After reading about yours and Dunc's depleting the condom market, I bet you don't!

You and the Dunc man are GODS!

Note: worship these GODS at an altar made out of a firm mattress and no squeeky springs, otherwise you will incur their wrath. Upon this altar stand two inflated dolls, one man and one woman with the appropriate faces of the respective deities on their respective gender dolls. Worship these GODS by offering your body to either one of them or for maximum worship both. If your a guy and your sacrifice pleases them, then the ENZYTE that your taking for natural male enhancement will actually work and you will never need the Viagra that your currently using. If your a woman, then the hot stud muffinthat captures your eye and attention will not turn out to be GAY as you found out your ex husband/boyfriend was. If your Bisexual, then the GODS will grant you the energy to keep up with them, hence the term "GODHEAD"!
Suitable offerings that you can make for minor favors incude, condoms (if you can find any), a nice lubricant and any sex toy that is endorsed by "Talk Sex's" Dr. Sue Johannsen now showing late night on the Oxygen Channel.
Incurring of their wrath may result in shrinkage, dryness and or inflamed intensely itchy rashes in places that you cannot scratch in public. And an overwhelming desire to point and laugh at your lovers attributes at the worst possible moment!