Start here => Free For ALL => Topic started by: Christopher McCandless on November 06, 2008, 08:08:27 PM
All I can say is OH YES!!!! :green: :green: :green: :green:
workers rights, decent wages and dignity in the workplace are the main things that i vote for.
i never vote based on religion, abortion or the like.
Basically in the UK it works like this:
The Conservatives destroy the place for ordinary people.
Labour fight to protect society from the above (which I am a member of)
The Lib Dems - well who knows what they do.
Shame there is no left wing party to vote for.
You could have voted for Tommy Sheridan if you wanted to... Well if you lived up there anyway.
There is a Socialist Workers Party too - not that they get many votes anymore.
Shame there is no left wing party to vote for.
Shame there is no left wing party to vote for.
Blame the system - not the Labour Party.
is the labour party for the working class?
is the labour party for the working class?
Largely - though they have broadened their reach to get elected.
is the labour party for the working class?
The working class is dead. In the 21st century, the majority of people who work live middle-class lives.
People live easier lives than they did back in the 50's. We now have DVD players, tv's, electricity, gas, automobiles, supermarkets and so forth. The working class label is worthless.
We live in a meritocracy, people. Deal with that.
is the labour party for the working class?
The working class is dead. In the 21st century, the majority of people who work live middle-class lives.
is the labour party for the working class?
Largely - though they have broadened their reach to get elected.
Broadened quite a lot. ie. on par with Thatcher.
People live easier lives than they did back in the 50's. We now have DVD players, tv's, electricity, gas, automobiles, supermarkets and so forth. The working class label is worthless.
We live in a meritocracy, people. Deal with that.
takes more than a dvd player to make someone middle class. ::)
takes more than a dvd player to make someone middle class. ::)
I suppose, but my point is that the working class label no longer has a definitive definition these days; you could be "working class" and get uni degrees, which was generally reserved for the privileged classes, or apply for a "middle-class" job like a sales rep or a teacher if you're capable. Hence meritocracy.
Whether my parents like it or not, they're now living in middle-class conditions, despite their poor upbringing. Having a reserved parking space and a conservatory in their home promotes this. :P
People live easier lives than they did back in the 50's. We now have DVD players, tv's, electricity, gas, automobiles, supermarkets and so forth. The working class label is worthless.
We live in a meritocracy, people. Deal with that.
Wrong. Come to Durham and find out who actually gets to come here and then has daddy get them a job. No jokes.
As for back in the 50's, the main measurements are (a) education and (b) health (normally calculated in terms of relative life expectancy). Neither of which has gone forward really in practise - what we have is closer to an oligarchy than a meritocracy.
is the labour party for the working class?
The working class is dead. In the 21st century, the majority of people who work live middle-class lives.
No no, the class war has just had a long ceasefire. Don't think for a second it is over.
is the labour party for the working class?
No.... They're for big business and robbing the public to pay the banks which then take the public's money... and their homes away.
anyone who votes based on there religious bias is clearly an idiot. do you guys have those religious republicans over ther aswell?
anyone who votes based on there religious bias is clearly an idiot. do you guys have those religious republicans over ther aswell?
over where? hawaii?
anyone who votes based on there religious bias is clearly an idiot. do you guys have those religious republicans over ther aswell?
over where? hawaii?
yes, have you had to layoff any of your mexican oarnge pickers boss?
anyone who votes based on there religious bias is clearly an idiot. do you guys have those religious republicans over ther aswell?
Not really - we have some evangelicals, but their influence is limited.
anyone who votes based on there religious bias is clearly an idiot. do you guys have those religious republicans over ther aswell?
over where? hawaii?
yes, have you had to layoff any of your mexican oarnge pickers boss?
no. haven't you heard, they are leaving voluntarily. the job market is so bad here in the US that the mexicans are fleeing back to their own country.