I don't think that it is possible for a normal human to live like Jesus did.
The belief about jerking off and homosexuality goes back to the Old Testament and Jewish law in a way. Just another interpretation of ancient laws. The Bible makes all sex outside of the confines of marriage between a man and a woman wrong with its laws. Masturbation is acting on sexual temptation and shows a lack of self control.
Doesn't it also have to do with 'spilling seed' being an issue (one of those broad-strokes issues with sex being "for reproduction" and thus all sexual feelings not directly to do with reproduction being quetsionable)? If I remember right the association of impure thoughts to masturbation being wrong is in some extreme judeo-christian value sets sort of an afterthought in regards to women; similarly in regards to lesbian sex being wrong.
Either way I think that people like me would throw them completely-fucking-off- even if I never wanked and only ever shagged my 'good christian husband'* bareback and in the missionary position, technically, I could never have sex "for reproduction." Further, I think at least as far as the Catholic church is concerned, having a surrogate mother (my eggs, my 'husband's sperm, a peatry dish, and someone else's uterus) is also not OK (unnatural, I guess)? I do rather have to wonder how much of a person I actually
am in the eyes of "my own"** religion. I'd almost like to pick on some uber-uptight preist or preacher and see how they react to having a hypothetical loophole in their anti-sex-for-pleasure logic questioned
by that very loophole. If I could cry at will, I bet I could ruin their day.

*Imaginary husband inserted (pardon the pun) for the sake of argument
**They threw water on me when I was a baby and therefore am technically catholic forever in the eyes of the catholic church, barring for excommunication