seen you change your mind?) And,
I've noted the point at which your treatment of me took an extreme
about face - not over the style of my attacks, but over a disagreement
in ethics, which few others cared about. I'll add another observation: unlike
me, you dropped mentioning that disagreement, when you saw it was
gaining you no support - you are the consummate politician; I am not.
I fight on, even when it is merely gaining me enemies. Now, most would
probably see your attitude there as laudable, but I don't - I prefer my own
(of course  ::) )

Nah. I come up with wacky ideas and try to see if
they hold water.

Perhaps that is what you intend to do, but your method of testing them is to try to cram them down everyone else's throats.

No. My method was first to attempt just hacking the
idea about. I soon learned that the apathy here required
that, in order to get a discussion on the issues, one had
to actually put up a timed poll, and force people to think
about it. I don't think that there was a damned suggestion
that I made, which I was unwilling to be convinced that my
initial take was wrong. But, it got frustrating to see ideas
brought up, discussed briefly, without any real passion, and
then ignored.

Maybe that was the way that you saw it, but almost everyone else saw it differently.

You are better at arguing, even when wrong.
I grant you that.

Perhaps you thought that you were "safeguarding the membership from the excesses of democracy;" however, it looked like you were trying to dictate rules to everyone else and limit their freedom to vote the way they wanted to on future issues by implementing lots of new laws that you created.

Yes. That's exactly what safeguards are. Kinda like the
bill of rights. Rules to prevent the WC from abusing others.

The polls that you call "mere ploys" looked like you were trying to manipulate other World Council members.

Manipulate is an interesting, and not entirely inaccurate term.
Let's take the most egregious case - the dreaded fiat poll.
I made that poll merely to lay the foundation for arguing that
you were using exactly the type of absolute power which
that poll would bring into being, for the staff. An argument
which wouldn't have gotten anywhere, given your popularity
here, but might have come in handy to harp a bit. Imagine
my shock when your coterie voted in favor of admins
having the absolute right to do whatever they pleased. And
don't plea some confusion, that poll is clear as day, to anyone
who wasn't befuddled by your argument for passing it.

Also, no matter how many times you have posted, "When it came down to it, some of those who cared enough for democracy to try and lay it down on firm ground were hounded away by the same tactics you see used against me," you have never once backed up with facts your assertion that anyone was ever "hounded away," how it was supposed to have been done, or whether you are being "hounded away" yourself.  On the contrary, you insist that if you post here less frequently in the future, it will be completely because of your new job, not because of any supposed "hounding."  Perhaps these shadowy people you have claimed were "hounded away" had life changes that were more important to them than spending so much time posting here.

By hounded, I mean the pack mentality. By away,
I mean told to GTFO. Both have applied to me.
Both applied to Lit. Both applied to Scrap. I don't
know how many others have been so driven away
by constant abuse, by your little gang. And, of course,
one wants to seem stronger, so putting a good face on.
But, such a gang, picking off those who 'don't belong'
is going to effect decisions to leave. Indeed, in Lit's case,
it may well have contributed heavily to his meltdown and
targeting of the site - maybe worse. In Scrap's, whom you
like to claim was busy with his 60 hour weeks - well, he had
been busy before, yet found time for coming here; and he
wandered over to ZOMG, found that not to his liking, and
then proceeded to troll at WP a bit. So clearly, time wasn't
the only reason for his leaving. Nor, whatever I said, is it really
likely to be the case for me.

Now, this begins to bring the big, "so what?" I mean, this is
intensity, right? We're not nannying. Still, I guess I'm hoping that
those involved in such gang bullying remember what it was like
to be the target of such. Maybe remember that they vowed
never to be such. Hell, I have nothing against drag out fights,
but something tastes WRONG about everyone siding up with
whomever they like and dislike. Which is what seems to happen,
nearly every time. As though party, not ideas, is the real discriminating
factor. Oh, we will argue with those we like, but not at all in the
same manner.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on February 12, 2008, 04:25:00 AM
I hope I haven't made it personal when you get on my tits, Calandale. I reserve the full GTFO treatment for people I hate (Ascan, Omega, HG - maybe one or two others; neither Scrap or Lit fell into this group btw). Speaking for myself I've no wish to see you leave the site, though shutting the fuck up occasionally would be nice. :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 12, 2008, 04:36:13 AM
I hope I haven't made it personal when you get on my tits, Calandale. I reserve the full GTFO treatment for people I hate (Ascan, Omega, HG - maybe one or two others; neither Scrap or Lit fell into this group btw). Speaking for myself I've no wish to see you leave the site, though shutting the fuck up occasionally would be nice. :P

I think I'm always aware of this.

Did you do my title?  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on February 12, 2008, 05:41:22 AM
which one?  ???
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 12, 2008, 05:51:32 AM
Enter Key of the Tarsier Elite
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on February 12, 2008, 09:49:52 AM
That is probably partly due to your NPD.  Women who are more isolated would be more likely to tolerate you.  Your wife was homeless when you met her, wasn't she?

Damn, careful with bias, Callaway. I could take issue with any number of the things you're implying here.

That women who like Calandale are isolated (in a bad way).
That women only tolerate him because they can't get any better, not because they genuinely like some of his qualities.
That a woman who has few/no female friends is isolated, and doesn't simply prefer males.
That Calandale's wife (whom you don't know in the slightest) may fit any of the above categories.
That homelessness implies a personal deficiency.

Homelessness implied that she would prefer to live with Calandale than on the streets, nothing more. 

I said nothing about whether or not she had many female friends, but she did leave him in the end, so his bad qualities ultimately outweighed his good qualities, at least in her eyes.

I believe that narcissists in general tend to choose people who are more isolated, move in on them very quickly and isolate them even more, so a person who had few friends, male or female, would be more likely to be targeted by one.
'At's basically what I got, though the homelessness, I also wondered if you meant that she might not have had an especially good social support system.

And, this isn't a comment on calandale or callaway, but just on isolation (something I dealt with recently, so it's still sorta fresh):  I've seen guys also try to sweep in on women who had goodish support systems but poor self-esteem/sense of self-preservation, but then isolate.  Pretty horrible to see happen, when you're part of the social support system.

It disturbs me not just because you dislike Calandale and I don't, but because of all the stereotypical social mores it reinforces.
What mores does it reinforce?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tristeza on February 12, 2008, 11:53:52 AM
That is probably partly due to your NPD.  Women who are more isolated would be more likely to tolerate you.  Your wife was homeless when you met her, wasn't she?

Damn, careful with bias, Callaway. I could take issue with any number of the things you're implying here.

That women who like Calandale are isolated (in a bad way).
That women only tolerate him because they can't get any better, not because they genuinely like some of his qualities.
That a woman who has few/no female friends is isolated, and doesn't simply prefer males.
That Calandale's wife (whom you don't know in the slightest) may fit any of the above categories.
That homelessness implies a personal deficiency.

Homelessness implied that she would prefer to live with Calandale than on the streets, nothing more. 

I said nothing about whether or not she had many female friends, but she did leave him in the end, so his bad qualities ultimately outweighed his good qualities, at least in her eyes.

I believe that narcissists in general tend to choose people who are more isolated, move in on them very quickly and isolate them even more, so a person who had few friends, male or female, would be more likely to be targeted by one.
'At's basically what I got, though the homelessness, I also wondered if you meant that she might not have had an especially good social support system.

And, this isn't a comment on calandale or callaway, but just on isolation (something I dealt with recently, so it's still sorta fresh):  I've seen guys also try to sweep in on women who had goodish support systems but poor self-esteem/sense of self-preservation, but then isolate.  Pretty horrible to see happen, when you're part of the social support system.

It disturbs me not just because you dislike Calandale and I don't, but because of all the stereotypical social mores it reinforces.
What mores does it reinforce?
To me, it appears to reinforce the myth that women are naturally helpless and men naturally predatory...that women can't think for themselves and make their own decisions about what type of person with whom to get involved...and that certain men consciously isolate women in order to consciously manipulate them psychologically and/or emotionally.  It's not always that simple.

I don't think that men do any more conscious manipulating of women than women do of men.  I know just as many men whose lives were damaged by women as vice-versa.  People are people, after all - everyone has their own self-interests to advance. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 12, 2008, 12:24:57 PM
That is probably partly due to your NPD.  Women who are more isolated would be more likely to tolerate you.  Your wife was homeless when you met her, wasn't she?

Damn, careful with bias, Callaway. I could take issue with any number of the things you're implying here.

That women who like Calandale are isolated (in a bad way).
That women only tolerate him because they can't get any better, not because they genuinely like some of his qualities.
That a woman who has few/no female friends is isolated, and doesn't simply prefer males.
That Calandale's wife (whom you don't know in the slightest) may fit any of the above categories.
That homelessness implies a personal deficiency.

Homelessness implied that she would prefer to live with Calandale than on the streets, nothing more. 

I said nothing about whether or not she had many female friends, but she did leave him in the end, so his bad qualities ultimately outweighed his good qualities, at least in her eyes.

I believe that narcissists in general tend to choose people who are more isolated, move in on them very quickly and isolate them even more, so a person who had few friends, male or female, would be more likely to be targeted by one.
'At's basically what I got, though the homelessness, I also wondered if you meant that she might not have had an especially good social support system.

And, this isn't a comment on calandale or callaway, but just on isolation (something I dealt with recently, so it's still sorta fresh):  I've seen guys also try to sweep in on women who had goodish support systems but poor self-esteem/sense of self-preservation, but then isolate.  Pretty horrible to see happen, when you're part of the social support system.

I would think that a lot of homeless people must not have a very good support system. 

I also have been part of the support system for someone who was then pretty much isolated from everyone else but the guy, who was abusive.  It was horrible to see.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 12, 2008, 12:53:05 PM
What mores does it reinforce?
To me, it appears to reinforce the myth that women are naturally helpless and men naturally predatory...that women can't think for themselves and make their own decisions about what type of person with whom to get involved...and that certain men consciously isolate women in order to consciously manipulate them psychologically and/or emotionally.  It's not always that simple.

I don't think that men do any more conscious manipulating of women than women do of men.  I know just as many men whose lives were damaged by women as vice-versa.  People are people, after all - everyone has their own self-interests to advance. 

I don't know how much of that sort of manipulation is conscious, but I think that men are more often naturally predatory and that men more often try to isolate their partners from their friends and family than women do.   I wonder if these sorts of relationships would usually become codependent relationships?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 12, 2008, 01:07:42 PM
I have no problem with anyone here, but nor do I understand why other members have such a problem with Cal.

You'd have no problems with being compared to various dictators or called a nazi? I guess we're all different. :-\
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 12, 2008, 01:10:10 PM
By hounded, I mean the pack mentality. By away,
I mean told to GTFO. Both have applied to me.
Both applied to Lit. Both applied to Scrap.

You have accused both me and Callaway for driving them away, directly. No pack mentality; you accused us.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tristeza on February 12, 2008, 02:18:17 PM
I have no problem with anyone here, but nor do I understand why other members have such a problem with Cal.

You'd have no problems with being compared to various dictators or called a nazi? I guess we're all different. :-\
I've been called draconian many times!   :laugh:  Wasn't he a bad guy, too??

Seriously, of course it would depend on the context.  But I don't know that I would take such comparisons seriously coming from someone like Cal.  He's pretty dramatic, by his own admission.   :-\
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tristeza on February 12, 2008, 02:20:23 PM
What mores does it reinforce?
To me, it appears to reinforce the myth that women are naturally helpless and men naturally predatory...that women can't think for themselves and make their own decisions about what type of person with whom to get involved...and that certain men consciously isolate women in order to consciously manipulate them psychologically and/or emotionally.  It's not always that simple.

I don't think that men do any more conscious manipulating of women than women do of men.  I know just as many men whose lives were damaged by women as vice-versa.  People are people, after all - everyone has their own self-interests to advance. 

I don't know how much of that sort of manipulation is conscious, but I think that men are more often naturally predatory and that men more often try to isolate their partners from their friends and family than women do.   I wonder if these sorts of relationships would usually become codependent relationships?
I guess so.  I'm not sure what co-dependent really means, though.  I keep hearing different definitions.

My question would be:  why do certain women willingly accept controlling behaviors from guys, anyway?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on February 12, 2008, 03:13:09 PM
Enter Key of the Tarsier Elite

wasn't me. maybe renaeden's little joke? just a guess; I remember she called GA 'backspace key of the aspie elite'  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 12, 2008, 04:09:47 PM

To me, it appears to reinforce the myth that women are naturally helpless and men naturally predatory...that women can't think for themselves and make their own decisions about what type of person with whom to get involved...and that certain men consciously isolate women in order to consciously manipulate them psychologically and/or emotionally.  It's not always that simple.

I don't think that men do any more conscious manipulating of women than women do of men.  I know just as many men whose lives were damaged by women as vice-versa.  People are people, after all - everyone has their own self-interests to advance. 

AND their own problems. I don't think I've EVER
'swept in' on anyone. Well, I may just have gone
so far as to proposition my PE - she said I did, whilst
so drunk I couldn't remember. I fall for those who
throw their affections at me. And yes, my own are
much stronger than most (as I am so needy), but
they initiate. Even the very young.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tristeza on February 12, 2008, 04:12:08 PM

To me, it appears to reinforce the myth that women are naturally helpless and men naturally predatory...that women can't think for themselves and make their own decisions about what type of person with whom to get involved...and that certain men consciously isolate women in order to consciously manipulate them psychologically and/or emotionally.  It's not always that simple.

I don't think that men do any more conscious manipulating of women than women do of men.  I know just as many men whose lives were damaged by women as vice-versa.  People are people, after all - everyone has their own self-interests to advance. 

AND their own problems. I don't think I've EVER
'swept in' on anyone. Well, I may just have gone
so far as to proposition my PE - she said I did, whilst
so drunk I couldn't remember. I fall for those who
throw their affections at me. And yes, my own are
much stronger than most (as I am so needy), but
they initiate. Even the very young.
Well, maybe that's what co-dependent means.  You give off a needy vibe, and so needy females who need a needy guy to feel needed then throw themselves at you.  I guess everyone's happy for awhile.  What ends up going wrong with this picture??   ???
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 12, 2008, 04:12:38 PM

I would think that a lot of homeless people must not have a very good support system.

You might be surprised. I've known a good number
of homeless people, in my time (surprise), there's a
whole community. I actually envy them for the friends
that they tend to have - much more than I usually do.

I also have been part of the support system for someone who was then pretty much isolated from everyone else but the guy, who was abusive.  It was horrible to see.

The only person to whom I was abusive
had closer ties to her family than anyone
else I was with. Also almost always had a
bf, during that time.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 12, 2008, 04:15:55 PM

I don't know how much of that sort of manipulation is conscious, but I think that men are more often naturally predatory and that men more often try to isolate their partners from their friends and family than women do.   I wonder if these sorts of relationships would usually become codependent relationships?

I think it goes both ways. And sickens me.
I demanded my freedom, and felt that to
avoid being a hypocrite, I'd have to give the
same. Had many males shocked at the things
I'd 'let' my wife do. Had my friends report shit
to my wife, because they thought that such shouldn't
be happening in THEIR idea of a relationship. If you
can't trust (or at least make an effort) someone, you
don't belong with them.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 12, 2008, 04:17:33 PM
I have no problem with anyone here, but nor do I understand why other members have such a problem with Cal.

You'd have no problems with being compared to various dictators or called a nazi? I guess we're all different. :-\

Oh, come on. You KNOW that I'm prone to hyperbole.
I'm NOT insinuating that you want to kill off people here.
(well - maybe me  :laugh:)

Just that you are being a petty tyrant about certain issues.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 12, 2008, 04:19:02 PM
By hounded, I mean the pack mentality. By away,
I mean told to GTFO. Both have applied to me.
Both applied to Lit. Both applied to Scrap.

You have accused both me and Callaway for driving them away, directly. No pack mentality; you accused us.

You? I don't think so. I'm not even sure Callaway intended,
but when she gets roused for a fight, the minions all come
yipping after her target. You've been a good minion, with your
'please go away' attitude.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 12, 2008, 04:20:25 PM
I have no problem with anyone here, but nor do I understand why other members have such a problem with Cal.

You'd have no problems with being compared to various dictators or called a nazi? I guess we're all different. :-\
I've been called draconian many times!   :laugh:  Wasn't he a bad guy, too??

Seriously, of course it would depend on the context.  But I don't know that I would take such comparisons seriously coming from someone like Cal.  He's pretty dramatic, by his own admission.   :-\

AND, there is the point that I too have been accused of
such. 'Cramming rules down people's throats'. It's all a matter
of perception. Why is it ok for a large group to make such accusations,
but NOT for the lone wolf?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 12, 2008, 04:21:21 PM
Enter Key of the Tarsier Elite

wasn't me. maybe renaeden's little joke? just a guess; I remember she called GA 'backspace key of the aspie elite'  :laugh:

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tristeza on February 12, 2008, 04:22:06 PM
I have no problem with anyone here, but nor do I understand why other members have such a problem with Cal.

You'd have no problems with being compared to various dictators or called a nazi? I guess we're all different. :-\
I've been called draconian many times!   :laugh:  Wasn't he a bad guy, too??

Seriously, of course it would depend on the context.  But I don't know that I would take such comparisons seriously coming from someone like Cal.  He's pretty dramatic, by his own admission.   :-\

AND, there is the point that I too have been accused of
such. 'Cramming rules down people's throats'. It's all a matter
of perception. Why is it ok for a large group to make such accusations,
but NOT for the lone wolf?
Because lone wolves tend to bother people, for some reason.  Try being a female one.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 12, 2008, 04:22:41 PM
I have no problem with anyone here, but nor do I understand why other members have such a problem with Cal.

You'd have no problems with being compared to various dictators or called a nazi? I guess we're all different. :-\
I've been called draconian many times!   :laugh:  Wasn't he a bad guy, too??

Seriously, of course it would depend on the context.  But I don't know that I would take such comparisons seriously coming from someone like Cal.  He's pretty dramatic, by his own admission.   :-\

AND, there is the point that I too have been accused of
such. 'Cramming rules down people's throats'. It's all a matter
of perception. Why is it ok for a large group to make such accusations,
but NOT for the lone wolf?
Because lone wolves tend to bother people, for some reason.  Try being a female one.

I'd rather just swoop down on them.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tristeza on February 12, 2008, 04:23:21 PM
I have no problem with anyone here, but nor do I understand why other members have such a problem with Cal.

You'd have no problems with being compared to various dictators or called a nazi? I guess we're all different. :-\
I've been called draconian many times!   :laugh:  Wasn't he a bad guy, too??

Seriously, of course it would depend on the context.  But I don't know that I would take such comparisons seriously coming from someone like Cal.  He's pretty dramatic, by his own admission.   :-\

AND, there is the point that I too have been accused of
such. 'Cramming rules down people's throats'. It's all a matter
of perception. Why is it ok for a large group to make such accusations,
but NOT for the lone wolf?
Because lone wolves tend to bother people, for some reason.  Try being a female one.

I'd rather just swoop down on them.
*scurries away like the wind*
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 12, 2008, 04:26:17 PM

*scurries away like the wind*

The wind is my lady.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 12, 2008, 04:43:18 PM
I have no problem with anyone here, but nor do I understand why other members have such a problem with Cal.

You'd have no problems with being compared to various dictators or called a nazi? I guess we're all different. :-\

Oh, come on. You KNOW that I'm prone to hyperbole.
I'm NOT insinuating that you want to kill off people here.
(well - maybe me  :laugh:)

Just that you are being a petty tyrant about certain issues.

I can ignore it to an extent. You went beyond that. Did you really think that YOU get to define when enough is enough?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 12, 2008, 05:21:02 PM
I have no problem with anyone here, but nor do I understand why other members have such a problem with Cal.

You'd have no problems with being compared to various dictators or called a nazi? I guess we're all different. :-\

Oh, come on. You KNOW that I'm prone to hyperbole.
I'm NOT insinuating that you want to kill off people here.
(well - maybe me  :laugh:)

Just that you are being a petty tyrant about certain issues.

I can ignore it to an extent. You went beyond that. Did you really think that YOU get to define when enough is enough?

As far as what I'm allowed to say here,
yes. I'm not in any position of authority,
thus my words (so long as I'm not making
some sort of illegal threat) are pretty much
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 12, 2008, 05:27:25 PM
I have no problem with anyone here, but nor do I understand why other members have such a problem with Cal.

You'd have no problems with being compared to various dictators or called a nazi? I guess we're all different. :-\

Oh, come on. You KNOW that I'm prone to hyperbole.
I'm NOT insinuating that you want to kill off people here.
(well - maybe me  :laugh:)

Just that you are being a petty tyrant about certain issues.

I can ignore it to an extent. You went beyond that. Did you really think that YOU get to define when enough is enough?

As far as what I'm allowed to say here,
yes. I'm not in any position of authority,
thus my words (so long as I'm not making
some sort of illegal threat) are pretty much

You get to decide when I can no longer simply ignore you calling me a nazi? Cool, I didn't know that it wasn't up to me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 12, 2008, 05:55:47 PM
I have no problem with anyone here, but nor do I understand why other members have such a problem with Cal.

You'd have no problems with being compared to various dictators or called a nazi? I guess we're all different. :-\

Oh, come on. You KNOW that I'm prone to hyperbole.
I'm NOT insinuating that you want to kill off people here.
(well - maybe me  :laugh:)

Just that you are being a petty tyrant about certain issues.

I can ignore it to an extent. You went beyond that. Did you really think that YOU get to define when enough is enough?

As far as what I'm allowed to say here,
yes. I'm not in any position of authority,
thus my words (so long as I'm not making
some sort of illegal threat) are pretty much

You get to decide when I can no longer simply ignore you calling me a nazi? Cool, I didn't know that it wasn't up to me.

No. I get to define when I'm tired of calling you one.
When enough is enough. You can throw your hissy
fits whenever you like, so long as it's clear that your
not making some official proclamation about what is
and isn't acceptable here.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 12, 2008, 06:17:51 PM
No. I get to define when I'm tired of calling you one.
When enough is enough. You can throw your hissy
fits whenever you like, so long as it's clear that your
not making some official proclamation about what is
and isn't acceptable here.

I don't, as long as it's not about site security or such, but then I expect you to listen.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 12, 2008, 06:20:13 PM
No. I get to define when I'm tired of calling you one.
When enough is enough. You can throw your hissy
fits whenever you like, so long as it's clear that your
not making some official proclamation about what is
and isn't acceptable here.

I don't, as long as it's not about site security or such, but then I expect you to listen.

How is the existence of an election about site security?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on February 12, 2008, 07:19:42 PM
That women who like [narcissists] are isolated (in a bad way).
That women only tolerate [narcissists] because they can't get any better, not because they genuinely like some of [their] qualities.
That a woman who has few/no female friends is isolated, and doesn't simply prefer males.
That homelessness implies a personal deficiency.

What mores does it reinforce?

The ones I stated above. But it only reinforces any if the majority of people reading it get the same message. I was fairly sure they would, but your reading leads me to wonder otherwise.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Al Swearegen on February 13, 2008, 05:02:58 AM
After a while the eyes glaze and the will to read is lost. All I can do at this point is hope there is some smutty humour elsewhere on the site that I can easily find. (or perhaps Randy's insane ramblings to decipher)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 13, 2008, 05:04:56 AM
After a while the eyes glaze and the will to read is lost. All I can do at this point is hope there is some smutty humour elsewhere on the site that I can easily find. (or perhaps Randy's insane ramblings to decipher)

Indeed. And this is the very problem which came
with the democracy.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on February 13, 2008, 11:01:05 AM
After a while the eyes glaze and the will to read is lost. All I can do at this point is hope there is some smutty humour elsewhere on the site that I can easily find. (or perhaps Randy's insane ramblings to decipher)

Well good, you need mental exercise, perhaps if you get more, you will be confused less often.
It is weird when I see  you guys do it, no offense.  I got confused today in the therapist's office, but I know I am tired, even though I don't feel it so much because of positive coping.  I also have a mouth full of sheetrock air in my throat, It can make it hard to sleep coughing every 5 seconds, if I don't turn the air purifier on, my grandmother left to me.  Oh man, that air must be screwing me up, I got confused in a way that never do, a way inwhich I tried to clue you guys in.   Something told me to get, and I am glad I did.  Ever since I started taking supplementary vitamin c in the dose of 2-3grams, I have not had nasal allergies, so it wasn't that.  I am long overdue for a physical, but I am in no hurry, I am in good shape.  I am noting that, I may get confused if I get tired with mouth full of sheetrock, probably won't, but maybe.

Callaway, I just read something about autism in my life extension magazine.  A novel theory, that I think is also highly plausable, around vitamin D.  Vitamin D deficency during devolpement can affect numerous proteins in the body, leading to some of the systoms of autism.  Rats with enlarged brain or skull (not sure which one due to sheet rock brains), had vitamin D deficent diets durning devolpement.   People with rickets display some of the symptoms of autism to, and it goes away when vitamin D deficency is made up.  I take vitamin D, in a dose of 1000iu a day, which should be the RDI, and not little shit amount of 400iu.  If anyone starts dxing me, I am not going to respond, I don't think there is any point.  I am going to be telling my therapist/clincal social worker, he should not waste his time on me any more, I feel that good.  Soon as I stop seeing him, I can try to pay the back balance gas bill, and rent.  Electric bill over balance is gone,  rent, I paid $200 of the back balance already, and another $450 to go.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on February 13, 2008, 11:39:13 AM
Callaway, go get your husband some maca, its peruvian ginseng, can be taken for 3 months at a time.  I got 3 bottles at home, 1.5 months supply, at $2.40, with super goat weed.  So fuckn high :laugh:   Yes take a break from panax ginseng, then fill in the brake with peruvian ginseng.  When 2 weeks are up, I will count, I have another 2 weeks supply of a high dose panax ready.  Maca is supposed to boost testosterone secretion, and restoring free testosterone  to youthfull levels helps with weight controll.  Probably don't ned that harmone, hair grows fast enough already. :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 13, 2008, 11:53:23 AM
No. I get to define when I'm tired of calling you one.
When enough is enough. You can throw your hissy
fits whenever you like, so long as it's clear that your
not making some official proclamation about what is
and isn't acceptable here.

I don't, as long as it's not about site security or such, but then I expect you to listen.

How is the existence of an election about site security?

I thought we had explained this to you? I was merely reiterating what Dunc had already stated, in a tone suitable for you. In no way was that my decision.

Round and round we go... ::)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on February 13, 2008, 11:56:14 AM
Lucinda/calandale is having a tough time, excuse him.  Perhaps you would not fair so well in his shoes, or mine, as they are wet from the rain :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 13, 2008, 11:57:21 AM
Lucinda/calandale is having a tough time, excuse him.  Perhaps you would not fair so well in his shoes, or mine, as they are wet from the rain :laugh:

Classic. :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: driftingblizzard on February 13, 2008, 11:59:14 AM
Callaway, 82 pages!  That's impressive.  I have a question for you.    I have hard water in my house.  I want to put a watersoftener on it.  But I don't like the taste of softened water.    We have a well and the water tastes great.

Can I put the watersoftener just on the hotwater side (before the hotwater heater) and leave the cold water un-softened?.

(Mechanically I can do this, but people I've asked said it would be dumb to only soften half of my water system.)    
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 13, 2008, 01:02:03 PM
Callaway, 82 pages!  That's impressive.  I have a question for you.    I have hard water in my house.  I want to put a watersoftener on it.  But I don't like the taste of softened water.    We have a well and the water tastes great.

Can I put the watersoftener just on the hotwater side (before the hotwater heater) and leave the cold water un-softened?.

(Mechanically I can do this, but people I've asked said it would be dumb to only soften half of my water system.)    

You could do it that way, I guess.  Why wouldn't you just run another water line to the kitchen for drinking water that is not softened, instead, if you need softened water for everything else?

Why do you want to install a water softener anyway?  What problems are you having?  How hard is your water?  If you just have softened hot water, then of course if you mix half hot and half cold water, it will be only half as soft.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: driftingblizzard on February 13, 2008, 01:15:29 PM
The water comes in the house in the basement, to get good drinking water at taps, I'd have to go to 3 bathrooms and the kitchen upstairs, and I hate the thought of running pipes up through the ceiling / floor.  Our water is not extremely hard, but it tends to muck up the hotwater heater the most since it tends to concentrate the solids. 

I think half soft water would actually be good enough for the fixtures and tubs, as far as scale build up goes.  Plus, I use cold water for watering the grass and outside stuff, and it seems a waste to soften that. 

I guess I was just questioning my reasoning on this.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 13, 2008, 02:24:56 PM
The water comes in the house in the basement, to get good drinking water at taps, I'd have to go to 3 bathrooms and the kitchen upstairs, and I hate the thought of running pipes up through the ceiling / floor.  Our water is not extremely hard, but it tends to muck up the hotwater heater the most since it tends to concentrate the solids. 

I think half soft water would actually be good enough for the fixtures and tubs, as far as scale build up goes.  Plus, I use cold water for watering the grass and outside stuff, and it seems a waste to soften that. 

I guess I was just questioning my reasoning on this.

I talked to my husband, who used to live in a place with very hard water and some people there did have water softeners for just their hot water, to spare their hot water heaters.  I definitely would not want to water grass with softened water.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 13, 2008, 02:29:24 PM
No. I get to define when I'm tired of calling you one.
When enough is enough. You can throw your hissy
fits whenever you like, so long as it's clear that your
not making some official proclamation about what is
and isn't acceptable here.

I don't, as long as it's not about site security or such, but then I expect you to listen.

How is the existence of an election about site security?

I thought we had explained this to you? I was merely reiterating what Dunc had already stated, in a tone suitable for you. In no way was that my decision.

Round and round we go... ::)

Yet you IGNORED the fact that dunc suggested that
there be a poll? Or, interpreted it to mean that he
didn't mean anything by it?

I'm VERY troubled by the degree to which you dictate
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 13, 2008, 02:30:10 PM
Who is driftingblizzard?  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: driftingblizzard on February 13, 2008, 02:33:45 PM
Who is driftingblizzard?  :laugh:

Funny you should ask, I'm just finding that out myself.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 13, 2008, 02:34:35 PM
Who is driftingblizzard?  :laugh:

Funny you should ask, I'm just finding that out myself.

What username did you go by before?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: driftingblizzard on February 13, 2008, 02:39:40 PM
I used to go by driftingblizzard, but then I changed it to driftingblizzard.  Now I just go by driftingblizzard.

Seriously, its always been driftingblizzard.  I did change my avatar to a sailing ship once, but then changed back.  I don't like how everything is always changing.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 13, 2008, 02:48:13 PM

Ok. Guess my poor memory just seeps too much.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: driftingblizzard on February 13, 2008, 03:03:46 PM
What names have you went by?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 13, 2008, 03:26:04 PM
Calandale, for the most part.
A lot more, recently, as per
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 13, 2008, 04:38:15 PM
No. I get to define when I'm tired of calling you one.
When enough is enough. You can throw your hissy
fits whenever you like, so long as it's clear that your
not making some official proclamation about what is
and isn't acceptable here.

I don't, as long as it's not about site security or such, but then I expect you to listen.

How is the existence of an election about site security?

I thought we had explained this to you? I was merely reiterating what Dunc had already stated, in a tone suitable for you. In no way was that my decision.

Round and round we go... ::)

Yet you IGNORED the fact that dunc suggested that
there be a poll? Or, interpreted it to mean that he
didn't mean anything by it?

I'm VERY troubled by the degree to which you dictate

Dunc said that you can start one if you like. We had already decided that there would be a vote. I am VERY troubled by the lack of reading comprehension you display.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 13, 2008, 04:47:20 PM
No. I get to define when I'm tired of calling you one.
When enough is enough. You can throw your hissy
fits whenever you like, so long as it's clear that your
not making some official proclamation about what is
and isn't acceptable here.

I don't, as long as it's not about site security or such, but then I expect you to listen.

How is the existence of an election about site security?

I thought we had explained this to you? I was merely reiterating what Dunc had already stated, in a tone suitable for you. In no way was that my decision.

Round and round we go... ::)

Yet you IGNORED the fact that dunc suggested that
there be a poll? Or, interpreted it to mean that he
didn't mean anything by it?

I'm VERY troubled by the degree to which you dictate

Dunc said that you can start one if you like. We had already decided that there would be a vote. I am VERY troubled by the lack of reading comprehension you display.

So, such decisions can't be overturned by
overwhelming member opposition? That's
what your fiat implied.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 13, 2008, 04:53:26 PM
Dunc said you can start a poll if you wish. He said nothing about stopping the election. I simply reiterated the message from our Beloved Leader.


I think you should try to remember what you've been saying yourself: this is not a democracy.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 13, 2008, 05:32:29 PM
Since I was attempting to convince him,
in the circumstances, one would presume that
his suggesting that there should be a poll was
a means for affecting his decisions.

Your statement was much more authoritarian
in nature than anything he stated. As is your

No question that the poll might not have meant
anything. Your statement though, and dunc ignoring
the situation, made it essentially the law - and may have
discouraged people from considering the issue. Now, I can
understand why dunc may not have wanted to bind himself
to the results of the poll - for perhaps it would have been largely
ignored anyhow. But, your statement made it seem like those who
supported such open discussion might fall under the opposition
umbrella. Some may have noticed what happens to such people,
around here.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 13, 2008, 06:18:51 PM
It's my style when it comes to you. I have little patience for your mind games.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 13, 2008, 06:22:09 PM
It's my style when it comes to you. I have little patience for your mind games.

So, my very existence is so troubling that you
are willing to be a dictator? So long as everyone
follows what you desire, you don't have to be?
And this somehow excuses things?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 13, 2008, 06:43:45 PM
No, not at all. However, I have repeatedly told you what happened in that thread, and why. I don't see a point with repeating it again.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 13, 2008, 07:17:16 PM
No, not at all. However, I have repeatedly told you what happened in that thread, and why. I don't see a point with repeating it again.

No reason. Your words have been clear enough.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on February 14, 2008, 03:14:34 AM
Dunc said you can start a poll if you wish. He said nothing about stopping the election. I simply reiterated the message from our Beloved Leader.


I think you should try to remember what you've been saying yourself: this is not a democracy.

Before you start speaking for Dunc you should ask him if he actually meant he wouldn't stop the election if a decent majority voted against it. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 14, 2008, 03:27:39 AM

Before you start speaking for Dunc you should ask him if he actually meant he wouldn't stop the election if a decent majority voted against it. 

That's a question I tried asking.
I didn't realize he wasn't well enough
to look at most of the board.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on February 14, 2008, 03:30:19 AM

Before you start speaking for Dunc you should ask him if he actually meant he wouldn't stop the election if a decent majority voted against it. 

That's a question I tried asking.
I didn't realize he wasn't well enough
to look at most of the board.

That's because he's really not felt comfortable enough to talk about his own personal shit, but its also part of the reason why he never wanted to be in charge- he always wanted to be there to take site back ups and fix/change things, but not to actually be the site 'leader.'
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 14, 2008, 03:34:26 AM
The despotism seems a silly thing then.
And a bit frightening, given how some
have taken it to heart.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on February 14, 2008, 03:38:45 AM
Sometimes things meant tongue in cheek can backfire.   

(damn that puts some awful imagery into my head  >:D )
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 14, 2008, 03:41:13 AM
Wouldn't a backfire be awful?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on February 14, 2008, 03:42:06 AM
Wouldn't a backfire be awful?

Sometimes things meant tongue in cheek can backfire.   

(damn that puts some awful imagery into my head  >:D )
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 14, 2008, 03:42:51 AM
I hope I never end up cumming out the
wrong end.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 14, 2008, 04:35:52 AM
By hounded, I mean the pack mentality. By away,
I mean told to GTFO. Both have applied to me.
Both applied to Lit. Both applied to Scrap.

You have accused both me and Callaway for driving them away, directly. No pack mentality; you accused us.

You? I don't think so. I'm not even sure Callaway intended,
but when she gets roused for a fight, the minions all come
yipping after her target. You've been a good minion, with your
'please go away' attitude.

This is so ridiculous, Calandale.  

I do not have "minions" because everyone here thinks for themselves.  

It is ridiculous for you to suggest that I spearheaded an effort to drive Scrapheap away and it is even more ridiculous for you to suggest that I spearheaded a similar campaign to drive Litigious away and that I am responsible for his mental health issues.  

I liked Litigious and we got along pretty well.  I had a hard time even believing what he did to the site at first when he had his meltdown.  I did not like him betraying our members' personal information as part of his meltdown and I would have told him so, but he left soon after he did it.  

I think that if anyone bullied Litigious, it must have been you.  I remember Litigious reducing your karma to 5 one time.  What did you do to provoke him into doing that?  Perhaps what you did to him was spearheading a campaign to drive him away from here and contributing to his mental health issues.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 14, 2008, 05:01:38 AM

This is so ridiculous, Calandale. 

I do not have "minions" because everyone here thinks for themselves. 

So, you think that Himmler and Goering were unthinking fools?
Is everything in your existence so clear...and wrong?

It is ridiculous for you to suggest that I spearheaded an effort to drive Scrapheap away

Not in the least.

...and it is even more ridiculous for you to suggest that I spearheaded a similar campaign to drive Litigious away and that I am responsible for his mental health issues. 

I've not made that claim. Others, mostly of
the same pack which are serving your purpose now,
led that one.

I liked Litigious and we got along pretty well.

Not so well that you'd help protect him. Or even refrain
from jumping into the general pile up, in order to attack
him about his little 15 yo plaything. Which certainly couldn't
have helped.

What did you do to provoke him into doing that?  Perhaps what you did to him was spearheading a campaign to drive him away from here and contributing to his mental health issues.

This issue was discussed elsewhere, in the site direction thread.
I think that was a good natured exchange. BUT, the fact that
I was a usual ally of his might have made my slap sting a bit. His
reaction after the fact was clearly not one of bitterness or
anger, however. Perhaps seeing you as jumping into the
consistent attacks on him had a greater effect. No telling.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 14, 2008, 05:23:02 AM
Dunc said you can start a poll if you wish. He said nothing about stopping the election. I simply reiterated the message from our Beloved Leader.


I think you should try to remember what you've been saying yourself: this is not a democracy.

Before you start speaking for Dunc you should ask him if he actually meant he wouldn't stop the election if a decent majority voted against it. 

There was no way that the slanted poll Calandale started was going to determine whether the majority of members were in favor of or opposed the elections, Purposeful Insanity.

A more neutral poll might have.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 14, 2008, 05:33:24 AM

There was no way that the slanted poll Calandale started was going to determine whether the majority of members were in favor of or opposed the elections, Purposeful Insanity.

A more neutral poll might have.

Nice to, once again, have the staff decide
what is valid, and what not.

Especially someone who claims that the members
are bright enough to think for themselves.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 14, 2008, 06:11:52 AM

There was no way that the slanted poll Calandale started was going to determine whether the majority of members were in favor of or opposed the elections, Purposeful Insanity.

A more neutral poll might have.

Nice to, once again, have the staff decide
what is valid, and what not.

Especially someone who claims that the members
are bright enough to think for themselves.

Do you assert that your slanted poll determined the wishes of a clear majority of members not to have elections for administrator, Calandale?

Here it is:

It's called, "Did Yall Mean What You Voted For?" and you repeatedly insulted the intelligence our members in it.

These were your options, which were also slanted:

"Yes - we were just joking when we voted against this," which had 4 votes.
"No - We trust dunc to select whatever staff he needs," which had 5 votes. 

People said that they could not understand your menu options or they did not want to play your mind games to vote in this poll, but you would not make a more neutral poll except later after that one finished (in an attempt to prove me wrong).  I said, "I tried to tell Calandale how he could change the wording of this poll to find out what people actually wanted without us having to play his mind games just to vote, but he wouldn't listen, because he wanted to shit-stir and play mind games."

Then you said, "Doesn't make a fuck load of difference.  Here, I'll show you."

Here it is:

It's called, "Elected Admins" and because there are no slanted options and only minimal insulting commentary from you, it had a very different outcome.

The vote was 10 to 3 in favor of having elections, so you continue to attack our members as not being able to think for themselves, rather than understand and accept that the slanted wording of your first poll was to blame for the discrepancy.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 14, 2008, 06:15:10 AM

Do you assert that your slanted poll determined the wishes of a clear majority of members not to have elections for administrator, Calandale?

No. I'm asserting that it was not slanted.
Perhaps different people voted in the two
polls. Perhaps being reminded of their prior
vote made people think differently than
in your poll.

Are you asserting that people here aren't clever
enough to understand my poll?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on February 14, 2008, 06:16:29 AM
Dunc said you can start a poll if you wish. He said nothing about stopping the election. I simply reiterated the message from our Beloved Leader.


I think you should try to remember what you've been saying yourself: this is not a democracy.

Before you start speaking for Dunc you should ask him if he actually meant he wouldn't stop the election if a decent majority voted against it. 

There was no way that the slanted poll Calandale started was going to determine whether the majority of members were in favor of or opposed the elections, Purposeful Insanity.

A more neutral poll might have.

That isn't really the point I don't think.  The point as I see it is that there was a poll started about whether or not the members wanted elections and a staff member clearly states on that poll thread that there 'will be elections' ,suggesting that even if the membership voted that they no longer wanted elections it wouldn't matter.  Perhaps this was just another instance of Odeon expressing his own personal opinion, that he never meant to be taken as the official line- but if that's the case why not just say so instead of trying to claim that he was just repeating Dunc's official position as 'leader' on the issue??
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 14, 2008, 06:17:50 AM
Dunc said you can start a poll if you wish. He said nothing about stopping the election. I simply reiterated the message from our Beloved Leader.


I think you should try to remember what you've been saying yourself: this is not a democracy.

Before you start speaking for Dunc you should ask him if he actually meant he wouldn't stop the election if a decent majority voted against it. 

There was no way that the slanted poll Calandale started was going to determine whether the majority of members were in favor of or opposed the elections, Purposeful Insanity.

A more neutral poll might have.

That isn't really the point I don't think.  The point as I see it is that there was a poll started about whether or not the members wanted elections and a staff member clearly states on that poll thread that there 'will be elections' ,suggesting that even if the membership voted that they no longer wanted elections it wouldn't matter.  Perhaps this was just another instance of Odeon expressing his own personal opinion, that he never meant to be taken as the official line- but if that's the case why not just say so instead of trying to claim that he was just repeating Dunc's official position as 'leader' on the issue??

Do you honestly see a difference in callaway's statement,
from Odeon's?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on February 14, 2008, 06:23:27 AM
Sorry Cal- which of the many statements that have been made am I supposed to be comparing?  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 14, 2008, 06:28:45 AM
Sorry Cal- which of the many statements that have been made am I supposed to be comparing?  :laugh:

The bolded one, to odeon's very similar phrasing.
One which implies that they are the ultimate
arbiters of what should be.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on February 14, 2008, 06:35:31 AM
Actually I did wonder who was 'allowed' to say that a poll was set up in such a way as to skew the results, but like I said I don't think that's the most important point as far as this issue goes. Its the suggestion (even if its only implied) that there's an official line that could over-ride the members' wishes that bothers me.   Personally I think that if anyone else had set up a poll worded in exactly the same way people would have assumed they were trying to be humorous with the options, something not uncommon on here, and people wouldn't have had a problem with it.  Unfortunately I don't see anyway to make people judge posts/polls on their merits without letting who started it colour their view.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 14, 2008, 06:43:32 AM
Humor was a big part of what I was doing.
Hell, I didn't assume the thing had a chance
of passing. Nor would I necessarily favor
it doing so. Actually, like many things, I
was hoping to be convinced, one way
or the other.

The proclamation disturbed me, as I believe
he's done that before. Might even be arsed to
dig up a similar case.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 14, 2008, 03:02:14 PM
Actually I did wonder who was 'allowed' to say that a poll was set up in such a way as to skew the results, but like I said I don't think that's the most important point as far as this issue goes. Its the suggestion (even if its only implied) that there's an official line that could over-ride the members' wishes that bothers me.   Personally I think that if anyone else had set up a poll worded in exactly the same way people would have assumed they were trying to be humorous with the options, something not uncommon on here, and people wouldn't have had a problem with it.  Unfortunately I don't see anyway to make people judge posts/polls on their merits without letting who started it colour their view.

I think that anyone is allowed to express their opinion of the wording of a poll, and the first one was slanted so that a yes vote implied that

1) the person was joking in their vote to dissolve the WC and turn over the decision making for Intensity back to "Team Despot" and that

2) the person did not trust Dunc.

I don't think that who started the poll did color anyone's view, Purposeful Insanity.

Calandale started both polls and the vote was very different in the neutral one he started from the vote in the slanted one he started, so it can't be the fact that he started the first one, it has to be the slanted and confusing way that he worded it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 14, 2008, 03:14:50 PM

I think that anyone is allowed to express their opinion of the wording of a poll, and the first one was slanted so that a yes vote implied that

1) the person was joking in their vote to dissolve the WC and turn over the decision making for Intensity back to "Team Despot" and that

2) the person did not trust Dunc.

I don't think 2 was implied at all.
1 MIGHT have meant that they changed their minds,
as well. It just acknowledged the fact that in the initial vote
not a single person voted for the situation we have currently.

I don't think that who started the poll did color anyone's view, Purposeful Insanity.

Calandale started both polls and the vote was very different in the neutral one he started from the vote in the slanted one he started, so it can't be the fact that he started the first one, it has to be the slanted and confusing way that he worded it.

Except that you suggested the rewording. Still, the experiment
was an interesting one. It showed how many people are unwilling
to face what they DID vote for - and how that affected (*sigh*) their
later choice.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on February 14, 2008, 04:07:14 PM

Calandale started both polls and the vote was very different in the neutral one he started from the vote in the slanted one he started, so it can't be the fact that he started the first one, it has to be the slanted and confusing way that he worded it.

  Yet no-one claimed that Dunc's humorously worded poll with his tag-line of "Vote despotism. You know it makes sense." was set up to skew the results.  Is that because people rightly assumed that Dunc was trying to be funny?  Is there any reason why it wouldn't be assumed that Cal was also trying to be funny?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on February 14, 2008, 04:12:02 PM
I didn't read it all, but so far sounds like squabbling over details
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 14, 2008, 04:13:26 PM
I didn't read it all, but so far sounds like squabbling over details

That's because, to you, Callaway is always right.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 14, 2008, 04:30:20 PM
Dunc said you can start a poll if you wish. He said nothing about stopping the election. I simply reiterated the message from our Beloved Leader.


I think you should try to remember what you've been saying yourself: this is not a democracy.

Before you start speaking for Dunc you should ask him if he actually meant he wouldn't stop the election if a decent majority voted against it. 

By that time, we had agreed on going back to the pre-WC Intensity rules, and that there would be an election. My response, and particularly its tone, was in response to Cal's constant mind games regarding any issues concerning site direction, but the reason for it was only to reiterate what had already been decided. It wasn't hard to see Cal's suggestion as being yet another game, but damn near impossible to see it as something meant to be funny.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 14, 2008, 04:41:08 PM

By that time, we had agreed on going back to the pre-WC Intensity rules, and that there would be an election. My response, and particularly its tone, was in response to Cal's constant mind games regarding any issues concerning site direction, but the reason for it was only to reiterate what had already been decided. It wasn't hard to see Cal's suggestion as being yet another game, but damn near impossible to see it as something meant to be funny.

Seemed a reasonable issue, given the prior vote.
Might NOT have halted the current election - though
there would have been time, given that there was a
week to resolve the poll, within the nominations period.

Presuming that there was no dictatorial decree stating that
the site WOULD have an election, no matter what the members
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 14, 2008, 04:54:15 PM
If you want to discuss in terms of dictatorial decrees, this is probably of interest:

What's all this stuff about Dunc's whim? Last I heard, Dunc and Odeon were joint despots. Has something changed?

As far as I know Odeon is still part of Team Despot. So references to Dunc's whim could equally apply to Odeon's whim. :police:


But seriously, instead of more hyperbole, if you want to know, why don't you ask Dunc? I've already repeatedly told you (and PI, and others) what happened, and why I replied to you the way I did.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 14, 2008, 05:02:39 PM
If you want to discuss in terms of dictatorial decrees, this is probably of interest:

What's all this stuff about Dunc's whim? Last I heard, Dunc and Odeon were joint despots. Has something changed?

As far as I know Odeon is still part of Team Despot. So references to Dunc's whim could equally apply to Odeon's whim. :police:


But seriously, instead of more hyperbole, if you want to know, why don't you ask Dunc? I've already repeatedly told you (and PI, and others) what happened, and why I replied to you the way I did.

Actually, I REMEMBERED that. And my actions were tempered
by the fear of your threats, given that. And the fact that dunc
was saying nothing in response to what was going on. Reminded me
too much of the situation that got me banned from WP, though Alex
never made any such statement about MrMark.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on February 14, 2008, 05:07:40 PM
Ok- what I'm struggling to understand about the situation is how we can be going back to pre-WC days with elections and members having the right to set up polls, but, at the same time, have it set in stone that there were going to be elections.  If people had voted they didn't want them surely we would have had no choice but to scrap them? (It seemed that you were saying that we wouldn't- am I wrong?  :-\ )
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 14, 2008, 05:27:49 PM
Ok- what I'm struggling to understand about the situation is how we can be going back to pre-WC days with elections and members having the right to set up polls, but, at the same time, have it set in stone that there were going to be elections.  If people had voted they didn't want them surely we would have had no choice but to scrap them? (It seemed that you were saying that we wouldn't- am I wrong?  :-\ )

Again, I wasn't decreeing anything, I was repeating what we had already decided--to have an election, pre-WC style, and reacting to yet another mind game by Calandale, one where he went from an outspoken advocate of the World Council type direct democracy to an Intensity ruled by despots. I find it difficult to take him seriously because of this kind of thing, and I know I'm not the only one.

Correct me if I'm wrong but in the pre-WC days, elections started to happen because the staff then decided it would be a good thing to have them, not because there was a vote by the general membership. In a similar manner, a poll could not actually stop the elections from happening.

Hmm. Maybe McJ or Callaway (or Dunc) knows...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on February 14, 2008, 05:32:12 PM
Ok- what I'm struggling to understand about the situation is how we can be going back to pre-WC days with elections and members having the right to set up polls, but, at the same time, have it set in stone that there were going to be elections.  If people had voted they didn't want them surely we would have had no choice but to scrap them? (It seemed that you were saying that we wouldn't- am I wrong?  :-\ )

Again, I wasn't decreeing anything, I was repeating what we had already decided--to have an election, pre-WC style, and reacting to yet another mind game by Calandale, one where he went from an outspoken advocate of the World Council type direct democracy to an Intensity ruled by despots. I find it difficult to take him seriously because of this kind of thing, and I know I'm not the only one.

Correct me if I'm wrong but in the pre-WC days, elections started to happen because the staff then decided it would be a good thing to have them, not because there was a vote by the general membership. In a similar manner, a poll could not actually stop the elections from happening.

Hmm. Maybe McJ or Callaway (or Dunc) knows...

A poll stopped the WC though which was set up in the same way.  We've always allowed members to vote on any issue- are you suggesting that the question of whether or not we have elections should be off limits in your opinion.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 14, 2008, 05:37:50 PM

Again, I wasn't decreeing anything, I was repeating what we had already decided--to have an election, pre-WC style, and reacting to yet another mind game by Calandale, one where he went from an outspoken advocate of the World Council type direct democracy to an Intensity ruled by despots. I find it difficult to take him seriously because of this kind of thing, and I know I'm not the only one.

When have I EVER advocated the despotism?
I was merely putting forth the point that we HAD
voted that in, against my wishes. And, that maybe
people actually meant to absolutely ignore the option
which would have returned things to the pre-WC days,
instead have just been misrepresenting what they wanted.

I can see that you DON'T trust the vote there, so why in
elections for admins? Is it because you know that a popularity
contest is safe, but voting on issues is not?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on February 14, 2008, 06:22:25 PM

Calandale started both polls and the vote was very different in the neutral one he started from the vote in the slanted one he started, so it can't be the fact that he started the first one, it has to be the slanted and confusing way that he worded it.

  Yet no-one claimed that Dunc's humorously worded poll with his tag-line of "Vote despotism. You know it makes sense." was set up to skew the results.  Is that because people rightly assumed that Dunc was trying to be funny? Is there any reason why it wouldn't be assumed that Cal was also trying to be funny?


His continued ... what ever it is ... drums up a different set of sensibilities in those who try to take him seriously. It's like licking a toad. Sure you got high for a while, but you fucking had to lick a toad to do it.
Something palpable from him would go a long way towards shoring up his crumbling credibility.

In lieu, I'm done with it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on February 14, 2008, 06:27:02 PM

....... well, unless you can convince me that I have jumped the gun, again.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 14, 2008, 06:27:12 PM

Calandale started both polls and the vote was very different in the neutral one he started from the vote in the slanted one he started, so it can't be the fact that he started the first one, it has to be the slanted and confusing way that he worded it.

  Yet no-one claimed that Dunc's humorously worded poll with his tag-line of "Vote despotism. You know it makes sense." was set up to skew the results.  Is that because people rightly assumed that Dunc was trying to be funny? Is there any reason why it wouldn't be assumed that Cal was also trying to be funny?


His continued ... what ever it is ... drums up a different set of sensibilities in those who try to take him seriously. It's like licking a toad. Sure you got high for a while, but you fucking had to lick a toad to do it.
Something palpable from him would go a long way towards shoring up his crumbling credibility.

In lieu, I'm done with it.

And, to be fair, I WASN'T only trying to be
funny. Nor did I assume that was all dunc meant,
GIVEN that there was an option for how things
were. I actually presume that he changed his
mind, as time went on.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 14, 2008, 06:27:41 PM

....... well, unless you can convince me that I have jumped the gun, again.

You wanna jump my gun?  :eyebrows:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on February 14, 2008, 06:31:41 PM
What's been concerning me is that valid points on this debate and the prank list one were ignored and/or written off as bullshit- naturally that makes me wonder why those issues were being ignored.  I also feel that there was enough opposition to the aniti-prank list that it shouldn't have just been secretly set up anyway without a vote- that feels a little too much like a 'we staff know best' decision
     . I get that cal is hard work sometimes, (ok a lot of the time) but what happens with him reminds me of what happened with both scarp and lit- surely the place can take some opposing view points- wouldn't the place be dull without them?   And I hate the fact that everything he says is written off as bullshit, sometimes there are some valid points in there.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 14, 2008, 06:37:43 PM
Ok- what I'm struggling to understand about the situation is how we can be going back to pre-WC days with elections and members having the right to set up polls, but, at the same time, have it set in stone that there were going to be elections.  If people had voted they didn't want them surely we would have had no choice but to scrap them? (It seemed that you were saying that we wouldn't- am I wrong?  :-\ )

Again, I wasn't decreeing anything, I was repeating what we had already decided--to have an election, pre-WC style, and reacting to yet another mind game by Calandale, one where he went from an outspoken advocate of the World Council type direct democracy to an Intensity ruled by despots. I find it difficult to take him seriously because of this kind of thing, and I know I'm not the only one.

Correct me if I'm wrong but in the pre-WC days, elections started to happen because the staff then decided it would be a good thing to have them, not because there was a vote by the general membership. In a similar manner, a poll could not actually stop the elections from happening.

Hmm. Maybe McJ or Callaway (or Dunc) knows...

A poll stopped the WC though which was set up in the same way.  We've always allowed members to vote on any issue- are you suggesting that the question of whether or not we have elections should be off limits in your opinion.

I'm not saying anything, I'm trying to remember how this place was before the WC, how it worked. I would imagine, however, that in the pre-WC days, the membership could not vote away the elections using a single poll, and certainly not without staff approval

Yes, a poll stopped the WC, but the WC was deliberately set up in this way, and we even discussed that possibility before we got the ball rolling, remember? A poll without the staff's approval could not have started the WC, however, if I remember the pre-WC days correctly.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 14, 2008, 06:40:14 PM
  And I hate the fact that everything he says is written off as bullshit, sometimes there are some valid points in there.

I actually get a kick out of it.  >:D
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on February 14, 2008, 06:42:17 PM
  And I hate the fact that everything he says is written off as bullshit, sometimes there are some valid points in there.

I actually get a kick out of it.  >:D

But that seems to me to be part of the reason why the arguments go on for so long (the irony)- or is that why you get a kick out of it?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 14, 2008, 06:42:50 PM
Ok- what I'm struggling to understand about the situation is how we can be going back to pre-WC days with elections and members having the right to set up polls, but, at the same time, have it set in stone that there were going to be elections.  If people had voted they didn't want them surely we would have had no choice but to scrap them? (It seemed that you were saying that we wouldn't- am I wrong?  :-\ )

Again, I wasn't decreeing anything, I was repeating what we had already decided--to have an election, pre-WC style, and reacting to yet another mind game by Calandale, one where he went from an outspoken advocate of the World Council type direct democracy to an Intensity ruled by despots. I find it difficult to take him seriously because of this kind of thing, and I know I'm not the only one.

Correct me if I'm wrong but in the pre-WC days, elections started to happen because the staff then decided it would be a good thing to have them, not because there was a vote by the general membership. In a similar manner, a poll could not actually stop the elections from happening.

Hmm. Maybe McJ or Callaway (or Dunc) knows...

A poll stopped the WC though which was set up in the same way.  We've always allowed members to vote on any issue- are you suggesting that the question of whether or not we have elections should be off limits in your opinion.

I'm not saying anything, I'm trying to remember how this place was before the WC, how it worked. I would imagine, however, that in the pre-WC days, the membership could not vote away the elections using a single poll, and certainly not without staff approval

Yes, a poll stopped the WC, but the WC was deliberately set up in this way, and we even discussed that possibility before we got the ball rolling, remember? A poll without the staff's approval could not have started the WC, however, if I remember the pre-WC days correctly.

I can see what you're saying, but think that absolutely stating
that there would be no chance of an overturning is silly. If there
had been a stronger showing than there was in the poll which killed
the WC, 'twould seem likely that the issue should be examined.

Maybe that election would continue - but there are actually
valid reasons that the membership might not trust elections.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 14, 2008, 06:43:59 PM
  And I hate the fact that everything he says is written off as bullshit, sometimes there are some valid points in there.

I actually get a kick out of it.  >:D

But that seems to me to be part of the reason why the arguments go on for so long (the irony)- or is that why you get a kick out of it?

I don't know. I think it's more the idea of people being
so biased that they can't see the obvious - if it comes
from the wrong mouth. Kinda a refutation of the whole
"the emperor has no clothes" thing.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 14, 2008, 06:57:17 PM
What's been concerning me is that valid points on this debate and the prank list one were ignored and/or written off as bullshit- naturally that makes me wonder why those issues were being ignored.  I also feel that there was enough opposition to the aniti-prank list that it shouldn't have just been secretly set up anyway without a vote- that feels a little too much like a 'we staff know best' decision

You'd have to remember the situation. There had been lots of pranks right then, some of which went overboard, and some members were upset and others were leaving. (I'm not judging anything here, btw, just pointing out what took place.) Some members were very unhappy or angry or both, and when the do not prank list for admins was discussed and a thread started, it was simply to not unnecessarily make those members targets for further pranks, and because a similar thread had been started in th WC.

It was a discussion, not "we staff know best". A similar (only more heated) discussion was taking place publicly. There was no conspiracy, but there was a rather special situation, one that eventually resulted in two admins resigning.

     . I get that cal is hard work sometimes, (ok a lot of the time) but what happens with him reminds me of what happened with both scarp and lit- surely the place can take some opposing view points- wouldn't the place be dull without them?   And I hate the fact that everything he says is written off as bullshit, sometimes there are some valid points in there.

Why is it that on one hand, members are constantly reminded of the fact that this place is supposed to be "intense" and no kid gloves should be used (and the no pranks list should consequently not exist, etc), but on the other hand, hints about Lit and Scrap being "driven off" abound? What makes them special? Why should some members be good sports and put up with things they have explicitly said no to, when poor Scrap and Lit should never have been bullied off this place (irony, in case somebody misses it)?

I don't know what happened to Scrap, but I do know a bit about what actually happened to Lit. Lit's story differs a lot from what is usually hinted here and is, in some ways, far more tragic.

Oh, and not everything Cal says is written off as bullshit, but he makes it very hard for even a devoted reader to wade through the mind games to a seriously meant point. I don't think I'm the first to observe this. He himself has acknowledged this in the past. Unfortunately, by his own admission, he enjoys the games.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 14, 2008, 07:01:45 PM
I can see what you're saying, but think that absolutely stating
that there would be no chance of an overturning is silly. If there
had been a stronger showing than there was in the poll which killed
the WC, 'twould seem likely that the issue should be examined.

Maybe that election would continue - but there are actually
valid reasons that the membership might not trust elections.

If what you are saying is true, why aren't people actually demanding to stop this elections nonsense, right now?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on February 14, 2008, 07:06:52 PM
It being set up secretly anyway and not announced just makes me feel uncomfortable.  No reason has been given why it wasn't announced and it makes me wonder if it was to prevent opposition.  As for the reasons for the prank list- we've already been through all this for and couldn't agree- is it worth going there again?

As for you second point- I've already discussed this with you also- but the crux of the argument is that I feel the exact same way you do only about different people.  The anti-prank list could be considered kid gloves for certain members too- doubly so since the secret one it was never formally announced so only certain people could get on it.   It just seems that how certain people see things carries a lot more weight that how others do.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 14, 2008, 07:16:25 PM

Why is it that on one hand, members are constantly reminded of the fact that this place is supposed to be "intense" and no kid gloves should be used (and the no pranks list should consequently not exist, etc), but on the other hand, hints about Lit and Scrap being "driven off" abound?

Have I ONCE suggested that anything be done about it?
Unlike the decision to make a no-pranks list, I have
only been pointing out certain people's methods
of hounding people away - primarily in order to
warn those here whom I like, and don't want
to see leave. To prepare them, and to understand
what is happening to me, as well as why.

Lit's story differs a lot from what is usually hinted here and is, in some ways, far more tragic.

He was also TERRIBLY hounded here, at that time. I'm not
sure how much effect it had, but it couldn't have helped.

Though, to be fair, he was only being attacked personally -
not over personal issues, in the context of the site ones.
Which I feel is fair game, actually.

Oh, and not everything Cal says is written off as bullshit, but he makes it very hard for even a devoted reader to wade through the mind games to a seriously meant point. I don't think I'm the first to observe this. He himself has acknowledged this in the past. Unfortunately, by his own admission, he enjoys the games.

You add the 'mind' to the game. Making it seem far worse than
what I've honestly tried to explain. LIFE itself is a game to me.
So, it's not really reasonable to use this the way that you do.
You're simply using a negative term for "that which I find important".
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 14, 2008, 07:17:12 PM
I can see what you're saying, but think that absolutely stating
that there would be no chance of an overturning is silly. If there
had been a stronger showing than there was in the poll which killed
the WC, 'twould seem likely that the issue should be examined.

Maybe that election would continue - but there are actually
valid reasons that the membership might not trust elections.

If what you are saying is true, why aren't people actually demanding to stop this elections nonsense, right now?

Just because there are valid reasons doesn't
mean that people agree with them. I don't.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 14, 2008, 07:18:07 PM

I don't think there was an actual reason for not announcing the list. I suspect the issue simply slipped away somewhere amidst the banter and more recent drama.

And I agree that the list can be seen as kid gloves. Of course it can. There will always be some of that here. We have an actual problems forum, too, which is kid gloves to some. It's just the way things are. Don't know what to do about it all, or if anything should be done.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 14, 2008, 07:18:33 PM
It just seems that how certain people see things carries a lot more weight that how others do.

Well, duh! Life isn't fair. Why should an internet site be?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 14, 2008, 07:27:48 PM

 Lit's story differs a lot from what is usually hinted here and is, in some ways, far more tragic.

He was also TERRIBLY hounded here, at that time. I'm not
sure how much effect it had, but it couldn't have helped.

Though, to be fair, he was only being attacked personally -
not over personal issues, in the context of the site ones.
Which I feel is fair game, actually.

Lit, IMO, was treated pretty much the way he treated others. Some also reacted against his more extreme views.

During his last month or two here, however, things happened with (and to) him outside the board that changed him and his behaviour here.

Oh, and not everything Cal says is written off as bullshit, but he makes it very hard for even a devoted reader to wade through the mind games to a seriously meant point. I don't think I'm the first to observe this. He himself has acknowledged this in the past. Unfortunately, by his own admission, he enjoys the games.

You add the 'mind' to the game. Making it seem far worse than
what I've honestly tried to explain. LIFE itself is a game to me.
So, it's not really reasonable to use this the way that you do.
You're simply using a negative term for "that which I find important".

Actually I add "mind" to the "game" because that better describes what you do. Nothing of what you discuss here takes place in the physical domain, hence the "mind".
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 14, 2008, 07:55:04 PM

Lit, IMO, was treated pretty much the way he treated others. Some also reacted against his more extreme views.

Yeah. But, there was this pack atmosphere among
his detractors. Many just congratulating one another
over kicking him around.

During his last month or two here, however, things happened with (and to) him outside the board that changed him and his behaviour here.

I don't know enough to speculate, but I presumed so.
Indeed, his posts became more tied to what he seemed
most proud of, which were the very things which set others
off. And those very things were then attacked, along with
people telling him o leave - that he wasn't wanted here.
I can imagine that couldn't have helped.

Actually I add "mind" to the "game" because that better describes what you do. Nothing of what you discuss here takes place in the physical domain, hence the "mind".

Ah, so everything any of us does here, is merely
a mind game then.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 14, 2008, 08:07:23 PM

Lit, IMO, was treated pretty much the way he treated others. Some also reacted against his more extreme views.

Yeah. But, there was this pack atmosphere among
his detractors. Many just congratulating one another
over kicking him around.

Didn't see much of that, to be honest. I did see people reacting against his more extreme views during the last month or so.

During his last month or two here, however, things happened with (and to) him outside the board that changed him and his behaviour here.

I don't know enough to speculate, but I presumed so.
Indeed, his posts became more tied to what he seemed
most proud of, which were the very things which set others
off. And those very things were then attacked, along with
people telling him o leave - that he wasn't wanted here.
I can imagine that couldn't have helped.

Probably not, but what actually drove him over the edge happened strictly off the board, as far as I know. It's a shame because while some of his opinions were sheer lunacy, I liked the guy, most of the time. I had lots of conversations with him through PM.

Actually I add "mind" to the "game" because that better describes what you do. Nothing of what you discuss here takes place in the physical domain, hence the "mind".

Ah, so everything any of us does here, is merely
a mind game then.

More or less. Your type of game is different from most when it coincides with any of your obsessions. An argument can be made that most "mind games" by others here are simply discussions rather than the games you engage in. Sometimes they have a set goal. Sometimes there is a principle or a standpoint you wish to explore. And sometimes... well, just for the game.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 14, 2008, 08:12:31 PM

Didn't see much of that, to be honest. I did see people reacting against his more extreme views during the last month or so.

Were you blind to it with Scrap, and myself too?

More or less. Your type of game is different from most when it coincides with any of your obsessions. An argument can be made that most "mind games" by others here are simply discussions rather than the games you engage in. Sometimes they have a set goal. Sometimes there is a principle or a standpoint you wish to explore. And sometimes... well, just for the game.

So, 'simple' discussions are those which are pointless? Anything which matters
is actually a 'game'? This is remarkably like my own definition.

How can one be sure that anything is pointless though?  And, what does it mean
to be 'just for the game' if not pointless?

BTW - I don't see that this really is true in regards to my obsessions.
My largest obsessions never seem to go into such discussions.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 14, 2008, 08:22:19 PM
Ok- what I'm struggling to understand about the situation is how we can be going back to pre-WC days with elections and members having the right to set up polls, but, at the same time, have it set in stone that there were going to be elections.  If people had voted they didn't want them surely we would have had no choice but to scrap them? (It seemed that you were saying that we wouldn't- am I wrong?  :-\ )

Again, I wasn't decreeing anything, I was repeating what we had already decided--to have an election, pre-WC style, and reacting to yet another mind game by Calandale, one where he went from an outspoken advocate of the World Council type direct democracy to an Intensity ruled by despots. I find it difficult to take him seriously because of this kind of thing, and I know I'm not the only one.

Correct me if I'm wrong but in the pre-WC days, elections started to happen because the staff then decided it would be a good thing to have them, not because there was a vote by the general membership. In a similar manner, a poll could not actually stop the elections from happening.

Hmm. Maybe McJ or Callaway (or Dunc) knows...

I believe that the first election for administrators was mostly Dunc's idea at first, but McJagger was the one who ran with it.  We kept Omega and we were going to keep Eamonn, and have two elected admins, but then Eamonn decided not to do it after all, so we had three elected admins instead of the two we were going to elect.  
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 14, 2008, 08:33:56 PM

Didn't see much of that, to be honest. I did see people reacting against his more extreme views during the last month or so.

Were you blind to it with Scrap, and myself too?

More or less. Your type of game is different from most when it coincides with any of your obsessions. An argument can be made that most "mind games" by others here are simply discussions rather than the games you engage in. Sometimes they have a set goal. Sometimes there is a principle or a standpoint you wish to explore. And sometimes... well, just for the game.

So, 'simple' discussions are those which are pointless? Anything which matters
is actually a 'game'? This is remarkably like my own definition.

How can one be sure that anything is pointless though?  And, what does it mean
to be 'just for the game' if not pointless?

BTW - I don't see that this really is true in regards to my obsessions.
My largest obsessions never seem to go into such discussions.

You are only getting back what you dish out, Calandale.  If you personally attack people, it is only reasonable that they will fight back.

I don't remember people telling Litigious to GTFO.  Some people got tired of the multitude of Dec posts, I think.  He had some pretty controversial attitudes and people disagreed with him about some of those.

I don't think that I said that much to him about Linda until after he had already broken it off with her and he said that she was trying to get him back, but her parents wouldn't let her leave the house to see him.  I believe that I said that her parents' protectiveness was understandable, since I would feel the same way her parents did if I had a 15 year old daughter who wanted to get out of the house to meet with a 36 year old man.  I remember that I was very happy for him at first that he had found a girlfriend, but I don't think that I was aware of her age until later.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 14, 2008, 09:33:06 PM

You are only getting back what you dish out, Calandale.  If you personally attack people, it is only reasonable that they will fight back.

And we both play the same record, once more.
(it DOES take two - or more). Our definitions differ.
I've never attacked you on your personal life. And
certainly not in matters unrelated. If I ever did,
and 'twas pointed out, I'd be quite shamed - as
I feel in the case of QM. Even if provoked (as I was
very much so then), my standards should be higher.
I thought yours were.

BUT - my impression is that your own going personal
was triggered not by my attacks, but rather, by the
issue of my campaign promise, which is petty beyond

I don't remember people telling Litigious to GTFO.  Some people got tired of the multitude of Dec posts, I think.  He had some pretty controversial attitudes and people disagreed with him about some of those.

Didn't say you did. I don't think you've told anyone that, tbh.
Not that I've noticed.

I don't think that I said that much to him about Linda until after he had already broken it off with her and he said that she was trying to get him back, but her parents wouldn't let her leave the house to see him.  I believe that I said that her parents' protectiveness was understandable, since I would feel the same way her parents did if I had a 15 year old daughter who wanted to get out of the house to meet with a 36 year old man.  I remember that I was very happy for him at first that he had found a girlfriend, but I don't think that I was aware of her age until later.

And, you do have a serious disagreement with the age
difference. I'm really not certain how much you were attacking
him. Others were certainly far meaner. Meaner than anyone's
been to me or scrap or hadron. At least in my opinion. Again though,
that was all on topic - which is a definite difference.

The point was not to paint you with his leaving, but to show that
many of the same ones who have hounded the trio mentioned did
so with him - indeed telling him to GTFO.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: purposefulinsanity on February 15, 2008, 04:09:36 AM
It just seems that how certain people see things carries a lot more weight that how others do.

Well, duh! Life isn't fair. Why should an internet site be?

Honestly? I can't think of any reason why it would be- other than I just had higher expectations of this place.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 15, 2008, 01:16:24 PM

Didn't see much of that, to be honest. I did see people reacting against his more extreme views during the last month or so.

Were you blind to it with Scrap, and myself too?

Maybe I just interpret things differently, because I haven't seen the "hounding" you speak of. I have seen people grow tired of what Lit, Scrap and you do, in various ways. I think Scrap was treated pretty much the the way he treated others. Not that well, in other words. In no way was he an innocent bystander, which is what you try to make it sound like.

More or less. Your type of game is different from most when it coincides with any of your obsessions. An argument can be made that most "mind games" by others here are simply discussions rather than the games you engage in. Sometimes they have a set goal. Sometimes there is a principle or a standpoint you wish to explore. And sometimes... well, just for the game.

So, 'simple' discussions are those which are pointless? Anything which matters
is actually a 'game'? This is remarkably like my own definition.

No, that's your interpretation.

How can one be sure that anything is pointless though?  And, what does it mean
to be 'just for the game' if not pointless?

BTW - I don't see that this really is true in regards to my obsessions.
My largest obsessions never seem to go into such discussions.

Well, you know best what actually are your largest obsessions. Perhaps I should rephrase, but it is clear that your obsessions get a special treatment here.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 15, 2008, 04:16:13 PM

More or less. Your type of game is different from most when it coincides with any of your obsessions. An argument can be made that most "mind games" by others here are simply discussions rather than the games you engage in. Sometimes they have a set goal. Sometimes there is a principle or a standpoint you wish to explore. And sometimes... well, just for the game.

So, 'simple' discussions are those which are pointless? Anything which matters
is actually a 'game'? This is remarkably like my own definition.

No, that's your interpretation.

So, what IS a simple discussion? And how does it not conform to what
you call my 'games'?

Well, you know best what actually are your largest obsessions. Perhaps I should rephrase, but it is clear that your obsessions get a special treatment here.

The only things which get special treatment, in terms of
energy, are those which are directly related to the site
itself - as it should be, I think.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on February 15, 2008, 05:52:49 PM
I have a question for Callaway.

How much longer do you think this crap is going to go on?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: richard on February 15, 2008, 07:09:18 PM
I have a question for Callaway.

How much longer do you think this crap is going to go on?
:laugh: :thumbup: :plus:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 15, 2008, 10:07:09 PM
I have a question for Callaway.

How much longer do you think this crap is going to go on?

This is an excellent question, Tesla.  I wish I knew the answer.

As long as Calandale is here, he will continue to attack Odeon and me and probably Dunc as well (or whoever the semi-permanent administrator and webmonkeys are) because Calandale thinks that being an administrator or webmonkey is about power, when it isn't.  It's about serving the members, which is quite the opposite of what he thinks, actually.  He has compared both Odeon and me to Hitler, he has repeatedly attacked our character, and he has attacked Dunc as well.  Apparently, he believes that slinging mud at other people makes him better than they are.  I think that it has something to do with his NPD, where he tears other people down to make himself look better.  It seems to be a pattern of behavior for him.  For example, look at his posts where he talks about raping that woman he calls his PE and tearing her face open.  He shifted the blame for his criminal actions from himself onto her.

This puts us in the unfortunate position of either choosing not to respond to his numerous personal attacks, or responding to them.  Responding to his personal attacks feeds his narcissism, but not responding means that his lies stand unchallenged, and there are some people who will believe them.  Actually, since he spams each of his personal attacks in several places, his lies would probably stand unchallenged in most of them anyway, or else we would have to be as obsessed as he seems to be to respond everywhere he posts the same attacks.  This is his fighting style to make unsubstantiated allegations in numerous places, almost never backing up any of them, burying his opponents in a barrage of words, and deliberately misreading their words to the point that they give up trying to communicate with him.

I don't see a solution.  I think that it would be a very bad idea to allow him to run Intensity the way he wants it to be run to shut him up, because his vision of Intensity seems to be quite different from everyone else's.

Do you see a solution?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tristeza on February 15, 2008, 10:19:10 PM
Callaway, could you give me an extremely brief summary of Cal's vision for Intensity vs everyone else's?

I can't keep up with all these threads, but I'd still like to know the real reason for the differences of opinion regarding how this place is to be run.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on February 15, 2008, 10:22:55 PM
I have a question for Callaway.

How much longer do you think this crap is going to go on?

This is an excellent question, Tesla.  I wish I knew the answer.

As long as Calandale is here, he will continue to attack Odeon and me and probably Dunc as well (or whoever the semi-permanent administrator and webmonkeys are) because Calandale thinks that being an administrator or webmonkey is about power, when it isn't.  It's about serving the members, which is quite the opposite of what he thinks, actually.  He has compared both Odeon and me to Hitler, he has repeatedly attacked our character, and he has attacked Dunc as well.  Apparently, he believes that slinging mud at other people makes him better than they are.  I think that it has something to do with his NPD, where he tears other people down to make himself look better.  It seems to be a pattern of behavior for him.  For example, look at his posts where he talks about raping that woman he calls his PE and tearing her face open.  He shifted the blame for his criminal actions from himself onto her.

This puts us in the unfortunate position of either choosing not to respond to his numerous personal attacks, or responding to them.  Responding to his personal attacks feeds his narcissism, but not responding means that his lies stand unchallenged, and there are some people who will believe them.  Actually, since he spams each of his personal attacks in several places, his lies would probably stand unchallenged in most of them anyway, or else we would have to be as obsessed as he seems to be to respond everywhere he posts the same attacks.  This is his fighting style to make unsubstantiated allegations in numerous places, almost never backing up any of them, burying his opponents in a barrage of words, and deliberately misreading their words to the point that they give up trying to communicate with him.

I don't see a solution.  I think that it would be a very bad idea to allow him to run Intensity the way he wants it to be run to shut him up, because his vision of Intensity seems to be quite different from everyone else's.

Do you see a solution?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 15, 2008, 10:34:37 PM
I have a question for Callaway.

How much longer do you think this crap is going to go on?

This is an excellent question, Tesla.  I wish I knew the answer.

As long as Calandale is here, he will continue to attack Odeon and me and probably Dunc as well (or whoever the semi-permanent administrator and webmonkeys are) because Calandale thinks that being an administrator or webmonkey is about power, when it isn't.  It's about serving the members, which is quite the opposite of what he thinks, actually.  He has compared both Odeon and me to Hitler, he has repeatedly attacked our character, and he has attacked Dunc as well.  Apparently, he believes that slinging mud at other people makes him better than they are.  I think that it has something to do with his NPD, where he tears other people down to make himself look better.  It seems to be a pattern of behavior for him.  For example, look at his posts where he talks about raping that woman he calls his PE and tearing her face open.  He shifted the blame for his criminal actions from himself onto her.

This puts us in the unfortunate position of either choosing not to respond to his numerous personal attacks, or responding to them.  Responding to his personal attacks feeds his narcissism, but not responding means that his lies stand unchallenged, and there are some people who will believe them.  Actually, since he spams each of his personal attacks in several places, his lies would probably stand unchallenged in most of them anyway, or else we would have to be as obsessed as he seems to be to respond everywhere he posts the same attacks.  This is his fighting style to make unsubstantiated allegations in numerous places, almost never backing up any of them, burying his opponents in a barrage of words, and deliberately misreading their words to the point that they give up trying to communicate with him.

I don't see a solution.  I think that it would be a very bad idea to allow him to run Intensity the way he wants it to be run to shut him up, because his vision of Intensity seems to be quite different from everyone else's.

Do you see a solution?

Wow!  You are absolutely right, Tesla.  That is the very definition of a troll.  I'll do my best to stop feeding it and I encourage others to do the same.


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on February 15, 2008, 10:39:16 PM
I have a question for Callaway.

How much longer do you think this crap is going to go on?

This is an excellent question, Tesla.  I wish I knew the answer.

As long as Calandale is here, he will continue to attack Odeon and me and probably Dunc as well (or whoever the semi-permanent administrator and webmonkeys are) because Calandale thinks that being an administrator or webmonkey is about power, when it isn't.  It's about serving the members, which is quite the opposite of what he thinks, actually.  He has compared both Odeon and me to Hitler, he has repeatedly attacked our character, and he has attacked Dunc as well.  Apparently, he believes that slinging mud at other people makes him better than they are.  I think that it has something to do with his NPD, where he tears other people down to make himself look better.  It seems to be a pattern of behavior for him.  For example, look at his posts where he talks about raping that woman he calls his PE and tearing her face open.  He shifted the blame for his criminal actions from himself onto her.

This puts us in the unfortunate position of either choosing not to respond to his numerous personal attacks, or responding to them.  Responding to his personal attacks feeds his narcissism, but not responding means that his lies stand unchallenged, and there are some people who will believe them.  Actually, since he spams each of his personal attacks in several places, his lies would probably stand unchallenged in most of them anyway, or else we would have to be as obsessed as he seems to be to respond everywhere he posts the same attacks.  This is his fighting style to make unsubstantiated allegations in numerous places, almost never backing up any of them, burying his opponents in a barrage of words, and deliberately misreading their words to the point that they give up trying to communicate with him.

I don't see a solution.  I think that it would be a very bad idea to allow him to run Intensity the way he wants it to be run to shut him up, because his vision of Intensity seems to be quite different from everyone else's.

Do you see a solution?
Seriously consider all he has suggested, without making slights or undermining him. One thread on how Intensity should be ran with that in. Should not be too hard to do.

Its everyone elses mess as much as his. At least take your responsibility, rather than ascribe it all to others.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 15, 2008, 11:01:23 PM

This is an excellent question, Tesla.  I wish I knew the answer.

But, you turn it into a beautiful (though somewhat false) attack.
Then again, since it ONLY could have served to reignite the issues,
which were dying down naturally, one must assume that Tesla was
bored, and rather enjoys these exchanges - even if he's unwilling
to actually participate.

As long as Calandale is here, he will continue to attack Odeon and me and probably Dunc as well (or whoever the semi-permanent administrator and webmonkeys are)

I will always be vigilant against those who are in power, yes.
Any display of apparent abuses will be noted. And, any attacks
(such as this) on my habit will be defended against.

...because Calandale thinks that being an administrator or webmonkey is about power, when it isn't.  It's about serving the members, which is quite the opposite of what he thinks, actually.

No. I know precisely what it is about. But, power is an
unfortunate side-effect, when the members are unable
to do things for themselves. One which can be (and is)

  He has compared both Odeon and me to Hitler,

Posting :hitler: does not constitute a comparison.

he has repeatedly attacked our character,

As expressed in your posts and actions here.

and he has attacked Dunc as well.

When need be. He tends to be less prone to abuses,
EVEN though he is willing to prank. Kinda is leading me
to a hypothesis about those who are so unhappy with
being pranked.

For example, look at his posts where he talks about raping that woman he calls his PE and tearing her face open.  He shifted the blame for his criminal actions from himself onto her.

No. The blame is mine. (but, once again, onto the personal)
I merely filled in details which were pertinent. As to tearing her
face open, honestly, I have no idea what was behind that - it
was not done in anger.

This puts us in the unfortunate position of either choosing not to respond to his numerous personal attacks, or responding to them.  Responding to his personal attacks feeds his narcissism, but not responding means that his lies stand unchallenged, and there are some people who will believe them.  Actually, since he spams each of his personal attacks in several places, his lies would probably stand unchallenged in most of them anyway, or else we would have to be as obsessed as he seems to be to respond everywhere he posts the same attacks.  This is his fighting style to make unsubstantiated allegations in numerous places, almost never backing up any of them, burying his opponents in a barrage of words, and deliberately misreading their words to the point that they give up trying to communicate with him.

I don't believe I've told a lie. Your presenting
me as having done so, as a FACT, is clearly such
a case though.

I don't see a solution.  I think that it would be a very bad idea to allow him to run Intensity the way he wants it to be run to shut him up, because his vision of Intensity seems to be quite different from everyone else's.

Who EVER said I'd want to run the place?

Do you see a solution?

Learn to be fair.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on February 15, 2008, 11:17:16 PM

This is an excellent question, Tesla.  I wish I knew the answer.

But, you turn it into a beautiful (though somewhat false) attack.
Then again, since it ONLY could have served to reignite the issues,
which were dying down naturally, one must assume that Tesla was
bored, and rather enjoys these exchanges - even if he's unwilling
to actually participate.
I am bored, but not when I asked the question.  I honestly do not read the squabbling, thus I didn't know the issues had died down naturally.  If I feel the site is unfair to myself, I will quietly find new places to peruse. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 15, 2008, 11:19:37 PM

This is an excellent question, Tesla.  I wish I knew the answer.

But, you turn it into a beautiful (though somewhat false) attack.
Then again, since it ONLY could have served to reignite the issues,
which were dying down naturally, one must assume that Tesla was
bored, and rather enjoys these exchanges - even if he's unwilling
to actually participate.
I am bored, but not when I asked the question.  I honestly do not read the squabbling, thus I didn't know the issues had died down naturally.  If I feel the site is unfair to myself, I will quietly find new places to peruse. 

Well, you've served your purpose as a tool for reopening
it well. I mean, obviously 'twas only meant to open up
more discussion. Such a question could serve to do nothing
else. But, shit stirring is ok.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 15, 2008, 11:27:32 PM

This is an excellent question, Tesla.  I wish I knew the answer.

But, you turn it into a beautiful (though somewhat false) attack.
Then again, since it ONLY could have served to reignite the issues,
which were dying down naturally, one must assume that Tesla was
bored, and rather enjoys these exchanges - even if he's unwilling
to actually participate.
I am bored, but not when I asked the question.  I honestly do not read the squabbling, thus I didn't know the issues had died down naturally.  If I feel the site is unfair to myself, I will quietly find new places to peruse. 

See how difficult it is not to answer when someone tells lies about you, Tesla?

That's how they suck you in.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on February 15, 2008, 11:28:46 PM

This is an excellent question, Tesla.  I wish I knew the answer.

But, you turn it into a beautiful (though somewhat false) attack.
Then again, since it ONLY could have served to reignite the issues,
which were dying down naturally, one must assume that Tesla was
bored, and rather enjoys these exchanges - even if he's unwilling
to actually participate.
I am bored, but not when I asked the question.  I honestly do not read the squabbling, thus I didn't know the issues had died down naturally.  If I feel the site is unfair to myself, I will quietly find new places to peruse. 

See how difficult it is not to answer when someone tells lies about you, Tesla?

That's how they suck you in.

Especially if you lie about yourself to yourself...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on February 15, 2008, 11:33:09 PM

This is an excellent question, Tesla.  I wish I knew the answer.

But, you turn it into a beautiful (though somewhat false) attack.
Then again, since it ONLY could have served to reignite the issues,
which were dying down naturally, one must assume that Tesla was
bored, and rather enjoys these exchanges - even if he's unwilling
to actually participate.
I am bored, but not when I asked the question.  I honestly do not read the squabbling, thus I didn't know the issues had died down naturally.  If I feel the site is unfair to myself, I will quietly find new places to peruse. 

See how difficult it is not to answer when someone tells lies about you, Tesla?

That's how they suck you in.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 15, 2008, 11:38:47 PM

This is an excellent question, Tesla.  I wish I knew the answer.

But, you turn it into a beautiful (though somewhat false) attack.
Then again, since it ONLY could have served to reignite the issues,
which were dying down naturally, one must assume that Tesla was
bored, and rather enjoys these exchanges - even if he's unwilling
to actually participate.
I am bored, but not when I asked the question.  I honestly do not read the squabbling, thus I didn't know the issues had died down naturally.  If I feel the site is unfair to myself, I will quietly find new places to peruse. 

See how difficult it is not to answer when someone tells lies about you, Tesla?

That's how they suck you in.

Please point out the lie, in my statement then.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 16, 2008, 09:42:13 AM
Seriously consider all he has suggested, without making slights or undermining him. One thread on how Intensity should be ran with that in. Should not be too hard to do.

Its everyone elses mess as much as his. At least take your responsibility, rather than ascribe it all to others.


Good one.

But seriously, Tesla's right. Let's stop feeding it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 16, 2008, 09:54:41 AM
Yes. Making fun of the voices of reason
is a fantastic tactic, when you have nothing
better. Ignoring them is, as well.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 16, 2008, 09:55:11 AM
Until people start to realize that's all you really have.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tristeza on February 16, 2008, 10:51:55 AM
Callaway, could you give me an extremely brief summary of Cal's vision for Intensity vs everyone else's?

I can't keep up with all these threads, but I'd still like to know the real reason for the differences of opinion regarding how this place is to be run.
I posted a question, and it didn't get answered.  Everyone was too busy picking at each other.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 16, 2008, 11:36:26 AM
Callaway, could you give me an extremely brief summary of Cal's vision for Intensity vs everyone else's?

I can't keep up with all these threads, but I'd still like to know the real reason for the differences of opinion regarding how this place is to be run.
I posted a question, and it didn't get answered.  Everyone was too busy picking at each other.

I saw your question, Carlotta.  I am incapable of answering it extremely briefly, as you requested.  Summarizing everything into a single sound bite is something that I'm not skilled at doing.  Answering it at all will probably only serve to feed the troll, who is not you, of course. 

Calandale's ideas are all over the place, both literally and figuratively, so his "vision for Intensity" seems to be somewhat schizophrenic.  Many of his ideas contradict one another and it seems obvious to me that he cannot have thought them through before he suggested them.  It's a shame, because he may have one or two good ideas but I can't tell you what they are because who wants to dig through 30000 tons of manure to find a piece of chocolate?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: richard on February 16, 2008, 12:34:22 PM
who wants to dig through 30000 tons of manure to find a piece of chocolate?
:pizza: :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 16, 2008, 12:35:46 PM
Callaway, could you give me an extremely brief summary of Cal's vision for Intensity vs everyone else's?

I can't keep up with all these threads, but I'd still like to know the real reason for the differences of opinion regarding how this place is to be run.
I posted a question, and it didn't get answered.  Everyone was too busy picking at each other.

I saw your question, Carlotta.  I am incapable of answering it extremely briefly, as you requested.  Summarizing everything into a single sound bite is something that I'm not skilled at doing.  Answering it at all will probably only serve to feed the troll, who is not you, of course. 

Calandale's ideas are all over the place, both literally and figuratively, so his "vision for Intensity" seems to be somewhat schizophrenic.  Many of his ideas contradict one another and it seems obvious to me that he cannot have thought them through before he suggested them.  It's a shame, because he may have one or two good ideas but I can't tell you what they are because who wants to dig through 30000 tons of manure to find a piece of chocolate?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on February 16, 2008, 12:46:25 PM
Callaway, could you give me an extremely brief summary of Cal's vision for Intensity vs everyone else's?

I can't keep up with all these threads, but I'd still like to know the real reason for the differences of opinion regarding how this place is to be run.
I posted a question, and it didn't get answered.  Everyone was too busy picking at each other.

I saw your question, Carlotta.  I am incapable of answering it extremely briefly, as you requested.  Summarizing everything into a single sound bite is something that I'm not skilled at doing.  Answering it at all will probably only serve to feed the troll, who is not you, of course. 
Or maybe you could not even answer the question in say a side of A4, because you have no answer. Instead you continue to snipe and score cheap shots.
Calandale's ideas are all over the place, both literally and figuratively, so his "vision for Intensity" seems to be somewhat schizophrenic.  Many of his ideas contradict one another and it seems obvious to me that he cannot have thought them through before he suggested them.  It's a shame, because he may have one or two good ideas but I can't tell you what they are because who wants to dig through 30000 tons of manure to find a piece of chocolate?
I thought many of his good ideas could be touched on by looking at his thread titles, when you begin to read they can be rather interesting.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tristeza on February 16, 2008, 01:42:02 PM
This is starting to get depressing to me.  Too much picking from both sides.   :-\
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 16, 2008, 03:00:29 PM
Callaway, could you give me an extremely brief summary of Cal's vision for Intensity vs everyone else's?

I can't keep up with all these threads, but I'd still like to know the real reason for the differences of opinion regarding how this place is to be run.
I posted a question, and it didn't get answered.  Everyone was too busy picking at each other.

I saw your question, Carlotta.  I am incapable of answering it extremely briefly, as you requested.  Summarizing everything into a single sound bite is something that I'm not skilled at doing.  Answering it at all will probably only serve to feed the troll, who is not you, of course. 

Calandale's ideas are all over the place, both literally and figuratively, so his "vision for Intensity" seems to be somewhat schizophrenic.  Many of his ideas contradict one another and it seems obvious to me that he cannot have thought them through before he suggested them.  It's a shame, because he may have one or two good ideas but I can't tell you what they are because who wants to dig through 30000 tons of manure to find a piece of chocolate?

I actually agree with this. There is NO vision.
There are ideals, democracy was one. Freedom
is another. I try and come up with thoughts which
MIGHT help, in the hopes that they can be hammered
into something workable.

Clearly though, I see no advantage to some stances of
the current staff. For example the opposition to allowing
members to control their own profiles. Having to constantly
beg for an admin to do this is goofy.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on February 16, 2008, 04:27:14 PM
Amy had some mango yesterday, and now she's broken out in hives all over...  the thing is, we had fresh mango, which she hasn't had before, but she used to eat dried mango all the time.  Do you think you can be allergic to a fresh fruit, but not the dried version?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on February 16, 2008, 05:11:48 PM
I'm allergic to raisins and some kinds of grape juice, but not grapes.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on February 16, 2008, 05:16:29 PM
Amy had some mango yesterday, and now she's broken out in hives all over...  the thing is, we had fresh mango, which she hasn't had before, but she used to eat dried mango all the time.  Do you think you can be allergic to a fresh fruit, but not the dried version?
You can. Heat changes chemical and biological structures, so the reaction can be different.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: richard on February 16, 2008, 06:23:14 PM
Callaway, could you give me an extremely brief summary of Cal's vision for Intensity vs everyone else's?

I can't keep up with all these threads, but I'd still like to know the real reason for the differences of opinion regarding how this place is to be run.
I posted a question, and it didn't get answered.  Everyone was too busy picking at each other.

I saw your question, Carlotta.  I am incapable of answering it extremely briefly, as you requested.  Summarizing everything into a single sound bite is something that I'm not skilled at doing.  Answering it at all will probably only serve to feed the troll, who is not you, of course. 
Or maybe you could not even answer the question in say a side of A4, because you have no answer. Instead you continue to snipe and score cheap shots.
Calandale's ideas are all over the place, both literally and figuratively, so his "vision for Intensity" seems to be somewhat schizophrenic.  Many of his ideas contradict one another and it seems obvious to me that he cannot have thought them through before he suggested them.  It's a shame, because he may have one or two good ideas but I can't tell you what they are because who wants to dig through 30000 tons of manure to find a piece of chocolate?
I thought many of his good ideas could be touched on by looking at his thread titles, when you begin to read they can be rather interesting.
what are you? like calandales fucking shadow?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 16, 2008, 06:24:58 PM
Callaway, could you give me an extremely brief summary of Cal's vision for Intensity vs everyone else's?

I can't keep up with all these threads, but I'd still like to know the real reason for the differences of opinion regarding how this place is to be run.
I posted a question, and it didn't get answered.  Everyone was too busy picking at each other.

I saw your question, Carlotta.  I am incapable of answering it extremely briefly, as you requested.  Summarizing everything into a single sound bite is something that I'm not skilled at doing.  Answering it at all will probably only serve to feed the troll, who is not you, of course. 
Or maybe you could not even answer the question in say a side of A4, because you have no answer. Instead you continue to snipe and score cheap shots.
Calandale's ideas are all over the place, both literally and figuratively, so his "vision for Intensity" seems to be somewhat schizophrenic.  Many of his ideas contradict one another and it seems obvious to me that he cannot have thought them through before he suggested them.  It's a shame, because he may have one or two good ideas but I can't tell you what they are because who wants to dig through 30000 tons of manure to find a piece of chocolate?
I thought many of his good ideas could be touched on by looking at his thread titles, when you begin to read they can be rather interesting.
what are you? like calandales fucking shadow?

No. Just someone who sometimes agrees. And is seeing that
others are crawling out of the woodwork too.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: richard on February 16, 2008, 06:38:45 PM
calandale you have some good points brah, you just like arguing over the stupidest most obvious shit. i think most people are just tired of it :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 16, 2008, 06:49:37 PM
calandale you have some good points brah, you just like arguing over the stupidest most obvious shit.

Not everyone thinks that abuse by staff is stupid or obvious.
There are those, other than you, who don't see it so
i think most people are just tired of it :laugh:

I KNOW they are. Doesn't mean I can stop.
One has to fight on
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: richard on February 16, 2008, 06:54:21 PM
well just dont take it too seriously,  ;)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on February 16, 2008, 06:56:27 PM
Callaway, could you give me an extremely brief summary of Cal's vision for Intensity vs everyone else's?

I can't keep up with all these threads, but I'd still like to know the real reason for the differences of opinion regarding how this place is to be run.
I posted a question, and it didn't get answered.  Everyone was too busy picking at each other.

I saw your question, Carlotta.  I am incapable of answering it extremely briefly, as you requested.  Summarizing everything into a single sound bite is something that I'm not skilled at doing.  Answering it at all will probably only serve to feed the troll, who is not you, of course. 
Or maybe you could not even answer the question in say a side of A4, because you have no answer. Instead you continue to snipe and score cheap shots.
Calandale's ideas are all over the place, both literally and figuratively, so his "vision for Intensity" seems to be somewhat schizophrenic.  Many of his ideas contradict one another and it seems obvious to me that he cannot have thought them through before he suggested them.  It's a shame, because he may have one or two good ideas but I can't tell you what they are because who wants to dig through 30000 tons of manure to find a piece of chocolate?
I thought many of his good ideas could be touched on by looking at his thread titles, when you begin to read they can be rather interesting.
what are you? like calandales fucking shadow?
No, he is my sock puppet. I swear I told you all that before.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 16, 2008, 07:27:33 PM
well just dont take it too seriously,  ;)

One can never take rebellion too seriously.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Soph on February 16, 2008, 07:48:54 PM
ive been accused of being someone's sockpuppet before :laugh:

and this was when i was on 150+ posts per day on wp lol
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 16, 2008, 07:49:40 PM
Was it mine?  :zoinks:

They might have thought I needed to
keep my postcount low.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Soph on February 16, 2008, 07:54:14 PM
i don't think so

something to do with en_una_isla and another site (dunno which)
i got acccused of alsorts of things i didn't even know had happened
spacecase and a load of others were also thought to be this person, whoever it was

they'd have to be awake 24/7 to be all those people lol
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Soph on February 16, 2008, 07:55:15 PM
he apologised though and knows it wasnt me now, so i can't complain given how paranoid i am myself :laugh:

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on February 16, 2008, 08:19:32 PM
en_una_isla is fairly paranoid herself.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Soph on February 16, 2008, 08:21:18 PM
i never knew her well really, until she told me about that
apart from that she started the 1-10 thread in the haven lol
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 16, 2008, 08:27:26 PM
Amy had some mango yesterday, and now she's broken out in hives all over...  the thing is, we had fresh mango, which she hasn't had before, but she used to eat dried mango all the time.  Do you think you can be allergic to a fresh fruit, but not the dried version?

