
Author Topic: What sounds are you hearing now?  (Read 53806 times)

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Re: What sounds are you hearing now?
« Reply #2280 on: October 14, 2016, 11:18:01 AM »
Comparative silence.
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My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.


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Re: What sounds are you hearing now?
« Reply #2281 on: October 14, 2016, 11:37:52 PM »
Kayleigh playing a Transformers game.
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

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Re: What sounds are you hearing now?
« Reply #2282 on: October 15, 2016, 03:06:42 AM »
A stupid mechanical timer. Grr.
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Re: What sounds are you hearing now?
« Reply #2283 on: October 15, 2016, 05:13:19 AM »
news on   tv

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Re: What sounds are you hearing now?
« Reply #2284 on: October 15, 2016, 04:54:17 PM »
Hearing the laptop fan.

I can hear it all the way here.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

Offline Lestat

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Re: What sounds are you hearing now?
« Reply #2285 on: October 16, 2016, 02:09:44 AM »
It just started pelting it down with rain, early in the morning gloom. I love it. Standing with the door open by the kitchen entrance, smoking a rollup, and just listening to the rain slosh down, and the wind howling softly in the background.

For some reason I've always really liked the way it sounds when its raining heavily.

Also hearing the laptop fan, the click of a piezoelectric cigarette lighter plinking, and a 'schwwsh' noise, from a spent canister from my gas mask sliding over the kitchen counter top, as I recently changed the filter and haven't yet gotten round to disposing of the old, spent one. Lol I shudder to think what kind of crap builds up in those things with use. I got arrested once and had to go to court, and whilst they tried to use stuff in the lab against me, apparently, so I am told, the old one was sent to the EOD people that dispose of explosives and hazardous waste, because the filth weren't allowed to handle it or take it into the courtroom as an exhibit:P
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Re: What sounds are you hearing now?
« Reply #2286 on: October 17, 2016, 05:20:59 AM »
Kayleigh and our two guests talking. I wonder when they are going to leave.
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

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Re: What sounds are you hearing now?
« Reply #2287 on: October 18, 2016, 10:56:20 AM »
Had a right pounder of a headache briefly last night.

Someone had gifted me a rather princely gift, born of their own generosity and great compassion shown to me in a matter. And they threw something in as a bit of a treat that they knew I'd like too,  namely 300mg of 6-acetoxydihydromorphine, and like morphine and the closer drug to what was given me, dihydroheroin, though I've never had dihydroheroin itself, this stuff was a strong histamine releaser. Oddly, not as strong as morphine, in that respect alone. But because of the histamine-release induced vasodilatation and drop in blood presssure upon injection of the 300mg 6-AcO-DHM, the histamine release didn't provoke the same degree of prickling feelings in the palms, soles of feet and face, but it did provoke far harder thumping of the heart although not much difference in rate increase. And that vasodilatation gave me quite a headache for a little before it settled down.

Astonishning fucking opioid though, one of the best I've ever tried in my life!. really, really really long rush with shooting it though, even after the headache. More than made up for it. With morphine, the initial rush would last maybe a minute, minute and a half would be pushing it big time, with a very, very big dose. But this kept it up for half an HOUR. At 15 minutes post injection, the stuff had me so smashed that my hands were too shaky to roll a cigarette without tearing the paper twice.

Got another headache coming on though now
This, on the other hand, is bank customer service related. And the sound of an indian call center worker (whether in india or in the UK I do not know, but  lets just say that it isn't particularly an enlivening experience having to spend about 30-45minutes on the phone with a customer sevice adviser with a heavy indian-bangladeshi accent, and having to have her take down over the phone, an itemised list of the things in the transaction I was charging back.

« Last Edit: October 18, 2016, 11:00:37 AM by Lestat »
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline odeon

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Re: What sounds are you hearing now?
« Reply #2288 on: October 18, 2016, 12:08:58 PM »
Hearing the laptop fan.

I can hear it all the way here.

My new laptop needs to arrive now. :GA:
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: What sounds are you hearing now?
« Reply #2289 on: October 18, 2016, 12:43:08 PM »
Hearing the laptop fan.

I can hear it all the way here.

My new laptop needs to arrive now. :GA:


I don't like wearing noise stoppers because of your laptop.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

Offline odeon

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Re: What sounds are you hearing now?
« Reply #2290 on: October 18, 2016, 12:50:40 PM »
Hearing the laptop fan.

I can hear it all the way here.

My new laptop needs to arrive now. :GA:


I don't like wearing noise stoppers because of your laptop.

Sorry. :-[
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline "couldbecousin"

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Re: What sounds are you hearing now?
« Reply #2291 on: November 07, 2016, 06:03:14 AM »
  This is a great song to get the blood pumping!  :headbang:

« Last Edit: November 07, 2016, 06:05:58 AM by "couldbecousin" »
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

"We are grateful for the time we have been given."
--- Edward Walker, The Village

People forget.
--- The Who, "Eminence Front"

Offline Lestat

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Re: What sounds are you hearing now?
« Reply #2292 on: November 08, 2016, 03:28:12 PM »
Tinnitus in one ear. Other than that, just a slight ticking sound from the CPU of the computer/memory working.

