Start here => M.O.-Introductions => Topic started by: Tigergirl on May 29, 2009, 06:32:51 PM
this is my intro thread.
I suppose I cant just leave it at that, can I?
Im 30 something, married to an intensity member, have a barbarian horde of kids, and have this endless pile of washing I choose to ignore.
Im always getting hassled that I have too much wool to possibly knit with, but meh to him >:D
he has too many consoles and games.
Heya back and welcome.
why, thank-you ;)
Heya and :welcome: Tigergirl.
Hi Tigergirl. I'm glad that you posted.
:welcome: to Intensity.
How much wool is "too much?"
I have endless bits of cloth I haven't sewn into anything yet as well, but I don't know how to knit. I can crochet, though.
How much wool is "too much?"
When the sleeves reach the ground before the dragging knuckles do, I think.
... or maybe, that's just a simple waste of wool. I don't know.
Hi, Tigergirl. Are we supposed to guess, play twenty questions or are you going to vomit forthcomingly with revelation-filled bile?
20 questions.
feel free to ask ANYTHING and I will answer
WTF did I just get myself into?...........
Are those your kids in the newsbox?
Are those your kids in the newsbox?
:green: Yes
Howdy :cheer:
Welcome to the madhouse. ;D
Welcome! :zoinks:
Hi Tigergirl. I'm glad that you posted.
:welcome: to Intensity.
How much wool is "too much?"
I have endless bits of cloth I haven't sewn into anything yet as well, but I don't know how to knit. I can crochet, though.
Knitting is really easy! I love it :laugh:
Welcome! 8)
Welcome. ;D
Are those your kids in the newsbox?
You know, you could have held back some like the rest of us and made her squirm enough to give her game away, herself.
True, I probably should have. :-\
for token purposes Im squirming....
for token purposes Im squirming....
Question #1:
What color is despondency and why have you been so hesitant to enjoy the subtitles of Monday?
BTW, have I mentioned that I think you are One Helluva a Mother!!
What color is despondency and why have you been so hesitant to enjoy the subtitles of Monday?
I remember it to be a reddish brown, and meh, we all have anti subtitles mondays every now and then.....
BTW, have I mentioned that I think you are One Helluva a Mother!!
why thank-you kind sir ;)
BTW, have I mentioned that I think you are One Helluva a Mother!!
Well as Meatloaf said "...cause two out of three aint bad"
Welcome ;D
BTW, have I mentioned that I think you are One Helluva a Mother!!
Well as Meatloaf said "...cause two out of three aint bad"
hey I can talk on the phone fine!
:welcome: to Intensity Tigergirl. I like your avatar. :)
Heya Tigergirl. Anyone who hoards industrial quantities of yarn that they really will knit into garments someday, honest!!! is okay by me. (Seeing as I am similarly afflicted. :green: ) I'm partial to cotton yarn, textured and smooth, in bright rainbow hues; how about yourself?
Heya Tigergirl. Anyone who hoards industrial quantities of yarn that they really will knit into garments someday, honest!!! is okay by me. (Seeing as I am similarly afflicted. :green: ) I'm partial to cotton yarn, textured and smooth, in bright rainbow hues; how about yourself?
woohooh a discussion on wool (yes Im pathetic) I buy mostloy 8, 10, 12 ply pure wools as I knit nappy covers as well as kids clothing.
I like darker colours, reds, blacks, purples.
are you on ravelry?
Heya Tigergirl. Anyone who hoards industrial quantities of yarn that they really will knit into garments someday, honest!!! is okay by me. (Seeing as I am similarly afflicted. :green: ) I'm partial to cotton yarn, textured and smooth, in bright rainbow hues; how about yourself?
woohooh a discussion on wool (yes Im pathetic) I buy mostloy 8, 10, 12 ply pure wools as I knit nappy covers as well as kids clothing.
I like darker colours, reds, blacks, purples.
are you on ravelry?
I'm on Ravelry! :laugh:
I get lost there for hours at a time............ :zoinks:
I used to spend a lot of time on there, the people are so lovely :laugh:
Welcome to the jungle, Tigergirl. :lol:
Haven't checked out Ravelry, sounds like fun though.
I like tigers :moon:
I like tigers :moon:
And thats your only redeeming quality from what i've seen so far. A love for felines.