Yes, I think that it is possible.  There are some enzymes in fresh mango that are deactivated when the fruit is dried, for example.

It is also possible that she has developed a new allergy to mango. 

I'm allergic to both penicillin and sulfa drugs now, but I was not allergic to them when I took them several times before the allergies developed.

Has Amy taken some Benadryl or something for her hives?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Soph on February 16, 2008, 08:28:36 PM
oh god i used to get hives all the time
on my hands and fingers
i still do sometimes but not so much
i always thought it was the heat, with me
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 16, 2008, 08:37:36 PM
i never knew her well really, until she told me about that
apart from that she started the 1-10 thread in the haven lol

She is a member here too.  She was Shima here, then she was Apatura Iris, but she has not been on for quite a while.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 16, 2008, 08:43:08 PM
oh god i used to get hives all the time
on my hands and fingers
i still do sometimes but not so much
i always thought it was the heat, with me

If it was just on your hands and fingers, I wonder if it was hand soap or lotion or something else you touched that you could have been allergic to?

I got hives with those two antibiotics I developed an allergy to, and so did my daughter, who is now allergic to both of them too, but we got them all over our bodies.

She had to take penicillin every day from when she was three weeks old until she was over two months old, then she took a sulfa antibiotic every day after that until quite recently when she became allergic to it.  She does not have to take an antibiotic every day anymore, though.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Soph on February 16, 2008, 08:43:42 PM
oh ok i didn't know she was on here
i think it was her who i was thought to be, along with several others on wp
apparently there was something going on on another site
i don't know what it was really

when i was accused of it, it was just before i left the old zomg forum for a while, and was told:

Of course you are, that's how you operate; there always has to be a bad guy to your good guy.

This reminds me of a certain other site of yours that I belonged too; exact same circus.

You always did like to say that you were leaving in order to get pity (you live for the latter).

But, of course, even if you did "leave:" you'd still be here in vast numbers; you're never really gone, probably never will be.

I can picture you delivering the eulogy at your own funeral (disguised as someone else, of course).

obviously i won't post who said it as it's solved now and he apologised so we get on fine, but it was kind of weird. no idea which "other site" it is

^ that pm sounds just like the criticism i get from a lot of people actually  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 16, 2008, 08:46:15 PM
This is starting to get depressing to me.  Too much picking from both sides.   :-\


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Soph on February 16, 2008, 08:46:29 PM
oh god i used to get hives all the time
on my hands and fingers
i still do sometimes but not so much
i always thought it was the heat, with me

If it was just on your hands and fingers, I wonder if it was hand soap or lotion or something else you touched that you could have been allergic to?

I got hives with those two antibiotics I developed an allergy to, and so did my daughter, who is now allergic to both of them too, but we got them all over our bodies.

She had to take penicillin every day from when she was three weeks old until she was over two months old, then she took a sulfa antibiotic every day after that until quite recently when she became allergic to it.  She does not have to take an antibiotic every day anymore, though.

i'm glad she doesnt have to take them anymore, that must be annoying
how old is your daughter? i don't think i got them when i was really really young
i remember first getting them when i was in my last year of primary school (when i was 10)
my mum thought it was an allergy to something i'd had, but i can't remember what now lol

i am allergic to some medicine
i can't remmeber what it is though, began with D
i think i became allergic to it as a child
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 16, 2008, 08:50:35 PM
oh ok i didn't know she was on here
i think it was her who i was thought to be, along with several others on wp
apparently there was something going on on another site
i don't know what it was really

when i was accused of it, it was just before i left the old zomg forum for a while, and was told:

Of course you are, that's how you operate; there always has to be a bad guy to your good guy.

This reminds me of a certain other site of yours that I belonged too; exact same circus.

You always did like to say that you were leaving in order to get pity (you live for the latter).

But, of course, even if you did "leave:" you'd still be here in vast numbers; you're never really gone, probably never will be.

I can picture you delivering the eulogy at your own funeral (disguised as someone else, of course).

obviously i won't post who said it as it's solved now and he apologised so we get on fine, but it was kind of weird. no idea which "other site" it is

^ that pm sounds just like the criticism i get from a lot of people actually  :laugh:

That is so weird.  Whoever said that thought that he was talking to Shima?  She seems like a really nice person to me, so it's hard for me to imagine that someone was so upset with her.

She started a site called Aspergian Elders, I think.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Soph on February 16, 2008, 08:56:51 PM
yeah i think he thought that i was her, or me AND her were someone else's sockpuppet or something
apparently he had emailed her pictures of me i'd posted on wp, saying i looked suspiciously like a friend of hers she had shown a picture of , as if she'd made me up using pictures of her friend :laugh:

pissed me off a lot at the time, but he's a good guy i think, just paranoid like me lol
i still don't understand how people could think that though, given how much i posted there, i physically wouldn't have had the time to post on another account :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on February 16, 2008, 09:48:37 PM
That is so weird.  Whoever said that thought that he was talking to Shima?  She seems like a really nice person to me, so it's hard for me to imagine that someone was so upset with her.

She started a site called Aspergian Elders, I think.

I agree, it is weird. I'm not up to date on any drama relating to WP or Aspergian Elders, though.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ozymandias on February 16, 2008, 09:56:34 PM
That is so weird.  Whoever said that thought that he was talking to Shima?  She seems like a really nice person to me, so it's hard for me to imagine that someone was so upset with her.

She started a site called Aspergian Elders, I think.

I agree, it is weird. I'm not up to date on any drama relating to WP or Aspergian Elders, though.

The only drama I heard about AspergianElders was when Scrapheap got banned from there for making ONE comment in his usual flippant fashion and TigerLily in her usual over reactive fashion banned him.  It's been awhile since I went there and read what happened, but, aspergianelders was NOT the site for me.  And since I haven't heard a thing about it since, I can only presume that it has died a quiet and ignoble death.  As for Shima.............has anyone heard about her since she left here and abandoned the Neurolands?? 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Soph on February 16, 2008, 10:00:47 PM
i haven't heard anything of her since august i think
i don't know her very well though, only talked to her about all that stuff
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 16, 2008, 10:03:15 PM
That is so weird.  Whoever said that thought that he was talking to Shima?  She seems like a really nice person to me, so it's hard for me to imagine that someone was so upset with her.

She started a site called Aspergian Elders, I think.

I agree, it is weird. I'm not up to date on any drama relating to WP or Aspergian Elders, though.

The only drama I heard about AspergianElders was when Scrapheap got banned from there for making ONE comment in his usual flippant fashion and TigerLily in her usual over reactive fashion banned him.  It's been awhile since I went there and read what happened, but, aspergianelders was NOT the site for me.  And since I haven't heard a thing about it since, I can only presume that it has died a quiet and ignoble death.  As for Shima.............has anyone heard about her since she left here and abandoned the Neurolands?? 

Was that a racist comment that Scrapheap made, by any chance?

Someone else was asking about Shima, but I have not heard from her or seen her on the boards in a long time.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 16, 2008, 10:07:35 PM
oh god i used to get hives all the time
on my hands and fingers
i still do sometimes but not so much
i always thought it was the heat, with me

If it was just on your hands and fingers, I wonder if it was hand soap or lotion or something else you touched that you could have been allergic to?

I got hives with those two antibiotics I developed an allergy to, and so did my daughter, who is now allergic to both of them too, but we got them all over our bodies.

She had to take penicillin every day from when she was three weeks old until she was over two months old, then she took a sulfa antibiotic every day after that until quite recently when she became allergic to it.  She does not have to take an antibiotic every day anymore, though.

i'm glad she doesnt have to take them anymore, that must be annoying
how old is your daughter? i don't think i got them when i was really really young
i remember first getting them when i was in my last year of primary school (when i was 10)
my mum thought it was an allergy to something i'd had, but i can't remember what now lol

i am allergic to some medicine
i can't remmeber what it is though, began with D
i think i became allergic to it as a child

She's 11.  The penicillin was the worst, because it often made her vomit, so I had to try to be sure I always gave it at a time when I had not just given her the heart medicines.  The doctor said that if it made her vomit within a few minutes then to redose her, but if she vomited after that not to worry, but it usually made her vomit right away, so I almost always had to redose her.  I did not want to take a chance with her vomiting the heart medicines because I felt that they needed to be more exact with their dosages, though.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ozymandias on February 17, 2008, 07:33:24 AM
That is so weird.  Whoever said that thought that he was talking to Shima?  She seems like a really nice person to me, so it's hard for me to imagine that someone was so upset with her.

She started a site called Aspergian Elders, I think.

I agree, it is weird. I'm not up to date on any drama relating to WP or Aspergian Elders, though.

The only drama I heard about AspergianElders was when Scrapheap got banned from there for making ONE comment in his usual flippant fashion and TigerLily in her usual over reactive fashion banned him.  It's been awhile since I went there and read what happened, but, aspergianelders was NOT the site for me.  And since I haven't heard a thing about it since, I can only presume that it has died a quiet and ignoble death.  As for Shima.............has anyone heard about her since she left here and abandoned the Neurolands?? 

Was that a racist comment that Scrapheap made, by any chance?

Someone else was asking about Shima, but I have not heard from her or seen her on the boards in a long time.

I wouldn't call it a "racist" comment any more than some of the other comments made in that thread.  It was more like scrap being scrap.  It was Shima herself who told me that TigerLily tended to be very touchy/sensitive.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on February 17, 2008, 09:50:39 AM
well just dont take it too seriously,  ;)

One can never take rebellion too seriously.

a revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having. and there should be pie, preferably.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 17, 2008, 03:54:26 PM
well just dont take it too seriously,  ;)

One can never take rebellion too seriously.

a revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having. and there should be pie, preferably.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ozymandias on February 17, 2008, 04:29:03 PM
well just dont take it too seriously,  ;)

One can never take rebellion too seriously.

a revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having. and there should be pie, preferably.

Chocolate Cream pie for me, please! :green:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 17, 2008, 05:20:33 PM
Can I just have some chocolate, for now?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 17, 2008, 05:32:43 PM
well just dont take it too seriously,  ;)

One can never take rebellion too seriously.

a revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having. and there should be pie, preferably.

Chocolate Cream pie for me, please! :green:


Can I just have some chocolate, for now?


I like dark chocolate:


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Rabbit From Hell on February 17, 2008, 05:34:04 PM

I like dark chocolate:



That stuff is more like "Black Hole" chocolate. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 17, 2008, 05:34:58 PM
Dark chocolate is the best.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 17, 2008, 05:38:11 PM

I like dark chocolate:



That stuff is more like "Black Hole" chocolate. 

Believe it or not, here is actually Lindt 85% Cocoa Dark Chocolate:


I like it too, but it's a little bitter.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 17, 2008, 05:43:09 PM
I love the bitter.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: zaftig on February 17, 2008, 05:46:24 PM
Dark chocolate is the best.


That and white chocolate.

Milk is kinda meh.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 17, 2008, 05:50:25 PM
White chocolate is just weird.
I like, but kinda like I like eating butter.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: zaftig on February 17, 2008, 05:56:03 PM
I like, but kinda like I like eating butter.

My youngest sister does that.

She used to drink ketchup too  :gwah:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 17, 2008, 05:58:56 PM
I subsisted off ketchup for a while.
Free food.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 17, 2008, 06:15:15 PM

I like dark chocolate:



That stuff is more like "Black Hole" chocolate. 

Believe it or not, here is actually Lindt 85% Cocoa Dark Chocolate:


I like it too, but it's a little bitter.

Yummy. :drool:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 17, 2008, 06:24:09 PM

I like dark chocolate:



That stuff is more like "Black Hole" chocolate. 

Believe it or not, here is actually Lindt 85% Cocoa Dark Chocolate:


I like it too, but it's a little bitter.

Yummy. :drool:

So, you like dark chocolate too?

OK, I'll share.


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ozymandias on February 17, 2008, 07:00:05 PM
I'm a wuss, I prefer milk chocolate and my favorite chocolate creme pie has to have a REAL pastry crust.   :green:  As for Dark Chocolate, my preference is a Dark Chocolate Mousse with a nice bitterish aftertaste.   Unfortunately, I have only found it in two restaurants and I'm nowhere near them atm.   :'(
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 17, 2008, 07:01:45 PM
I like milk chocolate, too. ;D
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on February 17, 2008, 07:02:08 PM
i want some chocolate buttons
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: zaftig on February 17, 2008, 07:02:38 PM
Chocolate truffles  :heart:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on February 17, 2008, 07:03:06 PM
I like milk chocolate the most. I don't know why, but when I eat dark chocolate it gives me a headache.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on February 17, 2008, 07:05:44 PM

I've had some of this... it was terrible.


My favorite is this:

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on February 17, 2008, 07:06:06 PM

I like dark chocolate:



That stuff is more like "Black Hole" chocolate. 

Believe it or not, here is actually Lindt 85% Cocoa Dark Chocolate:


I like it too, but it's a little bitter.

Yummy. :drool:

So, you like dark chocolate too?

OK, I'll share.


OOH, oooh.

I want some, too!

Have you ever had it, just roasted and brewed, the way some might do with coffee beans?

... or how about just mixed into food, used delicately as a as a fruit flavoring, like in Central and South American cuisine?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on February 17, 2008, 07:07:16 PM
im sure i just posted in this thread
are there two chocolate threads going?
i think i said something about chocolate buttons
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on February 17, 2008, 07:07:39 PM
this isn't even a chocolate thread :orly:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on February 17, 2008, 07:08:08 PM
oh ive found my chocolate buttons post now
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: zaftig on February 17, 2008, 07:09:47 PM
This thread is making me crave Ben & Jerry's.

Bohemian Raspberry <3
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 17, 2008, 07:11:35 PM
i want some chocolate buttons

oh ive found my chocolate buttons post now

Well, I hunted it down, anyhow.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: zaftig on February 17, 2008, 07:13:18 PM

The scrumptiousness of it.

Actually, wouldn't mind having some brownies either  :orly:

*goes off into a chocolate tangent*
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on February 17, 2008, 07:22:40 PM
im sure i just posted in this thread
are there two chocolate threads going?
i think i said something about chocolate buttons

We need more chocolate threads.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on February 17, 2008, 07:24:05 PM
im sure i just posted in this thread
are there two chocolate threads going?
i think i said something about chocolate buttons

We need more chocolate threads.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 17, 2008, 08:04:20 PM

I've had some of this... it was terrible.


My favorite is this:


Wow, I have never seen 99% Lindt before.

I would probably find it too bitter, too.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 17, 2008, 08:06:25 PM

I like dark chocolate:



That stuff is more like "Black Hole" chocolate. 

Believe it or not, here is actually Lindt 85% Cocoa Dark Chocolate:


I like it too, but it's a little bitter.

Yummy. :drool:

So, you like dark chocolate too?

OK, I'll share.


OOH, oooh.

I want some, too!

Have you ever had it, just roasted and brewed, the way some might do with coffee beans?

... or how about just mixed into food, used delicately as a as a fruit flavoring, like in Central and South American cuisine?

OK, I'll share it with you too.   :green:

I have not had it freshly roasted and brewed.  It sounds delicious.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 17, 2008, 08:11:00 PM
I'm a wuss, I prefer milk chocolate and my favorite chocolate creme pie has to have a REAL pastry crust.   :green:  As for Dark Chocolate, my preference is a Dark Chocolate Mousse with a nice bitterish aftertaste.   Unfortunately, I have only found it in two restaurants and I'm nowhere near them atm.   :'(

How about this chocolate cream pie, then?


Here is some dark chocolate mousse:


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 17, 2008, 08:14:20 PM
i want some chocolate buttons

What do they look like?


Chocolate truffles  :heart:



I think that I must be hungry for chocolate.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on February 17, 2008, 08:26:56 PM
i want some chocolate buttons

What do they look like?


they're just round bits of chocolate, like these:


but i like them, they have white chocolate ones as well that my little brother likes

sometimes my mum would buy a packet of them and leave them in the cupboard and give him some now and then, and i stole a couple :laugh: i feel bad about that... but too much chocolate is bad for him so nevermind :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: zaftig on February 17, 2008, 08:28:19 PM
Minstrels are better  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on February 17, 2008, 08:29:03 PM
i used to buy minstrels every day from college and eat them in lessons
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 17, 2008, 08:33:00 PM
i used to buy minstrels every day from college and eat them in lessons


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: zaftig on February 17, 2008, 08:34:37 PM
Easter egg season coming up!

Calandale :LOL:


THESE are Minstrels!  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on February 17, 2008, 08:37:45 PM
Not white under the black?  ???
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: zaftig on February 17, 2008, 09:07:55 PM

Don't think they would be the same with white chocolate underneath :P

I used to get this most days after school:


Corner shop near college doesn't stock them :(
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: richard on February 17, 2008, 09:15:18 PM
thats disturbing and didnt have to be posted ya know
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: richard on February 17, 2008, 09:25:20 PM
I can remember a girl
I dated like that in
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 17, 2008, 09:26:21 PM
I can remember a girl
I dated like that in

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on February 17, 2008, 11:59:49 PM
I like milk chocolate, too. ;D

but prefer white chocolate, depending on the circumstances, i seem to remember.   :angel:

99% chocolate?!  fuckinell...   :o
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ozymandias on February 18, 2008, 06:20:11 AM
I'm a wuss, I prefer milk chocolate and my favorite chocolate creme pie has to have a REAL pastry crust.   :green:  As for Dark Chocolate, my preference is a Dark Chocolate Mousse with a nice bitterish aftertaste.   Unfortunately, I have only found it in two restaurants and I'm nowhere near them atm.   :'(

How about this chocolate cream pie, then?


Here is some dark chocolate mousse:



EXQUISITE!!   :thumbup:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on February 18, 2008, 09:54:18 PM
My favourite too.
And Twix.
 They also make an icecream version of Twix! I shall have to find this.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on February 18, 2008, 09:56:50 PM
i went to cadburys world once
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 18, 2008, 10:00:01 PM
I like Cadbury's Easter eggs with caramel inside.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on February 18, 2008, 10:07:50 PM
i liked the ones that gave me coca-cola nottle sweets inside :laugh:
i want an easter egg
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on February 18, 2008, 10:08:02 PM
bottle, not nottle
can't be arsed editing
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on February 18, 2008, 10:11:18 PM
i bought one of these from cadbury world:


i still have it in the original box lol

they actually had real ones of these, driving around
actual cars shaped like cream eggs
i thought they were awesome

where my university is, i always saw a car with a giant bottle of red bull on it
really cool
i will take a photo when i go back
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on February 18, 2008, 10:13:55 PM
Like this? (sorry the picture is huge)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on February 18, 2008, 10:14:26 PM
haha yeah like that - i saw a couple driving around there
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 18, 2008, 10:15:10 PM
Those are so cool.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on February 18, 2008, 10:17:17 PM
they are
i kind of want one :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on February 18, 2008, 10:18:43 PM
I thought for years that Cadbury Creme Eggs had real egg yolk in them so I wouldn't eat them. :D
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 18, 2008, 10:20:05 PM
I like the little ones too.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 18, 2008, 10:21:06 PM
I thought for years that Cadbury Creme Eggs had real egg yolk in them so I wouldn't eat them. :D

I can see that.  It does look pretty real.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on February 18, 2008, 10:23:50 PM
I thought for years that Cadbury Creme Eggs had real egg yolk in them so I wouldn't eat them. :D
I can see that.  It does look pretty real.
It does. Raw egg, blech!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on February 18, 2008, 10:26:38 PM
there were some creme eggs in the kicthen yesterday
but there were only 2 left :(
so i left them for my brothers, because i'm nice like that :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 19, 2008, 12:27:49 AM
there were some creme eggs in the kicthen yesterday
but there were only 2 left :(
so i left them for my brothers, because i'm nice like that :P

That was nice to save them for the little ones.

Do you ever get those Kinder Eggs there, the ones with a thin shell of chocolate surrounding a plastic egg with a toy inside?

Those are cute.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on February 19, 2008, 12:29:04 AM
:orly: :orly: :orly:

yeah we get them here! :toporly:
i love them lol
my dad used to buy my kinder eggs when i was younger

have you seen my Happy Hippos i've posted before?
they  are made by the Kinder Egg people
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: zaftig on February 19, 2008, 12:33:19 AM

This is the best.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 19, 2008, 12:37:10 AM
:orly: :orly: :orly:

yeah we get them here! :toporly:
i love them lol
my dad used to buy my kinder eggs when i was younger

have you seen my Happy Hippos i've posted before?
they  are made by the Kinder Egg people

I didn't know that.  Are Happy Hippos candies or cakes?


This is the best.

Those look good, but I have never seen them before.

Here are the kind I have seen:

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on February 19, 2008, 12:40:53 AM
Those are like the ones we have here too

Here are some happy hippos I got from spar a few months ago:


they're like biscuit thingies, with stuff inside them that tastes nice
I'm not sure what though

and here is a Kinder Egg I got from there too, with Hue Edwards on tv:

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: zaftig on February 19, 2008, 12:45:17 AM
The best toys inside were the ones that you could put together.

Although some figures were good too.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: zaftig on February 19, 2008, 12:48:59 AM

I had those lions!  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: zaftig on February 19, 2008, 12:53:44 AM
Was fond of Happy Meal toys too.

When Pocahantas came out they did a good one  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on February 19, 2008, 12:56:33 AM
i liked the Hot Wheels cars
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 19, 2008, 12:56:44 AM
Those are like the ones we have here too

Here are some happy hippos I got from spar a few months ago:


they're like biscuit thingies, with stuff inside them that tastes nice
I'm not sure what though

and here is a Kinder Egg I got from there too, with Hue Edwards on tv:


Very nice.  So Happy Hippos are a sort of cross between a biscuit (cookie) and candy?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on February 19, 2008, 12:58:42 AM
Yeah that's it
I like to lick their insides out
Too many can make you feel sick though
If you come to England, you should go to Spar, buy three Happy Hippos, two bottles of purple Lucozade, and a packet of Flamin' Hot Monster Munch. That's my dinner when I'm at uni :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 19, 2008, 01:02:49 AM
Sounds good.   :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on February 19, 2008, 03:36:50 PM
Yeah that's it
I like to lick their insides out
Too many can make you feel sick though
If you come to England, you should go to Spar, buy three Happy Hippos, two bottles of purple Lucozade, and a packet of Flamin' Hot Monster Munch. That's my dinner when I'm at uni :zoinks:

There are other things you can lick the inside out of :laugh: :eyebrows:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 19, 2008, 08:24:19 PM
Yeah that's it
I like to lick their insides out
Too many can make you feel sick though
If you come to England, you should go to Spar, buy three Happy Hippos, two bottles of purple Lucozade, and a packet of Flamin' Hot Monster Munch. That's my dinner when I'm at uni :zoinks:

There are other things you can lick the inside out of :laugh: :eyebrows:

I know that there are.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on February 19, 2008, 09:55:36 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on February 20, 2008, 11:35:31 AM


Ginger snap ginger snap :laugh:

It it were not for the intense focus I did with the visualization, I would totally kill everyone hear, I keep feeling the irritablity from just that stupid hour of sleep or so I missed.  I am beserk now, powered up, and immune to the irritablity. >:D >:D >:D  Hyper to,  figures, and horny >:D >:D
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 20, 2008, 11:39:11 AM


Ginger snap ginger snap :laugh:

It it were not for the intense focus I did with the visualization, I would totally kill everyone hear, I keep feeling the irritablity from just that stupid hour of sleep or so I missed.  I am beserk now, powered up, and immune to the irritablity. >:D >:D >:D  Hyper to,  figures, and horny >:D >:D

Maybe you just need a nap?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on February 20, 2008, 11:45:22 AM
I may not be able to, sometimes I get so horny, I can't fall asleep without jacking off.  Then I still have a sexual dream anyway.

How is your day going?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 20, 2008, 11:48:36 AM
How is your day going?

I'm tired.  I think that I need a nap.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Alex179 on February 20, 2008, 11:49:24 AM
How is your day going?

I'm tired.  I think that I need a nap.

You should.   I wish I could take a nap right now.   Still got work for another 3 hours and a class today.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on February 20, 2008, 11:51:13 AM
I want to take a nap too
I might do, but my hair is wet
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on February 20, 2008, 11:53:39 AM
I probably will,  when I get home, in a bit.  Jessica lays around alot, too much, I used to do that myself, but not now.  Things have changed so much, I can't believe what I have been missing.  She needs to take my hand, travel down the same path, never be the same again.  I WILL WAKE THE DEAD :laugh: >:D  If she ever pays attention to me.

I want to take a nap too
I might do, but my hair is wet

Anything else wet? :laugh: :wanker: 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on February 20, 2008, 12:13:51 PM

Have you managed to influence your daughter to KEEP things out of her mouth? How do you help her to recognize that certain things are ALWAYS dangerous, no matter how good they taste?

I just discovered that my daughter is picking up salt crystals from the road plows and keeping the "pretty ones" to suck on during the day.

Got any suggestions?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on February 20, 2008, 12:17:02 PM

Have you managed to influence your daughter to KEEP things out of her mouth? How do you help her to recognize that certain things are ALWAYS dangerous, no matter how good they taste?

I just discovered that my daughter is picking up salt crystals from the road plows and keeping the "pretty ones" to suck on during the day.

Got any suggestions?

Try and find out what need sucking on pretty salt crystals fufills, and try to get her to fulfill that need some other way.  I study child devolpement, I wish to see piaget's stages of devolpement in action, someday.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on February 20, 2008, 12:38:53 PM
/me may fantasi
ze about Callaway when he jacks off.  He tends to get alot of thoughts when idiots don't give him attention.

Woman sleeping, till I creep down on them.  Rahhh!!!!!!!!!!

Jessica, I miss her
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 20, 2008, 02:15:14 PM

Have you managed to influence your daughter to KEEP things out of her mouth? How do you help her to recognize that certain things are ALWAYS dangerous, no matter how good they taste?

I just discovered that my daughter is picking up salt crystals from the road plows and keeping the "pretty ones" to suck on during the day.

Got any suggestions?

My daughter has a hissy fit if she sees a salt shaker on the table and screams, "Sodium Chloride!  That can kill me!"

So I'm not sure that I'm the best one to ask. 

Are the salt crystals your daughter is picking up sodium chloride or magnesium chloride?

Does she care at all that they are dirty?  I mean will she pick up a cookie off the ground and eat it?  If not, it might be a good thing to tell her that they are nasty.

Otherwise, I guess you could tell her about some things that taste good to dogs and cats, like antifreeze, that poison them and how they drink it because it tastes good to them but they don't know how dangerous it is, because they are not smart like she is.

Here is some information for sodium chloride:

Here is some information for magnesium chloride:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on February 20, 2008, 02:36:06 PM

Have you managed to influence your daughter to KEEP things out of her mouth? How do you help her to recognize that certain things are ALWAYS dangerous, no matter how good they taste?

I just discovered that my daughter is picking up salt crystals from the road plows and keeping the "pretty ones" to suck on during the day.

Got any suggestions?

My daughter has a hissy fit if she sees a salt shaker on the table and screams, "Sodium Chloride!  That can kill me!"

So I'm not sure that I'm the best one to ask. 

Are the salt crystals your daughter is picking up sodium chloride or magnesium chloride?

Does she care at all that they are dirty?  I mean will she pick up a cookie off the ground and eat it?  If not, it might be a good thing to tell her that they are nasty.

Otherwise, I guess you could tell her about some things that taste good to dogs and cats, like antifreeze, that poison them and how they drink it because it tastes good to them but they don't know how dangerous it is, because they are not smart like she is.

Here is some information for sodium chloride:

Here is some information for magnesium chloride:

They reportedly use chloride salts of magnesium, sodium and potassium on our roads, here, depending on the temperature.

This is a brand new behavior I have discovered in her and I am almost certain it is simply related to her craving for the flavor of salt. I have never seen her pick up anything else, since she was a crawler, and put it into her mouth.

She is very good about washing and not eating after another person, but for some reason this odd thing has just gone right past all her "rules."

I am hoping that there is something to this that I can figure out. I know she thinks that the crystals are very pretty, like jewels, but she doesn't put her dolls' jewelry into her mouth, which is also very pretty and about the same size.

We'll see how day one has gone when she gets here.


Hoping it's a fluke. Thanks for the links. Helping her to understand some of that info might have an impact.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 20, 2008, 02:46:36 PM

Have you managed to influence your daughter to KEEP things out of her mouth? How do you help her to recognize that certain things are ALWAYS dangerous, no matter how good they taste?

I just discovered that my daughter is picking up salt crystals from the road plows and keeping the "pretty ones" to suck on during the day.

Got any suggestions?

My daughter has a hissy fit if she sees a salt shaker on the table and screams, "Sodium Chloride!  That can kill me!"

So I'm not sure that I'm the best one to ask. 

Are the salt crystals your daughter is picking up sodium chloride or magnesium chloride?

Does she care at all that they are dirty?  I mean will she pick up a cookie off the ground and eat it?  If not, it might be a good thing to tell her that they are nasty.

Otherwise, I guess you could tell her about some things that taste good to dogs and cats, like antifreeze, that poison them and how they drink it because it tastes good to them but they don't know how dangerous it is, because they are not smart like she is.

Here is some information for sodium chloride:

Here is some information for magnesium chloride:

They reportedly use chloride salts of magnesium, sodium and potassium on our roads, here, depending on the temperature.

This is a brand new behavior I have discovered in her and I am almost certain it is simply related to her craving for the flavor of salt. I have never seen her pick up anything else, since she was a crawler, and put it into her mouth.

She is very good about washing and not eating after another person, but for some reason this odd thing has just gone right past all her "rules."

I am hoping that there is something to this that I can figure out. I know she thinks that the crystals are very pretty, like jewels, but she doesn't put her dolls jewelry into her mouth, which is also very pretty and about the same size.

We'll see how day one has gone when she gets here.


Hoping it's a fluke.

Could it be something like pica, I wonder?

If that is what it is, then giving her a daily vitamin and mineral supplement, including iron, might help, like Randy suggested.

Here is something about pica, although for her to actually be diagnosed with pica, this would have to persist over a month even though you try to keep her from doing it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on February 20, 2008, 03:10:42 PM
right, i'm buggered if i can get my head round this.

supposedly, there are only 6 (possibly 7) stories to be told, i.e. something like metanarratives (but not).  i can think of the love story, the quest, the rite of passage, and then i go blank.

do you know what i'm getting at?  and if so, any ideas?

(possibly, there's the Fall, and the Faustian pact, too).

my brain hurts.  :(
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 20, 2008, 08:29:44 PM
right, i'm buggered if i can get my head round this.

supposedly, there are only 6 (possibly 7) stories to be told, i.e. something like metanarratives (but not).  i can think of the love story, the quest, the rite of passage, and then i go blank.

do you know what i'm getting at?  and if so, any ideas?

(possibly, there's the Fall, and the Faustian pact, too).

my brain hurts.  :(

I don't.  Sorry.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on February 20, 2008, 08:42:46 PM
Damn. I was hoping for the answer too. I tried googling it for a few minutes but only turned up one set of seven, and they were self-contradictory crap.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on February 20, 2008, 08:56:57 PM
I guess enlightenment could be one of them them...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on February 21, 2008, 12:42:54 AM
right, i'm buggered if i can get my head round this.

supposedly, there are only 6 (possibly 7) stories to be told, i.e. something like metanarratives (but not).  i can think of the love story, the quest, the rite of passage, and then i go blank.

do you know what i'm getting at?  and if so, any ideas?

(possibly, there's the Fall, and the Faustian pact, too).

my brain hurts.  :(

Is it these:

# Cinderella - Unrecognised virtue at last recognised. It's the same story as the Tortoise and the Hare. Cinderella doesn't have to be a girl, nor does it even have to be a love story. What is essential is that the good is despised, but is recognised in the end, something that we all want to believe.

# Achilles - The Fatal Flaw, that is the groundwork for practically all classical tragedy, although it can be made comedy too, as in the old standard Aldwych farce. Lennox Robinson's The Whiteheaded Boy is the Fatal Flaw In reverse.

# Faust- The Debt that Must be Paid, the fate that catches up with all of us sooner or later. This is found in all its purity as the chase in O'Neill's The Emperor Jones. And in a completely different mood, what else is the Cherry Orchard?

# Tristan - that standard triangular plot of two women and one man, or two men and one woman. The Constant Nymph, or almost any French farce.

# Circe - The Spider and the Fly. Othello. The Barretts of Wimpole Street, if you want to change the sex. And if you don't believe me about Othello (the real plot of which is not the triangle and only incidentally jealousy) try casting it with a good Desdemona but a poor Iago.

# Romeo and Juliet - Boy meets Girl, Boy loses Girl, Boy either finds or does not find Girl: it doesn't matter which.

# Orpheus - The Gift taken Away. This may take two forms: either the tragedy of the loss itself, as in Juno and the Paycock, or it may be about the search that follows the loss, as in Jason and the Golden Fleece.

# The Hero Who Cannot Be Kept Down. The best example of this is that splendid play Harvey, made into a film with James Stewart.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on February 21, 2008, 12:45:56 AM
I like this take, too:

   1. [wo]man vs. nature
   2. [wo]man vs. man
   3. [wo]man vs. the environment
   4. [wo]man vs. machines/technology
   5. [wo]man vs. the supernatural
   6. [wo]man vs. self
   7. [wo]man vs. god/religion

Or this one:

The man vs xxxx plots above would all be summarised as "overcoming the monster".

He gives us, (fogive me for desperately oversimplifying his [his meaning, Christopher Booker in his "Seven Basic
Plots -- why we tell stories"] magnus opus):

1. Overcoming the monster -- defeating some force which threatens...
e.g. most Hollywood movies; Star Wars, James Bond.

2. The Quest -- typically a group setoff in search of something and
(usually) find it. e.g. Watership Down, Pilgrim's Progress.

3. Journey and Return -- the hero journeys away from home to somewhere
different and finally comes back having experienced something and
maybe changed for the better. e.g. Wizard of Oz, Gullivers Travels.

4. Comedy - not neccesarily a funny plot. Some kind of
misunderstanding or ignorance is created that keeps parties apart
which is resolved towards the end bringing them back together. e.g.
Bridget Jones Diary, War and Peace.

5. Tragedy - Someone is tempted in some way, vanity, greed etc and
becomes increasingly desperate or trapped by their actions until at a
climax they usually die. Unless it's a Hollywood movie, when they
escape to a happy ending. e.g. Devils' Advocate, Hamlet.

6. Rebirth - hero is captured or oppressed and seems to be in a state
of living death until it seems all is lost when miraculously they are
freed. e.g. Snow White.

7. Rags to Riches - self explanatory really. e.g. Cinderella &
derivatives (all 27,000 of them)!!!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on February 21, 2008, 03:01:09 PM

Have you managed to influence your daughter to KEEP things out of her mouth? How do you help her to recognize that certain things are ALWAYS dangerous, no matter how good they taste?

I just discovered that my daughter is picking up salt crystals from the road plows and keeping the "pretty ones" to suck on during the day.

Got any suggestions?

My daughter has a hissy fit if she sees a salt shaker on the table and screams, "Sodium Chloride!  That can kill me!"

So I'm not sure that I'm the best one to ask. 

Are the salt crystals your daughter is picking up sodium chloride or magnesium chloride?

Does she care at all that they are dirty?  I mean will she pick up a cookie off the ground and eat it?  If not, it might be a good thing to tell her that they are nasty.

Otherwise, I guess you could tell her about some things that taste good to dogs and cats, like antifreeze, that poison them and how they drink it because it tastes good to them but they don't know how dangerous it is, because they are not smart like she is.

Here is some information for sodium chloride:

Here is some information for magnesium chloride:

I see one of piaget's stages of devolpment, the child cannot reason.  Sodium chloride is practically unavoidable,  I remember from my chemisty class, which lots of people had trouble with, in my class, that sodium cannot exsist on its own, something about it exploding.  They put in oil or something, trauma rotted my education, but not alot.  The example I am remembering is that it may know it has a brother, but it cannot get that its mom has a brother and daughter.

How old is your daughter, Callaway?  Sorry I got crazy on you. I am so sorry I went crazy on everyone.  I am noticing with the weight I am loosing, I am feeling better, not worse.  Mom was so worried, but I had to explain somethings about medicine to her, next thing I know, she is patting me on the head.  She herd the magical word, testosterone, manly harmone.  I am not neive, she wants me to have sex, and that means get read as quickly as possible.  Body fat makes aromtase enzyme that turns testosterone into estrogen.  The whole reason I was offered that shoot in that dirty mag was because I exercise so much, but it was back page :laugh:  I noticed improvement in metabolic parameters, equating to better mood.
Sounds like its gonning to get crazier with higher harmone levels.  Back on track, old is your daughter?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on February 21, 2008, 03:06:56 PM
We once set jelly babies alight and made them explode in chemistry
I am losing weight, but I dunno if I care anymre :D
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 21, 2008, 03:13:32 PM

Have you managed to influence your daughter to KEEP things out of her mouth? How do you help her to recognize that certain things are ALWAYS dangerous, no matter how good they taste?

I just discovered that my daughter is picking up salt crystals from the road plows and keeping the "pretty ones" to suck on during the day.

Got any suggestions?

My daughter has a hissy fit if she sees a salt shaker on the table and screams, "Sodium Chloride!  That can kill me!"

So I'm not sure that I'm the best one to ask. 

Are the salt crystals your daughter is picking up sodium chloride or magnesium chloride?

Does she care at all that they are dirty?  I mean will she pick up a cookie off the ground and eat it?  If not, it might be a good thing to tell her that they are nasty.

Otherwise, I guess you could tell her about some things that taste good to dogs and cats, like antifreeze, that poison them and how they drink it because it tastes good to them but they don't know how dangerous it is, because they are not smart like she is.

Here is some information for sodium chloride:

Here is some information for magnesium chloride:

I see one of piaget's stages of devolpment, the child cannot reason.  Sodium chloride is practically unavoidable,  I remember from my chemisty class, which lots of people had trouble with, in my class, that sodium cannot exsist on its own, something about it exploding.  They put in oil or something, trauma rotted my education, but not alot.  The example I am remembering is that it may know it has a brother, but it cannot get that its mom has a brother and daughter.

How old is your daughter, Callaway?  Sorry I got crazy on you. I am so sorry I went crazy on everyone.  I am noticing with the weight I am loosing, I am feeling better, not worse.  Mom was so worried, but I had to explain somethings about medicine to her, next thing I know, she is patting me on the head.  She herd the magical word, testosterone, manly harmone.  I am not neive, she wants me to have sex, and that means get read as quickly as possible.  Body fat makes aromtase enzyme that turns testosterone into estrogen.  The whole reason I was offered that shoot in that dirty mag was because I exercise so much, but it was back page :laugh:  I noticed improvement in metabolic parameters, equating to better mood.
Sounds like its gonning to get crazier with higher harmone levels.  Back on track, old is your daughter?

It's OK, Randy.  I understand that you have a few issues, which may be different from the ones I have.

My daughter is 11.  You are probably right that she has a theory of mind issue, which is actually common at least in some form in children who are autistic.

They keep pure sodium under kerosene to prevent it from contacting water.  If you throw a tiny piece of sodium into a swimming pool, it reacts explosively.

I have tried explaining to my daughter that sodium chloride is almost unavoidable in our diets and that in small amounts it is safe and even necessary, but so far that doesn't help.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on February 21, 2008, 03:25:00 PM
dawg, i love you.  :pinkbeat:


that's fucking top bananananana.  my students will love you too.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tristeza on February 21, 2008, 03:28:55 PM
I had pica, up until about age 8 or 9.   :-\  I'd eat paint chips, broken bits of concrete, paper, the wood off pencils, crayons, lipstick...I was out of control.  I got teased and called a billy goat.   :laugh:  It's pretty scary looking back on this, because it's obvious those paint chips didn't do me any favors.   :(

I was good about staying away from things that people had actually pointed out to me as unsafe, but anything else was fair game until I was caught.  DD, I think if you explain to her just how dangerous those crystals off the road can be, she'll probably get the point.  I always did, once someone got firm with me about it. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on February 21, 2008, 03:33:19 PM
I used to pick stuff up all the time
I never ate them though
Just kept them as "treasure" :D
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on February 21, 2008, 03:34:08 PM
I used to want to be Peter Pan
My brothers always made me be Captain Hook though
I met Captain Hook at DisneyLand
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on February 21, 2008, 03:36:18 PM
My mum says I put too much salt on my fries
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tristeza on February 21, 2008, 03:38:20 PM
I always wanted to be Heidi, because my grandfather was the only one in my family who I felt comfortable with.  I wanted to move with him to a Swiss mountaintop, and play with the goats and dogs.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on February 21, 2008, 03:40:45 PM
I wanted to be peter pan and Superman at one point lol
I dunno why, maybe I wanted to fly
I had a fear of flying for quite a few years though
Then it went and I flew to New York
In a plane obviously
Got really bad pain in my ears when we were landing at JFK
But not when taking off or landing in manchester
Was very cold in New York
I want to go to San Francisco
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on February 23, 2008, 01:25:21 PM
Understand that my knowledge of chemistry is minimal, incomplete and dangerous to begin with, but I have a product that is supposedly GOOD for my fuel system in my car.

It claims to "dissolve water" in the fuel tank and "keep it in suspension" to be burned, harmlessly,"  along with the rest of the gasoline.

i'm trying to find out what this stuff is and it is apparently an alcohol compound. The claims are that it will dissolve water, which to me starts out as bullshit, since using latin, water is already a liquid at pressures and temperatures where alcohol is liquid.. The further claims are that it keeps water in suspension - which of course means that it is possible to somehow combine with water and lower the specific gravity of the combination of chemicals (water dissolved in alcohol) enough that the specific gravity of this solution with water dissolved in it is less than, or simil;ar to, that of gasoline.

Am I being an overly paranoid consumer or is this product description totally full of shit?


It's called HEET. I don't believe theri claims.

It is a great iea, but I don't think they can do this with something that I can pour into the tank.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on February 23, 2008, 01:37:17 PM
dawg, i love you.  :pinkbeat:


that's fucking top bananananana.  my students will love you too.

I have my doubts, but your'e welcome or something.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 23, 2008, 01:54:11 PM
Understand that my knowledge of chemistry is minimal, incomplete and dangerous to begin with, but I have a product that is supposedly GOOD for my fuel system in my car.

It claims to "dissolve water" in the fuel tank and "keep it in suspension" to be burned, harmlessly,"  along with the rest of the gasoline.

i'm trying to find out what this stuff is and it is apparently an alcohol compound. The claims are that it will dissolve water, which to me starts out as bullshit, since using latin, water is already a liquid at pressures and temperatures where alcohol is liquid.. The further claims are that it keeps water in suspension - which of course means that it is possible to somehow combine with water and lower the specific gravity of the combination of chemicals (water dissolved in alcohol) enough that the specific gravity of this solution with water dissolved in it is less than, or simil;ar to, that of gasoline.

Am I being an overly paranoid consumer or is this product description totally full of shit?


It's called HEET. I don't believe theri claims.

It is a great iea, but I don't think they can do this with something that I can pour into the tank.

No, it's not BS.  It probably has methanol in it, among other chemical compounds.  

People sometimes get some water in their gas tanks, perhaps because of high humidity and keeping their gas tank near empty or perhaps forgetting to put the gas cap back on.  If this happens, the water sits on the bottom of the tank because gasoline and water won't mix, in the same way that oil and water won't mix.  A chemist would say that oil and water are not miscible, rather than soluble, since they are both liquids.

Water is miscible with methanol and an methanol-water mixture is miscible with gasoline (as long as there is not too much water) so adding methanol to your gas tank is a way of getting the water out of the gas tank.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on February 23, 2008, 02:42:58 PM
From what I remember, 11 years old is stage of concrete operations, and last is stage of formal operations.
The child cannot conserve weight or length, but given so close to then next stage, I am willing to bet your child can.  Callaway, what happened before your child got scared of sodium chloride?

I got another question, do you think you could run a mile faster than me, given that I have done an 11 hour aerobics session at almost maxium capacity, and I was 27lbs away from 12%body fat I wanted to be at.  I had no food and was going on caffeine low also.  Your husband could make a little cash doing nude shit for christ sakes, I got in thee with 24%body fat, but maybe because I exercised so hard, and stopped eating junkfood, it helped me get in to shitty back page.    I must have made a mistake in the calculations I fed into the machine when it said 5%.  Then all your husband would have to do is raise his arms and darken the image.  A midly devolped 6 pack comes out, that needs image darkening.    Maybe I was dehydrated so much that it looked good.  Fuckn nieve, people.  People who don't do well with lifestyle habits can mess up, and if you keep up, you can put one over on them.  Quote on quote NT's have paid me to much cash back.  Stupid fucks.  Overweight people can be healthier than skinny people if they are fit like me.  Repeating question, do you think you can run a mile quicker than me?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Kosmonaut on February 23, 2008, 02:45:43 PM
Repeating question, do you think you can run a mile quicker than me?

I think I can swim a mile quicker than you.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 23, 2008, 02:51:56 PM
Repeating question, do you think you can run a mile quicker than me?

No, you can run a mile faster than I can, I'm pretty sure, Randy.

But I do not think that you are overweight, anyway.

Callaway, what happened before your child got scared of sodium chloride?

There was a character on a TV show for kids that she saw that could be destroyed by a single grain of sodium chloride, the Bionic Bunny.

She is the same way about lunar eclipses too, because of another character on another kid's TV show, which she is no longer allowed to see.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on February 23, 2008, 03:02:44 PM
Understand that my knowledge of chemistry is minimal, incomplete and dangerous to begin with, but I have a product that is supposedly GOOD for my fuel system in my car.

It claims to "dissolve water" in the fuel tank and "keep it in suspension" to be burned, harmlessly,"  along with the rest of the gasoline.

i'm trying to find out what this stuff is and it is apparently an alcohol compound. The claims are that it will dissolve water, which to me starts out as bullshit, since using latin, water is already a liquid at pressures and temperatures where alcohol is liquid.. The further claims are that it keeps water in suspension - which of course means that it is possible to somehow combine with water and lower the specific gravity of the combination of chemicals (water dissolved in alcohol) enough that the specific gravity of this solution with water dissolved in it is less than, or simil;ar to, that of gasoline.

Am I being an overly paranoid consumer or is this product description totally full of shit?


It's called HEET. I don't believe theri claims.

It is a great iea, but I don't think they can do this with something that I can pour into the tank.

No, it's not BS.  It probably has methanol in it, among other chemical compounds. 

People sometimes get some water in their gas tanks, perhaps because of high humidity and keeping their gas tank near empty or perhaps forgetting to put the gas cap back on.  If this happens, the water sits on the bottom of the tank because gasoline and water won't mix, in the same way that oil and water won't mix.  A chemist would say that oil and water are not miscible, rather than soluble, since they are both liquids.

Water is miscible with methanol and an methanol-water mixture is miscible with gasoline (as long as there is not too much water) so adding methanol to your gas tank is a way of getting the water out of the gas tank.

So,I suppose the plan should be to put this prudoct into my tank (it is very common to have car failure in Indianas because of high humidity and cold temperatures causing condensation in the fuel tanks) and run the tank out of gas?

I still don't see how it can keep water "in suspension,"  since water is so much heavier than gasoline. 

What about ethanol? I use fuel with ethanol at ten to twelve per cent concentration. most of the time. I can use fifteen per cent, but those tanks are limited and almost always empty, because many owners of newer cars fill up there. Does ethanol have a similar effect on the water that condenses in the fuel tanks?

If so, then I may already be doing all I can and I don't need this product.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 23, 2008, 03:34:19 PM
Understand that my knowledge of chemistry is minimal, incomplete and dangerous to begin with, but I have a product that is supposedly GOOD for my fuel system in my car.

It claims to "dissolve water" in the fuel tank and "keep it in suspension" to be burned, harmlessly,"  along with the rest of the gasoline.

i'm trying to find out what this stuff is and it is apparently an alcohol compound. The claims are that it will dissolve water, which to me starts out as bullshit, since using latin, water is already a liquid at pressures and temperatures where alcohol is liquid.. The further claims are that it keeps water in suspension - which of course means that it is possible to somehow combine with water and lower the specific gravity of the combination of chemicals (water dissolved in alcohol) enough that the specific gravity of this solution with water dissolved in it is less than, or simil;ar to, that of gasoline.

Am I being an overly paranoid consumer or is this product description totally full of shit?


It's called HEET. I don't believe theri claims.

It is a great iea, but I don't think they can do this with something that I can pour into the tank.

No, it's not BS.  It probably has methanol in it, among other chemical compounds. 

People sometimes get some water in their gas tanks, perhaps because of high humidity and keeping their gas tank near empty or perhaps forgetting to put the gas cap back on.  If this happens, the water sits on the bottom of the tank because gasoline and water won't mix, in the same way that oil and water won't mix.  A chemist would say that oil and water are not miscible, rather than soluble, since they are both liquids.

Water is miscible with methanol and an methanol-water mixture is miscible with gasoline (as long as there is not too much water) so adding methanol to your gas tank is a way of getting the water out of the gas tank.

So,I suppose the plan should be to put this prudoct into my tank (it is very common to have car failure in Indianas because of high humidity and cold temperatures causing condensation in the fuel tanks) and run the tank out of gas?

I still don't see how it can keep water "in suspension,"  since water is so much heavier than gasoline. 

What about ethanol? I use fuel with ethanol at ten to twelve per cent concentration. most of the time. I can use fifteen per cent, but those tanks are limited and almost always empty, because many owners of newer cars fill up there. Does ethanol have a similar effect on the water that condenses in the fuel tanks?

It is more a question of how much water will be miscible with the gasoline with which additives.  If there is too much water, then the gas tank would have to be removed and emptied.

Yes, the ethanol definitely helps keep to keep the water and gasoline mixed, if the fuel does not already have too much water in it.  You could also use about a pint of anhydrous isopropyl alcohol (not rubbing alcohol) to "mop up" the excess water, and it works very well.  If it were me, I probably would try the Heet, although there are several commercially available products that make water more miscible with gasoline.

I found this website, which has several of these products and claims to test them head to head, but I'm not saying that QMI is necessarily better than Heet or any of the other products:

I would run the gasoline as low as practical after adding the water remover, but never actually let it run out of gas, since that will hurt the fuel pump.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 23, 2008, 03:36:11 PM
What about ethanol? I use fuel with ethanol at ten to twelve per cent concentration. most of the time. I can use fifteen per cent, but those tanks are limited and almost always empty, because many owners of newer cars fill up there. Does ethanol have a similar effect on the water that condenses in the fuel tanks?

If so, then I may already be doing all I can and I don't need this product.

What makes you think that there is some water in your gas tank?  What are the symptoms?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on February 23, 2008, 05:02:50 PM
Are you going to do anything special for your 100th page?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ozymandias on February 23, 2008, 05:26:57 PM
I'd say a naked picture of herself would be a truly fantastic way to mark the occassion.  :paperbag: :hide:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on February 23, 2008, 05:27:28 PM
How about just any picture of herself?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on February 23, 2008, 05:54:53 PM
What about ethanol? I use fuel with ethanol at ten to twelve per cent concentration. most of the time. I can use fifteen per cent, but those tanks are limited and almost always empty, because many owners of newer cars fill up there. Does ethanol have a similar effect on the water that condenses in the fuel tanks?

If so, then I may already be doing all I can and I don't need this product.

What makes you think that there is some water in your gas tank?  What are the symptoms?

No symptoms, really.

It came up in a conversation a couple of days ago with the guy who does my car maintenance. He recommended this as a preventative measure and gave me a pint of it. He was actually working on a car with a water/fuel problem when I disturbed him.  (I went in to schedule some time for my car next week.)   My natural suspicion of any sales technique made me question the claims made by the manufacturer.

I'm not convinced that I need it. I will probably give it back to him.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on February 23, 2008, 05:56:31 PM
How about just any picture of herself?

... or even a partial.

Enter my vote for lips.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ozymandias on February 23, 2008, 06:10:30 PM
How about just any picture of herself?

Yeah, I'll settle for that.......... :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on February 24, 2008, 02:43:51 PM
I am not sure, but according to my mom, I should be confused and cannot figure out this weight issue.  However, I do know that when one's lifestyle habits are good, ones weight and body fat levels tend to  gravatate towards healthy. I FIGURED IT OUT, IN YOUR FACE MOM!  I was eating lots of nuts, but nuts are nutritious and not as dubious as other foods.  I simply cut down, and I lost weight.  Doctors got concerned when I lost 20 lbs in a month, I just did it again, this time quicker.  I am finding my need for sleep go down now. They didn't like my weight being 135 or so, and now its steady at 137, with  less nuts.  It must be par to reach my goal, I will not allow myself to have sex untill everything is perfect, humanly perfect.  That will straighten out eventually, and I agree it doesn't look like I am "fat", it doesn't look like I lost any weight, except bloating in the abdominal region.  Surprised myself how nice my abs look with such a high body fat, either that or a diease is present confusing it. Enough about that now.

Your daughter is in the phase where she gives up her egocentric ways, and starts to learn what piaget calls cooperation ( to him it means seeing the world through other people's eyes)  I screwed up, according to piaget, she can conserve length, but not number or weight.  Counting is not the same as the concept of number, to piaget.  I had to reread it once more first, to make sure info is correct.  I have to be responsible for what knowledge I hold.  The last stage begins at 12, and continues through the rest of her life.  She beings to think in completely abstract terms.  I need to reread again. Its pretty good :laugh: You said disability, so  that must mean its farther away from this scheme.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: driftingblizzard on February 24, 2008, 03:24:11 PM
How about just any picture of herself?

Strange as it may sound, I've been craving a picture of Queen Callaway too.!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ozymandias on February 24, 2008, 03:56:50 PM
How about just any picture of herself?

Strange as it may sound, I've been craving a picture of Queen Callaway too.!

I think we all are!   :green:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on February 24, 2008, 07:13:37 PM
Four more posts to page 100!

I have an urge to move all of Randy's posts here to his own ask away thread. I have never seen someone so obsessed with their mother and their weight. It really is odd.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ozymandias on February 24, 2008, 07:17:41 PM
Four more posts to page 100!

I have an urge to move all of Randy's posts here to his own ask away thread. I have never seen someone so obsessed with their mother and their weight. It really is odd.

Welcome to ginseng world!   :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ozymandias on February 24, 2008, 07:17:53 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ozymandias on February 24, 2008, 07:18:05 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ozymandias on February 24, 2008, 07:18:17 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ozymandias on February 24, 2008, 07:18:43 PM
5 ................are we there yet??

Yep, 100 pages courtesy of a little post whoring!   :eyebrows:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on February 24, 2008, 07:26:58 PM
 :congrats: :crowd: :melonslice:

:plus: Callaway!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 24, 2008, 07:32:45 PM
5 ................are we there yet??

Yep, 100 pages courtesy of a little post whoring!   :eyebrows:

Yay, 100 pages!


Are you going to do anything special for your 100th page?

I can't post a picture of myself, so probably nothing special.

 :plus:  For everyone who has posted on pages 99 and 100.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on February 24, 2008, 08:08:44 PM
Congratulations on 100 pages.

Since you won't post a picture, I think Callousway should answer all the questions on page 100.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 24, 2008, 08:09:24 PM
Congratulations on 100 pages.

Since you won't post a picture, I think Callousway should answer all the questions on page 100.

How does that sound?


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on February 24, 2008, 10:10:48 PM
Do you think people are afraid to ask you questions now?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 25, 2008, 02:11:52 AM
Do you think people are afraid to ask you questions now?

I don't know why they would be afraid of me unless they believe the rumors that I'M EVIL.




Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on February 25, 2008, 02:49:16 AM
Since you won't post a picture, I think Callousway should answer all the questions on page 100.

ooooooh, too good an opportunity to miss!

callousway, what's the best way to deal with annoying twunts on the board?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on February 25, 2008, 12:42:30 PM
5 ................are we there yet??

Yep, 100 pages courtesy of a little post whoring!   :eyebrows:

Yay, 100 pages!


Are you going to do anything special for your 100th page?

I can't post a picture of myself, so probably nothing special.

 :plus:  For everyone who has posted on pages 99 and 100.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on February 25, 2008, 12:43:01 PM

Anyone else vote for lips?

WTF, lametards?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 25, 2008, 11:38:29 PM
Since you won't post a picture, I think Callousway should answer all the questions on page 100.

ooooooh, too good an opportunity to miss!

callousway, what's the best way to deal with annoying twunts on the board?


I think that annoying twunt is a rare game bird.  I found a recipe for Uccelli Arrosto -- Roast Game Birds.


The birds should be fresh and fat, but above all fresh. In those areas where they're sold ready plucked, you have to be careful to avoid being hoodwinked. If they look greenish or their bellies are darkened, give them a wide berth because, if you spit them, they will, in addition to splitting down the middle while they cook, give off that stench of decaying meat that the French call faisandée. The smell is intolerable to people with good taste.
Before spitting them, prepare them as follows: fold their wings over their backs, so each can hold one or two leaves of sage. Cut the feet off at the ankles and cross the legs, passing one knee over the other and hooking the bones through the tendons to keep them in place, and insert another leaf of sage in the hollow thus formed. Wrap the breasts of the birds with paper-thin salted slices of lard. Now spit them, putting the larger ones in the middle of the spit, and separating them with half inch thick slices of day old bread. My observation: A baguette is ideal for this.

Cook the birds over hot coals, and, if you haven't stuck their beaks into their sternums, begin by keeping them head down so that their necks will stiffen and their heads won't bob. Baste them once, when they begin to brown, using a brush or feather so as to avoid basting the bread, which will be seasoned enough by its contact with the lard. Salt them just once. Set the birds on the fire just before you'll want them, since they will cook quickly, and if they're done too soon they may well dry out. Slide them from the spit directly onto the platter, because they look more impressive when they're all lined up.

Roast game birds will be done in less than a half hour.



Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on February 28, 2008, 02:19:23 AM
I am hungry now.  :devour:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on February 28, 2008, 02:20:55 AM
I'm starving
I kind of like feeling hungry now
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on February 28, 2008, 02:36:31 AM
I'm starving
I kind of like feeling hungry now
I never like feeling hungry. I get the shakes and can't think properly. So I like filling up on food. :)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: richard on February 28, 2008, 03:06:33 PM
callousway sounds evil :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 28, 2008, 03:13:59 PM
callousway sounds evil :evillaugh:

We really need a Black Widow spider emoticon.  Maybe I'll look for one.




Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 29, 2008, 12:25:22 AM
Here's an emoticon, but it's not a good likeness:


Here's my picture:




Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Natalia Evans on February 29, 2008, 02:59:56 AM
Who was the guy who said people were fake aspies if they weren't exactly like him? What forum was it on?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 29, 2008, 07:41:04 AM
Who was the guy who said people were fake aspies if they weren't exactly like him? What forum was it on?

Callaway said that she didn't want to name names, so I won't, even though I am her evil twin, but it was on Aspergian Island where we first noticed, Spokane Girl:



Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on March 05, 2008, 11:37:19 AM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 05, 2008, 11:44:19 AM

It's part of who we are, Randy.

It would be like asking you if you were sick of your brain.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ozymandias on March 05, 2008, 11:48:32 AM

Not as much as we get sick of you.   ::)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on March 05, 2008, 01:17:58 PM

It's part of who we are, Randy.

It would be like asking you if you were sick of your brain.

Doesn't it require that he actually has one?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on March 05, 2008, 01:47:49 PM

It's part of who we are, Randy.

It would be like asking you if you were sick of your brain.

Doesn't it require that he actually has one?


and if he did, would he be aware he has one?  i don't think metacognition and flo live in the same (and i use the word advisedly) reality.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on March 05, 2008, 01:51:32 PM

It's part of who we are, Randy.

It would be like asking you if you were sick of your brain.

Doesn't it require that he actually has one?


and if he did, would he be aware he has one?  i don't think metacognition and flo live in the same (and i use the word advisedly) reality.

I had an interesting thought, just now: what if Randy is just an add-on to the forum software? Like that blabberiser that Tesla found. :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on March 05, 2008, 01:54:55 PM

It's part of who we are, Randy.

It would be like asking you if you were sick of your brain.

Doesn't it require that he actually has one?


and if he did, would he be aware he has one?  i don't think metacognition and flo live in the same (and i use the word advisedly) reality.

I had an interesting thought, just now: what if Randy is just an add-on to the forum software? Like that blabberiser that Tesla found. :P

:LMAO:  :rofl: :LMAO:

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ozymandias on March 05, 2008, 03:04:28 PM

It's part of who we are, Randy.

It would be like asking you if you were sick of your brain.

Doesn't it require that he actually has one?


and if he did, would he be aware he has one?  i don't think metacognition and flo live in the same (and i use the word advisedly) reality.

I had an interesting thought, just now: what if Randy is just an add-on to the forum software? Like that blabberiser that Tesla found. :P

BY JOVE, I think you've stumbled onto something there...............BRILLIANT!   :plus:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on March 05, 2008, 07:17:30 PM
Wow... Odeon, I think you've cracked it!!   :lol: :plus:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ozymandias on March 05, 2008, 08:19:40 PM
Wow... Odeon, I think you've cracked it!!   :lol: :plus:

Either that or he's cracked!   :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on March 06, 2008, 01:09:09 AM
new title for flo, i feel:  Blabberiser of the Aspie Elite.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on March 07, 2008, 09:28:33 PM
Hey, Callaway,

Why is this quote in my title and how do I get rid of it?

"Teh Holy Triple E Leeet Posessor"
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 08, 2008, 01:28:30 AM
Hey, Callaway,

Why is this quote in my title and how do I get rid of it?

"Teh Holy Triple E Leeet Posessor"

It's a special post count user group that Milla made when she was close to getting 13337 posts.

I'll take care of it for you since you are already past 13337 posts.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 08, 2008, 02:47:10 AM
By the way, since the way I took care of this involved making a new post count member group for members with 13338 through 14999 posts, if you encounter any problems with this new group would you please let me know?  I checked it and I think it should be fine, but you never know.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on March 08, 2008, 02:57:12 PM
Hey, Callaway,

Why is this quote in my title and how do I get rid of it?

"Teh Holy Triple E Leeet Posessor"

It's a special post count user group that Milla made when she was close to getting 13337 posts.

I'll take care of it for you since you are already past 13337 posts.

Thank you.

I see no problems, as yet.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on March 10, 2008, 03:23:57 PM
I wonder if I could Callaway under a hypnotic spell by saying she was right constantly :laugh:

I would not do anything sexual to you.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on March 10, 2008, 05:28:49 PM
I wonder if I could Callaway under a hypnotic spell by saying she was right constantly :laugh:

 :pwned:  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on March 10, 2008, 10:07:46 PM
But she IS right constantly.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 10, 2008, 10:18:39 PM
I wonder if I could Callaway under a hypnotic spell by saying she was right constantly :laugh:

Why don't you try it, Randy?

I have been hypnotized before, but not by someone constantly saying that I was right.


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on March 10, 2008, 10:22:16 PM
I've been saying you're always right for a long time.
It seems to be working perfectly. :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 10, 2008, 10:30:37 PM
I've been saying you're always right for a long time.
It seems to be working perfectly. :zoinks:

No, you haven't.  You haven't hypnotized me.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on March 10, 2008, 10:35:46 PM
I've been saying you're always right for a long time.
It seems to be working perfectly. :zoinks:

No, you haven't.  You haven't hypnotized me.


You're right, of course.  >:D
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on March 11, 2008, 03:14:25 PM
Could I put a spell on you by saying your horribly awfully wrong?

I had 4 fuckn lbs of water in me, I didn't gain shit, you are awful wrong, but how bad is  that?

Any more right, and you are as perfect as Alex :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on March 11, 2008, 03:27:11 PM
You will be hypotized, and instead of doing something sexual to you, I make it so you can't spaz offline, I will make you pull out your hidden strenght, you will impress people with no mild handicap,  you  will like to and find easly the ability to  train your self to olympic athlete fitness, and you can do a no junkfood diet.  Then I will do the same to rest of whom you are close to. :o

That visualization I do seems like a hypnotic state of some sorts once I do if for so long.  It seems to set off a string of goal orientated behaviors that are benefical for the person who does it.  The intensity/strenght/passion you go at is related to the intensity of the image you imagined.  It does infact seem to unlock your hidden strenght, making your body perform as if life were depending on it or something.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on March 11, 2008, 03:29:07 PM
wow, callaway - bet you can't wait!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on March 11, 2008, 03:30:49 PM
wow, callaway - bet you can't wait!

I will use next, you will be humilation toy, because I don't think your worth sex toy. :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on March 11, 2008, 03:32:48 PM
wow, callaway - bet you can't wait!

I will use next, you will be humilation toy, because I don't think your worth sex toy. :laugh:

undoubtedly not, whatever it was you said.  ???
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on March 11, 2008, 04:29:25 PM
Well, I don't know, but this was the basic idea:

Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla. Bla bla. Bla bla bla bla bla.

Although I may be reading too much into it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on March 11, 2008, 04:30:22 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 11, 2008, 05:24:34 PM
You will be hypotized, and instead of doing something sexual to you, I make it so you can't spaz offline, I will make you pull out your hidden strenght, you will impress people with no mild handicap,  you  will like to and find easly the ability to  train your self to olympic athlete fitness, and you can do a no junkfood diet.  Then I will do the same to rest of whom you are close to. :o

That visualization I do seems like a hypnotic state of some sorts once I do if for so long.  It seems to set off a string of goal orientated behaviors that are benefical for the person who does it.  The intensity/strenght/passion you go at is related to the intensity of the image you imagined.  It does infact seem to unlock your hidden strenght, making your body perform as if life were depending on it or something.

This sounds interesting.

I like junk food sometimes, though.


wow, callaway - bet you can't wait!

I will use next, you will be humilation toy, because I don't think your worth sex toy. :laugh:

I don't want to be anyone's toy, either a sex toy or a humiliation toy.  Thanks anyway, Randy.

I was pretty steamed later when the person who hypnotized me stuck me with a pin to see how deep a trance I was in.  It was weird.  I was quite aware of being stuck with the pin, but I made no protest at the time it happened.  Being hypnotized and going back to the time I became afraid of snakes did help me with my snake phobia, though.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ozymandias on March 11, 2008, 06:16:36 PM
You will be hypotized, and instead of doing something sexual to you, I make it so you can't spaz offline, I will make you pull out your hidden strenght, you will impress people with no mild handicap,  you  will like to and find easly the ability to  train your self to olympic athlete fitness, and you can do a no junkfood diet.  Then I will do the same to rest of whom you are close to. :o

That visualization I do seems like a hypnotic state of some sorts once I do if for so long.  It seems to set off a string of goal orientated behaviors that are benefical for the person who does it.  The intensity/strenght/passion you go at is related to the intensity of the image you imagined.  It does infact seem to unlock your hidden strenght, making your body perform as if life were depending on it or something.

This sounds interesting.

I like junk food sometimes, though.


wow, callaway - bet you can't wait!

I will use next, you will be humilation toy, because I don't think your worth sex toy. :laugh:

I don't want to be anyone's toy, either a sex toy or a humiliation toy.  Thanks anyway, Randy.

I was pretty steamed later when the person who hypnotized me stuck me with a pin to see how deep a trance I was in.  It was weird.  I was quite aware of being stuck with the pin, but I made no protest at the time it happened.  Being hypnotized and going back to the time I became afraid of snakes did help me with my snake phobia, though.

Junk food is a sign from the Gods that they want us to be happy and well we'll be better eating when they come down and eat us!   :cthulhu:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on March 12, 2008, 10:24:02 AM
i love junk food, always :laugh:

i'm having proper dinner tonight though, with chicken and potatoes and gravy
no vegetables though, i don't like vegetables
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on March 12, 2008, 10:38:32 AM
Bah, rationalizing behavior.  When you feel the energy I do, you will see what I mean.  I want the best mood possible, and that requires everything that may disrupt it to be removed, and that means trying to avoid, as much as possible, junkfood.  I can get in the mood more frequently to jack off or have sex more, so that is another reason to do this.  Once you have had something that makes you feel good, you don't want to let it go, and if its bad, you must find a healthy replacement. I got used to this, and now I enjoy it.

Callaway, I was talking to lucifer, with regards to the sex toy.

There is dextrose in my papaya enzymes, I don't think I will get me much of a rise, but I am will to try a spanken :moon:
I was pissed, could have sweetened it with fruit juice, that has nutrients in it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on March 12, 2008, 10:57:32 AM
once i discovered lucozade, i didn't want to let it go
i can live without it ok now though - im finding my inner strength
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on March 12, 2008, 03:00:20 PM
wow!  i am will to try a spanken too!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on March 12, 2008, 03:32:14 PM
I think you are should take ginseng first because it helps  :wanker: and my mom know it too and I'm not obsessive and you don't know nothing about me. I stay healthy and now a I need a spanken too and that makes me want to :wanker: but I try to help because I love to help and that my mom knows too and :wanker: and I understand about Asperger and know you all have limitations which is ak because I want to help you and don't let not anyone tell you something is different. Now I really want to :wanker: and my mom said hi.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on March 12, 2008, 04:36:10 PM
I think you are should take ginseng first because it helps  :wanker: and my mom know it too and I'm not obsessive and you don't know nothing about me. I stay healthy and now a I need a spanken too and that makes me want to :wanker: but I try to help because I love to help and that my mom knows too and :wanker: and I understand about Asperger and know you all have limitations which is ak because I want to help you and don't let not anyone tell you something is different. Now I really want to :wanker: and my mom said hi.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ozymandias on March 12, 2008, 04:37:54 PM

And people give me shit because I ignore randini/ginsengboy...............................fuck em.   :green:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on March 13, 2008, 03:29:48 PM
Oh god, pathetic attempts, why don't go back in your corners and do your obessive things, where you don't have look people in the eye.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on March 13, 2008, 03:37:45 PM
Oh god, pathetic attempts, why don't go back in your corners and do your obessive things, where you don't have look people in the eye.

/rocks slightly while doing obessive things :wanker:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on March 13, 2008, 03:39:08 PM
Its pretty normal infact, health promoting to a man.  Running out of ideas, I shouldn't even bother responding to your garbage, its not even worth it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ozymandias on March 13, 2008, 05:39:56 PM
Oh god, pathetic attempts, why don't go back in your corners and do your obessive things, where you don't have look people in the eye.

/rocks slightly while doing obessive things :wanker:

Take your meds for fucks sakes.   ;)   :laugh:  You need abilify!   :indeed:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on March 14, 2008, 01:48:16 AM
Oh god, pathetic attempts, why don't go back in your corners and do your obessive things, where you don't have look people in the eye.

/rocks slightly while doing obessive things :wanker:

Take your meds for fucks sakes.   ;)   :laugh:  You need abilify!   :indeed:

Who needs Abilify when there is ginseng? :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on March 14, 2008, 05:27:29 AM
Oh god, pathetic attempts, why don't go back in your corners and do your obessive things, where you don't have look people in the eye.

/rocks slightly while doing obessive things :wanker:

does that mean you are obessive-comulsive?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on March 14, 2008, 05:27:55 AM
Oh god, pathetic attempts, why don't go back in your corners and do your obessive things, where you don't have look people in the eye.

/rocks slightly while doing obessive things :wanker:

Take your meds for fucks sakes.   ;)   :laugh:  You need abilify!   :indeed:

Who needs Abilify when there is lucifer? :laugh:

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on March 14, 2008, 01:07:13 PM
Oh god, pathetic attempts, why don't go back in your corners and do your obessive things, where you don't have look people in the eye.

/rocks slightly while doing obessive things :wanker:

does that mean you are obessive-comulsive?

In addition to the aperger? Yes.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on March 14, 2008, 02:37:12 PM
Oh god, pathetic attempts, why don't go back in your corners and do your obessive things, where you don't have look people in the eye.

/rocks slightly while doing obessive things :wanker:

does that mean you are obessive-comulsive?

In addition to the aperger? Yes.

and how is the speech therapy going?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on March 14, 2008, 02:56:06 PM
Oh god, pathetic attempts, why don't go back in your corners and do your obessive things, where you don't have look people in the eye.

/rocks slightly while doing obessive things :wanker:

Take your meds for fucks sakes.   ;)   :laugh:  You need abilify!   :indeed:

Maybe, but a tea made from Amanita muscaria, gently steeped, may help also.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on March 14, 2008, 02:57:02 PM
Or beer. :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on March 14, 2008, 03:13:57 PM
Guys get a fuckn clue, this thread is not about your obessive nonsense, its callaway's attention thread.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on March 14, 2008, 03:36:41 PM
We're just keeping it up to date while Callaway is away. Have a beer, Flo. It'll do you good.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on March 14, 2008, 03:39:05 PM
Yeah, actually, a small amount of alcohol is good for you, but I don't feel need for it.  If you think I do, then maybe you should consider how you treated me.   If you have noticed, there is certain people I try not to mess with because they didn't do anything to me.  Callaway has earned my continual respect, even when she teased me a bit, I didn't mind.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on March 14, 2008, 03:39:38 PM
i like callaway

she should listen to rammstein though

i don't like beer

it burns my throat :'(

i do like vodka though

that helps me with my ocd

makes me need to pee though when i drink too much

but so does lucozade
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ozymandias on March 14, 2008, 03:56:25 PM
Oh god, pathetic attempts, why don't go back in your corners and do your obessive things, where you don't have look people in the eye.

/rocks slightly while doing obessive things :wanker:

Take your meds for fucks sakes.   ;)   :laugh:  You need abilify!   :indeed:

Maybe, but a tea made from Amanita muscaria, gently steeped, may help also.

I never heard of it.  Tell me more, please!   8)  Seriously!   8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on March 14, 2008, 04:03:22 PM
it's a hallucenogenic, ozy - magic mushrooms.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ozymandias on March 14, 2008, 04:14:29 PM
it's a hallucenogenic, ozy - magic mushrooms.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on March 14, 2008, 05:03:29 PM
it's a hallucenogenic, ozy - magic mushrooms.

Didn't know that either.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on March 14, 2008, 10:16:45 PM
wtf? i just read this whole fucking thread and now callaway isnt even here to answer my questions? good greif

thats ok, i cant think of anything to ask her right now anyways.  :)

Make yourself chill before you become an ass.

Give her a moment of peace.

Her dad died, last night.  She's busy with large real life things.

She will be back as soon as she can.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on March 14, 2008, 10:45:59 PM
Callaway, I'm here if you need someone to talk to.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on March 15, 2008, 04:36:52 AM
wtf? i just read this whole fucking thread and now callaway isnt even here to answer my questions? good greif

thats ok, i cant think of anything to ask her right now anyways.  :)

Make yourself chill before you become an ass.

Give her a moment of peace.

Her dad died, last night.  She's busy with large real life things.

She will be back as soon as she can.

oh my, i didnt know. <fumbles for words> 

callaway, i am truly sorry for your loss. 

Sorry, Matthe(Gaspeite). That does seem rather harsh on my part.

Tact is not one of my strong points or yours either, apparently. If you go back and read, you may see that my intention was to stop you from being silly BEFORE you said something you would regret, thus possibly becoming an ass. I am regretful that it came out as harsh.

Obviously, since you did not know about her troubles, you needed to be made aware and telling you was a friendly thing to do.

In retrospect, I should have merely linked the post where she told us about her dad. Either way you would still feel bad, but I suppose now you can divide some of the sadness by anger for my lack of tact.

Hey, Callaway is an awesome person and if you and I have nothing else to talk about, then we can always just show our respect for her.

Again, I'm sorry if it seemed that I was not showing you a level of respect. I thought I was.

I'm going to post my message to you in the "Callaway" thread, as a public apology. I will edit your quote first.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on March 17, 2008, 03:28:44 PM
What is up with Callaway.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on March 17, 2008, 03:45:45 PM
Callaway's dad passed away a few days ago, Randy.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on March 17, 2008, 03:46:34 PM
Everyone I try to touch dies. :o
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on March 17, 2008, 03:47:09 PM
But you didn't touch him, right?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on March 17, 2008, 04:19:27 PM
Oh god, pathetic attempts, why don't go back in your corners and do your obessive things, where you don't have look people in the eye.

/rocks slightly while doing obessive things :wanker:

Take your meds for fucks sakes.   ;)   :laugh:  You need abilify!   :indeed:

Maybe, but a tea made from Amanita muscaria, gently steeped, may help also.

I never heard of it.  Tell me more, please!   8)  Seriously!   8)

Sorry, I've been elsewhere.

The wiki article ( is actually half decent and well referred.

I was being an ass when I posted that someone should make tea from one.

We sometimes find foot-wide samples of this treasure in our nearby woods. They tend toward the yellowish or orange, rather than reddish, coloring though.

I know that squirrels can eat them with total abandon and live to scream at me. I often find dead birds near drying samples, possibly from eating the slugs that ravage them.

They are certainly not safe for humans to consume.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ozymandias on March 17, 2008, 05:50:58 PM
Oh god, pathetic attempts, why don't go back in your corners and do your obessive things, where you don't have look people in the eye.

/rocks slightly while doing obessive things :wanker:

Take your meds for fucks sakes.   ;)   :laugh:  You need abilify!   :indeed:

Maybe, but a tea made from Amanita muscaria, gently steeped, may help also.

I never heard of it.  Tell me more, please!   8)  Seriously!   8)

Sorry, I've been elsewhere.

The wiki article ( is actually half decent and well referred.

I was being an ass when I posted that someone should make tea from one.

We sometimes find foot-wide samples of this treasure in our nearby woods. They tend toward the yellowish or orange, rather than reddish, coloring though.

I know that squirrels can eat them with total abandon and live to scream at me. I often find dead birds near drying samples, possibly from eating the slugs that ravage them.

They are certainly not safe for humans to consume.

Thanks for the info, thats was cool!  8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on March 17, 2008, 08:37:01 PM
How are you Callaway?

I hope you're doing well.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Al Swearegen on March 18, 2008, 05:40:17 AM
Ditto. :-\
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on March 18, 2008, 07:10:42 AM
tritto.  :hug:

(is "tritto" a word?  is now).
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on March 18, 2008, 07:52:17 AM
quadritto :)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on March 18, 2008, 08:24:50 AM
tritto.  :hug:

(is "tritto" a word?  is now).

I usually use tretto, but for now I'm waiting for one more person to speak so I can get sex in there, somehow.


Callaway, :hug:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on March 18, 2008, 04:35:29 PM
In this thread? I'm shocked. :P

Callaway :hug:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 27, 2008, 01:18:44 PM
In this thread? I'm shocked. :P

Callaway :hug:
Callaway, :hug:

quadritto :)
tritto.  :hug:

(is "tritto" a word?  is now).
Ditto. :-\
How are you Callaway?

I hope you're doing well.

Thank you all for your kindness and concern.


I'm still sad that my father died, but since I believe that now his soul is with my mother's soul and my brother's soul, I take some comfort from that.

Otherwise it would be very difficult for me to face that both my parents and my brother are dead.

wtf? i just read this whole fucking thread and now callaway isnt even here to answer my questions? good greif

thats ok, i cant think of anything to ask her right now anyways.  :)

Make yourself chill before you become an ass.

Give her a moment of peace.

Her dad died, last night.  She's busy with large real life things.

She will be back as soon as she can.

oh my, i didnt know. <fumbles for words> 

callaway, i am truly sorry for your loss. 

Quote from: Matthe
wtf? i just read this whole fucking thread and now callaway isnt even here to answer my questions? good greif

thats ok, i cant think of anything to ask her right now anyways.   :)

Matthe, I'm flattered that you took the time to read this whole thread.  If you need to ask a question that I have not already answered, feel free to ask it.


Callaway, I'm here if you need someone to talk to.

Thank you, Pyraxis. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on March 27, 2008, 02:04:31 PM
In this thread? I'm shocked. :P

Callaway :hug:
Callaway, :hug:

quadritto :)
tritto.  :hug:

(is "tritto" a word?  is now).
Ditto. :-\
How are you Callaway?

I hope you're doing well.

Thank you all for your kindness and concern.


I'm still sad that my father died, but since I believe that now his soul is with my mother's soul and my brother's soul, I take some comfort from that.

Otherwise it would be very difficult for me to face that both my parents and my brother are dead.

wtf? i just read this whole fucking thread and now callaway isnt even here to answer my questions? good greif

thats ok, i cant think of anything to ask her right now anyways.  :)

Make yourself chill before you become an ass.

Give her a moment of peace.

Her dad died, last night.  She's busy with large real life things.

She will be back as soon as she can.

oh my, i didnt know. <fumbles for words> 

callaway, i am truly sorry for your loss. 

Quote from: Matthe
wtf? i just read this whole fucking thread and now callaway isnt even here to answer my questions? good greif

thats ok, i cant think of anything to ask her right now anyways.   :)

Matthe, I'm flattered that you took the time to read this whole thread.  If you need to ask a question that I have not already answered, feel free to ask it.


Callaway, I'm here if you need someone to talk to.

Thank you, Pyraxis. 

Whole shit, I built the pyramids to? :laugh:

Remember the happy times, mom still does, how thursdays was shoping day, with her mom.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 27, 2008, 11:10:57 PM

Whole shit, I built the pyramids to? :laugh:

Remember the happy times, mom still does, how thursdays was shoping day, with her mom.

Thanks, Randy.  That's good advice.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on March 28, 2008, 03:07:39 PM
My grandmother would grab me from home every two weeks, and work me like a dog.  Mowing the lawn for 3 hours straight, with a pushing lawn mower, and then I decided to clean all the grass out from under the bottom for her.  She didn't ask for that part, but she showed it to me.  I did it everytime, more than she would herself.  She she had me learn to use hedge trimmers.  She would prune, and have me bend over about a thousand times to pick up the stuff.  Everytime I tried to sit down and relax, she had another chore for me.  Sometimes she would have me clean her house.   I didn't shut up very long when I was there, I just talk talk talk.  I did medical research for her to.  She tried to give me some of her pills to, she was a major supplement user, just like me.  She gave me a scoop of soy protein in the morning, then  I may have decided to go walking with her.  Friday was fish day, I didn't mind, ate anything including the kitchen sink.  I went to church with her to, even though she wasn't forcing me to.  Goldenseal for mouth sores, gave me hives.  Many herbalist and doctors consider goldenseal toxic, but it was said that some of its components have promise.  She kept my mom in line, but she is not their to protect me now, I had to learn and do it myself.  I took the place of her, now my mom talks about her problems with me.  I saw the red noise she used to get, I tried to warn her, impending cardiovascular risk.  I warned her about a few other things to, am guessing she didn't feel the  strenght to follow through.  Somethings are tough, but those are the thing that build the most self confidence. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 28, 2008, 06:54:37 PM
My grandmother would grab me from home every two weeks, and work me like a dog.  Mowing the lawn for 3 hours straight, with a pushing lawn mower, and then I decided to clean all the grass out from under the bottom for her.  She didn't ask for that part, but she showed it to me.  I did it everytime, more than she would herself.  She she had me learn to use hedge trimmers.  She would prune, and have me bend over about a thousand times to pick up the stuff.  Everytime I tried to sit down and relax, she had another chore for me.  Sometimes she would have me clean her house.   I didn't shut up very long when I was there, I just talk talk talk.  I did medical research for her to.  She tried to give me some of her pills to, she was a major supplement user, just like me.  She gave me a scoop of soy protein in the morning, then  I may have decided to go walking with her.  Friday was fish day, I didn't mind, ate anything including the kitchen sink.  I went to church with her to, even though she wasn't forcing me to.  Goldenseal for mouth sores, gave me hives.  Many herbalist and doctors consider goldenseal toxic, but it was said that some of its components have promise.  She kept my mom in line, but she is not their to protect me now, I had to learn and do it myself.  I took the place of her, now my mom talks about her problems with me.  I saw the red noise she used to get, I tried to warn her, impending cardiovascular risk.  I warned her about a few other things to, am guessing she didn't feel the  strenght to follow through.  Somethings are tough, but those are the thing that build the most self confidence.  

That's a really good point.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on March 28, 2008, 07:20:19 PM
How many Callaways does it take to change a lightbulb?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 28, 2008, 07:24:30 PM
How many Callaways does it take to change a lightbulb?

Just me, but since my husband is taller, sometimes he does it instead because he can reach it without a stepladder.

One time I broke the bulb while I was changing it, so I had to turn off the circuit breaker and use pliers to get the metal base of the bulb out of the socket.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on March 29, 2008, 01:18:12 PM
How the fuck did you  break the light bulb?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 29, 2008, 01:35:16 PM
How the fuck did you  break the light bulb?

It broke in my hand while I was trying to screw it out of the socket.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on March 29, 2008, 01:36:07 PM
I made a keyring once and snapped it in half by screwing it too hard
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 29, 2008, 01:36:55 PM
Maybe we don't know our own strength?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on March 29, 2008, 01:37:51 PM
It seems that way :laugh:

One of my teachers said somrthing like that to me, when I made a jigsaw. Because I hammered it too hard :laugh:

I made a keyring once and snapped it in half by screwing it too hard
That would have been a more interesting story if I was talking about a girl I fucked, sorry
Another time I broke a machine :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on March 29, 2008, 01:38:06 PM
As cheap as the bags at shaws where I bought the olive oil.
Monounsaturated fat seems to be a great appetite supressant.,  give that to your husband.  I strongly reccomend weightloss to, number one reason more :wanker:  
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on March 29, 2008, 01:38:32 PM
More wank?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on March 29, 2008, 01:39:53 PM
How did you know :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on March 29, 2008, 01:40:50 PM
I'm psychic :P

Why would she want her husband to jerk off a lot though?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Persona on March 29, 2008, 01:42:23 PM
I think Randy is chanelling his own thoughts here.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on March 29, 2008, 01:43:13 PM
Sir Wankalot

I need to get a shower
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on March 29, 2008, 01:44:19 PM
So Callaway can get a cum facial :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on March 29, 2008, 01:45:14 PM
Calling Jessica, your boyfriend needs a slap :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Persona on March 29, 2008, 01:45:24 PM
You crack me up.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ozymandias on March 29, 2008, 02:16:35 PM
I made a keyring once and snapped it in half by screwing it too hard

I did that washing a wine glass once by hand.  Done the same with light bulbs.  My guess it was just some weakness that decided to give way at the "right" moment.  I'm strong, but, not stupidly strong!   :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on March 29, 2008, 02:17:46 PM
Aww, I thought I was just super strong :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ozymandias on March 29, 2008, 02:27:25 PM
Aww, I thought I was just super strong :laugh:

Well, you are!   ;)   Thats just me!   8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on March 29, 2008, 03:53:45 PM
How the fuck did you  break the light bulb?

It broke in my hand while I was trying to screw it out of the socket.

Happens to me regularly at the cinema. It's a pain but you get used to it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on March 29, 2008, 03:55:34 PM
It came in my hand while I was trying to screw it.

Happens to me regularly at the cinema. It's a pain but you get used to it.


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on March 29, 2008, 04:00:00 PM
It came in my hand while I was trying to screw it.

Happens to me regularly at the cinema. It's a pain but you get used to it.



Told you there is a reason why I like working there.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on March 29, 2008, 04:18:47 PM
/raises An Eyebrow...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on March 29, 2008, 04:26:47 PM

Replacing all those lightbulbs, obviously. :LMAO:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on March 29, 2008, 04:36:30 PM
i had to do that today (as you will undoubtedly remember).  honestly, i've never seen such a stupid light fitting in my life!   :grrr:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on March 29, 2008, 04:51:35 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on March 30, 2008, 01:13:19 AM
it was obviously designed by someone who'd heard of light fittings, but who'd never actually experienced one.  completely illogical.  in fact, having got it off, i still haven't managed to work out how to get it back on again.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Leto729 on March 31, 2008, 10:24:39 AM
1+1= :lol:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 31, 2008, 10:26:04 AM
1+1= :lol:


Is this a question for me, Kevv?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Leto729 on March 31, 2008, 10:26:50 AM
1+1= :lol:


Is this a question for me, Kevv?
Yeah. :lol:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Persona on March 31, 2008, 10:29:35 AM

That is a mathematically proven fact.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Leto729 on March 31, 2008, 10:30:25 AM

That is a mathematically proven fact.

Can You prove it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Persona on March 31, 2008, 10:31:41 AM
I has pics and all.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 31, 2008, 10:35:07 AM
1+1= :lol:


Is this a question for me, Kevv?
Yeah. :lol:

1 + 1 = 2

(unless you are talking about some unusual math)

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Sophgay on March 31, 2008, 10:36:32 AM
1+1=3 if you don't use contraception :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Leto729 on March 31, 2008, 10:36:52 AM
I has pics and all.
Where are the pictures?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Leto729 on March 31, 2008, 10:37:29 AM
1+1=3 if you don't use contraception :P
I thought it could be three too.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Persona on March 31, 2008, 10:40:26 AM
I has pics and all.
Where are the pictures?

My sister ate them  :'(

I am right though since 5 is a magic number  8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Leto729 on March 31, 2008, 10:44:15 AM
I has pics and all.
Where are the pictures?

My sister ate them  :'(

I am right though since 5 is a magic number  8)
How is it magical?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 31, 2008, 10:46:39 AM
1+1=3 if you don't use contraception :P



3 is a magic number.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Persona on March 31, 2008, 10:47:24 AM
It makes people fly.

And it was the first times tables I ever learnt  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Leto729 on March 31, 2008, 10:49:08 AM
It makes people fly.

And it was the first times tables I ever learnt  :zoinks:
They were easly to learn. :eyebrows:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Persona on March 31, 2008, 10:51:17 AM
Hated 7 and 8.

Could never memorise them.

Liked 9 though.

It had a pattern to it :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 31, 2008, 10:52:21 AM
It makes people fly.

And it was the first times tables I ever learnt  :zoinks:


Ready or Not, Here I Come
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Leto729 on March 31, 2008, 10:54:13 AM
I liked 7, 2, 9.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 31, 2008, 10:58:51 AM
Hated 7 and 8.

Could never memorise them.

Liked 9 though.

It had a pattern to it :P


Just for you then, Gus:

Figure Eight
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Persona on March 31, 2008, 11:01:46 AM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 31, 2008, 11:05:03 AM
Also for you, Gus:

Lucky Seven Sampson

I love these.  I bought both the videotape and DVD of Schoolhouse Rock for my daughter.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 31, 2008, 11:08:57 AM
I liked 7, 2, 9.

For you, Kevv:

Naughty Number 9
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 31, 2008, 11:12:54 AM
Also for you, Kevv:

Elementary, My Dear
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Persona on March 31, 2008, 11:20:42 AM
They are so sweet.

I had something similar on a casette tape when I was younger :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Leto729 on March 31, 2008, 11:26:35 AM
I remember School House Rocks.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 31, 2008, 11:27:01 AM
They are so sweet.

I had something similar on a casette tape when I was younger :P

They helped my daughter learn the multiplication tables.

Here is one of her favorites:

The Good Eleven

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 31, 2008, 11:29:57 AM
I remember School House Rocks.

Me too.


Here is another of my daughter's favorite Multiplication Rock songs:

Hey Little Twelvetoes
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on March 31, 2008, 12:23:34 PM
1+1=3 if you don't use contraception :P




3 is a magic number.

De La Soul!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 31, 2008, 12:28:22 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on March 31, 2008, 12:30:19 PM
i love that track, but didn't realise the vid was only half the track and bits of other stuff.

used to have that album - i was burgled - so now have to acquire it again...   8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on March 31, 2008, 02:49:35 PM
My favorite one was the cartoon/ educational video my mom got my brother and I  on sex.  We were laughing together, there was a cat on there to.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on March 31, 2008, 03:06:40 PM
I was only joking with you Callaway, irony and lightbulbs.  Frequency keeps going up :wanker:  Damn :laugh:  Something so tough should be making the opposite reaction should it?

Ah I must be retarded then :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on March 31, 2008, 03:40:42 PM
Ah I must be retarded then :laugh:

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on March 31, 2008, 03:41:45 PM
Ah I must be retarded then :laugh:


 :indeed: :laugh:

You just help me make fun of some people you know, and it wasn't me :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on April 01, 2008, 03:08:39 AM
Hated 7 and 8.

Could never memorise them.

Liked 9 though.

It had a pattern to it :P
I am exactly the same. The pattern is pretty cool for the 9s. Also like 11 times tables.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: duncvis on April 01, 2008, 10:07:01 AM
Ah I must be retarded then :laugh:


 :indeed: :laugh:

You just help me make fun of some people you know, and it wasn't me :laugh:

yes it was.  :hahaha:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Persona on April 01, 2008, 10:09:56 AM
i am retarded
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on April 01, 2008, 02:39:26 PM
Ah I must be retarded then :laugh:


You just help me make fun of some people you know, and it wasn't me :laugh:

 :indeed: :laugh:

yes it was.  :hahaha:

I don't feel that emotion, I fall back on something, its called trying my best. :hahaha:

You demonstrated your simple mindness.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Leto729 on April 01, 2008, 03:31:23 PM
i am retarded
No You are not in the end.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on April 02, 2008, 04:58:09 PM
so long as your horny :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on April 07, 2008, 03:23:14 AM
Callaway, have you heard of someone named Professor Gary Mesibov?

He is a Director of Division TEACCH (Director of Division? weird title) in USA. I think he works at a University in North Carolina (the information I have is not clear on that).

The Autism Association is having him over here to do a seminar and they are going mental about it. :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 07, 2008, 11:19:37 AM
Callaway, have you heard of someone named Professor Gary Mesibov?

He is a Director of Division TEACCH (Director of Division? weird title) in USA. I think he works at a University in North Carolina (the information I have is not clear on that).

The Autism Association is having him over here to do a seminar and they are going mental about it. :P

I have not heard of him, but I did a search on him because of your question.

I think that he will give an interesting talk.

Here is a picture of him and a little more information about him and TEACCH:


What is TEACCH?

TEACCH is a North Carolina program administered through the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, but because of its training activities and publications the TEACCH approach is widely known nationally and internationally. 

Founded in the early 1970s by the late Eric Schopler, Ph.D., TEACCH developed the concept of the “Culture of Autism” as a way of thinking about the characteristic patterns of thinking and behavior seen in individuals with this diagnosis.  The “Culture of Autism” involves:

Relative strength in and preference for processing visual information (compared to difficulties with auditory processing, particularly of language).
Frequent attention to details but difficulty understanding the meaning of how those details fit together.
Difficulty combining ideas.
Difficulty with organizing ideas, materials, and activities.
Difficulties with attention. (Some individuals are very distractible, others have difficulty shifting attention when it’s time to make transitions.)
Communication problems, which vary by developmental level but always include impairments in the social use of language (called “pragmatics”).
Difficulty with concepts of time, including moving too quickly or too slowly and having problems recognizing the beginning, middle, or end of an activity.
Tendency to become attached to routines, with the result that activities may be difficult to generalize from the original learning situation and disruptions in routines can be upsetting, confusing, or uncomfortable.
Very strong interests and impulses to engage in favored activities, with difficulties disengaging once engaged.
Marked sensory preferences and dislikes.

The long-term goals of the TEACCH approach are both skill development and fulfillment of fundamental human needs such as dignity, engagement in productive and personally meaningful activities, and feelings of security, self-efficacy, and self-confidence.  To accomplish these goals, TEACCH developed the intervention approach called “Structured Teaching.” 

The principles of Structured Teaching include:

Understanding the culture of autism.
Developing an individualized person- and family-centered plan for each client or student, rather than using a standard curriculum.
Structuring the physical environment.
Using visual supports to make the sequence of daily activities predictable and understandable .
Using visual supports to make individual tasks understandable....
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on April 08, 2008, 02:24:22 AM
The culture of autism? :D

No way I will be going to see him anyway, it costs $375. I got sent a pamphlet about it in the mail.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 09, 2008, 04:20:50 AM
The culture of autism? :D

No way I will be going to see him anyway, it costs $375. I got sent a pamphlet about it in the mail.

Why do they make it so expensive to hear people speak?  It makes no sense to me.

I heard Temple Grandin for free.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on April 09, 2008, 05:20:26 AM
Some people charge a lot to hear them speak. I heard a talk by Wendy Lawson for free.
Here is what the pamphlet I got looks like:


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on April 18, 2008, 10:58:07 PM
The culture of autism? :D

No way I will be going to see him anyway, it costs $375. I got sent a pamphlet about it in the mail.

Why do they make it so expensive to hear people speak?  It makes no sense to me.

I heard Temple Grandin for free.

On the Clinton's tax return:
President Clinton's Speech Income: $51,855,599

Almost a cool 52mil for speaking??!!  That's fucked up.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on April 19, 2008, 01:02:46 PM
The culture of autism? :D

No way I will be going to see him anyway, it costs $375. I got sent a pamphlet about it in the mail.

Why do they make it so expensive to hear people speak?  It makes no sense to me.

I heard Temple Grandin for free.
Because it can then be billed to companies as "training", and someone makes a lot of money.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on April 20, 2008, 12:05:57 AM

Because it can then be billed to companies as "training", and someone makes a lot of money.

Exactly. Sometimes, if you know someone,
you can get into these things for free. It's well
worth it, for companies to pay for this kind
of training. Or schools.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on May 01, 2008, 08:30:30 AM
Is it possible to make a pair of pants bigger... I have a sewing machine and pants that don't fit anymore. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Lucifer on May 01, 2008, 11:19:13 AM
Is it possible to make a pair of pants bigger... I have a sewing machine and pants that don't fit anymore. 

[impersonation of callaway] can do if there's a reasonable seam allowance.  sew the seams close to the edge, tapering off down the leg - all seams: the one going round your bum from back to front; the ones going down each leg on the outside; and the one going round your crotch and down each leg on the inside - and then unpick the original seam and wash and iron them, to get out the original creases.  a stich/seam ripper is invaluable for undoing seams, and costs pennies.  of course seams on jeans are an effing nightmare to unpick, cos they're usually double-seamed.   :-\ [/impersonation of callaway]

(soz for being cheeky and answering, callaway, but my seamstress soul cried out to do so.  ;) )
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 01, 2008, 11:24:18 AM
Is it possible to make a pair of pants bigger... I have a sewing machine and pants that don't fit anymore. 

