Start here => Free For ALL => Topic started by: Gluey on February 24, 2009, 01:31:12 AM
My freind "Calack" ( his online ails) filmed me yelling at the house across the street.
You have to agree with me. This is worst engineered house I have ever seen in my life.
Just look at it it's hideous. Who wolud build a house on stilts like that?
Who wolud build a house on stilts like that?
Someone who's really, really concerned about rising damp? They probably have a great view from up there.
"Hoose on stilts" negotiates the terrain rather well.
Down here in Florida, there are places where stilts are an absolute necessity. In a hurricane, storm surge can raise the water a good ten feet. I've heard of people who've refused to evacuate and then found themselves being literally chased up the stairs by rising water. Those rich people can have their damn waterfront property. I'll live a few miles inland on high ground, thank you very much.
When you said yelling at the house, I thought you meant having a fight with neighbors. (Again, couldn't see the video.)
Your neighbors must love you :laugh:
Nah, they probably just want to bang her, like the rest of us.
Nah, they probably just want to bang her, like the rest of us.
Only if it involves bondage and brutality and burning Beatles effigees.
Looks like they just perched it on the side of the hill. :laugh:
Yeah, saw alot of those along the beach years ago after hurricane Frederick.
Guy just finished one before the hurricane hit, gorgeous, had everything. He evacuated, & came back to the stilts, a couple of pipes sticking out of the ground and the house sitting in the neighbors front yard across the street. The water just picked it right up.
They build them here too but only by the water
Guy just finished one before the hurricane hit, gorgeous, had everything. He evacuated, & came back to the stilts, a couple of pipes sticking out of the ground and the house sitting in the neighbors front yard across the street.
That's terrible, but also :laugh:
Guy just finished one before the hurricane hit, gorgeous, had everything. He evacuated, & came back to the stilts, a couple of pipes sticking out of the ground and the house sitting in the neighbors front yard across the street.
That's terrible, but also :laugh:
When you build on sand what to you expect
Even without the stilts, that house looks like a manufactured unit. I hope nobody called the cops. LOL.
It's a stupid house. Stilts are needed by the water but no we live up a hill.
That was some funny shit. I laughed. We have houses here on stilts up on the hills. I bet those are for land slides. We get lot of rain but we haven't lately for some reason so it causes land to slide down the hill. Not too long ago, we had a land slide crash into a home in Lake Oswego trapping a family in there so they had to get out crawling through a window. Stay away from hills.
It's a stupid house. Stilts are needed by the water but no we live up a hill.
It's a game house you have to see how many of the stilts you can yank out before it falls
It's a stupid house. Stilts are needed by the water but no we live up a hill.
It's a game house you have to see how many of the stilts you can yank out before it falls
Sounds like a fun game. I think i'll try it.
Stilts there otherwise their floor would be at around a 45 degree angle.
Nah, they probably just want to bang her, like the rest of us.
Only if it involves bondage and brutality and burning Beatles effigees.
"fire and chains and other unmentionable tools of gratification in some twisted minds"
It's a stupid house. Stilts are needed by the water but no we live up a hill.
It's a game house you have to see how many of the stilts you can yank out before it falls