Sleepies time.
DXM is the worst hangover cure. Ever. You thick bastard.
No one could care less about your body so put on your swimming costume and go and have a swim in the sea like every other beach eej in the area.And pics in the skimpy bikini too!
Clean your room you lazy ADD child
You should have told her you were in love with her at one poimmt yot twat face
Why all of a sudden is my ex-gf contacting my wife through facebook and trying to start some shit? It's been 15 years.
Why all of a sudden is my ex-gf contacting my wife through facebook and trying to start some shit? It's been 15 years.
Maybe she misses you and wants you back. If I were your wife, I would block her.
Why all of a sudden is my ex-gf contacting my wife through facebook and trying to start some shit? It's been 15 years.
Maybe she misses you and wants you back. If I were your wife, I would block her.
I have no idea why though, she's the one that two-timed me and then fucked me around while having no intention of getting back together with me.
Fuck knows what motivates people like her, you'd think she'd be over it by now, I know I am and she was the one the ultimately dumped me anyway.
Crazy-assed bitch. ???
Why all of a sudden is my ex-gf contacting my wife through facebook and trying to start some shit? It's been 15 years.
Maybe she misses you and wants you back. If I were your wife, I would block her.
I have no idea why though, she's the one that two-timed me and then fucked me around while having no intention of getting back together with me.
Fuck knows what motivates people like her, you'd think she'd be over it by now, I know I am and she was the one the ultimately dumped me anyway.
Crazy-assed bitch. ???
She sounds a lot like my husband's ex. After all she did to him, even after we were married, she would call him from time to time saying, "Can't we at least be friends?" He finally had to tell her to leave him alone and stop calling him.
Oh, just grow a pair and send her a message. What's the worst that'll happen, she won't have sex with you?
Morphine's all you need so fucking stop it already.
Morphine's all you need so fucking stop it already.
For some strange reason, I find morphine does very little for me (unless it wasn't morphine there were giving me). I found Pethidine does wonders :mushie:
Morphine is probably a better painkiller. And legal to boot,
What begins?
every autumn, shit starts to fall apart. like fucking clockwork. i feel like i'm unraveling at the seams.
i hope i can hold it together through this one.
every autumn, shit starts to fall apart. like fucking clockwork. i feel like i'm unraveling at the seams.
i hope i can hold it together through this one.
It's a nice nickname. :P
every autumn, shit starts to fall apart. like fucking clockwork. i feel like i'm unraveling at the seams.
i hope i can hold it together through this one.
my nickname for you cannot be repeated on a public forum :zoinks:
I think it may need to be shortened though. Way too many words to call out in the a moment of passion.
i'll be fine.
i'll be back in a bit, need to go retrieve my broken vehicle from the side of the road.
EBM have you been driving whilst pissed? :o
EBM have you been driving whilst pissed? :o
No, I don't do that.
When they say women in thier mid 30's start to hit their sexual prime, they weren't kidding. It's not even 8am. You really shouldn't be so horny. :facepalm2:
When they say women in thier mid 30's start to hit their sexual prime, they weren't kidding. It's not even 8am. You really shouldn't be so horny. :facepalm2:
mid thirtys? crap. i thought it was late 20's. im going back to 20 year olds. cant keep up with the thirtysomethings any more.
you make a 20 year old cum and she thinks youre cool. you make a 30 year old cum and she wont leave you alone, ever.
When they say women in thier mid 30's start to hit their sexual prime, they weren't kidding. It's not even 8am. You really shouldn't be so horny. :facepalm2:Trust me, it can get worse when you reach 40. I guess there is no outgrowing that. :laugh:
When they say women in thier mid 30's start to hit their sexual prime, they weren't kidding. It's not even 8am. You really shouldn't be so horny. :facepalm2:Trust me, it can get worse when you reach 40. I guess there is no outgrowing that. :laugh:
one without a vibrator. she keeps saying that she wants a cast of my bitsWhen they say women in thier mid 30's start to hit their sexual prime, they weren't kidding. It's not even 8am. You really shouldn't be so horny. :facepalm2:
mid thirtys? crap. i thought it was late 20's. im going back to 20 year olds. cant keep up with the thirtysomethings any more.
you make a 20 year old cum and she thinks youre cool. you make a 30 year old cum and she wont leave you alone, ever.
What kind of 30-something women are you screwing? I can make myself cum just fine on my own and if a man does it for me, it's just a bonus. I don't need to chase him down for it.
When they say women in thier mid 30's start to hit their sexual prime, they weren't kidding. It's not even 8am. You really shouldn't be so horny. :facepalm2:Trust me, it can get worse when you reach 40. I guess there is no outgrowing that. :laugh:
When they say women in thier mid 30's start to hit their sexual prime, they weren't kidding. It's not even 8am. You really shouldn't be so horny. :facepalm2:Trust me, it can get worse when you reach 40. I guess there is no outgrowing that. :laugh:
Do not randomly flirt with strange, unknown men.
"Call the shoe store at the mall to see what time they open."
"You're only 5'2" tall, you don't need to weigh 177 pounds!" :tantrum:
"You're only 5'2" tall, you don't need to weigh 177 pounds!" :tantrum:
I'm 5'10" and I weigh only 170 pounds. 8)
I'm BRAVE! and HANDSOME! :orly:
Dude , WTF ?
"Hooray, you got your damn taxes filed, thank god for the last minute!" :zoinks:
"Hooray, you got your damn taxes filed, thank god for the last minute!" :zoinks:
Kind of scary, thanking god for the last minute when you're only 44.
May the whole pantheon grant you many more minutes, and most of them minutes without needing to think about taxes.
Glad I got an extension on my taxes think I got to pay big this year
"Remember to leave early so you can get to the store and buy some of your meds out of pocket while this business is settled with the cheap bastard insurance company!" ::)
Start writing the paper, you lazy piece of shit!!! It is due in 4 hours!
that was a really nice pizza we had. let's have another tomorrow:indeed:
Can I join the next time round? ;)that was a really nice pizza we had. let's have another tomorrow:indeed:
this is some nice pizza we're having isnt it?
Hoarding? :(
I... see. *mouth becomes a thin line*
:LOL: I'm actually pretty serious about being organized, myself.
I... see. *mouth becomes a thin line*
:LOL: I'm actually pretty serious about being organized, myself.
*hears the old "Odd Couple" theme music playing in the back of her head* :rofl:
I... see. *mouth becomes a thin line*
:LOL: I'm actually pretty serious about being organized, myself.
*hears the old "Odd Couple" theme music playing in the back of her head* :rofl:
I've heard that one before, actually. *sigh*
No just the comparison with felix.
When I was younger my buddies actually used to call me "vegeta" Because I was short and muscly and had a big forehead and a permanent full head cowlick. I thought it was so lame. ::)
No just the comparison with felix.
When I was younger my buddies actually used to call me "vegeta" Because I was short and muscly and had a big forehead and a permanent full head cowlick. I thought it was so lame. ::)
That was lame. :duh:
Anyway, I am very clean and industrious at work, very conscious of sanitation, but when by myself I am an Oscarette! :laugh:
No just the comparison with felix.
When I was younger my buddies actually used to call me "vegeta" Because I was short and muscly and had a big forehead and a permanent full head cowlick. I thought it was so lame. ::)
That was lame. :duh:
Anyway, I am very clean and industrious at work, very conscious of sanitation, but when by myself I am an Oscarette! :laugh:
Hey you have to relax I guess, but I can't seem to when things are cluttered. :laugh:
Yeah I understood why those guys called me that though, because this was when we were barely out of our teens, and dbz was big when we were kids... but we were soldiers, and I was a serious MAN, and they liked to tease me about it.
Ahhh! Better! :green:
Ahhh! Better! :green:
I see what you did there! :laugh:
Ahhh! Better! :green:
I see what you did there! :laugh:
Ahhh! Better! :green:
I see what you did there! :laugh:
Combo? :orly:
rage be postwhoring todayAhhh! Better! :green:
I see what you did there! :laugh:
Combo? :orly:
Oh its like.. lol. Its just nerd culture. Internet nerd culture. :evillaugh:
you stupid fuckingn twat. why do you stuff your face with shite? :thumbdn:
I don't feel like talking to myself. :P
I don't feel like talking to myself. :P
Feeling passive aggressive, are we? :laugh:
"Get to work a little early tonight!" :viking:
He really is a jerk :(
I'm still alive. Damn :-\
Coffee was many hours ago for me. I've been to the river already this morning. I had a great "nature walk."
Now I am reveling in the "newness" of my latest computer assembly (not the one I am posting through). I built a Core i5 set-together (homemade computer - well - FUCK, do not disparage my determination, just yet) unit, using not really the best, but something like second best of what is available to save cost dollars. It fucking kicks asscycles!!
I have many programs and four burners for creating music onto disc. Right now I am burning two discs, converting two other files to 24 bit (from current professional studio, insane bitrate and word lengths) for usage in my home network system and only using half of my resources, according to the Windows meter.
I have also done some high definition renderings of of massively large fractal images and it actually takes takes less than one fifth the time my old WinXP/dual core box took to render similar images. Yes, I am so happy-ish to have upgraded my shit. Nothing special, really, but this box is MINE!!
"Once you get this mess cleaned up, do not EVER let it get this bad again!" :duh:
"Once you get this mess cleaned up, do not EVER let it get this bad again!" :duh:
* curious mind wonders how often you said that to your self *
Go to bed.
Go to bed.
I was just about to say that to myself! :orly:
Leave already, ffs.
Leave already, ffs.
You want CBC to leave?
Help me to see this.
(I know - you will say that reading should be enough. Don't MAKE me, please.)
Leave already, ffs.
You want CBC to leave?
Help me to see this.
(I know - you will say that reading should be enough. Don't MAKE me, please.)
I read it as something Odeon said to himself.
And without the context, it is a weird sentence indeed.
So, to what he meant, I have no clue.
Leave already, ffs.
You want CBC to leave?
Help me to see this.
(I know - you will say that reading should be enough. Don't MAKE me, please.)
I read it as something Odeon said to himself.
And without the context, it is a weird sentence indeed.
So, to what he meant, I have no clue.
:agreed: The point of this thread is to talk to oneself, so he must have been procrastinating about going somewhere, and was telling himself to leave the house and go wherever he was supposed to go.
Leave already, ffs.
You want CBC to leave?
Help me to see this.
(I know - you will say that reading should be enough. Don't MAKE me, please.)
Leave already, ffs.
You want CBC to leave?
Help me to see this.
(I know - you will say that reading should be enough. Don't MAKE me, please.)
I read it as something Odeon said to himself.
And without the context, it is a weird sentence indeed.
So, to what he meant, I have no clue.
:agreed: The point of this thread is to talk to oneself, so he must have been procrastinating about going somewhere, and was telling himself to leave the house and go wherever he was supposed to go.
I could use a good stiff drink while I try to decipher some of these threads. Friends welcome to join in.
I could use a good stiff drink while I try to decipher some of these threads. Friends welcome to join in.
I wasn't referring specifically to this thread. Some threads have hundreds of posts and quite a few twists and turns on and off the original post. Sometimes they will refer to posts from way back or even in another thread. :bunny: If I tried to figure out what's going on I would need a truckload of spirits :glug: and have no time to up my post count.
Leave already, ffs.
You want CBC to leave?
Help me to see this.
(I know - you will say that reading should be enough. Don't MAKE me, please.)
this thread is about saying something to yourself, not others. I tried to tell myself to leave and get some work done.
Yup, I know you.:viking:
And I've interpreted people's comments here in the wrong way more than once in the past.
Leave already, ffs.
You want CBC to leave?
Help me to see this.
(I know - you will say that reading should be enough. Don't MAKE me, please.)
I read it as something Odeon said to himself.
And without the context, it is a weird sentence indeed.
So, to what he meant, I have no clue.
:agreed: The point of this thread is to talk to oneself, so he must have been procrastinating about going somewhere, and was telling himself to leave the house and go wherever he was supposed to go.
Leave I2, actually. This place is something very addictive.
Eat something
Eat something
I just said that to myself too! :thumbup:
Super brilliant, you nearly got 400 posts in such a short space of time. :viking:
It's hard work but somebody's gotta do it.
Do the upgrade already.
Do the upgrade already.
AAAAH upgrade... :zombiefuck: Don't forget to back-up the site though. :thumbup:
Do the upgrade already.
AAAAH upgrade... :zombiefuck: Don't forget to back-up the site though. :thumbup:
No, I won't forget The upgrade is for my desktop computer, though.
Was it a major upgrade? :-\
And now your still going to reach 550, you really must be that brave.... :viking:
And now your still going to reach 550, you really must be that brave.... :viking:
WOW, could not believe your post count this morning. :rofl:
Was it a major upgrade? :-\
It was an upgrade from IP board 3.0.1 to 3.1.1 - but at the time, 3.1.1 was in a beta stage that it failed when we attempted to upgrade it.
And now your still going to reach 550, you really must be that brave.... :viking:
WOW, could not believe your post count this morning. :rofl:
Yea, I know, I was quite amazed myself, I haven't been asleep at all though with my brothers friends making all that noise. :LOL:
I'd like to do that.
"Is it me or have you actually mellowed down a little?"
"Is it me or have you actually mellowed down a little?"
Must be the confidence that comes from being an elder! :laugh:
"Is it me or have you actually mellowed down a little?"
Must be the confidence that comes from being an elder! :laugh:
Must of been? I've always been pretty mellow in general.
"Is it me or have you actually mellowed down a little?"
Must be the confidence that comes from being an elder! :laugh:
Must of been? I've always been pretty mellow in general.
I likie mellow people, especially in the workplace! They just make everything easier for everyone. :thumbup:
"Is it me or have you actually mellowed down a little?"
Must be the confidence that comes from being an elder! :laugh:
Must of been? I've always been pretty mellow in general.
I likie mellow people, especially in the workplace! They just make everything easier for everyone. :thumbup:
Cool, then you would of easily got on.. (even though we already do here). ;)
Coffee first, stupid.
I don't know what to do with my day off tomorrow.
It's time to clean house, and it won't do it by itself.
Don't give up, just keep going. :viking:
Don't give up, just keep going. :viking:
:agreed: Whatever it is you are doing! :viking:
Don't give up, just keep going. :viking:
:agreed: Whatever it is you are doing! :viking:
Oh, was going through crap at the time, haven't quite been myself for two days tbh.. Its pretty much real life issues.
Don't give up, just keep going. :viking:
:agreed: Whatever it is you are doing! :viking:
Oh, was going through crap at the time, haven't quite been myself for two days tbh.. Its pretty much real life issues.
Hope you figure it out soon. :)
Why should I?
Why should I?
Because that's the point of the thread! :zoinks:
Stop itching your broken blister moron
But it's slimy I can't even use lotion
You don't need that Parts. Just let it heal.But it's slimy I can't even use lotion
Have you got anything less slimy? An antiseptic spray? :nerd!:
But it's slimy I can't even use lotion
"Keep posting! 8400 is within easy reach!" :viking:
"Keep posting! 8400 is within easy reach!" :viking:
To Infinity and Beyond!!!!!!!
But it's slimy I can't even use lotion
I had an uncle who swore by honey. Maybe a little on the bandage?
"Buy a house and get a haircut"
If I believe, then I can.
"1509 PMs in a little over 4 months, you sure do love to :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: !"
"1509 PMs in a little over 4 months, you sure do love to :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: !"
Well, knowing yourself is the beginning of wisdom. :thumbup:
"1509 PMs in a little over 4 months, you sure do love to :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: !"
Well, knowing yourself is the beginning of wisdom. :thumbup:
But unfortunately not the beginning of shutting up! :laugh:
Log off, and make something to eat!
Time to sleep.
(Goodnight, everyone!)
"Go back to bed, you have a 12-hour workday ahead!" :duh:
"Go back to bed, you have a 12-hour workday ahead!" :duh:
past 5:10 am for you now lady, you're not only the :queenie: of postwhoring, also the :queenie: of procrastinating.
Sleep well, you could use that, if you want to keep your car in control at 180 km/h tomorrow.
Get stuff done tomorrow
Get stuff done tomorrow
Tomorrow! It's the best day to plan to get something done ;)
:2thumbsup: Three brilliant minds thinking alike.Get stuff done tomorrow
Tomorrow! It's the best day to plan to get something done ;)
It's my very favorite day of all! :zoinks:
:2thumbsup: Three brilliant minds thinking alike.Get stuff done tomorrow
Tomorrow! It's the best day to plan to get something done ;)
It's my very favorite day of all! :zoinks:
I'm off work, I am done thinking for a while.:2thumbsup: Three brilliant minds thinking alike.Get stuff done tomorrow
Tomorrow! It's the best day to plan to get something done ;)
It's my very favorite day of all! :zoinks:
Join us! :flame:
I'm off work, I am done thinking for a while.:2thumbsup: Three brilliant minds thinking alike.Get stuff done tomorrow
Tomorrow! It's the best day to plan to get something done ;)
It's my very favorite day of all! :zoinks:
Join us! :flame:
Get off your fat arse and get things done. The computer and Intensity Squared won't clean your house. Just do it.
Get off your fat arse and get things done. The computer and Intensity Squared won't clean your house. Just do it.
That's just what I am saying to myself now! :orly:
Get off your fat arse and get things done. The computer and Intensity Squared won't clean your house. Just do it.
That's just what I am saying to myself now! :orly:
I'll be saying that in 8 or 9 hours I guess.
Now I should be telling myself to log off, to go to bed.
Get off your fat arse and get things done. The computer and Intensity Squared won't clean your house. Just do it.
That's just what I am saying to myself now! :orly:
I'll be saying that in 8 or 9 hours I guess.
Now I should be telling myself to log off, to go to bed.
Awww.... :-\
Get off your fat arse and get things done. The computer and Intensity Squared won't clean your house. Just do it.
That's just what I am saying to myself now! :orly:
I'll be saying that in 8 or 9 hours I guess.
Now I should be telling myself to log off, to go to bed.
Awww.... :-\
Past 1 am here, and I don't think I have your stamina.
Used to have that, more than 20 years ago :violin:
Get off your fat arse and get things done. The computer and Intensity Squared won't clean your house. Just do it.
That's just what I am saying to myself now! :orly:
I'll be saying that in 8 or 9 hours I guess.
Now I should be telling myself to log off, to go to bed.
Awww.... :-\
Past 1 am here, and I don't think I have your stamina.
Used to have that, more than 20 years ago :violin:
Well, sleep well, hope to see you soon. :)
Get off your fat arse and get things done. The computer and Intensity Squared won't clean your house. Just do it.
That's just what I am saying to myself now! :orly:
I'll be saying that in 8 or 9 hours I guess.
Now I should be telling myself to log off, to go to bed.
Awww.... :-\
Past 1 am here, and I don't think I have your stamina.
Used to have that, more than 20 years ago :violin:
Well, sleep well, hope to see you soon. :)
Three days from now?
Get off your fat arse and get things done. The computer and Intensity Squared won't clean your house. Just do it.
That's just what I am saying to myself now! :orly:
I'll be saying that in 8 or 9 hours I guess.
Now I should be telling myself to log off, to go to bed.
Awww.... :-\
Past 1 am here, and I don't think I have your stamina.
Used to have that, more than 20 years ago :violin:
Well, sleep well, hope to see you soon. :)
Three days from now?
Maybe a little longer, but I will see you again! :viking:
Get off your fat arse and get things done. The computer and Intensity Squared won't clean your house. Just do it.
That's just what I am saying to myself now! :orly:
I'll be saying that in 8 or 9 hours I guess.
Now I should be telling myself to log off, to go to bed.
Awww.... :-\
Past 1 am here, and I don't think I have your stamina.
Used to have that, more than 20 years ago :violin:
Well, sleep well, hope to see you soon. :)
Three days from now?
Maybe a little longer, but I will see you again! :viking:
Wow, thinking of elongating your time with the dogs at the lake?
(Can I come? I would not mind extending my holidays)
Get off your fat arse and get things done. The computer and Intensity Squared won't clean your house. Just do it.
That's just what I am saying to myself now! :orly:
I'll be saying that in 8 or 9 hours I guess.
Now I should be telling myself to log off, to go to bed.
Awww.... :-\
Past 1 am here, and I don't think I have your stamina.
Used to have that, more than 20 years ago :violin:
Well, sleep well, hope to see you soon. :)
Three days from now?
Maybe a little longer, but I will see you again! :viking:
Wow, thinking of elongating your time with the dogs at the lake?
(Can I come? I would not mind extending my holidays)
I wish you could join me. It's beautiful at the lake. But I will be there from Monday night till late Thursday afternoon.
I have to be back to work at my evening job on Thursday night! :viking:
Get off your fat arse and get things done. The computer and Intensity Squared won't clean your house. Just do it.
That's just what I am saying to myself now! :orly:
I'll be saying that in 8 or 9 hours I guess.
Now I should be telling myself to log off, to go to bed.
Awww.... :-\
Past 1 am here, and I don't think I have your stamina.
Used to have that, more than 20 years ago :violin:
Well, sleep well, hope to see you soon. :)
Three days from now?
Maybe a little longer, but I will see you again! :viking:
Wow, thinking of elongating your time with the dogs at the lake?
(Can I come? I would not mind extending my holidays)
I wish you could join me. It's beautiful at the lake. But I will be there from Monday night till late Thursday afternoon.
I have to be back to work at my evening job on Thursday night! :viking:
* imagines you comfortably in a reclining chair under a tree, with 4 dogs enjoying themselves around you *
Jolly Weeble of the Aspie Elite
Obsessive Postwhore
Karma: 335
[Yay!] [Ghey!]
Online Online
Gender: Female
Posts: 8888
Weebles wobble, but they DON'T fall down!
Ahhhhh, you've got the perfect 8888 :laugh:Quotecouldbecousin
Jolly Weeble of the Aspie Elite
Obsessive Postwhore
Karma: 335
[Yay!] [Ghey!]
Online Online
Gender: Female
Posts: 8888
Weebles wobble, but they DON'T fall down!
"Get yer ass up now and start that :laundry: !" :duh:
"Get yer ass up now and start that :laundry: !" :duh:
"That's better." :asthing:
"Get yer ass up now and start that :laundry: !" :duh:
"That's better." :asthing:
cbc - You've been doing so much laundry you've lost your body.
Why doesn't it work? maybe I should restart the bloody thing.
Why doesn't it work? maybe I should restart the bloody thing.
"If all else fails, read the directions," - any wife to any husband.
Get back to work!
Get back to work!
YES! You can do it! So can I! We're both going to work! It'll be awesome! :asthing: :asthing: :asthing:
Get back to work!
YES! You can do it! So can I! We're both going to work! It'll be awesome! :asthing: :asthing: :asthing:
I have an hour and a half left and I can go home. How long do you have to be at work?
Get back to work!
YES! You can do it! So can I! We're both going to work! It'll be awesome! :asthing: :asthing: :asthing:
I have an hour and a half left and I can go home. How long do you have to be at work?
Roughly 12 hours, with a little stop at home between the day job and the evening one. So hard to be away from here. :(
Get back to work!
YES! You can do it! So can I! We're both going to work! It'll be awesome! :asthing: :asthing: :asthing:
I have an hour and a half left and I can go home. How long do you have to be at work?
Roughly 12 hours, with a little stop at home between the day job and the evening one. So hard to be away from here. :(
I'll never catch up with cbc in post count, but I sure do have a good time trying.
I'll never catch up with cbc in post count, but I sure do have a good time trying.
You also contribute to other people's good time. :viking:
I'll never catch up with cbc in post count, but I sure do have a good time trying.
You also contribute to other people's good time. :viking:
Gee, You like me. You really like me. (Sorry Sally Fields)Don't get a big head or anything but we do like you. :thumbup:
Thanks for the compliments. They mean a lot.
Gee, You like me. You really like me. (Sorry Sally Fields)Don't get a big head or anything but we do like you. :thumbup:
Thanks for the compliments. They mean a lot.
"You've been up all night postwhoring! It's almost 5 a.m.!" :orly:
"You've been up all night postwhoring! It's almost 5 a.m.!" :orly:
That's addiction. :zombiefuck:
"You've been up all night postwhoring! It's almost 5 a.m.!" :orly:
That's addiction. :zombiefuck:
:agreed: Thank goodness I have tomorrow off!
"You've been up all night postwhoring! It's almost 5 a.m.!" :orly:
That's addiction. :zombiefuck:
:agreed: Thank goodness I have tomorrow off!
Day for sleeping in and postwhoring?
That is worse than my schedule, unless we go to 7 12s. :zombiefuck:"You've been up all night postwhoring! It's almost 5 a.m.!" :orly:
That's addiction. :zombiefuck:
:agreed: Thank goodness I have tomorrow off!
Day for sleeping in and postwhoring?
Yes, one day out of 14 I have no work at all! :green:
That is worse than my schedule, unless we go to 7 12s. :zombiefuck:"You've been up all night postwhoring! It's almost 5 a.m.!" :orly:
That's addiction. :zombiefuck:
:agreed: Thank goodness I have tomorrow off!
Day for sleeping in and postwhoring?
Yes, one day out of 14 I have no work at all! :green:
You've procrastinated long enough now lady. Time to move your ass.
You've procrastinated long enough now lady. Time to move your ass.
I've been saying that to myself for over 30 years! :duh:
You've procrastinated long enough now lady. Time to move your ass.
I've been saying that to myself for over 30 years! :duh:
Yes, a line that lasts a lifetime. It's a classic! :asthing:
You've procrastinated long enough now lady. Time to move your ass.
I've been saying that to myself for over 30 years! :duh:
Yes, a line that lasts a lifetime. It's a classic! :asthing:
As are the words "soon" "not yet," "later," and "tomorrow"! :laugh:
You've procrastinated long enough now lady. Time to move your ass.
I've been saying that to myself for over 30 years! :duh:
Yes, a line that lasts a lifetime. It's a classic! :asthing:
As are the words "soon" "not yet," "later," and "tomorrow"! :laugh:
Tomorrow has just begun, or is about to begin. Will have to get through that pile of washing this very Monday. Preferably before I go to sleep.
You've procrastinated long enough now lady. Time to move your ass.
I've been saying that to myself for over 30 years! :duh:
Yes, a line that lasts a lifetime. It's a classic! :asthing:
As are the words "soon" "not yet," "later," and "tomorrow"! :laugh:
Tomorrow has just begun, or is about to begin. Will have to get through that pile of washing this very Monday. Preferably before I go to sleep.
