Fucking psychology students
...is one of the most amazing pleasures a man can experience.
I know you mean "bitch" in the fondest of senses. 
And I won't be in Psych anymore come grad school, so you have no worries. 
TRAITOR! Whatcha switchin' to?
Going into Neurobiology instead. Was somewhat of a last-minute decision, semi-long-and-complicated-story. But I'll basically be doing medschool training but without the treatment focus and with a little more of a Neuroscience focus.
I'll need to get a shirt that says "I cut up dead people." 
Tell me, is this your general flirtation style that you grace all the ladies with? Or just for special little ol' me?
In either case, I suggest you smatter on your oh-so-natural charm even more: it's bound to outstink any cologne you might choose to wear on such occasions. 
He does it rather often. Also, I love you.
Awww, I love you too.
* ALLDAYGLOWRANDY spreads his legs, for soph
Kiss it good, I have never had it, I workout, and eat only good things. I am way over do to let loose. 
Shouldn't we be in the mature section of the forum??? 
***puts on some appropriate mood music***
Hey, Sophist, sorry I haven't been to Gestalt in a while, but, thats the life of a wandering King of Kings.

Even though I was thinking of you, since my new doctor got me into an official psych. consult as of last Thurs. As soon as I get the results, I'll log onto Gestalt and post the results. This should be interesting!