
Author Topic: Dunc is a fucktard  (Read 21083 times)

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Re: Dunc is a fucktard
« Reply #255 on: June 05, 2009, 07:04:14 PM »
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

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Re: Dunc is a fucktard
« Reply #256 on: June 05, 2009, 07:22:44 PM »
...or are you just a sucker for lost causes? :P

I don't consider the "cause" of this place lost, despite what cunts who have gone by have said about it after they left in a dingy with holes in the sides and no bucket to bail with as high waves came over their respective transoms.

It is my ill-conceived mission that has ended. Hell, you can't learn anything if you don't try everything.
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

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Re: Dunc is a fucktard
« Reply #257 on: June 06, 2009, 02:24:34 AM »
That's a very private question, Lit, so I don't really want to answer it here. However, if you have followed I2 for a while, you should know a bit about (some of) my particular difficulties.

But remember what they say? If you've met one aspie, you've met just that, one aspie.

Only one, in fact. 

I don't blame you for not answering fully. What a presumptuous question, indeed.
I have mentioned a few of the big things  (and some culminations of smaller things), but I will not talk about the things that are almost too small to find, which have played "make or break" on me every single day I have lived. Those are mine.

Still, as for me, a lot of it is there if people want to know what kind of problems I have. Not that I'll ever understand why they would want to know...

It's almost funny, you know. I would much rather have done without most of the stuff my dx brought. It's bizarre that some would question what I am solely based on what I avoid retelling here.

Not at all. You accept a demeaning, degrading label, so I want to see the reasons for it. You weren't more "disbaled" than that you could accomplish one of the toughest educations in Sweden. You have a family and a house of your own and a job that you are satisfied with and can make a living of. So I don't really see in which way you're disabled.

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Re: Dunc is a fucktard
« Reply #258 on: June 06, 2009, 03:22:20 AM »
That's a very private question, Lit, so I don't really want to answer it here. However, if you have followed I2 for a while, you should know a bit about (some of) my particular difficulties.

But remember what they say? If you've met one aspie, you've met just that, one aspie.

Only one, in fact. 

I don't blame you for not answering fully. What a presumptuous question, indeed.
I have mentioned a few of the big things  (and some culminations of smaller things), but I will not talk about the things that are almost too small to find, which have played "make or break" on me every single day I have lived. Those are mine.

Still, as for me, a lot of it is there if people want to know what kind of problems I have. Not that I'll ever understand why they would want to know...

It's almost funny, you know. I would much rather have done without most of the stuff my dx brought. It's bizarre that some would question what I am solely based on what I avoid retelling here.

Not at all. You accept a demeaning, degrading label, so I want to see the reasons for it. You weren't more "disbaled" than that you could accomplish one of the toughest educations in Sweden. You have a family and a house of your own and a job that you are satisfied with and can make a living of. So I don't really see in which way you're disabled.

Lit - in all honesty I am quite likely to end up in a similar situation. In the modern age, the idea is that disabled people can do all those things. The problem is the idea is not universally applied and even if you get them, it does not mean you get the same happy life that they are supposed to bring.

Nor do I find disabled a degrading label totally. More a sign of everyone else's ignorance and stupidity than anything else.

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Re: Dunc is a fucktard
« Reply #259 on: June 06, 2009, 04:43:48 AM »
That's a very private question, Lit, so I don't really want to answer it here. However, if you have followed I2 for a while, you should know a bit about (some of) my particular difficulties.

But remember what they say? If you've met one aspie, you've met just that, one aspie.

Only one, in fact. 

I don't blame you for not answering fully. What a presumptuous question, indeed.
I have mentioned a few of the big things  (and some culminations of smaller things), but I will not talk about the things that are almost too small to find, which have played "make or break" on me every single day I have lived. Those are mine.

Still, as for me, a lot of it is there if people want to know what kind of problems I have. Not that I'll ever understand why they would want to know...

It's almost funny, you know. I would much rather have done without most of the stuff my dx brought. It's bizarre that some would question what I am solely based on what I avoid retelling here.

