Arena for the Competitive > Main Event Callouts

TheCowardlyOne you fucking cunt

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Nexus: Fair enough. Got the message from Cal as well. Actaully, with Kozmo, all he seems capable of are things like:

 :asthing: or  :hahaha: or something like that. So I doubt he'd even get humour. the venom was for everyone else's edification on what he is like IMO.


--- Quote from: Nexus on August 10, 2008, 10:35:32 PM ---Meh, is it me, or is bob obsessed about Sir_Les in a creepy stalker kind of way? Nearly every post she's made has something to do with Sir_Les or anyone defending him.

Seriously bob, you're making yourself out no better than him with your efforts against Sir_Les, if anything you're making yourself look the hypocrite to what you accuse Sir_Les of. Ignoring him is the best option or if you must, go and make your own call out thread and stop with this faggotry everywhere else.

Anyway, carry on...

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No, I would never defend him, but .... you're right. I'd had enough of it anyway. My grievance was genuine. He .... nah, I will let drop. I appreciated your post Nexus.


--- Quote from: bob on August 11, 2008, 12:39:54 AM ---
--- Quote from: Nexus on August 10, 2008, 10:35:32 PM ---Meh, is it me, or is bob obsessed about Sir_Les in a creepy stalker kind of way? Nearly every post she's made has something to do with Sir_Les or anyone defending him.

Seriously bob, you're making yourself out no better than him with your efforts against Sir_Les, if anything you're making yourself look the hypocrite to what you accuse Sir_Les of. Ignoring him is the best option or if you must, go and make your own call out thread and stop with this faggotry everywhere else.

Anyway, carry on...

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No, I would never defend him, but .... you're right. I'd had enough of it anyway. My grievance was genuine. He .... nah, I will let drop. I appreciated your post Nexus.

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Trish. here's the Kleenes... No, on second thought, come and get them yourself. Here they are.... OOOPS, come on, you have to be quicker than that.

As for a genuine grievance, come on; You knew full well from the start that Zach was nothing but a pissweak cowardly turd, and Timelord was just the same. Your motives were retarded in the least, and to try the fuckery that you did on virtually every site you visited just because of a bout of PMT means you are really and utterly fucked. For someone who is supposed to be as mature as you claim AND for someone meant to have a child in their 20s or 30s diagnosed as a pure fuckwit would realise that playing stupid games on the net like destroying sites and other fuckery is getting you nowhere. So Trish, maybe before you start up you poisoned keyboard again, you might just give a thought about who is actually right here. And for my 2 cents worth, it ain't some prat from across the pond. Australians all let us rejoice....

Christopher McCandless:
The Chosen One, please go and book in that therapist....


--- Quote from: The_Chosen_One on August 10, 2008, 11:06:34 PM ---Nexus: Fair enough. Got the message from Cal as well. Actaully, with Kozmo, all he seems capable of are things like:

 :asthing: or  :hahaha: or something like that. So I doubt he'd even get humour. the venom was for everyone else's edification on what he is like IMO.

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