It depends on how big the seam allowances are and how the pants are made.  Some men's pants have a center seam through the waistband and a wider seam allowance at the center back to allow for easier alterations, so on these, you would take the waistband apart in the middle and rip out the center back seam and make the pants bigger there.   On some kinds of pants you could get as little more room by taking off the waistband and making narrower seams at all three seam allowances at the waist, if they are wider than they need to be, and then sewing the waistband back on and moving the button.  You could probably get away with a serged seam that is between an eighth of an inch wide and a quarter of an inch wide, if it is a pretty tight seam.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on May 01, 2008, 11:59:32 AM
Thank you to both Callaways.  :)


I'll take a look at them and see if I can do something.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Parts on May 09, 2008, 02:27:58 PM
I grew up in Alabama

Do you have a southern accent?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on May 09, 2008, 05:18:40 PM
I grew up in Alabama

Do you have a southern accent?


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Parts on May 09, 2008, 05:20:17 PM
Some people go to great lengths to lose it I have known a few
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on May 09, 2008, 05:22:46 PM

me too, but it never works.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 09, 2008, 06:07:39 PM
I grew up in Alabama

Do you have a southern accent?

I usually have a soft Southern accent, but if I go back home or talk to people from home, I have a more pronounced Southern accent, although not quite as pronounced as the Southern accent that I had while I was growing up.  I always had less of a Southern accent than the rest of my family and the other people around me; however, even when I was a child.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on May 09, 2008, 06:18:51 PM
I grew up in Alabama

Do you have a southern accent?

I usually have a soft Southern accent, but if I go back home or talk to people from home, I have a more pronounced Southern accent, although not quite as pronounced as the Southern accent that I had while I was growing up.  I always had less of a Southern accent than the rest of my family and the other people around me; however, even when I was a child.

Why is that?  (the part about it being that you seem to have LESS accent than the rest of your family and friends where you grew up)

*just posted a real Question For Callaway*

I have always heard the same thing about myself. A week in Texas and my wife makes fun of me for talking like a hick (uhm, like my family does).

These days she accuses me of trying to sound "ignorant" on the telephone, because my Texas accent comes forth when I talk on the telephone.

I wonder why it would be so obvious that I have trouble maintaining a neutral sounding speech when I am on the phone.

BTW, I don't try to hide an accent, but I try to speak in a way that is more universally understood. Opening my mouth and not skipping vowels as much, for instances.

... or as it is said ... in a true Texas accent, all the letters kinda "lean on each other.".   I try hard to make all the letters all stand up, each on its own when I speak.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 09, 2008, 06:28:06 PM
I grew up in Alabama

Do you have a southern accent?

I usually have a soft Southern accent, but if I go back home or talk to people from home, I have a more pronounced Southern accent, although not quite as pronounced as the Southern accent that I had while I was growing up.  I always had less of a Southern accent than the rest of my family and the other people around me; however, even when I was a child.

Why is that?

*just posted a real Question For Callaway*

I have always heard the same thing about myself. A week in Texas and my wife makes fun of me for talking like a hick (uhm, like my family does).

These days my wife accuses me of trying to sound "ignorant" on the telephone, because my Texas accent comes forth when I talk on the telephone.

I wonder why it would be so obvious that I have trouble maintaining a neutral sounding speech when I am on the phone.

I think that it is because you are under stress when you talk on the telephone.

I hear the same thing from my husband, but he wouldn't call it "talking like a hick."

Why does your wife think that a Texas accent sounds ignorant, I wonder?

What kind of accent does she have?

My husband has sort of an Indiana accent, because his dad grew up near New Harmony and his mom grew up near Purdue, where her father was a botany professor.

For me, it's when I talk to people who have a pronounced Southern accent that mine comes back.

Maybe I am a little like a chameleon, but if I really were like one, then I think I would have had the same accent as my family when I was growing up.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on May 09, 2008, 06:31:05 PM

I think that she just notices the difference and wants to point it out to me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 09, 2008, 06:32:00 PM
What kind of accent does she have?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on May 09, 2008, 06:32:39 PM
Oh, most people from Indiana seem to think that anything southern is ignorant.

I think that Indiana is the most southern of northern states by that definition.

Sorry for all the editing, but I'm having a hell of a time trying to type right now.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on May 09, 2008, 06:33:08 PM
What kind of accent does she have?

She has lived here her whole life.

she talks through a corn tassel.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 09, 2008, 06:38:05 PM
When she says "Europe" does she put an "A" before it so that it sounds like "AEurope"?

Both my husband's parents do and it still makes me smile every time I hear it, because I believe that they think they don't even have accents.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on May 09, 2008, 06:40:16 PM
When she says "Europe" does she put an "A" before it so that it sounds like "AEurope"?

Both my husband's parents do and it still makes me smile every time I hear it, because I believe that they think they don't even have accents.



Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on May 10, 2008, 02:32:42 PM
What kind of accent does she have?

She has lived here her whole life.

she talks through a corn tassel.

Isn't that difficult? :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on May 10, 2008, 03:23:04 PM
What kind of accent does she have?

She has lived here her whole life.

she talks through a corn tassel.

Isn't that difficult? :P

I is for me. It would be more so for you, guessing. I can't do it, but she acan and all her family can.

She can't make all the letters "kinda lean on each other,"  though. I can. I try not to, when Iam being interactive, but I can.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on May 11, 2008, 03:09:17 AM
Callaway, where have you heard the Australian accent (I hope it is not just Steve Irwin) and now that I think of it, I may I have asked you this before...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 11, 2008, 10:46:37 AM
Callaway, where have you heard the Australian accent (I hope it is not just Steve Irwin) and now that I think of it, I may I have asked you this before...

Mostly on television, including Steve Irwin, but a few times in person from various people who were from Australia.

I don't remember answering this question before.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Peter on May 23, 2008, 08:25:15 AM
When she says "Europe" does she put an "A" before it so that it sounds like "AEurope"?

Both my husband's parents do and it still makes me smile every time I hear it, because I believe that they think they don't even have accents.


I'm having difficulty imagining what that sounds like.  Could you write it out phonetically?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 23, 2008, 02:02:14 PM
When she says "Europe" does she put an "A" before it so that it sounds like "AEurope"?

Both my husband's parents do and it still makes me smile every time I hear it, because I believe that they think they don't even have accents.


I'm having difficulty imagining what that sounds like.  Could you write it out phonetically?

Say "uh your up" very quickly, with almost no time between the syllables "uh" and "your."

They are just about to visit, so I will get a chance to hear it again soon.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on May 23, 2008, 02:05:13 PM
Most people have accents of some kind, they just don't realise it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Peter on May 23, 2008, 02:11:24 PM
When she says "Europe" does she put an "A" before it so that it sounds like "AEurope"?

Both my husband's parents do and it still makes me smile every time I hear it, because I believe that they think they don't even have accents.


I'm having difficulty imagining what that sounds like.  Could you write it out phonetically?

Say "uh your up" very quickly, with almost no time between the syllables "uh" and "your."

They are just about to visit, so I will get a chance to hear it again soon.


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 23, 2008, 06:05:19 PM
When she says "Europe" does she put an "A" before it so that it sounds like "AEurope"?

Both my husband's parents do and it still makes me smile every time I hear it, because I believe that they think they don't even have accents.


I'm having difficulty imagining what that sounds like.  Could you write it out phonetically?

Say "uh your up" very quickly, with almost no time between the syllables "uh" and "your."

They are just about to visit, so I will get a chance to hear it again soon.



How do you say Europe, Peter?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Peter on May 23, 2008, 06:10:37 PM
When she says "Europe" does she put an "A" before it so that it sounds like "AEurope"?

Both my husband's parents do and it still makes me smile every time I hear it, because I believe that they think they don't even have accents.


I'm having difficulty imagining what that sounds like.  Could you write it out phonetically?

Say "uh your up" very quickly, with almost no time between the syllables "uh" and "your."

They are just about to visit, so I will get a chance to hear it again soon.



How do you say Europe, Peter?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on May 31, 2008, 03:24:57 PM

Callaway, haven't you dispatched those flipping in-laws (or who ever they were), yet?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on May 31, 2008, 03:43:46 PM
You're up.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 01, 2008, 12:27:59 AM

Callaway, haven't you dispatched those flipping in-laws (or who ever they were), yet?

Yes, they're dispatched, but they're mostly very sweet people.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on June 01, 2008, 03:08:06 AM

Callaway, haven't you dispatched those flipping in-laws (or who ever they were), yet?

Yes, they're dispatched, but they're mostly very sweet people.

You're lucky. I have ONE out of five brothers-in-law who is cool. The other four are not at all pleasant.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on June 01, 2008, 03:58:35 PM
I can't figure this out...  The pregnancy tests are 99% accurate, we have taken the test five times... what is the probability that we have received a false result five times?

My intuition is that every time you take the test, you have a 1% chance of receiving a false result... regardless of how many times you take the test.  Just like tossing the dice.  The previous toss has no bearing on the current toss.  But, I can't reconcile that in my brain.

I haven't taken any classes in this type of thing.

No real pressure, it's just a question that's been bugging me.  I can't figure it out, and that frustrates the hell out of me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on June 01, 2008, 04:02:29 PM
I can't figure this out...  The pregnancy tests are 99% accurate, we have taken the test five times... what is the probability that we have received a false result five times?

My intuition is that every time you take the test, you have a 1% chance of receiving a false result... regardless of how many times you take the test.  Just like tossing the dice.  The previous toss has no bearing on the current toss.  But, I can't reconcile that in my brain.

I haven't taken any classes in this type of thing.

No real pressure, it's just a question that's been bugging me.  I can't figure it out, and that frustrates the hell out of me.
Not if the pregnancy test fails to detect a pregancy for the same reason (e.g. the Hormone cannot be detected, or there is a false positive for another reason). Then it does not matter how many times you repeat the test, its still going to screw up. They are not independent events, im afraid.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ozymandias on June 01, 2008, 04:28:23 PM
I can't figure this out...  The pregnancy tests are 99% accurate, we have taken the test five times... what is the probability that we have received a false result five times?

My intuition is that every time you take the test, you have a 1% chance of receiving a false result... regardless of how many times you take the test.  Just like tossing the dice.  The previous toss has no bearing on the current toss.  But, I can't reconcile that in my brain.

I haven't taken any classes in this type of thing.

No real pressure, it's just a question that's been bugging me.  I can't figure it out, and that frustrates the hell out of me.
Not if the pregnancy test fails to detect a pregancy for the same reason (e.g. the Hormone cannot be detected, or there is a false positive for another reason). Then it does not matter how many times you repeat the test, its still going to screw up. They are not independent events, im afraid.

Pregnancy tests that you buy at a store are fairly accurate.  BUT, the only bonafide accurate test is a blood test done by your doctor!    Something thats been sitting on a shelf for umpteen weeks or months tends to degrade after a time! 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on June 01, 2008, 04:30:18 PM
I can't figure this out...  The pregnancy tests are 99% accurate, we have taken the test five times... what is the probability that we have received a false result five times?

My intuition is that every time you take the test, you have a 1% chance of receiving a false result... regardless of how many times you take the test.  Just like tossing the dice.  The previous toss has no bearing on the current toss.  But, I can't reconcile that in my brain.

I haven't taken any classes in this type of thing.

No real pressure, it's just a question that's been bugging me.  I can't figure it out, and that frustrates the hell out of me.
Not if the pregnancy test fails to detect a pregancy for the same reason (e.g. the Hormone cannot be detected, or there is a false positive for another reason). Then it does not matter how many times you repeat the test, its still going to screw up. They are not independent events, im afraid.

Pregnancy tests that you buy at a store are fairly accurate.  BUT, the only bonafide accurate test is a blood test done by your doctor!    Something thats been sitting on a shelf for umpteen weeks or months tends to degrade after a time! 
I take it though if you have certain medical conditions/are eating certain things then they tend to be inaccurate? Or have the ironed out that inaccuracy now?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ozymandias on June 01, 2008, 04:37:54 PM
I can't figure this out...  The pregnancy tests are 99% accurate, we have taken the test five times... what is the probability that we have received a false result five times?

My intuition is that every time you take the test, you have a 1% chance of receiving a false result... regardless of how many times you take the test.  Just like tossing the dice.  The previous toss has no bearing on the current toss.  But, I can't reconcile that in my brain.

I haven't taken any classes in this type of thing.

No real pressure, it's just a question that's been bugging me.  I can't figure it out, and that frustrates the hell out of me.
Not if the pregnancy test fails to detect a pregancy for the same reason (e.g. the Hormone cannot be detected, or there is a false positive for another reason). Then it does not matter how many times you repeat the test, its still going to screw up. They are not independent events, im afraid.

Pregnancy tests that you buy at a store are fairly accurate.  BUT, the only bonafide accurate test is a blood test done by your doctor!    Something thats been sitting on a shelf for umpteen weeks or months tends to degrade after a time! 
I take it though if you have certain medical conditions/are eating certain things then they tend to be inaccurate? Or have the ironed out that inaccuracy now?

You make a valid point.  It takes a blood test and then follow up tests to be certain.   The store bought tests are a scam, pure and simple! 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on June 01, 2008, 04:52:00 PM
Question for Callaway:  Do you know of a site that has an GAQ or instructions on how to sort of slipcover a couh using bedsheets?  I guess slipcovers are damn expensive but walmart sheets would prolly be affordable- and prolly worth it, too.  My couches are both hand-me-downs and were grungy as hell before I even got them.   :orly:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 01, 2008, 08:18:59 PM
I can't figure this out...  The pregnancy tests are 99% accurate, we have taken the test five times... what is the probability that we have received a false result five times?

My intuition is that every time you take the test, you have a 1% chance of receiving a false result... regardless of how many times you take the test.  Just like tossing the dice.  The previous toss has no bearing on the current toss.  But, I can't reconcile that in my brain.

I haven't taken any classes in this type of thing.

No real pressure, it's just a question that's been bugging me.  I can't figure it out, and that frustrates the hell out of me.

If they were independent events, then the chance of getting five false positives would be (0.01)*(0.01)*(0.01)*(0.01)*(0.01) or something like a billion to one odds.

About the only way you would get five false positives is if Amy were taking HCG because of fertility treatments or something.

I doubt that you could have bought five outdated tests, and I think false negatives would be more likely in that case than false positives.

I have used a lot of home pregnancy tests and the current ones on the market are pretty accurate if you buy a reliable brand and use them as directed. 

Amy still will need to see a doctor, who will probably repeat the test and do some others as well, to figure out how far along she is and to start prenatal care, including prenatal vitamins.

When did her last period start?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 01, 2008, 08:54:48 PM
Question for Callaway:  Do you know of a site that has an GAQ or instructions on how to sort of slipcover a couh using bedsheets?  I guess slipcovers are damn expensive but walmart sheets would prolly be affordable- and prolly worth it, too.  My couches are both hand-me-downs and were grungy as hell before I even got them.   :orly:

This would be for the option for less sewing:

You could make it like this if you want it to be more custom fitted:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on June 01, 2008, 08:59:45 PM
I can't figure this out...  The pregnancy tests are 99% accurate, we have taken the test five times... what is the probability that we have received a false result five times?

My intuition is that every time you take the test, you have a 1% chance of receiving a false result... regardless of how many times you take the test.  Just like tossing the dice.  The previous toss has no bearing on the current toss.  But, I can't reconcile that in my brain.

I haven't taken any classes in this type of thing.

No real pressure, it's just a question that's been bugging me.  I can't figure it out, and that frustrates the hell out of me.

If they were independent events, then the chance of getting five false positives would be (0.01)*(0.01)*(0.01)*(0.01)*(0.01) or something like a billion to one odds.

About the only way you would get five false positives is if Amy were taking HCG because of fertility treatments or something.

I doubt that you could have bought five outdated tests, and I think false negatives would be more likely in that case than false positives.

I have used a lot of home pregnancy tests and the current ones on the market are pretty accurate if you buy a reliable brand and use them as directed. 

Amy still will need to see a doctor, who will probably repeat the test and do some others as well, to figure out how far along she is and to start prenatal care, including prenatal vitamins.

When did her last period start?

She is going to call a doctor tomorrow to schedule an appointment.  We went and bought a bottle of supplements today... based on the recommendations of the book we got today.  Folic acid mainly.

She had very irregular periods which is why her being late wasn't really an issue.  But, her last period started in the last week of April.  Which puts her due date at the very beginning of January 2009.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 01, 2008, 09:24:44 PM
I'm sorry, Tesla, I was mistaken in what I said before.

You can get a false positive from using a test that has passed its expiration date.

I only ever got them from taking HCG shots as part of infertility treatment when I tested too soon, though.

Quote from:

False positives

False positive test results may occur for several reasons. These include: errors of test application, use of drugs containing the assay molecule, and non-pregnant production of the assay molecule.

Spurious evaporation lines may appear on many home pregnancy tests if read after the suggested 3–5 minute window or reaction time, independent of an actual pregnancy. False positives may also appear on tests used past their expiration date.

A woman who has been given an hCG injection as part of infertility treatment will test positive on pregnancy tests that assay hCG, regardless of her actual pregnancy status. However, some infertility drugs (e.g., clomid) do not contain the hCG hormone.[13]

Some diseases of the liver, cancers, and other medical conditions may produce elevated hCG and thus cause a false positive pregnancy test. These include choriocarcinoma and other germ cell tumors, IgA deficiencies, heterophile antibodies, enterocystoplasties, gestational trophoblastic diseases (GTD), and gestational trophoblastic neoplasms (GTN). (See Human chorionic gonadotropin.)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on June 01, 2008, 10:21:32 PM
I see. Well, we bought five different tests from three different manufacturers.

I'm pretty sure of the results.

It was mainly just the math I was interested in.  :)

Thank you for all your thought though.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on June 02, 2008, 07:11:15 AM
Question for Callaway:  Do you know of a site that has an GAQ or instructions on how to sort of slipcover a couh using bedsheets?  I guess slipcovers are damn expensive but walmart sheets would prolly be affordable- and prolly worth it, too.  My couches are both hand-me-downs and were grungy as hell before I even got them.   :orly:

This would be for the option for less sewing:

You could make it like this if you want it to be more custom fitted:
that's awesome- thanks Callaway!  :)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on June 02, 2008, 01:53:36 PM
Haven't plussed you in a while, Callaway. :plus:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on June 09, 2008, 09:15:35 PM
Callaway, do you normally type with all fingers (am asking in light of recent events and hoping you get good news from the orthopaedic surgeon).

Firefox doesn't like the word "orthopaedic".
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 09, 2008, 09:33:29 PM
I normally type like I learned to in typing class, with both my hands and all my fingers, but I have never been fast.

Thanks for the good wishes.  I just Googled "broken finger" and I'm a little nervous.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ANTON_UBER_ALLES on June 10, 2008, 03:35:27 PM
Okay, here's another one (take your time):
When making homemade yogurt, why do you have to heat the milk to just below boiling, then cool it down to lukewarm (100 to 110 degrees)?  This makes no sense to me since the milk we all use is already pasteurized.

Milk is pasteurized to reduce the bacterial content to 0.00001 of the number of bacteria in unpasteurized milk.  If you wanted to make yogurt from raw milk, you would need to pasteurize it first by heating it to 161.5 degrees Fahrenheit and holding it at this temperature for at least 15 seconds.  Heating the milk to just below boiling changes the structure of the milk protein so that that it does not coagulate and make curds and whey instead of yogurt.  You have to cool it off to lukewarm before you inoculate it with the yogurt culture so you won't kill the bacteria.

Sorry, but the molecular diffusion question is difficult for me to get a good answer for.  Molecular diffusion of the chlorine bleach into still water in the water tank would happen very slowly and that is why stirring it is recommended.  Actually, if the water tank is subject to temperature fluctuations between day and night, you would get convection currents from the colder and warmer water and also if you use water from the tank and add water to the tank periodically, that would mix the water more quickly than molecular diffusion.  I don't know how to calculate these effects in closed form, and a computer model would require a lot more information. 

McJagger, I have a Master's degree in Chemical Engineering.

My first inclination is to suggest actually doing this experiment with radiolabled bleach.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on June 10, 2008, 06:11:55 PM
Question:  I recently bought a Pur 3-stage water filter for our faucet.  It says it removes Chlorine (taste and odor)...  I can't figure out why it says the "(taste and odor)" part.  Does it just remove the taste and odor of chlorine, and not actually chlorine??

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 10, 2008, 10:28:39 PM
Question:  I recently bought a Pur 3-stage water filter for our faucet.  It says it removes Chlorine (taste and odor)...  I can't figure out why it says the "(taste and odor)" part.  Does it just remove the taste and odor of chlorine, and not actually chlorine??

I just looked on their website and read the same thing.

I would think that their filter reduces the amount of chlorine in your water and reduces or removes the trihalomethanes which are a by-product of the chlorination of water.  They both would contribute to taste and odor.  For them to be able to say that their filter completely removes the chlorine could depend on how much chlorine there is in the unfiltered water.

I looked up your water quality report:

The chlorine levels are within EPA guidelines, 3.12 ppm, but this level would be greatly reduced by an activated carbon filter, which Pur has as Stage 2 of the three stages.

Here is an article discussing activated carbon filters and what they do and do not reduce or remove:

Just make sure you change the filter when you are supposed to, or it could become less effective.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on June 11, 2008, 03:44:56 AM
I have a Master's degree in Chemical Engineering.
I think that is so cool.  8)

When I did Chemistry in school, I would get a funny feeling in my pressure building up. :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Coral on June 11, 2008, 07:19:30 AM
When I did chemistry in school, I got a funny feeling in my head too... a migraine!!! It's the only course that actually scared the crap out of me. I thought it would be my first F but I got a C+. Chemistry =  :zombiefuck:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Coral on June 11, 2008, 07:22:15 AM
I have a question for Callaway: My baby died yesterday, and of course I am still grieving, but how long should I wait before adopting a new cat? I have lots of love to give to a fluffy friend and so does my son. I was thinking that having a new cat to love might fill the empty hole that is in my heart. It might distract me from all the crying. I was thinking about adopting a young cat that has been abandoned so that we can turn my tragedy and his into some love.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on June 11, 2008, 08:44:32 AM
You're the best Callaway.  Thank you.  ;) :plus: :plus: :plus:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 11, 2008, 10:49:12 AM
I have a question for Callaway: My baby died yesterday, and of course I am still grieving, but how long should I wait before adopting a new cat? I have lots of love to give to a fluffy friend and so does my son. I was thinking that having a new cat to love might fill the empty hole that is in my heart. It might distract me from all the crying. I was thinking about adopting a young cat that has been abandoned so that we can turn my tragedy and his into some love.

While I understand that the temptation after the death of a pet may be to run out and get another one right away and that people are often encouraged to do so by family and friends, and although it may sound like a good idea, I think that you should be careful about getting one too soon.  I think that you need to take some time to grieve first.

As you said, you lost a baby, a member of the family, and you need to come to terms with that loss before adopting a new member of the family.

How would you advise me if I just lost a baby?  I think that you would advise me to come to terms with my devastating loss before having or adopting another baby, wouldn't you?

This new cat deserves to be loved for himself or herself, not just as a replacement cat for the one that is gone.  He or she will need lots of energy and attention, which at some point you will be ready and able to give, but not now.  Your heart needs to heal first.

I think that you need to be especially careful about replacing the cat too soon because of your son.  You don't want to send a message to a child that says when something is lost all you have to do is buy another one, when in reality, that is often not the case.  It also devalues the significance of the cat who just died.

I don't think that there is a specific amount of time that needs to pass, but I think you will know when you and your son are both ready.  If there is any doubt at all, then wait a little longer.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on June 11, 2008, 12:21:26 PM

I think that is really good advice you have offered to Coral, Callaway.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on June 22, 2008, 02:10:56 AM
Callaway, is your hand feeling any better?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 22, 2008, 02:22:35 AM
Callaway, is your hand feeling any better?

Yes.  The bruising and swelling of the whole left hand have gone down, so the bruising and pain is pretty much concentrated in just the broken finger and the one next to it now.

Also, I usually "buddy tape" the broken finger to the one next to it rather than wear the splint I was given at urgent care, which seems to make my whole hand and wrist ache when I wear it, but it offers more protection to accidentally bumping the finger, so I still wear it sometimes.  "Buddy taping" lets me use my thumb and first two fingers better, so it's kind of a trade-off.

I have completely lost the wrinkles in the joints of my broken finger because of course I haven't bent it at all in two weeks, but it looks kind of strange to me.

I fell again a few days ago and badly skinned my left elbow, but luckily I did not re-injure my broken finger.

Thanks for asking.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on June 22, 2008, 08:05:37 AM
Callaway, is your hand feeling any better?

Yes.  The bruising and swelling of the whole left hand have gone down, so the bruising and pain is pretty much concentrated in just the broken finger and the one next to it now.

Also, I usually "buddy tape" the broken finger to the one next to it rather than wear the splint I was given at urgent care, which seems to make my whole hand and wrist ache when I wear it, but it offers more protection to accidentally bumping the finger, so I still wear it sometimes.  "Buddy taping" lets me use my thumb and first two fingers better, so it's kind of a trade-off.

I have completely lost the wrinkles in the joints of my broken finger because of course I haven't bent it at all in two weeks, but it looks kind of strange to me.

I fell again a few days ago and badly skinned my left elbow, but luckily I did not re-injure my broken finger.

Thanks for asking.
How come you keep falling?  Is there something going on?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 22, 2008, 10:10:09 AM
Callaway, is your hand feeling any better?

Yes.  The bruising and swelling of the whole left hand have gone down, so the bruising and pain is pretty much concentrated in just the broken finger and the one next to it now.

Also, I usually "buddy tape" the broken finger to the one next to it rather than wear the splint I was given at urgent care, which seems to make my whole hand and wrist ache when I wear it, but it offers more protection to accidentally bumping the finger, so I still wear it sometimes.  "Buddy taping" lets me use my thumb and first two fingers better, so it's kind of a trade-off.

I have completely lost the wrinkles in the joints of my broken finger because of course I haven't bent it at all in two weeks, but it looks kind of strange to me.

I fell again a few days ago and badly skinned my left elbow, but luckily I did not re-injure my broken finger.

Thanks for asking.
How come you keep falling?  Is there something going on?

I hope not.

I fell the first time because I was watching my daughter instead of the ground and there was a (IMO) poorly designed handicapped ramp.  It was wider at the bottom and it had a curb on the sides at the top and my foot caught on the curb and I tripped.

I fell the second time because my daughter ran toward a woman who was talking on a cell phone and I wanted to catch her before she reached the woman and physically attacked her, but I had to turn around and I tripped over my own clumsy feet.  I wonder if part of the reason I fell was because of my protectiveness toward my hurt finger, because I have chased and caught my daughter lots of times before she reached her target when she has done something like this before.

Anyway, I got up of the sidewalk and went and pried my daughter's fingers on her left hand out of the woman's hair and then the woman said to her very nicely, "Would you please let go of my necklace?"  Then I realized that she had also grabbed her necklace as well as her hair, so I told her to let go as I pried her right hand's fingers off the hair and the necklace.  I apologized to the woman, who said she understood because she works with special needs, then I wrestled my daughter to the car and made her get inside.

When I asked my daughter why she did it, she said the woman was talking on a cell phone and wearing a necklace, so why not annoy her?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on June 22, 2008, 08:02:31 PM
Seems perfectly logical to me.   :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ozymandias on June 22, 2008, 08:44:24 PM
Seems perfectly logical to me.   :laugh:

 :eyebrow: :vulcan:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on June 23, 2008, 08:28:10 AM
Seems perfectly logical to me.   :laugh:

Spock says:

"Logic is but the beginning of wisdom, not the end."

... and I agree. Observing the subtleties of  "civilized behavior"   must take firm precedence over pure logic, at times anyway.

Thankfully, mine have learned to respect (or at least ignore) strange adults and have mostly stopped doing this.

Glad you're doing better, Callaway!

My daughter gave herself a haircut, yesterday. I was working in the garage, Mom was cooking, she was playing with her dolls (lining them up into little square shapes on the floor - she is still very stressed out from my bloody head cut). She decided that her bangs were bothering her and gave herself a mullet-cut. I felt so bad for her, because she wants to grow out her bangs and braid them to wrap around her head, like "a princess,"  but  ... I did not want to make a BIG deal out of it either and grind in her mistake. I had to force myself to swallow hard a few times to keep an even keel.
She had grown her hair long enough to reach around to the back with braids on each side when she did this.

Do you think I was right to play it down and just remind her that hair "will grow back."
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 23, 2008, 11:33:10 AM
Seems perfectly logical to me.   :laugh:

Spock says:

"Logic is but the beginning of wisdom, not the end."

... and I agree. Observing the subtleties of  "civilized behavior"   must take firm precedence over pure logic, at times anyway.

Thankfully, mine have learned to respect (or at least ignore) strange adults and have mostly stopped doing this.

Glad you're doing better, Callaway!

My daughter gave herself a haircut, yesterday. I was working in the garage, Mom was cooking, she was playing with her dolls (lining them up into little square shapes on the floor - she is still very stressed out from my bloody head cut). She decided that her bangs were bothering her and gave herself a mullet-cut. I felt so bad for her, because she wants to grow out her bangs and braid them to wrap around her head, like "a princess,"  but  ... I did not want to make a BIG deal out of it either and grind in her mistake. I had to force myself to swallow hard a few times to keep an even keel.
She had grown her hair long enough to reach around to the back with braids on each side when she did this.

Do you think I was right to play it down and just remind her that hair "will grow back."

When my daughter cut her own hair I did something similar to what you did (I commiserated with her and told her that her hair would grow back) but I also put the scissors in the cabinet over the stove so she couldn't do it again and for a while she used the scissors only while she was supervised at home and we went over exactly what we were going to cut with them (paper) before she got her hands on them.

Of course, she got hold of another pair of scissors in preschool one day and quickly cut a chunk out of her hair before the teacher could stop her.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on June 23, 2008, 05:58:35 PM
Do you think I was right to play it down and just remind her that hair "will grow back."

I know nothing about children but in my out-there interpretation of the universe, she's empathizing with you.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on June 23, 2008, 08:02:15 PM
Do you think I was right to play it down and just remind her that hair "will grow back."

I know nothing about children but in my out-there interpretation of the universe, she's empathizing with you.

If you're "out there,"  then so am I, because that was one of my first thoughts.

It was really odd, because she has been trusted with scissors for a couple of years, now. It seems to me that it must  be related in some way, though, because she has been a spazcase ever since it happened.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on June 23, 2008, 08:14:06 PM
That means you're probably right to play it down, though, because if you rubbed in that it was a mistake, she might also think that empathizing was a mistake.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on June 23, 2008, 08:20:39 PM
It can be scary the first time you realize your parents are mortal, I think. Maybe that's what's going on with her.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: vodz on August 11, 2008, 09:01:41 AM
Callway, have you ever had thrush or other assorted vaginal itching, smelling or rash?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: The Member Formerly Known As Sophist on August 11, 2008, 09:37:25 AM
Callway, have you ever had thrush or other assorted vaginal itching, smelling or rash?

Thrush isn't relegated to the vagina. --Nor to females for that matter.  :green:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: vodz on August 11, 2008, 09:43:58 AM
Callway, have you ever had thrush or other assorted vaginal itching, smelling or rash?

Thrush isn't relegated to the vagina. --Nor to females for that matter.  :green:

I think I aquired it :(

Dick cheese has been more fragrant than usual, plus there's more of it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: The Member Formerly Known As Sophist on August 11, 2008, 09:51:21 AM
Callway, have you ever had thrush or other assorted vaginal itching, smelling or rash?

Thrush isn't relegated to the vagina. --Nor to females for that matter.  :green:

I think I aquired it :(

Dick cheese has been more fragrant than usual, plus there's more of it.

Reduce your intake of leavened wheat products if you can; that should help prevent future occurrences. You reduce the yeast intake in your diet and you will itch and smell less around the crotch area-- as well as probably other areas like feet, etc.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: vodz on August 11, 2008, 09:53:52 AM
Callway, have you ever had thrush or other assorted vaginal itching, smelling or rash?

Thrush isn't relegated to the vagina. --Nor to females for that matter.  :green:

I think I aquired it :(

Dick cheese has been more fragrant than usual, plus there's more of it.

Reduce your intake of leavened wheat products if you can; that should help prevent future occurrences. You reduce the yeast intake in your diet and you will itch and smell less around the crotch area-- as well as probably other areas like feet, etc.

I have strong doubts about the link between yeast intake and genital yeast infections.

It's more likely due to my intake of unfiltered beer.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: The Member Formerly Known As Sophist on August 11, 2008, 09:57:13 AM
Callway, have you ever had thrush or other assorted vaginal itching, smelling or rash?

Thrush isn't relegated to the vagina. --Nor to females for that matter.  :green:

I think I aquired it :(

Dick cheese has been more fragrant than usual, plus there's more of it.

Reduce your intake of leavened wheat products if you can; that should help prevent future occurrences. You reduce the yeast intake in your diet and you will itch and smell less around the crotch area-- as well as probably other areas like feet, etc.

I have strong doubts about the link between yeast intake and genital yeast infections.

It's more likely due to my intake of unfiltered beer.

I used to live on wheat-based products. Now that I have almost not wheat in my diet, I was actually quite surprised how little I itched, how little various body parts smelled anymore, hehe. And then for awhile I put it back in my diet, eating breads again, and the itching and odors came back.

Yes, the beer I'm sure isn't helping. Though if you eat a lot of leavened breads or other foods with higher yeast content, then they are undoubtedly adding to that.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 11, 2008, 01:14:51 PM
Callway, have you ever had thrush or other assorted vaginal itching, smelling or rash?

Thrush isn't relegated to the vagina. --Nor to females for that matter.  :green:

I think I aquired it :(

Dick cheese has been more fragrant than usual, plus there's more of it.

Reduce your intake of leavened wheat products if you can; that should help prevent future occurrences. You reduce the yeast intake in your diet and you will itch and smell less around the crotch area-- as well as probably other areas like feet, etc.

I have strong doubts about the link between yeast intake and genital yeast infections.

It's more likely due to my intake of unfiltered beer.

There is a lot of yeast in beer, since brewer's yeast is used to make beer ferment, so your consumption of yeast containing products could be related, IMO.

If your smegma looks kind of like cottage cheese and smells kind of yeasty and you are very itchy, then it is probably yeast balanitis.

There are lots of different kinds of anti-fungal creams available OTC here for yeast infections, but I don't know what is available there.  If you can find some, just follow the package directions for frequency and duration of use, but immediately after cleaning the affected area, rub the anti-fungal cream all over the affected area, including under the foreskin, assuming you are not circumcised.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: GalileoAce on August 11, 2008, 09:33:00 PM
Why do you keep plusing Bob?

And * is the worst reason to ghey someone :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: vodz on August 11, 2008, 10:44:16 PM
Callway, have you ever had thrush or other assorted vaginal itching, smelling or rash?

Thrush isn't relegated to the vagina. --Nor to females for that matter.  :green:

I think I aquired it :(

Dick cheese has been more fragrant than usual, plus there's more of it.

Reduce your intake of leavened wheat products if you can; that should help prevent future occurrences. You reduce the yeast intake in your diet and you will itch and smell less around the crotch area-- as well as probably other areas like feet, etc.

I have strong doubts about the link between yeast intake and genital yeast infections.

It's more likely due to my intake of unfiltered beer.

There is a lot of yeast in beer, since brewer's yeast is used to make beer ferment, so your consumption of yeast containing products could be related, IMO.

If your smegma looks kind of like cottage cheese and smells kind of yeasty and you are very itchy, then it is probably yeast balanitis.

There are lots of different kinds of anti-fungal creams available OTC here for yeast infections, but I don't know what is available there.  If you can find some, just follow the package directions for frequency and duration of use, but immediately after cleaning the affected area, rub the anti-fungal cream all over the affected area, including under the foreskin, assuming you are not circumcised.

1) I'm joking.
2) I knew yeast is in beer, but I have no idea why I contradicted myself.
3) I have my foreskin intact.
4) You haven't answered my original question :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Al Swearegen on August 12, 2008, 09:10:40 AM

There is a lot of yeast in beer, since brewer's yeast is used to make beer ferment, so your consumption of yeast containing products could be related, IMO.

If your smegma looks kind of like cottage cheese and smells kind of yeasty and you are very itchy, then it is probably yeast balanitis.

There are lots of different kinds of anti-fungal creams available OTC here for yeast infections, but I don't know what is available there.  If you can find some, just follow the package directions for frequency and duration of use, but immediately after cleaning the affected area, rub the anti-fungal cream all over the affected area, including under the foreskin, assuming you are not circumcised.

Warning Vodzy. Don't eat smegma.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 12, 2008, 09:39:44 AM
Why do you keep plusing Bob?

And * is the worst reason to ghey someone :P

More to the point, why did you minus me because I plussed Bob, telling me to "Stop yaying anonymous bob," Galileo Ace? 

I assumed that it was because you thought that you had some sort of right to boss me around and tell me what to do.

Bob is a new guy who seems interesting to me and I hated to see everyone pile on because of his (or her) obvious grudge against Sir Les.

At first I thought that Bob was Sir Les's ex in-law or something, but it would be interesting to hear Bob's story from Bob's point of view.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: GalileoAce on August 12, 2008, 05:59:05 PM
Why do you keep plusing Bob?

And * is the worst reason to ghey someone :P

More to the point, why did you minus me because I plussed Bob, telling me to "Stop yaying anonymous bob," Galileo Ace? 
I assumed that it was because you thought that you had some sort of right to boss me around and tell me what to do.
Bob is a new guy who seems interesting to me and I hated to see everyone pile on because of his (or her) obvious grudge against Sir Les.
At first I thought that Bob was Sir Les's ex in-law or something, but it would be interesting to hear Bob's story from Bob's point of view.

I see the Karma system as rewards for merit, or punishment for..something worth punishing. And yes, I do have some sort of right to boss you, and everyone else around. Doesn't mean they have the responsibility to listen to me. :P  Just as you did not, not that I expected you too.

Bob would be more interesting and less annoying if there were some actual substance to his/her grudge. But it's shallow and she/he takes it everywhere like some warped badge of honor. It's annoying. And you plused them for it...That was annoying. That is why I ghey'd you.

And you plussed them...because of 'pity'? Ok. Fair enough.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: GalileoAce on August 12, 2008, 06:01:14 PM
Oh and it's GalileoAce. One word. Not Galileo Ace two words. Unless you'd like me to reciprocate and call you Call Away?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on August 12, 2008, 07:20:39 PM
What's up your ass GA?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Alex179 on August 12, 2008, 07:22:01 PM
Maybe he needs renaeden to calm him down a bit.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: GalileoAce on August 12, 2008, 07:23:12 PM
Prickly things...It is most annoying and discomforting.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ozymandias on August 12, 2008, 07:31:13 PM
What's up your ass GA?

Now he's sounding like me.   ::)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: The Member Formerly Known As Sophist on August 13, 2008, 12:52:19 PM
Oh and it's GalileoAce. One word. Not Galileo Ace two words. Unless you'd like me to reciprocate and call you Call Away?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on August 13, 2008, 03:02:55 PM
Oh and it's GalileoAce. One word. Not Galileo Ace two words. Unless you'd like me to reciprocate and call you Call Away?

You're being touchy today.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: GalileoAce on August 13, 2008, 05:37:27 PM
ok...Why is everyone saying that?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Leto729 on August 13, 2008, 06:16:25 PM
I don't know. :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on August 13, 2008, 06:18:09 PM
Burp, bee pollen(59trace minerals), what do you say to that?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: GalileoAce on August 13, 2008, 06:22:33 PM
Maybe you're forgetting something...I'm autistic. Yes?
And Callaway, even though all the letters were there, spelled my name wrong. I tolerated it til now because Callaway is a friend (note I said is, not was), and being upset with her over the Bob issue made me think I should bring that up too.

Is that PMS? No it is not. Am I insulted by such inferences...not really. But it is annoying.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Leto729 on August 13, 2008, 06:36:45 PM
Okay We will remember.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on August 13, 2008, 07:36:32 PM
Maybe you're forgetting something...I'm autistic. Yes?

Riipppingg offf randy!Randy :

Burp, bee pollen(59trace minerals), what do you say to that?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: The Member Formerly Known As Sophist on August 14, 2008, 07:19:38 AM
Maybe you're forgetting something...I'm autistic. Yes?
And Callaway, even though all the letters were there, spelled my name wrong. I tolerated it til now because Callaway is a friend (note I said is, not was), and being upset with her over the Bob issue made me think I should bring that up too.

Is that PMS? No it is not. Am I insulted by such inferences...not really. But it is annoying.

It just seemed like a bigger reaction over something that didn't appear to be all too important. Hence, the PMS comment. (And I put "appear" in italics because that's just my perception.)

Maybe it does seem much more important, but I mean, come on... must one start an argument over "Bob karma"?? Why does one wish to waste one's argumentative energies on piddley stuff when there are BIGGER battles to be had?  >:D :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on August 14, 2008, 08:06:13 AM
Yeah, like GA fights many battles period. I think he's got a backlog.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on August 14, 2008, 01:36:03 PM
I assume GA's PC, though?!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on August 14, 2008, 03:56:20 PM
I assume GA's PC, though?!

Meaning you took possession of his computer?

I think we would have a fight if you did that to me.

I like my little 'puter.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on August 14, 2008, 03:58:13 PM
Yeah, like GA fights many battles period. I think he's got a backlog.

... but he has run out of doors.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: GalileoAce on August 14, 2008, 06:18:59 PM
I assume GA's PC, though?!

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on August 15, 2008, 12:39:04 PM
I assume GA's PC, though?!

Meaning you took possession of his computer?

I think we would have a fight if you did that to me.

I like my little 'puter.



I meant:

Surely using the initials "GA" is politically correct.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: GalileoAce on August 15, 2008, 09:21:33 PM
No. No it's not. :P

Everyone has to type out the full name.

j/k :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on August 15, 2008, 09:34:26 PM
Yes sir, Galileo the Hutt, sir.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Al Swearegen on August 16, 2008, 05:18:03 AM
I like disco.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on August 16, 2008, 03:24:44 PM
No. No it's not. :P

Everyone has to type out the full name.

j/k :P

Aww, damn, GA, I have to change the shortcut for this one, then: :GA:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: GalileoAce on August 16, 2008, 08:58:19 PM
/me points the 'j/k' part.

That means just kidding  :)
/me nods.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on August 16, 2008, 10:14:22 PM

I think Knot.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: GalileoAce on August 16, 2008, 10:22:03 PM
:GA: :GA: :GA:           :GA:
:GA:                      :GA::GA:
:GA:   :GA::GA:     :GA:    :GA:
:GA:        :GA:     :GA::GA: :GA:
:GA: :GA: :GA:   :GA:          :GA:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on August 16, 2008, 10:52:58 PM
:GA: :GA: :GA:           :GA:
:GA:                      :GA::GA:
:GA:   :GA::GA:     :GA:    :GA:
:GA:         :GA:    :GA::GA: :GA:
:GA: :GA: :GA:   :GA:           :GA:

you meenan ...

:GA: :GA: :GA:           :GA:                       :GA:
:GA:                      :GA::GA:               :GA:     :GA:
:GA:   :GA::GA:     :GA:    :GA:                         :GA:
:GA:        :GA:     :GA::GA: :GA:                   :GA:
:GA:         :GA:   :GA:          :GA:             
:GA: :GA: :GA:   :GA:            :GA:               :GA:

right? this is a question thread, I think.


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: GalileoAce on August 16, 2008, 11:11:50 PM
:plus: :green:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on August 17, 2008, 02:03:28 PM
/me points the 'j/k' part.

That means just kidding  :)
/me nods.

Hey, I noticed the j/k part. :)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: GalileoAce on August 17, 2008, 07:21:00 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: driftingblizzard on August 18, 2008, 08:01:50 PM
jeeze cal. you must get a lot of questions.  here's mine.......... 

Have you ever met someone from here ((Intensity squared;com)?   In real life?  IF so, were they freaky looking?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 18, 2008, 08:42:21 PM
jeeze cal. you must get a lot of questions.  here's mine.......... 

Have you ever met someone from here ((Intensity squared;com)?   In real life?  IF so, were they freaky looking?

No, I have met nobody who is a member here.

I did meet a person I knew from another board and I enjoyed talking with him very much.

I sort of helped him get a job and he traveled through here while he was moving across the country to start it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: driftingblizzard on August 18, 2008, 08:45:14 PM
I told my oldest brother tonight that I have aspersgers/
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 18, 2008, 08:45:53 PM
I told my oldest brother tonight that I have aspersgers/

Cool.  What did he say?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: driftingblizzard on August 18, 2008, 08:47:31 PM
He already knew.  He's in the medical profession.   It was no surprise to him.  I guess I've always stood out.

I'm just tired of looking at life from the outside and would like to be in it for once.

And I love music.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on August 22, 2008, 02:20:52 PM
Burp, spirulina, 100 nutrients in it, what do you say to that?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on September 10, 2008, 06:07:49 PM
When you put honey on bread... how come it goes all crusty like it's been toasted?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on September 10, 2008, 07:17:25 PM
When you put honey on bread... how come it goes all crusty like it's been toasted?

I don't know, but I would guess that the honey absorbs water by osmosis from the bread's surface because of the high sugar content of honey and it makes the bread a bit crispy at the surface.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: punkdrew on September 11, 2008, 07:39:26 PM
Burp, spirulina, 100 nutrients in it, what do you say to that?

Pastrami burrito and BEER. Probably no nutrients but a guaranteed spiritual experience.   :angel:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on September 24, 2008, 06:42:48 PM
Please, give this some thought. (,10019.msg429814.html#msg429814)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on October 03, 2008, 10:11:52 AM
Please explain how the Millennium Falcon made the Kessel Run in less than 12 Parsecs, a unit of measure.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 03, 2008, 12:00:15 PM
Please explain how the Millennium Falcon made the Kessel Run in less than 12 Parsecs, a unit of measure.

Han Solo took a shortcut by passing closer to the Maw black hole cluster than the Kessel Run standard 18 parsec route did, thereby making the Kessel Run in the Millenium Falcon in less than 12 parsecs.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on October 03, 2008, 12:12:03 PM
Please explain how the Millennium Falcon made the Kessel Run in less than 12 Parsecs, a unit of measure.

Han Solo took a shortcut by passing closer to the Maw black hole cluster than the Kessel Run standard 18 parsec route did, thereby making the Kessel Run in the Millenium Falcon in less than 12 parsecs.


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on October 03, 2008, 02:07:57 PM
Please explain how the Millennium Falcon made the Kessel Run in less than 12 Parsecs, a unit of measure.

Lucas is fairly clueless about these things?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on October 07, 2008, 12:14:14 AM
The Simpsons live in Springfield <??>!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: driftingblizzard on October 07, 2008, 09:12:13 PM
Please explain how the Millennium Falcon made the Kessel Run in less than 12 Parsecs, a unit of measure.

Han Solo took a shortcut by passing closer to the Maw black hole cluster than the Kessel Run standard 18 parsec route did, thereby making the Kessel Run in the Millenium Falcon in less than 12 parsecs.

God you  made me hot with that....
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on October 08, 2008, 08:35:56 AM
Please explain how the Millennium Falcon made the Kessel Run in less than 12 Parsecs, a unit of measure.

Han Solo took a shortcut by passing closer to the Maw black hole cluster than the Kessel Run standard 18 parsec route did, thereby making the Kessel Run in the Millenium Falcon in less than 12 parsecs.

God you  made me hot with that....

No fucking kidding! I think that is the hottest thing I have ever had a female say to me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 08, 2008, 10:42:32 AM

I'm going to be Princess Leia for Halloween.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on October 08, 2008, 11:19:00 AM

I'm going to be Princess Leia for Halloween.

Slave Leia or Princess Leia with buns et al?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 08, 2008, 02:19:26 PM

I'm going to be Princess Leia for Halloween.

Slave Leia or Princess Leia with buns et al?

Buns Leia with the long white dress and the belt.  I'm working on the costume right now.  It's too cold here for Slave Leia.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on October 08, 2008, 02:32:21 PM

I'm going to be Princess Leia for Halloween.

Slave Leia or Princess Leia with buns et al?

Buns Leia with the long white dress and the belt.  I'm working on the costume right now.  It's too cold here for Slave Leia.

My son is going as Obi-Wan Kenobi from the new Clone Wars movie and series. I will likely wear my Dark Jedi robe and carry one of my Master Replicas Force F/X Lightsabers.

 :vader: :jedi: :nerd:

May the FORCE be with you...always!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on October 08, 2008, 02:38:26 PM

I'm going to be Princess Leia for Halloween.

Slave Leia or Princess Leia with buns et al?

Buns Leia with the long white dress and the belt.  I'm working on the costume right now.  It's too cold here for Slave Leia.

My son is going as Obi-Wan Kenobi from the new Clone Wars movie and series. I will likely wear my Dark Jedi robe and carry one of my Master Replicas Force F/X Lightsabers.

 :vader: :jedi: :nerd:

May the FORCE be with you...always!


My son is going as Optimus Prime and my daughter is going as Batgirl.


I fully expected a Star Wars theme as well, but the craze may have taken a back seat, for now.

I still enforce The Padawan Lesson, The Master's Difference and The Master's Challenge
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 08, 2008, 08:32:52 PM

I'm going to be Princess Leia for Halloween.

Slave Leia or Princess Leia with buns et al?

Buns Leia with the long white dress and the belt.  I'm working on the costume right now.  It's too cold here for Slave Leia.

My son is going as Obi-Wan Kenobi from the new Clone Wars movie and series. I will likely wear my Dark Jedi robe and carry one of my Master Replicas Force F/X Lightsabers.

 :vader: :jedi: :nerd:

May the FORCE be with you...always!

May the force be with you as well. 

Those costumes sound cool.

Where did you buy your Lightsaber?

My husband will be Darth Vader because my daughter bought him the helmet for Christmas a while back and I'm finally making him the robe/cape to go with it.

I got two things that I can twirl on my pigtailed hair to make the big doughnut buns, but my buns are not quite as big as hers were.  At least they cover my ears, though.

Our daughter will be an experiment from Lilo and Stitch.  She will look like a giant purple bat.  She chose this costume over a month ago and got me to go ahead and make it for her, saying that she would not change her mind and she hasn't.


My son is going as Optimus Prime and my daughter is going as Batgirl.


I fully expected a Star Wars theme as well, but the craze may have taken a back seat, for now.

I still enforce The Padawan Lesson, The Master's Difference and The Master's Challenge

Those costumes sound cool as well, DirtDawg.  Will you wear a costume?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on October 08, 2008, 10:14:36 PM


My son is going as Optimus Prime and my daughter is going as Batgirl.


I fully expected a Star Wars theme as well, but the craze may have taken a back seat, for now.

I still enforce The Padawan Lesson, The Master's Difference and The Master's Challenge

Those costumes sound cool as well, DirtDawg.  Will you wear a costume?

My wife has always made their costumes, but this year we bought them from a Party Plus store.
My son has usually been a dinosaur or a dragon, but last year he wanted to be the Grim Reaper. When he was three, my wife made him into a Hershey's Kiss.:D
My daughter has always gone as some kind of Princess (Bee Princess, Ladybug Princess, Angel Princess, Fairy Princess and last year just a Princess). This year she's into bats. She doesn't know much, if anything, about Batman, but when she saw the Bat costume she had to have THAT ONE! Everything has wings though - oddly.

My perennial costume is that of a pirate and yes, I'll go with them in costume. It's an easy one, some flashy Hawaiian shirt, tied up (Hey, I have a little definition in my abs for the first time in many years!), some scarves tied here and there, headband, eyepatch, grab one of my swords, paint my face and some tattoos all over me arms, black out a couple of me teeth and I'm ready to go - Aaarrrrr.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on October 12, 2008, 03:44:41 AM
Here is a new keyboard for you DirtDawg:

I know it is futile to ask. But will you post pics of the costumes? Anyone?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 12, 2008, 11:26:03 AM
Sorry, I can't, Renaeden.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on October 13, 2008, 04:42:57 AM
Dang. Well I tried! :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on October 13, 2008, 11:23:23 AM
Here is a new keyboard for you DirtDawg:

I know it is futile to ask. But will you post pics of the costumes? Anyone?

Yeah, but I can't blame my keyboard. I do too many typos, these days.


I try to edit them out when I can see them again. Can't see them when they are fresh, sometimes. Can't see the pic. Does it have some kind of spell check function, microphone and voice recognition built in or something?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 13, 2008, 04:06:45 PM

Yeah, but I can't blame my keyboard. I do too many typos, these days.


I try to edit them out when I can see them again. Can't see them when they are fresh, sometimes. Can't see the pic. Does it have some kind of spell check function, microphone and voice recognition built in or something?

It's an ergonomic keyboard for pirates.  I'll try attaching it to this post.  Can you see it, DirtDawg?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on October 13, 2008, 09:22:03 PM
Yeah, but I can't blame my keyboard. I do too many typos, these days.


I try to edit them out when I can see them again. Can't see them when they are fresh, sometimes. Can't see the pic. Does it have some kind of spell check function, microphone and voice recognition built in or something?
Was about to say Huh? When I realised you can't see the picture. I see no problem with your typing, have posted about it to you before.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: punkdrew on October 21, 2008, 11:12:07 PM
Callaway: I don't care what anyone else thinks--I think you're a nice person.

Yes, I'm aware that wasn't a question. Sue me. : )
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 21, 2008, 11:23:48 PM
Callaway: I don't care what anyone else thinks--I think you're a nice person.

Yes, I'm aware that wasn't a question. Sue me. : )

Thank you, Wandrew.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on October 22, 2008, 07:21:10 AM
Here is a new keyboard for you DirtDawg:

I know it is futile to ask. But will you post pics of the costumes? Anyone?

I just saw the keyboard.


Thanks, I really needed a laugh this morning.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: WolFish on October 29, 2008, 11:11:18 PM
I know it is futile to ask. But will you post pics of the costumes? Anyone?

i may not finish my costume but my girlfriend is going as a tiroth - a monkeylike being from a novel she wrote. i am going as a griff - part cat, part bird, from the same novel. at the least, we will post a pic of a tiroth in a tree, at best, both the tiroth and the griff.

i do have a question, too:
can you feel gas pains in other parts of your body besides your digestive system?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 30, 2008, 10:45:32 AM
I know it is futile to ask. But will you post pics of the costumes? Anyone?

i may not finish my costume but my girlfriend is going as a tiroth - a monkeylike being from a novel she wrote. i am going as a griff - part cat, part bird, from the same novel. at the least, we will post a pic of a tiroth in a tree, at best, both the tiroth and the griff.

i do have a question, too:
can you feel gas pains in other parts of your body besides your digestive system?

I hope that you get your costume finished by tomorrow and that both of you post pictures of your costumes, because they sound great.

I have felt gas pains as referred pains in my shoulders and I have heard of people feeling gas pains as referred pains in their chest.

Other than that, I don't know where else you could feel them.  Where have you felt gas pains?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: WolFish on October 30, 2008, 01:37:58 PM
I have had what I guess you would call referred pains both in my chest and shoulder. Particularly scary in the left shoulder when it occurs at the same time as the chest pains. But no one I know had heard of this. I guess it must be rare.

The Tiroth costume is 1/3 done but I had some errands so now I have to rest. We hope to finish the Tiroth tonight and maybe start the Griff. Since I still have to wear a mask in public we are transforming one into a beak. The Tiroth is going to be quite furry.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on October 30, 2008, 02:47:50 PM
I'd never heard of "referred pain" but I looked it up. Apparently it's when nerves get crossed in your spine and damage to internal organs is perceived as hurt in unrelated parts of the body.

I found an image mapping common regions of referred pain:

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 30, 2008, 11:18:51 PM
That's an interesting picture, Pyraxis.

I felt gas pains in my shoulders, especially after my C-section and laparoscopic surgeries.  I think that the gas pressure must have irritated my diaphragm.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: WolFish on October 31, 2008, 12:10:41 AM
argh! i can't see the picture!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on October 31, 2008, 02:02:32 PM
I hope that you get your costume finished by tomorrow and that both of you post pictures of your costumes, because they sound great.

We decided to do a shaman for Wolf instead of a griff.

Here are the pics....

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: WolFish on October 31, 2008, 02:05:17 PM
i can see those pictures!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 01, 2008, 05:15:03 AM
argh! i can't see the picture!

I copied the URL into my browser window, then it worked for me.  Here it is:

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 01, 2008, 05:26:46 AM
I hope that you get your costume finished by tomorrow and that both of you post pictures of your costumes, because they sound great.

We decided to do a shaman for Wolf instead of a griff.

Here are the pics....

Those are great costumes.  Thanks for sharing them.

These are the Leia and Darth Vader costumes I copied, but I did not have the blaster and my husband's costume did not have the shoulder armor or codpiece and his belt and boots were different:

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: WolFish on November 01, 2008, 07:13:09 AM
do you have actual pics?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: WolFish on November 01, 2008, 11:59:30 AM
thanks for the referred pain pic, btw

is there any medication that could simulate the effects of huffing butane?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on November 01, 2008, 12:20:15 PM
Does your daughter have heart complications grown up following what she went through?

My mind isn't going to process something like this, so excuss what ever comes up, but don't be afraid to answer.  I am not saying anything about you, just don't want you to feel like that, or anyone.  Then I would be alone, and that would suck, fuckn suck :laugh:  Everything sucks/ sucking :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 02, 2008, 12:31:44 AM
thanks for the referred pain pic, btw

is there any medication that could simulate the effects of huffing butane?

Sorry, I don't know.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 02, 2008, 01:12:14 AM
Does your daughter have heart complications grown up following what she went through?

My mind isn't going to process something like this, so excuss what ever comes up, but don't be afraid to answer.  I am not saying anything about you, just don't want you to feel like that, or anyone.  Then I would be alone, and that would suck, fuckn suck :laugh:  Everything sucks/ sucking :laugh:

Yes, she was born with a Ventricular Septal Defect and she had open heart surgery to fix it when she was three weeks old.  Some of the stitches from the surgery affected the natural pacemaker cells of her heart, so now her heart has a right bundle branch block, which changes the conduction pathway of her heart so it can be seen on an electrocardiogram.

The surgeon used a patch to fix the hole that was in her heart and it leaked for a while following the open heart surgery, but the leakage stopped as her own heart muscle cells covered the patch.  She has a metal clip in her heart that was used during her surgery to fix something called a Patent Ductus Arterosis, which is a way for the blood to bypass the lungs during fetal circulation.  It is supposed to close itself off after the baby is born, but it didn't in her case.  That clip shows up on X-ray and I don't know whether it prevents her being able to have an MRI if she ever needs one.  She also had a Patent Foramen Ovale, which is an opening between the atria, which another thing that the heart needs for fetal circulation but it's supposed to close after the baby is born but in her case it didn't.  They closed that with a stitch during her surgery and she has had no further issues from it.

She has other health issues, but these are the only ones dealing with her heart.

I will attach a couple of pictures so you can see what was wrong with her heart.  The first one shows the VSD and the second one shows the PDA.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 02, 2008, 01:14:25 AM
do you have actual pics?

We didn't take any of ourselves.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on November 04, 2008, 12:30:46 PM
Does your daughter have heart complications grown up following what she went through?

My mind isn't going to process something like this, so excuss what ever comes up, but don't be afraid to answer.  I am not saying anything about you, just don't want you to feel like that, or anyone.  Then I would be alone, and that would suck, fuckn suck :laugh:  Everything sucks/ sucking :laugh:

Yes, she was born with a Ventricular Septal Defect and she had open heart surgery to fix it when she was three weeks old.  Some of the stitches from the surgery affected the natural pacemaker cells of her heart, so now her heart has a right bundle branch block, which changes the conduction pathway of her heart so it can be seen on an electrocardiogram.

The surgeon used a patch to fix the hole that was in her heart and it leaked for a while following the open heart surgery, but the leakage stopped as her own heart muscle cells covered the patch.  She has a metal clip in her heart that was used during her surgery to fix something called a Patent Ductus Arterosis, which is a way for the blood to bypass the lungs during fetal circulation.  It is supposed to close itself off after the baby is born, but it didn't in her case.  That clip shows up on X-ray and I don't know whether it prevents her being able to have an MRI if she ever needs one.  She also had a Patent Foramen Ovale, which is an opening between the atria, which another thing that the heart needs for fetal circulation but it's supposed to close after the baby is born but in her case it didn't.  They closed that with a stitch during her surgery and she has had no further issues from it.

She has other health issues, but these are the only ones dealing with her heart.

I will attach a couple of pictures so you can see what was wrong with her heart.  The first one shows the VSD and the second one shows the PDA.

God, holy shit!  I read up alot about cardiovascular system.  Its a biggy in my life extension magazines, I am very familar with lipid proflies, suchs  c reactive protein, very low density lipoprotein, insulin, the whole thing.  I got numbers memoried to, optimal ranges for antiaging.  I should read them again.  Wolfberry boost sod, which can actually reverse hardening of the artertes.

Does she have restraints on activity because of her heart?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 04, 2008, 03:10:12 PM
Does your daughter have heart complications grown up following what she went through?

My mind isn't going to process something like this, so excuss what ever comes up, but don't be afraid to answer.  I am not saying anything about you, just don't want you to feel like that, or anyone.  Then I would be alone, and that would suck, fuckn suck :laugh:  Everything sucks/ sucking :laugh:

Yes, she was born with a Ventricular Septal Defect and she had open heart surgery to fix it when she was three weeks old.  Some of the stitches from the surgery affected the natural pacemaker cells of her heart, so now her heart has a right bundle branch block, which changes the conduction pathway of her heart so it can be seen on an electrocardiogram.

The surgeon used a patch to fix the hole that was in her heart and it leaked for a while following the open heart surgery, but the leakage stopped as her own heart muscle cells covered the patch.  She has a metal clip in her heart that was used during her surgery to fix something called a Patent Ductus Arterosis, which is a way for the blood to bypass the lungs during fetal circulation.  It is supposed to close itself off after the baby is born, but it didn't in her case.  That clip shows up on X-ray and I don't know whether it prevents her being able to have an MRI if she ever needs one.  She also had a Patent Foramen Ovale, which is an opening between the atria, which another thing that the heart needs for fetal circulation but it's supposed to close after the baby is born but in her case it didn't.  They closed that with a stitch during her surgery and she has had no further issues from it.

She has other health issues, but these are the only ones dealing with her heart.

I will attach a couple of pictures so you can see what was wrong with her heart.  The first one shows the VSD and the second one shows the PDA.

God, holy shit!  I read up alot about cardiovascular system.  Its a biggy in my life extension magazines, I am very familar with lipid proflies, suchs  c reactive protein, very low density lipoprotein, insulin, the whole thing.  I got numbers memoried to, optimal ranges for antiaging.  I should read them again.  Wolfberry boost sod, which can actually reverse hardening of the artertes.

Does she have restraints on activity because of her heart?

She did when she was younger, but not so much now.  She should rest when she gets tired and she should use caution at very high altitudes, but that's all.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on November 04, 2008, 03:32:35 PM
I saw, creatine is for those concerned with integreity of their heart.  It helps the mind, and the belly bloats to! :laugh:  Just got to cut down if that happens, and not take all the time as your body could become dependent on it.  It would seem in her condition she would want to make her heart as fit as possible with exercise.  If she was me she might have a problem, but not many ingest large quantites of spicy herbs, because I am weird :laugh:  I am wonder about the body levels of certain things, like co enzyme q 10, in response to such a defect.  That could damage the heart durning high intensity exercise, but didn't bother me, and I took the water souble umbiqucareone or whatever, which 3x better absorbed than regular co enzyme q 10.  My heart rate is about 70beats a minute, maybe lower now, I did good thing, risky family.  Blood pressure should be below 120/80.

Is her heart rate a bit fast or slow?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on November 04, 2008, 11:13:58 PM
Well what do we got here? Garlic cayenne parsley<rich in b vitamins 25%protein in leaves rich in zinc antiseptic chlorophyll dont use with kidney inflammation and pharamcist said or with multiple health conditions> tansy, lecithin, and fenugreek<estrogenic aids digestion and pancrease> regulates heart beet alfalfa bee pollen<rich in b vitamins protein aids balancing of hormones> pectin bran onions rasins nutrional yeast hawthorn berries watermelon has lecithin wheat germ provides as much o2 as an oxygen tent to heart honey levulose may revive heart action b vitamins zinc vita c magnesium for heart octocosanol oxygen modulation spinach wheat germ are sources pineapples break up clots in 95% of cases italian pimiento swt pepper for heart hormones skull cap raises high density fats cinnamon vita e co enzyme q10 tangerine peel strengthen heart clean blood vessels of cholesterol
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on November 05, 2008, 12:00:47 PM
Round 2

25000 iu vitamin a  and or eat vegetables  Beta cartoene is essentially non toxic precursor of vitamin a use that.  Beta cartoene increases risk of lung cancer in smokers, just one of the many of the plants defenses.
b1 100-200mg   other b vitamin rich foods, just about everything.  Refined grains have significantly less, spir insulin, and the resultant cholesterol.
3-6grams niacin  can cause flusing, drink plenty of liquids.  Niacin lowers cholesterol
100mg b6 2x neutralizes homocysteine which precurses artery plaque
250-600mg of choline
2-3grams vitamin c
Pangamic acid +vitamin e improved shortness of breath with heart pains in two weeks for angina. Pangamic acid also helps increase tollerance for social situations.  Pangamic acid is a choline intermediate, and is vitamin b 15.  Seeds got it, but the seeds of some plants have cyanide.  Vitamin e is in nuts, and generally fatty foods, as its fatty souble protector of lipids.  Cucumber dildo is rich source of vitamin e, and sulfur for my gf.  Sure she will like my breath if I eat enough of them :wanker:
Papaya carpain for angina
I didn't forget the kitchen sink, and the fact that I copied most of this shit out of the book.  I can't deny it doesn't look familar to me, and I added my two cents from things I memorized from this book.

I imagine those are adult doses.

Not sure if this would apply:
dose    age
1/2      10-14
1/3       6-10
1/4        2-6
1/8        infants

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on November 05, 2008, 03:55:00 PM
Callaway still hungry?

You can grind up tangerine peel can be ground up and added to food, or can make a tea with it like I been doing with onion skins.  Onion skins are tough, so I read it takes 20 or 30 minutes to extract a good portion of inflammation lowering quercitin.  Onion quercitin stays in the body longer than other sources.  I would think 20 or 30 minutes is good for tangerine peel to.

Cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon=1 gram, and I recommend 1-5grams
Ginger is good for heart, its in my avitar.
Cholorphyll can directly assist the heart's beating, that is probably why alfalfa and parsley were recommended.  Cholorphyll contains magnesium, so does beans and nuts.  Chocolate craving can  be a sign of magnesium deficency, as many americas are deficent.  That is because they don't eat those foods, or enough vegetables.  They eat refined grains, also less magnesium.

For everyone to hear:
8 all isomers of vita e must be taken, as each one does something different.  One may help prevent free radicals, and another may stop the ones that already happened.  The tocotrinerols are rare in nature, and more potent than the tocopherols in antioxidant protection.  gamma, beta, alpa, as well as delta tocopherol must be used.  Gamma specifically is good for the prostate.

EFA for the heart.   You don't eat any free range fish or meat, and your likely to be deficent in omega 3 fats, unless you eat algae.  Eating 20 grams or more of spirulina exceeds the EPA's safe upper limit on mercury.  Conversion from plant form rarely takes place, how rare?  90% of the precursors are typically burned off before being converted to the form humans need.   You need benefical bacteria to help with that process, further compounding the problem.  Benefical, probiotics, that Callaway's daughter already takes, stimulate bile production from the liver, reducing cholesterol and aiding the emulsification of fats for the lipase enzyme to attack.  Bacteria where once part of our diet, but pesticides kill them off, perhaps you shoud take one daily.  It was in small amount of dirt we picked up on our vegetables, that we would get the same organsims that plants use to help them get nutrition from the soil.

Quality vitamin e protection requires supplement, as its not particularly high in food.  You can guzzle lots of oil and get fat if you want :laugh:  Make sure to choose hydrongenated ones, rich in trans fat, mess up your lipid profile, even lower protective high density lipoproteins. :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on November 05, 2008, 10:58:38 PM
Bee pollen 3grams alfalfa tablets 10-30 grams spirulina 3-15 grams <can be used to help infants gain weight due to nutritive properties  its low in calories> as recommended by america heart association as much of seafood is contaminated with mecury encentric fish oil capsules are absorbed better being released only in intestine general cardiohealth .5grams epa and or dha known coronary artery diease 1 gram elevated triglycerides 2-4grams rheumatoid arthritis 2 or more grams brain health .5 grams depression 1gram epa appears more effective i take 2.4 grams these doses arent total amount of fish oil conversion of precusors is a delicate process with insulin they turn proinflammatory archadonic acid found in eggs red meat we need insulin just not too much and same for inflammation same holds true for omega 6 precursors if you eat alot junk you wont be able to turn fats into what you need instead it can turn inflammatory. monounsaturated fats are nuetral with regards to insulin, but polyunsaturated omega 3 and 6 arent. 
Spirulina is on there for its cholorphyll, 1% by weight.  Chlorrela or whatever, another algae is the riches source discovered, yet it has a tough cells wall require special processing, as does bee pollen.  Just simply grinding it up into a powder does help, as it reduces digestive time by 50%.  Its till pretty tough to get its riches.  Spirulina is much easier to digest, even easier than soy or meat protein.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on November 07, 2008, 06:27:11 AM
Randy, in your pictures you look malnourished so I wonder why you give out advice on how people should eat. ???
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on November 07, 2008, 02:04:29 PM
I feel fine, honestly, probably alot more energetic than most of you people, no offense.  I probably get more nutrients than anyone here :laugh:
Its kind of hard for me to gain weight, from what I know, most of the 145 I weighed before was accumulated water.  Cancer raises metabolism, but my cancer has been in remission from over 7years +/-  I refuse to ever touch junkfood ever again.

I did alot of reading, by other professionals, so much, it seems like I am professional. 

Something else you should consider when making judgements about other people, besides their feelings.  Its ok.  You must be in a good mood before you make a judgement, and sometimes preconscious issues go on that make you prefer didn't body types more or less attractive.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on November 07, 2008, 07:27:38 PM
I feel fine, honestly, probably alot more energetic than most of you people, no offense.  I probably get more nutrients than anyone here :laugh:
Its kind of hard for me to gain weight, from what I know, most of the 145 I weighed before was accumulated water.  Cancer raises metabolism, but my cancer has been in remission from over 7years +/-  I refuse to ever touch junkfood ever again.

I did alot of reading, by other professionals, so much, it seems like I am professional. 

Something else you should consider when making judgements about other people, besides their feelings.  Its ok.  You must be in a good mood before you make a judgement, and sometimes preconscious issues go on that make you prefer didn't body types more or less attractive.
Obviously Randy, the solution is to stop drinking water entirely.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 08, 2008, 07:54:23 AM
Thanks for taking the time to compile all that advice, Randy.  My daughter is 12.  The doctor never expressed a concern with her heart rate, so I think it must be within the normal range for her age.  She likes pasta a lot and she eats very little meat although she will eat egg whites and seafood, but otherwise she eats a pretty well-balanced diet.  She's allergic to corn.  She actually does eat a form of algae, since she likes sushi.  She takes a probiotic, a multivitamin and a calcium supplement.  I used to give her fish oil capsules; maybe we could give them another try.  She loves tangerines, but they are getting very hard to find this time of year.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on November 12, 2008, 03:14:01 PM
Yes and if you eat sea vegetables, you have no need for any table salt or salt subsititue.  They can use sea water dialysis, as its mineral and general composition is similar to human blood.  Corn is not a common allergy, I was told is a natural detoxifier.  I saw some suishi myself one time, I couldn't eat it because of the wheat.  I also saw some other things I didn't like about it.  I should make my own, every ingredient healthy.  I think its the bioflavonoids they were looking for in regards to tangerines.  That is pretty common, especially vitamin c rich foods, as it helps vitamin c's action.  I know that orangers are a  source of co  enzyme q 10, as are tabacco leaves :laugh: I herd children don't like much meat because of the texture, its good, in small quantites.  I just saw a study recently, vitamin d at a dose of 2000 ius didn't cause toxicity symptoms in children.
Calcium carbonate requires adequate stomach acid, but the other better aborbed forms are less concentrated and pricy.  Up to 25 eggs a day won't raise cholesterol :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on November 14, 2008, 05:01:31 AM
orangers! :LMAO:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 15, 2008, 02:27:30 PM
Yes and if you eat sea vegetables, you have no need for any table salt or salt subsititue.  They can use sea water dialysis, as its mineral and general composition is similar to human blood.  Corn is not a common allergy, I was told is a natural detoxifier.  I saw some suishi myself one time, I couldn't eat it because of the wheat.  I also saw some other things I didn't like about it.  I should make my own, every ingredient healthy.  I think its the bioflavonoids they were looking for in regards to tangerines.  That is pretty common, especially vitamin c rich foods, as it helps vitamin c's action.  I know that orangers are a  source of co  enzyme q 10, as are tabacco leaves :laugh: I herd children don't like much meat because of the texture, its good, in small quantites.  I just saw a study recently, vitamin d at a dose of 2000 ius didn't cause toxicity symptoms in children.
Calcium carbonate requires adequate stomach acid, but the other better aborbed forms are less concentrated and pricy.  Up to 25 eggs a day won't raise cholesterol :laugh:

I don't think most sushi has any wheat ingredients in it.

They use glutinous rice, but glutinous rice does not have any wheat gluten.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on November 15, 2008, 03:54:27 PM
I don't think most sushi has any wheat ingredients in it.

They use glutinous rice, but glutinous rice does not have any wheat gluten.

Actually it does - most Asian restaurants use soy sauce made from wheat, and some cheap sushi uses artifical crab meat with wheat in it. It's something you have to check for if you're staying GF, and the wait staff usually don't know.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on November 15, 2008, 08:02:25 PM
I don't think most sushi has any wheat ingredients in it.

They use glutinous rice, but glutinous rice does not have any wheat gluten.

Actually it does - most Asian restaurants use soy sauce made from wheat, and some cheap sushi uses artifical crab meat with wheat in it. It's something you have to check for if you're staying GF, and the wait staff usually don't know.

NO, they rarely have a clue as to what you are asking. Often the kitchen does not either.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on November 15, 2008, 08:23:52 PM
I often don't get as far as asking the kitchen - it's easier to research in advance where the risks are than trust the second-hand word of some cook who may just be trying to make the annoying customer go away.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 15, 2008, 08:53:30 PM
I don't think most sushi has any wheat ingredients in it.

They use glutinous rice, but glutinous rice does not have any wheat gluten.

Actually it does - most Asian restaurants use soy sauce made from wheat, and some cheap sushi uses artifical crab meat with wheat in it. It's something you have to check for if you're staying GF, and the wait staff usually don't know.

Wow, I didn't know that artificial crab meat had wheat products in it.  Thanks.

Here is some information about artificial crab meat and how it's made:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 15, 2008, 08:55:49 PM
My daughter is allergic to corn, so we often ask about that at various restaurants.  The staff go and look at the labels for us to make sure that there is no corn in the food we want to feed her.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on November 15, 2008, 11:39:11 PM
My daughter is allergic to corn, so we often ask about that at various restaurants.  The staff go and look at the labels for us to make sure that there is no corn in the food we want to feed her.
That sounds incredibly difficult...  they put corn in EVERYTHING these days.

I read that even farm raised fish are being fed corn based feeds these days.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 16, 2008, 03:39:45 AM
My daughter is allergic to corn, so we often ask about that at various restaurants.  The staff go and look at the labels for us to make sure that there is no corn in the food we want to feed her.
That sounds incredibly difficult...  they put corn in EVERYTHING these days.

I read that even farm raised fish are being fed corn based feeds these days.

It is a bit difficult.  For example, if we took her to a McDonald's for breakfast, there is corn in their hash browns and their pancakes, so she can have a biscuit or a cinnamon roll.  Burger King has a macaroni and cheese kid's meal with fresh apple "fries" so that's usually what she wants if we get fast food for lunch or dinner.  If she wants potato chips, then we have to find out what kind of oil the potato chips she eats were fried in, since corn oil causes a problem for her.  Many pizza places use corn meal to keep the dough from sticking, but if we ask, the pizza place that is close to us will clean the area of corn meal and use wheat flour instead.

Luckily, we have not had to worry yet what the meat she eats has been fed, but she doesn't eat very much meat at all anyway.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on November 16, 2008, 06:51:50 AM
I have not heard of an allergy to corn before.

Tomorrow I am to have a blood test for cholesterol and to see if I am sensitive to gluten. If I have to have a gluten free diet, then I won't be too happy because most of what I eat probably has gluten in it.

I have a question: What was university like for you? How long were you there for?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 16, 2008, 07:56:26 AM
I have not heard of an allergy to corn before.

Tomorrow I am to have a blood test for cholesterol and to see if I am sensitive to gluten. If I have to have a gluten free diet, then I won't be too happy because most of what I eat probably has gluten in it.

I have a question: What was university like for you? How long were you there for?

Good luck with the test, then.

I was at one university for four years to get my BS in Chemical Engineering and at another university for even longer than that (off and on) to get my MS in Chemical Engineering.  It was harder than high school for me, but I finally finished my Master's degree.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on November 16, 2008, 07:12:00 PM
How did you get accepted into university?

Over here, there are the TEE (Tertiary Entrance Examinations) which are done in high school. Or one could go to TAFE (Technical And Further Education) which is like college to get enough scores/points to get into uni.. There is also the STAT (Special Tertiary Admissions Test) which I could have done for mature age entry but didn't because I saw an example of it and it looked really difficult.

Or there is the university enabling program which I did.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 16, 2008, 07:19:22 PM
I applied to undergraduate school.  I had high scores on the standardized tests universities use to determine one's eligibility to attend (ACT and SAT as an undergraduate and GRE as a graduate student) and I had good grades in high school and reasonably good grades in undergraduate and graduate school.  I also got good letters of recommendation from some of my undergraduate professors to attend graduate school.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on November 25, 2008, 03:56:10 PM
My daughter is allergic to corn, so we often ask about that at various restaurants.  The staff go and look at the labels for us to make sure that there is no corn in the food we want to feed her.

Becareful, I noticed, probably, most  people lack the intellegence I do, so just be warned, they same thing may apply to you to, so they fuck up.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 25, 2008, 06:08:10 PM
My daughter is allergic to corn, so we often ask about that at various restaurants.  The staff go and look at the labels for us to make sure that there is no corn in the food we want to feed her.

Becareful, I noticed, probably, most  people lack the intellegence I do, so just be warned, they same thing may apply to you to, so they fuck up.

OK.  Thanks.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on November 29, 2008, 01:33:20 PM
My daughter is allergic to corn, so we often ask about that at various restaurants.  The staff go and look at the labels for us to make sure that there is no corn in the food we want to feed her.

Becareful, I noticed, probably, most  people lack the intellegence I do, so just be warned, they same thing may apply to you to, so they fuck up.

Uh, hate my gloating. ::)  Smart people eat well to fuel their brains, I believe I am responsible for that in some way.    I have had happen to myself a few times, they say it doesn't have it, because the companies change their wording to possibly confuse people into buying their products.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 04, 2008, 11:45:34 AM
Do you taste good offline?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 04, 2008, 02:14:31 PM
I have good taste.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 05, 2008, 03:15:39 PM
I have good taste.

 :laugh: :-* :-* :-* :wanker: :wanker:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 06, 2008, 12:57:35 PM
I was fliritng with spokane girl, I would sue the pants off you to, because its an excuse because I am horny.
 :wanker:  I didn't jack off to her.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: enronh on December 06, 2008, 01:01:23 PM
Whats a question with no answer called?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 06, 2008, 01:46:52 PM
Whats a question with no answer called?

A rhetorical question?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 06, 2008, 01:59:08 PM
Whats a question with no answer called?

A rhetorical question?

Your a rhetorical :-*
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on December 06, 2008, 10:25:27 PM
Whats a question with no answer called?

A rhetorical question?

Nope. You're being too intellectual.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 06, 2008, 10:31:28 PM
Whats a question with no answer called?

A rhetorical question?

Nope. You're being too intellectual.

What is it, then?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on December 07, 2008, 01:58:11 PM
Can you walk as quiet as an Indian?  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on December 07, 2008, 03:16:00 PM
Can you walk as quiet as an Indian?  :zoinks:

Yes, and quieter.

(OK ... more quiet)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 07, 2008, 06:50:37 PM
Can you walk as quiet as an Indian?  :zoinks:

I walk pretty quietly. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 08, 2008, 03:53:45 PM
You wanlk pretty :-*  I missed spelled on purpose.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 08, 2008, 03:56:17 PM
Do seasonal allergies ever bother you?

Are there any instects that make you scream?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 08, 2008, 08:48:29 PM
Do seasonal allergies ever bother you?

Sometimes, but not a lot.


Are there any instects that make you scream?

No, I don't think so.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 09, 2008, 04:06:36 PM
Do seasonal allergies ever bother you?

Sometimes, but not a lot.


Are there any instects that make you scream?

You like snaked I bet :laugh: :wanker:
No, I don't think so.

What is your favorite food?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 09, 2008, 08:00:24 PM
Do seasonal allergies ever bother you?

Sometimes, but not a lot.


Are there any instects that make you scream?

You like snaked I bet :laugh: :wanker:
No, I don't think so.

What is your favorite food?

I hate snakes.

My favorite food is dark chocolate.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 10, 2008, 05:00:18 PM
Do seasonal allergies ever bother you?

Sometimes, but not a lot.


Are there any instects that make you scream?

You like snaked I bet :laugh: :wanker:
No, I don't think so.

What is your favorite food?

I hate snakes.

My favorite food is dark chocolate.

Yeah, after awhile of cutting down on sweets, you tend to get sensitive, and prefer dark chocolate over sweeter milk chocolate.

What month where your born in?

There are gem stones in my antiaging manual, each one associated with  a different month.  The ruby, my january, amplies emotions, and it says not to have with a bad mood. :laugh:

I am curious, lets just see if I can get a kick out of this to.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 10, 2008, 07:34:07 PM
I was born in August.  I think the gem stone from that month is a peridot.

I thought that the gem stone for January was a garnet and the ruby was the gem stone for July.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 11, 2008, 02:35:20 PM
I was born in August.  I think the gem stone from that month is a peridot.

I thought that the gem stone for January was a garnet and the ruby was the gem stone for July.

Maybe,  I think I remember that to.

July is my grandfather's gem stone :o :laugh:  Holy shit :laugh:
I can understand if your trying to manipulate me with my mom, its understandable she has such feelings.   I won't take offense, and will play along, as long as I am not harmed.  If I get simply tired, I may just resist.  A peridot?   I will write that one down.  My brother was born in august.  I have never herd of that gem stone.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 11, 2008, 03:16:13 PM
Do you have brightly colored swim suits?

Attracts attention :-*

Another guy to, but I don't care, makes me feel even more special, and not retarded :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on December 11, 2008, 04:09:06 PM

only small, insignificant people do that.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on December 11, 2008, 06:16:25 PM
My favorite food is dark chocolate.
Is that dark chocolate from See's Candies, or another candy maker, or are you not particular?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 11, 2008, 08:52:20 PM
My favorite food is dark chocolate.
Is that dark chocolate from See's Candies, or another candy maker, or are you not particular?

I'm not really too particular about it.  I have even eaten a little unsweetened baking chocolate before when I have had a strong chocolate craving.  I like Hershey's Special Dark as well as Lindt 70%.  I like Lindt 85% as well, but 99% is a little intense. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on December 11, 2008, 09:43:36 PM
I eat semi-sweet baking chocolate chips - it's cheaper than buying candy bars sometimes.  :P But I'm less picky what form chocolate comes in, so long as I can feed the addiction.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 11, 2008, 10:21:56 PM
I eat semi-sweet baking chocolate chips - it's cheaper than buying candy bars sometimes.  :P But I'm less picky what form chocolate comes in, so long as I can feed the addiction.

Have you ever eaten unsweetened baking chocolate?  That's a chocolate addiction.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on December 11, 2008, 10:42:01 PM
No.  :laugh: I might have if I'd had it round the house, but I don't have any regular recipies that call for it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 11, 2008, 11:59:03 PM
Chocolate craving might be magnesium problem its a legume that is typical or might be a preconscious motivation for sex;-) lick it off            how frequently do you jack rabbit off?  I saw the stones cute
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 12, 2008, 02:40:02 PM
Callaway, your stone goes with mine :laugh:

The computer fucked up twice already, that would be funny if I did that.
Keep trying, anything is possible. >:D

Mom, act normal :laugh:

Dad go win the lottery :laugh:

Fix my own eyes :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 12, 2008, 02:47:05 PM
What is the worst thing someone has ever done to you?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 12, 2008, 03:03:23 PM
What is the worst thing someone has ever done to you?

I don't want to talk about the worst thing because it's too private, Randy.

The worst thing that I will say is that I had a stalker.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 12, 2008, 03:08:19 PM
What is the worst thing someone has ever done to you?

I don't want to talk about the worst thing because it's too private, Randy.

The worst thing that I will say is that I had a stalker.

Oh my god, someone needs a doctor, and isn't you.  I thought I was bad,  I see so many people can't deal with things.....

I guess that is what happens when you don't help yourself, you get attached selfishlessly, and you can't move on.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 12, 2008, 10:35:38 PM
Nasty i mean it to guys were kissing never thought i would see that was very thankful to ah ah am melting fluid leaving  i stalked leven rambin then stopped at a point chased carla to its different i noticed after helping myself that behavior stopped i stalk myself now with my own to hands lol        what is your favorite tv show?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 12, 2008, 10:38:35 PM
i stalk problems i stalked the broccoli to
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 12, 2008, 10:54:05 PM
did you know sugar is good for wounds ergo the saying lick your wounds?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 13, 2008, 12:09:27 AM
what is your favorite tv show?

I like several TV shows, including Monk, Mystery Diagnosis, and Forensic Files.

did you know sugar is good for wounds ergo the saying lick your wounds?

Yes, and so is honey.  If the concentration of sugar is too high, it keeps bacteria from multiplying.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 13, 2008, 10:45:34 PM
Em kay lol            jessica had me watching csi it was good honey does it to now? Are you a doctor to now? Do you drink?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 13, 2008, 11:51:41 PM
Yes, honey does it too; no, I'm not a doctor; yes, I do drink but only very rarely.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on December 14, 2008, 06:11:33 AM
They used wine and olive oil back in ancient times.  8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 14, 2008, 02:20:34 PM
I had some wine with accidental ingestion of wheat,  I was so fucked up.  It was only a bit,  to boot, I didn't even know how far my problems really went back.

The anti aging manual, a recommened read, its got alot of good things in there.  The author is joseph morron or whatever.

Do drink and drive?  This is sort of a trick question with  funny joke.    Can you predict what I am going to say?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 14, 2008, 11:35:50 PM
Nm lol                 ever ate danelions?  It was joseph marrion
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 15, 2008, 06:44:43 AM
No, I don't drink and drive.

No, I have never eaten dandelions, although I know the new shoots are edible as greens.  They are very bitter.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 15, 2008, 02:08:07 PM
It said in the manual to soak them baking soda or salt, can't remember which one.

Do you like video games?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 15, 2008, 06:49:02 PM
It said in the manual to soak them baking soda or salt, can't remember which one.

Do you like video games?

Not particularly.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on December 15, 2008, 07:16:40 PM
Are you going to buy a gun now when the terrorist Obama is going to be president?  :tooledup:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 15, 2008, 07:51:48 PM
Are you going to buy a gun now when the terrorist Obama is going to be president?  :tooledup:

I intend to buy one.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on December 15, 2008, 07:53:32 PM
How much practice does it take to qualify to get the permit?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 15, 2008, 08:22:28 PM
How much practice does it take to qualify to get the permit?

I don't need a permit to buy a gun in Colorado if I intend to merely keep it in my own home for self defense.

If I wanted a concealed carry permit, then I would need to show a certificate showing that I completed a handgun training class and I would have to pass a CBI background investigation, which includes criteria like I'm not under a restraining order, I'm not an alcoholic or illegal drug user, I have never been committed to a mental institution, I'm not a criminal, etc.

There are at least two options for the class I could take to meet these requirements, a three-and-a-half hour class for people who are already familiar with shooting, or a ten hour class that includes live fire instruction.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on December 15, 2008, 08:33:44 PM
3½ hour to get a RTC. In Sweden there is no right to carry at all and it takes six months to get a permit to keep a fucking .22 calibre pistol in your home and you need to stay in the shooting club and visit it regularly to keep the license. A gun for self-defense is out of question except for maybe a dozen persons a year and it needs at least something that you quit from the Hells Angels and has a secret identity. Anyone can't apply for it. The Brits have no right to even own pistols at all. Fucking Europe.  :grrr:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on December 15, 2008, 10:33:39 PM
3½ hour to get a RTC. In Sweden there is no right to carry at all and it takes six months to get a permit to keep a fucking .22 calibre pistol in your home and you need to stay in the shooting club and visit it regularly to keep the license. A gun for self-defense is out of question except for maybe a dozen persons a year and it needs at least something that you quit from the Hells Angels and has a secret identity. Anyone can't apply for it. The Brits have no right to even own pistols at all. Fucking Europe.  :grrr:

Handguns are a nice option for concealed carrying, but for home defense, I insist that the most effective and safe weapon is a pump action, sawed off shotgun. The first round goes into the ceiling if it's nighttime to find, identify and confirm your target, then once you're sure that your house has been invaded by a stranger, you can easily take out two targets, before you move to another location. Move quickly, because if they shoot back they will shoot in the direction of your muzzle flash. No problem, if you moved quickly enough, because the following muzzle flash from the intruder's gun that you missed will mark the placement of your next shot. Then move again.

basic home defense ...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on December 15, 2008, 10:42:14 PM
What was the real cause of Catherine the Great's death?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on December 15, 2008, 11:05:20 PM
Wrong, PlayStation!

An intruder at night has the upper hand, most often. The first shot is mainly to safeguard your family, by confirming your target BEFORE you kill. If you have a better way to flash the room with light and respond quickly, then do so. I would much rather shoot a hole in the ceiling, unnecessarily, than to accidentally shoot a family member or a drunken neighbor who crawled through the wrong window, for instance.
Obviously, if you can clearly see your target, there is no need to flash the room.

Accordingly, at night, the chances of committing a wrong-kill in the dark with the intention of protecting your home are about fifty:fifty. So your first shot is also to protect yourself and ensure a good shooting.

It doesn't really work with a handgun muzzle flash, unless you're shooting a magnum and in that case shooting through your ceiling is a very bad idea. Use a shotgun.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 15, 2008, 11:09:30 PM
You give me such a hard on your hot your husband better loose weight or else has to deal with me i "wanted" to mention that what are your hobbies? This bring back memories of cathy your both so nice too bad she wouldnt do it for herself. What kind of music do you listen to?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on December 16, 2008, 12:04:57 AM
Wrong, PlayStation!

An intruder at night has the upper hand, most often. The first shot is mainly to safeguard your family, by confirming your target BEFORE you kill. If you have a better way to flash the room with light and respond quickly, then do so. I would much rather shoot a hole in the ceiling, unnecessarily, than to accidentally shoot a family member or a drunken neighbor who crawled through the wrong window, for instance.
Obviously, if you can clearly see your target, there is no need to flash the room.

Accordingly, at night, the chances of committing a wrong-kill in the dark with the intention of protecting your home are about fifty:fifty. So your first shot is also to protect yourself and ensure a good shooting.

It doesn't really work with a handgun muzzle flash, unless you're shooting a magnum and in that case shooting through your ceiling is a very bad idea. Use a shotgun.
I prefer to use a momentary on flashlight and move, both to identify a target and to not fire unless necessary. Many of the newer lights available can nail a burglars eyes good and render him blind. Also I would be concerned about the police or DAs office deciding that shots into the ceiling could be construed as being careless or trigger happy. Also coming around a corner with a shotgun muzzle out can give them something to grab or be held so it couldn't be grabbed but might not be brought to bear on the target either. When mentioning short shotguns the NFA mandates a minimum barrel length of 18" and a minimum overall length of 26", to go any shorter legally requires paying the NFA $200 tax or the AOW $5 tax for something purpose built as a short barreled shotgun, either one of which requires giving prints to the BATFE and either assigning the weapon to a corporation or having the local Chief of Police or Sheriff (in unincorporated areas) sign off on it. Because of the potential problems in bringing a long gun around corners I prefer to use a .45 held in the Taylor low ready position. If the forward arm is grabbed jamming the muzzle into their chest/abdominal region and shooting will give them a worse wound because of the propellant gases following the bullet into the body. If you have an NFA license then obviously using a really short shotgun won't cause the legal heartburn that an illegal one would. Also if the plan is to hunker down in a particular room with the gun pointed at the entrance then a 12 gauge shotgun is obviously better than any pistol.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 16, 2008, 12:45:08 AM
What was the real cause of Catherine the Great's death?

She died in bed of a cerebral hemorrhage.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on December 16, 2008, 12:58:30 AM
I guess the excesses of Caligula, Nero and various Popes made character assassination easier for her detractors. How many people were burned as Witches at Salemtown Mass.?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 16, 2008, 01:05:33 AM
3½ hour to get a RTC. In Sweden there is no right to carry at all and it takes six months to get a permit to keep a fucking .22 calibre pistol in your home and you need to stay in the shooting club and visit it regularly to keep the license. A gun for self-defense is out of question except for maybe a dozen persons a year and it needs at least something that you quit from the Hells Angels and has a secret identity. Anyone can't apply for it. The Brits have no right to even own pistols at all. Fucking Europe.  :grrr:

Handguns are a nice option for concealed carrying, but for home defense, I insist that the most effective and safe weapon is a pump action, sawed off shotgun. The first round goes into the ceiling if it's nighttime to find, identify and confirm your target, then once you're sure that your house has been invaded by a stranger, you can easily take out two targets, before you move to another location. Move quickly, because if they shoot back they will shoot in the direction of your muzzle flash. No problem, if you moved quickly enough, because the following muzzle flash from the intruder's gun that you missed will mark the placement of your next shot. Then move again.

basic home defense ...

Wrong, PlayStation!

An intruder at night has the upper hand, most often. The first shot is mainly to safeguard your family, by confirming your target BEFORE you kill. If you have a better way to flash the room with light and respond quickly, then do so. I would much rather shoot a hole in the ceiling, unnecessarily, than to accidentally shoot a family member or a drunken neighbor who crawled through the wrong window, for instance.
Obviously, if you can clearly see your target, there is no need to flash the room.

Accordingly, at night, the chances of committing a wrong-kill in the dark with the intention of protecting your home are about fifty:fifty. So your first shot is also to protect yourself and ensure a good shooting.

It doesn't really work with a handgun muzzle flash, unless you're shooting a magnum and in that case shooting through your ceiling is a very bad idea. Use a shotgun.

Wrong, PlayStation!

An intruder at night has the upper hand, most often. The first shot is mainly to safeguard your family, by confirming your target BEFORE you kill. If you have a better way to flash the room with light and respond quickly, then do so. I would much rather shoot a hole in the ceiling, unnecessarily, than to accidentally shoot a family member or a drunken neighbor who crawled through the wrong window, for instance.
Obviously, if you can clearly see your target, there is no need to flash the room.

Accordingly, at night, the chances of committing a wrong-kill in the dark with the intention of protecting your home are about fifty:fifty. So your first shot is also to protect yourself and ensure a good shooting.

It doesn't really work with a handgun muzzle flash, unless you're shooting a magnum and in that case shooting through your ceiling is a very bad idea. Use a shotgun.
I prefer to use a momentary on flashlight and move, both to identify a target and to not fire unless necessary. Many of the newer lights available can nail a burglars eyes good and render him blind. Also I would be concerned about the police or DAs office deciding that shots into the ceiling could be construed as being careless or trigger happy. Also coming around a corner with a shotgun muzzle out can give them something to grab or be held so it couldn't be grabbed but might not be brought to bear on the target either. When mentioning short shotguns the NFA mandates a minimum barrel length of 18" and a minimum overall length of 26", to go any shorter legally requires paying the NFA $200 tax or the AOW $5 tax for something purpose built as a short barreled shotgun, either one of which requires giving prints to the BATFE and either assigning the weapon to a corporation or having the local Chief of Police or Sheriff (in unincorporated areas) sign off on it. Because of the potential problems in bringing a long gun around corners I prefer to use a .45 held in the Taylor low ready position. If the forward arm is grabbed jamming the muzzle into their chest/abdominal region and shooting will give them a worse wound because of the propellant gases following the bullet into the body. If you have an NFA license then obviously using a really short shotgun won't cause the legal heartburn that an illegal one would. Also if the plan is to hunker down in a particular room with the gun pointed at the entrance then a 12 gauge shotgun is obviously better than any pistol.

Thanks for the information.

My dad had a twelve gauge shotgun and a rifle, but I think he usually grabbed his shotgun if he needed to defend us.

I remember one time when I heard a Peeping Tom outside and another time when someone came into our back yard and stole the outboard motor off my dad's boat.

Both times he grabbed his shotgun and ran outside to confront them.

The Peeping Tom ran away and I saw him from my parent's bedroom window as he ran under the street light and my dad told the person who he caught in our back yard with the outboard motor in his hands, "You have stolen more than you can carry and outrun my double-ought buck shot," then the man threw down the motor and ran away.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 16, 2008, 01:18:30 AM
I guess the excesses of Caligula, Nero and various Popes made character assassination easier for her detractors. How many people were burned as Witches at Salemtown Mass.?

None were burned.  Nineteen were hanged and one man who simply refused to enter a plea was pressed to death by piling heavy stones on a board that was on his chest.

More people were convicted of being witches, but they were never executed, some of them because they were pregnant and the executions were stayed until after they had given birth and some either died while being held in jail or else the sentence was never carried out because the witch hysteria finally ended.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on December 16, 2008, 01:52:27 AM
Martha Pennoyer Crowe was one of those hanged, and she was a great aunt, several times removed, of mine. Her husband Giles was a ballsy man and no relation of mine. When I first read of all of that stuff in 6th grade I had no idea of the relation to her. Years later I helped my Grandmother (who died last June) do research on the family in the Mormon Genealogical Library 1990 or 91 and found out. She mentioned that in her book and mistakenly wrote that Goody Crowe had been burned. She was a well educated woman, but these legends stick real well.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on December 16, 2008, 01:58:58 AM
Thanks for the information.

My dad had a twelve gauge shotgun and a rifle, but I think he usually grabbed his shotgun if he needed to defend us.

I remember one time when I heard a Peeping Tom outside and another time when someone came into our back yard and stole the outboard motor off my dad's boat.

Both times he grabbed his shotgun and ran outside to confront them.