Sometimes I feel as if all I do is :laundry: :laundry: :laundry: :laundry: !
You've procrastinated long enough now lady. Time to move your ass.
Brush your teeth, strip off, and go to bed.
(and don't forget to log off and close the curtains before the stripping)
Back to the examples... NOW!
Back to the examples... NOW!
Good examples (boring) or bad examples (ooh, nice)?
Back to the examples... NOW!
Good examples (boring) or bad examples (ooh, nice)?
Good examples, unfortunately.
Back to the examples... NOW!
Good examples (boring) or bad examples (ooh, nice)?
Good examples, unfortunately.
Yeah, they're usually not much fun. I'll keep a look out for some bad examples for you.
Back to the examples... NOW!
Good examples (boring) or bad examples (ooh, nice)?
Good examples, unfortunately.
Yeah, they're usually not much fun. I'll keep a look out for some bad examples for you.
Have to get back to them again. Any bad examples for me yet?
Back to the examples... NOW!
Good examples (boring) or bad examples (ooh, nice)?
Good examples, unfortunately.
Yeah, they're usually not much fun. I'll keep a look out for some bad examples for you.
Have to get back to them again. Any bad examples for me yet?
Wicked Wanda from Playboy
Freddy Krueger
Any computer program that doesn't work the first time it's run
Nash from A Beautiful Mind
Prince Albert, the rotten fop
Wrong Planet admins
Most politicians?
"Get ready and get to work on time, it's only six hours today!" :viking:
"Get ready and get to work on time, it's only six hours today!" :viking:
Where are you, those six hours have passed by far now. :asthing:
"Get ready and get to work on time, it's only six hours today!" :viking:
Where are you, those six hours have passed by far now. :asthing:
"Get ready and get to work on time, it's only six hours today!" :viking:
Where are you, those six hours have passed by far now. :asthing:
Ah, I remember, you are going for yummy things to feed on during postwhoring later. :2thumbsup:
Chocolate for me please.
"I've been abandoned!" :-\It's only temporary. People need sleep. :yawn:
"I've been abandoned!" :-\It's only temporary. People need sleep. :yawn:
"New challenge: Make the 10,000th post by the end of this week instead of by Labor Day!" :viking:
"New challenge: Make the 10,000th post by the end of this week instead of by Labor Day!" :viking:
Piece of cake for you.
But, nice piece of cake, and it will boost your daily posting average too.
Officially INTENSELY insane. :smarty:"New challenge: Make the 10,000th post by the end of this week instead of by Labor Day!" :viking:
Piece of cake for you.
But, nice piece of cake, and it will boost your daily posting average too.
Cake... :drool:
Yes, must get that daily average up there, AND become OFFICIALLY INSANE! :2thumbsup:
Officially INTENSELY insane. :smarty:"New challenge: Make the 10,000th post by the end of this week instead of by Labor Day!" :viking:
Piece of cake for you.
But, nice piece of cake, and it will boost your daily posting average too.
Cake... :drool:
Yes, must get that daily average up there, AND become OFFICIALLY INSANE! :2thumbsup:
u should switch everything off and go to bedI should tell myself that too.
C'mon, don't dwell, just do it.
C'mon, don't dwell, just do it.
You're talking about the Jag, aren't you? :2thumbsup:
C'mon, don't dwell, just do it.
You're talking about the Jag, aren't you? :2thumbsup:
That too.
C'mon, don't dwell, just do it.
You're talking about the Jag, aren't you? :2thumbsup:
That too.
Hmmm, wonder what the other thing was... :coolguy:
C'mon, don't dwell, just do it.
You're talking about the Jag, aren't you? :2thumbsup:
That too.
Hmmm, wonder what the other thing was... :coolguy:
Logging off.
Good night, all.
* stern voice * Goodnight Hyke. :laugh:
* stern voice * Goodnight Hyke. :laugh:
Goodnight, Hyke.
(Missed you again, I see.)
Good night, all.
You said that to *yourself*? How many people have you got in there anyway? :laugh:
Good night, all.
You said that to *yourself*? How many people have you got in there anyway? :laugh:
Just me.
And me.
Me too.
And me.
Yeah, me too.
Hey, me, what ab--DON'T FUCKING PUSH ME!
Just us here. :P
Good night, all.
You said that to *yourself*? How many people have you got in there anyway? :laugh:
Just me.
And me.
Me too.
And me.
Yeah, me too.
Hey, me, what ab--DON'T FUCKING PUSH ME!
Just us here. :P
Good night, all.
You said that to *yourself*? How many people have you got in there anyway? :laugh:
Just me.
And me.
Me too.
And me.
Yeah, me too.
Hey, me, what ab--DON'T FUCKING PUSH ME!
Just us here. :P
:thumbup: At least you admit it.
Weakling hides all of her in a ROYAL WE.
A bit like being married. :P
A bit like being married. :P
I wouldn't know, I'm single and selfish! :2thumbsup:
A bit like being married. :P
I wouldn't know, I'm single and selfish! :2thumbsup:
Trust me on this.
A bit like being married. :P
I wouldn't know, I'm single and selfish! :2thumbsup:
Trust me on this.
Is that why mine didn't last?
After almost 20 years "we" still hadn't managed the "we" :asthing:
:laugh:A bit like being married. :P
I wouldn't know, I'm single and selfish! :2thumbsup:
Trust me on this.
Is that why mine didn't last?
After almost 20 years "we" still hadn't managed the "we" :asthing:
We sometimes have problems with the "we", says my wife.
Well, *I* always knew I'd be in trouble if she said we were in trouble.
Well, *I* always knew I'd be in trouble if she said we were in trouble.
I always was amazed if I heard a friend say "we" can't make it next Sunday, if I invited her.
Well, *I* always knew I'd be in trouble if she said we were in trouble.
I always was amazed if I heard a friend say "we" can't make it next Sunday, if I invited her.
I've known people like that and they scare me.
Not to worry. I'm pretty weird too.
Not to worry. I'm pretty weird too.
I had been suspecting something like that. :zoinks:
Not to worry. I'm pretty weird too.
I had been suspecting something like that. :zoinks:
Not to worry. I'm pretty weird too.
I had been suspecting something like that. :zoinks:
By Royal Proclamation, I now pronounce this the pronoun thread.
Next time you set up the coffee maker, remember to turn it on. :duh:
Next time you set up the coffee maker, remember to turn it on. :duh:
Next time you set up the coffee maker, remember to turn it on. :duh:
Next time you set up the coffee maker, remember to turn it on. :duh:
And remember to put the pot on the burner. The hot coffee will run onto the table and ruin it and there will be no hot coffee to drink, the mess will take so long to clean up that you will be late for work :(.
Rejoicing rocks. :headbang2:Next time you set up the coffee maker, remember to turn it on. :duh:
Eventually I did turn it on, and the :coffee: was made, and there was great rejoicing! :2thumbsup:
Rejoicing rocks. :headbang2:Next time you set up the coffee maker, remember to turn it on. :duh:
Eventually I did turn it on, and the :coffee: was made, and there was great rejoicing! :2thumbsup:
You should have turned down your music before the cops came by.
A simple walk around the block would have confirmed how "fucking loud" your Led Zeppelin was playing in the neighborhood.
Revisit the "First Padawan Lesson," you moron!!!
It was almost eleven PM when the "local constabulary" ambled by and inquired as to the nature of the reported disturbance of the peace I had been raising. (I had it up a bit too loud - I admit it) I was in the pool and playing some early Led Zeppelin and enjoying some decent deep-water relaxation in the cool night air.
I might have gotten away with playing any of the current "fake country music" bullshit about sister fucking, cheating on your wife and beating people up who already have fewer teeth than tattoos, that is a part of "top forty" radio promotions all over the nation or some form of "slap da BIGass ho' N kill her nigga friends rap" (seriously, I can not even allow my young children to go outside around rush hour, because the airwaves are "X-Rated" from all the damn Rap music that they beat out at bone numbing volumes around here!) that is blasted at very high volume from every second teen owned car that passes by - unfortunately, those petty crimes go completely unnoticed - BUT, an old man who wants to mellow out in his pool and hear some old tymie hippie music - now THAT is a fucking crime well worth investigating! We can NOT have anyone being mellow and gettin' down to Zep around here!!
Stop living your life through reality shows and do what should be done in yours. NOT MEANT AS A REFLECTION TO ANYONE ON HERE, STRICTLY SAID TO MYSELF.
"Ready for today at 3pm?"
"Ready for today at 3pm?"
Good luck. :viking:
ZOMG, I'm now officially a Postwhore!! :viking:
ZOMG, I'm now officially a Postwhore!! :viking:
Remember to hoard a little every day
"Oh shit, I think I screwed up."
"Sweet, tomorrow, getting nackered, Saturday sorting the things out and Sunday, early night"
You can't wash sugar off a doughnut.
You can't wash sugar off a doughnut.
You can't wash sugar off a doughnut.
And why would you ever want to? :laugh:
You can't wash sugar off a doughnut.
And why would you ever want to? :laugh:
I have no idea. The sentence just popped into my head while I was driving. I would prefer licking it off the doughnut.
c'mon, do the backup...
c'mon, do the backup...
The backup?! Noooooooo! :runaway:
c'mon, do the backup...
The backup?! Noooooooo! :runaway:
It's really a good thing.
c'mon, do the backup...
The backup?! Noooooooo! :runaway:
It's really a good thing.
I won't be able to post for a minute or so though. :bigcry:
face it
pool tyme is over for about seven or eight months
deal with it all and all of it
Skip that meeting.
Will be better for you and your kids.
FFS, after this online episode of Hoarders, get busy throwing stuff away! :zombiefuck:
FFS, after this online episode of Hoarders, get busy throwing stuff away! :zombiefuck:
Been watching horror movies again?
FFS, after this online episode of Hoarders, get busy throwing stuff away! :zombiefuck:
Been watching horror movies again?
Real-life horror. It is a popular reality show that scares many viewers into what Kit would call cleaning sprees! :viking:
FFS, after this online episode of Hoarders, get busy throwing stuff away! :zombiefuck:
Been watching horror movies again?
Real-life horror. It is a popular reality show that scares many viewers into what Kit would call cleaning sprees! :viking:
I know, they do broadcast them here too, now and then.
And then there is this British version, where people come and help dehoarding, and they make lots of money out of it too. Less horror, more fun. Though the thought that someone else will go through your stuff and things is horrible.
what you want to do and what you actually do are two completely differnt things
It's not your fault.I see what you did there. :evillaugh:
Get on that uniform. Time to go.
Coffee in the morning Coffee at super time, when Coffee is on your mind you can have it anytime! *air guitars*
winter when will you return?I'm going to go out on a limb and guess December 21st. :zoinks:
I want to punch Richard Stallman for being a complete anal-retentive cunt.
Log off, and make that batter. :dom:
Log off, and make that batter. :dom:
Pancake batter? :bunny:
Log off, and make that batter. :dom:
Pancake batter? :bunny:
Yup, pancakes served without the bunny.
There are still some left if you want. I didn't have any. Did not trust my stomach enough yet. And the oldest wasn't that hungry.
"Oh no, you forgot to phone to get your girlfriend to come on Sunday"
I like that idea, this Sunday, im heading off to the high streets and could be partying and it would make my day if she comes. ;D"Oh no, you forgot to phone to get your girlfriend to come on Sunday"
Maybe you guys need to set up a regular weekly visit so you don't have to remember to call every week. :chin:
I like that idea, this Sunday, im heading off to the high streets and could be partying and it would make my day if she comes. ;D"Oh no, you forgot to phone to get your girlfriend to come on Sunday"
Maybe you guys need to set up a regular weekly visit so you don't have to remember to call every week. :chin:
my fire agate shure is looking handsome this morning :zoinks:
my fire agate shure is looking handsome this morning :zoinks:
I've never heard it called that before :zombiefuck:
my fire agate shure is looking handsome this morning :zoinks:
I've never heard it called that before :zombiefuck:
im enjoying one of mans greatest achievemnts, instant coffee
Had the idea for coffee in tea bags as a small child. Dad was the only one who drank it; not much but every day. Saw them in stores later in life and had to enjoying one of mans greatest achievemnts, instant coffee
I always thought instant whiskey would be man's greatest achievement. As I a teenager I wanted to invent dehydrated whiskey that you could keep on hand for emergencies. Just add water. Goofy teen.
Don't post, ffs.
i know what you mean, ive also had infomercial type ideas that somebody made millions off of. currently im thinking about pussy and how much i wanna fuck it hardHad the idea for coffee in tea bags as a small child. Dad was the only one who drank it; not much but every day. Saw them in stores later in life and had to enjoying one of mans greatest achievemnts, instant coffee
I always thought instant whiskey would be man's greatest achievement. As I a teenager I wanted to invent dehydrated whiskey that you could keep on hand for emergencies. Just add water. Goofy teen.
Relax the restaurant is done
Don't post, ffs.
But why not? Posting is what I2 is all about! :asthing:
"Enjoy your time off from the night job." :thumbup:Yes, fuck that. Get to school.
You were really forward with that pm. It's going to backfire on you. You know it.Don't sweat it, I enjoy the risque pics and will never share them. I promise. :crossed:
You were really forward with that pm. It's going to backfire on you. You know it.
"Enjoy your time off from the night job." :thumbup:Yes, fuck that. Get to school.
You were really forward with that pm. It's going to backfire on you. You know it.Don't sweat it, I enjoy the risque pics and will never share them. I promise. :crossed:
I choose Sig P239s in 9mm with 4.1" tactical barrel. That last rapier wound hurt like hell. :zoinks:You were really forward with that pm. It's going to backfire on you. You know it.Don't sweat it, I enjoy the risque pics and will never share them. I promise. :crossed:
Good one sir. Prince Albert will meet you at dawn at Stonehenge.
Well, I always thought I looked good in widow's weeds.Perhaps Albert and I should have tea and a slice together instead?
Well, I always thought I looked good in widow's weeds.Perhaps Albert and I should have tea and a slice together instead?
Whatever, we don't normally allow women in the Water Buffalo Lodge. We'll have to get a waiver from Joe Rockhead.Well, I always thought I looked good in widow's weeds.Perhaps Albert and I should have tea and a slice together instead?
Only if this turns into a dejeuner a trois.
We have two more days to get acquainted, before he has to go back.
We have two more days to get acquainted, before he has to go back.
I'm glad things seem to be going well. You have my best wishes, my friend.
We have two more days to get acquainted, before he has to go back.
I'm glad things seem to be going well. You have my best wishes, my friend.
That means a lot to me.
Things are going well. I "forced" a week end off for this "once in a life time" (well fuck that - it has been twice for me, now) event and we have made huge strides.
Oddly, last Tuesday a "friend" from work gave me two bicycles, very old, but in perfect working order. We went out riding today at the park. He likes girls and his sense of humour is very erudite.
Our father/son bike ride was fabulously enriching for both of us!!
Again, thanks for the kind thoughts.
I hope to have another bike ride before he goes on Monday.
Don't punch this guy...
Don't punch this guy...
Everything alright Rage? :-\
Don't punch this guy...
Everything alright Rage? :-\
Just a noisy guy in the library. People annoy me.
Some vodka would go nice with this Dr Pepper..... :zoinks:
Some vodka would go nice with this Dr Pepper..... :zoinks:
I've never had Vodka & Dr Pepper before :orly:
I rarely have Dr Pepper as it's hard to get in Australia, but when I do I have it straight (my rare & cherished Dr Pepper experiences must not be wasted by spoiling the taste)
Nope, I will not. I am no longer on speaking terms with myself.
Some vodka would go nice with this Dr Pepper..... :zoinks:
I've never had Vodka & Dr Pepper before :orly:
I rarely have Dr Pepper as it's hard to get in Australia, but when I do I have it straight (my rare & cherished Dr Pepper experiences must not be wasted by spoiling the taste)
I had a little drop of vodka before in dr pepper but that was because I was 16 , stupid and the mother wasnt looking :lol:
but yeah dr pepper neat is definately the best
Some vodka would go nice with this Dr Pepper..... :zoinks:
I've never had Vodka & Dr Pepper before :orly:
I rarely have Dr Pepper as it's hard to get in Australia, but when I do I have it straight (my rare & cherished Dr Pepper experiences must not be wasted by spoiling the taste)
I had a little drop of vodka before in dr pepper but that was because I was 16 , stupid and the mother wasnt looking :lol:
but yeah dr pepper neat is definately the best
I'm actually going to try that, I already had mine with coke, sometimes i put brandy into it.
But I only do this on occasion though especially when i'm in a good mood. :zoinks:
Do it now, while you still remember.
Do it now, while you still remember.
Odeon that makes you sound like you have Oldtimers disease.
"Ooh that SM33 really worked......but now you can't eat or drink for a while :-\"
"Ooh that SM33 really worked......but now you can't eat or drink for a while :-\"
SM33? ???
"Ooh that SM33 really worked......but now you can't eat or drink for a while :-\"
SM33? ???
Apparently its a medicine that cures Mouth Ulcers.
"Ooh that SM33 really worked......but now you can't eat or drink for a while :-\"B12. Just sayin...
Get that beer!goddamn, i wanna drink today. but im trying to quit :laugh:
"Ooh that SM33 really worked......but now you can't eat or drink for a while :-\"B12. Just sayin...
"Ooh that SM33 really worked......but now you can't eat or drink for a while :-\"B12. Just sayin...
Yes! The lady at the pharmacy said I needed more of A, B and C. And she recommended I buy new toothbrushes and start using mouthwash AND start flossing and... :blah:
I'll shop for the vitamins on Monday :).
"Ooh that SM33 really worked......but now you can't eat or drink for a while :-\"B12. Just sayin...
Yes! The lady at the pharmacy said I needed more of A, B and C. And she recommended I buy new toothbrushes and start using mouthwash AND start flossing and... :blah:
I'll shop for the vitamins on Monday :).
Bed time sweetie, really.
i think im going to throw up. :laugh: :LOL: :clap: :facepalm2:
are you kidding me? i just bought this computer. i puked in my shoe
a rubber. my feet are that big
a rubber. my feet are that big
Someone else run with this one. The comment should really come from a guy.
i need a shower. and my balls sucked!
i need a shower. and my balls sucked!
thats ok. i've decided to buy some squid and rub them on my balls, this is the feeling ive been looking for my entire life, it feels like the real deal
I would imagine if I ignored some posters I could get through the threads faster. Hmmmm
I would imagine if I ignored some posters I could get through the threads faster. Hmmmm
Sometimes I want to experiment with that button. Just out of curiosity. :asthing:
Ignoring almost all might make it very interesting. Almost all posts would be out of context then. (Not sure if that will make a big difference btw)
Did not give in to the temptation yet.
I would imagine if I ignored some posters I could get through the threads faster. Hmmmm
Sometimes I want to experiment with that button. Just out of curiosity. :asthing:
Ignoring almost all might make it very interesting. Almost all posts would be out of context then. (Not sure if that will make a big difference btw)
Did not give in to the temptation yet.
Sometimes guessing what the "missing" post said is fun. And, of course, they ignored posts will show up whenever someone quotes them in a reply.
And you can always unignore and ignore them at will, turning the feature on and off if you feel necessary.
...or just plain mad. Mad is good and interesting.
i need a shower. and my balls sucked!
aww bless :2thumbsup:
...or just plain mad. Mad is good and interesting.
You're driving me crazy.
I could try the ignore function on you. :asthing:
oh y halo thur
cool weather will you be sticking around? :orly:
I love the sounds of (poetic) license!oh y halo thur
cool weather will you be sticking around? :orly:
With apologies to the lyricist:
Hello cool weather my old friend
You've come to stay with again
That's all the lyrics I know
Put on my coat without thinking,
See, I told ya'll I wasn't musical.
I love the sounds of (poetic) license!oh y halo thur
cool weather will you be sticking around? :orly:
With apologies to the lyricist:
Hello cool weather my old friend
You've come to stay with again
That's all the lyrics I know
Put on my coat without thinking,
See, I told ya'll I wasn't musical.
My 8th grade Social Studies teacher had us discuss the lyrics of The Sounds Of Silence. She was Ms. Abdullah. She used the title Ms. which I detest, was a hippie which I detest and an Arab and I generally don't like them. But I had a major crush on her anyway.I love the sounds of (poetic) license!oh y halo thur
cool weather will you be sticking around? :orly:
With apologies to the lyricist:
Hello cool weather my old friend
You've come to stay with again
That's all the lyrics I know
Put on my coat without thinking,
See, I told ya'll I wasn't musical.
It took me until today to remember that Simon and Garfunkel sang the song of which I can remember only scattered lyrics.
My 8th grade Social Studies teacher had us discuss the lyrics of The Sounds Of Silence. She was Ms. Abdullah. She used the title Ms. which I detest, was a hippie which I detest and an Arab and I generally don't like them. But I had a major crush on her anyway.I love the sounds of (poetic) license!oh y halo thur
cool weather will you be sticking around? :orly:
With apologies to the lyricist:
Hello cool weather my old friend
You've come to stay with again
That's all the lyrics I know
Put on my coat without thinking,
See, I told ya'll I wasn't musical.
It took me until today to remember that Simon and Garfunkel sang the song of which I can remember only scattered lyrics.
My 8th grade Social Studies teacher had us discuss the lyrics of The Sounds Of Silence. She was Ms. Abdullah. She used the title Ms. which I detest, was a hippie which I detest and an Arab and I generally don't like them. But I had a major crush on her anyway.I love the sounds of (poetic) license!oh y halo thur
cool weather will you be sticking around? :orly:
With apologies to the lyricist:
Hello cool weather my old friend
You've come to stay with again
That's all the lyrics I know
Put on my coat without thinking,
See, I told ya'll I wasn't musical.
It took me until today to remember that Simon and Garfunkel sang the song of which I can remember only scattered lyrics.
Well, love isn't known for being logical or sensible.
i like panty sniffing
don't ever have another child. ever, ever, ever. One is more than a squid could handle.
uhm i dont wear pantys. girls doi like panty sniffingYour own, or other peoples?
get a bath - get to bed dumb whore :-*Oh shit, i think i Just jizzed on my bank account!
Pay attention to the road!!!
get a bath - get to bed dumb whore :-*Oh shit, i think i Just jizzed on my bank account!
Fuck, my bank account is hard :laugh:
this next song is called domination! *russia goes crazy* :blonde:
Pay attention to the road!!!
You're posting, thinking and driving all at the same time? :viking:
funny enough my head is also hard, and i'm hard of hearing.Fuck, my bank account is hard :laugh:that's all that's hard?
maybe you should get the fuck up
I need a kitten!
:green: :agreed:
get a bath - get to bed dumb whore :-*
0H HELL NAW. niggers on my store corner! i'm about to bust out the chopper to show him who runz dis placeahhh!!
get a bath - get to bed dumb whore :-*
You aren't a whore. I've known some. ;)
doesnt everybody? :zoinks:
Yes we know, your made out of lollipops and cake.
im made out of garbage though :laugh:
It's time.
get a bath - get to bed dumb whore :-*
You aren't a whore. I've known some. ;)
I sometimes think like a whore :)
get a bath - get to bed dumb whore :-*
You aren't a whore. I've known some. ;)
I sometimes think like a whore :)
Me too! I am right now in fact. Can you guess what i'm thinking of? ;)
get a bath - get to bed dumb whore :-*
You aren't a whore. I've known some. ;)
I sometimes think like a whore :)
No - but I reckon I'd like it whatever it is ;)
Me too! I am right now in fact. Can you guess what i'm thinking of? ;)
get a bath - get to bed dumb whore :-*
You aren't a whore. I've known some. ;)
I sometimes think like a whore :)
Get a room already! A private internet chat room! :zoinks:
Me too! I am right now in fact. Can you guess what i'm thinking of? ;)
I would have perferd FA to have remained peacock, or rainbow agate instead of its current name
Why? It does look somewhat fiery. :chin:becuase peacocks are cool animals, there so beautiful. fire agate suposidly was given it final name due to some guy looking at a dying camp fire and seeing the colors inside the embers as they burn
Why? It does look somewhat fiery. :chin:becuase peacocks are cool animals, there so beautiful. fire agate suposidly was given it final name due to some guy looking at a dying camp fire and seeing the colors inside the embers as they burn
Just a few posts.
Just a few posts.
^ Famous last words. :P
Just a few posts.
^ Famous last words. :P
Last posts? :P
Atleast it doesnt take you 5 hours to boil water like abuend, :LMAO:
Does it? And why would that be funny? ???yes. if you knew the whole story you would laugh as well, weeble.
Does it? And why would that be funny? ???yes. if you knew the whole story you would laugh as well, weeble.
how would i know? plenty of people have laughed at her though
Just keep your cool. These things take time.
(Before I get questions, the Princess Royal is having some seizures, basically one after the other, because of a medicine that doesn't work as well as the name brand. They're localized now in her left foot, but it's going to take time for the doctor to call back, maybe go to the emergency room, get the prescription for the name brand filled (About $400), get the okay for the name brand to be covered (which takes 24 to 48 hours and the cost is then $3.30 for the drug), and manage to have a life in all of this. So an apology ahead of time to any that I'm curt with. We know I'm 4 foot 11, so I'm almost always short to people LOL.)
Just keep your cool. These things take time.
(Before I get questions, the Princess Royal is having some seizures, basically one after the other, because of a medicine that doesn't work as well as the name brand. They're localized now in her left foot, but it's going to take time for the doctor to call back, maybe go to the emergency room, get the prescription for the name brand filled (About $400), get the okay for the name brand to be covered (which takes 24 to 48 hours and the cost is then $3.30 for the drug), and manage to have a life in all of this. So an apology ahead of time to any that I'm curt with. We know I'm 4 foot 11, so I'm almost always short to people LOL.)
Word back from doctors (Prince Albert is with her the at the hospital). No physical reason for the seizures.
No brain tumor. Med levels are within bounds, but the doctor will okay the name brand of one of her epilepsy meds and start the process to have the drug insurance company cover the name brand.
Evidently she is having pseudo seizures brought on by anxiety. We will talk to her psychiatrist about how we can help her deal with her anxiety.
