Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: Parts on March 07, 2009, 10:08:07 PM

Title: Daylight savings time
Post by: Parts on March 07, 2009, 10:08:07 PM
Who has it?  Begins at 2am here.  I'm undecided about it as I like the later sunset but hate the disruption in my schedule
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: Callaway on March 07, 2009, 10:11:44 PM
It will start at 2AM here tonight, too.
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: Icequeen on March 07, 2009, 10:30:06 PM
Here too. I'll be messed up trying to adjust for a few days.  :zombiefuck:

Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: Parts on March 07, 2009, 10:32:49 PM
I like the fall back better in a way as it make my scheduling easier
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: Icequeen on March 07, 2009, 10:40:51 PM
I always hated it when I was a kid, didn't seem right to be getting ready for bed when the sun was still out.
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on March 07, 2009, 11:36:38 PM
Doesnt bother me. Melatonin helps the body adjust to time zones, could this natural component aid adjustment to daylight savings?
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: TheoK on March 08, 2009, 06:57:22 AM
Begins here on the 29th, 1 AM in the morning.
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: P7PSP on March 08, 2009, 06:57:28 AM
We have it here in the PRK. I fucking hate it.
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: Parts on March 08, 2009, 07:31:44 AM
Begins here on the 29th, 1 AM in the morning.

No rant on how it's a government conspiracy ???
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: TheoK on March 08, 2009, 07:36:10 AM
Begins here on the 29th, 1 AM in the morning.

No rant on how it's a government conspiracy ???

Well, it is, because they do it to save a very tiny amount of energy and people who work have to go up on hour earlier in the morning.
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: Parts on March 08, 2009, 07:38:06 AM
Begins here on the 29th, 1 AM in the morning.

No rant on how it's a government conspiracy ???

Well, it is, because they do it to save a very tiny amount of energy and people who work have to go up on hour earlier in the morning.

That's better now with more conviction  >:D
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: Phlexor on March 08, 2009, 07:51:15 AM
I'm okay with it but I think it's funny when you get the morons who set the clock in the wrong direction and are either 2 hours late or 2 hours early.
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: TheoK on March 08, 2009, 08:04:15 AM
It's just another way the authorities treat us like they please. In 1916 they tested it for the first time in Sweden but the farmers protested, so they didn't try it again until 1980 something, when they'd brainwashed the people enough.
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: Parts on March 08, 2009, 09:25:14 AM
During WW2 they changed by 2 hours for awhile
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: TheoK on March 08, 2009, 09:30:45 AM
Yes, so you could help the Soviets to get half of Europe and let tens of millions of Negroes and Arabs come to the rest of it. Good work.
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: Gluey on March 08, 2009, 11:12:07 PM
It really affected me. I was so tired today. I was out for lunch with my grandparents and I was nearly falling asleep in the restaurant.  :yawn:
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: QuirkyCarla on March 09, 2009, 12:42:32 AM
I hate how the US changed it so that we get an extra month of DST.  >:(
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: Callaway on March 09, 2009, 12:49:14 AM
I hate how the US changed it so that we get an extra month of DST.  >:(

I know, it's weird.  I still haven't reset all the clocks yet.
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: Parts on March 09, 2009, 04:58:37 AM
I don't like having to get up when it's dark
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: Parts on March 09, 2009, 04:59:53 AM
Yes, so you could help the Soviets to get half of Europe and let tens of millions of Negroes and Arabs come to the rest of it. Good work.

If the Nazis where so superior it would not have mattered :P
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: 'andersom' on March 09, 2009, 06:25:32 AM
It's just another way the authorities treat us like they please. In 1916 they tested it for the first time in Sweden but the farmers protested, so they didn't try it again until 1980 something, when they'd brainwashed the people enough.

Most of the protest here was because the nazi's had forced it upon the dutch during WWII.

Took a while before people would accept daylightsavings as something from their own government. There was this remembrance of oppression attached to it.
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: TheoK on March 09, 2009, 06:29:11 AM
It's just another way the authorities treat us like they please. In 1916 they tested it for the first time in Sweden but the farmers protested, so they didn't try it again until 1980 something, when they'd brainwashed the people enough.

Most of the protest here was because the nazi's had forced it upon the dutch during WWII.

Took a while before people would accept daylightsavings as something from their own government. There was this remembrance of oppression attached to it.

Really? I know that they had/have it in Germany, but it's not a Nazi idea originally.

By the way: why don't the Dutch like the Germans in general? I mean you didn't like them very much even before WWII, did you? And you don't like them very much now either(?)
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: 'andersom' on March 09, 2009, 06:48:20 AM
It's just another way the authorities treat us like they please. In 1916 they tested it for the first time in Sweden but the farmers protested, so they didn't try it again until 1980 something, when they'd brainwashed the people enough.

Most of the protest here was because the nazi's had forced it upon the dutch during WWII.

Took a while before people would accept daylightsavings as something from their own government. There was this remembrance of oppression attached to it.

