I've been to the optometrist and she said I could get reading glasses if I wanted to but if I'm comfortable to take my glasses off to read, then I can just do that. The cost of an extra pair of glasses? No way. I shouldn't have to get reading glasses ever because I'm short-sighted. Well, in my stronger right eye anyway.
If your eyes are quite similar and have no strong cilindrical issues that might work for you, without being too tiring.
My mom had glasses at the age of four (during WWII, quite rare in those times at that age). Didn't know her otherwise than short sighted. Also when she got varifocals, bit at the lower part of her glasses was less strong than the above part of her glasses.
Now she got eye surgery. She only needs readingglasses now.

and less strong than I need.
Does taking off your glasses not take away the benefit of your Irlen glasses when reading?