The Peeping Tom ran away and I saw him from my parent's bedroom window as he ran under the street light and my dad told the person who he caught in our back yard with the outboard motor in his hands, "You have stolen more than you can carry and outrun my double-ought buck shot," then the man threw down the motor and ran away.
You're welcome, that's a hilarious story. I bet that criminal scum wanted nothing more to do with your house or your dad.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on December 16, 2008, 07:33:21 AM
Damned lucky Yanks.  :-\ All I want is this. I just don't know where to buy it. That guy who killed the cop last year had an illegal gun and it was even more powerful than a 9 mm. I think it was a .44. Many Swedes sell their legal guns but are too cowardly to sell them illegally. Otherwise it'd be a piece of cake to remove the serial number and/or claim that it had been stolen. Though for the latter you'd have to fake a burglary.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on December 16, 2008, 01:12:52 PM
Damned lucky Yanks. ...

It's NOT luck, Tig.

It's generations of fighting against the powers that would have us succumb to their ways. Not just a few token ones of us either, but very large numbers of us who have taken personal responsibility for our own well being and security. Once we roll back the fascist Homeland Security procedures, we will be once again able to be free in our lands. It will become more important that we sleep lightly in the future, but we can STILL do that.

Yes, we have been invaded by eurotrash types, demanding that we become another Euro state, but they are only noisy, not resourceful.
Many of us up standing, law abiding "Yanks" would consider those types to be treasonous in their pursuits.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on December 16, 2008, 01:16:47 PM
I think Europeans supporting the 2nd Amendment to 100% should get a US citizenship in reward. Those opposing it should be expelled to Russia or something.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on December 16, 2008, 01:55:20 PM
I think Europeans supporting the 2nd Amendment to 100% should get a US citizenship in reward. Those opposing it should be expelled to Russia or something.

No fucking way and you have just hit upon the reason (which you have questioned, recently) I offered you a small handgun gun as a citizenship gift. It was meant to show you that that one right is NOT as important to us as you make it out to be from your northern peninsular Euro-perspective. It is Secondary, even in name, because the others are also important and a true American knows these without even having to think about them, like to pass a test. These are things ingrained in the nature of a free people.

The second Amendment is important, but it is One of Ten of the MOST important understandings that must be lived in order to begin to conceive of Freedom, BEFORE you can become an American citizen. (in fact, notice that three of them have been "repeated"  in later amendments, :D) In addition (have you even looked at what is required of you, as a foreign national, to be granted US citizenship, FFS?), there are other applicable "laws" you will be expected to understand (OK, now a racist comment, "unless you're a Mexican,"  but the reason there are so many illegals from south of the border is NOT for this reason, damn it! Why can't the Californians, Arizonans, New Mexicans and the Texans see this. It is the lax enforcement of border security, NOT immigration laws that has allowed the increase of the illegal populace to reach huge numbers, and certainly not the relaxing of the requirements for citizenship!!      .......       otherwise they would all be citizens by now, wouldn't they?).
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 16, 2008, 02:00:45 PM
Wow, ah, looking on the bright side, I would take the peeping tom as a complement.  However, I don't endorse such behavior.  Simple cure to all problems, take care of yourself.  My dad had a shotgun to at one time.  I couldn't kill a man myself, unless their were circumstances.  I could see such a thing a s good in someways, avoids confrontation.  He runs but doesn't sustain any injuries. :)   I would like to see weapons replaced with on lethal ones.  There are advantages that to the negative side I will state.  They stay alive to learn more lessons, and its like think about what they did when they get an injury.  Its like a slow and painful death, like I did to the centipede. >:D  I didn't feel sorry then, I don't know why.  Perhaps its part of a disablity of some kind,  I will entertain that
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 16, 2008, 02:18:31 PM
Did you see that? and guess who has the keys? :laugh:   If you want me to let you out, then you must behave.   First thing, respect me by saying please and thankyou.  That is your end of the contract, (straight one and not in a bixsexual way) and my end is to take care of myself so I can make your dreams a reality.

Is that a good deal?  You have my word.

Maybe I should make a contract of some kind, and sign it over death.  I wouldn't do that for real.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on December 16, 2008, 02:32:07 PM
Thanks Callaway, if its you, for playing along.  I have realized so many things about what I truely am.  It good to have the keys back in my hands again, it was very scary.  I noticed how so many people felt in certain cirumstances.   I owe you the world, but please don't take advantage of my charitable nature, not that I am accusing you of anything.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on December 16, 2008, 06:34:22 PM
Damned lucky Yanks.  :-\ All I want is this. I just don't know where to buy it. That guy who killed the cop last year had an illegal gun and it was even more powerful than a 9 mm. I think it was a .44. Many Swedes sell their legal guns but are too cowardly to sell them illegally. Otherwise it'd be a piece of cake to remove the serial number and/or claim that it had been stolen. Though for the latter you'd have to fake a burglary.
Here in the states TheoK, the local DA may choose to let a stolen gun case slide but will rarely let it slide if the serial #s have been obliterated or altered. In fact it is not uncommon for the BATFE to get involved in cases involving altered/defaced serial #s. Years ago I was offered a Colt Python for two hundred dollars by my younger sisters ex husband who had a cock and bull story about why it was so cheap. I just told him the going rate should be $550 or better and passed. I would like to have a Python, but not someone elses.

DirtDawg makes some good points about the other Amendments in the Bill of Rights in his post. The War on Drugs was used to justify "Civil Forfeitures" which allows the Government to seize property and retain it and put the onus of proving the property is not the fruit of illegal activities on the person it was taken from. This is a violation of the "nor be deprived of life, liberty or property" clause of the 5th Amendment with the stated intent to prevent them from hiring the best attorney they can find which is a violation of the 6th Amendment. The bastards in the Legistlature passed the McCain Feingold Act, which is a clear violation of the 1st Amendment and in" Kelo versus the City of New London" the Supreme Court fucked over the 5th Amendment, which does allow for eminent domain for Public Works type projects, to pervert eminent domain to allow seizure for Private developments. And it violates the prohibition on Writs of Attainder in Article 1 section 9, which is a limit on Congress but they screwed the principle of Separation of Powers in doing so as well. Unfortunately there are too many people here in the US not paying attention to what is going on and don't know the Constitution in any case.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on December 17, 2008, 07:42:22 AM
I think Europeans supporting the 2nd Amendment to 100% should get a US citizenship in reward. Those opposing it should be expelled to Russia or something.

No fucking way and you have just hit upon the reason (which you have questioned, recently) I offered you a small handgun gun as a citizenship gift. It was meant to show you that that one right is NOT as important to us as you make it out to be from your northern peninsular Euro-perspective. It is Secondary, even in name, because the others are also important and a true American knows these without even having to think about them, like to pass a test. These are things ingrained in the nature of a free people.

The second Amendment is important, but it is One of Ten of the MOST important understandings that must be lived in order to begin to conceive of Freedom, BEFORE you can become an American citizen. (in fact, notice that three of them have been "repeated"  in later amendments, :D) In addition (have you even looked at what is required of you, as a foreign national, to be granted US citizenship, FFS?), there are other applicable "laws" you will be expected to understand (OK, now a racist comment, "unless you're a Mexican,"  but the reason there are so many illegals from south of the border is NOT for this reason, damn it! Why can't the Californians, Arizonans, New Mexicans and the Texans see this. It is the lax enforcement of border security, NOT immigration laws that has allowed the increase of the illegal populace to reach huge numbers, and certainly not the relaxing of the requirements for citizenship!!      .......       otherwise they would all be citizens by now, wouldn't they?).

I know most of the Amendments and have them in a book about American history that my brother used when he studied in the USA. Nowadays most of those Amendments exist in European constitutions in one form or another, but the 2nd Amendment has never been in a European constitution. There was never a right to bear arms in Europe, only a lack of laws against it. There was never a right to own and carry a weapon in Sweden but before 1927 there were no restrictions on it either.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on December 17, 2008, 07:46:53 AM
Here in the states TheoK, the local DA may choose to let a stolen gun case slide but will rarely let it slide if the serial #s have been obliterated or altered. In fact it is not uncommon for the BATFE to get involved in cases involving altered/defaced serial #s. Years ago I was offered a Colt Python for two hundred dollars by my younger sisters ex husband who had a cock and bull story about why it was so cheap. I just told him the going rate should be $550 or better and passed. I would like to have a Python, but not someone elses.

The punishment for illegal possession of a gun would be the same in Sweden no matter if the serial number would be removed or not, usually 6 months (in reality 4) in jail.

DirtDawg makes some good points about the other Amendments in the Bill of Rights in his post. The War on Drugs was used to justify "Civil Forfeitures" which allows the Government to seize property and retain it and put the onus of proving the property is not the fruit of illegal activities on the person it was taken from. This is a violation of the "nor be deprived of life, liberty or property" clause of the 5th Amendment with the stated intent to prevent them from hiring the best attorney they can find which is a violation of the 6th Amendment. The bastards in the Legistlature passed the McCain Feingold Act, which is a clear violation of the 1st Amendment and in" Kelo versus the City of New London" the Supreme Court fucked over the 5th Amendment, which does allow for eminent domain for Public Works type projects, to pervert eminent domain to allow seizure for Private developments. And it violates the prohibition on Writs of Attainder in Article 1 section 9, which is a limit on Congress but they screwed the principle of Separation of Powers in doing so as well. Unfortunately there are too many people here in the US not paying attention to what is going on and don't know the Constitution in any case.

I know the Constitution is being violated, but my point is that as long as most of you have guns, you can start a civil war if it goes too far. That's almost impossible in Europe already.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on December 17, 2008, 12:51:25 PM

But, that's an outdated concept. We will not effect change to our government by use of hardware. It will have to come from the right to vote and the responsibility to vote intelligently - with an eye toward the horizon, rather than to our pocketbooks - in the modern world.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on December 17, 2008, 01:05:24 PM
That's dull and sad.  :-\ Look at the brave Wild West movies, that we always admired in Europe.  :litigious:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on December 17, 2008, 01:56:01 PM
That's dull and sad.  :-\ Look at the brave Wild West movies, that we always admired in Europe.  :litigious:

Yes, but don't fall for it. Remember that those movies were made more to entertain than to recount historically significant aspects of western life.

I agree, voting is dull and it takes too long, but thinking that a few determined citizens offing themselves at the hands of superior government-backed forces can make the kind of changes we need is what's really sad, my friend.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on January 02, 2009, 10:59:44 AM
D'you know of any home remedies that will help a lost voice come back?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 02, 2009, 01:18:39 PM
D'you know of any home remedies that will help a lost voice come back?

Why is it lost?

The only home remedy I can think of off the top of my head is honey and lemon juice.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on January 02, 2009, 01:37:49 PM
Honey, lemon juice, spanish pepper and fresh, chopped ginger. My ex "Little Bear" gave me the recipe.  8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on January 02, 2009, 03:50:12 PM
D'you know of any home remedies that will help a lost voice come back?

Rest. Silence.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: enronh on January 02, 2009, 07:09:48 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on January 02, 2009, 07:36:52 PM
D'you know of any home remedies that will help a lost voice come back?

Wild sex with an Irishman.  ;)

With a gag, right? :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: enronh on January 02, 2009, 08:08:35 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 03, 2009, 02:37:53 PM
Gargle with sage for your voice ;D

Service with a smile,  I like what I do, down to the food I eat.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 13, 2009, 03:26:57 PM
What happens to a baby who swallowed a whole bottle full of asprins other than going to the hospital?

Did you get along with your other family memebers well?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 13, 2009, 07:10:59 PM
What happens to a baby who swallowed a whole bottle full of asprins other than going to the hospital?

Did you get along with your other family memebers well?

They were orange flavored baby aspirins in a childproof bottle, but I knew how to open childproof caps.  I had to go to the hospital, but I don't remember much of what was done for me there other than an IV because I was so young.

I got tinnitus (ringing in your ears) from the aspirin overdose and this tinnitus never went away for me.

Yes, I got along well with my family members, all of whom are dead now except for one brother.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on January 13, 2009, 07:14:03 PM
Oh, I get tinnitus too when I take too much aspirin. Bruce Lee actually died of aspirin.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on January 13, 2009, 08:21:58 PM
D'you know of any home remedies that will help a lost voice come back?

Why is it lost?

The only home remedy I can think of off the top of my head is honey and lemon juice.
Sorry, forgot I posted this.

Because I was retarded enough to push my body past its limits while it was recovering from a cold.  It was gone for about a week but is back now.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 13, 2009, 10:37:53 PM
Orange flavored? That is why i say no to refined sugar discourages babies from overeating them "It doesnt do it exactly"  ginko biloba is a speific for ear ringing i think it has something to do with fluid balance i had for a while went away, PERMENATELY i also used to get dizzy upon rising perhaps related gone also your in good hands COME TO THE LIGHT lol no pun intended even with 240mg of ginko extract its still gone l histidine is for deafness  how were your grades of meat ah school giggle giggle i beg your pardon lol that almost equates to i am sorry lol
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 13, 2009, 11:06:07 PM
 i think Ringing can be caused by stress trauma did not do to me but i cant spell lol
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 13, 2009, 11:15:31 PM
Are you bilingual?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 14, 2009, 12:04:51 AM
Are you bilingual?

No, I speak only English.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on January 14, 2009, 04:47:58 AM
You should learn some foreign languages.  8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 14, 2009, 03:18:00 PM
This so called "HFA" patron only made it to spanish 4 honors,  I fucked around because I was sick of life.  Your supposed to do the honors course for college.  I wish I took it, but it doesn't mean I can't make up for that.   It was fun and easy,  but I hearing people speak so quick is too much.  If you were  thrown in another country your would pick up real quick.  Children pick up forgeign language faster than adults.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on January 14, 2009, 03:21:29 PM
We started to learn English at 9 in Sweden, when I went to elementary. I started learning German at 13. I tried to learn Dutch when I was 22, but that wasn't that easy, though I can read Dutch, since it looks pretty much like German in writing.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 14, 2009, 03:30:25 PM
Gotu kola can make a genius it says.  SHHHH :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on January 14, 2009, 03:38:12 PM
Do you think that liquid water is a requirement for planet life? Or do you agree that life could possibly exist off something like cyanide on another planet?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 14, 2009, 04:01:04 PM
Find a compound that responds differently to heat and cold exchange first.
What element or compound can absorb as much heat or release/store as much heat as water?
Water is the one, which does not follow the periodic table of elements and remain predictable from what the other element's properties might predict.

Look again at the tables.

Figure out which other compound might weigh more than it should, might freeze at too low a temperature, might boil at too high a temperature.

TYou will h then have your other life "water."

Water is unique, as far as we know.

It has a very wide range from solid to liquid to to gas, compared to some others.


...  before you go far with this ... joules?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on January 14, 2009, 04:41:21 PM
Find a compound that responds differently to heat and cold exchange first.
What element or compound can absorb as much heat or release/store as much heat as water?
Water is the one, which does not follow the periodic table of elements and remain predictable from what the other element's properties might predict.

Look again at the tables.

Figure out which other compound might weigh more than it should, might freeze at too low a temperature, might boil at too high a temperature.

TYou will h then have your other life "water."

Water is unique, as far as we know.

It has a very wide range from solid to liquid to to gas, compared to some others.


...  before you go far with this ... joules?

How come it has to have characteristics like water? How do we know that organisms need to drink or get thirsty? What if they take in solids instead?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 14, 2009, 04:47:16 PM
 I only made that comment because I felt I deserved it,  I work at becoming very smart, most people have this capacity, and so can also obtain intellegence. I think the  ones who  believe they are the best, imply that they got it all, but in actuality, its a never ending quest.  I am still kind of sick, so excuse me.   No matter how much I do, its not enough, I simply need another person to help me.

How is the weather  where you are Callaway?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 14, 2009, 05:00:03 PM
What is the worst thing someone has ever said to you?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 14, 2009, 07:42:24 PM
You should learn some foreign languages.  8)

I agree that I should.  Many kind people have taught me bits and pieces of their languages, but I am not fluent in any language except English.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 14, 2009, 07:43:13 PM
Gotu kola can make a genius it says.  SHHHH :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 14, 2009, 09:15:10 PM
Find a compound that responds differently to heat and cold exchange first.
What element or compound can absorb as much heat or release/store as much heat as water?
Water is the one, which does not follow the periodic table of elements and remain predictable from what the other element's properties might predict.

Look again at the tables.

Figure out which other compound might weigh more than it should, might freeze at too low a temperature, might boil at too high a temperature.

TYou will h then have your other life "water."

Water is unique, as far as we know.

It has a very wide range from solid to liquid to to gas, compared to some others.


...  before you go far with this ... joules?

How come it has to have characteristics like water? How do we know that organisms need to drink or get thirsty? What if they take in solids instead?

Dude, I have given this shit some thought. I am yet to be convinced that you have.  It's NOT so much about liquid or solid as it is about heat exchange and heat tolerance before physical change.

Your're US based right?     ... so I'll use Fahrenheit for temperature examples.

Methane turns from solid ice to a liquid at -297 degrees Farhenheit (yeah, I googled to get teh specifics) then remains in a liquid state for a mere few degrees. it turns to a gas, which means it boils like a mother fucker at -259 degrees Fahrenheit. That gives us thirty eight degrees of "bandwidth" to play with in our creation of life scenaroiio and all the width of life forces must occur or work within, a few degrees differencial.

If you look at water, it bis totally solid at any temperature below thirty two degrees Fahrenheit (OK, that's a lot higher and implies more movement/energy at the atomic level as well, but that's a different discussion, isn't it?) and yet it turns to liquid at that temperature plus one degree. At thirty three degrees fahrenhet it is a liquid, but  - BUTT  it remains in a liquid state, absorbing huge amounts of energy - more than seems possible (for god is water - HaHaa) until it reaches a temperature of two hundred twelve degrees Fahrenheit. There is a "breathing zone of "  one hundred eighty degrees.  No other compound, aside from a few metals, can claim such a wide range between liquid and gas, most especially when you compare the energies involved.
Those metals hardly take on any energy without changing drastically (look at the changes which metals suffer with wide spreads between temperatures on a constant basis.). Look how much energy water can take on and hardly change at all.   Dont't forget that water is the one and only compound which is larger, bigger, takes up more space -  (reduces its specific gravity - duh) as a solid, than when it is liquid.(you hadn't thought of how unique and important this property is in the workings of nature, have you. Ever seen a hillside collapse because it got wet, then cold, then thawed?   Water is different, dude!!!) (look at the effectsa this has upon the environment ... or not. Maybe think of the difference in "size") between methane as a liquid and methane as a solid (... well before you take into account the energies involved, that is) Methane may support llife, but it will be a "shalllow" life, only possible within a very narrow range of possibilities.

Water has proven to support a massively varied range of life. Water, on the other hand is much wider/forgivable in its likelihoood to supposrt any  life that we might be albe to recognize.

Heavy carbons ... what ever!

Look again.
You can learn from tables of simple data, if you are open. (You're right - I'm drunk, but I can do this again when i am sober and you mat learn something - something Holy, as the Indians say.)

Find me a compound with similar properties to water (I will talk about carbon, if you insist that you are ready - for Carbon is  is far more intriguing -  it has the capaapbility to be one thing at one pressure and a totally different thing, all atomic particles accounted, d for (that is) at another pressure. I'm not talking about JUST diamonds and coal, but ALL the various carbon compounds - carbon can be a true bitch ... if you watch her. Fuck! There is a lot to this stuff.!! Is there another who sees any of this?) and we will talk of alternate life possibilities when I am sober.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 14, 2009, 11:04:42 PM
Sorry wasnt calling you stupid i dont believe one herb alone could do so nor could pills alone make one strong scientist tried to recreat bee pollen bees couldnt survive off it its too complex for now i felt charged from hyperventilation and or gota kola whos max use is 6weeks felt like an electrical storm inside my body like i imagined                        do you have a favorite color         do you sleep on your back stomach or side?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on January 15, 2009, 12:23:42 AM
Dirt dawg, you're just fine drunk. Hahaha.  ;D

You just showed me you've thought about this quite a bit. We'll definetely chat sometime more in depth. Add my msn. :clap:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on January 15, 2009, 12:24:57 AM
Sorry wasnt calling you stupid i dont believe one herb alone could do so nor could pills alone make one strong scientist tried to recreat bee pollen bees couldnt survive off it its too complex for now i felt charged from hyperventilation and or gota kola whos max use is 6weeks felt like an electrical storm inside my body like i imagined                        do you have a favorite color         do you sleep on your back stomach or side?

Lolwut? :o
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 15, 2009, 11:27:08 AM
Dirt dawg, you're just fine drunk. Hahaha.  ;D

You just showed me you've thought about this quite a bit. We'll definetely chat sometime more in depth. Add my msn. :clap:


I can't believe I wrote all that stupid shit out. I sound like a raving idiot!

Sorry, Rage.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on January 15, 2009, 11:31:32 AM
Dirt dawg, you're just fine drunk. Hahaha.  ;D

You just showed me you've thought about this quite a bit. We'll definetely chat sometime more in depth. Add my msn. :clap:


I can't believe I wrote all that stupid shit out. I sound like a raving idiot!

Sorry, Rage.

Naw dude is fine. I get drunk all the time too. I understand, and I was serious. Even drunk you brought up a valid point.  :plus:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 15, 2009, 07:00:26 PM
Do you think that liquid water is a requirement for planet life? Or do you agree that life could possibly exist off something like cyanide on another planet?

I have seen enough extremophiles on Earth to know that some forms of life can thrive under very extreme conditions.

However I also think that some sort of simple compound composed of atoms with small atomic numbers (less than or equal to the atomic number of iron) that is a liquid at the temperature of the planet will be necessary for complex life.  You would need a liquid because it flows and it has the necessary cohesiveness.  I am not saying that this liquid would necessarily have to be water, however water has several unique or unusual properties that make it a good candidate.

For example, as DirtDawg pointed out, water is liquid over a fairly large range of temperatures.

Water also has the almost unique property that the solid form is less dense than the liquid form, so ice floats.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on January 15, 2009, 07:04:33 PM
Life can survive even in cowardly, subarctic countries in northern Europe.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: punkdrew on January 15, 2009, 09:00:04 PM
Dirt dawg, you're just fine drunk. Hahaha.  ;D

You just showed me you've thought about this quite a bit. We'll definetely chat sometime more in depth. Add my msn. :clap:


I can't believe I wrote all that stupid shit out. I sound like a raving idiot!

Sorry, Rage.

Naw dude is fine. I get drunk all the time too. I understand, and I was serious. Even drunk you brought up a valid point.  :plus:

In vino veritas.  :beer:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on January 15, 2009, 09:34:54 PM
In vino veritas.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on January 15, 2009, 10:50:22 PM
How come your ask away thread was not moved to the Ask Away Threads child board? And was Triste ostracized as a result of placing this thread in the wrong forum?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on January 15, 2009, 11:11:33 PM
Life can survive even in cowardly, subarctic countries in northern Europe.  :zoinks:
Good job Scandinavia has a lot of caves...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 15, 2009, 11:23:11 PM
How come your ask away thread was not moved to the Ask Away Threads child board? And was Triste ostracized as a result of placing this thread in the wrong forum?

Triste was never ostracized here for any reason.

You may not have noticed yet, but moving particular threads to some "right" forum is not something we are really concerned with here unless the member who started the thread wants it moved.

However, even if we were, this thread is in the forum called "What's your crime? Basic Discussion" which says, "Feel free to talk about anything and everything in this board," so IMO, this should be the "right" forum for any general thread anyone wanted to start here, such as this one or one called, "What did you eat today?".

This thread is not in the Ask Away threads child board because Triste started it here to ask me a technical question and also there are some personal questions I will not answer, so this is not really an Ask Away thread.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: punkdrew on January 15, 2009, 11:26:49 PM
In vino veritas.


Latin, meaning "In wine there is truth."
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 15, 2009, 11:34:55 PM
What is the worst thing someone has ever said to you?

They told me that someone I cared about was dying.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 16, 2009, 12:14:23 AM
You get calloused after awhile          do you like to read?   
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 16, 2009, 12:22:03 AM
You get calloused after awhile          do you like to read?   

I don't think that I have gotten calloused from that.

Yes, I like to read a lot. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 16, 2009, 12:25:58 AM
About what?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 16, 2009, 12:34:22 AM
About what?

I read books about all kinds of things, too many to list.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 16, 2009, 12:38:15 AM
Do you have a favorite?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on January 16, 2009, 01:18:18 AM
This thread is not in the Ask Away threads child board because Triste started it here to ask me a technical question and also there are some personal questions I will not answer, so this is not really an Ask Away thread.
:headslap:  I actually read the first page of this thread and still managed to forget that point.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 16, 2009, 09:26:22 AM
About what?

I read books about all kinds of things, too many to list.


I would feel really shitty to post constantly about the books I read. I also doubt that anyone would believe the sheer number or the diversity of what I read on a daily basis or the fact that I usually have five or six going at once.   Most certainly not when you consider the PDD/ADHD/DSI/(half - can't be diagnosed - doc says I'm too good at compensating at my age - the rest is a cinch)Dyslexic spaz case who almost never turns off his music, finds it difficult to make two thoughts meet sometimes, manages two children in the evening, cooks, exercises, spends a couple of hours per day on a forum, visits the library every couple of days (oops, BUSTED!).


I can't imagine where I would be without my books!!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on January 16, 2009, 09:29:37 AM
In vino veritas.


Latin, meaning "In wine there is truth."

Præterea censeo neurotypicum esse delendam.  ;)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 16, 2009, 11:16:47 AM
Do you have a favorite?

I have a lot of favorites, so it's difficult to choose one.

I like my Oxford English Dictionary, my PDR for prescription medications, and my PDR for herbs but I also like my set of Harry Potter books, my gardening books, my cookbooks, my auto repair and appliance repair books, as well as many other books, too many to list.

I have read probably thousands of books.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on January 16, 2009, 11:27:32 AM
What do you like passive-aggressive pacifists?  ;)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 16, 2009, 12:20:28 PM
What do you like passive-aggressive pacifists?  ;)


Who that I like is a passive-aggressive pacifist?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on January 16, 2009, 12:22:25 PM
What do you like passive-aggressive pacifists?  ;)


Who that I like is a passive-aggressive pacifist?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on January 16, 2009, 12:23:13 PM
What do you like passive-aggressive pacifists?  ;)


Who that I like is a passive-aggressive pacifist?

I don't know if you like him.  :angel:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 16, 2009, 12:24:50 PM

I do like Batman, but I did not realize that he was a passive-aggressive pacifist.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 16, 2009, 02:38:39 PM
Do you have a favorite?

I have a lot of favorites, so it's difficult to choose one.

I like my Oxford English Dictionary, my PDR for prescription medications, and my PDR for herbs but I also like my set of Harry Potter books, my gardening books, my cookbooks, my auto repair and appliance repair books, as well as many other books, too many to list.

I have read probably thousands of books.

Lucky.  I find myself lucky in otherways.  Even though I am having problems,  I keep going, and putting on a great show.  I don't know many people who would be working so hard with such conditions.  Stupid house, so cold.  I have learned very well, about not responding to these circumstances, about how you have nothing, entirely,  when you give up.   I have to have something, some power.  When you have worked as hard as I have been, it tends to make the impression of having this one thing.  I wouldn't trade anything for my work. Once again, nice libary.  My theasurus is missing, and so is one of my dictionaries.  Its not much fun without a wife, but its very nice.  Complete for a wanker, but not for me.  I don't wank no more,. :laugh:  Never mind what I am thinking now :laugh:

I think you should learn about the use of a weapon as part of your martial arts training, just one,  If I was you, it would feel complete to me.  What do you think about that?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on January 16, 2009, 04:03:49 PM

I do like Batman, but I did not realize that he was a passive-aggressive pacifist.

It would help to know what that is. Do you know, and if you do, would you care to enlighten me?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on January 16, 2009, 04:06:05 PM
Look into the mirror.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 16, 2009, 04:49:48 PM
Look into the mirror.

You first!

Mirrors conceal what others can see.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on January 16, 2009, 04:51:58 PM
I see a handsome blond man with blue eyes.  8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 16, 2009, 05:04:42 PM
I see a handsome blond man with blue eyes.  8)

You've just proven my point  FOR me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on January 16, 2009, 05:25:55 PM
I see a handsome blond man with blue eyes.  8)

Balding fast, too. :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on January 16, 2009, 05:27:51 PM
See who's talking!  :hahaha:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on January 16, 2009, 05:30:46 PM
It's "LOOK who's talking". And my hair's all there, still. How about you? Remembering those bygone days of your youth?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on January 16, 2009, 05:33:54 PM
Where's that hair? It's not very thick.   :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on January 16, 2009, 05:38:34 PM
Where's that hair? It's not very thick.   :zoinks:

??? It is, actually. It's very short, though.

A painful subject, I take it?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on January 16, 2009, 05:39:08 PM
No.  8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on January 16, 2009, 05:48:27 PM
Balding with dignity, then. I'd call that sort of brave, if it hadn't been for your previous posts here.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 16, 2009, 05:57:45 PM
What do you like passive-aggressive pacifists?  ;)

I want a clarification, on this one - not just the psycho-babble, but the grammar as well.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on January 16, 2009, 05:59:47 PM
Passive-aggressive behavior (
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 16, 2009, 08:05:46 PM

I do like Batman, but I did not realize that he was a passive-aggressive pacifist.

It would help to know what that is. Do you know, and if you do, would you care to enlighten me?

Here is a definition of Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder:

The term "passive-aggressive" was introduced in a 1945 U.S. War Department technical bulletin, describing soldiers who weren't openly insubordinate but shirked duty through procrastination, willful incompetence, and so on. If you've ever served in the military during wartime, though, or for that matter read Catch-22, you realize that what the brass calls a personality disorder a grunt might call a rational strategy to avoid getting killed.

After the war the term found its way into civilian psychiatric practice and for many years was listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, the bible of the mental health trade. According to the revised third edition (DSM-III-R, 1987), someone had PAPD if he displayed five or more of the following behaviors: (1) procrastinates, (2) sulks or argues when asked to do something he doesn't want to do, (3) works inefficiently on unwanted tasks, (4) complains without justification of unreasonable demands, (5) "forgets" obligations, (6) believes he is doing a much better job than others think, (7) resents useful suggestions, (8) fails to do his share, or (9) unreasonably criticizes authority figures....Recognizing that the definition as then formulated wasn't working but uncertain how to fix it, the compilers of DSM-IV (1994) dumped PAPD from the list of official disorders and relegated it to an appendix....

The only person who I like and who I would describe as passive-aggressive is not a member here.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: punkdrew on January 16, 2009, 08:08:09 PM
If I weren't otherwise spoken for--and knowing what you know about me--would you go out with me on a date?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 16, 2009, 08:32:29 PM
Passive-aggressive behavior (

Of course, I've read quite a bit about this ...


What about the rest?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on January 17, 2009, 02:24:51 AM
I would feel really shitty to post constantly about the books I read. I also doubt that anyone would believe the sheer number or the diversity of what I read on a daily basis or the fact that I usually have five or six going at once.   Most certainly not when you consider the PDD/ADHD/DSI/(half - can't be diagnosed - doc says I'm too good at compensating at my age - the rest is a cinch)Dyslexic spaz case who almost never turns off his music, finds it difficult to make two thoughts meet sometimes, manages two children in the evening, cooks, exercises, spends a couple of hours per day on a forum, visits the library every couple of days (oops, BUSTED!).
:D Are you showing off?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 17, 2009, 03:28:10 AM
I would feel really shitty to post constantly about the books I read. I also doubt that anyone would believe the sheer number or the diversity of what I read on a daily basis or the fact that I usually have five or six going at once.   Most certainly not when you consider the PDD/ADHD/DSI/(half - can't be diagnosed - doc says I'm too good at compensating at my age - the rest is a cinch)Dyslexic spaz case who almost never turns off his music, finds it difficult to make two thoughts meet sometimes, manages two children in the evening, cooks, exercises, spends a couple of hours per day on a forum, visits the library every couple of days (oops, BUSTED!).
:D Are you showing off?

Nah, just supporting Callaway's statement about how impractical it would be to post our book lists and a light reference a few other things we do that never deserve a mention.
Any time I talk about being bored (I'm not really one of the culprits, really, in case you had not noticed), just tell me I'm full of shit!
I barely post in the music thread I started and I have not posted much in my fractal threads lately, either. However, I almost always listen to music and I create about a hundred or more fractal images each day. I also eat every day, but I only post in that thread about once a week or so. I have not mentioned but once the new (combined theories!) subwoofer enclosure I have designed, done most of the cuts and prefit the parts a half dozen times, which is almost ready to assemble for a trial run.

Meh, call it what you like.  I haven't even scratched the surface of my interests.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 17, 2009, 05:37:37 AM
If I weren't otherwise spoken for--and knowing what you know about me--would you go out with me on a date?

If neither of us were attached, then yes.

I am married and my husband and I are both monogamous, so I wouldn't date anyone.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on January 17, 2009, 10:46:49 AM
Here is a definition of Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder:

The term "passive-aggressive" was introduced in a 1945 U.S. War Department technical bulletin, describing soldiers who weren't openly insubordinate but shirked duty through procrastination, willful incompetence, and so on. If you've ever served in the military during wartime, though, or for that matter read Catch-22, you realize that what the brass calls a personality disorder a grunt might call a rational strategy to avoid getting killed.

After the war the term found its way into civilian psychiatric practice and for many years was listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, the bible of the mental health trade. According to the revised third edition (DSM-III-R, 1987), someone had PAPD if he displayed five or more of the following behaviors: (1) procrastinates, (2) sulks or argues when asked to do something he doesn't want to do, (3) works inefficiently on unwanted tasks, (4) complains without justification of unreasonable demands, (5) "forgets" obligations, (6) believes he is doing a much better job than others think, (7) resents useful suggestions, (8) fails to do his share, or (9) unreasonably criticizes authority figures....Recognizing that the definition as then formulated wasn't working but uncertain how to fix it, the compilers of DSM-IV (1994) dumped PAPD from the list of official disorders and relegated it to an appendix....

The only person who I like and who I would describe as passive-aggressive is not a member here.
Sounds like the vast majority of men, to me.   :orly:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on January 17, 2009, 12:51:28 PM
Here is a definition of Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder:

The term "passive-aggressive" was introduced in a 1945 U.S. War Department technical bulletin, describing soldiers who weren't openly insubordinate but shirked duty through procrastination, willful incompetence, and so on. If you've ever served in the military during wartime, though, or for that matter read Catch-22, you realize that what the brass calls a personality disorder a grunt might call a rational strategy to avoid getting killed.

After the war the term found its way into civilian psychiatric practice and for many years was listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, the bible of the mental health trade. According to the revised third edition (DSM-III-R, 1987), someone had PAPD if he displayed five or more of the following behaviors: (1) procrastinates, (2) sulks or argues when asked to do something he doesn't want to do, (3) works inefficiently on unwanted tasks, (4) complains without justification of unreasonable demands, (5) "forgets" obligations, (6) believes he is doing a much better job than others think, (7) resents useful suggestions, (8) fails to do his share, or (9) unreasonably criticizes authority figures....Recognizing that the definition as then formulated wasn't working but uncertain how to fix it, the compilers of DSM-IV (1994) dumped PAPD from the list of official disorders and relegated it to an appendix....

The only person who I like and who I would describe as passive-aggressive is not a member here.
Sounds like the vast majority of men, to me.   :orly:

*RAGE* :grrr:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on January 17, 2009, 01:09:36 PM
Here is a definition of Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder:

The term "passive-aggressive" was introduced in a 1945 U.S. War Department technical bulletin, describing soldiers who weren't openly insubordinate but shirked duty through procrastination, willful incompetence, and so on. If you've ever served in the military during wartime, though, or for that matter read Catch-22, you realize that what the brass calls a personality disorder a grunt might call a rational strategy to avoid getting killed.

After the war the term found its way into civilian psychiatric practice and for many years was listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, the bible of the mental health trade. According to the revised third edition (DSM-III-R, 1987), someone had PAPD if he displayed five or more of the following behaviors: (1) procrastinates, (2) sulks or argues when asked to do something he doesn't want to do, (3) works inefficiently on unwanted tasks, (4) complains without justification of unreasonable demands, (5) "forgets" obligations, (6) believes he is doing a much better job than others think, (7) resents useful suggestions, (8) fails to do his share, or (9) unreasonably criticizes authority figures....Recognizing that the definition as then formulated wasn't working but uncertain how to fix it, the compilers of DSM-IV (1994) dumped PAPD from the list of official disorders and relegated it to an appendix....

The only person who I like and who I would describe as passive-aggressive is not a member here.
Sounds like the vast majority of men, to me.   :orly:

*RAGE* :grrr:
Yeah, it sounds like you, too.   :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on January 17, 2009, 01:18:57 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on January 17, 2009, 03:09:47 PM
Yeah, it sounds like you, too.   :laugh:

How can you possibly know that?  :laugh: Or are you just being a bitch?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on January 18, 2009, 10:45:18 AM
Yeah, it sounds like you, too.   :laugh:

How can you possibly know that?  :laugh: Or are you just being a bitch?
Mostly being a bitch, but RageBL's online persona is (IMO) very much that of a "male pig"- to the point where I'm really not sure if he's trolling, or if that's actually his real personality.

[I feel the need to add this- before you (Pyraxis) or RageBL demands an explanation for that, I'm not going to bother trying to define or argue about it because I don't see it being very productive; the impression is solid enough with me that picking it apart will only be a mutual exercise in frustration.]
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on January 18, 2009, 12:09:03 PM
Aw, damnit, now you're making me want to argue with you. Forbidden fruit and all that. You're no fun.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on January 18, 2009, 12:34:44 PM
Aw, damnit, now you're making me want to argue with you. Forbidden fruit and all that. You're no fun.
Ghead and argue; I was just saying that I prolly wasn't going to defend my stance, and explaining why.  :P

Wanna argue about something else?   :eyelash:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 18, 2009, 03:41:24 PM
Aw, damnit, now you're making me want to argue with you. Forbidden fruit and all that. You're no fun.
Ghead and argue; I was just saying that I prolly wasn't going to defend my stance, and explaining why.  :P

Wanna argue about something else? 

Nah, I wanna come to Rage's defense.

He doesn't seem nearly as piggish as another mcmember who no longer graces us with his presence, much. I am in love with that one in a very gheycourious way, but Rage is the subject dejour. He (RAGE) seems mostly like one, prescribably individual, strong male-like, possibly not gay (OK - debatable ... different post, though) just starting out, inexperienced, grasping at any feeling, needing to be seen, tail feather grower, who has already tried to preen out a few mistakes from his display, but he keeps up the dance, because he is a strong boy/pavoniously ostentatious, male-ish humper/jumper/bumper, capable of much ground stomping, snorting, headbutting, piss spraying, hackle stretching, leg lifting and yet, before he was even ready, he made it  known that his spraying was indeed meant to be refreshed if needed and there was no ground he was not willing to stomp and his display will look its best, tomorrow.

He's a guy - a regular guy. You fucking love us! You can't even help it.

Rock ON, Rage!!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 18, 2009, 04:44:23 PM
That dx reminds me of bipolar disorder in some ways perhaps its a clue
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 18, 2009, 05:11:16 PM
That dx reminds me of bipolar disorder in some ways perhaps its a clue

THAT was not a DX, Randy.  It was a Salute!

(Don't worry ... I'm miles away from Bi-Polar, by DX standards, and I have no fantasies to be that way. I must keep balance, though. I know you see this tendency in me, but it is not a part of my conscious behavior, only a part of my twenty-twenty hindsight. Be that as it may seem.)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 18, 2009, 06:23:43 PM
As quick as possible.. YES I KNEW ON THE 12TH.meds wasnt a useful suggestion i learned to tough it out beat it well lol not like the can of beets under my counter that i may eat purple red ones  callaway what foods do you hate?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 18, 2009, 08:05:42 PM
As quick as possible.. YES I KNEW ON THE 12TH.meds wasnt a useful suggestion i learned to tough it out beat it well lol not like the can of beets under my counter that i may eat purple red ones  callaway what foods do you hate?

I think you should find a way to grow your own beets. They are incredibly easy to grow in a simple pot that gets some sun.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 18, 2009, 10:23:57 PM
As quick as possible.. YES I KNEW ON THE 12TH.meds wasnt a useful suggestion i learned to tough it out beat it well lol not like the can of beets under my counter that i may eat purple red ones  callaway what foods do you hate?

Liver and runny eggs.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on January 19, 2009, 04:43:01 AM
Will you go to Europe again? There are more beautiful places than Teadrinker Land in Europe.  ;)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 19, 2009, 11:10:19 AM
Will you go to Europe again? There are more beautiful places than Teadrinker Land in Europe.  ;)

I would love to go to Europe again.

What beautiful places would you recommend?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on January 19, 2009, 11:23:32 AM
Will you go to Europe again? There are more beautiful places than Teadrinker Land in Europe.  ;)

I would love to go to Europe again.

What beautiful places would you recommend?

Many parts of Sweden are actually quite lovely. Norway too. I can also recommend the Harz mountains in the middle of Germany and the Greek archipelago.  8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on January 19, 2009, 11:30:56 AM
Aw, damnit, now you're making me want to argue with you. Forbidden fruit and all that. You're no fun.
Ghead and argue; I was just saying that I prolly wasn't going to defend my stance, and explaining why.  :P

Wanna argue about something else? 

Nah, I wanna come to Rage's defense.

He doesn't seem nearly as piggish as another mcmember who no longer graces us with his presence, much. I am in love with that one in a very gheycourious way, but Rage is the subject dejour. He (RAGE) seems mostly like one, prescribably individual, strong male-like, possibly not gay (OK - debatable ... different post, though) just starting out, inexperienced, grasping at any feeling, needing to be seen, tail feather grower, who has already tried to preen out a few mistakes from his display, but he keeps up the dance, because he is a strong boy/pavoniously ostentatious, male-ish humper/jumper/bumper, capable of much ground stomping, snorting, headbutting, piss spraying, hackle stretching, leg lifting and yet, before he was even ready, he made it  known that his spraying was indeed meant to be refreshed if needed and there was no ground he was not willing to stomp and his display will look its best, tomorrow.

He's a guy - a regular guy. You fucking love us! You can't even help it.

Rock ON, Rage!!
I love both you and that certain McMember (despite the fact that HE LEFT US!!!! *weeps*) and want to have many of your lovechildren- preferably a long succession of twins, one from each of you each time.  I've only known Rage on here long enough to form an opinion, not a deep intimate emotional connection such as the one I share with you and your sexy and occasionally booze-fueled posts- of which, was that one?  :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on January 19, 2009, 11:32:39 AM
Don't you love my cute little arse?  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on January 19, 2009, 01:26:10 PM
Don't you love my cute little arse?  :zoinks:
I love you up it, and you thank me like a good little slut.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on January 19, 2009, 01:40:33 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 19, 2009, 02:14:24 PM
Aw, damnit, now you're making me want to argue with you. Forbidden fruit and all that. You're no fun.
Ghead and argue; I was just saying that I prolly wasn't going to defend my stance, and explaining why.  :P

Wanna argue about something else? 

Nah, I wanna come to Rage's defense.

He doesn't seem nearly as piggish as another mcmember who no longer graces us with his presence, much. I am in love with that one in a very gheycourious way, but Rage is the subject dejour. He (RAGE) seems mostly like one, prescribably individual, strong male-like, possibly not gay (OK - debatable ... different post, though) just starting out, inexperienced, grasping at any feeling, needing to be seen, tail feather grower, who has already tried to preen out a few mistakes from his display, but he keeps up the dance, because he is a strong boy/pavoniously ostentatious, male-ish humper/jumper/bumper, capable of much ground stomping, snorting, headbutting, piss spraying, hackle stretching, leg lifting and yet, before he was even ready, he made it  known that his spraying was indeed meant to be refreshed if needed and there was no ground he was not willing to stomp and his display will look its best, tomorrow.

He's a guy - a regular guy. You fucking love us! You can't even help it.

Rock ON, Rage!!
I love both you and that certain McMember (despite the fact that HE LEFT US!!!! *weeps*) and want to have many of your lovechildren- preferably a long succession of twins, one from each of you each time.  I've only known Rage on here long enough to form an opinion, not a deep intimate emotional connection such as the one I share with you and your sexy and occasionally booze-fueled posts- of which, was that one?  :P

NOoooo, no booze  (pretty sexy though) - mostly straight right then, save for some coffee to calm down a bit after an overstimulating day of having to absorb several layers of praise smeared on me like lubricant applied to some secret place which is not prepared to accept natural entry, while I was at work.
I will most likely refrain from alcohol consumption for a while, after going so far overboard with it a few days ago. I was out of control and I really don't like that.

The image of YOU popping out sequential bald-headed twins - one so by default, one so by choice - made my day.
Thank you.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on January 20, 2009, 09:57:49 AM
Aw, damnit, now you're making me want to argue with you. Forbidden fruit and all that. You're no fun.
Ghead and argue; I was just saying that I prolly wasn't going to defend my stance, and explaining why.  :P

Wanna argue about something else? 

Nah, I wanna come to Rage's defense.

He doesn't seem nearly as piggish as another mcmember who no longer graces us with his presence, much. I am in love with that one in a very gheycourious way, but Rage is the subject dejour. He (RAGE) seems mostly like one, prescribably individual, strong male-like, possibly not gay (OK - debatable ... different post, though) just starting out, inexperienced, grasping at any feeling, needing to be seen, tail feather grower, who has already tried to preen out a few mistakes from his display, but he keeps up the dance, because he is a strong boy/pavoniously ostentatious, male-ish humper/jumper/bumper, capable of much ground stomping, snorting, headbutting, piss spraying, hackle stretching, leg lifting and yet, before he was even ready, he made it  known that his spraying was indeed meant to be refreshed if needed and there was no ground he was not willing to stomp and his display will look its best, tomorrow.

He's a guy - a regular guy. You fucking love us! You can't even help it.

Rock ON, Rage!!

Thanks dude. Its true. I'm just a guy who's run into some serious buisiness a few times a bit too early. No big deal.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on January 20, 2009, 10:01:38 AM
It looks like elle just thinks i'm being overly masculine.

You like the subby guys don't you elle?  :lol:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on January 20, 2009, 10:28:11 AM
"Are you going to your woman? Don't forget your whip."

- Friedrich Nietzsche

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 20, 2009, 02:29:13 PM
Aw, damnit, now you're making me want to argue with you. Forbidden fruit and all that. You're no fun.
Ghead and argue; I was just saying that I prolly wasn't going to defend my stance, and explaining why.  :P

Wanna argue about something else? 

Nah, I wanna come to Rage's defense.

He doesn't seem nearly as piggish as another mcmember who no longer graces us with his presence, much. I am in love with that one in a very gheycourious way, but Rage is the subject dejour. He (RAGE) seems mostly like one, prescribably individual, strong male-like, possibly not gay (OK - debatable ... different post, though) just starting out, inexperienced, grasping at any feeling, needing to be seen, tail feather grower, who has already tried to preen out a few mistakes from his display, but he keeps up the dance, because he is a strong boy/pavoniously ostentatious, male-ish humper/jumper/bumper, capable of much ground stomping, snorting, headbutting, piss spraying, hackle stretching, leg lifting and yet, before he was even ready, he made it  known that his spraying was indeed meant to be refreshed if needed and there was no ground he was not willing to stomp and his display will look its best, tomorrow.

He's a guy - a regular guy. You fucking love us! You can't even help it.

Rock ON, Rage!!

Thanks dude. Its true. I'm just a guy who's run into some serious buisiness a few times a bit too early. No big deal.

Yeah, Dude. Same here, but for me, most of the worst is twenty five to thirty five years ago. I've learned to live with it, almost.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 20, 2009, 04:31:15 PM
Polar bear liver is deadly, too much vitamin A for the human body.  I bet I can eat it :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 20, 2009, 04:45:20 PM
What the matter Callaway, don't like to eat garbage? :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 20, 2009, 07:05:44 PM
Polar bear liver is so high in the retinoid form of Vitamin A that 30 to 90 grams of polar bear liver is enough to kill a person, if it is eaten all at once.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on January 20, 2009, 07:06:50 PM
I luuurve poisons.  :eyebrows:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 20, 2009, 08:31:03 PM

Yeah, but not those. I like the ones that make you hallucinate to death.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on January 20, 2009, 08:47:53 PM
"Are you going to your woman? Don't forget your whipped cream."

- Ben & Jerry

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 21, 2009, 04:24:52 PM
Polar bear liver is so high in the retinoid form of Vitamin A that 30 to 90 grams of polar bear liver is enough to kill a person, if it is eaten all at once.
How about 89.9 grams?

You didn't say you didn't like pussy,  you saw the asian girl didn't you? :laugh: :zoinks:

I am just teasing you.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 26, 2009, 11:54:38 PM
Does swearing bother you? Fuck came from flicken to strike in german
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on January 27, 2009, 01:27:22 AM
Swedish "knulla" also comes from German. Very foul mouthed, those Germans.  :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 27, 2009, 02:29:41 PM
Does swearing bother you? Fuck came from flicken to strike in german

Whether swearing bothers me or not depends on the context.

I don't usually swear myself and I certainly don't want anyone to swear in front of my daughter.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 27, 2009, 02:52:56 PM
Does swearing bother you? Fuck came from flicken to strike in german

Whether swearing bothers me or not depends on the context.

I don't usually swear myself and I certainly don't want anyone to swear in front of my daughter.

My daughter once told a man in line in front of us at the Kroger store who said, " (something, something) ... shit ... ( and then more shit)."

"Excuse me sir, but you just had a word in your mouth that I would not even want to step in with my shoes on."

He looked at her, then my deeply furrowed brow, half snarling face with some challenge. I smiled, pointed to her and stepped in front of her and said, "... out of the mouths of babes comes wisdom. That was funny! You have to admit."   He softened and said that yeah it was kind of funny. He was with his twelve-ish year old son and I looked at his son and told him that I've told my daughter NOT to use that word in public. He looked puzzled, then laughed. I doubt that his son ever had a chance to know that some words are different from others.

My spaz daughter fucking rocks. She says whatever the fuck she feels like saying. I have become inhibited in my time, but she should be my queen.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 27, 2009, 03:05:41 PM
Does swearing bother you? Fuck came from flicken to strike in german

Whether swearing bothers me or not depends on the context.

I live for the days when Callaway drops an "F"  bomb into a conversation.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 27, 2009, 04:02:10 PM
I don't understand what the big deal is, its a word.  There isn't a point to stressing over a word.  I found other things to waste my stress, more important  things.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 27, 2009, 04:03:52 PM
I can understand though when it would bother you, because you might have been "programmed" for it to. My attitude makes that kind of impossible, and my self esteem I think.  Harsh life makes a liberal, not loosing care of somethings, experiencing new "realms of stimulation"  that lead to new roads of life.

This wasn't spelled out for me in my psychology book, exactly, especially the last one.  Statements like the last one tend to come about under hyperventilation. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 27, 2009, 04:27:51 PM
What do you think might have been the consequences if you let your daughter swear when she was born?  Do you think she is going to bother someone else by accident, if she doesn't practice at home, because she would be child, immature?

Its kind of funny though,  I thought it pointless for a long time, and when taking the first statment about the child might accidently set someone else off, and how I am with impulse controll now these days.   I take it with it my first word, cake.  I am not trying to attack anyone,  just few dozen millon thoughts coming about from the increased oxygen intake through the supplement and hyperventilation.   The ramifications appear to be tremendous.  I just thought it was important to share them that is all.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 27, 2009, 04:56:01 PM
I don't understand what the big deal is, its a word.  There isn't a point to stressing over a word.  I found other things to waste my stress, more important  things.

You may forget that words have meanings, even yours.

Some words have private meanings, some words are acceptable anywhere.

It becomes important to know which ones are not appropriate in certain circumstances, once we venture out into the public.

I was once standing in-line at a buffet lunch when the (might have been aspie) hot-assed girl I was with began talking, rather loudly, about me coming down her throat and how much she enjoyed it and how she wished she had more of my come and whioch foods I should should eat to make more come. She began talking about the protein she was taking from me and how she wished I could just "pump her full of my protein." 

Several people lost their will to stand in line near us and left. She was not aware even that her voice had echoed off the far wall, distracted many patrons from their meal, much less that the topic was a private one. I treid to get her to lower her voice, and smiled at all those who were shooting me with faces of disgust.

She was not aware of her surroundings. Other people do not want to hear this kind of stuff while standing in line to eat..

(Oh yes, I fucked her a BUNCH more times, but she never had any regard for her surroundings or how inappropriate her words may have been to the circumstance.)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 27, 2009, 05:01:08 PM
I don't understand what the big deal is, its a word.  There isn't a point to stressing over a word.  I found other things to waste my stress, more important  things.

You may forget that words have meanings, even yours.

Some words have private meanings, some words are acceptable anywhere.

It becomes important to know which ones are not appropriate in certain circumstances, once we venture out into the public.

I was once standing in-line at a buffet lunch when the (might have been aspie) hot-assed girl I was with began talking, rather loudly, about me coming down her throat and how much she enjoyed it and how she wished she had more of my come and whioch foods I should should eat to make more come. She began talking about the protein she was taking from me and how she wished I could just "pump her full of my protein." 

Several people lost their will to stand in line near us and left. She was not aware even that her voice had echoed off the far wall, distracted many patrons, much less that the topic was private.

She was not aware of her surroundings. Other people do not want to hear this kind of stuff while standing in line to eat..

I understand that, Brenda, but I find the whole thing pointless.  Everyone needs to not care so much, care more about other things.  I focus my my attention to my lifestyle habits, then the need to quote on quote "swear" is less in general, even if I find the whole thing pointless.  Not being able to swear forces us to find out outlets for the swears, ie lifestyle habits, and is perhaps the real reason why they aren't supposed to swear in the first place.  So this shows me something about the increased oxygen levels,  I note increased thinking "outside the box."
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 27, 2009, 05:05:53 PM
I don't understand what the big deal is, its a word.  There isn't a point to stressing over a word.  I found other things to waste my stress, more important  things.

You may forget that words have meanings, even yours.

Some words have private meanings, some words are acceptable anywhere.

It becomes important to know which ones are not appropriate in certain circumstances, once we venture out into the public.

I was once standing in-line at a buffet lunch when the (might have been aspie) hot-assed girl I was with began talking, rather loudly, about me coming down her throat and how much she enjoyed it and how she wished she had more of my come and whioch foods I should should eat to make more come. She began talking about the protein she was taking from me and how she wished I could just "pump her full of my protein." 

Several people lost their will to stand in line near us and left. She was not aware even that her voice had echoed off the far wall, distracted many patrons, much less that the topic was private.

She was not aware of her surroundings. Other people do not want to hear this kind of stuff while standing in line to eat..

I understand that, Brenda, but I find the whole thing pointless.  Everyone needs to not care so much, care more about other things.  I focus my my attention to my lifestyle habits, then the need to quote on quote "swear" is less in general, even if I find the whole thing pointless.  Not being able to swear forces us to find out outlets for the swears, ie lifestyle habits, and is perhaps the real reason why they aren't supposed to swear in the first place.  So this shows me something about the increased oxygen levels,  I note increased thinking "outside the box."

Take ONE deep breath - hold it. Let it out slowly and have another!

... another.

... another.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 27, 2009, 05:07:48 PM
Realize, Randy, we are not one mind.

The universe is a collective of opposing minds.

We can't just do what ever we feel. We are not animals.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on January 27, 2009, 05:22:17 PM
Realize, Randy, we are not one mind.

The universe is a collective of opposing minds.

We can't just do what ever we feel. We are not animals.

Yes, we are. What else should we be?  ???
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 27, 2009, 05:28:46 PM


Otherwise you have to share your creampies or fight for the privilege, each time.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on January 27, 2009, 07:15:21 PM
Animals are civilized to their own species to, usually, at least mammals.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 27, 2009, 11:13:19 PM
Well no ship we need to be unprogramed but respectful till then, if you let me finish.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Coral on January 28, 2009, 11:47:00 AM
Dirt Dawg... you're totally right, your daughter rocks! That is such a cute little story  :plus:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on February 23, 2009, 11:24:39 AM
Is your daughter allergic to all corn, and what happens if she eats corn on accident?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 23, 2009, 11:28:42 AM
Is your daughter allergic to all corn, and what happens if she eats corn on accident?

Yes, she is allergic to corn protein, which means that she can't eat corn or popcorn, but corn sweeteners seem to be OK for her.

She gets really bad eczema if she accidentally eats corn, but if I know it happened then I can give her Benadryl so it won't be such a bad reaction.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on February 23, 2009, 11:42:37 AM
Eczema sounds like an inflammtory response provoked by a reaction from mast cells.
I won't even touch wheat starch myself.  Wheat starch, I noticed, makes chips taste better, when I was eatting them a long time ago.

The purification of starch over the protein is not a perfect one, so I would say she is lucky.  So she may be able to handle a minute amount, just like I can.  If it says the package just touched wheat,  I usually won't bother me.

You said you were indian, right?  Allergy to corn might be a corrective thing in a way, because of your ancestors eatting too much corn, and having 2.2 times the suicide rate of americans who are already depressed.  I am not trying to say anything bad about you, or them.  Sometimes people don't have much of a choice.  Ignorance can make some tasks harder to.  There is a virus with similar proteins to wheat gluten to, might be something like that.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on February 23, 2009, 12:07:10 PM
Probiotics, lack of, I read, were blamed in magazine article.  Said something about not giving the immune system enough work, so it would be busy causing trouble.  Somethings are really worth repeating.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: driftingblizzard on February 24, 2009, 08:22:09 PM
Realize, Randy, we are not one mind.

The universe is a collective of opposing minds.

We can't just do what ever we feel. We are not animals.

Yes, we are. What else should we be?  ???

No, we're not.  I've learned that lesson in the recent past.   Unless you want to be the scourge of the planet, detested by all, you've got to decide how to live without turning other peoples' stomachs.
If you don't care, go ahead.  But the masses will call a judgement upon you.  If you can live with that, ok. But know that you are a butt nuget as viewed by society.  Don't care?  well the fuck with you.  slime yourself away.  the rest of us have better things to do than to bother with a boil.   know what a boil is?  prolly not.  but its what the rest of us can live without.  you'll never understand.  a boil doesn't know its a boil.  cancer says "what else should we be?  ???"
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on February 25, 2009, 05:08:30 AM
"Society" sucks pus filled ass dick.  :hahaha:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on February 25, 2009, 07:11:16 AM
"Thou shalt not follow the multitude in doing evil."
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 25, 2009, 11:32:33 AM
"Thou shalt not follow the multitude in doing evil."

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 25, 2009, 11:40:44 AM
Eczema sounds like an inflammtory response provoked by a reaction from mast cells.
I won't even touch wheat starch myself.  Wheat starch, I noticed, makes chips taste better, when I was eatting them a long time ago.

The purification of starch over the protein is not a perfect one, so I would say she is lucky.  So she may be able to handle a minute amount, just like I can.  If it says the package just touched wheat,  I usually won't bother me.

You said you were indian, right?  Allergy to corn might be a corrective thing in a way, because of your ancestors eatting too much corn, and having 2.2 times the suicide rate of americans who are already depressed.  I am not trying to say anything bad about you, or them.  Sometimes people don't have much of a choice.  Ignorance can make some tasks harder to.  There is a virus with similar proteins to wheat gluten to, might be something like that.

She can't eat a lot of corn starch, either.  Her eczema is really bad right now, for some reason.

I am part Cherokee Indian and she is too both on my side and her dad's.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on February 25, 2009, 04:32:39 PM
Eczema sounds like an inflammtory response provoked by a reaction from mast cells.
I won't even touch wheat starch myself.  Wheat starch, I noticed, makes chips taste better, when I was eatting them a long time ago.

The purification of starch over the protein is not a perfect one, so I would say she is lucky.  So she may be able to handle a minute amount, just like I can.  If it says the package just touched wheat,  I usually won't bother me.

You said you were indian, right?  Allergy to corn might be a corrective thing in a way, because of your ancestors eatting too much corn, and having 2.2 times the suicide rate of americans who are already depressed.  I am not trying to say anything bad about you, or them.  Sometimes people don't have much of a choice.  Ignorance can make some tasks harder to.  There is a virus with similar proteins to wheat gluten to, might be something like that.

She can't eat a lot of corn starch, either.  Her eczema is really bad right now, for some reason.

I am part Cherokee Indian and she is too both on my side and her dad's.

Did she have an accident or something with the corn?

I would eat wheat myself, for its better than dying for the mild symptoms, if I had nothing left.

If had a degree,  I would try to make it all go away, so people could eat more freely, sorry.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on February 25, 2009, 06:18:16 PM
"Society" sucks pus filled ass dick.  :hahaha:
So, you actaully LOVE society?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on February 25, 2009, 06:25:35 PM
I don't like pus.  ::)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on February 25, 2009, 06:33:14 PM
As opposed to most guys, who LOVE their own cock-rot symptoms.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on February 25, 2009, 06:34:13 PM
Wench, me sword will shut ye down, if ye don't shut up! :arrr:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on February 25, 2009, 06:36:08 PM
Wench, me sword will shut ye down, if ye don't shut up! :arrr:
You're that awful, huh?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on February 25, 2009, 06:39:01 PM
You bet.  8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on February 25, 2009, 06:55:34 PM
It's a reliable way to earn money.   :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 25, 2009, 06:55:59 PM
Eczema sounds like an inflammtory response provoked by a reaction from mast cells.
I won't even touch wheat starch myself.  Wheat starch, I noticed, makes chips taste better, when I was eatting them a long time ago.

The purification of starch over the protein is not a perfect one, so I would say she is lucky.  So she may be able to handle a minute amount, just like I can.  If it says the package just touched wheat,  I usually won't bother me.

You said you were indian, right?  Allergy to corn might be a corrective thing in a way, because of your ancestors eatting too much corn, and having 2.2 times the suicide rate of americans who are already depressed.  I am not trying to say anything bad about you, or them.  Sometimes people don't have much of a choice.  Ignorance can make some tasks harder to.  There is a virus with similar proteins to wheat gluten to, might be something like that.

She can't eat a lot of corn starch, either.  Her eczema is really bad right now, for some reason.

I am part Cherokee Indian and she is too both on my side and her dad's.

Did she have an accident or something with the corn?

I would eat wheat myself, for its better than dying for the mild symptoms, if I had nothing left.

If had a degree,  I would try to make it all go away, so people could eat more freely, sorry.

Not that I know of, but I think that it's possible she ate some corn that was hidden in something.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on March 01, 2009, 03:01:27 AM
What is your favorite color?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 01, 2009, 03:03:14 AM
What is your favorite color?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: driftingblizzard on March 02, 2009, 06:37:35 PM
If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 02, 2009, 08:01:07 PM
If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be?

I don't know.  There are many possibilities.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: driftingblizzard on March 03, 2009, 02:55:55 PM
If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be?

I don't know.  There are many possibilities.

Are you to nervous to share?... 

Mine would be, I would have gotten married at a later age, 26 instead of 18.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on March 03, 2009, 11:55:18 PM
Have you ever got in real trouble with sexual harassment? Ever seen it happen to a guy? Gotten enough of that lately got my clothes stolen to and shower curtin didnt eat dinner, its 8pm, going to get dry clothes, after pedaling maybe 6 miles in the cold, and he locked up an hour early at least. Got a belt stolen at butler mental hospital to while back. Bisexual guy was in adult ward with me, and before that was in the child ward. My roommate was named brandon, he was an autistic child, and he wouldnt talk to me. Children liked me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 04, 2009, 02:24:26 PM
You were in a mental hospital when your belt was stolen, Randy?  When was this?  My dad's belts were always getting taken when he was in the nursing home.  I wonder why belts are such a popular item?  I wonder if it could be the nurses getting overly worried that someone might get hanged with a belt?
Sorry you got your clothes stolen.  Was that at a laundromat this happened?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on March 06, 2009, 12:03:32 AM
Yeah and the bi guy gave me his number offering a shoulder to cry on i tossed it day i left said was turning bi in 2000 the owner of the laundrmatt was sick he left early it can get HARD to think in my situation he came in sick with sore throat cleaning the washing machines like i would have done if i was him i dont really get sore throats anymore maybe mucus and or cough though i have to play psychotherapist to get buy, and do an excellent job with people calling me the lst name of one of my old mental health workers is your daughter afraid of any insects or any other animate objects? Do you have a favorite color?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 06, 2009, 11:51:18 AM
Yeah and the bi guy gave me his number offering a shoulder to cry on i tossed it day i left said was turning bi in 2000 the owner of the laundrmatt was sick he left early it can get HARD to think in my situation he came in sick with sore throat cleaning the washing machines like i would have done if i was him i dont really get sore throats anymore maybe mucus and or cough though i have to play psychotherapist to get buy, and do an excellent job with people calling me the lst name of one of my old mental health workers is your daughter afraid of any insects or any other animate objects? Do you have a favorite color?

My daughter is afraid of dogs and my favorite color is blue.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on March 06, 2009, 10:49:08 PM
Boing lol                                    how many times a day do yot "pet the bunny"?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on March 07, 2009, 11:39:27 PM
Your so sweet, you know that?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on March 12, 2009, 10:27:05 PM
Ho hos twinkies orange yogurt cream pie steak! Susuage lol
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: WolFish on April 12, 2009, 07:58:05 AM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 12, 2009, 05:18:21 PM
That is a beautiful Faberge egg.  Thanks.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: WolFish on April 12, 2009, 06:46:34 PM
:D i put that one here on purpose. glad you liked it
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: BadgerTom on April 16, 2009, 12:10:24 PM

there we are... a more comforting image!  one i am especially proud of!

Oh and hi there! strangers!!!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on April 16, 2009, 12:19:02 PM
Do you think rimjobs are disgusting?  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 16, 2009, 12:52:51 PM
Do you think rimjobs are disgusting?  :zoinks:

No, not if it is what the consenting adults want to do.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on April 16, 2009, 12:55:14 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: punkdrew on April 30, 2009, 05:54:01 AM
The whole thing with belts is concern over a suicide issue. The funniest story I ever heard around that was when Arlo Guthrie got arrested for littering (documented in the song 'Alice's Resturant') and was asked by "Officer Obie" to give up his belt. Arlo responded, "Do you really think I'm going to hang myself over a littering charge?" To which Ofc. Obie (in character) responded, "Shut up, kid>"

Which reminds me of my favorite exchange from a Damon Runyan story:

"Why, Daddy?" I asked.
"Shut up," Daddy said.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 30, 2009, 01:26:53 PM
Very interesting story.  Thanks, Wandrew.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: WolFish on May 03, 2009, 07:31:41 PM
how does the oxidizing agent in oxi-clean work? what molecules are formed and which ones broken down? are carbon based molecules more suceptible to breakdown?
actually i guess things like iron are more susceptible. but i really want to know about carbon because oxi clean works so well on organic stuff.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 03, 2009, 09:11:26 PM
how does the oxidizing agent in oxi-clean work? what molecules are formed and which ones broken down? are carbon based molecules more suceptible to breakdown?
actually i guess things like iron are more susceptible. but i really want to know about carbon because oxi clean works so well on organic stuff.

Oxi-Clean has sodium percarbonate in it.  This releases hydrogen peroxide when it's dissolved in water.  Hydrogen peroxide is a stong oxidizer, which breaks down organic stains. 

It works much better on organic stains than on iron stains.  If you need to clean rust stains, you're better off using hydrofluoric acid cleaners but you need wear rubber gloves and rinse it out quickly after the stain is removed.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on May 04, 2009, 07:57:11 PM
Is it customery to respond to or acknowledge someone when they interrupt you, tell you to do something, and then stand there as if they are waiting for some kind of response?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 05, 2009, 03:30:25 AM
Is it customery to respond to or acknowledge someone when they interrupt you, tell you to do something, and then stand there as if they are waiting for some kind of response?

I don't know.

I think it would depend on who it was, what they told you to do, and how they told you.

If it was your boss interrupting your non-work-related conversation at the water cooler, telling you to take on a project, then I would say you should definitely acknowledge him/her.

If it were your child interrupting your conversation with an adult by asking you for the eleventh time to give her a cookie when you have already told her ten times, "No cookies before dinner," then I would say it might be best to ignore her.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on May 05, 2009, 09:19:15 AM
Is it customery to respond to or acknowledge someone when they interrupt you, tell you to do something, and then stand there as if they are waiting for some kind of response?

I don't know.

I think it would depend on who it was, what they told you to do, and how they told you.

If it was your boss interrupting your non-work-related conversation at the water cooler, telling you to take on a project, then I would say you should definitely acknowledge him/her.

If it were your child interrupting your conversation with an adult by asking you for the eleventh time to give her a cookie when you have already told her ten times, "No cookies before dinner," then I would say it might be best to ignore her.

What if it is the 'ol ball and chain? I actually do this for everyone. It's not that I don't listen and note what is being asked of me, but I am not one to waste energy and whatnot on acknowledgement, etc. It really drives my kids crazy, because I cannot get them to realize that I am listening even though I didn't say, "What?" when they said "Daddy! Daddy!" I can't get them to realize people don't have to be looking at you to listen either. I guess this is somewhat of an Aspie thing, but the way the 'ol ball and chain handles it is to scream and yell and call me names. If I didn't pay attention and eventually do what was asked of me then I could sort of understand, but that is not the case.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 05, 2009, 12:18:29 PM
Is it customery to respond to or acknowledge someone when they interrupt you, tell you to do something, and then stand there as if they are waiting for some kind of response?

I don't know.

I think it would depend on who it was, what they told you to do, and how they told you.

If it was your boss interrupting your non-work-related conversation at the water cooler, telling you to take on a project, then I would say you should definitely acknowledge him/her.

If it were your child interrupting your conversation with an adult by asking you for the eleventh time to give her a cookie when you have already told her ten times, "No cookies before dinner," then I would say it might be best to ignore her.

What if it is the 'ol ball and chain? I actually do this for everyone. It's not that I don't listen and note what is being asked of me, but I am not one to waste energy and whatnot on acknowledgement, etc. It really drives my kids crazy, because I cannot get them to realize that I am listening even though I didn't say, "What?" when they said "Daddy! Daddy!" I can't get them to realize people don't have to be looking at you to listen either. I guess this is somewhat of an Aspie thing, but the way the 'ol ball and chain handles it is to scream and yell and call me names. If I didn't pay attention and eventually do what was asked of me then I could sort of understand, but that is not the case.

I think that you are supposed to acknowledge the children when they are asking for something appropriately, otherwise your lack of response will encourage them to resort to inappropriate behavior to get your attention and their mom is modeling inappropriate behavior for them, unfortunately.  Even if the answer is "No," or "No cookies before dinner," or "OK, but in a few minutes," they still need to hear it.

I think that you and the kids will have a happier life at home if you also acknowledge it when your wife talks to you, just so at least she knows you heard her, even if the answer is "No."
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on May 05, 2009, 12:21:24 PM
Is it customery to respond to or acknowledge someone when they interrupt you, tell you to do something, and then stand there as if they are waiting for some kind of response?

I don't know.

I think it would depend on who it was, what they told you to do, and how they told you.

If it was your boss interrupting your non-work-related conversation at the water cooler, telling you to take on a project, then I would say you should definitely acknowledge him/her.

If it were your child interrupting your conversation with an adult by asking you for the eleventh time to give her a cookie when you have already told her ten times, "No cookies before dinner," then I would say it might be best to ignore her.

What if it is the 'ol ball and chain? I actually do this for everyone. It's not that I don't listen and note what is being asked of me, but I am not one to waste energy and whatnot on acknowledgement, etc. It really drives my kids crazy, because I cannot get them to realize that I am listening even though I didn't say, "What?" when they said "Daddy! Daddy!" I can't get them to realize people don't have to be looking at you to listen either. I guess this is somewhat of an Aspie thing, but the way the 'ol ball and chain handles it is to scream and yell and call me names. If I didn't pay attention and eventually do what was asked of me then I could sort of understand, but that is not the case.

I think that you are supposed to acknowledge the children when they are asking for something appropriately, otherwise your lack of response will encourage them to resort to inappropriate behavior to get your attention and their mom is modeling inappropriate behavior for them, unfortunately.  Even if the answer is "No," or "No cookies before dinner," or "OK, but in a few minutes," they still need to hear it.

I think that you and the kids will have a happier life at home if you also acknowledge it when your wife talks to you, just so at least she knows you heard her, even if the answer is "No."

I guess everything is my fault!  :P Social norms suck!  :thumbdn:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SleepyDragon on May 06, 2009, 04:16:52 AM
I've got the opposite problem, Trig. I'll be staring at the computer screen, and one of the kids will speak to me, and I'll go, "Yeah, yeah, sure, fine, whatever. Now get outta here," and then later I'll learn that I've agreed to, say, let half-a-dozen teenage boys sleep over for the weekend at our house. Maybe I should change my script? "Absolutely not! Out of the question!" or maybe, "Go see what your dad has to say." :evillaugh:

How NT is the rest of your family? Maybe they're not picking up on the non-verbal cues you are sending out. Perhaps you could establish a set of hand signals or gestures. My kids are teaching me new ones all the time. :o
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on May 06, 2009, 08:50:40 AM
^ I can do the same thing with regards to just saying, "Yeah, sure...whatever!" Fortunately, I have yet to miss what was being asked so no teenage boys spending the night. :zoinks:


Am I crazy to be intrigued so much by complex and complicated puzzles?

Am I completely clueless?

What did I miss?

What is my point?


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on May 06, 2009, 08:52:47 AM
I take a more negative view than you guys on this kind of stuff. If someone is having a problem with something I said, I tell them to shut the fuck up usually.

I also keep the social interaction to a minimum. It reduces the chances of a fuckup.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on May 06, 2009, 09:13:50 AM
I take a more negative view than you guys on this kind of stuff. If someone is having a problem with something I said, I tell them to shut the fuck up usually.

I also keep the social interaction to a minimum. It reduces the chances of a fuckup.

You can't really do that with young children and if you do that with a partner, you will likely cause way more distress for yourself. At times, some form of attachment or caring exists and a desire to not hurt them, while also being understood, is desperately hoped for.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 06, 2009, 10:06:33 AM
^ I can do the same thing with regards to just saying, "Yeah, sure...whatever!" Fortunately, I have yet to miss what was being asked so no teenage boys spending the night. :zoinks:


Am I crazy to be intrigued so much by complex and complicated puzzles?

Am I completely clueless?

What did I miss?

What is my point?



I don't think that you are crazy or completely clueless at all.

I think that maybe you have more problems that I do formulating a response to questions or requests from your children or your spouse.

You are right that you can't give Rage's response to your children unless you want to have them imitating that behavior, which I don't think you would, and giving it to your wife would tick her off and you and your children would suffer for it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on May 06, 2009, 01:22:49 PM
I just looked at myself in the mirror. Something I rarely do. Why do I always look stoned?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 06, 2009, 01:25:04 PM
Your eyes look unfocused?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on May 06, 2009, 01:35:19 PM
Half open and dazed. It's a good thing I wear 8) all the time in public. Whenever I interact with law enforcement, they want to tell me I am stoned or on something.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 06, 2009, 01:37:22 PM
Half open and dazed. It's a good thing I wear 8) all the time in public. Whenever I interact with law enforcement, they want to tell me I am stoned or on something.

They are probably dazzled by the light.  I mean you do wear sunglasses for a good reason.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on May 06, 2009, 01:45:16 PM
Pigs are cowards and oppressors and deserve lead therapy. :litigious: :arrr:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: WolFish on May 10, 2009, 08:25:58 PM

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 10, 2009, 09:36:34 PM
Thank you.  That's a very pretty bouquet.

My daughter potted a dianthus and made a card for me at school and told me Happy Mother's Day and that she loves me today.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on May 11, 2009, 12:01:19 AM


You gave me a scare until I rememberede: around here, Mother's Day isn't for another few weeks yet.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on May 16, 2009, 12:12:27 PM
Thank you.  That's a very pretty bouquet.

My daughter potted a dianthus and made a card for me at school and told me Happy Mother's Day and that she loves me today.


"Cute" name for a flower.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 16, 2009, 02:20:11 PM
Thank you.  That's a very pretty bouquet.

My daughter potted a dianthus and made a card for me at school and told me Happy Mother's Day and that she loves me today.


"Cute" name for a flower.

Dianthus is the genus that carnations belong to, so basically by dianthus I meant a carnation with only one set of petals per flower.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on May 19, 2009, 01:40:30 PM
Thank you.  That's a very pretty bouquet.

My daughter potted a dianthus and made a card for me at school and told me Happy Mother's Day and that she loves me today.


"Cute" name for a flower.

Dianthus is the genus that carnations belong to, so basically by dianthus I meant a carnation with only one set of petals per flower.


Ah hah, very funny :-* :-* :-*

The flowers are beautiful color.  Bright colors stimulate, red is love. :wanker: :wanker: :wanker:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on May 20, 2009, 10:37:56 AM
Why are girls sucking my lollipop and sending me invites to play sex games on FaceBook?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 20, 2009, 01:47:50 PM
Why are girls sucking my lollipop and sending me invites to play sex games on FaceBook?

I think that they like you.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on May 20, 2009, 02:02:47 PM
Why are girls sucking my lollipop and sending me invites to play sex games on FaceBook?

I think that they like you.

But my status says "Married" and there is not an option for "Unhappily!"
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Blasted on May 20, 2009, 02:09:39 PM
Why are girls sucking my lollipop and sending me invites to play sex games on FaceBook?

I think that they like you.

But my status says "Married" and there is not an option for "Unhappily!"

That doesn't stop some girls  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on May 20, 2009, 03:08:00 PM
Why are girls sucking my lollipop and sending me invites to play sex games on FaceBook?

I think that they like you.

They probably where the same gals that chickened out from me. :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on May 21, 2009, 02:56:07 PM
Less time chatting more time licking and thrusting a woman.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on May 22, 2009, 03:22:24 AM
^You disgust me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on May 22, 2009, 02:46:49 PM
Your just want it :laugh:

I don't want to watch trigger.

I know everyone is watching my pms.   I am not "psychotic",  but I am if you want me to be.  the way people talk about me, its as if they are, it feels like more than posts.  I noticed specific examples, only toward pms, that suggested such.

Its too bad though,  I kind of let go for a minute, but eventually want to change what I said too late,  because my time on the computer was up.   I remember though that I thought everyone was reading my Pms.   I really don't care if they are,  I don't have anything to hide.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on May 22, 2009, 02:57:44 PM
Should I meet up with these chicks from Craig's List tonight after the Sox game? They said they wanted to show me a good time!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on May 22, 2009, 02:58:23 PM
Do that. :ATM:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on May 22, 2009, 03:00:15 PM
Should I meet up with these chicks from Craig's List tonight after the Sox game? They said they wanted to show me a good time!

It will be worth the wait for me, getting mine, however, I don't care for watching you, sorry.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on May 22, 2009, 04:12:40 PM
You probably saw my other post in "... Bitch,"  but, how many tabs can you open before your browser dies?


I still don't know what the cat did, lying across my keyboard, but I went back into "history"  and found that every tab was loaded with a site connected with Comcast TV and associated links, such as On Demand, Rhapsody, television programs buy the dozens, scheduling, etc (It is easy for me to do that, because I have my browser set to delete all personal information upon restarting). She didn't just hit the same button 432 times, either, as if she was scratching like Helen Wheels. She hit a lot of different buttons in a short amount of time, just walking, plopping, then getting comfortable where she knew I would return.

The more I look at this thing. the more I laugh about it. cats may not be psychic, but they are certainly entertaining to have around.

Does your daughter have a cat?

I ask because my daughter has mostly tortured this tiny cat from the beginning (we got her when she was six weeks old. The cat is fully grown, spayed and seems to be getting fat and she yet weighs only about eight pounds)
I think that is a small cat - even though my last three cats have been gargantuan by comparison (the three cats i have had previously were all near or over twenty pounds - Blue was twenty two pounds of solid muscle and a hunter) and I may have developed a lopsided view of what size housecats are  from taking on wild ones so many times, which were often cross-bred with miscellaneous wild cats, like bobcats, ocelots and cougars.
(the one I got as a kitten in the wild that grew too big for me to keep was surely a crossbred cougar kitten. She looked like a  typical speckled cat, but grew so big, so fast, I returned her to the wild at around thirty five pounds and nine months of age. She was so awesome and loving and it hurt to push her away from me, but she turned out to be just too big - long story ...)

I believe Nena (our cat, my daughter named the cat and told us how to spell the name when she was just learning to read and spell, at age six) is a tiny, petite cat with my best judgment at call. (I hold out my fore arm and she sits there comfortably - from her butt against the inside of my elbow and her chest is four inches shy of my wrist joint, for instance) and yet they are great friends and torture each other constantly - my daughter squashes her and the cat bites and scratches, lightly. My daughter loves the feeling.  She did the same things to the dog we lost a couple of years back. He bit hard, though and she liked that even more.

This cat plays chase, believe it or not.  You tag her and and run and and she runs after you and and tags you. Then you chase her and she runs away, until she decides to let you tag her back. Then she chases you again. It is funny to watch!

I don't really play that much with her  (I am her alpha and she needs re-assurance from me quite often),  but she plays this way with both kids. My son get too freaked out after a while though (he is more sensitive to touch - my daughter requires harsh touch).

My daughter will play this game until the cat stops allowing her to catch her. It is often twenty or more minutes and my daughter has worked up a sweat.

I wish I could will everyone a cat like ours. She is so coooool to have about.

... sorry, I drifted a bit, but how many tabs can you open with your browser. Maybe we should make a game of it/ (kidding, i thrink)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 22, 2009, 09:44:05 PM
I know for me it is different at different times, I think depending on how long it has been since I shut the computer down hard and restarted  it.

I have had over twenty windows open at the same time before my computer locked up at some times, but I have fifteen windows open now and I notice that it is getting slow.

My daughter and my husband both have allergies, so the only pets we have are two comet goldfish.

We had a pet rabbit when she was a baby, but he died.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 22, 2009, 09:48:39 PM
Should I meet up with these chicks from Craig's List tonight after the Sox game? They said they wanted to show me a good time!

I would say that if you do, you will probably regret it.

Doesn't your wife sleep with a butcher knife under her pillow to Bobbit you with?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on May 22, 2009, 10:47:16 PM
Should I meet up with these chicks from Craig's List tonight after the Sox game? They said they wanted to show me a good time!

I would say that if you do, you will probably regret it.

Doesn't your wife sleep with a butcher knife under her pillow to Bobbit you with?

I was just kidding. I am sleeping alone tonight in my hotel. :'( :lol:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on May 23, 2009, 11:48:40 AM
I know for me it is different at different times, I think depending on how long it has been since I shut the computer down hard and restarted  it.

I have had over twenty windows open at the same time before my computer locked up at some times, but I have fifteen windows open now and I notice that it is getting slow.

My daughter and my husband both have allergies, so the only pets we have are two comet goldfish.

We had a pet rabbit when she was a baby, but he died.

I have a several years old computer, but it has a (funky, single core, yep, I need a computer, soon!) 2.4gHz processor and four GB of ram (pretty much the state of the art five years ago) and I don't think I have ever opened more than about ten or fifteen tabs, deliberately.
It really surprised me that neither Windows nor Firefox crashed during this extreme use.


Sorry you guys can't have cats around. They can be incredible friends to know, if you are able.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 23, 2009, 11:57:19 AM

Sorry you guys can't have cats around. They can be incredible friends to know, if you are able.

I know.  I have had pet cats and dogs when I was younger, but dogs make my husband's eyes water almost instantly and my daughter tested as very allergic to them.

That time I rescued the little dog who had wandered into our fenced back yard in the rain even though I gave the little dog a warm bath, he was sneezing and his eyes were weeping for a long time afterward. 

I thought maybe we could get a cat instead, but my daughter's allergist said that she would quickly develop a cat allergy with exposure, since cats are very allergenic.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on May 23, 2009, 11:59:56 AM
Was your favourite series The Little House on the Prairie?  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 23, 2009, 12:02:12 PM
Was your favourite series The Little House on the Prairie?  :zoinks:

No, was it yours?


I think my favorite TV series is either House or Monk.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on May 23, 2009, 12:03:49 PM
You remind me of the Ingalls family. In Sweden we call that being "präktig".  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on May 23, 2009, 05:13:07 PM
You remind me of the Ingalls family. In Sweden we call that being "präktig".  :zoinks:

You remind me of the garden variety village idiot. In Sweden we call that being an "idiot".
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on May 24, 2009, 02:38:28 AM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 24, 2009, 07:42:16 AM
You remind me of the Ingalls family. In Sweden we call that being "präktig".  :zoinks:

You remind me of the garden variety village idiot. In Sweden we call that being an "idiot".

do we still use the word PWNED to describe litigious
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on May 24, 2009, 07:51:31 AM
Odeon simply isn't BRAVE.  8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 24, 2009, 07:54:38 AM
Odeon simply isn't BRAVE.  8)
are you naked and alone on your couch right now? 

are you wanking to young girls getting semen facials?

are you brave?

i bet the answer is yes to two of those questions
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on May 24, 2009, 07:55:41 AM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 24, 2009, 07:56:46 AM
it is funny cause it is true
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on May 24, 2009, 08:03:24 AM
I'm fully dressed right now.

I'm not wanking for the moment, but yes, when I wank I often wank to young girls with sperm in their faces.

I'm brave; it's brave to make bombs in the kitchen.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on May 24, 2009, 01:16:22 PM

"Bombs In The Kitchen"  is a new name for young girls getting cum on their faces?

I had not heard that one, yet.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on May 24, 2009, 01:22:08 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on May 24, 2009, 04:32:15 PM

"Bombs In The Kitchen"  is a new name for young girls getting cum on their faces?

I had not heard that one, yet.

I thought up in the vagina and whatnot was the oven, so how does face become kitchen?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on May 24, 2009, 05:59:10 PM

"Bombs In The Kitchen"  is a new name for young girls getting cum on their faces?

I had not heard that one, yet.

I thought up in the vagina and whatnot was the oven, so how does face become kitchen?

I don't really know. Go ask the buttfucker.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on May 24, 2009, 07:08:58 PM
If I don't make it home, will you be sure my children know how much I love them?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 24, 2009, 07:15:20 PM
If I don't make it home, will you be sure my children know how much I love them?

Why wouldn't you make it home?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on May 24, 2009, 07:21:19 PM
If I don't make it home, will you be sure my children know how much I love them?

Why wouldn't you make it home?

Puddle-jumpers out of La Guardia do not have a good track record and there are lower atmospheric disturbances in the area. You never know!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on May 24, 2009, 07:39:21 PM
Hmmm! It's actually a regional jet run by Air WisconsIn for US Airways. Better chance of getting airborne!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on May 24, 2009, 08:51:58 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 24, 2009, 09:54:30 PM

Thanks for letting me know you're OK now.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on May 26, 2009, 08:53:39 AM

Thanks for letting me know you're OK now.

No worries mate! I always tap the fuselage of the plain as I board and, a la Han Solo, say, "Here me baby, hold together!" Works every far! :thumbup:

Couple of interesting tidbits about my flying past. You have to take into account I used to fly over 50,000 miles a year with all my trips to Europe.

1) Had originally booked the same flight number out of Dulles to LA for Monday, 10 September 2001 as the one that was hijacked the following day. My trip got cancelled a week earlier. I always took the early morning cross-country flights for the one of the same reasons as the hijackers. Not as crowded! Plus I would gain 3 hours and be able to goof off in CA all day before having to work the following day. I still have the page from my planner with the flight number written down. A family friend who was a pilot for United at the time flew the other early morning flight out of Dulles on that actual day.

2) Once flying to Inyokern, CA on a puddle-jumper from LAX, we hit major turbulence on the approach. Inyokern is the airport for China Lake and Death Valley, as in the high desert just on the other side of the mountains in CA. This is a short flight, but always eventful. I was seated in the back row by myself, which meant I had 4-5 seats to myself, as this particular plane had seats all the way across the back row. So I sat in the middle seat so I could stretch into the aisle. I thought I had it good. Then we hit the strong winds on the other side of the mountains screaming across the desert. I was in the very back of the plane. Meaning I got to feel the tossing and turning more than anyone else. For the final five minutes of the flight, we bounced up and down, sideways, and all over. Honest to fucking imaginary deity you may or may not believe in, just before touching down we got rolled up and the plane was at least 45 degrees off the center line of the direction we were actually going. While I never got "scared" during this ordeal, as I am a bit of an adrenaline junky, when we got off the plane I thought it would be funny to pull a Pope. Since I was the last person off before the crew, I maximized my performance and as soon as I got my feet on the ground I went down on all fours and kissed the tarmac. The pilots and flight attendant laughed their asses off. The co-pilot said, "C'mon, it wasn't that bad!" Then, quietly under his breath, I overheard him say to the rest of the crew, I have never been in such a rough landing before and was very nervous.

I love flying and have always wanted to get my pilot's license, but it is too expensive.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 26, 2009, 10:42:51 AM
Yes, getting your pilot's license would be expensive, but not as expensive as buying and keeping a small plane to make use of it.

I knew someone who owned a small plane and he took me up to see the first launch of the space shuttle.  It was pretty cool to see it from the air.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on May 26, 2009, 10:44:49 AM
My brother has flown F16s in Myrtle Beach.  8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 26, 2009, 10:45:49 AM
My brother has flown F-16s in Myrtle Beach.  8)


Why was he flying them?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on May 26, 2009, 10:47:19 AM
Because he wanted to become a pilot.  8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on May 26, 2009, 12:00:27 PM
What happened to the bunny? :'(
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 26, 2009, 01:40:49 PM
What happened to the bunny? :'(

He died while we were moving here. 

It was the middle of August and over 100°F and the air conditioners failed in both the U-Haul moving trucks we were driving.

He was a Holland Lop and it was just too hot for him even though we were misting him with water from a spray bottle.  He had a heatstroke and died.

We stripped down our three month old daughter and were misting her with the water too, because we were worried about how she would take the heat, but she was OK.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on May 26, 2009, 05:23:09 PM
How do you get a mostly-used-up candle out of a holder?  (Is it possible?)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 26, 2009, 05:24:14 PM
How do you get a mostly-used-up candle out of a holder?  (Is it possible?)

Hot water should melt it enough that you can remove it from the holder.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on May 26, 2009, 05:26:39 PM
How do you get a mostly-used-up candle out of a holder?  (Is it possible?)

Hot water should melt it enough that you can remove it from the holder.
*tries it*

Holy fucking shit, you're a genuis.  Thanks!!!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on May 26, 2009, 06:25:00 PM
What happened to the bunny? :'(

He died while we were moving here. 

It was the middle of August and over 100°F and the air conditioners failed in both the U-Haul moving trucks we were driving.

He was a Holland Lop and it was just too hot for him even though we were misting him with water from a spray bottle.  He had a heatstroke and died.

We stripped down our three month old daughter and were misting her with the water too, because we were worried about how she would take the heat, but she was OK.

Hang on a sec. You're going to eat it right? Not the kid, the dead rodent. Rabbit stew is actually very tasty if made right. I have more than a dozen recipes. :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 26, 2009, 07:00:33 PM
What happened to the bunny? :'(

He died while we were moving here. 

It was the middle of August and over 100°F and the air conditioners failed in both the U-Haul moving trucks we were driving.

He was a Holland Lop and it was just too hot for him even though we were misting him with water from a spray bottle.  He had a heatstroke and died.

We stripped down our three month old daughter and were misting her with the water too, because we were worried about how she would take the heat, but she was OK.

Hang on a sec. You're going to eat it right? Not the kid, the dead rodent. Rabbit stew is actually very tasty if made right. I have more than a dozen recipes. :laugh:

We adopted an older rabbit to save him from being made into Hasenpfeffer, so I think it would have been disrespectful to cook our pet when he died.

Also, even if we had wanted to cook him, we were some distance from our new home with temperatures over 100°F and no refrigeration, so decomposition would have been rapid.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on May 26, 2009, 07:02:59 PM
What happened to the bunny? :'(

He died while we were moving here. 

It was the middle of August and over 100°F and the air conditioners failed in both the U-Haul moving trucks we were driving.

He was a Holland Lop and it was just too hot for him even though we were misting him with water from a spray bottle.  He had a heatstroke and died.

We stripped down our three month old daughter and were misting her with the water too, because we were worried about how she would take the heat, but she was OK.

Hang on a sec. You're going to eat it right? Not the kid, the dead rodent. Rabbit stew is actually very tasty if made right. I have more than a dozen recipes. :laugh:

We adopted an older rabbit to save him from being made into Hasenpfeffer, so I think it would have been disrespectful to cook our pet when he died.

Also, even if we had wanted to cook him, we were some distance from our new home with temperatures over 100°F and no refrigeration, so decomposition would have been rapid.

Yeaah. Foodbourne ilness is never appetizing. I apologize by the way. I never saw prey animals as pets.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on May 26, 2009, 07:12:20 PM
But you don't find it disrespectful to make a predator into a pet?  ???
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on May 26, 2009, 09:29:39 PM
But you don't find it disrespectful to make a predator into a pet?  ???

Well. I guess it just makes sense to view them more as a companion than food. I'm an avid hunter myself, and having a fellow animal around with the same intrests sort of falls into place. Maybe its just the type of person you are?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on May 26, 2009, 09:41:55 PM
Ah, makes sense. I was just sniping at you, cause pet can be taken different ways.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on May 27, 2009, 12:57:22 PM
I have fish as pets, ergo I do not eat fish. I return them to the Earth from which they came, so that they may nurture new life and continue the cycle.

This is what I want done with me, but I think it is illegal.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on May 27, 2009, 01:04:04 PM
I have fish as pets, ergo I do not eat fish. I return them to the Earth from which they came, so that they may nurture new life and continue the cycle.

This is what I want done with me, but I think it is illegal.

Return to Earth? Isn't that the usual procedure?  ???
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on May 27, 2009, 01:16:49 PM
I have fish as pets, ergo I do not eat fish. I return them to the Earth from which they came, so that they may nurture new life and continue the cycle.

This is what I want done with me, but I think it is illegal.

Return to Earth? Isn't that the usual procedure?  ???

I am referring to directly, as opposed to via other means. As far as I go, this would mean no coffins, crypts, etc.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on May 27, 2009, 01:21:32 PM
I have fish as pets, ergo I do not eat fish. I return them to the Earth from which they came, so that they may nurture new life and continue the cycle.

This is what I want done with me, but I think it is illegal.

Return to Earth? Isn't that the usual procedure?  ???

I am referring to directly, as opposed to via other means. As far as I go, this would mean no coffins, crypts, etc.

Here in Sweden there is a method where they dry-freeze people, so that the body actually becomes like a powder in a couple of days or so. They need a thin box to put it in, however.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on May 27, 2009, 02:12:42 PM
I have fish as pets, ergo I do not eat fish. I return them to the Earth from which they came, so that they may nurture new life and continue the cycle.

This is what I want done with me, but I think it is illegal.

Return to Earth? Isn't that the usual procedure?  ???

I am referring to directly, as opposed to via other means. As far as I go, this would mean no coffins, crypts, etc.

What if the coffins or crypts are made of entirely natural material?

What if those same coffins and crypts where also biodegradeable?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on May 27, 2009, 02:27:45 PM
I have fish as pets, ergo I do not eat fish. I return them to the Earth from which they came, so that they may nurture new life and continue the cycle.

This is what I want done with me, but I think it is illegal.

Return to Earth? Isn't that the usual procedure?  ???

I am referring to directly, as opposed to via other means. As far as I go, this would mean no coffins, crypts, etc.

What if the coffins or crypts are made of entirely natural material?

What if those same coffins and crypts where also biodegradeable?

It would still be a waste of materials and completely unnecessary.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on May 27, 2009, 02:31:07 PM
There is probably some stupid law against it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on May 28, 2009, 12:31:15 PM
Callaway, is it ok to continue this further in this thread? :-* :-* :-* :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: (to you, pervert :-*)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on May 28, 2009, 02:16:00 PM
Have you ever used your degree to get a job other then Lab Assitant?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 28, 2009, 05:29:59 PM
Have you ever used your degree to get a job other then Lab Assitant?

I'm a mom and special education paraprofessional now, but I haven't been working as a para since I sprained my ankle on April 6.

I was managing six special needs children, five of whom are autistic, while they ride the school bus to their out-of-district schools about a two hour bus ride away from here.

Since I have been unable to return to work, they have been using two people to do the job they expected me to do alone, one to deal with my daughter and another one to deal with the rest of the children. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on May 28, 2009, 05:48:14 PM
I've known a few people who have a Degree and work in another field. One of my sisters has worked with Autistic children and between her and our cousin ( who I suspect is on the spectrum ) I sometimes wonder if one or both of them have figured out why I am a social spazz. But they both know me well enough to know I won't answer questions if I don't want to.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 28, 2009, 06:42:37 PM
I know it's relatively easy for me to spot people that are somewhere on the spectrum, so I think it would also be for you, your sister, and your cousin.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on May 29, 2009, 12:09:20 AM
Is your ankle healing well Callaway?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 29, 2009, 07:14:38 AM
Is your ankle healing well Callaway?

It's better than it was when I sprained it.  I'm still using the ankle brace and crutches or a cane to walk, though.

I have more physical therapy today even though I'm still sore from the physical therapy on Tuesday so I'll let you know how I feel later today.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on May 29, 2009, 01:19:46 PM
I know it's relatively easy for me to spot people that are somewhere on the spectrum, so I think it would also be for you, your sister, and your cousin.

My sister works with teenagers on the spectrum. Do you suppose it's got something to do with me? :-\
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 29, 2009, 01:33:03 PM
I know it's relatively easy for me to spot people that are somewhere on the spectrum, so I think it would also be for you, your sister, and your cousin.

My sister works with teenagers on the spectrum. Do you suppose it's got something to do with me? :-\

I think probably so, since she has about half of your DNA. 

Maybe she is somewhere on the broader autistic spectrum herself even if she isn't diagnosed and that gives her special insight into the teenagers she works with.  Or maybe she just gained experience dealing with you when you were kids.  Is she older or younger than you?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on May 29, 2009, 01:36:11 PM
She's younger than I am, by almost a full year.

She's certainly not on the spectrum--she's very social, almost too much so. Well, for my tastes. I've always suspected that she gained whatever insight she has by having me as her brother. She says that her pupils love her, that she's the only teacher to understand them, and I think it's true. She's always understood me well, IMO.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 29, 2009, 01:37:12 PM
Is your ankle healing well Callaway?

It is getting better, but it has been slow progress and it may be a while until I have full use of my ankle again.

I can't go back to work yet, but I will see the doctor again in two weeks.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 29, 2009, 01:38:47 PM
She's younger than I am, by almost a full year.

