I went to an aspie barbecue last year and all the people there were chatting and looking at each other and there was me sitting at the table with my Dad's laptop watching South Park. I didn't talk much there because I was shy. I couldn't even tell they were on the spectrum but there was Furball (a member on WP but I don't think she goes there anymore) and I could tell she was on it. She was rocking and her body looked stiff. But if I didn't know her, I wouldn't have even guessed. I don't go around placing labels on people, I only wonder.
Oh yeah I'm not truely an aspie either, PDD-NOS or atypical AS, maybe borderline. I say I'm borderline. But of course people have asked me online "Are you sure yours is mild (or "very mild")?" "Are you sure you're borderline?" They get an idea I am worse than that because of what I am saying about myself or the things I say.