This site can go fuck itself for all I care. There are only a handful of people who I would considier rational, and all the rest are bigotted whiny fucktards who are incoherent at the best of times. I have nothing against the rational ones like parts, odeon, Lucifer, Sir Les, Callaway, amongst others, but the retarded gits like Kosmo, DirtDawg, Illusionist, TheoK and their ilk can go stick their opinions up their collective arses, for all I care. I am sick of wasting my time with these wankers, trying to talk sense into a bunch of dickless wonders whose opinions and attitudes are sickening in the least. Supporting Nazis is the sickest form of behaviour yet, and supporting psychotic loser trolls comes close to second. Until some rationality can come back (which is doubtful), I am going to give these imbeciles a wide berth.
This place with these pariahs in it is becoming a festering fetid swamp, more's the fucking pity. I'm outta here.
I may check from time to time, but if the bullshit continues in its childish form, then that's proof that mindless imbeciles should have been aborted with their bullshit beliefs.