A great big thank you to everyone in the USA. Your tax money, whether Social Security taxes or state (sales) taxes, go to help my daughter and people like her. It is appreciated beyond words. Thank all of you again.
my fucking hand hurts :(
What the fuck am I doing here anyway?
What the fuck am I doing here anyway?
Bringing joy and happiness to us?
Pikajedi looks like a dirty and greasy homo, and if he really is British, he's pathetic for trying to be American.
Norwegians in general lack the ability to have their own accent, so they "copy and paste" a wannabe-British accent, as well as the entire culture, lifestyle etc.
haha. im drunk, and i'll be getting more drunk now. okay
haha. im drunk, and i'll be getting more drunk now. okay
Just remember to drink lots of water to minimize the hangover and sleep in the bathtub so you won't have to wash the sheets. LOL
haha. im drunk, and i'll be getting more drunk now. okay
Just remember to drink lots of water to minimize the hangover and sleep in the bathtub so you won't have to wash the sheets. LOL
And keep a shoebox handy in case you feel sick! It worked for me! :laugh:
haha. im drunk, and i'll be getting more drunk now. okay
Just remember to drink lots of water to minimize the hangover and sleep in the bathtub so you won't have to wash the sheets. LOL
And keep a shoebox handy in case you feel sick! It worked for me! :laugh:
Doesn't a shoebox leak? :zombiefuck: I vote plastic bowl instead. :thumbup:
Why can't people eat salad at my house? :scratchhead:
We use a wastebasket with about an inch of water in the bottom. Why the water? IDK, it's the way Prince Albert's family did it. TRADITION, TRADITION, TRADITION, Well Fiddler on the Roof anyway.
Why can't people eat salad at my house? :scratchhead:
Perhaps the fear is that, since you suggested a plastic bowl for puking in, you might use one yourself,
possibly your salad bowl. But I'm sure you wouldn't! :2thumbsup:
this old hispanic lady at the KFC wants to fuck me. :P
the seagulls are back in my balls and they want out! :aff: :M
Wish I could sneak into the boys room and into his bed
We use a wastebasket with about an inch of water in the bottom. Why the water? IDK, it's the way Prince Albert's family did it. TRADITION, TRADITION, TRADITION, Well Fiddler on the Roof anyway.
We use a wastebasket with about an inch of water in the bottom. Why the water? IDK, it's the way Prince Albert's family did it. TRADITION, TRADITION, TRADITION, Well Fiddler on the Roof anyway.
Makes the cleaning afterwards easier.
"go to sleep. go to sleep now!"
"go to sleep. go to sleep now!"
What time is it there??
That washing does not hang itself.
That washing does not hang itself.
They need to change that. Would be much easier if it did. :laugh:
But then I could not be procrastinating that much :'( :asthing:
That washing does not hang itself.
They need to change that. Would be much easier if it did. :laugh:
But then I could not be procrastinating that much :'( :asthing:
That washing does not hang itself.
They need to change that. Would be much easier if it did. :laugh:
But then I could not be procrastinating that much :'( :asthing:
No, I meant the washing needs to be able to hang itself. Then you CAN procrastinate and the washing would still get done. :thumbup:
That washing does not hang itself.
They need to change that. Would be much easier if it did. :laugh:
But then I could not be procrastinating that much :'( :asthing:
No, I meant the washing needs to be able to hang itself. Then you CAN procrastinate and the washing would still get done. :thumbup:
Do they make a washing machine/clothes dryer all in one combo thing. Dirty clothes go in, clean dry clothes come out. I need that.
That washing does not hang itself.
They need to change that. Would be much easier if it did. :laugh:
But then I could not be procrastinating that much :'( :asthing:
No, I meant the washing needs to be able to hang itself. Then you CAN procrastinate and the washing would still get done. :thumbup:
Do they make a washing machine/clothes dryer all in one combo thing. Dirty clothes go in, clean dry clothes come out. I need that.
I don't believe they do, but they should! Go build one, Phlex. But don't forget about us peons when you're rich and famous. :green:
I did read many years ago that there was a combo washer and dryer, but obviously it never sold well. I don't know the details about the machine or it's problems. Maybe a Japanese product?
I did read many years ago that there was a combo washer and dryer, but obviously it never sold well. I don't know the details about the machine or it's problems. Maybe a Japanese product?
I saw one in a RV my husband and I were looking at one time. It was made in Sweden, it held only a few items of clothes, and it was expensive, but it saved a lot of space.
Everyone's going to be mad with you if you keep riding Soph about the dissertation.
Everyone's going to be mad with you if you keep riding Soph about the dissertation.
But you are right.
Time to get moving!
Go fuck yourself asshole! Just quit! Oh yeah, the three kids and their mother who won't go get her own job leaving you stuck in a job you can't stand that is going to bring the end of you...
I would love to stick it to her by quitting my job, but it isn't her he gets hurt the most. But I mainly want to quit because I am sinking deeper and deeper and it is affecting my health and everything else. Monday morning just starts a five day quest to make it to Friday evening for a couple of days away. No leave due to countless medical appointments and days when I go in late because I just can't get moving physically and/or mentally in the morning.
"Start boiling the pasta water!" :thumbup:
"Start boiling the pasta water!" :thumbup:
Are you going to eat or are the Vandals at the castle walls?
I "achieved" suffient entropy to allow myself to post again.
Get used to it for a while longer.
I will NOT answer a call from work! I will NOT answer a call from work! I will NOT answer a call from work! I will NOT answer a call from work! I will NOT answer a call from work! I will NOT answer a call from work!
No bad idea!
(I am turning off my phone.)
(Do not worry, kids are in scool, but the school has a different number.)
"Back to work, whore!" :zoinks:
"Back to work, whore!" :zoinks:
Corrected! :thumbup:
"Back to work, whore!" :zoinks:
Corrected! :thumbup:
POST whore, that is! :green:
"Back to work, whore!" :zoinks:
Corrected! :thumbup:
POST whore, that is! :green:
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!
My sock friend didn't log on tonight :(
I would kill for a McDonalds burger of any sort right this moment.
I would kill for a McDonalds burger of any sort right this moment.
Where is the McDonalds closest to you? :orly:
I would kill for a McDonalds burger of any sort right this moment.
Where is the McDonalds closest to you? :orly:
And does it have a 24 hour drive thru?
I would kill for a McDonalds burger of any sort right this moment.
Where is the McDonalds closest to you? :orly:
And does it have a 24 hour drive thru?
Bring a large vehicle to carry home your takeout order! :icequeen:
I suspect a 30/15 schedule would work for me.
I fucking loathe DVD.
I fucking loathe DVD.
Do you prefer Blu-ray? :orly:
I fucking loathe DVD.
Do you prefer Blu-ray? :orly:
DVDs are perfectly OK at home. But I'm showing DVDs on a 15-metre screen right now.
But yeah, Blu-rays are better than DVDs. I would prefer to avoid digital media here if I could, though.
I fucking loathe DVD.
Do you prefer Blu-ray? :orly:
DVDs are perfectly OK at home. But I'm showing DVDs on a 15-metre screen right now.
But yeah, Blu-rays are better than DVDs. I would prefer to avoid digital media here if I could, though.
So do you like the old-fashioned reels of film best? :toporly:
I'd never leave the place. You'd have to drag me out of there. :o
I'd never leave the place. You'd have to drag me out of there. :o
I feel that way about the British Library. I think I'd love to come back as a super mouse and live quietly in there, reading all the books.
Sleep you silly twat! :duh:
Gahhh im going to bed , Goodnight all :green:
"Tomorrow will be different." :duh:
I'd never leave the place. You'd have to drag me out of there. :o
I feel that way about the British Library. I think I'd love to come back as a super mouse and live quietly in there, reading all the books.
"Tomorrow will be different." :duh:
What I say to myself is that couldbecousin is an optimist
"This weekend is going to be EPIC! " :viking:Why?
"This weekend is going to be EPIC! " :viking:Why?
And will you take pics?
"This weekend is going to be EPIC! " :viking:Why?
And will you take pics?
It's going to be a marathon of de-hoarding and cleaning! :pirate:
If I'm pleased with the results, I will take pics!
I should take a few pics today.Of yourself and post them on here. Excellent. ;D
I should take a few pics today.Of yourself and post them on here. Excellent. ;D
I should take a few pics today.Of yourself and post them on here. Excellent. ;D
Sorry, I don't post pictures of myself.
I should take a few pics today.Of yourself and post them on here. Excellent. ;D
Sorry, I don't post pictures of myself.
You could compromise with us and post pictures from the rear.
I should take a few pics today.Of yourself and post them on here. Excellent. ;D
Sorry, I don't post pictures of myself.
You could compromise with us and post pictures from the rear.
Does it have to be my rear?
A better option is to photograph someone else's rear. :P
A better option is to photograph someone else's rear. :P
Time to do the backup!
"go to bed, you silly cow"
For those who need a nudge
For those who need a nudge
Awww, I get sleepy just looking at that kitty! :laugh:
Time to do the backup!
That was fast! I didn't even have time to post a whine of protest! :2thumbsup:
One day you're going to have to stop procrastinating. Think about it.
One day you're going to have to stop procrastinating. Think about it.
No, don't think about it!
Thinking is the mother of procrastination.
One day you're going to have to stop procrastinating. Think about it.
No, don't think about it!
Thinking is the mother of procrastination.
Agreed. And laziness is the father.
Scrapheap sure keeps plussing my karma a lot :P
Make that cup of tea already.
You really need to find motivation, even if you have to steal it from someone else.
You really need to find motivation, even if you have to steal it from someone else.
*dresses in all-black cat-burglar outfit and heads to daytime boss's house, where there is motivation aplenty!* :ninja:
You really need to find motivation, even if you have to steal it from someone else.
*dresses in all-black cat-burglar outfit and heads to daytime boss's house, where there is motivation aplenty!* :ninja:
Sheltie motivation? Thought you were a bit on the outs with her.
Scrapheap sure keeps plussing my karma a lot :P
Well, you are very close to 69, a number he likes, for some reason that escapes me at the moment! :zoinks:
This is only break, only a break. You will return to live action in 5 minutes.
Scrapheap sure keeps plussing my karma a lot :P
Well, you are very close to 69, a number he likes, for some reason that escapes me at the moment! :zoinks:
And here I am at 69 :laugh:
He's gheyed or yayed a lot of people for that same reason.
My fucking house is a mess. :thumbdn:
He's gheyed or yayed a lot of people for that same reason.
Who me?? :paperbag:
What's wrong with liking the numbers 69, 420, 426 and 2112??
I need my balls sucked. :M :thumbup: :laugh:
uh, no thanks. :thumbdn:
Later on however you will be sucking them, you are my ultamite grandma fantasy!
godamn.the deadliest catch is SO fucking dramatic! :thumbdn:
these are supose to be badassess? Oh really now!
One of the skippers had a stroke. and his son is a pill addict, Oh and btw on the side they happen to catch crab!
It is boring, but making a years wages in 3 months rules. I'd like to try it but then again
i wouldnt make a good movie star
It is boring, but making a years wages in 3 months rules. I'd like to try it but then again
i wouldnt make a good movie star
I need my balls sucked. :M :thumbup: :laugh:
I have a vacuum cleaner I can lend you.
uh, no thanks. :thumbdn:
Later on however you will be sucking them, you are my ultamite grandma fantasy!
Ask Lady Weeble when I can fit you into my schedule, perhaps the year 5398?
both of you have lost me! are you shocked
Crab fishing in Alaska is a pretty dangerous job, but the show is boring as fuck. :yawn:
Oh. well, i've seen HD tvs before and I want one!
Go eat you stupid fuck!
You're already pretty much a skeleton , if only KFC could deliver at 1:00 in the morning , le sigh.
Squid if your skinny now i want to see yer pick :squiddy:
Go eat you stupid fuck!
You're already pretty much a skeleton , if only KFC could deliver at 1:00 in the morning , le sigh.
How late do they stay open? We have some fast-food places open past midnight here! :2thumbsup:
Go eat you stupid fuck!
You're already pretty much a skeleton , if only KFC could deliver at 1:00 in the morning , le sigh.
How late do they stay open? We have some fast-food places open past midnight here! :2thumbsup:
I bet its warmer over there too , I hate snow (emo)
Go eat you stupid fuck!
You're already pretty much a skeleton , if only KFC could deliver at 1:00 in the morning , le sigh.
How late do they stay open? We have some fast-food places open past midnight here! :2thumbsup:
I bet its warmer over there too , I hate snow (emo)
It is warmer over here, no snow yet! And my part of the country used to be known for its rough winters. :chin:
" invite craig from WP here!!"
" invite craig from WP here!!"
Who's Craig? :police:
" invite craig from WP here!!"
Who's Craig? :police:
KenM-ish type troll on WP.
Maybe not, this place might be his last straw :P
N00bs are always welcome. :shark:
N00bs are always welcome. :shark:
Fixed your smiley for you! :thumbup:
"Get to work on time! You've had ALL DAY to get ready!" :police:
"Get to work on time! You've had ALL DAY to get ready!" :police:
I hate that feeling.
I like my ways better when it all happens off hand.
Forcing myself, outside of my own internal force, when to be responsible is painful.
Log off and do something useful, ffs!
I should do it. I have things to do.
I should do it. I have things to do.
Just stay logged in, and keep peeking in, as I am doing! :thumbup:
I should do it. I have things to do.
Just stay logged in, and keep peeking in, as I am doing! :thumbup:
I've been doing that.
my autism aids is back with a vengence!
its a incurable virus
I need something better to eat, :P
I need some oriental food is what i ment
Do the backup now!
Do the backup now!
NOOOOOOO :runaway:
:laugh:Do the backup now!NO! :runaway:
Bed! Now!
Why do I subject myself to this?
Why do I subject myself to this?
A) Because you love your family and want to support them in the style they've become accustomed them to.
B) Because you love Intensity Squared and want to insult us in the style we've become accustomed to.
The answer depends on the definition of "this."
Why do I subject myself to this?
A) Because you love your family and want to support them in the style they've become accustomed them to.
B) Because you love Intensity Squared and want to insult us in the style we've become accustomed to.
The answer depends on the definition of "this."
This I don't know. That is, not anymore.
Why do I subject myself to this?
A) Because you love your family and want to support them in the style they've become accustomed them to.
B) Because you love Intensity Squared and want to insult us in the style we've become accustomed to.
The answer depends on the definition of "this."
This I don't know. That is, not anymore.
Why do I subject myself to this?
A) Because you love your family and want to support them in the style they've become accustomed them to.
B) Because you love Intensity Squared and want to insult us in the style we've become accustomed to.
The answer depends on the definition of "this."
This I don't know. That is, not anymore.
How about, despite A) and B) you are obsessive compulsive, somewhat wavering from one end of the autism spectrum to the other, daily positioning depending upon many factors, and you can not help yourself?
Sorry you have to deal with so many idiots, these days.
Why do I subject myself to this?
A) Because you love your family and want to support them in the style they've become accustomed them to.
B) Because you love Intensity Squared and want to insult us in the style we've become accustomed to.
The answer depends on the definition of "this."
This I don't know. That is, not anymore.
Do you need :hug:?
Why do I subject myself to this?
A) Because you love your family and want to support them in the style they've become accustomed them to.
B) Because you love Intensity Squared and want to insult us in the style we've become accustomed to.
The answer depends on the definition of "this."
This I don't know. That is, not anymore.
How about, despite A) and B) you are obsessive compulsive, somewhat wavering from one end of the autism spectrum to the other, daily positioning depending upon many factors, and you can not help yourself?
Sorry you have to deal with so many idiots, these days.
go to the osteopath and take your walking stick.
Get to work girl
Get to work girl
Can you say that to me too? :zoinks:
Get to work girl
Can you say that to me too? :zoinks:
The usual suspect is acting up againthe shoulder!
Anything with a patatoe as an ingrediant rules. :zoinks:
CBC is talking to herself again. :screwy:
Who who?
Indeed. Life is good.
Indeed. Life is good.
And it's going to get better in 2011! I will make it so! :viking:
Indeed. Life is good.
And it's going to get better in 2011! I will make it so! :viking:
I hope it will.
Indeed. Life is good.
Indeed. Life is good.
Indeed. Life is good.
Good to see you! I love your new kitty avatar too, with one brown eye and one blue. :heart:
Put the potato in front next time. ::)
Me... too...
do the backup first!
Me... too...
do the backup first!
For once I'm glad it's backup time! Nothing else will get me away from the computer! :zombiefuck:
It is finished.
You have had way too rich food and too few fruits and vegetables. Time to balance the scales. Pineapple Sherbert!
It's probably easier than you think it is.
Spock wasn't the only annoying mf in the original Srtar Trek cast.
It's probably easier than you think it is.
Odeon is an optimist.
No, I thought your walk on role as a baby tribble was adorable. :zoinks: I was referring to Chief Montgomery Scot.Spock wasn't the only annoying mf in the original Srtar Trek cast.
Well I hope you aren't referring to... *Shatner pause*! :chin:
Spock wasn't the only annoying mf in the original Srtar Trek cast.
Not specifically, but he is a good example. TNG had a better cast and scripts, except when they did Sherlock Holmes in the holodeck faggotry.Spock wasn't the only annoying mf in the original Srtar Trek cast.
You mean that annoying Russian fuck?
Not specifically, but he is a good example. TNG had a better cast and scripts, except when they did Sherlock Holmes in the holodeck faggotry.Spock wasn't the only annoying mf in the original Srtar Trek cast.
You mean that annoying Russian fuck?
No, I thought your walk on role as a baby tribble was adorable. :zoinks: I was referring to Chief Montgomery Scot.Spock wasn't the only annoying mf in the original Srtar Trek cast.
Well I hope you aren't referring to... *Shatner pause*! :chin:
Spock wasn't the only annoying mf in the original Srtar Trek cast.
You mean that annoying Russian fuck?
I didn't mind her. I thought Patrick Stewart was a better Captain.Not specifically, but he is a good example. TNG had a better cast and scripts, except when they did Sherlock Holmes in the holodeck faggotry.Spock wasn't the only annoying mf in the original Srtar Trek cast.
You mean that annoying Russian fuck?
IMO, TNG had some *very* annoying characters. I couldn't stand the doctor lady, as an example.
Spock wasn't the only annoying mf in the original Srtar Trek cast.
You mean that annoying Russian fuck?
Meestair Chekov! :zoinks:
I didn't mind her. I thought Patrick Stewart was a better Captain.Not specifically, but he is a good example. TNG had a better cast and scripts, except when they did Sherlock Holmes in the holodeck faggotry.Spock wasn't the only annoying mf in the original Srtar Trek cast.
You mean that annoying Russian fuck?
IMO, TNG had some *very* annoying characters. I couldn't stand the doctor lady, as an example.
:plus: Totally fucking wrong but funny.I didn't mind her. I thought Patrick Stewart was a better Captain.Not specifically, but he is a good example. TNG had a better cast and scripts, except when they did Sherlock Holmes in the holodeck faggotry.Spock wasn't the only annoying mf in the original Srtar Trek cast.
You mean that annoying Russian fuck?
IMO, TNG had some *very* annoying characters. I couldn't stand the doctor lady, as an example.
Hey, I like Kirk. Yes, he pretty much lacked a brain but Patrick Stewart was a bore.
I didn't mind her. I thought Patrick Stewart was a better Captain.Not specifically, but he is a good example. TNG had a better cast and scripts, except when they did Sherlock Holmes in the holodeck faggotry.Spock wasn't the only annoying mf in the original Srtar Trek cast.
You mean that annoying Russian fuck?
IMO, TNG had some *very* annoying characters. I couldn't stand the doctor lady, as an example.
You ain't seen nothing until you've had 713 trekkers turn around to face the projection booth and you, raise their right arms and yell "engage".That sounds hilarious. Do many Trekkies smoke weed?
You ain't seen nothing until you've had 713 trekkers turn around to face the projection booth and you, raise their right arms and yell "engage".That sounds hilarious. Do many Trekkies smoke weed?
Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan is on Syfy next. I am going to DVR it, Ricardo Montalban was outstanding as Khan. :thumbup: :viking: He was a dictator worth working for.
It was a good movie but the lack of any plausible science in it made me cringe.
It was a good movie but the lack of any plausible science in it made me cringe.But that is all Star Trek shows.
I like those bugs. :thumbup: :viking:It was a good movie but the lack of any plausible science in it made me cringe.
Oh admit it, you're just creeped out by the giant bugs! :P
It was a good movie but the lack of any plausible science in it made me cringe.But that is all Star Trek shows.I like those bugs. :thumbup: :viking:It was a good movie but the lack of any plausible science in it made me cringe.
Oh admit it, you're just creeped out by the giant bugs! :P
As a matter of ethics I wouldn't try to overthrow or assassinate a dictator I was employed by unless he put me on a purge list. Or did something really annoying.Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan is on Syfy next. I am going to DVR it, Ricardo Montalban was outstanding as Khan. :thumbup: :viking: He was a dictator worth working for.
Would you have worked for him, or would you have tried to overthrow him? :orly:
Fuck no! The idea is to use them on the other side.It was a good movie but the lack of any plausible science in it made me cringe.But that is all Star Trek shows.I like those bugs. :thumbup: :viking:It was a good movie but the lack of any plausible science in it made me cringe.
Oh admit it, you're just creeped out by the giant bugs! :P
Would you like them if they were tunneling through your brain? :zoinks:
:rofl: Because of the Winter War? BTW Walter Koenig had an outstanding role on Babylon 5 as Psi Corps on the spot trouble shooter. I liked all the appearances of Bester. I own all 5 seasons of Babylon 5.Spock wasn't the only annoying mf in the original Srtar Trek cast.
You mean that annoying Russian fuck?
Meestair Chekov! :zoinks:
I was always hoping he'd end up like the redshirts.
Not specifically, but he is a good example. TNG had a better cast and scripts, except when they did Sherlock Holmes in the holodeck faggotry.Spock wasn't the only annoying mf in the original Srtar Trek cast.
You mean that annoying Russian fuck?
IMO, TNG had some *very* annoying characters. I couldn't stand the doctor lady, as an example.
Not specifically, but he is a good example. TNG had a better cast and scripts, except when they did Sherlock Holmes in the holodeck faggotry.Spock wasn't the only annoying mf in the original Srtar Trek cast.
You mean that annoying Russian fuck?
IMO, TNG had some *very* annoying characters. I couldn't stand the doctor lady, as an example.
Beverly, horrible. Could not stand her son either.
That does make her sound like a bit of a ball buster now that you mention it.Not specifically, but he is a good example. TNG had a better cast and scripts, except when they did Sherlock Holmes in the holodeck faggotry.Spock wasn't the only annoying mf in the original Srtar Trek cast.
You mean that annoying Russian fuck?
IMO, TNG had some *very* annoying characters. I couldn't stand the doctor lady, as an example.
Beverly, horrible. Could not stand her son either.
Maybe the name had something to do with it. Doctor Crusher... it just doesn't sit quite right! :scratchhead:
That does make her sound like a bit of a ball buster now that you mention it.Not specifically, but he is a good example. TNG had a better cast and scripts, except when they did Sherlock Holmes in the holodeck faggotry.Spock wasn't the only annoying mf in the original Srtar Trek cast.
You mean that annoying Russian fuck?
IMO, TNG had some *very* annoying characters. I couldn't stand the doctor lady, as an example.
Beverly, horrible. Could not stand her son either.
Maybe the name had something to do with it. Doctor Crusher... it just doesn't sit quite right! :scratchhead:
"Turn the heat down a bit so you don't get another nosebleed!" :police:Stop digging for gold weeble. :laugh:
"Turn the heat down a bit so you don't get another nosebleed!" :police:Stop digging for gold weeble. :laugh:
I don't know, you're one of those :asthing: so :P"Turn the heat down a bit so you don't get another nosebleed!" :police:Stop digging for gold weeble. :laugh:
If I really had gold ANYWHERE in my body, would I still be working two jobs? :P
I don't know, you're one of those :asthing: so :P"Turn the heat down a bit so you don't get another nosebleed!" :police:Stop digging for gold weeble. :laugh:
If I really had gold ANYWHERE in my body, would I still be working two jobs? :P
I don't know, you're one of those :asthing: so :P"Turn the heat down a bit so you don't get another nosebleed!" :police:Stop digging for gold weeble. :laugh:
If I really had gold ANYWHERE in my body, would I still be working two jobs? :P
That's the AS smiley. :asthing:
I don't know, you're one of those :asthing: so :P"Turn the heat down a bit so you don't get another nosebleed!" :police:Stop digging for gold weeble. :laugh:
If I really had gold ANYWHERE in my body, would I still be working two jobs? :P
Actually, I wasn't a cheerleader, but I did play in the football band! :zoinks:
I don't know, you're one of those :asthing: so :P"Turn the heat down a bit so you don't get another nosebleed!" :police:Stop digging for gold weeble. :laugh:
If I really had gold ANYWHERE in my body, would I still be working two jobs? :P
Actually, I wasn't a cheerleader, but I did play in the football band! :zoinks:
What position did you play?
I don't know, you're one of those :asthing: so :P"Turn the heat down a bit so you don't get another nosebleed!" :police:Stop digging for gold weeble. :laugh:
If I really had gold ANYWHERE in my body, would I still be working two jobs? :P
Actually, I wasn't a cheerleader, but I did play in the football band! :zoinks:
What position did you play?
I was a clarinetist! :eyelash:
That's cool.I don't know, you're one of those :asthing: so :P"Turn the heat down a bit so you don't get another nosebleed!" :police:Stop digging for gold weeble. :laugh:
If I really had gold ANYWHERE in my body, would I still be working two jobs? :P
Actually, I wasn't a cheerleader, but I did play in the football band! :zoinks:
What position did you play?
I was a clarinetist! :eyelash:
I don't know, you're one of those :asthing: so :P"Turn the heat down a bit so you don't get another nosebleed!" :police:Stop digging for gold weeble. :laugh:
If I really had gold ANYWHERE in my body, would I still be working two jobs? :P
Actually, I wasn't a cheerleader, but I did play in the football band! :zoinks:
What position did you play?
I was a clarinetist! :eyelash:
Smart choice, light insturment.
:rofl: Because of the Winter War? BTW Walter Koenig had an outstanding role on Babylon 5 as Psi Corps on the spot trouble shooter. I liked all the appearances of Bester. I own all 5 seasons of Babylon 5.Spock wasn't the only annoying mf in the original Srtar Trek cast.
