yep. i made a living out of being funny, for quite a while. well spotted.
You sure have the talent for it
i don't "support" it as such, but i've seen it in action, which isn't quite the same thing.
So then what is your opinion on labeling dissidents as extremists and censoring or defaming them by default?
answer the question. or are you avoiding it because you can't?
Just look at your behavior in the Holocaust thread. You're completely unwilling to question your views on that topic, just because your uncle happens to some experiences...... without wondering whether or not his experiences can be explained in a context that doesn't imply genocide.
word-twisting. again, i challenge you to examne your definition of the term "dogma".
Like I said, a dogma is something that cannot be questioned... something that must be accepted as fact without any argument whatsoever.
Have you at any time question whether 6 million people died during WW2? Have you at any time questioned whether all races are equal? Have you at any time questioned whether homosexuality is a deviant mental condition? If the answer is yes to all three, have you ever attempted to research these topics without judging a book by its cover?
yep, yep, yep and yep.
Can you give me some of the sources you consulted on those topics? For example, have you ever read anything by Kevin MacDonald, Richarch Lynn, Benjamin Friedman, Norman Finkelstein, David Hoggan or Tomislav Sunic?
Didn't you just say in that other thread you no longer wanted to discuss with me?