She's certainly not on the spectrum--she's very social, almost too much so. Well, for my tastes. I've always suspected that she gained whatever insight she has by having me as her brother. She says that her pupils love her, that she's the only teacher to understand them, and I think it's true. She's always understood me well, IMO.

Maybe that's it, then.  She gained her insight from you.

Does she have any sensory issues?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on May 29, 2009, 01:39:45 PM
None, from what I know. She's always respected mine, though.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 29, 2009, 01:42:34 PM
None, from what I know. She's always respected mine, though.

That's nice that she respected yours.

My younger brother had pretty bad speech issues but I could always understand him even when others couldn't.  I think that ability helped me understand my daughter's speech when others could not.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on May 29, 2009, 01:47:08 PM
My sister and my brother are both NTs, with no real problems relating to ASDs.

I find it pretty interesting that my sister works with kids on the spectrum, though, but even more so that my brother married an autistic woman.

I wonder what that says about me. :-\
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on May 29, 2009, 01:48:51 PM
How did you sprain your ankle?,  I haven't been around here for awhile, and just came back.

Epsom salt  is what they use for sprains.   Sulfate is benefical for liver detoxification.  A paper I read a while back on autism said a significant amount weren't good at oxidizing sulfur to sulfate form.   I would like to point out this was autism, and not aspergers, but this may have important implications.  Awhile back, I was adding green tea to my epsom salt bath for added benefit, and plantars warts on the bottom of my foot.  Tannins in green tea come out after 10 minutes or more of brewing,  are astringent in taste, and antibacterial.  

Magnets are good for pain, and increase healing by raising circulation.   Increased circulation supports better digestion and detoxification also.   I used to be in pain after strength training, but this is no longer the case, perhaps because of the magnetic bracelets I am wearing right now.  I used to have 6 but lost 4, but still no pain.  They were $5.35 per bracelet, but magnets fell out a few times also.   It doesn't say this on the package, about how your supposed to rinse them off, as they accumulate ions that interfer with their functions.  I also used to drink magnetized water to.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 29, 2009, 01:51:10 PM
My sister and my brother are both NTs, with no real problems relating to ASDs.

I find it pretty interesting that my sister works with kids on the spectrum, though, but even more so that my brother married an autistic woman.

I wonder what that says about me. :-\

It says that you are a good brother and an interesting person and your brother and sister have good taste.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 29, 2009, 01:56:06 PM
How did you sprain your ankle?,  I haven't been around here for awhile, and just came back.

Epsom salt  is what they use for sprains.   Sulfate is benefical for liver detoxification.  A paper I read a while back on autism said a significant amount weren't good at oxidizing sulfur to sulfate form.   I would like to point out this was autism, and not aspergers, but this may have important implications.  Awhile back, I was adding green tea to my epsom salt bath for added benefit, and plantars warts on the bottom of my foot.  Tannins in green tea come out after 10 minutes or more of brewing,  are astringent in taste, and antibacterial.  

Magnets are good for pain, and increase healing by raising circulation.   Increased circulation supports better digestion and detoxification also.   I used to be in pain after strength training, but this is no longer the case, perhaps because of the magnetic bracelets I am wearing right now.  I used to have 6 but lost 4, but still no pain.  They were $5.35 per bracelet, but magnets fell out a few times also.   It doesn't say this on the package, about how your supposed to rinse them off, as they accumulate ions that interfer with their functions.  I also used to drink magnetized water to.

I twisted it and fell while I was getting off the school bus.  It is a third degree sprain, since the fall destroyed at least two ligaments.

Thanks for the advice about the magnets and epsom salts.  I have epsom salts and I can use some later today, but I will have to think how I can make use of magnets on my ankle.  It can't hurt to try.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on May 29, 2009, 01:57:11 PM
My sister and my brother are both NTs, with no real problems relating to ASDs.

I find it pretty interesting that my sister works with kids on the spectrum, though, but even more so that my brother married an autistic woman.

I wonder what that says about me. :-\

It says that you are a god brother and an interesting person and your brother and sister have good taste.

Thank you. Thing is, I always thought it said something else, something less flattering.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Blasted on May 29, 2009, 01:59:35 PM
I'm an NT who hangs around with Aspies, what does that say about me?  :laugh: 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on May 29, 2009, 02:04:53 PM
I'm an NT who hangs around with Aspies, what does that say about me?  :laugh: 

They are almost like everyone else.  You have some patients, and can find the good in people.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Blasted on May 29, 2009, 02:07:48 PM
Thanks Randy  8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on May 29, 2009, 02:09:35 PM
Your welcome  :-*
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on May 29, 2009, 02:26:33 PM
I'm an NT who hangs around with Aspies, what does that say about me?  :laugh: 

So far, that you're a very likable person.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on May 29, 2009, 03:49:29 PM
I know it's relatively easy for me to spot people that are somewhere on the spectrum, so I think it would also be for you, your sister, and your cousin.

My sister works with teenagers on the spectrum. Do you suppose it's got something to do with me? :-\

I think probably so, since she has about half of your DNA. 

Maybe she is somewhere on the broader autistic spectrum herself even if she isn't diagnosed and that gives her special insight into the teenagers she works with.  Or maybe she just gained experience dealing with you when you were kids.  Is she older or younger than you?

with know insite at all, i am thinking thinging that she is especially adept at looking into others, from trying to understand with her heart what O-man is about. she could be gifted, but she could just be interested, also.
my vote is that she is outside looking in with a will to help those confined inside out of their fears, as i always called it, before i knew what it all meant.maybe fears can help some to work harder. mine have me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on May 29, 2009, 04:32:24 PM
I'm an NT who hangs around with Aspies, what does that say about me?  :laugh: 

So far, that you're a very likable person.


i am pained in deep places to think that a soul so inspiring to so many of us has to push through so much personal tip to find some way to see over the preset challenges of living in a body of pulp.

just drag it all with you, Gus and flip some of it off to anyone who looks like they can carry some for you!.

soon the dragging seems to lessen. honestly.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on May 30, 2009, 04:25:22 AM
Since I have been unable to return to work, they have been using two people to do the job they expected me to do alone, one to deal with my daughter and another one to deal with the rest of the children. 
So...your daughter is not a bus-ride person?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 30, 2009, 09:50:37 AM
Since I have been unable to return to work, they have been using two people to do the job they expected me to do alone, one to deal with my daughter and another one to deal with the rest of the children. 
So...your daughter is not a bus-ride person?

When my husband has been in town, he has been driving our daughter to school and picking her up and I have been riding along with them.

When my husband has not been not in town, my daughter has been riding the bus to and from school with either the head of the school district's behavior support team or one of its other members looking after only her while another person deals with the other five children.

Before I twisted my ankle, I looked after all six children on the bus including my daughter by myself.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on May 30, 2009, 12:39:57 PM
Since I have been unable to return to work, they have been using two people to do the job they expected me to do alone, one to deal with my daughter and another one to deal with the rest of the children. 
So...your daughter is not a bus-ride person?

When my husband has been in town, he has been driving our daughter to school and picking her up and I have been riding along with them.

When my husband has not been not in town, my daughter has been riding the bus to and from school with either the head of the school district's behavior support team or one of its other members looking after only her while another person deals with the other five children.

Before I twisted my ankle, I looked after all six children on the bus including my daughter by myself.

 Hi ,Right up your butt,   your hot :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on June 01, 2009, 05:55:59 AM
I am wondering why they think your daughter needs a person to herself though. I know the journey is a long one and I wouldn't be surprised at kids playing up a bit (the school bus I rode was like a zoo), so I just wonder what their reasons are.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 01, 2009, 08:03:26 AM
I am wondering why they think your daughter needs a person to herself though. I know the journey is a long one and I wouldn't be surprised at kids playing up a bit (the school bus I rode was like a zoo), so I just wonder what their reasons are.

Each of the kids on the bus have a teacher to themselves once they get to school, so having one person deal with all six of them at the same time is very difficult for that person.  I know it was very challenging for me.  It was even more difficult for the head of the school district's behavior support team when she rode the bus looking after all the children.  This is the person who is in charge of troubleshooting challenging behaviors in any children anywhere in the school district and making recommendations on how to deal with it, so she is very accustomed to dealing with very challenging behaviors.  I think my daughter is a handful for most people to deal with and some of the other kids on the bus can be a handful to deal with as well, particularly the two younger ones.  When any of the other kids act up, it gets my daughter worked up and then she acts up too.  One reason for this has been the division of attention by the adult who is looking after the children, so by having an adult whose job is primarily looking after her this eliminates that cause.  Between the jobs of looking after just my daughter and looking after the other five children, looking after just my daughter is considered to be by far the more difficult job.  I don't really get it, because my daughter is interesting and funny and a joy to be around most of the time, but I'm sort of hoping that they decide to keep the extra person to look after the other children and pay me to just look after my daughter when I come back to work, because getting up and walking around a moving bus to look after the other kids will be very tough for me with my ankle until it is back to 100%.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on June 02, 2009, 02:59:56 AM
It seems an odd situation. Does your daughter not have someone her own age to talk to? If she doesn't that can make a bus ride boring and no wonder she plays up if others do.

Does your daughter have to change schools soon now that she is older? In Australia, 13 is the age when we start high school. We don't have elementary and middle school and all that.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 02, 2009, 08:38:31 AM
It seems an odd situation. Does your daughter not have someone her own age to talk to? If she doesn't that can make a bus ride boring and no wonder she plays up if others do.

Does your daughter have to change schools soon now that she is older? In Australia, 13 is the age when we start high school. We don't have elementary and middle school and all that.

She likes to talk about the imaginary stuff she makes up, so she might perseversate on saying "Amnesia-causing basement," or asking the other people on the bus to "basement her" or she might talk about different aspects of the "Lollypop," which is the name she has given her "Superhero School" in our back yard.  The top of her play fort is the "Principal's Office" and her swimming pool is the "Superspeed/Flying/Breathing Underwater/Mermaid/High School Room" for example.

She wants friends, but sometimes her extreme behavior scares them and also they often don't know how to respond to the things she says.  Personally, I love her amazing imagination, but I know what's she's talking about while other people often do not.

She may change schools to attend a high school in our school district next year. 

For us, the transition to high school usually happens at age fourteen or the ninth grade and high school ends with the twelth grade (age seventeen).  Our elementary schools sometimes go from preschool (age three or four) or kindergarten (age five) through either fourth or fifth grades, then middle school starts either in fifth or sixth grades and goes through eighth grade.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on June 02, 2009, 11:17:29 AM
It seems an odd situation. Does your daughter not have someone her own age to talk to? If she doesn't that can make a bus ride boring and no wonder she plays up if others do.

Does your daughter have to change schools soon now that she is older? In Australia, 13 is the age when we start high school. We don't have elementary and middle school and all that.

She likes to talk about the imaginary stuff she makes up, so she might perseversate on saying "Amnesia-causing basement," or asking the other people on the bus to "basement her" or she might talk about different aspects of the "Lollypop," which is the name she has given her "Superhero School" in our back yard.  The top of her play fort is the "Principal's Office" and her swimming pool is the "Superspeed/Flying/Breathing Underwater/Mermaid/High School Room" for example.

She wants friends, but sometimes her extreme behavior scares them and also they often don't know how to respond to the things she says.  Personally, I love her amazing imagination, but I know what's she's talking about while other people often do not.

She may change schools to attend a high school in our school district next year. 

For us, the transition to high school usually happens at age fourteen or the ninth grade and high school ends with the twelth grade (age seventeen).  Our elementary schools sometimes go from preschool (age three or four) or kindergarten (age five) through either fourth or fifth grades, then middle school starts either in fifth or sixth grades and goes through eighth grade.

Haha. Probably would have gotten along with her just fine when I was her age.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 02, 2009, 12:20:30 PM
It seems an odd situation. Does your daughter not have someone her own age to talk to? If she doesn't that can make a bus ride boring and no wonder she plays up if others do.

Does your daughter have to change schools soon now that she is older? In Australia, 13 is the age when we start high school. We don't have elementary and middle school and all that.

She likes to talk about the imaginary stuff she makes up, so she might perseversate on saying "Amnesia-causing basement," or asking the other people on the bus to "basement her" or she might talk about different aspects of the "Lollypop," which is the name she has given her "Superhero School" in our back yard.  The top of her play fort is the "Principal's Office" and her swimming pool is the "Superspeed/Flying/Breathing Underwater/Mermaid/High School Room" for example.

She wants friends, but sometimes her extreme behavior scares them and also they often don't know how to respond to the things she says.  Personally, I love her amazing imagination, but I know what's she's talking about while other people often do not.

She may change schools to attend a high school in our school district next year. 

For us, the transition to high school usually happens at age fourteen or the ninth grade and high school ends with the twelth grade (age seventeen).  Our elementary schools sometimes go from preschool (age three or four) or kindergarten (age five) through either fourth or fifth grades, then middle school starts either in fifth or sixth grades and goes through eighth grade.

Haha. Probably would have gotten along with her just fine when I was her age.


There is a fifteen year old boy on the bus who has a crush on her, but he is definitely scared of her and he will barely interact with her at school.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on June 02, 2009, 01:07:33 PM
Your daughter rocks! :headbang2:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on June 02, 2009, 01:14:30 PM

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 02, 2009, 01:15:00 PM
Your daughter rocks! :headbang2:


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on June 02, 2009, 04:49:20 PM
It seems an odd situation. Does your daughter not have someone her own age to talk to? If she doesn't that can make a bus ride boring and no wonder she plays up if others do.

Does your daughter have to change schools soon now that she is older? In Australia, 13 is the age when we start high school. We don't have elementary and middle school and all that.

She likes to talk about the imaginary stuff she makes up, so she might perseversate on saying "Amnesia-causing basement," or asking the other people on the bus to "basement her" or she might talk about different aspects of the "Lollypop," which is the name she has given her "Superhero School" in our back yard.  The top of her play fort is the "Principal's Office" and her swimming pool is the "Superspeed/Flying/Breathing Underwater/Mermaid/High School Room" for example.

She wants friends, but sometimes her extreme behavior scares them and also they often don't know how to respond to the things she says.  Personally, I love her amazing imagination, but I know what's she's talking about while other people often do not.

She may change schools to attend a high school in our school district next year. 

For us, the transition to high school usually happens at age fourteen or the ninth grade and high school ends with the twelth grade (age seventeen).  Our elementary schools sometimes go from preschool (age three or four) or kindergarten (age five) through either fourth or fifth grades, then middle school starts either in fifth or sixth grades and goes through eighth grade.

Haha. Probably would have gotten along with her just fine when I was her age.


There is a fifteen year old boy on the bus who has a crush on her, but he is definitely scared of her and he will barely interact with her at school.

Play cupid.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Parts on June 02, 2009, 05:43:17 PM
My daughter is just ten but is very much like the way you describe yours she is going to middle school i the fall but it is an arts magnet school so we are hoping she will get along well as art is one of her obsessions.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on June 06, 2009, 11:45:26 PM
Callaway, that shows how different autistics can be. I can't egage in imaginary play even now. As a kid, I had to be directed by other kids to tell me what to do. I wonder why my lack of imagination is so bad, maybe one of the things that is low on the spectrum.

I hope the other kids realise that your daughter is a good person and not to be scared of her.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on June 08, 2009, 12:29:01 PM
Obi-Callaway Kenobi, you are our only hope. Why have you left us in this most desperate hour?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on June 08, 2009, 12:30:38 PM
Maybe she has gone to the happy hunting grounds?  :-\
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on June 08, 2009, 01:55:03 PM
Obi-Callaway Kenobi, you are our only hope. Why have you left us in this most desperate hour?

She'll return to fight another day.  :orly:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 14, 2009, 09:55:02 PM
Obi-Callaway Kenobi, you are our only hope. Why have you left us in this most desperate hour?


I went out of town with my husband and daughter and I didn't have my computer with me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on June 14, 2009, 10:24:44 PM
Did you enjoy your vacation Callaway? Good to have you back.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 14, 2009, 10:42:46 PM
Did you enjoy your vacation Callaway? Good to have you back.

Thank you.

We flew to North Carolina to visit my husband's parents.  Then we drove up to Kitty Hawk and saw where the place that the Wright Brothers flew their first airplane and I got sunburned on the beach.  I'm very fair and I don't tan, I just burn even with a lot of heavy duty sunscreen and a huge beach umbrella.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on June 14, 2009, 11:24:20 PM
Kitty Hawk and Nags Head are the only parts of North Carolina I have been to but I thought it was a nice area, the only part of the Atlanta or Pacific oceans that I have been to where the water is clear and warm.  :thumbup:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 14, 2009, 11:36:29 PM
Kitty Hawk and Nags Head are the only parts of North Carolina I have been to but I thought it was a nice area, the only part of the Atlanta or Pacific oceans that I have been to where the water is clear and warm.  :thumbup:

I thought that it was a very nice area, too. 

The beach sand goes EVERYWHERE.  My daughter's swim vest is full of sand and I don't even know how it got inside there.  My husband helped her surf on a boogie board and she loved it, though.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SleepyDragon on June 15, 2009, 06:54:25 AM
Glad you're back, Callaway, and hope you had a good time. Sand is just ubiquitous, isn't it? My kids used to come home from preschool with large quantities of the stuff in their shoes. The preschool must have had to top up the sandpit quite often if all the other children were carrying similar amounts home with them. :D

ETA: correct spelling of your name :oops:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 15, 2009, 07:31:57 AM
We had sand in all our shoes too and it filled my husband's swimsuit pockets, so he bought a new pocketless swimsuit to wear.

The hotel we stayed in had a pier and there was a foot washing thing which washed the sand off our feet when we stepped on it and there was a hose with a sprayer to wash the sand off everything else.
My daughter got sand in her eyes a couple of times and we had to go to the washing station to wash it out and her hair was full of sand.  But her swim vest is knit fabric over the buoyant core so I guess sand must have worked its way in through the weave of the fabric.  She also got sand between her swimsuit and its lining and that must have happened the same way.  It looked like she had a butt pad.


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on June 15, 2009, 07:33:54 AM
We had sand in all our shoes too and it filled my husband's swimsuit pockets, so he bought a new pocketless swimsuit to wear.

The hotel we stayed in had a pier and there was a foot washing thing which washed the sand off our feet when we stepped on it and there was a hose with a sprayer to wash the sand off everything else.
My daughter got sand in her eyes a couple of times and we had to go to the washing station to wash it out and her hair was full of sand.  But her swim vest is knit fabric over the buoyant core so I guess sand must have worked its way in through the weave of the fabric.  She also got sand between her swimsuit and its lining and that must have happened the same way.  It looked like she had a butt pad.



Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on June 15, 2009, 02:55:53 PM
We had sand in all our shoes too and it filled my husband's swimsuit pockets, so he bought a new pocketless swimsuit to wear.

The hotel we stayed in had a pier and there was a foot washing thing which washed the sand off our feet when we stepped on it and there was a hose with a sprayer to wash the sand off everything else.
My daughter got sand in her eyes a couple of times and we had to go to the washing station to wash it out and her hair was full of sand.  But her swim vest is knit fabric over the buoyant core so I guess sand must have worked its way in through the weave of the fabric.  She also got sand between her swimsuit and its lining and that must have happened the same way.  It looked like she had a butt pad.


I am not laughing, nm....
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: GalileoAce on June 18, 2009, 09:11:32 AM
Was my lack of presence on the site felt?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 18, 2009, 09:53:55 AM
I felt it.  Are you back now?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on June 18, 2009, 01:23:13 PM
Glad you're back, Callaway, and hope you had a good time. Sand is just ubiquitous, isn't it? My kids used to come home from preschool with large quantities of the stuff in their shoes. The preschool must have had to top up the sandpit quite often if all the other children were carrying similar amounts home with them. :D

ETA: correct spelling of your name :oops:
I would have called you on that except I didn't notice it because you used the word ubiquitous, which if I perceived it with my posterior instead of my eyes, would likely cause a painful rectal itch. That is a word that the Sex Pistols could have added to their version of "God Save The Queen" that could have made it sound even worse. Okay, pet peeve whining over, carry on.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on June 18, 2009, 03:59:58 PM
Was my lack of presence on the site felt?

Yup, there was a disturbance in the force. :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Small Penis on June 18, 2009, 04:38:47 PM
I cut my eye, should I put a bandage on it?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on June 18, 2009, 04:54:13 PM
I cut my eye, should I put a bandage on it?

No, catch hundreds of mosquitoes and crush them into a paste, and rub it into the wound. Try it. Feels good man.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on June 18, 2009, 05:42:13 PM
I cut my eye, should I put a bandage on it?
Don't listen to Rage, cauterize it bro.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on June 18, 2009, 06:47:46 PM
I cut my eye, should I put a bandage on it?
Don't listen to Rage, cauterize it bro.

Nah the mosquitos will thin the blood. Keep it bleeding.  :headbang2:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on June 18, 2009, 06:51:23 PM
I used to watch ER. I'm fairly certain cauterizing is the indicated treatment.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on June 18, 2009, 07:10:14 PM
With a poker from the fireplace.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on June 18, 2009, 07:27:13 PM
I used to watch ER. I'm fairly certain cauterizing is the indicated treatment.

Not if you'd like death or brain damage to be the result. Of course it seems he's already brain damaged and all..
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on June 18, 2009, 07:29:35 PM
You might have something there.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on June 18, 2009, 07:31:55 PM
You might have something there.

I'm 100 percent sure it would kill him. I hope he does it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SleepyDragon on June 19, 2009, 04:53:14 AM
I would have called you on that except I didn't notice it because you used the word ubiquitous....

Ah. Do you get this same reaction to any  word that has a lot of U's in it, or just that one?  ;D
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on June 19, 2009, 11:34:59 AM
I would have called you on that except I didn't notice it because you used the word ubiquitous....

Ah. Do you get this same reaction to any  word that has a lot of U's in it, or just that one?  ;D
Just that word begining with U SD. I notice you didn't bother asking why,  :thumbup: it's just an  :asthing: visceral aversion.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: GalileoAce on June 20, 2009, 12:23:03 AM
I felt it.  Are you back now?

For now at least ;)

Yup, there was a disturbance in the force. :P

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on June 20, 2009, 06:04:49 AM
I felt it.  Are you back now?

For now at least ;)

Yup, there was a disturbance in the force. :P


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: GalileoAce on June 20, 2009, 06:35:25 AM
I felt it.  Are you back now?

For now at least ;)

Yup, there was a disturbance in the force. :P

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on June 20, 2009, 03:05:34 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on June 20, 2009, 03:07:55 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on June 24, 2009, 07:03:37 PM
Hey Callaway when preparing Nitric esters like Nitroglycerin or Methyl Nitrate it is commonly done by mixing strong, or fuming Nitric and Sulfuric acids together and letting them cool and then adding the alcohol. Since the nitrate ion is the one doing the work of making highly reactive shit what role does the sulkfuric acid play other than making extra shit to take out when the desired compounds are formed?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 25, 2009, 01:02:58 AM
Hey Callaway when preparing Nitric esters like Nitroglycerin or Methyl Nitrate it is commonly done by mixing strong, or fuming Nitric and Sulfuric acids together and letting them cool and then adding the alcohol. Since the nitrate ion is the one doing the work of making highly reactive shit what role does the sulkfuric acid play other than making extra shit to take out when the desired compounds are formed?

Sulfuric acid donates a proton and converts the nitric acid into a nitronium ion form so the negatively charged oxygen atoms in the glycerine can go after it, so you could say that the sulfuric acid acts as a sort of catalyst for the nitration reaction.

It's really no big deal to separate it out, since it is water soluble and nitroglycerin is not.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on June 25, 2009, 01:06:51 AM
Thanks for that info Callaway.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on July 04, 2009, 01:14:31 AM
Hey Callaway when preparing Nitric esters like Nitroglycerin or Methyl Nitrate it is commonly done by mixing strong, or fuming Nitric and Sulfuric acids together and letting them cool and then adding the alcohol. Since the nitrate ion is the one doing the work of making highly reactive shit what role does the sulkfuric acid play other than making extra shit to take out when the desired compounds are formed?

Sulfuric acid donates a proton and converts the nitric acid into a nitronium ion form so the negatively charged oxygen atoms in the glycerine can go after it, so you could say that the sulfuric acid acts as a sort of catalyst for the nitration reaction.

It's really no big deal to separate it out, since it is water soluble and nitroglycerin is not.

It's not a big deal but it's a great thing.  8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DieMenschMaschine on July 04, 2009, 01:46:57 PM
Callaway, why do the White Supremacists Skinheads all have a infatuation with the Nazi's and Hitler?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on July 04, 2009, 02:32:12 PM
How comes I urinate less in summer?

(This is serious question btw - it happened last summer as well)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: GalileoAce on July 04, 2009, 06:27:00 PM
You sweat more in summer and that is where you lose fluid. So that means less pee. The same happens for me. It is normal for this to happen.
Sorry Callaway, couldn't help myself because I know the answer. Maybe. I could be wrong...

Edit: Shit I just posted as GA. It's renaeden posting this.

GA Edit: Now you've made me seem smarter than I am :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on July 04, 2009, 06:52:23 PM
Thanks renaeden  :laugh:

When I was downstairs before (after I'd posted this) I thought maybe it was from sweating. I do sweat a hell of a lot lol

That makes sense as I've noticed I've been going to the toilet only once a day sometimes, and I did that a lot last year too
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 04, 2009, 10:31:58 PM
You sweat more in summer and that is where you lose fluid. So that means less pee. The same happens for me. It is normal for this to happen.
Sorry Callaway, couldn't help myself because I know the answer. Maybe. I could be wrong...

Edit: Shit I just posted as GA. It's renaeden posting this.

GA Edit: Now you've made me seem smarter than I am :P


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 04, 2009, 11:18:48 PM
Callaway, why do the White Supremacists Skinheads all have a infatuation with the Nazi's and Hitler?

I think that White Supremacists Skinheads and Nazis share many beliefs, for example, both groups think that they are better than anyone else because they are "white" or "Aryan."
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on July 06, 2009, 12:30:13 PM
Callaway, why do the White Supremacists Skinheads all have a infatuation with the Nazi's and Hitler?

I think that White Supremacists Skinheads and Nazis share many beliefs, for example, both groups think that they are better than anyone else because they are "white" or "Aryan."

On what grounds?

Utilll something changes as to what is attractive?

I am just saying its bull...shipt


Any louder?   Libarains to you hear me me laughing? :laugh:

Its hard to imagine, when there is so many people on earth.  It would seem more likely that everyone has their strenghts and weakness.  Postive statements tend to be true and negative statements tend to be false.  This is an unproductive attitude of those people, actually weakens them, helpiing to ensure more of the opposite.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on July 06, 2009, 01:44:00 PM
Any louder?   Libarains to you hear me me laughing? :laugh:
Not likely, the libarians are probably laughing at you pulling your mini dick.  :wanker:  :hahaha:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on July 08, 2009, 05:19:09 AM
How old are you Callaway?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on July 10, 2009, 12:00:59 PM
Any louder?   Libarains to you hear me me laughing? :laugh:
Not likely, the libarians are probably laughing at you pulling your mini dick.  :wanker:  :hahaha:

Yeah, and its above average to, your so right. :laugh:

I bet Callaway would have a good time, if she weren't married :angel: ;)

How old are you Callaway?

Depends on what you do for yourself,   I feel 16 as people say, but not 26 like my age.  I express more maturity than alot of people my age to. >:D :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on July 10, 2009, 12:08:41 PM
Any louder?   Libarains to you hear me me laughing? :laugh:
Not likely, the libarians are probably laughing at you pulling your mini dick.  :wanker:  :hahaha:

Yeah, and its above average to, your so right. :laugh:

I bet Callaway would have a good time, if she weren't married :angel: ;)

How old are you Callaway?

Depends on what you do for yourself,   I feel 16 as people say, but not 26 like my age.  I express more maturity than alot of people my age to. >:D :laugh:

You're fucking retarded dude. She wasn't asking you, she was asking callaway. You are a fucking idiot.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on July 10, 2009, 12:12:20 PM
You don't understand why I answered the way I do, and you automatically assume things.
Sometimes its in your own so called best intrest and its at these times you may miss things.

I herd alot how unbelieveable somethings are.   Am I nervous about what people are doing?  no, its mostly amusing, as along as certain people are doing at least a halfway decent job.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on July 10, 2009, 12:17:12 PM
You don't understand why I answered the way I do, and you automatically assume things.
Sometimes its in your own so called best intrest and its at these times you may miss things.

I herd alot how unbelieveable somethings are.   Am I nervous about what people are doing?  no, its mostly amusing, as along as certain people are doing at least a halfway decent job.

And that made no sense at all. Have you donated your body to science? Because if you have, I think you should retract the agreement. You would weaken the entire planet from what they'd learn from you.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on July 10, 2009, 12:33:23 PM
You don't understand why I answered the way I do, and you automatically assume things.
Sometimes its in your own so called best intrest and its at these times you may miss things.

I herd alot how unbelieveable somethings are.   Am I nervous about what people are doing?  no, its mostly amusing, as along as certain people are doing at least a halfway decent job.

And that made no sense at all. Have you donated your body to science? Because if you have, I think you should retract the agreement. You would weaken the entire planet from what they'd learn from you.

Thankyou for confirming what I just said.  Oh and get a new obession.

I will repeat the question for Callaway now

How old are you Callaway?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on July 10, 2009, 01:37:03 PM
You don't understand why I answered the way I do, and you automatically assume things.
Sometimes its in your own so called best intrest and its at these times you may miss things.

I herd alot how unbelieveable somethings are.   Am I nervous about what people are doing?  no, its mostly amusing, as along as certain people are doing at least a halfway decent job.

And that made no sense at all. Have you donated your body to science? Because if you have, I think you should retract the agreement. You would weaken the entire planet from what they'd learn from you.

Thankyou for confirming what I just said.  Oh and get a new obession.

I will repeat the question for Callaway now

How old are you Callaway?

Thats right.

How old are you Callaway?

are you Callaway?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 10, 2009, 05:38:52 PM
Old enough to know better and young enough to still do it!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on July 14, 2009, 05:34:31 AM
You don't understand why I answered the way I do, and you automatically assume things.
Sometimes its in your own so called best intrest and its at these times you may miss things.

I herd alot how unbelieveable somethings are.   Am I nervous about what people are doing?  no, its mostly amusing, as along as certain people are doing at least a halfway decent job.

And that made no sense at all. Have you donated your body to science? Because if you have, I think you should retract the agreement. You would weaken the entire planet from what they'd learn from you.

Thankyou for confirming what I just said.  Oh and get a new obession.

I will repeat the question for Callaway now

How old are you Callaway?

Thats right.

How old are you Callaway?

are you Callaway?

He drives me nuts too, rage.  That's why I blocked him.  Getting mad at him doesn't help anything; he'll keep on being 99% batshit crazy whether or not you're telling him he makes no sense.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Silk on July 14, 2009, 09:33:41 AM
What's your favorite childhood treasure?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on July 14, 2009, 11:17:44 AM
You don't understand why I answered the way I do, and you automatically assume things.
Sometimes its in your own so called best intrest and its at these times you may miss things.

I herd alot how unbelieveable somethings are.   Am I nervous about what people are doing?  no, its mostly amusing, as along as certain people are doing at least a halfway decent job.

And that made no sense at all. Have you donated your body to science? Because if you have, I think you should retract the agreement. You would weaken the entire planet from what they'd learn from you.

Thankyou for confirming what I just said.  Oh and get a new obession.

I will repeat the question for Callaway now

How old are you Callaway?

Thats right.

How old are you Callaway?

are you Callaway?

He drives me nuts too, rage.  That's why I blocked him.  Getting mad at him doesn't help anything; he'll keep on being 99% batshit crazy whether or not you're telling him he makes no sense.

Yeah I guess i'll just block his retarded ass.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Natalia Evans on July 14, 2009, 01:27:18 PM
Randy wins then if you mean put him on ignore.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on July 14, 2009, 01:38:53 PM
Randy wins then if you mean put him on ignore.

I wasn't competing with him. I just don't like seeing him fling his feces all over the place. Especially since it seems he isn't aware of it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Natalia Evans on July 14, 2009, 01:45:33 PM
I know but I think it was odeon or dirtdawg who said putting someone on ignore means they win. I can't be arsed to do research to see who said it because I can't remember what thread it was in.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on July 14, 2009, 01:47:35 PM
I know but I think it was odeon or dirtdawg who said putting someone on ignore means they win. I can't be arsed to do research to see who said it because I can't remember what thread it was in.

It was dirtdawg. Thats only true if you ignore someone during an argument or something like that.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on July 14, 2009, 01:54:16 PM
Don't think it was me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Natalia Evans on July 14, 2009, 02:41:21 PM
I know but I think it was odeon or dirtdawg who said putting someone on ignore means they win. I can't be arsed to do research to see who said it because I can't remember what thread it was in.

It was dirtdawg. Thats only true if you ignore someone during an argument or something like that.

Oh I see.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: GalileoAce on July 14, 2009, 09:08:20 PM
Callaway, are you autistic?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on July 15, 2009, 02:05:08 PM
You can barely tell. :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 16, 2009, 04:29:18 AM
What's your favorite childhood treasure?

I had a jewelry box that played a song from Fantasia and a ballerina twirled when I opened the lid.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on July 17, 2009, 07:53:53 AM
I used to work on cars with my dad.
What kind of work?

Have you been to any autism support groups in rl?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 17, 2009, 10:58:32 AM
I used to work on cars with my dad.
What kind of work?

Have you been to any autism support groups in rl?

I have taken my daughter to social skills classes for children on the spectrum.

Working with my dad, I have done so many things to repair my old Buick and his, my mom's and my brother's vehicles that there are too many to list.  About the only things I can think of that we didn't fix ourselves were rebuilding the transmission and doing major body work.  We rebuilt the engine on my Buick ourselves the second time it was rebuilt and over time we replaced I think almost every other replaceable mechanical part and sensor.  I haven't done nearly as many repairs strictly on my own, though.  I have done things on the order of oil changes, brake jobs, removing and replacing faulty parts, and tune-ups.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on July 17, 2009, 09:46:47 PM
Wow, that is a lot of car stuff. My car needs a service. Too bad you aren't here because then I would ask you to do it. :)

Have you been to any autism support groups in rl?
I have taken my daughter to social skills classes for children on the spectrum.
I meant more along the lines of parent support groups. For parents with kids on the spectrum. There are heaps of those here.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on July 18, 2009, 01:15:54 PM
I used to work on cars with my dad.
What kind of work?

Have you been to any autism support groups in rl?

I have taken my daughter to social skills classes for children on the spectrum.

Working with my dad, I have done so many things to repair my old Buick and his, my mom's and my brother's vehicles that there are too many to list.  About the only things I can think of that we didn't fix ourselves were rebuilding the transmission and doing major body work.  We rebuilt the engine on my Buick ourselves the second time it was rebuilt and over time we replaced I think almost every other replaceable mechanical part and sensor.  I haven't done nearly as many repairs strictly on my own, though.  I have done things on the order of oil changes, brake jobs, removing and replacing faulty parts, and tune-ups.

Well I have to say this, its clean, it doesn't pollute as much. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 18, 2009, 06:20:09 PM
I used to work on cars with my dad.
What kind of work?

Have you been to any autism support groups in rl?

I have taken my daughter to social skills classes for children on the spectrum.

Working with my dad, I have done so many things to repair my old Buick and his, my mom's and my brother's vehicles that there are too many to list.  About the only things I can think of that we didn't fix ourselves were rebuilding the transmission and doing major body work.  We rebuilt the engine on my Buick ourselves the second time it was rebuilt and over time we replaced I think almost every other replaceable mechanical part and sensor.  I haven't done nearly as many repairs strictly on my own, though.  I have done things on the order of oil changes, brake jobs, removing and replacing faulty parts, and tune-ups.

Well I have to say this, its clean, it doesn't pollute as much. 

That's true.  I bought that Buick as a two year old used car with 30,000 miles on it and it had around 200,000 miles on it when I sold it.  I bought another used car with around 30,000 miles to replace it, and I'm still driving it today.  It has needed very few repairs compared to my old Buick, but I have taken it to a mechanic to do most of them because I don't have my dad's expertise or his set of tools to use anymore since I moved so far away.  My brothers got them when he moved to the nursing home.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on July 21, 2009, 02:35:39 PM
I used to work on cars with my dad.
What kind of work?

Have you been to any autism support groups in rl?

I have taken my daughter to social skills classes for children on the spectrum.

Working with my dad, I have done so many things to repair my old Buick and his, my mom's and my brother's vehicles that there are too many to list.  About the only things I can think of that we didn't fix ourselves were rebuilding the transmission and doing major body work.  We rebuilt the engine on my Buick ourselves the second time it was rebuilt and over time we replaced I think almost every other replaceable mechanical part and sensor.  I haven't done nearly as many repairs strictly on my own, though.  I have done things on the order of oil changes, brake jobs, removing and replacing faulty parts, and tune-ups.

Well I have to say this, its clean, it doesn't pollute as much. 

That's true.  I bought that Buick as a two year old used car with 30,000 miles on it and it had around 200,000 miles on it when I sold it.  I bought another used car with around 30,000 miles to replace it, and I'm still driving it today.  It has needed very few repairs compared to my old Buick, but I have taken it to a mechanic to do most of them because I don't have my dad's expertise or his set of tools to use anymore since I moved so far away.  My brothers got them when he moved to the nursing home.

Kiss your to :-*   I think I herd that somewhere,  but I think I could figure that pretty easily.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: jman on July 21, 2009, 06:27:54 PM
Has some of the recent controversy made you question whether or not you want to stay admin?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on July 23, 2009, 12:18:31 AM
I am guessing you got your answer via PM jman?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 23, 2009, 05:35:42 PM

It's frustrating when people misunderstand me or seem to think that I must post every private detail about my life, but I think I would have the same problems whether or not I was an admin.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on July 23, 2009, 06:25:08 PM

It's frustrating when people misunderstand me or seem to think that I must post every private detail about my life, but I think I would have the same problems whether or not I was an admin.
If you are a Lucrezia Borgia I don't see it. In any case posting details of your life that you don't want in the public domain would be just plain stupid.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: GalileoAce on July 23, 2009, 09:37:36 PM
It's frustrating when people misunderstand me or seem to think that I must post every private detail about my life, but I think I would have the same problems whether or not I was an admin.

That would be frustrating...But don't you ask others to post about private details of their life? (in their ask away threads)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 23, 2009, 10:10:55 PM

It's frustrating when people misunderstand me or seem to think that I must post every private detail about my life, but I think I would have the same problems whether or not I was an admin.
If you are a Lucrezia Borgia I don't see it. In any case posting details of your life that you don't want in the public domain would be just plain stupid.

Thanks, and I agree that it would be stupid.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 23, 2009, 10:16:43 PM
It's frustrating when people misunderstand me or seem to think that I must post every private detail about my life, but I think I would have the same problems whether or not I was an admin.

That would be frustrating...But don't you ask others to post about private details of their life? (in their ask away threads)

Yes, I ask other people questions in their ask away threads.

I'm curious about them, but I don't mind if they don't want to answer my questions.

Some people don't seem to mind at all posting personal details about themselves and some people actually seem hurt if people don't ask them questions.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on July 24, 2009, 01:04:07 PM
It's frustrating when people misunderstand me or seem to think that I must post every private detail about my life, but I think I would have the same problems whether or not I was an admin.

That would be frustrating...But don't you ask others to post about private details of their life? (in their ask away threads)

I had to laugh, even though I am not on best of terms with you.   A laugh is worth it,  and it doesn't have to be similar to what I would say.   Anyone could make that statement, and it would still be funny to me,  even someone who I am ignoring, and just check because there is a hint of something funny.   Maybe if I took enough abilify, I would be able to enjoy that. :laugh:  Callaway......  I know........  nave.........
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on July 24, 2009, 03:37:13 PM
Randy, PLEASE take your meds.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: jman on July 24, 2009, 05:48:12 PM
Randy what kind of medications do you take, besides herbs  ::)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on July 26, 2009, 03:49:22 PM
  Anyone could make that statement, and it would still be funny to me,  even someone who I am ignoring, and just check because there is a hint of something funny.   Maybe if I took enough abilify, I would be able to enjoy that. :laugh:  Callaway......  I know........  nave.........
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on July 27, 2009, 02:54:43 PM

I am very proud of not needing psychiatric meds, and this thread is about Callaway.  Resilents is a gift, that I wish I could share.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on August 05, 2009, 11:20:30 PM

I am very proud of not needing psychiatric meds, and this thread is about Callaway.  Resilents is a gift, that I wish I could share.
"not needing"?, more like not taking.  :hahaha:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Blasted on August 05, 2009, 11:22:33 PM

I am very proud of not needing psychiatric meds, and this thread is about Callaway.  Resilents is a gift, that I wish I could share.
"not needing"?, more like not taking.  :hahaha:

Sometimes meds fuck people up more really  :laugh:  I haven't taken any for a month but I feel happier than I have been in a long while.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on August 05, 2009, 11:26:58 PM

I am very proud of not needing psychiatric meds, and this thread is about Callaway.  Resilents is a gift, that I wish I could share.
"not needing"?, more like not taking.  :hahaha:

Sometimes meds fuck people up more really  :laugh:  I haven't taken any for a month but I feel happier than I have been in a long while.
So.... , do you think Psych meds might make Randy babble mindlessly or something?   :duh: I didn't consider that before my last post.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on August 06, 2009, 12:47:38 AM

I am very proud of not needing psychiatric meds, and this thread is about Callaway.  Resilents is a gift, that I wish I could share.
"not needing"?, more like not taking.  :hahaha:

Sometimes meds fuck people up more really  :laugh:  I haven't taken any for a month but I feel happier than I have been in a long while.
So.... , do you think Psych meds might make Randy babble mindlessly or something?   :duh: I didn't consider that before my last post.

IMO Randy's always been more clear when on meds. I really think he needs them.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on August 06, 2009, 03:38:19 PM

I am very proud of not needing psychiatric meds, and this thread is about Callaway.  Resilents is a gift, that I wish I could share.
"not needing"?, more like not taking.  :hahaha:

Sometimes meds fuck people up more really  :laugh:  I haven't taken any for a month but I feel happier than I have been in a long while.
So.... , do you think Psych meds might make Randy babble mindlessly or something?   :duh: I didn't consider that before my last post.

IMO Randy's always been more clear when on meds. I really think he needs them.

ZIP...   I don't care, I like repeating this, both of them,   I haven't been on meds for a clinically significant peroid of time in many many years.  2 abilify doesn't equate with 2 weeks that qualifies for depression.  They aren't even slow release, over two weeks.  They put refined sugar in them to,  I won't eat that, and that is something else I haven't touched in a long time, unless it was hidden.  People have been trying to force things on me, but I have been getting around it most of time, not to mention the fact that two people almost ran me over, it was their fault, they ran a stop light. I think someone took two of my meds, but I don't care.   This is about Callaway.  Sure would like to lick her.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on August 06, 2009, 04:06:32 PM
Thing is, when you are on your meds, most of us can tell. Make of that what you will.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: jman on August 06, 2009, 11:27:52 PM
You know I am not big fan of e-diagnosis but I am not sure if Randy has AS or not. He seems to exhibit symptoms of Schizophrenia. This is apparent through his incoherent speech and grandiose delusions. In other words, Randy please take your meds.

BTW it's resilence not "relisents"
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: jman on August 06, 2009, 11:31:00 PM
either schizophrenia or bipolar mania

It's sometimes hard to distinguish schizophrenia from severe bipolar mania
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on August 07, 2009, 12:40:33 AM
I think he's got an autism dx, by no less than two professionals. Could be a comorbid, though.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on August 07, 2009, 12:56:00 AM
I have some lithium carbonate here. It makes red colour in fireworks but it's also one of the lithium salts used in medication. Pity that Randy lives so far away.  :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: iceman1985 on August 07, 2009, 07:52:37 AM
How long have you been admin?
What do you do for a living?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 07, 2009, 11:09:35 AM
How long have you been admin?
What do you do for a living?

I have been an admin for about two years.  There were elections for admins about two years ago and I was elected in the first election and re-elected in all the subsequent ones.

I have been a stay at home parent for most of my daughter's life until she started attending a special school for autistic children that is some distance from our home about two years ago.  For about a year, I was a volunteer who rode with her on the long bus rides to and from this school to make sure she could handle it and to make sure everyone was safe.  I was still a volunteer when the school district added another little girl with autism to the bus, but when they added two more children to the bus, they needed to actually hire someone to do it. So I applied for the job and got it.  Then they added two more children to the bus, for a total of six children who attended three different schools.

My official job title was special education paraprofessional, but my job was to look after the children on the bus and make sure they were safe and comfortable for the long bus ride to their schools.  This was my job until I badly sprained my ankle in April.  Then I was no longer allowed by the doctors to climb onto the bus and move around the bus to physically manage the kids, so I had to stay home while other people handled them. 

The first thing they figured out is that my daughter needed a highly trained person just to attend to her needs and the other children needed another person to take care of their needs, so they needed to hire two people to do the job I did alone.  This arrangement worked out OK for my daughter until the special education teacher who had been riding the bus with my daughter couldn't do it anymore and they assigned a relatively untrained person to attend to my daughter.  This did not work out well for her at all, so they started sending a separate car for my daughter and me, so I could go with her.  This has worked out very well and there have been no issues.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Coral on August 07, 2009, 02:28:45 PM
You're so good about getting back on topic Callaway! BTW how have you been?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Coral on August 07, 2009, 02:52:05 PM

I am very proud of not needing psychiatric meds, and this thread is about Callaway.  Resilents is a gift, that I wish I could share.
"not needing"?, more like not taking.  :hahaha:

Sometimes meds fuck people up more really  :laugh:  I haven't taken any for a month but I feel happier than I have been in a long while.
So.... , do you think Psych meds might make Randy babble mindlessly or something?   :duh: I didn't consider that before my last post.

IMO Randy's always been more clear when on meds. I really think he needs them.

ZIP...   I don't care, I like repeating this, both of them,   I haven't been on meds for a clinically significant peroid of time in many many years.  2 abilify doesn't equate with 2 weeks that qualifies for depression.  They aren't even slow release, over two weeks.  They put refined sugar in them to,  I won't eat that, and that is something else I haven't touched in a long time, unless it was hidden.  People have been trying to force things on me, but I have been getting around it most of time, not to mention the fact that two people almost ran me over, it was their fault, they ran a stop light. I think someone took two of my meds, but I don't care.   This is about Callaway.  Sure would like to lick her.

Totally inappropriate Randy! I'm not sure in what exact way, but this has got to make Callaway feel violated somehow to see that last statement. Either violated or nauseated. You should be lucky that her husband doesn't live close enough to knock some sense into you for being disrespectful to his wife.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on August 07, 2009, 02:59:59 PM
How could he possibly want to lick her when he doesn't even know what she looks like?  ::)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: earthboundmisfit on August 07, 2009, 03:16:09 PM

I think she has just learned to ignore him.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on August 07, 2009, 04:16:02 PM
I think Callaway's very good at handling Randy.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: iceman1985 on August 07, 2009, 04:18:38 PM
are you an aspie/autisic/HFA
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 12, 2009, 09:42:46 AM
You're so good about getting back on topic Callaway! BTW how have you been?

My ankle is still hurting, but I have been pretty well other than that.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Phlexor on August 12, 2009, 09:52:58 AM
How could he possibly want to lick her when he doesn't even know what she looks like?  ::)

Or more import, what she tastes like. She might be the wrong flavour.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on August 12, 2009, 10:04:31 AM
If they look good they almost always taste good.  :thumbup:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 12, 2009, 10:43:55 AM

I am very proud of not needing psychiatric meds, and this thread is about Callaway.  Resilents is a gift, that I wish I could share.
"not needing"?, more like not taking.  :hahaha:

Sometimes meds fuck people up more really  :laugh:  I haven't taken any for a month but I feel happier than I have been in a long while.
So.... , do you think Psych meds might make Randy babble mindlessly or something?   :duh: I didn't consider that before my last post.

IMO Randy's always been more clear when on meds. I really think he needs them.

ZIP...   I don't care, I like repeating this, both of them,   I haven't been on meds for a clinically significant peroid of time in many many years.  2 abilify doesn't equate with 2 weeks that qualifies for depression.  They aren't even slow release, over two weeks.  They put refined sugar in them to,  I won't eat that, and that is something else I haven't touched in a long time, unless it was hidden.  People have been trying to force things on me, but I have been getting around it most of time, not to mention the fact that two people almost ran me over, it was their fault, they ran a stop light. I think someone took two of my meds, but I don't care.   This is about Callaway.  Sure would like to lick her.

Totally inappropriate Randy! I'm not sure in what exact way, but this has got to make Callaway feel violated somehow to see that last statement. Either violated or nauseated. You should be lucky that her husband doesn't live close enough to knock some sense into you for being disrespectful to his wife.

I have learned to ignore Randy's more inappropriate comments like this one while responding to the more appropriate ones, but you are very right that if he said something like this to a woman IRL, he would probably get decked either by the woman herself or her husband.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on August 13, 2009, 03:32:22 PM

I am very proud of not needing psychiatric meds, and this thread is about Callaway.  Resilents is a gift, that I wish I could share.
"not needing"?, more like not taking.  :hahaha:

Sometimes meds fuck people up more really  :laugh:  I haven't taken any for a month but I feel happier than I have been in a long while.
So.... , do you think Psych meds might make Randy babble mindlessly or something?   :duh: I didn't consider that before my last post.

IMO Randy's always been more clear when on meds. I really think he needs them.

ZIP...   I don't care, I like repeating this, both of them,   I haven't been on meds for a clinically significant peroid of time in many many years.  2 abilify doesn't equate with 2 weeks that qualifies for depression.  They aren't even slow release, over two weeks.  They put refined sugar in them to,  I won't eat that, and that is something else I haven't touched in a long time, unless it was hidden.  People have been trying to force things on me, but I have been getting around it most of time, not to mention the fact that two people almost ran me over, it was their fault, they ran a stop light. I think someone took two of my meds, but I don't care.   This is about Callaway.  Sure would like to lick her.

Totally inappropriate Randy! I'm not sure in what exact way, but this has got to make Callaway feel violated somehow to see that last statement. Either violated or nauseated. You should be lucky that her husband doesn't live close enough to knock some sense into you for being disrespectful to his wife.

I have learned to ignore Randy's more inappropriate comments like this one while responding to the more appropriate ones, but you are very right that if he said something like this to a woman IRL, he would probably get decked either by the woman herself or her husband.

Sorry.  I bet PPK feels better :laugh:  Never you mind, you won't understand.  I am not going to try to psychoanalize, I am sure It might bring tears.   I already started to,  I think I will just stop now.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: iceman1985 on August 13, 2009, 06:50:39 PM
What do I do about an annoying housemate? (It a big problem.)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Blasted on August 13, 2009, 06:52:51 PM
Rage is gonna kick your ass for that one  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on August 13, 2009, 07:58:46 PM
Rage is gonna kick your ass for that one  :laugh:

Nah. Waste of time.  ::)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 13, 2009, 09:51:18 PM
What do I do about an annoying housemate? (It a big problem.)

Is it Rage?

If so, then talk to him.

If it's someone else, I need more information about what they are doing that annoys you.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: earthboundmisfit on August 13, 2009, 09:54:04 PM

What do I do about an annoying housemate? (It a big problem.)

Kick him square in the balls.

Then run.

Run like hell.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on August 14, 2009, 12:24:46 PM

I am very proud of not needing psychiatric meds, and this thread is about Callaway.  Resilents is a gift, that I wish I could share.
"not needing"?, more like not taking.  :hahaha:

Sometimes meds fuck people up more really  :laugh:  I haven't taken any for a month but I feel happier than I have been in a long while.
So.... , do you think Psych meds might make Randy babble mindlessly or something?   :duh: I didn't consider that before my last post.

IMO Randy's always been more clear when on meds. I really think he needs them.

ZIP...   I don't care, I like repeating this, both of them,   I haven't been on meds for a clinically significant peroid of time in many many years.  2 abilify doesn't equate with 2 weeks that qualifies for depression.  They aren't even slow release, over two weeks.  They put refined sugar in them to,  I won't eat that, and that is something else I haven't touched in a long time, unless it was hidden.  People have been trying to force things on me, but I have been getting around it most of time, not to mention the fact that two people almost ran me over, it was their fault, they ran a stop light. I think someone took two of my meds, but I don't care.   This is about Callaway.  Sure would like to lick her.

Totally inappropriate Randy! I'm not sure in what exact way, but this has got to make Callaway feel violated somehow to see that last statement. Either violated or nauseated. You should be lucky that her husband doesn't live close enough to knock some sense into you for being disrespectful to his wife.

I have learned to ignore Randy's more inappropriate comments like this one while responding to the more appropriate ones, but you are very right that if he said something like this to a woman IRL, he would probably get decked either by the woman herself or her husband.

If you don't have compassion, then your probably not going to be a good fighter.  I read a few parts of a psychology text book, went to a therapist, and it doesn't take much brains to figure that out especially after doing all that. You sound like my mom, this guy sounds immature, irresponsible or just plan pathetic.  :laugh:  Its as if they don't have to be responsible for anything because they are weak. I wouldn't strike a person unless they tried to hit me, and that is the only reason it should ever happen.  It  would be perfect for her because she is a little slow mentally, and I am not trying to make a statement about myself..  It also sounds like my brother, who probably learned it from her, and its almost as she prompted him to be a certain way.

I thought about what I was prompted to say to >:D  I don't really care,  I like to give out self help of various kinds.

Have a nice day.  I need to go home and eat lunch,  I have been training all morning long.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Blasted on August 15, 2009, 08:55:33 PM
Do you possibly remember if I ever posted pics of Sophie in the Photo Thread?  I think I have but I can't find them.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 15, 2009, 10:14:21 PM
Do you possibly remember if I ever posted pics of Sophie in the Photo Thread?  I think I have but I can't find them.

Sophie your niece?

I don't remember seeing a picture of her, but I'll try looking now.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Blasted on August 15, 2009, 10:20:12 PM
Do you possibly remember if I ever posted pics of Sophie in the Photo Thread?  I think I have but I can't find them.

Sophie your niece?

I don't remember seeing a picture of her, but I'll try looking now.

Goddaughter  :laugh:  Yep, that one.  Thanks :)  I lost the pics I had of her on my computer so tis why I'm curious.  I do remember posting a pic of her but at one point I went through my old posts when I left and deleted stuff.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 15, 2009, 10:51:48 PM
I could not find a picture of Sophie here.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Blasted on August 15, 2009, 11:02:37 PM
I must have deleted it then.  Thank you for looking though!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: The Member Formerly Known As Sophist on August 16, 2009, 08:07:14 AM
Callaway, oh, Callaway... will I have a good birthday tomorrow? See into my future for tomorrow and tell me ALL.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 16, 2009, 11:26:24 AM
Callaway, oh, Callaway... will I have a good birthday tomorrow? See into my future for tomorrow and tell me ALL.

You will have a fabulous birthday.

I think that you will see that what you do on your birthday is less important than who you are spending it with.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: The Member Formerly Known As Sophist on August 17, 2009, 06:24:38 AM
Callaway, oh, Callaway... will I have a good birthday tomorrow? See into my future for tomorrow and tell me ALL.

You will have a fabulous birthday.

I think that you will see that what you do on your birthday is less important than who you are spending it with.

I think you're right, since I'm looking more forward to having lunch with bf and my mother (yay, that should be awkward, albeit enjoyable ;) ) than the day itself. Tbh, I keep forgetting it's my birthday.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: iceman1985 on August 17, 2009, 03:04:44 PM
What do I do about an annoying housemate? (It a big problem.)

Is it Rage?

If so, then talk to him.

If it's someone else, I need more information about what they are doing that annoys you.
it's someone else
I am sick of her patronizing, and insults
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 17, 2009, 07:25:34 PM
What do I do about an annoying housemate? (It a big problem.)

Is it Rage?

If so, then talk to him.

If it's someone else, I need more information about what they are doing that annoys you.
it's someone else
I am sick of her patronizing, and insults

If it were me and there was no way to just avoid the housemate, I would first make sure that I am talking to her in an adult way with no insults.  I would not request her help in any way.  Then when she patronized and insulted me I would say, please don't patronize or insult me.  I am treating you like an adult and I expect to be treated the same way.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on September 26, 2009, 07:58:12 AM
How is your ankle? Is it getting better?

And how are things generally?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on September 26, 2009, 09:12:47 AM
How is your ankle? Is it getting better?

And how are things generally?

It had been getting better slowly, but it was still hurting although it has been five months since I sprained it.

When I went to see the orthopedic surgeon, he ordered more x-rays and another MRI, which showed that I have a tiny hole in my talus where a small amount of the bone lost its blood supply and died.  The condition is called osteochondritis dissecans.  I had to go back to wearing the cast boot instead of the ankle brace I had been using.  I will see the doctor soon and see what he recommends we do about it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on September 26, 2009, 09:28:10 AM
Sorry, I forgot the second part of your question, Renaeden.

Generally, things are pretty good, except that my ankle still hurts. 

My daughter is still riding with just me and a driver to school and she's doing much better with the shorter drive.  Yesterday afternoon we hit some heavy traffic going home, which caused a much longer drive and she had a more difficult time with it.  Even so, most of her effort was dedicated to annoying me and she didn't do anything that could be considered a safety issue.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on September 28, 2009, 02:16:43 AM
Even so, most of her effort was dedicated to annoying me and she didn't do anything that could be considered a safety issue.
Has she ever driven you to a meltdown?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on September 28, 2009, 10:54:20 AM
Even so, most of her effort was dedicated to annoying me and she didn't do anything that could be considered a safety issue.
Has she ever driven you to a meltdown?

She has driven me to yell at her or to swat her bottom before, but not to a real meltdown
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on September 29, 2009, 04:18:21 AM
I guess at 13 she is getting a bit too old (and big) to smack.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on September 29, 2009, 11:32:10 AM
I guess at 13 she is getting a bit too old (and big) to smack.

I think you're right.  She is an interesting combination of grown up and little girl, however.  Even though she says she's an adult, in many ways she still acts like a toddler or preschooler.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on September 29, 2009, 02:21:27 PM
How is your ankle? Is it getting better?

And how are things generally?

It had been getting better slowly, but it was still hurting although it has been five months since I sprained it.

When I went to see the orthopedic surgeon, he ordered more x-rays and another MRI, which showed that I have a tiny hole in my talus where a small amount of the bone lost its blood supply and died.  The condition is called osteochondritis dissecans.  I had to go back to wearing the cast boot instead of the ankle brace I had been using.  I will see the doctor soon and see what he recommends we do about it.
That sucks. If you were closer to my age they would probably drill it and fill it in with plaster of paris like a dinosaur bone.  :thumbup: It sounds like a relatively minor injury gone awry, I hope it is fixable.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on September 29, 2009, 06:22:07 PM
How is your ankle? Is it getting better?

And how are things generally?

It had been getting better slowly, but it was still hurting although it has been five months since I sprained it.

When I went to see the orthopedic surgeon, he ordered more x-rays and another MRI, which showed that I have a tiny hole in my talus where a small amount of the bone lost its blood supply and died.  The condition is called osteochondritis dissecans.  I had to go back to wearing the cast boot instead of the ankle brace I had been using.  I will see the doctor soon and see what he recommends we do about it.
That sucks. If you were closer to my age they would probably drill it and fill it in with plaster of paris like a dinosaur bone.  :thumbup: It sounds like a relatively minor injury gone awry, I hope it is fixable.

I hope it's fixable too.  I don't want my ankle to hurt for the rest of my life. 

One possible treatment is to drill little holes into the hole so blood vessels can grow through and then the hole will fill with scar tissue.

I won't know what the doctor will suggest until I see him, though.

Maybe he will just suggest continuing to wear the cast boot for a few more weeks.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on September 29, 2009, 11:14:33 PM
How is your ankle? Is it getting better?

And how are things generally?

It had been getting better slowly, but it was still hurting although it has been five months since I sprained it.

When I went to see the orthopedic surgeon, he ordered more x-rays and another MRI, which showed that I have a tiny hole in my talus where a small amount of the bone lost its blood supply and died.  The condition is called osteochondritis dissecans.  I had to go back to wearing the cast boot instead of the ankle brace I had been using.  I will see the doctor soon and see what he recommends we do about it.
That sucks. If you were closer to my age they would probably drill it and fill it in with plaster of paris like a dinosaur bone.  :thumbup: It sounds like a relatively minor injury gone awry, I hope it is fixable.

I hope it's fixable too.  I don't want my ankle to hurt for the rest of my life. 

One possible treatment is to drill little holes into the hole so blood vessels can grow through and then the hole will fill with scar tissue.

I won't know what the doctor will suggest until I see him, though.

Maybe he will just suggest continuing to wear the cast boot for a few more weeks.

I think the first option might be better. You have been wearing support on your ankle for ages, what will a few more weeks do?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on September 29, 2009, 11:19:33 PM
Thanks, Renaeden. 

I know you're probably right, but I was wearing an ankle brace which is made of nylon and did not immobilize my ankle for most of the time and I started wearing the cast boot again only recently.

I don't want to need surgery, but I definitely don't want an ankle that hurts forever so I will do what I need to do.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on September 29, 2009, 11:36:52 PM
Did you vote for Obama?  :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on September 30, 2009, 10:30:08 AM
Did you vote for Obama?  :P

No.  I voted for John McCain.  I really wanted Hillary Clinton to be president and I would have voted for Obama if she had been his vice-presidential running mate, however.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on October 01, 2009, 01:02:06 PM
McCain-Palin? Eeeeek! :zombiefuck:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on October 07, 2009, 06:12:21 AM
Regardless of who you voted for I respect you and consider you a friend!

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 07, 2009, 10:55:14 AM
Regardless of who you voted for I respect you and consider you a friend!


Thank you for that.  I respect you and consider you a friend as well.

It was a very tough choice for me because I really wanted Hillary Clinton for President.

I liked some of Obama's ideas but I thought she had much more experience in politics and she would be the better one to get a universal health care plan in place. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Natalia Evans on October 07, 2009, 06:22:00 PM
Do you pick on any of your bullies? Have you in the past?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 07, 2009, 07:17:59 PM
Do you pick on any of your bullies? Have you in the past?

I hit them back when they kept hitting me or pulling my hair after I ran out of patience with them, but I wouldn't say I picked on them.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on October 20, 2009, 11:16:12 AM
Have you read Krakatoa, The Day The World Exploded: August 27, 1883?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 20, 2009, 11:28:09 AM
I have not read it, but I just looked at it on Amazon and it looks very interesting.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on October 20, 2009, 11:36:01 AM
It covers a lot of the history of Colonization and interaction between locals and Dutch, Dutch East India Company and Pepper trade, Wallace Line, Plate Tectonics and, of course Volcanology. It is the best book I have read in about 19 years. Yockey's Imperium was the last great one before that. Winchesters A Crack in the Edge of the World about the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906 is also a fascinating read.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on October 24, 2009, 05:10:01 PM
I know but I think it was odeon or dirtdawg who said putting someone on ignore means they win. I can't be arsed to do research to see who said it because I can't remember what thread it was in.

It was dirtdawg. Thats only true if you ignore someone during an argument or something like that.

Ooooooh this is RICH!!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Blasted on October 24, 2009, 05:12:57 PM
Someone's bored :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on October 24, 2009, 05:20:46 PM
Someone's bored :P

No, just digging up the little buried nuggets that have been posted since I've been gone.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on October 24, 2009, 10:01:53 PM
Callaway, how old are you? You might have already said, but I forgot.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on October 24, 2009, 10:24:50 PM
It was a very tough choice for me because I really wanted Hillary Clinton for President. 

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on November 02, 2009, 07:54:00 AM
^ :D
Callaway, how is your ankle? I saw written that you have a cast on it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 02, 2009, 11:53:46 AM
^ :D
Callaway, how is your ankle? I saw written that you have a cast on it.

It is actually a cast boot, which I can remove to sleep and bathe and do range of motion exercises.  A cast would be worse.

But, to answer your question, the doctor says I need to have surgery on my ankle whenever the insurance company stops dragging its feet and approves it.

The MRI showed that I have a small hole in my talus and my anterior talofibular ligament has a chronic full-thickness tear from the sprain six months ago, so both of these will probably be fixed in the surgery, then I will have to wear a non-removable splint for a couple of weeks, then I will probably have to wear this cast boot for another six to eight weeks after that.  I will be on crutches all that time.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on November 04, 2009, 06:15:20 PM
Hey you made a typo.

American insurance companies suck. They really do. Six months is too long for you to put up with that sort of injury.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 04, 2009, 06:21:13 PM
Hey you made a typo.

American insurance companies suck. They really do. Six months is too long for you to put up with that sort of injury.

I fixed the typo.

It's the insurance company for Worker's Compensation which in some ways is apparently even worse than ordinary insurance companies.

They haven't been dragging their feet on the surgery for the whole six months, though.  It was after the second MRI that the orthopedic surgeon recommended surgery.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on November 05, 2009, 09:11:30 PM
Still, six months is too long! Has it caused strain in other parts of your body having this injury? Using crutches a lot can do this.

And dang, I should have saved your typo to put in my dossier on you. ;)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Al Swearegen on November 07, 2009, 06:23:38 AM
^ :D
Callaway, how is your ankle? I saw written that you have a cast on it.

It is actually a cast boot, which I can remove to sleep and bathe and do range of motion exercises.  A cast would be worse.

But, to answer your question, the doctor says I need to have surgery on my ankle whenever the insurance company stops dragging its feet and approves it.

The MRI showed that I have a small hole in my talus and my anterior talofibular ligament has a chronic full-thickness tear from the sprain six months ago, so both of these will probably be fixed in the surgery, then I will have to wear a non-removable splint for a couple of weeks, then I will probably have to wear this cast boot for another six to eight weeks after that.  I will be on crutches all that time.

That really sucks Callaway  :hug:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 07, 2009, 02:57:29 PM

The insurance company finally approved the surgery, so it has been set for December 11.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on November 07, 2009, 04:48:07 PM
That ^^^ is good. :thumbup:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on November 08, 2009, 04:29:12 PM
Indeed. Good news! :)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 09, 2009, 12:13:20 AM

I'm scared, though.

Apparently a lot of things can go wrong.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on November 09, 2009, 03:54:33 PM
Doesn't mean they will. I hope everything works out.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on November 09, 2009, 07:29:57 PM
I hope you have experts performing the surgery.

Really, I wish I could go over there and kick the arses of those who gave/give you any trouble. And I some kind of support.

It sucks that everyone is so far away.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 09, 2009, 07:43:51 PM
I will have an expert foot and ankle orthopedic surgeon performing the surgery.

I saw a list of things that can go wrong including infection and nerve damage and I realized that it is possible I could have a prolonged recovery and at the end of it I could actually be able to do less and be in worse pain than I already am and that scared me.

Thanks for your support.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on November 09, 2009, 09:23:21 PM
They have to tell you all the things that could go wrong. Like a disclaimer. I got read all this stuff that could happen as a result of anaesthesia. Then I had it eight times in three weeks and I was fine.

Have you had surgery before?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 10, 2009, 02:46:28 AM
You're right.

Yes, the biggest surgery was that I had a Caesarean section when I had my daughter.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on November 10, 2009, 03:22:42 AM
Good to hear you've got a set date now.

Waiting is horrible. Now at least you know when the waiting will end.

Hope everything turns out OK, and that you will have a Christmas with a lot less pain.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on November 10, 2009, 05:48:28 AM
I will have an expert foot and ankle orthopedic surgeon performing the surgery.

I saw a list of things that can go wrong including infection and nerve damage and I realized that it is possible I could have a prolonged recovery and at the end of it I could actually be able to do less and be in worse pain than I already am and that scared me.

Thanks for your support.
Dwelling on the worst possible outcome is typical of aspies and other pessimists but it does no good.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on November 11, 2009, 07:06:23 PM
^ :D

Glad to see someone caught that. Hillary Clinton is a ruthlessly ambitious politician, which is her greatest asset and biggest liability. I have to agree with both Dick Morris and Christopher Hitchens though. When Bill was president she used the office of the president as if it was her own. If it wasn't for Bill getting elected, she'd be a political nobody.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on November 11, 2009, 07:59:42 PM
Callaway did you go to Cantebury Cathedral while you were in London? How about Trafalger Square?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 11, 2009, 10:35:07 PM
Callaway did you go to Cantebury Cathedral while you were in London? How about Trafalger Square?

I went to Trafalgar Square and I saw Westminster Abbey, but we didn't go to Canterbury.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on November 11, 2009, 10:48:44 PM
My aunt went there and told me there is a bus that makes a day trip from London real easy and that there are jousts there as well.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 11, 2009, 10:50:50 PM
I'll have to go back and see more things after my ankle gets better.  We walked a lot while we were there.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on November 11, 2009, 10:52:06 PM
I can see how now is not a good time for you to vacation.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on November 12, 2009, 03:16:21 PM
^ :D

Glad to see someone caught that. Hillary Clinton is a ruthlessly ambitious politician, which is her greatest asset and biggest liability. I have to agree with both Dick Morris and Christopher Hitchens though. When Bill was president she used the office of the president as if it was her own. If it wasn't for Bill getting elected, she'd be a political nobody.

Yes. There's no way that she could have made it on her own.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on November 13, 2009, 08:26:16 AM
I'll have to go back and see more things after my ankle gets better.  We walked a lot while we were there.
:hu: Hope your surgery goes well, callaway.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 13, 2009, 11:27:17 AM
I'll have to go back and see more things after my ankle gets better.  We walked a lot while we were there.
:hu: Hope your surgery goes well, callaway.

Thanks.  :)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on November 13, 2009, 01:42:12 PM
^ :D

Glad to see someone caught that. Hillary Clinton is a ruthlessly ambitious politician, which is her greatest asset and biggest liability. I have to agree with both Dick Morris and Christopher Hitchens though. When Bill was president she used the office of the president as if it was her own. If it wasn't for Bill getting elected, she'd be a political nobody.

Yes. There's no way that she could have made it on her own.

I feel I need to clarify this: she is competent enough, but she doesn't have the kind of charisma to make it completely on her own.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 13, 2009, 02:08:48 PM
^ :D

Glad to see someone caught that. Hillary Clinton is a ruthlessly ambitious politician, which is her greatest asset and biggest liability. I have to agree with both Dick Morris and Christopher Hitchens though. When Bill was president she used the office of the president as if it was her own. If it wasn't for Bill getting elected, she'd be a political nobody.

Yes. There's no way that she could have made it on her own.

I feel I need to clarify this: she is competent enough, but she doesn't have the kind of charisma to make it completely on her own.

I agree with this.

Bill projects a certain warmth that she lacks.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on November 13, 2009, 02:11:31 PM
Exactly. No matter what he did, Bill always projected that. Strange, considering all the things he did.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on November 16, 2009, 09:46:31 AM
Exactly. No matter what he did, Bill always projected that. Strange, considering all the things he did.
That was prolly how he was *able* to do the things that he did.

(or at least how he was able to do the people that he did)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on November 16, 2009, 03:58:00 PM
Exactly. No matter what he did, Bill always projected that. Strange, considering all the things he did.
That was prolly how he was *able* to do the things that he did.

(or at least how he was able to do the people that he did)

A real people's person, ole Bill. ;D
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on November 16, 2009, 04:40:04 PM
What happened to the bdhkhsfgk thread?? I tried looking for it with the search function and came up with nothing.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 16, 2009, 06:17:58 PM
What happened to the bdhkhsfgk thread?? I tried looking for it with the search function and came up with nothing.

Is this the thread you want?,12202.0.html
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on November 16, 2009, 06:53:00 PM
What happened to the bdhkhsfgk thread?? I tried looking for it with the search function and came up with nothing.

Is this the thread you want?,12202.0.html

Yep!  :thumbup: Shleed added fktard at the end of the name which prevented it from comming up in a search.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on November 21, 2009, 10:32:50 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on November 27, 2009, 09:00:39 AM
Biology 102:

I know the basic blue eyes/brown eyes deal about what is and isn't genetically possible according to the good ol' punnet squares from high school biology.  My question: what are the genetics involved in green eyes, and what are the genetics involved in hazel-colored eyes? 

I know it isn't as straightforward, but I think what I'm trying to figure out is what is and isn't genetically possible to have happen.  (Like, two parents with blue eyes shouldn't be able to have a brown-eyed kid- is there an equivalent with green eyes and/or with hazel eyes?)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 27, 2009, 11:30:55 AM
Biology 102:

I know the basic blue eyes/brown eyes deal about what is and isn't genetically possible according to the good ol' punnet squares from high school biology.  My question: what are the genetics involved in green eyes, and what are the genetics involved in hazel-colored eyes? 

I know it isn't as straightforward, but I think what I'm trying to figure out is what is and isn't genetically possible to have happen.  (Like, two parents with blue eyes shouldn't be able to have a brown-eyed kid- is there an equivalent with green eyes and/or with hazel eyes?)

I think that blue/brown eye color is much more complicated than we learned in high school biology.

There are several genes that control eye color and it is actually possible for two blue eyed parents to make a baby with brown eyes or green eyes or hazel eyes or yellow eyes or gray eyes or violet eyes or any other color of eyes.

 Eye color comes from a combination of black and yellow pigments called melanin in both the front part and back part of your iris.  If you have no melanin in the front part of your iris and some melanin in the back part, you have blue eyes.  An increasing proportion of the yellow melanin, in combination with the black melanin, results in shades of colors between brown and blue, including green and hazel.

While what we are taught in high school biology is generally true, (brown eye genes are dominant over blue eye genes) because many genes are required to make each of the yellow and black pigments, there are ways to get brown or green eyed kids from blue eyed parents.

Also there are environmental factors that can increase brown iris pigmentation and change blue eyes into brown eyes, like that drug Latisse that grows eyelashes.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on November 27, 2009, 11:36:16 AM
Thanks, I always wondered over that.

Your answer makes sense.

Got a kid with two brown spots in one eye. Her dads eyes are straight blue, mine a sort of blue with hints of yellow/green/brown, sort of smudgy blue. Other kid has the eyes just as blue as her dad has.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 27, 2009, 11:57:29 AM
I have light blue eyes with dark blue rings around them, my husband has lighter chocolate brown eyes and our daughter has green-hazel eyes.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on November 27, 2009, 12:09:37 PM
Thanks, I always wondered over that.

Your answer makes sense.

Got a kid with two brown spots in one eye. Her dads eyes are straight blue, mine a sort of blue with hints of yellow/green/brown, sort of smudgy blue. Other kid has the eyes just as blue as her dad has.

There was a waitress down at our local Carrows restaraunt who had one blue eye and one eye that was 50% hazel and 50% blue. Sexaaaaahh!! :eyebrows:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Blasted on November 27, 2009, 12:13:27 PM
That's like Kate Bosworth:

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on November 27, 2009, 12:31:21 PM
That's like Kate Bosworth:



Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on November 28, 2009, 05:35:30 AM
I have known of a person having brown eyes even though both his parents have blue eyes. GA has very dark brown eyes even though no one else in his family has eyes that dark.
Just found this picture:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SleepyDragon on November 28, 2009, 05:22:26 PM
^  :clap: :plus:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: GalileoAce on November 29, 2009, 11:34:00 PM
So what's your opinion of transgender issues Callaway?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on November 30, 2009, 10:08:32 AM
I think that blue/brown eye color is much more complicated than we learned in high school biology.

There are several genes that control eye color and it is actually possible for two blue eyed parents to make a baby with brown eyes or green eyes or hazel eyes or yellow eyes or gray eyes or violet eyes or any other color of eyes.

 Eye color comes from a combination of black and yellow pigments called melanin in both the front part and back part of your iris.  If you have no melanin in the front part of your iris and some melanin in the back part, you have blue eyes.  An increasing proportion of the yellow melanin, in combination with the black melanin, results in shades of colors between brown and blue, including green and hazel.

While what we are taught in high school biology is generally true, (brown eye genes are dominant over blue eye genes) because many genes are required to make each of the yellow and black pigments, there are ways to get brown or green eyed kids from blue eyed parents.

Also there are environmental factors that can increase brown iris pigmentation and change blue eyes into brown eyes, like that drug Latisse that grows eyelashes.
Thanks Callaway.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 01, 2009, 12:09:57 PM
So what's your opinion of transgender issues Callaway?

In general I think people should leave other people alone unless they are actually hurting them.

If someone is born one gender but feels like s/he is the other one, then I think that is that person's private business and I don't think anyone should bash him/her over it.

I also don't think people should be bashed over their race, age, weight, gender, health issues, or their spelling and grammar mistakes.

However, this is Intensity, so people are going to do whatever they want to do.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: jman on December 01, 2009, 08:31:57 PM
are you or odeon going to disable guest logon so we don't get anymore peaguy spam?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Blasted on December 01, 2009, 08:36:18 PM
That's lame  :thumbdn:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: jman on December 01, 2009, 08:54:54 PM
peaguy is lame
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 02, 2009, 01:18:22 AM
are you or odeon going to disable guest logon so we don't get anymore peaguy spam?

Looking at the IP addresses, I don't think any of the guest posts were from Peaguy.  He is IP banned.

I think it was mostly Bint, Shleed and Soph.

I just fixed it so guests can't edit other guest's posts, since I see that a post made by a former member was edited and I'm pretty sure he didn't edit it himself.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Christopher McCandless on December 02, 2009, 05:43:37 AM
are you or odeon going to disable guest logon so we don't get anymore peaguy spam?

Looking at the IP addresses, I don't think any of the guest posts were from Peaguy.  He is IP banned.

I think it was mostly Bint, Shleed and Soph.

I just fixed it so guests can't edit other guest's posts, since I see that a post made by a former member was edited and I'm pretty sure he didn't edit it himself.

P is Back!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: GalileoAce on December 02, 2009, 07:41:40 AM
are you or odeon going to disable guest logon so we don't get anymore peaguy spam?

Looking at the IP addresses, I don't think any of the guest posts were from Peaguy.  He is IP banned.

I think it was mostly Bint, Shleed and Soph.

I just fixed it so guests can't edit other guest's posts, since I see that a post made by a former member was edited and I'm pretty sure he didn't edit it himself.

P is Back!

Getting all hot and bothered are you?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Al Swearegen on December 02, 2009, 08:12:27 AM
Callaway speaking about eyes, what do you know about pterigiums (sp?) Kinda like cataracts but not severe and caused through irritation I understand. That is about it and the fact of course that I have them and they are growing
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 02, 2009, 08:20:49 AM
Callaway speaking about eyes, what do you know about pterigiums (sp?) Kinda like cataracts but not severe and caused through irritation I understand. That is about it and the fact of course that I have them and they are growing

Nothing, but I found this:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Blasted on December 02, 2009, 08:45:57 AM
I just fixed it so guests can't edit other guest's posts, since I see that a post made by a former member was edited and I'm pretty sure he didn't edit it himself.

I need to ask Soph what she thinks about all this. :-\
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Alex179 on December 02, 2009, 08:56:31 AM
I just fixed it so guests can't edit other guest's posts, since I see that a post made by a former member was edited and I'm pretty sure he didn't edit it himself.

Very intense  :thumbup:
If members don't get to do that, why should guests?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Blasted on December 02, 2009, 08:57:06 AM
I just fixed it so guests can't edit other guest's posts, since I see that a post made by a former member was edited and I'm pretty sure he didn't edit it himself.

Very intense  :thumbup:
If members don't get to do that, why should guests?

Could you get anymore boring  ::)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Alex179 on December 02, 2009, 08:58:17 AM
I just fixed it so guests can't edit other guest's posts, since I see that a post made by a former member was edited and I'm pretty sure he didn't edit it himself.

Very intense  :thumbup:
If members don't get to do that, why should guests?

Could you get anymore boring  ::)
Could you get anymore predictable and stupid?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Blasted on December 02, 2009, 09:02:56 AM
I just fixed it so guests can't edit other guest's posts, since I see that a post made by a former member was edited and I'm pretty sure he didn't edit it himself.

Very intense  :thumbup:
If members don't get to do that, why should guests?

Could you get anymore boring  ::)
Could you get anymore predictable and stupid?

No, I leave that to you   :)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Alex179 on December 02, 2009, 09:05:28 AM
I just fixed it so guests can't edit other guest's posts, since I see that a post made by a former member was edited and I'm pretty sure he didn't edit it himself.

Very intense  :thumbup:
If members don't get to do that, why should guests?

Could you get anymore boring  ::)
Could you get anymore predictable and stupid?

No, I leave that to you   :)
Ok, Peewee Herman.   I know you are, but what am I?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on December 02, 2009, 09:06:18 AM
I just fixed it so guests can't edit other guest's posts, since I see that a post made by a former member was edited and I'm pretty sure he didn't edit it himself.

Very intense  :thumbup:
If members don't get to do that, why should guests?

Dude you do realise those guests were all I2 members, right?  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 02, 2009, 06:09:53 PM
I just fixed it so guests can't edit other guest's posts, since I see that a post made by a former member was edited and I'm pretty sure he didn't edit it himself.

Very intense  :thumbup:

I think that one of our former members would throw a fit if he saw that someone edited his post and he would probably rant for a year that I was the one who edited it.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on December 03, 2009, 04:05:15 PM
are you or odeon going to disable guest logon so we don't get anymore peaguy spam?

Did you really think that was P? That was the borg, for the most part.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on December 03, 2009, 04:06:42 PM
are you or odeon going to disable guest logon so we don't get anymore peaguy spam?

Looking at the IP addresses, I don't think any of the guest posts were from Peaguy.  He is IP banned.

I think it was mostly Bint, Shleed and Soph.

I just fixed it so guests can't edit other guest's posts, since I see that a post made by a former member was edited and I'm pretty sure he didn't edit it himself.

And I restored Dunc's old posts. Fucking lame to edit them in the first place.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on December 03, 2009, 04:09:18 PM
I just fixed it so guests can't edit other guest's posts, since I see that a post made by a former member was edited and I'm pretty sure he didn't edit it himself.

Very intense  :thumbup:

Have a look at your original post, Bint. Still think it's intense?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Parts on December 03, 2009, 10:35:48 PM
So when your daughter gets older are you going back to chemisty
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 03, 2009, 10:48:45 PM
So when your daughter gets older are you going back to chemisty

I don't know.  Maybe so when she does not need me so much.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Parts on December 03, 2009, 10:52:08 PM
As much as I like being a contractor it takes second fidle to the kids for now so I know what you mean
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on December 04, 2009, 06:23:19 AM
I know that your surgery is soon, Callaway, so I wanted to wish you a smooth recovery after it is done. I wanted to say it while you are online and so I have. :)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 04, 2009, 06:41:45 AM
I know that your surgery is soon, Callaway, so I wanted to wish you a smooth recovery after it is done. I wanted to say it while you are online and so I have. :)

Thanks, Renaeden.


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Al Swearegen on December 04, 2009, 08:17:40 AM
I know that your surgery is soon, Callaway, so I wanted to wish you a smooth recovery after it is done. I wanted to say it while you are online and so I have. :)

Thanks, Renaeden.


Yeah you don't deserve this mate, nor the wait
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 04, 2009, 12:20:17 PM
I know that your surgery is soon, Callaway, so I wanted to wish you a smooth recovery after it is done. I wanted to say it while you are online and so I have. :)

Thanks, Renaeden.


Yeah you don't deserve this mate, nor the wait

Thanks, Sir Les.  I am a big chicken when it comes to surgery.  I wish I didn't need to have it, but I don't want my ankle to hurt forever either, so I'll do it and get through the recovery.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on December 04, 2009, 02:16:40 PM
Good luck.:)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 04, 2009, 02:52:59 PM
Good luck.:)


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on December 04, 2009, 04:42:34 PM
I know that your surgery is soon, Callaway, so I wanted to wish you a smooth recovery after it is done. I wanted to say it while you are online and so I have. :)

Thanks, Renaeden.


Yeah you don't deserve this mate, nor the wait

Thanks, Sir Les.  I am a big chicken when it comes to surgery.  I wish I didn't need to have it, but I don't want my ankle to hurt forever either, so I'll do it and get through the recovery.
"a big chicken" does not seem like a well-earned title on your part, Callaway.  I wish you a quick and easy trip in and out of surgery and a speedy recovery.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Alex179 on December 04, 2009, 04:56:08 PM
I just fixed it so guests can't edit other guest's posts, since I see that a post made by a former member was edited and I'm pretty sure he didn't edit it himself.

Very intense  :thumbup:
If members don't get to do that, why should guests?

Dude you do realise those guests were all I2 members, right?  :zoinks:
I didn't read most of that shit, but it does not surprise me that it was I2 members goofing around.   
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 04, 2009, 06:32:26 PM
I know that your surgery is soon, Callaway, so I wanted to wish you a smooth recovery after it is done. I wanted to say it while you are online and so I have. :)

Thanks, Renaeden.


Yeah you don't deserve this mate, nor the wait

Thanks, Sir Les.  I am a big chicken when it comes to surgery.  I wish I didn't need to have it, but I don't want my ankle to hurt forever either, so I'll do it and get through the recovery.
"a big chicken" does not seem like a well-earned title on your part, Callaway.  I wish you a quick and easy trip in and out of surgery and a speedy recovery.

Thanks, PMS Elle.

I have had surgery before, but not on my ankle.

I recovered prety wel from all of them, but my ankle will have to be non-weight bearing for 4 to 6 weeks at least, depending on what the surgeon finds when he operates.

I plan to get a steerable rolling knee walker, so I hope that helps me not have to use crutches so much.  Unfortunately, my house has lots of stairs and there are several steps just to get from the driveway to the front door.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: The Member Formerly Known As Sophist on December 08, 2009, 03:58:31 PM
Surgery? :(
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 09, 2009, 09:52:07 PM
Surgery? :(

Yes, it's scheduled for this Friday and I will probably be lying around with my foot propped up on pillows for a few weeks.  I hope I can return to work when my daughter's school starts back in early January.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on December 09, 2009, 10:28:59 PM
I hope your daughter treats you well while you are off your feet. Your wish is her command! ;)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 09, 2009, 10:30:24 PM
She really wants to be helpful so that's good.  She had trouble finding things that are right in front of her, though.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on December 09, 2009, 10:53:07 PM
I do as well and when people get impatient at me it just gets worse! I often wonder why it happens. Maybe it is because I have a hard time processing visual information.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 09, 2009, 10:54:13 PM
I think that must be it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SleepyDragon on December 10, 2009, 06:05:40 AM
Hope all goes well with the surgery, and that you regain mobility quickly. Could you post a pic of your knee walker? Pretty please? Sounds cool. Even crutches and walking sticks offer great potential for fun. After my knee surgery, my kids discovered that they could no longer give me cheek within about a 1.5 m radius if I had my walking stick handy. :evillaugh:  (It also came in useful for snagging objects down from high shelves.)

All the best, Callaway. :)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on December 10, 2009, 08:22:53 AM
Surgery? :(

Yes, it's scheduled for this Friday and I will probably be lying around with my foot propped up on pillows for a few weeks.  I hope I can return to work when my daughter's school starts back in early January.
Tomorrow?  Yikes!  Good luck, take care, and when you're feeling up to it, let us know how you're doing post-op!  :hug:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on December 10, 2009, 08:46:38 AM
And pics or it didn't happen. :P

Looking forward to seeing you back online.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 10, 2009, 10:15:14 PM
Hope all goes well with the surgery, and that you regain mobility quickly. Could you post a pic of your knee walker? Pretty please? Sounds cool. Even crutches and walking sticks offer great potential for fun. After my knee surgery, my kids discovered that they could no longer give me cheek within about a 1.5 m radius if I had my walking stick handy. :evillaugh:  (It also came in useful for snagging objects down from high shelves.)

All the best, Callaway. :)

Thanks for the good wishes, SleepyDragon.

Here's a picture of the steerable knee walker that I rented:


I have used my cane to reach things, too.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 10, 2009, 10:15:46 PM
Surgery? :(

Yes, it's scheduled for this Friday and I will probably be lying around with my foot propped up on pillows for a few weeks.  I hope I can return to work when my daughter's school starts back in early January.
Tomorrow?  Yikes!  Good luck, take care, and when you're feeling up to it, let us know how you're doing post-op!  :hug:


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 10, 2009, 10:16:40 PM
And pics or it didn't happen. :P

Looking forward to seeing you back online.

Thanks, Renaeden.

I don't think I will be posting pictures of it, though.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on December 11, 2009, 12:04:59 AM

But I just meant your foot only.
Not you, your husband and daughter standing outside the front of your house and car. :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on December 11, 2009, 01:58:38 AM
Good luck Callaway,

Hope it will all go according to plan or better.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Al Swearegen on December 11, 2009, 04:35:14 AM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on December 11, 2009, 05:48:44 PM
Surgery? :(

Yes, it's scheduled for this Friday and I will probably be lying around with my foot propped up on pillows for a few weeks.  I hope I can return to work when my daughter's school starts back in early January.
Tomorrow?  Yikes!  Good luck, take care, and when you're feeling up to it, let us know how you're doing post-op!  :hug:



OMG, didn't realise it was imminent. Good luck and all the best. I'll be thinking about you... about NOW. ;)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Leto729 on December 11, 2009, 08:29:24 PM
I hope all goes well for You Callaway.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SleepyDragon on December 12, 2009, 01:35:13 AM
One of the annoying things that happens post-op with this kind of surgery is losing, within a day or two, all the lovely muscle tone you've painstakingly built up during the weeks and months before. Once everything starts knitting back together, though, I imagine you'll get physio, and exercises to do on your own? Looking forward to hearing how that goes. Meanwhile, a laptop and a fast connection are a huge help in overcoming the frustration of immobility.  :thumbup:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on December 14, 2009, 08:05:57 PM
How is your recovery going, Callaway?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 15, 2009, 02:25:59 AM
One of the annoying things that happens post-op with this kind of surgery is losing, within a day or two, all the lovely muscle tone you've painstakingly built up during the weeks and months before. Once everything starts knitting back together, though, I imagine you'll get physio, and exercises to do on your own? Looking forward to hearing how that goes. Meanwhile, a laptop and a fast connection are a huge help in overcoming the frustration of immobility.  :thumbup:

I know I will lose most of the muscle tone in the six weeks it's immobilized, but I will have physical therapy and I'll work to get it back again.  It will probably take eight months for it to get back to normal, however.

Thanks for the good wishes, everyone.

I'm using the ice machine and taking the pain medicine pretty regularly, so the pain so far has not been as bad as I feared it would be.

I got Ancef in my IV and I haven't had a fever so I think it's not getting infected

If I sit at my computer desk for very long at all, my ankle starts to swell and hurt even though I elevate it parallel to the floor on my knee walker.

I'm using a huge bean bag to elevate my foot above my head on the couch where I have been sleeping since the surgery.  My husband is driving our daughter to school this week, then she will have Christmas vacation for two weeks.  A special education teacher rode with her to school on Friday so my husband could stay with me for the surgery.  This teacher had foot surgery before and she was non-weight bearing for eighteen months, so she brought me her ice machine and her knee walker so I would have back ups on different floors of my house.  It was a really good thing she did because the ice machine I got from the surgery center quit working Saturday after less than 24 hours.  If I couldn't have used hers, it would have been difficult to use enough ice to feel the cold through all these thick bandages.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Al Swearegen on December 15, 2009, 05:53:49 AM
Hang in there Callaway
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on December 15, 2009, 06:45:44 AM
Glad to hear you're safe and sound and your pain is being managed, Callaway.  I hope your recovery continues well.  :hug:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on December 15, 2009, 11:35:14 AM
Wow shes going through this crap too? Damn callaway. We could be cripple twins.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 15, 2009, 02:21:08 PM
Wow shes going through this crap too? Damn callaway. We could be cripple twins.  :zoinks:

We will be cripple twins.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: The Member Formerly Known As Sophist on December 24, 2009, 10:25:24 AM
How's it all going, Callaway?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 24, 2009, 11:18:19 AM
How's it all going, Callaway?

I'm still a cripple for the next few weeks.  I am currently lying on the sofa in my pajamas with my right leg encased in my lovely black cast boot and propped up on a huge beanbag pillow with my pink laptop propped on my left leg.

I'm still taking Percocet for the pain and using an ice machine which periodically circulates cold water through a cooling pad on my right ankle.  I have a very nice knee walker that I have been using to get around on, which is much more convenient to use than crutches everywhere except on the stairs.

I know that I needed the surgery for my ankle to get better in the long run and that knowledge helps me deal with the pain as a temporary necessity, but even so, it's still difficult for me to be in constant pain.

Right now, there's over a foot of snow on the ground, which makes it too difficult for me to get around.  So my husband has gone out alone to do our last minute Christmas shopping for our daughter.  We already bought her a new bunk bed for Christmas with a dresser and desk under it, so he's looking for a new office chair with wheels for her to use with her new desk.  Also, she asked for new underwear for Christmas, so I asked him to buy her some new bras and panties and gave him the correct sizes. It makes me chuckle to think of him looking around in that part of the store by himself searching for these.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: earthboundmisfit on December 24, 2009, 03:49:17 PM

Do you have to use the high altitude directions when you bake or cook something?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 24, 2009, 04:28:35 PM

Do you have to use the high altitude directions when you bake or cook something?

If I'm baking, then things turn out a little better if I use the high altitude directions, but it usually doesn't make that much of a difference for other things.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on December 24, 2009, 08:46:24 PM
Also, she asked for new underwear for Christmas, so I asked him to buy her some new bras and panties and gave him the correct sizes. It makes me chuckle to think of him looking around in that part of the store by himself searching for these.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 24, 2009, 09:48:35 PM
Also, she asked for new underwear for Christmas, so I asked him to buy her some new bras and panties and gave him the correct sizes. It makes me chuckle to think of him looking around in that part of the store by himself searching for these.


I forgot to mention that he called me on his cell phone as soon as he arrived at the store and asked me where in the store he could find them.

Then he carefully described every package of panties and bras that he found in her size so I could tell him which ones I thought she would like.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on December 24, 2009, 10:30:19 PM
That is even funnier, I wonder if he got any looks from other customers. :D
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on January 06, 2010, 03:48:17 AM
Callaway, what are your favourite bands or types of music you like to listen to?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 06, 2010, 08:59:10 AM
Callaway, what are your favourite bands or types of music you like to listen to?

If I'm listening to the radio, I often listen to classical music stations or "oldies" stations unless a station happens to be playing Christmas music, in which case I listen to it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on January 06, 2010, 06:17:43 PM
I am guessing you have had your fill of Christmas music for a while, then, heh.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 06, 2010, 06:38:20 PM
Yes, I did.

:santa:  :snowman:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: iceman1985 on January 27, 2010, 04:44:53 PM
I am trying to get into college and I don't know what to major in.
What are you recommendations?
Here are my interests
languages, both modern and ancient
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 27, 2010, 11:15:57 PM
I am trying to get into college and I don't know what to major in.
What are you recommendations?
Here are my interests
languages, both modern and ancient

I think you could learn more about all of those if you wanted to.

An Engineering major could combine your interests in science and mathematics, but you could still learn languages as electives.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Parts on January 30, 2010, 07:09:33 PM
A serious  one do you think you daughter will ever be ever to live interdependently where in a group setting otr on her own?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 31, 2010, 01:23:49 AM
A serious  one do you think you daughter will ever be ever to live interdependently where in a group setting otr on her own?

I don't know, but we're trying to give her the best chance possible to live as independently as she can.

One of the boys who attends the same school she does lives in a group home because his parents can't deal with him, so I have seen a little what that's like.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on January 31, 2010, 04:54:39 AM
I have that same worry about my son--I don' know if he'll ever manage on his own.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Al Swearegen on January 31, 2010, 05:00:13 AM
I have that same worry about my son--I don' know if he'll ever manage on his own.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: GalileoAce on January 31, 2010, 05:07:30 AM
I imagine all parents of kids with some difficulties would have those fears?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Al Swearegen on January 31, 2010, 05:18:11 AM
I imagine all parents of kids with some difficulties would have those fears?

Yup. I am very proud of my little boy. Love him to bits. I do recognise in many ways he is like a 7 to 8 year old in the way he behaves and that is at odds to his 5'4" 60kg frame and near 13 years. I know he will be the most he can be and recognise all he tries. No issue there. The world is a crappy place though so I want him to have it as easy as he can. Not being independent and having to grow up quicker than he is able will make it harder for him. Not me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Parts on January 31, 2010, 06:57:11 AM
A serious  one do you think you daughter will ever be ever to live interdependently where in a group setting otr on her own?

I don't know, but we're trying to give her the best chance possible to live as independently as she can.

One of the boys who attends the same school she does lives in a group home because his parents can't deal with him, so I have seen a little what that's like.

Independence is the best gift we can give them I envision my son and daughter needing help but we try our best teaching life skills

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Al Swearegen on January 31, 2010, 07:03:21 AM
I imagine all parents of kids with some difficulties would have those fears?

Yup. I am very proud of my little boy. Love him to bits. I do recognise in many ways he is like a 7 to 8 year old in the way he behaves and that is at odds to his 5'4" 60kg frame and near 13 years. I know he will be the most he can be and recognise all he tries. No issue there. The world is a crappy place though so I want him to have it as easy as he can. Not being independent and having to grow up quicker than he is able will make it harder for him. Not me.

Just an aside to what I have written about my son.

My eldest has Autism. He is in many way just a little boy. Given to make believe constantly and not socially aware and as he approaches 13 I fear him becoming a man too quickly for him to adequately deal with. He just doesn't on a day to day basis. More like a compliant 7 year old in many respects. Great kid but very much (despite the fact he is 5'4" and 60 kgs)  little boy.

However when the going gets tough he always steps up to the plate and acts older than his years and without prompting.

Directly after the car he was screaming and screaming in one long wail. I calmed him and he burst into tears and his sister too. He then rallied incredibly. I felt them both over, and fired questions at them and made sure that they knew I and they were OK and what would happen. I climbed into the back and we all had a quick cuddle in the back. I had to leave them to deal with various people outside.

Though obviously scared and frightened by the experience and with a crying inconsolable sister that needed comfort and with a Dad that had to deal with what was outside. He took up the task of being brave and mature and quietly soothing and consoling her.

She was in great hands. Of course between things I climbing into the back and took over in cuddling them both. But every time I had to leave them. He took up the slack admirably.

This is no one off. I have seen it time and time again. He is growing into a fine man and I am very proud of him.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on January 31, 2010, 07:55:21 PM
Sir Les - sometimes an event like that can bring self awareness and that improves things. I will try and explain it from my perspective.

At certain ages, my awareness of myself grew. I don't think it was the same as for other kids. It was not gradual. It was sudden, a shock. But when I was 14, that was when I first realised I was different. Then when I was 17, I realised I would have to really grow up int an adult and make myself go out in the world. The results were mostly disastrous but I learnt a lot.

