Oh right the "suspend all logic and where there is emotion involved thing"? See I don't and never got that. Mind you my obviously poor long suffering ex-wife use to wonder why I never bought her flowers after a fight and I just told her "I don't reward bad behaviour". Still don't I guess. I don't care who it is. You are right about one thing though, owning her is very difficult if she is completely obvious to the logic....I have the same problem with Randy. I would love to see a callout between those two.
Well true. Women and logic are two different things, or you could say they use 'womens logic'
From what I can see, HB pretty much took what you said as a way of saying that she is narcissistic but also hiding behind the word "opinion" at the same time. Nobody wants to be taken for a fool so you have to be on guard for this kind of sneak attack at all times.
Randy is just fucking bat-shit insane.
I'm rarely a flower buyer, but at the same time I don't take my wife's shit when she is acting badly. And she thanks me for it, maybe just not at the time.