Well, I don't know if this is funny or not, but when it starts to get hot in Australia in summer, the flying cockroaches can buzz their way into your home at the blink of an eye. One must have got in last night.
I'm lying there in a deep sleep and I hear this noise in my room, like huge rustling, I turn the light on, half asleep and see the fucker scurrying around on the floor, then flying around, huge bastard. (Normally these things freak me out, but I was half asleep and the adrenalin must have been going at a rush).
I go into this tirade of abuse, 'like what the fuck do you think you are doing in here you little bastard, I'm not putting up with this shit in the middle of the night you prick', (and rambling further obscenities) pick up the nearest thing which happened to be this evil looking black stilleto shoe and flung it at the bastard thing....the shoe literally spun round like a frisbee through the air, took out the cockroach in one shot, then I bashed the shit out of it on the ground. Then I said something like, 'try coming back for more now, you little fucking bitch' and then went to bed. Lying there, trying to get back to sleep, I wake up more from the previous adrenalin and realise how hysterical the whole episode would have looked and how funny it would have sounded to the neighbours if they heard!