You mean that annoying Russian fuck?
Meestair Chekov! :zoinks:
I was always hoping he'd end up like the redshirts.
Not specifically, but he is a good example. TNG had a better cast and scripts, except when they did Sherlock Holmes in the holodeck faggotry.Spock wasn't the only annoying mf in the original Srtar Trek cast.
You mean that annoying Russian fuck?
IMO, TNG had some *very* annoying characters. I couldn't stand the doctor lady, as an example.
Beverly, horrible. Could not stand her son either.
God must really hate Queensland!! :GA:
Not specifically, but he is a good example. TNG had a better cast and scripts, except when they did Sherlock Holmes in the holodeck faggotry.Spock wasn't the only annoying mf in the original Srtar Trek cast.
You mean that annoying Russian fuck?
IMO, TNG had some *very* annoying characters. I couldn't stand the doctor lady, as an example.
Beverly, horrible. Could not stand her son either.
Yes, exactly. I was hoping they'd come to their senses and kill off both of them.
I don't like people I meet in real life, who make me think of Beverly and Wesley Crusher either. Too much like an over-zealously and militantly happy evangelist I guess.Not specifically, but he is a good example. TNG had a better cast and scripts, except when they did Sherlock Holmes in the holodeck faggotry.Spock wasn't the only annoying mf in the original Srtar Trek cast.
You mean that annoying Russian fuck?
IMO, TNG had some *very* annoying characters. I couldn't stand the doctor lady, as an example.
Beverly, horrible. Could not stand her son either.
Yes, exactly. I was hoping they'd come to their senses and kill off both of them.
There was one episode where the people on another planet nearly executed Wesley Crusher for stepping in their flower bed during a game.
Their only punishment for breaking any of their laws was death.
Not specifically, but he is a good example. TNG had a better cast and scripts, except when they did Sherlock Holmes in the holodeck faggotry.Spock wasn't the only annoying mf in the original Srtar Trek cast.
You mean that annoying Russian fuck?
IMO, TNG had some *very* annoying characters. I couldn't stand the doctor lady, as an example.
Beverly, horrible. Could not stand her son either.
Yes, exactly. I was hoping they'd come to their senses and kill off both of them.
There was one episode where the people on another planet nearly executed Wesley Crusher for stepping in their flower bed during a game.
Their only punishment for breaking any of their laws was death.
Tomorrow will suck, but you'll learn how to deal with death. Besides, after that is the first day of the rest of your working/sponging life :D
Log off, it's time to get moving.
I can smell smoke, I'm pretty sure that there's a fire somwhere, but this isn't our usual fire season. :dunno:
I can smell smoke, I'm pretty sure that there's a fire somwhere, but this isn't our usual fire season. :dunno:
I can smell smoke, I'm pretty sure that there's a fire somwhere, but this isn't our usual fire season. :dunno:
Have you left anything burning unattended around the house? :stoned:
I can smell smoke, I'm pretty sure that there's a fire somwhere, but this isn't our usual fire season. :dunno:
Have you left anything burning unattended around the house? :stoned:
Nah, as it turns out, it was someone down the street burning some of the chapparal bush that had grown into their yard.
That stuff has a distinct smell when it burns which Is why I thought there was some kind of wildfire.
I can smell smoke, I'm pretty sure that there's a fire somwhere, but this isn't our usual fire season. :dunno:
Have you left anything burning unattended around the house? :stoned:
Nah, as it turns out, it was someone down the street burning some of the chapparal bush that had grown into their yard.
That stuff has a distinct smell when it burns which Is why I thought there was some kind of wildfire.
I hope they have that fire under control so it doesn't endanger the neighborhood! :police:
No. No you did not just google that website and inavertently find out that Geoff guy's full name :paperbag:
No. No you did not just google that website and inavertently find out that Geoff guy's full name :paperbag:
Inadvertently? Are you sure? :zoinks:
No. No you did not just google that website and inavertently find out that Geoff guy's full name :paperbag:
Inadvertently? Are you sure? :zoinks:
Well he told me he was the guy who made the site (he told me the full name of the organisation). I just wanted to check out his work. I didn't expect his name to be on the bottom of the page :laugh:
What on earth is CBC doing up now?
Maybe you need to see a doctor?
Asthma is manageable.
Well duh! You have to get your own. :hahaha:Asthma is manageable.
She manages hers OK. I'm just not convinced I have it. :zoinks:
Well duh! You have to get your own. :hahaha:Asthma is manageable.
She manages hers OK. I'm just not convinced I have it. :zoinks:
In my mid 30s I had a respiratory infection and the Dr. dx'ed asthma then. Note that I did not try to absconce with asthma belonging to a sibling. :ner:Well duh! You have to get your own. :hahaha:Asthma is manageable.
She manages hers OK. I'm just not convinced I have it. :zoinks:
OK, smartass, you have asthma, how did YOU decide you needed to get tested for it? :P
In my mid 30s I had a respiratory infection and the Dr. dx'ed asthma then. Note that I did not try to absconce with asthma belonging to a sibling. :ner:Well duh! You have to get your own. :hahaha:Asthma is manageable.
She manages hers OK. I'm just not convinced I have it. :zoinks:
OK, smartass, you have asthma, how did YOU decide you needed to get tested for it? :P
Not much, but that one was a real doozy.
Maybe you need to see a doctor?
Maybe you need to see a doctor?
Doctor for us tomorrow.
My wife is incredibly sick, has not eaten anything that she could keep down since last Sunday. She has not been able to stand up and get out of bed in three days. (forget work)
I remember something like this before and she was not properly diagnosed. There was no answer to her problems. I almost lost her (I did not think she was going to die, but what ever her health issues involved affected her mentally and I feared that she would leave me - I see it alll starting up again), due to her illness.
We have an appointment at nine AM, upon the morrow. (I am scared)
Time to stop sitting on your arse.
Maybe you need to see a doctor?
Doctor for us tomorrow.
My wife is incredibly sick, has not eaten anything that she could keep down since last Sunday. She has not been able to stand up and get out of bed in three days. (forget work)
I remember something like this before and she was not properly diagnosed. There was no answer to her problems. I almost lost her (I did not think she was going to die, but what ever her health issues involved affected her mentally and I feared that she would leave me - I see it alll starting up again), due to her illness.
We have an appointment at nine AM, upon the morrow. (I am scared)
Time to stop sitting on your arse.
What else is there to sit on? :autism:
Time to stop sitting on your arse.
What else is there to sit on? :autism:
My back, only it's called something else. ;D
"just". :P
"just". :P
It sounds so innocent, doesn't it? Any excuse to keep posting... :2thumbsup:
Maybe you need to see a doctor?
Doctor for us tomorrow.
My wife is incredibly sick, has not eaten anything that she could keep down since last Sunday. She has not been able to stand up and get out of bed in three days. (forget work)
I remember something like this before and she was not properly diagnosed. There was no answer to her problems. I almost lost her (I did not think she was going to die, but what ever her health issues involved affected her mentally and I feared that she would leave me - I see it alll starting up again), due to her illness.
We have an appointment at nine AM, upon the morrow. (I am scared)
Is she going to be OK?
Maybe you need to see a doctor?
Doctor for us tomorrow.
My wife is incredibly sick, has not eaten anything that she could keep down since last Sunday. She has not been able to stand up and get out of bed in three days. (forget work)
I remember something like this before and she was not properly diagnosed. There was no answer to her problems. I almost lost her (I did not think she was going to die, but what ever her health issues involved affected her mentally and I feared that she would leave me - I see it alll starting up again), due to her illness.
We have an appointment at nine AM, upon the morrow. (I am scared)
Is she going to be OK?
I am going a bit crazy, actually. Being in a hospital bed, after spending three days in her own bed has turned into a burden for her. She is beside herself and yet she is still having trouble standing and making a decent argument for being released from the doctor's care, especially since the initial tests have just been released.
The next day will tell more, we all hope.
Yes, I hope that she will be OK, but the rule may be that things are about like last time we went through all this. (I await the moment when she blames me for being constrained, much like during childbirth - the father is naturally to blame during such times, but from her getting sick? I really have doubts as to how my own culpability manifests in any concept of reality) I know she suffers from hormonal tortures. I see that things are outside her control, but influencing the outcome may not be possible for me.
The kids are more troubled than I am, actually. Their need for her constant presence is higher than my own. Managing them is becoming even more of a problem than before, when this all happened.
You were already a bit crazy, but it sucks that your wife is hurting like that DD. I hope she gets better soon.Maybe you need to see a doctor?
Doctor for us tomorrow.
My wife is incredibly sick, has not eaten anything that she could keep down since last Sunday. She has not been able to stand up and get out of bed in three days. (forget work)
I remember something like this before and she was not properly diagnosed. There was no answer to her problems. I almost lost her (I did not think she was going to die, but what ever her health issues involved affected her mentally and I feared that she would leave me - I see it alll starting up again), due to her illness.
We have an appointment at nine AM, upon the morrow. (I am scared)
Is she going to be OK?
I am going a bit crazy, actually. Being in a hospital bed, after spending three days in her own bed has turned into a burden for her. She is beside herself and yet she is still having trouble standing and making a decent argument for being released from the doctor's care, especially since the initial tests have just been released.
The next day will tell more, we all hope.
Yes, I hope that she will be OK, but the rule may be that things are about like last time we went through all this. (I await the moment when she blames me for being constrained, much like during childbirth - the father is naturally to blame during such times, but from her getting sick? I really have doubts as to how my own culpability manifests in any concept of reality) I know she suffers from hormonal tortures. I see that things are outside her control, but influencing the outcome may not be possible for me.
The kids are more troubled than I am, actually. Their need for her constant presence is higher than my own. Managing them is becoming even more of a problem than before, when this all happened.
I hope she is going to be OK. I think she should stay where she is until she gets some answers. I don't know what her problem is, but I hope they can find it and it's fixable.
You were already a bit crazy, but it sucks that your wife is hurting like that DD. I hope she gets better soon.
You really need to cut your hair
I hope she is going to be OK. I think she should stay where she is until she gets some answers. I don't know what her problem is, but I hope they can find it and it's fixable.You were already a bit crazy, but it sucks that your wife is hurting like that DD. I hope she gets better soon.
Thanks to you both.
It looks as if she may come home tomorrow.
We have no answers; the "tests were negative or inconclusive," what ever the fuck that means. They won't even show us what tests they performed, other than a vague description of the necessary "viral smear and bacterial culture," until they finish their paperwork. Honestly, I see doctors looking at each other and one says, "Fever broke," another says, "Her color is coming back," and the nurse says, "Well, she is eating again." and they let us go again, with no explanation as to why she has gotten SO DAMN SICK, for over a week, from a fucking "cold!"
You really need to cut your hairYeah, maybe for you, but I will cut my hair only after all my ammunition is expended.
Haste makes waste brother.
Make sure your ammunition is handy. This time is the reason you have kept your guns clean!!!!!111
Haste makes waste brother.
Make sure your ammunition is handy. This time is the reason you have kept your guns clean!!!!!111
Relax with music or a good book and put bad outcome out of sight and mind. Maybe a workout and some boxing? I used to feel better after the freestyle sessions in karate class. Have you ever read The Monkey Wrench Gang?Haste makes waste brother.
Make sure your ammunition is handy. This time is the reason you have kept your guns clean!!!!!111
So, what do you suggest for anticipatory fears.
We have fire at the ready, blankets for all of us, batteries for about four days, plenty of food for more than three weeks, but what to do after all others around have expended theirs, except keep the ammo handy?
I hope she is going to be OK. I think she should stay where she is until she gets some answers. I don't know what her problem is, but I hope they can find it and it's fixable.You were already a bit crazy, but it sucks that your wife is hurting like that DD. I hope she gets better soon.
Thanks to you both.
It looks as if she may come home tomorrow.
We have no answers; the "tests were negative or inconclusive," what ever the fuck that means. They won't even show us what tests they performed, other than a vague description of the necessary "viral smear and bacterial culture," until they finish their paperwork. Honestly, I see doctors looking at each other and one says, "Fever broke," another says, "Her color is coming back," and the nurse says, "Well, she is eating again." and they let us go again, with no explanation as to why she has gotten SO DAMN SICK, for over a week, from a fucking "cold!"
NOPE, her feever spiked and thay kept her again, especially considering the weather.
She is going to have to spend another night alone - I HAVE to take care of the kids during this time - and only with her e-books.
Doh!! :facepalm2:Where did you get that avatar b?
Doh!! :facepalm2:Where did you get that avatar b?
Doh!! :facepalm2:Where did you get that avatar b?
its called meez, it was a while ago, but i just checked and they are still going.
here is link (
btw - nice shooter ;)
Thanks, that is my HK P7PSP 9mm.
That couch color has worked out well considering I got it 8 years before I got my digital camera.Thanks, that is my HK P7PSP 9mm.
...handsomely posed against a soothing taupe background. :heart:
That couch color has worked out well considering I got it 8 years before I got my digital camera.Thanks, that is my HK P7PSP 9mm.
...handsomely posed against a soothing taupe background. :heart:
Thanks, that is my HK P7PSP 9mm.
Thanks, that is my HK P7PSP 9mm.
I would like to try one of those one day. I would like to know how it feels to fire a shot.
Well, for one thing, it's very loud.
Yes, you HAVE to.
Do it now.
Well, for one thing, it's very loud.
I'd wear protective headphones, of course. I imagine there is a rush of power! :tooledup:
Well, for one thing, it's very loud.
I'd wear protective headphones, of course. I imagine there is a rush of power! :tooledup:
I don't feel that way, but I guess some people might.
I'm a pretty good shot, but not as good as my brother is.
If you get to Northern California (SF Bay Area) I'll take you to the range and get you a steak.Thanks, that is my HK P7PSP 9mm.
I would like to try one of those one day. I would like to know how it feels to fire a shot.
If you get to Northern California (SF Bay Area) I'll take you to the range and get you a steak.Thanks, that is my HK P7PSP 9mm.
I would like to try one of those one day. I would like to know how it feels to fire a shot.
SLR = L1A1? Cool, what was your job in the Army?If you get to Northern California (SF Bay Area) I'll take you to the range and get you a steak.Thanks, that is my HK P7PSP 9mm.
I would like to try one of those one day. I would like to know how it feels to fire a shot.
just have to settle with BB guns over here :( and even in the army i only got to play with a crappy SLR and had to clean the mo fo more than shoot it lol
If you get to Northern California (SF Bay Area) I'll take you to the range and get you a steak.Thanks, that is my HK P7PSP 9mm.
I would like to try one of those one day. I would like to know how it feels to fire a shot.
I want to shoot too! I know I'd love it! :snowman:I have at least 4 or 5 pistols with real small grips.
I want to shoot too! I know I'd love it! :snowman:I have at least 4 or 5 pistols with real small grips.
This one even says LadySmith on the side.I want to shoot too! I know I'd love it! :snowman:I have at least 4 or 5 pistols with real small grips.
Those would be perfect! I have small hands and short fingers! :laugh:
This one even says LadySmith on the side.I want to shoot too! I know I'd love it! :snowman:I have at least 4 or 5 pistols with real small grips.
Those would be perfect! I have small hands and short fingers! :laugh:
If you get to Northern California (SF Bay Area) I'll take you to the range and get you a steak.Thanks, that is my HK P7PSP 9mm.
I would like to try one of those one day. I would like to know how it feels to fire a shot.
What the fuck was an earwig doing inside the bath sponge, and how did it get there? :orly:
Curtain call.
Curtain call.
Thank you! Thank you very much! I love you all! :roses:
Curtain call.
Thank you! Thank you very much! I love you all! :roses:
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Curtain call.
Thank you! Thank you very much! I love you all! :roses:
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Awww I love you guys. :'(
This is what Cal would call a lovefest. :-\
This is what Cal would call a lovefest. :-\
He'd be invited, of course! :cheer:
This is what Cal would call a lovefest. :-\
He'd be invited, of course! :cheer:
I think Cal doesn't do lovefests.
Not sure I do them either.
Another few minutes won't hurt.
Surely killing an egotistical filmmaker can't be that much against the law. >:( >:( >:(
Surely killing an egotistical filmmaker can't be that much against the law. >:( >:( >:(
Just tell him his film is shit. That'll kill him on the spot and no jury will convict you! :evillaugh:
Surely killing an egotistical filmmaker can't be that much against the law. >:( >:( >:(
Just tell him his film is shit. That'll kill him on the spot and no jury will convict you! :evillaugh:
I will if I see her again.
Surely killing an egotistical filmmaker can't be that much against the law. >:( >:( >:(
Just tell him his film is shit. That'll kill him on the spot and no jury will convict you! :evillaugh:
I will if I see her again.
I'll keep watching the news for her obituary! :headbang2:
Surely killing an egotistical filmmaker can't be that much against the law. >:( >:( >:(
"Super, you need to start getting back in shape again, you're starting to go a little out of shape"
"Super, you need to start getting back in shape again, you're starting to go a little out of shape"
Hey, round's a shape.
Oh bugger, it's time.
Oh bugger, it's time.
Here too. Time to get ready and go to work! :hamsterwheel:
Oh bugger, it's time.
Here too. Time to get ready and go to work! :hamsterwheel:
Work is accessible again?
You should consult and possibly retain a "real" lawyer.
This whole thing is out of hand and it is far too much for you to handle on your own. You have read enough over the past couple of weeks to know how few parental rights you actually have in a modern day court between man and wife, most especially when she is still young and lovely and she can make you just seem old and done for.
I cannot believe my son just said the following random thing at our campout/sleepover:
"My dingle is sticking up!"
I want to laugh my ass off but don't want to draw attention to it!!!
I cannot believe my son just said the following random thing at our campout/sleepover:
"My dingle is sticking up!"
I want to laugh my ass off but don't want to draw attention to it!!!
When the Princess Royal was about 11 she and I were being interviewed by the local newspaper about strokes and children. She unexpectedly interrupted the interview with the announcement, "I don't masturbate anymore." The interviewer and I looked at each other with shocked, straight faces. She said, "Don't worry, we won't put that in the interview."
:LMAO:I cannot believe my son just said the following random thing at our campout/sleepover:
"My dingle is sticking up!"
I want to laugh my ass off but don't want to draw attention to it!!!
When the Princess Royal was about 11 she and I were being interviewed by the local newspaper about strokes and children. She unexpectedly interrupted the interview with the announcement, "I don't masturbate anymore." The interviewer and I looked at each other with shocked, straight faces. She said, "Don't worry, we won't put that in the interview."
When my sister was about 3 I took her into a public toilet at our local shopping centre - I must have been about 16 and we both went to the loo in the same cubicle.
To my horror, she said 'why do you have a hairy bottom'...of course she meant technically the front one...and we didn't even use the word 'bottom' for genitals. It was of course, the worst moment in my shopping centre loo experiences.
Don't forget to wake up early tomorrow and pick up the Weeble for weekly b'fast meeting.
Don't forget to wake up early tomorrow and pick up the Weeble for weekly b'fast meeting.
Fixed! :2thumbsup:
Don't forget to wake up early tomorrow and pick up the Weeble for weekly b'fast meeting.
Fixed! :2thumbsup:
Would you really be thrilled to go to McDonald's and listen to 2 elderly women talk about their special needs daughters for 2 hours? Somewhere along the line we also talk about other things, but it's usually our daughters.
I kind of had a "moment" and was standing in the middle of the kitchen, just thinking
my friend came in, looked at me and asked me what I was doing. I told him I was just standing there.
he said" just....standing.... there... eh. a bit creepy, no ? "
And he game me a weird look and I got embarassed :-[
I do space out a lot, just usually dont stand in the kitchen and stare at the walls for 5 minutes at a time.
Ive been having a lot of :asthing: moments lately :facepalm2:
yes, thank you ! I agree :hug:
I like need to recharge sometimes. Alone. I like to stand in my kitchen in silence :) Helps me think
you know the more and more I learn about it, and realize the things about myself, the more positive I do have AS.
Maybe I should go stand in the kitchen and think about it some more ....
yes, thank you ! I agree :hug:
I like need to recharge sometimes. Alone. I like to stand in my kitchen in silence :) Helps me think
you know the more and more I learn about it, and realize the things about myself, the more positive I do have AS.
Maybe I should go stand in the kitchen and think about it some more ....
I sometimes stand alone in the big walk-in refrigerator at work. Or I stand in my kitchen, swaying from one foot to the other.
Or I rock to music, or I pace around or just sit quietly looking at nothing in particular. All these actions help me think. :thumbup:
its a good job the fashion police didnt catch sight of you today
Good start. Started slowly. Just take one day at a time.
I am not speaking to me. :P
I am not speaking to me. :P
Awww, that's no good, you've got to forgive yourself. Come on, hug it out! :hug:
Excellent! :headbang2:
Bogus! :thumbdn:
dont ever try and do 'smokey eyes' with your make up again
Three more weeks! :2thumbsup:
Three more weeks! :2thumbsup:
and then you are free from 'work'??? hope it goes quickly
dont ever try and do 'smokey eyes' with your make up again
dont ever try and do 'smokey eyes' with your make up again
Feeling like Alice Cooper came to town?
At least you are not set in your ways and still experimenting, that's at least a bonus.
Three more weeks! :2thumbsup:
and then you are free from 'work'??? hope it goes quickly
Thank you! Then I will have more energy to devote to my day job,
and all my evenings free for fun adventures! :viking:
I am not speaking to me. :P
Awww, that's no good, you've got to forgive yourself. Come on, hug it out! :hug:
I don't want to. I've been bad. :P
Three more weeks! :2thumbsup:
and then you are free from 'work'??? hope it goes quickly
Thank you! Then I will have more energy to devote to my day job,
and all my evenings free for fun adventures! :viking:
I had to laugh. Today's London Telegraph has a cover article on the Queen looking for a full time dishwasher. You travel with the Queen to Balmoral and Sandringham, etc. Weebles are not allowed to apply by my Royal Edict.
I wish someone would actually do something about my 16 year old sister. I'm certain she's histrionic and she's ruining the family and everyone else's lives. :grrr:
Here's a brilliant idea, Rachel: you could stop losing your USB stick, then you wouldn't have to keep buying new ones.
Time to go to bed.
Time to go to bed.
Don't forget the backup! :police:
Time to go to bed.
Don't forget the backup! :police:
About to do it.
Time to go to bed.
Don't forget the backup! :police:
About to do it.
Duck and cover! :hide:
Time to go to bed.
Don't forget the backup! :police:
About to do it.
Duck and cover! :hide:
I got stuck posting.
So maybe I should do it now.
So maybe I should do it now.
Yes, maybe so. :chin:
Here's a brilliant idea, Rachel: you could stop losing your USB stick, then you wouldn't have to keep buying new ones.
I lose stuff too. At least I can locate my cell phone when it's lost in the apartment, by calling it on my landline! :snowman:
Just another few minutes.
Just another few minutes.
Me too. Then I'm off to the burger place. Two and a half weeks to go! :headbang2:
Stop ignoring how tired you are and get your ass to bed.
I know I said no more teenagers.
He is 20
so stfu, conscious
(been watchin gone with the wind)
(been watchin gone with the wind)
I've never seen that. Isn't it something like 4 hours long?! :orly:
(been watchin gone with the wind)
I've never seen that. Isn't it something like 4 hours long?! :orly:
yes its long but it is a classic
"Don't tell any future boyfriends you post here either :zoinks:"
Stop stalling and write the damn assignment proposal! You'll have no hope of first-class honours if you don't do the work.
(Is there an emoticon to indicate clipping oneself across the ear?)
Stop stalling and write the damn assignment proposal! You'll have no hope of first-class honours if you don't do the work.
(Is there an emoticon to indicate clipping oneself across the ear?)
No, and you're a musician, you can't afford to hurt your ears. Just get to work! :squiddy:
Stop stalling and write the damn assignment proposal! You'll have no hope of first-class honours if you don't do the work.
(Is there an emoticon to indicate clipping oneself across the ear?)
No, and you're a musician, you can't afford to hurt your ears. Just get to work! :squiddy:
I'm trying to. The site that contains the document that has the quote I want won't load. :(
Of course, I could be doing other work in the meantime, but that takes all the fun out of procrastinating.
Why is that whip emoticon called squiddy?
Stop stalling and write the damn assignment proposal! You'll have no hope of first-class honours if you don't do the work.
(Is there an emoticon to indicate clipping oneself across the ear?)
No, and you're a musician, you can't afford to hurt your ears. Just get to work! :squiddy:
I'm trying to. The site that contains the document that has the quote I want won't load. :(
Of course, I could be doing other work in the meantime, but that takes all the fun out of procrastinating.
Why is that whip emoticon called squiddy?
Because Sea Tart (or Squiddy, as we all call him) is a saucy little brat who would look right a home with a whip in one of his tentacles! :2thumbsup:
"FFS, find some loud kick-ass music to listen to, before you melt into an emo puddle!" :duh:
"FFS, find some loud kick-ass music to listen to, before you melt into an emo puddle!" :duh:
I like your new avatar, DirtDawg. :laugh:
"FFS, find some loud kick-ass music to listen to, before you melt into an emo puddle!" :duh:
I like your new avatar, DirtDawg. :laugh:
I do not understand the joke.
5'8 , 110 pounds, dyed black hair and he wants to be a kitty. hehe. Maybe i should rethink my position on live in slaves. He would really be more of a housecat.
go to bed, twat
go to bed, twat
5'8 , 110 pounds, dyed black hair and he wants to be a kitty. hehe. Maybe i should rethink my position on live in slaves. He would really be more of a housecat.
Does your landlord allow pets? :P
5'8 , 110 pounds, dyed black hair and he wants to be a kitty. hehe. Maybe i should rethink my position on live in slaves. He would really be more of a housecat.
Does your landlord allow pets? :P
yes actually. hehe, Ive got 6 cats at the moment though until I get rid of the kittens.
But this kitty will mop my kitchen, and do my laundry. :)
5'8 , 110 pounds, dyed black hair and he wants to be a kitty. hehe. Maybe i should rethink my position on live in slaves. He would really be more of a housecat.
Does your landlord allow pets? :P
yes actually. hehe, Ive got 6 cats at the moment though until I get rid of the kittens.
But this kitty will mop my kitchen, and do my laundry. :)
Whoops, I totally forgot the cats you already have, duh! :autism:
I suppose one more cat won't hurt. ;)
5'8 , 110 pounds, dyed black hair and he wants to be a kitty. hehe. Maybe i should rethink my position on live in slaves. He would really be more of a housecat.