Really? I know that they had/have it in Germany, but it's not a Nazi idea originally.

By the way: why don't the Dutch like the Germans in general? I mean you didn't like them very much even before WWII, did you? And you don't like them very much now either(?)

Can't talk for the Dutch in general. I come not far from the border. Many people here are related to Germans. Or at least speak the same dialect. Go for their weekly shopping over the border. Yes there is German hatred, especially around footballmatches. But there's also joined celebrations, both the sad ones, about casualties in war, and the happy ones, about the end of WWII.

It was nazi-germany that introduced daylightsaving here. It is what most older people remembered about daylightsaving.

Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: TheoK on March 09, 2009, 06:50:14 AM
Do you live in Friesland? I had a German pen pal in Wilhelmshaven.  :)

Restricted smoking areas is a thing that actually was invented by the Nazis originally.
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: 'andersom' on March 09, 2009, 07:24:19 AM
Do you live in Friesland? I had a German pen pal in Wilhelmshaven.  :)

Restricted smoking areas is a thing that actually was invented by the Nazis originally.

LOL, now you have managed to insult almost all Friesians. Very proud people they are. They will never say that they speak a dialect. They speak a language.

I speak Dutch. And a dialect, part of what now is considered to be a West Low German language group.
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: 'andersom' on March 09, 2009, 07:31:14 AM
Oh, I will hate getting up an hour early end of march.
But I will love being two hours less apart from the man that ties me to the internet.

Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: TheoK on March 09, 2009, 07:44:49 AM
Do you live in Friesland? I had a German pen pal in Wilhelmshaven.  :)

Restricted smoking areas is a thing that actually was invented by the Nazis originally.

LOL, now you have managed to insult almost all Friesians. Very proud people they are. They will never say that they speak a dialect. They speak a language.

I speak Dutch. And a dialect, part of what now is considered to be a West Low German language group.

Yes, Frisian is a language, I know. I have studied Germanistic at the university.

Wo de nordseewellen trekken an den strand,
wo de geelen blömen blöhn in't grüne land,
wo de möven schrien gell in't sturmgebrus -
dor is mine heimat, do bin ik to hus.

Dutch (correctly: Netherlands) is a Lower Franconian dialect to be exact.
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: 'andersom' on March 09, 2009, 07:54:38 AM
Dutch, Nederlands, is the combination of many dialects together, the dialects of the several lower 'count(r)ies', that together formed the Netherlands. Used in the 'Statenvertaling', the major dutch bible translation. That's where the language becomes an official language. With the translation of the bible. And the dialects/languages it is made of are more than only the Lower West German dialects.

Thanks for the quote. Sounds beautiful
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: TheoK on March 09, 2009, 07:56:49 AM
It's a poem called Ostfriesland.  :)
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: 'andersom' on March 09, 2009, 07:58:56 AM
Thought it was Ostfrisian, it was more eastern than 'grunnings'. But has the same rhythm in a way.
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: P7PSP on March 09, 2009, 08:03:30 AM
Yes, so you could help the Soviets to get half of Europe and let tens of millions of Negroes and Arabs come to the rest of it. Good work.
Policies of Colonization are what initially let the Negroes and Arabs into Europe in the 18th to 20th centuries. Alexander Dumas was a mulatto to cite one famous example.
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: TheoK on March 09, 2009, 08:10:39 AM
Yes, so you could help the Soviets to get half of Europe and let tens of millions of Negroes and Arabs come to the rest of it. Good work.
Policies of Colonization are what initially let the Negroes and Arabs into Europe in the 18th to 20th centuries. Alexander Dumas was a mulatto to take one famous example.

Sweden had almost no colonies and certainly not any Arab ones. We had a little bridgehead in Africa for some decades and a West Indian colony for about 100 years (St. Barthelmy) and New Sweden in today's Delaware.

Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: P7PSP on March 09, 2009, 08:19:54 AM
Sweden's Colonial period was less extensive and shorter lived than other Colonial powers to be sure, but there was one. In any case my post specified Europe, not Sweden, and the 18th to 20th centuries not any earlier colonizations/incursions.
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: Dayko on March 09, 2009, 01:37:29 PM
we in Chile the next saturday march  14 we set back an hour ours clocks in the Continental  Chilean territory but i just think dumb the DST  not think that save any KW (Kilowatts) or energy that action, but of anyway the   good  of the DST  of Winter time is  that get at same time than the EST of United states.

Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: renaeden on March 14, 2009, 11:00:23 PM
Daylight saving ends for us at the end of this month. I have never been bothered by it. It was tried out in 1991 here and then everyone voted against having it again.

Then the year before last the government started it again without giving anyone a choice about it. We are meant to have it for three years and then vote on it.
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: Phlexor on March 15, 2009, 05:41:58 AM
Daylight saving ends for us at the end of this month. I have never been bothered by it. It was tried out in 1991 here and then everyone voted against having it again.