Then when I was 27 I was diagnosed with autism (HFA). I then went through the mental health system and had ECT and all that. I was in denial about being autistic, it was really depressing to me. But after that I came to terms (mostly) with being autistic and accepting that I would always have difficulties with a lot of things. I will never be normal. But I can live independently with a bit of help.

I hope that no one's kids go through what I went through but just wanted to say that self awareness happens and this can mean a sudden bout of progress.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 01, 2010, 04:51:59 AM
how long does typical digestion take?  from the time you eat your food til the time that you expel your food.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 01, 2010, 08:52:01 AM
how long does typical digestion take?  from the time you eat your food til the time that you expel your food.

They say the speed of digestion depends on which foods you eat, with high fat foods taking longer to digest than simple sugars, but I think it averages 24 to 72 hours for typical healthy adults.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 01, 2010, 12:04:13 PM
if i ate some bad food about how long would it take for me to develope symptoms?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 01, 2010, 12:15:15 PM
if i ate some bad food about how long would it take for me to develope symptoms?

I think it depends on the bad food you ate.  If you ingested some sort of toxin, you could develop symptoms of food poisoning very quickly, but some kinds of bacteria could take as long as a couple of days or more to build up to toxic levels in your body.

What are your symptoms and when did they start?  Did anyone else get sick after eating this food?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 01, 2010, 12:25:28 PM
if i ate some bad food about how long would it take for me to develope symptoms?

I think it depends on the bad food you ate.  If you ingested some sort of toxin, you could develop symptoms of food poisoning very quickly, but some kinds of bacteria could take as long as a couple of days or more to build up to toxic levels in your body.

What are your symptoms and when did they start?  Did anyone else get sick after eating this food?
i ate del taco and got sever stomach cramps about six hours later.  then i shit liquid for about 12 hours.

the reason i wanted to know the timeframe is because i wanted to figure out what food did it to me or if i just ahad a little bug.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 01, 2010, 12:34:59 PM
if i ate some bad food about how long would it take for me to develope symptoms?

I think it depends on the bad food you ate.  If you ingested some sort of toxin, you could develop symptoms of food poisoning very quickly, but some kinds of bacteria could take as long as a couple of days or more to build up to toxic levels in your body.

What are your symptoms and when did they start?  Did anyone else get sick after eating this food?
i ate del taco and got sever stomach cramps about six hours later.  then i shit liquid for about 12 hours.

the reason i wanted to know the timeframe is because i wanted to figure out what food did it to me or if i just ahad a little bug.

I remember reading that many 'stomach bugs' are actually mild cases of food poisoning.  Those sounds like classic symptoms of a self-limiting case of E coli food poisoning to me, but it could have been some other kind of bacteria or virus.  Did you vomit too?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: iceman1985 on February 01, 2010, 02:20:39 PM
I imagine all parents of kids with some difficulties would have those fears?

I know my parents did
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 01, 2010, 02:21:23 PM
if i ate some bad food about how long would it take for me to develope symptoms?

I think it depends on the bad food you ate.  If you ingested some sort of toxin, you could develop symptoms of food poisoning very quickly, but some kinds of bacteria could take as long as a couple of days or more to build up to toxic levels in your body.

What are your symptoms and when did they start?  Did anyone else get sick after eating this food?
i ate del taco and got sever stomach cramps about six hours later.  then i shit liquid for about 12 hours.

the reason i wanted to know the timeframe is because i wanted to figure out what food did it to me or if i just ahad a little bug.

I remember reading that many 'stomach bugs' are actually mild cases of food poisoning.  Those sounds like classic symptoms of a self-limiting case of E coli food poisoning to me, but it could have been some other kind of bacteria or virus.  Did you vomit too?
no vomiting.  i felt nauseous, but i rarely puke.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 03, 2010, 09:08:32 PM
what are the rings around uranus made of?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 04, 2010, 12:28:22 AM
They are made of particles similar to Uranus' moons. Perhaps some of these smaller moons broke apart when they collided or maybe the particles never coalesced into moons in the first place.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 04, 2010, 12:30:54 AM
maybe the particles never coalesced into moons in the first place.
is this because of lack of gravity?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 04, 2010, 12:52:14 AM
maybe the particles never coalesced into moons in the first place.
is this because of lack of gravity?

I don't think that would be the reason why, but I'm not sure.  It is only the gas giant planets which have a lot of gravity compared to smaller planets that have rings.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 04, 2010, 03:04:28 AM
maybe the particles never coalesced into moons in the first place.
is this because of lack of gravity?

No, there simply wasn't enough of the stuff in one place so the gravitational forces couldn't strong enough.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 04, 2010, 12:35:19 PM
i am trying to install turbotax on my computer.  i have done so each year for the past five years.  but this time it won't work: error message 1603.

i tried installing it as administrator.  tried turning off my firewall.  and i cleaned up my disk to create big chunks of space but nothing is working.

i thought i would give you a crack at this before i call the tech people.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 04, 2010, 08:51:10 PM
i am trying to install turbotax on my computer.  i have done so each year for the past five years.  but this time it won't work: error message 1603.

i tried installing it as administrator.  tried turning off my firewall.  and i cleaned up my disk to create big chunks of space but nothing is working.

i thought i would give you a crack at this before i call the tech people.

I'm probably not the best person to ask, because my husband always does our taxes.

I googled Turbotax error message 1603 and found this on the Turbotax website:    Error 1603: "A fatal error occurred during installation or updating"

You probably already found this, but here it is in case you didn't.  I also found this:   "TurboTax 2009 can fail to install because it thinks the .NET Framework is not installed, even when it is"

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: skyblue1 on February 07, 2010, 08:10:50 AM
windows update to update your .net may help.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 07, 2010, 12:22:52 PM
i am trying to install turbotax on my computer.  i have done so each year for the past five years.  but this time it won't work: error message 1603.

i tried installing it as administrator.  tried turning off my firewall.  and i cleaned up my disk to create big chunks of space but nothing is working.

i thought i would give you a crack at this before i call the tech people.

I'm probably not the best person to ask, because my husband always does our taxes.

I googled Turbotax error message 1603 and found this on the Turbotax website:    Error 1603: "A fatal error occurred during installation or updating"

You probably already found this, but here it is in case you didn't.  I also found this:   "TurboTax 2009 can fail to install because it thinks the .NET Framework is not installed, even when it is"

this got us much further than we had gotten on our own.  but the .net failed to install at the last second.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 07, 2010, 12:24:06 PM
windows update to update your .net may help.

i was thinking the same thing.  but, i don't really like to do windows updates.  i don't know how to do it selectively and it seems that their service packs always slow down my computer,
to me it just isn't worth it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Phlexor on February 07, 2010, 04:06:19 PM
windows update to update your .net may help.

i was thinking the same thing.  but, i don't really like to do windows updates.  i don't know how to do it selectively and it seems that their service packs always slow down my computer,
to me it just isn't worth it.

When your computer gets owned by hackers you'll think it's worth updating.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: skyblue1 on February 07, 2010, 04:10:31 PM
windows update to update your .net may help.

i was thinking the same thing.  but, i don't really like to do windows updates.  i don't know how to do it selectively and it seems that their service packs always slow down my computer,
to me it just isn't worth it.

When your computer gets owned by hackers you'll think it's worth updating.
Thats true.   To not install a particular update, just uncheck it. You need those security updates!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 07, 2010, 07:53:21 PM
Yup. They do help and Windows is vulnerable because it is targeted by so many hackers.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 08, 2010, 01:26:50 AM
why do their updtes always make my computer run more slowly?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Phlexor on February 08, 2010, 01:56:30 AM
why do their updates always make my computer run more slowly?

There are several things that you can do to speed up your computer, most of them only if you know what you are doing.

I use CCleaner to clear off temp files. You can use the registry cleaner in it, but things like that generally can introduce their own problems

You can also use a registry defragger, that can speed things up a little.

Also a general file defrag ever now and again.

What I do when a Service Pack is released (ie: SP1, SP2 or SP3 etc) is roll it into the install disc and re-install windows fresh. Much better than an ancient install with a few service packs tacked on here and there.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 08, 2010, 01:59:33 AM
why do their updates always make my computer run more slowly?

There are several things that you can do to speed up your computer, most of them only if you know what you are doing.

I use CCleaner to clear off temp files. You can use the registry cleaner in it, but things like that generally can introduce their own problems

You can also use a registry defragger, that can speed things up a little.

Also a general file defrag ever now and again.

What I do when a Service Pack is released (ie: SP1, SP2 or SP3 etc) is roll it into the install disc and re-install windows fresh. Much better than an ancient install with a few service packs tacked on here and there.
i use system suite9.  i put all my computer maintenence on a schedule.  since i haqve been doing that my computer has run well.

also it comes with a firewall which stops all internet traffic from from computer, unless i specifically allow it.

how else do hackers get in?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Phlexor on February 08, 2010, 02:01:55 AM
why do their updates always make my computer run more slowly?

There are several things that you can do to speed up your computer, most of them only if you know what you are doing.

I use CCleaner to clear off temp files. You can use the registry cleaner in it, but things like that generally can introduce their own problems

You can also use a registry defragger, that can speed things up a little.

Also a general file defrag ever now and again.

What I do when a Service Pack is released (ie: SP1, SP2 or SP3 etc) is roll it into the install disc and re-install windows fresh. Much better than an ancient install with a few service packs tacked on here and there.
i use system suite9.  i put all my computer maintenence on a schedule.  since i haqve been doing that my computer has run well.

also it comes with a firewall which stops all internet traffic from from computer, unless i specifically allow it.

how else do hackers get in?

Say a program from your operating system is currently allowed through your firewall and say that same program has a bug that can be exploited by hackers. Bam! you system is owned and is now a zombie used in DDoS attacks or used to send spam etc.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 08, 2010, 02:47:33 AM
why do their updates always make my computer run more slowly?

There are several things that you can do to speed up your computer, most of them only if you know what you are doing.

I use CCleaner to clear off temp files. You can use the registry cleaner in it, but things like that generally can introduce their own problems

You can also use a registry defragger, that can speed things up a little.

Also a general file defrag ever now and again.

What I do when a Service Pack is released (ie: SP1, SP2 or SP3 etc) is roll it into the install disc and re-install windows fresh. Much better than an ancient install with a few service packs tacked on here and there.
i use system suite9.  i put all my computer maintenence on a schedule.  since i haqve been doing that my computer has run well.

also it comes with a firewall which stops all internet traffic from from computer, unless i specifically allow it.

how else do hackers get in?

Say a program from your operating system is currently allowed through your firewall and say that same program has a bug that can be exploited by hackers. Bam! you system is owned and is now a zombie used in DDoS attacks or used to send spam etc.
ah well!  i'd like to get another computer anyway.  and that would make for a great excuse.  it would be a bitch being without the internet for a few days.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Phlexor on February 08, 2010, 04:55:32 AM
why do their updates always make my computer run more slowly?

There are several things that you can do to speed up your computer, most of them only if you know what you are doing.

I use CCleaner to clear off temp files. You can use the registry cleaner in it, but things like that generally can introduce their own problems

You can also use a registry defragger, that can speed things up a little.

Also a general file defrag ever now and again.

What I do when a Service Pack is released (ie: SP1, SP2 or SP3 etc) is roll it into the install disc and re-install windows fresh. Much better than an ancient install with a few service packs tacked on here and there.
i use system suite9.  i put all my computer maintenence on a schedule.  since i haqve been doing that my computer has run well.

also it comes with a firewall which stops all internet traffic from from computer, unless i specifically allow it.

how else do hackers get in?

Say a program from your operating system is currently allowed through your firewall and say that same program has a bug that can be exploited by hackers. Bam! you system is owned and is now a zombie used in DDoS attacks or used to send spam etc.
ah well!  i'd like to get another computer anyway.  and that would make for a great excuse.  it would be a bitch being without the internet for a few days.

The best thing to do would be to get more ram for your existing one. Not enough ram is usually the biggest problem with regards to speed.

Then you backup all your important files to a USB flash drive or a USB Hard drive and then you reformat and reinstall your O/S plus programs.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Al Swearegen on February 08, 2010, 05:38:15 AM
EWE NEED RAM...  :lol:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 08, 2010, 03:30:33 PM

The best thing to do would be to get more ram for your existing one. Not enough ram is usually the biggest problem with regards to speed.

Then you backup all your important files to a USB flash drive or a USB Hard drive and then you reformat and reinstall your O/S plus programs.

thanks for the advice.  what i have done is i backed up all my important things onto an external hard drive then i unplugged it from my computer.

maybe i can get another one that i can leaved hooked up.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Natalia Evans on February 11, 2010, 02:57:53 PM
How do I become a moderator here?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on February 11, 2010, 03:01:01 PM
You won't.  :hahaha:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: punkdrew on February 11, 2010, 03:43:30 PM
You won't.  :hahaha:

QFT. Especially for misspelling moderator.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on February 11, 2010, 03:48:04 PM
Maybe she thinks the word is "mordorator".  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: skyblue1 on February 11, 2010, 05:24:02 PM
How do I become a moderator here?

Y. do you just feel the need to fuck up forums
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on February 11, 2010, 06:31:45 PM
McFiona, If you have plenty of unused space on your hard drive, go to system and click on the advanced tab and click settings under performance. In the performance options window, click on the advanced tab. Here you can click the custom option and allocate an amount of your hard drive to be used as ram. Instant virtaul memory upgrade. The other suggestions of cleaning up registry errors are also good advice. There's a free one out there Norton backs, but can't remember right now. Will post it later if it comes to mind.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on February 11, 2010, 06:54:50 PM
Mistake. Microsoft service, not Norton. (
It offers other things too, but you can pick and choose what is needed.
No downloading required.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on February 11, 2010, 08:03:04 PM
Also, if you try the registry cleaner on that site, make sure your system restore function isn't turned off. Fooling with the registry can be risky so the cleaner first creates a system restore point so you can restore your system if it messes it up. No registry error expert here, but did use the site once as a last resort and it saved a computer from the trash.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 12, 2010, 03:59:56 AM
And defrag your disk.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Natalia Evans on February 12, 2010, 04:38:16 AM
How do I become a moderator here?

Y. do you just feel the need to fuck up forums

I don't know what you're talking about.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 12, 2010, 05:23:19 AM
And defrag your disk.
takes 18 hours
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 12, 2010, 05:59:48 AM
And defrag your disk.
takes 18 hours

And explains why your computer is slow.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Parts on February 12, 2010, 06:02:22 AM
And defrag your disk.

Language like this will get you banned :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 12, 2010, 06:05:44 AM
And defrag your disk.

Language like this will get you banned :laugh:

OMG, I promise to behave from now on.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Parts on February 12, 2010, 06:07:43 AM
And defrag your disk.

Language like this will get you banned :laugh:

OMG, I promise to behave from now on.

You better or else :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Phlexor on February 12, 2010, 06:56:17 AM
And defrag your disk.
takes 18 hours

That's why they invented leaving your computer on while you sleep.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: skyblue1 on February 12, 2010, 09:19:27 PM
And defrag your disk.
takes 18 hours
Y does it take 18 hours. My 1.5 TB external drives finish up in a couple of hours
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 13, 2010, 05:05:01 AM
And defrag your disk.
takes 18 hours
Y does it take 18 hours. My 1.5 TB external drives finish up in a couple of hours
i don't know.  my computer is 6 years old.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on February 13, 2010, 05:13:10 AM
And defrag your disk.
takes 18 hours
Y does it take 18 hours. My 1.5 TB external drives finish up in a couple of hours
i don't know.  my computer is 6 years old.

You should waste it then.  ;)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 13, 2010, 05:17:43 AM
And defrag your disk.
takes 18 hours
Y does it take 18 hours. My 1.5 TB external drives finish up in a couple of hours
i don't know.  my computer is 6 years old.

You should waste it then.  ;)
but it does the job and is pretty fast  on the internet.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 13, 2010, 09:33:20 AM
So defrag the disk and enjoy the speed.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Phlexor on February 13, 2010, 09:45:26 AM
before you do that, open 'My Computer'. Then in the address bar, type %TEMP% and press enter.

See all those files? Delete them, some won't delete, but don't worry about that. Then do your defrag.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: skyblue1 on February 13, 2010, 02:52:54 PM
disk cleanup should get rid of temp files also. If not I have a  shotgun that will clear that problem right up. of course you may not be able to sign on here for a while
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 13, 2010, 04:39:27 PM
what i really neeed is an 18 hour blowjob so that i have something to do while my disk is defragging.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 15, 2010, 05:31:35 AM
i was watching on survivor that they caught 3 chickens and one rooster.

they ate the rooster.

do hens lay more eggs when there is a rooster present?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Phlexor on February 15, 2010, 05:54:22 AM
i was watching on survivor that they caught 3 chickens and one rooster.

they ate the rooster.

do hens lay more eggs when there is a rooster present?

They certainly make more chickens if you know what I mean.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 15, 2010, 06:14:23 AM
i was watching on survivor that they caught 3 chickens and one rooster.

they ate the rooster.

do hens lay more eggs when there is a rooster present?

Commercial egg-laying businesses get hens to lay eggs with no roosters ever present, so I think hens who are old enough will lay about an egg a day whille they are laying with or without a rooster.  Of course if there is no rooster, the eggs will be non-fertile eggs which will never hatch into chicks.  My brother's hens aren't laying eggs in the winter, but I think commercial egg-laying businesses use artificial heat and light to get their hens to lay eggs all year.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 15, 2010, 12:14:05 PM
thanks.  i thought that maybethe hens horemones were higher if there was a male present, which would have them producing more eggs.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 15, 2010, 02:06:06 PM
what about double yolked eggs.  do they hatch into twin chicks?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 15, 2010, 04:02:20 PM
what about double yolked eggs.  do they hatch into twin chicks?

If the egg were fertilized, then yes it could possibly hatch into twin chicks in theory, but most likely the chicks would not be viable.  Have you ever noticed that the yolks in double yolk eggs are smaller than the yolk in a single yolk egg from the same hen and that while the double yolk egg is a little longer, it's not twice as big?  There would not be enough room or nutrients for both chicks to grow large enough, and then both of them turn around in the egg so they can breathe from the air space so even if they both hatched out, which is very rare, one or both would probably die.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: skyblue1 on February 15, 2010, 05:47:00 PM
thanks.  i thought that maybethe hens horemones were higher if there was a male present, which would have them producing more eggs.

the hens dont care about sex ,only the rooster does
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on February 15, 2010, 07:08:42 PM
i was watching on survivor that they caught 3 chickens and one rooster.

they ate the rooster.

do hens lay more eggs when there is a rooster present?

Commercial egg-laying businesses get hens to lay eggs with no roosters ever present, so I think hens who are old enough will lay about an egg a day whille they are laying with or without a rooster.  Of course if there is no rooster, the eggs will be non-fertile eggs which will never hatch into chicks.  My brother's hens aren't laying eggs in the winter, but I think commercial egg-laying businesses use artificial heat and light to get their hens to lay eggs all year.

They are kept till they start moulting, just before that, they tend to lay more double yoke eggs I think. When the chickens start moulting the egg-production goes down, and they will be replaced by new chickens.

We had a couple of battery chickens after moulting as pets when I was little. The three of them came out of one little cage. And they moved synchronically most of the time. Very weird. And were close to each other all the time too, as if they needed to be as close as they had been in their cage. Once they had new feathers, they produced eggs very well again.
Even needing to be that close to each other, and keeping the routine of the confinement in a way, they loved the liberty they got. More than any other chicken, those three would be sunbathing with sand between their feathers.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 15, 2010, 07:47:04 PM
Cool how they always stayed so close.

My parents had chickens for a while when I was a kid, until the neighbor's dogs got into their coop and killed them.  My grandparents kept chickens for a lot longer, so my brothers and I saw them when we visited.  My husband and I live in town now, so we can't really keep them, but I'm glad that my brother does so the kids can see and take care of them.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on February 17, 2010, 09:32:04 PM
Here's a question....have you ever noticed that most cat food is seafood based, such as tuna, pilchards etc.

But cats hate water. I'm wondering why a whole catfood market has been based on seafood, when in fact, I can't see how it is their natural nutritional base.

It's not like any dog food is seafood based, yet both are land predators.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 18, 2010, 10:19:14 AM
Here's a question....have you ever noticed that most cat food is seafood based, such as tuna, pilchards etc.

But cats hate water. I'm wondering why a whole catfood market has been based on seafood, when in fact, I can't see how it is their natural nutritional base.

It's not like any dog food is seafood based, yet both are land predators.

If a cat lived near water, seafood might be a big part of their natural diet.  I have seen cats perched on the side of a fish pond waiting to swipe a fish that got too close to their paws.  I know that while dogs are carnivores, cats are obligate carnivores, which means that they must eat meat in order to survive and be healthy.  Cats can't manufacture taurine or arachidonic acid and can't convert beta carotine to Vitamin A, but dogs can, so cats need these nutrients to be supplied in their diets. Therefore cats can't thrive while eating dog food, which often is more grain based than meat based.

My guess would be that cat food manufacturers try to supply essential nutrients for cats as cheaply as they possibly can, so they use some grains such as corn or wheat gluten for protein along with the least expensive meat proteins possible to supply the additional nutrients that cats need.  Maybe fish guts and shrimp heads and other seafood waste products are relatively cheap sources of protein.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SleepyDragon on February 18, 2010, 07:21:51 PM
Most cats aren't enthusiastic swimmers, except the Turkish Van breed, who are known to enjoy it. Even if they don't like getting their paws wet, cats will take advantage of any nearby streams or ponds for hunting purposes. I know mine does, though the amount of fish she gets is probably minimal compared with everything else (reptiles & amphibians, insects, birds, small mammals). With commercial cat food, she prefers the fishy kinds over the chicken and rabbit-based foods. She won't even go near the ones with vegetables in them.

A wild cat's diet would include not just muscle tissue, but also the stomach contents of its prey. It couldn't get by on plant proteins alone (being an obligate carnivore as Callaway has mentioned), but a small amount of plant matter is optimal for a cat's digestion. My furry girl regularly has a nibble at the back lawn, and she likes little bits of fresh wholemeal bread rolls.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on February 20, 2010, 12:22:53 AM
When I see those Snappy Tom cat food commercials they always seem to have a cat living near the wharf or on a boat or whatever. So I guess they can live on boats.

Our cat likes cheese. He also likes beetroot.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 20, 2010, 07:56:51 AM
on my way home from work tonight the battery light appeared on my dashboard.  but i didn't lose power to the car.  the only thing that seemed to happen was i lost my power steering and my battery gauge went down to about 8 volts.

what is wrong with my truck?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 20, 2010, 09:30:50 AM
on my way home from work tonight the battery light appeared on my dashboard.  but i didn't lose power to the car.  the only thing that seemed to happen was i lost my power steering and my battery gauge went down to about 8 volts.

what is wrong with my truck?

Were you driving through a puddle just before this happened?

If so, then your alternator and power steering belts may have gotten wet and slipped, leading to a temporary loss of power steering and alternator power to charge the battery. However, it should be OK after the belts dry, unless they came off or broke.

If the battery light did not go off by itself last night, I would recommend you open your hood this morning before you try to start your truck and check the belts and battery terminals.

If the belts are missing or appear worn or loose, then they will need to be replaced or tightened.  If there appears to be corrosion around the battery terminals, the terminals need to be disconnected from the battery and cleaned.  If everything looks good, then you can try to start your truck.  If it starts but the battery light is still on, then I think you should drive to an auto parts store that will check your charging system to see if you need a new battery and replace the battery for you if needed.  If it's not the battery, then it could be the alternator.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on February 20, 2010, 01:59:49 PM
What do the colors in the online user list mean? Some I can guess, but not others.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 20, 2010, 02:06:22 PM
on my way home from work tonight the battery light appeared on my dashboard.  but i didn't lose power to the car.  the only thing that seemed to happen was i lost my power steering and my battery gauge went down to about 8 volts.

what is wrong with my truck?

Were you driving through a puddle just before this happened?

If so, then your alternator and power steering belts may have gotten wet and slipped, leading to a temporary loss of power steering and alternator power to charge the battery. However, it should be OK after the belts dry, unless they came off or broke.

If the battery light did not go off by itself last night, I would recommend you open your hood this morning before you try to start your truck and check the belts and battery terminals.

If the belts are missing or appear worn or loose, then they will need to be replaced or tightened.  If there appears to be corrosion around the battery terminals, the terminals need to be disconnected from the battery and cleaned.  If everything looks good, then you can try to start your truck.  If it starts but the battery light is still on, then I think you should drive to an auto parts store that will check your charging system to see if you need a new battery and replace the battery for you if needed.  If it's not the battery, then it could be the alternator.
it is the belt.  i just had a new one put on less than 4 months ago and now it completely came off.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 20, 2010, 02:07:07 PM
What do the colors in the online user list mean? Some I can guess, but not others.

Let me know if I leave anything out you are curious about, but off the top of my head, red is for admins, blue is for the webmaster, another shade of blue is for the Newsbox Slave, orange is for the Newsbox Features, purple is for Elders, and black is for members in no specific group.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 20, 2010, 02:10:00 PM
on my way home from work tonight the battery light appeared on my dashboard.  but i didn't lose power to the car.  the only thing that seemed to happen was i lost my power steering and my battery gauge went down to about 8 volts.

what is wrong with my truck?

Were you driving through a puddle just before this happened?

If so, then your alternator and power steering belts may have gotten wet and slipped, leading to a temporary loss of power steering and alternator power to charge the battery. However, it should be OK after the belts dry, unless they came off or broke.

If the battery light did not go off by itself last night, I would recommend you open your hood this morning before you try to start your truck and check the belts and battery terminals.

If the belts are missing or appear worn or loose, then they will need to be replaced or tightened.  If there appears to be corrosion around the battery terminals, the terminals need to be disconnected from the battery and cleaned.  If everything looks good, then you can try to start your truck.  If it starts but the battery light is still on, then I think you should drive to an auto parts store that will check your charging system to see if you need a new battery and replace the battery for you if needed.  If it's not the battery, then it could be the alternator.
it is the belt.  i just had a new one put on less than 4 months ago and now it completely came off.

That sounds like the belt may have been installed incorrectly four months ago, then.  I hope they checked to make sure that the new belt is tightened and aligned properly and the proper width for the pulleys.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on February 20, 2010, 02:10:59 PM
What does newsbox slave mean, and please explain the snooping thread.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 20, 2010, 02:11:59 PM
on my way home from work tonight the battery light appeared on my dashboard.  but i didn't lose power to the car.  the only thing that seemed to happen was i lost my power steering and my battery gauge went down to about 8 volts.

what is wrong with my truck?

Were you driving through a puddle just before this happened?

If so, then your alternator and power steering belts may have gotten wet and slipped, leading to a temporary loss of power steering and alternator power to charge the battery. However, it should be OK after the belts dry, unless they came off or broke.

If the battery light did not go off by itself last night, I would recommend you open your hood this morning before you try to start your truck and check the belts and battery terminals.

If the belts are missing or appear worn or loose, then they will need to be replaced or tightened.  If there appears to be corrosion around the battery terminals, the terminals need to be disconnected from the battery and cleaned.  If everything looks good, then you can try to start your truck.  If it starts but the battery light is still on, then I think you should drive to an auto parts store that will check your charging system to see if you need a new battery and replace the battery for you if needed.  If it's not the battery, then it could be the alternator.
it is the belt.  i just had a new one put on less than 4 months ago and now it completely came off.

That sounds like the belt may have been installed incorrectly four months ago, then.  I hope they checked to make sure that the new belt is tightened and aligned properly and the proper width for the pulleys.
they better.  or next time i may drag my feet getting it back to them and charge them for missed work days.

AAA is on their way to my home right now and they are going to tow me to the mechanics.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 20, 2010, 02:13:55 PM
What does newsbox slave mean, and please explain the snooping thread.
i think that you are only accounting for the people online right now.

just above that list is a little clicky thing that will show you what people are doing right now (on tthe forum)  caught snooping means that you have caught someone checking out the who's onl;ine feature.  they are basically snooping to see what others are doing.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 20, 2010, 02:17:12 PM
And the newsbox slave is the one writing stuff in the newsbox (upper right). Currently it's jman.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 20, 2010, 02:18:06 PM
on my way home from work tonight the battery light appeared on my dashboard.  but i didn't lose power to the car.  the only thing that seemed to happen was i lost my power steering and my battery gauge went down to about 8 volts.

what is wrong with my truck?

Were you driving through a puddle just before this happened?

If so, then your alternator and power steering belts may have gotten wet and slipped, leading to a temporary loss of power steering and alternator power to charge the battery. However, it should be OK after the belts dry, unless they came off or broke.

If the battery light did not go off by itself last night, I would recommend you open your hood this morning before you try to start your truck and check the belts and battery terminals.

If the belts are missing or appear worn or loose, then they will need to be replaced or tightened.  If there appears to be corrosion around the battery terminals, the terminals need to be disconnected from the battery and cleaned.  If everything looks good, then you can try to start your truck.  If it starts but the battery light is still on, then I think you should drive to an auto parts store that will check your charging system to see if you need a new battery and replace the battery for you if needed.  If it's not the battery, then it could be the alternator.
it is the belt.  i just had a new one put on less than 4 months ago and now it completely came off.

That sounds like the belt may have been installed incorrectly four months ago, then.  I hope they checked to make sure that the new belt is tightened and aligned properly and the proper width for the pulleys.
they better.  or next time i may drag my feet getting it back to them and charge them for missed work days.

AAA is on their way to my home right now and they are going to tow me to the mechanics.

Good luck.  They may have tightened the belt too much and it broke, or too little and it slipped off.   Also, look at the pulleys the belt will go around.  They should all lie in a single plane.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 20, 2010, 02:19:18 PM
And the newsbox slave is the one writing stuff in the newsbox (upper right). Currently it's jman.
jman thinks that i am a real man?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 20, 2010, 02:20:33 PM
And the newsbox slave is the one writing stuff in the newsbox (upper right). Currently it's jman.
jman thinks that i am a real man?

pobody's nerfect.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 20, 2010, 02:21:59 PM
And the newsbox slave is the one writing stuff in the newsbox (upper right). Currently it's jman.
jman thinks that i am a real man?

Apparently so.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on February 20, 2010, 02:25:46 PM
Do you think that Switzerland and the Czech Republic are BRAVE? :arrr:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 20, 2010, 02:28:13 PM
And the newsbox slave is the one writing stuff in the newsbox (upper right). Currently it's jman.
jman thinks that i am a real man?

pobody's nerfect.
he must be correct on this one.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 20, 2010, 02:36:56 PM
Do you think that Switzerland and the Czech Republic are BRAVE? :arrr:

I love the Czech Republic. I'm going there in a couple of weeks.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 20, 2010, 02:37:14 PM
And the newsbox slave is the one writing stuff in the newsbox (upper right). Currently it's jman.
jman thinks that i am a real man?

pobody's nerfect.
he must be correct on this one.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on February 20, 2010, 02:40:18 PM
Do you think that Switzerland and the Czech Republic are BRAVE? :arrr:

I love the Czech Republic. I'm going there in a couple of weeks.

And you have a right to carry there, aside the beautiful nature and cities.  8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 20, 2010, 02:41:28 PM
Do you think that Switzerland and the Czech Republic are BRAVE? :arrr:

I love the Czech Republic. I'm going there in a couple of weeks.

And you have a right to carry there, aside the beautiful nature and cities.  8)

Well, yes, but I'm not going to carry a weapon, just visit Prague. And Prague is fabulous.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on February 20, 2010, 02:47:27 PM
Do you think that Switzerland and the Czech Republic are BRAVE? :arrr:

I love the Czech Republic. I'm going there in a couple of weeks.

And you have a right to carry there, aside the beautiful nature and cities.  8)

Well, yes, but I'm not going to carry a weapon, just visit Prague. And Prague is fabulous.


But I think it's interesting that as soon as communism fell, the former communist countries (except for Russia, Belarus and the Ukraine) all became more liberal than for example Sweden or the UK. It seems like you really value freedom only when you know what's it like to be without it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 20, 2010, 02:49:13 PM
Do you think that Switzerland and the Czech Republic are BRAVE? :arrr:

I love the Czech Republic. I'm going there in a couple of weeks.

And you have a right to carry there, aside the beautiful nature and cities.  8)

Well, yes, but I'm not going to carry a weapon, just visit Prague. And Prague is fabulous.


But I think it's interesting that as soon as communism fell, the former communist countries (except for Russiia, Belarus and the Ukraine) all became more free than for example Sweden or the UK. It seems like you really value freedom only when you know what's it like to be without it.

i don't really see being allowed to carry a gun as being more free. Do you have other examples?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on February 20, 2010, 02:54:25 PM

i don't really see being allowed to carry a gun as being more free.

Well, you're not a slaughter sheep for criminals like you are in Sweden, for instance. That's a kind of freedom to me.

Do you have other examples?

Yup. It's legal to buy heroin, cocaine and other drugs for personal use in the Czech Republic since the 1st of January.

And you can buy chemicals and medicine OTC in Poland that you cannot get at all as a private citizen in Sweden or the UK.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 20, 2010, 03:01:11 PM

i don't really see being allowed to carry a gun as being more free.

Well, you're not a slaughter sheep for criminals like you are in Sweden, for instance. That's a kind of freedom to me.

We've been through this a couple of times and here we disagree.

Do you have other examples?

Yup. It's legal to buy heroin, cocaine and other drugs for personal use in the Czech Republic since the 1st of January.

And you can buy chemicals and medicine OTC in Poland that you cannot get at all as a private citizen in Sweden or the UK.

True. Both heroin and cocaine can have some devastating consequences for those that use them and the people around the users, though.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on February 20, 2010, 03:09:46 PM
We've been through this a couple of times and here we disagree.

I know that very well. But the fact is that if you're facing a ruthless criminal, or several of them, physically and/or numerously superior, your only chance is if you have a gun.

My dad's best friend's daughter got raped by an unknown man. She wasn't armed. A girl from another board I visit escaped rape only by using a taser against the rapist, thus committing a crime against Swedish law. She couldn't have gotten the taser legally, since you don't get a license for tasers in Sweden.

True. Both heroin and cocaine can have some devastating consequences for those that use them and the people around the users, though.

As can alcohol and thousands of other things.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 20, 2010, 03:21:28 PM
We've been through this a couple of times and here we disagree.

I know that very well. But the fact is that if you're facing a ruthless criminal, or several of them, physically and/or numerously superior, your only chance is if you have a gun.

My dad's best friend's daughter got raped by an unknown man. She wasn't armed. A girl from another board I visit escaped rape only by using a taser against the rapist, thus committing a crime against Swedish law. She couldn't have gotten the taser legally, since you don't get a license for tasers in Sweden.

I'm glad she escaped. And, as you know, I have a daughter. She's the main reason to why I sometimes have doubts, but I think she might be better helped by doing something about all those rapists that currently escape justice. This country's justice system is at fault.

True. Both heroin and cocaine can have some devastating consequences for those that use them and the people around the users, though.

As can alcohol and thousands of other things.

Indeed. I can't produce statistics (as in "I can't be arsed") but I do think that the crime rates are not in proportion between heroin/cocaine and alcohol.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 20, 2010, 03:22:49 PM
And the newsbox slave is the one writing stuff in the newsbox (upper right). Currently it's jman.
jman thinks that i am a real man?

pobody's nerfect.
he must be correct on this one.

i guess i made that post when i was clearly using you as an example of a man.  that is why i thought he was correct in saying that i am a real man.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on February 20, 2010, 07:05:58 PM
Here's a question....have you ever noticed that most cat food is seafood based, such as tuna, pilchards etc.

But cats hate water. I'm wondering why a whole catfood market has been based on seafood, when in fact, I can't see how it is their natural nutritional base.

It's not like any dog food is seafood based, yet both are land predators.

If a cat lived near water, seafood might be a big part of their natural diet.  I have seen cats perched on the side of a fish pond waiting to swipe a fish that got too close to their paws.  I know that while dogs are carnivores, cats are obligate carnivores, which means that they must eat meat in order to survive and be healthy.  Cats can't manufacture taurine or arachidonic acid and can't convert beta carotine to Vitamin A, but dogs can, so cats need these nutrients to be supplied in their diets. Therefore cats can't thrive while eating dog food, which often is more grain based than meat based.

My guess would be that cat food manufacturers try to supply essential nutrients for cats as cheaply as they possibly can, so they use some grains such as corn or wheat gluten for protein along with the least expensive meat proteins possible to supply the additional nutrients that cats need.  Maybe fish guts and shrimp heads and other seafood waste products are relatively cheap sources of protein.

Thanks, yes realised they could take a swipe at little fish in a pond. When I looked up Taurine, I see the abundant sources are in fish, birds and rodents. Fish waste products would be the most cost effective as you said.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 21, 2010, 01:27:21 AM
Do you think that Switzerland and the Czech Republic are BRAVE? :arrr:

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on February 21, 2010, 05:23:36 AM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on February 21, 2010, 04:58:11 PM
Is there a way to adjust avatars? This one doesn't look right. It's too big and stretched vertically.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Phlexor on February 21, 2010, 05:02:07 PM
Is there a way to adjust avatars? This one doesn't look right. It's too big and stretched vertically.

Try and upload it here instead of hosting it remotely. Seems there is a bug.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 22, 2010, 01:40:07 AM
Is there a way to adjust avatars? This one doesn't look right. It's too big and stretched vertically.

Try and upload it here instead of hosting it remotely. Seems there is a bug.

Yes. The forum software won't scale linked avatars correctly.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 25, 2010, 12:50:49 PM
what does shooperer mean?,148.0.html

pyraxis called me one  a long time ago and i can't get it out of my mind.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on February 25, 2010, 07:33:02 PM
what does shooperer mean?,148.0.html

pyraxis called me one  a long time ago and i can't get it out of my mind.

Too lazy to google?  :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on February 25, 2010, 07:37:21 PM
That thread's almost four years old.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: skyblue1 on February 25, 2010, 08:06:20 PM
"Shooperer." Someone who likes to pick fights and always can say the right thing to keep them going.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on February 25, 2010, 09:10:40 PM
^ You stole the question for Callaway  :'(
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: skyblue1 on February 25, 2010, 09:13:52 PM
just lending a helping hand
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on February 25, 2010, 09:53:25 PM
Sometimes after logging in, rather than going to the home page, there's just a photo on an empty page. This time it was the photo of the guy and the tank. Can't remember what is was the other times. What's that about?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 26, 2010, 05:31:18 AM
what does shooperer mean?,148.0.html

pyraxis called me one  a long time ago and i can't get it out of my mind.

Too lazy to google?  :P

i just like to give callaway something to do.

i take her as a person who enjoys learning something.  so i ask her questions.

i am a giver.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on February 26, 2010, 05:25:13 PM
what does shooperer mean?,148.0.html

pyraxis called me one  a long time ago and i can't get it out of my mind.

Too lazy to google?  :P

i just like to give callaway something to do.

i take her as a person who enjoys learning something.  so i ask her questions.

i am a brown noser, otherwise known as an ass kisser.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: skyblue1 on February 26, 2010, 05:44:55 PM
is there a reason why any one would wish to brown nose or kiss ass on this forum. Doesnt look like it would get you anywhere/anything
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on February 26, 2010, 06:44:16 PM
is there a reason why any one would wish to brown nose or kiss ass on this forum. Doesnt look like it would get you anywhere/anything

It was a joke to McJ. He would get it.

Now behave before I give you a good schloopering!  :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: skyblue1 on February 26, 2010, 06:47:11 PM
and just what does schloopering mean. sounds nasty. does it involve your tongue
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 26, 2010, 07:14:08 PM
"Shooperer." Someone who likes to pick fights and always can say the right thing to keep them going.



Quote from:
Shooperer is an African word, specifically the Shona language, and it means a person who loves to fight, and always says just the right thing to get people fighting, and when they're tired and want to make up, says the one thing calculated to have them at each other's throats again. Sound familiar?"

I think that Pyraxis meets the definition of a Shooperer much more so than McJagger ever did.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 26, 2010, 07:15:36 PM
Sometimes after logging in, rather than going to the home page, there's just a photo on an empty page. This time it was the photo of the guy and the tank. Can't remember what is was the other times. What's that about?

That's a glitch which I have had before, too.  Maybe Odeon can remember what causes it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: skyblue1 on February 26, 2010, 07:20:58 PM
"Shooperer." Someone who likes to pick fights and always can say the right thing to keep them going.



Quote from:
Shooperer is an African word, specifically the Shona language, and it means a person who loves to fight, and always says just the right thing to get people fighting, and when they're tired and want to make up, says the one thing calculated to have them at each other's throats again. Sound familiar?"

I think that Pyraxis meets the definition of a Shooperer much more so than McJagger ever did.
angelfire leaves a nasty cookie,
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 26, 2010, 07:22:49 PM
"Shooperer." Someone who likes to pick fights and always can say the right thing to keep them going.



Quote from:
Shooperer is an African word, specifically the Shona language, and it means a person who loves to fight, and always says just the right thing to get people fighting, and when they're tired and want to make up, says the one thing calculated to have them at each other's throats again. Sound familiar?"

I think that Pyraxis meets the definition of a Shooperer much more so than McJagger ever did.
angelfire leaves a nasty cookie,

Yes, I had an ad screen.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on February 26, 2010, 07:58:56 PM
"Shooperer." Someone who likes to pick fights and always can say the right thing to keep them going.



Quote from:
Shooperer is an African word, specifically the Shona language, and it means a person who loves to fight, and always says just the right thing to get people fighting, and when they're tired and want to make up, says the one thing calculated to have them at each other's throats again. Sound familiar?"

I think that Pyraxis meets the definition of a Shooperer much more so than McJagger ever did.
angelfire leaves a nasty cookie,

Yes, I had an ad screen.

Maybe that's why Pyraxis chose the word  :-\

I keep reading the word as schlooperer  :asthing:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on February 27, 2010, 12:24:55 AM
what does shooperer mean?,148.0.html

pyraxis called me one  a long time ago and i can't get it out of my mind.

Too lazy to google?  :P

i just like to give callaway something to do.

i take her as a person who enjoys learning something.  so i ask her questions.

i am a brown noser, otherwise known as an ass kisser.

i amn't
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on February 27, 2010, 03:05:58 AM
Sometimes after logging in, rather than going to the home page, there's just a photo on an empty page. This time it was the photo of the guy and the tank. Can't remember what is was the other times. What's that about?

That's a glitch which I have had before, too.  Maybe Odeon can remember what causes it.

Happened before last year on March 14 I think.,7619.msg466209.html#msg466209
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 27, 2010, 08:36:44 AM
Sometimes after logging in, rather than going to the home page, there's just a photo on an empty page. This time it was the photo of the guy and the tank. Can't remember what is was the other times. What's that about?

That's a glitch which I have had before, too.  Maybe Odeon can remember what causes it.

I think it's a caching problem. Clearing the cache and any I2 cookies should fix it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on March 02, 2010, 07:41:04 AM
Hey, unstickied! If so then should it be on the page with the other ask away threads??
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 02, 2010, 11:14:36 AM
Hey, unstickied! If so then should it be on the page with the other ask away threads??

Someone objected to this thread being stickied, so I unstickied it.  It's not an ask away thread and since this is where Triste started it, in "What's your crime? Basic Discussion" where it says "Feel free to talk about anything and everything in this board," I think it should stay right where it is.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on March 02, 2010, 11:43:39 AM
Hey, unstickied! If so then should it be on the page with the other ask away threads??

Someone objected to this thread being stickied, so I unstickied it.  It's not an ask away thread and since this is where Triste started it, in "What's your crime? Basic Discussion" where it says "Feel free to talk about anything and everything in this board," I think it should stay right where it is.
was this what scrap was saying in that other thread?

i don't think that there is a problem that this is stickied.  the thread may be titled ask callaway but other people answer the questions too.
if this thread deserves to be unstickied, which i don't think it does, then we should also take away  the word duncs in duncs sin bin.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 02, 2010, 12:32:06 PM
Hey, unstickied! If so then should it be on the page with the other ask away threads??

Someone objected to this thread being stickied, so I unstickied it.  It's not an ask away thread and since this is where Triste started it, in "What's your crime? Basic Discussion" where it says "Feel free to talk about anything and everything in this board," I think it should stay right where it is.
was this what scrap was saying in that other thread?

i don't think that there is a problem that this is stickied.  the thread may be titled ask callaway but other people answer the questions too.
if this thread deserves to be unstickied, which i don't think it does, then we should also take away  the word duncs in duncs sin bin.

I think he thought that it was my idea to sticky this topic because I'm full of myself, but you make a good point.  If it's stickied, it's a good place for people to ask questions even if I'm not always the best person to answer them.

I'll sticky it again.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on March 02, 2010, 04:54:27 PM
Hey, unstickied! If so then should it be on the page with the other ask away threads??

Someone objected to this thread being stickied, so I unstickied it.  It's not an ask away thread and since this is where Triste started it, in "What's your crime? Basic Discussion" where it says "Feel free to talk about anything and everything in this board," I think it should stay right where it is.
was this what scrap was saying in that other thread?

i don't think that there is a problem that this is stickied.  the thread may be titled ask callaway but other people answer the questions too.
if this thread deserves to be unstickied, which i don't think it does, then we should also take away  the word duncs in duncs sin bin.

Plenty of boards here that should be renamed if we were to go down that road.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on March 02, 2010, 06:28:16 PM
Hey, unstickied! If so then should it be on the page with the other ask away threads??

Someone objected to this thread being stickied, so I unstickied it.  It's not an ask away thread and since this is where Triste started it, in "What's your crime? Basic Discussion" where it says "Feel free to talk about anything and everything in this board," I think it should stay right where it is.
was this what scrap was saying in that other thread?

i don't think that there is a problem that this is stickied.  the thread may be titled ask callaway but other people answer the questions too.
if this thread deserves to be unstickied, which i don't think it does, then we should also take away  the word duncs in duncs sin bin.

Plenty of boards here that should be renamed if we were to go down that road.
i don't think that we should go down that road.  i was making a correlation.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on March 03, 2010, 06:30:58 AM
Not perfect here. Glad it is stickied again. :)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on March 03, 2010, 09:19:23 AM
clean ears and health:

how often should a person clean their ears?
should they use q-tips?
what are the health  problems from not cleaning your ears on a regular basis?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 03, 2010, 09:42:06 AM
clean ears and health:

how often should a person clean their ears?
should they use q-tips?
what are the health  problems from not cleaning your ears on a regular basis?

Doctors say that we shouldn't use Q-Tips to clean our ears because we could injure our eardrums or push earwax more deeply into our ears against our eardrums, but I clean my ears with a Q-Tip every day and I haven't had any problems.

I think they recommend using something like this, which is what I bought to clean the earwax out of my daughter's ears.


I think if you get a large build-up of earwax, it could be uncomfortable and make it harder for you to hear.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on March 03, 2010, 09:46:36 AM
i clean my ears with water when i take a shower and i use q-tips several times per day.

it seems that my ears never come clean.  i think it has something to do with my job.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on March 03, 2010, 02:53:46 PM
Is your wife saying that you never listen? :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on March 03, 2010, 02:54:27 PM
Is your wife saying that you never listen? :P
you are married you should know the answer to that.  ;)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on March 04, 2010, 02:04:35 AM
i would like to know about colon cancer:

are there signs to look out for if you may have it?

or should someone just go in and have a camara poking around their anus?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on March 05, 2010, 08:37:16 AM
clean ears and health:

how often should a person clean their ears?
should they use q-tips?
what are the health  problems from not cleaning your ears on a regular basis?

Doctors say that we shouldn't use Q-Tips to clean our ears because we could injure our eardrums or push earwax more deeply into our ears against our eardrums, but I clean my ears with a Q-Tip every day and I haven't had any problems.

I think they recommend using something like this, which is what I bought to clean the earwax out of my daughter's ears.

My daughter burst her eardrum recently with a Q-Tip = Cotton bud here.

She nearly lost hearing in that ear.

The trick is not to put them in too far.

i clean my ears with water when i take a shower and i use q-tips several times per day.

it seems that my ears never come clean.  i think it has something to do with my job.

It may have something to do with your job. Earwax is produced to protect the ear, so it may be over producing if there is a lot of muck around where you work.

Callaway is right though, too much hard/ semi firm wax can block your ear. I doctor can flush it for you also, it feels like your brain is being rinsed, but good, in a sick way!

i would like to know about colon cancer:

are there signs to look out for if you may have it?

or should someone just go in and have a camara poking around their anus?

You should go and have a camera poked in there. It's worth the peace of mind, and they may be able to pick up the; it may be irritable bowel syndrome. Go see a doctor.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 05, 2010, 09:15:37 AM
i would like to know about colon cancer:

are there signs to look out for if you may have it?

or should someone just go in and have a camara poking around their anus?

You should go and have a camera poked in there. It's worth the peace of mind, and they may be able to pick up the; it may be irritable bowel syndrome. Go see a doctor.


Here are some signs and symptoms of colon cancer:

Signs and symptoms of colon cancer include:

■A change in your bowel habits, including diarrhea or constipation or a change in the consistency of your stool for more than a couple of weeks
■Rectal bleeding or blood in your stool
■Persistent abdominal discomfort, such as cramps, gas or pain
■A feeling that your bowel doesn't empty completely
■Weakness or fatigue
■Unexplained weight loss

Many people with colon cancer experience no symptoms in the early stages of the disease. When symptoms appear, they'll likely vary, depending on the cancer's size and location in your large intestine.

When to see a doctor

If you notice any symptoms of colon cancer, such as blood in your stool or a persistent change in bowel habits, make an appointment with your doctor.

Talk to your doctor about when you should begin screening for colon cancer. Guidelines generally recommend colon cancer screenings begin at age 50. Your doctor may recommend more frequent or earlier screening if you have other risk factors, such as a family history of the disease.

I agree with Eclair, though.  If you are having any problems at all, then go to the doctor and have the camera poking around your anus.

This is a different issue, but my doctor told me yesterday that I was probably within a day of my appendix bursting when it was removed, so if I had continued to ignore the problem and not gone to the doctor, it could have been very bad for me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: skyblue1 on March 05, 2010, 05:31:26 PM
Wish I had insurance, I have never had a colon checkup
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on March 05, 2010, 05:32:16 PM
You don't have insurance? I wish your governing body will approve Obama's plan, then.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: skyblue1 on March 05, 2010, 05:38:34 PM
You don't have insurance? I wish your governing body will approve Obama's plan, then.
Being on the spectrum I am denied coverage....on the flip side I save myself over 10 grand a year.

If the democrats ever quit arguing amongst themselves , something may get done
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on March 05, 2010, 05:39:40 PM
You don't have insurance? I wish your governing body will approve Obama's plan, then.
Being on the spectrum I am denied coverage....on the flip side I save myself over 10 grand a year.

If the democrats ever quit arguing amongst themselves , something may get done

You are denied coverage because you have an ASD dx? WTF?!?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: skyblue1 on March 05, 2010, 05:40:52 PM
You don't have insurance? I wish your governing body will approve Obama's plan, then.
Being on the spectrum I am denied coverage....on the flip side I save myself over 10 grand a year.

If the democrats ever quit arguing amongst themselves , something may get done

You are denied coverage because you have an ASD dx? WTF?!?
what can I say...its the good old USA
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Parts on March 05, 2010, 05:44:36 PM
You don't have insurance? I wish your governing body will approve Obama's plan, then.
Being on the spectrum I am denied coverage....on the flip side I save myself over 10 grand a year.

If the democrats ever quit arguing amongst themselves , something may get done

You are denied coverage because you have an ASD dx? WTF?!?
what can I say...its the good old USA

We were lucky to have insurance before the dx.  It covers little in the ASD department though
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on March 05, 2010, 05:47:30 PM
You don't have insurance? I wish your governing body will approve Obama's plan, then.
Being on the spectrum I am denied coverage....on the flip side I save myself over 10 grand a year.

If the democrats ever quit arguing amongst themselves , something may get done

10 grand a year?  :zombiefuck:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on March 05, 2010, 05:50:51 PM
I don't want to insult your country but there's something wrong when you have to pay that kind of money just to get basic coverage. Lots of things are wrong with my country but health care isn't really one of them.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Parts on March 05, 2010, 05:56:53 PM
I don't want to insult your country but there's something wrong when you have to pay that kind of money just to get basic coverage. Lots of things are wrong with my country but health care isn't really one of them.

No insult your right
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 05, 2010, 06:01:00 PM
You're right and even worse, private health insurance not purchased as part of a group plan can refuse to insure anyone with a "pre-existing condition" or they can just refuse to cover anything at all to do with the "pre-existing condition".  We ran into that when my husband lost his job with insurance that covered us and got another job.  Nobody wanted to cover our daughter, who was born with several medical issues in addition to her autism.  We wound up paying a small fortune just to get some very crappy insurance that had to cover us, called "continuation coverage".  We were eligible because we paid for the COBRA for 18 months until it ran out.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on March 05, 2010, 06:02:12 PM
That's just awful.  :(
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on March 05, 2010, 06:06:15 PM
A friend of mine worked in the US for a couple of years. She said she had paid shit loads on insurance. But having had two operations, nearly died in hospital too. She had lots of examinations, not even $100 of all her costs were covered.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Parts on March 05, 2010, 06:13:06 PM
There is good insurance and bad.  We have had both but even the good one would not pay for a neuropych that was over $2000 cash
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 05, 2010, 06:57:29 PM
A friend of mine worked in the US for a couple of years. She said she had paid shit loads on insurance. But having had two operations, nearly died in hospital too. She had lots of examinations, not even $100 of all her costs were covered.

That's awful, Hyke.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: skyblue1 on March 05, 2010, 08:24:51 PM
I don't want to insult your country but there's something wrong when you have to pay that kind of money just to get basic coverage. Lots of things are wrong with my country but health care isn't really one of them.
It would be 98 hundred a year for premiums with a 5 thousand dollar deductible. So it would basically be only good for a catastrophic event such as a heart attack or stroke , something along those lines. Actually a complete waste of money. Since I only have one medical problem ( which I handle on my own) and I seldom get sick. It would be kind of useless.

I was DX`ed with pneumonia in 1990 and was asked to leave the hospital (cause they needed my bed) and was escorted to the door by a security guard. I wasnt even given antibiotics. Through the kindness of a client I recieved medication 2 days later.

Only in Amerika
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on March 05, 2010, 08:40:15 PM
What do you think, does bad breath come from your tongue?

This apparently eliminates morning breath? WTF?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 05, 2010, 08:56:24 PM
What do you think, does bad breath come from your tongue?

This apparently eliminates morning breath? WTF?

There are lots of possible causes of bad breath and the tongue is only one of them.

If you eat garlic or onions, you will have garlic or onion breath even if you brush your teeth and tongue thoroughly, because it gets into your blood and is released in your lungs.

If you forget to thoroughly brush and floss your teeth, then trapped food can decay and give you bad breath.

Also, if you smoke, your breath will smell like a dirty ashtray.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SleepyDragon on March 05, 2010, 10:23:01 PM

Most traditional remedies for the problem focus on reducing the total number of bacteria in the mouth. The article linked doesn't mention the tongue specifically, but it stands to reason that your tongue is one of the surfaces in your mouth most likely to harbour microbes.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Al Swearegen on March 06, 2010, 10:00:25 AM
Can you "partially dislocate your jaw. I think I may have during the crash. I think I "reset it" tonight
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 06, 2010, 10:16:21 AM
Can you "partially dislocate your jaw. I think I may have during the crash. I think I "reset it" tonight

I think you can.  I think I hurt mine keping my mouth open wide for a particularly long dental procedure.

Sometimes it pops when I'm chewing something and it hurts so much.

I wondered if it might be TMJ:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on March 07, 2010, 01:27:34 AM
Can you "partially dislocate your jaw. I think I may have during the crash. I think I "reset it" tonight

I think you can.  I think I hurt mine keping my mouth open wide for a particularly long dental procedure.

Sometimes it pops when I'm chewing something and it hurts so much.

I wondered if it might be TMJ:

I believe you can. I had a rollerskating accident where I took the full brunt of the fall on my jaw. It hurt so much, but I didn't tell my parents in case they stopped me from going rollerskating. I do believe I also slightly fractured it as there was a hard lump there for years, a 'corn' I beleive they call it when cracked bone mends.

About 6 years later I was at a wedding, eating food and dislocated my jaw. Could barely open it for weeks but couldn't get x rayed because I was pregnant.

Basically, I did nothing about it. It's weak, but it's mended itself over the years I believe.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on March 07, 2010, 08:03:35 PM
i would like to know about colon cancer:

are there signs to look out for if you may have it?

or should someone just go in and have a camara poking around their anus?

You should go and have a camera poked in there. It's worth the peace of mind, and they may be able to pick up the; it may be irritable bowel syndrome. Go see a doctor.


Here are some signs and symptoms of colon cancer:

Signs and symptoms of colon cancer include:

■A change in your bowel habits, including diarrhea or constipation or a change in the consistency of your stool for more than a couple of weeks
■Rectal bleeding or blood in your stool
■Persistent abdominal discomfort, such as cramps, gas or pain
■A feeling that your bowel doesn't empty completely
■Weakness or fatigue
Unexplained weight loss

Many people with colon cancer experience no symptoms in the early stages of the disease. When symptoms appear, they'll likely vary, depending on the cancer's size and location in your large intestine.

When to see a doctor

If you notice any symptoms of colon cancer, such as blood in your stool or a persistent change in bowel habits, make an appointment with your doctor.

Talk to your doctor about when you should begin screening for colon cancer. Guidelines generally recommend colon cancer screenings begin at age 50. Your doctor may recommend more frequent or earlier screening if you have other risk factors, such as a family history of the disease.

I agree with Eclair, though.  If you are having any problems at all, then go to the doctor and have the camera poking around your anus.

This is a different issue, but my doctor told me yesterday that I was probably within a day of my appendix bursting when it was removed, so if I had continued to ignore the problem and not gone to the doctor, it could have been very bad for me.
i will take the weightloss and then go see the doctor.  i have no problems with them poking around my anus.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: "couldbecousin" on March 07, 2010, 08:05:30 PM
i would like to know about colon cancer:

are there signs to look out for if you may have it?

or should someone just go in and have a camara poking around their anus?

You should go and have a camera poked in there. It's worth the peace of mind, and they may be able to pick up the; it may be irritable bowel syndrome. Go see a doctor.


Here are some signs and symptoms of colon cancer:

Signs and symptoms of colon cancer include:

■A change in your bowel habits, including diarrhea or constipation or a change in the consistency of your stool for more than a couple of weeks
■Rectal bleeding or blood in your stool
■Persistent abdominal discomfort, such as cramps, gas or pain
■A feeling that your bowel doesn't empty completely
■Weakness or fatigue
Unexplained weight loss

Many people with colon cancer experience no symptoms in the early stages of the disease. When symptoms appear, they'll likely vary, depending on the cancer's size and location in your large intestine.

When to see a doctor

If you notice any symptoms of colon cancer, such as blood in your stool or a persistent change in bowel habits, make an appointment with your doctor.

Talk to your doctor about when you should begin screening for colon cancer. Guidelines generally recommend colon cancer screenings begin at age 50. Your doctor may recommend more frequent or earlier screening if you have other risk factors, such as a family history of the disease.

I agree with Eclair, though.  If you are having any problems at all, then go to the doctor and have the camera poking around your anus.

This is a different issue, but my doctor told me yesterday that I was probably within a day of my appendix bursting when it was removed, so if I had continued to ignore the problem and not gone to the doctor, it could have been very bad for me.
i will take the weightloss and then go see the doctor.  i have no problems with them poking around my anus.

If by "take the weight loss" you mean "delay testing till I've gotten nice and thin," please don't. Early detection gives you the best chance of success.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on March 07, 2010, 08:55:21 PM
is a female menstruel cycle each 28 days?  if so does this mean that they have 13 per year?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 07, 2010, 11:23:12 PM
is a female menstruel cycle each 28 days?  if so does this mean that they have 13 per year?

On average, yes.

However, the cycles of different women are different.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on March 07, 2010, 11:25:35 PM
is a female menstruel cycle each 28 days?  if so does this mean that they have 13 per year?

On average, yes.

However, the cycles of different women are different.
do women put offa stronger feramone when they are on their menstuel cycle?

i ask this because i am always the most horny when my wife is on hers.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 08, 2010, 12:00:17 AM
is a female menstruel cycle each 28 days?  if so does this mean that they have 13 per year?

On average, yes.

However, the cycles of different women are different.
do women put offa stronger feramone when they are on their menstuel cycle?

i ask this because i am always the most horny when my wife is on hers.

I don't know.  I think they may make more pheromones when they ovulate.   :-\
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on March 08, 2010, 12:10:20 AM
is a female menstruel cycle each 28 days?  if so does this mean that they have 13 per year?

On average, yes.

However, the cycles of different women are different.
do women put offa stronger feramone when they are on their menstuel cycle?

i ask this because i am always the most horny when my wife is on hers.

I don't know.  I think they may make more pheromones when they ovulate.   :-\

You are probably more horny because you know you are more likely to get a head job.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on March 08, 2010, 12:21:14 AM
is a female menstruel cycle each 28 days?  if so does this mean that they have 13 per year?

On average, yes.

However, the cycles of different women are different.
do women put offa stronger feramone when they are on their menstuel cycle?

i ask this because i am always the most horny when my wife is on hers.

I don't know.  I think they may make more pheromones when they ovulate.   :-\

You are probably more horny because you know you are more likely to get a head job.

i was actually thinking it was more about wanting what i cannot have.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on March 08, 2010, 05:01:13 PM
is a female menstruel cycle each 28 days?  if so does this mean that they have 13 per year?

On average, yes.

However, the cycles of different women are different.
do women put offa stronger feramone when they are on their menstuel cycle?

i ask this because i am always the most horny when my wife is on hers.

I don't know.  I think they may make more pheromones when they ovulate.   :-\

You are probably more horny because you know you are more likely to get a head job.

i was actually thinking it was more about wanting what i cannot have.

Oh, I have no doubt that there will be other pheromones then. But what they mean to tell? No idea. It is clear how you react on them though. But if that is, because her pheromones lure you, or do you react wanting more because of what can't be? That's up to scientists and psychologists I guess.

My ex could smell my pregnancies. Kept him away from me. To him it was a strong territorial scent that I gave off.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on March 15, 2010, 04:19:12 PM
Do you remember which thread had the 'butt hurt complaint form'. That was funny and meant to plus that one but can't remember who posted it or where.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 15, 2010, 05:54:56 PM
Do you remember which thread had the 'butt hurt complaint form'. That was funny and meant to plus that one but can't remember who posted it or where.

It was in the Make Someone Laugh thread.  renaeden posted it here:,985.msg578314.html#msg578314

I plussed her for it, too.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DukeNukem on March 24, 2010, 02:57:14 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: skyblue1 on March 24, 2010, 03:03:55 PM
hey duke why dont you post that lipstick thingy here....might help your rep.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DukeNukem on March 24, 2010, 03:05:41 PM
hey duke why dont you post that lipstick thingy here....might help your rep.

Duke Nukem does NOT wear lipstick! Those rumors were created by none other than Scrapmire to aid himself in this political race.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: skyblue1 on March 24, 2010, 03:09:55 PM
no it was posted by you in a thread you created , here it is

It seems like I have an unusual fetish. I find that women's lips and lipstick are much more attractive to me than anything else. Now these lips has to be nicely shaped and noticeable, I don't like thin or wrinkly lips, no offense to those who have thin or wrinkly lips. I especially like thick lips wearing lipstick or lipgloss. That usually turns me on if the rest of the woman's face looks nice, too. I haven't really told anyone about this until now, but I really want to know what people think about my fetish.

I remember going to middle school, there were a couple of attractive women who had a nice set of lips and did certain things with them that really turned me on. One of them was an aide who was an attractive blonde woman. At first, she wore lip gloss which didn't last but an hour, not the least because she would quite frequently lick her lips as if her lips were really dry or something or her lip gloss was too much to bear. But then she reapplied it anyways. Then after a while, she started to wear sheer lipstick (I dunno which color it was, I think it was a nude color or something) which looked pretty good and was better than the pink lip gloss and it could withstand her licking. This really aroused me. It made my classes more enjoyable when she was with me.

Then I had a 7th grade math teacher who was kind of a weird person to me. She was also attractive and had short curly red hair. She had fairly thick lips that were nicely shaped, and just about every day, she wore dark red lipstick which I liked. However, I wasn't in her first period class, I was in her class right before lunch, where her lipstick was fading. But there was usually enough for her lips to still be sexy. I watched her as she licked and bit them and that made my math class more enjoyable. I wish I had her in the morning when her lipstick was full on. But I did get to see that a few times and I fantasized about having her and my aid that I mentioned earlier put on lipstick and kiss me on my cheeks and on my lips and then have me watch as they lick and bite their lipstick off.

Sometimes, I would put on lipstick myself and lick it off in front of a mirror to arouse myself and masturbate, but I don't wear make up in public because I don't like to wear make up. I just like to see women wearing lipstick and licking it off or sipping through a straw or drink from a can with it on, different things. It's what turns me on, more than anything else. Not a woman's body. Not even sex itself, which this fetish and my fantasies don't really involve. But I still like to stimulate myself with them thoughts and seeing lipstick fetish videos.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DukeNukem on March 24, 2010, 03:29:14 PM
no it was posted by you in a thread you created , here it is

It seems like I have an unusual fetish. I find that women's lips and lipstick are much more attractive to me than anything else. Now these lips has to be nicely shaped and noticeable, I don't like thin or wrinkly lips, no offense to those who have thin or wrinkly lips. I especially like thick lips wearing lipstick or lipgloss. That usually turns me on if the rest of the woman's face looks nice, too. I haven't really told anyone about this until now, but I really want to know what people think about my fetish.

I remember going to middle school, there were a couple of attractive women who had a nice set of lips and did certain things with them that really turned me on. One of them was an aide who was an attractive blonde woman. At first, she wore lip gloss which didn't last but an hour, not the least because she would quite frequently lick her lips as if her lips were really dry or something or her lip gloss was too much to bear. But then she reapplied it anyways. Then after a while, she started to wear sheer lipstick (I dunno which color it was, I think it was a nude color or something) which looked pretty good and was better than the pink lip gloss and it could withstand her licking. This really aroused me. It made my classes more enjoyable when she was with me.

Then I had a 7th grade math teacher who was kind of a weird person to me. She was also attractive and had short curly red hair. She had fairly thick lips that were nicely shaped, and just about every day, she wore dark red lipstick which I liked. However, I wasn't in her first period class, I was in her class right before lunch, where her lipstick was fading. But there was usually enough for her lips to still be sexy. I watched her as she licked and bit them and that made my math class more enjoyable. I wish I had her in the morning when her lipstick was full on. But I did get to see that a few times and I fantasized about having her and my aid that I mentioned earlier put on lipstick and kiss me on my cheeks and on my lips and then have me watch as they lick and bite their lipstick off.

Sometimes, I would put on lipstick myself and lick it off in front of a mirror to arouse myself and masturbate, but I don't wear make up in public because I don't like to wear make up. I just like to see women wearing lipstick and licking it off or sipping through a straw or drink from a can with it on, different things. It's what turns me on, more than anything else. Not a woman's body. Not even sex itself, which this fetish and my fantasies don't really involve. But I still like to stimulate myself with them thoughts and seeing lipstick fetish videos.

Can you prove that I actually posted that?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: skyblue1 on March 24, 2010, 03:31:51 PM
dont have to,         you were trolling when you posted that , just like you have been trolling all day, here
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DukeNukem on March 24, 2010, 03:38:53 PM
dont have to, [WTF with the space?] you were trolling when you posted that , just like you have been trolling all day, here

You refuse to provide the adequate evidence, therefore...

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Phlexor on March 24, 2010, 04:16:40 PM
<removed bullshit>
hey duke why dont you post that lipstick thingy here....might help your rep.

Please don't quote his dumb ass picture. I have that tool on ignore and I don't want to see his shit.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: skyblue1 on March 24, 2010, 04:34:00 PM
<removed bullshit>
hey duke why dont you post that lipstick thingy here....might help your rep.

Please don't quote his dumb ass picture. I have that tool on ignore and I don't want to see his shit.
apologies   :-[
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on March 30, 2010, 05:16:45 PM
D'you know of any multipurpose cleaners that tend to minimally aggravate allergies and asthma, but that still get things clean?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 30, 2010, 06:24:27 PM
D'you know of any multipurpose cleaners that tend to minimally aggravate allergies and asthma, but that still get things clean?

Sorry, I don't.  I would think it would depend on what would aggravate your specific asthma or allergies.

I have some spray that kills dust mites that I bought at Target, but I can't remember the brand name.

You can use rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle to clean the chrome and glass in your bathroom instead of commercial spray cleaners.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on March 30, 2010, 07:49:21 PM
Look into home made cleansers from common stuff, lemons, salt, vinegar, things like that. There's lots of them out there.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: "couldbecousin" on March 30, 2010, 08:00:11 PM
D'you know of any multipurpose cleaners that tend to minimally aggravate allergies and asthma, but that still get things clean?

Check out I've seen these products advertised on TV as being safer for people, pets and the environment.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 30, 2010, 08:28:11 PM
D'you know of any multipurpose cleaners that tend to minimally aggravate allergies and asthma, but that still get things clean?

Sorry, I don't.  I would think it would depend on what would aggravate your specific asthma or allergies.

I have some spray that kills dust mites that I bought at Target, but I can't remember the brand name.

You can use rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle to clean the chrome and glass in your bathroom instead of commercial spray cleaners.

I had another thought.  There are these microfiber cleaning cloths that clean lots of things with just plain water.  You wet the cloth and wring it out as much as possible and you can wash them in the washing machine when they get dirty.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on March 30, 2010, 08:41:57 PM
Just noticed you double space too.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 30, 2010, 08:45:01 PM
Just noticed you double space too.

I do sometimes, but not always.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on March 30, 2010, 08:47:54 PM
Yes, not always. Most times it is double enter.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: "couldbecousin" on March 30, 2010, 08:49:58 PM
Just noticed you double space too.

I used to do that too; I don't anymore. It just looks cozier to simgle-space.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on March 31, 2010, 03:24:39 AM
D'you know of any multipurpose cleaners that tend to minimally aggravate allergies and asthma, but that still get things clean?

Sorry, I don't.  I would think it would depend on what would aggravate your specific asthma or allergies.

I have some spray that kills dust mites that I bought at Target, but I can't remember the brand name.

You can use rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle to clean the chrome and glass in your bathroom instead of commercial spray cleaners.

I had another thought.  There are these microfiber cleaning cloths that clean lots of things with just plain water.  You wet the cloth and wring it out as much as possible and you can wash them in the washing machine when they get dirty.

I hate to work with the ones I tried. Didn't do what they promised, and the microfibre feels weird on my hands.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on March 31, 2010, 03:26:16 AM
D'you know of any multipurpose cleaners that tend to minimally aggravate allergies and asthma, but that still get things clean?

Sorry, I don't.  I would think it would depend on what would aggravate your specific asthma or allergies.

I have some spray that kills dust mites that I bought at Target, but I can't remember the brand name.

You can use rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle to clean the chrome and glass in your bathroom instead of commercial spray cleaners.

I had another thought.  There are these microfiber cleaning cloths that clean lots of things with just plain water.  You wet the cloth and wring it out as much as possible and you can wash them in the washing machine when they get dirty.

I hate to work with the ones I tried. Didn't do what they promised, and the microfibre feels weird on my hands.

Maybe you can find non-allergenic multi-purpose cleaning stuff in an organic shop.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 31, 2010, 10:31:09 AM
D'you know of any multipurpose cleaners that tend to minimally aggravate allergies and asthma, but that still get things clean?

Sorry, I don't.  I would think it would depend on what would aggravate your specific asthma or allergies.

I have some spray that kills dust mites that I bought at Target, but I can't remember the brand name.

You can use rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle to clean the chrome and glass in your bathroom instead of commercial spray cleaners.

I had another thought.  There are these microfiber cleaning cloths that clean lots of things with just plain water.  You wet the cloth and wring it out as much as possible and you can wash them in the washing machine when they get dirty.

I hate to work with the ones I tried. Didn't do what they promised, and the microfibre feels weird on my hands.

I love mine and I especially love that I can give one to my daughter to clean marks off the wall without wondering if she might get cleaning chemicals into her eyes.

If it feels weird, you could try rubber gloves but if it doesn't clean well enough for you, there's not a lot I know of to do about that.  Maybe you could use it along with a cleaner that doesn't contain bleach.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on March 31, 2010, 02:15:38 PM
D'you know of any multipurpose cleaners that tend to minimally aggravate allergies and asthma, but that still get things clean?

Sorry, I don't.  I would think it would depend on what would aggravate your specific asthma or allergies.

I have some spray that kills dust mites that I bought at Target, but I can't remember the brand name.

You can use rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle to clean the chrome and glass in your bathroom instead of commercial spray cleaners.

I had another thought.  There are these microfiber cleaning cloths that clean lots of things with just plain water.  You wet the cloth and wring it out as much as possible and you can wash them in the washing machine when they get dirty.

I hate to work with the ones I tried. Didn't do what they promised, and the microfibre feels weird on my hands.

I love mine and I especially love that I can give one to my daughter to clean marks off the wall without wondering if she might get cleaning chemicals into her eyes.

If it feels weird, you could try rubber gloves but if it doesn't clean well enough for you, there's not a lot I know of to do about that.  Maybe you could use it along with a cleaner that doesn't contain bleach.

I never use bleach. It's not hard to find non-aggressive cleaning stuff in the local supermarket. And the acidic toilet cleaners, with formic acid are almost standard I think.

My main problem with microfibre clothes is that it hooks on my hands, and that I just can't get the surface dried with it after cleaning. I do use it on one table, because of the polishing effect. But, mainly use cotton to work with.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on March 31, 2010, 02:26:19 PM
Formic acid is BRAVE! They used to make it by distilling ants, and, as you all know, ants are very BRAVE! indeed! :arrr:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on March 31, 2010, 04:12:45 PM
Formic acid is BRAVE! They used to make it by distilling ants, and, as you all know, ants are very BRAVE! indeed! :arrr:

It is called 'mierenzuur' here, I had to use a dictionary to find the word formic acid. Ant-acid just didn't sound right.  :lol:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: SleepyDragon on March 31, 2010, 09:23:28 PM
Microfibre cleaning cloths can reduce the need for chemical cleaning products, but for really tough stains :) , a squirt of dishwashing liquid instead of the recommended plain water gets 'er done quicker. Even Enjo sells a paste cleaner that contains finely-ground marble dust and SLS for jobs where plain water isn't enough. A cheap and handy way to dry off the surfaces after cleaning is to buy a stack of towels (hand towels, face cloths, or terry-towelling nappies) and use them as wipers.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DukeNukem on April 01, 2010, 08:59:54 AM
Is it okay to masturbate in public?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: "couldbecousin" on April 01, 2010, 09:01:23 AM
Is it okay to masturbate in public?

Trying to get yourself arrested?  ::)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 01, 2010, 11:46:27 AM
Is it okay to masturbate in public?

I would have to say no, masturbation is something you are supposed to do only when you have privacy.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Phlexor on April 01, 2010, 05:57:12 PM
Is it okay to masturbate in public?

I would have to say no, masturbation is something you are supposed to do only when you have privacy.

I don't know how many times I've said that.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DukeNukem on April 03, 2010, 01:39:15 AM
Is it okay to masturbate in public?

Trying to get yourself arrested?  ::)

I bet you could do it in public without anyone knowing.

Cross your legs together and squeeze! :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: skyblue1 on April 04, 2010, 08:03:25 PM
awkward silence............................... :yawn:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on April 05, 2010, 05:53:55 AM
nothing awkward about it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Al Swearegen on April 05, 2010, 07:44:06 AM

Is it okay to masturbate in public?

Its OK for YOU to masturbate in public so long as it is right outside the police station. Fine to. YOU should. Now!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DukeNukem on April 07, 2010, 11:05:37 AM

Is it okay to masturbate in public?

Its OK for YOU to masturbate in public so long as it is right outside the police station. Fine to. YOU should. Now!

After you drink that scotch there, I will.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on April 07, 2010, 02:07:11 PM
In the thread 'Is Sex Really that Good', you plussed Les for his comments, saying they were good points. Could you clarify what you thought was good, as you didn't post in the thread?,10477.msg585765.html#msg585765
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 07, 2010, 05:20:35 PM
Did you watch the YouTube he linked?

I thought that was a cute and funny way to make a point.

Also, I think it's dismissive to say to someone they can't understand your argument because they belong to a different group from you and that you need to keep it simple for them, so if they respond to this a little bit sarcastically, that should be expected.

If one makes a logical argument that the group XY oppresses the group XX, then I think it's fair for a member of group XY to make a parallel argument following the same type of logic on how group XX oppresses group XY to help one see that neither is actually oppressed. 

I personally agree that group XX was historically oppressed in terms of voting and property rights, but I disagree that group XX is currently oppressed in terms of orgasmic rights.  I mean XYs are limited to just the one at least until the refractory period is over while we can have several in succession and I don't believe that the orgasm of either is more expected than the other.  Different men are different along these lines just like different women are different.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on April 10, 2010, 08:24:54 AM
I mean XYs are limited to just the one at least until the refractory period is over while we can have several in succession and I don't believe that the orgasm of either is more expected than the other.  Different men are different along these lines just like different women are different.

Thanks for clarifying. I forgot to respond! Yes, things have changed, I agree. Women are coming out of that phase in society where their needs on any level were secondary.

This question may have been answered before. Do you have any hobbies or interests? Apart from the physics / chemistry stuff?

Also, I imagine you in a house with all country style furniture, the wood and the white lacquer. Am I right or wrong? Yes, it's late here and I'm asking obtuse, but harmless questions!

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 10, 2010, 09:37:00 AM
I mean XYs are limited to just the one at least until the refractory period is over while we can have several in succession and I don't believe that the orgasm of either is more expected than the other.  Different men are different along these lines just like different women are different.

Thanks for clarifying. I forgot to respond! Yes, things have changed, I agree. Women are coming out of that phase in society where their needs on any level were secondary.

This question may have been answered before. Do you have any hobbies or interests? Apart from the physics / chemistry stuff?

Also, I imagine you in a house with all country style furniture, the wood and the white lacquer. Am I right or wrong? Yes, it's late here and I'm asking obtuse, but harmless questions!

You're sort of wrong.  I do like natural looking finishes on solid wood like oak, cherry, or mahogany, but I don't like white lacquer at all.

I like antiques, but we don't really have a lot of antique furniture except for our daughter's cradle, a couple of chairs, a sideboard in the dining room, and a quarter sawn oak washstand in our foyer.  Our other living room furniture is Queen Anne style with oval marble topped coffee tables and we have a large silk Kashmir rug which my husband bought for me in India on the floor. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DukeNukem on April 10, 2010, 09:50:26 AM
Callaway, how often do you masturbate? And in what way do you masturbate?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on April 10, 2010, 09:56:20 AM
I mean XYs are limited to just the one at least until the refractory period is over while we can have several in succession and I don't believe that the orgasm of either is more expected than the other.  Different men are different along these lines just like different women are different.

Thanks for clarifying. I forgot to respond! Yes, things have changed, I agree. Women are coming out of that phase in society where their needs on any level were secondary.

This question may have been answered before. Do you have any hobbies or interests? Apart from the physics / chemistry stuff?

Also, I imagine you in a house with all country style furniture, the wood and the white lacquer. Am I right or wrong? Yes, it's late here and I'm asking obtuse, but harmless questions!

You're sort of wrong.  I do like natural looking finishes on solid wood like oak, cherry, or mahogany, but I don't like white lacquer at all.

I like antiques, but we don't really have a lot of antique furniture except for our daughter's cradle, a couple of chairs, a sideboard in the dining room, and a quarter sawn oak washstand in our foyer.  Our other living room furniture is Queen Anne style with oval marble topped coffee tables and we have a large silk Kashmir rug which my husband bought for me in India on the floor. 

Aha...yep, I remember you mentioning the rug, so the more warm tonal wood theme would be lovely with that.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Eclair on April 10, 2010, 09:57:34 AM
Callaway, how often do you masturbate? And in what way do you masturbate?

My God, who would answer that question?  ::)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on April 11, 2010, 08:40:32 AM
Callaway, how often do you masturbate? And in what way do you masturbate?

My God, who would answer that question?  ::)

No one!

I am glad you don't like white lacquered furniture, Callaway. I think it is awful!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on April 13, 2010, 01:14:36 AM
Callaway, how often do you masturbate? And in what way do you masturbate?

My God, who would answer that question?  ::)

No one!

I am glad you don't like white lacquered furniture, Callaway. I think it is awful!


My sister had the white lacquered furniture with the gold painted trim. :puke: It doesn't even make good firewood!!  >:(
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: "couldbecousin" on April 13, 2010, 04:09:54 AM
Callaway, how often do you masturbate? And in what way do you masturbate?

My God, who would answer that question?  ::)

No one!

I am glad you don't like white lacquered furniture, Callaway. I think it is awful!


My sister had the white lacquered furniture with the gold painted trim. :puke: It doesn't even make good firewood!!  >:(

How do you know? :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on April 25, 2010, 10:33:59 AM
Callaway, I have been meaning to ask for ages - how is your ankle going? I hope it is getting better. :)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 25, 2010, 11:16:59 AM
Callaway, I have been meaning to ask for ages - how is your ankle going? I hope it is getting better. :)

It's getting better, but slowly.

I have been doing physical therapy to make it stronger and I can walk without a cane now and without much of a limp unless I walk a lot.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on April 25, 2010, 02:34:55 PM
Callaway, I have been meaning to ask for ages - how is your ankle going? I hope it is getting better. :)

It's getting better, but slowly.

I have been doing physical therapy to make it stronger and I can walk without a cane now and without much of a limp unless I walk a lot.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Al Swearegen on April 26, 2010, 01:12:42 AM
Glad to hear.

I have a question. I have a growth on my thyroid. A few not so nice side effects. Sleeping pattern screwed, weight loss, no energy, run down....bah, blah, blah.
It is due to this adenoma thing secreting hormones or whatever.
I know it is treatable but I just don't know how?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on April 26, 2010, 01:22:16 AM
They would give you some sort of medication wouldn't they? What about removing the growth? Is it getting bigger?

Callaway, I am glad to know that you are getting better, that has taken ages!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: "couldbecousin" on April 26, 2010, 05:42:24 AM
Glad to hear.

I have a question. I have a growth on my thyroid. A few not so nice side effects. Sleeping pattern screwed, weight loss, no energy, run down....bah, blah, blah.
It is due to this adenoma thing secreting hormones or whatever.
I know it is treatable but I just don't know how?

I'm surprised the doctor who delivered the news didn't then recommend a treatment plan. :facepalm2: CALL HIM BACK!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 26, 2010, 12:26:40 PM
Glad to hear.

I have a question. I have a growth on my thyroid. A few not so nice side effects. Sleeping pattern screwed, weight loss, no energy, run down....bah, blah, blah.
It is due to this adenoma thing secreting hormones or whatever.
I know it is treatable but I just don't know how?

Well, first I think they would give you a tracer with radioactive iodine and scan it to see if it takes up more or less iodine than the surounding thyroid tissue.  If it takes up more, then it's definitely not malignant.  If it takes up less, then there is a 10% chance that it may be malignant.  If it takes up more radioactive iodine, they might try giving you a little more radioactive iodine to see if that would get rid of enough of the adenoma to help your symptoms of an overactive thyroid.  If it takes up less and is causing you problems or if the radioactive iodine treatment doesn't help, then they might consider surgery to remove the adenoma.

I think another possible treatment in some cases is to give you thyroid hormone, which seems counterintuitive if your thyroid is already overactive, but in some cases it suppresses the activity of your thyroid.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Diesel on April 28, 2010, 07:33:06 PM
Callaway, I have been meaning to ask for ages - how is your ankle going? I hope it is getting better. :)

It's getting better, but slowly.

I have been doing physical therapy to make it stronger and I can walk without a cane now and without much of a limp unless I walk a lot.

That's good to hear about the ankle.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 28, 2010, 07:34:24 PM
Callaway, I have been meaning to ask for ages - how is your ankle going? I hope it is getting better. :)

It's getting better, but slowly.

I have been doing physical therapy to make it stronger and I can walk without a cane now and without much of a limp unless I walk a lot.

That's good to hear about the ankle.


How's your wrist doing now?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Diesel on April 28, 2010, 07:39:01 PM

Still not what it was.....never will be really.......range of motion is the biggest issue. For example I can't do flat handed push-ups.
I have most of my strength back and started lifting weights again few weeks ago but sprained something in my wrist/fore arm that hasn't been used in quite a while.

Now I have to wait some more while it heals.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 28, 2010, 07:46:37 PM
Sorry you sprained something lifting weights.

Did you do a lot of PT to try to get back your range of motion in your wrist?

With PT, I had regained pretty much my whole range of motion before I had the ankle surgery, but now after the surgery I probably won't ever get it back to being as flexible as the other one because one of the things I had done was a modified Brostrom-Gould to fix the torn ligament that hadn't healed.  It still hurts when I use it, but not as much as it did before surgery.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Diesel on April 28, 2010, 07:54:08 PM
I had 3 months of PT and my insurance company decided that what I gained back was enough.
I kinda slacked off on the self performed home PT afterwords. :asthing:

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on April 29, 2010, 08:39:52 AM
I had 3 months of PT and my insurance company decided that what I gained back was enough.
I kinda slacked off on the self performed home PT afterwords. :asthing:

I do pt every day.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: "couldbecousin" on April 29, 2010, 08:42:20 AM
I had 3 months of PT and my insurance company decided that what I gained back was enough.
I kinda slacked off on the self performed home PT afterwords. :asthing:

I do pt every day.  :laugh:

Why the laughing smiley? :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on April 29, 2010, 08:42:58 AM
Cause most people don't. Plus i'm jolly right now.  ;)

Wait.. are you analyzing me?  :(
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: "couldbecousin" on April 29, 2010, 09:43:45 AM
Cause most people don't. Plus i'm jolly right now.  ;)

Wait.. are you analyzing me?  :(

Just thought you meant something "adult" by "pt," and that you were :laugh: at your own dirty mind. :P

Jollity is a wonderful state. Just ask my avatar! ;D
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on April 29, 2010, 10:18:45 AM
Cause most people don't. Plus i'm jolly right now.  ;)

Wait.. are you analyzing me?  :(

Just thought you meant something "adult" by "pt," and that you were :laugh: at your own dirty mind. :P

Jollity is a wonderful state. Just ask my avatar! ;D
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on April 29, 2010, 09:44:29 PM
Callaway, did you realize that you live in the Laramide Orogeny?? You sick pervert!! :razz: and you expose your kids to this orogeny too!! shame! SHAME!!! :smarty:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 29, 2010, 10:03:35 PM
Callaway, did you realize that you live in the Laramide Orogeny?? You sick pervert!! :razz: and you expose your kids to this orogeny too!! shame! SHAME!!! :smarty:

I had to Google that.

You're right; what can I say?  I'm a pervert.


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on April 29, 2010, 10:12:39 PM
When you go out to nearby wilderness, what kind of rocks are out there??

Igneous?? (granite, rhyolite,diorite)
Sedimentary?? (sandstone, limestone, dolomite, shale)
Metamorphic?? (slate, quartzite, marble, schist, gneiss)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 29, 2010, 10:27:45 PM
When you go out to nearby wilderness, what kind of rocks are out there??

Igneous?? (granite, rhyolite,diorite)
Sedimentary?? (sandstone, limestone, dolomite, shale)
Metamorphic?? (slate, quartzite, marble, schist, gneiss)

A lot of all three kinds of rocks are near here, except that I don't remember seeing any local marble around here.

I love to see the sedimentary rocks that are pushed up and tilted sideways like these:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on April 29, 2010, 11:34:56 PM
I was under the impression that there wasn't much igneous rock there. It must be from the Ancient Rockies because the more recent Laramide Orogeny was a folding and uplifting event.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 30, 2010, 06:10:04 PM
I was under the impression that there wasn't much igneous rock there. It must be from the Ancient Rockies because the more recent Laramide Orogeny was a folding and uplifting event.

We live near the ancient Rockies, so I think you're probably right.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on May 05, 2010, 09:06:30 AM
That looks like a place to find geodes.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on May 05, 2010, 04:17:39 PM
That looks like a place to find geodes.

Geodes aren't too common there but they can be found. They're more common in the eastern half of the midwest. They need water to slowly percolate through them to form.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: skyblue1 on May 05, 2010, 06:06:07 PM
alright geology class
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on May 06, 2010, 10:22:01 AM
That looks like a place to find geodes.

Geodes aren't too common there but they can be found. They're more common in the eastern half of the midwest. They need water to slowly percolate through them to form.

The rockies has springs doesn't it?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 06, 2010, 12:42:36 PM
That looks like a place to find geodes.

Geodes aren't too common there but they can be found. They're more common in the eastern half of the midwest. They need water to slowly percolate through them to form.

The rockies has springs doesn't it?

Yes, they do.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on May 06, 2010, 01:10:14 PM
GEODES :green:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 06, 2010, 01:40:50 PM
GEODES :green:

I haven't ever found any geodes lying around myself, but I wouldn't know how to tell the difference between a geode and an ordinary round rock anyway.  There are lots of them in nearby rock shops, though.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on May 07, 2010, 07:40:29 AM
I admit its a little difficult unless you actually know where to look.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Scrapheap on May 13, 2010, 01:50:45 AM
GEODES :green:

I haven't ever found any geodes lying around myself, but I wouldn't know how to tell the difference between a geode and an ordinary round rock anyway.  There are lots of them in nearby rock shops, though.

Outwardly, they look like a piece of granite due to the high quartz content, but they lack the black flecks of biotite and pink patches of potassium feldspar. They could be mistaken for a piece of quartzite.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: vodz on July 08, 2010, 07:39:01 PM
I repeated (and eleborated upon) something odeon posted in "odeon v.s. eclair" about his daughter.

Who made the original filial attack and where can I find this post?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 08, 2010, 07:53:59 PM
I can't remember her name, but I believe she was one of the people from AFF who was too sensitive to be here.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: vodz on July 08, 2010, 07:56:47 PM
I can't remember her name, but I believe she was one of the people from AFF who was too sensitive to be here.

Seems like you need to straddle a fine line of sensitivity to belong here.  ::)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 08, 2010, 08:01:14 PM
I can't remember her name, but I believe she was one of the people from AFF who was too sensitive to be here.

Seems like you need to straddle a fine line of sensitivity to belong here.  ::)

I don't think you need to straddle a fine line of sensitivity to know that attacking someone's young child is going to piss them off.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on July 09, 2010, 09:25:30 AM
I can't remember her name, but I believe she was one of the people from AFF who was too sensitive to be here.

Seems like you need to straddle a fine line of sensitivity to belong here.  ::)

I don't think you need to straddle a fine line of sensitivity to know that attacking someone's young child is going to piss them off.

I didn't think so either.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on July 09, 2010, 07:13:53 PM
I can't remember her name, but I believe she was one of the people from AFF who was too sensitive to be here.

Seems like you need to straddle a fine line of sensitivity to belong here.  ::)

I don't think you need to straddle a fine line of sensitivity to know that attacking someone's young child is going to piss them off.

I didn't think so either.

The initial (and absolutely immediate) abandonment of my attempted "friendship"  with another poster from a couple of yeas ago, was begun at the start of her telling me that I did not deserve to have my children.

Had she even had a clue about how horrid it was to lose six infants in various stages of pregnancy, trying to start a family, and completely given up on the notion after about nine years, she might have considered further before offering such an opinion of me. The odds which my wife and I beat in bringing forth two "perfect"  children are astounding to imagine.

It is for this reason, her thinking that she could freely dis' my children that I had no qualms about calling her a drywell.

Incidentally,  I agree with the both of you.   No one has a free license to attack another ones children!

The end.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 09, 2010, 08:57:43 PM
I can't remember her name, but I believe she was one of the people from AFF who was too sensitive to be here.

Seems like you need to straddle a fine line of sensitivity to belong here.  ::)

I don't think you need to straddle a fine line of sensitivity to know that attacking someone's young child is going to piss them off.

I didn't think so either.

The initial (and absolutely immediate) abandonment of my attempted "friendship"  with another poster from a couple of yeas ago, was begun at the start of her telling me that I did not deserve to have my children.

Had she even had a clue about how horrid it was to lose six infants in various stages of pregnancy, trying to start a family, and completely given up on the notion after about nine years, she might have considered further before offering such an opinion of me. The odds which my wife and I beat in bringing forth two "perfect"  children are astounding to imagine.

It is for this reason, her thinking that she could freely dis' my children that I had no qualms about calling her a drywell.

Incidentally,  I agree with the both of you.   No one has a free license to attack another ones children!

The end.

I think I remember this person and I also had a similar opinion of them after that particular outburst.  The stupid thing is that the person was probably just trying to wound someone and said the words that they thought would hurt most.  To me, that says something about them.  Obviously, they were just too sensitive to be here, but I think that there was a lot of mean-spiritedness in saying something like that to autistic parents. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on July 09, 2010, 08:59:45 PM
Talking shit about peoples children is easier online because it involves fewer asskickings.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on July 09, 2010, 09:12:07 PM
I can't remember her name, but I believe she was one of the people from AFF who was too sensitive to be here.

Seems like you need to straddle a fine line of sensitivity to belong here.  ::)

I don't think you need to straddle a fine line of sensitivity to know that attacking someone's young child is going to piss them off.

I didn't think so either.

The initial (and absolutely immediate) abandonment of my attempted "friendship"  with another poster from a couple of yeas ago, was begun at the start of her telling me that I did not deserve to have my children.

Had she even had a clue about how horrid it was to lose six infants in various stages of pregnancy, trying to start a family, and completely given up on the notion after about nine years, she might have considered further before offering such an opinion of me. The odds which my wife and I beat in bringing forth two "perfect"  children are astounding to imagine.

It is for this reason, her thinking that she could freely dis' my children that I had no qualms about calling her a drywell.

Incidentally,  I agree with the both of you.   No one has a free license to attack another ones children!

The end.

I think I remember this person and I also had a similar opinion of them after that particular outburst.  The stupid thing is that the person was probably just trying to wound someone and said the words that they thought would hurt most.  To me, that says something about them.  Obviously, they were just too sensitive to be here, but I think that there was a lot of mean-spiritedness in saying something like that to autistic parents. 

Who are "they?"   

I was making a single reference to a single incident involving a single person who I had tried to "befriend"  on this site, early in my stay.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 09, 2010, 09:15:37 PM
I can't remember her name, but I believe she was one of the people from AFF who was too sensitive to be here.

Seems like you need to straddle a fine line of sensitivity to belong here.  ::)

I don't think you need to straddle a fine line of sensitivity to know that attacking someone's young child is going to piss them off.

I didn't think so either.

The initial (and absolutely immediate) abandonment of my attempted "friendship"  with another poster from a couple of yeas ago, was begun at the start of her telling me that I did not deserve to have my children.

Had she even had a clue about how horrid it was to lose six infants in various stages of pregnancy, trying to start a family, and completely given up on the notion after about nine years, she might have considered further before offering such an opinion of me. The odds which my wife and I beat in bringing forth two "perfect"  children are astounding to imagine.

It is for this reason, her thinking that she could freely dis' my children that I had no qualms about calling her a drywell.

Incidentally,  I agree with the both of you.   No one has a free license to attack another ones children!

The end.

I think I remember this person and I also had a similar opinion of them after that particular outburst.  The stupid thing is that the person was probably just trying to wound someone and said the words that they thought would hurt most.  To me, that says something about them.  Obviously, they were just too sensitive to be here, but I think that there was a lot of mean-spiritedness in saying something like that to autistic parents.  

Who are "they?"    

I was making a single reference to a single incident involving a single person who I had tried to "befriend"  on this site, early in my stay.

I carefully used "they" to try to avoid using the person's gender, but I'm pretty sure we are thinking about the same person.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on July 09, 2010, 09:52:51 PM
I can't remember her name, but I believe she was one of the people from AFF who was too sensitive to be here.

Seems like you need to straddle a fine line of sensitivity to belong here.  ::)

I don't think you need to straddle a fine line of sensitivity to know that attacking someone's young child is going to piss them off.

I didn't think so either.

The initial (and absolutely immediate) abandonment of my attempted "friendship"  with another poster from a couple of yeas ago, was begun at the start of her telling me that I did not deserve to have my children.

Had she even had a clue about how horrid it was to lose six infants in various stages of pregnancy, trying to start a family, and completely given up on the notion after about nine years, she might have considered further before offering such an opinion of me. The odds which my wife and I beat in bringing forth two "perfect"  children are astounding to imagine.

It is for this reason, her thinking that she could freely dis' my children that I had no qualms about calling her a drywell.

Incidentally,  I agree with the both of you.   No one has a free license to attack another ones children!

The end.

I think I remember this person and I also had a similar opinion of them after that particular outburst.  The stupid thing is that the person was probably just trying to wound someone and said the words that they thought would hurt most.  To me, that says something about them.  Obviously, they were just too sensitive to be here, but I think that there was a lot of mean-spiritedness in saying something like that to autistic parents.  

Who are "they?"    

I was making a single reference to a single incident involving a single person who I had tried to "befriend"  on this site, early in my stay.

I carefully used "they" to try to avoid using the person's gender, but I'm pretty sure we are thinking about the same person.

Graelwyn, right?


Why did you feel it necessary to protect or hide  or "avoid using" her gender, or worse yet, consider that her gender was in any way relevant?

I was purposefully being a little vague in order avoid using her name (an effort which you have negated) while dropping sufficient crumbs for a search engine to choke on for those truly interested in finding out more of her ways.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on July 09, 2010, 09:53:40 PM

Never mind. No need to answer.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 10, 2010, 01:30:55 AM
I thought maybe I should have PMed you with her name instead of posting it.  I was being vague with the gender to avoid identifying her, but looking back at your post, you used her gender so my not using it was pointless.  I could delete her name from my post and you can delete it from yours if you want to go back to being vague.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Al Swearegen on July 10, 2010, 02:14:48 AM
Hey Callaway. Big hugs. You tap dancing yet?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on July 10, 2010, 02:28:22 AM
Hey Callaway. Big hugs. You tap dancing yet?

Thanks, but no, I'm still not tap dancing yet.

We went to the Boston area and to New York City for our daughter's break from school and we saw some sights in both places, though.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on July 10, 2010, 03:56:18 PM
Talking shit about peoples children is easier online because it involves fewer asskickings.