Does your landlord allow pets? :P
yes actually. hehe, Ive got 6 cats at the moment though until I get rid of the kittens.
But this kitty will mop my kitchen, and do my laundry. :)
Whoops, I totally forgot the cats you already have, duh! :autism:
I suppose one more cat won't hurt. ;)
For a straight woman, eris gets a lot of pussies. :laugh:
"FFS, find some loud kick-ass music to listen to, before you melt into an emo puddle!" :duh:
I like your new avatar, DirtDawg. :laugh:
I do not understand the joke.
couldbecousin's post was out of character for her. It sounded like something that you would say.
5'8 , 110 pounds, dyed black hair and he wants to be a kitty. hehe. Maybe i should rethink my position on live in slaves. He would really be more of a housecat.
Does your landlord allow pets? :P
yes actually. hehe, Ive got 6 cats at the moment though until I get rid of the kittens.
But this kitty will mop my kitchen, and do my laundry. :)
The kind of guys you normally go for eris... I'm nothing like them at all. :LOL:
Yeah. I'm not submissive -or- dom really. To me, sex is an activity that is only satisfying if its an equal exchange. My brain is an erogenous zone.
FFS, you should at least check.
FFS, you should at least check.
Should I fix that quote by changing "check" to "czech"? :-\
FFS, you should at least check.
Should I fix that quote by changing "check" to "czech"? :-\
You will not, I repeat, NOT, get a headache today. :hitler:
You will not, I repeat, NOT, get a headache today. :hitler:
You talking to yourself, or Odeon? :P
go on....spoil yourself
You will not, I repeat, NOT, get a headache today. :hitler:
You talking to yourself, or Odeon? :P
It is good to have money to pay bills. It is even better to have no bills.:agreed:
Nose, nose, go away. Come again after sinus season.:agreed:
How did ebf acquire Winnie Judd's spare trunk? ??? :police:
Perhaps his grandmother inadvertently helped Winnie during one of her escapes? :tinfoil: The plot thickens.How did ebf acquire Winnie Judd's spare trunk? ??? :police:
He sais in the photo thread that it was his grandmother's trunk. I think there are two different trunks! :orly:
Perhaps his grandmother inadvertently helped Winnie during one of her escapes? :tinfoil: The plot thickens.How did ebf acquire Winnie Judd's spare trunk? ??? :police:
He sais in the photo thread that it was his grandmother's trunk. I think there are two different trunks! :orly:
stop flapping woman, and get a fucking grip!
How did ebf acquire Winnie Judd's spare trunk? ??? :police:
Did your great grandmother know Winnie Judd?How did ebf acquire Winnie Judd's spare trunk? ??? :police:
I have my great-grandmother's trunk that looks similar to EBM's grandmother's trunk.
Did your great grandmother know Winnie Judd?How did ebf acquire Winnie Judd's spare trunk? ??? :police:
I have my great-grandmother's trunk that looks similar to EBM's grandmother's trunk.
Remember to get a new room heater before it gets too much colder.
Remember to get a new room heater before it gets too much colder.
I keep forgetting that you Aussies have seasons opposite to ours. Bundle up! :viking:
Remember to get a new room heater before it gets too much colder.
I keep forgetting that you Aussies have seasons opposite to ours. Bundle up! :viking:
Annnnd, just now I found out my current heater still works. I thought it was broken :laugh:
Remember to get a new room heater before it gets too much colder.
I keep forgetting that you Aussies have seasons opposite to ours. Bundle up! :viking:
Annnnd, just now I found out my current heater still works. I thought it was broken :laugh:
Hooray! Just a thought though, do you have a carbon monoxide detector? :chin:
My life is a lesbian soap.
My life is a lesbian soap.
Mine is a celibate monologue. :nerdy:
Mine is a.. um.
My life is a lesbian soap.
My life is a lesbian soap.
Is it scented too? :P
My life is a lesbian soap.
Is it scented too? :P
All that estrogen makes for killer pheromones :laugh:
:plus:My life is a lesbian soap.
Mine is a celibate monologue. :nerdy:
It's just a little girl. Just because she is spazzing out like she needs seizure meds on almost every single page of the site doesn't mean you have to look at her. I mean, she's just a little kid. Stop hating, stop hating, stop hating ....
It's just a little girl. Just because she is spazzing out like she needs seizure meds on almost every single page of the site doesn't mean you have to look at her. I mean, she's just a little kid. Stop hating, stop hating, stop hating ....
Is this happening here or on WP?
It's just a little girl. Just because she is spazzing out like she needs seizure meds on almost every single page of the site doesn't mean you have to look at her. I mean, she's just a little kid. Stop hating, stop hating, stop hating ....
Is this happening here or on WP?
It must be somewhere else because we don't have any little girls spazzing out all over the place here.
It's just a little girl. Just because she is spazzing out like she needs seizure meds on almost every single page of the site doesn't mean you have to look at her. I mean, she's just a little kid. Stop hating, stop hating, stop hating ....
Is this happening here or on WP?
It must be somewhere else because we don't have any little girls spazzing out all over the place here.
It's just a little girl. Just because she is spazzing out like she needs seizure meds on almost every single page of the site doesn't mean you have to look at her. I mean, she's just a little kid. Stop hating, stop hating, stop hating ....
Is this happening here or on WP?
It must be somewhere else because we don't have any little girls spazzing out all over the place here.
It's just a little girl. Just because she is spazzing out like she needs seizure meds on almost every single page of the site doesn't mean you have to look at her. I mean, she's just a little kid. Stop hating, stop hating, stop hating ....
Is this happening here or on WP?
It must be somewhere else because we don't have any little girls spazzing out all over the place here.
Binty's siggie is causing me emotional pain for some reason :autism:
It's just a little girl. Just because she is spazzing out like she needs seizure meds on almost every single page of the site doesn't mean you have to look at her. I mean, she's just a little kid. Stop hating, stop hating, stop hating ....
Is this happening here or on WP?
It must be somewhere else because we don't have any little girls spazzing out all over the place here.
Binty's siggie is causing me emotional pain for some reason :autism:
Oh. You could put Binty on ignore, then you wouldn't have to see her signature. You could go into your profile under Look and Layout Preferences and block everyone's signatures instead, if you prefer.
It's just a little girl. Just because she is spazzing out like she needs seizure meds on almost every single page of the site doesn't mean you have to look at her. I mean, she's just a little kid. Stop hating, stop hating, stop hating ....
Is this happening here or on WP?
It must be somewhere else because we don't have any little girls spazzing out all over the place here.
Binty's siggie is causing me emotional pain for some reason :autism:
Oh. You could put Binty on ignore, then you wouldn't have to see her signature. You could go into your profile under Look and Layout Preferences and block everyone's signatures instead, if you prefer.
Or MLA could call Binty out. We need more drama. :zoinks:
It's just a little girl. Just because she is spazzing out like she needs seizure meds on almost every single page of the site doesn't mean you have to look at her. I mean, she's just a little kid. Stop hating, stop hating, stop hating ....
Is this happening here or on WP?
It must be somewhere else because we don't have any little girls spazzing out all over the place here.
Binty's siggie is causing me emotional pain for some reason :autism:
Oh. You could put Binty on ignore, then you wouldn't have to see her signature. You could go into your profile under Look and Layout Preferences and block everyone's signatures instead, if you prefer.
Or MLA could call Binty out. We need more drama. :zoinks:
or i could buy semicoolon a big wooden spoon
It's just a little girl. Just because she is spazzing out like she needs seizure meds on almost every single page of the site doesn't mean you have to look at her. I mean, she's just a little kid. Stop hating, stop hating, stop hating ....
Is this happening here or on WP?
It must be somewhere else because we don't have any little girls spazzing out all over the place here.
Binty's siggie is causing me emotional pain for some reason :autism:
Oh. You could put Binty on ignore, then you wouldn't have to see her signature. You could go into your profile under Look and Layout Preferences and block everyone's signatures instead, if you prefer.
If people don't stop changing their names and avatars every time they change they change their clothes, I'm going to have an epidemic of beheadings. On second thought, at least it shows they're taking baths/showers, I hope.
If people don't stop changing their names and avatars every time they change they change their clothes, I'm going to have an epidemic of beheadings. On second thought, at least it shows they're taking baths/showers, I hope.
Yeah! You folded the towels and checked the Thursday grocery ads. Next on the list, conquering the world.
Yeah! You folded the towels and checked the Thursday grocery ads. Next on the list, conquering the world.
The world is conquered one small chore at a time. :viking:
Yeah! You folded the towels and checked the Thursday grocery ads. Next on the list, conquering the world.
The world is conquered one small chore at a time. :viking:
I'm sigging that. :plus:
Yeah! You folded the towels and checked the Thursday grocery ads. Next on the list, conquering the world.
The world is conquered one small chore at a time. :viking:
I'm sigging that. :plus:
Awww bless! Now I will see my own words every day and be inspired to get up off my ass and POSTWHORE! :2thumbsup:
Yeah! You folded the towels and checked the Thursday grocery ads. Next on the list, conquering the world.
The world is conquered one small chore at a time. :viking:
I'm sigging that. :plus:
Awww bless! Now I will see my own words every day and be inspired to get up off my ass and POSTWHORE! :2thumbsup:
Yeah! You folded the towels and checked the Thursday grocery ads. Next on the list, conquering the world.
The world is conquered one small chore at a time. :viking:
I'm sigging that. :plus:
Awww bless! Now I will see my own words every day and be inspired to get up off my ass and POSTWHORE! :2thumbsup:
It's easier to postwhore while on your ass. :P
Yeah! You folded the towels and checked the Thursday grocery ads. Next on the list, conquering the world.
The world is conquered one small chore at a time. :viking:
I'm sigging that. :plus:
Awww bless! Now I will see my own words every day and be inspired to get up off my ass and POSTWHORE! :2thumbsup:
It's easier to postwhore while on your ass. :P
I wonder if technically weebles ever get off their butts. It is the base of their stability and movement.
Time to block that sig, methinks.
Maybe it's time to log off and do other things.
Maybe it's time to log off and do other things.
"Other things? What is that crazy Swede talking about?" :dunno:
Maybe it's time to log off and do other things.
"Other things? What is that crazy Swede talking about?" :dunno:
I think I watched Top Gear.
ffs stop thinking about those cupboard drawers!
Maybe it's time to log off and do other things.
"Other things? What is that crazy Swede talking about?" :dunno:
I hear he was actually born in kenya... :tinfoil:
Get offline RIGHT NOW, THIS SECOND! and go have breakfast.
I hear he was actually born in kenya... :tinfoil:
We have no time for silliness. :M
I think we need to the O mans long form birth certificate to make sure he is eligible to have a site like this :nerdy:
What's that in the jar?
You should do the rest of the laundry now.
Stop rubbing that eye!
Stop rubbing that eye!
You can imagine what I thought when I first read that. :lol:
Stop rubbing that eye!
You can imagine what I thought when I first read that. :lol:
give up
Be careful when reading posts. You're likely to be an asshole and go off the deep end today and make a lot of apologies later on. Just don't take offense at anything. It will be okay. Deep breaths. Calm waters. Purring kittens. Flitting butterflies. Breezes. Deep breaths.
Stop rubbing that eye!
You can imagine what I thought when I first read that. :lol:
Male perspective? :lol:
Did it hurt to think it?
Stop rubbing that eye!
You can imagine what I thought when I first read that. :lol:
That's because you are a filthy-minded little perv! :rollingpin:
Stop rubbing that eye!
You can imagine what I thought when I first read that. :lol:
That's because you are a filthy-minded little perv! :rollingpin:
And you are an egg shaped gimp who enjoys PPK's "correction" :moon:
Stop rubbing that eye!
You can imagine what I thought when I first read that. :lol:
That's because you are a filthy-minded little perv! :rollingpin:
And you are an egg shaped gimp who enjoys PPK's "correction" :moon:
Are you making fun of my wobble, you tentacled menace? :zoinks:
Well, I'm certainly not into scary black outfits with gas masks on them! :rofl:
Polish pickles are yummy.
Polish pickles are yummy.
Eating a lot of the Dutch version of those is said to be a sign of pregnancy. :asthing:
My brother ate an over 1 liter jar of them, as a toddler, in just a few nights. :viking:
Polish pickles are yummy.
Eating a lot of the Dutch version of those is said to be a sign of pregnancy. :asthing:
My brother ate an over 1 liter jar of them, as a toddler, in just a few nights. :viking:
Well, was he pregnant? :zombiefuck: :zombiefuck: :zombiefuck:
If all that ^^^ fails, go kill something. :autism:If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!
I love this poem. Wise words Kipling. I learned it at school, had to
recite it in a school assembly - and i know it word for word off the
top of my head. i say it to myself often, especially if i am
feeling a bit lazy - i like the line 'with sixty second's worth of distance run'
Where's that damn holly sprig? And you need to brush your teeth, decide on what to fix for lunch, bake the chickens, make the beef stew, clean the house.
Where's that damn holly sprig? And you need to brush your teeth, decide on what to fix for lunch, bake the chickens, make the beef stew, clean the house.
Why do you need a holly sprig? Are you going to have Christmas in May? :santa:
Where's that damn holly sprig? And you need to brush your teeth, decide on what to fix for lunch, bake the chickens, make the beef stew, clean the house.
Why do you need a holly sprig? Are you going to have Christmas in May? :santa:
As a child I had a sprig of holly pinned to the front collar of my dresses to encourage my good posture. I've become somewhat of a schlump since then.
Where's that damn holly sprig? And you need to brush your teeth, decide on what to fix for lunch, bake the chickens, make the beef stew, clean the house.
Why do you need a holly sprig? Are you going to have Christmas in May? :santa:
As a child I had a sprig of holly pinned to the front collar of my dresses to encourage my good posture. I've become somewhat of a schlump since then.
Have you worn it every day since? That's cute, it's like a personal style signature! :cheer:
Didn't think it would be this easy.
Didn't think it would be this easy.
Hooray, I love it when things are easy! :2thumbsup:
Didn't think it would be this easy.
Hooray, I love it when things are easy! :2thumbsup:
Yeah, I love it when things "just work". I got an old laser printer from work, see. Our sysadmin was tired of constantly having to troubleshoot its network connection and bought a new one, so I asked if I could have it.
Well, I factory reset it, plugged it in to my router, searched for it on the LAN and it just works. :woohoo:
It's 6 years old, sure, and it's well used, but I got two brand new toners with it. I'm sure it's got a few thousand pages left in it.
Yes, it's great. I should post it in the good things that happened today.Didn't think it would be this easy.
Hooray, I love it when things are easy! :2thumbsup:
Yeah, I love it when things "just work". I got an old laser printer from work, see. Our sysadmin was tired of constantly having to troubleshoot its network connection and bought a new one, so I asked if I could have it.
Well, I factory reset it, plugged it in to my router, searched for it on the LAN and it just works. :woohoo:
It's 6 years old, sure, and it's well used, but I got two brand new toners with it. I'm sure it's got a few thousand pages left in it.
Yay, now you can print up your very own utopian manifesto! :viking:
Go stir the stew.
Go stir the stew.
What is in the stew? Please tell all the delicious details. :drool:
Go stir the stew.
What is in the stew? Please tell all the delicious details. :drool:
Beef stew meat, french onion soup and water, stew seasoning from a packet, some mushrooms (because there wasn't enough meat), a can of mixed veggies.
I love mushrooms :mushie:
I love mushrooms :mushie:
I knew the "innocent" Weeble had a vice. :police:
I love mushrooms :mushie:
I knew the "innocent" Weeble had a vice. :police:
They're a vegetable! Vegetables are good for you! :angel:
I love mushrooms :mushie:
I knew the "innocent" Weeble had a vice. :police:
They're a vegetable! Vegetables are good for you! :angel:
Vegetables are plants. Mushrooms are fungi.
Kingdom fail!
I love mushrooms :mushie:
I knew the "innocent" Weeble had a vice. :police:
They're a vegetable! Vegetables are good for you! :angel:
Vegetables are plants. Mushrooms are fungi.
Kingdom fail!
They are perfectly at home in vegetable soup, therefore, you suck! :smarty:
A mushroom is the fleshy, spore-bearing fruiting body of a fungus, typically produced above ground on soil or on its food source. Like all fungi, mushrooms are not plants and do not undergo photosynthesis.I love mushrooms :mushie:
I knew the "innocent" Weeble had a vice. :police:
They're a vegetable! Vegetables are good for you! :angel:
Vegetables are plants. Mushrooms are fungi.
Kingdom fail!
They are perfectly at home in vegetable soup, therefore, you suck! :smarty:
A mushroom is the fleshy, spore-bearing fruiting body of a fungus, typically produced above ground on soil or on its food source. Like all fungi, mushrooms are not plants and do not undergo photosynthesis.I love mushrooms :mushie:
I knew the "innocent" Weeble had a vice. :police:
They're a vegetable! Vegetables are good for you! :angel:
Vegetables are plants. Mushrooms are fungi.
Kingdom fail!
They are perfectly at home in vegetable soup, therefore, you suck! :smarty:
Mushrooms would be homeless since I don't put them in my vegetable soup.
A mushroom is the fleshy, spore-bearing fruiting body of a fungus, typically produced above ground on soil or on its food source. Like all fungi, mushrooms are not plants and do not undergo photosynthesis.I love mushrooms :mushie:
I knew the "innocent" Weeble had a vice. :police:
They're a vegetable! Vegetables are good for you! :angel:
Vegetables are plants. Mushrooms are fungi.
Kingdom fail!
They are perfectly at home in vegetable soup, therefore, you suck! :smarty:
Mushrooms would be homeless since I don't put them in my vegetable soup.
Thank you for adding sensibility to this thread, Queen Victoria. :queenie:
Hey, Wikipedia and I are like that: :bunny love:
Hey, Wikipedia and I are like that: :bunny love:
Feeling frisky today? :2thumbsup:
Hey, Wikipedia and I are like that: :bunny love:
Feeling frisky today? :2thumbsup:
That was the closest emoticon I could find to crossed fingers on the site. Which shows you how sleep deprived I am if I think rabbits look like fingers.
Hey, Wikipedia and I are like that: :bunny love:
Feeling frisky today? :2thumbsup:
That was the closest emoticon I could find to crossed fingers on the site. Which shows you how sleep deprived I am if I think rabbits look like fingers.
Hey, Wikipedia and I are like that: :bunny love:
Feeling frisky today? :2thumbsup:
That was the closest emoticon I could find to crossed fingers on the site. Which shows you how sleep deprived I am if I think rabbits look like fingers.
Hey, Wikipedia and I are like that: :bunny love:
Feeling frisky today? :2thumbsup:
That was the closest emoticon I could find to crossed fingers on the site. Which shows you how sleep deprived I am if I think rabbits look like fingers.
The shortcut :crossed: :crossed: gets you crossed fingers more directly without having to look through more smileys first.
I can find other non-human animal sex related emoticons for you if you like?
Couldn't find a vagina smiley but found this smiley site. (
Oh, and this one.. (
(um, surry)
lol Yeah, it is disturbing.. (but I said surry for it). :zoinks:
lol Yeah, it is disturbing.. (but I said surry for it). :zoinks:
It's just a close-up turned sideways of somebody rubbing the corner of his eye and then opening it.
OK, time to do the backup.
OK, time to do the backup.
That was quick! I missed the whole thing! :orly:
OK, time to do the backup.
That was quick! I missed the whole thing! :orly:
I didn't. :'(
Although it's difficult, you don't have to butt into everything, be the center of attention and have everyone dependent on you. Learn to enjoy yourself, you're worth it.
Although it's difficult, you don't have to butt into everything, be the center of attention and have everyone dependent on you. Learn to enjoy yourself, you're worth it.
Exactly! To quote a great line from Law & Order: "Do your job, let the next guy do his." :thumbup:
The townhouse says "under offer/under contract" on the real estate sites. Gee I wonder who the buyer was! :orly: :zoinks:
Good thing you went to the oral surgeon Luut. You were brave during the surgery, dude.
Well, the oral surgeon (um, me assuming that's the proper translation of 'kaakchirurg') extracted 47. Although I'm glad it's been done.. it was nasty as.. well, as something really nasty. (I was in there for over an hour)
But hey.. again glad it's..
^ lol, nah.. 47 is a particular tooth.
Dentists and the oral profession refer to a certain tooth with a double digit number. They divide s/o's teeth in 4 quarters.. left jaw (under thus) is 1 and for instance the pointy (carnivorous) front tooth there is 13. Well, they start counting from the middle of one's front (ripper) teeth. 11 and 12 are the ripper teeth in one's left jaw.
Right teeth-row under is 4 and counting from the middle it was the seventh teeth (the lousy buggering molar) there. 47 thus.
Um, hope that's an understandable explanation.
Well, the oral surgeon (um, me assuming that's the proper translation of 'kaakchirurg') extracted 47. Although I'm glad it's been done.. it was nasty as.. well, as something really nasty. (I was in there for over an hour)
But hey.. again glad it's..
^ Thank you, Hykey. Really hope so too.
And @ MLA.. I think the system/the drawing you've posted leaves room for mistakes.. in the 'oral' profession, I mean.
Let's say nr. 21 is extracted 10 years earlier and 20, 19, 18, and 17 gradually moved forwards during that time (like they usually do).. dentists/the oral profession could make mistakes concerning 17-20.
Well, I forgot to mention that the teeth extracted earlier (in life) are not included in the 'Dutch' system any more. Um, let's say, hypothetically, 30 and 31 are extracted, 32 in your drawing/pic becomes, in the system explained to me by my dentist (and used in general here), 'tooth' 46. Tooth number 6, counting from the middle of the 4 ripper teeth, in the fourth quarter/right jaw under. Little doubt which tooth is referred to then. (in medical dossiers)
Really wonder US dentists use the system you mentioned now.
^ Thank you, Hykey. Really hope so too.
And @ MLA.. I think the system/the drawing you've posted leaves room for mistakes.. in the 'oral' profession, I mean.
Let's say nr. 21 is extracted 10 years earlier and 20, 19, 18, and 17 gradually moved forwards during that time (like they usually do).. dentists/the oral profession could make mistakes concerning 17-20.
Well, I forgot to mention that the teeth extracted earlier (in life) are not included in the 'Dutch' system any more. Um, let's say, hypothetically, 30 and 31 are extracted, 32 in your drawing/pic becomes, in the system explained to me by my dentist (and used in general here), 'tooth' 46. Tooth number 6, counting from the middle of the 4 ripper teeth, in the fourth quarter/right jaw under. Little doubt which tooth is referred to then. (in medical dossiers)
Really wonder US dentists use the system you mentioned now.
"Don't forget to order and pick up the medication!" :police:
Well, the oral surgeon (um, me assuming that's the proper translation of 'kaakchirurg') extracted 47. Although I'm glad it's been done.. it was nasty as.. well, as something really nasty. (I was in there for over an hour)
But hey.. again glad it's..
stop failing at walking on eggshells and just go stick your foot in your mouth :viking: :viking:
:lol:stop failing at walking on eggshells and just go stick your foot in your mouth :viking: :viking:
ah, so that's how you keep so slim. With your foot in your mouth there's not too much room for food. Ingenious.
"Don't forget to order and pick up the medication!" :police:
So, the tooth extracted was just in front of the wisdom tooth on the lower right (Tooth 18 in MLA's picture)? Why did it have to come out?
So, the tooth extracted was just in front of the wisdom tooth on the lower right (Tooth 18 in MLA's picture)? Why did it have to come out?
Um, it was the molar tooth nr. 31 on MLA's picture that was extracted. (right jaw under, 47) It had an old filling in it and some of the supporting sides, pieces of real teeth material, broke off earlier. Well, the lousy bastard was a bad tooth and my dentist didn't dare to pull it himself and sent me off to said oral surgeon.
Glad that part of 'the fixing' is over.. um, coming Wednesday chapter two.. :hide:
"Don't forget to order and pick up the medication!" :police:
Have you ordered it already?
I did, but I was late, have to wait till Tuesday afternoon, because of holidays. :tard:
how are you going to join that to that ? :dunno:
^ Thank you, Callaway. It is just this stupid phobia I have for the denti.... Well, blahiah.. enough about it. (surry)
You do such a good job taking care of your teeth that it's not fair you had to have one taken out.
You do such a good job taking care of your teeth that it's not fair you had to have one taken out.
The bugger had a leaking filling, or a hole under the filling, and me taking the best care in the world couldn't have rescued it. Just wish I started taking good care (the somewhat extreme way I do now) of my teeth way earlier in life.
(oh, I never neglacted them but.. )
You do such a good job taking care of your teeth that it's not fair you had to have one taken out.
The bugger had a leaking filling, or a hole under the filling, and me taking the best care in the world couldn't have rescued it. Just wish I started taking good care (the somewhat extreme way I do now) of my teeth way earlier in life.
(oh, I never neglacted them but.. )
I had to have a root canal in a tooth that had a crown because it got a cavity under the edge of the crown, so I had a similar situation to you. I should have gone in to see the dentist about it sooner than I did, though.
You do such a good job taking care of your teeth that it's not fair you had to have one taken out.
The bugger had a leaking filling, or a hole under the filling, and me taking the best care in the world couldn't have rescued it. Just wish I started taking good care (the somewhat extreme way I do now) of my teeth way earlier in life.
(oh, I never neglacted them but.. )
I had to have a root canal in a tooth that had a crown because it got a cavity under the edge of the crown, so I had a similar situation to you. I should have gone in to see the dentist about it sooner than I did, though.
I am long overdue for the dentist myself, and I suspect I will have a lot of work to be done. :hide:
You do such a good job taking care of your teeth that it's not fair you had to have one taken out.
The bugger had a leaking filling, or a hole under the filling, and me taking the best care in the world couldn't have rescued it. Just wish I started taking good care (the somewhat extreme way I do now) of my teeth way earlier in life.
(oh, I never neglacted them but.. )
I had to have a root canal in a tooth that had a crown because it got a cavity under the edge of the crown, so I had a similar situation to you. I should have gone in to see the dentist about it sooner than I did, though.
