Start here => M.O.-Introductions => Topic started by: TheOtherWindow on June 25, 2009, 01:35:04 AM
'ello. I hate making introductory posts, but it seems to be a rite of passage here, so what the hell.
I'm Alanna, and I'm socially inept.
I have a nearly unused account on WP, which I read occasionally when I'm in the mood to bang my head against the wall repeatedly but don't want to go to the physical exertion. I'm here on the recommendation of Sergeant Major Bint (hey!), and because most of the WP members I actually liked have migrated here.
Self-DXed currently, but hoping to get evaluated soon.
Some of my major long-term interests include psychology (especially abnormal psychology), music, languages, guitar effects pedals, Monty Python, and zoology. Recent obsessions have been Watchmen (the comic, mainly); the band Magazine, and anything else Howard Devoto's been involved in; Nethack, despite sucking at it; World of Warcraft; and the Leopold and Loeb case.
Can't think of anything else to write at the moment, but there's more in this thread:,11253.0.html
:party: Holy shit, Cool Spot!
Welcome and good on you for starting your own introduction thread.
Where are you located?
Welcome to intensity.
Not the World of War Crack :o I need a prybar to get one of my kids off that one be careful
Yay! :clap:
Hope you enjoy this place as much as I do :welcome:
*googles the Leopold and Loeb case*
Huh. Interesting.... It reminds me of the Parker-Hulme murder. You ever read up on that one?
Did you get into the Leopold and Loeb case via Daniel Clowes? :laugh:
I used to be obsessed with the Alex and Derek King case.
Oh yeah, that one was freakishly fascinating too. Children who commit murder are.... interesting.
SUP. If you're friends with kamilla, you must be okay. I guess you already know who I am, so welcome to intensity! :green:
Oh yeah, that one was freakishly fascinating too. Children who commit murder are.... interesting.
Derek was released recently :laugh: When I was younger I tried to set up a meeting with them by pretending to be a British journalist ::)
Hello Alanna. Your avatar rawks. :)
Hi Alanna.
Post you lazy guts :laugh:
Welcome to AspieLuvPuffs, your number one gay dating site for socially retarded queerballs :agreed:
Thanks for the welcome, guys. :green:
Where are you located?
I'm in upstate NY (Binghamton area), but moving to Baltimore within the next couple of months.
*googles the Leopold and Loeb case*
Huh. Interesting.... It reminds me of the Parker-Hulme murder. You ever read up on that one?
Oh yeah, it's definitely reminiscent of the Parker-Hulme murder. Though Leopold-Loeb was possibly even colder/more disturbing (if you can really quantify such a thing), in the sense that it was more of an academic exercise. Both fascinating cases, though. Heavenly Creatures was a great movie, too.
Did you get into the Leopold and Loeb case via Daniel Clowes? :laugh:
I used to be obsessed with the Alex and Derek King case.
Actually, no. I'm not really sure how I got into it, actually. But sadly, I've never read/seen anything by Daniel Clowes. Been meaning to see Ghost World forever. I'll have to read up about the Alex and Derek King case... not especially familiar with the details.
Welcome to AspieLuvPuffs, your number one gay dating site for socially retarded queerballs :agreed:
Hooray! I've come home! :clap:
Hello Alanna. Your avatar rawks. :)
Thanks! Are you a fan of Watchmen, by any chance?
You should definitely read Ice Haven by Daniel Clowes. It's really short but it features the Leopold and Loeb case shown as a comic :laugh:
Not the World of War Crack :o I need a prybar to get one of my kids off that one be careful
Haha... yeah, my brother was at the prybar-needing stage for a while, so I've been careful. :agreed:
Just that,
Hello Alanna. Your avatar rawks. :)
Thanks! Are you a fan of Watchmen, by any chance?
I intend to see the movie one day, but I find it hard get into the whole graphic novel/manga/anime mindset. We have a fair amount of it around the house, though (Full Metal Alchemist, Death Note, a couple of volumes of Osamu Tezuka's Buddha series, and several Hayao Miyazaki DVDs). Never say never. :)
Hello Alanna. Your avatar rawks. :)
Thanks! Are you a fan of Watchmen, by any chance?
I intend to see the movie one day, but I find it hard get into the whole graphic novel/manga/anime mindset. We have a fair amount of it around the house, though (Full Metal Alchemist, Death Note, a couple of volumes of Osamu Tezuka's Buddha series, and several Hayao Miyazaki DVDs). Never say never. :)
How was death note? Believe it or not I never watched it.
I've watched bits and pieces of it over my kids' shoulders, and don't have the detailed knowledge of the series that a genuine fan would have. Interesting premise, and interesting characters with complex psychologies and motivations. Maybe a little too convoluted. Very stylish, though. :)
Welcome to I2, TOW!
I'm also a fan of Magazine. I just heard they got back together and are doing reunion shows, w/ the guitarist from Luxuria taking the place of the late John McGeogh (RIP). They have a cool MySpace page as well.
Welcome to I2, TOW!
I'm also a fan of Magazine. I just heard they got back together and are doing reunion shows, w/ the guitarist from Luxuria taking the place of the late John McGeogh (RIP). They have a cool MySpace page as well.
Thank you, person with awesome taste! 8)
Yeah, there were several reunion shows back in February, with a bunch more (mainly festivals) scheduled within the next few months. I really wish they'd do some shows over in the US, but that doesn't seem too likely. RIP John McGeoch indeed... he's so horribly underrated.