Author Topic: Warning to all the parents on here  (Read 1615 times)

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Offline Natalia Evans

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Warning to all the parents on here
« on: July 22, 2008, 02:41:23 PM »
Now taking photos of your own children makes you a pervert ::)

As years go by, there seems to be more dumb people in the world.

If I were the father, I would have told the dumb ass, "You can take out your camera too and start snapping photos of your child so we can both be perverts." or "I guess you don't take photos of your kids anymore. Now your kids will never know what they were like when they were younger or even remember how young they looked and how much their looks have changed. I feel sorry for them."

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Re: Warning to all the parents on here
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2008, 02:57:27 PM »
Never ran into that but I could see it happening people have just gotten too weird for me just makes me want to be near them less than I already do
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Offline IlluSionS667

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Re: Warning to all the parents on here
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2008, 02:19:41 AM »
As years go by, there seems to be more dumb people in the world.

Not only does modern medication entirely rule out natural selection, people are no longer uplifted by media or education like they were a few decades ago. In fact, the oposite occurs. As such, Western society degenerates both genetically and culturally at a very rapid pace.

And then people wonder why the hell I'm a traditionalist ;)


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Re: Warning to all the parents on here
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2008, 03:24:05 AM »
As years go by, there seems to be more dumb people in the world.

Not only does modern medication entirely rule out natural selection, people are no longer uplifted by media or education like they were a few decades ago. In fact, the oposite occurs. As such, Western society degenerates both genetically and culturally at a very rapid pace.

And then people wonder why the hell I'm a traditionalist ;)

What the fuck has that got to do with people not being able to take pics of their kids, which is what Spokane is referring to?

These people are dumb because they make up these stupid fucking rules about who can do what blah blah; it has nothing to do with meds or genetics or eugenics of fuck all else. If you were such a traditionalist as you say, then you'd have gotten her point straight away instead of rambling on about some other shit. And you say you have an IQ of 137, tested at some hospital.....

One flew over the cuckoos nest, me thinks.

Paging Nurse Ratched, paging Nurse Ratched..... Dr Spivey to the rec room, Dr Spivey to the rec room....

Offline IlluSionS667

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Re: Warning to all the parents on here
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2008, 04:22:23 AM »
These people are dumb because they make up these stupid fucking rules about who can do what blah blah; it has nothing to do with meds or genetics or eugenics of fuck all else.

It goes way beyond stupid rules about who can do what. People have seriously dumbed down in comparison with 50 years ago. Public school curricula are a joke in comparison with the level they once had and the media endulges in constant stupidity as well.

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Re: Warning to all the parents on here
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2008, 04:28:22 AM »
An excellent example of why people should carry recording equipment to record everything they do; bullshit accusations from paranoiacs can then be more easily shown for what they are and slander/libel lawsuits can be filed in return.
14:10 - Moarskrillex42: She said something about knowing why I wanted to move to Glasgow when she came in. She plopped down on my bed and told me to go ahead and open it for her.

14:11 - Peter5930: So, she thought I was your lover and that I was sending you a box full of sex toys, and that you wanted to move to Glasgow to be with me?


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Re: Warning to all the parents on here
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2008, 04:36:20 AM »
That has nothing to do with breeding or anything like that. The education system ITSELF is a product of policy, and policy is driven by government  and their inability to ignore the minority PC wankers that get into their ears. It's because kids aren't allowed to fail because of the fucked up Bell curve system that was brought in that allows this dumbing down as you put it, and it is a direct result of the American teaching system that has flowed on into other countries. Yeah, things were different 50 years ago when kids could spell, read, write etc and do it PROPERLY, but since this new-age chickenshit system came in and spread across the world like the Black Death, then kids have just fallen through the cracks, and thus get passed on up the chain. If kids repeated a year or two in primary school, then maybe they wouldn't be so fucked up as adults.

As I said, it hasn't got anything to do with breeding or eugenics or that type of shit, because education is something that is LEARNED through growing up, and people aren't born smart or dumb.

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Re: Warning to all the parents on here
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2008, 04:41:51 AM »
The education system ITSELF is a product of policy, and policy is driven by government  and their inability to ignore the minority PC wankers that get into their ears. It's because kids aren't allowed to fail because of the fucked up Bell curve system that was brought in that allows this dumbing down as you put it, and it is a direct result of the American teaching system that has flowed on into other countries. Yeah, things were different 50 years ago when kids could spell, read, write etc and do it PROPERLY, but since this new-age chickenshit system came in and spread across the world like the Black Death, then kids have just fallen through the cracks, and thus get passed on up the chain. If kids repeated a year or two in primary school, then maybe they wouldn't be so fucked up as adults.


As I said, it hasn't got anything to do with breeding or eugenics or that type of shit, because education is something that is LEARNED through growing up, and people aren't born smart or dumb.

People are born with a genetically inherited intelligence. Whether or not that intelligence is used and developed, depends on education. It is quite idiotic to state there is no single genetic cause for intelligence as 150 years of scientific research has made it quite obvious that there is a causal relationship. If you seriously believe there is no genetic cause for intelligence, then you obviously fell for liberal propaganda yourself.


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Re: Warning to all the parents on here
« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2008, 05:17:09 AM »

As I said, it hasn't got anything to do with breeding or eugenics or that type of shit, because education is something that is LEARNED through growing up, and people aren't born smart or dumb.

People are born with a genetically inherited intelligence. Whether or not that intelligence is used and developed, depends on education. It is quite idiotic to state there is no single genetic cause for intelligence as 150 years of scientific research has made it quite obvious that there is a causal relationship. If you seriously believe there is no genetic cause for intelligence, then you obviously fell for liberal propaganda yourself.

