I tend to take a shower most days. Sometimes I will skip a day if I'm staying home; I'll usually just stay in my pj's all day as I'm lounging (sometimes changing into fresh clothes in the evening after I exercise and get all sweaty). I can't go more than a day without washing though. I feel absolutely disgusting otherwise, even if I can cover up the inevitable BO with deodorant, etc. My hair will get too oily and that just drives me nuts. I hate the feel of body oils.
But even if I don't take a shower one day, I'll usually still wash my face several times a day. I'll use soap (I use hypoallergenic soap since it seems all the other stuff I'm allergic to) and/or some anti-acne face cream, since I still have a tendency to get pimples (yay fucked up hormones).
I usually brush my teeth twice a day and use hydrogen pyroxide as mouth wash (can't remember percentage, it's low but makes a good cheap mouth wash) once a day. Although on occasion, especially if I stay up really late or something and am dead-tired by the time I feel like going to bed, sometimes I'll skip the second brush.
And... I change my underwear every day.

I just feel utterly grotesque otherwise.