I am long overdue for the dentist myself, and I suspect I will have a lot of work to be done. :hide:
Why have you delayed so long?
haha it was just a snapped drain pipehow are you going to join that to that ? :dunno:
You really should have paid more attention in sex ed class, young lady! :police:
haha it was just a snapped drain pipehow are you going to join that to that ? :dunno:
You really should have paid more attention in sex ed class, young lady! :police:
you have a dirty mind cbc shame on you
CBC and pure thoughts should be in that list of 50 oxymorons. :orly:
"Get moving, the :laundry: awaits!"
"Get moving, the :laundry: awaits!"
How dare you mention the "L" word? PA washed his jeans this morning and I'm about to do the towels.
CBC and pure thoughts should be in that list of 50 oxymorons. :orly:
I think hyke is insinuating something about me, but I can't hear her, for the angels are singing to me! :angel:
CBC and pure thoughts should be in that list of 50 oxymorons. :orly:
I think hyke is insinuating something about me, but I can't hear her, for the angels are singing to me! :angel:
Oh noes, time to warn psychophant; CBC is hearing the voices again.
CBC and pure thoughts should be in that list of 50 oxymorons. :orly:
I think hyke is insinuating something about me, but I can't hear her, for the angels are singing to me! :angel:
Oh noes, time to warn psychophant; CBC is hearing the voices again.
Don't be alarmed, they are beautiful voices!
:angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:
:angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:
:angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :harp:
Well, I'm quite bothered by the sound that harp produces. :P
:P But the thing is played too darn fast and hardcore wild for my liking. (looking at the smiley)
Why, why do you insist on posting when you should be in bed? :GA:
Just do it. Once begun is half done.
wanna goddamn hamburger
*humps chair*
Time for some ice tea! :laugh:
oh shit, it's Evan. whatdoido ?
halfway through my vacation now
I miss chat
Teresa you are such a wicked person!
If you don't stop smoking soon you fool, you'll.. live to regret it, dude.
Seriously Luut.. listen to your body and don't procrastinate quitting/ending your tobacco addiction any longer.
*Aug 22, '11
If you don't stop smoking soon you fool, you'll.. live to regret it, dude.
Seriously Luut.. listen to your body and don't procrastinate quitting/ending your tobacco addiction any longer.
*Aug 22, '11
Yeah, know you're right (both). 'Slowing down' is probably largely an excuse and procrastinating what is best to do in the first place. Which is going cold turkey and stop.
Ja, what to say.. I'm still not there mentally. Still haven't found the 110% commitment to do so.
Quitting smoking was one of the hardest things I ever did. Be brave :viking:
wait a minute, I didnt say that to myself I responded to MLA. Well, just ignore it :M
Lie down for a while, see if it goes away.
Go to sleep, Jack.
Why do all the guys I meet have ex GF's in America? ???
Geoff has an ex in the US. Geoff! Of all people!
*uses psychic powers* I sense the relationship ended amicably and merely due to the distance ::)
Why do all the guys I meet have ex GF's in America? ???
Geoff has an ex in the US. Geoff! Of all people!
*uses psychic powers* I sense the relationship ended amicably and merely due to the distance ::)
It's because American girls are just awesome! :cheer:
Why do all the guys I meet have ex GF's in America? ???
Geoff has an ex in the US. Geoff! Of all people!
*uses psychic powers* I sense the relationship ended amicably and merely due to the distance ::)
It's because American girls are just awesome! :cheer:
Why do all the guys I meet have ex GF's in America? ???
Geoff has an ex in the US. Geoff! Of all people!
*uses psychic powers* I sense the relationship ended amicably and merely due to the distance ::)
It's because American girls are just awesome! :cheer:
And CBC is the epitome of American girls. :laugh:
Why do all the guys I meet have ex GF's in America? ???
Geoff has an ex in the US. Geoff! Of all people!
*uses psychic powers* I sense the relationship ended amicably and merely due to the distance ::)
It's because American girls are just awesome! :cheer:
Of course all the American ladies here are awesome :2thumbsup:
It's just....fear of history repeating I guess :-\
It's the "merely due to the distance" part that worries me. It's like saying "we still want to be together, but it's logistically impossible"
Why do all the guys I meet have ex GF's in America? ???
Geoff has an ex in the US. Geoff! Of all people!
*uses psychic powers* I sense the relationship ended amicably and merely due to the distance ::)
It's because American girls are just awesome! :cheer:
Of course all the American ladies here are awesome :2thumbsup:
It's just....fear of history repeating I guess :-\
It's the "merely due to the distance" part that worries me. It's like saying "we still want to be together, but it's logistically impossible"
Why do all the guys I meet have ex GF's in America? ???
Geoff has an ex in the US. Geoff! Of all people!
*uses psychic powers* I sense the relationship ended amicably and merely due to the distance ::)
It's because American girls are just awesome! :cheer:
Of course all the American ladies here are awesome :2thumbsup:
It's just....fear of history repeating I guess :-\
It's the "merely due to the distance" part that worries me. It's like saying "we still want to be together, but it's logistically impossible"
Are you living a lot closer to Geoff?
Why do all the guys I meet have ex GF's in America? ???
Geoff has an ex in the US. Geoff! Of all people!
*uses psychic powers* I sense the relationship ended amicably and merely due to the distance ::)
It's because American girls are just awesome! :cheer:
Of course all the American ladies here are awesome :2thumbsup:
It's just....fear of history repeating I guess :-\
It's the "merely due to the distance" part that worries me. It's like saying "we still want to be together, but it's logistically impossible"
Are you living a lot closer to Geoff?
3 hours up the highway. Being geographically closer means nothing if his heart is (possibly) still 15,000km away though.
Why do all the guys I meet have ex GF's in America? ???
Geoff has an ex in the US. Geoff! Of all people!
*uses psychic powers* I sense the relationship ended amicably and merely due to the distance ::)
It's because American girls are just awesome! :cheer:
Of course all the American ladies here are awesome :2thumbsup:
It's just....fear of history repeating I guess :-\
It's the "merely due to the distance" part that worries me. It's like saying "we still want to be together, but it's logistically impossible"
Are you living a lot closer to Geoff?
3 hours up the highway. Being geographically closer means nothing if his heart is (possibly) still 15,000km away though.
Was that what happened with the guys before Geoff?
Relationships do end now and then. Distance may be part of that, but, if it is only the distance that made them break up, then the guy isn't ready for something new imo. But, if it is only part of why it ended, then you should be safe, that is, if he is over it.
So, Benny thinks you live too far away, Josh is a dork, and Geoff may be promising.
So, Benny thinks you live too far away, Josh is a dork, and Geoff may be promising.
Oh I can think of a LOT more derogatory words for Josh. A LOT!!
Why do all the guys I meet have ex GF's in America? ???
Geoff has an ex in the US. Geoff! Of all people!
*uses psychic powers* I sense the relationship ended amicably and merely due to the distance ::)
It's because American girls are just awesome! :cheer:
Of course all the American ladies here are awesome :2thumbsup:
It's just....fear of history repeating I guess :-\
It's the "merely due to the distance" part that worries me. It's like saying "we still want to be together, but it's logistically impossible"
Are you living a lot closer to Geoff?
3 hours up the highway. Being geographically closer means nothing if his heart is (possibly) still 15,000km away though.
Was that what happened with the guys before Geoff?
Relationships do end now and then. Distance may be part of that, but, if it is only the distance that made them break up, then the guy isn't ready for something new imo. But, if it is only part of why it ended, then you should be safe, that is, if he is over it.
The other guy I'm talking to, Benny, doesn't have an ex overseas thank god! In fact he's not even willing to date outside a 50km radius of Sydney.
The guy before that, Josh, was saving up to go the US to try and get back with his GF, all while simultaneously scouting dating sites and consequently meeting me.
And the one before that?......Everyone here already knows the story :P
Only 10 more and 38 minutes to go.
Only 10 more and 38 minutes to go.
Till you reach 10,000 posts? Hooray, battle on, Your Majesty! :viking:
Only 10 more and 38 minutes to go.
Till you reach 10,000 posts? Hooray, battle on, Your Majesty! :viking:
Mission accomplished with 20 minutes or so to spare.
Go to bed. Dumbass.
stop eating chocolate biscuits and give them to the Weeble instead!
If it satisfies you, you can have my brain any day, Bodie.
All it's doing is causing me pain.
If it satisfies you, you can have my brain any day, Bodie.
All it's doing is causing me pain.
I should like to enquire first, if I may, if you are the type of gentleman
that keeps his in his trousers :o
if you was a mischievous little urchin, where on earth would
you hide the bath plug? Now think, your personal hygeine
could depend on it!
"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."
I *love* The Shining.
if you was a mischievous little urchin, where on earth would
you hide the bath plug? Now think, your personal hygeine
could depend on it!
It is fools that follow.. right?
:)It is fools that follow.. right?
make one account at one website about dead men, say you are a girl, and get 300 emails.
I2 is boring today
"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."
I *love* The Shining.
I don't mean to ... differ with you, sir, but that line was not original. :toporly:
I'm seriously considering shaving my head again. Maybe all of it.
"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."
I *love* The Shining.
I don't mean to ... differ with you, sir, but that line was not original. :toporly:
But that scene was. Page after page after page... :zoinks:
I'm seriously considering shaving my head again. Maybe all of it.
I'm seriously considering shaving my head again. Maybe all of it.
Why, especially now that the cold weather is on the way? ???
"It's 3 in the morning, maybe you should get to bed soon so you don't
sleep half the morning and waste your day off!" :police:
"It's 3 in the morning, maybe you should get to bed soon so you don't
sleep half the morning and waste your day off!" :police:
yes...go to bed
naughty weebles needs sleeps :laugh:
i do that too :zoinks:"It's 3 in the morning, maybe you should get to bed soon so you don't
sleep half the morning and waste your day off!" :police:
yes...go to bed
naughty weebles needs sleeps :laugh:
I didn't sleep much, and I am now up and drinking coffee! :coffee:
i do that too :zoinks:"It's 3 in the morning, maybe you should get to bed soon so you don't
sleep half the morning and waste your day off!" :police:
yes...go to bed
naughty weebles needs sleeps :laugh:
I didn't sleep much, and I am now up and drinking coffee! :coffee:
its called weebling :cbc:
be nice to yourself brownie :(
being a mum is such hard work!
be :viking:
Hope monkeygirl is okay. She's currently off to the doctors with her Dad and I suspect xrays after that. One very nasty sprain.
thanks Zippo :)Hope monkeygirl is okay. She's currently off to the doctors with her Dad and I suspect xrays after that. One very nasty sprain.
monkey girl has my good wishes!
This isn't my original thought, but it's catchy and easy to remember:
"If it is to be, it is up to ME!" :hamsterwheel:
This isn't my original thought, but it's catchy and easy to remember:
"If it is to be, it is up to ME!" :hamsterwheel:
Mine is
"If it is to be, don't look at ME!" :hamsterwheel:
This isn't my original thought, but it's catchy and easy to remember:
"If it is to be, it is up to ME!" :hamsterwheel:
Mine is
"If it is to be, don't look at ME!" :hamsterwheel:
Well, others have to do their share too, that's only fair. 8)
This isn't my original thought, but it's catchy and easy to remember:
"If it is to be, it is up to ME!" :hamsterwheel:
Mine is
"If it is to be, don't look at ME!" :hamsterwheel:
Well, others have to do their share too, that's only fair. 8)
You would have been proud of me. I did my share.
I went out to the laundry room to hang the wash. There, eating out of the cats food was an OPOSSUM. I backed away and found a sharp weapon. By that time it had gone behind the door. I banged on the door and the outside walls a few times trying to flush it out. I gently opened the door and no opossum. I looked around and it's hiding behind the washing machine.
I put the brush cutter away and quickly got the clothes out the washer. Hung them as quickly as I could and left it there.
Found out there is no local government pick up for wild animals. We have to pay a professional remover. Now I just need to figure out how I'm going to handle this besides leaving no food out after dark.
when is someone gonna love me back ?
@myself: Speak English!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oinky doinky, already 18h54? I'd better go make me some dinner now. (sauerkraut with 2 sausages :P)
Well, I'm wondering if we start a vegetable garden this spring, will the oppossum eat the produce after dark. I can't very well bring the garden inside. We'll have to put up some type of fencing.
^You know how to spell in multiple languages. Don't be too hard on yourself!
^You know how to spell in multiple languages. Don't be too hard on yourself!
^You know how to spell in multiple languages. Don't be too hard on yourself!
I know, I'm amazed by multilingual people! :orly:
^You know how to spell in multiple languages. Don't be too hard on yourself!
I know, I'm amazed by multilingual people! :orly:
We just have a different set of problems.
^You know how to spell in multiple languages. Don't be too hard on yourself!
I know, I'm amazed by multilingual people! :orly:
We just have a different set of problems.
Oh, my problems are definitely ... "different." :zoinks:
That is kind of funny, I have to admit. :DI visited Finland to speak at a conference, earlier this week, and realised that I lack the technical vocabulary for what I do in Finnish. I held the presentation in English.Oh, my problems are definitely ... "different." :zoinks:We just have a different set of problems.^You know how to spell in multiple languages. Don't be too hard on yourself!I know, I'm amazed by multilingual people! :orly:
That is kind of funny, I have to admit. :DI visited Finland to speak at a conference, earlier this week, and realised that I lack the technical vocabulary for what I do in Finnish. I held the presentation in English.Oh, my problems are definitely ... "different." :zoinks:We just have a different set of problems.^You know how to spell in multiple languages. Don't be too hard on yourself!I know, I'm amazed by multilingual people! :orly:
That is kind of funny, I have to admit. :DI visited Finland to speak at a conference, earlier this week, and realised that I lack the technical vocabulary for what I do in Finnish. I held the presentation in English.Oh, my problems are definitely ... "different." :zoinks:We just have a different set of problems.^You know how to spell in multiple languages. Don't be too hard on yourself!I know, I'm amazed by multilingual people! :orly:
Yes, and very cool to have several languages and the option to change plans at the
last minute and use another language. If I can't present something in English,
I'm pretty much screwed, unless I can draw stick figures to make my point. :laugh:
That is kind of funny, I have to admit. :DI visited Finland to speak at a conference, earlier this week, and realised that I lack the technical vocabulary for what I do in Finnish. I held the presentation in English.Oh, my problems are definitely ... "different." :zoinks:We just have a different set of problems.^You know how to spell in multiple languages. Don't be too hard on yourself!I know, I'm amazed by multilingual people! :orly:
Yes, and very cool to have several languages and the option to change plans at the
last minute and use another language. If I can't present something in English,
I'm pretty much screwed, unless I can draw stick figures to make my point. :laugh:
I was somewhat embarrassed. :-[
^ Vast wel.
Um, təbii ki, vertolyotun icadından bu yana uçuşu asanlaşdıracaq bir çox sistem inkişaf etdirilmişdir, lakin mahiyyət etibarilə bütün vertolyotların uçuş prinsipi eynidir.
Pərlər vertolyotun mühərrikinin təsiri ilə fırlanır, təyyarə qanadlarında da olduğu kimi onların altından və üstündən keçən hava axınlarının qət etdiyi məsafə fərqlidir. Üstdən keçən hava daha sürətli, altından keçən hava daha yavaş hərəkət etmək məcburiyyətində qalır. Daha sürətli hərəkət edən hava daha az təzyiq meydana gətirir. Eyni şəkildə pərin altından keçən hava, daha az səth qət etdiyindən daha yavaş hərəkət edib daha yüksək təzyiq meydana gətirir.
Bernulli qanununa görə iki səthdə yaranan bu təzyiq fərqi nəticəsində qanad üzərində qüvvətli təzyiqdən az təzyiqə doğru, yəni aşağıdan yuxarıya doğru bir qaldırma qüvvəsi meydana gəlir. Bu qaldırma qüvvəsi həm təyyarədə, həm də vertolyotda uçmağı təmin edən əsas qüvvədir. ( :laugh:
See? Zo moeilijk is het niet.
Nah, dunno.. Do talk a bit pendantic in Dutch, I think. Also tend to build my sentences a tadski different than 'normals' do. Correct usage but ja, different.
Oh, as a person who hates sneakiness, behind the back stuff or vagueness in general I choose to communicate in English here. Sure, could say all this in Dutch here but than only us two could follow it and in my opinion that not nice towards others.
wtf is wrong ? pump works, fan works,
just had pcb board back and tested fine?
why won't it fucking work? i am gonna enjoy
servicing it with a hammer, bastard!
wtf is wrong ? pump works, fan works,
just had pcb board back and tested fine?
why won't it fucking work? i am gonna enjoy
servicing it with a hammer, bastard!
^ Vast wel.
Um, təbii ki, vertolyotun icadından bu yana uçuşu asanlaşdıracaq bir çox sistem inkişaf etdirilmişdir, lakin mahiyyət etibarilə bütün vertolyotların uçuş prinsipi eynidir.
Pərlər vertolyotun mühərrikinin təsiri ilə fırlanır, təyyarə qanadlarında da olduğu kimi onların altından və üstündən keçən hava axınlarının qət etdiyi məsafə fərqlidir. Üstdən keçən hava daha sürətli, altından keçən hava daha yavaş hərəkət etmək məcburiyyətində qalır. Daha sürətli hərəkət edən hava daha az təzyiq meydana gətirir. Eyni şəkildə pərin altından keçən hava, daha az səth qət etdiyindən daha yavaş hərəkət edib daha yüksək təzyiq meydana gətirir.
Bernulli qanununa görə iki səthdə yaranan bu təzyiq fərqi nəticəsində qanad üzərində qüvvətli təzyiqdən az təzyiqə doğru, yəni aşağıdan yuxarıya doğru bir qaldırma qüvvəsi meydana gəlir. Bu qaldırma qüvvəsi həm təyyarədə, həm də vertolyotda uçmağı təmin edən əsas qüvvədir. ( :laugh:
See? Zo moeilijk is het niet.
Nah, dunno.. Do talk a bit pendantic in Dutch, I think. Also tend to build my sentences a tadski different than 'normals' do. Correct usage but ja, different.
Oh, as a person who hates sneakiness, behind the back stuff or vagueness in general I choose to communicate in English here. Sure, could say all this in Dutch here but than only us two could follow it and in my opinion that not nice towards others.
Odeon, did you really need Google Translator? I knew it meant, "My place 8 o'clock. I have the massage oil."
^ Vast wel.
Um, təbii ki, vertolyotun icadından bu yana uçuşu asanlaşdıracaq bir çox sistem inkişaf etdirilmişdir, lakin mahiyyət etibarilə bütün vertolyotların uçuş prinsipi eynidir.
Pərlər vertolyotun mühərrikinin təsiri ilə fırlanır, təyyarə qanadlarında da olduğu kimi onların altından və üstündən keçən hava axınlarının qət etdiyi məsafə fərqlidir. Üstdən keçən hava daha sürətli, altından keçən hava daha yavaş hərəkət etmək məcburiyyətində qalır. Daha sürətli hərəkət edən hava daha az təzyiq meydana gətirir. Eyni şəkildə pərin altından keçən hava, daha az səth qət etdiyindən daha yavaş hərəkət edib daha yüksək təzyiq meydana gətirir.
Bernulli qanununa görə iki səthdə yaranan bu təzyiq fərqi nəticəsində qanad üzərində qüvvətli təzyiqdən az təzyiqə doğru, yəni aşağıdan yuxarıya doğru bir qaldırma qüvvəsi meydana gəlir. Bu qaldırma qüvvəsi həm təyyarədə, həm də vertolyotda uçmağı təmin edən əsas qüvvədir. ( :laugh:
See? Zo moeilijk is het niet.
Nah, dunno.. Do talk a bit pendantic in Dutch, I think. Also tend to build my sentences a tadski different than 'normals' do. Correct usage but ja, different.
Oh, as a person who hates sneakiness, behind the back stuff or vagueness in general I choose to communicate in English here. Sure, could say all this in Dutch here but than only us two could follow it and in my opinion that not nice towards others.
^ Vast wel.
Um, təbii ki, vertolyotun icadından bu yana uçuşu asanlaşdıracaq bir çox sistem inkişaf etdirilmişdir, lakin mahiyyət etibarilə bütün vertolyotların uçuş prinsipi eynidir.
Pərlər vertolyotun mühərrikinin təsiri ilə fırlanır, təyyarə qanadlarında da olduğu kimi onların altından və üstündən keçən hava axınlarının qət etdiyi məsafə fərqlidir. Üstdən keçən hava daha sürətli, altından keçən hava daha yavaş hərəkət etmək məcburiyyətində qalır. Daha sürətli hərəkət edən hava daha az təzyiq meydana gətirir. Eyni şəkildə pərin altından keçən hava, daha az səth qət etdiyindən daha yavaş hərəkət edib daha yüksək təzyiq meydana gətirir.
Bernulli qanununa görə iki səthdə yaranan bu təzyiq fərqi nəticəsində qanad üzərində qüvvətli təzyiqdən az təzyiqə doğru, yəni aşağıdan yuxarıya doğru bir qaldırma qüvvəsi meydana gəlir. Bu qaldırma qüvvəsi həm təyyarədə, həm də vertolyotda uçmağı təmin edən əsas qüvvədir. ( :laugh:
See? Zo moeilijk is het niet.
Nah, dunno.. Do talk a bit pendantic in Dutch, I think. Also tend to build my sentences a tadski different than 'normals' do. Correct usage but ja, different.
Oh, as a person who hates sneakiness, behind the back stuff or vagueness in general I choose to communicate in English here. Sure, could say all this in Dutch here but than only us two could follow it and in my opinion that not nice towards others.
As I feared, your Dutch is very different from mine. :lol:
^ Vast wel.
Um, təbii ki, vertolyotun icadından bu yana uçuşu asanlaşdıracaq bir çox sistem inkişaf etdirilmişdir, lakin mahiyyət etibarilə bütün vertolyotların uçuş prinsipi eynidir.
Pərlər vertolyotun mühərrikinin təsiri ilə fırlanır, təyyarə qanadlarında da olduğu kimi onların altından və üstündən keçən hava axınlarının qət etdiyi məsafə fərqlidir. Üstdən keçən hava daha sürətli, altından keçən hava daha yavaş hərəkət etmək məcburiyyətində qalır. Daha sürətli hərəkət edən hava daha az təzyiq meydana gətirir. Eyni şəkildə pərin altından keçən hava, daha az səth qət etdiyindən daha yavaş hərəkət edib daha yüksək təzyiq meydana gətirir.
Bernulli qanununa görə iki səthdə yaranan bu təzyiq fərqi nəticəsində qanad üzərində qüvvətli təzyiqdən az təzyiqə doğru, yəni aşağıdan yuxarıya doğru bir qaldırma qüvvəsi meydana gəlir. Bu qaldırma qüvvəsi həm təyyarədə, həm də vertolyotda uçmağı təmin edən əsas qüvvədir. ( :laugh:
See? Zo moeilijk is het niet.
Nah, dunno.. Do talk a bit pendantic in Dutch, I think. Also tend to build my sentences a tadski different than 'normals' do. Correct usage but ja, different.
Oh, as a person who hates sneakiness, behind the back stuff or vagueness in general I choose to communicate in English here. Sure, could say all this in Dutch here but than only us two could follow it and in my opinion that not nice towards others.
As I feared, your Dutch is very different from mine. :lol:
Does either of you speak Frisian, like the famous Dutch model Doutzen Kroes? :orly:
^ Vast wel.
Um, təbii ki, vertolyotun icadından bu yana uçuşu asanlaşdıracaq bir çox sistem inkişaf etdirilmişdir, lakin mahiyyət etibarilə bütün vertolyotların uçuş prinsipi eynidir.
Pərlər vertolyotun mühərrikinin təsiri ilə fırlanır, təyyarə qanadlarında da olduğu kimi onların altından və üstündən keçən hava axınlarının qət etdiyi məsafə fərqlidir. Üstdən keçən hava daha sürətli, altından keçən hava daha yavaş hərəkət etmək məcburiyyətində qalır. Daha sürətli hərəkət edən hava daha az təzyiq meydana gətirir. Eyni şəkildə pərin altından keçən hava, daha az səth qət etdiyindən daha yavaş hərəkət edib daha yüksək təzyiq meydana gətirir.
Bernulli qanununa görə iki səthdə yaranan bu təzyiq fərqi nəticəsində qanad üzərində qüvvətli təzyiqdən az təzyiqə doğru, yəni aşağıdan yuxarıya doğru bir qaldırma qüvvəsi meydana gəlir. Bu qaldırma qüvvəsi həm təyyarədə, həm də vertolyotda uçmağı təmin edən əsas qüvvədir. ( :laugh:
See? Zo moeilijk is het niet.
Nah, dunno.. Do talk a bit pendantic in Dutch, I think. Also tend to build my sentences a tadski different than 'normals' do. Correct usage but ja, different.
Oh, as a person who hates sneakiness, behind the back stuff or vagueness in general I choose to communicate in English here. Sure, could say all this in Dutch here but than only us two could follow it and in my opinion that not nice towards others.
As I feared, your Dutch is very different from mine. :lol:
Does either of you speak Frisian, like the famous Dutch model Doutzen Kroes? :orly:
I can understand it, but cannot speak it.
When I studied soil-science, I happened have a friend who spoke Frisian, and who was a member of the Frysk Selskip. (Frisian community) Somehow people she spoke with there assumed that her friends would be Frisian also, so, they always addressed me in Frisian. (That I do have a nothern Dutch head, may have been part of that too) So, I learned to understand it pretty well.
There are things in common in Frisian and Gronings and Drents, those are the dialects of my parents, and, I do understand them well, and speak them reasonably well after being there for a while.
^ Vast wel.
Um, təbii ki, vertolyotun icadından bu yana uçuşu asanlaşdıracaq bir çox sistem inkişaf etdirilmişdir, lakin mahiyyət etibarilə bütün vertolyotların uçuş prinsipi eynidir.
Pərlər vertolyotun mühərrikinin təsiri ilə fırlanır, təyyarə qanadlarında da olduğu kimi onların altından və üstündən keçən hava axınlarının qət etdiyi məsafə fərqlidir. Üstdən keçən hava daha sürətli, altından keçən hava daha yavaş hərəkət etmək məcburiyyətində qalır. Daha sürətli hərəkət edən hava daha az təzyiq meydana gətirir. Eyni şəkildə pərin altından keçən hava, daha az səth qət etdiyindən daha yavaş hərəkət edib daha yüksək təzyiq meydana gətirir.
