I hear hoompahpah music in the distance. Folks are celebrating carnival in the town's centre.. at the moment.. but but this will go on almost non stop till coming Tuesday. Do not compute but.. hey..
Poor you.
Was thinking of you suffering from the Carnaval.
This day it was for the oldies, tomorrow the parade and partying for the other folk will happen. I'll be more up north most of the day tomorrow. Wonder how big the catholic influence in Hardenberg is. I see it does have a nickname. 
Oh well, guess I'll be safe at the sportscentre, and, sitting in a sporthal most of the day is evil enough on its own.
^ Ja, places like that are horrible, I think.
But.. nah, I'm not suffering.. just feeling amazed by the level of retardation during the, maybe a bit Mardi Grass like, festival period in this city. Vastenavond they call it here, instead of carnaval.
Folks go truly bonkers here this weekend and some actually cry when carnival/it's all over Tuesday evening.