That's the typical reaction by a right wing conservative who hasn't the ability to be able to use his education and intelligence. People are born neuter of intellect, it is all nurture. All this bullshit study you talk about is theory put forward by some drop-kick who had it discounted within the first 10 years of publication. Darwin's theory of natural selection and the survival of the fittest mentions nothing about inherited genetic intellect, and mentions nothing about relationships as such. All behaviours, whether they be intellect, sexuality, criminal tendencies etc are derived from nurture and are learned experiences. Anyone who doesn't believe this needs psychiatric help.

And besides, liberalism here means free thinking, and open-mindedness. Something the propagandists of your conservative lot don't teach you.

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Re: Warning to all the parents on here
« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2008, 05:25:17 AM »
That's the typical reaction by a right wing conservative who hasn't the ability to be able to use his education and intelligence. People are born neuter of intellect, it is all nurture. All this bullshit study you talk about is theory put forward by some drop-kick who had it discounted within the first 10 years of publication. Darwin's theory of natural selection and the survival of the fittest mentions nothing about inherited genetic intellect, and mentions nothing about relationships as such.

More than a century of studies since Darwin prove that both nature and nurture are relevant. In scientific circles only someone like Gould (a liberal propagandist who is very controversial among anthropologists) still persists on the Boasian fallacy that nature is irrelevant.

And besides, liberalism here means free thinking, and open-mindedness.

Liberals like to consider themselves as free thinking and open-minded, but in reality they are as free thinking and open-minded as the most fundamentalist muslems. Hence, the term "liberal" has become an Orwellian distortion of its actual content.

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Re: Warning to all the parents on here
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2008, 07:19:06 AM »
[snipped for a load of political squabbling]

People are born neuter of intellect, it is all nurture.

[snipped for another load of political squabbling]

If people can be born with or without developmental disorders, why do you find it so hard to believe that people can't be born with or without different potentials for intelligence?
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.


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Re: Warning to all the parents on here
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2008, 10:00:05 AM »
Granted the potential is there, but no-one is born a genius or stupid. They nurture and learn from what life experiences they gain. There are exceptions to every rule, like Einstein, but his is an extreme exception. So unless you work on the potential to become smart by feeding your intellect, you will remain at the level you start off with.

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Re: Warning to all the parents on here
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2008, 08:14:15 PM »
Oh wow, I started a debate. Oopsy.

I don't think people choose what their IQ is going to be. But we do learn as years go by as long as we are in the real world and we are allowed to learn things. There are things we are supposed to learn on our own like emotions, body language, personal space, what is socially appropriate, etc. But people with disabilities like Aspergers or autism have to learn it from people and in their special school or special ed. But that doesn't make us less intelligent. There are also people who are born with low IQs and when they reach a certain age level, their minds stop developing so therefore they stop learning too. I still don't see them as stupid. But people with normal or high intelligence can still act stupid.

But Chosen One are you saying we can get our IQs to be very high like lets say 175 if we learn enough in our childhood?

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Re: Warning to all the parents on here
« Reply #13 on: July 28, 2008, 09:44:52 AM »
I'll add in the obligatory "IQ tests themselves are kind of crap" comment, as well as the "It's not just I.Q. that counts for someone being 'smart' but ability to apply fluid and crystallized intelligence in a useful way to your own life."

But I'm sure it will make no difference.  Carry on.

There are also people who are born with low IQs and when they reach a certain age level, their minds stop developing so therefore they stop learning too. I still don't see them as stupid. But people with normal or high intelligence can still act stupid.

Yes!  Plus!
it is well known that PMS Elle is evil.
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Re: Warning to all the parents on here
« Reply #14 on: July 28, 2008, 08:28:06 PM »
Granted the potential is there, but no-one is born a genius or stupid. They nurture and learn from what life experiences they gain. There are exceptions to every rule, like Einstein, but his is an extreme exception. So unless you work on the potential to become smart by feeding your intellect, you will remain at the level you start off with.

The debate about nature and nurture still continues in sociological circles, as far as I am aware. Whether we are born a blank canvas or not. I believe some people are born with the potential to become genius and some who are born lacking that particular potential. Of course there are many shades of grey between that. The same with physical prowess. I agree with you that nuture plays a great part in reaching ones fullest intellectual potential. Knowledge and what can be learned is not the sum total of the intellect, intelligence, I believe is more than that.

I believe people all have different gifts and shades of gifts. There are many different shades and areas of genius... the arts, mathematics, literature and the such like. Could we have swopped Picasso and Einstein and Mozart so that they could have been equally as successful as each other in each other's fields... I do not think so. In each, I believe, there was an innate and particular born giftedness that was nurtured to a particular point where it was recognised as genius.

I completely agree with you when you say 'So unless you work on the potential to become smart by feeding your intellect, you will remain at the level you start off with'. I think this is why the standard of intellectual ability today seems somewhat dumbed down compared to days gone by... I think things come too easy to people today so people do not feel such a need to work at things. So a glossy magazine style of knowledge has generally replaced the dry old books crammed with details. This seems to be the same in the arts also. Craft around an idea has been replaced by the idea without great craft.

Back to the initial subject of this thread... It is unthinkably crazy for anybody to be labelled perverted for photographing their own children, but it does not look like that was happening in this news story, regardless of the title of the article. I think in this case it was all being inflamed by a wretched busy body with a bee in her bonnett trying to argue he was taking pictures of other people's children and simply wouldn't let it go. It is a shame that simply having a camera on a family day out can bring out the worst in people with an axe to grind.