The sound of american dad on TV in the background, and the music of pokemon ruby version, running as a pirated ROM on an emulator on the computer. (I got into a retro gaming mood the other day and decided to grab something along those lines, but that I've never played before. I'll probably DL the entire series and just DL emulators for the relevant game consoles too. Although I've got to figure a way out to interface my old pokemon silver gameboy cartridge to upload a couple of otherwise unique or un-catchable ones in this version, like celebi (only available via special promotional event some time ago, and by sheer luck I managed to come by it, well luck and stupidity. My luck to find somebody stupid enough to take something that can be caught in-game in trade for it and actually part with it. Unbelievably fucking stupid of them, totally beyond belief. But damned if I can time travel to the past to visit japan. So I wasn't going to stop him. Guy was a git to begin with, not to mention a poof and the prime suspect for outright stealing something from my own game cartridge, as well as leaving a turd behind some vases in the toilets at my old boarding school. And no, it wasn't a plastic joke turd, it was a sin against nature that had come out of somebody's arsehole and been picked up by that someone and deposited behind the fucking ornaments.
That is NOT the kind of ornament that those shelves were ever meant to play host to.
Bloody shelf-excrement-leaving limp-wristed nancy-boy thieving piece of what he was almost certainly the one to leave on that shelf.