A conversation about Lit's backdoor preference has inspired me to a tasteless quip.
A young girl was getting married, with only a partial of her mothers blessing to Mr. Tiligiuos. The mother knew she was powerless to stop her daughter from marrying this man, who she did not trust from his previous reputation. Being a good mother, her advice was to watch out for him to make certain requests of her.
About two years of married bliss passes and one day the request finally comes that her mother had warned her about. The young, loyal wife said, "NO!" and a confused Mr. Tiligious expected an explanation of her continued refusal. "My mother warned me that this day would come and that I should not allow you to do what you are suggesting," she told him. "All I asked you to do was turn over in bed," he replied. "And the answer is still, NO," she insists.
He tries again, "But Darling, we have been married for over two years and things are going so well, I thought we could start a family."

(Sorry, it was just too easy!)