Author Topic: Boy Seeking Girl Seeking Girls  (Read 3903 times)

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Offline DirtDawg

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Re: Boy Seeking Girl Seeking Girls
« Reply #75 on: October 05, 2008, 10:09:53 AM »
:pwned: :hahaha: :moon: :razz:

Pwned myself badly, eh?

Sorry, can't fucking type, sometimes. Think, either.

(fixed it - the former, only)
« Last Edit: October 05, 2008, 10:12:06 AM by DirtDawg »
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.

Offline Trigger 11

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Re: Boy Seeking Girl Seeking Girls
« Reply #76 on: October 06, 2008, 07:59:07 AM »
:pwned: :hahaha: :moon: :razz:

Pwned myself badly, eh?

Sorry, can't fucking type, sometimes. Think, either.

(fixed it - the former, only)

Nah, that was meant for others!!! :zoinks:
Crazy, I'm halfway to crazy
Suicide would waste me
Homicide would break me
Tongue tied and tied to the tongue
Tongue tied and tied to the tongue
Oh, is life as bad as dreams
I guess that's just the way it seems

Offline Trigger 11

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Re: Boy Seeking Girl Seeking Girls
« Reply #77 on: October 06, 2008, 10:06:18 AM »
One of my anthems...

"Killer Inside Me” by MC 900 Foot Jesus

You probably see me hanging around
I'm a very familiar face in this town
A day doesn’t go by I don’t meet
A lot of my friends walking down the street
I’m never too busy to stop by the way
And I’ve always got something pleasant to say
Maybe some perceptive thoughts about the weather
Or the latest news from Wall Street...whatever
I can stand around all day making small talk
Gushing platitudes, blocking the sidewalk
Tying people up for hours a piece
My one big talent is shooting the breeze
When they start to squirm, I really get going
But only my half-face smile is showing
Why can't they see what I’m trying to hide?
I’m busting a gut, laughing on the inside
Sing this song when they say hello
I can see they think I’m a little bit slow
But after awhile with me they look dazed
Their eyes are covered with a doughnut glaze
I really start to cook when I see that look
I hit 'em with every cliché in the book
Their knees wobble and they start to weave
It’s like they're begging for permission to leave
They think they're having a brush with stupidity
I don’t laugh, even though it’s killing me
Watching 'em wilt like day-old flowers
Ticking off the minutes as they turn into hours
They're wondering how much more they can take
I give 'em a friendly smile and a handshake
We say goodbye, so very politely
Now say hello to the killer inside me

(drop it)

Everyone has their doubts about my sanity
But nothing happens ‘cause they all feel sorry for me
I got the whole town under my thumb
And all I gotta do is keep acting dumb
“Oh that boy Lou,” they say, “what a guy!”
“A little on the slow side, but wouldn’t hurt a fly.”
“And such a gentleman.” - “Oh yes, I know!”
“Sure can talk your ear off though.”
I tip my hat and pretend I don’t hear
Grinning like a half-wit from ear to ear
I can think of a thousand ways to say hello
So I start through 'em all, goin' real slow
They listen hard and act like they care
How can they be so completely unaware
Of the truth? The answer is always denied me
So I introduce 'em to the killer inside me

(feel the blast)
Crazy, I'm halfway to crazy
Suicide would waste me
Homicide would break me
Tongue tied and tied to the tongue
Tongue tied and tied to the tongue
Oh, is life as bad as dreams
I guess that's just the way it seems