Like Oblivion or Morrowind? I have finished almost all factions in Oblivion on PS3. Fighters guild, Mages guild, Thieves guild, Dark Brotherhood, the main quest, the arena. I'm currently doing The Knights Of The Nine Quest even though being a Holy Crusader isn't really my thing. It still has cool effects. I beat the the main quest in Shivering Isles and became Mad Goddess. Oblivon is much easier than the previous Morrowind. Oblivion seems noobishly easy compared to Morrowind.
I haven't played Morrowind since grade 10 so I download the ISO !

! (It took all night to download)
and put it in a virtual drive using a program called "Alcohol %120"
I got it off an iso site. I have been playing it for days.
Now I'm downloading the Oblivion iso (It's taking just as long as the Morrowind one)
I know I already have it for my PS3 but with the PC version I can get mods and stuff.
Theres gotta be some Aspies here that have played The Elder Scrolls Series.
Theres even a mod where you can make all the characters naked and have sex. The guys like it becuase they can stare at Orc tits