Being too noisy is not a "just". But IMO it's not an excuse for homicide. Reaction to the noise is caused by one's own miswiring. This is not stated lightly.
Noise bothers me a lot too, but I wondered if there were some other issues as well, that possibly could be used to force them to be evicted assuming of course that they rent.
There are other issues as well. I won't go into those cos I think it's up to Lucifer if she wants to fill you in or not, but I heard them in the background when I talked to witchy the other night through a bad IP phone link. That's how loud they are. 
indeed. and that's just the start of it.
there's constant gangs of youths (for want of a better word) around the house, either inside or hanging round in the street. every time they see me, i get a gobful of abuse, which effectively imprisons me, if i'm not feeling up to taking all 4-6 of them on (which is most times, given that i'm premanently stressed and not sleeping at the moment). yesterday, i wanted to go into my other neighbour's (i'm looking after his house, feeding his fish, while he's on holiday) and go to the shop, and i had to wait until they'd gone away before i could. then there's the crap i have to clean up every day, which they chuck into both my front and back gardens, including used tissues, meaning i have to put on latex gloves or similar to collect it all up. then there's the screaming rows all day every day, with constant foul language. now i swear like a trooper, as you may have noticed, but this is really disgusting, and it's relentless.
then there's the fact that on two occasions, one of the hangers-on has got over my fence - damaging it in the process - and into my garden. then there's the constant comments and sexual harrassment when i'm sitting out in my garden (they're between 12 and 16, and i'm 46, ffs). then there's the damage to my car. then there's the 12 year old kicking the front door in at all hours, so hard that it causes damage to my house with the shaking. then there's the mother having screaming rows with various of the hangers-on, in the street, at all hours. then there's the suspected crack dealing.
luckily, the police have been brilliant - they are very interested in sorting them out, and often drop hints as to what i should do, even though they shouldn't really say. i phone either them or the antisocial behaviour people almost every day, to report incidents, and my log of said incidents is 4 pages long, typed. this week, i phoned 999 (emergency/crime) five times in four days. and not just me - more or less the whole street is up in arms about them, so it's not just my "sensory issues".
does that answer your questions, callaway and pyraxis?