Not at all. You accept a demeaning, degrading label, so I want to see the reasons for it. You weren't more "disbaled" than that you could accomplish one of the toughest educations in Sweden. You have a family and a house of your own and a job that you are satisfied with and can make a living of. So I don't really see in which way you're disabled.


Don't be ashamed of the word "disabled". It's just a word, just as "autistic" is another.

But again, I'm not interested in explaining the details of my personal life to you. But let me put it to you in this way: a man in a wheelchair can have a perfectly meaningful life. He can have a wife and children, a house, a good job, a nice car, etc, and still be disabled. Think about it.
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Offline jman

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Re: Dunc is a fucktard
« Reply #260 on: June 06, 2009, 10:19:17 AM »
Not at all. You accept a demeaning, degrading label, so I want to see the reasons for it. You weren't more "disbaled" than that you could accomplish one of the toughest educations in Sweden. You have a family and a house of your own and a job that you are satisfied with and can make a living of. So I don't really see in which way you're disabled.

Just because someone has a disability does not mean they are totally incapacitated, it just means they have a condition that puts them at disadvantage and that disadvantage can hinder them with varying degrees.

Odeon has accomplished all these things despite his disability. That is very BRAVE  8)


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Re: Dunc is a fucktard
« Reply #261 on: June 06, 2009, 10:24:27 AM »
Not at all. You accept a demeaning, degrading label, so I want to see the reasons for it. You weren't more "disbaled" than that you could accomplish one of the toughest educations in Sweden. You have a family and a house of your own and a job that you are satisfied with and can make a living of. So I don't really see in which way you're disabled.

Just because someone has a disability does not mean they are totally incapacitated, it just means they have a condition that puts them at disadvantage and that disadvantage can hinder them with varying degrees.

Odeon has accomplished all these things despite his disability. That is very BRAVE  8)

I have never been hindered by my AS as such. I have, however, been hindered by people who bullied or in other ways discriminated me because of my odd personality. So my only "disablity" is the bigotry of the average NT.

Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: Dunc is a fucktard
« Reply #262 on: June 06, 2009, 11:03:33 AM »
Not at all. You accept a demeaning, degrading label, so I want to see the reasons for it. You weren't more "disbaled" than that you could accomplish one of the toughest educations in Sweden. You have a family and a house of your own and a job that you are satisfied with and can make a living of. So I don't really see in which way you're disabled.

Just because someone has a disability does not mean they are totally incapacitated, it just means they have a condition that puts them at disadvantage and that disadvantage can hinder them with varying degrees.

Odeon has accomplished all these things despite his disability. That is very BRAVE  8)

I have never been hindered by my AS as such. I have, however, been hindered by people who bullied or in other ways discriminated me because of my odd personality. So my only "disablity" is the bigotry of the average NT.

You need to learn to play pretend better then. ;)
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I will never stop...
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Offline jman

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Re: Dunc is a fucktard
« Reply #263 on: June 06, 2009, 12:08:29 PM »
Not at all. You accept a demeaning, degrading label, so I want to see the reasons for it. You weren't more "disbaled" than that you could accomplish one of the toughest educations in Sweden. You have a family and a house of your own and a job that you are satisfied with and can make a living of. So I don't really see in which way you're disabled.

Just because someone has a disability does not mean they are totally incapacitated, it just means they have a condition that puts them at disadvantage and that disadvantage can hinder them with varying degrees.

Odeon has accomplished all these things despite his disability. That is very BRAVE  8)

I have never been hindered by my AS as such. I have, however, been hindered by people who bullied or in other ways discriminated me because of my odd personality. So my only "disablity" is the bigotry of the average NT.

and you don't think Odeon was bullied and discriminated against?

You have to do the best with what you got

You need to be BRAVE and stop blaming everyone else for your problems

If you'd like a good example of what I am talking about watch this video:

Does it look like this guy lets the fact that a lot of people think he's freak let him down?

BTW Happy Cowards' Day to you  8)

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Re: Dunc is a fucktard
« Reply #264 on: June 06, 2009, 04:23:05 PM »
You have to do the best with what you got

You need to be BRAVE and stop blaming everyone else for your problems

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein


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Re: Dunc is a fucktard
« Reply #265 on: June 21, 2009, 11:12:07 PM »
Theo: that should have read 'hindered by your ass'.

