Arena for the Competitive > Main Event Callouts

TheCowardlyOne you fucking cunt

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Al Swearegen:
Well if you are happy then you won't be looking to get your jollies harassing other Autism Boards. My work is done......and you are a loser Lucie.

Lucy1: destroyer of peoples' enjoyment on other sites. Also known as Trish the feral pig, Ellen Degenetated, Lucille With Balls, and Kosmo's retarded sibling (or is it mother). You, I heard you had a mentally insane son, who tends to go right off the deep end. I heard he was offered therapy but you turned it down because you preferred to have 2 fucking loonies in the household to invade the net. Maybe the above picture is actually you as well on a GOOD hair day. Fancy getting kicked off a site like AFF, then trolling other crappy shite sites, then trolling here stick up for a dickhead like Zach, (whose complaint was the weakest I'd ever seen). It's a wonder your mother carried you to full term, you ugly bushpig, because for someone to bother carryting a feral piece of shit in their womb for 9 months would mean they were fucking retarded themselves. Obviously it means being a bipolar psycho fuck runs in your family as well as Kosmo's. One flew over the cuckoo's nest indeed. Your husband must really be retarded himself to have married a cowflop bushpig like you. Shit, if I were him and you were lying next to me, I'd chew my own fucking arm off to get away. Just the thought of actually being in the same room as you would make me want to vomit.

And as for Kosmo, he definitely is a pervert, a child molester, and a crazy bastard. I'm surprised Youtube let him post that shit; given that porn and child sex stuff is meant to be a crime. But then again, maybe they didn't realise what a psycho he is. I noticed someone reported him. Pity it wasn't me, although I would have loved to.


--- Quote from: The_Chosen_One on August 10, 2008, 05:07:07 PM ---Lucy1: destroyer of peoples' enjoyment on other sites. Also known as Trish the feral pig, Ellen Degenetated, Lucille With Balls, and Kosmo's retarded sibling (or is it mother). You, I heard you had a mentally insane son, who tends to go right off the deep end. I heard he was offered therapy but you turned it down because you preferred to have 2 fucking loonies in the household to invade the net. Maybe the above picture is actually you as well on a GOOD hair day. Fancy getting kicked off a site like AFF, then trolling other crappy shite sites, then trolling here stick up for a dickhead like Zach, (whose complaint was the weakest I'd ever seen). It's a wonder your mother carried you to full term, you ugly bushpig, because for someone to bother carryting a feral piece of shit in their womb for 9 months would mean they were fucking retarded themselves. Obviously it means being a bipolar psycho fuck runs in your family as well as Kosmo's. One flew over the cuckoo's nest indeed. Your husband must really be retarded himself to have married a cowflop bushpig like you. Shit, if I were him and you were lying next to me, I'd chew my own fucking arm off to get away. Just the thought of actually being in the same room as you would make me want to vomit.

And as for Kosmo, he definitely is a pervert, a child molester, and a crazy bastard. I'm surprised Youtube let him post that shit; given that porn and child sex stuff is meant to be a crime. But then again, maybe they didn't realise what a psycho he is. I noticed someone reported him. Pity it wasn't me, although I would have loved to.

--- End quote ---

oh god  :lol: you're hilarious, and your assessment of my family  :hahaha: is so far off the mark, that I really wonder where you get your information. :lol: :lol:

Virtually anywhere, luv. Trish, they have an Aussie saying for bitches on heat like you; you're a 'super mega-fuggly with a busted arsehole, hanging hemorrhoid twist.' And you would be the biggest of the lot.

Meh, is it me, or is bob obsessed about Sir_Les in a creepy stalker kind of way? Nearly every post she's made has something to do with Sir_Les or anyone defending him.

Seriously bob, you're making yourself out no better than him with your efforts against Sir_Les, if anything you're making yourself look the hypocrite to what you accuse Sir_Les of. Ignoring him is the best option or if you must, go and make your own call out thread and stop with this faggotry everywhere else. You might want to consider this advice too The_Chosen_One in regards to Kosmo, but also, Kosmo is intentionally getting a rise out of you every time you attack him like that. Best strategy for you is to be a bit more witty, easy-going and calm about it, and don't stoop down to showing your agitation by extreme ad-hominids. Use humor and witty arguments that people can appreciate to your advantage.

Anyway, carry on...


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