Bernulli qanununa görə iki səthdə yaranan bu təzyiq fərqi nəticəsində qanad üzərində qüvvətli təzyiqdən az təzyiqə doğru, yəni aşağıdan yuxarıya doğru bir qaldırma qüvvəsi meydana gəlir. Bu qaldırma qüvvəsi həm təyyarədə, həm də vertolyotda uçmağı təmin edən əsas qüvvədir. ( :laugh:
See? Zo moeilijk is het niet.
Nah, dunno.. Do talk a bit pendantic in Dutch, I think. Also tend to build my sentences a tadski different than 'normals' do. Correct usage but ja, different.
Oh, as a person who hates sneakiness, behind the back stuff or vagueness in general I choose to communicate in English here. Sure, could say all this in Dutch here but than only us two could follow it and in my opinion that not nice towards others.
As I feared, your Dutch is very different from mine. :lol:
Does either of you speak Frisian, like the famous Dutch model Doutzen Kroes? :orly:
I can understand it, but cannot speak it.
When I studied soil-science, I happened have a friend who spoke Frisian, and who was a member of the Frysk Selskip. (Frisian community) Somehow people she spoke with there assumed that her friends would be Frisian also, so, they always addressed me in Frisian. (That I do have a nothern Dutch head, may have been part of that too) So, I learned to understand it pretty well.
There are things in common in Frisian and Gronings and Drents, those are the dialects of my parents, and, I do understand them well, and speak them reasonably well after being there for a while.
1.) What is a northern Dutch head?
2.) And how many Dutch dialects are there? :orly:
^ Vast wel.
Um, təbii ki, vertolyotun icadından bu yana uçuşu asanlaşdıracaq bir çox sistem inkişaf etdirilmişdir, lakin mahiyyət etibarilə bütün vertolyotların uçuş prinsipi eynidir.
Pərlər vertolyotun mühərrikinin təsiri ilə fırlanır, təyyarə qanadlarında da olduğu kimi onların altından və üstündən keçən hava axınlarının qət etdiyi məsafə fərqlidir. Üstdən keçən hava daha sürətli, altından keçən hava daha yavaş hərəkət etmək məcburiyyətində qalır. Daha sürətli hərəkət edən hava daha az təzyiq meydana gətirir. Eyni şəkildə pərin altından keçən hava, daha az səth qət etdiyindən daha yavaş hərəkət edib daha yüksək təzyiq meydana gətirir.
Bernulli qanununa görə iki səthdə yaranan bu təzyiq fərqi nəticəsində qanad üzərində qüvvətli təzyiqdən az təzyiqə doğru, yəni aşağıdan yuxarıya doğru bir qaldırma qüvvəsi meydana gəlir. Bu qaldırma qüvvəsi həm təyyarədə, həm də vertolyotda uçmağı təmin edən əsas qüvvədir. ( :laugh:
See? Zo moeilijk is het niet.
Nah, dunno.. Do talk a bit pendantic in Dutch, I think. Also tend to build my sentences a tadski different than 'normals' do. Correct usage but ja, different.
Oh, as a person who hates sneakiness, behind the back stuff or vagueness in general I choose to communicate in English here. Sure, could say all this in Dutch here but than only us two could follow it and in my opinion that not nice towards others.
Please don't mind some here don't get your over the top silliness sometimes, luut.
(It was kinda meant as an absurd contrast.. the text there was from some Wiki article in Azerbaijani (the language).. explaining something about.. the helicopter. Was the second tap (in Dutch) open on my screen at the time, thought hey, that's a silly 270* turn/what does the same topic say in Azerbaijani/nobody'll know what was said there and copy/pasted that.. )
Oh, and never ever explain something you meant to be just some silly stuff to others again, luut, also..
*read post from top again*
Please don't mind some here don't get your over the top silliness sometimes, luut.
(It was kinda meant as an absurd contrast.. the text there was from some Wiki article in Azerbaijani (the language).. explaining something about.. the helicopter. Was the second tap (in Dutch) open on my screen at the time, thought hey, that's a silly 270* turn/what does the same topic say in Azerbaijani/nobody'll know what was said there and copy/pasted that.. )
Oh, and never ever explain something you meant to be just some silly stuff to others again, luut, also..
*read post from top again*
Oh!? So my translation was closer?
Please don't mind some here don't get your over the top silliness sometimes, luut.
(It was kinda meant as an absurd contrast.. the text there was from some Wiki article in Azerbaijani (the language).. explaining something about.. the helicopter. Was the second tap (in Dutch) open on my screen at the time, thought hey, that's a silly 270* turn/what does the same topic say in Azerbaijani/nobody'll know what was said there and copy/pasted that.. )
Oh, and never ever explain something you meant to be just some silly stuff to others again, luut, also..
*read post from top again*
Oh!? So my translation was closer?
Absolutely. It was all about massage oil for helicopters.
"You may FEEL old, but you've still got 30 or so more years to work, so get moving!" :police:
Please don't mind some here don't get your over the top silliness sometimes, luut.
(It was kinda meant as an absurd contrast.. the text there was from some Wiki article in Azerbaijani (the language).. explaining something about.. the helicopter. Was the second tap (in Dutch) open on my screen at the time, thought hey, that's a silly 270* turn/what does the same topic say in Azerbaijani/nobody'll know what was said there and copy/pasted that.. )
Oh, and never ever explain something you meant to be just some silly stuff to others again, luut, also..
*read post from top again*
"You may FEEL old, but you've still got 30 or so more years to work, so get moving!" :police:
What a horribly depressing thought.
Sausages from Bodie, Bacon from Parts and I'll kick in Sex. The Holy Triumverate.
Pleeeeease can we have that smiley here? :puppy:
Pleeeeease can we have that smiley here? :puppy:
I was going to add it before but wanted to post before someone else did. Try : bacon : with no spaces it's in the pop up for now also
:bacon: :bacon: :bacon:
Look, Rachel: you have manuscript paper over on your chair. Wouldn't it be easier to use that to compose on, rather than just the nearest bit of scrap paper that you have to hand?
I'm not going to apologize.
"Post faster, your daily average is dipping dangerously low!" :GA::hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha:
"Post faster, your daily average is dipping dangerously low!" :GA::hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha: :hahaha:
OH SHIT, I'm working at 9 today, not 10!
Thank god I remembered in time! Gotta go! :runaway:
Sheesh. That's just stupid.
Sheesh. That's just stupid.
No, that's just CBC. Or were you posting about something else?
Being home alone is wonderful some days. :thumbup:
Sheesh. That's just stupid.
No, that's just CBC. Or were you posting about something else?
Sheesh. That's just stupid.
No, that's just CBC. Or were you posting about something else?
This is the thread where we are saying something to ourselves.
Sheesh. That's just stupid.
No, that's just CBC. Or were you posting about something else?
This is the thread where we are saying something to ourselves.
Are you saying that^ to Queen Victoria, or to yourself? :zoinks:
Sheesh. That's just stupid.
No, that's just CBC. Or were you posting about something else?
This is the thread where we are saying something to ourselves.
Are you saying that^ to Queen Victoria, or to yourself? :zoinks:
Who are you talking to? :cbc:
Sheesh. That's just stupid.
No, that's just CBC. Or were you posting about something else?
This is the thread where we are saying something to ourselves.
Are you saying that^ to Queen Victoria, or to yourself? :zoinks:
Who are you talking to? :cbc:
"You talkin' to me?!" :litigious:
Can I just add that I think it's a brilliant movie?
Can I just add that I think it's a brilliant movie?
You certainly can! I've never seen it but I will take your word for it. :thumbup:
Can I just add that I think it's a brilliant movie?
You certainly can! I've never seen it but I will take your word for it. :thumbup:
You should make it your mission in life to see it.
Can I just add that I think it's a brilliant movie?
Can I just add that I think it's a brilliant movie?
This is one of the times when I "feel" my age because I saw Taxi Driver when it first came out.
Teach yourself, trial and error, to make a nice corn bun/bread, luut. You love the ones you buy nowadays and think, after finding the right recipe (and maybe add some extra ingredients you like/trying to bake one a couple of times), this is actually a good idea.
Kneading the dough is a good exercise for your arm muscles also. :zoinks:
Teach yourself, trial and error, to make a nice corn bun/bread, luut. You love the ones you buy nowadays and think, after finding the right recipe (and maybe add some extra ingredients you like/trying to bake one a couple of times), this is actually a good idea.
Kneading the dough is a good exercise for your arm muscles also. :zoinks:
Maybe I should finally have something to eat today (it's 10pm btw :P)
Teach yourself, trial and error, to make a nice corn bun/bread, luut. You love the ones you buy nowadays and think, after finding the right recipe (and maybe add some extra ingredients you like/trying to bake one a couple of times), this is actually a good idea.
Kneading the dough is a good exercise for your arm muscles also. :zoinks:
Thanks for the cornbread recipe, Callaway. Wonder if there's a substitute ingredient for veg. shortening though. Lard maybe? Real butter?
Can I just add that I think it's a brilliant movie?
You certainly can! I've never seen it but I will take your word for it. :thumbup:
You should make it your mission in life to see it.
Should I be prepared to commit felonies while on this mission? :orly:
Can I just add that I think it's a brilliant movie?
This is one of the times when I "feel" my age because I saw Taxi Driver when it first came out.
What am I gonna do next?
Get your lazy ass of the chair.
Get away from the internet.
Get going, you lazy bitch. Or I will have to kick your arse.
Get your lazy ass of the chair.
Get away from the internet.
Get going, you lazy bitch. Or I will have to kick your arse.
I could spank it :thumbup:
Get your lazy ass of the chair.
Get away from the internet.
Get going, you lazy bitch. Or I will have to kick your arse.
I could spank it :thumbup:
Yes, you should! See how motivated she looks already! :spank:
Um, I was just standing in front of a mirror, saying: Are you talking to me? ARE you talking to ME? Are YOU talking to me?That's one of my favourite movies :lol1:
.. looking mean. :autism:
Nah, I wasn't.. and this post probs makes 0.004 % sense.. T'was my brain making that association reading Bodie's post there.
its almost over.
Um, I was just standing in front of a mirror, saying: Are you talking to me? ARE you talking to ME? Are YOU talking to me?
.. looking mean. :autism:
Nah, I wasn't.. and this post probs makes 0.004 % sense.. T'was my brain making that association reading Bodie's post there.
Stop, don't post in this thread Bodie! This thread is full of nutters
who talk to themselves!
Stop, don't post in this thread Bodie! This thread is full of nutters
who talk to themselves!
^Weirdo woman talking to herself. :smarty:
Stop, don't post in this thread Bodie! This thread is full of nutters
who talk to themselves!
^Weirdo woman talking to herself. :smarty:
It takes one to know one :hahaha:
I'm a weirdo woman? :P
I think the shit is gonna hit the fan soon :thumbup:
Oh I plan to duck and run! I shall not clean up a mess I didn't create. :orly:I think the shit is gonna hit the fan soon :thumbup:
I'm not cleaning it up.
Oh I plan to duck and run! I shall not clean up a mess I didn't create. :orly:I think the shit is gonna hit the fan soon :thumbup:
I'm not cleaning it up.
I'm a weirdo woman? :P
Really :o :o :o :o Are you? Good for you, mate. Are you relieved now that is out in the open? :hahaha: :hahaha:
:asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing:
I think the shit is gonna hit the fan soon :thumbup:
I'm a weirdo woman? :P
Really :o :o :o :o Are you? Good for you, mate. Are you relieved now that is out in the open? :hahaha: :hahaha:
:asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing:
The real question is, how did *you* know? :zoinks:
I'm a weirdo woman? :P
Really :o :o :o :o Are you? Good for you, mate. Are you relieved now that is out in the open? :hahaha: :hahaha:
:asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing:
The real question is, how did *you* know? :zoinks:
Well, i didn't really know, just always suspected some kind of activity going on in yer trousers :orly:
I try :laugh:I think the shit is gonna hit the fan soon :thumbup:
You really have the gift to find joy in everything. :laugh:
^I've done that. Felt dangerous but fun.
^I've done that. Felt dangerous but fun.
It was fun, but i learned not to do it wearing an ill fitting wonder bra :bounce:
and i am lucky to only have itty bitty titties - no black eyes!
Don't do one song on repeat, loutje.. you'll 'ruin' the song too fast that way..I'm guilty of that too.
Don't do one song on repeat, loutje.. you'll 'ruin' the song too fast that way..
Don't do one song on repeat, loutje.. you'll 'ruin' the song too fast that way..
I've done that myself for years and probably always will! :headphones:
Lutra has this rare ability to make me giggle and smile. What would I do without him?
Lutra has this rare ability to make me giggle and smile. What would I do without him?
Go berserk in cinemas? :apondering:
So much for getting my errands done in the morning.
Esne fortis? :viking:
Get your ass in the shower and go fetch your shoes from the shoe fixer after that..
*kicks his own ass* :green:
^ But ja, like licking your elbow, not really possible..:lol1:
*touches tip of nose with tongue*
(nah, I can't do that either)
"I sure hope that Drano worked in the kitchen sinks!" :crossed:
"I sure hope that Drano worked in the kitchen sinks!" :crossed:
Drano a colleague of yours? :tard:
Pull yourself together, ffs.
^That's the spirit!
I wonder if anyone else has noticed the "Hide enclosed from Suspicious Visitors" in the posting options?
^That's the spirit!
:agreed: I am in a "can-do" frame of mind today!
I wonder if anyone else has noticed the "Hide enclosed from Suspicious Visitors" in the posting options?
I wonder if anyone else has noticed the "Hide enclosed from Suspicious Visitors" in the posting options?
^That's the spirit!
:agreed: I am in a "can-do" frame of mind today!
Well done, weeble. We're proud of you!
It's the Boris Badanov looking guy 3 icons from the right. Directly under the Change color arrow.
It's the Boris Badanov looking guy 3 icons from the right. Directly under the Change color arrow.
Do not scratch the inside of your nose too much, or you will make it bleed.
Don't forget to buy 'Trouw' (a newspaper here) this coming Saturday, Luutje. They, for free, give away booklets about quite a few philosophers you like. Incluis M. de Montaigne. Um, their previously somewhat religious perception, 'on things', might turn out to be quite refreshing, maybe.
"I do a good job fucking at work, whether SHE appreciates it or not." :M
"I do a good job fucking at work, whether SHE appreciates it or not." :M
"I do a good job fucking at work, whether SHE appreciates it or not." :M
Details and pictures, please!
"I do a good job fucking at work, whether SHE appreciates it or not." :M
Details and pictures, please!
Goody. He took the bait, now fix the hook, Lady Weeble.
"I do a good job fucking at work, whether SHE appreciates it or not." :M
Details and pictures, please!
Goody. He took the bait, now fix the hook, Lady Weeble.
But I have no pictures! :cbc: I am too busy at work for such shenanigans!
Go for it! She's hot and available now. So what if she is in Wyoming.
Go for it! She's hot and available now. So what if she is in Wyoming.
1) Just remember to NOT put it on your federal expense report.
2) Your dick is that long? Impressive. Very Impressive.
When it rains, it pours
When it rains, it pours
:headbang2: "I LOVE the Dropkick Murphys!" :headbang2:
:headbang2: "I LOVE the Dropkick Murphys!" :headbang2:
Then you should come to Boston St. Paddy's Weekend!!! :headbang2:
I will be there come hell or high water, so let me know! :headbang2: 8)
I wonder what happened to SleepyDragon?
It's a she but that's a possibility :laugh:I wonder what happened to SleepyDragon?
Maybe he fell asleep? :yawn:
It's a she but that's a possibility :laugh:I wonder what happened to SleepyDragon?
Maybe he fell asleep? :yawn:
I'm friends with her son on FB. I'll have to ask him.It's a she but that's a possibility :laugh:I wonder what happened to SleepyDragon?
Maybe he fell asleep? :yawn:
I think she took a break for "real life" and just never came back. :(
It sucks to see on the frontpage that Jawbrodt's birthday is coming up. He died almost a year ago.What happened to him? I can't remember. :(
He died of a drug overdose in November. A habit he tried many times to kick but in the end it got the best of him. He wasn't here long but he was active on Zomg and WPIt sucks to see on the frontpage that Jawbrodt's birthday is coming up. He died almost a year ago.What happened to him? I can't remember. :(
I just read through his posts and he was good at welcoming new members.
I have mixed feelings about him. Knew him well and he had the capability of being a major asshole. He said things to me that weren't fair or justified but in the end, no one wishes to see someone else succumb to their demons and die alone.
:headbang2: :headbang2: :headbang2: :headbang2: :headbang2: :headbang2: :headbang2:
What the føck are you doing in your sleep, luutje? To pull off your sheets is ja, common but you've managed to actually move your bed a bit this morning.
What the føck are you doing in your sleep, luutje? To pull off your sheets is ja, common but you've managed to actually move your bed a bit this morning.
When my sister and I were little ones we moved to Houston. She and I shared a full/double bed. After a while my sister started turning up between the mattress and box springs. After a few days of this Mom stayed in the room. And watched me, in my sleep, pick up my sleeping sister, somehow lift the mattress and shove her in there. That day we got twin beds. Perhaps I wanted to try the Princess and the Pea fairy tale? Neither my sister nor I remember this, but Mom sure did.
What the føck are you doing in your sleep, luutje? To pull off your sheets is ja, common but you've managed to actually move your bed a bit this morning.
When my sister and I were little ones we moved to Houston. She and I shared a full/double bed. After a while my sister started turning up between the mattress and box springs. After a few days of this Mom stayed in the room. And watched me, in my sleep, pick up my sleeping sister, somehow lift the mattress and shove her in there. That day we got twin beds. Perhaps I wanted to try the Princess and the Pea fairy tale? Neither my sister nor I remember this, but Mom sure did.
:lol1: Little Queen was sending her sister to the Tower, in a manner of speaking.
I've told CBC so many secrets, I hope she doesn't sell me out to the tabloids one day :book: :LMAO: :hide:
:green: :hug:I've told CBC so many secrets, I hope she doesn't sell me out to the tabloids one day :book: :LMAO: :hide:
Not for a billion dollars AND world peace. :hug:
:headbang2: :headbang2: :headbang2: :headbang2: :headbang2: :headbang2: :headbang2:
He died of a drug overdose in November. A habit he tried many times to kick but in the end it got the best of him. He wasn't here long but he was active on Zomg and WPIt sucks to see on the frontpage that Jawbrodt's birthday is coming up. He died almost a year ago.What happened to him? I can't remember. :(
I just read through his posts and he was good at welcoming new members.
It always turns out okay in the end.
It always turns out okay in the end.
Anal sex?
It always turns out okay in the end.
Anal sex?
Well, practice, not perfection for a while. It will take time to bring about the changes you need. Just do what you can, not your best.
Anal sex?
Well, practice, not perfection for a while. It will take time to bring about the changes you need. Just do what you can, not your best.
Oops. :tard:
No worries QV. I thought it was funny. :laugh:
Anal sex?
Well, practice, not perfection for a while. It will take time to bring about the changes you need. Just do what you can, not your best.
Oops. :tard:
fixed :M
Its a slow night, here on the Ponderosa
:thumbup:Its a slow night, here on the Ponderosa
Just you and the cactus? :tumbleweed:
:thumbup:Its a slow night, here on the Ponderosa
Just you and the cactus? :tumbleweed:
Hoss would:thumbup:Its a slow night, here on the Ponderosa
Just you and the cactus? :tumbleweed:
If you step on that cactus do you Hop Sing? (Only the oldsters will get that one.)
Do it already.Step on a cactus and hop and sing? Geez, the things the I2 gods ask of us. :laugh:
Why do all the lights come on, and the cogs start turning over shit in my brain when i should be sleeping? :thumbdn:
I need to figure out how to move that chair by myself. Damn thing is too heavy. :apondering:
I need to figure out how to move that chair by myself. Damn thing is too heavy. :apondering:
FUCK YOU, YOU CUNT!!! :finger:
"Get your Weeble ass moving :cbc: so you don't waste the afternoon!"
Coffeum nunc? Bene, bene! :orly:
"Get your dumb ass to bed, you can play on the internet this weekend!" :tard:
"Get your dumb ass to bed, you can play on the internet this weekend!" :tard:
Were you speaking to me, you, or both of us? G'night.
I was right to wait. I probably did a better job just now than I'd have done at 1am. Also, I won't know for sure till I shower and dry my hair like normal, but I think it came out pretty good.
juicy fruit the bubblegum? do they still make that? havent seen it inawile, :laugh:
"Once you hit 34,000 posts, get your ass to work!" :squiddy:
I love when problems solve themselves.:thumbup:
Elaborate and nuance a tadski more and better, luutski. The gaps you leave cannot be filled in by others. They just have no clue what you forgot to mention. How can they? Wasn't one of your dreams to become a writer once. Write dude write..
*stops posting altogether* :tard:
You must be BRAVE! :arrr:
"One more post, then get back to work!" :police:
"One more post, then get back to work!" :police:
NO! GET BACK TO WORK NOW!!! :squiddy:
"One more post, then get back to work!" :police:
NO! GET BACK TO WORK NOW!!! :squiddy:
I already made the post and you couldn't stop me. :P
Yay, people are here to post! I will reach my goal in no time! :snowman:
You need a vacation MK. A place without internet so you can be quiet and catch up on some stuff and not get distracted by teh interwebz :autism:
"That's quite enough, turn off the computer and go to bed!" :zzz:
"That's quite enough, turn off the computer and go to bed!" :zzz:
And within 3.5 hours, you are back again, for duty.
Your dedication to postwhoring is :viking:
Because it's distracting. I procrastinate too much :P Now one would think that procrastinating while on vacation would be fine but I have some crafty things I want to catch up on. :thumbup:You need a vacation MK. A place without internet so you can be quiet and catch up on some stuff and not get distracted by teh interwebz :autism:
*Shatner sputter* "Without ... internet ... without ... internet ... but why?!" :dunno:
I think my kids hide some of their clothes when I'm about to do the laundry and then drop them all over the house just to annoy me.
I think my kids hide some of their clothes when I'm about to do the laundry and then drop them all over the house just to annoy me.
This could well be a worldwide conspiracy. I know it is happening in my household too.
If selective mutism is part of autism, why can't I have selective deafism? That voice is soooooooooo whiney.
If selective mutism is part of autism, why can't I have selective deafism? That voice is soooooooooo whiney.
That just comes with age :)
Global warming! my arse
No, I don't think that is true at all. :zoinks:
No, I don't think that is true at all. :zoinks:
How is such a thing even possible?
No, I don't think that is true at all. :zoinks:
How is such a thing even possible?
No, I don't think that is true at all. :zoinks:
How is such a thing even possible?
My poor cold butt is too goose bumpy to make a nude appearance... in fact it is demanding Bridget Jones pants!
I think this site has seen enough of my bum :moon:
"No matter what happens to piss you off, do *NOT* clench your teeth!" :meditate:
I think this site has seen enough of my bum :moon:
I'm sure some would disagree. You should make a poll. :zoinks:
I thought this was about my botty cheeks for a minute :zoinks:"No matter what happens to piss you off, do *NOT* clench your teeth!" :meditate:
That only works as long as you don't clench them in your sleep. Which is my problem. :facepalm2:
I thought this was about my botty cheeks for a minute :zoinks:"No matter what happens to piss you off, do *NOT* clench your teeth!" :meditate:
That only works as long as you don't clench them in your sleep. Which is my problem. :facepalm2:
"Holy shit, it's 3 a.m., go to bed now!!!!!!" :GA::hahaha:
"Holy shit, it's 3 a.m., go to bed now!!!!!!" :GA::hahaha:
Do something!
Do something!
Will you PM me with this on a daily basis? I need a kick sometimes. :tard:
Do something!
Will you PM me with this on a daily basis? I need a kick sometimes. :tard:
Check your pm's :laugh:
:laugh: Here's a stampede, just for you.:hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke: :hyke:
:brick: :sheep:I love thus brick shitting sheep.
If you get hit by more than one brick at once, brick shitting sheep probably is
If it is just one brick hitting you, you may be lucky to have only a singular sheep aiming at you. But, that may be a false sense of security.
Hello morning wood. Long time no see. :penis:
Hello morning wood. Long time no see. :penis:
Is that anything like Norwegian wood? :tard:
Maybe you finally hit bottom.Is everything ok?
Do not listen to what QV says to herself. It's meant for her, not for you.was that meant for her or me?
Do not listen to what QV says to herself. It's meant for her, not for you.was that meant for her or me?
Do not listen to what QV says to herself. It's meant for her, not for you.
Go to bed, dumbass.
You'd better make up your mind about going to that birthday party this afternoon.
You'd better make up your mind about going to that birthday party this afternoon.
Go to the party! Bring me back some cake! :puppy:
You'd better make up your mind about going to that birthday party this afternoon.
Go to the party! Bring me back some cake! :puppy:
Here's your chocolate cake with white whipped icing and green letters. Sorry, but all the strawberry shortcake went and the hostess didn't give me any apple pie.
We also had shepherd's pie, chips and veggies and dips, ham and biscuits.
You'd better make up your mind about going to that birthday party this afternoon.
Go to the party! Bring me back some cake! :puppy:
Here's your chocolate cake with white whipped icing and green letters. Sorry, but all the strawberry shortcake went and the hostess didn't give me any apple pie.
We also had shepherd's pie, chips and veggies and dips, ham and biscuits.
OMG, thank you! You Southerners really know how to throw a party! :drool:
Seriously. Probably nobody wants to piss me off. I'm not mean people, seriously. I just don't like bullshit.
Oh why is there never a Dave around when you want one! *big sigh*
Read more on this place, and you'll know most of the male persuasion have a member called Dave, as far as Bodie is concerned.Oh why is there never a Dave around when you want one! *big sigh*
Why does it have to be a Dave? :orly:
Read more on this place, and you'll know most of the male persuasion have a member called Dave, as far as Bodie is concerned.Oh why is there never a Dave around when you want one! *big sigh*
Why does it have to be a Dave? :orly:
Read more on this place, and you'll know most of the male persuasion have a member called Dave, as far as Bodie is concerned.Oh why is there never a Dave around when you want one! *big sigh*
Why does it have to be a Dave? :orly:
I had not noticed that. I'm too innocent to pick up on such things. :angel:
90 more minutes of being home alone.