He'd never dared to say anything like what he did to my face. I'm not a violent person but I would have floored him.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on July 10, 2010, 06:20:45 PM
Talking shit about peoples children is easier online because it involves fewer asskickings.

He'd never dared to say anything like what he did to my face. I'm not a violent person but I would have floored him.
:indeed: People have limits.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: vodz on July 21, 2010, 02:35:26 AM

I very much doubt that odeon. You could prove me wrong and post a picture of yourself posing with shirt off and judo medals.
Of course, you're gonna stay in hiding.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on July 21, 2010, 04:01:12 PM

I very much doubt that odeon. You could prove me wrong and post a picture of yourself posing with shirt off and judo medals.
Of course, you're gonna stay in hiding.

What would a picture prove, vodzy? Believe what you want; I suspect most fathers here know about this sort of thing.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on July 22, 2010, 06:47:07 PM

I very much doubt that odeon. You could prove me wrong and post a picture of yourself posing with shirt off and judo medals.
Of course, you're gonna stay in hiding.

What would a picture prove, vodzy? Believe what you want; I suspect most fathers here know about this sort of thing.

... and some of us have actually had to put down an attacker or two.  He may not understand how it is with the protective instinct that comes with parenthood.

Vodz, I wish you at least one child that you never have to protect beyond keeping "it "  from killing "itself!!"

Dude,   :smashviolin:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on July 23, 2010, 12:33:59 PM
It's a very strong instinct and one that I was very surprised to learn that I had.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on August 03, 2010, 10:09:12 PM
Have you been to Paris Callaway? If not, has odeon's trip caused you to consider going?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 04, 2010, 12:36:58 AM
No, I have never been to Paris, but I would love to go there.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: skyblue1 on August 05, 2010, 05:20:34 PM
do you live near any of the gas wells?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on August 05, 2010, 05:34:26 PM
What inspired that question?

Note: Question not for Callaway.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: skyblue1 on August 05, 2010, 06:13:22 PM
documentary , Gaslands
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 05, 2010, 10:48:37 PM
do you live near any of the gas wells?

I don't know of any gas wells I live near.  I live somewhat near some oil wells, but we don't drink well water here.  We drink mountain spring water and I don't think I could catch it on fire like that guy did in the video on their website.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Parts on August 05, 2010, 10:54:02 PM
Did you know that they tried using nuclear bombs to fracture the rock to increasing gas production at on point in western Colorado :zombiefuck:  The did it in NM too
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 06, 2010, 12:36:06 AM
Did you know that they tried using nuclear bombs to fracture the rock to increasing gas production at on point in western Colorado :zombiefuck:  The did it in NM too

Yes, I knew that.  The gas they released with the nuclear bomb was too radioactive to use, though.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: skyblue1 on August 06, 2010, 06:38:26 AM
never heard of that.  I am glad your home is safe for now
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 06, 2010, 10:02:30 AM
never heard of that.  I am glad your home is safe for now

Thanks.  Here's a link to an article about using a nuclear bomb in 1969 to get gas out of rock in Colorado:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: skyblue1 on August 06, 2010, 10:29:35 AM
thanks for the link . that was an interesting read
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Parts on August 06, 2010, 10:51:59 AM
They tried useing the bomb for peaceful uses. Look up operation plowshare  I love all things atomic for some reason
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: skyblue1 on August 06, 2010, 02:36:25 PM
if  it wasnt for that darn radioactivity :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on August 06, 2010, 07:34:37 PM
They tried useing the bomb for peaceful uses. Look up operation plowshare  I love all things atomic for some reason
The weak force and the strong force rock.  :headbang2: Personally I like electromagnetism too.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on August 07, 2010, 01:35:50 PM
They tried useing the bomb for peaceful uses. Look up operation plowshare  I love all things atomic for some reason

Me too. Always did, for some reason.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: RageBeoulve on August 19, 2010, 09:42:06 AM
Us american folks call at shit yella cake. Common as gunbullets round here.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: The_Chosen_One on September 02, 2010, 05:08:26 PM
Us american folks call at shit yella cake. Common as gunbullets round here.

So do we. And some wanted to export it to China and other places.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Queen Victoria on September 02, 2010, 11:08:07 PM
If you could be any historical figure which one and why?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on September 03, 2010, 12:11:50 PM
If you could be any historical figure which one and why?

There are several historical figures I admire, such as Albert Einstein, Marie and Pierre Curie, Thomas Edison, Leonardo DaVinci, Queen Elizabeth, and Queen Victoria.

However, I don't think that I would like to actually have been any of them.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on September 03, 2010, 07:12:38 PM
If you could be an obscure not at all famous person not in the anals of history who would it be?  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on September 03, 2010, 08:17:11 PM
If you could be an obscure not at all famous person not in the anals of history who would it be?  :zoinks:

I think I'll stick with just being me.  I'm obscure and not at all famous.


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: The_Chosen_One on September 03, 2010, 09:54:08 PM
Do you follow any sport?

Australian Rules football, perhaps?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on September 03, 2010, 10:04:41 PM
Do you follow any sport?

Australian Rules football, perhaps?

Not really.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on September 03, 2010, 10:16:23 PM
If you could be an obscure not at all famous person not in the anals of history who would it be?  :zoinks:

I think I'll stick with just being me.  I'm obscure and not at all famous.


No, that is a weak answer, according to my nine year old daughter when she forces this game upon me.

"This the most powerful   (edit:  not "powerful."   Sorry, I often confuse that word with, "magic."  She actually says this is a "magic and fun" game) and fun game of all; a simple game of "What If?"   How can you possibly think the way you do and still not play this fun game with me?"

Her words.

Every day, I gain more respect for her wisdom.

Now, dazzle us with your answer, please.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Queen Victoria on September 06, 2010, 04:09:28 PM
Do you prefer somber colors or lighter colors?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on September 06, 2010, 04:55:45 PM
Do you prefer somber colors or lighter colors?

Depends on what's appropriate for the occasion, but I usually prefer lighter colors.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: richard on September 08, 2010, 09:15:01 PM
callaway have you been back to the maroon bells? omg i want to live in colorado your so lucky, i went a few years back and loved it. aspen colorado is expencive though and i probably wouldnt be able to afford it. im more of a ouray or steamboat springs kindof guy
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on September 08, 2010, 09:28:02 PM
callaway have you been back to the maroon bells? omg i want to live in colorado your so lucky, i went a few years back and loved it. aspen colorado is expencive though and i probably wouldnt be able to afford it. im more of a ouray or steamboat springs kindof guy

I haven't been there in a long time, but I would love to go back there.

Have you heard about the wildfire in Colorado?,0,486835.story

We're getting smoke from it, but thankfully we aren't near enough to be in any real danger from it.

The pine beetles have killed a lot of pine trees which were brown and dead and still standing, so I think that may be why this fire is particularly bad.  Also, there were bad winds Monday morning in Fourmile Canyon where it started, which kept the slurry bombers which could have helped fight the fire grounded.

There was a little rain this afternoon, so I hope that helps the firefighters.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: richard on September 08, 2010, 09:37:52 PM
yes, i've heard of the fires. i used t talk to this guy who compaired boulder to flagstaff if you can believe that :laugh:
the barkbeatle has done damage here aswell, and there was a fire called the shultz pass fire that because of it flooded my moms house. i had to get a shot for hepatitis A/B because the water went through the dump and had all the chemicals they spayed on the fire. and i was in it moving all of my moms shit, its over now but i still need to get 2 more hep A/B shots but theres been some drama there aswell. i hope those fires are put out soon because it just eats away all the beautiful sceanery
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Queen Victoria on September 27, 2010, 04:13:07 PM
If you could be an obscure not at all famous person not in the anals of history who would it be?  :zoinks:

Did anyone notice that it should be  annals of history, not anals of history? 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on September 27, 2010, 04:24:31 PM
If you could be an obscure not at all famous person not in the anals of history who would it be?  :zoinks:

Did anyone notice that it should be  annals of history, not anals of history? 

No, takes a Victorian Lady like you to focus on that.  :asthing:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 20, 2010, 08:41:49 PM
See a new color in the list of names, a light blue. What's that?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 20, 2010, 09:22:41 PM
See a new color in the list of names, a light blue. What's that?

Was that Rage?  He's the Newsbox Slave, but Bint picked the color when she was the Newsbox Slave some time ago.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on October 20, 2010, 10:41:56 PM
What do all the colors mean?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: "couldbecousin" on October 21, 2010, 12:51:00 AM
See a new color in the list of names, a light blue. What's that?

Was that Rage?  He's the Newsbox Slave, but Bint picked the color when she was the Newsbox Slave some time ago.

Sorry to butt in, but maldorer's name appears in aqua, maybe that is the new color being referred to.  *curtsies and scoots out*   :)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Diesel on October 21, 2010, 02:09:53 PM
Who is pictured in your avatar, Callaway?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 21, 2010, 03:59:32 PM
See a new color in the list of names, a light blue. What's that?

Was that Rage?  He's the Newsbox Slave, but Bint picked the color when she was the Newsbox Slave some time ago.

Sorry to butt in, but maldorer's name appears in aqua, maybe that is the new color being referred to.  *curtsies and scoots out*   :)
Yes, but was thinking Tiffany box blue.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 21, 2010, 04:44:21 PM
See a new color in the list of names, a light blue. What's that?

Was that Rage?  He's the Newsbox Slave, but Bint picked the color when she was the Newsbox Slave some time ago.

Sorry to butt in, but maldorer's name appears in aqua, maybe that is the new color being referred to.  *curtsies and scoots out*   :)

Maldoror and a couple other members are still in the SUPPORTAR!!!1 group which Dunc made to parody Alex's special WP Supporter groups.  The color in the online list is a sort of aqua and they get this lovely sign instead of stars:

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 21, 2010, 04:51:08 PM
What do all the colors mean?

For the colors in the online list, red means admin, one shade of blue means webmaster, another shade of blue means Newsbox Slave, aqua means SUPPORTAR!!!1, purple means Modulator, purpllish mauve means Elder, back when we had Karma-Free, the color was green, and black means no special usergroup assigned.  What colors have I missed?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: richard on October 21, 2010, 04:51:17 PM
unfortunelty i am in that group at wp. do you have any more kids besides your daughter?

do you have any pets?

sorry i hope these arent too personal.  :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 21, 2010, 04:53:03 PM
Who is pictured in your avatar, Callaway?

It's a picture I found which reminded me of a portrait someone drew of me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 21, 2010, 04:59:38 PM
unfortunelty i am in that group at wp. do you have any more kids besides your daughter?

do you have any pets?

sorry i hope these arent too personal.  :P

She is my only child and we have two goldfish for pets.  My daughter and husband are allergic to dogs and cats.  We used to have a rabbit before we had her and while she was a baby, but he died of heatstroke when we were moving here.  It was August, very hot, and the air conditioners broke in both of the moving trucks we were using.  We tried misting him with water to keep him cool but he just couldn't handle the heat. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on October 21, 2010, 05:00:31 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: richard on October 21, 2010, 05:03:15 PM
rabbits are the cutest thing ever! thats terrible.  :(

edit: sorry, i guess those were durr questions now that i think about it. i usually dont think before i type  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 21, 2010, 05:03:26 PM
Maldoror and a couple other members are still in the SUPPORTAR!!!1 group which Dunc made to parody Alex's special WP Supporter groups.  The color in the online list is a sort of aqua and they get this lovely sign instead of stars:
A parody? Does that mean it's a joke, or does this site have member support?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 21, 2010, 05:34:37 PM
rabbits are the cutest thing ever! thats terrible.  :(

how many bedrooms do you have in your house?

do you have a pool?

what kind of furniture do you have?

We have four bedrooms, but the one that used to be my daughter's nursery is my sewing room.

We have different kinds of furniture, but I like real solid wood that's not painted over for tables and chairs and stuff like that. 

We have a quarter-sawn oak antique washstand near the front door.

We have furniture that looks like Victorian in our living room, but it's not antique.

The master bedroom has oak Mission style furniture and our daughter's room has a loft bed with a computer desk and a trundle bed and a storage area that she calls a playhouse underneath.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 21, 2010, 05:36:54 PM
Maldoror and a couple other members are still in the SUPPORTAR!!!1 group which Dunc made to parody Alex's special WP Supporter groups.  The color in the online list is a sort of aqua and they get this lovely sign instead of stars:
A parody? Does that mean it's a joke, or does this site have member support?

As far as I know, none of the members of the SUPPORTAR!!!1 group actually sent Dunc any money.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 21, 2010, 06:51:52 PM
Got it. Thanks, Callaway.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: "couldbecousin" on October 21, 2010, 08:50:18 PM
What do all the colors mean?

For the colors in the online list, red means admin, one shade of blue means webmaster, another shade of blue means Newsbox Slave, aqua means SUPPORTAR!!!1, purple means Modulator, purpllish mauve means Elder, back when we had Karma-Free, the color was green, and black means no special usergroup assigned.  What colors have I missed?

Orange means newsbox feature!  :2thumbsup:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: "couldbecousin" on October 21, 2010, 08:51:15 PM
What do all the colors mean?


The answer is farther up the page.  :viking:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 21, 2010, 09:23:18 PM
What do all the colors mean?



Did you mean the color of the stars instead?

Here's where I answered about the colors in the online list:

What do all the colors mean?

For the colors in the online list, red means admin, one shade of blue means webmaster, another shade of blue means Newsbox Slave, aqua means SUPPORTAR!!!1, purple means Modulator, purpllish mauve means Elder, back when we had Karma-Free, the color was green, and black means no special usergroup assigned.  What colors have I missed?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on October 21, 2010, 09:26:51 PM
What do all the colors mean?



Did you mean the color of the stars instead?

Here's where I answered about the colors in the online list:

What do all the colors mean?

For the colors in the online list, red means admin, one shade of blue means webmaster, another shade of blue means Newsbox Slave, aqua means SUPPORTAR!!!1, purple means Modulator, purpllish mauve means Elder, back when we had Karma-Free, the color was green, and black means no special usergroup assigned.  What colors have I missed?
Were you aware that mauve was a color assigned to a particularly dangerous man by a sinister government group in the book Shibumi by Trevanian? I remember that because I had never heard of mauve when I read the book.  :duh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 21, 2010, 09:30:04 PM
What do all the colors mean?



Did you mean the color of the stars instead?

Here's where I answered about the colors in the online list:

What do all the colors mean?

For the colors in the online list, red means admin, one shade of blue means webmaster, another shade of blue means Newsbox Slave, aqua means SUPPORTAR!!!1, purple means Modulator, purpllish mauve means Elder, back when we had Karma-Free, the color was green, and black means no special usergroup assigned.  What colors have I missed?
Were you aware that mauve was a color assigned to a particularly dangerous man by a sinister government group in the book Shibumi by Trevanian? I remember that because I had never heard of mauve when I read the book.  :duh:


I did not know that.

I changed the color from the standard purple because there are a few people using themes with black backgrounds and purple text doesn't show up well against black.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: "couldbecousin" on October 21, 2010, 09:30:18 PM
What do all the colors mean?



Did you mean the color of the stars instead?

Here's where I answered about the colors in the online list:

What do all the colors mean?

For the colors in the online list, red means admin, one shade of blue means webmaster, another shade of blue means Newsbox Slave, aqua means SUPPORTAR!!!1, purple means Modulator, purpllish mauve means Elder, back when we had Karma-Free, the color was green, and black means no special usergroup assigned.  What colors have I missed?
Were you aware that mauve was a color assigned to a particularly dangerous man by a sinister government group in the book Shibumi by Trevanian? I remember that because I had never heard of mauve when I read the book.  :duh:

Mauve also seems to be a favorite color for doctors' offices and waiting rooms, just my own traumatized observation of course.   :hide:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on October 21, 2010, 09:31:54 PM
What do all the colors mean?



Did you mean the color of the stars instead?

Here's where I answered about the colors in the online list:

What do all the colors mean?

For the colors in the online list, red means admin, one shade of blue means webmaster, another shade of blue means Newsbox Slave, aqua means SUPPORTAR!!!1, purple means Modulator, purpllish mauve means Elder, back when we had Karma-Free, the color was green, and black means no special usergroup assigned.  What colors have I missed?
Were you aware that mauve was a color assigned to a particularly dangerous man by a sinister government group in the book Shibumi by Trevanian? I remember that because I had never heard of mauve when I read the book.  :duh:

Mauve also seems to be a favorite color for doctors' offices and waiting rooms, just my own traumatized observation of course.   :hide:
Do you have a fear of Drs offices?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on October 22, 2010, 06:21:22 PM
Maldoror and a couple other members are still in the SUPPORTAR!!!1 group which Dunc made to parody Alex's special WP Supporter groups.  The color in the online list is a sort of aqua and they get this lovely sign instead of stars:
A parody? Does that mean it's a joke, or does this site have member support?

No support. It was a parody of what WP had.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 24, 2010, 12:25:36 AM
What do all the colors mean?

For the colors in the online list, red means admin, one shade of blue means webmaster, another shade of blue means Newsbox Slave, aqua means SUPPORTAR!!!1, purple means Modulator, purpllish mauve means Elder, back when we had Karma-Free, the color was green, and black means no special usergroup assigned.  What colors have I missed?

Orange means newsbox feature!  :2thumbsup:

Right.  Thanks :)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Squidusa on November 08, 2010, 05:34:38 PM
Did you gain any amount of pleasure when you temp-banned Razortwunt?  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on November 08, 2010, 06:02:13 PM
Is he temp banned? What did I miss?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 08, 2010, 06:19:44 PM
Did you gain any amount of pleasure when you temp-banned Razortwunt?  :zoinks:

No, not really.  I just hope that he finally gets the point and stops posting videos in the shoutbox and that he doesn't post child porn when his temporary ban expires.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Squidusa on November 08, 2010, 06:22:06 PM
Did you gain any amount of pleasure when you temp-banned Razortwunt?  :zoinks:

No, not really.  I just hope that he finally gets the point and stops posting videos in the shoutbox and that he doesn't post child porn when his temporary ban expires.

lol you're too nice  :P

But yeah hopefully he'll learn from it..... if he doesn't it proves he really has nothing inside that skull.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 08, 2010, 06:28:03 PM
Is he temp banned? What did I miss?

Yes, he is.  You may have missed the repeated posting of videos in the shoutbox despite being warned several times not to.

Some of these videos in the shoutbox were deleted and some were moved out of the shoutbox by members posting a lot of smileys or chatting there.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on November 08, 2010, 06:36:40 PM
Is he temp banned? What did I miss?

Yes, he is.  You may have missed the repeated posting of videos in the shoutbox despite being warned several times not to.

Some of these videos in the shoutbox were deleted and some were moved out of the shoutbox by members posting a lot of smileys or chatting there.
Yes. See one in there now. Don't ever use the chatbox, so rarely think to read it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on November 10, 2010, 03:20:33 PM
I very much doubt he'll learn anything.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Charlotte Quin on November 19, 2010, 01:24:48 AM
What do all the colors mean?

For the colors in the online list, red means admin, one shade of blue means webmaster, another shade of blue means Newsbox Slave, aqua means SUPPORTAR!!!1, purple means Modulator, purpllish mauve means Elder, back when we had Karma-Free, the color was green, and black means no special usergroup assigned.  What colors have I missed?

Orange means newsbox feature!  :2thumbsup:

How does one end up being a newsbox feature?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on November 19, 2010, 02:26:10 AM
By doing something newsworthy. N00ds are a good start. :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Semicolon on December 16, 2010, 11:39:28 PM
To Callaway (or anyone who knows the answer):

Who is the current modulator of the "My Way or the Highway" forum? What are the rules that that modulator has set?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 17, 2010, 01:40:14 AM
To Callaway (or anyone who knows the answer):

Who is the current modulator of the "My Way or the Highway" forum? What are the rules that that modulator has set?

It's currently Steve-O, but Steve-O's not been active here lately because his internet access is not very good right now.

As for the rules, I guess it's just that anyone who posts there can have their posts messed with at the modulator's whim, whatever that may be.

Why?  Are you volunteering to actually make up some rules for the My Way or the Highway forum?

That could be fun.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on December 17, 2010, 01:42:37 AM
We definitely need a new modulator. :orly:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Semicolon on December 17, 2010, 09:24:49 AM
TO ALL WHO RESIDE IN THE REALM OF INTENSITY SQUARED: Let it be resolved that on this, the seventeenth day of December in the year of the Lord two thousand and ten, that the following suggestions have been submitted by the Right Honorable Semicolon for consideration as the new rules of the forum hereafter referred to as "My Way or the Highway".

Rule #1 (The Prime Directive): There shall be no rational argument whatsoever allowed on this forum. A few rational points or assumptions may be allowed, but it is expected that the bulk of the argument of any post shall consist of ad hominem attacks, logical fallacies and/or patent untruths. Any other method of argument that is not rational persuasion may be allowed at the modulator's discretion.

      Corollary #1: Godwin's Law does not apply to the "My Way or the Highway" forum.

Rule #2:The modulator is free to implement a system of points to score posts, in the style of "Who's Line is it Anyway?" All point values shall be determined solely at the modulator's discretion, and there shall be no appeal. Disagreeing with the modulator is automatically worth negative one million points. At any time, the modulator can lock a thread and declare a winner of an argument based on accumulated point values. The modulator does not have to score any posts if he/she does not want to or is simply lazy.

Rule #3: There shall be no pictures of airplanes posted on any thread that is not specifically about airplanes. This rule also applies to videos of metal songs (if the word "song" can actually be applied to metal).

Rule #4: The modulator has the right to edit any post because it does not comply with the rules. The modulator can also edit any post for clarity. The definition of "clarity" is left to the discretion of the modulator, to be decided on a case-by-case basis.

      Corollary #2: If the modulator edits a post for clarity, the modulator should note that that post was edited for clarity.

Rule #5: Every post shall contain effusive praise of the member known as Semicolon. The phrase "Semicolon is awesome" is sufficient to satisfy this requirement. This requirement may be relaxed if the thread being posted on is specifically about how awesome Semicolon is.

The Right Honorable Semicolon humbly asks the body of the esteemed membership of Intensity Squared to enter these rules into consideration.

These rules have been duly recorded and set down by my hand on this, the seventeenth day of December in the year of the Lord two thousand and ten.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 17, 2010, 11:23:49 AM
TO ALL WHO RESIDE IN THE REALM OF INTENSITY SQUARED: Let it be resolved that on this, the seventeenth day of December in the year of the Lord two thousand and ten, that the following suggestions have been submitted by the Right Honorable Semicolon for consideration as the new rules of the forum hereafter referred to as "My Way or the Highway".

Rule #1 (The Prime Directive): There shall be no rational argument whatsoever allowed on this forum. A few rational points or assumptions may be allowed, but it is expected that the bulk of the argument of any post shall consist of ad hominem attacks, logical fallacies and/or patent untruths. Any other method of argument that is not rational persuasion may be allowed at the modulator's discretion.

      Corollary #1: Godwin's Law does not apply to the "My Way or the Highway" forum.

Rule #2:The modulator is free to implement a system of points to score posts, in the style of "Who's Line is it Anyway?" All point values shall be determined solely at the modulator's discretion, and there shall be no appeal. Disagreeing with the modulator is automatically worth negative one million points. At any time, the modulator can lock a thread and declare a winner of an argument based on accumulated point values. The modulator does not have to score any posts if he/she does not want to or is simply lazy.

Rule #3: There shall be no pictures of airplanes posted on any thread that is not specifically about airplanes. This rule also applies to videos of metal songs (if the word "song" can actually be applied to metal).

Rule #4: The modulator has the right to edit any post because it does not comply with the rules. The modulator can also edit any post for clarity. The definition of "clarity" is left to the discretion of the modulator, to be decided on a case-by-case basis.

      Corollary #2: If the modulator edits a post for clarity, the modulator should note that that post was edited for clarity.

Rule #5: Every post shall contain effusive praise of the member known as Semicolon. The phrase "Semicolon is awesome" is sufficient to satisfy this requirement. This requirement may be relaxed if the thread being posted on is specifically about how awesome Semicolon is.

The Right Honorable Semicolon humbly asks the body of the esteemed membership of Intensity Squared to enter these rules into consideration.

These rules have been duly recorded and set down by my hand on this, the seventeenth day of December in the year of the Lord two thousand and ten.

These sound great.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: richard on December 17, 2010, 01:27:11 PM
i dont think i'll ever post in that forum
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on December 18, 2010, 08:28:47 AM
Why not?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: richard on December 18, 2010, 11:48:57 AM
The idea of someone else being able to contol my posts there doesnt rub me right.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 18, 2010, 01:27:00 PM
The idea of someone else being able to contol my posts there doesnt rub me right.

But on a moderated forum like WP, any of the moderators can control your posts anywhere, anytime.

Here, it is restricted to just the one forum and it's just for laughs.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: richard on December 20, 2010, 11:55:25 AM
I understand. but when i go to a forum like Wp i know what to expect there.
 i thought this place was supose to be different. In any case maybe i'm just to serious
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 20, 2010, 12:06:24 PM
I understand. but when i go to a forum like Wp i know what to expect there.
 i thought this place was supose to be different. In any case maybe i'm just to serious

I think you are taking the My Way or the Highway forum more seriously than some other people are taking it.

I think one of the ideas in making the one forum was to have something that maybe parodied WP just for laughs.

So far as I remember, we haven't had a Sinsboldly, a Mr Mark, or a Qatermass parody in there yet, though.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on December 20, 2010, 04:13:14 PM
Even though all of those were suggested. :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: richard on December 20, 2010, 08:25:34 PM
I think you are taking the My Way or the Highway forum more seriously than some other people are taking it.
Is that Okay?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 20, 2010, 09:45:33 PM
I think you are taking the My Way or the Highway forum more seriously than some other people are taking it.
Is that Okay?

I guess it's OK, but I think if you take something seriously when it's meant jokingly you could be offended or your feelings could be hurt.

By the way, I like your new avatar.  I think you should keep it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: richard on December 20, 2010, 10:11:02 PM
Or i just dont want the wrong people to look at my information.
 I can take a joke, besides this website has too many bugs so i cant risk it!  >:D
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 20, 2010, 10:13:30 PM
Or i just dont want the wrong people to look at my information.
 I can take a joke, besides this website has too many bugs so i cant risk it!  >:D

The Modulators here can't see your personal information like your IP address, for example.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on December 21, 2010, 06:45:21 AM
Or i just dont want the wrong people to look at my information.
 I can take a joke, besides this website has too many bugs so i cant risk it!  >:D

Don't worry about the bugs. I just sold your personal information to an e-business.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: richard on December 21, 2010, 10:39:37 AM
I have been getting alot of phon calls that i dont recognize >:D
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 21, 2010, 11:47:18 AM
I have been getting alot of phon calls that i dont recognize >:D

I used to get those too, especially in September and October before the election.  I had recently gotten caller ID and was able to Google the untraceable phone numbers on most of the missed calls to find out that they were political survey takers who make "push polls" which say something negative and usually unprovable about a candidate, like for example, "If you knew that some people are saying that the candidate Ms. X is a practicing Wiccan, would that make you more or less likely to vote for her in the election on November 2?"  It would be a subtle way of trying to influence the voters by saying things most people would consider negative about the opponents of the candidate the people paying for the "push poll" favored.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: "couldbecousin" on December 22, 2010, 03:27:11 AM
I bought 9V batteries for my smoke alarms the other day, and accidentally stored them in the freezer!  :duh:  Will they still work OK?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on December 22, 2010, 05:47:42 AM
I bought 9V batteries for my smoke alarms the other day, and accidentally stored them in the freezer!  :duh:  Will they still work OK?

There's only one way to find out. They will probably be OK.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on December 22, 2010, 06:00:53 AM
Yes, they will be fine.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 22, 2010, 06:41:07 AM
I would thaw them and bring them up to room temperature before putting them into the smoke detectors, though.  If they are still sealed in the package, that will probably prevent external condensation on the batteries from moisture in the air as they warm up. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on December 22, 2010, 07:01:00 AM
I would thaw them and bring them up to room temperature before putting them into the smoke detectors, though.  If they are still sealed in the package, that will probably prevent external condensation on the batteries from moisture in the air as they warm up. 

Good point, will prevent corrosion inside the smoke detector happening.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: "couldbecousin" on December 22, 2010, 07:39:36 AM
I would thaw them and bring them up to room temperature before putting them into the smoke detectors, though.  If they are still sealed in the package, that will probably prevent external condensation on the batteries from moisture in the air as they warm up. 

Good point, will prevent corrosion inside the smoke detector happening.

Ah, I never even thought of that! Yes, they are still sealed. What happened is that the bagger at the supermarket put them in the same
plastic bag with my pints of ice cream, and I put the bag of ice cream away without noticing the batteries were in there too.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on December 22, 2010, 04:13:16 PM
Yes, they will be fine.

You probably know that it mostly depends upon the type of batteries in question.

At room temperature some batteries regain their potential, after being exposed to extreme low temperatures; some do not.

If frozen, zinc/alkaline batteries are often useless after a short time in service. I would not put them in a kind of security device, anyway. Use lithium batteries in your security devices, please.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on December 22, 2010, 04:46:20 PM
Yes, they will be fine.

You probably know that it mostly depends upon the type of batteries in question.

At room temperature some batteries regain their potential, after being exposed to extreme low temperatures; some do not.

If frozen, zinc/alkaline batteries are often useless after a short time in service. I would not put them in a kind of security device, anyway. Use lithium batteries in your security devices, please.

Yes, I know. Most likely the 9V batteries will fine.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: "couldbecousin" on December 23, 2010, 03:01:26 AM
Yes, they will be fine.

You probably know that it mostly depends upon the type of batteries in question.

At room temperature some batteries regain their potential, after being exposed to extreme low temperatures; some do not.

[If frozen, zinc/alkaline batteries are often useless after a short time in service. I would not put them in a kind of security device, anyway. Use lithium batteries in your security devices, please.

Thanks, I have to check the package now to see what kind they are!  :thumbup:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Semicolon on December 23, 2010, 09:38:55 AM
For future reference, the quickest ways of thawing out batteries are throwing them into a fire or microwaving them. Try those first.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: "couldbecousin" on December 23, 2010, 09:49:45 AM
For future reference, the quickest ways of thawing out batteries are throwing them into a fire or microwaving them. Try those first.  :zoinks:

I sure am glad I have access to teh intarwebz! There's so much good advice here!  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Semicolon on December 23, 2010, 09:59:42 AM
For future reference, the quickest ways of thawing out batteries are throwing them into a fire or microwaving them. Try those first.  :zoinks:

I sure am glad I have access to teh intarwebz! There's so much good advice here!  :zoinks:

Praises to Al Gore for his glorious achievement! All your base are belong to us. It's OVER 9000! Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down... This is madness. LEEEEEEROY JENKINS!

The internet is filled with useful information.  :2thumbsup:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Zippo on December 23, 2010, 10:30:26 AM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on December 23, 2010, 04:12:16 PM
For future reference, the quickest ways of thawing out batteries are throwing them into a fire or microwaving them. Try those first.  :zoinks:

Ah, but within which liquid should you sink those batteries if you are going to create an explosion?

(I am fully certain that Tig would know this one and can probably describe the process in great detail, even show the relative internal temperature that the batteries must reach before the chemical reaction begins, along with explaining why the liquid must be colder than room temperature, if it is to create an explosion rather than a stink bomb - LoL!!)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on December 31, 2010, 01:57:38 PM
What do you think of Ozzy Fudd Rabbit Slayer? (
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on December 31, 2010, 02:02:12 PM

I think it's a funny and cool YouTube.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on January 12, 2011, 08:51:19 PM
Why is that guest doing nothing I can see?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on January 12, 2011, 09:00:12 PM
Nevermind; they're not doing it anymore.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 12, 2011, 09:33:17 PM
Why is that guest doing nothing I can see?

I can't see them doing it right now, but if someone was logged in and doing something that isn't in the list of things that are logged, then they are doing "nothing or nothing that you can see".  If they then time out on their login session, they show up as a guest in the online list before they disappear from it entirely.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 12, 2011, 09:41:34 PM
OK, I just saw it.  I tracked down the IP address and it was a Yahoo web crawler.  I'm not sure what actions may be taken by guests that aren't listed, but it must have been doing one of those actions.

IP Country: United States
IP Country Code: USA
IP Continent: North America
IP Region: California
Guessed City: Sunnyvale
IP Latitude: 37.4249
IP Longitude: -122.0074
Organization: YAHOO
ISP Provider: Yahoo!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Squidusa on January 13, 2011, 01:35:01 PM
OK, I just saw it.  I tracked down the IP address and it was a Yahoo web crawler.  I'm not sure what actions may be taken by guests that aren't listed, but it must have been doing one of those actions.

IP Country: United States
IP Country Code: USA
IP Continent: North America
IP Region: California
Guessed City: Sunnyvale
IP Latitude: 37.4249
IP Longitude: -122.0074
Organization: YAHOO
ISP Provider: Yahoo!

Yikes , iyour admin powers are scary  :zombiefuck:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 13, 2011, 02:39:45 PM
OK, I just saw it.  I tracked down the IP address and it was a Yahoo web crawler.  I'm not sure what actions may be taken by guests that aren't listed, but it must have been doing one of those actions.

IP Country: United States
IP Country Code: USA
IP Continent: North America
IP Region: California
Guessed City: Sunnyvale
IP Latitude: 37.4249
IP Longitude: -122.0074
Organization: YAHOO
ISP Provider: Yahoo!

Yikes , iyour admin powers are scary  :zombiefuck:

I left out the web crawler's actual IP address.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on January 14, 2011, 08:24:30 PM
OK, I just saw it.  I tracked down the IP address and it was a Yahoo web crawler.  I'm not sure what actions may be taken by guests that aren't listed, but it must have been doing one of those actions.

IP Country: United States
IP Country Code: USA
IP Continent: North America
IP Region: California
Guessed City: Sunnyvale
IP Latitude: 37.4249
IP Longitude: -122.0074
Organization: YAHOO
ISP Provider: Yahoo!

Sunnyvale is only about 70 miles from my place.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 14, 2011, 09:13:30 PM
OK, I just saw it.  I tracked down the IP address and it was a Yahoo web crawler.  I'm not sure what actions may be taken by guests that aren't listed, but it must have been doing one of those actions.

IP Country: United States
IP Country Code: USA
IP Continent: North America
IP Region: California
Guessed City: Sunnyvale
IP Latitude: 37.4249
IP Longitude: -122.0074
Organization: YAHOO
ISP Provider: Yahoo!

Sunnyvale is only about 70 miles from my place.

I used to live near there, in San Jose.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on January 15, 2011, 05:59:33 AM
Tracing a web crawler is not very meaningful in itself. I think Yahoo's got servers all over the US.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Squidusa on February 01, 2011, 01:41:05 PM
Are you part of the great admin conspiricaaaaaaaaaaaah?  :orly: :arrr:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 01, 2011, 01:45:58 PM
Are you part of the great admin conspiricaaaaaaaaaaaah?  :orly: :arrr:

Don't we already have a whole call-out devoted to this?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Squidusa on February 01, 2011, 01:48:24 PM
Are you part of the great admin conspiricaaaaaaaaaaaah?  :orly: :arrr:

Don't we already have a whole call-out devoted to this?

Oh I know I just couldn't think of anything to ask you  :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Semicolon on February 01, 2011, 01:52:23 PM
Are you part of the great admin conspiricaaaaaaaaaaaah?  :orly: :arrr:

Don't we already have a whole call-out devoted to this?

Oh I know I just couldn't think of anything to ask you  :laugh:


Good job, Soph.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Squidusa on February 01, 2011, 02:03:30 PM
Are you part of the great admin conspiricaaaaaaaaaaaah?  :orly: :arrr:

Don't we already have a whole call-out devoted to this?

Oh I know I just couldn't think of anything to ask you  :laugh:


Good job, Soph.

Oh lighten up.  ::)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on February 01, 2011, 02:06:02 PM
Semicolon gets a cock up his arse whenver anyone makes a post or a thread that doesn't liev up to his internet forum standards

(he'll probably point out I missed an E in "whenever" now :autism: )
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Squidusa on February 01, 2011, 02:08:18 PM
Semicolon gets a cock up his arse whenver anyone makes a post or a thread that doesn't liev up to his internet forum standards

(he'll probably point out I missed an E in "whenever" now :autism: )

Lol I noticed.

I like the guy personally , just think he's a bit condescending sometimes.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Semicolon on February 01, 2011, 03:39:55 PM
Semicolon gets a cock up his arse whenver anyone makes a post or a thread that doesn't liev up to his internet forum standards

(he'll probably point out I missed an E in "whenever" now :autism: )

You missed an "e" in "whenever". Also, you spelled "live" incorrectly.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Semicolon on February 01, 2011, 05:36:39 PM
Callaway: Why is your "ask away" thread sticky, while Odeon's is not?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 01, 2011, 06:20:39 PM
Callaway: Why is your "ask away" thread sticky, while Odeon's is not?

Because someone asked me to sticky it and it is not an "ask away" thread.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Semicolon on February 01, 2011, 06:26:09 PM
Callaway: Why is your "ask away" thread sticky, while Odeon's is not?

Because someone asked me to sticky it and it is not an "ask away" thread.

My mistake.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on February 01, 2011, 06:28:17 PM
Callaway: Why is your "ask away" thread sticky, while Odeon's is not?

Because someone asked me to sticky it and it is not an "ask away" thread.

My mistake.
I made the same mistake a couple of years ago. She hit me with her broom so I kept coming back.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 01, 2011, 06:30:57 PM
Callaway: Why is your "ask away" thread sticky, while Odeon's is not?

Because someone asked me to sticky it and it is not an "ask away" thread.

My mistake.
I made the same mistake a couple of years ago. She hit me with her broom so I kept coming back.  :zoinks:

I hit you with my broom?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on February 01, 2011, 06:57:08 PM
Callaway: Why is your "ask away" thread sticky, while Odeon's is not?

Because someone asked me to sticky it and it is not an "ask away" thread.

My mistake.
I made the same mistake a couple of years ago. She hit me with her broom so I kept coming back.  :zoinks:

I hit you with my broom?
I was exaggerating to make a point Callaway. You did think my question about Triste getting rebuked for posting in the wrong forum was serious.  :lol:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: "couldbecousin" on February 01, 2011, 06:59:30 PM
Callaway: Why is your "ask away" thread sticky, while Odeon's is not?

Because someone asked me to sticky it and it is not an "ask away" thread.

My mistake.
I made the same mistake a couple of years ago. She hit me with her broom so I kept coming back.  :zoinks:

So that's the secret, then? Hitting you with a broom?   :witch1:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on February 01, 2011, 07:00:48 PM
Callaway: Why is your "ask away" thread sticky, while Odeon's is not?

Because someone asked me to sticky it and it is not an "ask away" thread.

My mistake.
I made the same mistake a couple of years ago. She hit me with her broom so I kept coming back.  :zoinks:

So that's the secret, then? Hitting you with a broom?   :witch1:
:indeed: Just ask eris.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 01, 2011, 07:25:44 PM
Callaway: Why is your "ask away" thread sticky, while Odeon's is not?

Because someone asked me to sticky it and it is not an "ask away" thread.

My mistake.
I made the same mistake a couple of years ago. She hit me with her broom so I kept coming back.  :zoinks:

I hit you with my broom?
I was exaggerating to make a point Callaway. You did think my question about Triste getting rebuked for posting in the wrong forum was serious.  :lol:

I do tend to take things too seriously sometimes.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 02, 2011, 02:31:22 AM
Callaway: Why is your "ask away" thread sticky, while Odeon's is not?

My answers aren't as interesting. :orly:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on February 02, 2011, 05:21:39 PM
There is a term upon the tip of my tongue and I can not yet taste it.  I need your help to find it.

I would simply stick my tongue out and allow you to read it off the tip, except that one of these newbies would probably sit immediately upon my tongue and rotate or gyrate or something while you were trying to read it.

It is the word we use (well, obviously not we "less capable,"  but YOU chemistry interested well-studied types, mostly) to describe what happens when solidly frozen water/ice turns into pure water vapor without making the transition to liquid first.

I saw a huge cloud of fog from this effect in the setting sun, around four PM, creating a vortex of rising vapor directly transformed from a field of pure ice, and taking on the colors of the setting sun ...

... anyway, I was speechless, because the word escaped me and my artistic speech had to take over and satisfy those I was with in company, just before I sat down to try to interact with the forum, actually.

Enough of the time line.

My simple question is:

can you tell me the name of that simple word i should have used?.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: "couldbecousin" on February 02, 2011, 05:22:32 PM

There is a term upon the tip of my tongue and I can not yet taste it.  I need you help to find it.

It is the word we use (well, obviously not we "less capable,"  but YOU chemistry interested well-studied types, mostly) to describe what happens when solidly frozen water/ice turns into pure water vapor without making the transition to liquid first.

I saw a huge cloud of fog from this effect in the setting sun, around four PM, creating a vortex of rising vapor directly transformed from a field of pure ice, and taking on the colors of the setting sun ...

... anyway, I was speechless, because the word escaped me and my artistic speech had to take over and satisfy those I was with in compan just before I sat down to try to interact with the forum, actually.

Enough of the timeline.

My simple question is:

can you tell me the name of that simple word i should have used?.

Evaporate?   :orly:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Semicolon on February 02, 2011, 05:25:43 PM

There is a term upon the tip of my tongue and I can not yet taste it.  I need you help to find it.

It is the word we use (well, obviously not we "less capable,"  but YOU chemistry interested well-studied types, mostly) to describe what happens when solidly frozen water/ice turns into pure water vapor without making the transition to liquid first.

I saw a huge cloud of fog from this effect in the setting sun, around four PM, creating a vortex of rising vapor directly transformed from a field of pure ice, and taking on the colors of the setting sun ...

... anyway, I was speechless, because the word escaped me and my artistic speech had to take over and satisfy those I was with in compan just before I sat down to try to interact with the forum, actually.

Enough of the timeline.

My simple question is:

can you tell me the name of that simple word i should have used?.

Evaporate?   :orly:

No. Sublimation is the word you are looking for.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Semicolon on February 02, 2011, 05:27:47 PM

Quote from: Wikipedia
Sublimation is the transition of a substance from the solid phase to the gas phase without passing through an intermediate liquid phase. Sublimation is an endothermic phase transition that occurs at temperatures and pressures below a substance's triple point in its phase diagram.

Source (
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: "couldbecousin" on February 02, 2011, 05:37:25 PM

Quote from: Wikipedia
Sublimation is the transition of a substance from the solid phase to the gas phase without passing through an intermediate liquid phase. Sublimation is an endothermic phase transition that occurs at temperatures and pressures below a substance's triple point in its phase diagram.

Source (

Thank you! I knew I should have paid more attention in high school chemistry!   :nerdy:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on February 02, 2011, 05:39:17 PM
I found chemistry boring as fuck
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Semicolon on February 02, 2011, 05:40:06 PM
I found chemistry boring as fuck

How do you know how boring fuck is?  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: "couldbecousin" on February 02, 2011, 05:41:00 PM
I found chemistry boring as fuck

I failed it the first time and passed with a D the second time, probably because the teacher
couldn't have stood having my clueless, lazy ass in his classroom for a third time!   :rofl:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on February 02, 2011, 05:42:08 PM
I think I got a C lol

I passsed though, which was all I needed at the time
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 02, 2011, 05:50:51 PM
There is a term upon the tip of my tongue and I can not yet taste it.  I need your help to find it.

I would simply stick my tongue out and allow you to read it off the tip, except that one of these newbies would probably sit immediately upon my tongue and rotate or gyrate or something while you were trying to read it.

It is the word we use (well, obviously not we "less capable,"  but YOU chemistry interested well-studied types, mostly) to describe what happens when solidly frozen water/ice turns into pure water vapor without making the transition to liquid first.

I saw a huge cloud of fog from this effect in the setting sun, around four PM, creating a vortex of rising vapor directly transformed from a field of pure ice, and taking on the colors of the setting sun ...

... anyway, I was speechless, because the word escaped me and my artistic speech had to take over and satisfy those I was with in company, just before I sat down to try to interact with the forum, actually.

Enough of the time line.

My simple question is:

can you tell me the name of that simple word i should have used?.


Actually, on second thought, given the scene you described, I would have used the word sublime with both its meanings.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: "couldbecousin" on February 02, 2011, 05:53:14 PM
I think I got a C lol

I passsed though, which was all I needed at the time

I just didn't put the effort in. That's the story of my whole academic career from about eighth grade onward.  :duh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on February 02, 2011, 08:02:54 PM
Same. Although I dunno what 8th grade is. I didn't put the effort in in secondary school or college. Except sometimes in the subjects I liked
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on February 02, 2011, 08:05:19 PM
There is a term upon the tip of my tongue and I can not yet taste it.  I need your help to find it.

I would simply stick my tongue out and allow you to read it off the tip, except that one of these newbies would probably sit immediately upon my tongue and rotate or gyrate or something while you were trying to read it.

It is the word we use (well, obviously not we "less capable,"  but YOU chemistry interested well-studied types, mostly) to describe what happens when solidly frozen water/ice turns into pure water vapor without making the transition to liquid first.

I saw a huge cloud of fog from this effect in the setting sun, around four PM, creating a vortex of rising vapor directly transformed from a field of pure ice, and taking on the colors of the setting sun ...

... anyway, I was speechless, because the word escaped me and my artistic speech had to take over and satisfy those I was with in company, just before I sat down to try to interact with the forum, actually.

Enough of the time line.

My simple question is:

can you tell me the name of that simple word i should have used?.


Actually, on second thought, given the scene you described, I would have used the word sublime with both its meanings.

Thank you. That was the word I tried to make.

See, I could have safely stuck my tongue out at you and had you read it from the tip of my tongue with no worries about, well, you know what worries we may have had.

I knew I could depend upon your brain.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: "couldbecousin" on February 02, 2011, 09:54:21 PM
Same. Although I dunno what 8th grade is. I didn't put the effort in in secondary school or college. Except sometimes in the subjects I liked

Eighth grade is the last year before high school, which covers ages 14-18. Wish I'd known then what I know now!   :chin:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on February 02, 2011, 10:22:38 PM
Same. Although I dunno what 8th grade is. I didn't put the effort in in secondary school or college. Except sometimes in the subjects I liked

Eighth grade is the last year before high school, which covers ages 14-18. Wish I'd known then what I know now!   :chin:
Wow! I'm glad 8th grade didn't take me that long.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on February 02, 2011, 10:24:49 PM
didn't know high school only started at 14 there. When I refer to high school I mean 11+
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: "couldbecousin" on February 02, 2011, 10:25:00 PM
Same. Although I dunno what 8th grade is. I didn't put the effort in in secondary school or college. Except sometimes in the subjects I liked

Eighth grade is the last year before high school, which covers ages 14-18. Wish I'd known then what I know now!   :chin:
Wow! I'm glad 8th grade didn't take me that long.  :zoinks:

No, high school  takes that long! Try to keep up!   :pie:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on February 02, 2011, 10:26:49 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: "couldbecousin" on February 02, 2011, 10:28:13 PM

Awww, it's OK, you've just forgotten after all these years.  :hug:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 02, 2011, 11:48:22 PM
didn't know high school only started at 14 there. When I refer to high school I mean 11+

Here, school for ages 11 - 13 are called middle schools or junior high schools.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on February 03, 2011, 07:02:41 AM
didn't know high school only started at 14 there. When I refer to high school I mean 11+

Here, school for ages 11 - 13 are called middle schools or junior high schools.

11-13 is known as "mellanstadiet" in Sweden. School from 7-16 is known as "grundskola". "Högskola" is a university with less rights to give academic exams than a "real" university. What you call (upper) high school in the US is called "gymnasium" in Sweden and most other countries in Europe.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on February 03, 2011, 01:59:05 PM
Here we have primary school till 11 and secondary school 11-18, but you can leave at 16 or go to college instead. then uni 18+
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on February 03, 2011, 11:01:30 PM
In Western Australia, primary school ends at Year 7, the year kids turn 12. Then Year 8 starts the year kids turn 13 and that is high school. It ends at Year 12 although people can leave after Year 10 and get a job or go to TAFE (Tertiary and Further Eduacation) Most people who do Year 12 and exams end up going to university.

I thought your daughter would be going to high school, Callaway.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 04, 2011, 01:34:20 AM
In Western Australia, primary school ends at Year 7, the year kids turn 12. Then Year 8 starts the year kids turn 13 and that is high school. It ends at Year 12 although people can leave after Year 10 and get a job or go to TAFE (Tertiary and Further Eduacation) Most people who do Year 12 and exams end up going to university.

I thought your daughter would be going to high school, Callaway.

She's going to a special school for autistic children right now.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on February 04, 2011, 01:37:15 AM
In Western Australia, primary school ends at Year 7, the year kids turn 12. Then Year 8 starts the year kids turn 13 and that is high school. It ends at Year 12 although people can leave after Year 10 and get a job or go to TAFE (Tertiary and Further Eduacation) Most people who do Year 12 and exams end up going to university.

I thought your daughter would be going to high school, Callaway.

She's going to a special school for autistic children right now.
Yes I knew that. Was just wondering if the school can teach her until she is 17 or 18 whichever is the age of leaving school over there.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 04, 2011, 10:54:20 PM
In Western Australia, primary school ends at Year 7, the year kids turn 12. Then Year 8 starts the year kids turn 13 and that is high school. It ends at Year 12 although people can leave after Year 10 and get a job or go to TAFE (Tertiary and Further Eduacation) Most people who do Year 12 and exams end up going to university.

I thought your daughter would be going to high school, Callaway.

She's going to a special school for autistic children right now.
Yes I knew that. Was just wondering if the school can teach her until she is 17 or 18 whichever is the age of leaving school over there.

It could in theory teach her until she's 18, but she's entitled to a free appropriate public education until she's 21 or earns a diploma.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on April 18, 2011, 09:20:26 AM
Do you know of any regular exercises to help prevent (or at leats reduce the inevitable progression of) carpal tunnel?  Also, any (cheap!  This is important!) ergonomic tips for it?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 18, 2011, 12:42:22 PM
Do you know of any regular exercises to help prevent (or at leats reduce the inevitable progression of) carpal tunnel?  Also, any (cheap!  This is important!) ergonomic tips for it?

I found these exercises to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome:

I think that when you use a keyboard or a mouse, you want to have your wrists supported so they are straight and neutral, and when you sleep, you need to have your wrists straight.  My sister-in-law had carpal tunnel syndrome and she slept in special wrist braces designed to keep them straight.  I have seen ergonomic wrist supports at office supply stores that aren't very expensive.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on April 18, 2011, 12:43:26 PM
What do you think about Obama?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on April 18, 2011, 03:07:12 PM
Do you know of any regular exercises to help prevent (or at leats reduce the inevitable progression of) carpal tunnel?  Also, any (cheap!  This is important!) ergonomic tips for it?

Something cheap and really relaxing for your hands and wrists.

Take a huge plastic container (With lid, so you can use it many times). Fill the container with the cheapest version of dry macaroni. And when you come home and sit down to relax, put your hand in the container with dry macaroni. Very relaxing. Just do that 5 minutes at a time per hand. And make sure you don't have to put your arm in a weird position to get your hands covered in the macaroni bath.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 19, 2011, 02:05:59 PM
What do you think about Obama?

I think that he has been a bad president so far.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 19, 2011, 02:07:19 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on April 19, 2011, 02:15:41 PM
What do you think about Obama?

I think that he has been a bad president so far.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 19, 2011, 02:28:20 PM

For one reason, he started out spending a lot of money that we don't have giving subsidies to people who wanted to buy more fuel-efficient brand new cars, for example.  I'm sure that the manufacturers of Japanese automobiles were very grateful for these subsidies.

For another reason, he said that he wouldn't sign into law any health care reform legislation that didn't include a public option, then he signed it anyway without a public option, giving health insurance companies a huge bonus by requiring everyone in America to purchase private health insurance or face a penalty.  One might think, "But at least the health insurance companies will have to begin covering children with pre-existing conditions."  However, there's no teeth to that law without a public option, so they just stopped writing child-only health insurance policies in several states when the requirement began.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 19, 2011, 02:30:50 PM
Ah, I didn't know much about either of those topics really. I know the healthcare thing is a pretty big issue, but I have'nt really paid as much attention to american politics (or politics in general ytbh) since I stopped studying it

Obama is better than Bush at least tho :laugh:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 19, 2011, 02:43:44 PM
Ah, I didn't know much about either of those topics really. I know the healthcare thing is a pretty big issue, but I have'nt really paid as much attention to american politics (or politics in general ytbh) since I stopped studying it

Obama is better than Bush at least tho :laugh:

I don't think that he is better.  I wanted Hillary Clinton to be president because I thought that she would fix health care. The last time it was fixed a little, her husband was in office and she was responsible for it.  At least we can buy COBRA coverage now when we lose our health insurance, assuming that we can afford to pay both our and our former employer's share of the cost.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 19, 2011, 02:45:52 PM
wow you don't think he's better than Bush? Bush was a dumb as fuck religious freak
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on April 19, 2011, 03:09:56 PM
wow you don't think he's better than Bush? Bush was a dumb as fuck religious freak

99% of all politicians are dumbfucks. Some fucking imam was invited to Sweden by the social democrats and what did he do? Told that killing homosexuals was the duty of every muslim. Was he arrested for hate crimes, like a Nazi defamating muslims would have been? No.  :facepalm2:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: midlifeaspie on April 19, 2011, 03:39:07 PM
Ah, I didn't know much about either of those topics really. I know the healthcare thing is a pretty big issue, but I have'nt really paid as much attention to american politics (or politics in general ytbh) since I stopped studying it

Obama is better than Bush at least tho :laugh:

I don't think that he is better.  I wanted Hillary Clinton to be president because I thought that she would fix health care. The last time it was fixed a little, her husband was in office and she was responsible for it.  At least we can buy COBRA coverage now when we lose our health insurance, assuming that we can afford to pay both our and our former employer's share of the cost.

You don't think Obama was liberal enough, so is therefore worse than a strict conservative?  Where exactly do you place yourself on that spectrum?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 19, 2011, 09:35:15 PM
Ah, I didn't know much about either of those topics really. I know the healthcare thing is a pretty big issue, but I have'nt really paid as much attention to american politics (or politics in general ytbh) since I stopped studying it

Obama is better than Bush at least tho :laugh:

I don't think that he is better.  I wanted Hillary Clinton to be president because I thought that she would fix health care. The last time it was fixed a little, her husband was in office and she was responsible for it.  At least we can buy COBRA coverage now when we lose our health insurance, assuming that we can afford to pay both our and our former employer's share of the cost.

You don't think Obama was liberal enough, so is therefore worse than a strict conservative?  Where exactly do you place yourself on that spectrum?

Where on the spectrum I place myself depends on the specific issue.  I want nationalized health care but I didn't want taxpayers to fund subsidies for people to make new automobile purchases.  I think that women should be able to choose for themselves whether they want to have an abortion.  I think that the national deficit is too high.  I think that Americans without criminal records should have the right to own guns.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on April 20, 2011, 02:25:38 AM
That sounds like true liberalism, no the bullshit they claim being liberalism.  :thumbup:

The first gun law in Sweden wasn't introduced by the socialists, as one might think, but by a "liberal" government.  :facepalm2:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Al Swearegen on April 20, 2011, 05:42:38 AM
I must admit that I really am not up on American Politics but from a complete layman's perspective I think that Bush deserves to be sent out in the front line of Afghanistan armed with a popgun and only a Texan hat for protection
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: bodie on April 20, 2011, 05:53:10 AM
Ah, I didn't know much about either of those topics really. I know the healthcare thing is a pretty big issue, but I have'nt really paid as much attention to american politics (or politics in general ytbh) since I stopped studying it

Obama is better than Bush at least tho :laugh:

I don't think that he is better.  I wanted Hillary Clinton to be president because I thought that she would fix health care. The last time it was fixed a little, her husband was in office and she was responsible for it.  At least we can buy COBRA coverage now when we lose our health insurance, assuming that we can afford to pay both our and our former employer's share of the cost.

I must admit i agree with you about Hilary Clinton.  She is a well respected lady.  She would make a good President. :thumbup:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Al Swearegen on April 20, 2011, 05:59:20 AM
Ah, I didn't know much about either of those topics really. I know the healthcare thing is a pretty big issue, but I have'nt really paid as much attention to american politics (or politics in general ytbh) since I stopped studying it

Obama is better than Bush at least tho :laugh:

I don't think that he is better.  I wanted Hillary Clinton to be president because I thought that she would fix health care. The last time it was fixed a little, her husband was in office and she was responsible for it.  At least we can buy COBRA coverage now when we lose our health insurance, assuming that we can afford to pay both our and our former employer's share of the cost.

I must admit i agree with you about Hilary Clinton.  She is a well respected lady.  She would make a good President. :thumbup:

Very true but she obviously was not very good at blowjobs.

Sorry could not resist.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: bodie on April 20, 2011, 06:01:47 AM
Ah, I didn't know much about either of those topics really. I know the healthcare thing is a pretty big issue, but I have'nt really paid as much attention to american politics (or politics in general ytbh) since I stopped studying it

Obama is better than Bush at least tho :laugh:

I don't think that he is better.  I wanted Hillary Clinton to be president because I thought that she would fix health care. The last time it was fixed a little, her husband was in office and she was responsible for it.  At least we can buy COBRA coverage now when we lose our health insurance, assuming that we can afford to pay both our and our former employer's share of the cost.

I must admit i agree with you about Hilary Clinton.  She is a well respected lady.  She would make a good President. :thumbup:

Very true but she obviously was not very good at blowjobs.

Sorry could not resist.
:good: :rofl:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 20, 2011, 07:01:37 AM
imo George Bush was a big embarrassment to america. whatever you think of his policies, at least obama isn't a retarded religious nutcase
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on April 20, 2011, 09:28:41 AM
Speaking of Clinton; he signed a federal law that was specially made for Bill Gates, Jerry Seinfeld and Paul Allen, so that they could drive their Porsche 959s legally in the US:


"The "Gates 959" is an infamous car,[7] one of the Porsche 959s built in the mid-eighties, imported by Bill Gates to the United States in 1987. Gates' fellow Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen imported another one, as did Porsche collector Jerry Seinfeld. These cars had not been approved by regulators and had no Department of Transportation‎ and Environmental Protection Agency‎ approval. The "Gates 959" was stored for 13 years by the Customs Service at the Port of Seattle, until regulations were changed to allow "Autos of Interest" to be imported with severe limitations on their use.[7] Gates and Allen both helped pass the "Show and Display" law.[7][8]"


Porsche 959 (

That's extremely "democratic".  ::)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 20, 2011, 02:50:37 PM
how come you didn't respond to Bint in Dunc's Coming Out thread?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 20, 2011, 03:32:56 PM
how come you didn't respond to Bint in Dunc's Coming Out thread?

There was no unanswered question addressed to me in what Bint said in Dunc's "I'm leaving" thread, however I believe that you changing a serious post that Dunc or Ozymandias made would be equivalent to someone else changing a serious post that you made.  The fact that the example I chose for you was about Sophie was because that's one of the few subjects you take seriously and so you could understand that such a change would be intrusive.

The reason that I need to explain this to you at all is because both you and she seem to think that it was fine and dandy for you to change Dunc's post about his reason for leaving Intensity to one that said he's gay.  I have trouble understanding why you think you have more right to change what Dunc said and have that stand as his words than Dunc's words have the right to be his own.  It was a serious post and when he posted it, he didn't post in a forum where someone else had the ability and inclination to change it for "lulz."

I believe that if someone changed one of your old Soph posts about Sophie for "lulz," you would throw a tantrum.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 20, 2011, 03:35:39 PM
You still haven't addressed the point
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Squidusa on April 20, 2011, 03:41:06 PM
Do you think Pentagram or Razorbeard is better looking?  :orly:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 20, 2011, 03:41:44 PM
she'll go with Pent as she likes them fat :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Binty on April 20, 2011, 03:42:27 PM
how come you didn't respond to Bint in Dunc's Coming Out thread?

There was no unanswered question addressed to me in what Bint said in Dunc's "I'm leaving" thread, however I believe that you changing a serious post that Dunc or Ozymandias made would be equivalent to someone else changing a serious post that you made.  The fact that the example I chose for you was about Sophie was because that's one of the few subjects you take seriously and so you could understand that such a change would be intrusive.

The reason that I need to explain this to you at all is because both you and she seem to think that it was fine and dandy for you to change Dunc's post about his reason for leaving Intensity to one that said he's gay.  I have trouble understanding why you think you have more right to change what Dunc said and have that stand as his words than Dunc's words have the right to be his own.  It was a serious post and when he posted it, he didn't post in a forum where someone else had the ability and inclination to change it for "lulz."

I believe that if someone changed one of your old Soph posts about Sophie for "lulz," you would throw a tantrum.

I really don't think a post about leaving an internet forum qualifies as a "serious issue".

Also, a tantrum?  Really?  Don't you think that sounds a bit facetious?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 20, 2011, 03:43:38 PM
Yeah leaving some internet forum for another one is hardly the same as someone dying  :facepalm2:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: midlifeaspie on April 20, 2011, 03:45:25 PM
Yeah leaving some internet forum for another one is hardly the same as someone dying  :facepalm2:

This is the internet.  As your usual run-of-the-mill internet posts go, the owner of a site leaving said site is pretty serious.  Newbies like myself want to find the history to better understand the place they have joined and having it corrected helps us out.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 20, 2011, 03:46:17 PM
Is it as serious as a death?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: midlifeaspie on April 20, 2011, 03:48:55 PM
Is it as serious as a death?

Of course not.  That's a straw man and irrelevant to what Callaway is saying.  Honestly, I can't even tell what the issue is here.  You changed a post and she changed it back and that pisses you off?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 20, 2011, 03:50:11 PM
Is it as serious as a death?

Of course not.  That's a straw man and irrelevant to what Callaway is saying.  Honestly, I can't even tell what the issue is here.  You changed a post and she changed it back and that pisses you off?

Huh? How is it irrelevat? SHE is the one who brought sophie up, not me. She was equating someone mocking her death with someone mocking dunc's post about leaving.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Binty on April 20, 2011, 03:50:57 PM
Is it as serious as a death?

Of course not.  That's a straw man and irrelevant to what Callaway is saying.  Honestly, I can't even tell what the issue is here.  You changed a post and she changed it back and that pisses you off?

How the hell is it irrelevant?  Callaway brought up the death of Sophie herself in the first place and compared someone editing Soph's post about Sophie, to what Soph did with Dunc's post.  
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: midlifeaspie on April 20, 2011, 03:54:06 PM
Whoa  :zoinks:  Almost like a single mind over there. 

My point is that the severity doesn't have to be equal for her analogy to make sense.  I think most people would agree.  Again, this is the internet and people can't go around with score-cards to determine which analogies are acceptable based on a point scale.  An analogy is a device for helping someone understand a point by putting it in overly-simplistic terms, it doesn't have to be perfect to convey a point.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 20, 2011, 03:55:21 PM
I still don't see how her analogy works. Mocking a death is completely different to mocking someone leaving a forum
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Binty on April 20, 2011, 03:57:36 PM
Not to mention, why bring up something that is a sensitive issue for Soph?

Callaway said that it's the only thing that Soph takes seriously, so naturally her analogy is that Dunc's leaving post should be treated equally seriously, which is laughable.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 20, 2011, 03:58:38 PM
Is it as serious as a death?

Of course not.  That's a straw man and irrelevant to what Callaway is saying.  Honestly, I can't even tell what the issue is here.  You changed a post and she changed it back and that pisses you off?

Huh? How is it irrelevat? SHE is the one who brought sophie up, not me. She was equating someone mocking her death with someone mocking dunc's post about leaving.


The fact that the example I chose for you was about Sophie was because that's one of the few subjects you take seriously and so you could understand that such a change would be intrusive.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 20, 2011, 03:59:21 PM
Is it as serious as a death?

Of course not.  That's a straw man and irrelevant to what Callaway is saying.  Honestly, I can't even tell what the issue is here.  You changed a post and she changed it back and that pisses you off?

Huh? How is it irrelevat? SHE is the one who brought sophie up, not me. She was equating someone mocking her death with someone mocking dunc's post about leaving.


The fact that the example I chose for you was about Sophie was because that's one of the few subjects you take seriously and so you could understand that such a change would be intrusive.

You still don't get it, do you?

It is NOT - THE - SAME
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: midlifeaspie on April 20, 2011, 04:01:47 PM
You still don't get it, do you?

It is NOT - THE - SAME


It's a communicative device.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 20, 2011, 04:02:14 PM
And what does it communicate to me?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 20, 2011, 04:03:04 PM
Is it as serious as a death?

Of course not.  That's a straw man and irrelevant to what Callaway is saying.  Honestly, I can't even tell what the issue is here.  You changed a post and she changed it back and that pisses you off?

Huh? How is it irrelevat? SHE is the one who brought sophie up, not me. She was equating someone mocking her death with someone mocking dunc's post about leaving.


The fact that the example I chose for you was about Sophie was because that's one of the few subjects you take seriously and so you could understand that such a change would be intrusive.

You still don't get it, do you?

It is NOT - THE - SAME

I think that you are the one not getting it.  It's not meant to be exactly the same.  It's an analogy to help you understand that changing someone else's serious post for laughs is intrusive.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Binty on April 20, 2011, 04:05:35 PM
Is it as serious as a death?

Of course not.  That's a straw man and irrelevant to what Callaway is saying.  Honestly, I can't even tell what the issue is here.  You changed a post and she changed it back and that pisses you off?

Huh? How is it irrelevat? SHE is the one who brought sophie up, not me. She was equating someone mocking her death with someone mocking dunc's post about leaving.


The fact that the example I chose for you was about Sophie was because that's one of the few subjects you take seriously and so you could understand that such a change would be intrusive.

You still don't get it, do you?

It is NOT - THE - SAME

I think that you are the one not getting it.  It's not meant to be exactly the same.  It's an analogy to help you understand that changing someone else's serious post for laughs is intrusive.

I think you two are not getting what a serious post consists of.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 20, 2011, 04:06:21 PM
Is it as serious as a death?

Of course not.  That's a straw man and irrelevant to what Callaway is saying.  Honestly, I can't even tell what the issue is here.  You changed a post and she changed it back and that pisses you off?

Huh? How is it irrelevat? SHE is the one who brought sophie up, not me. She was equating someone mocking her death with someone mocking dunc's post about leaving.


The fact that the example I chose for you was about Sophie was because that's one of the few subjects you take seriously and so you could understand that such a change would be intrusive.

You still don't get it, do you?

It is NOT - THE - SAME

I think that you are the one not getting it.  It's not meant to be exactly the same.  It's an analogy to help you understand that changing someone else's serious post for laughs is intrusive.

Yeah, I get THAT. I just don't think it shows that at all. If you used an example where someone was changing a post I'd made which was similar to Dunc's, then yes, that would show me whether it's intrusive or not. Using the example of a post about a friend who's died is obviously gonna have an entirely different affect. I wouldn't give a shit if someone edited a serious post which was about "serious" internet stuff. Someone dying though, that's not just a "serious post", is it?

Do you think you would feel the same if someone edited a post you made bout I2 as you would if they edited a post you made about your daughter's problems?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 20, 2011, 04:07:04 PM

I think you two are not getting what a serious post consists of.

This ^

A "serious post" about an internet forum is not in the same category as a serious post about a death ffs. You need a better analogy, Callaway
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on April 20, 2011, 04:09:45 PM
Have always understood guest posting and editing of the past was only allowed in the Free for All sub-forum. It that correct?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: midlifeaspie on April 20, 2011, 04:10:54 PM

I think you two are not getting what a serious post consists of.

This ^

A "serious post" about an internet forum is not in the same category as a serious post about a death ffs. You need a better analogy, Callaway

"Serious" is subjective.  That thread can't have been "serious" to Dunc?  Or if it was serious, it doesn't matter because you have something "more serious" that happened to you?  For every person, that which happens to them will always be more serious then that which happens to others. 

Why all the fighting about the analogy?  Why is it so important to you both?  And why are you both so bent about the thread being repaired?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Binty on April 20, 2011, 04:11:32 PM
Have always understood guest posting and editing of the past was only allowed in the Free for All sub-forum. It that correct?


It was stopped though because some people here lack a sense of humour.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on April 20, 2011, 04:12:39 PM
Then maybe not so serious; like posting serious in the Highway.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 20, 2011, 04:13:21 PM
And why are you both so bent about the thread being repaired?

I'm not. I don't care about that. That was a joke from months ago and if you look at my replies in that thread, they were light hearted until Callaway brought this into it

And tbh, yes I do think someone dying is "more serious" than someone leaving an internet forum. You don't?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: midlifeaspie on April 20, 2011, 04:15:51 PM
And tbh, yes I do think someone dying is "more serious" than someone leaving an internet forum. You don't?

Oh My God.

Nobody ever said that and nobody ever implied that.  An analogy is not ... you know what, fuck it.  I give up.

(I'm the idiot for not realizing you are trolling me.  I deal with trolls all day long, guess I just had my blinders on in here :facepalm2:)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 20, 2011, 04:20:17 PM
Have always understood guest posting and editing of the past was only allowed in the Free for All sub-forum. It that correct?

Guest posting has been allowed off and on in the Free For All, but guest editing was allowed only once for a very short time until Soph and Bint pointed out that the problem with allowing it was that "guests" could edit posts that they didn't make themselves, including posts of former members who had their accounts deleted.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 20, 2011, 04:21:14 PM

Do you think you would feel the same if someone edited a post you made bout I2 as you would if they edited a post you made about your daughter's problems?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on April 20, 2011, 04:22:50 PM
Have always understood guest posting and editing of the past was only allowed in the Free for All sub-forum. It that correct?

Guest posting has been allowed off and on in the Free For All, but guest editing was allowed only once for a very short time until Soph and Bint pointed out that the problem with allowing it was that "guests" could edit posts that they didn't make themselves, including posts of former members who had their accounts deleted.
I see. So, he didn't know it could be edited at the time of posting. That makes it different.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 20, 2011, 04:28:30 PM
Have always understood guest posting and editing of the past was only allowed in the Free for All sub-forum. It that correct?

Guest posting has been allowed off and on in the Free For All, but guest editing was allowed only once for a very short time until Soph and Bint pointed out that the problem with allowing it was that "guests" could edit posts that they didn't make themselves, including posts of former members who had their accounts deleted.
I see. So, he didn't know it could be edited at the time of posting. That makes it different.

You are correct.  At the time Dunc posted it, only he or another administrator could edit his post, and guest editing of posts had never been permitted in the Free For All. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 21, 2011, 01:53:53 AM

Do you think you would feel the same if someone edited a post you made bout I2 as you would if they edited a post you made about your daughter's problems?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Binty on April 21, 2011, 03:03:49 PM
And tbh, yes I do think someone dying is "more serious" than someone leaving an internet forum. You don't?

Oh My God.

Nobody ever said that and nobody ever implied that.  An analogy is not ... you know what, fuck it.  I give up.

(I'm the idiot for not realizing you are trolling me.  I deal with trolls all day long, guess I just had my blinders on in here :facepalm2:)

We weren't trolling.

Besides, no one asked you to get involved in the first place.  You're not a moderator here.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Semicolon on April 21, 2011, 03:06:51 PM
And tbh, yes I do think someone dying is "more serious" than someone leaving an internet forum. You don't?

Oh My God.

Nobody ever said that and nobody ever implied that.  An analogy is not ... you know what, fuck it.  I give up.

(I'm the idiot for not realizing you are trolling me.  I deal with trolls all day long, guess I just had my blinders on in here :facepalm2:)

We weren't trolling.

Besides, no one asked you to get involved in the first place.  You're not a moderator here.

The only three people who actually have reasons to be involved in this are duncvis, whoever edited his post, and odeon (who restored it). This issue has already become the focus of a pointless argument between people who have no reason to be involved.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 21, 2011, 03:07:37 PM
we WERE the ones who edited his post

and that is irrelevant anyway - it's no longer about that
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Semicolon on April 21, 2011, 03:08:11 PM
we WERE the ones who edited his post

Who is "we"? You and Binty?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 21, 2011, 03:08:57 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Binty on April 21, 2011, 03:24:30 PM

One question still hasn't been answered:

Do you think you would feel the same if someone edited a post you made bout I2 as you would if they edited a post you made about your daughter's problems?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 21, 2011, 03:29:32 PM
Yes, I wonder why she refuses to answer it...  :scratchhead:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 22, 2011, 07:08:58 AM
Yes, I wonder why she refuses to answer it...  :scratchhead:

I thought that you were just trolling, but I should have realized how much I hurt you by bringing up a subject that is still very painful for you and I apologize for that.  That was thoughtless, but I didn't set out to hurt you.  I'm having trouble thinking of a better analogy, which would be something you take seriously that wouldn't be so painful for you, but I should have thought of one.

To answer the question that was actually asked, I would feel irritated if someone edited a serious post I made, whether it was one that I spent a lot of time on about Intensity or whether it was about some problem my daughter was having.  I wouldn't mind so much if I posted somewhere where I had the expectation that my post would be edited before I posted it there, like the My Way or the Highway, but if I had spent a lot of time on it because I was answering someone's serious question that just happened to be there, I might still feel a little bit annoyed.

It takes me awhile to write a longer post because I type slowly, so I think that Dunc must have spent some time writing the post that set out his reasons for leaving Intensity and I thought that it was trolling to change it to a silly joke at his expense.  I have used the analogy that although Intensity might have been McJagger's, Eamonn's and Omega's baby to start with, Dunc sort of adopted us when he offered us space on his server when we didn't have a home to go to and it made a lot of people sad when he moved on.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 22, 2011, 07:13:34 AM
The question was whether you would feel the same if someone edited a post you made about your daughter (to something derogatory about your daughter, that you hate her or somethign) as you would if they edited a post you made about I2?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 22, 2011, 11:16:12 AM
The question was whether you would feel the same if someone edited a post you made about your daughter (to something derogatory about your daughter, that you hate her or somethign) as you would if they edited a post you made about I2?

I think that I would be irritated if someone edited either post assuming that it was made with the expectation that it would not be edited, but I would be more angry if my post was changed to something derogatory about my daughter.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 22, 2011, 11:21:44 AM
There you go then. It's not a very good comparison
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 22, 2011, 11:26:41 AM
There you go then. It's not a very good comparison

It wasn't meant to be the exactly the same thing, but I'm still sorry that my choice of analogy hurt you.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 22, 2011, 11:29:04 AM
It didn't hurt me - I just find it kind of stupid
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: earthboundmisfit on April 22, 2011, 01:05:17 PM

There you go then. It's not a very good comparison

An analogy is a device for helping someone understand a point by putting it in overly-simplistic terms, it doesn't have to be perfect to convey a point.


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 22, 2011, 01:09:29 PM
It doesn't have to be perfect no, obviously it wouldnt work if the two things were exact. But there's gotta be some similarity there

It's like trying to explain what a headache is like by asking someon how they'd feel if they had cancer

A better analogy here would have been "how would you feel if someone had edited one of your serious posts about zomg?"

not something about someone who died, as that doesn'tt in any way show me what Callaway was getting at - it is TOO different
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on April 24, 2011, 10:56:36 AM
Is it as serious as a death?

Death isn't serious.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 24, 2011, 11:00:54 AM
to the people left behind it is
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on April 24, 2011, 11:01:49 AM
And tbh, yes I do think someone dying is "more serious" than someone leaving an internet forum. You don't?

Oh My God.

Nobody ever said that and nobody ever implied that.  An analogy is not ... you know what, fuck it.  I give up.

(I'm the idiot for not realizing you are trolling me.  I deal with trolls all day long, guess I just had my blinders on in here :facepalm2:)

We weren't trolling.

Besides, no one asked you to get involved in the first place.  You're not a moderator here.

I don't think he realised he needed to be invited to the discussion, considering how we don't have moderators and all...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on April 24, 2011, 11:04:01 AM
to the people left behind it is

It can be, yes. To the dead, no.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on April 24, 2011, 11:05:07 AM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on April 24, 2011, 11:05:38 AM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 24, 2011, 11:06:32 AM
to the people left behind it is

It can be, yes. To the dead, no.

Of course not. I don't think anyone was saying it was though
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on April 24, 2011, 11:12:53 AM
to the people left behind it is

It can be, yes. To the dead, no.

Of course not. I don't think anyone was saying it was though

No, I don't think so either. But to be perfectly honest I posted my comment before I realised how you might interpret it (that is, before I had read the entire thread). Had I read it I wouldn't have posted, most likely.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 24, 2011, 11:14:21 AM
ok that's cool
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: midlifeaspie on April 24, 2011, 01:01:53 PM
And tbh, yes I do think someone dying is "more serious" than someone leaving an internet forum. You don't?

Oh My God.

Nobody ever said that and nobody ever implied that.  An analogy is not ... you know what, fuck it.  I give up.

(I'm the idiot for not realizing you are trolling me.  I deal with trolls all day long, guess I just had my blinders on in here :facepalm2:)

We weren't trolling.

Besides, no one asked you to get involved in the first place.  You're not a moderator here.

I don't think he realised he needed to be invited to the discussion, considering how we don't have moderators and all...

She waited almost 1400 posts to throw that one at me.  Personally, I think she jumped the gun because I wasn't even implying how anyone should behave.  I suppose if she ever does find me saying such a thing she could throw it at me again, but it's a weakened accusation now.

Patience is a virtue Bint.  You fucked up the analogy quote as well because you couldn't stop yourself from using it the first time I typed the word "analogy".  You need to wait until I actually leave myself open or you just look foolish and over-eager.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on April 24, 2011, 01:07:14 PM
Thought the analogy bit was a good one; using it later would have appeared bitter but done as such, just a funny jab.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on April 25, 2011, 04:08:59 PM
we WERE the ones who edited his post

Who is "we"? You and Binty?

Even when I was married, I had an issue with talking as a "we", unless it was something obviously we.
I find it suffocating to think in "we".

This thread is giving me a fucking headache. I don't handle group-thinking well. I can take individuals serious.

But this, somehow feels more suffocating than the 1950's family setting of "De Avonden".

Getting out of this discussion now. I like to be able to breathe.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 25, 2011, 05:25:31 PM
I have no problem thinking in "we" if it is me and another person, or other people

In that case it is "we" to me, just another word
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on April 25, 2011, 05:31:39 PM
I say "we" since it's pluralis majestatis and I'm King Lit the bold and  :viking:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: "couldbecousin" on April 25, 2011, 05:33:38 PM
I say "we" since it's pluralis majestatis and I'm King Lit the bold and  :viking:

 The Royal "We," then!  The Royal We is BRAVE!    :arrr:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on April 25, 2011, 05:34:12 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on April 25, 2011, 05:35:16 PM
I have no problem thinking in "we" if it is me and another person, or other people

In that case it is "we" to me, just another word
I find it harder. Individual responses I can understand. I have no problem when an individual refers to someone else, telling that he or she agrees. I do have a problem when there is all of a sudden a "we". In a manifesto or so, or a group explanation I get it. It are the things people agreed on, before coming together. Like an action-group could present itself with the things they agreed on and stating that in a "we" shape. But, "we" as a personality to interact with, I have big problems with that, and I always have had that. For me, the individuality is getting lost then. And I don't know who to answer to. It blurs. I lost friends over that, who after they entered a relationship only existed as "we". I just get lost and without breath and headachy.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on April 25, 2011, 05:39:13 PM
I say "we" since it's pluralis majestatis and I'm King Lit the bold and  :viking:

LOL, Last year, the oldest of mine decided to use the pluralis majestatis and the youngest decided to only talk in the third person about herself.

It became complicated when the youngest wanted to mix those two. Talking about herself in a multiple third person.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 25, 2011, 05:40:06 PM
oh ok sorry. I just said "we" because iirc me and Bint were fucking around/trolling together at the time. I'm not 100% sure who even edited that pots, although I think it was me.

Hence the "we"
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on April 26, 2011, 05:48:01 AM
We are not amused.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Parts on May 12, 2011, 09:58:39 AM
I have been curious since I drove though Colorado on I70  how bad do the roads have to get before they use those big  gates to close them and how often does it happen
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 12, 2011, 11:10:51 AM
I have been curious since I drove though Colorado on I70  how bad do the roads have to get before they use those big  gates to close them and how often does it happen

It has to be pretty bad.  I can remember one specific time that it happened when I was on the road and it impacted me personally, but I think that it happens for certain stretches of I-70 more often, like just west of the Eisenhower Tunnel, for example.  Also, there are loads of times that snow chains are required to drive on that stretch of I-70.

This was my personal experience.  My husband, our daughter, and I were driving back home after Christmas a few years ago through Kansas, when there was an ice storm and we heard that I-70 had closed down just west of where we were.  The roads north to Nebraska and the secondary roads in Nebraska west to Colorado were still open, so we drove north to Nebraska.  The roads were covered with sheets of ice that were so slippery that we had to hold onto the SUV to keep from slipping and falling down when we stopped for lunch.  The power lines were also coated with the same ice and the wind was making them bounce up and down like sine waves.  I didn't see any snap, although I think that some must have, because the first place we stopped didn't have any power.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on May 12, 2011, 02:38:47 PM
Have you been to Stanley hotel?  :viking:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 12, 2011, 04:40:01 PM
Have you been to Stanley hotel?  :viking:

Oh yes.

They repainted it and did some renovations since we have moved to Colorado and it looks great now.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on May 12, 2011, 04:55:23 PM
Have you been to Stanley hotel?  :viking:

Oh yes.

They repainted it and did some renovations since we have moved to Colorado and it looks great now.
Cool, I would stay there, haunted or not.  :thumbup:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: "couldbecousin" on May 12, 2011, 04:56:40 PM
Have you been to Stanley hotel?  :viking:

Oh yes.

They repainted it and did some renovations since we have moved to Colorado and it looks great now.
Cool, I would stay there, haunted or not.  :thumbup:

 It's haunted?  By whom?   :hide:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 12, 2011, 05:00:36 PM
Have you been to Stanley hotel?  :viking:

Oh yes.

They repainted it and did some renovations since we have moved to Colorado and it looks great now.
Cool, I would stay there, haunted or not.  :thumbup:

 It's haunted?  By whom?   :hide:

Some people believe that it is:

Personally, I don't believe in ghosts, but some weird things have happened there.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on May 12, 2011, 05:03:36 PM
Have you been to Stanley hotel?  :viking:

Oh yes.

They repainted it and did some renovations since we have moved to Colorado and it looks great now.
Cool, I would stay there, haunted or not.  :thumbup:

 It's haunted?  By whom?   :hide:
I'm with Callaway on hauntings. Unless I am in bear country nothing will break into my room that a 40 S&W or 45 ACP can't handle.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on May 13, 2011, 06:36:34 AM
Jack Nicholson is  :viking:

As a bonus you might learn some Swedish from this scene.  8)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 13, 2011, 12:41:14 PM
Thanks.  I loved reading the subtitles.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Squidusa on May 13, 2011, 07:56:20 PM
Have you been to Stanley hotel?  :viking:

Oh yes.

They repainted it and did some renovations since we have moved to Colorado and it looks great now.
Cool, I would stay there, haunted or not.  :thumbup:

 It's haunted?  By whom?   :hide:
I'm with Callaway on hauntings. Unless I am in bear country nothing will break into my room that a 40 S&W or 45 ACP can't handle.

^Unless it's a ghost , last me I checked you can't kill the dead.  :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on May 13, 2011, 08:15:38 PM
Have you been to Stanley hotel?  :viking:

Oh yes.

They repainted it and did some renovations since we have moved to Colorado and it looks great now.
Cool, I would stay there, haunted or not.  :thumbup:

 It's haunted?  By whom?   :hide:
I'm with Callaway on hauntings. Unless I am in bear country nothing will break into my room that a 40 S&W or 45 ACP can't handle.

^Unless it's a ghost , last me I checked you can't kill the dead.  :P
I know who to call. (
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Squidusa on May 13, 2011, 08:43:34 PM
Have you been to Stanley hotel?  :viking:

Oh yes.

They repainted it and did some renovations since we have moved to Colorado and it looks great now.
Cool, I would stay there, haunted or not.  :thumbup:

 It's haunted?  By whom?   :hide:
I'm with Callaway on hauntings. Unless I am in bear country nothing will break into my room that a 40 S&W or 45 ACP can't handle.

^Unless it's a ghost , last me I checked you can't kill the dead.  :P
I know who to call. (

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: iceman1985 on May 24, 2011, 02:29:03 PM
what is the square root of pi
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 25, 2011, 02:01:01 AM
what is the square root of pi

Why do you need the square root of pi? 

Pi is an irrational number so there is no exact answer, but it's approximately 1.772453850905516027298167483314.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: bodie on May 25, 2011, 03:32:31 AM
Just to say congratulations
on your karma score


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Al Swearegen on May 25, 2011, 06:50:09 AM
Who is the person on i2 you think you are most alike in values and morality?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 25, 2011, 08:14:32 PM
Who is the person on i2 you think you are most alike in values and morality?

That's a tough question for me because I see similarities to and differences from myself in lots of members here.

I guess it would have to be the other parents here because we are similar in that our own personal difficulties have made us better parents to our children, IMO, and we would do anything for them that was within our power to do.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calavera on May 25, 2011, 08:37:35 PM
Do you believe in God?

If yes, what makes you believe?

If no, what makes you believe you are logically justified in accepting that this universe can exist without a Creator?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: bodie on May 26, 2011, 01:44:34 AM
How many children do you have?  and are you having any more?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Al Swearegen on May 26, 2011, 04:15:22 AM
Who is the person on i2 you think you are most alike in values and morality?

That's a tough question for me because I see similarities to and differences from myself in lots of members here.

I guess it would have to be the other parents here because we are similar in that our own personal difficulties have made us better parents to our children, IMO, and we would do anything for them that was within our power to do.

Good call. So as not to be seen to be putting you on the spot I will say that I find that posters like PPK, Butterflies, Hyke, Mcalvera, and Odeon have similar Moralities and values as do you. Well that is to say it seems that way with me from what is posted. It is not to say that there are not others and it is not to say that there is not others that don't instantly spring to mind. It is not to say either that I am trying to butter these people up, it just means I am liable to read things along very similar lines.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 26, 2011, 10:20:16 AM
Do you believe in God?

If yes, what makes you believe?

If no, what makes you believe you are logically justified in accepting that this universe can exist without a Creator?

I personally do believe in God, but I also know good people who do not and I don't judge them for their beliefs.  The God in whom I believe gave people minds to think for themselves and I think that they have to choose their own paths in life.  I don't think that the existence or non-existence of God can be logically proven, so it has to be a question of faith.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 26, 2011, 10:26:19 AM
How many children do you have?  and are you having any more?

My husband and I have one daughter.

We have tried to have more children, but I think that she probably will be the only one.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 26, 2011, 10:28:56 AM
Who is the person on i2 you think you are most alike in values and morality?

That's a tough question for me because I see similarities to and differences from myself in lots of members here.

I guess it would have to be the other parents here because we are similar in that our own personal difficulties have made us better parents to our children, IMO, and we would do anything for them that was within our power to do.

Good call. So as not to be seen to be putting you on the spot I will say that I find that posters like PPK, Butterflies, Hyke, Mcalvera, and Odeon have similar Moralities and values as do you. Well that is to say it seems that way with me from what is posted. It is not to say that there are not others and it is not to say that there is not others that don't instantly spring to mind. It is not to say either that I am trying to butter these people up, it just means I am liable to read things along very similar lines.

Thanks.  I think that you and I share many values as well.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on May 26, 2011, 12:02:33 PM
why do you believe in a god?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calavera on May 26, 2011, 05:55:07 PM
Who is the person on i2 you think you are most alike in values and morality?

That's a tough question for me because I see similarities to and differences from myself in lots of members here.

I guess it would have to be the other parents here because we are similar in that our own personal difficulties have made us better parents to our children, IMO, and we would do anything for them that was within our power to do.

Good call. So as not to be seen to be putting you on the spot I will say that I find that posters like PPK, Butterflies, Hyke, Mcalvera, and Odeon have similar Moralities and values as do you. Well that is to say it seems that way with me from what is posted. It is not to say that there are not others and it is not to say that there is not others that don't instantly spring to mind. It is not to say either that I am trying to butter these people up, it just means I am liable to read things along very similar lines.

Thanks, man. It's an honor for me to be mentioned along with the others. But I am actually quite small compared to you, Callaway, Odeon, and the others mentioned. I continue to learn from a lot of you here.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 26, 2011, 07:16:20 PM
why do you believe in a god?

I believe that someone made the matter that sparked the initial Big Bang, since I believe that the hydrogen and helium could not have spontaneously arisen from nothingness.

I also believe in the scientific method as well as evolution, though.

I think that most religions which try to explain who they see as God are sort of like the story about blind men describing an elephant from feeling only single parts of it.  I think that God is actually more complicated than any of us can comprehend.



IT was six men of Indostan
 To learning much inclined,
Who went to see the Elephant
 (Though all of them were blind),
That each by observation
 Might satisfy his mind.

The First approached the Elephant,
 And happening to fall
Against his broad and sturdy side,
 At once began to bawl:
"God bless me!—but the Elephant
 Is very like a wall!"

The Second, feeling of the tusk,
 Cried:"Ho!—what have we here
So very round and smooth and sharp?
 To me 't is mighty clear
This wonder of an Elephant
 Is very like a spear!"

The Third approached the animal,
 And happening to take
The squirming trunk within his hands,
 Thus boldly up and spake:

"I see," quoth he, "the Elephant
 Is very like a snake!"

The Fourth reached out his eager hand,
 And felt about the knee.
"What most this wondrous beast is like
 Is mighty plain," quoth he;
"'T is clear enough the Elephant
 Is very like a tree!"

The Fifth, who chanced to touch the ear,
 Said: "E'en the blindest man
Can tell what this resembles most;
 Deny the fact who can,
This marvel of an Elephant
 Is very like a fan!"

The Sixth no sooner had begun
 About the beast to grope,
Than, seizing on the swinging tail
 That fell within his scope,
"I see," quoth he, "the Elephant
 Is very like a rope!"

And so these men of Indostan
 Disputed loud and long,
Each in his own opinion
 Exceeding stiff and strong,
Though each was partly in the right,
 And all were in the wrong!

So, oft in theologic wars
 The disputants, I ween,
Rail on in utter ignorance
 Of what each other mean,
And prate about an Elephant
 Not one of them has seen!

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on May 26, 2011, 07:38:33 PM
Just noticed the number of pages in this thread. That's a lot of questions. Do you ever hate this thread? Do you ever tell people to mind their own business?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: "couldbecousin" on May 26, 2011, 09:50:26 PM
Just noticed the number of pages in this thread. That's a lot of questions. Do you ever hate this thread? Do you ever tell people to mind their own business?

 Those are awesome questions.  :green:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 26, 2011, 09:59:03 PM
Just noticed the number of pages in this thread. That's a lot of questions. Do you ever hate this thread? Do you ever tell people to mind their own business?

It's not exactly an Ask Away thread, so a lot of the questions aren't extremely personal ones.  If I'm not comfortable answering a very personal question on this thread, I either just don't answer it or else I answer the person who asked it by PM.  If I don't know an answer to a general question, I just say I don't know.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on May 27, 2011, 03:39:33 PM
Thanks, Callaway.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on June 25, 2011, 08:42:33 PM
thats an odd status under your name


Yes, good catch; usually it says, rookie be kind to me.
Just looked at the member list and members with zero post have zero status, and 1-9 posts have one status, and 10 post have rookie be kind to me. Something must have changed.

Jack has the never ending question of why.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Queen Victoria on June 25, 2011, 11:08:06 PM
How was the trip?  Have you settled back into the routine of normalcy yet?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Semicolon on June 26, 2011, 06:36:06 AM
How was the trip?  Have you settled back into the routine of normalcy yet?

Is Callaway back, or did she find a computer with an internet connection while she was away? I haven't seen her post in the Away/Back thread about her return.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 26, 2011, 11:15:43 AM
I'm not back yet, I just found a couple of hotels with wireless internet.

We are having a great time.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 27, 2011, 07:37:17 AM
thats an odd status under your name


Yes, good catch; usually it says, rookie be kind to me.
Just looked at the member list and members with zero post have zero status, and 1-9 posts have one status, and 10 post have rookie be kind to me. Something must have changed.

Jack has the never ending question of why.

It looks to me like a way of dividing the Newbies into two groups based on whether or not they have posted at least once.

BTW, I think that the former membergroup for a new member with zero to nine posts was Newbie.  The membergroup Rookie (be kind to me) would be given to a member with ten to twenty-five posts and a member with twenty-five to fifty posts would be given the membergroup Fresh Meat.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Semicolon on June 27, 2011, 07:41:53 AM
thats an odd status under your name


Yes, good catch; usually it says, rookie be kind to me.
Just looked at the member list and members with zero post have zero status, and 1-9 posts have one status, and 10 post have rookie be kind to me. Something must have changed.

Jack has the never ending question of why.

It looks to me like a way of dividing the Newbies into two groups based on whether or not they have posted at least once.

BTW, I think that the former membergroup for a new member with zero to nine posts was Newbie.  The membergroup Rookie (be kind to me) would be given to a member with ten to twenty-five posts and a member with twenty-five to fifty posts would be given the membergroup Fresh Meat.

Could this (,16894.0.html) have something to do with it?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on June 27, 2011, 02:08:12 PM
thats an odd status under your name


Yes, good catch; usually it says, rookie be kind to me.
Just looked at the member list and members with zero post have zero status, and 1-9 posts have one status, and 10 post have rookie be kind to me. Something must have changed.

Jack has the never ending question of why.

It looks to me like a way of dividing the Newbies into two groups based on whether or not they have posted at least once.

BTW, I think that the former membergroup for a new member with zero to nine posts was Newbie.  The membergroup Rookie (be kind to me) would be given to a member with ten to twenty-five posts and a member with twenty-five to fifty posts would be given the membergroup Fresh Meat.

Could this (,16894.0.html) have something to do with it?

I think that it does.

A next step could be to delete the accounts of the 58 zero post count newbies who have never logged in to Intensity at all (after years in some cases) to see if that speeds up things here (,17187.0.html).

There are 193 zero post count Newbies in all and many of them who did log in at least once haven't logged in for years.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on June 27, 2011, 04:01:36 PM
Thanks, Callaway and Semicolon.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on June 27, 2011, 04:41:28 PM
thats an odd status under your name


Yes, good catch; usually it says, rookie be kind to me.
Just looked at the member list and members with zero post have zero status, and 1-9 posts have one status, and 10 post have rookie be kind to me. Something must have changed.

Jack has the never ending question of why.

It looks to me like a way of dividing the Newbies into two groups based on whether or not they have posted at least once.

BTW, I think that the former membergroup for a new member with zero to nine posts was Newbie.  The membergroup Rookie (be kind to me) would be given to a member with ten to twenty-five posts and a member with twenty-five to fifty posts would be given the membergroup Fresh Meat.

Could this (,16894.0.html) have something to do with it?

I think that it does.

A next step could be to delete the accounts of the 58 zero post count newbies who have never logged in to Intensity at all (after years in some cases) to see if that speeds up things here (,17187.0.html).

There are 193 zero post count Newbies in all and many of them who did log in at least once haven't logged in for years.

Ah, the ones on Squiddy's target list, for personalised introduction/luring into the cesspool.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Semicolon on June 27, 2011, 05:58:15 PM
Thanks, Callaway and Semicolon.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: iceman1985 on August 01, 2011, 04:43:09 PM
what is the square root of pi

Why do you need the square root of pi? 

Pi is an irrational number so there is no exact answer, but it's approximately 1.772453850905516027298167483314.

i know its a irrational number it was a joke this thread has little humor compared to the rest :plus:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on August 05, 2011, 04:40:15 AM
How long does it take to bounce back/recover from antibiotic resistance- in particular, from prolonged use of anti-acne topical antibiotics?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 05, 2011, 11:24:46 AM
How long does it take to bounce back/recover from antibiotic resistance- in particular, from prolonged use of anti-acne topical antibiotics?

I'm not sure how long it would take, since some people have colonies of antibiotic resistant bacteria even when they haven't been taking topical antibiotics at all.  However, antibiotic resistance is more common in people who apply topical antibiotics intermittently or who often forget to apply the second daily dose.  If you have been using Clindamycin, perhaps you could switch to Erythromycin or vice-versa?

An oral antibotic, Minocin, worked very well on my acne that I got when I stopped taking birth control pills and I only had to take it once a day.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on August 06, 2011, 01:40:57 PM
How long does it take to bounce back/recover from antibiotic resistance- in particular, from prolonged use of anti-acne topical antibiotics?

I'm not sure how long it would take, since some people have colonies of antibiotic resistant bacteria even when they haven't been taking topical antibiotics at all.  However, antibiotic resistance is more common in people who apply topical antibiotics intermittently or who often forget to apply the second daily dose.  If you have been using Clindamycin, perhaps you could switch to Erythromycin or vice-versa?

An oral antibotic, Minocin, worked very well on my acne that I got when I stopped taking birth control pills and I only had to take it once a day.
I was using Clindamycin once a day (I'm pretty sure that was what I was supposed to do), and TBH I would like to skip out on the antibiotic thing altogether unless my acne gets hugely worse, due to worry of antibiotic resistance and quite frankly it's also rather costly with my work insurance.  I also think it probably contributed to some really ghastly skin problems I had last year and again a couple of weeks ago- each time cleared up by doxycyclin.  (The best guess I have is it was perioral dermatits.)  Seeing as I was on Clindamycin since I was a teenger I'm assuming it probably stopped working properly years ago.  I have retin-A which I use daily and I think that helps a great deal.  I'll ask ym doctor but was curious what you would be able to glean.  I didn't come up with anything solid but all the info I found made me think stopping clyndamicin is probably a good idea.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on August 16, 2011, 06:40:23 PM
Additional question- any tips on where to get a fully labeled diagram of a '99 toyota corolla engine?  I'm not trying to repair it; I just want to be able to research and/or tell my mechanic what part is being noisy, and I can tell the general area in the engine that it's coming from based on how it sounded when it happened.  My stupid owner's manual only labels about half the shit in there and does not label one of the parts I think might be making noise.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Queen Victoria on August 16, 2011, 06:41:57 PM
I had the same problem with the whatchamacallit, next to the doo hinky.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 16, 2011, 09:23:29 PM
Additional question- any tips on where to get a fully labeled diagram of a '99 toyota corolla engine?  I'm not trying to repair it; I just want to be able to research and/or tell my mechanic what part is being noisy, and I can tell the general area in the engine that it's coming from based on how it sounded when it happened.  My stupid owner's manual only labels about half the shit in there and does not label one of the parts I think might be making noise.

