
Author Topic: make someone laugh  (Read 150899 times)

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Offline BadgerTom

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Re: make someone laugh
« Reply #225 on: November 21, 2006, 05:09:09 PM »

Offline Nomaken

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Re: make someone laugh
« Reply #226 on: November 22, 2006, 08:03:29 AM »
And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
Reverence is fine, Sanctity is silly.
We're all fucked, it helps to remember that.

Offline BadgerTom

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Re: make someone laugh
« Reply #227 on: November 25, 2006, 12:06:44 AM »



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Re: make someone laugh
« Reply #228 on: November 25, 2006, 07:03:18 AM »
This made me laugh anyway... :evillaugh:

SHOUTBOX TROLL! (from this morning)

*nazi troll who ignored my 'fuck off and go back to licking Hitler's sweaty arse crack' disclaimer*: Gothic music sucks.

*me*: Racist brain donors suck their own cocks. Are you TR00 GR1M as well as a RAC loser? HAHAHAHA!

*nazi troll, dimwittedly replying on his own shoutbox*: I thought we were the immature, brainless dorks? And please explain why I shouldn't have pride in my race, heritage and culture, and want to preserve them.

*me*: er, because 'white pride' is fucking stupid? its possible to have pride in who you are and where you come from without hating everyone who isn't white, advocating violence against non-aryans, and hero-worshipping a genocidal maniac who got royally pwned sixty years ago. If white supremacists are the defenders of 'white' culture, its already fucked. Also, you started it Mr. Maturity - so fuck off! 

:flamer: :moon: wonder if he'll take the hint?  :eyebrows:


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Re: make someone laugh
« Reply #229 on: November 25, 2006, 10:43:08 AM »
+1 for pwnage.


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Re: make someone laugh
« Reply #230 on: November 25, 2006, 10:53:42 AM »
LOL, the last one was funnier because he started from the premise that I was 'a pathethic self-diagnosis case', and used teh big words to attempt to make himself look less full of shit. Highlight: response to 'everyone except you believes so' - 'So if I say everyone except you beieves that you dress up as a Bavarian tavern barmaid and wank off to your Nazi music, it must be true! OMG the logic!! *head explodes*'... he gave up after that. :LMAO:


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Re: make someone laugh
« Reply #231 on: November 25, 2006, 11:41:35 AM »
Some guy on msn is asking me to cut my sister's hair.

isaac says:
thepeaguy says:
Hello. You're the buyer for ZoE 2, right?
thepeaguy says:
Any problems that I can help you with?
isaac says:
thepeaguy says:
Hello again, buyer. Anything I can do for you?
isaac says:
do u have a bro
thepeaguy says:
Why do you ask that?
thepeaguy says:
I have a sister, if you must know. But what is that got to do with anything? I'm confused.
isaac says:
how old is ur sister
thepeaguy says:
Twenty-two, and she's not single.
isaac says:
is she at home
thepeaguy says:
isaac says:
go get her and a towel and sisscors
isaac just sent you a Nudge!
thepeaguy says:
I'm rather confused here.
isaac says:
have u got ur sister and a towel and sisscors
thepeaguy says:
No. What's that going to achieve?
thepeaguy says:
Why do I get the weirdos? :/
isaac says:
tell u when u have done that
isaac just sent you a Nudge!
thepeaguy says:
thepeaguy says:
So, who are you?
thepeaguy says:
And how did you get my address?
isaac says:
have u got ur sister and a towel and sisscors
thepeaguy says:
thepeaguy says:
I have a sister, but no, I don't have any towels or scissors, unfortuantely for you, bucko.
thepeaguy says:
thepeaguy says:
I NOW have them.
thepeaguy says:
Now what?
isaac says:
do u have anything that can cut hair
thepeaguy says:
thepeaguy says:
if you are about to ask me to cut my sister's hair then don't bother coz she hasn't got any.
isaac says:
thepeaguy says:
Is that all you want?
isaac says:
do u need a haircut
thepeaguy says:
No, thank you -- I haven't got any.


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Re: make someone laugh
« Reply #232 on: November 25, 2006, 01:49:40 PM »
I think I speak for all of us, when I say, What the fucking fuck? Sounds like one of the crank calls I used to get when I was a customer service serf. :LOL:


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Re: make someone laugh
« Reply #233 on: November 25, 2006, 01:50:28 PM »
I think I speak for all of us, when I say, What the fucking fuck? Sounds like one of the crank calls I used to get when I was a customer service serf. :LOL:



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Re: make someone laugh
« Reply #234 on: November 25, 2006, 01:56:10 PM »
I got some beauties... my favourites were the guy who played spliced clips of action movies and IRA music (until finally blocked, lol) and a possibly confused Scottish bloke who kept calling because he 'wanted to speak to a gay guy'. After our fourth exchange I finally persuaded him to look in a phone book under gay and lesbian support organisations, cos unless he wanted a ridiculously expensive loan I couldn't help him. :wallbutt:


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Re: make someone laugh
« Reply #235 on: November 25, 2006, 01:57:21 PM »
I got some beauties... my favourites were the guy who played spliced clips of action movies and IRA music (until finally blocked, lol) and a possibly confused Scottish bloke who kept calling because he 'wanted to speak to a gay guy'. After our fourth exchange I finally persuaded him to look in a phone book under gay and lesbian support organisations, cos unless he wanted a ridiculously expensive loan I couldn't help him. :wallbutt:

Why do we attract the headcases? Oh why?!


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Re: make someone laugh
« Reply #236 on: November 25, 2006, 01:58:46 PM »
LOL, the last one was funnier because he started from the premise that I was 'a pathethic self-diagnosis case', and used teh big words to attempt to make himself look less full of shit. Highlight: response to 'everyone except you believes so' - 'So if I say everyone except you beieves that you dress up as a Bavarian tavern barmaid and wank off to your Nazi music, it must be true! OMG the logic!! *head explodes*'... he gave up after that. :LMAO:

"Self-diagnosed case"?


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Re: make someone laugh
« Reply #237 on: November 25, 2006, 02:04:40 PM »
I know! Twats like that deserve to look stupid. By the way, the reason I'm getting lame pwn attempts in my shoutbox is for leaving comments on white power bands' pages like 'I hope they get buggered by black men', '*shits in shoutbox*', and 'HA HA I pissed in your gene pool, wankers' :LMAO:


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Re: make someone laugh
« Reply #238 on: November 25, 2006, 02:16:38 PM »
What do you people see in this link?

Offline Callaway

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Re: make someone laugh
« Reply #239 on: November 25, 2006, 02:17:24 PM »
What do you people see in this link?

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