Other than that, only the odd mouse click and key press. Because this room is soundproofed* .

*(come on and stop by at Chateaux de la Lestat, because all is forgiven, I don't think you are a worthless empty  guffbucket piece of trash after all, come by for a beer because I forgive you for formerly thinking your a cunt and a waste of a meat bag that could have gone to a diseased hobo desperate for an organ donation)

*I don't THINK he's a verminous ISIS-loving son of a thousand whores, equicuntescent to a kitten-skull-stamping ISIS-spawn-paedophile, I KNOW he is.

He can still come over for that beer though

*Que lestat meandering over to The Skunk-Works, and searching for..where is it...what flavour would MonkeyfuckistLA like for his pint....wmm....hmm....*chitterchitterchitterhmmuhhmmhmhmhhchitter* *ponders to himself*

Fuming H2SO4? nah, too passe'. Nitric acid? too useful. Arsenicals? boring, boring boring, the Borgias went there, did that, got the T-shirts of their former owners too probably. Ricin? sod that, not got any actually in the lab and wouldn't WANT it there either, too likely to backfire on me too even if I DID have it, want it or use it, and I Won't, Don't and aren't about to either, in that rough order or precedence.

Iodine? hm could be interesting to see how it works, add an antiemetic, something potent like ondansetron. Pros-novel, would be interesting to observe, acts corrosively so would be excruciatingly painful before MotherfuckerLoserAnuslicker eventually kicked the bucket full of shit that is his mother.

Cons-require a fair bit of it probably, would have to tie him up and beerbong him with a length of hosepipe and a funnel, then superglue a length of hosepipe from his anus up to his defacaetion-portal so if he starts to diarrhea blood then he will choke on his own bloody (thats the english vernacular 'bloody' as a general mild to moderate vulgarity of the emphatic kind)   faecal-blood as in what used to be in his veins but entered his digestive tract as the iodine slurry beerbonged down his shit-portal corroded his oesophagus, started to burn his stomach and probably rupture it before, if sufficient were used, liquifying his lower innards (I.e on a level with the stomach roughly, enabling fuckweasel McTurdPox's (shocking waste of) internal organs to pour out into his decimated digestive tract and pour like a cholera-squirting from a diseased cherie bliar's arse ring to form a stream of digested blood and pus mixed with faeces, which owing to the arse to guffmonger's tradesman's entrance, would recirculate, until he eventually choked, allowing the same corrosive blood/shite/pus mixture to flood his lungs and suffocate whilst his lungs burnt to a corroded, faecally-stench-emitting slime, closely resembling the original meatbag inhabited by the former owner of said iodinated lung-slop.

Con-I2 is expensive, and heavy, so its very costly for its weight. Half a kilo does not actually look like much at all, similar to mercury in that respect, or tungsten, or iridium/osmium due to their density.

Con no'2 iodine is very useful in many many many MANY reactions and processes and in the creation of a legion of different highly useful reagents. A waste, a massive waste on a fucking worthless pus bucket full of worm-breeding putrid urine like MLAsswipe

A potent emetic in massive, massive dose, as a slow release esterified form, like apomorphine decanoate or pamoate ester as a depot injection, forcing himself to vomit himself dry until he vomits all his stomach acid and either suffocates as his airways and throat swell, or, like a cholera victim he dehydrates and is shat forth from this mortal coil as a dessicated husk, closely resembling one of those crumbly looking white dog-turds that you never seem to see anymore.

Pro-funny as shit, slow, and painful.

Con-I'd need morphine to make it, and to waste morphine making apomorphine and buying or worse still, spending the time and effort to prepare the reagents needed to synth the apomorphine long-acting ester would be a shocking waste of resources, effort and a lot of good nods.  Like a fucking fanny, not a chance, not wasting it on an ambulant dogminge like arsefeatures up there.

Antimuscarinic toxicity could be funny, seeing how it drives people utterly psychotic. Got plenty scopolamine around the place, would be very slow, if it killed him directly through toxicity, faster, if the delirious psychosis, once I left him in the middle of a city center to either get curbstomped by someone angry at his fuckwit antics, or run over in traffic.

Cons? little that I can think of. Major pros? slow, and utterly utterly hilarious, with so SO many different potential ways for MLArselicker's waste of air to cease to be, depending on precisely what he DID when he was (more than usually) delusional and batshit.

Come on over for that beer MLAsshole, all is forgiven you bullying piece of worthless ISIS-sympathizer excrement riddled with maggots and dripping with pus from an infected sore. The beer is on the house :mischief: :MLA: :santa: :trollskull:
« Last Edit: November 08, 2016, 04:01:08 PM by Lestat »
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: What sounds are you hearing now?
« Reply #2293 on: November 09, 2016, 11:39:52 AM »
The stove.

There's an apple crumble in the making.

I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

Offline renaeden

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Re: What sounds are you hearing now?
« Reply #2294 on: November 09, 2016, 10:11:31 PM »
^Would love if you could send a piece here. ;)

I'm hearing the rain in the drainpipes and Molly purring.
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way