Then those people would be guilty of making assumptions. If people made less assumptions within our society as a whole, do you think Mr Freund's life would have ended in such a horrible manner.
That's a pretty broad statement. Enjoy changing the topic much? Freund died because he turned the shot gun on himself and pulled the trigger. The same for his two victims. Many variables brought Freund to such a state-- and DON'T ASSUME that I don't also consider him a victim in this as well.
I don't hate Freund; I felt sorry for him that he was in pain-- and I still feel sorry for him.
Most events have a long chain of events that lead to them. Experience tells me that in general, peoples (false) assumptions are incredibly damaging, especially to minority groups which we are effectively members of. If people had perhaps taken him a little more seriously through his life, chances are this will not have happened (in a similar manner to the Cho Seung-Hui case and others). Rather than falsely assume he did not need help when he cried out for it.
HOWEVER, the way in which Pea chose to show his disapproval of Freund's actions looks more like Pea instead wanted to mock the situation and make light of the fact that 3 people died who didn't have to.
Put me on ignore. Much easier with a topic like this where you can't just call me a lezzer or a fuckwit and have done with it. 
Its pretty weak of you to fold at that kind of argument. In a debate the frivolities should be consigned to the sidelines, rather than being allowed to take centre stage.
Uh, k. Pea's the one who said he put ME on ignore, not the other way around, sweetheart. Been reading the thread carefully have we?:
Too bad you're fucking ignored, babes. 
I was not referring to the fact that P was on ignore, reread what I have said (and now just bolded).