Then the year before last the government started it again without giving anyone a choice about it. We are meant to have it for three years and then vote on it.

Do try to keep up with the important states like Victoria  :green:

Usually business push for things like this so they can keep up with everyone else. We've had DST since from whenever I can remember.
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: SleepyDragon on March 15, 2009, 06:54:18 AM
It blew me away to learn that all of China ( is in the one single time zone.
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: TheoK on March 15, 2009, 07:08:04 AM
It blew me away to learn that all of China ( is in the one single time zone.

The joys of the socialist paradise. They are also not allowed to own guns.
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: Parts on March 15, 2009, 07:35:50 AM
It blew me away to learn that all of China ( is in the one single time zone.

That must be fucked up :zombiefuck:
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: TheoK on March 15, 2009, 07:39:12 AM
It blew me away to learn that all of China ( is in the one single time zone.

That must be fucked up :zombiefuck:

They ban guns, they blow people's brains out for petty crimes and force their families to pay the cartridge, so why can't they fuck with the daylight?
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: TheoK on March 15, 2009, 07:43:36 AM
In old, nice Soviet Union, they tried to force rivers to run towards their sources. If you're an almighty commie, why would you back off for the laws of nature and such rubbish?
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: Parts on March 15, 2009, 07:44:53 AM
It blew me away to learn that all of China ( is in the one single time zone.

That must be fucked up :zombiefuck:

They ban guns, they blow people's brains out for petty crimes and force their families to pay the cartridge, so why can't they fuck with the daylight?

Well your right but imagine living there and going to bed at 6pm and getting up for work at 2am and it's a normal day
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: TheoK on March 15, 2009, 07:59:43 AM
It blew me away to learn that all of China ( is in the one single time zone.

That must be fucked up :zombiefuck:

They ban guns, they blow people's brains out for petty crimes and force their families to pay the cartridge, so why can't they fuck with the daylight?

Well your right but imagine living there and going to bed at 6pm and getting up for work at 2am and it's a normal day

I know. It's sick as hell.
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: Phlexor on March 15, 2009, 08:10:14 AM
It blew me away to learn that all of China ( is in the one single time zone.

That must be fucked up :zombiefuck:

They ban guns, they blow people's brains out for petty crimes and force their families to pay the cartridge, so why can't they fuck with the daylight?

Well your right but imagine living there and going to bed at 6pm and getting up for work at 2am and it's a normal day

For us it seems pretty insane, but they are just numbers on a clock. They can't change when the sun rises and sets.
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: Phlexor on March 15, 2009, 08:10:50 AM
It blew me away to learn that all of China ( is in the one single time zone.

The joys of the socialist paradise. They are also not allowed to own guns.

I wish you lived in a place where you were not allowed to talk about guns.
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: TheoK on March 15, 2009, 08:19:36 AM
It blew me away to learn that all of China ( is in the one single time zone.

The joys of the socialist paradise. They are also not allowed to own guns.

I wish you lived in a place where you were not allowed to talk about guns.

Just wait, that will probably come, though it will come planet-wide.
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: Phlexor on March 15, 2009, 08:54:13 AM
It blew me away to learn that all of China ( is in the one single time zone.

The joys of the socialist paradise. They are also not allowed to own guns.

I wish you lived in a place where you were not allowed to talk about guns.

Just wait, that will probably come, though it will come planet-wide.

Don't tease me like that.
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: Parts on March 15, 2009, 09:25:24 AM
It blew me away to learn that all of China ( is in the one single time zone.

That must be fucked up :zombiefuck:

They ban guns, they blow people's brains out for petty crimes and force their families to pay the cartridge, so why can't they fuck with the daylight?

Well your right but imagine living there and going to bed at 6pm and getting up for work at 2am and it's a normal day

For us it seems pretty insane, but they are just numbers on a clock. They can't change when the sun rises and sets.

Yes just numbers but they mean something.  If you were to have to do business across the country you'd still have to convert and figure out what time of day it was here you were calling. Time zones make that easier and more standard they must still have them to coordinate certain aspects of daily life
Title: Re: Daylight savings time
Post by: Phlexor on March 15, 2009, 10:25:47 AM
It blew me away to learn that all of China ( is in the one single time zone.

That must be fucked up :zombiefuck:

They ban guns, they blow people's brains out for petty crimes and force their families to pay the cartridge, so why can't they fuck with the daylight?

Well your right but imagine living there and going to bed at 6pm and getting up for work at 2am and it's a normal day

For us it seems pretty insane, but they are just numbers on a clock. They can't change when the sun rises and sets.

Yes just numbers but they mean something.  If you were to have to do business across the country you'd still have to convert and figure out what time of day it was here you were calling. Time zones make that easier and more standard they must still have them to coordinate certain aspects of daily life

True. Locally it causes problems because not all states adhere to DST and they complain about it etc. But if a large enough company does business between wacky timezones, then I'm sure they are aware of it, discounting the morons (of which there are an endless supply it seems).