This was absolutely priceless, and I was just reminded that I'd not shared it here yet:
A week or so ago, I hung out at one of my friends' houses and watched Moulin Rouge. I was, of course, a total asshole about how stupid the movie plot was, and afterward, I start getting into a rambling discussion about it. Somehow this lead to my suggesting that I should call my boyfriend (who was not present) and ask him if, if I were a hooker before he started dating me, would he want me to stop hooking. I pointed out that it would be kind of funny because I could pretend to be offended by him saying he wouldn't mind (as in, "You don't care about me!") but I could also pretend to be offended by him syaing he WOULD mind (as in, "I'll choose my own damn career, and you knew what you were getting into!").
(Next comes the part that was actually funny)
So when I say that, my friend's husband (who has been in the doghouse lately with his wife and has been suffering for it) suddenly looks at me with this expression of triumph and shock and says, "You ADMIT it!" and I was like, "Huh?"
"Sometimes there really is no way to say the right thing!" he explained.

I didn't know it was suppsed to be a secret. I thought it was self-evident.
EDIT: Maybe you had to be there/you would have to know him to have this be funny, but it was funny to me b
ecause he's been in the doghouse lately with his wife/my friend, so he's been in a lot of discussions where there was nothing he could say that she wouldn't be able to get mad at him for saying; so he might have actually been genuinely glad to hear me (as a female) outright admit I was tempted to ask my boyfriend a question that woudl result in a fight no matter what he said in reply.