What size is the engine?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on August 16, 2011, 10:34:36 PM
Additional question- any tips on where to get a fully labeled diagram of a '99 toyota corolla engine?  I'm not trying to repair it; I just want to be able to research and/or tell my mechanic what part is being noisy, and I can tell the general area in the engine that it's coming from based on how it sounded when it happened.  My stupid owner's manual only labels about half the shit in there and does not label one of the parts I think might be making noise.
Buy the appropriate Chiltons manual at Pep Bys, Autozone etc.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on August 16, 2011, 10:55:54 PM
Additional question- any tips on where to get a fully labeled diagram of a '99 toyota corolla engine?  I'm not trying to repair it; I just want to be able to research and/or tell my mechanic what part is being noisy, and I can tell the general area in the engine that it's coming from based on how it sounded when it happened.  My stupid owner's manual only labels about half the shit in there and does not label one of the parts I think might be making noise.
Buy the appropriate Chiltons manual at Pep Bys, Autozone etc.

I think that the Haynes manuals have more details than Chilton's, at least the ones I have used.  I remember that I needed a diagram for the vacuum hoses after I had the engine rebuilt and my Chilton's didn't have it.

I asked for the engine size because I was trying to see if I could find the information online.

I did find a shop manual that would undoubtedly have the diagram, but it was over $100. (

PMS Elle, you could point to the part you suspect of making noise with a long screwdriver or a yardstick, thereby showing it to the mechanic without knowing the name of it, couldn't you?

I take it that it only makes the noise under certain conditions and idling with the gear shift in Park or Neutral is not one of the conditions, am I correct?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on August 17, 2011, 03:57:22 AM
I think that the Haynes manuals have more details than Chilton's, at least the ones I have used.  I remember that I needed a diagram for the vacuum hoses after I had the engine rebuilt and my Chilton's didn't have it.

I asked for the engine size because I was trying to see if I could find the information online.

I did find a shop manual that would undoubtedly have the diagram, but it was over $100. (

PMS Elle, you could point to the part you suspect of making noise with a long screwdriver or a yardstick, thereby showing it to the mechanic without knowing the name of it, couldn't you?

I take it that it only makes the noise under certain conditions and idling with the gear shift in Park or Neutral is not one of the conditions, am I correct?
Depends which noise, when it happens.

I'm trying to avoid having to deal with taxis and begging for rides in order to get my car to the mechanic who had it under warrantee, so I want to be able to describe it over the phone (their hours of operation are the same as my work hours, which SUUUUUUUCKS).
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on September 10, 2011, 11:10:00 PM
Guest  11:28:42 PM Viewing credits page.

What's the credit's page? There's no link.

Just remembered this, and forgot to ask before. What's the credits page?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on September 10, 2011, 11:14:31 PM
Guest  11:28:42 PM Viewing credits page.

What's the credit's page? There's no link.

Just remembered this, and forgot to ask before. What's the credits page?

You will see the credits page if you click on the SMF 2.0 ( which is at the bottom of every page. (
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on September 10, 2011, 11:16:26 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on September 11, 2011, 07:41:14 PM
I think that the Haynes manuals have more details than Chilton's, at least the ones I have used.  I remember that I needed a diagram for the vacuum hoses after I had the engine rebuilt and my Chilton's didn't have it.

I asked for the engine size because I was trying to see if I could find the information online.

I did find a shop manual that would undoubtedly have the diagram, but it was over $100. (

PMS Elle, you could point to the part you suspect of making noise with a long screwdriver or a yardstick, thereby showing it to the mechanic without knowing the name of it, couldn't you?

I take it that it only makes the noise under certain conditions and idling with the gear shift in Park or Neutral is not one of the conditions, am I correct?
Depends which noise, when it happens.

I'm trying to avoid having to deal with taxis and begging for rides in order to get my car to the mechanic who had it under warrantee, so I want to be able to describe it over the phone (their hours of operation are the same as my work hours, which SUUUUUUUCKS).
Go to your local library.  They typically have a large selection of Haynes and Chilton manuals.  Just photo-copy the bitch.  :)  Cost all of 15 cents.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Queen Victoria on September 11, 2011, 08:37:52 PM
Since it's been over 3 weeks since the original post I think she solved the problem.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on September 12, 2011, 12:54:36 PM
I think that the Haynes manuals have more details than Chilton's, at least the ones I have used.  I remember that I needed a diagram for the vacuum hoses after I had the engine rebuilt and my Chilton's didn't have it.

I asked for the engine size because I was trying to see if I could find the information online.

I did find a shop manual that would undoubtedly have the diagram, but it was over $100. (

PMS Elle, you could point to the part you suspect of making noise with a long screwdriver or a yardstick, thereby showing it to the mechanic without knowing the name of it, couldn't you?

I take it that it only makes the noise under certain conditions and idling with the gear shift in Park or Neutral is not one of the conditions, am I correct?
Depends which noise, when it happens.

I'm trying to avoid having to deal with taxis and begging for rides in order to get my car to the mechanic who had it under warrantee, so I want to be able to describe it over the phone (their hours of operation are the same as my work hours, which SUUUUUUUCKS).
Go to your local library.  They typically have a large selection of Haynes and Chilton manuals.  Just photo-copy the bitch.  :)  Cost all of 15 cents.

Hi Tesla, welcome back! How have you been?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Tesla on September 16, 2011, 04:25:51 AM
I think that the Haynes manuals have more details than Chilton's, at least the ones I have used.  I remember that I needed a diagram for the vacuum hoses after I had the engine rebuilt and my Chilton's didn't have it.

I asked for the engine size because I was trying to see if I could find the information online.

I did find a shop manual that would undoubtedly have the diagram, but it was over $100. (

PMS Elle, you could point to the part you suspect of making noise with a long screwdriver or a yardstick, thereby showing it to the mechanic without knowing the name of it, couldn't you?

I take it that it only makes the noise under certain conditions and idling with the gear shift in Park or Neutral is not one of the conditions, am I correct?
Depends which noise, when it happens.

I'm trying to avoid having to deal with taxis and begging for rides in order to get my car to the mechanic who had it under warrantee, so I want to be able to describe it over the phone (their hours of operation are the same as my work hours, which SUUUUUUUCKS).
Go to your local library.  They typically have a large selection of Haynes and Chilton manuals.  Just photo-copy the bitch.  :)  Cost all of 15 cents.

Hi Tesla, welcome back! How have you been?
I've been doing alright.  Very busy.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on September 16, 2011, 02:17:34 PM
It's good to see you posting again. :)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Squidusa on October 16, 2011, 07:20:07 AM
Callaway could you confirm / deny these questions please?

Is TCO banned?

Is TCO I.P banned therefore by proxy Pandora is also I.P banned?

Would you mind if posted these ansers on the WP facebook group?

Thank you.  :)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: V on October 16, 2011, 08:39:22 AM
Callaway could you confirm / deny these questions please?

Is TCO banned?

Is TCO I.P banned therefore by proxy Pandora is also I.P banned?

Would you mind if posted these ansers on the WP facebook group?

Thank you.  :)
This was just explained by Odeon at Steve´s thread so I dont think theres need for her to explain this again
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Squidusa on October 16, 2011, 08:43:25 AM
Callaway could you confirm / deny these questions please?

Is TCO banned?

Is TCO I.P banned therefore by proxy Pandora is also I.P banned?

Would you mind if posted these ansers on the WP facebook group?

Thank you.  :)
This was just explained by Odeon at Steve´s thread so I dont think theres need for her to explain this again

I posted this before Odeon answered on the other thread.  :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 16, 2011, 08:49:11 AM
Callaway could you confirm / deny these questions please?

Is TCO banned?

Is TCO I.P banned therefore by proxy Pandora is also I.P banned?

Would you mind if posted these ansers on the WP facebook group?

Thank you.  :)
This was just explained by Odeon at Steve´s thread so I dont think theres need for her to explain this again
Callaway gives very good and detailed explanations, often very different from explanations of others, though maybe saying basically the same thing.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 16, 2011, 12:36:40 PM
Callaway could you confirm / deny these questions please?

Is TCO banned?

Is TCO I.P banned therefore by proxy Pandora is also I.P banned?

Would you mind if posted these ansers on the WP facebook group?

Thank you.  :)

Yes, TCO was IP banned when his account was deleted at his request.

He threatened the site just before we deleted his account, so I IP banned him just before the deletion, which unfortunately also affects Pandora since he's staying with her right now.  This was done with the hope that it would help him move on because he had repeatedly told me during the one week wait that he had absolutely no desire whatsoever to ever return to Intensity and that his decision was completely and irrevocably final. 

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: eris on October 16, 2011, 12:38:59 PM
Did he directly threaten the site in a way that we have not already discussed in threads ? I hope he did not physically threaten any person.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 16, 2011, 12:51:31 PM
Did he directly threaten the site in a way that we have not already discussed in threads ? I hope he did not physically threaten any person.

He threatened the site by PM to me and at least one other admin, shortly before he was IP banned and his account was deleted.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 16, 2011, 12:54:06 PM
which unfortunately also affects Pandora
Am beginning think that's why he did it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: eris on October 16, 2011, 12:58:43 PM
Did he directly threaten the site in a way that we have not already discussed in threads ? I hope he did not physically threaten any person.

He threatened the site by PM to me and at least one other admin, shortly before he was IP banned and his account was deleted.

Ok. Thanks for answering. I think he probably did that just so he would insure he would be banned and that he and Pandora cannot return.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 16, 2011, 01:02:58 PM
And she can't read here when he's not around.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 16, 2011, 01:05:43 PM
And she can't read here when he's not around.

I wonder whether or not she would be interested in reading here when he's not around?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 16, 2011, 01:09:01 PM
And she can't read here when he's not around.

I wonder whether or not she would be interested in reading here when he's not around?

Good question. Was thinking she might be curious to see what happend here for herself, but maybe not since she still seems to believe all these years later that she was banned from wp for some reason other than steve.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Squidusa on October 16, 2011, 04:59:42 PM
Did he directly threaten the site in a way that we have not already discussed in threads ? I hope he did not physically threaten any person.

He threatened the site by PM to me and at least one other admin, shortly before he was IP banned and his account was deleted.

May I ask what his threat was?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 16, 2011, 05:36:06 PM
Did he directly threaten the site in a way that we have not already discussed in threads ? I hope he did not physically threaten any person.

He threatened the site by PM to me and at least one other admin, shortly before he was IP banned and his account was deleted.

May I ask what his threat was?

To report us unless we met his demands to punish everyone who had done anything that he did not like, basically.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 16, 2011, 05:48:52 PM
Ooooh. Report to who and for what? What were the demands of punishment to be doled out?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'Butterflies' on October 16, 2011, 05:56:20 PM
The retard wants me to be punished :lol: :lol: :lol:

He seems to love Alex Plank at the moment. I wonder if he intends to report the site to Alex :lol:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 16, 2011, 06:01:06 PM
Ooooh. Report to who and for what? What were the demands of punishment to be doled out?

I would prefer not to say.  I think that I have already said too much.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Zippo on October 16, 2011, 06:04:39 PM
Ooooh. Report to who and for what? What were the demands of punishment to be doled out?

I would prefer not to say.  I think that I have already said too much.

i was dying to find out what... but i understand if you dont want to say. thanks for the information you have allready shared.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: eris on October 16, 2011, 06:08:01 PM
Ooooh. Report to who and for what? What were the demands of punishment to be doled out?

I would prefer not to say.  I think that I have already said too much.

I woldnt take it seriously. It was probably stupid, anyway. And he only said it for effect.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 16, 2011, 06:16:49 PM
Ooooh. Report to who and for what? What were the demands of punishment to be doled out?

I would prefer not to say.  I think that I have already said too much.
Fair enough. Thanks, callaway.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Squidusa on October 16, 2011, 06:17:19 PM
Ooooh. Report to who and for what? What were the demands of punishment to be doled out?

I would prefer not to say.  I think that I have already said too much.

Thats fair enough.
But I hope you are saying this for your own personal reasons , because IMO I don't think you owe Steve-O a shred of dignity / respect.  :)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on October 18, 2011, 03:23:17 PM
No need to go on feeding this drama, I think. There is always new drama to replace the old.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 18, 2011, 05:42:38 PM
No need to go on feeding this drama, I think. There is always new drama to replace the old.
Is there ever a need?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 18, 2011, 06:14:02 PM
No need to go on feeding this drama, I think. There is always new drama to replace the old.
Is there ever a need?

Sometimes there is, IMO.

I was very upset to learn that Alex had been reading people's PMs on WP, for example.

A month or so after this came to light, some people scoffed at the people who still needed to talk about it, but I was one of those people.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'Butterflies' on October 18, 2011, 06:47:00 PM
My guess is that Steve threatened to report the site, or possibly memers of this site for bullying. Apparantly cyber-bullying is a serious crime in Oz these days.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 18, 2011, 06:51:53 PM
No need to go on feeding this drama, I think. There is always new drama to replace the old.
Is there ever a need?

Sometimes there is, IMO.

I was very upset to learn that Alex had been reading people's PMs on WP, for example.

A month or so after this came to light, some people scoffed at the people who still needed to talk about it, but I was one of those people.
Good point. Maybe Odeon was talking about his own personal need.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on October 19, 2011, 06:07:20 AM
Nah, I'm just fed up with this particular drama.

My guess is that Steve threatened to report the site, or possibly memers of this site for bullying. Apparantly cyber-bullying is a serious crime in Oz these days.

In which case he'd have to explain his own actions, too.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: bodie on October 19, 2011, 07:13:56 PM
I am glad the drama seems over.  Glad Rod appears to be gone and
hope that is it.

I never felt comfortable getting into a row with Pandora.  I was never
sure if it was really her sometimes anyway.  I felt bad in case she
really is being manipulated by him...oh well..nuff said!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on October 25, 2011, 04:54:22 AM
I think that the Haynes manuals have more details than Chilton's, at least the ones I have used.  I remember that I needed a diagram for the vacuum hoses after I had the engine rebuilt and my Chilton's didn't have it.

I asked for the engine size because I was trying to see if I could find the information online.

I did find a shop manual that would undoubtedly have the diagram, but it was over $100. (

PMS Elle, you could point to the part you suspect of making noise with a long screwdriver or a yardstick, thereby showing it to the mechanic without knowing the name of it, couldn't you?

I take it that it only makes the noise under certain conditions and idling with the gear shift in Park or Neutral is not one of the conditions, am I correct?
Depends which noise, when it happens.

I'm trying to avoid having to deal with taxis and begging for rides in order to get my car to the mechanic who had it under warrantee, so I want to be able to describe it over the phone (their hours of operation are the same as my work hours, which SUUUUUUUCKS).
Go to your local library.  They typically have a large selection of Haynes and Chilton manuals.  Just photo-copy the bitch.  :)  Cost all of 15 cents.
I'll have to remember that for future reference.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Queen Victoria on October 25, 2011, 12:30:49 PM
My local library has an on-line data base that you can access with a library card number.  One of the data bases is the Auto Repair Reference Center, "Information on most major manufacturers of domestic and imported vehicles, covering more than 37,000 vehicles from 1954 to present."
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 30, 2011, 12:30:19 PM
Why does the search function on the new site format only produce one page of results?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 30, 2011, 12:33:11 PM
Why does the search function on the new site format only produce one page of results?

I don't know.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 30, 2011, 12:36:39 PM
It's kind of a bummer. Google isn't as productive with this site as some others. Maybe because of the hidden areas.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 30, 2011, 12:38:01 PM
It's kind of a bummer. Google isn't as productive with this site as some others. Maybe because of the hidden areas.

I know.  What were you searching for?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 30, 2011, 12:42:59 PM
Nothing of importance today, but have noticed the one page thing a few times and have become curious about it. At first wasn't sure if it was standard but have come to conclude it is.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on October 30, 2011, 04:43:18 PM
Why does the search function on the new site format only produce one page of results?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 30, 2011, 04:43:41 PM
Why does the search function on the new site format only produce one page of results?

Why the ???
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on October 30, 2011, 04:46:38 PM
Why does the search function on the new site format only produce one page of results?

Why the ???

Because I'm not sure which search function you refer to.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 30, 2011, 04:49:07 PM
At the top of the page; home, help, search, profile, my messages, etc..
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on October 30, 2011, 04:52:30 PM
And it only gives you a single page of results? I just tried it and it gave me a lot more than that.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 30, 2011, 04:53:28 PM
Have never gotten more than one page of results. :(
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on October 30, 2011, 04:55:22 PM
Weird. If you search "test" as the text string, "*" as the user and range between 0 and 999 days, how many hits do you get? (And don't forget to search on all fora.)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 30, 2011, 04:58:26 PM
It doesn't give me the option to choose fora, but now see what it is. Was previously checking the box of 'show results as messages', which only resulted in one page. Selecting no boxes resulted in 113 pages. Thanks, Odeon!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on October 30, 2011, 04:59:53 PM
:) Glad you sorted it out.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 30, 2011, 05:28:53 PM
A search using a username instead of the asterisk still only results in one page.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 30, 2011, 10:19:26 PM
A search using a username instead of the asterisk still only results in one page.

That's true.  I just searched on all fora for "test" by user Jack and got one page of results.

However, I searched for "test" by user Callaway and got nineteen pages of results.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 31, 2011, 03:06:35 AM
Thanks again. :)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on October 31, 2011, 09:50:37 AM
I do think that what you get is what you search for, that is, the results are not limited to a single page if two are needed.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on October 31, 2011, 03:31:33 PM
Still thinking that selecting 'view as messages' limits to one page. If I ever get more than one will let you know.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on November 01, 2011, 04:22:03 AM
I'll have a read at the SMF support forum and see if I can find something.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: eris on November 02, 2011, 03:24:36 PM
Have never gotten more than one page of results. :(

I havent either. I often search my name and there should be a few pages of results, as there always used to be. Now there are only a handful of results, they are not complete and they are always limited to one page.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Binty on November 02, 2011, 03:37:42 PM
My search results work fine  ???
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on November 02, 2011, 03:39:06 PM
Make sure that the day range is sufficient and that all fora are selected.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 02, 2011, 03:43:44 PM
Have never gotten more than one page of results. :(

I havent either. I often search my name and there should be a few pages of results, as there always used to be. Now there are only a handful of results, they are not complete and they are always limited to one page.

I just tried searching for "Eris" on all boards by all users and got 51 pages of results.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on November 02, 2011, 04:11:25 PM
Have never gotten more than one page of results. :(

I havent either. I often search my name and there should be a few pages of results, as there always used to be. Now there are only a handful of results, they are not complete and they are always limited to one page.
How are you searching? Searched for eris and got 50 pages. Search eris, checked the box 'show results as messages', and only got one page.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: eris on November 02, 2011, 04:12:23 PM
Have never gotten more than one page of results. :(

I havent either. I often search my name and there should be a few pages of results, as there always used to be. Now there are only a handful of results, they are not complete and they are always limited to one page.
How are you searching? Searched for eris and got 50 pages. Search eris, checked the box 'show results as messages', and only got one page.

yes, I am selecting " show results as messages" too and am getting one page
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on November 02, 2011, 04:51:23 PM
Try again, without checking that checkbox.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on November 02, 2011, 04:54:07 PM
Results were the same as before, 50 pages without the checkbox, one page with it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: eris on November 02, 2011, 04:55:24 PM
Try again, without checking that checkbox.

yes, 50 pages -  without the box checked

Results were the same as before, 50 pages without the checkbox, one page with it.

uh huh yep
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on November 02, 2011, 04:56:49 PM
Looks like quotes are treated differently depending on search method. The 51-page result also included "eris" as part of other words.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on November 02, 2011, 04:59:18 PM
Different topic- Callaway, are there any long-trm adverse effects of feeding an indoor cat exclusively indoor cat food?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: eris on November 02, 2011, 05:00:30 PM
Looks like quotes are treated differently depending on search method. The 51-page result also included "eris" as part of other words.

it has always been that way. Ive been googling myself a long time :P And "cherish" and "perishable" etc always also show up.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on November 02, 2011, 05:04:36 PM
Looks like quotes are treated differently depending on search method. The 51-page result also included "eris" as part of other words.

it has always been that way. Ive been googling myself a long time :P And "cherish" and "perishable" etc always also show up.

Yes, but do both methods treat words like that?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: eris on November 02, 2011, 05:05:30 PM
yes, always did before
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on November 02, 2011, 05:07:27 PM
OK, I haven't used the search a lot lately.

It's the logical way to do it, if it allows for trailing spaces and that sort of thing.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on November 02, 2011, 05:14:40 PM
Without the checkbox, it only shows sentence snipits of the post which contain the search word, so when searching by username, it's hard to tell which results are actually the poster's words, or which ones are results from other people quoted in the post. Clicking the message box shows the entire post, so results within quotes are easy to spot.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on November 02, 2011, 05:16:25 PM
Have to find the time to study this thing properly.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Osensitive1 on November 02, 2011, 05:36:27 PM
No worries.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 02, 2011, 07:47:57 PM
Different topic- Callaway, are there any long-trm adverse effects of feeding an indoor cat exclusively indoor cat food?

Cat food is supposed to have all the nutrients that a cat needs to be healthy, so I would think that if the cat food is a good brand, there wouldn't be a problem.  Maybe if you just fed an indoor cat canned cat food and it isn't very active, it might become overweight, which might cause some problems.

You shouldn't feed a cat exclusively on dog food because dogs can synthesize the amino acid taurine and cats cannot, but you probably already knew that.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Queen Victoria on November 02, 2011, 08:41:13 PM
Have to find the time to study this thing properly.

Well, that's a first for Intensity.  Someone wants to do something properly.  Will wonders never cease?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on November 03, 2011, 05:47:17 AM
Different topic- Callaway, are there any long-trm adverse effects of feeding an indoor cat exclusively indoor cat food?

Cat food is supposed to have all the nutrients that a cat needs to be healthy, so I would think that if the cat food is a good brand, there wouldn't be a problem.  Maybe if you just fed an indoor cat canned cat food and it isn't very active, it might become overweight, which might cause some problems.

You shouldn't feed a cat exclusively on dog food because dogs can synthesize the amino acid taurine and cats cannot, but you probably already knew that.
My cat's kinda fat, but, well, he doesn't have a whole lot of room to run around in.  I'm wondering if the indoor cat food is slowing his metabolism down or messing with him in some way, the way living on "diet" food hypoethtically can for humans.  He's less active than he used to be, but he's also nine years old, so that's not especially alarming (younger cats are generally more hyper).
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on November 03, 2011, 12:34:11 PM
Have to find the time to study this thing properly.

Well, that's a first for Intensity.  Someone wants to do something properly.  Will wonders never cease?

Shocking, I know. :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: earthboundmisfit on November 27, 2011, 10:49:58 PM

What is the elevation where you live? Do you need to use the high altitude directions when you cook?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 27, 2011, 11:02:53 PM

What is the elevation where you live? Do you need to use the high altitude directions when you cook?

I live approximately a mile above sea level and yes, I should follow the high altitude baking instructions although I don't always do it with prepackaged mixes.  It makes more difference when baking from scratch, I think.  Things rise too quickly in some cases and then they might fall. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: eris on January 04, 2012, 07:41:06 PM
hi callaway :)

I was wondering if you could do me a favor and look up my ip adress and say where it says i live. i looked it up myself and it says chicago ! I am no where near that. I live in the city of washington, pennsylvania near pittsburgh. Do you know what it would say that ?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 04, 2012, 08:43:53 PM
hi callaway :)

I was wondering if you could do me a favor and look up my ip adress and say where it says i live. i looked it up myself and it says chicago ! I am no where near that. I live in the city of washington, pennsylvania near pittsburgh. Do you know what it would say that ?

I got Chicago as well. 

I wonder if this is some sort of central office of your wireless internet through Cricket?  I know that Cricket's corporate headquarters are in San Diego, CA.

I remember once I stayed in a hotel and used their wireless internet and was surprised to see that the IP checker said I was in Washington DC, when I was nowhere near there.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on January 04, 2012, 08:50:48 PM
mine has me in Sale/Cheshire

Close, but not perfect :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: eris on January 04, 2012, 08:51:18 PM
thanks :)

hm, it could be a central office . Also, i just got this yesterday, maybe it didnt register yet, or something. I promise you guys im in pennsylvania lol :D
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on January 05, 2012, 02:54:54 AM
It's usually the location of their public server.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: skyblue1 on January 10, 2012, 06:09:09 PM
How are you ?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 10, 2012, 06:36:48 PM
How are you ?

I'm OK.  Thanks for asking.  I have been kind of busy since the break from school ended, though.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: skyblue1 on January 11, 2012, 07:11:38 PM
How are you ?

I'm OK.  Thanks for asking.  I have been kind of busy since the break from school ended, though.
was just wondering if ya`ll were snowbound
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 11, 2012, 07:21:45 PM
How are you ?

I'm OK.  Thanks for asking.  I have been kind of busy since the break from school ended, though.
was just wondering if ya`ll were snowbound

No, most of the snow from our previous snows (at least the snow that wasn't in deep shade) had melted before this snow that we are getting right now and this show is not supposed to amount to that much.  My daughter's outside playing in it right now in her snow pants, jacket, gloves and boots.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on February 06, 2012, 10:54:18 PM
Why have you never posted a picture of yourself?

Is it because you are morbidly obese?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 06, 2012, 10:57:15 PM
Why have you never posted a picture of yourself?

Is it because you are morbidly obese?

No, I just value my privacy.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on February 06, 2012, 11:04:41 PM
my cat, here's a picture of my cat:

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 06, 2012, 11:23:20 PM
I like the one where you put a Christmas hat on her and she looked really pissed with you better.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on February 06, 2012, 11:24:17 PM
I don't remember that one

Why did you like that one more?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 06, 2012, 11:34:31 PM
I don't remember that one

Why did you like that one more?

It used to be your avatar.  I just loved her expression.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Émile Armand on February 06, 2012, 11:53:21 PM
How old are you? :tickle:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 06, 2012, 11:56:31 PM
How old are you? :tickle:

Not telling you.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Émile Armand on February 07, 2012, 12:00:18 AM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 07, 2012, 12:01:08 AM

It's none of your business.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calavera on February 07, 2012, 04:39:23 PM

You remind me of that old customer who keeps coming to our store and asking us all sorts of questions on every single aspect of computer, even the dumb ones that he know.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: WolFish on February 09, 2012, 12:54:14 AM
Would the distilling process remove trace pharmaceuticals from drinking water? I have a filter with a carbon and ceramic cartridge but I don't think they get everything. Or do they? Sorry that's two questions, and sorry if someone already asked.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 09, 2012, 07:57:48 AM
Would the distilling process remove trace pharmaceuticals from drinking water? I have a filter with a carbon and ceramic cartridge but I don't think they get everything. Or do they? Sorry that's two questions, and sorry if someone already asked.

Distilling water would give you absolutely pure water.  Ceramic and carbon filters remove many impurities like bacteria, giardia, chlorine, and lead but neither would remove mineral salts that are dissolved in the water.  I think that some trace pharmceuticals could be in the form of dissolved mineral salts, such as Lithium.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: WolFish on February 14, 2012, 08:31:40 AM
Would the distilling process remove trace pharmaceuticals from drinking water? I have a filter with a carbon and ceramic cartridge but I don't think they get everything. Or do they? Sorry that's two questions, and sorry if someone already asked.

Distilling water would give you absolutely pure water.  Ceramic and carbon filters remove many impurities like bacteria, giardia, chlorine, and lead but neither would remove mineral salts that are dissolved in the water.  I think that some trace pharmceuticals could be in the form of dissolved mineral salts, such as Lithium.

so the water would have nothing at all in it? what would be the ph?
could the water that comes out of my tap have trace pharmaceuticals? how would they get there? If they come from reclaimed water I am thinking that I should get a distiller because so many people are on meds these days. I just want the ones I have to take.

wait, would that be bad? how would I get the minerals I need?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 14, 2012, 08:11:19 PM
Would the distilling process remove trace pharmaceuticals from drinking water? I have a filter with a carbon and ceramic cartridge but I don't think they get everything. Or do they? Sorry that's two questions, and sorry if someone already asked.

Distilling water would give you absolutely pure water.  Ceramic and carbon filters remove many impurities like bacteria, giardia, chlorine, and lead but neither would remove mineral salts that are dissolved in the water.  I think that some trace pharmceuticals could be in the form of dissolved mineral salts, such as Lithium.

so the water would have nothing at all in it? what would be the ph?
could the water that comes out of my tap have trace pharmaceuticals? how would they get there? If they come from reclaimed water I am thinking that I should get a distiller because so many people are on meds these days. I just want the ones I have to take.

wait, would that be bad? how would I get the minerals I need?

Right when the water is distilled, the pH would be 7.0, however, if it sits in an open container for a long time, distilled water can absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the dissolved CO2 makes carbonic acid and lowers the pH.

Some pharmaceuticals can be flushed into wastewater, but their concentration would be extremely low and I doubt that they would show up in appreciable quantities in tapwater, maybe in parts per billion or even parts per trillion.  An activated carbon filter would be sufficient to remove most of them except for mineral salts like Lithium.  If you want to get a water distiller for your own peace of mind or because your tapwater is kind of brackish, get a good one, preferably with stainless steel or glass parts and keep the collecting jar very clean to prevent microbial growth.

I think that most people get the majority of their minerals from food rather than their water, anyway.

I'm lucky because the tap water is great here, but it does have lots of dissolved minerals.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: WolFish on February 15, 2012, 12:39:00 AM
I guess lithium in parts per billion or trillion would be fine too. It won't be irgent now but I am going to save up for a distiller because I can taste things in most water, and because the filters keep changing so that I have to buy a new one rather than just the insides. The water in MA smelled horribly of chlorine, while the water here smells like swampwater and if left sitting grows things that look like worms.

I clean my beverage containers with a solution of food grade hydrogen peroxide. I'm thinking that would keep the collecting jar clean too.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Queen Victoria on February 15, 2012, 11:01:21 AM
Would you rather cook or sew?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 15, 2012, 02:29:52 PM
Would you rather cook or sew?

I like to do both, but at different times.  If I have a big sewing project going on like the costumes I made for our daughter at Christmas, then we usually eat out or get take-out or else we make something simple to eat at home.  Sometimes I really enjoy cooking, though.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on February 26, 2012, 05:03:07 PM
Hey Callaway, know of some good stretches to prevent neck and back pain?  Both are minor/not at a "scare" point for me, before you ask. 

If this makes a difference, I think I keep kinda tweaking my back doing pull-ups (well, trying to), and after rock climbing I'm wrecked (some of that is expect able, it's bloody rock climbing).  It's really more in my shoulders than along my spine, and it's achy.  When I can get a friend to give me a back massage it helps a lot.  The neck I think is partly how I'm sleeping and I think some of the rest might be postural.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on February 26, 2012, 11:39:25 PM
Hey Callaway, know of some good stretches to prevent neck and back pain?  Both are minor/not at a "scare" point for me, before you ask. 

If this makes a difference, I think I keep kinda tweaking my back doing pull-ups (well, trying to), and after rock climbing I'm wrecked (some of that is expect able, it's bloody rock climbing).  It's really more in my shoulders than along my spine, and it's achy.  When I can get a friend to give me a back massage it helps a lot.  The neck I think is partly how I'm sleeping and I think some of the rest might be postural.

I don't know any off the top of my head, but I think that it makes sense that massage should be helpful if you carry a lot of tension in your neck and shoulders, so maybe what you need are some relaxation exercises for your neck and shoulders like you might do in some forms of yoga.  Shiatsu massagers for your neck and back aren't that expensive, if you want to check them out.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on February 27, 2012, 06:00:00 AM
Everything is expensive to me, callaway.   :laugh:  I carry a lot of tension in my everything.  I'll look more into things myself.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on February 27, 2012, 03:18:52 PM
A supplement with magnesium can help your muscles relax.

I'm taking it regularly, on the advise of my physiotherapist. I see her a lot less, since I take it. And, when I have to see her now, she gets through the tension a lot easier.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 28, 2012, 01:43:13 AM
Hey Callaway, know of some good stretches to prevent neck and back pain?  Both are minor/not at a "scare" point for me, before you ask. 

If this makes a difference, I think I keep kinda tweaking my back doing pull-ups (well, trying to), and after rock climbing I'm wrecked (some of that is expect able, it's bloody rock climbing).  It's really more in my shoulders than along my spine, and it's achy.  When I can get a friend to give me a back massage it helps a lot.  The neck I think is partly how I'm sleeping and I think some of the rest might be postural.

A few ideas:

Get a new pillow. Take regular breaks at the computer--pain in your shoulders suggests that your problems do not originate from rock climbing.

But once you do rock climb, make sure you are warmed up first. That helps a lot, too.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: WolFish on March 27, 2012, 10:00:01 AM
I have an anole in my room and I want to make sure it gets some fruit and enough water. I don't think food is an issue since bugs will get in the same way the anole got in. I don't want to overwater my plants just to give the anole water. I am not sure if it is going outside to get water. I am pretty sure from watching it that it is hunting inside.
It is a brown anole. None of the sites I look at ever say what kind of fruit.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 27, 2012, 01:42:58 PM
I have an anole in my room and I want to make sure it gets some fruit and enough water. I don't think food is an issue since bugs will get in the same way the anole got in. I don't want to overwater my plants just to give the anole water. I am not sure if it is going outside to get water. I am pretty sure from watching it that it is hunting inside.
It is a brown anole. None of the sites I look at ever say what kind of fruit.

I didn't know that brown anole lizards ate fruit at all.  I thought that they ate mostly insects like small crickets and flies and small spiders.  You can mist your plants with a spray bottle a couple of times a day and the anole will lick the droplets of water off their leaves, or you could put some water in a saucer for it, which will also increase the humidity nearby. 

OK, I just did a search and I found a reference that said they will sometimes drink the juice from sweet soft fruit like bananas, peaches, and plums and you can puree a small amount of soft fruit as a treat and add the vitamins and calcium they need.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: BruceCM on March 27, 2012, 02:24:54 PM
As I hardly know anything about you yet, what are your interests, please?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 27, 2012, 05:16:28 PM
That's a very broad question, Bruce. 

I like to sew and I like to read and watch movies.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: BruceCM on March 27, 2012, 05:24:27 PM
What sorts of movies, please, with some favorites?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 27, 2012, 05:42:53 PM
What sorts of movies, please, with some favorites?

I just watched an episode of the Borgias online with my husband and both of us enjoyed it.  He rented the whole first season and brought it home for us to watch together and we enjoyed seeing it, then I happened to see the first episode of the second season online earlier today and showed it to him, so we watched that together too.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: BruceCM on March 27, 2012, 05:46:32 PM
With the infamous poison ring, too, although that's not a movie!? (
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 27, 2012, 08:33:15 PM
With the infamous poison ring, too, although that's not a movie!? (

Lucrezia Borgia didn't have the poison ring in the episodes I have seen so far.  She just had her first baby at the end of the first season.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Jesse on March 27, 2012, 09:06:19 PM
the borgias are a fucked up family. i'm so happy i didnt live in those times,  :M
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: BruceCM on March 28, 2012, 02:23:03 AM
Although all my 'info' on them came from westerns! Anyway, other TV shows & films, then, please?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 28, 2012, 02:38:00 AM
My husband rented the first episode of Big Love for us to watch together.  He had seen part of an episode on HBO in a hotel room and liked it and thought that I might like it too.  I didn't expect to like a show about polygamy, but it was really good, so we rented the rest of the first season and all the other seasons as well when they came out on DVD.  We just watched the last season recently and were disappointed that they won't be making any more of them.

There's a reality show here about some real polygamists that we have watched a few times, but I just don't care for it.

I enjoyed seeing The King's Speech.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: BruceCM on March 28, 2012, 03:27:07 AM
No films? lol
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 28, 2012, 03:35:57 AM
The King's Speech was a film.

We don't get to see many films together without our daughter until after they come out on DVD so most of the films we see in theaters are ones that she can watch with us.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: BruceCM on March 28, 2012, 03:39:06 AM
OK, other films? Not seen King's Speech, personally & I shouldn't say my parents liked it! lol
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 28, 2012, 03:51:08 AM
So your parents didn't like it?

I liked the aspect that his wife sought out a good speech therapist for him and he worked hard and didn't let the fact that he stuttered keep him from doing his job, if that makes any sense.

I watched the whole Twilight series of films that are on DVD with my daughter recently one weekend while her dad was in India.  We had a sort of movie marathon weekend, but we could stop watching whenever she wanted to and start watching again whenever she wanted to.  She's quite disappointed that Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 won't come out until November.  She wanted to rent it immediately afer we finished watching Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 28, 2012, 03:52:23 AM
Have you seen the new Sherlock that's set in modern London?  I liked the first three episodes that I saw very much.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: BruceCM on March 28, 2012, 04:50:45 AM
Yep & I thoroughly recommend all 6 they've done so far of those! What else do you like doing, then?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: MutieTom on March 28, 2012, 06:46:49 AM
What keeps you on this forum?  Not saying I want you gone or anything, but you seem very calm and mature compared to the stereotypical member.  Not that your the only calm and mature one.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: BruceCM on March 28, 2012, 07:24:00 AM
Calm & mature!? Me? Wow! Thanks!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on March 28, 2012, 08:15:50 AM
he meant callaway
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: MutieTom on March 28, 2012, 09:20:17 AM
Calm & mature!? Me? Wow! Thanks!

no you are lonely and need to be seen.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 28, 2012, 11:06:43 AM
What keeps you on this forum?  Not saying I want you gone or anything, but you seem very calm and mature compared to the stereotypical member.  Not that your the only calm and mature one.

I like Intensity.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: WolFish on March 28, 2012, 11:11:01 AM
I have an anole in my room and I want to make sure it gets some fruit and enough water. I don't think food is an issue since bugs will get in the same way the anole got in. I don't want to overwater my plants just to give the anole water. I am not sure if it is going outside to get water. I am pretty sure from watching it that it is hunting inside.
It is a brown anole. None of the sites I look at ever say what kind of fruit.

I didn't know that brown anole lizards ate fruit at all.  I thought that they ate mostly insects like small crickets and flies and small spiders.  You can mist your plants with a spray bottle a couple of times a day and the anole will lick the droplets of water off their leaves, or you could put some water in a saucer for it, which will also increase the humidity nearby. 

OK, I just did a search and I found a reference that said they will sometimes drink the juice from sweet soft fruit like bananas, peaches, and plums and you can puree a small amount of soft fruit as a treat and add the vitamins and calcium they need.

Thanks. The one in my room is eating some kind of small black flies that we have and some beetles too, I think. It doesn't seem interested in going back outside so I wanted to make sure it had everything it needed in here.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: BruceCM on March 28, 2012, 01:11:15 PM
Hopefully, not missing the other films, etc bit? For staying here because you like it, surely that much is obvious? I guess I'm the only one thinking 'but why (particularly)?' Obviously, I like I^2, so far; you get a fair mixture of people here & I just seem to get on better with the absence of a list of forum rules that are very similar to offline ones.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: MutieTom on March 28, 2012, 02:46:30 PM
What keeps you on this forum?  Not saying I want you gone or anything, but you seem very calm and mature compared to the stereotypical member.  Not that your the only calm and mature one.

I like Intensity.

fair enough.  I thought maybe you like the face that people like you are needed here.  IE, sensible people who can balance the mood of the silly ones.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: BruceCM on March 28, 2012, 05:36:44 PM
Any forum wants a bit of a mixture & it's great to have more variety! lols
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 28, 2012, 05:52:55 PM
What keeps you on this forum?  Not saying I want you gone or anything, but you seem very calm and mature compared to the stereotypical member.  Not that your the only calm and mature one.

I like Intensity.

fair enough.  I thought maybe you like the face that people like you are needed here.  IE, sensible people who can balance the mood of the silly ones.

That's also a good point that a good mix of people are needed, but personally I like that I don't always have to be careful to choose my words correctly, and that I don't need to walk on eggshells around someone's fragile feelings. 

Of course, that's not entirely accurate in some ways because some people who are very insensitive regarding other people's feelings while remaining very sensitive regarding their own feelings can still misinterpret what I or someone else meant, but that particular type of very thin-skinned person tends not to stick around here very long.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: BruceCM on March 28, 2012, 07:13:57 PM
What else would you like to tell us about yourself? (Not at all vague!) lols
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: WolFish on March 30, 2012, 03:31:17 PM
Is it bad for someone who is recovering from anemia to exercise? Is it bad to try to go back to lifting weights, for example?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on March 30, 2012, 04:40:37 PM
Is it bad for someone who is recovering from anemia to exercise? Is it bad to try to go back to lifting weights, for example?

I think that you would be able to exercise to some extent, but you probably should avoid strenuous exercise like lifting weights.  Maybe walking or swimming would be better than weightlifting (if you like swimming).

I think that your doctor would be a better person to ask how much you can do since s/he would know your hematocrit and other things concerning your overall health.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Bastet on April 01, 2012, 08:39:48 PM
do you like cats?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 01, 2012, 09:58:29 PM
do you like cats?

Yes, I do.  I used to have a part Siamese cat with blue eyes named Crystal who knew how to open the door with her paws.  She also taught her kittens how to do it.

I don't have any cats or dogs now, though.  My husband and daughter have too many allergies.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: BruceCM on April 02, 2012, 12:50:28 AM
That's a shame! What sort of music do you like?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Natalia Evans on April 02, 2012, 02:09:08 AM
Have you ever owned a Calico cat?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: BruceCM on April 02, 2012, 02:15:16 AM
Or a Dalmatian?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: bodie on April 02, 2012, 03:44:15 AM
Is this your ask away thread that you don't have? :zoinks:

Sorry just saw somewhere that you were accused of not having one.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: BruceCM on April 02, 2012, 04:00:53 AM
Well, it's not in the 'ask away' section? I didn't mean to 'accuse' anybody, but presumably, it is here rather than there for a reason & I'd 'lost' this thread.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: bodie on April 02, 2012, 04:21:40 AM
but don't you think the title of  'Questions for Callaway' rather implies it is a thread in which to ask Callaway questions.  an ask away thread is also a thread designed to ask Callaway questions.   :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on April 02, 2012, 10:59:49 PM
do you like cats?
Yes, I do.  I used to have a part Siamese cat with blue eyes named Crystal who knew how to open the door with her paws.  She also taught her kittens how to do it.
Aww. :heart:
My mum's cat is also part Siamese, he is 15 now. Siamese have always been my favourite cat, though I love all cats. Despite being allergic too, heh.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 02, 2012, 11:02:36 PM
That's a shame! What sort of music do you like?

I like a lot of music, but what I listen most often to on the radio is an oldies station.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 02, 2012, 11:19:01 PM
Well, it's not in the 'ask away' section? I didn't mean to 'accuse' anybody, but presumably, it is here rather than there for a reason & I'd 'lost' this thread.

You're correct.  Triste started this thread here to ask me a question.  Some people have suggested that I move it to the Ask Away section, but Triste started it here and I like it here and don't want to move it. 

It is true that I don't like to answer questions that I consider very personal for private reasons of my own, so that's another good reason for it to be here instead of there, IMO.  I wouldn't want anyone to be misled into believing that I would be willing to answer questions that I wouldn't.

Bodaccea wasn't talking about you accusing me of not having an Ask Away thread; she was talking about someone else.

Is this your ask away thread that you don't have? :zoinks:

Sorry just saw somewhere that you were accused of not having one.

It's not exactly an Ask Away thread, so I guess that's why Pyraxis said that.  Either that, or she just wanted to score some cheap points against me.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Queen Victoria on April 02, 2012, 11:35:35 PM
What was the first thing you sewed?

Besides courses in your major, what was your favorite course in college?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 02, 2012, 11:58:49 PM
Have you ever owned a Calico cat?

No, I haven't.  I have had tabby cats, mixed breed cats, and one cat that was white with green eyes who was really good at catching things, in addition to Crystal.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 03, 2012, 12:02:31 AM
Or a Dalmatian?

No, I have never owned a Dalmation.  My favorite dog ever was a mix between a German Shepherd and a Bernese Mountain Dog, but I also had a black peekapoo named Cocoa.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 03, 2012, 12:14:07 AM
What was the first thing you sewed?

Besides courses in your major, what was your favorite course in college?


I can't remember whether I sewed the light blue potholder first in seventh grade or the doll's dress I made completely by hand from a floral print.  I made the dress for an old miniature doll and I didn't know how to do a bodice yet, so I made it by wrapping her top with a pink ribbon in an X over her breasts, then over her shoulders, then around her waist.  Believe it or not, it turned out cute.

I very much enjoyed a graduate level mathematics class called analysis where we proved theorems from some very basic axioms.  We were forbidden from looking into books or asking for help.  We had to figure it out ourselves and I was pretty good at it, but I was nothing compared with a twelve year old boy who was taking the class with me.  We were called on in a certain order, with the weakest students called on first so they could have the first chance to shine, and this twelve year old always called on last.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: BruceCM on April 03, 2012, 01:30:09 AM
Ah, proper maths expert! You do a lot of sewing, still, then?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 03, 2012, 01:38:22 AM
Ah, proper maths expert! You do a lot of sewing, still, then?

I wouldn't say a lot, but I still do a fair amount of sewing, on my grandmother's old Kenmore.  I also have a serger.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: BruceCM on April 03, 2012, 01:43:56 AM
Making clothes or mostly repairing them? Just how much maths did you end up doing, btw?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 03, 2012, 01:50:11 AM
Making clothes or mostly repairing them? Just how much maths did you end up doing, btw?

Mostly making dresses, costumes, stuffed animals and other stuff for my daughter.

That analysis class was the highest level math class I took.  I majored in Chemical Engineering and got a Master's degree.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: BruceCM on April 03, 2012, 01:53:40 AM
Um, chemical engineering? What's that, then?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 03, 2012, 01:54:35 PM
Um, chemical engineering? What's that, then?

That is kind of a broad question.  In a nutshell, it's the branch of engineering that focuses on chemistry and physics along with mathematics, economics and other areas.  So I took the same chemistry that the chemistry majors took, the same physics that the physics majors took, the same mathematics that the math majors took, up to the point of differential equations, complex variables, and linear algebra, classes in drafting and economics and classes in the other engineering branches like electrical engineering and mechanical engineering, along with the other courses required to get a degree.  I took the analysis class for fun.  It was the most rigorous engineering school at the universities where I got my BS and MS degrees. 

Here's the Wikipedia page on it if that gives you a broader view: (

The area of chemical engineering that I did my thesis research in was process control. (
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: BruceCM on April 03, 2012, 02:12:05 PM
Yeah, thanks! Analysis class for 'fun', huh? Wow. Um, did you get some related work, afterwards, then?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 03, 2012, 02:57:45 PM
Yeah, thanks! Analysis class for 'fun', huh? Wow. Um, did you get some related work, afterwards, then?

Not really although I did work in a chemistry lab.

I have also been a special education paraprofessional and I'm a behavior coach now.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: BruceCM on April 03, 2012, 03:10:10 PM
Oh, OK. Coaching children?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 03, 2012, 03:12:23 PM
Oh, OK. Coaching children?

Mostly just one child at this point.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: BruceCM on April 03, 2012, 03:21:37 PM
Did what work in a chemistry lab, then, please?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 03, 2012, 03:29:54 PM
Oh, OK. Coaching children?

Mostly just one child at this point.

It doesn't really count if it's your own kid lol
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on April 03, 2012, 03:31:18 PM
btw having an Ask Away thread does not mean that you're willing to answer ANY question
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on April 03, 2012, 03:33:30 PM
Did what work in a chemistry lab, then, please?

Synthesized chemicals that people needed.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: BruceCM on April 03, 2012, 04:19:37 PM
Uh huh? Suspected it might be your own child, though. What else would you like to tell us?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Jesse on May 04, 2012, 10:07:39 PM
Not a question but more of an observation.
spot it if you can see it out. Callaway is the ranger  :laugh:

Open Season Full Movie - Part 1 (HQ) (
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on May 05, 2012, 03:18:45 AM
Thanks, Richard.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on October 02, 2012, 10:22:14 PM
I see you online.

How is your knee and ankle?

I read of your experience with the nosebleed and thought that was pretty shocking. I have never had anything like that happen to me before.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on October 02, 2012, 11:31:11 PM
I see you online.

How is your knee and ankle?

I read of your experience with the nosebleed and thought that was pretty shocking. I have never had anything like that happen to me before.

My ankle is good; it rarely bothers me at all anymore.

My knee is getting better, but it still hurts and it doesn't have quite the full range of motion yet.  I went to Physical Therapy for it today and I definitely feel it now.  I do the exercises at home too but not all at the same time, so maybe that's part of the difference.

The nosebleed was shocking.  I have had nosebleeds off and on since I was a kid, but none of them were anything like this one.  It's reassuring to know that the doctors at the emergency room have ways of stopping a nosebleed that go beyond anything I ever heard of before.  Even so, I will always be very cautious about ever using aspirin again, even in very small doses.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Jesse on November 04, 2012, 10:01:04 AM
When your nose stars bleeding for no reason it is very shocking. Its happend to me several times but is pretty rare,

Do you have any jewlery callaway and if so what is your favorite?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on November 07, 2012, 07:25:05 AM
When your nose stars bleeding for no reason it is very shocking. Its happend to me several times but is pretty rare,

Do you have any jewlery callaway and if so what is your favorite?

I have some jewelry.  I really like pearls and have different colors of them and I have a very nice watch which I wear almost all the time, but if I had to pick a favorite it would have to be my engagement and wedding ring.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Parts on December 24, 2012, 04:47:51 PM
How are the new marijuana laws going?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on December 25, 2012, 05:20:04 AM
How are the new marijuana plants growing?

Fixed. :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Callaway on January 08, 2013, 09:04:35 PM
How are the new marijuana laws going?

People can smoke it at home or in private marijuana clubs, but they aren't allowed to smoke in public or drive under the influence, which to me seems to negate the ability to smoke in private clubs.  Some people use the clubs because they can't smoke in their apartments without violating their leases.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on April 01, 2013, 06:38:37 PM
It's been quite some old is your daughter now?  How is she doing?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Parts on April 02, 2013, 08:12:49 PM
The real question is where are you?  Not on since the 14th that's a long time for you :-\
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on April 04, 2013, 07:35:05 AM
And before that, Callaway was missing for a long time too.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on April 04, 2013, 07:47:04 AM
Maybe she saw calandale and ran for her life.

:insert smiley:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on April 04, 2013, 04:11:31 PM
Or she saw you.  :green:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on April 04, 2013, 04:48:47 PM
Or she saw you.  :green:
She would have run at me....

....with a knife.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on April 05, 2013, 03:59:58 PM
I'm worried, in any case. :-\
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on April 05, 2013, 04:15:52 PM
She was barely around the few days she was here. Not Callaway like at all.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on April 05, 2013, 05:17:30 PM
I'm worried, in any case. :-\
hadnt the two of you developed a trust over he years by which you knew how to contact each other?

If you do contact her, will you please ask if you can post an update on her behalf?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on April 06, 2013, 04:27:59 PM
I'm worried, in any case. :-\
hadnt the two of you developed a trust over he years by which you knew how to contact each other?

If you do contact her, will you please ask if you can post an update on her behalf?

I will, if it's OK with her.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on April 19, 2013, 03:38:30 PM
I'm worried, in any case. :-\
hadnt the two of you developed a trust over he years by which you knew how to contact each other?

If you do contact her, will you please ask if you can post an update on her behalf?

I will, if it's OK with her.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on April 19, 2013, 06:43:09 PM
I'm worried, in any case. :-\
hadnt the two of you developed a trust over he years by which you knew how to contact each other?

If you do contact her, will you please ask if you can post an update on her behalf?

I will, if it's OK with her.

I've heard nothing from her. I'm worried. :(
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on April 19, 2013, 06:52:16 PM
When did she last post?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on April 19, 2013, 06:54:55 PM
About a month ago.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on April 19, 2013, 06:57:08 PM
I was wondering, for a second, if she was my mom. 
My moms accident was Feb. 25. In Colorado.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Bastet on April 19, 2013, 08:16:06 PM
She take off again?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on April 20, 2013, 01:39:21 AM
Well, she isn't here.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: bodie on April 20, 2013, 04:32:29 AM
She will be at the gym in her lycra
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Al Swearegen on April 21, 2013, 04:53:00 AM
Hope so
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Jesse on May 29, 2013, 09:25:19 PM
I hope she is doing Ok.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on May 29, 2013, 10:57:56 PM
Me too.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 30, 2013, 07:35:43 AM
If she didn't tell anybody that she was leaving and just up and left, I'd conclude that its not good.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Icequeen on May 30, 2013, 07:47:33 AM
Worried as well. :(

Hope everything is okay.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on May 30, 2013, 08:23:00 AM
If she didn't tell anybody that she was leaving and just up and left, I'd conclude that its not good.

She made a very short appearance, last time she was around. Before that she was gone for an extended time without notifying us too. Not a Callaway pattern of behaviour at all. So, yes, worried too.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 30, 2013, 08:25:28 AM
She used to talk about a guy who stalked her in real life.  The police were involved and everything.
I hope it has nothing to do with that.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Jesse on May 30, 2013, 09:15:50 AM
Her and Her Husband came through Flagstaff and didn't even say hello. but I think we were arguing at the time so its ok,  :laugh:

Maybe she just wants a break from the online world. lets hope
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 30, 2013, 09:17:36 AM
Her and Her Husband came through Flagstaff and didn't even say hello. but I think we were arguing at the time so its ok,  :laugh:

Maybe she just wants a break from the online world. lets hope
i would think that she would send someone a pm if this were the case.
People worry.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Jesse on May 30, 2013, 09:21:10 AM
Yeah. well, either way I hope whatever it is She comes back. maybe someone should Email her
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 30, 2013, 09:22:44 AM
Yeah. well, either way I hope whatever it is She comes back. maybe someone should Email her
not that simple.
Often, people use junk email accounts to use exclusively on forums.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Jesse on May 30, 2013, 09:25:08 AM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calavera on May 30, 2013, 10:22:39 AM
Maybe she can't be bothered anymore. It happens.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on May 30, 2013, 02:34:26 PM
Maybe she can't be bothered anymore. It happens.
I think she's either deceased or homeless.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on May 31, 2013, 12:07:50 AM
I've tried to contact her. :(
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on May 31, 2013, 01:49:57 AM
Maybe she can't be bothered anymore. It happens.
I think she's either deceased or homeless.
That she was here for a very short time, during her absence would plead against deceased imo. She could and probably would have mentioned something of that magnitude in her life going on, at least to someone in a pm.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on May 31, 2013, 03:19:11 AM

I'm worried about her.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on May 31, 2013, 04:03:59 AM
Maybe she can't be bothered anymore. It happens.
I think she's either deceased or homeless.
That she was here for a very short time, during her absence would plead against deceased imo. She could and probably would have mentioned something of that magnitude in her life going on, at least to someone in a pm.
:plus: that post cracked me up. I just sent her an email asking her to drop in briefly if she has time.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: bodie on May 31, 2013, 04:10:51 AM
She said she had been going at it at the gym  :P

Maybe she loved her running shoes and lycra so much she is doing a Forest Gump across the states

run Callaway run :woohoo:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on June 04, 2013, 03:43:40 PM
Is Callaway gone from other forums too?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on June 04, 2013, 04:21:20 PM
As far as I know, yes.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on June 04, 2013, 04:21:48 PM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on June 04, 2013, 10:32:28 PM
Nobody seems to know any way to contact her, beyond the email address she left behind.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calavera on June 05, 2013, 11:43:15 PM
The most one can do is wish her the best and hope she just isn't going through any tragic time. If she doesn't want to be here anymore, that's her choice.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on June 06, 2013, 01:16:53 AM
Indeed. :(
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on June 06, 2013, 01:27:46 AM
It happens. When I leave here it will only be after making sure I can stay in touch with cbc, Sir_Les and Parts.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Al Swearegen on June 06, 2013, 05:39:29 AM
It happens. When I leave here it will only be after making sure I can stay in touch with cbc, Sir_Les and Parts.

Thanks mate. Will keep in contact with you too big fella.

I hope Callaway is fine.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on June 07, 2013, 12:53:55 PM
It happens. When I leave here it will only be after making sure I can stay in touch with cbc, Sir_Les and Parts.

Not me?  :'(
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on June 07, 2013, 05:13:33 PM
It happens. When I leave here it will only be after making sure I can stay in touch with cbc, Sir_Les and Parts.

Not me?  :'(
You were not listed because of your reticence in establishing contact outside this forum. Here is a hug. :hug: <grope>
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on June 08, 2013, 12:42:26 AM
It happens. When I leave here it will only be after making sure I can stay in touch with cbc, Sir_Les and Parts.

Not me?  :'(
You were not listed because of your reticence in establishing contact outside this forum. Here is a hug. :hug: <grope>


Did you just...? Did you...?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: P7PSP on June 08, 2013, 12:59:45 AM
What?  :dunno: :angel:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: TheoK on June 08, 2013, 01:04:02 AM
I live near the :moomin:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on June 08, 2013, 01:04:38 AM
What?  :dunno: :angel:

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: awiddershinlife on October 07, 2014, 08:31:42 PM
I named my dog after Calloway ( and Cab). I wish s/he'd return....
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on October 07, 2014, 11:13:43 PM
I miss her. :(
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Icequeen on October 08, 2014, 08:23:05 AM
I miss her. :(

Me too. :(
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on October 12, 2014, 05:03:37 PM
Glad she's not here.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on October 21, 2014, 06:52:22 PM
Glad she's not here.
Yeah, she really did NOT like you.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Gopher Gary on October 21, 2014, 07:44:26 PM
Glad she's not here.
Yeah, she really did NOT like you.

OMG That explains it!! :GA:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on November 02, 2014, 08:36:55 AM
callaway was a bit of a bitch, to be fair
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Adam on November 02, 2014, 08:37:09 AM
wait, she's not dead, right?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: "couldbecousin" on November 02, 2014, 10:17:51 AM
wait, she's not dead, right?

    Nobody knows.  :(
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: WolFish on November 19, 2014, 04:23:08 AM
I miss her too. I just found some cheese in my mom's freezer and wondering what harm to eat it. it's from 2011.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Jack on November 19, 2014, 05:14:01 PM
I miss her too. I just found some cheese in my mom's freezer and wondering what harm to eat it. it's from 2011.
Frozen foods should be discarded one year beyond the fresh expiration date.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on November 20, 2014, 08:31:51 PM
I miss her too. I just found some cheese in my mom's freezer and wondering what harm to eat it. it's from 2011.
Frozen foods should be discarded one year beyond the fresh expiration date.
Wolfish should also generally not be allowed to make his own decisions in terms of food-risk, based on historical reporting of risks he has taken.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on November 20, 2014, 10:18:19 PM
I wouldn't worry about it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: WolFish on November 21, 2014, 12:56:16 AM
I miss her too. I just found some cheese in my mom's freezer and wondering what harm to eat it. it's from 2011.
Frozen foods should be discarded one year beyond the fresh expiration date.
But the fruit juice from the same year was just fine.
The sake is good too.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: WolFish on November 21, 2014, 12:59:36 AM
I miss her too. I just found some cheese in my mom's freezer and wondering what harm to eat it. it's from 2011.
Frozen foods should be discarded one year beyond the fresh expiration date.
Wolfish should also generally not be allowed to make his own decisions in terms of food-risk, based on historical reporting of risks he has taken.
It's moot. I seem to have lost the cheese. It's probably somewhere in my luggage so I probably won't eat it.
I make good decisions most of the time. I tossed the fermenting sweet potatoes and the iced tea, which had formed a lump. I'm debating the bacon. It was the precooked kind and it's been frozen for two years.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Calandale on November 21, 2014, 07:43:26 PM
A lump of ice tea is fine. You just chisel a piece off.

Fermenting yams on the other hand, I'd go really easy on them.
It could have unpredictable effects, and as with drugs should
be taken a little at a time to see if they effect you strongly.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Gopher Gary on November 21, 2014, 07:45:54 PM
I wouldn't worry about it.

Good advice. No guess work. If it makes you puke later, then it's bad.  :thumbup:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: WolFish on January 12, 2015, 10:55:09 PM
Alas! Still no Callaway. I had a whole sweet potato that fermented in its skin. It tasted fine but I decided not to take chances.

I do have a jar of fermented cabbage that I am thinking about tasting to see if it could be used on the next round of hot dogs. Not sure how long for sauerkraut. It's been in the refrigerator for about five months now and is nice and juicy. Should I wait longer? It's not quite the color of sauerkraut yet so I haven't tried it.

I found out that it takes a lot of abuse to make eggnog go bad. I left a quart of it out on the counter overnight and then put it in the refrigerator. It tasted fine so I am drinking it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on January 12, 2015, 11:30:09 PM
No, still no Callaway. :(
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on January 13, 2015, 02:59:21 AM
Alas! Still no Callaway. I had a whole sweet potato that fermented in its skin. It tasted fine but I decided not to take chances.

I do have a jar of fermented cabbage that I am thinking about tasting to see if it could be used on the next round of hot dogs. Not sure how long for sauerkraut. It's been in the refrigerator for about five months now and is nice and juicy. Should I wait longer? It's not quite the color of sauerkraut yet so I haven't tried it.

I found out that it takes a lot of abuse to make eggnog go bad. I left a quart of it out on the counter overnight and then put it in the refrigerator. It tasted fine so I am drinking it.

Making sauerkraut is on my to do wishlist. Did you use salt? Did you crush the cabbage? As long as the cabbage is standing under water, it should keep well for about a year. After six weeks of fermenting, it should be sauerkraut. If it stands warm enough three weeks might even be enough. If it is placed somewhere cold, it could take 8 weeks.
What I read about it, it is important to scoop of mold from the fluid on top of the sauerkraut to be a few times.
Over time the sauerkraut will get darker.

My kids both made sauerkraut in primary school.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: WolFish on January 17, 2015, 10:56:35 AM
Alas! Still no Callaway. I had a whole sweet potato that fermented in its skin. It tasted fine but I decided not to take chances.

I do have a jar of fermented cabbage that I am thinking about tasting to see if it could be used on the next round of hot dogs. Not sure how long for sauerkraut. It's been in the refrigerator for about five months now and is nice and juicy. Should I wait longer? It's not quite the color of sauerkraut yet so I haven't tried it.

I found out that it takes a lot of abuse to make eggnog go bad. I left a quart of it out on the counter overnight and then put it in the refrigerator. It tasted fine so I am drinking it.

Making sauerkraut is on my to do wishlist. Did you use salt? Did you crush the cabbage? As long as the cabbage is standing under water, it should keep well for about a year. After six weeks of fermenting, it should be sauerkraut. If it stands warm enough three weeks might even be enough. If it is placed somewhere cold, it could take 8 weeks.
What I read about it, it is important to scoop of mold from the fluid on top of the sauerkraut to be a few times.
Over time the sauerkraut will get darker.

My kids both made sauerkraut in primary school.
Is it bad that there is no mold? I will look, but unless the mold is white there is none.
I didn't add anything to it. It made its own fluid. The cabbage was something called "angel hair" - very finely shredded. We use it to make pancit. It started this process in a plastic bag but I moved it to a glass jar to see what would happen so I don't know if any ingredients were added after they shredded it.
Should I add salt to it now? Based on your numbers I am sure that it is sauerkraut by now.

I am finishing the last of the eggnog that was left on the counter. I can't freeze any this year so I will either have to make my own or wait until October.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on January 17, 2015, 02:05:04 PM
Alas! Still no Callaway. I had a whole sweet potato that fermented in its skin. It tasted fine but I decided not to take chances.

I do have a jar of fermented cabbage that I am thinking about tasting to see if it could be used on the next round of hot dogs. Not sure how long for sauerkraut. It's been in the refrigerator for about five months now and is nice and juicy. Should I wait longer? It's not quite the color of sauerkraut yet so I haven't tried it.

I found out that it takes a lot of abuse to make eggnog go bad. I left a quart of it out on the counter overnight and then put it in the refrigerator. It tasted fine so I am drinking it.

Making sauerkraut is on my to do wishlist. Did you use salt? Did you crush the cabbage? As long as the cabbage is standing under water, it should keep well for about a year. After six weeks of fermenting, it should be sauerkraut. If it stands warm enough three weeks might even be enough. If it is placed somewhere cold, it could take 8 weeks.
What I read about it, it is important to scoop of mold from the fluid on top of the sauerkraut to be a few times.
Over time the sauerkraut will get darker.

My kids both made sauerkraut in primary school.
Is it bad that there is no mold? I will look, but unless the mold is white there is none.
I didn't add anything to it. It made its own fluid. The cabbage was something called "angel hair" - very finely shredded. We use it to make pancit. It started this process in a plastic bag but I moved it to a glass jar to see what would happen so I don't know if any ingredients were added after they shredded it.
Should I add salt to it now? Based on your numbers I am sure that it is sauerkraut by now.

I am finishing the last of the eggnog that was left on the counter. I can't freeze any this year so I will either have to make my own or wait until October.

In the recipes I saw for sauerkraut salt was added (10 to 15 grams per kilogram of shredded and crushed cabbage) to both extract the fluid, and to conserve. Together with the anaerobe fermenting the salt works for preservation. A weight is put on top, to prevent the cabbage from getting in contact with air.

The mold is not required. But can happen in the first few weeks, and that can be scooped off.

Read some more about sauerkraut. Want to make some with red cabbage soon. Will look so pretty.

In some recipes a bit of buttermilk is added to start the fermenting. And there are recipes with herbs, spices, apple or wine.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: WolFish on January 24, 2015, 01:59:48 AM
I might try it this weekend; since usually I only use it on some kind of sausage, it will be heated so hopefully any bugs will die.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 24, 2015, 03:59:47 AM
One simple thing that I think is interesting, Callaway, is that it has been  almost two years since you were here and some of us are still talking  to you.

You left a large void when you left.

... and we do not know why.

(http://<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>)
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on January 24, 2015, 04:00:47 AM
One simple thing that I think is interesting, Callaway, is that it has been  almost two years since you were here and some of us are still talking  to you.

You left a large void when you left.

... and we do not know why.


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on January 24, 2015, 04:16:56 AM
One simple thing that I think is interesting, Callaway, is that it has been  almost two years since you were here and some of us are still talking  to you.

You left a large void when you left.

... and we do not know why.


Sorry, I tried to post an image of her sectioned profile info to demonstrate my point, but apparently my "accounts" at both image shack and tiny pic have expired, ffs.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Graelwyn on February 11, 2015, 12:56:50 AM
I am sad to find Callaway has gone. She was always so supportive of me, and kind in regards to my photography and poetry.
I am guessing no-one knew her real name to do any research ?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Walkie on February 11, 2015, 01:15:47 AM
One simple thing that I think is interesting, Callaway, is that it has been  almost two years since you were here and some of us are still talking  to you.

You left a large void when you left.

... and we do not know why.

(http://<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>)

Oh! Absolutely. DD said it all.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on February 11, 2015, 04:08:47 PM
I am sad to find Callaway has gone. She was always so supportive of me, and kind in regards to my photography and poetry.
I am guessing no-one knew her real name to do any research ?

Many of us here know her name, but not much comes up on google or other searches for her.

The good news is that she probably isn't dead because her name would be in the obituaries.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Graelwyn on February 11, 2015, 04:27:37 PM
I am sad to find Callaway has gone. She was always so supportive of me, and kind in regards to my photography and poetry.
I am guessing no-one knew her real name to do any research ?

Many of us here know her name, but not much comes up on google or other searches for her.

The good news is that she probably isn't dead because her name would be in the obituaries.

Yes, that is a good thing. Something would have come up under a search, I am sure, if she were deceased.
Wonder if she will ever come back.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: MLA on February 13, 2015, 04:12:43 PM
I miss Callaway
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 13, 2015, 04:18:55 PM
I do too. I hope she is OK, wherever she is.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: MLA on February 13, 2015, 04:21:34 PM
She was a razor blade disguised as a den mother  :viking:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on February 13, 2015, 04:40:26 PM
She was fun, but not everyone liked her.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Jack on February 13, 2015, 05:46:40 PM
I miss Callaway
She left before you joined.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Graelwyn on February 13, 2015, 06:05:03 PM
I miss Callaway
She left before you joined.

Maybe they had another account here or posted as a guest?
I notice a few have had several accounts.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Jack on February 13, 2015, 06:31:46 PM
I miss Callaway
She left before you joined.

Maybe they had another account here or posted as a guest?
I notice a few have had several accounts.
Maybe she's Callaway.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Graelwyn on February 13, 2015, 06:35:55 PM
I miss Callaway
She left before you joined.

Maybe they had another account here or posted as a guest?
I notice a few have had several accounts.
Maybe she's Callaway.

Hmm  :apondering:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on February 15, 2015, 01:34:14 AM
I do too. I hope she is OK, wherever she is.

I hope she is OK, too.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: MLA on February 20, 2015, 04:24:14 PM
I miss Callaway
She left before you joined.

I've been here forever  :M
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Jack on February 20, 2015, 07:45:42 PM
I miss Callaway
She left before you joined.

I've been here forever  :M
Uh huh. :M
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: WolFish on February 20, 2015, 08:28:17 PM
How deep do mold fingers grow? I wasn't sure so I just ate the top half of the raspberry. I don't think the mold was very old. I didn't see it yesterday. Today it was white with little black things sprouting out of it kind of like dandelions in snow.

I also have a question about narcotics. I am the world's worst drug addict so I have oxycontin that dates back to 2008. I could be imagining that it works. I use it mostly for coughs and bad weather bone pain. It seems like it works when I use it but not sure if I am not poisoning myself. I'm using the oxycontin first, then the hydrocodone, which is from 2009.

The current doc will only give me the stuff that has tylenol in it; maybe because he thinks less street value? But I asked for a couple days worth and they gave me 90 pills. Still have those because  they're horse pills compared to the hydrocodone (size of mini aspirin), plus I don't want a lot of acetominophen jacking up my liver. I have enough problems.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Gopher Gary on February 20, 2015, 08:34:50 PM
Holy expiration date. :GA:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on February 21, 2015, 12:52:59 AM
Holy expiration date. :GA:

Only a few expiration dates here at I Squared and I suspect that your breath is about a week out.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Gopher Gary on February 21, 2015, 09:15:06 AM
Holy expiration date. :GA:

Only a few expiration dates here at I Squared and I suspect that your breath is about a week out.

I was reacting to Wolfish's seven year expired meds. :GA:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: MLA on February 22, 2015, 11:20:08 AM
The current doc will only give me the stuff that has tylenol in it; maybe because he thinks less street value?

Without the Tylenol it's a schedule II drug.  Until recently, it was a schedule III when mixed.  Easier for the doc to prescribe and you to refill when it's a schedule III.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: WolFish on February 27, 2015, 04:39:54 AM
so i have a really bad cold that's just a really bad cold so i can't go to my doctor.

i had mucus so thick i almost choked on it. i drank a couple liters of water and that helped but then i got a dry cough with next to nothing.
i bought an expectorant and it didn't work. i have some expired expectorant and i figured what the heck.

i am not quite a fount of mucus yet but now less worried about this being pneumonia.
why did the expired stuff work better? they're both generic. should i invest in some name brand stuff? i also took some pseudoephedrine to see if it was asthma. that also seemed to make things better.

i had some narcotic (not expired) and some sake and now i can't sleep. usually the narcotic takes the edge off just enough that i can sleep if i try. the pseudoephedrine has never stopped me from sleeping before.

i have some antibiotic and some antiviral (the antibiotic is expired but the antiviral is not), but i don't want to take those unless i am sure it's pneumonia and i know what kind. i don't think either one will work if it's just a cold. i don't think you can get viral pneumonia from a cold so maybe the antibiotic as a preventive?

i don't have a fever, fatigue or chills. i don't have aches but i do have a history of bronchitis many years ago. and yes i will avoid drug cocktails from now on.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: WolFish on March 08, 2015, 09:45:05 AM
what can I do with leftover vodka? I don't want to drink it. I used it to make an herbal extract and I don't need the rest.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Icequeen on March 08, 2015, 10:08:27 AM
what can I do with leftover vodka? I don't want to drink it. I used it to make an herbal extract and I don't need the rest.

Vodka Sauce... (

Or you can use it to clean or disinfect with. (
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: MLA on March 15, 2015, 11:25:57 AM
I don't want to drink it.

Vodka is something of a unitasker.  Don't you want to help it become what it was destined to be?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on March 15, 2015, 12:52:28 PM
I miss Callaway
She left before you joined.

Maybe they had another account here or posted as a guest?
I notice a few have had several accounts.
Maybe she's Callaway.

Hmm  :apondering:

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: MLA on March 15, 2015, 01:08:29 PM
I miss Callaway
She left before you joined.

Maybe they had another account here or posted as a guest?
I notice a few have had several accounts.
Maybe she's Callaway.

Hmm  :apondering:


I'm Chair  :M
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on March 15, 2015, 03:16:25 PM
Impossible. I'm Chair and you're not one of my socks.    :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: MLA on March 16, 2015, 11:37:03 AM
you're not one of my socks.    :P

Yes, I am.

The sparrows are flying...
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: WolFish on March 17, 2015, 11:16:25 PM
I don't want to drink it.

Vodka is something of a unitasker.  Don't you want to help it become what it was destined to be?
alcohol tastes bad to me. The only things I like are rice wine, malvasia and port. i used the vodka as a water softener and as a preservative for an herbal mixture I made so it didn't go to waste.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on March 17, 2015, 11:20:35 PM
I tried rice wine when I was in Japan. Blech. I am just not one for wine, no matter what sort it is.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: WolFish on March 30, 2015, 08:11:48 AM
I don't have skin on the roof of my mouth, i haven't had anything to drink but water and nothing to eat, so what is peeling from the roof of my mouth? it pulled off and looked just like skin peel only much bigger pieces, like 2cm sqaure. one much smaller. medicine made me nuts last night. i think I ate one because I couldn't find the tissues.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Icequeen on March 30, 2015, 08:47:21 AM
It very well could be skin. (
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: WolFish on March 30, 2015, 12:47:09 PM
It very well could be skin. (
wow. so it probably was the antibiotics that made me nuts that also made my mouth skin peel. I'll have to see if it happens again tonight.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Gopher Gary on March 31, 2015, 05:46:26 PM
It very well could be skin. (

There should be a thread, Questions for Icequeen.  :eyelash:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on March 31, 2015, 11:21:12 PM
It very well could be skin. (

There should be a thread, Questions for Icequeen.  :eyelash:

 :2thumbsup: Start one.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Gopher Gary on April 01, 2015, 06:42:55 PM
It very well could be skin. (

There should be a thread, Questions for Icequeen.  :eyelash:

 :2thumbsup: Start one.

Wow I wasn't expecting that. Would it be a sticky like this one?  :orly:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Gopher Gary on April 02, 2015, 07:19:46 PM
It very well could be skin. (

There should be a thread, Questions for Icequeen.  :eyelash:

 :2thumbsup: Start one.

Wow I wasn't expecting that. Would it be a sticky like this one?  :orly:

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on April 03, 2015, 01:44:32 AM
I can make it a sticky.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on April 03, 2015, 02:39:07 AM
It very well could be skin. (

There should be a thread, Questions for Icequeen.  :eyelash:

 :2thumbsup: Start one.

Wow I wasn't expecting that. Would it be a sticky like this one?  :orly:

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Icequeen on April 03, 2015, 08:18:48 AM
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on April 04, 2015, 12:18:05 AM
Now go answer your first questions. :P
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Gopher Gary on April 05, 2015, 04:03:12 PM

You're our new official guru sensei.  :eyelash: :eyelash:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on April 06, 2015, 01:50:09 AM

You're our new official guru sensei.  :eyelash: :eyelash:

And we need guidance. ;D
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on September 03, 2016, 07:51:23 AM
Ohhhh lawd help us all...

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: McGiver on September 14, 2016, 11:52:08 PM
Has anybody heard from call away?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on September 14, 2016, 11:54:17 PM
No, as far as I know.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Walkie on September 15, 2016, 01:51:24 AM
Has anybody heard from call away?
Iasked same question on one of my returns to this board. answer i got (from reliable sources , sadly) was that callaway had been bullying certain vulnerable members, since when she is known as "callousway", and isn't exactly welcomed with open arms on this board anymore
given that i've known her from before I2 existed, and given that she'd always taken the role of unmasking  the bullies, in my experience, i  found this unbelievable. But i was passed links to some such incidents.  couldn't disagree. :(
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Walkie on September 15, 2016, 02:01:29 AM
P.S, If you're listening, Callaway, I'd like to thank and applaud you  for all the great times in the past, the fun stuff like the Aspie Elite (still got our tites , see?) ...and ask WTF happened?

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on September 15, 2016, 10:36:11 AM
I wonder if she's doing a PPK on us.  :dunno:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on September 15, 2016, 01:38:45 PM
Has anybody heard from call away?
Iasked same question on one of my returns to this board. answer i got (from reliable sources , sadly) was that callaway had been bullying certain vulnerable members, since when she is known as "callousway", and isn't exactly welcomed with open arms on this board anymore
given that i've known her from before I2 existed, and given that she'd always taken the role of unmasking  the bullies, in my experience, i  found this unbelievable. But i was passed links to some such incidents.  couldn't disagree. :(

I don't believe it. That's not Callaway at all.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Icequeen on September 15, 2016, 01:42:52 PM
Has anybody heard from call away?
Iasked same question on one of my returns to this board. answer i got (from reliable sources , sadly) was that callaway had been bullying certain vulnerable members, since when she is known as "callousway", and isn't exactly welcomed with open arms on this board anymore
given that i've known her from before I2 existed, and given that she'd always taken the role of unmasking  the bullies, in my experience, i  found this unbelievable. But i was passed links to some such incidents.  couldn't disagree. :(

I don't believe it. That's not Callaway at all.

Agreed. Not the one I remember.

She would call BS when she saw it, but bully.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on September 15, 2016, 02:15:30 PM
Some of her actions were borderline bullying but she was subtle about it.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'Butterflies' on September 15, 2016, 02:19:56 PM
Who is she supposed to have bullied? I must have been away from the site at that time.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on September 15, 2016, 02:20:14 PM
Some of her actions were borderline bullying but she was subtle about it.

They were not. She was direct but not a bully.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Walkie on September 15, 2016, 02:23:14 PM
Has anybody heard from call away?
Iasked same question on one of my returns to this board. answer i got (from reliable sources , sadly) was that callaway had been bullying certain vulnerable members, since when she is known as "callousway", and isn't exactly welcomed with open arms on this board anymore
given that i've known her from before I2 existed, and given that she'd always taken the role of unmasking  the bullies, in my experience, i  found this unbelievable. But i was passed links to some such incidents.  couldn't disagree. :(

I don't believe it. That's not Callaway at all.

Agreed. Not the one I remember.

She would call BS when she saw it, but bully.

That's why I found it so hard to believe. But I heard it from other people that I trust.  I'm wondering if she had some kind of breakdown or something :S
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on September 15, 2016, 02:34:35 PM
I hope she is OK. :(
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: El on September 15, 2016, 07:13:29 PM
Has anybody heard from call away?
Iasked same question on one of my returns to this board. answer i got (from reliable sources , sadly) was that callaway had been bullying certain vulnerable members, since when she is known as "callousway", and isn't exactly welcomed with open arms on this board anymore
given that i've known her from before I2 existed, and given that she'd always taken the role of unmasking  the bullies, in my experience, i  found this unbelievable. But i was passed links to some such incidents.  couldn't disagree. :(
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Gopher Gary on September 15, 2016, 07:13:40 PM
I wonder if she's doing a PPK on us.  :dunno:

He actually logs in every now an then. She hasn't.  :(
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Jack on September 15, 2016, 08:03:12 PM
Callaway should come back.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Icequeen on September 15, 2016, 08:09:29 PM
Callaway should come back.

Yep, miss her. for any bullying I'd have to see it to believe it myself I guess, sorry.

Also was it her or someone else using her profile? Didn't that happen a couple times here in the past?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on September 15, 2016, 08:12:21 PM
I wonder if she's doing a PPK on us.  :dunno:

He actually logs in every now an then. She hasn't.  :(

He hasn't logged in in a year,
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on September 15, 2016, 08:15:30 PM
Some of her actions were borderline bullying but she was subtle about it.

They were not. She was direct but not a bully.

That's your opinion but I don't share it. I'm probably one of the few here who doesn't find it hard to believe that Callaway has bullied people.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Gopher Gary on September 15, 2016, 09:59:41 PM
She once gave me a wedgie and stole my lunch money.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on September 16, 2016, 12:14:14 AM
Some of her actions were borderline bullying but she was subtle about it.

They were not. She was direct but not a bully.

That's your opinion but I don't share it. I'm probably one of the few here who doesn't find it hard to believe that Callaway has bullied people.

Have you seen her bully anyone? :-\
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Walkie on September 16, 2016, 02:19:04 AM
Callaway should come back.

Yep, miss her. for any bullying I'd have to see it to believe it myself I guess, sorry.

Also was it her or someone else using her profile? Didn't that happen a couple times here in the past?
Interesting question.
I'm one of the people who knows Callaway from way back. Way, way back before Intensity, and have collaborated with her, behind the scenes,  in anti-bullying campaigns. So you can guess how far I am from believing her to be a bully in nature. And yet, a lot of people who haven't known Callaway that long are calling her a bully, and coming up with credible evidence.
I find this perplexing.  And I very much feel it's best to acknowlege that dichotomy openly rather than let it continue to quietly stew in the background.  If Callaway ever does come back, she'll surely face a load of shit on this account. Indeed said shit might be what drove her away in the first place :(

I'm with Odeon, et al.  Very much hope she's OK.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Gopher Gary on September 16, 2016, 04:57:03 PM
And yet, a lot of people who haven't known Callaway that long are calling her a bully, and coming up with credible evidence.

When you first brought this up, I just figured maybe one person was filling your ear. It's impossible for everyone to get along with everyone, and I'm sure this is no exception so I didn't think much of it. Now you're saying it's a lot of people. I don't expect you to tell your sources since you seem fine to make the claim for them, but I'm getting curious about this evidence.  :orly:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on September 16, 2016, 05:38:23 PM
Callaway was one of the sweatest, thoughtful, most caring people I have ever interacted with on the interwebs...EVER!!!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on September 16, 2016, 07:17:28 PM
Have you seen her bully anyone? :-\

Yes, a long time ago, Hiro. That was a fucked up situation. I also used to find her descriptions of life with her daughter deeply disturbing.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Walkie on September 16, 2016, 08:17:39 PM
Have you seen her bully anyone? :-\

Yes, a long time ago, Hiro. That was a fucked up situation. I also used to find her descriptions of life with her daughter deeply disturbing.

Ummm, hate to disagree, but the Hiro example woud be a very grey area, wouldn't it? Didn;'t Callaway call him out over some seriously nasty behaviour, in the chat room,  on his side?   

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on September 16, 2016, 08:23:47 PM
Callaway kept her evidence to herself and expected people to take her word for it that Hiro's behavior was nasty enough to warrant hers.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Walkie on September 16, 2016, 08:41:44 PM
Callaway kept her evidence to herself and expected people to take her word for it that Hiro's behavior was nasty enough to warrant hers.
she had a good reason for keeping the evidence to herself though didn't she? and hiro's behaviour in public waspretty damned nasty, IIRC. like i said, very grey area. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on September 16, 2016, 08:57:31 PM
Her reason was to protect the privacy of the victims.

At the time I objected on the grounds of the lack of a fair trial, and nobody really paid it much attention. That was ten years ago. Maybe in the context of the social justice witch hunts which plague social media now, that position is a little clearer. This place is about standing up for yourself and yet the supposed victims wouldn't talk.

What nastiness were you seeing in hiro's public behavior? I said it was a fucked up situation, but from where I stood, there was no clear bad guy or good guy. Maybe if you were working closely with her at the time, you had access to different information. The average person didn't, and she used pretty harsh tactics, spamming his real name everywhere.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on September 17, 2016, 12:43:48 AM
Here's what I don't get: why does this come up now? Everyone involved is gone. :-\
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Walkie on September 17, 2016, 06:02:49 AM
And yet, a lot of people who haven't known Callaway that long are calling her a bully, and coming up with credible evidence.

When you first brought this up, I just figured maybe one person was filling your ear. It's impossible for everyone to get along with everyone, and I'm sure this is no exception so I didn't think much of it. Now you're saying it's a lot of people. I don't expect you to tell your sources since you seem fine to make the claim for them, but I'm getting curious about this evidence.  :orly:

More than one person,   Jack, but , on reflection , the term  "a lot" was pushing it.  I've certainly  seen one substantiated case , which really puzzled me ; also, TBH,  i'd got the impression  that   Pyraxis had some hard evidence .  But if it's only Hiro (plus her misgivings  about Calloway's family relationships)  I don't really count any of that. Otherwise , it's a few vague mutterings that might  be based on mistaken identity, misubderstanding or whatever.  (I've been called a bully myself, on occasion,  so I know how easy it is for people to get the wrong impression. Actually, those occasions could nearly all be traced back to actual bullies  making pre-emptive strikes by quietly spreading poison  by PM . I wouldn't be surprised if  Calloway had similar problems)

It's not like I've been rooting around for dirt on Calloway, with a view to calling her out. Far from it.  I just stumbled on some stuff, and i definitely don't want to call her out.  I'm pretty sure there's some kind of  explanation., irrespective of wehether I ever get to know that explanatibn or not.    I might go over details with  Calloway, in private, if she wantedt, but i'm not about to try to demonise her, nor resurrect  old issues that woul;ld only cause pain for all concerrned. (I checked back with source about that) . I sympathise with all protagonists on this one. 

Here's what I don't get: why does this come up now? Everyone involved is gone. :-\

Odeon, I think you  mght have been talking to Pyraxis there? In the  instance I'm refering  to, it's not that everybody's gone, so I'm being extremely careful not to offer any clues  re. identity.   This post has been extremely difficult for me, because I keep scratching out a good half of what I want say, for that reason.

Pyraxis was posting  to back me up, presumably. That's why I don't like quibbling with her on this.  But I think it reflects far  too badly on Calloway if you only hear Pyraxis non-representative view about the Hiro affair. The board were aware of her views at the time, and she was in a clear minority.  I don't see any value in raking that over again.  Not least because Pyraxis last post about it contained a detail that I'd clean forgotten  in the very-long-interim, so we'd be walking on very  shaky ground.

I'd like to add that not only does nobody (that I know of) want to make a public issue of this; the victiim  waasn't even attacking Calloway behind her back, not even naming Calloway, just discussing  own resulting problems. Calloway's name emerged from the records, to my immense surprise.

That's one reason why I responded to McJ's enquiry like I did.  Mc J can be one heckova a bully when he's sure he's in the right. It occured to me that this thread might wind up looking  like some kinfd of bullies' club , from a certain perspective.    (heck the whole damned board looks like a bullies club at times, doesn't it?) So, all those glowing character references that emerged following my post, were exactly what I hoped to see. So as to put things into their proper perspective, and demonstate the real reason why we all miss Calloway so much.

I put that in bold because that's the one good thing that's emerged from my post, and I think it's important.  I had other motivations (as stated) , but I'm far from  sure it was such a good idea from other points-of-view.

I'm beginning to think that , in all likelihood, no substantial allegations are gonna emerge from the woodwork, now , or ever, because there are no substantial allegations, only instances of Calloway hitting back  too hard (debatably) .   At present I'm feling relieved about that...and somewhat embarrassed for inadvertently blowing it up bigger than it actually is.  But hey! I shall be all-too-happy to stay embarrassed, if that's how it goes.


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Gopher Gary on September 17, 2016, 01:15:19 PM
but i'm not about to try to demonise her, nor resurrect old issues 

And somehow it happened anyway. Maybe you should show your proof or hush up about it.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Gopher Gary on September 17, 2016, 01:24:30 PM
Mc J can be one heckova a bully

McJagger once stuck me in a locker and threw my books in the trash.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on September 17, 2016, 02:51:06 PM
but i'm not about to try to demonise her, nor resurrect old issues 

And somehow it happened anyway. Maybe you should show your proof or hush up about it.  :zoinks:

Yeah, this. I'm fine with dropping it, it's all long past. I mainly continued because Walkie was asking me direct questions.

There might have been other examples. Right now, I don't remember. It was only chance that I remembered the thing with Hiro.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Walkie on September 17, 2016, 03:03:15 PM
but i'm not about to try to demonise her, nor resurrect old issues 

And somehow it happened anyway. Maybe you should show your proof or hush up about it.  :zoinks:
Well I've said all i wanted to say, so I don't mind hushing at all.  I think proof is irrelevant, unless I was actually trying to demonise her. Like I said, all those posts backing her up were the main response that I personally  wanted out of this.  And am I trying to say "you're all wrong. Look closely at this" No I'm not.   I'm saying something happened that I can;'t explain, that's all. But , lthen, uckily, nobody's demanding explanationsm, are they?  All the people who were actually involved are either absent from the board or else trying to put it behind them.

A load of people have stated that Calloway is the last peron to bully anyone. I agree.  If there are any ugly rumours to the opposite doing the rounds that should give the recipents pause for thought, shouldn't it? However, given that Pyraxis was the only person to jump in and disagree (and from her own observation, not from rumours)  i don't suppose that ugly rumours are much of an issue, if they're any issue at all

Not only is proof irrelevant,in the face of all that,  Jack, it would inescapably raise a whole load of other shit that seems to have been mercifully forgotten .Stirring it up would really hurt people, and not just Calloway. You have no idea what you're suggesting and I'm not gonna explain it  to you, not even in private, because that would just be  gossip.

Somebody suggested that maybe someone impersonated Callaway? Well, maybe, I don't know. That's one way of majking sense of things.  But , really, I don't see any point  in investigating it, not unless Calloway comes back, tells us that was case,  abnd wants it investigated. I think the rest of us are totally happy  just to assume that  there's an innocent explanation. And even if we weren't totally happy with that, what's it to us? Does our curiosity justify spreading other peoples' dirty washing  all over the board? No, it doesn't.

This isn't a call out. You're applying the wrong mindset. You're dead  wrong to say that I should offer proof or drop it. I should drop it  , sure, but I shouldn't be offering you proof, either way.

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on September 17, 2016, 03:04:29 PM
but i'm not about to try to demonise her, nor resurrect old issues 

And somehow it happened anyway. Maybe you should show your proof or hush up about it.  :zoinks:

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'Butterflies' on September 17, 2016, 03:20:57 PM
That was all pretty awkward :zombiefuck:

According to lots of reliable sources, Callousway has been bullying vulnerable members, and is no longer welcome on this site ??? Yet, nobody on this site seems to know anything about it.

If I didn't know better, I'd think someone had an axe to grind with Calloway, and set out to smear her :thumbdn:

Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Walkie on September 17, 2016, 04:28:03 PM
Why are you guys making up these bad paraphrases of what I  said, and leaving out all my numerous caveats, to the effect of I  don't believe she's that sort of person, etc? Because accurate reporting isn't fun? If you want to have a go at me, PM me,  create a new thread, call me out, please do anything other than turn this into the " Walkie is makiing up nasty lies about  Calloway" thread.

There;'s a lot of nice stuff about Calloway been posted, lately, loads of votes of confidence, and you're just covering it up. You think Calloway will thank you for that? (supposing she comes back) And you think she can't decide for herself what to make of my posts without you simplifying them down for her?

  I think this whole thing got wrapped up  pretty well, in the end.  I think I managed (with help from other posters) to reduce it all down to one issue  that can't be explasined (nor posted) .  Anything else I was going on, now  looks to me likes Walkie mishearing or misunderstanding Pyraxis (in the course of various prior  conversations)  or else a bit of casual bluster that nobody cares to pursue.   As I fully admitted.  And I'm pretty damned glad, if embarassed, because one uncharacteristic  thing is  easirer to take, and easier to explain  than a rash of 'em.

Now please take this "Have a go at Walkie" shit somewhere else, and let this thread get back to being all about calloway. 
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Gopher Gary on September 17, 2016, 05:53:16 PM
Yeah, I totally think it's possible some people might be reading more into your intentions than what's really there. It's nice to be present to defend yourself when stuff like that happens, right?  :zoinks: Since the aforementioned credible evidence probably wont be happening, I'm just chalking it all up to ordinary female gossip.   :dunno:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on September 17, 2016, 06:48:37 PM
Hey, she could come back and defend herself anytime she chooses.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Gopher Gary on September 17, 2016, 07:41:25 PM
Hey, she could come back and defend herself anytime she chooses.  :zoinks:

I like it when you troll with me, Pyraxis. :eyelash:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on September 17, 2016, 07:44:57 PM
Just don't hump my leg.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Gopher Gary on September 17, 2016, 07:53:42 PM
*stops humping Pyraxis' leg*  :hide:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on September 17, 2016, 10:46:09 PM
It is Callaway, like the golf clubs, not Calloway.

I checked her last posts here. She seemed fine. Didn't give any clues that she was leaving.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Walkie on September 18, 2016, 04:54:18 AM
It is Callaway, like the golf clubs, not Calloway.

I checked her last posts here. She seemed fine. Didn't give any clues that she was leaving.

Sorry. Yeah, I know, but I sometimes accidentally mis-spell stuff due to hearing the words the words in my head, rather than visualising. I'm making those kind of  mistakes  increasingly often these days (probably because my brain is increasingly fucked)  but usually manage to catch and correct before posting (or at least not too long after) . If anybody's noticed that nearly all my posts are edited, that's the reason, usually.

If I'm attempting anything remotely resembling a rapid-fire interchange, the edits don't happen, or else miss far  too much


Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Jack on September 18, 2016, 06:41:29 AM
I checked her last posts here. She seemed fine. Didn't give any clues that she was leaving.
Have more than once thought it highly unlikely she would intentionally leave without at least notifying the administration of that intent, so her absence is a bit unsettling. Really hope she's okay.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on September 18, 2016, 07:30:21 AM
She would have told us, I think. It's a mystery.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on September 18, 2016, 07:32:38 AM
It is Callaway, like the golf clubs, not Calloway.

I checked her last posts here. She seemed fine. Didn't give any clues that she was leaving.

PPK didn't give any clue either.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on September 18, 2016, 10:33:48 AM
If they died in a car crash or something, what are the chances family would have gone through their computers in order to get their contacts and let their friends know?
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Queen Victoria on September 18, 2016, 11:20:17 AM
If they died in a car crash or something, what are the chances family would have gone through their computers in order to get their contacts and let their friends know?

I searched for Callaway thinking that, but couldn't find any death notice.  In fact, no news at all.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on September 18, 2016, 12:19:56 PM
If they died in a car crash or something, what are the chances family would have gone through their computers in order to get their contacts and let their friends know?

I searched for Callaway thinking that, but couldn't find any death notice.  In fact, no news at all.

Yeah, I did this a couple of years ago.

There's only two things that make sense to me. She's in a coma or some other reduced mental state or she's on the run from someone and doesn't want to leave any hints that she left.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Gopher Gary on September 18, 2016, 04:03:42 PM
Maybe she's in prison with Semicolon.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: 'andersom' on September 18, 2016, 04:18:27 PM
Maybe she's in prison with Semicolon.  :zoinks:

That's an old theory. It must have some truth in it.

Semi should come back, and bring Callaway too.

And Skelth should release Bodie to come back to us.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Pyraxis on September 18, 2016, 06:00:09 PM
If they died in a car crash or something, what are the chances family would have gone through their computers in order to get their contacts and let their friends know?

I searched for Callaway thinking that, but couldn't find any death notice.  In fact, no news at all.

Yeah, I did this a couple of years ago.

There's only two things that make sense to me. She's in a coma or some other reduced mental state or she's on the run from someone and doesn't want to leave any hints that she left.

Maybe she's in witness protection.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Gopher Gary on September 18, 2016, 07:57:16 PM
If they died in a car crash or something, what are the chances family would have gone through their computers in order to get their contacts and let their friends know?

I searched for Callaway thinking that, but couldn't find any death notice.  In fact, no news at all.

Yeah, I did this a couple of years ago.

There's only two things that make sense to me. She's in a coma or some other reduced mental state or she's on the run from someone and doesn't want to leave any hints that she left.

Maybe she's in witness protection.

Ooooo, I like that one.  :o That's officially now my story and I'm sticking to it.  :thumbup:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: renaeden on September 19, 2016, 01:08:10 AM
I hope that's it. I don't really like the other alternatives. :-\
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on September 19, 2016, 07:11:47 AM
Maybe she went home with the mothership? :-\
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: "couldbecousin" on September 20, 2016, 06:42:59 AM
Maybe she went home with the mothership? :-\

    I hope so.  :-\  :alien:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Icequeen on September 20, 2016, 09:55:01 AM
Subversive mission led by aliens to overthrow the Russian government. :thumbup:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: MLA on September 20, 2016, 11:05:15 AM
Has anybody heard from call away?
Iasked same question on one of my returns to this board. answer i got (from reliable sources , sadly) was that callaway had been bullying certain vulnerable members, since when she is known as "callousway", and isn't exactly welcomed with open arms on this board anymore
given that i've known her from before I2 existed, and given that she'd always taken the role of unmasking  the bullies, in my experience, i  found this unbelievable. But i was passed links to some such incidents.  couldn't disagree. :(

I call 9 levels of bullshit on this  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: MLA on September 20, 2016, 11:09:31 AM
And whether or not the Aspie Elite gets to the bottom of whether or not a human once acted human and may or may not have made a mistake in the area of acting in a way that could cause a socially awkward observer to think that she was bullying, the basic premise that she was shoved off the board is patently and observably false to anyone who was here when she left, and anyone who wants to take the time to scour the posts from around the time she left.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: MLA on September 20, 2016, 04:02:33 PM
Hey, she could come back and defend herself anytime she chooses.  :zoinks:

I sure hope so, but I have no evidence to support that.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on October 12, 2018, 07:43:45 PM
I'm still trying to figure out what made her disappear.

Not anymore,

I've added 2 and 2 to get 4.   :M
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on October 14, 2018, 03:40:24 AM
So tell us. Go ahead, show us what you've got.

:popcorn: This should be interesting.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Natalia Evans on October 15, 2022, 10:48:23 AM
I miss her, often times I wonder if she passed in an car accident.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on October 22, 2022, 02:50:11 PM
Still wondering what happened to her.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: DirtDawg on October 22, 2022, 02:58:13 PM
Still wondering what happened to her.

Me, too.

She was a treasure!
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: odeon on October 22, 2022, 03:04:11 PM
Still wondering what happened to her.

Me, too.

She was a treasure!

She was. And hopefully still is.
Title: Re: Questions for Callaway
Post by: Trigger 11 on January 08, 2025, 06:05:51 PM
Same. I like her.