Thank you for all your kind responses - seriously, I feel more touched than a Viatnemese hooker at Gary Glitter's place but not as paid off to keep my big mouth shut

In response to a few questions, I am very sensitive... I cry at the Persil advert. On the other hand I drive around in GTA listening to Classic FM killing people. Oh, and I get upset at the end of Terminator 2.
I am totally new, I hate respawning. Respawning is for masochists and 14 year old Halo players on Live. I fucking hate Halo. And I'm female.
I haz teh Aspergurz yes. And I am a virgin, I bought a new hymen on ebay and fit it and now I feel the way my Irish Catholic grandma always wanted me to feel... full of sin and guilt.
Oh, and yes, I am a Nazi. I just wanted the chance to have a shot at Eva Braun. If she could fuck a meglomaniac with tics who liked to gas people, I'm sure I've got a shot. Dirty bitch, I bet she'd do it doggystyle.