Noactually, it's not dogs i dislike as such*, it's fucking dog owners. their worse than precious parents. 
*except those pathetically ridiculous small ones which are no more than nightdress cases with legs on.
What's wrong with parents?
Not just parents, Callaway, but "precious parents."
You know the ones.
They used to just have pets, but got bored and wanted more, so NOW they have kids. They have these miserable little made up, pet kids who make the precious parents little lives more full, at least until they get bored with the kids. Then it's on to the next thrill. Unfortunately there is a six year old kid or so left behind with a parent or set of parents who have become bored with it all and the kid is left to grow up wild, but spoiled, because they still feed "it" and groom "it" and buy "it" anything to keep "it" quiet, with no guidance whatsoever. They want the image of being a parent, but they have no real interest in the actual child.
Oh. That would be awful for the poor kids.
Actually I am guessing at her meaning, but those are the ones that really piss me off. We have buttloads of those around here and most of them are corporate ladder climbers as well. I want to take them by their scrawny throats and sling them around a while.
somethig like that, yes. the ones whose little angels can do no wrong, even when they're smashing up your house, and the stage school parents who are just going to turn the poor kids into monsters.
don't get me on parents - i taught for 20 years, remember, so i've seen some parents who should've been sterilised at birth. not just the precious ones, but the ones who fucked up their kids because of their own narrow-minded, or twisted natures.

yes, i'm a bit jaundiced, i'm afraid.
i'm also truama-ed cos i've just noticed i wrote "their" instead of "they're". i may have to go and lie down for a bit...
shows you how incensed i was, doesn't it?