this is my future!
Best tread lightly, child, we elderly have longer memories than you think! 
Just a shame your mobility scooters run out of energy so quickly!

I'll bet I walk faster than you, I am a LONG way from needing a scooter! 
Try not to tire yourself out you old cobweb. 
I'm in the prime of life and getting better every day! Go take a nap, the grownups are talking. 
I don't need to nap , I'm much younger than you. 
Oh and those warbling noises are what you call talking? , I thought your dentures had fallen out again. 
Not my fault your feeble undeveloped mind cannot follow my conversation. TAKE A NAP! 
Not my fault your decrepit and cobwebbed old mind is unable to produce what us functional humans call "words" , I think you need to take a nap it may give you a chance to come up with a half-decent comeback. 
Interesting, it took you over an hour to respond, and quite obviously I produce words in a coherent structure, or else you
wouldn't have been able to manage even this feeble response. 
Or you overlook your own importance , I was talking to people. 
Thank you for acknowledging my importance, it seems you are learning after all. 
Oh dear Granny I think you need your reading glasses.
I said you "overlook" your importance referring to you thinking your importance is greater than it actually is. 
In that case the word you need is "overestimate," to overlook something is to fail to notice it.
Less time sassing others, more time studying the dictionary! 
Yes exactly my point, you failed to notice how little importance I give you.
I think maybe you need to study the dictionary dear weeble. 
Squid just got intellectually owned by the Wobble Weeble Wabble. 
But don't feel too bad, Squid. CBC has pwned my own ass more than once.
Nope , she made the error here not me. 
Reread the bolded quote and refresh your memory as to what you actually said. 
You overlook your own importance.
You overlook the lack of importance I give you in other words , what I said does not necessarily have a negative or a positive reference.
Hence it can be twisted to fit both , now are you done with trying to "pwn" me with a moot point , or can you just admit defeat and save yourself some more embarrasment?