Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: richard on November 20, 2008, 09:33:07 PM
im shure that isnt the correct spelling, but i was wondering what it feels like? i dont have asthema but everyonece in awile i'll get short of breath like my lungs are constricting, and not getting enough air. almost like weezing, and i have to force myself to breath it just so startling because i feel like im gonna trigger a bloodclot to the brain or something while this happens. and no its not a panic attack
has anyone ever expeirianced this?
I don't have asthma, but that sure sounds a lot like it to me.
I used to have asthma. It sounds like you could have - I didnt know you could develop it later in life. Could also be an allergy or you need to stop smoking.
i wonder if you can develoupe asthema? im shure you could because i dont smoke so that wouldnt make sence. ive smoked pot a few times though
how did you use to have it? did it go away? i thought it was an incurable disease?
how did you use to have it? did it go away? i thought it was an incurable disease?
You need to start running in the mornings son. Couple of miles a day can make all the difference. DO SOME FUCKING PT! :angrydance:
I have it. How bad it is can change according to health as well as weather and air quality- when I have a cold it can get pretty hardcore. When i was a kid I had it wicked bad, I guess. I think you can develop it later in life but am not sure- I know how bad it is can vary for me, anyway. Now, I carry an inhaler with me at all times just in case, but when I'm otherwise in good health I don't need to use it too often.
I have it. How bad it is can change according to health as well as weather and air quality- when I have a cold it can get pretty hardcore. When i was a kid I had it wicked bad, I guess. I think you can develop it later in life but am not sure- I know how bad it is can vary for me, anyway. Now, I carry an inhaler with me at all times just in case, but when I'm otherwise in good health I don't need to use it too often.
But you agree also that regular physical training can help the symptoms though right? Excersise is great medicine.
I have it. How bad it is can change according to health as well as weather and air quality- when I have a cold it can get pretty hardcore. When i was a kid I had it wicked bad, I guess. I think you can develop it later in life but am not sure- I know how bad it is can vary for me, anyway. Now, I carry an inhaler with me at all times just in case, but when I'm otherwise in good health I don't need to use it too often.
But you agree also that regular physical training can help the symptoms though right? Excersise is great medicine.
Yes and no- I'm no expert but as I said my asthma is affected by my overall health (including physical health); however, I woudln't tell someone with undiagnosed asthma to suddenly so a bunch of hardcore cardio. I see that maybe resulting in, uh... well, worst case scenario, death. :zoinks:
Only a couple of miles isn't THAT hardcore is it?
It would be in weather like I have near me today- very cold, very dry air.
Yeah a lot of people have a hard time with that in the army. Thats why they yell at you to hydrate well before a pt test.
so exercising gets id of it aye ;)
Well it doesn't get rid of it, but i'm willing to bet it will improve your symptoms.
I have asthma. It's v mild, most of the time. My overall health health affects it, just as PMS said, but physical exercise does not help the symptoms as such. Quite the opposite, actually, when I'm at risk getting an asthma attack.
I have it. I really don't "wheeze", more like get short of breath & cough my head off when I have a bad attack.
They actually told me for years it was just probably just a "panic attack" before someone actually thought to order a breathing test.
Do you notice any problems when you go in and out of the cold or around certain things?
I didn't end up with it until I was in my 20's, if it's triggered by allergens you can end up with it any time. Never really smoked here either. Well not anything you could buy in a store anyways.
I have it. I really don't "wheeze", more like get short of breath & cough my head off when I have a bad attack.
They actually told me for years it was just probably just a "panic attack" before someone actually thought to order a breathing test.
Do you notice any problems when you go in and out of the cold or around certain things?
I didn't end up with it until I was in my 20's, if it's triggered by allergens you can end up with it any time. Never really smoked here either. Well not anything you could buy in a store anyways.
Yeah. It's lousy becausw that means cold triggers it in winter and allergens in summer.
how did you use to have it? did it go away? i thought it was an incurable disease?
I had it when I was younger- it can go away after puberty and older which is what happened.
I'm still allergic to some things which make me wheeze though.
I have it. I really don't "wheeze", more like get short of breath & cough my head off when I have a bad attack.
I got asthma when I was 18. I take Seretide every day for it now.
No but getting bronchitis
im shure that isnt the correct spelling, but i was wondering what it feels like? i dont have asthema but everyonece in awile i'll get short of breath like my lungs are constricting, and not getting enough air. almost like weezing, and i have to force myself to breath it just so startling because i feel like im gonna trigger a bloodclot to the brain or something while this happens. and no its not a panic attack
has anyone ever expeirianced this?
That sounds like it could be asthma to me. I was diagnosed with asthma at 37, just about a year after I quit using crank and drinking too much. I take maintenance drugs, Qvar, Serevent and Naseril but only rarely use Albuterol. Most of the time it doesn't bother me but last year I caught some viral crap on a job site and got an opportunistic infection that knocked my dick in the dirt. :zombiefuck: I had to take a corticosteroid called Prednisone to get unfucked. That happened when I had been neglecting to take my maintenance meds for over 4 months. I think being in good general health and fit does help keep that shit at bay.
I had to take a corticosteroid called Prednisone to get unfucked. That happened when I had been neglecting to take my maintenance meds for over 4 months. I think being in good general health and fit does help keep that shit at bay.
Not always. Even when I'm running and doing weight training I've still had to take that stuff. :-\
I certainly don't envy you for that Pyraxis, that is a pretty rough drug to take. I guess it beats dying as an alternative, but I hope I don't need it again. I have been better with my maintenance meds since then. Do you take Albuterol regularly Pyraxis?
I wouldn't die without it. It was for bad eczema, not asthma, so I don't have to take albuterol. For me it wasn't actually that bad to take, it gave me more energy. Made me jumpy too but that was manageable. It's the long-term effects that bother me more.
I'm a healthy specimen, so no I don't have asthma.
I did for a while when I was 12. It was scary not being able to breath.
It's what the doctor said it was. Doesn't mean he was right.
At the time I was staying with my dad for a couple weeks when my parents were divorced for a while and
everyone at that house was a smoker and they followed me everywhere with their cigs when they got drunk on weekend nights.
I also had to share a room with two kittens and i'm allergic to cats.
I know it was allergies. At my brothers house the other night I had hard time breathing because that house is rotting and I got sick from the mold in the walls
Smokers following you around and you sleeping with kittens? No wonder you suddenly acquired asthma. Yikes. :zombiefuck:
My mom does. I was told magnesium was a muscle relaxer, and thus help asthma. Any nutritional deficency in general can cause inflammation that can make asthma. I would imagine stress can affect that to, forgive others, and stay with the positives.
Sorry but I still say muscle stimulation. I had asthema as a child and now I am a beastly little man.
I thought I had asthma but it turned out it was just that I had a LOT of allergies. At the risk of sounding friviolous, I found cannabis to be very helpful in that regard, as well as on a psychological level.
Haha pot is helpful for a lot of things. :laugh:
^It gave me an asthma attack.
When I was 14, which was well before I had asthma, it had the same effect ^^ on someone I knew.