two young men having a row outside, the language??? im shocked 
A few years ago I really began to notice the amount of bad language that people use in public places.
So much swearing on the bus, for example, and sometimes the drivers are casually swearing too! 
well i hope you give them a jolly good telling off cbc!!! 
i notice it too, the young men round here can't string a sentence together without using the 'f' word....
...and they think 'foreplay' is a can of beer and a bag of chips! but that's another story 
Heh, you have to be careful about telling off strangers these days, you never know who's armed!

Years ago there was a guy (call him "Joe") in my brother's dormitory who used the F word to a ridiculous extent.
Everything was fuckin' this and fuckin' that. He didn't even realize he was doing it. A few of his friends began to call him
"Fuckin' Joe" and even introduced him that way to new people. It did help, he cut back a bit on the F word.