FFS, we've all been picked on for whatever reason when we were kids, whether its autism, blindness, or whatever the fuck. Growing a tough skin is a part of life, and even though people give a lot of shit, you still have to put up with it. Learn to fight back, or slink off into the shadows. But believe me, it's awful dark with those shadows around..... :indeed:

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Re: Dunc is a fucktard
« Reply #266 on: March 16, 2015, 04:40:28 PM »
Look it up, or are you too dense? Jesus, that explains why only Australians are the true intelligent species; all the rest are prehistoric Cro Magnons still trying to work out the wheel.

The Urban Dictionary list seven possible definitions of "sook":

1.  sook  150 up, 22 down
 to sulk, crack a sad and act like a big fat baby when you odn't get your own way.
sam had a sook when claire wouldn't sleep with him.
by lala Aug 24, 2003 email it 0 comments 

2.  Sook  11 up, 3 down
 An Australian slang term used to indicate another person is soft, easily upset, or just a plain pussy.
Joe: I'm in so much pain right now, I've got such a bad bruise on my knee.
Bob: *Looks at Joe's Knee* You call that a bruise, don't be such a sook, my dick has had bigger bruises on it than that.
John: Yeah Joe you fucking pussy, don't be such a sook.
cry-baby pussy poofter estrogen bleeder sissy
by BlokefromAus Jun 17, 2008 email it 0 comments 

3.  sook  3 up, 16 down
 Female Chesapeake bay blue crab
bubba throw them sooks in the wheel
sook crab jimmy chesapeake bay
by Chainsaw Charlie Nov 6, 2007 email it 0 comments 
4.  Sook  1 up, 17 down
 A term meaning screw off, shut up, or leave oneself alone.
Hey Jack could you get me a glass of water? Sook, get it yourself. OR, Hey Marcus take a shower. Sook, I just showered yesterday
shut up fuck off leave me alone fuck yourself suck it
by Superkansaskid Jan 13, 2008 email it 0 comments 

5.  sook  26 up, 51 down
 Scottish word meaning "suck" but used as a noun - implies someone who is sucking or sooking up to someone else. A sook is a brown-noser.
You told the boss you liked her shoes just to make her like you. You're such a sook.
by Kirsten Aug 26, 2004 email it 0 comments 

6.  sook  5 up, 54 down
 a long toenail that needs trimming. Not pronounced "oo" but more like a short "u".
Ralph has a sook, because when Ralph took off his shoe you could see that his sooks had worn a hole in his sock.
a long toenail that needs
by bread infection Jan 2, 2006 email it 0 comments 

7.  sook  9 up, 59 down
 To suck very very badly
"Yo, man Jay-Z SOOKS!!!"
by Geo Jul 22, 2003 email it 0 comments 

You think that people are trying to drive you away from here, but on how many fora could you insult almost everyone there in such an over the top way and not be banned?

I like you and I think that you are an interesting person when you are not trying to insult everyone like some internet tough guy.

You think that Dunc (who I happen to respect and admire) is a "fucktard," his wife and beautiful children are "bushpigs," and you think that we are all "prehistoric Cro Magnons" "fucking sooks" with "shit attention spans."

You think that the whole I2 spirit is fucked anyway, that we are all nonces because of the state of Intensity, and that Australians are the only "true intelligent species."

If this is how you handle your disagreements on other fora, then Intensity might be your only refuge.

TCO calling someone else a sook is the very height of ironic self-unawareness. TCO was the biggest sook this site has ever seen.  :rofl:

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Re: Dunc is a fucktard
« Reply #267 on: March 16, 2015, 05:16:34 PM »
Holy shit!  Did you see that thing that guy did 6 years ago?  :GA:

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Re: Dunc is a fucktard
« Reply #268 on: March 16, 2015, 05:19:15 PM »
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

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Re: Dunc is a fucktard
« Reply #269 on: March 16, 2015, 06:33:54 PM »
The Australian species. :rofl: