I agree Freund is probably the tackiest avatar Pea has had yet, but putting up too much of a stink on here is bound to get you trolled- and that's exactly what Pea was after. He was grasping about for a shockjock trick that was likely to get even the usually-jaded (at this point) population of IntensitySquared all het up. Worked quite well. 
Much more tactful, thank you. I'm the only one on here for whom that image conjures mental images of death, destruction, and violence.
Now what I'm trying to decide is if that picture is more or less visually offensive to me than
your n00dz. It's a tough call.
pea you nob...change that avatar, or serissa will have to have sex with you. You have rekindled her desires :lol:
More like I'll be much less facetious about hitting on the female members.
Ohhh HAALLLE BOOPPPPP.... you have a new admiiirreeerrrrr!!!!!!