Just got a notifying email, telling me that.
Boy, that $$$$ sure went fast.
Happy I am not next to a chemical plant.
Had to drive down river Sun to take boy to his girlfriends, past 2 in Allenport. Stupid me had the window down, eyes watering, nose burning hell. You couldn't give me a mansion and 10 million to live there...fuck.
diet :(
Mens sana in corpore sano :orly:
diet :(
... and exercise! :situp:
"Bedtime, NOW!!!!! In five hours the night is over for you."
No matter what SKYBLUE judges you, you are a kind person. Fiercely loyal. Stop crying.stop your crying, baby. Come tell uncle glitter all about it.
Pass the douchy upon the left hand side.
let me slip you the tip.Pass the douchy upon the left hand side.
Don't pass me your douche, that's very unsanitary! :P
let me slip you the tip.Pass the douchy upon the left hand side.
Don't pass me your douche, that's very unsanitary! :P
But tax fraud is :viking:
Go do your laundry now, luutje.. for ja, you have no clean boxer shorts in your wardrobe (and ja, in a couple of hours you'll have to get some groceries, not?)
Stay the course, stay the course
Stay the course, stay the course
But not in a George Bush way. :P
Didn't do squat today
I cant take many days like that myselfDidn't do squat today
Everyone deserves a day every now and then with nothing they must do.
Didn't do squat today
Everyone deserves a day every now and then with nothing they must do.
two more weeks of bullshit. then no more bullshit
Really was only trying to say you deserve to not 'do squat' now and then without feeling bad about it.
Didn't do squat today
Everyone deserves a day every now and then with nothing they must do.
Interaction has a different feel when it's not something one must do. :)
two more weeks of bullshit. then no more bullshit
Make a short to do list, and do call your mother.
"After the song, go to bed! You're going to be useless at work otherwise!" :police:
"After the song, go to bed! You're going to be useless at work otherwise!" :police:
"But I want to stay up and postwhore, I'm so close to my next hundred-post mark." :emosad:
"After the song, go to bed! You're going to be useless at work otherwise!" :police:
"But I want to stay up and postwhore, I'm so close to my next hundred-post mark." :emosad:
"Absolutely not! Don't argue with me, get your fool ass to bed!" :rollingpin:
Fixed. :zoinks:"After the song, go to bed! You're going to be useless at work otherwise!" :police:
"But I want to stay up and postwhore, I'm so close to my next hundred-post mark." :emosad:
"Absolutely not! Don't argue with me, get your fat ass to bed!" :rollingpin:
Fixed. :zoinks:"After the song, go to bed! You're going to be useless at work otherwise!" :police:
"But I want to stay up and postwhore, I'm so close to my next hundred-post mark." :emosad:
"Absolutely not! Don't argue with me, get your fat ass to bed!" :rollingpin:
I wasn't insulting you. just an observation, :)
I'd rather be fat somedays. :GA:
"Go see if those cable channels are back on the air; if they are not, call the cable company and raise hell!" :rollingpin:>:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D
"Go see if those cable channels are back on the air; if they are not, call the cable company and raise hell!" :rollingpin:>:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D
You're making appropriate baby steps.
Your diabetes testing kit is pretty much complete.
Your plan for a weekly lay-out of the meds is taking shape.
You just need a large colourful bag for the books and papers that will guide the changes in your life.
The next beginning is to make meal plans, and alternative behaviours for those times when you need to avoid bad behaviours.
You're making appropriate baby steps.
Your diabetes testing kit is pretty much complete.
Your plan for a weekly lay-out of the meds is taking shape.
You just need a large colourful bag for the books and papers that will guide the changes in your life.
The next beginning is to make meal plans, and alternative behaviours for those times when you need to avoid bad behaviours.
*wobbles in :cbc: with a large colourful bag!*
Self, why couldn't you be more like Stuart Smiley?
If you don't take care of your health, then who will?:indeed:
my wife thinks that she can.If you don't take care of your health, then who will?:indeed:
my wife thinks that she can.If you don't take care of your health, then who will?:indeed:
She does a fairly good job.
Sometimes I sneak.
I have to stop sneaking.'re talking to yourself again. Cut it out. It scares people.
Oh, you're no fun anymore.
Coffee. You know you want a second cup.
I can see. in more ways than one, :zoinks:
FUCK YOU, YOU CUNT!!! :finger:
"Better go get the charger and plug it in before your phone dies again." :police:
Green Blue Tourmaline
Lift your lazy ass from that chair, woman. Go and make some delicious breakfast. And don't forget the Weeble!
It's Friday night, everyone's out at the club. Screw them, I'm gonna lock them out of the site! :trollface:
It's Friday night, everyone's out at the club. Screw them, I'm gonna lock them out of the site! :trollface:
You should ask Odeon for admin privileges so you can lock down the site whenever you want to. :trollface:
It's Friday night, everyone's out at the club. Screw them, I'm gonna lock them out of the site! :trollface:
You should ask Odeon for admin privileges so you can lock down the site whenever you want to. :trollface:
I think I would prefer to stay on posting till I reach the magic 40,000. :trollface:
It's Friday night, everyone's out at the club. Screw them, I'm gonna lock them out of the site! :trollface:
You should ask Odeon for admin privileges so you can lock down the site whenever you want to. :trollface:
I think I would prefer to stay on posting till I reach the magic 40,000. :trollface:
What about after 40,000?
It's Friday night, everyone's out at the club. Screw them, I'm gonna lock them out of the site! :trollface:
You should ask Odeon for admin privileges so you can lock down the site whenever you want to. :trollface:
I think I would prefer to stay on posting till I reach the magic 40,000. :trollface:
What about after 40,000?
Oh, I will definitely stay, but I'm really looking forward to 40,000. :)
Cum fucky sucky licky macarena.
I'm asspie! One of the perks is echolalia. :finger: :hahaha:Cum fucky sucky licky macarena.
You already posted that elsewhere. Say something different. ::) :beware:
It's Friday night, everyone's out at the club. Screw them, I'm gonna lock them out of the site! :trollface:
You should ask Odeon for admin privileges so you can lock down the site whenever you want to. :trollface:
I think I would prefer to stay on posting till I reach the magic 40,000. :trollface:
What about after 40,000?
Oh, I will definitely stay, but I'm really looking forward to 40,000. :)
I'm asspie! One of the perks is echolalia. :finger: :hahaha:Cum fucky sucky licky macarena.
You already posted that elsewhere. Say something different. ::) :beware:
I'm asspie! One of the perks is echolalia. :finger: :hahaha:Cum fucky sucky licky macarena.
You already posted that elsewhere. Say something different. ::) :beware:
Can I join too?
:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo::woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo::woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo::woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
"It's 2:54 a.m. and you're still online! :soapbox: You know you'll be sorry in the morning!"
"D'oh! I forgot about the Tuesday night Hoarding: Buried Alive marathon and slept through it!" :duh:
"It's 2:54 a.m. and you're still online! :soapbox: You know you'll be sorry in the morning!"
Did you have some late-night trolling to do? :hyke:"D'oh! I forgot about the Tuesday night Hoarding: Buried Alive marathon and slept through it!" :duh::hahaha: :P
"It's 2:54 a.m. and you're still online! :soapbox: You know you'll be sorry in the morning!"
Did you have some late-night trolling to do? :hyke:"D'oh! I forgot about the Tuesday night Hoarding: Buried Alive marathon and slept through it!" :duh::hahaha: :P
Morning, Sunshine! I'm back, meaner than ever! :trollface:
There's no need to be so nervous.
No more wine, idiot. It's morning too.
No more wine, idiot. It's morning too.
No, I will have coffeum in an hour or two.Good"morning", Lit. Or did you skip bed completely?
Yes, you may post again.
Was it that hard, that you needed to procrastinate that long on paying. No, it wasn't. Learn from it, you silly cow.
I should use my new calculator.
I knew it was a bad idea.
I knew it was a bad idea.
But your new avatar is regal and dignified. :hug:
I should use my new calculator.
Does it look like this? :finger:
I should use my new calculator.
Does it look like this? :finger:
Not really. Why?
I should use my new calculator.
Does it look like this? :finger:
Not really. Why?
That smiley can count to one. :M
:indeed:I should use my new calculator.
Does it look like this? :finger:
Not really. Why?
That smiley can count to one. :M
:finger: + :finger: = :2thumbsup:
Lutski, chap.. your gastrointestinal system does not like sauerkraut. It doesn't. Shouldn't you stop eating it, then?
*writes 9feb14 on a piece of paper as the last day I ate any dish that has sauerkraut in it*
Um, you're fine with bitter tastes but food that is of a very sour nature.. try to ignore it or.. or at least moderate the intake of it, will ya.
Lutski, chap.. your gastrointestinal system does not like sauerkraut. It doesn't. Shouldn't you stop eating it, then?
*writes 9feb14 on a piece of paper as the last day I ate any dish that has sauerkraut in it*
Um, you're fine with bitter tastes but food that is of a very sour nature.. try to ignore it or.. or at least moderate the intake of it, will ya.
I like sauerkraut. PA doesn't. I drained the kraut once, rinsed off and then replaced the brine with pineapple juice. The idea came from a magazine. Neither PA or I were particularly impressed. Thought I'd pass the tip on in case it might appeal to you.
sauerkraut on a good. Add a little German potato salad....a nice mealLutski, chap.. your gastrointestinal system does not like sauerkraut. It doesn't. Shouldn't you stop eating it, then?
*writes 9feb14 on a piece of paper as the last day I ate any dish that has sauerkraut in it*
Um, you're fine with bitter tastes but food that is of a very sour nature.. try to ignore it or.. or at least moderate the intake of it, will ya.
I like sauerkraut. PA doesn't. I drained the kraut once, rinsed off and then replaced the brine with pineapple juice. The idea came from a magazine. Neither PA or I were particularly impressed. Thought I'd pass the tip on in case it might appeal to you.
I like it, it hates me. :thumbdn:
sauerkraut on a good. Add a little German potato salad....a nice mealLutski, chap.. your gastrointestinal system does not like sauerkraut. It doesn't. Shouldn't you stop eating it, then?
*writes 9feb14 on a piece of paper as the last day I ate any dish that has sauerkraut in it*
Um, you're fine with bitter tastes but food that is of a very sour nature.. try to ignore it or.. or at least moderate the intake of it, will ya.
I like sauerkraut. PA doesn't. I drained the kraut once, rinsed off and then replaced the brine with pineapple juice. The idea came from a magazine. Neither PA or I were particularly impressed. Thought I'd pass the tip on in case it might appeal to you.
I like it, it hates me. :thumbdn:
Stop being a complete spazz, ffs.
Stop being a complete spazz, ffs.
Is it really better to be an incomplete spazz?
Change is good. Change is not good. Change is just change.
Change is good. Change is not good. Change is just change.
Change is good. Change is not good. Change is just change.
I've totally forgotten why I made this post. Oh, yeah, now I remember.
Change is good. Change is not good. Change is just change.
I've totally forgotten why I made this post. Oh, yeah, now I remember.
I totally understood it at first, then I was confused. I struggled to make sense of it then it just came to me like a silver bullet of wisdom, blasting me into brilliance of insight, but I forgot what it meant.
Yup, done that.
It's all about entropy. Change is what it is.
1. Nothing wrong with me
2. Nothing wrong with me
You posted this in the wrong thread. Link (,13886.0)
You posted this in the wrong thread. Link (,13886.0)
You posted this in the wrong thread. Link (,13886.0)
You posted this in the wrong thread. Link (,13886.0)
You posted this in the wrong thread. Link (,13886.0)
I can't say "vagina" to myself? :-\
You posted this in the wrong thread. Link (,13886.0)
I can't say "vagina" to myself? :-\
Indeed. :MVagina.
You posted this in the wrong thread. Link (,13886.0)
I can't say "vagina" to myself? :-\
No, the proper word to use is "cunt". :M
smug autistic cuntJack likes that about you too.
Now you ruined it by giving me karma. :laugh:smug autistic cuntJack likes that about you too.
Now you ruined it by giving me karma. :laugh:smug autistic cuntJack likes that about you too.
Now you ruined it by giving me karma. :laugh:smug autistic cuntJack likes that about you too.
Someone took it away again.
Now you ruined it by giving me karma. :laugh:smug autistic cuntJack likes that about you too.
Someone took it away again.
Jack has a thing about karma.
IF you do not get your ass motivated, then spring will get away from you as well as winter did!!
YOU have work to do!!
"Why do we fall, Bruce?"
IF you do not get your ass motivated, then spring will get away from you as well as winter did!!
YOU have work to do!!
Now you ruined it by giving me karma. :laugh:smug autistic cuntJack likes that about you too.
Someone took it away again.
The whole thing made me spaz.
Now you ruined it by giving me karma. :laugh:smug autistic cuntJack likes that about you too.
Someone took it away again.
The whole thing made me spaz.
Well, you'd better secure that shit. We can't have people spazzing here. It doesn't look good. :M :P
Now you ruined it by giving me karma. :laugh:smug autistic cuntJack likes that about you too.
Someone took it away again.
The whole thing made me spaz.
Well, you'd better secure that shit. We can't have people spazzing here. It doesn't look good. :M :P
I did it privately so it was discreet. :laugh:
Come on, show some action. It's getting late.
Come on, show some action. It's getting late.
Come on, show some action. It's getting late.
It was something I said to myself. :orly:
Come on, show some action. It's getting late.
It was something I said to myself. :orly:
Yes, I understand. :tard: Watch better porn next time. :thumbup:
Come on, show some action. It's getting late.
It was something I said to myself. :orly:
Yes, I understand. :tard: Watch better porn next time. :thumbup:
This was the time in the morning where I have to get the family ready to race out, with all stuff and food needed for the day neatly packed, and teeth brushed. Stuff like that.
Come on, show some action. It's getting late.
It was something I said to myself. :orly:
Yes, I understand. :tard: Watch better porn next time. :thumbup:
This was the time in the morning where I have to get the family ready to race out, with all stuff and food needed for the day neatly packed, and teeth brushed. Stuff like that.
Then it's smart that you saved the porn for tonight. :P
Now you ruined it by giving me karma. :laugh:smug autistic cuntJack likes that about you too.
Someone took it away again.
The whole thing made me spaz.
Well, you'd better secure that shit. We can't have people spazzing here. It doesn't look good. :M :P
I did it privately so it was discreet. :laugh:
Now you ruined it by giving me karma. :laugh:smug autistic cuntJack likes that about you too.
Someone took it away again.
The whole thing made me spaz.
Well, you'd better secure that shit. We can't have people spazzing here. It doesn't look good. :M :P
I did it privately so it was discreet. :laugh:
But then you announced it on the internet. :P
Maybe I should follow your example then.
Logging off on an even number with a couple of zeros at the end.
Time to log off.
But only after another post or two.
Time to log off.
:thumbdn: :PBut only after another post or two.
:thumbup: :P
Time to log off.
:thumbdn: :PBut only after another post or two.
:thumbup: :P
You should have split this post into two. You are missing postwhoring opportunities.
Time to log off.
:thumbdn: :PBut only after another post or two.
:thumbup: :P
You should have split this post into two. You are missing postwhoring opportunities.
I could, but it's easily quotable in one post. Besides, replying to this gives me another opportunity to postwhore. :thumbup:
You know what I'm going to say already so I'll just say it.
You are a smug autistic cunt
post more oftenIndeed.
You know what I'm going to say already so I'll just say it.
You are a smug autistic cunt
I thought you were being rude until I realised what thread you posted in. :P
But only after another post or two.
This time I mean it, though. My post count is now a nice, even number.
This time I mean it, though. My post count is now a nice, even number.
And yet ... you had to go and make one more post. And now it's an odd number. Not good. :nono:
This time I mean it, though. My post count is now a nice, even number.
And yet ... you had to go and make one more post. And now it's an odd number. Not good. :nono:
It's almost a palindrome.
This time I mean it, though. My post count is now a nice, even number.
And yet ... you had to go and make one more post. And now it's an odd number. Not good. :nono:
It's almost a palindrome.
He needs ten more posts for that.
Time for bed.
Time for bed.
Time for bed.
Indeed. We were quite amused.
Time for bed.
Indeed. We were quite amused.
:toporly: :P
But only after another post or two.
It's always one more post, one more post. You must confront your addiction! :spaz:
THIS is my last post before I log off. It's nice to end with an even number.
THIS is my last post before I log off. It's nice to end with an even number.
THIS is my last post before I log off. It's nice to end with an even number.
But.... it's reply #3081...
THIS is my last post before I log off. It's nice to end with an even number.
But.... it's reply #3081...
He can't stop! He is addicted! :coffee:
Fuck! That is one huge spider :GA:
Fuck! That is one huge spider :GA:
Don't you like spiders?
FUCK IT. You don't like my fat body? Close your eyes and walk on the train tracks.
FUCK IT. You don't like my fat body? Close your eyes and walk on the train tracks.
Don't think 'fat' think 'curvy' :thumbup:
Here you go:
The forearm is wider than the upper arm and the hands are really big. It's disturbing.
The forearm is wider than the upper arm and the hands are really big. It's disturbing.
Not sure; the distance doesn't seem that great judging the position of the arms. Maybe she just has thick forearms and man hands. :laugh:The forearm is wider than the upper arm and the hands are really big. It's disturbing.
Perspective, distance and that sort of thing?
Not sure; the distance doesn't seem that great judging the position of the arms. Maybe she just has thick forearms and man hands. :laugh:The forearm is wider than the upper arm and the hands are really big. It's disturbing.
Perspective, distance and that sort of thing?
Man hands. :M
Did you want to startle yourself? Or were you starting a conversation with me?
Did you want to startle yourself? Or were you starting a conversation with me?
Man hands. :M
Northern Ireland :M
Man hands. :M
Northern Ireland :M
My ancestors were from northern ireland. We could be cousins. :M
From what I understand Rosscommon was ground zero for the Irish Potato Famine. The Cronans came over in the 1850's and by the 1860 Federal Census they owned 4 slaves. So I'm not sure where their money came from, whether they brought it with them or earned it here, but they were somewhat wealthy.
My ancestors were from northern ireland. We could be cousins. :M
You could be cousins with couldbecousin. :GA:
My ancestors were from northern ireland. We could be cousins. :M
You could be cousins with couldbecousin. :GA:
:cbc: :chicken:
The resemblance is uncanny.
My ancestors were from northern ireland. We could be cousins. :M
Man hands. :M
Northern Ireland :M
The American picture doesn't include guns or bombs. :zoinks:
My ancestors were from northern ireland. We could be cousins. :M
You could be cousins with couldbecousin. :GA:
Man hands. :M
Northern Ireland :M
The American picture doesn't include guns or bombs. :zoinks:
( ancestors were from northern ireland. We could be cousins. :MQuoteYou could be cousins with couldbecousin. :GA:
Does that make me part Weeble? :cbc:
Man hands. :M
Northern Ireland :M
The American picture doesn't include guns or bombs. :zoinks:
( ancestors were from northern ireland. We could be cousins. :MQuoteYou could be cousins with couldbecousin. :GA:
Does that make me part Weeble? :cbc:
Assuming that you're of Irish descent, then you could be. Look in a mirror and post whether or not you look like this: :cbc:
Man hands. :M
Northern Ireland :M
The American picture doesn't include guns or bombs. :zoinks:
( ancestors were from northern ireland. We could be cousins. :MQuoteYou could be cousins with couldbecousin. :GA:
Does that make me part Weeble? :cbc:
Assuming that you're of Irish descent, then you could be. Look in a mirror and post whether or not you look like this: :cbc:
I do a little bit :cbc:
It really can!!! :dom:
It really can!!! :dom:
No it can't. >:D
Here you are, waiting for your family to find you.
( (
Here you are, waiting for your family to find you.
( (
What a cute little find! That face is a little bit like mine too. :laugh:
Here you are, waiting for your family to find you.
( (
What a cute little find! That face is a little bit like mine too. :laugh:
You resemble the elf on the Lucky Charms box? :autism:
Here you are, waiting for your family to find you.
( (
What a cute little find! That face is a little bit like mine too. :laugh:
You resemble the elf on the Lucky Charms box? :autism:
Think chubbier, and not ginger. :P
Here you are, waiting for your family to find you.
( (
What a cute little find! That face is a little bit like mine too. :laugh:
You resemble the elf on the Lucky Charms box? :autism:
Think chubbier, and not ginger. :P
But the beard is the same? :orly:
Here you are, waiting for your family to find you.
( (
What a cute little find! That face is a little bit like mine too. :laugh:
You resemble the elf on the Lucky Charms box? :autism:
Think chubbier, and not ginger. :P
But the beard is the same? :orly:
I have no beard. Re-read my statement above, with emphasis on the bolded portion. :M
Another 15 minutes is fine.
Go the fuck to sleep.
Why don't you just die
Time to revive this thread.
Why did you get an erection when you came on here? Those don't come very often, so why here? Why now?
Why did you get an erection when you came on here? Those don't come very often, so why here? Why now?
Should I start wholesaling this to the membership?
you do NOT need to destroy yourself, but you'll do it anyway.
I want one too.Should I start wholesaling this to the membership?
I want one. That's awesome. :thumbup:
Should I start wholesaling this to the membership?
I want one. That's awesome. :thumbup:
That I tell myself a lot too.
Now telling myself to get my ass moving.
That I tell myself a lot too.
Now telling myself to get my ass moving.
Trying to do that. Failing.
That I tell myself a lot too.
Now telling myself to get my ass moving.
Trying to do that. Failing.
It's too early to have a beer together, isn't it?
That I tell myself a lot too.
Now telling myself to get my ass moving.
Trying to do that. Failing.
It's too early to have a beer together, isn't it?
:laugh: Probably, but do read my review of Guardians of the Galaxy, elsewhere on this board.
"Get up and take a dinner break. The internet will still be here when you get back." :police:
"Get up and take a dinner break. The internet will still be here when you get back." :police:
How was dinner?
@ hyke; Get something to eat. Technically you could still call it breakfast if you are fast enough.
"Don't bother, she really is that stupid."
"OK, enough of this shit."
You'll do fine
"You can post up to 44,100 but then you need to get your ass to the laundry room!" :police:
"You can post up to 44,100 but then you need to get your ass to the laundry room!" :police:
"Fuck that, I'm not doing laundry till Wednesday!" :fuckyeahdance:
"You can post up to 44,100 but then you need to get your ass to the laundry room!" :police:
"Fuck that, I'm not doing laundry till Wednesday!" :fuckyeahdance:
So, you should be postwhoring now, but you have logged out. Where are you, when not doing your laundry?
"You can post up to44,10044,444, but then you need to get your ass to the laundry room!" :police:
"You can post up to44,10044,444, but then you need to get your ass to the laundry room!" :police:
EDIT: Blatant hypocrisy. Oh well, whatever gets my energy up! :laugh:
"You can post up to44,10044,444, but then you need to get your ass to the laundry room!" :police:
EDIT: Blatant hypocrisy. Oh well, whatever gets my energy up! :laugh:
"Dumbass, better settle for 44,144. 44,444 will take way too long to do today." :police:
"You can post up to44,10044,444, but then you need to get your ass to the laundry room!" :police:
EDIT: Blatant hypocrisy. Oh well, whatever gets my energy up! :laugh:
"Dumbass, better settle for 44,144. 44,444 will take way too long to do today." :police:
Is responding to your own posts the only intelligent conversation you have? :dunno:
"Post up to 44,500 and then you may take a break to do laundry." :angel:
"Post up to 44,500 and then you may take a break to do laundry." :angel:
How was your break?
Did you do some exercises?
There's got to be something better on than THIS?
"Finish your coffee and get your ass in motion!" :booty:
There's got to be something better on than THIS?
No Kardashians on today? :trollface:
There's got to be something better on than THIS?
No Kardashians on today? :trollface:
It WAS the Kardashians. :P
You almost just choked on chocolate. Of all the things in the world that can try to kill you! :GA:
"Don't forget to buy coffee tonight, maybe get two cans this time!" :GA:
You should use the ways of the honey badger and just not give a shit.
You should use the ways of the honey badger and just not give a shit.
Honey badger approves this message.
"You can post up to 47,100 but then you have to start the laundry!" :police:
"You can post up to 47,100 but then you have to start the laundry!" :police:
Time to take your time, pondering about ten exquisite posts, that need reposting for posterity.
you rock.
you survived the worst trip to ny so far, which included many dangers, stresses and a gluten exposure on top of that. when you got home things were disappointing (including ugh, urine soaked sidewalk and smokers everywhere at what you thought was a cleaner bus station), but you said so and then got over it. things are overwhelming but somehow it's not bad.
you rock.
Did Randy die? Was he the one who liked exposing himself in the library?
Did Randy die? Was he the one who liked exposing himself in the library?
Yes, Randy died. :(
Did Randy die? Was he the one who liked exposing himself in the library?
Yes, Randy died. :(
That sucks! I can't remember if I knew that already.
"Better think of a future millstone to inspire you, so you don't climb up out of this rut." :apondering:
"Better think of a future millstone to inspire you, so you don't climb up out of this rut." :apondering:
Fixed in the most loving and encouraging way possible.
"Better think of a future millstone to inspire you, so you don't climb up out of this rut." :apondering:
Fixed in the most loving and encouraging way possible.
Yes, she should not leave I2 after reaching her 50000
"Better think of a future millstone to inspire you, so you don't climb up out of this rut." :apondering:
Fixed in the most loving and encouraging way possible.
Yes, she should not leave I2 after reaching her 50000
Oh, I'm not leaving, it's fun here. :2thumbsup:
Race me to 100,000! :hamsterwheel:
Race me to 100,000! :hamsterwheel:
That just might kill me. :hide:
Race me to 100,000! :hamsterwheel:
That just might kill me. :hide:
But imagine the fun we could have. :2thumbsup:
It's nice to be back, isn't it
Wash your fucking hair you dirty old slag.
Wash your fucking hair you dirty old slag.
It's the look that gets the gopher his bitches. They totally dig it.
You're a fucking moron.I wish you would not talk to my "friend" that way.
:laugh: This is something that would happen to meSame. Can't help but be glad that it happened to Pyraxis instead this time. :LOL:
Why are you still a virgin at 31 years old?
Oh right... Religious guilt, the fact that you're fat, and the fact that you don't go from girl to girl (like some people!)